Shen Qianshu brought Tong Hua to the water lily pond to play. Tong Hua loved the water lily pond. He took selfies beside the pond and had a really great time by himself. Second Old Master Gu laughed and said, "This boy sure is vain, just like Fangfang when she was a child."
"He is really vain. He has to dress up properly every time he goes out, and every angle of his photo must be perfect before it can be uploaded. He has a very serious idol facade." Shen Qianshu smiled and said. She was helpless towards her son's vainness and bad habits.
Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother walked towards them from the living room and said, "Ye Ling didn't accompany you here today?"
"He has many meetings to hold today," Shen Qianshu said. "Right, Dad, which security system does Gu Manor use?"
"ET's security system, the newest in the world."
"Who's in charge of it?"
"Me." Fourth Brother said. "What's wrong?"
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