One droplet of rain after the other slowly fell from the dark night sky. The rumbling of thunder could be heard off in the distance. The death of Rain brought the sadness and tears of mother earth with it.
Daniel hated storms because they always made him remember of Rain. The storms always brought regret, pain, and hate with them. Memories would rise again as if to mock Daniel. But what happened was inevitable. He'd had no choice. Daniel assured himself that Rain had brought it upon himself. If only he could have done something to change Rain's mind before it was too late. If only he hadn't chosen wrong.
But, was Daniel really right? Was he really on the side of Justice? What was right? What was wrong? Did Rain also feel that he was on the side of justice?
The rain was disturbing his thoughts and preventing him from finishing his task at work. He slowly took a sip of warm tea out of the bottle on his desk and stood up. To clear his mind he decided to go to the bathroom for a quick smoke because the boss didn't like him smoking in the office. He went into a stall so he wouldn't be disturbed and started pondering. Daniel kept pondering about the past and about what he would do in the future. He wandered between certainties and doubts. His mind started drifting away. Suddenly a knock at the stall door woke him from his stupor. He looked down at his watch thinking he had taken a long time. Not even a minute had passed from when he entered, this pissed him off and he felt cursing. But he endured and said "Busy." He heard another knock, 'Did they not hear me?' he wondered, so he repeated "Busy." again.
He heard another knock. 'F*ck, are you messing with me?' he thought. Before he could say anything he heard another two knocks.
He had no words anymore. He gave up. He crushed his cigarrete butt and opened the door. Standing there was a very well dressed gentlemen in all black with a white flower in his coat pocket with some drops of red. He introduced himself.
"Good morning Mr. Zheng. I am Quin, It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, I believe we have talked over the phone before. By the way, You may refer to me as Q."
All of Daniel's anger suddenly went away.
'Now this is a pleasant surprise' Daniel thought.
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