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100% Red eyes / Chapter 7: ISAAC VS TRENT


Turn I

Isaac: Alright I draw for starters I activate graceful charity this lets me draw three cards as long as I discard two alright I draw three and now I discard two now I summon red eyes wyvern in attack mode that concludes my turn

Turn II

Trent: Is that all? Oh well I knew I couldn't expect much from you brother now I draw I activate the magic card ancient rules and with this I can summon 1 level 5 or higher normal monster and the monster I choose is the blue eyes white dragon

Isaac: Oh no

Trent: Oh yes so come on out blue eyes now I normal summon my Kaiser sea horse get ready to feel some pain now blue eyes destroy his puny wyvern



Trent: now Kaiser sea horse attack him directly



Trent: after that I place one card facedown and end my turn

Turn III

Isaac: Alright I draw and I activate red eyes wyvern's special ability while it's in the graveyard I can revive my red eyes black dragon but I'm not done I'm activating polymerization with this card I can fuse my red eyes black dragon and summoned skull to form black skull dragon now black skull dragon obliterate his Kaiser sea horse!



Isaac: after that I place one card facedown and end my turn

Turn IV

Trent: This is pathetic really what do you take me for I draw now reveal facedown card diffusion now you summoned skull and red eyes black dragon are separated but that's not all I activate polymerization now I can bring forth blue eyes twin burst dragon now attack the summoned skull



Trent: and that's not all twin burst can attack twice as long as you have a monster on the field so twin burst attack red eyes



Trent: and with that I end my turn

Turn V

Isaac: Alright I draw now I activate the magic card magical stone excavation with this by discarding one card I can pick out a magic card from my deck I choose monster reborn and I'm going to use it to revive my red eyes

Trent: Big deal

Isaac: I'm glad you understand the severity of this move now I tribute my red eyes to summon red eyes darkness dragon and since the card I discarded earlier was red eyes flare dragon that means that darkness dragon gains 900 Attack points go red eyes darkness dragon destroy twin burst dragon!



Trent: a loss that does not even faze me

Isaac: whatever I end my turn

Turn VI

Trent: Alright I draw next I place one card facedown and end my turn

Turn VII

Isaac: Whatever you're planning it won't work I draw now red eyes darkness dragon attack him directly

Trent: I don't think so reveal trap card scrap iron scarecrow thanks to this card your attack is stopped

Isaac: Very well I end my turn


Trent: I draw well I had better thank my lucky stars this card will obliterate your dragon I activate dragons mirror with this card I can fusion summon from the graveyard so now behold I summon the blue eyes ultimate dragon!

Isaac: Oh no11

Trent: Oh yes and your life points are about to take a serious hit now ultimate dragon attack!



Trent: face it your red eyes monsters just can't stand up to the sheer power of the blue eyes cards

Isaac: yeah well they did fine during our last duel

Trent: whatever make your move so I can finish this!

Turn IX

Isaac: Alright I draw ill set one card facedown and the use MST to destroy the scrap iron scarecrow and end my turn

Turn X

Trent: that's it well you must be desperate to get this over with! Blue eyes ultimate dragon attack!

Isaac: Activate trap card rainbow life all damage I take this battle is converted into life points



Isaac: that leaves me still in the game I thank you for that

Trent: fine whatever just go

Turn XI

Isaac: My pleasure I draw I activate the magic card dark hole so say goodbye to your ultimate dragon next I summon red eyes wyvern and I'm banishing it to special summon red eyes darkness metal dragon now attack him directly



Isaac: your move Trent

Turn XII

Trent: You will pay for that in time I draw ill set a monster in defense mode for now and that ends my turn


Isaac: Really all that talk builds up to nothing Trent the scoreboard doesn't exactly point in your favor I draw I now activate the effect of darkness metal dragon to revive my red eyes black dragon now say goodbye to your monster! Red eyes darkness metal dragon attack his facedown monster

Trent: Sorry but the card you attacked was marshmelon meaning it can't be destroyed by battle and you take 1000 points of damage



Isaac: very well I end my turn

Turn XIV

Trent:I draw now I activate my second ancient rules card to special summon Wattaildragon next I activate raigeki to destroy your field now you're wide open go Wattaildragon attack his life points directly



Isaac: oh no my field I can't defend myself!

Trent: Your move Isaac just keep in mind it may be your last

Turn XV

Isaac: Alright I've got to make this move count I draw alright I activate polymerization thanks to this card I can summon one of my most powerful cards the meteor black dragon! Now destroy Wattailedragon



Isaac: and with that I end my turn

Turn XVI

Trent: I draw now I activate the magic of monster reborn to bring back blue eyes ultimate dragon now blue eyes destroy meteor black dragon



Trent: now make your move


Isaac: Alright I draw now I activate my third polymerization magic card with this I fuse lord of the red and black luster soldier to summon emperor of the red and thanks to his special ability your dragon loses 500 attack for every dragon on the field now say goodbye to your ultimate dragon once more



Trent: rrr are you serious I will crush your stupid emperor!

Isaac: Fine then do it your move


Trent: Alright I activate polymerization fusing versago the destroyer and black luster soldier to summon dragon master knight even though its attack power was cut it will at least stall for some time

Isaac: Wow brilliant strategy

Trent: Shut up I end my turn

Turn XIX

Isaac: I draw now I activate pot of greed I draw two cards next I activate ultimate polymerization by paying 2000 LP I can summon red eyes ultimate dragon



Isaac: now I activate seal of the emperor dragon this ritual requires me to remove from play five red eyes monsters from my graveyard with different names so I will remove red eyes flare dragon, red eyes black dragon, red eyes darkness dragon, red eyes wyvern and red eyes darkness metal dragon it also requires that I send from my field two level 12 red eyes monster to the graveyard I choose red eyes ultimate dragon and emperor of the red eyes now behold the ultimate monster red eyes emperor dragon! And with its effect it gains 500 attack power for every dragon in the graveyard and you monster power is cut by 500 for every dragon on the field now red eyes emperor dragon attack and destroy his dragon master knight and end this duel



Trent: very well you have bested me again you move on to the semifinals

Redeyes417 Redeyes417

sorry it took so long to publish this chapter I was having trouble with the web novel app

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