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Chapter 143: Boss, The Applicant is Here! (2)

At a cafe near her rented apartment, Vhan brought out some documents on the table.

"These are Maia's documents. I think you can make a use of them for now. She was killed in our recent encounter. She was as same age as you maybe a year older." Vhan said.

"Does she have photos?" Fem flipped the documents back and front to look for any photo. There was a diploma showing that she did graduate a four year accounting course, some certificates of recognition, and a couple of filled bio-data which were already turning yellowish.

"This one is when she was about to join the organization. She was 20 back then. Her name is Marianne but we called her Maia." Vhan said as he pulled out of his rugged wallet a 2x2 ID picture. " She looks a bit like you in some angles, see?"

"Okay, I don't think I need this. She doesn't have mole in her face." Fem stared at her brother like a paranoid superior.

"Hmmm....It may be dangerous if you choose to divulge your true identity. So don't slip." Vhan warned.

"You were the one who messed up everything about me. So what's the deal now?" Fem was annoyed.

"Simple. You'll use that identity as much as you need and we will never divulge anymore information about her or about you in exchange of keeping your mouth shut about everything you saw and heard." Vhan said almost whispering.

"They have their own means of detecting you, why do you think I am the only one who can sell you off?" Fem wrinkled her forehead.

"That's why you have to come out from this situation as soon as possible. Find a way to go back before I break from the group or else they will threaten you! Do you understand?" Vhan said giving weight on his last three words.

"Okay." Fem said before she comprehended everything she heard. If thus fool were to break away from the group, they might as well take him as a hostage or even salvage him.

"Tell me if you need a back-up. I'm giving myself three months here." Fem considered her situation with Mark. After things are settled, she will go home and settle those isuues about her marriage.

As of now her monthly period has not yet arrived but her menstruation cycle is irregular that's why she was not bothered at all.


Fem filled up some forms and went to photo shop to have IDs done then went to the nearest police station branch to get a police clearance.

Fem felt dead nervous that she can practically feel her hand go cold and sweaty while the policewoman stared at the computer to check their police files.

"Ma'am Marianne Rizzo!" The police woman called.

Fem held her breath and tried to calm her nerves as she stood up from the row of people waiting for their names to be called. She tried to smile as she approached the counter.

"Yes ma'am!" Fem spoke bending down to the level of the circular hole in front of her while looking at the policewoman behind the glass in between them.

"From where are you Miss Marianne Rizzo?" The policewoman asked.

"I was born here, was raised by my relatives at the northern province but now I'm coming back to start my life. So I'm basically from this city ma'am." Fem quickly made up her story. Come what may!

"Is your address written here your permanent address? " For whatever reason, this policewoman's inquiry seem to target her suspicious identity.

"Im renting. I have yet to find a man who will offer his home for me." Fem said like seriously.

The policewoman suddenly laughed while shaking her head. "Guys, who among you has a home for this young lady? Someone here is homeless!"

The police men at the side turned their heads towards the counter where a handsome young lady was caught twitching a beautiful smile. Her mole on her right lower cheek caught every one's eye, but most of all, her almost bald head and lazy alluring eyes.

"What is this police clearance for?" The policewoman continued.

"Hmmm, I don't have a home so I'll need to find a job to buy one." Fem connected her reasons.

"Great! A beautiful lady like you shouldn't be left homeless. Here!" The policewoman finally handed the signed police clearance.

Fem thanked the policewoman then hurriedly went put back her cap as she strode out of the police station.

"Interesting young lady!" One of the bachelor senior police officers muttered as he cicked his head like an ostrich to see the lady's figure disappearing.


10:00 o'clock in the morning at the South City Police Main Headquarters, Mark was listening to Dolphy's report about the numbers he was tasked to track.

"This certain message appears to have come from this city at past noonday yesterday sir!" Dolphy said as passed a sheet of paper to Mark.

"And look at this sir! This number has some contacts with people from this place. And their exchange of text messages seemed to have a schedule. And here, he also received some calls from unknown number. Do you want us to hunt this person sir?" Dolphy asked the calm and stoic major infront of him. His eyes didn't reveal any expression.

"No need, I got him already. You may go." Mark dismissed his secretary whose shift was suppose to have ended three hours ago. He just had to do overtime since his superior requested him to report as soon as he got back to work.

After hearing his superior dismiss him, Dolphy snapped a salute then about faced proceeding to sign out from work.

Mark went onto deep thought thinking about who could that sender of such annoying text message be. It cannot be Stanley since they were at the wedding yesterday. Was is that former boyfriend of hers? Where's that wretched fellow by the way? Why did he not hear anything about him since the project in Mt. Sleeping Beauty was done?

Or was there someone in this city who is interested in his woman? How annoying!

Mark distracted himself by forcing himself to grab each file of papers on his desk. Somehow, he found himself immersed at work that he snapped at the sudden call from the intercom.

"Major, are you going out for lunch or shall I order food for you?" Wilman's voice came through. He has been acting as Mark's driver and secretary at the same time.

"No need, prepare yourself. We'll go out for inspection after thirty minutes." Mark put down the receiver then stood up and head out for lunch.


It was lunch break at the police station at precinct 11 and some policemen and women were laughing out loud while they bantered to find that handsome young lady who left them an intriguing self-introduction.

"I mean, she could just have said it's for job purposes but why did she necessarily say she has no home? Hahahah!" the policewoman who issued the clearance laughed hysterically.

"I think I her lazy eyes captured my handsome face that's why she purposely said that! Ha! ha! I don't disappoint pretty ladies you know!" Another policeman remarked.

"How could she have seen you when you were hidden behind your desk? I was more visible, I was standing behind the counter that entire time!" Another more senior bachelor police officer roared.

"What's this bantering I hear? Did some prison break out?" A deep cold voice echoed at the door as a cold, crisply uniformed figure emerged from the opned door. Everyone in the receiving room automatically stood stiff as a stick with their right arm on their foreheads.

"Carry on!" Major Arevalo said as he scanned his subordinates.He looked around the room then scrunched his brows. "Is it time to relax now? What's going on?" He asked.

The younger policewoman who had just been recruited in the force offered to get some drinks for the two superiors who just arrived.

"Major, please sit down. And may I get you some drink?" She had a rank of a police officer one.

"Never mind, unless you are serving a rice wine here." Mark said without much thought.

The senior police officers couldn't hide their laughter from a while ago, and here comes again their respected superior speaking wierdly.

Everyone's face revealed a silent laugh in their faces as they looked at each other. They thought their superior was in a good mood to make jokes with them.

"So was that funny? How's the precinct doing?" Mark casually asked as he sat on the desk.

"Reports were submitted about our anti-drug operations, sir! Our operation knock knock is gaining positive results although cells are now getting congested. Seems we need to build more cells as we expect more in the future." The most senior policeman of them spoke.

Mark didn't respond but with an expressionless cold stare, he said, "So what have you done about this? You aren't waiting for me to build one, are you? You have the time to gather and laugh together while you could be spending time thinking how to solve problems?" Mark scolded his subordinates who were mostly older than him.

"Wilman, the papers!" Wilman brought out some files of documents from his attache` case and handed it to his boss.

"Here! Do something!" Mark slapped the documents in the desk that he was sitting on.

"SPO2 Avanzano, you seem to be the cheer leader of the group! Cheer us up then!" Mark commanded.

SPO2 Avanzano who was the policewoman issuing police clearances today blushed and became tongue-tied for a quite while. She didn't expect that her superior would press on about the scene a while ago.

"Ma...Major, Sir! It was just that.... there was a young handsome lady who got a police clearance earlier. I asked her about the purpose of the police clearance and her answer got these colleagues of mine going nuts! Ha ha! She casually said she has no home and is waiting for a man to offer a home for her, otherwise she needed a job to buy one!" The policewoman narrated with still blushed face.

Mark gave a wry smile then said, "Let me have those lists of people who were given police clearances. I want to see them on my desk tomorrow." Then he stood and left with Wilman tailing behind.

Mark went around in surprise inspection at all police precincts in the entire South City the whole day. By the time he returned to his apartment, it was already 11:00 PM.

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