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Ten years ago

"Where is your money!" A drunken father shouts at his wife as she rushes to protect her children. "Stop gambling, you already lost all your savings because of it! Think of your..." His wife tries to calm him down but he stabs her after he took out a knife he kept, resulting in blood splattered around the furniture and the floor. She tries to tell them to run by blinking her eyes but fails when he squat down and stabbed her further. "Now where are your savings?!?" His teeth gritted, standing back to face them as the brothers stood next to each other in horror, the older brother covering his younger brother with his arm despite coughing,trying to assure him that it was all fine. They thought that just like that, they could finally meet their end after all these years of suffering. The younger brother still remembers how his father gotten the electricity line cut off to their house after falling into debt. He would usually go gambling to lighten his mood but had recently lost it after losing even more money. With him away most of the time, his mom usually slogged out throughout the day at work, trying to make ends meet. Resulting in both him and his brother being the only ones at home. But even with these issues, his brother did what he could, taking care of him and their parents. They confided with each other and became inseparable. At night, they would constantly be beaten up by his dad if he lost, causing several painful scars. He then gets back to reality and sees an angry father about to stab both of them. He prepares his fate when suddenly...

"Police freeze!" Several policemen ran into the room, pinning him down as they escorted them out. Turns out the neighbors heard what was going on and called the police. As they get seated in the back of the police car, the driver comes to ask them, "Hi kids what's your name?" he answers to them as they looked nervously at each other, uncertain of where they would head out. "My name is Issac and he is Jack." The older brother said as Jack looks at him worryingly. Issac reassures him by holding his hand. The driver continued, "Look you father has done some really bad things which would result in him getting jailed." "For how long?" Issac asked as his partner cuts in, "For a very long time, several counts of felony, manslaughter, bribery and..." He listed it down for them as the driver nudged him. "Look why are even telling them this much now? They would just get even more worried." They listened as they whispered about the whole topic. His partner then comes back to them. "Ok in short your father is going to jail and you're staying at the orphanage since nobody wants to keep you custody. (They have no relatives) Just chill, you will be fine." They looked with uncertainty as they arrived at the orphanage. They carried the items to their assigned rooms as the orphanage director comes in. She reassures them as they settled down in their rooms.

Since then, they got used to their lives and managed to get into elementary school. Along the way, Jack met some new friends whom also came from the orphanage but in turn resulted him to become a bully. (To Issac's disappointment) Using his presence to bully other kids to save money on food. Despite this, they were doing well and He was returning home with Issac whom was sharing with him the answers for certain math questions when he suddenly started coughing out blood. He grabbed his brother by the arms as he called the ambulance. After several hours waiting for his brother, a doctor arrived from the operating theater to talk to him,"Hello are you his relatives?" "I'm his brother, my dad is in jail and my mom has passed on, I have no relatives and we live in an orphanage, Milton City Orphanage." Jack timidly replied as the doctor stares in shock. He shakes his head several times before getting back to the main topic, " We regret to inform you that your brother is in bad shape. He has stage 3 lung cancer. You would have to pray for him. I would notify your orphanage and your school about his condition." He tells him as Jack watches Issac laying on a stretcher in a state of coma. His face was still smiling as he was carried to the ward. He looks at him, vowing to cure him and make it as painful as possible. He continued to rob students of their money to save money for the hospital bills but studied harder than ever, earning him a spot at Milton High, the school that is referred to as the most prestigious high school in all of Milton city.

He looks at the watch, it was 11:30 at night. He thinks about his condition and the shocking recent events that took place 4 days earlier when he received even more bad news. He now had stage 4 cancer and is using a ventilator as he struggles for dear life. Jack had always wished that Issac would wake up to see him successful, showing him his university certificate, hoping that he could finally rest knowing that his teaching of his brother when they were primary students were successful. But that day would never come, he may never get to see him again. He still remembers how he rushed to the hospital with his friends ( whom also got into the same school ) to hear the news, he was so distraught that he never came to school for the next 3 days. He then looks up at the ceiling, deciding to come back to school. He just hopes that Russo would forgive him and his friends who supported him during this crisis for their truancy. He closes his eyes, hoping for a better future.

He jolted awake after hearing several screams coming from nearby, he looks at the clock, 01:39 he then looks out using the door hole, seeing a tall man with an irregularly shaped arm squeeze a staff's head off, it was dropping weird stuff on the floor. He freaks out, trying to climb out of the window when the figure enters the room. He forcefully sat him down on his bed as Jack tries to comprehend the situation. He looks up to see the mayor having glowing pink eyes and veins. "What the fuck do you think your doing!!!" He quickly took Issac's baseball bat out from the drawer, readying to strike, when a arm grew out of his back. Snatching it away from him as it broke it in half. "You like fighting don't you? I know it is in you!" He quickly took out his phone as he sees footage of them going into Issac's ward, killing others as they went. As they entered the ward, they wrecked the ventilator, resulting in Issac struggling to breathe. He watched helplessly in anger as Issac died. The beeping alarm starting to screech throughout the ward. He had enough, he pulled his fists out, attempting to punch him when he was plastered against the wall. "I knew it! You had it in you. I think it's now time you join us. His back growing an arm as he pulled the black blanket from what he was carrying. Jack stared in horror to see yellow slime moving around the jar. "Kill him." He struggles to free himself from his clutches and watched as the yellow slime got on his hands. "No god no!" He freaks out, screaming as the slime got into in body, his veins as though it wanted to explode. He managed to free himself from 'Mr. L Cambridge' but was too weak to get away. He laid down on the floor crying as he stared at the portrait of him and his brother before he went. He was officially brain dead. The slime got his body up as he controlled his body. "Finally Katz, after you thrown me in that jar. It finally feels better to have arms and legs." 'Jack' said. "Look Dak, I can still remove you from this host of yours. After you decided to put the bomb and that machine to burn the vault down, you almost blown our cover. You better not do that again!" She warns him, reminding him that she is still in charge. "But what do we do with the others in this rotten place?" Dak asked. "We recruit more to join our cause!" She laughs hysterically as muffled screams can be heard in the other rooms.

"Are we free?" A young Jack asks.

"Yes we are." Issac held his hands as they head off into destiny.

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