It was a normal day, I was walking to my kitchen after seeing a bit of To aru majutsu no Index, yes to aru majutsu no Index after all i'm a fanboy of Touma and also of the legendary Kanzaki Kaori and her maid outfit, if you know what I mean.
*Haaaaaaa* (A/N: I don't know how to do sfx of sighs so pls no bullying ;-;) "I'm tired..., what time is?... *Watch the clock*.... It's the 04:39am... Well one more chapter and I go to sleep".
I walked to the refigerator and look for some iced tea, after taking it, I walk to the window and open it, out of nowhere I see a light that goes straight to me: "What... is that a Ferrari?!". At the moment I saw an old man in a white tunic with a red face sitting in the driver's seat:
"shit..." *BoooooM*.
That was my last word before i died.
Thanks for reading.
This is the first part of the prologue the second will come today or tomorrow.
Thank you~