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94.78% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 454: 621-630

Chapter 454: 621-630

Chapter 621: The Cult Members Can't Do Anything to Us

"Roy. Let some of them live so they can retreat. With that many people and preparation to meet that little man, there must be someone behind them. someone who can make expert level mages move," Burnes said to me after I killed the small man.

Hmm... that means I can kill some of them while letting the rest escape. That might be a better idea. Especially since it was suggested by Burnes who is actually a spy. He is much better at planning than me. At least he should be.

"Fine. If that's the case though, I guess it's best for me to not join the fight now. They still haven't noticed yet that I'm an Aura user. I'll let you and the others fight them. I'll just show myself as an air mage who snipe them from afar. Don't worry, I'll watch your back," I said as I pretend to grab something from inside the carriage, when in fact I just need to transform Victoria into a rifle.

"We'll take care of them. You just need to stop them from approaching us," Burnes said as he stepped forward to prepare for the fight. Good thing that Thomas isn't here. Though I feel sorry for the horses who can't do anything here.

Maybe that's the reason Burnes said that I need to stop the cult members from approaching us. We don't want the horses to escape after all.

Burnes then stopped and chatted with the cult members there. About the reason why they are here.

"We're here because that little man who have just died from a weak Wind Slash wanted to join us. He said that he will bring all the people in his bandit group to join us. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore. How about you guys? Do you want to join the True God Cult and worship the True God with us? You can't refuse because if you do, we will kill you," one of the cult members said.


Since he called it the True God Cult, that means he's truly from the evil cult. Only the members called it that way. And that means we don't need to hold back against them at all.

"You killed my friends and family! You used monsters stampede to destroy my city!"

One of the member of the circus shouted instead of Burnes. I heard that he's a victim of the stampede. I guess it was right since I don't think this is an act.

From what Burnes said, that guy entered the army to join in the fight against the cult. But he is competent enough to be an agent so here he is. Though he's a good trapeze artist as well with his wind magic.

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"Well, you heard him. We don't join with people who killed others for fun. We are a circus group who make people entertained with our performance. Not kill people for entertainment," Burnes added.

"A circus troupe? Well, that doesn't matter. You're all all going to die here then," the cult member said as he prepared to shoot a magic toward Burnes.

But that didn't happen. Because as he stretched out his arm, I already shoot a Blobbybullet at his hand. When he noticed the bullet, he tried to pull back his arm and prepare to cast a barrier. But he was too late and my shot hit his hand.

"Don't you know? Because of the tournament, many air mages became interested in how Sara used air magic. She popularized the use of what was called as a gun. At the moment, there are not many air mages who used it. But at least we have some of them in the circus," Burnes said.

Sara popularized the use of compressed air to shoot a projectile? I'm the one teaching her! Wait, do Burnes and the others don't know that? And they think Sara did it because she's an agent and she's more popular than me?

Seems like I have a lot to teach to them.

Though it's true. I'm not the only air mage in the circus troupe. There's a girl here who is an air mage as well. I heard that she joined Sara's class after I left. And she learned it fast so she was sent to the circus.

While I targeting the one in front of us, the girl is targeting the enemies behind us. Just the two of us, but it's enough to distract the enemies so our expert level mages can defeat them.

Those who are just advanced level mages have difficulty fighting the enemies' expert level mages. But since our side learned magic control, we are not at a disadvantage.

With me shooting at the guy's hand as a signal, the others cast their magic to the enemies. And I aimed my rifle to another target.

This time, instead of injuring the enemies and get them to be killed by the other, I'd rather shoot them in the head right away. But I have a better idea.

Those cult members brought a number of explosive devices which was supposed to be installed inside the mouth of the new recruits. But since I killed their new recruits, those explosives are stored inside their pocket.

What would happen if at least one of them receive powerful impact?

And that's when I started to shoot at their pocket instead. And my first shot at their pocket ended up hitting one of the explosive devices and made it explode. The explosion which was supposed to only destroy a head became several times bigger because after the one I hit explodes, the explosion spread to the other explosives in the pocket and make the explosion bigger.

"Target their pockets! They have explosive stored there and a little bit of impact will kill them!"

These cult members must not expected that we would find their weakness in an instant.

With that information, those cult members focused more on protecting what's inside their pocket instead of killing us. And they didn't even expect that our expert level wind mage would prefer to decapitate their head with Wind Slash. Making it easier to kill them.

"This sure is easy. Seems like I don't even need to help anymore," I said as I stopped aiming at the enemies. There's no need because they are easily defeated after being told what their weakness is. They shouldn't have come here with pockets full of explosives. That's beyond stupid. Though they did that because they don't know that someone can see through the content of their pockets.

"And this is also good for everyone to gain experience. Since we're mostly doing espionage mission, we rarely fought enemies directly. There are also some other members who are close to expert level already. I bet once the tour is over, more than half of us would have reached expert level," Burnes said.

After the tournament is over, there are many people who became motivated and wanted to increase their level. Especially those who fight with us. And more and more have reached expert level. There will still be more of them appearing since I never stop providing the market with magic stones.

I can find water element magic stones easily by diving to the sea. Though nowadays, I let Spot's children to do it since I'm busy. As for other elements, there are many of them untouched in Monsters World. I just need to place some Blobbies there and I can grab as many as I like.

With that, I become even richer while I just need to spend mana to open a portal. And most of the magic stones were sold to the four kingdoms instead of the market. Only about ten percent magic stones were sold to the market instead of the kingdoms.

And those kingdoms would provide magic stones to their army. Some of them would be send to agents working in the field. Like the members of the circus. That's how many more people can become expert level mages.

And although I have given a lot to the kingdoms, I stored more of them for myself, my beloved, and my friends. We need to reach master level or maybe even beyond that.

"Oh, they started to escape. I will follow them from afar and see who they will contact," I said.

As much as we get stronger, the cult can also get stronger. They must have saved a lot of precious magic stones for a long time knowing that the Evil God has lived for a long time. He must have informed his worshipers where to mine them.

And now that they know their power is lacking, they will be focused more on raising master level mages before making their move.

Maybe I will find a master level mage here. Not an artificial one, but a real one.

I don't need to worry because I am already much stronger than a master level mage. But I need to be careful since I don't know what else they are hiding.

"Okay. Follow them carefully. If there is no one who noticed you, keep them until we prepared specialized agents to follow them. But if they have anyone who notice you, try your best to capture all of them. If that's not possible, then only kill those who give you a lot of trouble. If that's not possible, kill them all," Burnes said.

"Okay. I'll be back soon. Or later. Depend on what I find. Bye!"

I jumped on Ray's back with Victoria on my shoulder and we followed the escaping cult members from the sky. Far enough for them to not notice us.

Chapter 622: Stalking the Escaping Cult Members

"Living armor?" Victoria asked.

"Living armor," I replied.

While we chased after the escaping cult members from afar on Ray's back, I activated my bracelet to get myself be covered by the black armor. We will face the enemies as living armors from now on. Though Victoria still hasn't transformed yet. She can do that later if there are too many enemies.

I don't know where they will escape to, but it must be somewhere where these cult members have prepared in advance. After all, they are running toward the same direction without even asking the others. They know where to go.

Possibly, we will have to face many opponents. And just the three of us alone won't be enough. But I can just summon Shelia and Graham. They are already strong enough to face a master level mage on their own.

"Where are they going, I wonder?" Victoria asked.

"Deep into the forest. From what I can see it's just more trees. Maybe they will go even further. But it's interesting to see that none of them were asking the others about where to go. That means the are already know where to go. We'll keep our distance as we follow them. I also need to be careful in case there's a master level mage in where they are heading to," I said.


"You think there's one?" Victoria asked.

"Yes. The enemies already know that their expert level mages are not enough to defeat a random group of travelers. They are either planning to bring reinforcement to fight us again because they don't want to let us live, or they will report it to their leader that they got defeated and suggesting to retreat from their base. If they are planning to fight us again, that means there should be at least one master level mage since they have that much confidence," I said.

With Ray's running ability, he doesn't leave a trace and doesn't even make any sound as we are chasing the enemies. He's such an amazing horse.

He can just fly, but we decided that following them from the ground is easier because they can't see us.

Still, even though they don't know that we are chasing after them, they didn't even look back to see if they are being chased or not. They must have prepared this plan in advance. To ignore everything and retreat to where they have to meet up.

After around fifteen minutes of running, they have all stopped all of a sudden, and looked back. I also stopped at a distance while hiding behind a tree so they won't see us.

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There are five people who are escaping. And they were running away on their own. But this time, all of them stopped at the same time without any sign of communication. Which mean this had to be planned as well.

After five minutes break, they are all started running again. This time, they slightly changed their direction.

I see. They were going the same direction at first in case we followed them, and after a while, and no one is following them, they will move to where they needed to gather. Though I need to be careful as well.

What would they do if they saw me chasing after them? Fight back? Or retreat to different direction so they can bait us for an ambush?

But I know that they still don't know about the fact that we are not chasing after them. Still, I can't let down my guard until I know clearly what they are going to do.

They finally stopped at an open area. And this time, they didn't just stop. But they also talked with each other.

They are still within the range of my hearing so let's hear what they want to say.

"How was a random group of travelers be that much powerful? They only have a few expert level mages, but they killed more while we couldn't even injure one?"

"They are suspicious. That's why it's best to just retreat."

"Shouldn't we head back right away? It's not like those travelers are chasing after us. From how much carriages they are taking, I guess they are not someone who travel for fun. They must be doing it for a job or something. So they don't have any leisure to chase after us even if they know that we are from the cult. Maybe as they say, they are a circus troupe."

"That shouldn't be the case. They might be chasing after us since one of them hate us. Let's just stick to the retreat plan. We will wait here for one hour, and if there's no one is chasing after us, we will regroup with the others. Because back then we were lacking in preparation for the chaos during the tournament, we failed completely. We need to be more careful from now on."

I see. So that's why they are being extremely careful. Because of me.

Well, that means I need to stay here and wait for an hour before they finally regroup with the others.

"But isn't it good that we failed that plan? Because of that, the higher-ups pushed the plan to increase the number of master level mages. Many excellent expert level mages would be given a chance to prove themselves by given more resources and to improve to master level as soon as possible. Even if we fail now, as long as we are alive, it won't be long until we can get recognition from above and given the chance to be master level mages."

The other cult members there smiled at the chance of reaching master level.

Hearing them talking, I guess I was right that there should be at least one master level mage in where they will regroup. And they have lost so many people so I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to kill those expert level mages. They need to be nurtured so they can be master level mages.

This is what I heard from ancient Aura users. In the past, many kingdoms have a lot of master level mages. But they are still weaker than expert level mages who cultivated diligently because their magic level were increased in a hurry.

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In that case, these cult members' master level mages should be around those ancient kingdoms' soldier. They are strong enough to be called master level mages, but still weaker than properly trained expert level mages.

Though in this era, many expert level mages are way too weak compared to the past. Any of those weak master level mage should be enough to even destroy a kingdom. But because of my interference, they are not strong enough to do so.

Good thing I never asked the other to hurriedly improve their level. I don't want Kayla, Angela, or the others to lose so much potential because they are in a hurry. They have so much potential. They could even reach that stage beyond master level. Which we need a new name for.

After one hour of thinking of a name that fit for the stage beyond master level, those cult members finally made their move.

"We're leaving now?"

"Yeah. I don't think they can catch up to us even if they are chasing us. Maybe they got lost and give up. I also can't sense anyone near us. Let's retreat."

Finally. They are regrouping with other cult members. I need to gain my distance from them in case they have a master level mage.

Thanks to my training with Shadow, I can hide my presence better with using Aura. It makes me harder for even master level mage to find.

Back then, just one glance through building, and even artificial master level mage can sense that I'm looking at them. But now, a real master level mage won't be able to sense me unless they are stronger than average master level mage.

Those cult members are flying this time. With the help of two wind mages among them. They only fly a bit higher from the trees so they can hide. But there's no way for them to hide from me.

I followed after them to outside the forest. And there's a village there which was supposed to not exist in the map.

After that time in the fake village, I told the kings that if there are any new villages built, they need to investigate it. But I don't think this village has been investigated. This is too new.

Good thing the village is not that big. This way, even from distance, I can still see the whole village.

I can see a man inside a hut in the middle of the village where the escaping cult members are entering. He must be the leader in this area.

Since I can't get closer to them, I am just looking around the village after I reported everything to Sonia who will inform the others. Though they don't need to do anything since I'm here. Unless I asked for help of course.

For a small village, there are too many people there. Maybe they are like the small man and his group of bandits. People who want to join the cult. The new recruits.

If I get closer, the master level mage will know that an individual just entered the vicinity. They will get suspicious. So I can only watch them from afar.

Although we have killed many of them, their number is still growing. This is disturbing. Because that means there are still that many people who believed in their cause.

...Should I kill them all?

Chapter 623: The Raid on the Cult's Village

I keep watching the village to see what will happen. There are too many people here so they should be thinking of moving somewhere soon. Or maybe they will send the new recruits to a mission somewhere from here.

The people I chased are talking to one man inside the biggest hut in the village. They must be explaining how a circus troupe is suspicious because we are too strong and even have some expert level mages.

The man who seem to be the leader is angry and he slapped those cult members one by one. The slap was too strong that even without using magic, those people got blown away and hit the wall. The sound was loud enough to gain attention from everyone in the village to hear.

He is actually a master level mage. I was just assuming that there will be a master level mage, but I never thought that there's already one of them. There might be more, but if I investigate any closer than this, I will get found out.

Whenever a mage increase their level, their physical ability also increased as well. So, even expert level mages can win in a fight against any guard from Mellian who have received training from me to improve their muscle. But master level mage is much stronger than expert level even in their physical ability.

But of course they can't compare with Aura user or powerful monsters. Though they can just use magic from afar.

That one master level mage should be enough to destroy the whole circus group. But if he faces anyone from those who have trained with the ancient Aura users or trained with those two ghosts who have reached a stage beyond master level, he won't be a match to us even though his level is higher.


The man was angry, but he couldn't get too far in his anger probably because he knows that they need more people. He can't kill them in his anger.

He then gave some instructions to them and called the other senior members. Not the new recruits obviously.

"Victoria, should we kill them all? I think capturing even one of them will be difficult. Especially the master level mage. Even if we wrap a collar on his neck, his power is enough to break it," I said.

"There's a master level mage here? Seems like your journey to completely destroy the cult will be harder. How many of them are master level mage?" Victoria asked.

"I only see one. The man inside that big hut in the middle of the village. He's calling other cult members inside after hearing of the failure of the people we chased," I explained.

"Then we just need to grab some people who are gathering in that hut. The rest can be killed. I think you just need to call Shelia and Graham. Even though they outnumber us, they won't be able to win. And they can't escape as well since I will be with Ray to make sure no one can escape. You just need to knock them out, and the rest will be easy," Victoria suggested.

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"You don't want to be the one charging in?" I asked.

"No. I can't do much without Ray. And since he's the fastest, I should use him to the best of his ability," Victoria said as she transform herself into her armored form.

"Alright. I'll call Shelia and Graham right away. Look carefully and see if there's anyone leaving that hut after I summoned those two. Because once I used my magic, the master level mage should notice right away. If he's a wind mage, he can easily come here or escape," I warned Victoria before I jumped down from Ray's back to prepare to summon the werewolf and the archangel.

I watched until all the important members of the cult entered the room where the master level mage is. Once I summoned Shelia and Graham, even without using the portal, the master level mage should be able to sense my magic. And if there are other master level mage there, I can see them as well.

Now! All of them have entered the room!

"Come out! Shelia! Graham!"

I summoned my two familiars simultaneously while watching what's going on inside the hut.

And I can see the man who is the boss of this village is looking at us. Other than him, there is another person looking this way. It seems like there are two master level mages here. Good thing both of them are in the same room.

"I can sense two people are looking this way. What's the plan?" Shelia asked right away.

As soon as they got summoned here without warning, they must have expected something like this to happen. Well, that's to be expected knowing that they have known me for so long.

"Kill everyone outside that hut in the middle. As for the people inside, if they are too difficult to capture, just kill them. Seems like there are only two master level mages here so it won't be a problem for us. At least try to capture those two and not kill them," I said to my familiars.

"Then I will take care of those outside the hut first. Just me and my shadow clones are enough if there are no master level mage there," Graham said.

"I have marked the smell of the two master level mages! I will take care of them!" Shelia said as she run toward the hut.

"Then I will capture as many as I can and help Shelia later. Although Shelia is strong and can defeat two master level mages, she will need some time until she can defeat them. As for Victoria and Ray, they will watch from the outside and make sure that no one escapes. Let's go!"

After a short briefing, I can see the cult members are making their actions. The two master level mages are coming here. With the woman, the second master level mage, flying here with wind magic, and the man, the boss in this village, is moving the ground underneath him to travel.

They are quite fast. But Shelia is faster. She has grown much stronger after sparring with the ancient Aura users. And after the fight against Timmy, she has grown even more by asking Angela or the others for a spar, or training by herself.

Shelia quickly smashed down the flying master level mage toward the direction of the other master level mage, and faces the two of them alone. Though she's still being surrounded by other enemies, she doesn't care.

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Because while the enemies are confused, Graham's clones were already there killing those new recruits. Some of them were even killed while they are putting an explosive device into their mouth.

Graham has also grown as well. Not only that he can make more clones, each of them are strong on their own as well. Facing so many enemies there is easy for him and his clones.

Victoria is still not busy since the enemies are in confusion. As for me, I'm already inside the hut while the cult members didn't even notice. They were too focused on Shelia and Graham, so they can't sense me even though I no longer hide my presence.

"Hello, annoying people! If you don't want to die, then surrender. Though you might faint anyway since I'm using sleeping gas in this room," I said casually.

I don't need to pretend that I'm a living armor, so I can talk. The armor is on because I need to get used to it more often since I will move while wearing it more often. Wearing it and wearing Victoriarmor is different after all.


One of the cult members was preparing to attack me with his magic. But I knocked him out in an instant with just one punch to his temple. My punch is strong enough to shook his brain, and with the sleeping gases spread in this room, he faints.

"Since none of you are master level mages, I'll put a Magic Restricting Collar on you so you won't be able to use magic. If you surrender yourself, you can put one on your own instead of having me putting on around your neck," I said after I wrapped a collar around the neck of the guy I knocked out.

I also throw many collars in case they want to wrap it around their own neck. But instead of wearing them, they became even more hostile.

"Sigh... I guess I need to hit all of you at least once. If you die, it's natural. My punch is that strong after all," I said.

I don't need to use weapon. With my speed, I can reach them before they cast their magic. So a long range attack won't be needed.

I knocked out almost half of them quickly. It's also because the sleeping gases make them sleepy and they can't make a proper move or think carefully because of it.

As for the other half, they tried to escape from the range of the sleeping gas and attack me from distance. But they got knocked out before they can aim at me. Even outside of the gas range, they are still within my range.

I looked outside and see Victoria and Graham have defeated a lot of enemies as well. This is easy.

"Let's increase the pace, shall we?"

With the speed incomparably from when I arrive, I defeated the rest of the cult members easily. Now, only Shelia's side remain. Though I need to wrap collars around these unconscious people's neck first.

Sigh... they should have agreed when I told them to wrap the collar on their own neck...

Chapter 624: Capturing Master Level Mages

Even though I'm unarmed, I defeated all the cult members I faced easily. Some tried to escape, but I'm faster than them. And those who were too far from me and tried to escape, were killed by Victoria.

Victoria has got the hang of using Aura again. Though she said that she's much weaker than when she was a human. Maybe that's because she's a slime.

Monsters can use magic. But even after asking the ancient Aura users, I have never heard of any monsters capable of using Aura. Maybe Aura can only be used by humans.

Although Ray has Aura stored in his body, he can't use it. But he can transfer Aura to me, Victoria, or even Sonia. Though Sonia needs to be careful because Aura can exorcise her.

Victoria and Sonia can use Aura because they have experience in using it. But no matter how much they tried, they can't be Aura users again.

Maybe I'm right that only humans can have Aura in their body and use them. After all, Ray have Aura but can't use it. And Victoria and Sonia are monsters and they don't have Aura but can use it when they are riding or touching Ray because they used to be humans. They could even use it if I transferred some of my Aura to them as well.

Many things need to be experimented about Aura, but I think it's fine to not do that. After all, I have decided that I won't teach Aura to other people. Because it's too difficult to train them without risking your life.


...It's just that the people in the past learned Aura because they are crazy. Or either because they are in war and needed to be stronger.

And I don't have the same ability as Victoria's master who can tell if someone can be Aura user or not. Teaching people to use Aura without knowing full well about it is too risky.

Considering that Aura is too strong of a power as well, it's best if there's no one else who can be Aura user in the future. It will be too dangerous if there are other Aura users since Aura can be used for many things.

Though if I have kids in the future, I will at least get them to learn how I manifest my Aura for the first time. And I hope with my good parenting, they won't cause trouble whether they become Aura users or not. But that's for the future. I still don't have a kid yet.

After stopping the enemies on my side, there's only Shelia left who is fighting two master level mages. A man and a woman. The man is an earth mage and the woman is a wind mage.

"How could this be? Everyone is defeated with just four people and some clones?" the woman asked.

"Not just that. Even when we used our full strength, we can't do anything against that dog. These are the enemies we have to fight? I should have picked the other choice and help the Evil God instead of leading these incompetent bastards," the man said regretfully.

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"Yeah. If I know the enemy is too strong, I would have picked that choice after becoming a master level mage," the woman said.

Hmm? There are other choice?

Those two doesn't seem to realize that I can hear them. Or maybe they just don't care anymore. But that's good. At least I can hear a little bit about them.

Seems like any cult members, after reaching master level, they will be given two options. One is to lead people to do something, like how these two are trying to recruit more people. And two is to help the Evil God directly. Though I don't know what they will be doing. But my guess is that helping the Evil God directly will make the Evil God able to move freely.

It has been so long since I stopped the stampede. The first big plan of the cult. And the Evil God should have known that the cult members are too weak so he needs to make a move. But so far, he never make any move.

I don't think that's because he doesn't want to move. After all, if he's strong enough to call himself as a god, he should have known that he alone can destroy everything in this continent. But the fact that he didn't make any move means that for some reason, he can't do it. And that's why he needs master level mages to help him until he can finally come out and play.

Seems like we have to capture these two to learn more. From how things are going, I don't think Shelia is stupid enough to kill them. But I'll back her up just in case.

"Graham! Victoria! Gather all the unconscious cult members in one spot and don't forget to bind them. Ignore those who are dead," I said as I give Victoria a lot of Magic Restricting Collars.

"Oh, you already done?" Victoria asked.

"Yeah. It was easy since the master level mages are busy with Shelia. Those two might have important information, so I will capture them with Shelia," I said.

Shelia wasn't surprised that I came even though she said that she wants to take care of the two of them by herself.

"Here comes another one. This one is wearing an armor and act as a living armor," the woman said.

"Wait! He's not using magic when he defeated the others. He must be the one that the Archbishop warned us about. The Aura user," the man said.

"They exist!? I thought they are just fairy tale! Does it mean that we have no way of winning?" the woman asked.

"There's only one thing left for us to. For the sake of the True God!"

The man then put his hand in his pocket where there are many explosive devices there. Just how much do they love explosion?

He must be thinking of suicide but I won't let him die. I grabbed a kunai from my pocket and threw it toward the man's arm. Before the hand reached his head to kill himself, I managed to cut it off cleanly with the kunai. It's a good throwing weapon.

Without telling her, Shelia quickly run toward the man and hit him in the solar plexus and then to his temple. He got knocked out and fell to the ground. Leaving the woman alone still standing there dumbfounded.

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"You'd better give up or losing your arm is the least of your concern. I won't let you kill yourself until we have interrogated you and you tell us everything," I said to the woman.

"...Seems like I can't even kill myself. Aura user is really too strong for us. Fine, I will surrender," the woman said as she raises her hands up.

That's good. But that doesn't mean I won't do anything to her. I still knock her out so it will be easier to bring her in for questioning.

"Ugh... Why?"

Does she really think I won't hit her? Well, she's wrong.

Now, we have the two master level mages. But seeing how there could be two master level mages on the road between Melk and Mellian, there could be more of them in other places.

This is getting harder and harder. Not the fight. These master level mages are still easy to defeat. But other people will have difficulty defeating even these weak master level mages.

"For now, let's bring them to the prison in Tatrama. Albert will take care of the rest," I said as I opened a portal.

The portal is connected to the prison and the warden has gotten used to me suddenly appear when he noticed that I opened a portal. I told him to get the two master level mages to be put in separate prison from the rest. They were also too strong for a normal bind, so they got chained by a strong metal chain instead.

Though those metal chain is too heavy for the warden or other people to bind people with, so the one who did it was Shelia and I who are strong enough to do so.

...I actually wanted to do it on my own, but Victoria told Shelia to bind the woman instead. It's not like I want to touch her or something. She is an enemy.

"Good. Victoria, we'll go back to the village. Shelia, Graham, good job. You can return back to your world now."

The werewolf and the archangel then returned back to their world. And Victoria, Ray, and I returned to the village to investigate everything.

I also opened a portal to the circus group who are continuing their journey without me so I can get Burnes and several other agents to come with me to investigate the village.

After taking everything that seems to be suspicious, I transported them all for the others in Tatrama for the people there to investigate. And we then returned back to the carriage.

"For them to send two master level mages in one location... Seems like we will continue encountering more of them during our tour," Burnes said.

"Yeah. But as long as I'm with you guys, you don't have anything to worry about," I said confidently.

The journey to Mellian continued without any obstacles. And before we reach Mellian, I transported Thomas back with us.

Next is our show in Mellian. I can be a clown again!

Chapter 625: Stampede in Mellian

The show in Mellian was done well. There was no obstacle at all. Mellian is at peace without any visible cult members, or any spies at all.

The only thing bothering me was Hill. I need to make up various reason why I have to avoid him. Though he believed it when I said that I haven't finished taking a look a the city yet. I'm a man on a mission after all.

Though Victoria is spending a lot of her time hanging out with Hill. That is actually terrifying. I don't want to know what they are discussing about. Victoria then told me without having me asked her that she was actually asking for new materials for her popular novel. That is scary.

There is no one acting suspicious in Mellian. Even though there were two master level mages on the way, the city is safe. At least even though I'm showing myself and didn't intentionally hide myself, there were no one who can sense me. Not only this city is safe from master level mages, there were also no expert level mages here.

Hill said that there are some people in his squad who almost reached expert level including himself. But there were no expert level mages at all.

After we finished our show and we are making our preparation to leave Mellian, we have no choice but to delay our journey for a few more days because of a stampede.

I'm still a hunter after all, so Victoria and I got summoned by the guild who informed us that there will be another monsters stampede coming. Though the guild master told us in a very casual manner. Showing us how often this city experience monsters stampede.


Mellian is known to be a city that experienced monsters stampede too often. It's because the city is located in a place close to where many monsters are nesting. And it became a paradise for hunters who want to gain experience in fighting. Especially after the tournament.

After watching the tournament from the big screen, many hunters were motivated to become even stronger. They watched the interview with the participants including Kayla and Shirley, those I missed because I was busy, and they learned that just cultivating alone won't be enough to get stronger. So, many hunters then moved to Mellian because this city was well known for having a stampede more often than other city.

Though I think that is not a good choice.

Mellian has experienced many stampede every year from possibly, the overpopulation of the monsters. They breed like crazy. And even then, even though there were no expert level mages, the city is still standing. That means just advanced level mages are enough to stop the stampede.

If those hunters want to get stronger, they should go outside and fight stronger opponents instead of waiting for the stampede and participate in the defense of the city. There are many stronger monsters than those that appeared here.

In any case, the circus can't move because of the stampede. Those who are also a hunter were asked to help with the defense of the city. Though only the advanced level mages would go.

Those who are expert level mages got permission from Hill to not participate unless the monsters are too strong for the people.


It has to be said that this is not Melk. This is Mellian. And unlike Oleg, Hill shouldn't have that much influence to the people in this city. But he has enough power to tell the lord of the city what to do.

...Should I say that the lord was pressing his back to the wall when he met Hill?

In any case, I don't have anything to do except to watch how the monsters stampede is going.

"Roy! You should be fighting as well!"

While I was inside a closed restaurant eating some meal after I forced the restaurant owner to stay open by saying that I will pay thrice the original price, Hill entered the restaurant and shouted at me. the waitress was so shocked that she dropped the meal I ordered.

"Ah, you can cook it again. I'll pay for the dropped one as well," I said to the waitress who then left to the kitchen.

"Forget about the meal! You should be fighting as well!" Hill shouted.

"Wasn't it you who said that expert level mages should only watch?" I complained.

"Yeah, but you are an Aura user!"

"I'm an Aura Master now. Though I'm also an advanced level in my air element, and expert level in my summoning. I don't need to participate, right?" I said.

"Really? Does that mean you can summon four familiars? I already know Victoria, the werewolf, and the angel. What's the other one? A vampire?" Hill asked curiously. He's not angry anymore for me not participating in the defense.

"A horse. Anyway, I have told you that I will be spreading the fame of the living armor, right? Victoria will do it instead of me. She's riding the horse and will fight the monsters when we are pushed back. Though seeing that this city has a lot of experience dealing with monsters stampede, I don't think there will be a need for her to come out," I said.

"Maybe you're right. But as someone who have been living in this city since I was born, and the guard of this city, I know that the strength of the monsters during monsters stampede has increased lately. That's why I want you to participate," Hill said.

Since he's not playing around like usual, I know that he's being serious about it.

I see. The strength of the monsters have increased, huh? That might be a problem for other hunters. But other than me, there are some expert level mages from the circus. I think I don't need to worry much about it.

"Don't worry. There are other expert level mages in the circus. They are watching different side of the city. They should be able to move quickly in case we are getting pushed back. And I will also make a move if that happens," I said.

"...Not convincing since you're saying it here with a table full of dishes. But I know I can trust you. I'll take my leave then. I will be busy even after the stampede, so I might not be able to send you off when you're leaving."

Hill then leave the restaurant as the waitress brought me my newly cooked meal. I guess this will be my last meal before leaving.

Since Hill is worried that much and asked me to join, I guess shouldn't be the only one relaxing.

After finishing my meal, I paid the bill and left the restaurant to look around.

The hunters and many of the guards are outside the city defending the wall from the approaching monsters. But there are still some evil people who tried to make use of the situation to steal from the empty houses.

Many of the citizens were evacuated even though the stampede were always stopped before the monsters could break the wall. They prefer to go to the shelter instead of staying home.

In fact, the shelter looks like a place for picnic now. I think they don't think of it as evacuating. The citizens are thinking of it as a place to socialize. I guess the people of Mellian have strong mentality.

Even in the empty houses, they know what will happen so there were no valuables there. The thieves can only stole what? Table? Chair? Maybe a pillow?

That's why there are so few guards patrolling the city. Those thieves won't be able to steal anything precious.

And even if they do, they won't be able to sell them in this city. They need to go to another city to sell them or they will be found out.

It will be hilarious if the thief is selling a stolen pillow, only for the customer nearby said that it was his missing pillow. I'd like to see that happen. I have heard such thing actually happened from one of the guards who were training.

For now, there's no need for me to do anything. Victoria can be the one appearing as the living armor and protect the city if it's too much for the others. At least she can appear once or twice defeating powerful monsters so the rumor will be spread.

I looked at the north gate and see that the battle is finally happening. Over there, the hunters, the guards, and members of the circus have started fighting.

"Well, seems like there's no need for me to participate at all," I said all of a sudden when I stand next to Hill.

"Whoa! You surprise me there! It's good to see you here, but are you sure we're doing fine?" Hill asked.

"So far, you're doing well. I'll go check the other places after this. By the way have you ever given a quest to eradicate the source of the stampede?" I asked Hill.

"There was one in the past. But it ended with failure and only brought bigger disaster to the city as they brought more monsters back to the city. So we stopped making the quest. What? You want to participate?" Hill asked.

"How about you send the quest directly to my clan. I think Kayla and the others will be interested in it. I'm busy doing shows so I can't join. But they should be able to handle it. Though it might result in no more stampede. And there will be less hunters in the city. If you're okay with it, you can send a formal quest later," I said to Hill before leaving another location.

I can tell that Hill is pondering if it's a good idea to make a quest or not. Well, he will discuss it with the lords and important people in this city.

And since I'm busy with the circus, I don't have to do anything with the clan for now. They can decide for themselves if they want to come or not.

Chapter 626: Living Armor Made His Appearance

The monsters coming from the stampede are mostly goblins. Many of them are ordinary goblins that most beginner level mage could defeat easily, but there are some powerful variants of goblins as well. And they outnumber the hunters and the guards.

If the expert level mages are allowed to fight as well, it could be over soon. They can use a large-scale magic that would kill most of them, if not all, easily. But we are not supposed to help unless we are losing.

But the enemies are goblins. I don't think there will be any need for us to join.

That's what I thought until I see some more powerful goblin variants appearing. Though it's not as if I have to participate.

We might get pushed back a little, but if there are any excellent mage here, even if they are just advanced level, they should be able to handle those powerful variants easily.

If there aren't any excellent mage? Then the expert level mages have no choice but to participate.

But still, this is so many goblins. I have checked everywhere outside the city and only see green everywhere. Not the grass. But goblins.


Now that I have looked around, let's go back to Hill and asked him about the goblins.

"Hill, why is there so many goblins? Is the stampede always caused by goblins?" I asked Hill who is commanding his squad to fend off the approaching goblins.

"So it's goblins this time, huh? The most likely reason is because of overpopulation. Their nest must have been filled with too many goblins so they left their nest looking for another place. And they found this city," Hill said.

"Is this normal for overpopulation to be this much? If so, that means they have a really huge nest somewhere near this city, right? Isn't it dangerous to leave it be?" I asked.

"Didn't I tell you before how we couldn't find anything? Maybe because it's too far and too dangerous to go to for normal hunters. If it's you though, I bet you can find it in a minute. Anyway, I'd like to offer a normal request to your clan after this stampede is over. To destroy at least a few nests of some type of monster," Hill said.

"Is there other type of monsters that attacked this city?" I asked.

"Goblins are the most difficult ones. Because once they attacked, there will be too many of them. Each time they attack, there will be more of them. As for other monsters, there are orcs, wolves, rabbits, and mostly beast type monsters. But the orcs won't attack us in huge number. And the rabbits would come with more numbers than the goblins. But they are easy to defeat. So, maybe I'd like to ask your clan to destroy the goblins' nest and probably another monsters' nest," Hill said.

Rabbits? Well, ain't that cute to be surrounded by rabbits?

Still, if there are that many monsters' nest nearby, isn't this city always in danger? The stampede aside, if there are monsters' nest nearby, they should have much more powerful monsters in the nest. If we leave them be, the city will be in danger of getting destroyed sooner or later.

I guess it's best to contact Kayla and the others sooner.

"Hill, I have another suggestion. Once Kayla and the others come here, they will meet other hunters who wanted to be as strong as they are. And they will tell them that they can't just wait for stampede to happen so they can get experience. I think it's best for all the monsters nest nearby to be destroyed so the city will be safe. Kayla and the rest will do it. Probably we will ask some hunters to tag along so they can watch how strong they are. And they will show them that they can get stronger by fighting stronger monsters. Not fighting the same monsters all the time. That way, there will be less people hoping for stampede," I suggested to Hill.

"Hmm... there will be less hunters coming to Mellian. But if there are at least one or two monsters' nest left behind, stampede could still happen and the guild can still make new quests. And most hunters will get stronger as well if they started leaving the city. Giving us more strength to face not only powerful monsters, but also the cult. I think that's a good idea. But we also need to be careful of those leaving hunters in case they meet members of the cult who promise them power. For me, I think it's best if these hunters just stay here and wait for stampede to happen," Hill explained.

Oh, wait. That's right. The cult is annoying.

If they know that hunters are leaving Mellian to get stronger, they can approach those hunters and tell them that they can get stronger if they join the cult. That is annoying. Making more enemies for me.

"I'll just get Kayla here right away. I'll tell her everything and you can discuss it with her together with the lord. I'm not good at planning things like this," I said as I left Hill to continue fighting.

I entered an empty house and opened a portal to get Kayla. Though some other people are coming as well.

"So, the common occurrence of stampede might actually work for us, huh?" Kayla asked.

"Maybe. Even in my past life, I have never heard of the cult trying to take over Mellian. Though they are strong enough to do so. It must be because the monsters near the city are too annoying. What do you think?" I asked for what her plan is.

But before she could answer, Candy spoke first.

"I'd like to say that there have been many agents investigating. Because we are suspicious if the monsters' nests near Mellian are related to the cult or not. And even though we found where some nests are, we don't know if it's a good idea to destroy them or not. But my suggestion if we decided to destroy their nest is to let some monsters alive so they can continue wander around nearby. That way, the guild will still be able to make more requests," Candy suggested.

"Well, I'd like to look around first before making plans. Is Ray available?" Kayla asked.

"He's with Victoria looking for the battlefield. I'll summon them after we left this house and I will swap place with them so I can be the one acting as the lliving armor," I said.

Once we left the house, I opened a portal to where Victoria and Ray are hiding. Victoria will join Kayla and Ray looking for monsters' nest while Candy will ask the agents staying in Mellian. The rest who were curious returned back to Cassau since they think that we are enough to take care of things here.

Now that I have heard from Candy, I guess I should take a look at the monsters' nest as well. But later. Not now. There are goblins everywhere.

The hunters are doing well against the goblins. And after knowing that they are just goblins, they let down their guard and some of them were killed. How stupid. But that's still not a reason for me to come out. It's their own mistake.

Soon after, some powerful goblins five times the size of average goblins come out. The hunters and the guards were shocked. But the circus members, even though they are just advanced level, are doing so well. Their teamwork made them easily defeat those monsters.

Seeing how the circus members were that strong while they are at the same level, the hunters become motivated to continue fighting. I guess this side will be fine then. Those big goblins are the strongest here. Let's move to another place.

This time, the hunters are in trouble. There were more powerful monsters here. Even though they have Burnes, some circus members, and some experienced agents as well, they have trouble because there are some goblins who can use magic to create barrier that can block all magic attack. I guess I should go.

Oh, wait. The expert level mage is making his move. And his magic is stronger than the barrier so he can kill the goblins easily.

After that goblin died, the rest was easy. I guess I don't need to take part here as well.

I move around and returned back to where Hill is commanding. The goblins here are much stronger and even though the expert level mage is already helping, they are still in trouble.

So I come out wearing my full armor and moving around quickly while slashing all the zombies I can reach. I only move fast enough for everyone to see so they can spread the rumor.

The expert level mage who is also a circus member then shouted my introduction.

"That's the living armor who stopped the giant salamander in Melk! He's helping us!"

Well, thanks for the introduction. At least there shouldn't be anyone stupid enough to attack me.

I killed the strongest goblins but there are still a lot of them. Since I have made my appearance, it's fine for me to go around openly and kill more goblins. The rumor about me has been spread to other places as well who are still fighting the goblins.

With this, the stampede is over. There were some casualties, but we have done very well despite the expert level mages and I coming out later.

Next, let's hear what Kayla need to say. I'll wait for her to return.

Chapter 627: After the Stampede in Mellian

Thanks to my help, the stampede was over. All of the monsters died. And this is the first time in Mellian that there are so many casualties from the stampede.

The hunters here have gotten used to it. Fighting the weak monsters in stampede. So they can't grow stronger. And when faced against goblins, they would let down their guard. Resulting in their own death.

That's why I said that if they want to get stronger, they can't stay in one place for too long. They should venture out to the world and face stronger monsters. Though if they don't want to get stronger, they can just stay in Mellian or even not fight at all.

On that note, I don't want to get stronger. I have to get stronger. It's different.

Now that the battle is over. The hunters looked around to see that their fellow hunters are dead. As for the guards, they already know that it can happen. I guess despite how I see Hill as someone who likes to play around, he's still a capable man who can lead his men.

Some people died. But for me, the number of casualty is lower than it should be thanks to me joining in. I say that we have done a good job.

The aftermath of the stampede was done quickly. The guards along with the hunters and even some civilians are helping since it's safe already.


As for me, I'm staying in Hill's office together with Hill waiting for Kayla to return.

"She's not back yet?" Hill asked.

"No. Victoria told me that there are too many monsters' nest nearby. As for the goblins, overpopulation was indeed one of the cause. But not the overpopulation of goblin alone. Instead, it was the orcs. The orcs who left their nest because their nest can't hold that much orcs attacked the goblins' nest. Most of the goblins run further deep into the forest. And part of them were coming here," I said.

Those are the things that Kayla and Victoria found while they are investigating. Their investigation skill is much better than the agents specialized in it because Ray was just too fast. He can just go further if there's nothing to see. But the agents' sight were limited. And it will be too dangerous for them to stay too long out there.

"...Fuck! If that's just small part of the goblins, it means that there are more of them, right? Just that many is enough to kill some of us! That does it! I will ask the lord to get rid of all monsters' nest nearby! There won't be any more stampede anytime soon!" Hill shouted in his office.

"Let's wait for Kayla first. She should know what to do. Just in case, I'll prepare to get Albert if your lord disagree with our plan," I said.

"Even if you don't do that, the lord will still do what I ask him to do. But at least if you call his majesty, the lord will do it voluntarily instead of being forced to do it," Hill said.

...Just what has he done to the lord? I said it before that he doesn't have as much influence in the city as Oleg. But influence to the people doesn't matter if you can just control the one in charge of this city.

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After waiting for a bit longer, Kayla finally appears along with Victoria and Ray.

"Roy. I think this will be a good place for our clan to train. There are many monster's nest here. And each one of us can take care of one nest at least. Most of the monsters are weak so we can defeat them easily. Maybe we can each lead a group of hunters to raid those nests to help the hunters get stronger as well," Kayla said.

"There are that many monster's nests? Well, I will leave the decision to you. I'm busy with the circus so I won't be able to help. Though if you need me, I'll come right away," I said.

"Oh, Roy! When will your circus leave?" Hill asked me.

"Thomas said that we will make at least one more show so we can cheer the people up. After that, we might take a few more days before we leave. There's no problem with our supply until our next destination since I can use my portal. But it will be too suspicious if we leave too early. After the show, I guess I will make my appearance as the living armor in another location. I have been acting as one so close with the circus a few times already. If the cult take notice of it, they will be suspicious of the circus," I explained.

"I see. Well, I will be busy so I can't see you leave. But I'll try to watch the circus," Hill said.

"Okay. Though you will still pay for the ticket," I said.

I can't expect that the show this time will have all the audience seat filled. After the civilians who evacuated returned and heard the news that there are more casualties than usual, they all feel down for underestimating the stampede. Some of them want to feel better by watching our performances, but I doubt all of them will feel the same.

I will at least perform like usual to those who attend. That's my duty as a professional circus clown. Making people laugh.

"Okay. Before you leave, I have something I want to ask you," Hill suddenly stopped me before I jumped out of the window.


"The circus have two strongmen as the members, right? Do you know if any of them have lover? Or maybe the two are actually lovers?" Hill asked.


Without hesitation, I jumped out of the window. Though I can hear Victoria and Hill is talking excitedly and Kayla finally snapped and stopped the two before giving more suggestions to Hill on what to do.

I escaped to the circus where they are planning to raise the tent again for just one show.

"Has Kayla returned?" Burnes asked me.

"Yes. She's with Hill in his office. Victoria is with her as well while Ray is running to the sky somewhere. Sometimes, he's like a dog and enjoy going for a walk," I said.

"What will you do now? If it's now, if there's any spy in this city, they should be doing something suspicious. You're not going to make your move?" he asked.

"Not at the moment. The agents in this city should be investigating, right? I'll make my move later. For now, I'll help in building the tent," I said.

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I then start helping building the tent after telling the two strongmen that Hill said hi to them. They are a bit confused hearing that since they never talk with Hill. I guess not everyone knows what Hill is really like.

"...He's not saying anything to me, right?" Thomas asked.

"Not at all."


I think Thomas is the only one in the circus who knows about Hill.

During the stampede, I used portal to return him back to Cassau. It was before I called Kayla. And after the stampede is over, I grabbed him back.

As for Candy who came here with Kayla, she's with other agents staying here to investigate more. Just as Burnes said, this is a good time for spies to make their action.

After they finished their discussion, Kayla and Victoria comes to my room at the inn. And after a while, Candy entered my room as well.

...I'll do my own investigation tomorrow. Let's just sleep with beauties tonight.

The next night, the show ends well. There were actually so many people who wanted to come. Some are those who have watched us before. I guess I'm just that good.

My investigation shows that there are no spies here other than those that Albert sent. Though if they are good actors, I won't be able to tell. But at least this city seems to be fine.

Candy joined Kayla and Hill and they have a meeting with the lord and the guild master. I don't need to call Albert it seems.

They agreed to make a formal request to the clan. I don't need to use portal it seems. They are riding on Spot's back to come. Though when he's close, Spot will shrink himself and make it as if they are coming here thanks to Angela's and the others' wind magic.

As planned, they are going to lead several groups of hunters who will raid the nests. Many are interested in going with Angela, Kayla, and Shirley. Though in the end, the guild arranged it so everyone can go.

While the hunters are raiding the nests, Hill and the guards will protect the city.

This will be the biggest event in Mellian that can change the future of Mellian. From a city that often experiencing stampede, to a safe city with less chance of stampede.

There might still be some monsters left. But it won't attack the city as often as before.

Everyone will take part in it. From the civilians, guards, hunters, and even the nobles.

But I won't join unless I'm truly needed. And by the time they are preparing to attack monster's nests, our circus group have left the city and we are moving to the next one.

They will be fine. Everyone in my clan is that strong.

Chapter 628: Kron's Emergency Situation

The circus group is on the move to another city from Mellian, while I was somewhere in Arturo. Although Fabio and the others have done well making sure that there are no more influence from the cult in the kingdom, there are still some places still heavily influenced heavily by the cult. And I'm going to eradicate them.

"These are the location of cities, villages, and settlements. There are still many cult members hiding there spreading their belief. I hope the living armor can take care of them," Fabio said in his office. Toni is there as well. They showed me a map and marked some areas within the map. Those marked places are the location of where these two suspect to be influenced by the cult heavily even after they took back Arturo.

"Sure. You picked those places for me because you couldn't find any evidence about their relation with the cult, right?" I asked.

"That's right. But I know that because when I went there, I see some familiar faces. They are those that the fake king met when the kingdom was still under control by the cult," the one answering me was Toni.

"Okay. I'll take care of them. I can't do everything in one day, but if it's just a village or settlement, it should be easy to finish. I'll inform you later the places I have purged and you will continue investigating the places I haven't. Though if you want to continue your investigation even after I have purged them all, that's fine," I said before I leave using a portal to the closest city to one village from the map.

"Shall we split up?" Victoria asked me before we left the city we transported to.

"Yeah. You will go to-"


Before I could give her the direction where to go to, Sonia suddenly appeared telling me of an emergency situation.

"Roy! Wendy and Kron are in trouble!" Sonia said.

Without hesitation, I opened a portal to where Wendy is. I can take care of the cult in Arturo later on. Or maybe I can just let Fabio take care of them himself. But I can't let my own friends to be in danger. Saving Wendy and Kron comes first.

"What's the emergency?" I asked.

I can see what they need me here to do. It's obvious seeing that Kron lost one of his legs. And the enemies are wyverns. A large flock of wyverns are flying above us.

"One of those flying lizard bit my leg and ate it when I saved a hunter we brought to help us. There's no healer here," Kron said.

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"Even if there's a healer, only trained surgeons can reattach your leg back. Wendy, Victoria, protect Kron. I'll go get his leg back," I said as I jumped on Ray's back.

"How? That thing ate my fucking leg!"

"Ate. But it didn't chew your leg. For now, your leg is still fine. Stay conscious so you won't die," I said.

I can see that the biggest wyvern has a leg in its stomach. For now, it hasn't been digested yet. They called Sonia as soon as Kron's leg was eaten it seems.

For him who have reached expert level mage to get hurt this much can only mean one of two things. The enemies are stronger than expected, or the allies are stupider than expected.

I couldn't see any hunter they brought here. They must have escaped. Maybe because they know that the enemies are wyvern, they brought only wind mages to have good mobility in the sky. And so, when it's time to retreat, they will retreat as fast as they could.

It will be stupid of them if they returned back to Mellian. Though I think that's the case. Once Kron and Wendy return to Mellian, they will face the truth that they left their comrade behind. And no hunter want to get close to such people. They will have to raise their reputation back if they want to continue being a hunter.

But that's for later. I need to retrieve Kron's leg back.

Riding on Ray's back made me arrive at the biggest wyvern quickly. The wyvern didn't even notice us coming until it's too late. When it realizes that we're there, I have already sliced his body in two while making sure Kron's leg is fine.

"Victoria. Have some Blobbies absorb unwanted substances from Kron's leg," I said after I returned back with a leg in my hand.

"I'll take care of the rest of the wyvern. You can bring him back for the operation," Wendy said as she flies to the sky to face numerous wyvern alone.

Actually, just one of them is fine. Either Wendy or Kron. But from the report, there are too many wyverns here and it will take too long to get rid of them alone. So the two come together. And they will split up after getting rid of the wyvern. Wendy will go back together with the hunter party they brought, while Kron will continue eradicate other monsters' nest.

But that won't happen. Kron will have to need operation to reattach his leg back and he needs some rest. As for Wendy, she will return back to Mellian to give report. She will also tell the others about the situation via Sonia.

I opened a portal to Sophie's location and told her that we need to reattach Kron's limb back. Then we moved together to the hospital and the operation room is ready in no time.

Dismembered limbs is not common things to happen since most people used magic from distance. But it's also not rare either. There have been a few operations conducted after I taught the doctors how to do it.

Still, many of the doctors who are free chose to watch my surgery on Kron. Though they won't be able to see everything because I am too fast. Even Sophie can only watch.

"Alright. It's done. Take him to his room. He will be hospitalized for a while. I'll leave him to you, Sophie," I said to Sophie.

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"Sure. Is the quest they took dangerous?" Sophie asked.

"The monsters? Not so much. The idiots? Very much the same everywhere. I'll ask Wendy after this for the detail," I said.

I returned back to where Wendy was, and she now only has three wyverns left to kill. I don't need to help her.

A few minutes later, I can see the wyverns are burnt to death. The smell was quite appetizing. Or maybe it's just me being hungry. Wyvern's meat doesn't taste good after all.

"Good job, Wendy. What happened?" I asked Wendy after she finished subjugating the wyverns.

"Some idiots disobeyed our orders. Thinking that wyverns are actually weak. They tried to fight a wyvern and they failed to kill it. But they succeeded in angering the wyvern. Then all of a sudden, the biggest wyvern appear and about to eat one of the hunters whole. Kron was focused on other monsters and can't use another magic, so he kicked the hunter and lost his leg. That's basically what happened," Wendy explained.

"That's what I thought would happen. I guess taking stranger in the team is too much. I'll go check on the others. You can go back to Mellian," I said.

Wendy flew off toward Mellian. Those hunters won't be able to show their faces in Mellian ever again.

I shouldn't actually helped anyone here, but I'm worried because of what happened to Kron. So I left with Ray and Victoria while wearing full armor. I still need to act as a living armor.

The others are doing fine. Must be because they participated in the tournament. The fact that Kron and Wendy didn't participate must be why those hunters dared to disobey them.

They could destroy the monster's nest they are dispatched to easily. Though they took their time so the others can have a chance in fighting as well.

They must have learned what happened to Kron from Sonia. So after they finished taking care of the monster's nest they are dispatched to, they ordered the hunters they brought to return back to Mellian.

They were supposed to go to another nest after clearing the first one. But because of Kron's situation, they decided to return to Mellian and go back to clearing the nests tomorrow. That's what Kayla told me.

They have destroyed the nearest nests of monsters while letting only very few monsters alive so the guild can still get some request. If it's me though, I'll just kill everything without a care.

After they all returned, I disguised myself and opened a portal to Mellian to see what happen to the hunters who disobeyed orders.

They were shocked to see Wendy is still alive after being surrounded by wyverns. Even more after Wendy said that a living armor managed to slice through a wyvern's body to retrieve Kron's leg so they could be reattached back. They were so ashamed to retreat and disobeying order after realizing that just Wendy alone is more than enough to destroy a nest full of wyvern by herself.

I don't think none of them will dare to stay in Mellian. They must be thinking of leaving the city.

I also left the city and returned back to Arturo. I have some villages to stomp over.

Chapter 629: He's the Evil Hide and Seek God

After Kron has become better, and he can walk and move normally again thanks to receiving healing magic after surgery, he returned back to Mellian and raid some nests on his won. He doesn't want to get someone else with him anymore.

The others also don't like how the hunters are so selfish and might cause their own death. So only some like Kayla and Angela who doesn't care if there are hunters who want to come with them to the raid.

Many male hunters tried to get closer with the girls. Many of them got kicked in the nut. Did they really think that they can force their way to the girls?

Some have a boyfriend. Me. And the others have high standard because of me. And there's also a princess of a kingdom. Did they really think that they have a chance to be with the princess?

Because of so many men got kicked in the nut, they decided to stop raiding monsters' nest. And they even leave Mellian. If they want to be popular, they should improve their strength first.

Anyway, those were the things that they told me after I left. Since that time with Kron, I never helped them again. Though they said that there are still some other nests to take care of so they will be staying there for a little longer.

As for me, I finally left to Arturo again and this time, I really am getting rid of the cult's influence. There were no emergency so far so both Victoria and I managed to get rid of so many cult members. Some were managed to escape but that's because I'm letting them go.


Those who escaped will tell more cult members that living armors have started attacking them in Arturo. They will then start investigating about the living armor and try to kill me.

Little by little, our plan bore fruit. Though I think it will be a while until the cult has enough member to go after me. They will need to send a lot of master level mages to kill me. But I think they still don't have enough master level mages yet.

An ordinary master level mage is no match for me. Even more if they cultivated their magic and increase their level rapidly. They will be much too weak for me.

Still, it is very annoying. All the cult members that I intentionally let go were escaping, but none of them were going to where the Evil God is.

They would retreat to somewhere and I will face more cult members. And from that place, I will let go some more people, and I would follow them again. They were going to another place with a lot of cult members.

But when I get to their final destination when they no longer know where to go, I couldn't find anything. No Evil God or the Archbishop of the cult. It's just a place that the cult knows it belong to them.

The cult members staying there would receive tasks from the leader of their faction. Either it's a faction from someone powerful or it's just fetishist faction like the one that Veronica or Celestine used to lead.

I learned it after forcing some cult members to speak. By opening their body and letting them see their own intestine. That's why a doctor shouldn't be a torturer.

The higher-ups of the cult will send people to the villages I raided to give the cult members there tasks for them to complete. And so, I have no choice but to wait after I completely killed all the cult members in a village.

"There's nothing we can do except waiting. We have taken care of all the villages, settlements, and cities in this area. There shouldn't be any more cult members. So we can only wait until the messenger arrive so we can follow them," I said to Victoria.

"Should we take care of the cities in other area?" she asked me back.

"Later. It's too annoying to keep on killing them. And Thomas will soon reach the next city. We'll leave after an agent come to take care of the rest," I said.

Soon after, an agent from Arturo come. I left everything to him before I returned to the circus.

"Aren't you too busy? We're in a tour that you arranged, but you're almost never with us in the journey," Thomas said when I meet him.

"It's not a problem. Thanks to Ray, the travel was done quickly. Even without him, I'm already fast enough on my own. And killing the cult members didn't take too much effort. All the master level mages should be busy. The strongest members I could find was just expert level mages. And there are no more artificial master level mage. It wasn't tiring at all. Just boring," I said.

"...A few years ago, if you said killing expert level or master level mage so easily I would get shocked and think that you're beyond crazy. I'm shocked now because hearing them from your mouth is already natural. Only you can say killing master level mages easily," Thomas said.

"Yeah. I guess it's time to prepare the camp. Where is our next destination?" I asked.

"Just a small city. But after that, we will go to a small country that doesn't belong to Tatrama. I guess that's where you will be more busy," Thomas said.

"I guess it's time, huh? Thanks for telling me. If you need anything, just come to my tent," I said.

When I entered my tent, Sonia appears next to me to tell me what Albert has found from the two master level mages that I captured on the way to Mellian.

The report was something that I figured out while I was on the mission in Arturo. A messenger will come to them to give them some tasks to complete. Though because the one being interrogated were master level mages, there were more details. Like how the master level mages were given order from the Archbishop directly before they depart to built a village between Melk and Mellian. Though they never returns again.

Worse of all, they have forgotten where they met the Archbishop. Which mean someone is manipulating their memory. No way a master level mage, no matter how weak they are, can't tell where they were. Unless they are extremely forgetful.

Someone or something is erasing their memory. Maybe like Russell, they can use mind manipulation magic. Or it's from an item which make their memories disappear.

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If they have something that can delete someone's memories, they could just grab everyone from the street and turn them into members of the cult. But from how they didn't do it, it means that the memory erasing thing that they have can only make them lose memory of a recent event. Probably something like forgetting a whole day of memory or something.

That's troublesome. Is that the reason why our investigation couldn't find where the Evil God is hiding no matter what?

No. That's not the only reason. Even Timmy who can detect everything in this continent couldn't sense the Evil God.

Basically, he is not just the Evil God. He's an Evil Hide and Seek God. Just the hiding part since he couldn't find me, an Aura user, even though he should have realize that an Aura user exists.

For now, let's focus on the circus. I need to relax by making everyone laugh.

Two days later, the circus arrived at a city. We received the permission to play easily. And as usual, the reception was good. Many people attended my performance and laughed.

After two nights of shows, and an extra day to get supplies for our next journey, we're on the move again.

"I'm fine since I have a lot of stamina. But what about the others? Aren't they tired and fatigued?" I asked Burnes.

"We are fine. Thanks to Victoria's help with her knowledge of the suspension for the carriage, we feel less fatigued from the journey and can sleep well even inside a moving carriage. And our schedule is actually not as busy as our time as field agents," Burnes said.

"I guess you did have a job that needs you to have a lot of stamina before you became circus performers. What about you, Thomas?" this time, I asked Thomas.

"Circus is my dream. There's no way I can get tired of it. Though it's mostly thanks to you. Because we have so many problems coming. Like bandits, monsters, or cult members we met on the way. And when it happens, you would return me back to Cassau and I can rest," Thomas said.

"Well, I guess that's true."

I think Thomas is the one who is the most energized after me. Having your dream achieved is something anyone wants. And Thomas able to achieve it thanks to me.

He enjoys every moment of it so he never feel tired. Though he still need to maintain his health. That's my advice as his friend and as a doctor.

"Let's stop here. We will camp here tonight!"

Suddenly, we stopped even though it's still noon. We could still travel further, but Burnes told us to stop.

"What's wrong? Why are we stopping now?" I asked. Thomas and Victoria were also confused.

"There's so much things to prepare before we go to the country we're entering. I'll tell you after we set our camp. I'll visit your tent later. Thomas, you can go there first," Burnes said before he started preparing to camp.

I wonder why do we need to learn something about the country we're going to? Maybe because that country is dangerous? Let's hear what he has to say.

Chapter 630: Rygis Country

I wonder what Burnes going to say to us? After my tent is done, which I don't need to take any time at all since I just grabbed the tent from another location, I entered it and wait for Burnes. Soon after, Thomas entered my tent and we waited for Burnes.

"Maybe it's some kind of secret about that country. What if it's under suspicion of being controlled by the cult? I'm scared to go there now," Thomas said to me as we wait for Burnes to come.

It sure take time for others to build their tent. Maybe I'm just the weird one since I just need to grab my tent from somewhere else, while the others need to prepare everything. Portal is the best.

Thomas said what he's worried about. The country we're going to is a small country and we don't know much about it. Maybe that country is as Thomas said. Something scary is going on there.

"Well, we can take this time to prepare ourselves. If they are being controlled by the cult, the kingdom should have known it right away or tell me to investigate it. But Albert hasn't told me anything. It means they are still safe from the cult at least," I said.

"What if it's not related to the cult? The danger is from something else and not about the cult? Maybe it could be more dangerous than the cult," Victoria added.

"If that's the case, then we can just run away. I can use portal to escape from there easily. There's nothing to worry about. But we'll hear everything from Burnes soon," I said.


Something more dangerous than the cult? If it's something that won't have any relation to me, I don't care. If it's a monster that lack intelligent, we can kill it. But if that dangerous thing decided to make a mess with me, I'll consider them the same level as the cult. Something necessary to be destroyed completely.

Well, we will hear about it from Burnes. I don't think it will be something dangerous though.

"Anyway, what is the name of the kingdom we're going to?" I asked Thomas.

"You haven't heard? Or maybe you just don't care. Well, I'll tell you what I know. Though I only know the name. I think it's called Rygis. Beyond that, I don't know anything else about it," Thomas said.

"You have never been there before?" I asked Thomas.

"Nope. I heard many merchants have difficulties entering that place. That's the reason we don't know much about it. Maybe it's a closed country or something," Thomas said.

A closed country, huh? And they forbid people to enter? I think it will be hard for us to stay there. Maybe we will get kicked out as soon as we show our face.

Soon after Burnes enters my tent. Seems like we are the only ones who are left behind. We don't know anything about the Rygis kingdom while the others already in the know.

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Well, that's to be expected. The others are all agents after all. They have intel that normal people couldn't get no matter how hard we try.

...Me? Normal?

Well, other than the fact that I'm an Aura user, or the four kings are my friends, or how I am the most important piece in the fight against the cult, or the fact that I returned from the future, or the fact that I have a harem, I'm just a commoner. So I'm pretty much normal.

"Burnes. Tell us what we need to know about Rygis kingdom," I said.

"Yeah. But first, it's not a kingdom. It's not an empire either. They called it a country. And it was not led by members of royalty. They don't have such things. The citizens are heavily involved in politic and they have the right to vote who will be the one that will lead the country. They called the one leading the country as president," Burnes said.

"Wait, they use voting to pick their president?" Victoria was shocked when she heard that.

"Hm? Oh, right. Victoria, you once told me that most countries in your world used that way to pick their leader, right? I guess you're more familiar with it. Is it hard to live in such country?" I asked Victoria.

"Not really. But it's all depend on the country. Mostly, it depends on the traditional morals and values of the country. I guess the problem is not the country itself. But their moral and value," Victoria said.

"She's right. The country is not a problem. But their common senses are mostly different than ours," Burnes said.

We live in the same world but we have different common sense? If it's Victoria, I can understand when she doesn't have common sense since she's from another world. Though it was mostly me who doesn't have common sense. I stayed alone for a long time in my past life after all. Living in a countryside without a care, and stupidly joined the war.

Burnes then explained to us the biggest difference of our common senses with Rygis is.

"So, the population of women there is much higher than the men," Burnes said.

"...I have gone to many places, but isn't that the same everywhere? Even in my clan, there are more women than men. In fact, there are only two men. Kron and me," I said.

"Yes. But the difference is much more in Rygis than other places. There were so many women and they are the one with power. In fact, they considered men as slaves. Other than those who got lucky and married someone, the rest are slaves. Even the children, after they reached adulthood, they will be treated like a slave as long as they are men," Burnes explained.


"In fact, as soon as they realized their surroundings, the boys have to seek for marriage partner as soon as possible. Because they will become slaves if they reached adulthood without getting a partner," Burnes added.

What the hell!?

I thought that if the women has power, it would be like Lynn being an empress. But that's too much! Just because they are men, they are treated like a slave! In fact, slavery is even legal there!

"...Most of the circus members are male though," Thomas said.

"Indeed," Burnes said.

"Seems like we won't have any problem then. If we go there, we will get kicked out right away. There's no need for us to go there. Let's just skip that country and move on," I said.

"Agree. There's no need for us to go there only to be treated like slaves. Let's move on to the next city," Thomas said.

Men being treated like slaves? I won't go there.

But maybe if I show them that I'm married, I will be fine. Though I'm not married. I just have lots of girlfriends. a country where women ruled, having a harem might be a huge crime instead. None of them would believe that they all love me.

So, let's just move on. There's no need to go to that place. Even the women in the circus don't seem to have interest in performing there.

"Can't do that. The main purpose of the tour is to eradicate any cult's influence as much as possible by traveling to every possible location. And obviously, Rygis is one of them. Even if you don't want to come, you have to. But for Thomas, he's free to not come with us," Burnes said.



It's obvious who is happy and who is not. Thomas can just leave the circus momentarily and not go there even though he's supposed to be the leader. But I have to.

How do I stay safe in that country? Charm the girls with my beautiful smiles?

"Since Thomas will not go, we need someone else to act as the leader. Roy, you will disguise yourself as Thomas," Burnes said.

"Sigh... fine. But if they treated me really bad in that country, I will try my best to escape instead of killing them," I said.

"...It's best if you don't kill anyone in other country unless for good reason. But yeah, it's best if you prepare to use your portal anytime," Burnes said.

I guess there's no escape from going there. But I will try to escape before I kill anyone who bully me there.

"So, how did they ended up making men as their slaves?" I asked.

"We don't know the truth yet. But from what we gathered, it's because something that happened long time ago in the past. Someone extremely strong charmed a lot of women and built a village that only consist of him and his women. Soon after the man disappeared. But the women who have finally been freed of his charm still there. Their hatred to men was so high that they started enslaving men because of it. Other than for breeding purpose, the men can't do anything there. Though at least they are still treated better when they were children," Burnes said.

...That sounds familiar.

So, a man charmed so many women in the past, and cause trouble to people here in the present.


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