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81.18% The Writer's Romance / Chapter 82: Cheers

Chapter 82: Cheers

"No, Sheen, I told you to stay away from me," Clark grinds his teeth while looking at Sheen.

"If that's what you want, then, I'll stay away from you from now on!" Sheen yelled and walk away.

"Yeah, forget about the engagement. I regret loving you," Clark massages his temples and sits down in his seat and takes a deep breath.

"Clark," Sheen whispered while peeking at the door with a smug face.

"Stop, go away," Clark said and turns his seat to avoid seeing Sheen's face.

"Oh my goodness, he's afraid of clowns!" Bea laughs while walking inside the office with her phone in her hand as she takes a video.

"I told you, I fancied the prank during my birthday, but not this kind of ridiculous jokes. It's so childish!" Clark yelled as he buries his face in his hands.

Sheen and Bea looks at each other and hysterically laughs.

"Wash that make-up off, Sheen, or I'll really call off the engagement," Clark said.

"Aw? Really?" Sheen tip-toes quietly towards Clark and bends her knees in front of him.

"I love you," Sheen whispered while making a scary face with the clown make-up on.

From her sweet voice, Clark can't help but remove his hands from his face and look at her.

"Bloody hell! What the freak is wrong with you?" Clark yelled and stands up away from Sheen who's laughing her ass off on the floor.

"Are you sure you weren't kidnapped and exchanged with someone else?" Clark shouted.

Dan entered the office with a confused look, "What is happening?" He asks.

"Did you know that boss' afraid of clowns?" Bea asks as he shows Dan the video they scared Clark.

"Okay... No time for that, Boss, we have something to talk about," Dan seriously stared at Clark without even looking at the video.

Bea rolled her eyes and went out.

"Okay, stop," Clark reaches out his hand to Sheen while covering her face with his hand.

Sheen took it and stands up.

"Thanks," She said and kisses Clark whose eyes are closed and then ran off.

"They seem energetic," Clark said and laughs.

Dan sighed, "Okay, I know you two missed each other so much. But can we go back to work, like seriously?" Dan said and walks nearer to Clark.

"Oh, what?" Clark sits down, "I am the most serious person when it comes to work. Tell me, what is bothering you?"

"Seems like your potential business partners have been serenaded by some other guy and they canceled the meeting. We lost two potential partners to Mr. Lee," Dan said while walking back and forth.

Clark shakes his head as his jaw tightens, "Of course, he's won't give up his business just because we apologize to each other. Don't worry, we'll handle this. Just be sure that Sheen won't know about this.."

"Or what?" Sheen asks while holding files in her hands, "I know that you and Wyn are not partners. No need to hide it, yeah, it kinda hurts to be rejected but, no worries."

She walks towards the table and left the files on Clark's table.

"We're still friends even if you and Wyn are 'enemies' in business," she said and smiled then went away.

"Oh," Dan exhaled, "Then, she can handle this situation."

He was about to leave when Clark called his name, "Dan," he said.

"Your wedding's near. Do you need to take time off to prepare?" Clark asks.

Dan just shakes his head, "No, we'll be taking our time off a few days from now. The wedding's between our vacation, right? No worries."

Clark nods, "Yeah, I almost forgot. Thank you."

"Oh, yeah, about Sheen's book, tell her she's doing great. There's already a company who wants to make a movie out of it."

Clark's eyes widen as his lips form a sweet curve, "Really?" He whispered as Dan closes the door.

A few seconds after, he received a call from the production company.

Sheen just casually waltz into Clark's office to have lunch with him but he's not inside.

"Where are you?" Sheen looks around but he is nowhere to be found.

She was dialing Bea's number as she is about to go out of the office but Clark exactly arrives, making them bump into each other.

Clark wears a big smile with bright eyes, a sight that means something really good happened.

Sheen looks at him, "What happened and where were you, huh? Mr. Nice smile?"

Clark pushes her softly back inside and closed the door, "Guess what?" He asks with the excited look on his face.

"Well," Sheen suddenly felt the urge to smile like him, "We have a date?" Sheen guessed.

Clark laughs, "Well, nice suggestion. Let's arrange that some other time."

Sheen furrowed her brows, "What then?"

"Just... okay... sit down," Clark pulls her to sit down on the sofa while he is standing in front of her.

"Okay... I am now sitting, what is it?" Sheen asks while looking up.

"Your book..." Clark started, "will be a movie next year. I mean, if you want it to---"

"Kya!!!" Sheen jumps into Clark and hugs him, clinging into his neck. "Oh my goodness! Really? Oh my..."

Clark just smiled with the surprise hug.

"Really?" Sheen looks at him while her hands are in his cheeks.

She's in the verge of crying while smiling like crazy, "Are you sure? Is this a prank? Are you trying to get back on me?"

"Oh my god, Clark! Guess what? Sheen's book is--- Oh. I guess you already knew," Bea suddenly appeared, while holding the door.

"Yes, so can please you go away? We're having a moment," Clark whispered while shooshing Bea.

Sheen just hugs Clark tightly, it's been years since she felt so happy about her success.

"Then, that means, they love my book?" Sheen asks.

Clark puckers his lips while thinking, "Well... you know how it goes."

"Yeah, not because it's going to be a movie doesn't mean that the book itself is famous. They only learn about the book after the movie," Sheen wrinkles her nose and just clings on Clark's neck.

"Well, if they are men of culture, they will read the book first before the movie," Clark said as he put his hands around Sheen's waist.

Sheen stared at Clark, his emerald eyes, black hair, sexy lips...

She can't help but feel her heartbeat get more excited.

But the thought suddenly appeared, 'They are half-brothers,' she thought.

She lets go and sits down, making Clark get confused.

The normal thing that happens is that Sheen will tip-toe and kiss him, but she just sits down.

He bends his knees and put his hand on her knees, "Is something wrong?"

Sheen pursed her lips, she wants to tell Clark about Wyn but she is nowhere in place to do that.

It's all up to Wyn if he wants to tell Clark that they are brothers.

"Nothing, I just got too excited about the movie that I forgot how much work it will cost," Sheen smiled.

Clark just looks at her, "Of course, then, why don't we order our lunch? I already asked Mr. Rogers to buy us something."

Sheen nodded and flattened her lips, "Yeah."

Clark pats her knee and stands up, "Well, about the date that you answered earlier, do you have a place in mind?"

He looks at her with a smile, if he knows something, it's that Sheen's bothered by some other things.

"Oh," Sheen blushed, "We don't have to. I mean, we should go home early today. We've been out late these past days, busy, tired..."

"I see. Then let's schedule this some other time. Like next month, year? I don't know when's the next," Clark puts his hand on his chin, trying to tease Sheen into having a date.

Sheen looks at him, terrified, "What? Next year? I mean... uh..."

Sheen looks troubled and sighed, "If we will be that busy, then..."

Clark starts to smile widely, as he presumes that Sheen will agree.

"See you next year, date," Sheen said and looks at Clark, satisfied.

"What?" Clark asks with shock on his face, how could she let their next date happen next year? "We're going out tonight, period. Next's year's date is next year. Today's today."

Sheen snorted, "Alright, Sir."

Kady and Blue sit in the living room in the hotel, thinking about what they saw in Wyn's room.

"I am sure, he's trying to bring down Star Company. Mr. White... Sheen's going down if that happens," Blue said.

"We are not sure. I know it's the list of their company's business partners, but we can't jump into conclusion," Kady answered while tapping his shoes.

"Anyways, that is threatening anyway. You're right, Wyn is something," Blue stands up and looks at the calendar, "Bea's wedding's next week. That means we're going home next week. We won't be able to know what Wyn's doing."

"Yeah... But we can still be able to keep in touch with Sheen. I'm sure she knows what is happening, she's Clark's assistant," Kady stated as he looks at his phone's wallpaper.

The group photo they took during Clark's birthday.

"Well, if you're talking about some heavy dirty work, Sheen's not doing that. She said she's just doing office papers, no more. Dan's the one doing that," Blue turns around, "We need to keep in touch with Bea's love."

"I see. But, Wyn's done with Sheen, right? This sneaky thing is not about him being jealous, right?"

Blue opens his mouth but was lost for words, he just nods, not knowing what is the answer to Kady's question.

Since the banquet, Wyn distanced himself from everyone, started working for his company in secret.

"That... we need to know. It will harm Sheen in one way or another," Kady stands up and went to see Wyn.

"Hey! Wait, I'm coming! He's close to me than to you," Blue said as he ran after Kady.

"Why don't you tell me, are you done with Sheen?" He asks.

Kady stops on his track, "I am done chasing her. I am done trying to push myself back in her... life, but I am not yet done having feelings for her. The question goes back to you."

Blue stops and shrugs his shoulder, "Well, I have my model lady."

"Really? Just because Elgeen came up doesn't mean that all your feelings went poof!"

Blue sighed, "Okay, why are we having this conversation. And yes, I am sorry if your heart does not work the same. I do love Sheen, but not to that maximum intensity like you, Kady and Clark feels."

Kady just nods, "Okay, this conversation ends. Wyn said he's in a cinema. Watching something with someone."

"Aria?" Kady and Blue look at each other while watching Wyn and Aria leave the cinema, walking towards them.

"Okay, now what?" Blue glances over Kady.

"Sister..." Blue and Kady whisper in unison.

They are having lunch in a restaurant with Aria and Wyn after they met in the cinema.

"Yes," Aria answered while Wyn just looks through the menu, letting Aria run her mouth.

"We are not related," Wyn stated after finishing ordering their meals.

Kady and Blue just look at him confused.

"Okay, it's like this. I am her half-brother's half-brother."

The two guys' faces got even more lost with what Wyn just said aside from repeating the same word.

Wyn knocks on the table, where will he start?

"Okay, so little Gerwyn's Mom had a relationship with Clark's dad had a baby named Gerwyn which ruined Clark's parent's marriage and the reason why my Mom and Clark's mom died," Aria said in a casual manner.

"Okay, let me get this straight. I don't have anything to do with your mom's death. She died because she's sick long before I was born, get it?" Wyn said sharply at Aria.

"Relax, I just stated the truth that I know. We watched movies together, no hard feelings," Aria smiled.

Kady and Blue just watches the two throw words at each other while trying to understand what they just found out.

"So Clark and Wyn are half-brothers like you two?" Blue asks while looking at Aria.

"Yeah... unfortunately, Clark has two pairs of half-sibling. A proof that his dad is really into women," Aria answered and went to take a sip of wine.

"Does Mr. White know?" Kady asks.

"No. I just found out before his birthday, but Sheen knows. I told her," Wyn smiled at the waitress as she serves the meal.

"Well, I, myself knew that my lil' bro' have another half-sibling but I didn't know it was this cute little friend," Aria smiled at Wyn sarcastically.

"And that is why you're acting weird towards Wyn?" Blue asks.

"Yes, I kind of vented the loss of my mother to this kid, but no worries, I don't hate him. We decided to meet to, uh, bring down Clark." Aria started digging in while the three men just look at her in disbelief.

"You just let them know?" Wyn asks angrily.

"Bring down?" Blue shockingly looks at them.

Kady just sighs.

He doesn't care about Clark, he's worried about Sheen.

"And that is a threat that you just spilled, Mrs. Guandemo, any reasons why you wanted us to know that?" Kady asks.

"Well, well, here's an intellectual man. Gerwyn, you should try being Kady sometimes," Aria teased.

Wyn just snorted and eats his meal, since day 1 he already had a hard feeling with Kady and now someones throwing it back.

"I know that you love Sheen. I want what my mother had built, that company. She helped building that but all she got was a cheating husband. So, I want what she was suppose to have."

"Why can't you just ask your little brother?" Blue asks.

"Well, seems like the devil brain-washed Clark into thinking that no one loves him, except the cinderella. Also, I have someone who works for me in there," Aria wiggles her eyebrows.

"Now you're showing your true colors," Kady whispers.

"Anyway, I don't want to hurt Clark, or Sheen. I just want to have the--"

"Company. That means you'll bring your brother down as you have said earlier," Wyn looks at her in disgust.

"What? Try pretending you don't want the same thing, I mean you want him down."

"I want him down, not take the company from him," Wyn answers.

"He'll still have a place in the company," Aria clears her throat, "And you can have a place too if you want."

"No.." Wyn looks at Blue and Kady, "And why did you two want to meet with me?"

"Seems like you're already in the hunt of putting Clark down," Blue said with sinister in his eyes.

He never thought that Wyn can do this.

He always saw him as a little brother.

He's kind, and sweet, funny, thoughtful and not the Wyn he used to know.

"What is this about, Wyn? Sheen? You're jealous that's why you're destroying Clark?" Blue asks.

"What?" Wyn angrily puts the spoon and fork down, "I am not doing this because of Sheen... anymore. I want to prove myself to my father."

"But..." He added, "If I destroy Clark, then maybe... Sheen will turn around and see me."

"You're crazy," Blue said and stands up and left.

"Am I? What do you think, Kady? Don't you want Clark down as well?" Wyn asks.

"No. We are telling this to Clark, just so you know. No more plays, no more taking down, no more proving myself, no more what's for who. You two, are not doing anything that can help the environment." Kady said and stands up, took bills out of his wallet and put it on the table then left.

"So, we just really spilled everything out in front of them, that's your plan?" Wyn looks at Aria.

"Yeah, and we won. The only thing that they don't know is how we're going to do it, right? They can't sue us, they don't have proof. We're rich, we can always turn things around." Aria answered.

"Won't Mr. Guandemo get angry? He's friends with Clark, right?"

"No. It's all business. No friends. Just money and strings. Welcome to business world."

"So, what's the plan?" Wyn asks.

"You get Sheen, I get the company. Clark can be placed somewhere. He's been left alone before, he can live that way again. Let's start with the movie," Aria whispered and smirked, "But someone might get hurt."

"What are you talking about?" Wyn asks.

"Just play as the best friend that you are when she needs it while Clark get busy on doing his work, let's start with you getting Sheen," Aria looks at Wyn with a smirk, "Then, we'll get to destroy Clark to please your father and to get me what I want."

"I already started cutting off a bit of the roots, it's already easy to take the tree down." Wyn said and took his drink, "Cheers to winning."

Aria took her drink and had a toast with Wyn "Cheers."

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