Wei Zhiqian said wittily, "Those are groundless rumors. How can you believe those rumors? Those two are just friends. They are not in a relationship."
They were not officially together yet.
Wei Zhiqian didn't think that he was lying to Old Mrs. Wei.
"They just happened to be working together. Since they know each other, they are often together. That's how this misunderstanding happened. Hehehehe…" Wei Zhiqian, feeling guilty, started emitting a dry laugh.
"Beicheng and Lin Chu are both here, and Zhuoling is here as well. When I found out that everyone came here, I decided to join the fun," Wei Zhiqian said as he laughed awkwardly.
But was Old Mrs. Wei this easily fooled?
"Why did Beicheng suddenly visit?" Old Mrs. Wei asked.
"Probably the same reason as mine. He thought that it was rare for Zhiqing's filming site to be in B City, so he came over to visit," Wei Zhiqian explained.
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