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92.48% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 443: 508-517

Chapter 443: 508-517

Chapter 508: Incoming Enemies from Different Direction

At night, I gave the report to Sonia about what happened. The first day is over without any casualties. And everyone is resting other than the scouts.

The scouts are the wind mages who are specialized in speed. Helped by the werewolves who can keep up with their speed. Though one of the werewolves turned into a wolf, with a huge eyeball on its back. And the eyeball is using one of its tentacles to hold a potted sunflower.

Elsie and Sunny will help with the scout searching the enemy's location. As for me, I will be resting while occasionally watching the surrounding.

Just like that, the first day of the fight is over. There's no more reinforcement from the cult. But that doesn't mean it's over.

The Professor said that there will be more artificial master level mages from the cult fighting. And most of them are children who shouldn't even awakened their magic element yet. And those children still haven't been seen yet.

It will be dangerous for us if they come. Not only they are artificial master level mages that are much stronger than any artificial master level mages we fought previously, they are also just children. Many of us will be hesitant to face them. Not only killing them, just casting an offensive magic toward children is difficult for the soldier.

Though I don't think they will send their artificial master level children on the first few days. But I have fought one before near the capital. There's nothing absolute in this world.


Well, maybe some things are absolute, but most things, especially things related to living beings, are not absolute. That's what I think.

It's almost dawn, but there has been no report from the scout about the enemy's location. I only managed to get one hour of sleep. But that's good enough since we're at war with the cult.

Until now, we don't know where their headquarter is. Even when Elsie and the others are tracing to where a few expert level mages from the cult appeared yesterday, I still doubt that the location of their headquarter is over there. But we have no other hints of where they were, so we can only wait.

What if all the cult members who will be participating here are gathering in other places first far from the headquarter? That would make our effort to search for the headquarter of the cult to be in vain. Or maybe they have moved again before this happens. That mean they are extremely careful.

Though I know that the cult doesn't know that summoners can use portal to transport people. That means we might have a chance to go after them if their leader has just left.

I walked to Arin, the leader of the vampires, who is looking at the other vampires. They are all gathering around the prisoner with thirst in their eyes. I hope they won't drink blood needlessly. Though Arin is doing well stopping the vampires.

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"Are you still thirsty by any chance?" I asked Arin who is sitting on the ground. In the past, just her sitting on the ground will get her scolded by her followers. But none of them are scolding her this time.

"Don't you know the law of delicious food? Even if you are full, you will always think that there's still some room for your favorite dishes when they are in front of you," Arin said.

"You're right. I agree with you there. I'll leave the prisoners and the vampires to you. Don't let the vampires drink too much. The battle is far from over," I said as I leave her alone.

Law of delicious food. Even if I'm such a gourmet who visits restaurants one by one, I do have favorite dishes. I totally agree with Arin. Though the amount of my favorite dishes is much more than her.

Wait, the one who has the most delicious blood for the vampires is me, right? Is she actually saying that she wants to drink my blood?

...that's only for emergency. Other than that, I won't let her drink my blood. Unless I'm already bleeding, and the blood is out of my body. She can lick them. I wonder if she would lick the ground where my blood was shed? No matter how delicious my blood is, I doubt she will do something so embarrassing.

And then, I used Divine Vision again to check on the surrounding. They finally come. more reinforcement from the cult. And the number is a lot more than those who stays in this fake village.

There are some mohawks who noticed me. Luckily, none of them are children.

Does it mean that all of the children with mohawks will attack us at the same time? Many lives will be lost then. Though I will put my trust on Marie's invention with the help of Victoria. I hope whatever it is, it will be very effective on them. Though there are still no children here, so I can still let Marie perfected her creation.

By the way, about Marie, she won't be at the tournament. Only her body double will be staying by Albert's side. And she warned Albert to not get too close with her or she will be jealous. And like Lana used to say, all hell will break loose.

The twins are under the care of Sophie. They are also in the capital along with Daniel and other children. And since Hannah is already a mage, she will help Sophie to protect the children. Though I still forget to ask her what her awakened elements are. But since she never asked me for instruction, I guess it's neither air element, nor it is a summoning element.

Well, back to the battle. The enemy's reinforcement is coming, but they are from different location to where I sent the scout. So, I opened a portal to get the scouts back here.

"Incoming enemies from different location! Come back quick!" I said to the scouts in the other side of the portal. And they hurriedly entered the portal. Ready to fight.

I also told everyone to prepare for battle. It has been a while since the previous battle ended, so almost all of us are in perfect condition. Some mages still have their wounds from the battle not healed yet. But they are just scratches.

"Spot! From that location! There are five mohawks this time!" I said to Spot.

"Okay. Get on top of me and we'll do it like before. Bait the wind mages to chase after me, and I will fight them alone. If I take too long to return, come and help me," Spot said as I landed on his back.

"Arin! Graham! Shelia! Each of you will fight one mohawk at a time. Try to split them up! As for the rest, good luck!"

Just like before, I ride on top of Spot's head and looked at the direction of the artificial master level mages. Spot also prepared to use his breath attack when any of the artificial master level mages started chasing at us.

And now, there are two of them who are flying toward us. I told Spot to attack the location where most of the enemies are concentrated at. Many of them died because of that. I am really glad that Spot is on our side.

Still, two artificial master level wind mages. I guess each of us will fight one.

"Spot, let's bait them for a while. The other three mohawks, we will leave them to the other monsters," I said.


With Spot's breath attack, everyone knows where to attack. The armies are running toward the enemies. Except for the vampires. They know the enemy is coming, so they had their fill first of the prisoners. It doesn't matter if they ended up killing the prisoners.

With Shelia and Graham in the lead, they charged straight to the enemy. Arin may have a late start, but after having her fill of blood, she could pass them in no time.

Let's believe them. We will do what we can do over here. Spot and I will fight the two artificial master level wind mages chasing after us.

"Shall we split up here?" Spot asked.

"I think it's fine. We're already quite far from the others. Good luck, Spot!"

After wishing him good luck, we split to the opposite direction. Spot changed his direction to the right, while I go to the left.

The two mohawks still chasing after Spot. But when I looked directly to the eyes of the mohawk woman, she changed her direction and chased after me.

To make my fight easier, I need to bring her down to the ground. So, after running for a while, and the mohawk woman started to get closer, I landed in the forest.

The woman will soon land on the ground. That's what I'm aiming. She won't expect that I will be attacking just as her feet touched the ground.

But just when I swung Reizpear and attacked from distance, she quickly dodged it by ascending a bit higher.

I guess it should be considered normal. Not all mohawks have the same weakness. Some of them are more experienced than the others.

But I will defeat her here and return to everyone.

Chapter 509: Battle in the Second Day

This one could be the most experienced mohawk I've ever fought. She managed to dodge my surprise attack right away when many other mohawks I've fought couldn't. But I will still win.

Where's the me who always thought of escaping as an option? Well, not only I must not escape, I also can't. The enemy is faster than me and can detect me from far away.

Though I think that me has long gone. I wonder since when? Rather, I feel like I almost never escape from the enemy I faced at all.

I don't know if that's good or not. But I know that I can only defeat the enemy in front of me if I want to survive.

She's an artificial master level mage with wind element. Does she have other elements she can use? Rather, I'd like her to not use her other elements at all.

Wind mages were seen as the most versatile mages. They can move freely in the air, and although their attack power is lower than most elements, it can reach further than any other elements and difficult to be seen. Because it's wind.

But for me, I should be able to detect it as long as her wind magic affecting the air nearby. Still, fighting from distance is stupid. I have to get close to her no matter what.


After she dodged my attack, I rushed toward her and thrusted forward Reizpear toward her. Even if she's faster, if I can block her movement, I should be able to reach her. And I secretly hid a small Blobby to throw at her. If I could attach just a single Blobby on her, I can win. I will use portal to reach her from anywhere.

But I have to be sure that the Blobby I threw to touch her. If not, it would be a waste of Blobby.

I can just look for the Blobbies that missed, but that will take time. The battle won't wait for the others. This is war.

But the enemy keep moving around. Throwing a Blobby will be difficult. So, I hid a Blobbygun with a Blobbybullet in it. It's smaller than any gun I've ever used. The compressed air inside will be weaker than normal Blobbygun, but the shot should be good enough to reach her when she's unaware.

For now, I will keep chasing after her and attack her with Reizpear until I see an opening. There should be one soon. An opening.

I keep chasing after the mohawk woman while making sure that she won't be able to escape to the sky in this forest. And now, she's moving while thinking that my attack will be blocked by the trees. And it will save her mana instead of flying to the sky and block my attack with magic.

She's smart. But that's what I expected. This way, she won't escape to the sky. And she doesn't know that I didn't use my full force when my attack got blocked by a tree.

Our battle keeps going, until I finally see an opening. She has gotten used to fighting in the forest and dodging my attack. And now, she's about to unleash her magic to me.

She's concentrating on her magic while trying to dodge my spear thrust. And that's an opening I can use to shoot my Blobbygun.

If I timed it too early, she will notice and dodge it in time. If it's too late, the Blobbygun would be blown away by her wind. So, I have to time it right before her attack started.

Just as she started swinging her arm, like common mages do when they used their magic, I aimed at her torso and shoot my small Blobbygun at her. Aiming at her torso will give me more chance to hit her than other parts of the body.

And it hit! She also canceled her magic because of the pain that my Blobbybullet gives. And now, the Blobbybullet is inside her belly. Just a little bit, and it would pierce her liver. I guess her enhanced strength saved her. But that's actually my plan.

While she's in pain, I opened a portal in front of me right to the front of the mohawk woman, and I thrusted Reizpear right into the portal. It's one hundred percent a hit. And I aimed it on her chest.

It didn't hit her heart. But I used my full power, to swing the blade of Reizpear that pierced her, so I can slash her heart while it's still in her body. With the sharpened blade using my Aura, I killed her instantly.

If the blade wasn't sharp enough, instead of killing her, I would end up dragging her body with my spear. That's why I sharpened the blade of Reizpear with my Aura.

"That's one down. Four to go. Now that I'm this far, I guess I'll help Spot first."

I collected the Blobby stuck in the mohawk woman's body, and run through the sky to where Spot is fighting the other wind mage mohawk.

I see them fighting in the sky. Their speed is about the same. The mohawk man used Wind Slash at Spot, but Spot's scale is too strong. Did he grow stronger?

As for Spot, he can't use his breath attack since it might hit the others. But with his full size, he swept his tail toward the mohawk.

Obviously, the mohawk couldn't defend himself. He's considerably injured, but there's no sign of him giving up.

I guess I don't need to help Spot here. He can handle it himself. I'll go to where the others are. I guess the one who will need my help will be Graham. Let's check on him.

When I found Graham, he's fighting away from where Arin and Shelia are fighting. The three of them have successfully separated the artificial master level mages coming.

As for Graham, he and his shadow clone have the upper hand. I don't think he will need any help now. And when I look at Arin and Shelia's location, they also have the upper hand. I guess I will take care of the others and make sure no one will escape.

Now that I have returned to help the others, our strength increased. We weren't losing even though many enemies are expert level mages. But we're not winning either. Until I arrive to help.

There are more expert level mages than those who were waiting at the fake village. But so far, we have no casualties. The angels managed to heal the injured ones before they died. And once in a while, I see the angels using Light Barrier to protect the others. Seems like they are doing well.

But the angels only focused on defending and healing. That's why I have to help them clear the expert level mages quickly.

"Watch out! It's a powerful Living Armor!"

One of the enemies shouted. This is nice. They don't expect that there's a human being inside the armor. But if the enemy is artificial master level mage, he would notice.

Using Reizpear in my hand, I killed dozens of expert level mages to boost the morale. Now that many of them have been defeated, the others won't lose as they casted their magic toward the enemies.

Most of the magic got blocked by the enemies' barrier, but no one in our army stopped their attack. Even if the opponents are a level higher, there's no way they can defend themselves for so long under the barrage of magic.

When I see that everyone is doing well in this area, I moved to another area where our allies are having difficulties.

"Stop that Living Armor! Find the summoner or the tamer and kill them!"

That is a good strategy against a real tamed Living Armor. Not this fake Living Armor.

Again, I killed dozens of the enemies and move to another battlefield. By this time, Shelia and Arin have finished their enemies and started helping. Arin helped the others, while Shelia is going to where Graham is to help him. Although Graham had the upper hand, he doesn't have the finishing move. He can only damage the enemy little by little.

Maybe I should have helped him right away. Well, as long as he didn't die, it's fine. Even if he got himself injured, he can heal himself.

Just like that, we managed to win against this wave. But that doesn't mean the wave is over.

"Those who can still move, trace the enemies' direction and look for their headquarter! Elsie, you go as well! The rest will take a break here!"

The battle this time went for quite a while. But no casualties again this time. Still, many are injured. Though the angels are healing them.

I didn't forget our plan. To find the enemy headquarter and kill whoever this Evil God is as soon as possible. That's why I ordered those who can still fight to move.

The tournament will only start tomorrow. Although we have fought the enemies twice, I didn't see anyone among us who wants to return. That is good. Though they still need to rest.

Chapter 510: Finding Where the Cult Hides Their Monsters

It's bad. Just as we all thought the battle today is over, right before the sun is setting, Elsie's group who is tracing the enemy headquarter informed me of more enemies coming this way. But the fact that they are coming from the same direction as the last wave, I think the chance of the current enemy headquarter is in the same direction is high. But we still can't be sure.

Now that more enemies incoming, I transported Elsie and the scouts back to the fake village where we are resting. After the previous fight, we returned to the fake village so we can get some rest. And not just that. It's so we can prepare a trap and ambush the enemy in this situation, where the enemy doesn't have any artificial master level mages with them.

This wave doesn't have anyone noticing Elsie's glance. So, at most, they are just expert level mages. And if we are prepared to ambush them and set a trap, we can defeat them all with the least amount of effort.

Actually, we used a lot of effort in preparing the traps. And after we prepared a lot of them, we get a good rest for a while. Still, once the enemy is coming, we don't need to try too hard to defeat them. And I also don't need to fight or bait the artificial master level mage away from here.

The best part is that both Albert's and old man Henry's combined army has prepared thoroughly about the trap. I think it was after the first day that leaders of both armies got together and talk about the plan. And they said to me right after we returned to the fake village that they will fight the next incoming enemies on their own if there are no artificial master level mages coming. And I agree.

I told the vampires and werewolves to stay a bit distance from the fake village. As for the angels, I told them to hide their wings and be the healers in case we need them.

Now, what should I do? Leaving the rest to the armies today and look around to where the enemy is coming from? Continuing our search for the enemy headquarter? Or stay here and help the army?


"Roy, you can just go with Shelia and Graham. I will stay here and help the army in emergency," Arin said.

I'd like to believe what she said, but after looking at them drooling at the prisoners, I don't know if some of them want to have a bite on the new enemies. Or worse, they will aim their fangs on our own.

"...I'll just leave with Shelia. Graham, you stay here with the angels. No matter how prepared our armies are, some of them might still be wounded since the enemy is stronger. the angels might not have enough mana to heal everyone. But you have the most mana, so you should be able to heal the wounded, and fight at the same time with your clone in case of emergency. I'll go with Shelia since she has better tracking skill than you," I said.

"Okay. That means if we are doing well, I won't have to do anything, right? That's good. I don't want to keep fighting without resting," Graham said.

"This is war. You will keep being tense until the war is over whether you like it or not. And like I said in the past, if we can kill whoever started all this, even if you're my contracted monster, I will have no more need to summon you and get you participate in things like this ever again. Let's hope that we can kill the mastermind as soon as possible," I said to Graham.

He's the one who lacked morale the most. But if I said that he can be free after all this, he might be a little bit more motivated. I saw him before when he fought a mohawk that he's still holding back and refuse to go all out. I know that because back when I first met him and ended up fighting with him in order to improve my spear technique, he was much better than when he fought the mohawk.

If only I could get him to fight the enemy like when he fought me, with the help of his clone, he should be able to kill a mohawk faster than anyone. He's such a painful monster to have. But a powerful one, so I can only hope he will work better after this.

I can see Graham's eyes changed. It feels as if there's a fire within. I guess baiting him with freedom is the right answer. Well, it's because of this situation. If it's not during a war, he would either ignore what I say, or even fight back.

As a summoner, I hope there's a way to cancel a contract with a monster. This way, I can truly promise Graham that I will free him. But unfortunately, there's no such thing. The contract is until either one of us died.

Many summoners who doesn't like their contracted monster would kill their own monster so they make contract with another person. It's common to happen until the summoner get a powerful monster. In fact, in my past life, I tried to do it as well. But I was too weak and Blobby is immortal.

But now, I can kill Graham. But that's not what I want. So, the only thing I can do is promise him freedom and never ask him to help me again in the future after the cult is destroyed.

Maybe there's a way to cancel a contract after my summoning level increased. Maybe expert level? Or even master level?

If there's a way to cancel a contract, I will do it to Graham in the future. As for Shelia and Victoria, I will ask their permission first. Though I hope Victoria won't ask for it.

Now, it's time for me to be the scout. I used portal to transport Shelia and I back to where Elsie noticed the incoming enemy. And when I looked at the enemy reinforcement, there's really no one who noticed me looking.

But it's still bad, because they are not directly in front of me. They are a few degrees on the west. Which means we still can't tell where the enemy headquarter is. Just how difficult it is to find it!?

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Well, I also didn't think that we would find it in just two days. But not finding any clue at all is simply annoy me. I hate this. I hate the cult.

Though since I don't see anyone flying in the sky, I can just run in the air far from where they can detect me. And Shelia can do that as well.

"The enemy came from different direction than before. How can we find the mastermind?" Shelia asked.

"Keep looking. Even if the place we're going end up not where we want, there should be important figures from the cult in that place. We can ask them more later. And we can also get the prisoners to tell us where the Evil God is. Unless the vampires have drunk all their blood," I said.

"You think they will say anything?" Shelia asked.

"I doubt it. But if they think they are smart and try to lie, we have someone who can detect lies. And we can eliminate some places based on their lies," I said.

"I see. Being humans during a war is difficult. For us monsters, we just need to fight until death so the war is over. Well, as long as we werewolves can get our share of fighting, and you are still our king, we will do anything you want us to do," Shelia said.

"I'll be counting on you."

"Wait! I smell some people going to different direction. It's over there!"

Shelia suddenly smelled some people moving on their own instead of going with the others. It's a bit behind of enemy reinforcement. Maybe that's why Elsie didn't notice them.

"Let's go over there and see who they are and where they are going. Maybe we can find some clues," I said as we chased after those moving on their own.

Finally, I can see a group of five people moving somewhere. None of them noticed us coming, so it's safe to say that they are not artificial master level mage. Though it's obvious that none of them have mohawk, we can't truly be safe just by knowing that. Who knows if someone managed to create a hair restoration potion? And what if there are mohawks who think that's a good hairstyle? I can only feel safe knowing that they didn't notice me looking at them.

"What should we do? Kill them?" Shelia asked.

"Not yet. It seems like they are going somewhere. And from what I can see at the direction they are going, there are a lot of monsters hidden in a cave. They must be tamers trying to get all those monsters," I said.

Finally, the opponents will bring monsters with them. Everyone in the fake village should be able to handle the enemies, but if these monsters are coming, it will be bad. I guess I'll stop the search now and kill those monsters first.

Chapter 511: Monsters in the Cave

"There's a cave with a lot of monsters? Are they being caged?" Shelia asked.

"Yes. I see them not moving at all inside the cage. I don't know much about tamer, but maybe they have similar power as summoners that will force their contracted monsters to do anything they say. But if that's true, there's no need for the cult to put those monsters in a cage. Maybe there's another reason they were put inside a cage," I said.

Monsters in a cage. And they are being controlled by the cult members. The most likely thing that happen is another experiment.

I have known about it for a long time. The cult is playing with monsters' lives. They would control the monsters, and modify them to be stronger. just like the monster that killed me in the past, and the Orc Emperor I fought back near Melk. Though I don't know about the monster that killed me. I was too weak at the time. Maybe that was just how strong that monster is normally.

"They are monsters, right? So, you're fine with killing them?" Shelia asked.

"Hmm... maybe. For now, let's kill those people who seem to be tamers first. If they are truly tamers, the monsters should no longer be connected with a contract anymore and will run wild. We'll see about it," I said.

"Hmm? Now that you mentioned it, I can smell the scent of various monsters. There's even the slight scent of a werewolf. And I might be wrong, but there's a monster that has a similar scent to Graham. Can you see them?"


What? A werewolf and an angel?

Well, I only saw the caged monsters before without seeing what type of monsters they are. But now that I looked again carefully, I can see that there are several humanoid monsters there.

"...We'll go after the tamers first. As for the monsters, we'll take care of them later. They are still being caged, so I don't think we need to be worried," I said.

There are only five people moving on their own toward the cave. None of them are artificial master level mage. But they might be expert level mages in elements other than taming. With the two of us here, it should be easy.

We have been scouting for a while since we left everything to the army. I also left a lot of collars for them to put on the surviving enemies so they will be our prisoners. Or as the vampires' meal. Are they doing okay?

Just as we were about to chase after those five people, Sonia came to report what happened.

"It's done. No one escapes. Many of the enemies are still alive. Only few people die. But none of them are from our side," Sonia said.

"Just how did they capture so many people?" I asked curiously.

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"Other than those who can fly, all of them fell into a pitfall filled with spikes and oil. Then, the fire mages burned them all. When you leave, the earth mages on our side built a moat around the fake village and covered it with a thin layer of soil as a trap. The wind mages escaped through the sky, and some earth mages noticed the trap. But the werewolves helped by pushing them all into the pitfall," Sonia said.

What the hell? That sounds like a very simple plan! But it works really well!

I guess that's how it is against expert level mages. If the enemy have any artificial master level mages, we won't be able to succeed with the plan. Whoever planned it must be smart.

"Alright. Tell Graham and Arin that I will open a portal soon. They need to come here," I said.

If there are any werewolves, angels, or vampires in the cave, they might be someone that our monsters recognize. That's why I will call them here later.

After giving the message to Sonia, Shelia and I chased after the five cult members who seem to be tamers. Only two of them noticed us coming closer. They tried to attack us with their magic, but we are faster. We dodged their attacks, make the other three sleep with my gases. After that, Shelia knocked the other two unconscious.

"Don't you think that we have captured too many prisoners?" Shelia asked.

"For these five, I will get Albert interrogate them. Maybe we will find out more about enemy's tamers, summoners, or their monsters," I said.

I put collars on the five cult members, and transported them to a prison in the capital of Consenza. It has been designated as a place for me to transport the prisoners whom I find suspicious and might have a lot of information. Though I need Albert to get there without being found by those from Arturo. Especially the fake king of Arturo and those he brought with him.

Now we just need to check the cave. I opened a portal to where Graham is, and see Graham and Arin are both already prepared to come. I also see Elsie on the other side.

"Elsie, I will be busy for a while. I will leave you to keep watch on the surrounding. And for now, I won't send another scout until we return," I said to Elsie who nodded her head. I mean eyeball. I mean... whatever.

"So, why am I here?" Graham asked. He seriously doesn't have any interest at all. And now that he has somehow gotten used to seeing girls wearing revealing outfits, I don't know how to exploit his weakness anymore. And he's becoming more and more of a pain in the ass.

"Sigh... There are monsters in the cave over there. And I think some of them are angels, werewolves, and probably vampires. I'd like you three to see them yourself. And go talk to them as well. Whether they want to help us fighting the cult later or not, I need to make sure that the contract has been nullified first," I said.

I guided the three powerful monsters into the cave, and we see various monsters inside. There's even a sky serpent as well. Though this one is smaller than Spot. Other than that, there's an Orc Emperor, Salamander, and various powerful monsters. But they seem weird.

"What do you three thinks?" I asked.

"They look a bit different from the same monsters that I have encountered in the past. Maybe they really have been modified like you said," Shelia said.

"Monsters modification, huh? Oh, there are three vampires here. Though I have never meet them before. I'll go talk to them," Arin said.

Three vampires, huh? They look just like humans. They are being imprisoned in the same cage, with several other monsters. Though they seem to be very quiet.

For now, I will open the cage and see what happens. I used Blobbykey to unlock the cage. Surprisingly, the monsters inside didn't attack us. Well, even if they attack us, we can easily defeat them. Unless they have been modified so bad that they became too strong for me.

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"You three vampires over there! Do you know me?" Arin asked the three vampires.


None of them answered. They seem to have lost all their energy.

"I'm the Vampire Queen, Arin. If you can speak, talk!"

The vampires still didn't answer at all.

Sigh... how can we get an answer like this?

"Shelia, Graham, you two go check if there are any werewolves and angels. Here's a Blobby to unlock the door of the cage," I said while giving my two monsters a Blobby each that will transform into a key. As for me, I'll stay with Arin for now.

"They didn't answer anything at all," Arin said to me.

"Hmm... Hey! Are you all still under contracts?" I asked the monsters loudly to find someone who can answer. But none of them replied.

This is annoying. What should I do now?

Oh, right. They are vampires. Let's bribe him with blood.

I grabbed a blood bag with my portal. It's filled with my blood. And Arin knew that as she's looking at it while drooling.

I also grabbed three cups so I can share the blood for the three vampires. And I pour the blood on the cups, while leaving a bit behind in the bag for emergency use later before returning it with portal.

"Drink this. You might feel better after you had drunk this blood," I said to the vampires.

The vampires slowly moved toward the cups and drink it at once. Their expression changed after they drink my blood. Of course they will. My blood is the greatest delicacy among vampires. Though I won't let them have it for free if they want.

"So, can you talk now?" I asked the vampires.

"We want more blood!"

"Wrong thing to say," I said as I killed one of them with one hit.

Seeing how easy it is for me to kill a vampire who has just drank a bit of blood, not just the two vampires there. All the monsters watching are looking at me with fear.

Now I'm confused. Who is the monster again?

Chapter 512: Modified Monsters

After killing one of the three vampires, not only the two vampires left are quiet. The monsters watching are also shaking in fear. That mean at least the vampire is much stronger than most of the monsters here. At least that's what the monsters here recognize.

"You are so stupid thinking of attacking me for my blood. Can't you see clearly that I have the Vampire Queen by my side? If she follows me without being bonded by a contract, why would you think of attacking me, huh? Are you looking for death instead?"

I guess I intimidated the vampires too much. What if they refuse to say anything because of fear? Then I think killing them would be much better.

"Roy. Don't you have some questions to them?" Arin reminded me to interrogate the vampires.

"Oh, right. Let's just move to the important part. We're in a hurry, you see. Can you tell me about this monster prison?" I asked the vampires about the existence of this cave.

From what I see, I think this cave was made by an earth mage. Probably an expert level one. It was too new compared to what a cave should be. But it's still at least a few years old.

Just as the vampires about to speak, I heard a voice speaking from the corner of the cage. It's still in the same cell as the vampires.


"So what if you're just a bit stronger than a Vampire Queen? The people who locked us in here are much stronger than that," he said.

He's also a monster. He has the appearance of a lizard who is walking with two legs. No, I guess he's not really a lizard. He has wings on his back. A dragon? What was it again? The race that look like a dragon?

"...You're a lizard?" I asked.

"I'm a proud member of dragonic race!"

Oh, so easy to provoke. I guess he's really from dragonic race.

In my memory of what I have read about dragonic race, although my memory is bad, I think I read something about them being distant descendant of real dragon like Andro. They are weaker than real dragons but they are smarter. Or at least that's what I read.

"Just answer my question. After you speak, none of the monsters here dare to leak a voice. Does it mean you're recognized as the leader? Even though there are bigger monsters than you? Well, I don't care. Anyway, it's simple. I ask, you answer. That's all. Do you understand?" I asked the dragonic man.

"You think I will talk to a human!? Dream on!"

"'re annoying. I'll call you Gecko from now on. If the Vampire Queen can't make you talk, I need to get someone bigger," I said to myself.

"Who the hell is a gecko here!?" Gecko shouted.

I ignored the gecko that is leaping toward me. I turn my back toward him, and opened a portal directly to Andro's location. And just by opening the portal, all the monsters here feel the sheer pressure of the mighty Kaiser Dragon. Even though only his eye can be seen through the portal.

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"W-what is that!?" Gecko shouted. And I ignored him.

"Hey, Andro! It's been a while!" I greeted the Kaiser Dragon on the other side.

"Oh, Roy! What can I do for you?" Andro asked.

"Well, I actually want you to teach this gecko a thing or two. But it seems like I don't need to do that anymore," I said.

"Gecko? Oh, that dragonic man? He is a gecko indeed. HAHAHA!"

Andro's laughter was so loud that even got Shelia and Graham who are deep inside the cave shaking.

"So, Gecko, do you want to answer my questions?" I asked Gecko politely. If intimidating him can be called as polite.

"Yes! Please ask away! I will answer everything truthfully!"

"Okay. I guess that's it. Sorry, Andro. I took your time," I apologized to Andro.

"I don't mind. I was bored anyway. Well, I'll see you later then!" Andro said before I close the portal.

If only I can bring him to this world. We can defeat all the cult members with just a flap of his wings. And the cult won't dare to fight us. Except maybe for the few master level mages.

Anyway, it's questioning time.

"Why are you here? All of you monsters of different species here being locked in a cage. Why?"

"...We are either monsters that got summoned from our world, or monsters from this world, that have been tamed forcefully and became the strength of whoever did this to us," Gecko said.

Oh, so not all of them are from this world. But aren't there too many monsters to be summoned? What about the summoners? If they have summoners among the five whom I previously killed, they don't need to come here. They can just summon their monster from afar. But I guess that means there are no summoners among the wave.

But does it mean they know the existence of the Pear-y Fruits? Well, it's not like I'm the only one who know about it.

"So, all of you are contracted monsters?"

"Unfortunately, yes. But somehow, I feel like the contract disappears a few moments ago," Gecko said. He truly changed after seeing Andro.

I guess I killed their tamers on the way here. But what about summoned monsters?

Surprisingly, there's a way for the cult to forcefully destroy a contract. That's what Gecko said. I'm interested in it, but it seems like the side effect is the monsters will be weakened. There are some other side effects as well. Including the summoner became disabled person. I guess I won't do it with Graham then.

Gecko told me that the cult uses their summoners to summon a monster. After that, they will forcefully summon a monster, and destroy the contract. It was well-known that summoned monsters are generally stronger than the same monsters in this world.

That's why the cult summoned monsters from Monsters World. After the contract was broken, they used their tamers to create another contract. This way, the summoner will have a slot to summon new monster. They keep doing it until the summoners can't do it anymore. That's why there are so few summoners in the cult.

And then, with the help of the tamers, they would do experiment on the monsters to make them even stronger. Probably, one of them is the monster that killed me.

"So, all of the monsters here have been modified?"

"...yes. For me, they just made my claws and fangs stronger. But some were experimented until they lost their mind. Those who are in this cell are monsters who still have their senses and only lightly modified," Gecko explained.

I looked at the vampires and Arin who is talking with them. Arin nodded at me telling that those vampires are different than normal ones. Is it their fangs?

I guess I found a place where they keep their monsters. But I doubt it's just this one cave. There must be other locations as well. And I can't rest easy since the monsters here look powerful. Most of our allies would be dead if these monsters come out and fight us. Good thing I killed the tamers. But is that all of them? Five? There should be more, right?

"Is there anyone here who still has a contract binding them?" I asked.

Some of them raised their hands. But not all of them have hands, so some just raised their chin or do something to tell me that they still bound by a contract.

Now, what should I do? Should I kill them all?

"Is everyone in this cell intellectual species that can talk and still have their senses after the experiment?" I asked.

"Yes. There are some monsters who can still speak in the other cells. But their minds have slowly corroded and turned into wild beasts," Gecko said.

...Aren't they all beasts? If a monster said they are beasts, I guess that's different then.

"Alright. All of you in this cell will be transported somewhere else using my portal. But first, I have to ask if any of you are still contracted to a summoner instead of a tamer. If so, I will think of another way," I said.

Fortunately, all of the monsters in this cell are contracted with tamers. So, they can't be summoned from distance. Though I still don't trust them.

"Good. You have meet Andro, right? The Kaiser Dragon? I will transport you all to his back. You can wait there until I finished with things here," I said.

"Wait! You want us to stay on the back of the mighty Kaiser Dragon!? Are you insane!?" Gecko shouted.

"No. I'm perfectly sane. That's why I still can't trust you all yet. Maybe some of you are still contracted with summoners and will end up fighting against us later. You lied thinking that I will leave you in this cell instead. Don't worry. At least at the moment, I have no intention to kill you," I said as I opened a portal on Andro's back.

"Oh, is that you, Roy? It hasn't been long since you contacted me though?" Andro noticed that I opened a portal on his back.

"Yeah! Sorry, but I need these monsters to stay on your back for a while. Will you help me?" I asked Andro.

"No problem. It's not like I will do anything special to them. In fact, I might not notice they are there at all," Andro replied.

"Umm... I'd like to stay in this prison instead," One of the monsters suddenly spoke.

"Rejected! Move your ass or I will force you to!"

Some of the monsters didn't like the idea of moving to Andro's back, so they fight back. But with Arin and I here, we managed to get all of them to move.

I'll ask them more questions later. There are still many cells we haven't checked. Though the rest are monsters that have lost their minds. Maybe I'll just kill them.

Chapter 513: At the Last Cell

After I transported the man/monster from the dragonic race along with everyone in the cell to Andro's back, I continue to the next cell.

Even if some of them can fly and can fly away from Andro, I don't care. I told Andro to keep his intimidation at all time until I return. Just a little bit of intimidation should be enough to keep the monsters stay at his back.

The second cell, I see more monsters. But good thing that they still have their senses. I can talk to them. Maybe I shouldn't open a portal after entering each cell. I'll just gather all those who will be moved to Andro's back together. So, I told those at the second cell to wait. And since they listened to me when I spoke to Gecko, I don't have to keep repeating what I say.

In the second cell, some of the monsters are still connected with contracts. But no summoning contract. They got contracted by tamers. They are fine to be moved then.

On the third cell, some of the monsters have lost their mind. I peeked at the fourth and see all of them lost their mind. I guess this is where they separate the line.

But at least those in the third cell didn't attack me right away as soon as I entered the cell. I tried to ask them something, but conversation never happened. Seems like those with senses have given up on living. We have depressed monsters here.

"Alright. I will kill you all here then," I said.


"...Sorry, but if you point your hostility to us, we will attack you even when we have no will to live," one of the humanoid monsters with fish head said. He was a summoned monster from Monsters World. So, unlike the fishman that I fought in the past, this one has intelligent and can speak. Though I will kill it.

"Don't worry. I'm strong," I said full of confidence.

"...That's reassuring. Please give me instant death."

"Try not to fight back and give me trouble," I said.

"...But you just said that you're strong?" the fishman asked.

"I am strong. But I don't want to waste my strength killing you all. Also, can't you just fight among yourselves here? That will make it easier for me to kill you," I said.

Right after I said that, the fishman attacked the orc emperor next to it. It's a brawl in a prison cell. For someone who has lost their will to live, that fishman seem to be enjoying a fight.

I asked them to fight each other so I can save my stamina for the war. There are still a lot of cells deeper in the cave. It's something that an expert level earth mage built, so I guess it's to be expected for it to be so deep.

If I can just call Celestine over here, she can easily destroy everything here in an instant. But tomorrow is the start of the tournament, so I won't ask her to do it.

I dodged a monster that attacked me, and then with Aura gathered on my feet, I stuck myself on the wall and walk to the ceiling and just wait until the monster rumble here is over. Though there are some flying monsters that tried to attack me, I'm doing fine.

And when only three monsters remaining, with the fishman being one of them, I came down and killed the monsters.

Now, to the fourth cage. But it seems like I won't even be able to get a proper conversation. I'll just use the irritating gases on the fourth cell and so on so they will fight among themselves. I'll kill the last one standing myself. For now, I'll transport those in the second cell to Andro's back.

Now, I can go until the end of the cave and let the monsters fight among themselves. Though I won't use the gas on the cell where Shelia, Graham, or Arin entered. I told them to look around if they see any werewolves, angels, or vampires that they know.

Well, beyond the third cell, the rest are mindless monsters. I might just kill them all in the end.

As I keep spreading the gases on the cells, and the noise became too loud from the monsters fighting, I see Graham stopped on his track in front of the seventh cell while Arin and Shelia have gone deeper. Don't tell me that he's not motivated to look at the cell.

"What's wrong, Graham? I'm going to get the monsters fight among themselves. It's best for you to keep going in case you find anyone you know," I said.

"...Master, will you look at them? They are just monsters like me. And they used to have intellect. But look at them right now! They became mindless monsters because of some humans!" Graham shouted in anger.

"You think I don't know that? Didn't I tell you about how evil the cult is? Move your feet. I'm going to kill the rest of the monsters. If there are any angels that you know, if you don't move fast, I will kill them," I said to Graham while spreading the gas to the cell in front of him.

"...I'll go," Graham said while looking dejected.

What is it? Does he feel even less motivated now? What an annoying guy. I think the Graham who used to feel shy whenever he sees girl with revealing outfits are much better. I could laugh at him back then. Now he's just a depressed angel without motivation.

For now, I'll continue going to the next cell one by one and use the irritating gases. I can use the one that makes them kill each other, but this is fine. That one uses more mana after all.

When I asked Sara if she wants to learn my gases, she said that she don't need the irritating gas, depressing gas, or the one that make people kill each other. She doesn't need them because she fights from distance. As for other gases, they have other purposes and very convenience.

Which mean I'm the only one who can exploit all the gases however I want since I can fight both in close range and long range. And with the grenades, I can use the gases from afar as well. Seems like having Aura and air element both is the best combination.

Soon enough, I see Arin and Shelia returned. Seems like they have finished looking for the monsters.

"I have seen all the werewolves here. None of them are the werewolves I know. But I don't like how someone robbed them of their will, so I killed them myself," Shelia reported.

"That's fine. What about Arin?" I asked the vampire.

"There are some other vampires as well. But I didn't do anything to them," Arin said.

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"That's fine. I will take care of things here. I will transport you back to the fake village," I said as I opened a portal.

"What about Graham?" Shelia asked.

"...I'll take care of him as well," I said.

The two monsters entered the portal and I closed it right away. And then, I used Divine Vision to see the cell at the deepest. Which means, the monsters have long lost their mind. And I see Graham entered the cell and killed every single monster except for one. An angel.

I didn't waste any more time as I run while spreading the irritating gases on the cells I passed. And I stopped in front of the last cell to see Graham is hugging the angel that is trying to kill him.

"Georgia! It's me! Your brother!" Graham said to the angel he hugged.

...This is the worst. Not only it's someone he knows. It's his own sister. And she has lost her mind from the experiments.

"...Graham. What will you do now?" I asked Graham.

"What!? Don't you dare kill my sister! Even if you're my master, I will kill you!"

"Fine. I will leave her in your care. Whether you will kill her yourself or you want to bring her to the monster village, it's up to you. Just so you know, as long as the cult still exist, this kind of things will continue to happen in the future. Whether it's another angel, a werewolf, a vampire, or even a human being, they don't care. The only thing I want you to do, and what I keep reminding you about, is for you to help me destroy the cult. That's all. What will you do now?" I asked.

"This... I'll find a way to get her back no matter what! Master! Please help me! And in return, I will do my best to destroy everything related to the cult!"

This Graham is different. From now on, he won't be baited with freedom anymore. But with the strong hate toward the cult.

I always wanted Graham to be like this. But I don't want it to be this way. Seeing his own sister being used as an experiment and lost her mind is the worst thing that can happen to him. Though I never thought he would have a sister.

"Hmm? I see some of the enemies approaching. Five of them, and they are all mohawks," I said while looking outside.

"Master. I will kill them myself!" Graham said while still hugging her sister.

I used the sleeping gas and calming gas on her so she will sleep quickly. And then, I transported her back to the fake village. The other angels should know about her.

After telling them to take care of her, I closed the portal.

"Five mohawks at once. I will go as well. But are you confident that you can win?" I asked Graham.

"This will be the first time you see me go all out. Just watch," Graham said.


One against five. Maybe two since Graham has his shadow clone. I'm curious at how strong he is since he said this is the first time he will fight seriously. Maybe Graham is actually the strongest monster that I have.

Chapter 514: Graham's Anger

Graham and I left the cave to face the five mohawks. All of them are artificial master level mages and they realized that I was looking at them. Although they didn't stop going toward the fake village's direction, since I keep looking at them while showing my hostility, they slowed down and had a discussion before changing their direction and move here.

"All five of them are running here. Since there are no children, you are free to kill them," I said to Graham.

"I don't care even if they are children or not. Whoever did that to my sister deserve to die!" Graham said.

"I can't have you do that. No matter what, don't ever kill children even if they are enemies. We need to try other means first," I said.

"That means if there's no other way, it's fine to kill them, right?"

"...Just don't kill children or I will forcefully give you the order. Don't forget that you're my contracted monster."

This Graham is dangerous. I don't know if he is as strong as he thought he is. Ever since I met him and we fought, I would never imagine that he would be like this. Though if he's stronger than back then, I am confident that I can beat him. Though I don't know if I am stronger than him or not. There are many ways to fight. Including the cowardly way.


"Fine. It's not like I can disobey you anyway. And you have many ways to kill me. I know that since I have seen you fight many times," Graham said.

Seems like he knows that without having me to tell him.

"You said you are confident that you can defeat all five of them alone. How will you do that?" I asked.

"Just watch. I will go alone from here," Graham said as he spread all his wings and flies toward the mohawks. He's much faster than what I thought. Even faster than Spot! Just how many secrets does he have?

But now that he will follow me to destroy the cult, I can rest easy. He is the greatest ally that I never thought I had. Well, if he truly can fight all five mohawks on his own.

He runs ahead of me, and then he summoned his shadow clone and fly together to the mohawks.

By this time, the mohawks' attention turned from me who was looking at them, to Graham whom they can see. How can someone defeat five master level mages alone in a direct fight? Even if they are artificial master level mages, it was not supposed to be easy.

Oh? Now, he's holding his spear with just one hand. As for the other hand... seems like he can create a shadow spear from his shadow. Both him and his shadow clones are holding two spears.

Using two weapons at once is not easy. I also sometimes fight using both spear and katana or gun. With its length, I used the spear mostly to defend. Well, it mostly depends on the situation though.

But using two spears at once, and both spears have the same length, is difficult thing to do. Even if I can do that, it's thanks to Victoria or Blobbies changing their shape. I guess I can still learn something from Graham. Unless he's just an idiot fighting without a care.

...He's an idiot fighting without a care. Graham approached one of the mohawks who raised an Earth Wall to block him. But Graham doesn't care as he let his shadow clone hit the Earth Wall. Then, using his own shadow clone as a step, he jumped over the wall and targeted another mohawk who is already prepared to cast a magic.

Graham received a Fire Ball directly on his face, but his two spears pierced the enemy. And he doesn't care at all since he can use healing magic on himself. By the time he's going for the next mohawk, the burns on his face has all disappear.

And now, Graham used light magic to shoot a beam toward the next enemy. Right after he shot it, he creates a Light Shield in front of him.

It's not enough to protect him from artificial master level mages' magic. But he has healing magic. Also, it was to distract the opponents. He still has his shadow clone helping him.

When his shadow clone pierced its spears into two mohawks at once, I stopped at a distance. There's no longer any need for me to help Graham.

Graham fights recklessly. But it was because he has healing magic, light magic, and his shadow clone. I think his strategy came from watching me fight many times in the past with different strategies.

But the fight is not over yet. He still has three mohawks to fight. One of the mohawks that his shadow clone pierced with its spear is still alive. Maybe it's actually two and a half. He won't live long with that kind of injury no matter how much he has been strengthened.

Oh, wait. It's three. He's also a healer. An artificial master level mage who is also a healer is annoying. And Graham knows that.

Graham now fights while focusing on the healer. But the other mohawks stopped him. Should I help?

Wait! Is his shadow clone shooting a beam?! His clone can also use magic!? That was surprising. I didn't expect that at all.

A shadow clone which is exactly the same as the original. It can use the same light magic and probably Graham's healing magic as well. It uses the same high level of spearsmanship like the original. And unlike the original, it's fine to be sacrificed. Someone who is not afraid of dying. And as long as the original has enough mana, no matter how many times the shadow clone is destroyed, the original can summon it again and again. And it can be a huge clone, or a small one.

That's cheating. Why didn't I awaken my shadow element? Two Roys using Aura. We might be able to progress our mission to destroy the cult even faster.

Hmm... I guess the reason I didn't see Graham's clone using healing magic on Graham is because Graham can use it himself.

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Now, his clone has defeated the healer mohawk. Two more to go. But now that it's two against two, Graham has the upper hand. As long as the opponents didn't keep their distance. But if there are no wind mages among them, they won't be able to escape anyway.

Oh, that's interesting. Graham grabbed the shadow spear while holding it close to the blade as he attacked his enemy with it. The enemy then stepped back to dodge his attack. Except that Graham slid his other hand on his real spear, to hold it at the other end of the spear. The butt of the spear.

He did that while swinging his real spear upward. And then, he swung it down with power toward the enemy. Thanks to him holding the butt of his spear, he can reach the enemy while swinging it down. Even though he received many injuries until he can use that move, he doesn't care. Healers are such a cheat.

Now that it became a one on two fight. And this last enemy, Graham and his shadow clone pierced all four spears toward the mohawks' chest. With Graham stabbing the mohawk from the front, and his clone stabbed the opponent from behind. That's a cruel way to end someone's life.

After that, Graham made his clones and his shadow spear disappear. But Graham's anger is not something that can easily disappear. He just found out that his sister was used by the cult after all.

"You! You! Shithead! Fuck you! Kill! Die!"

Graham shouted in anger while stabbing the corpse of the mohawk again and again. And now I'm also looking at the other corpses to find that one of them is actually still alive.

I approached the living one and stabbed him with Reizpear to finish him off. Now, all of them has died. And I really don't need to do anything since Graham finished everything on his own. Well, if I didn't count the one that I finished myself.

"Graham, that's enough," I said to Graham.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Graham didn't listen to me.

"He's already dead. And if you keep wasting time like this, we won't be able to find out who did everything," I said to Graham as I grabbed his spear to stop him from stabbing the corpse any longer.

"Huff... Huff... Who did it?"

"You're asking me that right now? I don't know. My guess is the Professor. I'll ask Albert later if the Professor knows something about any monster experiments. For now, let's go back. We also need to see if there's something we can do to your sister," I said.

After I said something about his sister, Graham finally calmed down.

"Georgia... What will you do to her?" Graham asked.

"Probably to keep her locked. Until we find a way to return her to normal, it's impossible for her to live anywhere. Even in the monster village," I said.

"...I understand," Graham said.

And so, I opened a portal back to the fake village. I can see the angels are looking at Graham with worry. Even if he has a bad personality, he is still their leader after all.

Chapter 515: Graham's Past

After returning back to the fake village, Graham went toward his sister right away. His sister is being held by the angels who knows her. But she's trying to fight back after she woke up from my magic.

From what I saw in the cage, it seems like the monsters have been programmed to not fight their own allies. Even though she was inside a cell full of other mindless monsters, she didn't fight at all. But once Graham entered the cell, she started fighting him.

She used light magic to attack since she has no spears in hand. If she had her spear, she might be even stronger than Graham and no one can stop her.

I think I saw a weapon rack at the entrance of the cave. But I didn't think that they were weapons because I focused on the monsters. And there were some logs used by big monsters as a club. Probably. That's why I thought those things were decoration.

I'll return back to the cave later to pick the weapons. Maybe there are amazing magic weapons like Reizpear.

For today, I will no longer send scout. Maybe I'll start sending Elsie and the other tomorrow. I'll let them take a rest today. Even if their trap worked, they should be tired after all.

I'll call Sonia and give report to Albert now.


"...That's all. Since we might find something from the monsters, I'd like to be able to meet Albert directly. Tell him that I need him to come when he has free time. It might take a while questioning the monsters," I said.

"Okay. For the cult to somehow captured Graham's sister was out of expectation. What about the other monsters?" Sonia asked.

"I'll ask them later to see if they lost someone like Graham did. Just having one of them in the cult's side will give trouble for those in our side who knows them. I'll ask the humans as well if they have someone missing. That's why today we won't look for the enemy headquarter," I said.

"Understood. I'll relay the message to Albert, Lynn, Henry, Kayla and the others. See you later then," Sonia disappears after saying that.

I get why she wants to tell Lynn and old man Henry. But for her to inform Kayla and the others as well despite the fact that they're going to be busy with the tournament and protecting Albert and the others... I guess Kayla asked Sonia to relay everything I said to Albert to her as well. I just hope she won't overdo it. She doesn't need to know everything here.

I know that Kayla must have realized that as well. That's why she will probably be the first one to be informed. And then, she will tell Sonia to not inform the situation here to some others depending on the content of the report. I'll just trust her with everyone there. She's smart.

I started to get everyone to report if they have any missing family members or friends. Though when I asked the werewolves, they said that even if they meet their own missing family members, they won't hold back and continue fighting. That's just how they are.

After getting the reports, I see that Graham is still trying to talk with his sister. They have put a collar on her so she won't be able to use magic. But her strengthened body is still troublesome for the angels, so they asked the help of the werewolves. That will only get the werewolves tired before fighting. I guess I will need to do something.

I approached Graham's sister who is being held by four werewolves, and used sleeping and calming gases on her. It took a while, but she finally calmed down and fell asleep.

"Tie her hands with this rope. It's made by the elves and strong enough to not break when I tried to with my full strength without Aura. She won't be able to fight back anymore," I said.

Now that she has calmed down, I tried to leave. But Graham stopped me.

"What is it?"

"...Can I talk with you?"

I have a bad feeling about this. Don't tell me it's a flashback? And he's asking for my advice? But I also can't say no to my monster. Especially if I want to see his loyalty. Not his loyalty to me. but toward his hatred to the cult. I guess it can't be helped.

"Sure. Let's go somewhere quiet," I said as I lead him to the forest.

Now, it's just the two of us. and I waited until he speaks first.

"...As you already know, I'm a half angel and half demon. My twelve wings have white and black color," Graham said.

Of course I know that. I have seen it several times. Including when he was so angry, he fought five mohawks alone. He was showing his zebra patterned wings even though he used to say that it's not something he wants to show to anyone.

By the way, I called it zebra patterned wings because that's how it looks like. Instead of just three pairs on top being white and three others black, it became stripes instead. Just like a zebra. It's like his back is has stripes.

Actually, it was first called as such by Victoria. And I copied it from her.

" mother is an archangel, while my father is an archdemon. They both died when my sister, Georgia, was just born. They died from being stepped by a colossal zebra," Graham continued his story.

...Colossal zebra? It's like... a zebra that is so big, right? I never knew such monster exist. But the name is self-explanatory.

Wait! Is that why he doesn't like the color of his wings that has zebra pattern? Somehow, the story started in a ridiculous way.

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"I managed to survive while protecting Georgia. But our parents died. Anyway, as you can see, I'm half angel and half demon. I inherited both my parents' trait. But Georgia is a full archangel. She didn't inherit anything from my father other than blood relation.

...No, I didn't see that. How could I know that she's a full archangel when she's not spreading her wings? But let's get him continue his story. I don't want to waste too long listening to his story.

And it does take a long time. Graham is reminiscing about his happy time with his sister as Graham became the leader of the angels. That's why there are some angels who knows about his sister. The two siblings used to rule the angels together.

Though it's just a bad leadership. They ended up becoming stupid when I met them. Though slowly, they improved their intellect little by little. They even able to look at girls wearing revealing clothes now. Unlike back then when they were so embarrassed just to see it.

They rarely meet any monsters since they live in a floating cloud island. They are just lucky that they never encounter any monsters. Until they got blasted away by Andro's flap of wing.

Anyway, it happened long before that. Graham's sister suddenly disappeared without a word. Even after years of looking, they never found any traces of her.

If my guess is correct, that was because she got summoned by someone from the cult. That means the cult has started growing their monsters from a long time ago. And that also means that there are still many other monsters they controlled all around the world. Does it mean the war is long from over?

"...I never thought that I would see her. In this way! She doesn't even remember me anymore! Master! Please, help my sister! I will do anything for you!" Graham pleaded.

Oh, the story is over? I guess that's it.

"I can only ask other people to help. Whether they can do it or not, they can only try. And whether you like it or not, you will still continue killing the cult members with me," I said honestly.

"That's fine. Though this time, I'd like to help you with everything I got," Graham said.

"If you're cool with it. Though next time, try to not get too crazy like before. If you die too soon, you won't be able to see your sister anymore."


Just like that, the flashback is over. It's just a common story. Losing someone they love because of the cult. But he was lucky enough to meet her again. But for me, even though I don't have many people I loved in the past life, there were some I have known since I became a doctor. If I meet them now, they won't even know me. But that's fine. As long as I can kill everyone related to the cult, I know that those people can live happily. At least they will be much happier than living while not knowing when they will attack your village.

That is why I didn't try to meet with those people. I don't know if they are still alive or they have died. Or even the fact that they will still be born in this world or not. I had young regular customer in my days as a doctor in a village after all.

I returned back to the fake village to see everyone is tired. It's just the second day. And the war is far from over.

At least we need to survive until the tournament is over. Or until the final. At least at that time, one of the losing sides will be able to help us. Either it's Celestine or Julia, just one of them will be a great reinforcement to us.

Chapter 516: Sealed Skill Unsealed

Today is the day of the opening ceremony. But it's impossible for me to attend the ceremony. It's because we have new arrivals from the enemy side. And they are much more than the previous two days!

Let's see... Just the artificial master level mages alone are numbered over fifty! And here, those who can defeat just one artificial master level mage are too few.

It seems that I still underestimated the cult. I never thought that they would send so many mohawks on the day of the opening ceremony.

But there were some good things as well. Though considering that we have to face so many enemies makes me think that those things were not good enough. Well, I can only do my best.

One of the good thing is that there are no children among the incoming mohawks. All of them are already adults. Which means that all of us won't hesitate to kill them all. Though they need to be strong enough to do that first.

The other good thing is about the angels. But for now, I will check on the situations first. Despite the fact that I'm facing ten mohawks at once.

First, the combined army from Arturo and Varadis. Despite being obviously weaker than the enemies, their teamwork is much better. They should be able to handle the enemies for a bit.


The greatest dangers are still the mohawks. There are over fifty of them. With ten of them are busy fighting me alone. It's good that I managed to get ten of them focused on me.

As for the rest of the mohawks, The monsters are taking care of most of them.

Another good thing that I said before is about the angels. Though it happened not in the way that anyone would experience.

Yesterday, Graham reunited with his sister, Georgia. Georgia was separated from her brother a long time ago as she was possibly got summoned by summoner from the cult. And she got experimented by the cult until she lost her mind.

Georgia doesn't even remember her own brother. She even tried to kill him. Though I have taken her to Monsters Village.

I have told the angels and the monsters over there to take care of her.

Once the angels heard about Georgia, some of them, without hesitation, come over to this side to help with the war. Thanks to that, even though there weren't many, we got some reinforcement.

Graham, with his reckless way of fighting after he found a reason to fight, fought three mohawks at once. I hope he won't die.

The angels also fought the mohawks with strengthened resolution. They are very helpful right now when we have to fight too many mohawks.

As for the werewolves, they just love this situation. They want to get the chance to fight artificial master level mages. And they refuse to let the angels to take the spotlight. That's why they became even more motivated after seeing the angels fight. Especially Shelia.

Shelia never told me about this, but I know that she's thinking of herself as my righthand woman. It's because I'm the Werewolf King. And she's currently the strongest werewolf that we have. That's why she feels that her position is being threatened by Graham's strength as he has shown to everyone with his reckless way of fighting that he's stronger than her.

Shelia thinks of him as her junior. And now, she's started thinking of him as a rival. I hope this way, both Shelia and Graham will get stronger together.

Meanwhile, the vampires also helped fighting the mohawk together. Arin herself can fight a mohawk one on one. But I gave some of the vampires something that can boost their strengths. My blood. I only gave blood bag filled with my blood to the vampire dukes. It's because I hope they can defeat the mohawks if they drink a bit of my blood.

The result, as I am busy fighting ten mohawks, the rest of the mohawks are busy with the monsters.

Oh, that was close. One of the mohawks I'm fighting was using a Wind Slash to attack me. But I can dodge it. I also need to focus on my fight.

Other than the three monster races, I also brought here the monsters that I freed from the cave. Gecko and the other modified monsters.

I have let Albert to meet them last night. And Albert told me that they are willing to help us fighting the cult. Or at least for this war. So, I gave them purple armbands for them to wear to let them recognize friends or foes.

Since Albert said that they are good, I can at least believe that they won't attack humans from our side. Though not all of them. Just Gecko, the modified vampires, and some other monsters. As for the rest, they were released and can live freely.

The fight this time will be long, but it's not something that we can't handle. Though the fight is not my biggest concern. It's those who are retreating after seeing me fight. They know that I'm an Aura user and most likely, they will retreat to inform the so-called Evil God.

For that, I will leave it to Elsie and Sunny. Elsie will look for those who are retreating, and instruct Sunny the direction where she will shoot her beam. Sunny has grown big and has became the target of the enemy thanks to her size. But the enemies are too busy with other opponents. And once they knew that Sunny only aimed her attack to those who retreated, they choose to not target her and can only fight the others first. But I know that they are waiting for a chance.

Leaving them aside, this is the first time in a while that I got hurt this badly. Not counting the injury I got on purpose the sake of victory. Seems like handling ten of them at once is too hard for me.

But I remember something from this fight. It's that I'm weak.

I remember that I had to use any means possible to survive in my past life. Hence, I created what I called Shameless Survival Arts.

It has been so long since I used one. I guess I must have grown much stronger since I didn't use them for a long time. And the one that I'm proud of is how I ended up getting a beautiful girl to fall for me, Sophie.

And now, when I'm being pressed like this, it's time to use it again. One of my arts.

There's no battle skill among the arts, but I can use it to gain a little bit of advantage.

I took a deep breath and let my magic hold as much air as I can in my lung. Seeing it, the mohawks prepared themselves to receive my attack. Three of the earth mages raised three Earth Walls in different directions. And the rest are hiding behind the walls.

Since I have fought them for a while, they must be thinking that earth magic can protect themselves better than magic of other elements.

They are right if I fight normally. Though this time, they should have chosen to create Wind Barriers instead.

After they prepared to receive my attack, I started using one of my skill, screaming.


No one is prepared to receive my scream, which has been enhanced by air magic. All of them, including some people fighting near us, got dizzy after hearing such loud noise. And they covered their ears with their hands. And that is my chance.

While they are busy covering their ears, I stopped screaming as I rushed toward one of the Earth Wall of which four mohawks are hiding behind. They were too late to react when they see me right in front of them as I killed them using Reizpear.

After that, while the rest of the mohawks haven't collect themselves, I transformed Blobbies into a gun and shoot at the wind mage mohawks. They haven't prepared their Wind Barriers, so my shoot hit them all and killed them.

Four mohawks behind the Earth Wall I killed, and two more wind mage mohawks. I killed six out of the ten mohawks that I fought thanks to my shameless arts. Even though it was just screaming. Enhanced with air magic so my scream was directed toward their ears. Though it was still too loud and many people were affected.

Now, only four mohawks in front of me. None of them are wind mages, so no one can change the trajectory of my bullets anymore.

One earth mage, two fire mages, and one lightning mage. This is doable. Though at the moment, there are several other mohawks who think that I'm a huge threat. Fortunately, my comrades are not weak enough for them to ignore. Though it won't be long.

For now, I will need to take care of these four first. Maybe I should scream one more time. Or maybe several more times. The battle today won't end just because of my screams. But it should help. Though i will end up confusing my own allies.

Well, they are the one who needs to know that anything could happen in a war. Including loud scream. They should understand that.

Chapter 517: Spot's Strongest Breath Attack

Now that I have defeated six mohawks, I need to get rid of the next four quickly or I will have to fight more than ten since the other mohawks have noticed how threatening I am.

Before the four mohawks attacked me, I made an obvious body gesture of taking a deep breathe to make them think that I'm going to scream again. And this time, their reaction is to use offensive magic instead of protecting themselves. They knew that if I'm going to scream, the only thing they can do is to cover their ears. They want to kill me first before I could scream. Though their attack couldn't reach me.

And I didn't scream again. I just aimed my two Blobbygun on each hand, toward the earth mage and lightning mage. Now that there are no wind mages, the bullet won't change direction midair.

The reason I targeted these two first was because the earth mage is the only one who have defensive magic strong enough to stop me. And the lightning mage was targeted because he has the strongest magic. And since they are trying to attack me now, they don't have enough time to dodge or block my shot.

And I also filled the Blobbyguns with special bullets made by Sara. They look just like a normal iron bullets. And Sara made them since she now can control metal albeit just a little. But her control is good enough to create something as small as a bullet.

But what makes the bullet she created special, is the fact that she also used air magic.

The bullet she created, has a hollow area in it. And Sara used her air magic to create sleeping gas inside the bullets.


Why didn't I thought of it? Most likely because I can only do what I can do. And I can't make a bullet. The only thing I can do is to find good stones, and shaped them into bullets. I can't make something hollow inside the stones. And I never imagine to use that idea on Blobbies.

Anyway, I used such bullets toward the earth mage and the lightning mage. I got my shot hit the earth mage right at his rib, and I hit the lightning mage at his right thigh bone. Both bullets got dented because of the impact with the bones, and stuck inside their bodies after fracturing their bone. But that's what I want.

Because of the impact to their bones and the dent, the gas inside the bullets will be spread in their bodies. And I can see that for mages at their level, gases made by someone in advanced level air mage, can affect their bodies greater than letting them inhale the gases. Also, as a doctor, I know how dangerous it is to have air inside the body.

Such a crazy invention by an air and earth elements mage. If I can use poisonous gases instead, it will be much more deadly.

The earth mage and the lightning mage are down. They are sleeping peacefully. Except that it's doubtful that they will still be alive or not. Though the chance is high that they will never wake up again. They will die in their sleep. What a dangerous creation. And I love it! And if they don't die, I can take care of them later.

Of course right after shooting my guns, I didn't forget to dodge the enemies' attack. I got my left hand slightly burnt, but overall, I did very well fighting so many artificial master level mages. Though I need to kill the last two since there are several mohawks coming this way while ignoring their opponents.

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I aimed my Blobbyguns toward the two fire mages, but instead of attacking me, they keep running to make it harder for me to take aim. And by this time, they already forgotten that I had taken a deep breath.

This will be my second scream. And I of course used air magic to get my scream directed toward the two.


The two fire mages stopped on their tracks. Not just them, but also those who heard my scream. Even though I concentrated the air to make my scream louder for these two, it's not like the others wont be able to hear it.

Now that the two fire mages are busy covering their ears with their hands, I rushed toward them and kill them with Reizpear. I don't want to waste Sara's bullets after all.

They died instantly with the blade of the spear pierced their hearts.

And now, I need to take care of the next group of mohawks.

About thirteen of them have escaped from their pursuers, and chasing me. Just fighting ten artificial master level mages and I got hurt although they were just minor injuries. And thirteen of them just too much.

And so, I run.

I escaped from there and run toward an open area where there are no trees. I need to bait the enemies to follow me.

They probably think that I have no means of fighting with this many people at once. And they are right. Thats why this time, I'm just the bait.

If I am just a bait, who will fight them? Obviously, it's the strongest monster among our allies. Our lovely serpent who shares a similar name with many dogs. His name is Spot.

Where is he? He's far high in the sky. Floating there where no artificial master level mages can detect. And he float there in one spot without even moving, with his mouth aiming toward where I stand.

Once I gave him the signal, he will shoot his breath magic to attack this place. That's why I need to get as many of the mohawks to this place before I send the signal.

So far, only eleven of them are here. The other two who are chasing me are still far behind. I need to survive here for a few seconds until all thirteen of them are here. After that, I need to survive again until Spot's breath attack get close enough that no one can dodge it before I move elsewhere.

Good! All thirteen of them are within the range. I covered my mouth with my hand, and opened a very small portal toward Spot's ear.

"Spot, attack now!"

I said in a voice that no one else can hear. And now, I need to wait until they can't dodge Spot's strongest attack.

The wounds on my body increased. Even though I have no magic to protect myself, my Aura covering my whole body helped me survive enemies' attack.

Finally, with my Divine Vision, I can see Spot's attack is getting closer. With that speed, no one here can escape. Except for me.

During this harsh fight, I opened a portal on the ground and let my body fall there. The other side of the portal is connected to Spot's head, so I managed to escape in time while the enemies are confused. And I closed the portal quicly after I entered it.

Just like that, all thirteen artificial master level mages died and turned into ashes. No one survives Spot's strongest breath attack.

I need a long time to defeat ten mohawks, while Spot only need one attack to kill thirteen. As expected of the strongest monster here.

"Sigh... that was tiresome. There are too many enemies, but even now, their main force hasn't arrived yet," I said.

"Well, such is war. Now that my job here is done, I will fight with the rest. And now, I can't use my breath attack anymore unless I want to killnour own allies. What about you?" Spot asked.

"I am too tired now. I'll take a few minutes of rest before I return to the battle. By the way, if you see any angels, tell them to heal me. I got injuries all over my body," I said.

"Are you dying?" Spot asked.


"Then you don't need healing, right?"

"I'm on priority list. To make the battle progress to our advantage, I'm someone who is not allowed to get hurt too much. That's why even if I'm not dying, I need to get healed quick," I said.

"What priority list? Though you're right. As the key player in this war, you have to be in top shape at all time. I'll find one angel as fast as possible and drop you from my head," Spot said as he fly toward one battle to help the fight.

The two of us have killed twenty-three mohawks. And I think Graham, Shelia, and Arin must have killed some as well. That mean we have reduced the number of mohawks by around half.

This is good. Once I got healed, I can continue killing more mohawks. And I also need to kill those who are trying to retreat.

So far, Sunny and Elsie worked so well in killing those who are retreating. I guess with this, we can delay the Evil God to know that I'm an Aura user.

Though I don't believe that we can keep the secret for too long. But the later they know, the longer we have our advantage. Because once they know that I'm an Aura user, they will use every mean to kill me first. Probably even sending a real master level mages. That's why I need to be in top shape at all time.

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