After Ye Tingjun had left, Gu Yuanli knelt on the putuan[1. Buddhist prayer mat.] and looked at the tablets above him.
The Gu Family was large. Many people died then, and the only one who was lucky enough to survive was Gu Chun. Now, he may seem to be living a comfortable and luxurious life, but this was all an illusion. Ye Tingjun's words made him recall some hidden memories.
Many years ago, the brothers were respectful towards one another, and they protected each other.
Now, they were all in their separate ways.
Over time, they became increasingly distant.
He felt a heartache, yet he felt some unspeakable sense of remorse.
"Big brother…"
I'm sorry!
His eyes went red, and his shoulders were shaking. Second Old Master Gu entered the ancestral hall and saw him kowtow. He scoffed, and Gu Yuanli rose up.
With a firm voice, he shouted. "Pa!"
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