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50% light and darkness story of bonds and relationships / Chapter 1: the rulers of the kingdom
light and darkness story of bonds and relationships light and darkness story of bonds and relationships original

light and darkness story of bonds and relationships

Author: meiriana

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: the rulers of the kingdom

Today I will narrate you a story which was kept hidden in the darkness of the abyss. This story is about a truth which was kept away from humanity millenniums  ago.It is a story driven by the flood of blood which even drove the god of death to tears.  A lot of person tried to reach for it but unfortunately they ere not able."Whoever read this story shall meet a dead end". An evil force stopped them every time. We all came to the conclusion that a curse was place on the story preventing people from reading it. However by the grace of the demons and angel above a  sad truth  shall be reveled in front of your bare eyes.

Millenniums ago in a sacred land lived the angles, demons, elves, atlantias(the season controllers) lucretians(the weather controller), faries, nymphs, warewolves, warlocks, giants, mermaids and etc... They all lived happily in the kingdom of Eltagor. Eltagor was the biggert kingdom at that time. Eltagor was so big that four rulers was needed to rule it. The one ruling Eltagor was the angels, demons, atlantias and lucretians. The other races lived in small kingdoms which surrounded Eltagor. The rulers of the kingdoms were decided by their power. The most powerful one were the ones who ruled Eltagor and the least powerful one were given the smallest kingdom. The order goes as follows: angel/demons(they had the same rank),atlantias, lucretians, warlocks, elves, warewolves, fairies, giants, mermaid, nymns, goblins...

Among several war which trotted this cursed land there was one which consisted of several small fight which then became a great war among the clans to be able to determine the rulers. Flesh were tore, blood came oozing out like the Nile river overflooding, screams of terror and pain came crushing down the souls of those who did not partake the fight. The only thing which was common in all the clan was the fact that "crystal tears were being turn into poison blood". After a dreadful year of war the winners were proclaimed. Even after the war, small battles continued till everyone got fed up of it. After years of construction and preparations all the destroys kingdoms were once again in standing beautifully. Centuries passed and everything fell in place and they all lived happily ever after. The end

Just kidding, if you are wondering if the story is about that great war which caused the destruction of several land then you are all wrong... The one that is being narrated is about the war which happed after than one. The one who put an end in to this dynasty and made those creature become a myth... The one who brought tears to the god of death and all the gods above. The one who made the heroes unfortunate of themselves. The one where truth and lies were twisted together with no pity behind. The one who broke my heart...

Let's all forget about the sad part for the moment, now I will take you on a tour around the kingdom of Eltagor. There are five palace in the kingdom of Eltagor; the north palace which was name DOMUM ANGELICA, the angels palace, the south palace which was name DAEMON TEMPLUM, the palace of the demons, the east palace which was name TEMPORE REGIS, the palace of the atlantias, the west palace which was name CAELI REGIA, the lucretians palace and finally the center palace which was name HARMONIA DOMUM REGIS, the palace where all the four great ruler stayed and took all the decisions of the kingdoms.

1. the harmonia domum regis

A very beautiful castle which everyone kept on admiring whenever they passed it. It was full of magic plants, medical plants, poisonous plant and more. Its gardens were allowed to everyone in the kingdom. There were around 15 gardens, each for a specific  purpose. In each on of them the butlers would take care of the peoples visiting the castle and sometimes people would have the pleasure to meet the royal families. The gardens were well kept by the most skillful gardeners of that time.  

2. the domum angelica.

As the angels, their castle gave a vibe of protection and good health. People usually went to the angels castle to cure themselves or when they wanted some fresh air. The castle was also allow to the demons and everybody else. All the medicinal plant of the kingdoms were found there. The nymph kingdom was found next to the angels kingdoms. The angels were the healers of the kingdoms. Their castle was the reason that the whole kingdom were in  a good state. The angles always get a lot of visitors, so most of the time they are busy unless if some demons,lucretians and the atlantias decides to throw an unexpected party at the angles castles.

3.the daemon templum

The demons castle, the spooky castle, the devil house, well the demons castle gave off that kind of feeling but the moment you get inside you will say what the hell?? Yes, you will as once you get inside of the castle you will be welcome by the scent of the roses found in their garden. The demons are famous for their beautiful flower but do not worry they are not the gardeners. The demons castle is of an onyx black which give the feeling of peaceful sleep but becareful of the demons mischiefs which even made the angles laugh . The demons helps people when they are stressed. They are the assassins of the kingdoms, they work only for noble causes and don't kill out of the blue.the warewolves kingdom is found next to the demons.

4.the tempore regis

Beware of the atlantias castle as you don't know what season to find there. The atlantias castle change season everyday. The atlantias have a very seasonal mood. They like to have fun and party all the time. They are the party planner of the kingdom and also the cooks. The atlantias are the one who grows the spices, fruits and vegetables. Their castel is like a big garden full of fresh veggies and fruties. They give free fresh food to the poor. They are very jovial and are not afraid to make fund of the demons who then join in the party and start to have fun together. Kids mostly likes going there because of the winter seasons and the snow.

5.the caelia regis

Compare to the atlantias the lucretians kingdom is much worst. One minute the sun the other second there is rain. It is not that which will stop people from going there to see the lucretiens beautiful rainbow concert. The lucretians are a bit...moody. They are a bit strick always telling people to be careful and not to do this and that. They are the authority of the kingdom. They are the knights in shinning armors protecting people unlike demons in bloody armors. The lucretians and the angles always work together in helping people in difficulty. Their castle is really wow. The way it can adapt itself to any weather condition is cool. People go there to play in the rain then go directly to the angles to cure them. The lucretians are not cold people, they have a soft heart and care for everyone.


angels: sweet, kind hearted, loving, caring and helpful.

demons: demoniac, prankish, cool, friendly and helpful.

atlantias: funny, happy, childish, amusing and helpful.

lucretians: strick,good hearted, mature, knightly and helpful

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