She did not believe that Lu Man really thought that way. She just could not find good guest actors, that was why she said such sour words.
Ma Xianghuan walked over. "Yesterday, I was just discussing this with Lian Fang. Variety shows need high viewership ratings, and wanting more popular actors can be understood. But the Chinese Arts Championships is a professional competition among schools. What we are trying to train is the student's acting skills. There is no need to do the same kinds of things as variety shows, and it's only right to return the competition to the performance itself. Don't let the students lose sight of the original reason the Chinese Arts Championships is being held and leave behind the essence of acting."
"I can't expect students from the current generation to be the same as us from the old generation, but I hope that there would still be people who'd maintain their love for acting in this superficial generation."
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