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28.57% RE: I Mess-up / Chapter 2: 02 A Story From the Past and "I hate you Author"

Chapter 2: 02 A Story From the Past and "I hate you Author"

After she finished her Vlog she went for the door.

The hallway was pretty fine than the destroyed cargo cabin. She dashed as she was heading for the ship's bridge for one she thinks that the ship can still fly and there is more data there. But after a couple of turns she receives a warning.


[Battery 24%]

[Must find a replacement]

[Current Battery depletion: 1% per min]

"Fuck... this wire has power right" she grabs the power cord and jab it to her charging port located on her palm.


[Battery recharging unit is fried]

[Battery cant be charge]

"oh now I'm not that immortal after all" mocking herself, she felt the same despair fell to her back when she was dying and talking to her wife but as she slumps down she saw the name of the door in front of her.


Anne remember that this ships R&D department is researching gravity generators the one from a neutron star but it was too big and only works on non-planet based power source.

She opened the door and began looking for a terminal because all of this place data is isolated from the servers this was her second place to go to.

As Anne read to all the files available in the database she began to take an understanding of what is the current situation.

This ship is one of the backup research unit of the Brotherhood of Solis; an underground organization that runs in the outer rim of the Yuan sector.

Even though it sounded like money and it does for the fact that Yuan sector is one of the larger sectors out there, Yuan sector has few underground organizations and the Solis is one of the smaller ones out there. Their specialization is Android tech or lightweight Mecha Suits.

Android is interesting for one Anne is one of them and they make weaponized model that pique her mercenary self.

Anne's current model is a Tracy SXB-8923; Tracy is the general name given to prostitute Android or a Courtesan model, SXB stands for literally sex-bot and 8923 means 89th body and the 23 is for her series number. She even found out that her model is rather rare only 10 model is made and her series's AI are different on one another hers was conveniently named Ann.

Upon further research she found out that her sister is being auction with 14 million Universal Dollars with a buy out of 83 trillion Universal Dollars, 'Poor Jennifer being sold as a used goods' she felt pity for it even their AI is modeled after a submissive nympho it's still one of her own.

After getting side track she focus on the article and look for components to fix her battery issue.

The Solis's Android model AXH-672H and AXT-747G are the major mass produced units they have made. AXH or Axial Heilion is a female model and more agile than its counterpart while the AXT or Axial Treion is a male model and a heavy Android.

This two are the base model of all the Android army they export to the government. Even though they were an underground organization they have heavy dealings to government.

Anne run through the database looking for parts when she came to find that gravity generator was not the Solis original design rather it was from a forgotten tech.

It was the one Anne encountered when she was still a he but the one she knows is an Alien tech and needed an element known as material X.

Material X or Element X base on who ever you ask is a heavy element it is most abundant on the center of a galaxies but it can also be found on the core of certain stars for example our own star the sun.

So Anne went to the core of the laboratory and to see if it is what she think it is. Upon reaching the cargo she was at awe for she was correct.

"Phantom Generator... and its a completed one... let's see now if my theory is correct if I rearrange this one... put it over here it should start to shrink... hahaha there now if I can get my hands on a reverse unobtainium...."

Anne scans for alternative when she notice that the lab have a very big theatre that looks over the vast space but this one way too dark. She can see a large array of light waves but for some reason she can't see a thing on this one and she is sure that this window is made of see through crystals.

"wait is that a black hole" upon realizing that it may be possible to jump the cube she scampered to all of the materials she need to build a new power core.

"AI power status.... wait one more rename:"

[Battery: 15%]

[input new name: ???]


[New name acquired]

[Ann is at your service]

She grabs few vibrainium rods and crystal processors. Anne run to the nearest airlock and jump to space.

The cube has very little Material X left but when she went out she inputted atomic signature of Material X to her scanner when she came contact with the black hole.

[compressed "Material X" found]

She let the cube do its thing and harness the Element afterwards the cube got its fill it lay dormant like a baby sleeping. Anne did not bother the cube it may look like a cute harmless creature but she knows that this thing can erase reality with ease.

She now run her new found power of programming to manipulate the cube from a safe distance. Anne plans to compress the gigantic black hole to the size a marble then make her battery compartment.

[Battery : 10%]

She used the ship's reserve power to run her Processor Array to save hers but she needs to finish this thing fast or someone might got lucky and finds this floating in space.

[Battery 0%]

At the same time the device was finished. She discarded her old one and grab the new one as the final command executed she was thrown back to the ship.

[New Core detected]

[Linking Dimensional processing]

[Link successful]

[Resources detected]

[Switching to auto repair]

[Schematics found and generated]

[Constructing need elements]

[Phantom mode Active]

[All power diverted to defensive stance]


"How can a Black hole strider get sucked by black hole and explain to me how a gargantuan black hole disappear" an angry bellow emanated through the room as General Huang pounds his stocky hands to the table.

"Sir the most possible answer is that the relic reacted to the black hole and resulted to this"

"Sir reports from the scouts that all of the attacking enemies where destroyed none was spared"

"OK, that's much is fine, if we can't have it then no one can have it" the general sigh then looks at the monitor.


This world is far too similar to Anne's former lifetime just scale it up to the universe's level or we can even say it got exaggerated and super size.

44 sectors or 44 worlds each one call them selves differently and there is no chronological order for them. This sectors even know each other it was the humans from Anne's planet connected all of the sector together by literally fusing all of them to one reality plane.

It was 1987 when the Americans found an artifact with unknown age, a prefect cube shaped object with jet black and crimson red highlights. They thought that it was a power generator was the solution to the oil crisis.

But what they got was far more than what they bargain for, it was mid of 1999 when they began the actual experiments and a disaster was bound to happen.

The project was proposed by CERN, it was to jump start the Cube and they accidentally found out about the element x. It was first propose to be called particle X but was dismissed due to the fact that it was partly stable and well easy to produces that time. The Element was highly reactive to the cube upon this discovery they mass produce the Element.

The Element defies the laws physics; at small quantities it seems to follow the constraining laws but when bundled it just burst and all mayhem occurs. But back then it was controlled experiment very controlled.

Fast forward to 2004 the project was abandoned it was due to missing personnel.Then CERN began its cover ups, articles upon articles where made but non of them made public.

Then their experiments lead them to hyperspace travel but it came to a halt because of espionage and sabotage by some private Corporation.

After a few more attempts CERN mastered the tech but thing is the Element that they found dose not suppose to exist. This fact was realized when one of the researcher began looking through the archives she noticed that they kept expanding the memory drives without knowing what's filling it up.

She found out the proper encryption code and began decoding the files.

What she found was really bad it was the records of all the experiments that they did but the twist is that some of them never happened.

The thing that gave it all away is that she was one of the participating researchers on it and she doesn't have the proper credentials for it. She alerted the head staff but unknown to her the whole situation is already spread out to the laboratory there are more unknown encrypted data banks.

A few more days later the began seeing more and more of the time slips or reality time distortions. This and a couple of other issue made them rethink the whole project.

More and more problems occur until one of the signed nation demanded results. Under heavy pressure CERN totally abandon the project and it was passed to a private company that rushed everything well to their excuse CERN did not gave them their papers and other data.

This lead to a very drastic change in the out come of the experiments. One major flaw they did was that they store the cube and the element in the same facility.

This resulted to a large meltdown that includes the facility and the surrounding habitation, turning it to a wasteland.

But this not the most devastating thing happening was after the meltdown every people align with the project old and new retain their memory basically all of the people that work on the project that time retain their memory.

If you are asking what really happen that day those people might explain it truthfully but you wont even comprehend what the actual F**k happen that fateful day.

I can explain it in my own perspective or understanding.

On that fateful day lets say they all went to a psychedelic trip its like the movie where the main goes to a trip to the quantum dimension but just get the visuals and also that trippy venture to the magical world, that is definitely is one of the worlds that's a part of this universe well more of that next time.

Imagine that all of your memory came back after an amnesia, if that doesn't work then how about you just remember all of your drunken shenanigans along with a major hangover I think that's close enough. Upon a little confusion the researchers had a unanimous decision that they will pick out the best possible out come of all the timeline memories.

The truth is that the fusion of the cube stopped the space-time continuum which means that the timeline of this universe already stopped so meaning every thing died that day but one more thing occurred.

At the place where the explosion occurred which is not on earth by the way its to much of mishmash of scientific words so were going to skip that. The main point is that, that place became a empty space well the definition of empty is in the most literal meaning so its empty, devoid of any type of matter well as we know how physics of the current world works when something is devoid of structural building blocks it will collapse.

In fact this was proposed back when the big bang theory was allegated as a known fact. It was stated that the known universe is expanding and it was because it was one big (you all know what should be here) explosion stuck in the clutches of time as it was proposed in the theory of general relativity, and it is going to collapse some time when it stop expanding in the same manner as it was expanding.

This is where this explosion differs the thing that exploded is not bound by the governing laws of this world, so when the cube detonated it erased a full galactic plane. Then that plane collapsed dragging a couple parallel planes with it.

It was the desperate move of a neutral party that the universe became stable and his/her efforts gave birth to the world that is what it is now.

Everything has its consequences; for the one responsible they have to live the memory of every one that die and how they died, upon reincarnation. As for the Dude that save the universe His works will only be remembered by a few.

As for the first timeline in Anne's life what happen after his death is still a mystery.

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