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It's about Mama

This year brought a lot to Joy's life🤔, she watched Clair dying on😢 New Year Eve, She started feeling for Drake💖, She got a friend in Embrey😇 and She suffered Lisa's hate.

A month has passed, Summer has begun in the city of Mariana. Joy tried too hard to get a job so that she could leave the Job in the Hospital and she would not have to see Drake and Embrey every day because It makes her feel sad and betrayed, but wherever, she applied, it was always a No.

It seems like her destiny wants her to work in the hospital for some more time.

But Drake and Embrey's lie broke her, She could not believe that the person she likes, the person she trusted and believed that now there was someone with whom she could share her pain, her sorrows, her happiness, had lied to her.

Joy was so devastated by this. She promised herself that she won't ever talk to both of them.

Drake and Embrey were feeling bad too, for lying to Joy.

When Embrey has a change of heart, Drake forgives her and they became friends again and were trying to get Joy's forgiveness.

After what happened, Joy handled herself, she wiped her tears and went to her work, she did not even try to listen to their Exlapnatoin.

After finishing her night shift Joy walked to home.

As Joy arrives at the front porch of her house, she sees that the door is locked.

" Why there a lock here? Is not Lisa home? wondered Joy as she took out the Key to open the Door.

"Lisa? Lisa?" called Joy, but there was no answer. Joy was a little worried that Where would Lisa go at This Hour?

Joy Tried to call her, but she won't answer, As soon as Joey sat on the couch wondering where Lisa went, she saw a letter lying on the dining table, Joy went to the table to pick up the letter.

She picked up the letter and opened it, It was from Lisa.

It says,

" Sister,

I am going on a one month trip with my friends, I took the money from your drawer and your card for the trip, I had left some money in the drawer, I could not wait until you come, and I know if I had asked you, you would not have let me go, So I am going, Don't worry about me, and Don't call me after reading this, I would be back by your birthday. There is something from the past month that I did not tell you, but I will tell you everything after coming back from the trip".


As Joy Read the Letter, she picked her phone and tried calling Lisa, but there was no answer, she messaged her, but there were no replies.

" Where did she go😟? Why did not she tell me? How could you do this Lisa? You should have told me? who's gonna take care of you there?" said Joy as she sat on the chair in shock😟😞.

Lisa left home for the trip, without telling Joy, that made Joy so worried about her. But she does not know Where Lisa went because Lisa did not want her to tell, where she was going.

But there was nothing Joy could do, SHe does not know Where Lisa was, Lisa was not picking her calls or messages, all Joy could do was to wait for this Month to end.

Two weeks passed, all Joy could think was of Lisa, How she was, is she doing Fine? has she eaten?

Drake and Embrey already made Joy so sad, Now Lisa's doing just added more sadness to Joy life.

Before Joy had Drake, she could have talked about this to him and could have felt a little better, but Now after what happened at his office, she does not want him to know anything about her. she was dealing with all of this alone.

Joy was doing her cleaning work on the 11th-floor wondering in dismay, " Only two more weeks are left, and then Lisa would be Back, Without her, Even home feels like a strange place, Once she would be back, Everything would be fine".

As Joy was lost in her thoughts, Embrey came running to Joy and calling her name out loudly in the corridor.

Joy saw Embrey and she turned to the other side and starts to leave as she does not want to talk to her.

" Joy? Joy? Please stop, there something I.. Said Embrey, but Before she could complete her sentence, Joy Interrupted and said, " I don't want to talk to you, Embrey? there's nothing left to talk Embrey, so please just go and do your work and let me do mine".

And Joy turned again to leave, but Embrey held her hand and stopped her with force and said, " Joy, Just Listen, Okay? It's not about me or Drake, I came here to tell you that, You need to come with me, you need to see this? Joy, Please".

But What is It Embrey asked Joy, but Embrey Held Joy's hand force so she won't let it go, and took the elevator the 14th Floor, she came out of the Elevator and took Joy to the Door of her Mama's room, where Drake was Standing.

As Drake saw Joy, a smile spread over his face, He tries to say something, but Joy Interrupted her and said, " Why you brought me to My Mama's room? Embrey, What is happening? Will you tell me? Please?" asked Joy.

" Joy, calm down, and come inside with me, said Drake smiling.

Joy went inside and looked at her mother and said, " What is it, Drake? Now please tell me? Is something wrong? Mama Is all right😟? right? said Joy as she got worried about why Drake asked her to come to her Mama's room.

" Joy, While I was examining her, I Noticed her monitor was beeping, Her rate was increasing from low and There was some Improvement in her Brain activity, See this? Do you know what It means, Joy?" said Drake.

Joy looked at Drake with Hope in her eyes and said, " It means, Mama is getting better? Huh? Drake? tell me? asked Joy.

" Yes, Joy, You are right, since 4 years, she never showed any signs, but today, theses signs tell, that she is recovering, there's an improvement , and that means " said Drake smiling😇😇.

" That means? What does that mean? Drake? Asked Joy interrupting him in the middle.

" That, She is getting better, and if she continues recovering at this rate, then she might wake up Joy, She might wake up, said Drake looking at Joy with a smile on his face.

Today, when Joy heard this, there were no limits to her happiness, her Eyes got filled with tears of joy, she could not find words to express her happiness, she sat beside her mother, held her hand and said, " Oh!! Mama, I knew, My heart always knew that You would get better one day, you would wake up one day, Thank you, Mama, Thank you."

" Drake, Mama is getting Better Drake, Mama is getting Better", said Joy with tears in her eyes.

Joy was so happy😄😄 that for a moment forgot😶 that she has not forgiven Drake and Embrey for what they did and she just ran into his arms and hugged him tightly💕💕 and said," Mama, would wake up Drake, Mama would wake up, I am so happy, Drake, I am so happy😇😄".

Drake knew how wonderful that moment was for Joy, He didn't resist himself and Hugged her back💖 and said, " Yes, Joy, She would, She has to, for you?"

Joy remains in his arm for a moment, until she does not remember that she was angry with him.

Joy separated herself from Drake's arms. the air got so awkward 😶😶in there, they could not meet their eyes🙄🙄, they tried to look the other way.

Joy went out of the room, Joy was so feeling so good, She was happy😌 that despite so many bad things, something good happened. As Joy left the room, Embrey followed her as she thought that may talking to Joy right now would be good, she might listen to her.

Joy took the elevator and went to the rooftop, she sat on the bench, there were tears of joy in her eyes.

Embrey came and sat beside Joy. As Embrey sat beside her Joy, Joy looked at her and said, " Embrey? what are you doing here?"

" Embrey hesitated at first and then said, " Joy, I want to talk to you, Please?"

" Joy was so happy that she does not want to ruin her happiness, arguing with Embrey.

She looked at Embrey and said, " Embrey, I know what you want to talk about, I forgive you Embrey, Today, you and Drake gave me the happiest moment of my life, I am so happy and I don't want to do something bad today, So, I forgive you both, but don't ever think that we could go back to the way we used to be, Embrey. tell Drake also, that I forgive him because he treated my mother, and now she is getting better, so for her, I forgive you both," said Joy with a peaceful smile on her face.

And Before Embrey could say anything else, she just left to her work in joy.

now Joy has no worries, she thought that, when Lisa would return, she would be so happy to hear that Mama is getting better, she is recovering, everything would be okay again.

Even Though Joy forgive Both Drake and Embrey, but nothing was same, Joy still would avoid Drake.

the Only things Joy had in her mind was her mama's recovery and Lisa's return, she thinks that now finally everything was going to be normal again in her life.

days were passing by, and Joy was waiting eagerly for Lisa's coming back home from her trip, she messaged her many times, but there were no replies.

Finally, It was the end of the week, Lisa was going to come back home tomorrow, Joy was so happy, that When Lisa would be home It would be so great again, the home would feel like home to her.

Lisa would be back tomorrow, Joy was happy that now everything would be normal again.

But Why did Lisa left her? She said She wanted to talk about something, What was it? was it Something good? was she thinking of apologising to Joy for being rude to her? or was there something else?

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