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96.45% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 462: 701-710

Chapter 462: 701-710

Chapter 701: Return to the Inn

The inn is empty. There are some people there, but they're all the staffs. There are no customers at all.

After the second vampire raid, I think that no one is willing to stay at an inn so close to the gate. That's why none of them are here now at night. Though if it's just eating or drinking, this place is quite crowded because food and drink are cheaper here than in other places.

But maybe because of the attack, there were not many people drinking even in other location. Most of them prefer to just go to the inn closer to the middle area.

In this base, there are some expert level mages acting like the guards of this city. They are getting rid of troublemakers. So, even if everyone here is with the cult, that doesn't mean that they can do anything they want.

...Of course if they have money and power, they can do anything.

That's why everyone who doesn't have enough money to stay at an inn chose to sleep at the street close to the gate. Because they have no choice. If they forcefully stay at an inn for free, they can easily kill the owner and the staffs of the inn. But they can't avoid death from the guard who will kill them.

Even the cult has their rule and law. Though it's better if there's no cult at all.


Me and the girl whom I haven't heard her name of, entered the inn she previously worked at.

Since there were no customers, all the staffs are there in the lobby looking depressed. It was my fault that the vampires were raiding this base. Though I don't care.

I checked the surrounding area and see that it's safe. There's no expert level mages nearby, and no wind magic to eavesdrop us. But I need to make sure that we won't be heard so I used air magic after I entered the establishment.

"Airy, tell me if there's a wind magic trying to break through my Air Barrier," I said in whisper.

The spy we recruited can't hear me since I whispered. And I don't want anyone else to know that air spirit exist.

"Welcome! Do you want to stay overnight or just here for dine and drink?" the inn owner greeted us who are still covering our identities with cloaks.

I gestured to spy to not remove the cloak right away. She seems excited to tell the others about how they can be close to their freedom soon.

Well, it's just freedom from being forced to work by the cult. Even if they leave this place, they still need to do other job if they want to live. It will be up to them how they live their lives. Or maybe me once I opened more branches for my clothing store. It's so easy to get new recruits for me then. Even more since they're all pleasing in the eye as well. I will be even richer then.

"Give us two rooms and give me the most delicious dish you have. Also, get all of the staffs to come here. I want to see everyone," I said.

They must be thinking that I will be selecting one of them for me to sleep with later. Well, it might be more surprising for them than that.

The inn-owner then told her staffs to do as I say. They cooked something for me. And maybe because there are only the two of us here as customers, the dish is fancier than I thought for this place.

"When can we tell them?" the girl I brought asked.

"Later. There is someone coming this way," I said.

I didn't use Divine Vision to see far. But I can still see someone is approaching this place. I hope he's just passing by.

When the dish is done, the man is right in front of this inn. I guess he's going this way.

The man entered and looked at us the two customers here about to have dinner. Then he ignored us as he walked to one of the staffs.

"Come with me. I'll pay you so you just need to obey me!"

Seems like he already has his sight set on someone.

The girl he's targeting is shivering in fear. Is there something wrong with him?

"That man, there are many bad rumors about him. And they are not just rumors. He indeed forcefully took girls somewhere and did anything he wants with them until they died. That's the truth. And we can't do anything about it."

The spy told me that as she's also shivering.

Seeing how empty this place is, I guess he's making his move knowing how easy it will be.

He gave the money to the inn owner and also the girl he targeted. Though I think it will be a while until he's gone.

What a pain. I'll get rid of him.

I approached the man and with Airy help, I cast sleeping gas on him. In less than a second, he fell asleep. And I caught him before he falls to the floor.

While everyone was still confused, I opened a portal to the vampire castle. Arin has returned back to Earth, but there are still vampires there. And I threw the man there so the vampires can drink his blood.

Everyone was shocked by how everything went by so fast.

I think I can no longer delay it anymore. I need to get it done sooner before any more people coming. They might have the same idea as that guy.

I removed the hood from my face and show them that this is the guy who was supposed to have returned to Earth.

"Don't worry, I'm not an enemy. I think. Anyway, you can listen to her about everything while I have some dinner," I said after I pointed at the girl I brought.

Everyone was even more shocked after looking that she was one of them. The woman who was returned to Earth along with four others.

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"I've returned. With good news! Please don't be so loud since this will be a secret."

But she just shout 'With good news!' so loudly! What the hell?

Sigh, I'll just eat while listening to them. And I need to make sure that no one can notice us.

"What?! You met the King?!"

"Yeah, I did!"

...They are being loud. If I didn't cast Air Barrier, the whole neighborhood can listen to them.

I thought that they built community of girls with similar past in this base. Did they speak loudly when they gather? I don't think it's a hidden community. Some people must have notice it. I guess this will be much harder than we expected.

Well, my real mission is to destroy this place. Not to save people.

I don't know if we will destroy this base next week after the scheduled date for the transportation or the week after. So I need to get enough rest. Even if I can move for weeks without sleeping, that is not a really good idea. Just closing my eyes without doing anything is better than not sleeping. So it's great that we can use this inn as our base.

Our spy excitedly talked about everything that she had experienced in the last few days. Including how I work for the King of Tatrama.

"Wait, that's wrong," I interjected.

"Huh? You're not working with the King?" the spy asked.

"We have mutual goal. The destruction of the cult. I'm not working for him. We are using each other. And not just him. I also used the King of Varadis, King of Arturo, and the Empress of Consenza. There's also the President of Rygis, which is a small country. And in fact, my position is higher than them. don't say it as if I'm working under them," I said.

I didn't say that mindlessly. I also checked their heart to see their reaction.

None of them were calm hearing what I said. And it shows on their expression as well.

I want to see if they are truly willing to leave the cult or not. I can't just trust them blindly. So I need to see their reaction.

I can't tell if someone telling lies to me. Even if I can see their heart, if they are expert at lying, I can't tell at all. But if I can see the slightest hint of their loyalty to the cult, I will kill that person right away.

This is a secret conversation between me and Albert. Not even Victoria or Airy was there when we were talking.

"Albert, my real goal is the destruction of the cult. And I will destroy that base even if there are innocent people there."

"Alright, I understand. I'm also sure that they will somehow get the information that someone becomes our spy like it or not. Just try to save as many as possible."

"That means it's fine if it's zero. I'll see what I can do. This is a mission where I have to do many things at once. Don't expect the plan will go smoothly."

That's what Albert and I discussed. So that even if the one who became the spy die in the end, we already expected that outcome.

Chapter 702: Let's Plan for More Raid Attack

"I understand. We will help you to get all information. And please help us all in exchange."

The discussion is over. And the inn-owner who acted like the leader of these women, agreed to let the girls be our spies in this base. In exchange for their safety.

"I can't promise you safety. I can only promise you that I will bring back as many people as possible before I make my move. It's your job to gather as many innocent people as possible," I said.

"But you said you're going to help us!" one of the staffs complained.

"Like I said, I will save as many people as you can gather. I'll tell you this, expert level wind mages are capable of using wind magic so they can listen to any sound within their range. And there are at least one master level wind mage in this place. Their range is even further. I am confident that no expert level wind mage can listen to me, but not with master level wind mages.

"As for you, who I expect to be intermediate or advanced level mages at most, won't have any chance to block any wind mages from listening in. So, if you thoughtlessly spread this information, they will know that someone from the outside has invaded this place. So before you do anything, I want you all to think carefully of what to say to other people. As for me, I think it's good if you never spread this information to anyone. Since I won't have to safe them later and just let them die when I start destroying this place."

Hearing what I said, those girls was shocked to realize that I'm someone who doesn't care about their lives.


"What should we do? We'll be at risk if we tell others about this."

"But we can't just save ourselves by sacrificing others! They have suffered the same things as we did!"

"Still, I don't want to die! Let's just keep it as secret and let him save us. We will have the least risk if we don't say anything."

Alright. Their thoughts are split in two. One who wants to save themselves and the other who wants to save other people.

I can just transfer those who wants to save themselves right away. They will only be a burden for me if they stay.

For example, if those who wants to save others have informed the others about it, and the secret was somehow leaked, we will have to face master level mages. I won't have any trouble with it, but some of them will undoubtedly die. And those who chose to save their own lives, knowing that they can't avoid getting captured, will betray me and say told everything to the cult.

It's safer for them to leave this place.

But I won't suggest it now. I'll tell them about it later. And only to those who wants to save their own lives.

I won't return them back to Earth. Maybe I'll let them stay in the monsters village first. They will be too afraid to do anything then.

Though that might be too cruel for them since I just saved four of the youngest here. But let's say that it's for Albert's sake. If I keep sending people every day, he will be too busy. And I might end up being frozen by Lana. Who knows how strong she has become with her ice element?

...Somehow, the discussion ended with all of them willing to help other girls with the same situation as them. Just how?

"I guess we have made too much connection with them. We just can't live knowing that we sacrifice them without them knowing. It's good that you brought the youngest girls out of here before. If they're here, they will not be able to consider about other people's safety."

That's the conclusion they come up with after some complains. Well, whatever. That is fine as well. I guess I won't bring them to monsters village.

"Alright. Then... I think if you're just gathering people in the outer area close to the wall, there shouldn't be any problem. But tell the people you're talking to about what wind mages can do. As for those deeper in, I think you just have to be careful. Remember that if somehow our secret is leaked, while I'm confident in facing multiple master level mages, some of you might die during the battle. Just be careful. As for when we will act, I don't know yet. Probably in two weeks. Also, make sure that you only move at night," I said.

I let them discuss by themselves on what to do. I'll just follow them while making sure the places they're going will be safe from any wind mages' range.

It's already late at night, but instead of resting, the girls here are excited to tell the others that they can be finally freed. I guess I'll sleep then.

"Hey, if you want to do it, do it fast. I don't think anyone will check on the outer area of this base anymore tonight. Just make sure you're away from the gate because that's where the people who don't have money are sleeping. I told you this before, but make sure that you will not be noticed by any wind mages. if you feel the slightest movement of the wind, just assume that the wind mages are listening. I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to rest," I said.

The next day, I walk around the base from bar to bar. I make sure to remember the places where I feel the wind mages are listening the most. Though if they are expert level mages, they should be moving around and even leave this base to gain income by helping tamers to tame monsters.

At least there are around two master level wind mages. There could be more if they refuse to spend their mana to eavesdrop on other people.

I returned back to the inn I stayed for lunch. Only the inn-owner is awake. The rest are sleeping because they are too tired after talking the whole night.


"For ten," I said.

"You eat a lot. I'll cook them for you for free since you're going to save us," she said.

It's conditional though. If the plan is working, I can save them. though I won't repeat it any more than this.

"Give me a paper and a pen. I have marked some places where I feel the wind magic are. It could be useful to you even if it's not one hundred percent accurate since they are also people who can move around. Also, if you're bringing some girls from the places I marked, there's a chance that they might be followed. As for the time I make my move, I still haven't decided other than within two weeks time," I said.

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"Okay. Also, I won't tell the others that you might not save them. Those girls will only be able to survive if they have hope," she said.

"That's enough. Someone is coming. I'll change my order from ten portions to just two. Don't want to make them suspicious of me."

Since it's lunch time, people who doesn't want to spend too much money would go to a cheaper restaurant or inn for food. I think there will be more people coming until the evening.

The inn owner then wakes up the other girls, including our spy, to serve the incoming customers. Except that our spy will just stay in her private room since we don't know if anyone noticed that she should have returned to Earth. She has been stying with the other staffs when she's here as customer.

Later in the evening, customers have begun leaving. But it seems like I made a slight miscalculation. There are still people entering inn near the wall instead of being closer to the center.

Those people are mages who have been away from this place for a while. And they returned to see that many places have been destroyed. But they don't know the whole story and probably don't care either as they just enter the inn closer to the gate.

Luckily, none of them are staying here.

As the girls are preparing to leave, except for the minimum staffs to take care of the inn, I told them about this.

"Right. There are people who doesn't care just because it didn't affect them directly. We need to be extra careful."

"Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of making monsters attack this place again for a few times before I make my move. I'll tell them to not attack the women if possible. But if you're afraid, just go closer to the center of this base instead to evacuate," I said.

After hearing what I said, everyone is looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You can control monsters to invade this place?" one of them asked.

"No. I can tell them to attack here, but I can't control most of them. Just like the previous two cases," I said.

"It was you! It was you who terrorize this place!" another one started complaining.

"Don't complain. If none of you approached me when I was about to return to Earth back then, my plan won't change and I will kill everyone here. Just be glad that you made me change my plan. Anyway, I'm thinking of making monsters raid this place once in a while. The next group to attack won't be vampires, but they are more loyal to me. I'm doing this so I can move around this base easily," I said.

They gave up in protesting after knowing that I'm much too strong. And they started thinking that the raid by monsters actually a good chance to interact with other people.

Who should I send next time? Probably the werewolves. Though maybe just on the outside of the gate rather than the inside. I'll have them destroy some part of the wall protecting this base, before retreating.

That will make more people reluctant to stay on the outer part of the city. What a good plan from someone like me!

Chapter 703: This Time, It's the Werewolves' Turn

It has been three days since the staffs of the inn I stayed became our spies. They have been gathering girls from other inns from the outer part of the base and talk to them about my plan to get them leave this place.

I spied our new spies to see if any of the people they are communicating with have other plans or not. But seems like it's true. They are community of victims because their parents are with the cult. None of them shows other reaction other than relief.

Though some of them are actually smarter than the rest. Although they felt relieved, they also doubted us.

"How will that person save us all? There are too many of us. Even if he's a summoner, there must be a limit. It's impossible for anyone to bring too many of us at once."

That's what the smarter people are thinking. They're right though. Normally, no summoner can do what I can do. It's all thanks to knowledge of the past and also Victoria's ability to make clones of herself.

My plan would be for me to return to Tatrama first. Kayla has built a shelter in the forest near Cassau where I can bring all the people I will bring over first. I will go there after the summoners who will bring people to and from Monsters World return to Earth.

After that, I will open multiple portals on several marked locations with Blobbies while I'm still in the shelter. Those people can return all at once with so many portals opened at once.


At each of the location, I will have one girl from the inn I stayed to lead the others. They can be trusted more than me.

That's the plan to bring them back to Earth. As for capturing the important summoners, I have no idea other than using brute force.

It was easy to get the girls who will be our spies to obey after they know that I was the one responsible for the two raids before. And I told them that there will be more raids in the future.

Today, they have chatted with almost all the staffs of other inns in the outer area of the base. And today is also the day that I asked the werewolves to raid this place.

I hope the werewolves won't enjoy the fight too much. They have to escape since even just one of them is important to me. After all, they have trained enough that even one of them are strong enough to be a match against an artificial master level mage at least.

Well, I heard that some female werewolves have given birth to some werewolf babies. But I can't wait too long until they grow up. I want to get rid of the cult sooner.

The spies told everyone they have been communicating with about how there will be another raid tonight. It's not just to control the people so there won't be anyone staying at the outer side of the base anymore. But also to see if the secret will get leaked or not.

If someone leaked the secret to the cult, the raid won't happen. They might get stopped before they could enter the gate.

I have informed the werewolves that if the raid got exposed too soon, they need to escape. But now that they feel like they have become stronger, I'm sure that one or two of them will disobey me and choose to continue fighting instead.

Well, I'll leave them to Shelia and Jack. Those two are the strongest werewolves and I'm sure the other werewolves will obey them more.

Sigh... I feel like I no longer have the dignity of a Werewolf King. Maybe in the future some of them will start a coup. Maybe I should give them another lesson to not make a mess with me.

The girls know that there will be a raid tonight. And they all just stayed at the inn together while serving the customers.

As for girls at other inns, they all seem afraid. They can't believe that someone who is not a tamer has the power to control so many monsters. So some of them are going closer to the middle area in the pretense to talk with other girls. Though I had the spies to told them to not inform other people no matter what.

So far, none of them acted out of line. But I don't know about the girls in the middle area. They seem to be in a safer place.

Just like the women in the outer area, they are all beauties of high quality as well. But the rate to pay for them is much higher than the girls in the outer area. I wonder why?

And since they are in a safer location, the chance of them leaking the secret is much higher. That's why I told the spies to only inform them later on.

The raid soon started. Led by Jack while Shelia who can control her desire the best is watching them from behind. Making sure that no one is acting out of line.

The fight started. And one by one, expert level mages are dying.

The advanced level mages were running away instead of fighting. And in the end, they got killed by expert level mages who found them to not fighting back.

Right. I forgot that this is how the cult is.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe after the raid, instead of the outer area to be empty, there will be more people instead.

But I don't think that's the case. Because if they are in the middle area or deeper, they can be more prepared than those in the outer area.

And I have seen something during the second vampire raid. There are people looting money from the fellow cult members who died, or even money from the destroyed building. I guess people will still prefer the middle area instead.

But now thanks to the outer area being emptier than before, the werewolves can easily get deeper into the base. But that means they will face master level mages soon.

I told them that no matter what, they have to act afraid and retreat in the face of master level mages or the people here will think that master level mages won't be enough and they will all abandon this place.

I'm here to kill as many people as possible. I can't let them all escape.

The werewolves have no reason to attack this base. Although they eat meat, they won't eat human meat. But to make sure that that's what the werewolves wanted, I asked them to kidnap some people while retreating. And pretend that they let go of them when they are retreating and only leave bringing out only a few of cult members.

They did as I said. And as expected, only a few of them wanted to fight master level mages and stayed behind.

In the end, those overconfident werewolves lost their limbs and retreat in shame. Though those limbs will be regenerated later.

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I checked the surrounding and the werewolves truly didn't attack anyone inside a building even if they are not the girls. I guess that's enough to make them believe that the werewolves are under me.

Though it's not over.

While the werewolves retreated, the vampires return. The werewolves retreated to the opposite direction of where the vampires are coming from.

I didn't tell them to attack. They just come on their own.

I don't want to be seen to not doing anything, so I pretend that I've been knocked out by a werewolf while actually I'm checking the situation.

The vampire attacks are worse than before because Arin and the others are not here. Only the male vampires who were charmed by Arin.

In the end, they caught some people and left while some vampires died.

I pretend that I have just regained my consciousness and helped the others. I can see the important summoners are still there and they didn't retreat at all.

That's good. Though I can't get the monsters to raid this place too often.

Maybe next time, it will be next week.

"Why did we get attacked so often nowadays? How?"

While I was carrying a corpse of a cult member to get rid of it, someone is complaining.

There were no answer at all. Until the master level mage who was in charge of fighting the vampires in this place replied.

"What do you mean why? This is a world where summoners get their familiar from. There are more monsters here than in our world. Of course if they know that there are humans here, they will attack. They are creatures who fight other monsters. Why wouldn't they attack us humans? Just continue with your job," he said.

"But this is too much! I don't want-"

Before he finished speaking, the master level fire mage grabbed him by his neck and broke it. The complaining man died in an instant.

"Anyone else want to complain?! No? Then do your job!"

Slaves. These people are slaves. But I don't feel pity for them since they are still with the cult. So it's fine to kill them.

After pretending to help, I hide somewhere empty and move to where Shelia and the others are. I returned them back to the village while I used portal directly to the inn I'm staying.

I guess it's time to wait again. It's still not the time to destroy this place.

Chapter 704: A Group of Girls Venturing Outside

For the next wave, I think I'll get the werewolves and the vampires to come again probably one day after the transportation schedule for the cult members to enter or leave this world. I can't get them to raid this place too many times. That will be too suspicious.

And maybe at the day for the summoners to transport people, there will be more people leaving this place. But at least we have the time and the location where they will be transporting people from on Earth. Albert and the other kings will send their people to investigate it during the next transportation schedule.

And the transportation after that will be our target. I will make my big move in this world, while Albert and the others will have their people to capture the people who have just returned from this world.

I had Kayla and the others to prepare for that time as well. I might not ask them to come here, but they will be useful in those places helping the agents.

I won't use portal to help them. They will move on their own or ask the help of Spot and Ray whom I brought back to Earth. Ray has been enjoying his life in Monsters World playing together with the unicorns and pegasus he met.

Maybe Ray is the king of all horse-type monsters. Does that mean I can ask unicorn and pegasus to be our ride? I'll try it later after this mission is over.

What I know is that many people are considering to leave this world during the next portal session. Even the girls who are staffs at the inns or restaurants in the middle area were so desperate. They were willing to do anything to any man who can bought them away from this place.


Sorry that I'm not sorry. The monsters will attack again. They are parts of my plan. Though maybe it's best to start spreading the rumor to other girls in the middle area.

"You can inform other girls now. But make sure that you are careful about it. And don't tell anyone that I'm the one who will bring them all back to Earth," I said to the girls at the inn I'm staying at.

This inn is totally empty other than us. There's no more customers coming. Even people who were targeting women because they think that it's easy to get women at this time, never come. Other than that guy whom I brought to the vampires so they can drunk his blood.

During the day, there are more people going outside to tame more monsters. Even the fire mage I met before who said that he doesn't want to work every day started to go out every day.

Thinking that I might be suspicious if I stay the whole time, I also started leaving the base from the gate. I just say that I'm going to meet up with my tamer teammate outside the base when I'm actually on my own.

Though after I left, I return back to the base by jumping over the wall and do my own investigation in secret. And I return back to the base from the gate after two days.

By that time, the rumors have spread to almost all the Community of Victims. That's what I decided to call those unfortunate girls who were forced to go through all of this just because their parents were with the cult, and they lack the talent or resources to be powerful mages.

"Oh, what were you doing with the money you received here? If you have been here for so long, you should be able to return on your own, right?" I asked the inn owner.

"No, it's impossible. They only let us leave if someone bought us. If not, no matter how much money we have, we will be locked here forever," she replied.

"What about giving those money so a man can buy you. I guess that's impossible," I said after thinking about what I just said.

"That's right. Those men will just grab the money and leave. And they might even steal the money and run away before the guard arrive. Even if the guard come and stop those thieves, the guard will keep the money for themselves," she replied.

Well, that's how these people are. Why is the cult members have no moral?

"Well, that sucks. Anyway, is there any women who are not part of the Community of Victims and just want to get money or loyal to the cult?" I asked again.

"Community of Victims? Is that what you call us?" the inn owner asked.

"Is there anything wrong about it though?"

"Sigh... fine. Yes, there are some people who are loyal to the cult or they stay here for some reason. But we in what you call as the community can't trust them no matter what. So we never chat with them unless it's for something important. And they live somewhere in the center and mostly entertain people there. So it's rare to meet them," she said.

Though there's at least one female master level mage here. I don't know if there are others, but at least there's one of them.

I saw her during that time when Arin led the vampires for their second raid here. Although other master level mages are focusing on the monsters even when they didn't do anything, that woman noticed that I was looking at her. But I quickly turned my head so she couldn't find me.

As for what element she has, I don't know. She didn't make any action even when the werewolves were attacking.

Over the last few days of investigation, I also see some other women who are too different than the women in the Community of Victims. Like they are way too confident to stay in this place.

And today, after staying one night in the base after I returned from the gate normally, when I was leaving the gate and given a black coin, there's a group of women working together. They are leaving at the same time as I am.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!"

When I was about to leave to the forest away from those girls, one of them suddenly called me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Where are you going all alone?!"

"To the forest. My teammate is there waiting for me," I said.

I have prepared my answer in case of a situation like this. I can just say that I have a teammate who prefer to live outside rather than in the base.

I know why they are curious about me. One of the girls were saying in whisper that I'm too suspicious because I didn't react at all when I'm near them.

Sorry about that. I have always been surrounded by beauties. Also, unlike normal people, I don't need to turn my head to look at them.

"Why is your teammate move alone?" she asked me again.

"He's afraid of another raid so he chose to stay near the nest of weak monsters. That way, he is confident to defeat them all. And no tamers interested in taming those monsters. Also, if there are any strong monsters like the vampires or werewolves, those weak monsters will escape. And that will be his alarm to relocate," I said.

Thanks to my good brain and Victoria's help in writing stories, we prepared this scenario. There's no teammate and there's no weak monsters' nest.

"I see. That's all I want to ask. You can leave now."

Since I can't fly in front of other people, I just walk leisurely. And that's when I hear something dangerous.

"You think that guy was not interested in us girls? That's wrong. For some reason, he is watching us even though his eyes weren't turning our way. Even now, he can still see us. I can feel he's staring at me."

A master level mage! There's a master level mage among them who noticed my gaze! That's dangerous!

She's not the woman whom I saw before. The master level mage one. She's someone I just met today.

Without making any extravagant move, I pretend that I keep stealing glances at the girls. To make them think that she's right.

"See? He's glancing at us. It's not like he's not interested. He's just smart. Smart enough to know that there's a group of girls who dare to venture out of this place like them. He must be thinking that we're quite strong. That's why unlike other men, he won't approach us carelessly. Let's forget about him. There's no man in this place good enough for any of us," she said as she led her group.

Just like Celestine, she's transporting her group by moving the ground under them. So she's a master level earth mage.

I was so close to death. Maybe if I didn't turn my head once in a while after hearing her speak, she will be suspicious why she can still feel my stare when I'm not looking. That was close.

But those girls, they are worth investigating. At least just the earth mage.

Since they're outside, I can easily follow them. Though I need to fly, to be invisible, and the control to make sure that a master level mage won't be able to sense me easily.

Chapter 705: That Woman is Suspicious

"...You're crazy, Roy."

While we are following after that group of girls, Victoria suddenly said that to me.

"I'm not crazy at all. We already found one master level mage outside the base. This might be a good chance for us to investigate one of them. Even better if we use this chance to kill that master level mage," I said.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the method you're using to stalk those girls," Victoria said.

"Stalking sounds like a bad word. Just use following. Oh, wait. I'm doing it with the intent to harm them depend on what I found. I guess it's kind of stalking. But let's just use the word following them instead," I said.

"That's not the point! I'm talking about how you're following them! You're riding on Ray who is riding on Spot's back! This is so weird on so many level," Victoria complained.

"Then how else can I follow after them? I need Spot for his camouflage, but I also need Ray so I can spread my use of Aura so the master level mage won't notice us. This is the first time we do this but we can get closer to them if you stop talking. You're just alerting them where we are," I said.


"Then do it in a better way! You can just ride on Ray while Spot is in his small form and wrapped his long body around your waist. That will look better," Victoria said.

I guess that will look much more normal than having a human riding a horse who is riding a giant serpent. Let's do as she says.

"Alright, I get it. You two, let's do as Victoria said. And from now on, no talking. That master level mage can hear us if we're talking. And no touching the ground at all, Ray. Let's go."

And now, there's no one else complaining. Though I have to say that we can get closer thanks to this position. If I'm still riding Ray who is riding Spot, the distance from those girls to me would get further and it will be harder for me to listen to them.

There are five girls in the group with one of them is the master level mage. Obviously, the master level mage is acting as the leader.

They encountered some boar monsters and they easily defeated them while the master level mage didn't do anything. That's easy. They're just boars after all. Even beginner level mage can defeat them.

And then, they encountered some orcs. They defeated them as well, but it wasn't as easy as boars.

And from what I can see, they're all only intermediate and advanced level mages. No expert level mages among them. And no tamer either.

Why is there no tamer? Are they here only for training and improve their abilities?

Ordinary orcs might be weak, but that doesn't mean taming them is useless. They are useful in many ways. But those girls just kill them without even taming them.

Let's hear their conversation. So far, there haven't been any important information. But they have started talking about something more serious it seems.

"So many monsters died. If we have just one tamer with us, we can get a lot of money," one of them said.

"Even if you have money, what use can they be? We can never leave this place unless we sold ourselves to a man. Even though I'm desperate, I don't want to have my life being binded by someone I don't like."

"Yeah. It's best if we just stay with Master instead."

"I will make sure that you lot won't have any trouble in this world at least," the master level mage said.

She's being called Master? Is she their master? Is it some sort of faction inside the cult or that Master is actually thinking about the girls to help them?

If that's the case, since she's a master level mage, she should be able to bring those girls out easily. Even when it's not the time for transporting people.

Is she afraid of the cult? Or maybe it's even worse. She's making a faction inside the cult without the cult knowing anything about it.

If that faction is against the cult, I might be able to ask her to cooperate with us. But if that faction is only for that master level mage's satisfaction, it's better to just kill them all.

I can only know later after hearing a bit more about them. I hope she won't find us out. Good thing there's no expert level mage among them. Even the wind mage is just at advanced level and won't be able to sense us. There's no way they can find me as long as I keep my distance.

"Earth could be worse for you girls even if you don't return with men. There's nothing you can do. The work you can do over there won't be any different from what you do here. That's why I train you so you can at least be a hunter if you return. Just like your seniors who have returned before you," the master level mage said.

"Yes! They must be doing well as hunter! I don't want to be a prostitute even on Earth. But I also don't want to stay here not knowing when I will die."

"But Master, what about you? You don't want to leave this world and return back to Earth?" someone asked.

The master level mage smiled after hearing that.

"No. I will stay here and teach other girls so they can learn other skills. Not everyone has talent like you girls. Even other people couldn't see your talent. That's why you were sent to this place. I will help all the girls first until everyone can survive on their own," the master level mage said.

The others looked at the master level mage as if they are worshiping her. But there's only one thing in my mind.

Suspicious! She's extremely suspicious!

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What teaching women skills to survive? She can just force a summoner to open a portal to let everyone to leave. Unless she's afraid of something.

But from her reaction after watching her for a while, she's not afraid of anything. In fact, she's way too confident with what she said.

What is she planning? I guess I can only know after I follow her later in the base.

Suddenly, the girl who have been too timid before started speaking. She hasn't spoke a word at all before.

"Umm... Master, have you heard about the rumor?" she asked.

"What rumor?"

"There's this thing that every staffs of the inn near the wall is talking about. That soon, someone will come and save us all. We're all going to be transported by a summoner who is not related to the cult soon to safety. Everyone is talking about this."

"Everyone?" the master level mage asked.

"Well, just the girls. There's no men who knows about it. And soon, the rumor will spread to all the girls who lives closer to the center. I suppose it's fine to tell you about it. It's just secret for men and those who are loyal to the cult. And since Master is teaching us to survive once we leave this world, I'm sure we can trust you."

"Oh, I heard about that to. While I was escorting a man a few days go, I overheard about it from the girls talking in a black alley with my wind magic. I thought they started to go crazy. But if everyone is talking about it, maybe we need to learn more about this. Maybe that person can truly help us out of here," someone added in.

Thus the girls are now talking about the rumors I had the Community of Victims spread. That those who wish for safety will prepare to leave after given a signal. Though I haven't even prepared the signal yet.

"Is that true? Well, if it is, then we should be able to get that information soon. So there's someone helping the girls, huh? That's good."

I don't think she meant that word. Now that she has heard the rumor, there would be many people unable to leave this world if she's actually loyal to the cult. But why is she acting like that? Helping other girls and gaining their favors.

Whatever the case, I don't care. There might just be more casualties than expected. But that doesn't matter to me.

More importantly, I need to follow that woman back to the base. If she's working with someone else, she will meet them after hearing of the rumor.

I keep following them fighting monsters. They also continued talking but there's nothing important in what they're talking about. Only about what they will do after they return back to Earth.

And the whole time, the master level mage seems to be thinking hard about something. Must be about the rumor.

Since they no longer talking about something important, I decided to prank her.

I gain my distance from her, and when I'm in the forest, I looked at her in the eye. She noticed me looking at them. and instead of making her move to protect the others, she didn't do anything and just focus on me who is watching her.

Soon after, they retreat back to the direction of the base. That's good. I don't want to wait for too long for them to return back to the base since I want to keep following after that master level mage.

...Again, that sounds so weird even if the word stalking is changed into following. Whatever. I'll find out about her soon after this.

Chapter 706: Getting Someone's Attention

That group of girls retreated back to the base just two hours after leaving. It's because the master level mage noticed that someone is looking at her from far away and her earth magic couldn't help her to detect the presence of the one who was watching them. Me. It was me who was looking at her.

I did it on purpose to make them retreat since I want her to quickly contact someone else if my thought is right. Because I don't think that she's doing everything she did to help the girls. She must have another ulterior motives. And if I'm right, she must have someone else to help her.

I don't want to wait for too long until she returns. That's why I did it.

Well, I did it mainly to prank her though. But it's good that it worked.

And while they are retreating, I also retreated while slowly looking away from her. That will make her feel that whoever watching her is running away as well.

This way, if she gives report about a powerful creature's sighting, she will also report that it was retreating after she started retreating. So it's normal if it's not sighted anymore.

Maybe I can get their attention and make some master level mages leave the base. That would be great. But I don't think it will be that easy.


Even if I gain their attention, it's not like they need to tame monsters like the lower level cult member does. They don't need money. Just the fact that they are master level mages is enough to make other people to respect them. And even their higher ups think that they are too precious to let go. Just being a master level mage can make one do anything they want.

Though there's another level beyond that. I hope there's no one among the cult who has or will exceed master level mage and reach the stage above that level.

Even if they have any, the thing we need to do won't change. We will destroy anything related to the cult if possible.

After I pretend to run away, I chase after that group of girls. Now that they are too far from me, I can no longer hear them talking. But chasing after them took no time since I'm riding on Ray's back. With Spot wrapped around my waist, no one can see us.

"Roy, what did you hear from them?" Victoria asked.

"That master level mage is suspicious. She's acting like the benefactor of those girls and probably some other girls inside the base as well. But I feel like she has other intention. Also, one of the girls told her about the escape back to Earth that I told our spies to spread. Maybe we will have even fewer people to save because of this," I said.

"You really don't care unless you destroy the cult, huh? Well, I hope at least your mission can be done soon," Victoria said.

I wonder why do I no longer care about other people even if they are innocent? I think back when I was just returned back in time, I didn't have this mindset.

But now, after everything I went through, I got to know even worse side of the cult. And that is probably what make my mindset altered. Not changed completely. Just slightly altered.

Although I don't mind casualties even back then, it wasn't as bad as it is now. And now, I just think of let's kill everyone. Is there something wrong with me?

Well, everything will be cleared once I destroy the cult. If I still have this mindset of not caring about innocent lives, I'd end up as criminal in the future. And all the kingdoms will do everything they can to kill me.

I don't think that will happen though. Even if my mindset can't be returned back to normal, I still have my lovers to help me recover my sanity so I won't go too far in the future.. Maybe I should marry them instead of waiting until the cult is destroyed. I'll think about it after this mission.

We reached the base in soon after. The master level mage then split up from the rest of the girls.

The girls entered an inn in the middle area together while the master level mage enter another establishment.

Although from the outside it looks like a bar, it's closed. But there's one man inside that store.

I no longer need Ray to walk inside the base, so I had him run free outside while asking him if he can get other horse-type monsters to obey him. It would be great if he could.

I moved toward the empty bar where only that master level mage woman and another person is in. And when I got closer, Airy pulled my hair lightly. It means that there's a wind magic used around here.

It's just like the place I marked before on the map I gave to the inn owner. There's a wind magic which was used and it was centered around that empty bar.

Which mean that the person who is meeting with the woman I followed is a master level wind mage.

It would be impossible to get closer. The woman is an earth mage and the man is a wind mage. Getting any closer than this is impossible without being found. Eavesdropping is out of the question.

So, the only thing I can do is to bait the man.

The two are talking about something. Probably about the news that the woman just heard. Maybe that man has a high standing in a place like this since the woman seem to speak to him in a respectful manner.

I found a cafe nearby and ordered some coffee while waiting for the two of them to have their discussion over.

It was not long before they split up. The woman entered the inn that the other girls entered previously. Leaving only the man behind in that empty bar.

Now, I need to bait him. I have to say something that will make him approach me if possible.

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"Sigh... I don't have enough money to get those girls out of here. I hope someone will come and save them," I said to myself.

I said that on purpose. Though only wind mage can hear me.

I want to make him think that I'm someone who wants to save the girls. If he's thinking the same, or he wants to use me because he knows what I want to do, I'm sure he will approach me. But I don't know when.

And I can't just keep staying in this cafe every day and say that. Not because of what I said. But because the coffee in this cafe is terrible. There's no sane person who would come back here for a cup of coffee. No wonder it's empty.

I need to find another place nearby. Maybe just a bar and get some cheap beer. But that's no reason for me to be in this area.

"I shouldn't have come here. The coffee sucks and I started thinking of weird stuffs," I said as I leave my table.

I can see the wind mage's reaction. He's watching me from the window of his bar. Maybe if I come again tomorrow, he will approach me.

I left the range of his wind magic from before. But seems like he used more magic as the range of his wind magic increased. Making it so that he can still listen to me when I'm far. And he also followed me.

But even as I reach the inn I stayed at, the man is still following me from the sky. Maybe he's going to check whoever I'm going to bring back to Earth.

I entered the inn and before anyone could greet me, I put my finger on my lip. Telling them to not speak mindlessly.

"Hey, I'm here again. It sure is empty here," I said.

Everyone was confused at first, but the inn owner is sharp enough to know that something is wrong. So she asked the other girls to serve me. That way, they will be too busy to talk about anything important that needed to be kept secret.

I keep talking to not let anyone say anything unnecessary at all. And by this time, they started to understand that someone is using wind magic to eavesdrop on us.

"I will stay here again if you can give me a discount that would be great! Of course I'd like to have a girl by my... alright, he's gone now. We're safe."

The guy has left and he returned to the bar he came from. And neither Airy nor I can sense his wind anymore. So we're safe.

"Roy, do you think it's a good idea to do that?" Victoria asked.

"Maybe not. And you girls must keep acting this way when you meet me. Just like a normal customer and staff. Just do it until I say that we're safe. Also, be careful when you spread the rumor again. One of the girls you're talking to has just spoken with a master level mage. Does anyone know about that master level earth mage woman?" I asked.

"I don't know much, but she has been in this place longer than I did. And she seems to be kind to girls in the middle area," the inn owner said.

"Find more about any master level mage if possible. Including her. And do it as discreet as possible. If you get any news, tell me if we have the chance. I'll be looking around the base after this," I said as I leave the inn.

Maybe I gained some unwanted attention. But I don't care. It was just one person after all.

Chapter 707: Time to Act

It is finally the day to commence our plan. I have sent the werewolves again two more times before and now the enemies are far fewer than before. Though the master level mage are still confident that they can kill all the invaders. So they are all still here.

I have told the spies here to spread the news that once the signal is given, the people should go to five different location. The signal is the werewolves' howl. We're planning to get them to act like the werewolves are going to raid this place again.

One of the five locations is the inn I use as a base. And I told them to not let anyone to go there other than the original staffs of the inn. It's because they deserve it since they helped me a lot here.

Even though they have just met me, they decided to trust me and follow my order even though I told them to not trust me so much. And I have told them that I might let them die if things go wrong. But they still decided to be our spies. So, I want to make sure that their survival chance is much higher than the others.

I don't know if in the other four locations there will be spy from the cult or not. That's why I want at least the people who decided to trust me from the start to be able to leave first.

I'll make sure that they can get a proper job once they return to Earth. I'm already so close in opening new branches of the clothing store and I need new managers and staffs of those stores. At least the inn owner will be a good manager.

The location they will be transported to has been prepared. Kayla, Angela, and the others have been there ready to accept people to return and protect them if necessary.


As for me, I'm at the usual inn. When the werewolves howled, I will open a portal directly to the transfer point and once I'm there, I will open four portals to four Blobbies that I had our spies gave to people the can trust the most from other establishments. And they will all enter the portal.

That won't be as easy as it seems since someone can intercept it after I opened the portal even though I had them all to gather somewhere far from the center of the base. But there's nothing I can do except for hoping that they won't get found out. After all, I had them gather in a place opposite of where the werewolves will give the signal.

I used my Divine Vision to the fullest while avoiding the gaze of any master level mages in the center. I looked at where the summoners are. Some people are entering this base from the portal the summoners are opening, while some are waiting to leave this world through those portals.

And no one knows that the places they were going to have been surrounded by the army. We have found out all the places they will transport people from Earth to Monsters World, and surround those places.

As of now, we have a lot of expert level mages. None of them are stronger than my friends but they are still far stronger than any average expert level mages. They should be able to handle a few master level mages if they work together.

And I don't think there will be too many master level mages protecting just one summoner. It should be fine.

I watched as the summoners started to get the people from here to enter the portal one by one. The summoners will be the second to last to enter as the master level mages protecting them will be the last one.

Once they do, I will contact Shelia via telepathy to start howling.

Though I can already see that everyone is already in their place. But at least once they hear the howl of the werewolves, they will know to enter the portal as soon as I open it.

I waited and waited until the last summoners entered the portal. The master level mage protecting him then leave as well. Soon after, the portal is closed.

'Shelia, now!'

With my telepathic ability thanks to being a high level summoner, I communicated with Shelia who has prepared to invade together with the other werewolves.


The howl of the werewolves was heard. But right before that, I opened a portal in the empty inn to the transfer point and brought all the girls there back to Earth quickly.

"Get them all out of here quickly before this place turn into a battle field!" I shouted.

Even before the girls started moving toward the portal, as soon as I opened the portal, Angela and Kron entered here and quickly grab the girls to Earth.

"Quick, move! Ladies, please follow us nicely. You will be questioned a lot later, but please don't worry. We can make sure of your safety."

One of the agents said that to the girls I just brought over. They then quickly left this place to another place, while some other are prepared to get other girls or preparing to fight.

"If you're all ready, then I'll open the next four portals at once. Now!" I shouted as I opened four portals at once.

Each portal is connected to a Blobby that one person among the group in the four designated location were placed at.

Like before, some, including Angela and Kron, entered the portals and use wind magic to help push the people through the portal. The portal I opened was large enough for multiple people to enter at once, so no one was harmed. They are all only shocked.

But there's one portal where no one entered from this place. Because that's where I'm going to return back to that world.

"Get inside! Quick!"

I shouted as I leaped into the portal. I will be going to the center of the cult's base from this place, which is the closest one to the center.

And not just that. It's because I also see one person I expected to see here. The master level earth mage woman. She's hiding herself among the girls and pretend as if she's one of the staffs who was forced to work in this place.

"Found you!"

I found the woman I'm looking for and quickly run in the air toward her. Then I grabbed her head and threw here to the wall.

"Quickly enter the portal! She's an enemy!" I shouted.

Good thing that all the people here, other than these girls, are busy thinking that werewolves will attack this place again. They are moving toward the gates while we are quite far from the gates. And I used air magic as well to make sure no sound leaked from here.

The woman is still a master level mage. She's strong. Even if the wall is destroyed after I threw her body there, she's still well.

And now, everyone from inside the portal told the girls to quickly enter.

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"Tsk! Don't let them live!"

The master level mage woman shouted.

As expected, she has people with her who will fight for her. They all have entered the portal and will fight everyone there and will probably kill some people as well.

But too bad, they are at most just expert level mages. They are not master level mages. I'm sure that just Angela alone can kill whoever fighting.

She, Kron, and all the wind mages there will be boosted thanks to Breezy being there.

Now that I have closed the portal, I can only hope that they are okay. My problem here is just this master level mage.

"You think that you're safe? I'm sure people will start coming here. There's nothing you can do alone," she said.

"I used air magic to block sound from leaving this area. You're just one person. And I can't forgive anyone who used kindness to scam girls and then sold them to slave merchants. I hate human traffickers. You will die today," I said.

I have investigated her and found out that she helped girls to turn them into slaves. There's a small kingdom near Varadis where slavery is still legal. And that place is quite rich because of the numerous resources that they can trade.

I don't know about that because the circus hasn't gone there yet. I think it will be a few months until the circus can get there since they are still in Arturo's territory. I miss performing as Clarence.

This woman, she used the girls' weakness and teaches them new skills so they can get more expensive to be sold. I hate her.

While I was about to fight her, she suddenly smiled as she looked at the sky above me.

"There's no way some weak air magic can be better than wind magic. It's called common sense," she said.

I can tell without looking that someone appeared from the sky. It's the master level wind mage she's talking with back then. The one who followed me back to the inn.

He landed between the two of us with his back facing me.

"It's two on one now! There's no way you can win!" the woman shouted.

"You're right. It's two on one. But I'm siding with him."

The master level wind mage said that. And while the woman was shocked, she used wind magic to kill her.

"I always hate her. Now, what's the plan?" he asked me.

He, Derek, is with us. Since a long time, he has always wanted someone to fight the cult. But he was powerless even after reaching master level.

And now, after knowing how powerful I am, his hope returned. And he will help us destroying this base.

I have Albert's confirmation that he's safe so we can cooperate with him. At least during the destruction of this base.

After this, I hope he will continue helping us. I don't want to let go of a master level mage we got.

Chapter 708: Derek

It was after my first time being found by Derek. Back when I spoke to myself in a cafe with terrible coffee.

He followed me to the inn where I used as a base. But at that time, he didn't do anything.

Over the next few days, I returned to the middle area and started talking to myself again and complain how I couldn't save all the girls working in this base.

And finally, last week, the day before the previous portal opening for people to come and go, he approached me. Pretending that he's just a stranger and had just met me by chance in a restaurant which was far from the middle area. He was obviously trying to approach me.

When I left that restaurant and entered the inn I stayed, he also followed me from distance.

And when he entered the inn, I have already told the girls way before I entered the previous restaurant to stay in their room and not come out until I told them to.

"Hello, the wind mage who has reached master level. It hasn't been long since I baited you and you finally come out to meet me," I said.


"...Seems like I got caught. So, what do you want from me?" he asked.

"Your intention. The woman you met back when I first say something on purpose to let you, a wind mage, to hear me, I don't think she is a good person. Even though she taught girls so they can have a good lives once they left this world and return to Earth, I don't think that's her real intention," I said.

"So you want to know if I am her companion or I have other intention. But because I use wind magic, you can't get close to eavesdrop on us since I can find you easily. That's why you baited me to approach you. You think that I won't do anything to you?" the man asked as he pulled a chair in front of me and sat on it.

"Do you know the rumors about Aura user who killed the cult members back on Earth? That was me. Now, if I find your answer not satisfactory, I will kill you. I'm confident that I can kill you in an instant even though you're a master level mage."

I infused a bit of killing intent and directed it toward Derek. I am glad now that he ended up as our ally.

At that time, he was afraid of me after he realized that he was no match against me. But he still acted strong and asked me questions instead.

"How true were your words used to bait me?"

"About saving the girls? Not just the girls here. But all the girls who fell victims to the cult. Saving them is not my real intention, but if I can save as many as possible, that would be great. My goal here is to destroy everything related to the cult. For now this base. I want to kill whoever that Evil God is, but I couldn't find his whereabouts at all."

"You think it's fine to tell me all that?"

"Like I said, I can kill you easily. You won't be the first master level mage I kill. And you won't be the last either."

That's something I want to say thanks to Victoria's influence. She told me various stories from her world.

I think that was not the first time I said that. But that won't be the last either. Haha!

Then, the man gave up.

"Sigh... I can't trust you yet. Whether you want to save the girls or not, I don't know. But I want to live so I will tell you everything. I don't think you lied when you said you have killed other master level mages."

Then he introduced himself as Derek. He was someone who wanted to save the girls from this place.

"Really? You want to save them?" I asked.

"Yes. I stupidly told my brother to let my niece work with the cult. I thought that she could have a better life than my brother. But that was not the case. My niece doesn't have any talent in magic and even after using as many resources I could give, she barely reached intermediate. So someone told me that it's best for her to work in Monsters World as waitress. But as you can see, the girls here are used as tools.

"Now that I have reached master level, I wanted to save my niece. But when I arrive here, she was no longer here. Someone had bought her away from here. She could leave this world, but in the end, she was used as a slave by some rich merchant. She had already died when I found her. So I killed the merchant. Now, I'm back here looking to find anyone related to that. And that woman who talked to me was one of their agents. She's here to teach girls skill so they could be sold higher. You are right, she is a bad girl," Derek said.

I wasn't shocked back then when I heard that. I expected it to be like that.

"And what do you think about the cult? Don't you think that they are also responsible for everything?" I asked.

"There are far too many mages stronger than me in the cult. After my revenge is over, I will try to escape. But I'm doubtful whether I can survive after being chased by the cult," he said.

"Alright. I'll take you to someone now and you will repeat what you just said to me. Let's go. Enter the portal."

I opened a portal to Albert's location and had him repeat everything to see if he can be trusted or not.

And that brought us here. Derek is someone we can trust and he will help us with the destruction of this base.

Albert promised him that Tatrama will help him in any way possible to find the organization behind Derek's niece's slavery. Of course Albert will ask the other kingdoms as well, but Derek doesn't need to know that now.

He killed the female master level mage easily. And from this point, we're going to kidnap the three summoners.

"They won't retreat unless it's unavoidable! And they are being protected by at least three master level mages!"

Derek has told us about everything he knew about the three summoners. And as expected, they are responsible to send reports about this place to somewhere. But Derek himself doesn't know where the reports are delivered to.

That's why he agreed to capture those summoners with me.

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"Alright! We don't have much time until he comes! Let's fly there as fast as possible!"

I summoned Ray and ride on him without hiding myself at all. And Derek flies off with his wind magic. Though he's far behind me.

Without making a stop, we run through the wall of the building where the summoners are.

Without any hesitation, I used Reizpear to slash the necks of the three master level mages who are supposed to protect the summoners.

The summoners were too shocked to react so they couldn't open a portal to retreat. And I knock them all out with Reizpear.

It has been so long since I last used Reizpear. I thought of never use it again since using Victoria as a spear is now much better. But I just feeling a bit nostalgic so I used it.

I also used air magic to make sure that they will only breath the minimum amount of air when they're unconscious. This will make them faint for longer.

"Who's there!"

After the ruckus I caused, two more master level mages entered the building. But before they could attack me, Derek arrives and used Wind Slash to kill them.

One of them died right away because he was not prepared to take a hit. And the other barely dodged Derek's attack. Not knowing that I have thrown a dagger at his chest which killed him.

"...You're really not lying when you said that you have killed many master level mages," Derek said in shock.

"That's not important right now! We have captured the summoners so we need to escape! He's coming!"

I opened a portal for us to enter. I threw the three summoners inside after binding them with Blobbyropes and Magic Restricting Collars.

Just to be safe. I don't know if they are actually much stronger than I expected or not.

We entered the portal and Derek doesn't know where we are.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"We're on top of the head of someone who will destroy the base for us," I said.

Derek was confused at first, so I told him to fly to a distance and look back.

Only then he realized that it's a huge dragon.

That's right. I asked Kaiser to be the one destroying this place to the ground. With his breath attack, it won't be hard. He's the one I asked for help.

Derek returned back but he was so speechless and unable to say a word. He can only open and close his mouth like a goldfish.

"Andro! The target is that base! Do it now!"

Chapter 709: Andro's Breath Attack

"This might be the strongest attack I've ever seen. Derek, brace yourself!"

I warned Derek to not get blown away from Andro's attack. He must have expected that the giant Kaiser Dragon will use a breath attack so he kept his distance. Still, Andro's attack was stronger than anyone expected.

I bet even the werewolves looking from below didn't expect the attack to be that strong as well.

Andro took a deep breath until his lung which can cover several cities inflated to the fullest. Just him letting his breath out can kill someone. But what if it's an attack?

Andro released his breath. And with it, magic was infused. Making it a really powerful attack.

There's no element in his breath attack. Just like Spot's breath attack. But the level of destruction was totally different. The size as well.

The cult's base in Monsters World, which was the size of several cities, got destroyed in an instant. Leaving only evidence of destruction.


The people and unfortunate tamed monsters who got caught in it, died without even knowing how they died. Except for those who looked up and see Andro.

We didn't block the sun when Andro arrived at noon. Something the size of Andro blocking the sun will make everything turn dark. And that will alert the people. That's why we didn't do it. But now it's night, we just don't care. Though we're still quite far from the base

And we're also quite far as well. I thought that Andro's breath attack won't be powerful enough since it's too far, but I was wrong. It was still so strong. And it hasn't stopped after a full minute as well.

My Divine Vision couldn't see that far into the base even though my vision was unobstructed. But I think that there are still several survivors. Mostly, the survivors are around master level. But I don't think they managed to survive unscathed from that level of attack.

After a whole minute, Andro's attack stopped.

"Thanks, Andro! You can leave now. I'll see you later!" I said to Andro.

"Yeah. Pleasure to help you, Roy."

Andro then flies away. The flap of his wings created typhoon as he ascend to the sky rapidly. And it pushed both Derek and I back to the ground quickly. Along with the three unconscious summoners.

I grabbed one summoner to save him from his demise, while Derek used wind magic to help the other two float.

"I can't do any more than this. That wing was so powerful. Two is my limit," he said.

We landed on the ground where the werewolves are waiting. I had Shelia asked some werewolves to retreat together with the three summoners we captured. I can't bring them to Earth after all.

"Take care of them. Cover their mouth with cloth so they won't be able to bite their tongue to kill themselves. I'll get rid of the survivors," I said to the werewolves.

"I'm coming with you. Though I don't think you will need my help seeing how powerful you are. Even that dragon is helping you," Derek said.

"Sure. But I haven't used my full strength yet. Let's split up. Kill everyone you see. And if there are any summoner who survived the attack, they will try to retreat using portal. Throw this thing into the portal if you see a portal opened. And make sure that you don't attack any werewolves. They are helping me," I said as I give Derek several Blobbies.

He was not the only one I gave Blobbies to. I also gave some to the werewolves who will go to the remains of the base together.

But since Derek is a wind mage, he's faster than the rest. Though he's still slower than me riding on Ray.

With my Divine Vision, it was easy to find survivors. It's a shame that the tamed monsters are all dead though. It would be great if they can join us.

Most of the survivors survived thanks to master level mages who worked together to shield them. Though in the end, they are buried. But they're still alive.

As long as they are not buried too deep, I can easily reach them using long distance attack that pierce through the ground.

As for Derek, he could sense with his wind mage where the people are buried. And he used wind magic to attack them from afar even though he's still behind me.

By the time the werewolves arrive, many survivors from the cult have stood up and started to fight back.

"Where's the master level mage!"

I can see Jack looking for master level mage to fight. Those who survive are most likely to be strong. He should have just pick anyone he wants and fight them. Like Shelia did.

Instead of shouting like Jack, Shelia just find an opponent, wait until they able to fight, and fight them. Though most of them are too weak for her. Including the surviving master level mages.

The city is destroyed. But there are more survivors than expected. They escaped underground thanks to earth mages.

Some earth mages have started attacking us while underground. Maybe I should ask an earth mage to come here as well.

Well, it won't be long until they need to escape. I don't think they have any air mage as capable as me.

While I was killing enemy one after another, Sonia appears next to me to give report of the situation back on Earth.

"Roy, as expected. Many of the girls you brought were not innocent. They started fighting back. But there's nothing they can do. There's no casualties at all, but we killed some of those who fought back while the rest have been captured," Sonia said.

"Everyone is safe? That's good. I can't return yet. There are more master level mages in hiding than expected," I said.

Right after I said that, a huge Fireball is approaching me. Though I easily slashed it in two. With the strength strong enough to split the caster behind the Fireball in two as well even though he's in a quite distance from me.

That's the master level fire mage that keep the vampires away during the first raid. He's dead now.

After that, there's a huge Ice Spike falling from the sky. That's the master level ice mage. Seems like he's also a wind mage.

I dodged the Ice Spike and threw a Blobbyspear at him. The spear impaled his heart. Killing him before the Blobbyspear disappeared.

With this, it won't be long until we kill everyone.

And so far, there's no one who is trying to escape by using portal. But that doesn't mean I can let down my guard.

I used Divine Vision to the fullest. Even if a master level mage noticed me, I don't care.

"Die, Aura user!"

When I was looking around, someone suddenly approached me in high speed. He's using lightning magic to move that fast. And seems like he noticed that I'm an Aura user.

He tried to hit me with his fist. I know that his punch won't be that strong evenif he's a master level mage. But he's also a lightning mage.

I experienced it from Jewel. The feeling of when I was struck by lightning.

His fist, if it just slightly touched my skin, I could get damaged badly. So I dodged it and about to slash him with Blobbysword I made.

But he used lightning magic to make himself as fast as lightning. Jewel could learn a lot from him.

He tried to escape from me after knowing that I can react to his speed. So I chased after him.

I can see him smiled. He's thinking of something.

As I was slowly getting closer to him, he opened a portal in front of him. The location he used as transfer point is somewhere inside a large building that look like a cathedral. And I can see some people were surprised to see a portal suddenly opened.

Without much thinking, I quickly killed him with a slash. He slowed down thanks to opening that portal. And his body is covering my face so no one in the other side will be able to see my face.

The dead body crossed over the portal when I changed direction so no one can see me.

And I also gave them a gift. After I slashed him, I attached a small Blobby under his shirt. No one will think that a portal will open from a dead body when I opened one later.

Because the summoner is dead, the portal closed on its own. But I managed to get a Blobby inside.

As expected, it's a mission that is hard to go unnoticed.

I look around and see that the others have taken care of the rest of the enemies. There's no more survivors.

"Alright, good job! But someone managed to enter a portal even if it's just his dead body. Now, I will open a portal there and enter only with my familiars. Depend on the situation, I will open a portal for you guys to enter. Just prepare yourself!"

I covered my body with armor and prepare to open a portal before Derek approached me.

"I'm coming too!"

"No! The cult will think that everyone in the base has died. If you're still alive, they will be suspicious of you. Just wait there and don't do anything. I'll pick you up later."

Now, I will enter that cathedral and kill a lot of people.

But seriously, the cult has built a cathedral? Maybe I can find something about the Evil God there.

Chapter 710: To the Cathedral

"I'm coming with you!"

"Me as well!"

Shelia who have defeated the most survivors wanted to come. And so is Graham who had been watching us from the sky.

Wait, if they suddenly met an angel in a cathedral, if they have stupid believers, they might actually believe us when we say that the cult is the bad guy. That would be interesting.

"Graham, the place where he opened the portal to was a cathedral. Can you pretend that you're some sort of God's apostle? It would be great if they got tricked," I said.

"Alright. What should I say?" Graham asked.

"Something like don't believe those quacks or something," I suggested.


"That's easy. Though I don't think they will blindly believe me. But if we can make them let down their guard for a moment, that would be great," he said.

It's good that he agreed. I thought that he would have a bit of pride like he did back when we first met and refuse it. I guess he has decided to be the cult's enemy and willing to help me more now.

"Wait. Roy, what did you see inside the portal? It was not just the building you assumed to be the cathedral, right? Did you see the location?" Sonia asked me.

After informing me about what happened back on Earth, she has been staying nearby. So she saw what happened. That I let one summoner about to escape and alert some people who look important.

It would be even worse if they have a summoner there as well. The summoner will then open a portal somewhere else and report everything to the higher ups like the Archbishop or something.

But I don't think that will happen. They will at best send a wind mage to give the report. Because I think that the cult's summoners only know that they can only have one familiar at most.

If the summoner is on Earth, I don't think they will be stupid enough to get their familiar to be far from them. Because they won't have any protection then. Especially since they can't trust other cult members. Unless the summoners are stupidly loyal to the cult.

Their summoner should only have two transfer point at most then. From the world they are currently at to the other world, and another is to their contracted monster. They shouldn't have any other transfer points. Unless they have monsters that can create clones.

And I have never discover any monsters that can do that. I even read the entire monsters encyclopedia that each country in the alliance have. Each has monsters that mostly appears in their territory. But none of them has power to create clones other than slimes.

But this is Monsters World. Summoner could have some fortune to get such monsters when they tried to make their first contract. Some of them might even have slimes.

But I don't need to care about them. After all, slimes are weak monsters. Anyone who made a contract with slimes will think that those slimes are too weak so they will kill those slimes instead. Which mean it's not likely that they have monsters with cloning ability.

I'm the special one. Or should I say it's Victoria. Or maybe Javier since he's the original personality.

"Graham, you will face the enemy inside the buiding together with Victoria. She couldn't do much on her own but she's still useful. Shelia will look for traces of enemy who flies away or escape from that place with me who will ride Ray. If possible, we can't let anyone alive to be a messenger to their higher ups," I said.

Though it will only be for one day. We can only delay the report back to the cult for one day at most since tomorrow, the cult will bring supplies back to this world. They will be surprised to see that the base is destroyed in just one night.

One day is too soon. But it's better than being known right away.

I need to get this done soon so I can bring Albert to this world and interrogate those three summoners.

"Sonia, tell Albert that I will be late," I said.

Ray and I gave a lot of Aura to Victoria so she can fight by herself for a while, while she gave me a lot of Blobbies that I will use as my weapon or just use to mark my targets. Shelia and Graham are preparing as well with Graham already letting all his angel wings out while hiding his demon wings, and Shelia is in her strongest form.

The enemy we will face will most likely to be master level mages. so this preparation is important.

"Let's go!"

I opened a portal, but the first to enter the portal was Graham who will make a performance.

After he enters, the rest of us entered as well. With my body being completely covered in armor riding a horse.

"This is a warning to everyone! Do not believe in these quacks! They deserve to die!" Graham shouted.

Right after Graham announced that, Shelia, Victoria, and I killed some people there. Only then I started observing the situation.

The body of the man I killed and entered the portal is still there. Seems like it hasn't been moved or being checked. And because of this corpse, many people are trying to approach it. And now I have many targets I can kill easily. But that won't be my job.

Shelia and I the quickly left the building. This is a cathedral indeed. Or at least it's much bigger than any ordinary church.

The location is in some sort of village. Isn't it too fancy to have a cathedral in this small village? Only surrounded by forest and there's no main road at all leading to other places.

For now, let's mark this place with several Blobbies while looking for someone who escaped from this place if there are any.

"I smell two people who recently left this place! One to the left, and another to the right!" Shelia said,

"I go to the right one! You will chase the other one! I will come to you as soon as I finished killing that one."

I used Divine Vision to the fullest and I could barely see that someone is flying away from this place quickly. And he somehow noticed that I'm looking at him even though he was so focused on leaving. Well, he's a master level mage it seems.

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The game of chase started. But there's no way that he could be faster than Ray. He needs to train more in his magic. Just cultivating is not enough to outrun us.

I caught up with him soon after and we started fighting. I also make sure that there's no one nearby. Who knows if the cult has another hiding spot nearby?

It's just a forest all around. With plantation and monsters. There's no need for me to worry about being seen.

The enemy I'm facing is a master level wind mage. He created a typhoon to block me. But that doesn't work.

I just broke through the typhoon and killed him. That was easy. He should have do something else instead of hiding himself inside the typhoon. But anything he do will be useless because he was facing me.

Alright, one is gone. And since he's a master level wind mage, he should be the furthest one from the cathedral. I'll check around the surrounding a bit before I move to Shelia's location.

Seems like there's no other person leaving that cathedral. I didn't see anyone leaving. Maybe they have just started leaving when Graham and Victoria started fighting.

I need to finish it soon before anyone could leave. I have to return back to Victoria's place.

I opened a portal to Shelia's location to see that she's fighting a master level fire mage who also has wind element.

And I see that she is struggling.

The man can't outrun Shelia, but he's still stronger than her. At least at the moment.

He's much stronger than any average master level mage from the cult that I have fought before. He could be someone important.

"You okay?" I asked Shelia.

"Leave me alone! I will fight him by myself! You will take care of the rest!" she said.

"Alright, I will leave. But if you feel that you can't win, tell me!"

I opened a portal back to the cathedral. To where Victoria and Graham are.

And I can see... the cult members are fighting each other.

Those who look like important figure in the cathedral is fighting mostly against priests or worshipers from the village by the look of it.

I guess those priests are those who know nothing about the cult. And they truly thought that Graham is the God's apostle.

But those people are too weak. Many of them have died. But none of them gave up. In the end, even if they know nothing, they still loyal to what they belief. And they believe in Graham's word when it was a lie.

And I don't feel sorry at all.

At least it will be easier for me to defeat everyone here before helping Shelia. Let's see who Graham is fighting.

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