"Why don't you both take the time on this journey back to properly think about how sincerely those two people treat the two of you?" Wang Juhuai said. "When you arrive, take good care of yourself. With people who act in one way on the surface and do something else behind your back, it's better to have less interaction. When you reach there, give me a call to let me know you have arrived safely."
After Wang Juhuai said that, he left.
Lu Wenqing could not speak for a long time.
Wang Juhuai's last words were ultimately directed at them.
Lu Wenqing thought of what Wang Juhuai had said previously.
She turned to look at Wang Taihong. "What do you think?"
"What can I think? Lin Jinshu and Wang Qianyun are really something. They actually played us out like fools." Wang Taihong pulled a long, cold face.
Right now, he'd even called Wang Qianyun by her full name. How would he still be as warm and passionate as he had been towards her in the past?
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