/ Eastern Fantasy / The Tales of Three Realms [BL]

The Tales of Three Realms [BL] Original

The Tales of Three Realms [BL]

Eastern Fantasy 22 Chapters 132.2K Views
Author: Paper_Crane

4.61 (15 ratings)

About Table of Contents


What will you trade for your wish?

The Tales of Three Realms told people's darkest secrets and wishes, as well as their attempt to gain what they desire.

Tangled in the strings of fate, the two main character unravel the forgotten, hidden tales of the past.

The stories themselves circulated around the banished water deity—Yuan Ji, and his companion—a teenager with an anomaly.

Nine Weapons of Calamity versus Nine Instruments of Heaven, one grants your wish, another blessed you with power. Which will you choose?

The war is ahead of us, be ready for a great change in the Three Realms.

Parents Strongly Cautioned

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  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Yes, author here, a shameless one at that. Please don't mind me. Just passing by. Yes, I'm an utter fool. Tales of Three Realms should be published by the Fifth of February. Quality of the book? Good if not better, BL story, a lot is a lot, the characters might be relatable. The author herself? The worst kind, confused 24/7, whatever.

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The story so far was interesting. I could imagine how I was in shoes. I'll try to read again to find out more about YueChen personality. Why I thought about Bai Xiaochun from A Will of Enternal? 😅

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A good start. The novel seems well-written so far and I enjoy the amount of history behind the novel. I really enjoy Chinese novels and works based on Asian culture. Although, BL is not my cup of tea this book seems to be going down the right track. Keep it up and don't give up! Well Done Author!

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The story, the parts I've read, is very interesting. The progress between characters have a slightly unbalanced pace. Though, there are parts where I can't seem to understand what exactly is happening because of grammar issues. I'll power through to finish this but so far, I'm not quite into it yet.

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With only eight chapters I don't think I can give a proper review but I'll write on what I can. Character design was done well, the two characters Yue Ji and ChenChen are pretty fleshed out, no problems there. World background...There is a little vagueness in the terms of the Mortal Realm..Sure, readers can know that it's set in the modern day, supposedly China since the characters' names are such. Story Development..so far it's pretty easy to follow and it makes for an interesting read if one likes these kinds of stories with gods. Writing quality is not bad. Continue writing!

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This review is part of a review swap and valid as of chapter six. Six chapters quite honestly isn't enough for any kind of decent review. Bear that in mind when it's time for the stars. Fallen god merges with an adolecent kid in the modern world. Well, that's about it. We have a backstory that reads like a poetically written academic treaty on the history of deitypolis. Then the meeting between boy and god, a slice of flashback, some more backstory and a little slice of life with boy and god learning how to share a body and a mind. You can't expect much more from six chapters. Now for the stars. Writing: Four stars. Gets better after a while, but the first chapters use a peculiar English to say the least. Verbs are simply dropped left and right. Updates: Six chapters isn't enough for an assessment. I'll just hand out the five stars. Story: Four stars. Backstory, story proper, flashback, backstory and story proper again. All crammed into six chapters. Characters: Five stars. While we've barely touched the beginning the two main characters are nicely fleshed out. World: Four stars. This is an aggregate of a five star backstory and a three star story proper. While a lot of telling and little showing, the backstory is told very well. As for the story proper. I know it's set in today's world, and that's about it. Oh, and the setting has to be China. Lastly, the deficiencies I've pointed out are likely to be ironed out later. The author decided to properly give us the characters and the background, but it comes at the cost of world and plot. Still, we're only six chapters in.

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there are only 4 chapter, i can't give you a review. #kidding... hehe^^ i just want you to release more chapter! i like your imagination and curious how this story continue. want to know more about yuechen though...

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its a shame that there is only 4 chapters so far this novel has me craving for more which all web novels should writing story and characters i give a 5/5

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So far world building has been immersive. Demons, God's,and Ghost are similar with distinct differences. The MC is still being fleshed out and his mentor is still demonstrating knowledge. I look forward to seeing how this developes in the future! Please continue the story and may we all gain happiness from it.

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I was already sold after the preview😂 Love how deep and detailed the story is! The amount of depth worked into the plot is already smoothly rolled over your head adter only a few chapters. The grammar is really good! It really strengthens the detailed plot, characters, and world. Splendid. Character's are really refreshing. Hope to see some more development later in the story! Keep it up! :)

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The writing quality of this book is great! The read is really smooth, very descriptive. The character design is marvelous, the dialogues are adorable! It's saddening that there are only 3 chapters now, I'll totally stay for more! Hope you keep writing, this is a wonderful start!

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The two main cast currently interact with each other quite well. It is interesting to see how this will progress further down the road. It is also curious to consider Yuan Ji's past. The reveal will be interesting =)

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Hooray! Chinese BL story! Always so cute and fluffy BL! Although I haven't read the original version, just based on the first three chapters, it shows a lot of interesting parts. For example, the interactions between the duo are so cute and witty. I'm looking forward to the author continuing back to the where the previous work left off and fly beyond that like a "paper crane". Time to check the older work~>3</

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Love this book. It's characters are amazing, the story line is developing smoothly and the grammar is close to perfect. No complaints till now. Looking forward to more chapters. Awesome work Author! :)

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Chapter One: Your A/N said there was too much “was” and “were,” but those words are necessary for proper setences. For example, “What he realized first (was) that he was falling.” and “Often, human whose body wasn't strong enough (was) harmed or worse, died.” Although with the latter, it would sound better if it was restructured plurally, “Often, humans with bodies that weren’t strong enough were harmed, or worse, died.” But in general, your grammar is good. Yuan Ji and YueChen’s meeting and dialogue was entertaining. I also became curious why Yuan Ji got banished, and why YueChen is a ghost. Chapter Two & Three: Yuan Ji and YueChen bounce off one another really well. They both different, and their interactions and thoughts are amusing. The story Yuan Ji told was interesting, but maybe because it’s still early into the story, I’m wondering where the story is leading to. The synopsis didn’t give much of an idea either. Anyway, although it was short, I enjoyed this! You write well, and the characters are good. I look forward to seeing how everything plays out in future chapters.

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Author Paper_Crane