Ru was left awfully irked by Ye Jie's call; not because of his words but rather his call itself that came as a bucket of cold water to sabotage her sleep. She was exasperatingly ruffling her short hair when her phone rang again. Her hand tightened around her cell phone as she stared at the caller id.
She attended the call and said in a courteous and professional tone, "Dear customer, your subscription to this channel has expired. Kindly, look for another channel to share your issues. Thank you!" She was very pleased with herself when she hung the call up again.
But the phone rang again in a minute making her scowl. Before she could say anything, she heard Ye Jie's strained voice, "If you went about the same bullsh*t again, I'm going to murder you."
Ru humphed at the other end. "What? What do you want now?" She asked in an enraged manner.
"Can't you keep your mood swings in check?" He asked politely.
Saying 'no' for some people is very simple and yet there are some people who find this small 'no' very heavy and complicating.
But this 'no' always makes a person fall into a dilemma. Because saying no or yes, both come at an expense which we might not be ready to pay at that moment.
So, our Ru is coming back. Are you guys excited? I'm very excited to see Ru, Ye Jie and Xu Mey in a single room. Haha! It will be epic!
Hope u enjoyed the chapter.
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