There are some places you really just shouldn't go. Like really really REALLY shouldn't go. Like the darkest part of the deep/dark web. Or like the bathroom when your Grandma is taking a bath in there. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that there are some really dark places that weren't meant to be accessed by anyone. Ever. Most of the time, this rule is followed. But there are those who would rather ignore these kind of rules. The "weirdos" or "creeps" you find online. The ones that you shun and decide to hide from. It's totally normal to want to stay away from these people. Actually, I'd recommend it. You never know when you'll find someone who will actually keep the threats and promises they've made. I know it sounds really edgy, but it's true. It happened to me.
Uh... So this is the first story I've ever considered publishing. I'm not sure if I'll actually continue the story, but let me know if you're interested.
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