Song Jia's lips were quirked in a small smile as she saw Yue Tianxiao falling straight in her trap. She knew he was a fool, to begin with, and it was just a child's play to trick him.
Just when Yue Tianxiao opened his mouth to admit everything, Yue Min grasped his wrist from under the table to prevent him from talking. He didn't want the beans to be spilled like this even if his own son was at fault. It would make him look small in front of others for his own son's fault after all in the end. All he thought right now was, that if the situation can be prevented from getting worse he would give his all to prevent it.
Yue Tianxiao understood his father's signal and tried his luck once more. "I- I didn't steal anything, what is there to confess?"
"Wei Xin, call the cops. Theft of five hundred million yuan is not a trivial matter and it can't be overlooked. Let the cops come and I will make sure this man here" pointing at Yue Tianxiao "ends up behind bars."
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