I wonder if it's just the energy that radiates...
Is it the mistake's from my past, a bad decision coming to haunt me, trail after trail.
Coming to torment my soul anguish, agony, pain pain, pain
"Arrrggghhh" he wakes up screaming from his posh queen sized bed.
"What the heck was that" he wonder as the ringing in his ears was getting more and more intense.
"Why, is this happening, hahaha, argghh" a pain so intense his mind feels like it's slipping into a coma.
"Arrrgggggggghhhhh" he screamed 30 mins straight everyone in the Neighborhood ran to the sound only to find huddled in a fetus position, a man With serval blotches blood staining everything in a 5meter circumference of him.
As people started to gather "arrgghh" the screaming still continued, the surrounding people looked at him with sorrow. "Leon!!! , LLeon!! What's going on are you all right."the now named Leon looks up and makes eye contact then slowly falls on his back in to a coma. "Leon,leon, sniff, sniff please don't leave me too.
First time writing a novel, I’m open to criticism but hold your tongues if your trying to flame me.I have no care for it. This is an original free writing piece as will every continuing chapter.