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93.94% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 450: 580-589

Chapter 450: 580-589

Chapter 580: Calling All My Familiars to Fight

"All that effort for a thumb," Timmy said as if it was something small that doesn't bother him at all.

"Well then, you tell me when was the last time you can grip your katana without using your thumb? And it's the thumb of your dominant hand as well. Even if you're strong, you have no choice but to adjust your the way you hold your weapon, right? Using an unfamiliar method, even if I'm weaker than you, it should be difficult. How about I cut off your other thumb as well?" I provoked Timmy even further.

Like usual, I provoked my opponent so that his move will be more predictable. But this is Timmy I'm fighting right now.

I still haven't seen how strong he is, but he should have a lot of experiences. Only someone who went through a lot of obstacles can be called the strongest. And some of those obstacles could be from someone like me in the past. Someone who would use anything, including provoking him, so they can win against Timmy. But since Timmy got called as the strongest in that era, it means they all failed.

Cutting Timmy's thumb is obviously not enough. He's still strong even if he has to change his way of fighting. His grip on his katana should be weaker, but even if I use my full strength, I still won't be able to easily disarm him.

I gained some distance from Timmy after throwing his thumb away, and transformed Victoria into a gun. And this gun is different than usual.

It's what Victoria called as machine gun. A gun that can rapidly shoot many bullets in a row.


I didn't just trained my Aura and fighting skill so far. I also trained my air element magic even though its level hasn't improved yet.

My magic control has become much better now and I can repeatedly create air compression, burst it, and repeat it over and over again without using much mana even though I'm still an advanced level air mage.

And it's something that Victoria told me about. A gun that can shoot many bullets in a row. A machine gun. Though there's no machine at all that is used.

With my strength, I don't need to care about the recoil of the air burst. And I can shoot around one hundred and twenty bullets in a minute now. That's a lot. About two bullets in a second. That's the limit right now.

I shot hundreds of bullets toward Timmy, but he blocked them all with just his katana. Even though his thumb was removed, his katana movement is still so fast and so swift as he could block all hundreds of bullets without moving a step.

But those were all Blobbybullets. I have other ways to use them than just for shooting.

I opened a portal right in front of me toward a Blobbybullet that was blocked and still close enough to his position. Which makes me aimed at Timmy with just less than one meter distance from his right, while there are still bullets coming at him from his front.

When I shot more bullets, two bullets aimed were coming at him at the same time and he has to block both of them. But that is still not a problem for Timmy.

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He released his right hand from the handle of his katana, and used his index finger to alter the trajectory of the bullets coming from the portal, while his left hand is still blocking the previous bullets with the katana.

Timmy is using Mind's Eye to see the bullets coming at him. Something I learned from Mona.

There were some other ancient Aura users who learned about Mind's Eye. That's why I wasn't surprised that the Aura Master can do it.

Mind's Eye is not something that only Aura user can learn. In fact, anyone can learn it as well. But using it will consume too much stamina and mental strength, and only Aura users have that much stamina and still able to move well.

As for mages, since they rarely fight in close range with their own body, not many of them could learn it. But some still managed to do it.

And some of them are my own allies. Obviously, the first one who learned Mind's Eye among our group other than me was Jewel. She's the one who fought close combat more than the others thanks to her beastform. And although she is not as good as me in using Mind's Eye to see the surrounding, it will help her a lot.

Well, there might be more of us who will learn Mind's Eye in the future. But I don't know if the cult will wait for us to get stronger or not.

Even with his Mind's Eye and experience, I don't think he would expect what will happen next.

I keep opening portals after portals to make Timmy unable to predict where I will shoot from and where it will hit. He can only react after the bullets got close to him. That's what I can tell right now.

And without him expecting it, I summoned Shelia right away to have her help me fighting Timmy. Our coordination is great. But we still unable to hit Timmy properly after I cut off his thumb. He either parried or block our attacks.

It's weird. He hasn't attacked yet. And he only blocked our attacks. There are still too many things that he kept hidden.

What is his Aura ability? And does he have other element than earth?

If he decided to use magic, or use Aura ability, I might end up losing. I need to take care of him fast.

And I got another help from the sky. Graham is shooting at Timmy with his light magic. He also used the sun to make a huge shadow of himself, and creates five giant shadow clones to help us fighting Timmy.

Graham has been standing by in the sky since before I wake up this morning. I told him to do it last night.

With Graham, his clones, and Shelia attacking Timmy, I retreated and stopped shooting anymore. I grabbed some mana potions and drink them all, and I started observing Timmy's move now that he is being surrounded.

Shelia and Graham have grown much stronger. They couldn't even be compared to their past selves. Even Shelia is now much stronger than Grandpa Werewolf.

But they are still weaker than me. They were having trouble fighting against Timmy since he could easily block their attacks.

I observed Timmy's moves, and he just calmly standing there and blocked the attacks. He even looked at me knowing that I'm just observing him, and smiled. So, I waved my hand.

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"Timmy, you haven't told me yet if you have other elements you can use or not. Can you tell me?" I asked Timmy in the middle of the fight..

"Do you know the most dangerous thing in a battle?" Timmy asked me back instead.

The most dangerous things? Of course I know. It's not the strongest opponent, or the manpower they have. It's always the same thing.

"The unknown. Even if what they keep hidden for so long is something weak, since it's something unknown, I could even lose my life if I'm not careful," I replied.

"Oh... I always thought that if the opponent is stronger, they are the most dangerous. I guess you're right about that," Timmy said.

"...Fuck. The only reason you said that because you never fight someone strong as the weaker one. Whether they have something unknown or not, you are always the stronger one and win easily. Do I have any chance in winning," I asked myself.

"I actually want to tell you about my other element. But since you're thinking that something unknown to you is the most dangerous, I will keep it to myself for now. This way, you will be more wary of me," Timmy said as he blocked Shelia's attack.

"Shit. I gave the wrong answer," I said.

"Rather than the wrong answer, your answer was totally correct that I need to change my mind," Timmy said calmly.

"Shut up! I'm regretting my answer right now!"

If only I said the wrong answer, he would have told me about his other element. But now, he keeps it hidden.

I don't think it's a decision that he could make right away. Must be because he wanted to test me instead.

He actually wanted to keep his other skills hidden from me. But he used my answer as the reason to do that..

Because if not, he would be extremely dangerous. He can make a split-second decision that will cause me trouble.

"Then, can you at least tell me your Aura ability?" I asked.

"That's also a secret. Good luck in finding all the unknown," Timmy said as he blocked Graham's light magic.

Oh, he can also block magic. I can only cut them through instead of blocking. I think I'll watch a little bit more before joining Shelia and Graham.

Shelia, Graham, and Graham's five shadow clones were all fighting Timmy. But Timmy still didn't move at all from his spot as he blocked their attacks.

And I just stand there recovering my stamina, and see what more I can learn from the Aura Master.

Chapter 581: Timmy's Other Element

...All I can see is how superior Timmy is against all of us.

How can we beat him?

"How is it? You think you can defeat me?" Timmy asked me all of a sudden even though he is still fighting the others.

"Don't talk to me all of a sudden like that! It was as if you have the ability to read my mind. That's creepy," I replied.

"I don't need to read your mind to know what's in your mind. I mean, it's obvious," Timmy said.

For now, I don't think his Aura ability is mind-reading. Though I still need to be wary until I'm confident what his ability is.

"I guess you must be thinking that I'm not a mind-reader or something," Timmy said again.


"...You are a mind-reader! You guessed what's on my mind correctly!" I shouted at him.

"I'm not. I just have a lot of experiences. You can call me... expression-reader, I guess," Timmy said.

"Then you should know that my expression is telling you that I'm pissed right now," I said.

How can he be so calm while fighting seven enemies at once? Shelia, Graham, and Graham's five giant shadow clones.

Even when Shelia is using her most powerful attack on him, he just blocked it casually with his katana in his hands. He blocked Graham's light magic with ease. And the five giant shadow clones were no match against Graham.

Hmm... seems like I won't be able to learn anything from just watching. Just like Bearded Baldy said, I must move my body and don't think at all. But that's difficult for me.

There's only one way I could win against Timmy. It's something that extremely difficult for me to do.

I have to get stronger during the fight.

But how? Using guts? Hoping for some miracle? Sudden power increase when I'm close to death? Power of friendship? Love and peace?

Getting stronger in a fight is something that only happened in stories. There's no way something like that can conveniently happened to me.

And the reality right now is that I need to get stronger or I will die.

Using some hastily-made strategy will not do anything to him. I'm already weaker than him and slower than him. He can use powerful magic. The only thing I haven't used yet is my Super Aura. But I'll keep it for later.

For now, I need to bring him up into the sky. That's the only thing I can do for now.

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And so, I returned to the battle and tried to get Timmy to fight me in the sky.

My familiars understood my intention, so they tried their best to stop Timmy from moving from his spot.

All five giant shadow clones swung down their spears together to the exact same spot, and Timmy blocked them all with his katana.

"Even if all five giant clones attacking me together, it's not enough," Timmy said confidently.

"How about an attack from below!?" I shouted.

I rushed toward Timmy with Victokatana in my hands.

"Alright, Roy. Do the golf swing!" Victoria whispered to me.

I don't know what a golf is, but I know the swing. Victoria taught me how to swing it during my training before fighting Timmy.

The katana in my hand need to be held horizontally above my head, then I need to swing it down before raising it up as fast and as strong as possible.

Thanks to Victoria's transformation, I don't have to worry about her hitting the ground. I can just make her shorter before touching the ground, and make it longer and bigger before the moment of impact. And with her weight manipulation, I can swing it very powerfully.

Timmy didn't expect that the katana suddenly transformed into a hammer, and he has no way to block or dodge it since he was being held in the same position thanks to the giant shadow clones.

I don't care if he can fly or not, but getting him away from the ground is more important.

At the moment of impact, the giant shadow clones relaxed their strength so there's no stopping force and Timmy finally get his feet off of the ground. Right toward where Graham and Shelia are waiting. High in the sky.

Seeing that the battle moved into the sky, Spot retreated a bit so he and those who are watching the fight on his back won't get hit by stray attacks.

"Oh. Been a while since my feet didn't touch the ground," Timmy said in a relaxed manner.

Even now, he's still calm. But the thing he can do will be even more limited.

In the sky, we attacked Timmy while making sure that he will only get higher and get fewer oxygen to breathe.

"Hmm? I've never been this high before. The air is thinner here than it is below. I guess that's another reason why you brought me here," Timmy said.

That's right. I used air magic on myself, Shelia, and Graham so we can still breathe easily no matter how high we are in the sky. As long as we don't go beyond the atmosphere, it should be fine.

But for Timmy, even if he's an Aura Master, and unless he's an air mage, he would have difficulty breathing in this place.

"Just so you know, although I will still have difficulty breathing, I'm still an Aura Master. I can move well without even taking a single breath of air for hours. Though this is still a good move since it limits my earth magic," Timmy said.

"Are you really not a mind-reader!?" I asked.

"No. I just have a lot of experiences," Timmy replied.

"So you're just old!"

Timmy was still not using his Aura ability, nor was he using his other element yet. But I don't have the time to care about that. If I could defeat him instantly, that's all that matter.

Even if it's not the result that Timmy wanted, I have to do it.

I know that his goal is to make me stronger and turn me into an Aura Master. But I want to survive no matter what. Even if I have to disappoint the strongest man.

Even if I couldn't become an Aura Master in the end, since this is a deathmatch, I must kill him or he will kill me. I don't want to die, so my only choice is to kill him.

"It seems like you're thinking that you need to kill me as soon as possible even with the risk of never reaching the level of Aura Master. Am I right?" Timmy said as he blocked Shelia's attack while being blown higher into the sky by me.

"You have a lot of experience! You can tell what's on my mind easily! No need to ask me everything!" I shouted.

"After seeing everything you've done with the other Aura Master, I guess I'm right. Do you really have no wish to get stronger?" Timmy asked.

"I want to get stronger, but I don't want to risk my life for it!" I replied.

I want to live. I want to survive. That's why I seek strength.

Risking my life so I can get stronger? I don't want to do that. Even if I do get stronger, I might end up losing everything.

"Just how does someone like you end up learning Aura?" Timmy asked.

Because I learned it in my past life. Back when I want to risk my life so I can have a better life. And using that experience, and my luck that I can communicate with Victoria as soon as I summoned her, I could learn Aura easily in this life.

Maybe in Timmy's past, he and the other Aura users have to go through live or death situation to even awaken their Aura. But I didn't do that.

In this life, I have clearer goal. It's to live in peace without seeking death like I was in the past. But to do that, I need to destroy the cult.

I keep repeating what I want over and over again ever since I returned back to the past. Keep repeating why I need to destroy the cult. And until the cult is destroyed, I will keep on repeating it. So I won't forget.

"Then, I will have to force you to be in a risky situation. Fine, you want to see what I hide? I will show you. It's my other element. Beastform!"

As soon as he said that, his body half transformed into something like a reptile.

So, he's a beastform mage? And turning into a reptile-like beast in the sky. What kind of reptile flying in the sky?

...I know the answer. It's a dragon. He's a freaking beastform mage who can transform into a freaking dragon!

"That is not a beast! That's a monster!" I shouted.

"You know nothing of magic. Many powerful magic has been erased in history. This is also good thing to teach your disciple, Jewel. I'll show you Evolution!" Timmy said.

Well, here goes my advantage in the air. He can fly as dragon's wings were on his back.

But evolution? Is he saying that beastform can evolve just like caterpillar turned into a butterfly?

I hope he can give the lesson quickly and Jewel can hear him clearly while she's watching on Spot's back.

...How about I ask him to pause the fight for a bit. That should be fine, right?

Chapter 582: Pausing the Fight

"Wait, can you explain everything? There were no beastform mages among the ancient Aura users previously, so I want you to explain everything about beastform magic in the past so my disciple, Jewel, can learn more," I said shamelessly.

"...You do know that we're in the middle of a deathmatch, right?" Timmy asked.

"A deathmatch in the middle of a war. You forced me to do this, so I will get everything I could get from you. Including about beastform magic so my disciple can be stronger. Spot! Come over here! Jewel needs to see this!" I shouted. Loud enough to get Spot and the others who were watching me from afar to hear me.

They were also shocked that Timmy suddenly turned into a dragon. Not a beast, but a monster.

It was common sense that beastform mage can only transform into a beast, and not a monster. But what about over three thousand years ago?

There is a huge difference between a beast and a monster even if they look similar.

A beast is just an animal. Nothing more.


But a monster is different. They could be stronger, smarter, and could even use magic. It's all because of the mana that they have. Either they absorbed it themselves, or it's something they were born with.

Evolution. That's what Timmy said.

It's something that animals went through to become monster. Which mean for beastform mage, they could transform themselves into a monster if they could evolve.

But let's hear his explanation first. And it's a good chance to rest.

Since there's no advantage we can have by staying in the air, we landed on the ground so Timmy could teach Jewel. And Jewel could share what she learned with Ian.

Although Ian doesn't seem to be interested in fighting a war, I don't think he has no interest in getting stronger. If he could get stronger, he could protect Ruby and the others. There's no reason he would refuse it.

"So, we're in the middle of a fight and we stopped so you an teach your disciple?" Timmy asked me as he transformed back into his human form.

"Yes," I replied.

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"Aren't you too shameless to ask someone who you will fight again to death later on?" Timmy asked.

"Then you should have teach Jewel before our fight. You have so much power, but you choose to fight to death instead of joining the war. I won't ask you anymore why you wanted us to fight, but you should at least teach everything you know to us before either one of us dead," I said.

"Fine. Well, it won't take long just to explain it. It's quite simple. Your name is Jewel? Come here and I will teach you about beastform magic," Timmy called Jewel.

Jewel then jumped from Spot's back, and come over to hear Timmy's lesson. As for me, I'm quite busy even though I'm resting. My mind is.

Right now, I'm resting. But I'm not just catching my breath. I also listened to Timmy's lesson, while making some strategies using telepathy with my familiars.

Timmy is strong. And Timmy in his dragon form must be much stronger than the human form. I suspected that he should be much stronger than the fire dragon that I fought before.

If he's a dragon, then what is his beastform before evolving into a monster? Most likely a lizard. And why would he pick a lizard?

Most likely, it's because of lizard's ability to regenerate their lost limb. Lizards are a reptile that will cut off their own tail when being approached by danger. But they were fine because their tail can regenerate with time.

The biggest question is, why is someone who was called the strongest picked that animal? A lizard. I don't think anyone would imagine that they will lose their limb or something. But Timmy picked that animal as his beast transformation. Did he think that he will surely become a dragon?

...Unless he has lost his limb before he awakened as a beastform mage. Or in worse case scenario, the environment he was in was extremely dangerous. So, he needs something to survive. Though that was me. I don't think Timmy is that kind of person.

And so, I also listened to Timmy's explanation.

It started from when he awakened his beastform magic. And as one of my guesses, he did lost his right hand before he awakened his elements. But he was already an Aura user by that time.

Thinking that fighting with only one hand is difficult, he became a lizard to regrow his lost limb.

...And I just cut of his right thumb, while he has experienced losing his whole hand. No wonder he was so calm.

Right now, his thumb is slowly regenerating. I don't care anymore. It's impossible to win against Timmy right away and it will take a lot of time. It doesn't make any difference. He's still stronger than me.

The young Timmy became a lizard and regrow his lost hand. But he also trained in fighting using one hand while holding a katana during his recovery. He said that while looking at me.

Just explain everything to Jewel. You're just showing off like that.

In his time, beastform are considered to be difficult to increase their level. But when the level increases, the beast that they took form can evolve according to the mage's imagination of the beast. And the closest and strongest imagination that Timmy had from a lizard was a dragon. Hence he can transform into a dragon.

"So how can I improve my beastform magic?" Jewel asked.

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"You need to know more about the animal you're transforming into, and what evolution they have. As for me, it was simple because I picked a lizard. And the strongest evolution was a dragon. Birds form are the most popular in every era including today's era. And they evolved into elemental birds or something else. It's all depend on how you perceive the animal you transformed into, and what evolution you think they could get," Timmy said.

"So if I imagine strongly that my rhinoceros form can be an elemental rhino with... let's say earth element, that means I can have another element?" Jewel asked.

"Like me. I was only an earth mage and a beastform mage. But after transforming into a dragon, I can breathe fire. Although the fire magic I can use is limited, I still got an extra element long after my first awakening," Timmy said.

Oh, I learned something. Not just about beastform. But also about Timmy.

Earth mage, dragon beastform mage, and he can also use fire magic. But what about his Aura ability? He hasn't revealed it yet.

"I see... In fact, I haven't even seen what a real rhinoceros look like. Only from books and the form Victoria transformed into when I asked her. But if it's from imagination, I don't need to see it for real. And the evolution, I'll just find the monster myself," Jewel said with conviction.

No need to see it for real? If it's all imagination, I think that's for the best. I can just give her the suggestion of what rhino is really is, and if she believes it, she could be much stronger than an original rhino.

...That sounds like hypnosis. Well, I'll just tell her if she asks me.

"Master! I want to go to Monsters World! I should be able to find a monster similar to a rhino over there. Even if the cult is starting to move, I don't think they will use everything they have right away. I'll get stronger first until that time," Jewel said.

"...Alright. Go back and tell Lina about it. After all, if I die here, you won't be able to return. So you need to ask Lina. Maybe you can ask Sunny to go with you as well. Good luck," I said to Jewel as I opened a portal toward Lina's location.

If she brought Sunny with her, Lina can open a portal for her to return in case I die today.

"I'm coming with her. I feel like I'm not strong enough," Wendy said as she entered the portal with Jewel.

She also came here to watch. But seems like she also want to train more. And it's much better than just sending Jewel by herself.

"Well, now that it's over, should we continue?" Timmy asked.

"Now that you have revealed your other element, how about you reveal your Aura ability as well while we're at it? So we don't have to stop the fight again later," I said.

"You know what? We don't have to stop the fight at all. I can just continue fighting you even if you ask me to stop. But it's my fault that I didn't teach Jewel before our fight. And it's not like you can do anything with it as well even if you know," Timmy said confidently.

This is great. The unknowns won't be unknown anymore. I finally learned about his Aura ability.

"My ability is..."

When I heard about his ability, I can only feel rage. I will kill him no matter what!

Chapter 583: Using Super Aura

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

Let's go back to the moment before I shouted that out loud.

We were pausing our fight because I asked Timmy to teach Jewel more about her beastform magic. It is beneficial for us since we will soon confront the cult. That's why I asked Timmy to stop the fight for a moment.

And it happened after I asked about his Aura ability.

I knew that it doesn't matter to him if I know about his other element or his Aura ability. But he kept it a secret for a little longer just to provoke me. And although I felt a little angry, I can still be cool about it.

He showed me his other element, which is beastform, during our fight. And after that, I asked him about his Aura ability. Which he didn't mind to tell at all. And that makes the unknown variables that he has reduced by two. Which should be good.

But his Aura ability is something that make me angry. Well, not really his Aura ability. But it's closely related to that.


"My Aura ability is... "Charm". Just like your ghost friend, I can use Charm magic to seduce girls. I killed an incubus to gain this power," Timmy said.

Charm? Killing an incubus? So, what his heart desired was a harem? To be surrounded by girls?

"I manifested my Aura first, and then my magic element. It took a while until I can look for my Aura ability. But by that time, I have became strong enough without it. What I desired was companionship. And of course I would pick women over boys. That's why the Aura ability I got was charm magic," Timmy explained.

"...Timmy, can you tell me one more thing? Maybe you wanted companions is not a lie. Maybe your two best friends who were with you were actually women and they were your lovers and not your friends. I don't know and I don't care. But tell me, is the reason you told me that we have to fight to the death is because I have a harem without having to use any charm magic?" I asked.

"Well... that is one of the reason I started this. Not the main one, but it's still one of the reason," Timmy said.

"You started a deathmatch because of jealousy! Go to hell, you bastard!" I shouted.

And that's how the second round started. I came at him along with Shelia and Graham behind me, fully rested after the short break.

I thrusted my Reizpear at him while showing how angry I was. But I'm not really angry. I just want to use this chance to get hm lower his guard if possible.

Why should I be angry at him? I have a harem of beautiful women. That's true. And it's not the first time someone hate me for it. Too many sad men were jealous at me that I can't count. So what if there's another one?

"Oh, you're pretending to be angry to let my guard down. Sorry, but that won't work," Timmy said as he transformed into his humanoid dragon form with a pair of wings on his back.

With just a little bit of Aura covering his body, None of our attack could pierce through his hard scales. Beastform and Aura are too powerful when they were combined. Now I'm jealous of him. Why didn't I manifest beastform magic?

If his charm magic can only manipulate women, I don't need to worry about it. But even without it, he's already many times stronger than me. Seriously, do I need to get stronger in this fight? Where is the power of friendship now? Give me my miracle!

As a smart man... kind of smart I mean, I know there are some conditions where miracles can happen. One of them is through effort. If one seek for miracle, miracle could happen. Though not all the time.

And so, the only thing I can do is put in more effort. Fine, I won't think much anymore.

It's time to use my Super Aura. Five minutes. That's how long I can use it. I don't need to think whether five minutes is enough or not. What matter for now is putting in more effort and hopefully, miracle will happen.


I used my Super Aura as I shouted. I don't really need to shout, but it increase my spirit. Making me feel that I can do anything.

Still, this is my only chance. I have to use this well and kill Timmy.

"Finally, you're using it. I will also show you my full strength now. Don't die too soon," Timmy said as he also showed me his strength.

The pressure from the both of us increased. But I feel like I got pushed back.

Shelia and Graham retreated to get some cover in the distance so they won't get affected heavily. And Spot moved even further to protect those on his back.

No, I don't need to care about the audiences anymore. Just me and my familiars. Shelia and Graham is in difficult position since they can't handle this much pressure. But they need to get used to it.

The match continued. With me still getting pressed.

Every moves I did, even after I predicted several moves ahead, were all blocked easily. It's not just his hard scales and his katana. His tail is also helping him. It's such a pain to fight someone with an extra limb.

And even his slowly regenerating thumb, even though it's still smaller than a normal thumb, his grip is strengthened.

The only good thing is that my attacks created some scratches on his scales. But they were just scratches.

"That's good. Although you are not the fastest Aura user I have fought, you are already faster than most. But it's not enough. After all, your power is still weaker than most Aura users I have fought," Timmy said.

"I know that already!"

Among the ancient Aura users I have fought previously, I was never the stronger one. I was the faster one most of the time, but not all the time. So I know very well that I'm weak.

But those ancient Aura users got defeated by me because of my strategy. Stalling for time as much as possible and hit them when they lower their guard. Though it's impossible to do it right now.

I need to be stronger. Faster. And have an extra limb!

...Wait, I don't need to have extra limbs. I have familiars. I have two extra fighters instead!

"Shelia! Graham! Fight with me!" I shouted at the two who were just watching.

But I didn't just shout. I also infused my Aura to the two monsters. My Super Aura.

Just like what I did to Victoria when she fought her master, I got my two other monsters to be able to use Aura momentarily.

So what if Timmy has five limbs? I have two extra fighters to help me.

"This is the power of friendship!" I shouted.

"You're our master though. We're basically your servants," Victoria said.

"This is the power of a summoner!" I corrected my words.

That's much better and more suitable.

With this, although they are not Aura users, they can use the power of Aura momentarily.

I was thinking of getting Victoria to fight by herself, but I think it's better for the two of us to stay together.

"Graham, don't make shadow clones or the Aura will be dispersed. Fight by yourself!" I said to Graham.

"Understood, Master!"

The three of us fought Timmy at the same time. Doing this will make the time limit reduced. From five minutes to two minutes at most. We have to defeat Timmy by that time.

"Trying best me using number? That's good. But that's not enough!"

Timmy twisted his body while holding his katana horizontally above his head, and then he quickly swing it down.

The force of his swing creates a crater on the ground. But we dodged it before it could hit us. Thanks to my Divine Vision, I could predict his move. Though I couldn't predict how powerful it was, I still told my familiars beforehand to move via telepathy. This way, no one was hurt.

"Very nice! Come at me!" Timmy shouted.

With our teamwork, we finally managed to make a crack on his scales. It's small, but a crack is a crack. And to distract Timmy, we pretend to focus on that one spot, while we actually think of making more cracks appearing on his scales.

Few more seconds until the time limit. And we finally created a gap on his scales.

I thrusted my Reizpear with all my strength into that one spot. Thinking that it's my final attack and we could finally win.

"Did you forget about this?" Timmy asked as the rocks under him quickly raised and covering the open gap on his scales.

That's it. My thrust with all my strength unable to damage him. We were so happy that we broke through his scales, forgetting that he's an earth mage.

My strength returned back to normal as I can no longer feel the Super Aura on me.

After being returned back to the past, this is the first time I feel this much despair. It's just impossible. Winning is impossible. I might die today.

Chapter 584: Using the Last Card

"Is it over? I'm disappointed. I guess it's time for you to die," Timmy said as he gives powerful pressure incomparable to before.

Just by feeling that sheer pressure, Shelia and Graham both lost their consciousness. I can still hold on, but I have no more strength to fight. I'm out of Aura. I can't use Super Aura anymore, which is the only thing that can break through Timmy's defense.

"Even after spending everything, you can still endure this much pressure. At least you can still do something praiseworthy," Timmy said as he walked closer to me.

I assumed defensive position with Victoshield placed in front of me to protect myself from Timmy. Although I'm out of Aura, I can still move and think. I need to think fast and smart. What should I do to defeat him? What can I do to survive?

Timmy then casually swung his leg at the shield, and I felt as if I got hit by a boulder. I got blown away with just a kick.

Even though I don't have Aura anymore, I'm still confident with my physical ability. But this is too much. Not only I got blown away, my arms were broken as well trying to stop his kick.

A single kick can do this much damage? Aura Master is such a cheat.


"Is that how much you want to destroy the cult!!? Stand up and fight!" Timmy shouted. It was as if he was trying to provoke me.

But that won't work. Although I'm not smart enough to make any good strategies, I'm smart enough to not easily get provoked. I can hear him, but his provocation meant nothing. He needs to do better to provoke me.

Stand up and fight? I feel like my ankle is twisted after trying to stop his kick. But all that effort were useless. Still, I tried to stand up by forcing Victoria to turn into an armor, and force my body to move according to the armor. This is how I can still stand up.

"Roy! Are you okay?" Victoria asked me.

"How can I be okay? Even you got shrunk after just being kicked. My body is hurt all over and some bones are broken. Please think of a way for me to survive this trial," I said.

"It's just impossible. I never thought that there's something beyond Aura user. Aura Master is just too strong for the current you. Timmy just want to kill you. It was never a test in the first place," Victoria said.

A test? I thought the test was the fights against the ancient Aura users. This is not a test. This is a deathmatch with only one of us will survive.

I don't think that Timmy is someone who want to kill me for no reason. If he is, he shouldn't even created that testing ground in the first place.

This must really be a test. He want to test my strength. And if my strength can't satisfy him, I'll die.

Even when he kicked me, I still think that it was not his real strength. If he wanted to kill me, that's when he should use all his strength.

Is he thinking that I still have a chance to win? Is he provoking me so I can get angry and get stronger?

Whatever the case, I need to think. That's the only thing I can do right now. What should I do?


Whoa, that was so loud. The loud girl has gone to Monsters World, so it's not her. And the one who shouted just now was Kayla.

She jumped off of Spot's back to the ground and running here. Using her earth magic, she tried to protect me from the approaching Timmy. Is she going to fight? That's stupid!

"Don't come over!" I shouted.

But instead of stopping, she's still rushing here while Earth Wall has formed in front of me. And not just her. Even Angela, Candy, Spot, and the others who were watching were rushing here.

Those idiots! They won't be able to do anything to Timmy!

As soon as they got close enough, Timmy's pressure finally hits them and they were unable to move properly. Some even collapsed on the spot.

That's good. Stay there and don't move or you will die. Please don't move and keep fainting.

"...I see. It's not you. It's your friends," Timmy said as he changed direction.

Instead of walking toward me, Timmy changed direction and walked toward Kayla.

"Stop it! Don't move! Kayla, run!" I shouted.

I tried to move my legs. It hurts so much even with the help of Victoria wrapping around my body so tightly.

As Timmy was just walking, I can catch up with him. I hugged him from behind with my legs wrapped around his body while trying to choke his neck. But Timmy doesn't care at all as he still moves toward Kayla.

Think! I need to think fast!

Ah, that's right. I can do that and it will stall him for a few seconds. That's good.

While still hugging Timmy from behind, I opened a portal in front of us. It's connected to the place furthest from here that I have installed a Blobby but it is still in this continent. Old man Henry's place.

I can't just transport him to Monsters World. He might destroy the village I built for the monsters while waiting for me.

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Even if he can return back here quickly, it's enough to stall for time.

I jumped off from Timmy's back, and give him a push so he can enter the portal. I can see his surprised expression when he turned around. He never expected that I would us portal to transport him away. Though he is not the only one with surprised expression. Old man Henry was shocked as well. Though I closed the portal instantly.

"Everyone! Get back to the air! And bring me with you!" I shouted.

Kayla then used earth magic to move me and everyone else who fainted, and get us all to Spot's back as he rises to the sky.

"Roy, do you have a plan? You transported Timmy with portal to stall for time, right?" Kayla asked. She seems very worried about me. It seems like she's here not just to watch my fight. But also to join in in case I'm in danger.

"Stalling is the only thing I can do. With his earth magic which helps him to travel through the ground, he would be here in a few minutes. No matter how powerful he is, he can't travel instantly like when I use portal. And during that time, I'm going to gamble. Using my last card," I said.

This is the only thing left I can do. Only miracle can help me, and I hope I can perform miracle.

"Gamble? For you to think of gambling, I guess you are too desperate. We're in the air so Timmy won't be able to notice us, right?" Kayla asked.

"Right. Once he surfaced from the ground, he will get up here however way he can. By that time, I hope to gain some miracle," I said.

How will I perform miracle? By using my last card.

I said it before that the most dangerous things in a fight are the unknowns. And I have one unknown thing left. In fact, even I don't know what it will be. Will it be something good, or will it be something bad.

I don't know. But this is the only thing left I can do.

"I'm going to summon my fourth familiar. I have reached expert level in my summoning, but I haven't made a contract with any monster yet. I thought that I would be able to look for one in a relaxed manner after fighting Timmy. But it seems to be impossible. So, I have no choice but to do it right now. Making a contract with a random familiar and hopefully I can grow stronger," I said.

"Are you sure!? If it's bad, then you need to kill it, right? The chance of a summoner getting powerful familiar using that mean is very low," Victoria reminded me.

"Don't worry. I got you, didn't I? Twice. First in my previous life, and then in this life. I don't think my luck is all that bad. Just watch. I will make a contract with powerful monster," I said confidently.

Even though we're on top of Spot's back, I prepared to cast my summoning magic. This one will be my new ally and I hope it's something that can help me go through this trial.

Enduring the pain in my body, I activated the same magic that I used to summon Victoria for the first time. But something is different.


The others are shouting my name. And I can feel that Victoria is leaving my body. She's not here anymore even though I her as my armor.

And then, a portal the size of my body appears in front of me. I was sucked in by that portal and that's when the others are calling my name.

This feel weird. I was supposed to be the one doing the summoning. But I'm the one got summoned instead?

...Am I being summoned to hell?

Chapter 585: The Fourth Familiar

...Am I being summoned to hell?

That's the very thought that come to my mind as soon as I got transported instead of getting a new monster o make a contract with.

The place I'm barely standing on, because of my bad ankles, is pitch black. But it's not like there's no light. I can see everything is dark even though I didn't use Divine Vision, and there's no light coming. I can see just fine.

Is this hell? Did I somehow die?

"Are you the one who will become my master?"

All of a sudden, I can hear a voice. The one saying it says that I would be its master. Though I don't know about that.

Although I exhausted all my Aura and unable to use Divine Vision, I can still use my Mind's Eye. Thank god that I learned this skill.


When the voice suddenly called out to me, I used Mind's Eye and see that something suddenly appeared in front of me. Similar to Sonia who suddenly appears in front of me. Some sort of teleportation I guess.

And the one talking to me was not a human. It was a monster. A monster in the shape of a horse.

"Are you the one who will be my familiar?" I asked the horse.

"Maybe. I brought you here to ask you some questions. We haven't make any contract yet and it's my own decision should I accept you to be my master or not," the horse said.

"I guess it's some sort of interview, huh? Well, that's fine. But let's do it quickly. I don't know what that guy will do if I'm not there," I said.

Right now, Timmy should already be on his way to where we were before. And if he doesn't see me there, he might end up fighting with Kayla and the others. They will be in danger. Just to force me to get stronger, he would endanger my friends.

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They only come to watch our fight and cheer for me. But they ended up being his targets.

That's good. At least he won't target my home and the people there. After all those who watched my fight are at least strong enough to hold Timmy back a little.

I don't know what to do if Timmy made a decision to go to my house. Not just the one in the capital, but also the one in Cassau. He might fight everyone instead of just those who can fight like Angela, Kayla, Spot, and the others.

It's funny how he did this even after taking a short break to teach Jewel about beastform magic. All of a sudden he would attack other people. Just because he wants me to kill him. What a weird guy.

No, not a guy. He's a grandpa. He's over three thousand years old. An annoying grandpa.

"Let's do it quick. What do you want to ask me?" I asked the horse. The pitch black horse with fiery red eyes and the mane and tail were like smoke. Not hair, but smoke. Though I have to say it's somewhat cool.

"I am Abyss Horse. A creature closest to death and will never appear in mortal world. But somehow you were so close in summoning me. How and Why? Only those closest to death can even see me. And that's when their lives are disappearing. But you can somehow summon me to mortal world and have the ability to make me your familiar, so I transported you here instead," the horse asked.

Abyss Horse? That sounds cool. It would be great if he can be my familiar. Though I need to pass the interview.

I started reminiscing about my past. That must be the reason why I can meet Abyss Horse. Including the recent memory as well.

"If those who are closest to death can see you, then that would be me. Just as I felt that my life was over, I returned back in time and have a second chance. But at that time I was dying, I didn't meet you. And then, I got another familiar who has died and got reincarnated as a slime, and a ghost as my... housekeeper. And in the past few months, I was surrounded by ghosts. Maybe that makes me even closer to death and able to meet you," I said.

"Hmm... if that's the case, then you're right. I can sense a scent of death in you. I'm not a fortune teller, so I can't tell when you will die. But it's the death that should have been there in the past. It's a wonder how you're still alive," the horse said something confusing.

...I think I took a bath this morning. Oh, right. After breakfast, I already start moving to the lake. I haven't taken a bath today. Though that shouldn't be the kind of scent he's smelling.

"Someone who was supposed to die got returned back in time and got surrounded by those who have died. Interesting. Alright. I will be your familiar. It's also my first time living in mortal world, so it should be interesting. You're in the middle of a fight? Then I will help you," the horse said.

"That's good, but now its time for me to ask you questions. I have a goal I need to achieve. How can you help me with it?"

I asked what the Abyss Horse can do. Seems like he could be a great mount, but I don't know. He just looks cool. But if it's a mount, riding on Spot's back could be better.

"What I can do, huh? Many things. In this space, I encounter many powerful people. All of them were unable to escape from death. The most they can do is only to stall for time. And just by watching millions of people, maybe more, passing through this place, I learned a lot. I can run fast and I'm strong. And I can lend you the power of mana or Aura. You won't regret it to make a contract with me," the horse said.

Lending the power of Aura and mana!? That means my already exhausted mana can be restored?

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This is great! As expected, I shouldn't think of just getting myself stronger. I'm a summoner. I can also win by numbers. And an Abyss Horse seems to be so powerful.

"Then, let's make a deal! What's your name?" I asked.

"I don't have a name yet. How about you give me a name, Master?" the horse asked.

Alright, my naming sense is bad. I need to think of a better name for the Abyss Horse. Something as good as his appearance. Red-Eyed Black Horse? That's stupid. And although Victoria is not here, I got influenced by her too much that I have the urge to say 'Let's Duel!' right now. So, no.

Something cool... My name is cool. Let's adjust it for the Horse.

"How about Ray? Because right now, you're my ray of hope. And it's close to my name, Roy. Do you like it?" I asked the horse.

"Ray, is it? I like that. I will be Ray from now on, Master."

Just like that, I finally got my fourth familiar. Now, how do we get out of here.

"Let me ride you for now. My ankles are hurting me," I said as I jumped on Ray's back.

Once I get out of here, I will fight Timmy again. So, I prepared my Reizpear. Although Victoria somehow didn't come here, Reizpear still come with me. Maybe because Victoria is still a living being. Though I think it should be her who have met Ray before since she died long time ago. But maybe those who have been reincarnated never met Ray before.

"Alright, Ray. Once we get out of here, we will enter a fight. I need you to do as I say," I said to Ray.

As soon as I sat on Ray's back, I feel my stamina is recovering quickly. And the Aura I have exhausted also recovering. I can use Super Aura again. And this time, I feel like I can use it for longer than five minutes. This is great. Though I need to have a saddle. I can use Victoria for it later.

"Master, there's one thing I need to tell you. I am not a creature that should exist in mortal world. Although there shouldn't be any side effect in that world, something about me might change. And I might not be able to communicate with you like this again. But I will still trust you. It's my decision to trust you after all," Ray said that to me.

"I don't know how you can trust someone that easily, but I like that. Oh, wait! What do you need to eat to live? Grass just like normal horses? Or something else? Can you eat human's cooking?" I asked Ray.

"I don't know. I have never consume anything in this world. Let's try to find out what I like, okay?"

"And one more thing. You said that no one can escape death. Does that include you?" I asked Ray.

"Yes. I have live for a long time in this space but I never thought that I'm immortal. Everyone will die. But some will die sooner, and some will die later. No one knows," Ray said.

I guess that makes Victoria not an immortal. And what about Sonia? Since I can exorcise her with Aura, she's not immortal either.

Well, it's time to go back. Thinking that it's because of my summoning magic that I can come here, I should be able to use portal to return there. Let's continue the fight and kill Timmy.

Chapter 586: Fighting Together with Ray

I opened a portal and returned back to where I was before. The place where I was fighting Timmy.

I opened a portal to Victoria's location, and see that everything changed.

The lake is frozen, the landscape got destroyed, and my friends are collapsed on the ground. They must be busy fighting Timmy until now.

There's no more of that peaceful sight in this lake where we used to go for a picnic anymore. Just destroyed landscape.

Timmy should be able to wait for me like a good boy. But instead, he waited for me by fighting my friends. And they are collapsed on the ground even though it shouldn't be long since I was moved to... hell? Abyss? Whatever that place was.

It didn't take me more than one second to observe the situation. And I quickly entered the portal while riding on Ray.

Just my entrance and it makes everyone stopped what they were doing. Timmy was just within an arm reach to Kayla when he stopped. He felt the power coming from me. Or the power of me and Ray combined to be exact.


When I first ride on his back, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. In fact, I feel as if he's already one with me from the start. Like a part of my body.

And the power inside Ray, the Aura and mana in him, I can use it freely as if they were mine. It's totally amazing even though it was extremely rare for me to ride a horse. But it feels like I'm already an expert at horse-riding.

...though I need a saddle. My ass is in pain.

I also don't feel that my twisted ankles are uncomfortable. Which is weird. But for now, I need to fight. I must not think about other stuffs.


I summoned Victoria, then I got her to create some Blobbies to be my saddle while Victoria is transformed into an armor to help me use my arms again.

"A horse? You suddenly disappear and got a horse with you?" Victoria asked.

"Don't worry. Ray is a good and an awesome horse. He looks cool as well," I said.


"The name of the horse. I think that's much better than how I usually naming things, right?" I said.

"Well, that is good indeed. Roy, Ray. Ray, Roy. No one could imagine how you came up with that name," Victoria said sarcastically.

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I look over at the battlefield once again, and then I rushed toward Timmy while on the back of the horse. Now that I have a saddle, a very comfortable one, I feel good.

The speed of Ray was very fast. Probably even faster than Spot. And I didn't feel any acceleration at all. As if Ray reached maximum speed on the go.

With Reizpear in my hand, I attacked Timmy who recognize me as a danger. Even without Aura and with two broken arms, I can push him back thanks to Ray. Seems like he can also lend me physical strength. I don't know how and why, but this is excellent.

Timmy who didn't think that he would get pushed back, got blown away. And I grabbed Kayla and put her behind me.

"Kayla! Heal me!"

I told Kayla to heal me while she's riding behind me. Of course I made the saddle so it can held two people easily. And as expected of Ray, he could lift two people easily. I think he can lift more weight without being disturbed. Though I don't need to do that now. No time to test it.

After leaving that space with Ray, as he told me before, he was unable to communicate with me anymore. I don't know if his intellect has reduced or not, but he can't communicate even if I use telepathy. But at least he still listens to my order. And he has told me everything that he can do before we came here.

"Roy! I used too much mana in just a short time. It's impossible to heal you right away! And Graham is still unconscious!" Kayla explained to me.

I guess in that short time I disappear, Timmy has caused too much trouble for everyone here. For an expert level mage to spent so much mana in that short time. Timmy is one hell of an opponent.

"Don't worry about mana. Ray, transfer her your mana!" I said to Ray.

After I gave the order, Kayla felt something. Her mana somehow recovered and she should be able to heal me.

"This is... no time to be shocked. Heal!"

Kayla then casted healing magic on me. Good thing I have checked my bones beforehand. They are in place and I can be healed well.

Now, my broken arms are healed. And my ankles are fine as well. It's time for the next round. I will fight Timmy on my own.

...No, not alone. I have Victoria, Ray, and Kayla behind me to heal whenever I'm injured. This is how I fight. Asking for help whenever I can't do things by myself. This is the real me. Someone who can't fight alone.

"Alright, Ray! Let's go!"

This time, I used Super Aura again. But with the help of Ray so the time limit will be extended. From how it felt, it seems as if I can use it for thirty minutes. Maybe more than that.

And now, with my enhanced strength and speed thanks to Ray, I can somehow be equal to Timmy who has transformed into his dragon form. Katana-wielding dragon.

I thrust my spear at Timmy who then blocked it with his katana. Somehow, he got pushed back even with all the strength he had. Which mean I can now fight on equal ground to him. It's all thanks to Ray the Abyss Horse.

"That horse. If I'm correct, that's something that my death mage friend always seek but never found. It's a creature from the abyss. Am I right?" Timmy asked me while blocking my attack.

"I don't know if it's the same creature. And I have another question. Was he just your friend? Or maybe, it's not a he. It's a she. And it's more than just a friend," I asked.

"Well, I do have charm magic that affect women. The rest, you need to figure it out by yourself if you're curious," Timmy said as he swung his katana with his full strength.

Because I'm just used to this power, I got my spear blown back. But now that I'm stronger and faster, I can quickly throw another attack.

In just a few seconds, we have exchanged dozens of attacks. But I retreated after seeing that the shockwave that we created by our exchanges can be felt by Kayla.

"I guess I can't bring you with me any longer. Heal me now and go fly with Spot or Angela. Use healing magic on me whenever you think it's necessary," I said as I opened a portal for Kayla and pushed her into it.

"You have to win, Roy!" Kayla said as she's already on Spot's back.

I will. Now that I have Ray, I know that I can do it.

Now that Kayla is gone, I give my all on my Super Aura. If she was still here, she would collapse from the pressure.

As if waiting for that moment, Timmy also used Super Aura fully. It's much stronger than the previous times he did it, but I can endure it better now.

"Ray, I'm counting on you," I said to my horse who replied with a neigh.

Ray galloped toward Timmy as we exchanged attacks. I with Reizpear, and him with a katana. It was an intense match incomparable to any fights from before.

And then, Timmy swung his katana upward to disarm me from Reizpear. It worked. But that's because I loosen my grip on Reizpear on purpose.

"Did you forget that a spear is not my main weapon!?"

Victoria then transformed into a great sword and I swung it down toward Timmy. But before I could reach him, he built an Earth Wall to protect himself.

"Did you forget again that I have earth magic?" Timmy asked.

What's this? A competition to find who is the most forgetful?

Let's just shut my mouth instead of replying.

After he built an Earth Wall, I had Ray run on air using the technique that makes the vibration won't be felt on the ground, and run toward Timmy's back without him noticing.

He was too late to notice it, but he still managed to block my greatsword with his katana.

I pulled back my greatsword as I had Ray turn around and give Timmy a powerful kick on his chest before moving again.

Timmy got pushed back a few steps, but as he stopped, I'm no longer in front of him. I'm above him!

Good thing Abyss Horse can also run on air. Though the skill used to make the vibration disappears was mine. We had a good teamwork as if we have been fighting together for a long time.

This time, my attack hit him. He tried to stop it with his right arm, but I severed it. And then he tried to counter it with the katana on his left arm. Leaving a long scratch on my right shoulder to my back. Though Kayla has healed me from afar.

I forgot. He is a lizard. He can regenerate lost limbs so he can fight recklessly.

In the competition where we find who is the most forgetful, I won. And that's not a good thing!

Chapter 587: I am the Aura Master

"Question! If you can regenerate your body without using magic thanks to your lizard or dragon form, how will I be able to kill you!?"

While still exchanging moves, I asked Timmy a question. Seriously, even if I end up being stronger than him, he could just heal himself.

I can now use Divine Vision again, and see that the injuries I inflicted on his body has started to recover along with his lost arm. And it's not a good thing.

He has experienced the lost of a limb. Maybe many times. Not just that time before he manifested his beastform magic. But many times after he became a beastform mage seeing how he seems to be very experienced in that reckless way of fighting.

"If I die I won't be able to regenerate! That's all!" Timmy said.

"Ain't that obvious!? Why are you so intent on dying!?" I asked Timmy again.

"I will tell you about it once you're victorious," Timmy replied.


"If I win, you'd be dead!" I shouted.

I could go to that place where Ray was before purely by chance. The place where people who died need to pass through so they can go to the afterlife. Maybe if it's exist. I don't know.

And although I have Ray with me here, I feel like I can't go to that space anymore. Though I need to check it later to confirm if I'm right or not.

That space allow Ray to see dead people. And maybe, if I kill Timmy, he would pass through that place. But I feel like I can't go there anymore. And even if I go there, I feel like I shouldn't stay for too long. That's not a place for a living being to stay for a long time. Even if I have died once already.

So, if I win, Timmy would die. And I won't be able to talk to him anymore. Unless he becomes a ghost, or reincarnated as an intellectual monster. Like Sonia or Victoria.

I guess I will never know the answer. What a pain in the ass this grandpa is.

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Unless... this grandpa is a battle freak. Someone who loves fighting more than anything, and want to use all his power in a fight.

I think I heard about that story from Victoria. About a certain group in her original world who long for death in battle so they can reach... what was it again? Valhalla? I guess that's it.

Maybe it wasn't as far as her original world. Such people exist as well in this world. And probably, this grandpa is from that group of people.

Well, I don't know the answer, and I will probably never know. I have to kill him so I can survive. That's the simplest thing I have to do right now.

Kill Timmy, survive, kill the Evil God, destroy the cult, and survive. That's the order I need to take.

Well, maybe the order of killing the Evil God and destroying the cult can be reserved. Whatever it is, that's the only way for me to survive. Though I need to survive from this battle first. That's why surviving is twice in that list.

"Come on! Let's focus on the battle! We're trying to kill each other here, so don't think of unnecessary stuffs! Or you will die!" Timmy reminded me that we're still in the middle of a deathmatch.

If he wants to die that badly, he could just kill himself without causing me much trouble. Or maybe fight the Evil God by himself. Even if he die, he could be regarded as a hero that way. And people can remember him forever as his name will be written in history.

But he's too stupid for that. No, rather than stupid, he only care about fighting. This is why I don't like mucleheaded idiot. Though I know some muscleheaded people, they were not idiot. Timmy is the idiot for wanting to fight to death when we can just talk to each other normally.

Well, I guess I shouldn't hold back anymore. I will use all the power I have, including from Ray, and kill Timmy. The fight will end soon.

I still have some more time until the time for my Super Aura is over. But I should at least defeat him as soon as possible so I won't lose like before. Unable to give him some real damage because the time limit for my Super Aura is over.

I used a full power swing with my Reizpear to blow Timmy away before I had Ray run in the air to gain some distance. But Timmy soon regain his balance quickly and chased after me as he flies with his wings.

Not just him. He also used earth magic simultaneously so the ground is chasing after me. The speed of his earth magic seem to be as fast as Ray's fastest speed. It can't reach us, while we can't gain more distance.

We reached an open area where we landed but we still continue running with Timmy behind us. The earth magic he used once we are on the ground is splitting the earth right behind us. If Ray loses his speed just a little, we would get caught by Timmy's magic and fall.

After running in the open area, we entered the forest nearby. With Timmy still chasing after us.

"You think you can distract me with branches!? You are a fool!" Timmy shouted.

As soon as I entered the forest while still riding on Ray, I cut off the branches from the trees nearby with Reizpear, while also shooting at Timmy with Blobbygun. It's to distract him.

I also had Victoriarmor on me covering my whole body. Though it's not for protection. It's for my plan.

Ray continued running on the ground while the branches are falling behind him, and a huge fissure was following him. Timmy can't see well because of the branches, but he should have Mind's Eye and his earth magic so he can still follow after Ray.

Thinking that he can catch up to us, he sunk underground as the fissure stopped chasing after Ray. And Timmy suddenly showed himself before Ray as he brandishes his katana and thrust it forward toward Victoriarmor.

"The game of tag is over, Roy. You have done well, but that's not enough... Wait, where's Roy!?" Timmy shouted as the katana on his hand is stuck on Victoriarmor.

"You think I'm Roy? Sorry, but it was me all along! Victoria!" Victoria said.

There's no me inside Victoriarmor. It was hollow as soon as Timmy entered the ground. As for me, I jumped off from Ray's back, leaving behind my Reizpear with Victoria who has transformed into a living armor with the same weight as when I was inside of her so Timmy didn't notice.

And when Timmy thrust his katana and pierced Victoriarmor, Victoria holds the katana with her hands as she used Aura thanks to riding Ray. Ray can also lend his Aura into Victoria. That is why I made this plan.

Even though Victoria can't use Aura as well as I did, she was still a former Aura user. She can hold Timmy back for a few second.

And that's enough for me to run down the sky and slashed my Blobbysword on the unprepared Timmy. Cutting his heart in two.

"Being stronger or being trickier. I chose both. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not someone who can become stronger by myself. I'm someone who can shamelessly ask for help, and I will ask for help when I can't do something on my own. I guess this is my power of friendship if such thing exist," I said to the dying Timmy.

"Ugh... Good job... But just because I'm dying doesn't mean I can't give my final blow!" Timmy shouted as he still able to move his already regenerated right hand which is still connected to his brain.

His punch, infused with Aura, didn't hit me at all. It's all because he has became weaker after being slashed.

He didn't use his Aura to protect himself, and he didn't use his magic even though that's what he was supposed to do. That's why my air magic, which created confusing gases, works on him in his last moment. That's why his punch missed me as it blew away the trees on its path.

"...It seems like I won't be able to listen to your reason why we need to do this. But thanks to you, I have grown much stronger than I expected I would be. Thank you, Aura Master," I showed my gratitude toward the dying Aura Master who forced me to get stronger.

Soon after, I can no more sense life from the Aura Master. Which makes me the real and the only Aura user in this world. No. I'm already an Aura Master now.

"Congrats, Roy! You finally done it!" Victoria said as she has transformed into her original human form while still riding on Ray's back. I guess she enjoyed the feeling of using Aura by herself. With this, she can help me better in a fight. I have more plans to use against the cult.

Kayla and the others who were watching came down and congratulate me for gaining victory.

Suddenly, I had some weird feeling coming from Timmy's corpse. Although I didn't sense any malice, I ordered the others to get back and prepare themselves.

What is coming from a corpse? Whatever it is, we need to be prepared.

Chapter 588: Two Ghosts Appear

I feel that something is coming from Timmy's dead body. I don't know what it is, and even if I don't feel any malice from it, I keep raising my vigilance. Good thing I quickly finished my fight with Timmy. I still have some more time until my Super Aura time is over.

I quickly called Ray over and jumped on his back as Victoriarmor opened and enveloped me.

"...That look kind of scary. Victoria, can you open the armor in a less scarier way?" Kron asked Victoria.

"Not now. If what Roy felt is an enemy, it's best to intimidate them instead. That's why I did it in a scarier way," Victoria replied.

From how others viewed it, it was as if Victoria was eating me alive. Victoria opened a gap in the armor and made some sharp teeth as I entered the armor. Though it was good for intimidation indeed. I don't know whatever that exists in her original world, but lots of them have been helpful to me. Though that makes me scared to go to her original world.

The people of that world has scary imagination.

Anyway, we're facing something we don't know about. Is it an enemy? Or is it an ally?


But I have made my decision. To attack it first before it does anything.

Soon after, something like a smoke coming out of Timmy's dead body. Is that a soul? Is Timmy turning into a ghost?

It's now or never! Even if he became a ghost and unable to do anything to me other than scaring me, which won't work after I got to know many ghosts, it will still be too annoying if he somehow stays in the world in whatever form.

I rushed toward whatever that is with Ray, and tried to kill it. But all of a sudden, we got stopped.

Vines suddenly grow from under us and wrapped around Ray and me. Stopping our charge.

"What the hell? Though it's not strong enough for me," I said as both Ray and I broke free of the bindings.

Something like a ghost suddenly appears. No. It's not one ghost. But it's two ghosts instead.

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And my detective instinct kicked in.

"Two ghosts? And manipulating plants? I suppose that you two are Timmy's best friends that he talked about. One is a death mage at the stage beyond master level, and the other is a plant mage at the stage beyond master level. Am I right?" I asked the two ghosts who make their appearances.

Both of them then turned into beautiful girls. One of them is an elf though. Must be the plant mage.

"You're right. Thank you for killing Timmy and avenging us," the human ghost said that to me.

"I didn't do it for you. I did it because if I don't, I will die," I replied.

"You don't seem to be surprised hearing that the two of us who were supposed to be Timmy's best friend wanted revenge," the elf ghost said.

By this time, the plants have stopped moving and I still don't feel that they have malice. They came with friendly manner instead.

"I have a ghost with me who used to have similar power to Timmy. And she told me of how one of the men she charmed ended up attacking her. Anyway, is his name actually Timmy?" I asked the two ghosts as I let go of my weapon. Or more like transforming Victoria.

I'm still riding on Ray just in case the situation changed. Even if they hate Timmy, they are still strong. Even as a ghost, they can use magic that they had before they died. It was proven by how the plants stopped us.

"I don't know about his name. We were just suddenly got manipulated to stay with him. And we don't care either. Since you called him Timmy, it's easier to explain if we called him Timmy as well," the human ghost said.

And then, she explained about everything. Including why Timmy wanted to die.

The two of them, along with many other girls, were tricked to fall for Timmy using his charm magic. But only the two of them and Timmy can live for so long because the others couldn't get further than master level.

Timmy was too strong, but when these two reached a stage beyond master level, they can slowly regain control of their mind. But they were still weaker than Timmy, so they didn't do much.

Until they finally decided to built this place for fun. After staying with just the three of them for a long time while watching Aura users died one after another, the two made some plans.

The death mage casted magic on her and the elf so they will become ghosts after they died. And they will stay within Timmy's body until he finally dies.

Because they were weak against Timmy, the only thing they could do was waiting until he died, and tell every secret Timmy had to the one who killed him. Which is me.

"...Is that the only way you can think of for revenge? Waiting until he died and telling all his secret to me?" I asked.

"Well, there's nothing else we can do. Though we witnessed what you and your friends did all this time. And now, thanks to the Abyss Horse, we can stay here for much longer time than we expected. So, other than Timmy's secret, we can teach you and your friends about magic. We both are mages beyond master level after all. It should be helpful for you guys to destroy the cult," the death mage ghost said.

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That is amazing. Previously, the others can only learn from master level mages who were Aura users. But now, they can learn from even stronger mages.

...I need to think of a name for a stage beyond master level.

"But to do that, we need to stay here for a while longer. And so, we need to stay with your horse. Is that okay?" the ghosts asked me to lend them Ray.

"...Wait a minute. I have realized how terrible I am in making a decision. Not that bad, but most of the time, my decisions were not good enough. So, I will call some people instead," I said as I opened a portal.

I called Albert and the other kings,and my friends who were not here. Not the monsters. Because the opponents are death element mage and a plant mage. Though I asked Lina to call Tia and the other elves.

They are cowards and weak. But their plant magic has a lot of potential. With the elf ghost here, she can teach a lot of things to the elves. Even if the elves are still afraid to join our fight against the cult, it's good enough to make them stronger.

I also took Shelia and Graham who have awoken to return to Monsters World. They need some rest.

Albert and the others arrive, and the first thing they checked was my condition. After all, I just fought against the strongest man in his time.

Especially old man Henry. He was the most shocked to see that Timmy suddenly appeared in his office, then he jumped off of the window and sunk into the ground.

After that, they finally see the ghosts riding on a horse. I told them about Ray and the fact that he's my new familiar. I also told them about the two ghosts as well.

The ghosts then told us why Timmy wanted to die. It's not that he wanted to die. It's just that he's a battle freak. And he had the believe that dying in a battle will get him a special spot i after life. Just like the vikings that Victoria told me about.

"About Timmy's secret. Can you give us a map of this continent?"

The two ghosts asked for a map. I grabbed one using my portal.

"Here, here, and here. These are three places that Timmy went to after he awoke from his sleep after you cut down the tree. They are places where Timmy stored his treasures. Magic weapons, equipment, golds and jewelries. Some of them are already unusable, but some should still works. They are treasures that he hid before he built that testing ground with us," the death mage ghost said.

The three places she pointed are a forest in Arturo, a desert in Consenza, and city in Varadis. If I'm near, with my Divine Vision, I should be able to find those places easily.

"Alright, thanks. Though I don't think I will go there soon. How long will you stay here until you... move on?" I asked the two ghosts.

"Just until we have taught everything we know to your friends. Don't worry. With the Abyss Horse here, we can stay as long as possible. And we won't leave until we say our goodbye," the elf ghost said as she looked at Tia and the other elves.

I guess they have a lot to teach. They are powerful mages after all. And just like Timmy, I don't know if these two had other elements or not that has reached the same level as their most powerful element. If they do, that would be great.

Now that the battle is over, it's time for me to rest. I'm tired.

Chapter 589: I Don't Need to Give Anything in Return

I slept for a long time and when I woke up, it's morning. I guess I was too tired and slept for a while day after defeating Timmy.

The battle between Timmy and I started in the lake near Cassau, and we moved all the way deep to the forest. But thanks to Timmy's earth magic, many trees have fallen. What a powerful magic. Good thing it was far from the city. And it was far from where hunters would go for a hunt. So it's safe.

...Maybe. I mean there was a huge change in the landscape of where we fought. So, the guild might have given the hunters a mission to check it.

Well, I can just tell the guild leader that I was training. He's already one of us.

After fighting, meeting two ghosts, bringing the kings and everyone who wanted to train, some discussion, and then taking the kings back home, I returned back to my house in Cassau to rest while the others were still there with the two powerful ghosts. Even as a ghost, the plant mage can still use plant magic. Must be because of the intervention of the death mage. And that's why Sonia asked to learn from her.

Now that Victoria can slightly use Aura even though she said that she wasn't as strong as she was in the past, she will be able to help me more in the fight against the cult. And probably after seeing that, Sonia got jealous. That's why when we saw that the plant mage ghost can use magic, Sonia might be able to do something other than sending messages.

Though I don't think that's being able to send messages is bad. In fact, she is already far superior than most of us since we don't have anything such as long distance communication. No one can replace her.


Other than me. But I'm already more of a fighter than a messenger.

And so, Sonia also training to do something, I don't know what it is, with the death mage ghost. Even though she's still busy because of the cult's movement right before my fight with Timmy, she used her spare time to train something.

Or at least that's what I heard from Lina. My excellent maid who have been taking care of me and everything else while I was asleep.

With the help of Penny who has gotten used to doing odd jobs as my secretary, in which I have forgotten most of the time that I have built a clan, they have taken care of everything. Including talking to the guild leader about what happened in the lake and in the forest.

As for Penny's daughter, she is with the two ghosts trying to get stronger as well. She was also there when we trained with the ancient Aura users.

Hannah has now reached advanced level and will soon reach expert level. Penny told me that happily as her beloved daughter reached a level which only few people in the world can reach. Though we have quite a lot of expert level mages with us now.

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But Penny looked sad as well knowing that Hannah won't be able to avoid going to war. That's why she committed herself in doing what she can do and became better in taking care of the clan when I'm not there. Which is most of the time.

"Well, I guess I will take a look of what's going on over there myself. One whole day should be enough for the ghosts to teach us everything that they can teach us. Did the others stay overnight there?" I asked Lina since there's no one here.

"Not everyone. Since Spot can just fly over here quickly, he brought those who wanted to rest here, and carried some meals for those who wanted to stay last night. And this morning, after getting their breakfast, they left again," Lina explained.

Even Victoria stayed the night over there. I guess now that she can slightly use Aura a little while riding on Ray, she is interested in training by herself. Maybe Sonia can use Aura as well.

And if those two can do it, maybe the others can use Aura while riding on Ray's back.

Though rather than borrowing Aura from Ray, they can just borrow mana from him. It's best for them to not change their way of fighting to something they are not used to.

Although the term that Ray said was borrow, it's not like we have to give something in return. I felt from Ray that the Aura I received could recover naturally. We don't need to give anything. Or maybe because we're alive. Ray will take something when we die. I'll just ask the death mage ghost later. She should know more about Abyss Horse.

After breakfast, I left to where the others are training. I can see that everyone is trying their best doing self-training some were sparring, and some are asking for guidance.

The weird ones were the elves. They seem to be worshiping the plant mage elf ghost. She must be some important figure for the elves since Tia herself was also bowing her head toward the ghost.

Let's ignore them and ask the death mage.

"Hey, thanks for giving us lessons. Do you still have things to teach us?" I asked.

"Well, everyone has done well. Especially Angela. I can feel that she could be stronger than me. Maybe she could even reach a stage beyond what we reached," the death mage ghost said.

"Maybe we can give it a name so it will be easier than a stage beyond this or a stage beyond that. Anyway, I have some questions I want to ask."

"Do you also want to learn magic from us?" the death mage asked.

"No. My summoning magic can improve just by letting my familiars fight. As for air magic, even in your time, was there anyone as good in air magic as I am?" I asked.

"Well, no. Even in the past, air mages were considered weak unless they were also Aura users. But even then, you are much better than them. So, what do you want to ask?" the death mage ghost was curious.

"About Abyss Horse. Tell me everything you know."

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The death mage ghost then told me everything she knows.

As a death mage, Abyss creatures were something they wanted to research on. There were various version of them. They could be animals, and they could even be humans. And the one I made a contract with is a horse.

The fact that there were many of them can mean that there are many afterworlds since one world can only have one Abyss Creature.

Well, that's not important. No matter how many afterworlds there are, once you're dead, there's nothing else you can do unless you have the luck to be returned to the past or reincarnated into another living beings.

I asked about borrowing and lending Aura and mana from Ray. Do we need to give anything back in return? And if so, what would that be?

"Well, Abyss Creatures were not a creature that should exist in mortal world. Either in this world, or Monsters World, such thing shouldn't exist. Except if they have a contract with a summoner. And once the summoner died, the Abyss Creature they contracted with will return to their original world. Unlike normal familiars which will stay here after the summoner died. The Abyss Creature stored various type of energy inside of them, like Aura and mana, because they encounter many passing souls from the weakest to the strongest. And they can freely lend those power to anyone. There's no need for giving it back something. It's because borrowing their power means that the power is not yours. That's why you don't need to worry about it," the death mage ghost said.

That's it? I can borrow anything from Ray, but Ray won't need to receive anything? Well, I can just introduce Ray to the food of this world.

Anyway, is he a herbivore? Ray is a horse after all.

Maybe omnivore. He's not a normal horse.

It will be weird if he consume blood like the vampires. Being bitten by Arin seems much more natural than being bitten by a blood-sucking horse. That's creepy. Even though there's nothing natural about getting your blood sucked by a vampire.

"So there's no other meaning in borrowing power than that it's not your own power. That's all? I guess that's good," I said.

"Yeah. Ray is a good horse. The reason you could meet him must be because you experienced death. No matter how much we tried, we death mages were never able to meet Abyss Creature," the death mage ghost said.

"What do you want to do after meeting it? Now that you have seen an Abyss Horse, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that. I have researched what I could from Ray. Though those knowledge are useless since there are no death mages among your friends. I guess it will become lost knowledge soon. Well, that's fine. We still have a few more things to teach you guys, so we will stay a bit longer," she said.

"You can stay as long as you want though," I said.

"We shouldn't. If we get too addicted to the world of living, we would end up becoming vengeful ghosts because it's the effect of my magic. Unlike Sonia who became a normal ghost monster, vengeful ghosts can attack or even kill people. Not just scaring them. And we even prepared to have shorter time as ghosts. But thanks to Ray, we can stay a little longer. We'll be here for a few more hours and then we will leave," she said.

Well, if that's what she wants, that's good. Vengeful ghosts, huh?

I guess I should join the training as well.

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