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Chapter 145: Where's Your Sister?

Days and weeks rolled by and Fem has been doing well in her job. Percy left her with the newly hired secretary, Kevin, after two weeks of orienting and getting familiar with their work.

Fem and Kevin were now quite a bit getting used to working together. They would glance at each other as if reading each other's mind and do things mutually. Percy was so delighted and relieved that this young lady was so capable, knowledgeable and handled her work professionally. Kevin was also a gentle mannered hard working young guy whom one might mistake as a gay because of his gentle demeanor.

Upon arriving home, Percy met with his cousin CEO Ernest Wang to discuss about making the assistant manager be the manager. The CEO hesitated and suggested they should atleast give her three months to test her capability.

"Let her do it for three months with your guidance. Don't totally cut yourself away. Let her know that she can call and ask you for help whenever she needs one." Ernest Wang said to which Percy agreed.


Fem on the other hand didn't find her work too hard. She maintained a routine activity getting on time at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM with an hour lunch break at noon. She scheduled a once a week visit to the pier and to the warehouse with Steve and Kevin.

During weekends, she immerses herself with doing building designs that were sent to her via email by the Home-Bridge Architectural Firm. So far, she had designed four projects these previous two weekends. She sent it by express post without writing any return address. In her prayer, Fem hoped Mark will not think of investigating the firm's partners and connections. That would mean she would be done for!


At Niel's boarding house around Northern Province University, Niel watched several calls from his 'Failed Bro-n-Law' as it showed in his phonebook. He couldn't decide whether to pick it up or just ignore it. What does he want now? What would he tell him? How will he answer him?

With much hesitation, Niel answered the call after five separate long ringings.

"Sir Mark, good evening. Sorry, I was cooking downstairs and I left my phone in my room. Anything I can help you with?" Niel sat down on his chair and composed his nervous self.

"Niel, I don't know how to say this but can you tell me where your sister is? I have a feeling that you know where she is hiding." Mark was almost certain of this. His deduction never went wrong in all cases.

"What makes you say that sir? Did I not tell you she may have told me but may have gone somewhere else? So I don't have any idea where she might be right now." Niel replied in a hastened defensive tone.

"Don't you lie to me Niel! I know you're as smart and clever as your sister. Where is she now? And who are those people in the south whom you are in contact with?" Mark calmly said yet his questions were interrogating.

"Ah, I don't wonder how you came to know my contacts. Well, you should know that I have so many older siblings right? Do you know each one of them? Did my sister not tell you everything about our family?" Niel didn't flinch at Mark's domineering voice. After all, he was a Law. Intimidation was never in their blood line.

"Niel, please don't make things difficult for us. Did you know your sister might be pregnant? Where will I find her? Did she contact your parents these previous weeks?" Mark softened as his voice grew hoarse and deep.

"Pregnant? Are you kidding? Haahhh! What did you do with my sister? She has not contacted me nor my parents since she left! She just promised she will come back soon!" Niel said angrily. His baritone voice resembling that of Mark's thundering voice.

Mark went silent for a while. He swallowed in desperation then spoke faintly. "For how long?"

"Who knows? She's not that irresponsible after all. I don't blame her for deciding to hide from you. And who knows? She might be just around you, ha!" Niel said in a rather taunting tone.

"So who are those people who regularly contact you from South City?" Mark inquired again not minding Niels taunting.

"My brothers, older brothers. Do you also have a problem with them?" Niel told half truth. No, that was more than the truth actually since he only has one brother in the south. Tsk!

That night, Mark called his grandpa Dave to ask more about Greg Law's children. He sure does not know everything about his woman's family.


Two more weeks passed and it was now Fem's first month at work as Miss Marianne Rizzo. In her present self, it will be her 23rd birthday on the 18th.

Although her position was an assistant manager, she almost singlehandedly did all the managing with the help of her workaholic secretary who, like herself was an idealistic fresh graduate.

"Kev, let's celebrate our one monthsary at work! Let's treat ourselves with some good food also. What do you say?!" Fem stretched her tired back on her chair, raising her long slender arms up her head.

"Sure, I'd love that! Let's call Steve. Would that be fun?" Kevin replied happily as he wiggled his way to place some folders on Fem's desk.

"No problem. I don't have any problem with handsome people you know? Anyway, you grew up here, which restaurant serves the best sea food here? I want seafoods because up in the north, we can only eat meat and vegetables and some dried fish." Fem said.

" Ha ha! Well, the South Portal Restaurant is the best but that's about thirty minutes ride from here." Kevin said.

"Then we should call Steve to pick us up. We'll use the his car, I mean the company car." Fem concluded.

7:00 o'clock at South Portal Restaurant, three colleagues were happily chatting as they mindlesly occupied a vacant four seater table situated by the window.

Steven sat beside Fem while Kevin sat opposite them. Kevin always felt that Steve is somewhat acting differently everytime Ms. Maia was around. He always seemed energetic and attentive yet unable to start a casual conversation.

"So, beauty Maia Rizzo, why does your crown have to be that short? I'm curious why you prefer that cut!" Kevin asked quite frankly.

"Ouch! Finally, someone got the courage to ask! Tsk! Well, do you have a knowledge about ladies' general attitude?" Fem gave off a wide zipped smile that lifted her mole to her cheekbones.

"I'm intrigued to know." Steve said turning himself to face Fem fully.

"The higher the cut up here, the deeper the hurt down there." Fem smiled casually as she lifted her glass of water and drank half of it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know about that." Steve's face morphed into a serious one from smiling quite a bit wide not long ago. He felt the same feeling when he was around Fem before. Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to know her better before she went home and gone for good. This Ms. Maia's presence was almost the same as her. The way she managed the company, her thoughtfulness, her down-to-earth attitude made everyone feel at ease beside her. As if there was no change at all. Only a shift of face.

"Ha ha, Steve! Do you really feel sorry for me? Why?" Fem grinned at Steve then winked at Kevin.

"I'm just saying sorry that we didn't know of your heartache issue. Who knows that such beauty would suffer a deep hurt down there?" Steve said in defense. This lady's teasing is already getting into his heart.

"It's nothing serious ladies. This gentleman knows how to grow his hair and nurse a broken heart!" Fem said casually again.

Kevin: "Tch!!!"

Steve: "....."

At the corner of the restaurant where the sight of shimmering lights of the moon was reflected on the sea can be admired, a lone man was listening to a happy conversation of three people a table away from his back. He was munching on his delicious butter-fried prawn topped with garlic and spring onions while reminiscing the time with his woman in this restaurant just a month ago.

Just a month ago, he found his girl and he had hoped that they will never separate again. Just a month ago, they argued in this restaurant and eventually made up together. And now, just a month ago, she was gone as a vapor without any trace of her whereabouts.

"The higher the cut up here, the deeper the hurt down there."

"Its nothing serious ladies. This gentleman knows how to grow his hair and nurse a broken heart."

Mark heard the female's voice. 'She must also be a heartbroken fellow. But she sure has humor huh!' He thought.

His phone suddenly rang with Dolphy's ringtone. He immediately picked it up and straightened his back as he held the phone by his ear.

"Dolphy! What is it this time?" Mark's voice was loud, clear and reverberating.

"Are they active right now?"

"Okay tap their conversation and send it to me, also any exchange of messages and locate where the messages are coming from."

"Okay, send it to me asap!"

Although Mark spoke a softly, Fem could hear some of his words as she was listening intently while pretended to play her phone. She felt a shiver down her spine as she heard his words. She was sure it was her man's voice!

'Why of all days will they by chance come here?'

" But I'm curious ma'am Maia, why would someone even dare to break your heart? Is that man an idiot? " Steve asked innocently.

Mark heard this as well.

" How shall I put it? Hmmm...its not the usual love quarel that you guys watch in movies or read in romance novels. Mine is different. Anyway, let's start eating. I love their food here you know? My first time coming here was when I was with my man, now I'm with my men, haha!" Fem said as she put aside her phone in her purse.

Mark was tempted to turn his head to those three people at his back. Why does that girl's voice seem strange. Does she have sore throat or something? Her voice doesn't sound normal. Also, her humor is captivating. He was reminded of his woman who always crack jokes even during serious situations.

Mark turned his head around pretending to look around for a waiter but his head lingered a bit facing the direction of the three. His hawk like eyes saw the girl's short haircut and mole on her cheek. He waved his hand to catch a waiter's attention. A waiter hurriedly and politely approached him with a smile.

Mark whispered something to the waiter as he passed his black card to him. The waiter nodded then left.

The waiter returned with the black card and passed it to Mark who was now busy reading reports from Dolphy.

After keeping his card on his wallet, Mark stood up to leave. He intentionally walked slowly past the three people who were obviously enjoying their meal. He glanced at the lady beside the man. They don't look like they were sweethearts indeed as what he heard. Someone was calling her ma'am Maia.

Mark's sight confirmed the haircut and mole on the right lower cheek of the lady. Wait! Was this not the one who replaced his woman at WangCargo Express? Her hair has grown a bit but her elegant and exquisite aura was still exuding.

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