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97.49% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 467: 751-760

Chapter 467: 751-760

751 My First Match is Against the Angels

"Alright, it's my turn," I said as I stand up from my seat and about to jump to the stage.

"Hey, how do you fight? You're an air mage and a summoner, right? If you're a summoner, I think it's easy if you just let your familiar to fight instead of you," Sunglasses said.

It's not just him who think that way. The other new members of the alliance also think so too. Except for Yuria and Patricia. They already know what I am.

"This friendly match, although it looks like we did it on a whim, is actually planned by the four kings of the big countries. I'm sure of it. And they want to use this chance to properly introduce me to you all. About who I really am. Just watch and see why they decided to call me as the strongest hidden card," I replied.

Then I jumped to the stage all alone before making an announcement.

"Whoever want to fight me, then come down here! One on one, or as many as you want!" I said.

I will fight someone one on one first, and then fight against a group later.

Well, it seems like no one is going to take me on one on one match. And it started with facing Graham and the angels first.

"You're on that side?" I asked.


"Yeah. I want to test how strong I am now," Graham said.

As for the guests in the audience seat, they are interested in watching me, a summoner, facing Graham, my familiar. Though after knowing that I'm just an air mage and a summoner, they don't think that I can win.

I pour mana into the phone and the new posts in the forum appear in my head. Most of them were betting against me. Only those who knows me are betting on me.

I won't just be fighting Graham. I will also face other people or monsters later. I need to fight quickly, defeat each opponent with one hit, and it must be something that can convince everyone that I'm the strongest here.

"Alright, Victoria. Are you ready?" I asked.

"No. You're going to fight on your own," she said as she left me, then returned to my seat on her own.

...No Victoria, no Blobbies, and just me. With some kunai hidden in my pocket. The magic weapon which will get sharper if I pour mana into it.

This won't be something fancy. No one can see it well from the audience seat and they won't get convinced if I use magic items. But whatever. I'll use them anyway.

And I also have no gun. I left one that is neither Victoria nor Blobby, at home. Maybe I should keep bringing it whenever I go.

Well, I can easily use portal to grab it. And if it's just me alone that I need to transfer via portal, I can use portal many times more than when we destroyed the cult's base in Monsters World.

The match then begins. And I waste no time at all to charge at the closest angels I could find.

One against twelve. Or fifteen now that Graham has created clones of himself.

Though I quickly knocked out four angels already. Which leaves eleven.

They tried to keep their distance as Graham tried to lead the angels. But they are slower than me.

When I had just finished knocking another angel out, everyone except Graham, grabbed me to stop me from moving. Even his shadow clones are here.

But I just brute force my way and throw the angels off of me before knocking them out.

Graham tried to use light magic to attack me from distance, but I easily dodged them.

Thanks to the fight against the cat-man, I improved rapidly. And this is a good chance as well for me to see how strong I am now.

Two minutes later, all the angels are down on the floor. Everyone either lose their consciousness, or lose their will to continue fighting. Including Graham.

I can tell that Graham has improved as well. But if I said that to him now, he won't believe it since I defeated him too fast.

The new members of the alliance were shocked. The fight ended too soon with the angels unable to do anything. And I didn't even break a sweat.

I can tell that Albert has started telling the others about who I am. About the fact that I'm an Aura user.

Now that I have moved close enough to them, I can hear what he's saying.

"He's an Aura user. If you read children stories, you will know about it. They exist. Aura user existed in the past. But now, Roy is the only one who can use it. Victoria might be able to use it, but she needs some help to use it," Albert said.

"Wait, they are not just fiction?" one king asked.

"They are very much real. In fact, the founder of Tatrama was also an Aura user. But his magic was stronger than his Aura. And he rarely used it. So no one knows about it. I also learned about him recently. Anyway, there are more things that I need to tell you about Roy. And it also involves Victoria and Sonia. About what happened a thousand years ago. It's not written in the documents given to you because I'm sure if you read it, you will think that we're just making things up. So, we decided to show you how strong an Aura user is first, and tell you after you are convinced with Roy's strength," Albert said.

Though I haven't shown them how good I am at using Aura. Victoria is not by my side after all. I can only use kunai.

Maybe I should grab the sword-cane. The next battle won't be any easier.

Previously, I knocked them all out with the kunai covered in my Aura. I didn't make the kunai sharper with either magic or Aura. But I used Aura to cover the kunai to make it blunt. That way I won't accidentally kill anyone.

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Next time, I'll do the same with the sword cane.

While waiting for my next opponent, I opened a portal and grabbed the sword cane.

"Roy can fight much better if he has me by his side since I can transform into any weapon he imagined. But since we want to show you how strong he is and it's not just because of his weapons, he needs to fight without me by his side. I'll join him later. After this match since I want to face him," Victoria said as she jumped down to the stage.

I'm going to fight her next? Well, that's fine.

I only realized now that Victoria has been in talk with Albert and the others of how to show everyone how strong I am. By letting them watch a fight between two Aura users.

I understand this, so I called Ray to the stage. He landed from the sky and Victoria quickly ride on his back.

"Isn't this the first time that we will fight properly?" Victoria asked.

"I guess so. You're my Aura teacher but we have never fought before. At most, it's just a light sparring. Well, with how infinite your stamina is, I don't think it will be easy. So, it's just you and Ray alone?" I asked.

"No. Shelia, Jack, and the werewolves will join me."

As soon as she said that, Shelia and the other werewolves jumped to the stage and ready to fight me.

Is this why Shelia didn't fight before? To save her power to when she's going to face me?

Hmm... let's see. They had Graham and the angels to face me first so that I can show to everyone that I'm an Aura user. Then I will face Victoria and the werewolves to show how strong an Aura user is.

But this is not enough, right? After all, most of the enemies we will fight are mages.

I'm sure that after this, I will face mages. After all, what they have seen so far, and what they will see now, are about me facing monsters. They must be thinking that Aura user is nothing in front of mages.

And whoever prepared this must be thinking that even after I fought so many battles, I can still fight. But I don't that's the case.

I think it's more like a strategy for me to waste my stamina before the last boss appear. As for who it is, I'm sure it would be Angela even though she has fought once before.

"Is he going to fight everyone later?" one bodyguard asked. He's the one that Jewel easily defeated before. The one who made light of me.

"If he keeps winning, then yes. Don't worry about it. I'm sure that whoever fighting him won't even hold back their strength," Fabio said.

"But I'm not sure about it, King Fabio. He's good at fighting close range. I'm sure that he could be a great assassin. But I don't know if we can let him fight against mages. They can attack him from distance long before he could reach them," one king said.

"That's what we're here to show you. You're still not convinced that he's the strongest one here, right? You will see later," Fabio said.

My next match is starting. And I will continue winning.

752 Fighting Victoria and the Werewolves

This time, it's me against Victoria, Ray, Shelia, and the werewolves. One against twenty. Totally unfair.

But I'm not just any Aura user. I'm an Aura Master. And most of the opponents are werewolves with great sense of smell. I can just create smelly gas and distract them.

Eighteen werewolves. I know Shelia and Jack. But the other sixteen are those whom I've seen often in battle. They are the strongest werewolves after Shelia and Jack.

They really are trying to defeat me. But I won't lose.

I don't think it will be as easy as before. I might not be able to leave unscathed after the fight. But I don't need to mind about it. After all, I will get healed by the angels after this.

Hmm... maybe I should refuse to be healed. I don't want to feel exhausted again after being healed and had my stamina recovered many times like before.


The referee announced that the match has begun. But no one attacked. Only the werewolves started moving to surround me.

In front of me, there's Shelia. Behind me, there's Victoria. The rest are around and even above me.


Should I use the cane's ability?

I don't think so. It's a good weapon, but I won't use it since my job is to convince everyone here.

As expected, skill and technique is more important. If I can't do both, then brute force. But that's for later.

All the werewolves are already in their strongest form. Not the werewolf form that Grandpa Werewolf used to have when he fought me to death.

The werewolves are still have similarities with humans. Except that they have hairy arms and claws on each hands. Their legs also become hairy and their feet have claws as well.

From the look of it, it's just like their normal form except that their hair has grown. But that's not all.

I have seen those form many times and I know that the strength they have is more than their usual strength.

This is their strongest form. They still look more like a human than a wolf, but their strength already far surpassed Grandpa Werewolf. They are the strongest werewolves.

For now, I need to fight these strongest werewolves.

Three of them coming at me at once. Their claws tried to pierce my body. but I blocked them.

I blocked two of them with the sword-cane, and grabbed the wrist of the other one with my other hand. Then I threw the one I grabbed toward the other two.

I need to be quick. If I'm slow just for even less than a second, Victoria or Shelia will use that chance to hit me.

Right after the three werewolves were thrown aside, even though I know that they are not hurt at all, I choose to fight the others. I hate being surrounded.

Shelia and Victoria haven't moved yet. But Jack has. He and the other werewolves tried to attack me all at once.

But I can easily block, parry, and counter their attack. Even though I'm an Aura Master, if I get hit by their attack, I could be dead. That's why I need to block or parry them.

And the biggest disadvantage that I have is that I can't kill anyone here. While they expected that already and won't hold back knowing that I'm stronger than them.

Even if I hit them once, while even the angel would get knocked out, these werewolves can still be standing.

I think it's fine if I could slash them quickly since I can attach them back with surgery if I cut them nicely. But I don't want to do that. They are still our allies. If they got big injuries, even if they can be healed, our strength will be reduced.

So, I can only hit them again and again, until they are unable to move anymore.

Though there's an exception. I can go all out when I'm fighting against Victoria.

She's a Black Slime. And unlike Sonia who will disappear if I cut her with Aura, Victoria won't. She might still be cut and split. But she can return back to normal.

Even her split body can act like Blobby and move according to Victoria's order. But at least I don't need to hold back against her.

So, my plan is to defeat the werewolves first. After that, I will target Ray. Victoria's ride.

If Ray is not there, Victoria won't be able to use Aura anymore.

But for now, the werewolves.

Since Shelia hasn't moved, Jack is the biggest problem.

But I have two weapons in hand. The sword, and the cane.

I made them blunt with Aura, and use the two weapons to attack and defend.

The werewolves' endurance is much higher than the werewolves. And they even have regeneration ability. It's hard to knock them out.

Some tried to attack from distance. So I do the same. And it was when the newly joined members of the alliance know that I can use long-distance attack as well.

But my long-distance attack is still too predictable. So I put the sword back in the cane, then I opened a portal back home and grabbed a gun.

I have done enough to show them how strong an Aura user is. So now it's time to show them how I really fight.

Sword-cane in my left, and a gun in my right. And they use a non-lethal bullet I got from Marie since I don't have Blobbies.

The fight become easier since the werewolves were easily distracted by the gun and the gases I made. Sunglasses should know that I used air magic in the fight.

And it was when I feel most relaxed, both Victoria and Shelia attacked me together.

"Whoa, I thought you're going to wait more," I said.

"No way. Why would I let a chance to win disappear? Even if this is to show how strong you are, we won't just let ourselves be defeated by you," Victoria said.

While fighting the two of them, I also used powerful sleeping gas to make the werewolves fall asleep. But Shelia knows me enough so she just hold her breath when she's nearby, and get some distance to take a breath before coming again.

By this time, there are only ten werewolves left.

They are not a problem except the fact that they have regenerative power. But I just hit them until they lose their consciousness.


That's what Jack said before the sword-cane in my hand hit his head. Now there's only Shelia, Victoria, and Ray left.

After I hit Jack, I already aimed at Shelia with the gun in my right hand.

She dodged it easily and I continued chasing after her while dodging all Victoria's attack. Ray is faster than me after all. But I'm still faster than Shelia.

It's a game of chase. But the stage is small so it's easy for me to finally catch up to Shelia.

She grabbed the sword-cane to block my attack, but I just let go of it. Then I punched her in the gut. All the air in her lung left and she's out.

"Only you two left," I said to Victoria and Ray.

"...Ray, he's going to aim for you first. Let's make use of your speed."

I can hear what Victoria is saying. And she's right.

I can only catch up with Ray on short distance. If he keeps running, i won't be able to.

For some reason, my gases won't work on him. I guess he has great lung capacity or that he doesn't need to breathe like Victoria.

I mean, he had a race against Spot tot he bottom of the sea. So he should be fine with holding his breath.

So Ray keeps running. And once in a while, they would charge at me to attack me. That's the only time I can get close to them.

This is where I use brute force.

When Ray charged at me head on, while Victoria with her sword ready to attack me, I stand still and let them attack. Unarmed as I let go of my weapons.

When Ray's head is close to me, I quickly grabbed Ray's neck, and protected my body with Aura to block Victoria's attack. Then I slammed Ray on the ground as Victoria jumped to avoid the fall.

Now there's only Victoria left.

It was a great swordfight between Victoria and I. But I'm the better fighter.

It ended when I finally cut her into pieces.

She's fine though. But after Ray got knocked down, she no longer has a way to use Aura. Only enough to last a few minutes before she got slashed into pieces.

That's how I won. I got several wounds, but they are not a problem.

"I guess that's to be expected. Now, we need to show everyone how you usually fight. I'll join you from now on. The last match is between you against mages. Prepare yourself," Victoria said.

Well, okay. I'll entertain everyone a bit more.

753 Three on Three

When I thought that I would fight again, Albert stopped me.

"Before we show you how strong you are against mages, how about we let the mages fight each other first? They have shown how powerful they are, but I don't think that's enough to show everyone how they fight normally," Albert suggested.

Yeah, I think it's a good idea. But unfortunately, our strongest ice mage after Angela is not here. It's Shirley.

I know that Kron is a wind mage and an ice mage. He's strong in both. But I think that without Breezy, he is not as strong as our other wind mages even though he's the one with most fighting experience since he travels a lot.

I think I know. He felt that he's too weak. That's why he needs something to be proud of since it will just be time before the others surpass him.

Even Shirley who are both wind mage and an ice mage just like him, is already stronger than him.

I guess we're all limited by our own talent. And Kron's talent is about to reach his limit while the others will keep progressing.

If he can reach master level, he will be stronger. But when the others reached master level, he could be the weakest among master level mages in the future.

And in previous fights, no one has shown how powerful they are. So Albert suggested them to fight.


And so, I returned back to my seat with the kings looked at me in admiration. This feels good.

"So, how do we decide who will fight who?" Fabio asked.

"Let's have a three on three match. If there are too many people fighting each other, it will be difficult for us to focus on who we should fight. As for the participants, let's make it interesting. Three members of royalty from three different countries, or former member of royalty, against three former members of the cult," Albert suggested.

Three royalties against three former cult members? I think I understand who he suggested.

The three royalties are from Arturo, Varadis, and Tatrama.

From Arturo, it would be Carmen the water mage. Although Fabio is an expert level mage as well, he's a king. He shouldn't show-off against other kings that he's strong or the relationship between the kingdoms will turn bad because of envy and jealousy. So it should be his mother.

From Varadis, it would be Julia. She's a fire mage. I heard that in Varadis, she played important role whenever there's a fight when the kingdom were searching for the remnant of the cult. She is old man Henry's daughter.

And lastly, Randy will represent Tatrama. I think he's both lightning and earth elements mage. He's Albert's cousin that acted like a corrupt lord.

Although he's not a former member of the cult, he was almost used by a member of the cult. So he's part of the royalty group now instead of the former member of the cult.

From the other side, the former members of the cult are Derek, Celestine, and Veronica.

Derek is someone who has finished his revenge and decided to help us in our cause to destroy the Evil Cult. He's the only master level mage among all six participants of the match.

Veronica is the first member of the cult that joined us. I saw her crying and Victoria approached her. She became very close to Victoria since that day. She has big butt. And that was the reason she cried that day.

Well, not really. But it is thanks to that fact that she had to lead a faction and order people to do terrible stuffs that she doesn't like.

Lastly is the former leader of the big boobs faction, Celestine. Though she turned out to be a royalty as well since she's Lynn's older sister.

So, on the royalty group, there's one who could be considered as a former member of the cult (Unofficial). Then in the group of former cultist, there's one who is a member of royalty.

It looks like it will be an equal match. But I didn't focus completely on the match. Just watching it casually. I'm trying to recover my own stamina before the next fight.

Even though I didn't fight for too long, the werewolves are too persistent. Fighting them is draining my stamina too much. Well, I can still fight for a few more hours. But I don't know how my fight later will be.

"Aura user is amazing, isn't it? Can you teach other people to use Aura?" Sunglasses suddenly asked me.

"I can't. The only thing you can do if you want to use Aura is to persist in training your body. I can't give you other advice. I think that I'm a good teacher in magic and medical knowledge, but for Aura, I don't even want to try it. I only hear bad things about people in the past who learned Aura like death and more death. So I pass on teaching other people to use Aura," I said.

"Well, I think that magic is more convenient at first. But if you trained your body and Aura, using Aura is more convenient later. Though if you trained your magic more than your body, I think it's best to just focus on your magic," Victoria added.

Right. As Aura user, I need to fight and fight to improve myself. And for magic, I just need to cultivate and learn magic control. So at first, using magic is easier.

I also trained my body because I had no other choice. After all in my past life, I was just a weak summoner with weak monster as my familiar. Though in this time, that weak monster turned out to be a useful monster.

"Teaching people how to use Aura needs them to be trained at young age. When they are already reached adulthood, it's difficult for them since they usually have gotten used to using magic. And I'm not someone who will risk children's lives to get them learn to use Aura. So I won't teach anyone. If you want to use Aura, learn how to use it yourself. Once you have gotten the hang of it, I will teach you more," I said.

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Though it's nearly impossible for anyone here to learn Aura. Maybe. Unless they have exceptional talent in Aura.

Well, if we have more Aura user, that would be great. But I'll just focus on what we have. Mages.

The battle is going on. My phone keeps vibrating from the kings' gambling. As for me, I put some money on the former member of the cult.

They fight is nearly equal. On both sides, two people from each group have learned magic control. While the last one, Randy and Derek, only learned about it recently.

Randy learned magic control longer than Derek did, but Derek is a master level mage. That's why I put my bet on the former members of the cult.

If Shirley is here, she would fight instead of Randy. And I would put my money on her group. But she's busy so I picked Veronica's and Celestine's side.

The fight is so intense. Even us in the audience seat were almost got hit by stray magic several times. Though we can use barrier magic to protect ourselves.

I'm a bit worried about the monsters though. While the werewolves don't mind getting hit, the angels and the elves are not. But the angels can create Light Barrier barely enough to protect themselves since the magic inside the arena is too strong.

"Oh, you created an Air Barrier yourself. That's good. Although it's usually useless against powerful magic, it's kind of useful to block sound so we can have conversation in secret," I said to Sunglasses who created Air Barrier for the first time.

"I'm interested in those sleeping gases, infuriating gases, and other type of gases. Please teach me more," he said.

"That's my intention. Oh, seems like the battle is reaching its climax."

None of them are using their full strength. But none of them willing to give up so they are pretty exhausted already.

Then Celestine and Veronica protected Derek while he's preparing for a powerful magic. This is why I place my bet on them.

Derek is a master level mage. And this is the first time that most people here witnessed a master level mage's most powerful magic. Though it seems like Derek reduced its destructiveness.

A powerful wind blew everyone. And no one can use barrier to protect themselves. But we are outside of its range so we're pretty much safe as long as we hold onto something.

I had Victoria create some Blobbies to be used as handles for everyone so they won't get blown away. Though for the monsters, the angels and the werewolves are busy capturing those who got blown away.

"I think that's enough. The victory has been decided. I'm going to stop them before anyone get injured."

With Victokatana in my hand, I slashed at the hurricane with Aura. Splitting it in two and stopped the wind completely.

It's also to show everyone how I will fight mages. That I can cut magic in two and disperse it.

"Well, let's get to the main event. Who wants to fight me?"

754 Calling the Vampires to Join

"Who wants to fight me?"

I asked as I stand from my seat and was about to jump to the stage. But I was stopped.

"Many. Including those who have just fought. Let them rest first before they fight you," Albert said.

...And I sat back down again.

Everyone was still awed by how I just split a hurricane and stopped it. It was a magic from a master level mage, but I stopped it so easily.

Well, because it's a hurricane. If it's an earthquake, I can't stop it.

Let's just wait while letting the monsters fight. Even some of the elves wanted to fight but they can't. But I know that they are very agile. So we just let them have a race or a game of tag with other monsters.

Even if it's not fighting, the werewolves are interested. And I'm also interested because the elves are so agile and good at hiding their presences. Maybe they are better for espionage mission than the werewolves. I should maybe ask them if they are willing to do it.

And since they are slightly smarter than the werewolves who only interested in fighting or any kind of competition, and are not as lazy as the angels even though I can't call them lazy anymore, maybe it's better. Though we may need them to learn to read and write. I think they have started teaching the monsters. But there are too few interested in it.


Though it's different from the vampires. Since they live on Earth now, they are willing to learn how to read, write, and calculate so they won't get tricked easily.

Right. Maybe I should get Arin and some vampires to come here. They might be interested in fighting.

"Hey, I'll get the vampires here as well. Just some who wants to fight and Arin. At least everyone should know Arin," I said to Albert.

"You're right. But get some werewolves and angels to go there in exchange. Though I doubt the werewolves are willing to wait there and stay. Especially if they know that they will fight you," Albert said.

"What? But I have fought them. They're going to fight me again?"

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"It should be just mages at first. But now that everyone has seen how you cut magic, I think we should make it as real as possible. The cult has many master level mages and expert level mages. And they also have many summoners and tamers. So it's best if we make the situation as real as possible. With just you and Victoria. You can have Ray with you as well if you want," Albert said.

"...Just me and Victoria. Even though you want it to be as real as possible, this is just a friendly match in the end," I said. If I have Ray, that would be too much.

"Only you will think that way when the fight started. Just look at how many people and monsters are looking at you with bloodthirst."

Yeah... I can feel that even without having to see them. And I will just end up having more opponents once I bring the vampires here.

Arin and some vampires were interested in the fight. Also, from what the agents in the destroyed base said, it seems like it will take a while until the cult can prepare to attack Monsters World again. At least in the area of the destroyed base.

I also found some werewolves and angels who are willing to come to the destroyed base and wait. They are the type who hates the cult more than they love fighting.

Well, it's just the werewolves who prefer to kill their enemies instead of just having a friendly match. They even almost kill their opponents in a match. But the other werewolves stopped them since it was my order that they shouldn't have any kill or be killed situation in the Colosseum. Just the more traditional werewolves.

As for the angels, their hatred to the cult keeps growing ever since they know that Graham's sister has been experimented until she lost her mind.

She's now in stable condition. I checked on her from time to time. Though she still can't communicate properly. And I don't know if she still has her memory before she got experimented or not.

Maybe time is the only thing that can heal her. I hope she will get well soon. I mean she's Graham's sister. She might be strong and can help us.

I closed the portal and introduced Arin to everyone. Then I asked some vampires to fight in the match so they know how a vampire fight.

"Ah, don't worry about getting your blood sucked. The vampires prefer those with higher level of magic. So unless you're a really strong expert level mage or a master level mage, you're safe. Even then, they love my blood the most since I'm an Aura user. So I told them that if they want my blood, they have to obey me," I said.

And since I'm strong enough to handle all the vampires alone, there has been no problem that the vampire cause. Though some tried to steal blood from the hospital. But they failed

Well, they succeeded in stealing some blood bags. But those are only weaker level mages' blood. Although they can be infused to a higher level mage who has the same type of blood, the taste is different.

As for the blood of the stronger mages, I keep them somewhere safe. The vampires can't get them.

After watching some more game of tag by the elves and the monsters, and also Jewel and Angela who are interested in that game of tag, the vampires then start their match.

Instead of healing by the angels, giving them blood as a reward will get them healed faster. So I promised them blood if they win.

Everyone now has watched how strong our mages and monsters are. They are the reason why we could keep winning so far.

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And even if the cult send master level mages in the future battle, we still have a good chance to win with our strength. They know that more after watching the master level mages who were former member of the cult lost against expert level mages like Candy and the others.

The kings are afraid to watch the vampires fight. They have never seen so many blood coming out from just an individual. Though they are weapons and not because the vampires are wounded.

This was also why I didn't ask the vampires to come here initially. But well, showing the kings how the vampires fight is better. After all, they still didn't fully believe that the vampires are willing to be under me since none of them are in contract with me.

Some were contracted though. By some agents. But the main fighters, those who follow Arin, are not under any contract from tamer or summoner.

Then Arin stepped forward to fight several werewolves. I know that Shelia wanted to fight Arin in a one on one match, but she's holding back because she want to fight me once more.

Heck, even Arin wants to fight me later. She's saying things like drinking my blood in a fight is normal and could even potentially suck more blood than how much I usually give her.

She fought without using much of her blood. Just use the blood to improve her physical strength, and she's already stronger than most werewolves.

It was an easy victory for her.

"I think that's enough warming up. Next will be our last show. Roy and Victoria, against whoever wants to fight him. We will limit the opponents to just fifty and prioritize the mages. For the monsters, Shelia, Graham, and Arin will fight along with some others. Those who wants to fight him can enter the stage," Fabio said.

He's still the host of the meeting after all. Even if we're no longer in his palace. He needs to show everyone that this is still part of the meeting.

I sat on my seat and watched everyone entered the stage.

Angela, Kayla, Jewel, Candy, Wendy, Kron, Randy, Celestine, Veronica, Randy, Arin, Graham, Shelia, Julia, and Mustache. Then there's Derek with two master level mages behind him.

The rest are the monsters.

Carmen didn't join. Maybe because she thinks that water magic will be useless against me since I can swim fast and can breathe anywhere with my air magic. As for Fabio, he's here as a king.

Good thing Shirley isn't here. Or she will join as well.

Well, the result will be the same. I will overpower them before finally losing. Though whether I will really lose or not will come later.

Seriously, I will face not only Angela. But every one else is here!

Still, I'm a clown. I'm an entertainer. So even if I lose, I will do it so amazing that no one will question my strength anymore.

But if I win, I can act proud toward everyone.

Well, let's see how it will end.

755 My Final Match Begins

Fifty-one people in the arena. One against fifty. Two if I count Victoria. But she's a weapon now and won't fight on her own.

Damn. I shouldn't have been here. I regret acting tough. It won't end with just light injury for me.

But I can't stop this from happening.

The king has witnessed enough of my strength and be convinced that I'm actually the strongest here. But everyone here want to fight me. So it can't be stopped.

"Everyone ready?"

Fabio will be the one to start this last match. Everyone watching is either standing up or leaning forward in their seat so they won't miss a thing.

I looked at everyone who has prepared themselves to fight me. I'm sure that they don't think that they can leave this place unscathed.

Even if it's fifty against one, this one guy is too strong. I think I can defeat most of them before I lose in the end. Though I might have a chance to win.

Whatever. I'll just get ready to fight.


I crouched down on the ground on all four. I sunk my fingers on the ground. This way, I can leap instantly at a high speed as soon as the match started.


As soon as Fabio announced the start of the match, I leaped forward as fast as possible toward Derek and the other master level mages behind him.

Derek is a wind master level mage. He's fast. But I'm much faster.

At least I can accelerate faster than either Spot or Ray. But it's only for a close distance. For a long distance, they will win in a race. But in short distance, I'm the quickest.

So right now, I'm already in front of Derek in just one leap. And it's correct to say that I landed on his chest before kicking him to change direction. This will be how I start the fight.

Since I'm the fastest in short distance movement, this is how I will fight.

Leaping toward one target, landed on their body to stop, before kicking their body and leap to another target.

So, I will move, then stop, then move, then stop. Until this plan no longer working, I will keep doing this while targeting those who I deemed as dangerous. And my first three targets are Derek and the other two master level mages.

After I kicked Derek on his chest, he lost his consciousness. And the same thing happened to the other two as well. And the others can't attack well or they will hit their own allies.

And now after the three master level mages are done, I need to target someone else. But I can't take my time to think, so I just look for someone strong that I needed to defeat, but I know that they won't be quick enough to react to sudden danger approaching them.

Those like Angela, Kayla, or others who have fought so much and have a lot of experience would be able to react quickly. So my next target is someone with less experience. Randy.

He's out. He managed to create Earth Wall, but it was too late. The wall raised after I hit him. So when he got knocked out, the wall is gone again.

Then I continued defeating my opponents one by one like this.

But this plan doesn't work all the time. After a while and defeated some more people, the next target I landed on didn't get knocked out. But I keep using this tactic to injure them quickly without getting myself put in danger.

I also can't stop for more than half second. That's enough for anyone to hit me.

Everyone also have prepared themselves if I suddenly leaped at them like a frog before moving to my next target the same way. But at least I have defeated enough people. Still, the strongest ones are all here.

But I continued in this manner until it finally doesn't work anymore.

"Well, the frog strategy doesn't seem to work anymore. They have prepared to counter me," I said.

"When you landed on people's chest, you kicked them hard enough so they wil get knocked out after their heart stopped beating for a second or the air in their lungs left. That was a good strategy. But it won't work anymore," Victoria commented.

"Well, it's just a strategy for a match like this. I don't think using it in a real battle is a good idea. It's better to kill them than doing things like this. But I can't do that here," I said.

I guess this is where the real battle start. Next, I should target the mages first. But I can't since they are well-protected by the surviving monsters.

By the way, those who got knocked out voluntarily left the arena after they regain their consciousness. So the arena won't be too crowded.

I have no choice but to defeat the close-range fighter first. The monsters.

I transformed Victoria into a long staff and spin it around as I hit several werewolves and vampires at once. The angels are flying so I can't really hit them now.

This didn't knock anyone out since this time, the angels have enough time to heal those I hit. So I changed my target to the angels.

This is the first time I've shown the new members of the alliance how I fly. By kicking the air. Since before when I fought the angels, I just jumped and didn't step on air.

Although I don't need to use air magic to do it anymore since I can run on air with Aura, I used a bit of magic without much Aura to show Sunglasses that air mage can also fly. Though it might be more tiring than how wind mages fly normally.

I had Victoria created some Blobbies and turn them into a gun and shoot those who tried to attack me, while Victoria as a staff on my other hand is to knock out those flying angels.

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The angels noticed that I'm attacking them so they created Barriers using light magic. But that doesn't work.

I covered Victostaff with Aura and smashed their barrier easily. It would be easier if I use any sharp weapon to cut them, but I'm not going to kill anyone here.

All the angels have fallen. Except for Graham. Now the only healers here are Graham and Kayla. And they both are being heavily protected.

All of a sudden, Kron comes flying my way. No other magic he used. Just flying.

I thought that he will use magic. But I didn't expect that he would just focus his magic to fly my way without stopping. In fact, all his magic is used to increase his speed.

And in the end, I couldn't react when he hit my stomach with his head because I onle prepared myself to receive his magic attack. Even after covering it with my Aura, his bald head covered with bandana still gives me a bit of damage.

Then I quickly hit him on the back of his head and knock him out. By this time, the others have prepared their magic on me.

I am being surrounded by magic while I'm in the air. From above and below, they tried to attack me. While the monsters are keeping me in check to make sure that I won't be able to dodge.

All attacked me at the same time. So I chose one side that I will break forcefully instead of getting hit by those magic purposely.

My target is Candy. Her fire magic is too strong and can attack a large area. So I charged at her after I split her fire magic, But Jewel blocked me in her triceratops form.

I just ignored her and charged forward. Smashing Jewel with my shoulder. Blowing her away and hit Candy with her large body.

But Jewel quickly transformed back to her human form before her body gives too much damage to Candy. This is why I could do that. Because I know that Jewel is smart enough to do it.

Candy got knocked out. And Jewel is in her human form. So I knock her out as well before defeating the monsters nearby.

"Well, fuck. There are still a lot of them. What should I do next?"

"Keep fighting until you lose," Victoria suggested.

"What about keep fighting until I win?" I asked back.

"If you think that you can win without taking much damage to yourself, that's fine. Don't forget that this is a friendly match. And the cult is still out there," Victoria said.

I guess that's how it is. I'll try my best to win until I can't.

After this, the werewolves came at me all at once. They're working together to bring me down. But they can't.

After I fought them in my first match, I can somehow tell what their moves will be. So their moves are pretty much predictable since they didn't change their tactic.

I only managed to bring down one werewolves before another group attacks me. The vampires.

And while I was busy fighting the vampires, Arin came and slashed her blood sword at me. I can't dodge and Aura can only protect me so much. So I lost quite the amount of blood. Which Arin and the vampires gladly drink even the blood sprayed on their body..

Well, I just made them stronger while I'm getting weaker. I think it's time to use my special move. Or I won't have any chance at all to win.

756 The Match Ends

I need to use my special move to be able to win this match. It has been a while since I use this move.

But I need preparation for it. So I used Blobbygun to shoot as many Blobbybullets as possible.

On the ground, on the wall, or someone's body.

Then I will use portal on them so I can move anywhere I want.

Shooting a gun against these people prove to be difficult. They all have learned the characteristic of a gun which can only fly on a straight line. So they keep moving sideways.

Still, I managed to get close to some of them so I knock them out using the Victoria as my weapon. But there are still lots of them.

Because there are too many opponents, and they are stronger than the cult, I feel pressured. And I drained my stamina faster than usual. It's also because I have to think to make sure that they won't die from my attack. I need to be careful.

Even if I miss my shots, I keep shooting because it's part of the plan. And I also need to dodge their magic.

For something like fire, light, wind, and lightning magic, or even water magic even though I'm not facing any water mage here, I can easily cut them with my Aura. But for any solid object like ice or earth magic, I can't just cut them since them can still reach me.


So for fire, light, wind, and lightning magic, I just need to cut them. but when it's solid like ice or earth magic, I have to dodge as well.

Obviously, the most troublesome one is Angela. Since somehow, she can make blazing ice. A solid ice that burns. Or it could even look like fire, but it's actually ice or even earth. So I need to keep observing her to make sure that I won't get hit by any of her magic.

Kayla is there instructing everyone. Although she's not as good as Sunglasses in strategy and leadership, she is still good enough since she has experience. Even more since she knows me more than anyone.

In fact, all my opponents here know me and how I fight. They are all my friends.

They know what I can do. They won't let down their guard at all. And I... don't know how much stronger they are now since I'm on a mission for so long while they keep practicing and sparring with each other.

So Kayla can pretty much predict my move. But so far, she doesn't make any move on the bullets I shot. She should have known that I can use a portal to those Blobbybullets. But she might have forgotten about it.

Also, it's probably because I missed. If my shot hit any of them, those who got hit would realize that the bullets are weaker than usual. So they will think that something was wrong.

I guess I should be glad that I miss them all. Though if I can hit them just once, that would be nice.

Of course for those who stepped on the bullets on the ground, I had the Blobbies attach themselves to the shoes.

But for now, I will keep shooting.

"Hmm... he's pretty good at first. And to be able to cut magic and dodge them, I think it's more than enough to be called as the strongest individual here. But in the end, a single person can't defeat a whole group of trained mages. What is it again? Magic control? I'd like the mages in our kingdom to learn more about it," one of the king said.

Since I'm now close to the wall below where the kings are seated, I can hear them talking.

"Yeah. We're currently looking for our people who we will send to other kingdoms so they can learn about magic control. It's something that can make mages be stronger than their actual level. Which was why those expert level mages can easily defeat master level mages as long as they didn't use their strongest magic which takes time to cast," Albert explained.

"That's good. So, does the cult know about magic control?" the other king asked again.

"From what we observed so far, no. They don't know yet. And each individual is pretty much selfish. So even those who are stronger than normal don't seem to be teaching other mages in the cult. But that doesn't mean that it won't happen. It could happen to them as well so they could get stronger," Albert said.

As he said. I already have problems fighting expert level mages who learned magic control. But what if the cult's master level mages learned magic control? Maybe their most destructive magic will need less time to cast. That will be dangerous.

Oh, I almost got hit by Arin's sword. She's already stronger than before now thanks to drinking a bit of my blood. I must not let my guard down around the monsters as well.

If Spot is here, he might want to join us as well. Good thing that the arena is not big enough to fit his entire body. Because Spot can only use his full strength in his original size.

I keep shooting more and more bullets and I managed to hit some. This was when they realized that I'm going to use those Blobbies as my transfer points.

"Be careful! He's going to open portals on all the Blobbies nearby!" Kayla shouted.

That's wrong. Not all. Just some since some Blobbies are in the same place.

I can see Kayla and some other people are trying to remove the Blobbies on their body. So I just opened several portals at those who are trying to remove the Blobbies and knock them out. Sorry, Kayla.

With no one to give command, it... is still hard for me to find a chance to win since everyone just fight however they want. At least they are still holding back since they tried their best to not hit their own allies.

Angela tried to attack me with wind magic. It's pretty cold so I'm sure that if I got hit by that wind, I will freeze.

This time I didn't dodge. I just opened a portal directly in front of me, between me and Angela's magic, and connect it to a portal next to Arin. If she got herself frozen, I don't think she can use blood to create anything.

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"He used portal to redirect magic attack?! Being a summoner is amazing, huh? I guess he still have more things to hide. He might have a chance to win."

That king who said that I might lose before changed his mind. I also think that I have better chance now.

Using portals, I protected myself and keep moving while defeating them all one by one.

Graham is down. Next were other monsters and Shelia. Then the list goes on until there's only Angela left in front of me.

"Well, it ended up with a one on one match. I think you must be waiting for this moment since you can't fire your magic or you will hit everyone," I said.

"I still thought that we could defeat you. But I guess your strength still surpass everyone here. Well, you always said that you're the best in fighting in a closed space. I say that you're right about that," Angela said.

It might not be a small space since the arena is quite big. But it is still an enclosed space where no one can go outside the boundary or they will be considered as a loss.

That's why I can fight until the end now. But the enemy is still Angela. So it's quite troublesome.

Everyone has left the arena and watched us from the audience seat. And they are being healed by the angels. Then they move to the protect the kings from what will happen next since Angela no longer need to hold back.

She then prepared her magic. She used all her elements to cast her magic.

I know this one. The last time she used this was on the Barbarian King. And he died soon after.

There will be explosion. Can I cut explosion?

Since we are the last two, I don't want to end it quickly. I'm still an entertainer after all. So I waited until she's ready for her magic. And everyone also prepared to raise barrier to protect the others.

Four elements clashing at each other and being compressed by Angela. It turned into a ball. Smaller than even a Fireball cast by a beginner level mage. but its strength is stronger than any magic from any average master level mages. And this one should be stronger than the one that killed the Barbarian King.

I turned Victoria into a katana and get ready to cut it. Then Angela threw that ball of magic toward me.

I swung Victokatana fully covered with Aura at it. Trying to cut it.

Eventually, I got pushed back. So I used all my strength to stop it.

But I failed. The ball exploded. It was too strong for me.

Damn it, Angela is too awesome.

757 Where the Cult Sends Supplies From

"The winner is... it's a draw!"

I got blown away by Angela's magic. I feel like I lost my consciousness for a second. And when I regained my consciousness, I heard Fabio's announcement saying that it was a draw.

I thought I was lost. What is this? How did it ended with a draw?

"What the fuck, Fabio?! Why was it a draw?! I was the one who got knocked back!" I shouted complains toward the king of Arturo.

"That's a proof that you are so close in either winning or losing. Look at Angela," he replied.

Only then I checked my surrounding. And I see that Angela is there lying on the ground unconscious. Did she got blown away by her own magic?

"That last magic she used, when you tried to cut it, Angela concentrated her magic on the part where your sword met her magic. So instead of getting split, her magic stopped your sword. But you are still too strong. In the end, you managed to split her magic. Probably because she thought that there's no way for her to win, she exploded her own magic and knock you out. But Angela herself got affected by the explosion and she's out as well. Turning it into a draw," Fabio explained.

Is that how it looked like from Fabio's perspective? Maybe that's right.

I felt that Victokatana was so close in cutting Angela's magic. But then I got pushed back, so I used my full strength. I don't remember much after that so it's probably true what Fabio said.


I cut down Angela's magic, and then Angela made her magic exploded. That's how I ended up losing my consciousness. But she ended up got herself knocked out by the explosion she caused.

This is a friendly match. Not exactly a spar, but it's still a learning session. But to think that she would do so much.

I thought that she wouldn't go this far for a match. She said that she wanted to confess to me once she won against me. But in the end, we got together before she could win. So I thought that she won't go all out again in trying to win against me.

I was wrong. Angela is still Angela. Even if she already achieve her purpose in trying to defeat me without defeating me, which is for us to get together, she's still that girl who wants to win.

Probably because she successfully used it on the Barbarian King, she thought that she can win against me. She's right. And if she had put protection magic on herself before exploding her magic, I would be the one who lost.

But from her point of view, she probably thought that unless she put everything on the explosion, she won't be able to win. That's why she didn't protect herself.

And in the end... wait.

I'm the one who stood up first after both of us were knocked out, right? And it felt like it hasn't been a second after I lost my consciousness. So shouldn't it be my victory since I stood up first? After all, in a real battle, there's no such thing as a draw.

"Hey, since I stood up first, I should be the one who won," I said.

"But it was a draw. Let's make it a draw," Fabio said.

"No. There's no draw in a real battle. And Angela won't accept such result since she's unconscious," I said.

"Fine. You won. Though I feel like you're just being petty. So what if there's no draw in a real battle? This is a friendly match. And do you hate it so much that Angela is that strong after she used everything she got? I feel like she's stronger than you," Albert suddenly complained.

"Really? Then how about I fight like a normal summoner? What if Graham and Shelia are on my side? And what if I was riding Ray or just let Victoria ride on Ray and fight by my side? I think it's obvious that someone hasn't used his full strength yet," I said.

After I said that, everyone is quiet.

Just me alone with Victoria can defeat forty-nine people before I fell together with the last one. But if I had one other person helping me, this would be an easy win. Especially since I can order them with telepathy.

With this, no one will question how strong I am.

"Wanna fight now?"

I looked at the bodyguard of a king who kept trying to prove that I'm not the strongest. The one who lost against Jewel.

He couldn't do anything to her. But I defeated Jewel easily. The gap between us is too much.

He looked away from me. He's afraid to look at me in the eyes. That's good. Just because you're a bit stronger than average doesn't mean that no one can be that strong.

Heck, I feel like he was the weakest among those who fought in the match. Not counting the elves who just play tag with the others.

At least after this, they will train harder. Because they can't protect anything with the strength they have at the moment.

"Well, I guess that's it. Or is there anyone else who want to fight?" I asked.

"I think that's enough. Roy, can you still use portal?" Fabio asked.

"To bring everyone home? That's easy. I still hadn't use everything during the fight so I still have quite a lot of mana," I said.

After that, I brought everyone back to their own country. It was an interesting day today.

I managed to not only entertain people, but also making them realize how strong I am.

But that is not something that they should just be glad. They need to know that even with the strength I have shown to them, we still can't destroy the cult. We couldn't even find where the so-called Evil God is.

Some of the master level mages from the cult that we captured or join us told us that when they reached master level, they were asked to pick one out of two choices. One choice is that they will have more freedom of movement for the cult's benefit. And the other is most likely related to the Evil God.

None of them ever heard about those who picked the other choice. They have never met them after they picked their choice. So they might have died. At least I hope so. That way, we will have less enemies to fight.

The day after the friendly match, Wendy and some other agents will go to other kingdoms to teach them about magic control. At least for the commonly owned elemental. Such as fire, wind, ice, earth, water, light, and healing.

For lightning, summoning, air, taming, or other rare elements, those who will teach other kingdoms have learned the general idea for it. The rest will be up to the mages themselves. Or if possible, they can ask someone with similar element who have learned magic control.

And the day after, it's the time for Sonia to reveal where the hidden location of where the cult delivered their supplies from to the Monsters World.

There hasn't been any other movement by the cult to the same destroyed base in Monsters World. Most likely, they are focusing on the base in other parts in Monsters World.

"It's to the north from Cassau. A place that no average mages can go. Not just because of the monsters, but because no one can use magic in the area surrounding that place," Albert said.

There's a place where magic can't be used? Then wouldn't it be great if we use that place as a prison? No one will be able to escape from that prison then.

All the way north from Cassau, huh? I don't think I've been there. I haven't even heard of that place.

Cassau is located around the southernmost part of the continent. Directly next to the ocean. And going north from there... I don't know. Never been there before.

"There's a place where you can't use magic? Sonia, how did you escape from there?" I asked.

"Well, I'm a ghost. But even then, I need magic so I can survive. Still, if I pass through that place where I can't use magic, I would probably be dead. So I used teleportation to leave that place and go to you. That's when we met and you told me to inform Albert and the others," Sonia said.

"That's right. And hearing from her explanation, we're sure that it's over there," Albert said.

So after she returned, she discussed it with Albert and the others. And they finally confirmed where it is. Is that why they didn't discuss it right away and wait until they're sure?

If magic can't be used, then there's only monsters and me who is an Aura Master who can go. So they probably had summoners or tamers to check the area.

Although the monsters can't use magic, like how Spot probably won't be able to fly over there since he's flying with magic, monsters are still stronger than humans.

"I had a summoner get his monster travel through that place and place a Blobby and Sonia's soil in a hidden place over there. So before we attack that place, Roy will bring some agents to scout the area. If you can destroy it on your own, that would be great. But I doubt you can do it alone," Albert said.

I guess my next mission is to scout the place first. But if it's a place where magic can't be used, how come there are mages over there?

What about flying? Can something fly over that place beyond where magic is forbidden? I guess that's also the part I need to investigate.

758 Checking the Magicless Area

And here we are! A place where magic can't be used!

Well, I passed through this place with the help of a Blobby that was installed here by someone's familiar. I don't think there's a need at all for me to enter this magicless place since our goal is to the city inside. Where magic can be used.

It's just that the city is being surrounded by the area where no one can use magic. And I'm interested in it.

"Alright, you guys can go and investigate that city. There must be a lot of master level mages there so be careful. Rip your clothes and purposely get some light wound on your body so everyone will just think that you're escaping from the monsters inside. Albert said that you will act like hunters risking your lives for big reward to investigate this place but you got attacked by monsters and have to escape. Well, I don't need to explain any more. You're better than me at this. I'll go check this magicless area. If you need anything, contact me with those phones. You can use it without looking, right?"

"Yeah. We learned it. Thank you for taking us here. We'll be off now."

They are agents from Tatrama. Since this is still Albert's territory, it's his men who will investigate.

They have received their phones for the mission. And since it only recognized their own master's magic, the cult will never expect that we have such an amazing magic item. No one other than their owner can operate phones.

And if they are in trouble, they have learned how to use it without looking. They will spend more mana doing it, but it's better than operating it in front of everyone. Though I think master level mages can sense their magic when they're operating their phones.

After we part ways, they rip their own clothes and wound themselves with knives that have been sterilized so they won't get infection. But they have a healer so they can say that once they left the magicless area, the healer healed them.


Now they look just like any average hunters risking their lives for a reward.

I heard that even some nobles participate in this mission. They even officially submitted the request to the guild and have these guys accept it. So there shouldn't be anything suspicious.

This is still a place that no one really knows about. It's a magicless area with a lot of monsters so mages won't enter this place just for fun.

Still, it's a dangerous place. The city has many master level mages. and I heard that even Sonia had problems escaping from there. And because this place is surrounded by magicless area, it took some time until she decided to just teleport.

Luckily, she was invisible the whole time she was here. So even if master level mages can sense her, none of them know her exact appearance.

Well, ghosts are considered monsters. So maybe some of them thought that a tamer or a summoner was letting their familiar run free.

After those agents left, I entered the magicless area. And as soon as I enter there, my connection with Victoria stopped. Just the telepathy. They are still my contracted monsters.

"Victoria, you can't hear my telepathy, right?" I asked.

"You tried? Let me try it... How is it? Did you hear what I said?" she asked me back.

"Nope. Not at all. Magic is totally being restricted here," I said.

Then how did the cult pass through this place? And hearing that there's at least a big city inside, that means that it has been decades since the city was built and people live there.

What about the monsters here? Are they just wild monsters, or are they contracted monsters? It will be dangerous if I kill any monsters here and the cult comes to know about it.

Well, they might think that a really strong monster is here so it might be fine.

But for now, I need to check if this place is truly in Tatrama. If I keep going south, I should reach Cassau.

I walked back to where the magicless area had no effect on me and summoned Ray. Then we move to the south at full speed.

According to the map, we should be able to reach Cassau quickly.

Along the way on the magicless area, it was pretty weird. Because the sensation of me riding on Ray is different.

Usually, my mana will replenish since Ray will share his mana to me. But the feeling is not there.

Though at least Aura is still fine.

On the way, while we're still in the middle of the magicless area, we encountered several monsters. And I defeated them normally using Reizpear.

Apparently, Victoria can't use her transformation here. But if she was transformed before she enters this place, she will stay in that form. And right now, she's on my shoulder in her small slime form.

And before we enter this place, I had recovered Reizpear in my pocket to its original form. Though if it's broken here, I don't think it can be fixed. So I need to make sure that it won't get broken. And covering it with my Aura to increase its durability should be good enough.

Soon after we passed the magicless area and we can use magic again.

"It was weird how I can't transform for a while there," Victoria said.

"If you want, you can do it all the time. Just by wearing the Magic Restricting Collar and you won't be able to use magic. Why did I never thought that those collars work on monsters as well?"

"You're right. But now we know, if we can just put them on a really strong monsters, the only thing we need to worry is their physical strength. Though I believe that most monsters can easily rip the collars with just their strength," Victoria added.

Now, what if a master level mage is here? If they can't use magic, they should still have extraordinary strength, right? Although it's thanks to their magic level, they are still improving their muscles. I know that because I can see their muscles.

So, they should still be able to pass through this place, right? Maybe that's how they entered it in the first place.

With Ray's speed, we reached Cassau soon after. It's really in the north of Cassau. And I don't have any memories at all about that place. Either in my past life or in the present.

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Maybe because I just didn't care. Well, we know now. So we will take care of it.

The phone can connect Earth to the Moon. So reaching that place should be possible with it.

Sonia's teleportation can pass through that place. And my portal as well. So maybe our magic although it's connected from one place to another, the magic didn't pass through that magicless area.

This is something new that I learned today.

I thought that creating a portal is making a connection from one place to another in an invisible path so it's actually a straight line.

But it seems like it's just magic.

I used magic on one side to open a portal to another side. And instead of having my magic move to that place, it just magically appear in my target destination without passing any obstacles.

It's quite rare for me to be curious about magic theories. Though I won't do anything unless I can see that I can benefit from learning it.

Maybe it's similar to magic phone. The phones are connected to each others magically. So there's no need to care about the signal being lost.

I told the agents that before they made further progress that once I left the magicless area, I will contact them to see if the phone is working. So I texted one of them a message.

The reply came soon after. It still works.

"Well, we passed through that magicless area easily. Next we should test if it's still magicless in the sky or even underground. What a weird place," I said.

"You're going to dig your way down that place? Won't that take a lot of time?" Victoria asked.

"I'll dig deep enough that my Divine Vision can still see the surface. Once we entered the magicless area, we will return from the way we entered. That way it won't take too much time. Good thing Divine Vision is not magic. I can still use it inside," I said.

If my Divine Vision doesn't work, I would not recommend to do this at all. It will be dangerous. Who knows if there are any powerful monsters who can burrow themselves underground?

We flew as high as possible. And once I can see the star and passed the sky I can still use magic even though the magicless area should be right below me. It would be too much for anyone other than air mage to pass even though we can still use magic. But just below where the sky is still blue, I can't use magic. This is interesting.

Then I dug a hole as deep as possible. When I can barely see the surface with my Divine Vision, I stopped digging down and just making a path forward.

When I'm right underneath the border where I can't use magic anymore, my connection with Victoria who was singing something called anime-song stopped.

So it won't work from under or above. Or we need to fly higher than the sky. As for how deep we need to dig, I don't know yet.

Either way, it will be difficult for those who are not air mage. so there doesn't seem to be any other way to go trough this magicless area.

Well, should I check on the city now? Maybe later. I'll explore this magicless area first. I can leave the scouting to the agents.

759 Teaching Shelia to Kick

First, we need preparation to go to explore this magicless area. I know for sure that if this place has been here for a long time, someone who wants to hide from mages would pick this place to go.

And my guess is that in the past, there could be some Aura users who tried to hide from the Evil God. And this is the most likely place to hide. Though that's just a guess. It's less likely that I will find any Aura user.

Is there any other magicless area in this world? Maybe.

Also, if master level mages are strong enough to survive in this place, it's no wonder that they could use this place as a hiding spot as well. Maybe even the Evil God himself is hiding here. Then it's no wonder that Timmy couldn't detect the Evil God.

Well, this is just one of my guesses. But maybe I can find a clue of the whereabouts of the Evil God.

We have several master level mages now. But they are too inexperienced in fighting without magic. So I can't bring them here.

In fact, I'm the only human who can explore this place without a care. So I guess I'll just get my familiars to come here.

So I summoned Shelia and Graham here. As for Arin, she's not my familiar. And she's using blood like magic. So I think she won't be strong enough here since I've seen quite powerful monsters nearby. Just Shelia and Graham. And Ray as my ride.

"Over this line is where you can't use magic. Enter and check everything if there's something that you can't use. Like transformation or shadow clones. We're going to explore this place," I said.


I drew a line on the ground to tell my familiars the border to where they can't use magic.

They are monsters. So I don't know if what they use is some sort of magic, or it's some kind of racial skill. Because if it's a racial skill, then they can still use it inside.

While watching them experimenting with their magic and coming in and out of the magicless area, I asked Victoria to create a lot of Blobbies for preparation.

In Graham's case, his clones are from magic. So he can't call them from inside there. And if he creates a clone from the outside and entering it, the clone will disappear.

Unlike Victoria. Since her clones are still part of her body, the Blobbies can come in without disappearing. But they can't transform inside. So I need the Blobbies to transform first.

I also grabbed my sword-cane. Since the cane is an Aura weapon, I can still use it inside the magicless area. Using it here should be easier than Reizpear since Reizpear won't repair if it's inside.

It will be useful if I need to entrap something. Using the walking cane, no one would expect that a barrier would appear in a place where magic is restricted.

"Master, I don't think I can be helpful here. The only thing I can do is to use my spearmanship. I can still fly but without magic, it will drain my stamina faster," Graham said.

He's using all his twelve wings to fly. But unlike usual, his wings keep flapping. As he said, he can only use his spearmanship. I guess I won't bring him with me.

"I can't transform but I can still run on air! This place will be good for training!" Shelia said.

Graham's physical strength is lower than Shelia's. But he will be less useful than Shela. And he might even be a burden here.

As for Shelia, she only thinks of this as a training. I guess I'll bring her with me.

"Then Graham can return. And Shelia, use your human form since you want this to be a training," I said.

I returned Graham back and Shelia transformed into her human form. Not the werewolf form where she always use to fight. But the form she took when she's exploring the city with other girls.

Her strength in this form is about the same as master level mage's strength without magic. So she's still strong.

Now we're ready to go. Just Shelia, Victoria, and I. Oh, and Ray and Airy as well.

I had some Blobbies transformed into a mask just in case I need to hide my identity. I also thought of wearing an armor, but whether it's from the magic armor from my bracelet, or from Victoria turning herself into my armor, it will also be bad if I can't remove them inside if I need to do something. So I just transformed Blobbies into a robe.

As for Victoria herself, she's transformed into an earring on my left ear. She told me that it's to make it easier for her to talk to me.

"Shelia, do you need a robe or anything?" I asked.

"Do you think that a disguise will be a good idea for me? I will stay more in Monsters World. And when I fight, I will mostly use my werewolf form. So I don't think anyone will recognize me like this. But if you think that it could be an obstacle in the future, I will wear one. Though I think it will only obstruct my movement," she said.

"Then you don't need one. Let's go then."

This time we're not just passing the magicless area. We will explore it.

I heard that this place should be surrounding the city inside in a circle. Let's see if it's real.

"Oh, right. Airy, how do you feel inside this magicless area?" I asked Airy.

"Nothing. I can still do everything without problem," she replied.

If that's the case, then this place might be a good place for elemental spirits to hide. Maybe we could find some.

"Then if you sense any spirit nearby, tell me. If we can get them to join us, we can get stronger faster."

We then explore the area, we didn't run at full speed. just making sure that I can see everything and Shelia can detect something with her nose. We just walked casually. Though I don't think riding on Ray can be called walking.

"Oh, there's a monster over there. It's a huge bipedal beast monster. Shelia, do you want to fight it?" I asked.

20 Extremely Special Beaches Around the World




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"Sure. If it was under normal condition, I'm sure I can kill it easily. But now, I guess it's time I learned some technique as well. This way, I can grow even stronger," she said.

Back then after the battle in Monsters World and going to the villages where the cult has taken control of, she was almost got defeated and injured badly. She almost missed the fight in the Lawless Country.

And that made her think that she needs something other than raw strength. She will learn more skills as well.

I'm sure she can do it.

Shelia can still step on the air. But her speed is slower than usual. However, that was enough for her to dodge the giant beast's attack.

In her human form, her claws are not as sharp as usual. So she used her fists to fight. And I taught her how to properly throw a punch. Though she can instinctively understood without having me telling her about it.

It's over but it took a while. She defeated the monster with just her fists.

"Shelia. Here comes the next monsters. It's my turn now. Hold these for me. and watch something that you might need to learn. You have great movement and fighting with your fists is easy. But you don't know about kicking technique. Watch me finish that one with kicks," I said.

I gave her the robe and the sword-cane. Then proceed to fight similar monster that she fought before. This time, I used only kicks to show her what she missed.

With her speed and her movement, her leg muscle is more developed than her arms. If she learned how to kick properly, she could defeat enemies faster.

Maybe not to the point like how I did it in the friendly match. Using the frog leap tactic to defeat the opponent one by one. That's only for hit and run tactic.

But for her, it will be a proper fight with her kicks only. She will surely grow stronger.

After watching the werewolves fight, I can tell that they prefer to swing their claws at their enemies. And sometimes use bites.

If she learn how to kick and showed it to other werewolves, they can get even stronger.

I defeated the giant beast monster with a few kicks. With this, Shelia will be interested in kicking more.

After that, we continued exploring. And I let her face the monsters alone since she said that she wanted to learn more about kicking.

As expected, her kick is much stronger than her punch. Although her claws are more lethal, having able to kick will make her move more unpredictable since no one would expect a werewolf with sharp claws would use kicks.

And after one hour of exploring, I see a village inside this magicless area. Very suspicious.

"So, there's a village over there. Any suggestion on what we do next?" I asked.

"Destroy it," Shelia suggested.

"Rejected. Victoria?"

"It's impossible to act normally since they would know that we're not normal to be able to come here. Just improvise like how you usually do it," Victoria said.

Well, I guess that's what we will do. I wonder who they are. I hope they are not with the cult.

760 Villagers in the Magicless Area

A village in a place where magic can't be used? In a world where everyone thought that magic is everything? Extremely suspicious.

There are people there. Only around ten houses. And I can only see ten people inside. Ten muscular people. Six men and four women.

"Well, there are ten people there. Ten muscular people. I guess that's to be expected if they want to live here. They could be bigger than the muscular guards in Mellian under Hill," I said.

"Nice!" Victoria replied. The earring on my ear just spoke.

"What should we do then? Fight them?" Shelia asked.

"Let me confirm first if they are master level mages or not. Because if they are just people who trained a lot, they won't have enough strength to be here seeing how strong the monsters nearby are. And it's possible that they are related with the cult," I said.

This time, I checked on their face. If they are master level mages, they should be able to sense me looking at them.

When I look into the head of one man, he quickly turned his head to me. he noticed me. And then he quickly tries to alert other people.

It would be bad if they noticed me from his warning since they might not react once I look at them later. So I quickly scanned them all. And all of them noticed me before the previous man finished alerting the others.


"Wow. All of them are master level mages. Living here and getting that much muscles must mean that they have a lot of experience in close combat. If they leave this place, they could be a big problem," I said.

"Are they from the cult?" Victoria asked.

"I don't know yet. Let's just go there and ask them about it since they already noticed us anyway," I said.

Those ten people gathered at the entrance of the village closest to our location. And they have shabby spears and knives as weapons. I think they made it themselves.

The knives look just like any normal kitchen knives. And the spears are just long poles with a blade attached at one end of the pole.

They can just ask a blacksmith if they want a weapon. But seeing how it seems like they made those spears by themselves, I don't think they have any connection with the outside world. At least not enough for them to ask someone to build them weapons.

Maybe they are not related with the cult. Because if they are, they should have at least enough connection to someone who can provide them with at least iron weapons. But those spears and knives are not enough to be called as weapons. They are too shabby.

Well, unless I'm the one who use them.

"Shelia, they are waiting for us. Let's greet them," I said.

"Do you think they're strong?" she asked.

"Stronger than average at least. But I don't think that they are stronger than you. Just be careful since your regeneration won't work in this place. Don't get hurt," I reminded her that in this magicless area, her regeneration ability doesn't work.

She tested it just by prickling her own finger with a needle. And it didn't heal as fast as usual.

But she's still stronger than most people. She should be fine fighting just ten people.

"Halt! Who are you and what is your reason in coming here?"

One of the ten people, who seem to be their leader, asked our identity. I'm wearing a mask now so that they won't recognize me. Though I don't think any of them know who I am. This is our first time meeting them.

Ten people who are strong physically and are master level mages. It will be dangerous if they leave this place and create chaos.

If they are with the cult, let's kill them before they have the time to leave this place and use magic. If they are not with the cult, let's try our best to get them to join us.

"Can't you see this mask? I'm trying to hide my identity here," I said.

"Why are you trying to hide your identity?" their leader asked.

"How long have you isolate yourselves in this place with no connection to the outside world?" I asked back.

"Answer my question first!"

"My answer depends on your answer!"

They look confused. Maybe it has been so long since they met anyone from the outside.

"You mean you're going to lie depend on our answer?" the leader asked me again.

"No. I will decide what to tell you depend on your answer. I will keep important information to myself depend on your answer," I said.

"Then we have nothing to tell you. Leave or we will kill you!"

No exchanging information? How stubborn.

"Shelia, break their spears. And they should be able to withstand at least a few kicks from you. But seeing how they're here, they might have a great teamwork as well to be able to defeat the monsters. It could be a good training for you. Just be careful and don't kill them," I said.


As soon as she said that, she leaped toward them and a fight started.

Surprisingly, the person she attacked was quick enough to block her kick with her spear. And the spear got destroyed.

Shelia quickly attacked her again and knock her down. She's still conscious, but if she stands up now, she will get hit again. She understood that so she just stay still on the ground to take a moment to rest.

"She's strong! Be careful!"

Now the rest are surrounding Shelia. While the woman who got knocked still resting and trying to recover her stamina a bit.

Well, she has fractured ribs. If she just rest a few days, with her strength as a master level mage, she will heal naturally. But if she still choose to fight, her pain might get worse.

Shelia used this chance to train her kicks. Since she rarely use kicks to fight, being surrounded and only fight with her legs is something new for her.

She got hit once in a while, but the wounds are not that deep. Even if she can't use her regeneration ability, they can still heal naturally.

But their teamwork is very good. Proves how much experience they have fighting together.

But Shelia's raw strength is stronger. And they also don't seem to have experience fighting together against human-sized enemies.

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35 Extremely Amazing Beaches Around the World



That's right. Most of the monsters we fought here are huge. So they don't really have experience fighting smaller enemy. And Shelia is just like any ordinary female human right now. I bet they don't expect that she's a werewolf.

Three other people are already down. Leaving only six people still fighting Shelia.

Right now, their position have changed. I'm outside the village, Shelia inside the village, and the ten people including the injured ones are between us.

I know what they're planning to do since they keep glancing at me. Do they think that I won't notice?

Then four people attacked Shelia at the same time.

"Capture him and use him as a hostage while we stall for time!"

The six people including those who were down then run at me.

Two people are restraining me while the rest are pointing their knives at me since their spears were broken.

I told Shelia to not break the knives since they might be used for them to dismantle the monster the hunted for food and for cooking. I'm just being kind.

But if a knife is pointed at my face, there's no way I would stand still.

"Stop fighting or we will kill him!"

"Do it if you can! He's much stronger than me!" Shelia replied.

I just spread out my arms and the two who were restraining me loosen their grip and lost their balance. Then I flicked the knives in front of me. Breaking them all easily.

"Well, now that we know who is the strongest here, shall we go back to exchanging information? Without fighting if possible," I said.

The ten people quickly gathered together. Then they each reach their pocket and eat some sort of small fruit.

"You made a mistake. You should have killed us right away," one of them said.

Is eating fruit something amazing? Well, Pear-y Fruit is kind of amazing.

And I don't think I have seen that type of fruit here. So I grabbed one from the one who restrained me. He's still looking for it thinking that he lost it somewhere.

"Looking for this? Just what kind of effect does this fruit have... oh, wow! You can use magic here."

Once they ate the fruit, I can feel something changed. They can use magic now in this magicless area.

I see. So if you eat this fruit here, you can still use magic.

What if I wear the Magic Restricting Collar and eat one? Will I still be able to use magic? If so, then I need to inform the others about this fruit.

What should I call it? Magic-y Fruit?

"Now that we can use magic, there's no way we would lo—se?"

Before their leader finished his words, I quickly move and knock out the other nine people. Leaving only him standing. And I'm right behind him.

"Still think you can win? All I need is information and you can live. That's all," I said.

"...I surrender."

Well, that's that. Next is exchanging information. I hope none of them are with the cult.

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