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85.54% Reborn As Harry Osborn - Marvel / Chapter 71: Hammer Industries Conclusion / New Mission

Chapter 71: Hammer Industries Conclusion / New Mission

When both of us approach Whiplash in preparation to continue our attacks, Oracle called out on my communicator saying "Nightwing, I have found some abnormality in New Mexico".

Hearing Oracle's words, I glance at Ironman saying "Hey, Tony. I need to pick up this call, can you deal with this idiot for a sec!".

"Wait… What!" Ironman replied in a surprised tone.

"Oracle, you can continue" I said as I gestured with my hand for Ironman to give me a moment.

"There is a huge and strange magnetic fluctuation happening there. Jane Foster and her teammates is heading towards the heart of the area now" Oracle said into my communicator earpiece.

Ironman stared back at me in silent disbelieve.

"So what is the plan, Nightwing?" Oracle asked but I am rudely interrupted by Whiplash who got back on his feet and roared angrily "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU! AND TAKE BACK WHAT IS MINE!"

Taking out the EMP gun from my utility belt, I said "Oh, Shut up!" as I fired it at Whiplash.

"What!" Whiplash exclaimed in confusion when he realized that he can't move his suit of armor.

As we watch Whiplash fall down to the ground head first, Ironman glance toward me asking "Is that an EMP gun? Next time you could have lead with that".

"Yup. And you said that you wanted to relieve your stress" I answered back smirking before firing the EMP gun at Warmachine, causing his armor to shut down too.

Staring at the EMP gun in my hand, Ironman mumbled to himself "That reminds me, I need to add EMP shielding for my armor".

Whiplash struggled to restart his armor but seeing that his effort is futile, Whiplash in anguish said "Since I can't get back what is mine, no one can have it!". As Whiplash ended his sentence, all the combat drones in the warehouse started beeping.

"The place is going to explode! Let's go!" I shouted as I quickly run towards the door where that Agent Romanoff left the warehouse.

"Follow me, I know her current location!" Ironman said hurriedly as he quickly grabbed Warmachine and quickly lead the way by flying in front of me.

"Dammit, just my damn luck!" Warmachine grumbled from inside his nonfunctional suit of armor

"Shortcut" Ironman said as he smashed through Hammer Industries' wall at great speed.

After going through several rooms we meet Agent Romanoff who was surprised by our abrupt entrance shout "What's happening?"

"Hurry, middle of the room! We got not enough time!" I shouted quickly before encasing the whole room with net webbing like a cocoon.

Just as I finish webbing the whole room, a loud explosion could be heard and felt from inside the hard web casing.



Justin Hammer's POV

Inside one of the SHIELD's vehicle, Justin is in the back seat when a loud explosion from Hammer Industries could be heard. Looking out of the vehicle's window, Justin's mouth is agape as he watch his company been engulfed in a large ball of fire.

Watching the building structure collapsing, Justin moan sadly "My company….." Before debris and concrete blocks start plummeting from the skies.

End of Justin Hammer's POV


A short moment after the explosion, Ironman muttered as glance at the webbing that protect us. "That was close…" with Agent Romanoff nodded her head in agreement.

Ironman fired a small concise laser beam from his wrist to cut through the webbing.

As we stepped out of the cocoon to see the destroyed remains of Hammer Industries, Ironman whistled before saying "It is a miracle we survived the blast" before he stared at the webbing cocoon.

Moving several pieces of rubble as we walked out of the collapsed building, I said "Do you think Whiplash is dead?"

Agent Romanoff with confident said "Yes but SHIELD will search the area just in case" as she brushed the dust off her clothing before walking away towards the nearest SHIELD agent.

"Tony, thank you for saving me but can you help restart my armor" Warmachine said as he struggled to move his armor.

Ironman approached Warmachine said "Sure but before that I would like to apologize to you for how I have been behaving recently" before analyzing Warmachine's armor.

"I also would like to apologize to you too for taking your armor away" Warmachine replied

"I will let you keep the suit but not the government. We need to discuss some matter first before I help you restart it. I will be right back, I need to discuss something with Nightwing" Ironman said before walking towards my side.

Warmachine said "Wait, Tony! It is not my decision to make and I need to go to the washroom now" but Ironman gestured to him to wait.

Ironman stood by my side as we watch Agent Romanoff giving out orders to the SHIELD agents, Ironman asked "You could have easily dealt with Vanko with one punch, why you didn't end the fight much earlier?"

"I thought you want to release some stress" I answered back playfully while pointing towards the collapsed building.

"Seriously, what is your real ability? Is your ability related to your opponent's strength? And with your EMP gun, you could have defeated Vanko with one shot" Ironman asked seriously as he looked at me cautiously.

"My real ability is not important. But seriously, the reason why I didn't use my ability is to protect myself" I replied as I slowly glance towards Ironman.

"Protect yourself? I don't understand!" Ironman said in confusion before his helmet slide back and reveal his face

"It is a something like a hidden card. If my opponents don't know my ability they will have trouble finding my weakness. Other than that, it can help me catch them off guard and it is good to be always prepared for any situations" I explained slowly.

After Tony pondered about what I have said, he nodded his head in agreement. Tony said "Looks like I need to build some special features for my armor too".

Just as we finish our discussion, we turned our heads to see a several SHIELD's helicopter approaching the area with each vehicle bearing a SHIELD logo on their side.

Tony said "Err…. I think I need to make a move. Thanks for the help, Nightwing. Let's do this again next time" before heading towards Warmachine.

"See ya!" Ironman said before placing Warmachine's hand over his shoulder and flied away.

As I watch Ironman flying away, I said "Oracle, prep the Quinn-jet. We will be going on a short field trip tonight" before flying away too.


Director Nick Fury's POV

Director Fury exited the SHIELD's helicopter and head towards Agent Romanoff who is organizing the clean up.

"Where are they?" Fury asked as he glanced at the ruins which was once Hammer Industries.

Agent Romanoff chuckled as she replied "They just left. They must be really afraid to meet you face to face"

Fury snorted his nose as he said "They are just some ruffians. They need more experiences and proper training before they can become full fledged superheroes. The last thing we need is rookies causing more damage like tonight"

"Sounds like you are not a huge fan of their work" Agent Romanoff replied while trying her best not to laugh at Fury's expense.

"Tony is impulsive, reckless and causes more damages than good. I can see potential in him but he is still not ready. He need to learn self control" Fury said with feeling annoyed.

"And Nightwing?" Agent Romanoff asked curiously.

Fury remain silent for awhile before saying "We need him to be on our side. He is a loose cannon but has the highest potential to become a great asset to us if used properly. But I can't shake the feeling that he is hiding something. And I don't like not knowing secrets. Other than that, he is a pain in the ass!"

"I didn't know your relationship has reached that step. Imagine a spy hating secret" Agent Romanoff said laughing but quickly stopped when she notice Fury glaring angrily at her.

"Let's go!" Fury said as he walked back towards the helicopter with Agent Romanoff close behind him. As both of them entered the helicopter, the door closed behind them and the helicopter start to slowly rise from the ground.

"So what next?" Agent Romanoff asked as she stared at Director Fury.

Fury said in a low voice "I have a secret mission for you" causing Agent Romanoff to raise her eyebrow in curiosity.

"SHIELD is infiltrated" Fury replied cautiously.

"By whom?" Agent Romanoff asked as she approached closer to Fury

"I have my suspicion but it is not for certain" Fury answered while staring out of the helicopter window.

"What makes you say so?" Agent Romanoff question him.

"The criminals that SHIELD have placed in prison have been replaced with body double" Fury said before looking at Agent Romanoff directly in the eye.

"When do I start?" Agent Romanoff asked excitedly.

godfreyngsze godfreyngsze

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story

Hope you guys enjoy the story..Have not watch Avenger endgame but seems like the comments got a lot of spoilers

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