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91.64% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 439: 468-477

Chapter 439: 468-477

Chapter 468 – It's A Dinosaur

Celestine and I entered the second path from the left. We split up with the others because there are four paths to take.

"Celestine, what makes you pick this path?" I asked Celestine.

"I don't know. I just have some feeling about this path. And I think it's best if I'm the one going to this path," Celestine said.

"Can you detect if someone has earth element magic? Maybe that's the case," I randomly guessed why Celestine picked this path.

"No. For example, Sara and Angela are both earth element mages. But I don't know that they are earth element mages until they told me," Celestine said.

"Hmm… What if it's because the enemy ahead is an artificial master level mage? Because this one is incomplete unlike the precious mohawk, you can sense the earth element that this enemy has. Maybe that's why Wendy picked the last path since she detected a faint wind element."

"Maybe. We can only know after we see what's inside. Though I also feel similar things on the other paths," Celestine said.

If that's the case, maybe each path will lead to earth element artificial master level mage. I hope everyone will be okay.

Normally, I would think that the group splitting is too weird. After all, Celestine and I are together.

I can be considered as the strongest among everyone in the alliance. And Celestine is one of the longest expert level mages that we have. The two of us together is too much.

Logically, I would be partnered with Sara since she's the weakest. But because she's an agent, she needs to be grouped with our strongest mage, Angela. Since the goal is to investigate this place, we have to split up this way.

As for my familiars, I think Candy decided it because that's how we split up back when are investigating the surface area of this place. Candy with Shelia, and Wendy with Graham.

That's why I am partnered with Celestine.

We walked deeper into the tunnel, and encounter various powerful monsters that we haven't seen before. Though they are still not that strong. We can easily defeat them.

Though the one who did the most is Celestine. It's because I need to save my magic for portals and various other uses later. If the Professor is indeed somewhere deep in this dungeon, there should be a lot of research that he did. And that's why I might need to use portal a lot more.

"…There are a lot of monsters with powerful defense. Typical of monsters in cave-type dungeon with earth element. Though the strange feeling is still up ahead. I don't know if it's a monster or a human," Celestine said after defeating a lizard type monster.

"Since they are here, they must be an enemy. As soon as you noticed what it is, I will move ahead and kill it in an instant," I said.

"Not going to capture them?"

"Safety first. Until I know that the enemy is weak, I will go with the intent to kill from the start."

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Human or monster. Whatever in front of us, we need to proceed.

Whether the Professor is here or not, at least we need to clear everything in this place. Once we do, we can come back here anytime we want in the future to investigate even deeper.

If so, then why do we have to investigate this place from the start?

Well, after we're done here, it's not like there will be people who are free and will guard this place the whole time. After all, the tournament is up ahead. And the cult will do something big at that time. We need every manpower that we have.

During that time, there's a chance that someone from the cult will come here and destroy everything. That's why we need to grab as much as we can today just in case.

Though I think we have grabbed everything.

Well, I can't say for sure. I'm not a pro at this.

"Roy, it's ahead. Whatever it is, it's inside that room," Celestine said as she pointed at the room in front of us.

It's a room from the dungeon, but there were some modifications made by humans. Like having a door. Though the door is a normal wooden door instead of the steel door like before.

It's a big room, but there's no one in there. That's suspicious.

We enter the room carefully while being fully alert. Even if there's no one here, there must be something that makes Celestine feels strange things.

"Roy, there's an envelope in that table."

Victoria saw the envelope. I think that it's from the owner of this room. But when I see closer with my Divine Vision, I can read the first two words in the letter inside the envelop. Dear Intruder.

I checked the letter again, and there's a writing in the envelope. It says, to the intruder from Professor.

"…He knows we're coming. That's already expected though."

I checked if there's any trap in the envelope. And when analyze it enough to know that there's no trap at all, I opened it.

[Dear intruder.

I'm the one you looking for, the Professor.

I don't know how you defeat my creation, but you should have the compass it has. That compass will bring you here. If you can somehow get this far, you might be able to meet me. I won't run, but it's up to your power if you can find me. 

You should be able to realize that you are inside a dungeon that has been modified. It's a good dungeon with a lot of resources I can use for my experiment. I am at the exit of the dungeon. Or should I say that it was the entrance? Whatever.

If you break through the steel door, there's a magic that will be activated and destroyed the surface area where you came from after thirty minutes. You will be trapped inside the dungeon and you can only go to the other exit through the dungeon.

If you're lucky, you will still be alive. And I will promise you that I will keep it that way if you give me the Black Slime. Whether you are Roy who is the master of the slime, or someone else, if you manage to survive and find the exit, I will keep you alive if you can help me get the Black Slime.

I left a gift for you in the room. I hope you will like it.

Sincerely, the Professor]

…he called himself the Professor. I guess we still didn't get his name. But does it mean there's something else in this dungeon?

As expected, he knows that we are coming. He even knows my name. If we managed to get to the exit, he will be waiting there with his army. Even with how they have reduced their number thanks to the cult making a big move, there should be some powerful people left behind.

"Roy, I found something," Celestine said.

"Yeah, me too. Tell me yours first. I'll tell you mine later."

"It's inside that glass cage."

Celestine pointed at the glass cage inside the room. I didn't see anyone inside there. Just an empty room, with moving brown goo inside it.

Wait! A brown goo? Is it a slime? I don't think it's a slime.

"…Victoria. Your cousin?" I asked Victoria.

"No. In case you forgot, I used to be a human. My cousin should be a human as well. If I had any," Victoria replied.

"That's the thing that makes me feel weird. And it's related to earth magic. That's why I can sense it. Though I finally noticed it when we're this close," Celestine said.

A brown goo with earth magic that makes an expert level earth mage feel uneasy. That might be dangerous.

And as I thought so, the brown goo gets bigger and the shape changed into a four-legged beast. It looks like a reptile. A big reptile with spiky armor and a bludgeon on its tail.

"That's a dinosaur! What was it called again? Right! Ankylosaurus!" Victoria shouted.

"Thank you, my dinosaur encyclopedia. Are they some sort of creature that can change from a brown goo?" I asked.

"No way. They supposed to be extinct in my world and if you know about dinosaur, there should be exist in this world, right? At least in the past? Do you think they came from goo?" Victoria asked.

"I don't know. What I know is that a Brown goo is disgusting. I can produce one, but I'm not proud of it," I said jokingly.

"That's disgusting."

"Enough chat. It's coming!"

"You're the one talking nonsense!

The brown ankylosaurus hit the glass cage with its tail and destroyed it. Why would anyone put something dangerous in a glass cage? Even if it's for research, can't they use something even stronger than glass?

"Celestine, according to your description, it has earth magic, right? Then we can assume that it can use magic. We need to be careful. Let me handle it from the front, while you attack it from the rear!"

"Understood. Let's finish this quickly," Celestine said.

Since we faced a brown goo in this path, the others should be facing similar goo in other paths. Maybe the Professor wrote letters and put it on the other three paths as well.

I need to defeat it fast and check how the others doing.

Chapter 469 – Fighting The Transformed Goo

A brown goo turned into a dinosaur. And now, there's a possibility of that dinosaur to use magic and destroy everything.

So, we can only fight by letting Celestine take care of the dinosaur's magic to not destroy the dungeon, while I will fight upfront.

And although I hate the Professor, I want to have faith in this modified room that it can endure the attack of the dinosaur.

The dinosaur the brown goo transformed to was called ankylosaurus. A dinosaur with spiked shell armor on its body, with a tail that seems powerful and a bulge at the tip. Like a bludgeon.

The swung of that tail was enough to destroy a cage made of glass. In fact, even a baby with a stone might be able to break that glass. Why is it a normal glass and not reinforced glass? Did they have enough faith in their ability to not make this goo to attack them?

I don't think this monster is something summoned from the Monsters World. And it's not tamed from the wild as well. It must be from the experiment they conducted.

For now, while dodging the dinosaur's attack, let's see closely inside of the dinosaur.

…it's all just brown goo. There's no inner organ at all. Does it mean that they can't be defeated? I doubt it.

The Professor wanted the Black Slime, Victoria. It's because of the experiment that makes people in the village back then to not have the need of meal, water, and would never get tired. But it was still possible to kill them.

Even the Blobbies can be destroyed easily. Maybe for this goo, I need to destroy it like that.

I keep dodging the tail of the dinosaur, and finally, I made my move.

With Reizpear, I stabbed the blade on the base of the tail. The butt of the dinosaur.

But as it's just a goo without any inner organ, it seems like it doesn't feel any pain at all. And it keeps trying to attack me with its tail.

"Celestine! Victoria! Any idea on how to defeat this thing?"

I asked the two who are here with me if they know how to handle the enemy.

"Destroying it again and again until it won't recover anymore," Victoria said.

"How about using your gas to make it sleep?" Celestine suggested.

"I'll try!" I said.

Victoria's idea is basically the same as mine. But Celestine's idea might worth a shot.

I used air magic to concentrate a lot of sleeping gas inside three Blobbygrenades, and threw them toward the dinosaur while stepping back.

As the three grenades hit the dinosaur all at the same time, I had Victoria destroy her clones. The gas will spread as close as possible to the dinosaur, while we don't have to worry since I protected us with my air magic.

And the result was disappointing. The dinosaur didn't even react at all and continue smashing its tail anywhere inside the room. Though the room has dent in various places, it still able to endure the dinosaur's attack.

"Roy, I'll try stopping its movement!" Celestine said.

Inside a room? Well, with her metal manipulation magic, she should be able to do it.

The room was made by some sort of reinforced metal. But with Celestine's magic, she can use this place for her advantage.

Though it seems like manipulating metal is so tiring for her. The expert level mage who can split the ground is tired from using metal manipulation. I need to make sure we succeeded in stopping it and defeat it quickly.

The metal all over the room turned into a chain that stopped the dinosaur's limbs from moving. Including the tail.

"Finish it, Roy!" Celestine shouted.

Like usual, if one hit can't finish the enemy, I need to hit it more. And since piercing attack is useless, slashing attack should be similar as well. That's why I transformed Victoria into a hammer and smashed the dinosaur until it got flattened on the ground.

"It's not working!" I said.

"What are you talking about? Isn't it totally being crushed?" Celestine asked curiously.

"That's its original form! The brown goo from before! I keep smashing it each time it moves or trying to change its shape! I'll try burning it this time."

This time, I used air magic to create a flammable gas around the goo. Since I crushed it over and over again, the goo turned small. But it will return back to its dinosaur form if I stopped attacking.

After creating the gas, I took a flint from my pocket to light a fire, and throw it to the goo. I'm not a fire mage, so this is what I can do.

Seems like fire is quite effective. Should I call someone else to do the job?

Just when I think so, the goo turned into a human form. A naked man.

"Hey! Are you okay!?"

Seriously, that goo we fought was a human experiment? That Professor is truly crazy.

No matter what, that Professor need to be killed. Once we have gathered information from him, I will be happy to kill him.

The goo that turned into a human didn't say anything. And looked at me with hostility, so I jumped back while blocking his fist with Victoshield.

Wait, what is this pressure? It's much stronger than even Orc Emperor's punch! Only gigantic monster can have this much strength in their fists! And it's on the body of a human being?

I got blown away to the wall and leave a huge crack. For someone who is confident with his physical ability, that was a huge shock. But I quickly regain my footing.

"Roy! Are you okay!?" Celestine asked.

"I am. That goo turned into a human, but his inner organ is dying. There's nothing we can do to help him. I will kill him. You just need to protect me." I said.

During the short moment since he throws his fist at me, I managed to analyze his inner organ. And it returned back to a normal human's organ. Other than its deteriorating quickly. He's dying.

The worst part is that there are two hearts inside. I know very well that they are the hearts of human beings. One heart is the size of an adult, while the other is a heart the size of a child.

Which means, the Professor is experimenting with children. Something that neither Celestine nor I will ever forgive.

That's why I told Celestine that I will be the one to kill the dying man in front of us. But that man didn't go down without a fight.

He finally used it. Earth magic. And since the metal in this room has been used to restrain him, he can freely manipulate the earth.

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Though Celestine was quick to react. She seems to be weaker than the man in front of us. So, it's another artificial master level mage. Though this one is probably still in testing period. Unlike the previous mohawk girl.

"I can't hold it much longer! Roy, kill him!" Celestine shouted.

"I will."

While Celestine holding the room we're in so the enemy's earth magic can't be used to attack us, I charged at him with Reizpear in hand. When the blade of the spear touched his chest, I feel quite a lot of resistance. It's as if he's wearing a powerful armor even though he's naked. It's his skin.

Still, I didn't give up and pour more strength and Aura into my attack. And I finally managed to pierce his heart. Just one of them. The big heart inside the body.

This time, he feels the pain. Unlike back when it's a dinosaur.

He should have died. But he has two hearts. Leaving his smaller heart still beating in the chest. The right chest.

"Did we do it?" Victoria asked.

"We'll see."

"You're not going to finish him?"

"We'll see."

"You keep saying we'll see twice. What will we see? Oh!?"

Victoria then noticed what I meant. I also didn't think that it would turn this way.

The human I stabbed, turned small. Now, he's just a child. Seems like after piercing the big heart, leaving the small heart, it will make him turned into a small child.

If my guess is correct, then this child form is the child that was experimented. And the adult form was the adult who was experimented. They were fused into one and turned into a brown goo that can change shape.

"It's a child!"

Celestine shouted and hurriedly approached the dying boy. Like I said before the inner organs is deteriorating quickly. Even now, it's impossible to revive him even with my medical knowledge from the future.

"…Roy, made him swallow a Blobby," Victoria said.

"You mean forcing him to stay alive with Blobbies inside as substitute for his organs? That might work."

I realize what Victoria wanted to do, so I did as she said. I had her create a Blobby and made the boy swallow it. After a while, the Blobby inside the body started changing shape and became the boy's new inner organ. I hope the boy can still survive after this.

Though I don't know if he still regains his memory. Is it the memory of the child, or the memory of the adult? We don't know.

What I can do is bring him to Varadis and hopefully, if he's being brainwashed, Russell can undo it.

"They finally did it…" I said to myself.

"Using children for experiment? They have done it from a long time ago," Celestine said.

"That too, but that's not what I meant. That dinosaur we fought before. If it's just me, it's nearly impossible to win against that dinosaur before it transformed into a human. They have finally created a secret weapon against Aura users. If this is the completed version, they should be easy to defeat with the help of the others. I hope that's the case."

A goo that doesn't feel pain, and can continuously attack using its body and even magic. Most Aura users during Victoria's and Sonia's era will be defeated by such things. I guess this Evil God is still afraid of Aura users even after exterminating all of them.

I need to figure out a way to defeat such things again in the future.

Anyway, what about the others? Are they also fighting goo? I guess I will visit them for now. If there are other similar rooms like this one that they entered, there might be other letters from the Professor. If not, that mean the Professor has some way to tell that we will enter this room. Or he thinks that there will be a group that will investigate the whole place, so he can just put a letter in random place and wait until someone took it.

I can't wait to kill him.. But before that, we need to collect information from him.

Chapter 470 – The Others Also Fighting Goos

While Roy and Celestine fought the goo, the others also entered similar looking room in the path they have taken.

Shelia and Candy entered the reinforced room with a glass cage as well. Candy found the letter with the same content as the one Roy found. The Professor has too much time to spare.

"Candy. There's something inside the glass," Shelia said as she can smell something is inside it.

"Hmm? Brown goo? A living one?" Candy analyzed the thing inside the glass cage.

"Maybe it's Victoria's friend," Shelia said.

"I doubt it. This must be the thing that was told from the letter."

"Let's kill it then!"

Unlike Roy and Celestine, this time, it's Shelia who attacked first. The goo realized the killing intent from Shelia, and transformed into a dinosaur just like the one Roy fought.

Shelia's attack didn't do much on the dinosaur as it has no effect.

"Interesting. Fine, I'll slash you with my claws until you're dead!"

For this fight, Shelia just attacked at the dinosaur again and again. Part of what can be called as the dinosaur's flesh got all over the room as Candy hid her body behind the desk so she won't get dirtied.

But Candy realized that the separated flesh of the dinosaur is moving and trying to return back to the place where Shelia is fighting the dinosaur. So, she used fire magic at it.

But the magic resistance of the goo is too strong. Even just a small part of it, Candy needs to use higher firepower to burn it to ashes.

"This might be a bit difficult. Shelia, let me fight it. Seems like physical attacks are useless against it. Magic can damage that thing, but I need bigger firepower," Candy said to Shelia who is still fighting the thing that no longer look like a dinosaur.

"Okay! I guess I need to train even more," Shelia said.

Unlike Roy who instantly thinks of another way to defeat the enemy in front of him, Shelia is not that smart. She's a creature who loves fighting and the only way she can think of to defeat enemies she can't hurt is for her to be stronger.

Candy burned the dinosaur with a powerful fire magic, and just like the situation with Roy, the dinosaur turned into a human.

"Hey, are you okay!?"

Seeing that the enemy in front of her turned into a human, she thinks that it was a human experiment and after defeating it, it turned back into a human. But that's wrong.

The naked man in front of her tries to attack Candy, but Shelia quick enough to notice that as she pierced her claws to the chest of the enemy.

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"That was close. If you get hurt, Roy will be sad. I don't want that," Shelia said.

"You do know that if you get hurt as well, Roy will still be sad? Anyway, thank you for saving me. But what is this thing?"

While Candy is curious about the thing in front of her, the fit adult male body transformed into a senile old man. And the two prepared to fight again, when a portal opened.

"I'll take care of that guy. Seems like you faced the same thing as I did. I'll bring him to Varadis to see if the people there can cure that guy."

Roy appears from the portal, grabbed the senile old man, and opened another portal to Varadis after pouring something black into the man's mouth.

"You fought that thing as well?" Candy asked.

"Right. You also got the letter? Anyway, you can continue going this path. If you have the same letter, I guess the paths will be connected again ahead. We'll be meeting there before the exit. See you later."

Roy left as quickly as he arrives. This time, he's checking on the others.

Wendy and Graham has difficulty facing the goo in front of them. The dinosaur has been defeated after series of wind magic and light magic attack from the two of them, but the human the goo transformed into was too strong for them.

"He can use earth magic to defend himself. My wind magic is not strong enough! Graham, stall it for five minutes! I'll try something bigger!" Wendy said.

"Can you really defeat it? Sigh… why do I have to do this? Well, shadow clone! Let's defeat that thing!"

Graham who has called his shadow clone to help him fight, but still found no way to defeat the enemy. So, he agreed to stall for time with just him and his clone.

His clone will fight up close since it doesn't matter if it dies, while Graham attacked using light magic from afar. But the enemy is not just strong. He's also an artificial master level earth mage.

"Alright, I'm done. Graham, move!"

Wendy used a powerful and concentrated wind magic toward her opponent and trapped him in a wind sphere. Where every wind inside is hitting him again and again as sharp as a sword.

"Is it done?" Graham asked.

Suddenly a portal opened. The man from inside the portal quickly pierced the chest of the enemy. It was Roy who attacked the enemy.

"You also fight one as well? And you have the letter? Man, the Professor is the most annoying creature in the world," Roy said as he pulled out Reizpear from the enemy's chest.

"You also fought one?" Wendy asked.

"Right. Shelia and Candy also fought one as well. I bet Angela is fighting the same thing. I'll take this guy… I mean girl to Varadis and have the doctors there see if they can find anything," Roy said.

The man turned into a little girl after being stabbed by Roy. Just like before, Roy put a Blobby inside her mouth to keep her inner organs from deteriorating, and transported her with portal.

"That goo from before is most likely immune to physical attack. But when it transformed into human, it's not. But even in human form, they are still strong enough to kill me if I'm not careful," he said.

"Then, you're checking on Angela last?" Wendy asked.

"Right. The two over there are both mages, so they should be fine."

After saying some other things like the paths will connect, Roy left again. This time, it's toward Angela's location.

Angela is currently fighting the dinosaur alone while Sara ignores the fight and investigate the room.

"Other than the letter, there's nothing important in this place," Sara said after checking the room.

"Really? What about Victoria's friend here? It keeps regenerating over and over again how many times I attacked," Angela said.

"How about using stronger magic?" Sara suggested.

"Nah, it's also good for my training. I'll use stronger magic once I know I can't defeat it with my current strength," Angela replied.

Just as Roy told her, Angela only uses the strength of an advanced level mage instead of using her full strength of an expert level mage.

"It's also good using earth magic in this place. Maybe I can learn to manipulate metal like Celestine," Angela said.

"Don't take too long. Our mission is to investigate this place, not to fight. If the weaker version of you have trouble, the others might have difficulty fighting the same thing. We must hurry to help them."

Even though Sara said that they need to hurry up, she's still calm.

"Don't worry. If anything happens to them, Roy will come to help them," Angela said full of confidence.

"But from the letter, it seems like we will be facing the Professor after leaving this place. If he helps the other, he might have used quite a lot of mana to use portal. Well, he can just drink mana potion to help recover his mana."

"Right? Though it seems like he's already here."

At the same time Angela said that, a portal opened.

"You're not done yet?" Roy asked Angela as soon as he saw her fighting.

"It will be done soon," Angela said.

"Once you defeated that form, it will turn into a human. I'll fight that so we can finish sooner," Roy said.

"Is the human form stronger than this one?" Angela asked.

"At least it can use magic. And the physical strength is similar to the one you're currently fighting. You should have defeated that thing sooner so it will transform and you can fight it before I arrive," Roy said.

"Sigh… I guess I'll finish it now," Angela said as she casually used blazing ice magic. The ice that burns on the enemy.

The ice stuck on it, so no matter what the enemy is doing, it won't come off.

And the dinosaur transformed into a human being. It instantly used earth magic trying to attack, but Roy is faster and stabbed his heart. And Roy did the same thing to this enemy like the three from before.

"What are they?" Sara asked.

"I don't know. But it has two hearts. Once one heart is destroyed, it will transform again. The one I fought transformed into a small kid. Candy's enemy turned into an old man. Wendy's enemy turned into a little girl. And this one turned into another old man. What I can guess is that it's an experiment to combine two or more beings into one. At least two of them are humans," Roy explained.

"How cruel!" Angela shouted.

"Well, since you're done here, I'll be going back to where Celestine is. See you later."

Just like that, they defeated the four brown goos. In which all of them turned into earth mages later on.. And their body transported to Varadis to be checked.

Chapter 471 – Giant Tortoise

"Are they done?"

After I finished checking on the others and transport the human experiments to Varadis, I returned back to Celestine who is resting after spending too much mana. She's still not used to manipulating metal, and how she tries to stop the enemy from using earth magic was too tiring for her.

She has drunk some Mana Potions, but she's still tired. Though we can't move forward if she keeps resting.

"They are doing fine. Though the enemy they are facing are all earth mage as well. But from the looks of it, the room in this place is more reinforced. I guess it's the reason why you felt something strange from this path. Can you sense anything ahead?"

"No. After defeating that goo, there's no other thing that makes me feel weird. I have rested enough. Shall we go?"

She looks tired, but if she says that she has rested enough, I think we can still go on. Though from now on, I will be the to fight most of the time. I am confident in my stamina more than my magic.

"Then, we will go ahead. If the paths we take connected ahead, we will see each other soon. The others should be okay even if they fought the same enemy again. I guess it's difficult for us since we only have you as the only mage here," I said.

"Maybe we should get another person?" Celestine suggested.

"Not now. Let's get as far as we could just the two of us. At the exit, the Professor should have prepared something to greet us. I might ask for the others to help before we leave the dungeon," I replied.

For now, I need to inform the others first. I called Sonia to come and she appears in front of us right away.

"Any news?" Sonia asked.

"Yes. Tell the others that the Professor is waiting for us. I might need everyone's help so they need to prepare themselves. I'll transport this letter to portal. You can inform Albert and the kings after Kayla read the letter," I said as I opened a fist-sized portal so I can transport the letter. I didn't say anything to those on the other side because if I opened the portal for too long, I will waste my mana.

"Okay," Sonia replied.

She then disappeared and appear again on the other side of the portal just before I closed it. Now, let's move.

Just like in the three other rooms when I visited them, I left a Blobby in this place as well so I can check on this place again in case we missed something. I put them somewhere conspicuous because if the Professor realized that there's a Blobby in this place, he will use it to gain immortality. To insert the Blobby inside his body so he can survive without food, water, or rest.

Though maybe he already has one in his body since he knows the effect. There's no way he would miss it.

Still, for my name to be written in the letter… I hope he just thinks that I'm just someone with a lot of powerful mages as friends. Seeing that the goo from before is immune against physical attack, and my Aura doesn't affect it, if he knows about it, that Evil God will do anything he could to destroy me. I hope the Professor is too greedy to get the Black Slime and didn't tell the Evil God about me.

Being used as a bait might be useful to get him out in the open, but I have too many friends. They might be used as hostages since the Professor knows we live in Cassau.

"Oh? A monster?"

As we move forward in the dungeon, trying to find the exit, we encounter a monster blocking the path. It's just a normal Ogre, and not one that has been experimented. Though I don't know if it's controlled or not.

I killed the Ogre with one hit of my spear easily. I guess it's not experimented as it has the strength of a normal Ogre.

"Still, for a man alone to defeat an Ogre this easily, it should be nearly impossible unless he has magic strong enough to even destroy this tunnel. Though I'm just talking about regular mage. Not our mages who are far beyond average," Victoria said.

"You're right. I forgot that the monster I can easily kill now are something that regular mages will find it hard to defeat. Still, we need to be careful. Oh? There are two paths again. One to the bottom level, and another one to the upper level. Celestine, which way should we take?" I asked Celestine.

"The upper path should take us to the exit since we're below the ground. But we're here to investigate, so let's go down first," Celestine replied.


I left a Blobby in in the room I defeated the Ogre, and climbed down to the lower level.

Just like before, there were monsters as well. Seeing how there are monsters, seems like it has been a while since the cult members who explored the dungeon cleared the monsters. Or maybe it's this dungeon's fault to keep making monsters appear as fast as possible? I don't know. The truth about dungeons are something that everyone can only speculate.

There were some monsters who were quite strong, but they are not strong enough to defeat me. I can easily defeat them with one hit.

As we go deeper, I finally see something.


Celestine and I shouted together. I guess she can also sense it at the same time I see it using my Divine Vision.

"Celestine, you can sense it?" I asked.

"Right. You can see it? What is that monster?" Celestine asked.

That's right. What she sensed is a monster under there.

"Something like a giant tortoise. But its limbs are being tied with a quite powerful chains it seems. Even the neck. But the most important thing is that on its back, the shell, there's mineral growing on the back of its shell," I said.

"…Roy, do you think that monster is what the cult is hiding? The source of some magic resources for experiment?" Victoria asked.

"I don't know. But that's probably the case. If we read the documents we found on the way, we will know it. But we didn't read any and just grab everything. For now, let's see if I can communicate with it. That monster doesn't seem like one to appears in this dungeon," I said.

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"I agree. The feeling is different. Also, halfway through the lower level, it feels like the place is not natural. Something like being created by humans," Celestine said.

Hmm… maybe that monster is used for breeding purpose. To grow magic resources on its back.

"Let's be careful while encountering it. Its mouth has been closed as well. I will release the bind on the mouth of the tortoise first. Be careful since it might release some sort of magical beam like Spot can do," I said.

We entered the room where the giant tortoise is. It's a big room since it was made to fit the tortoise. Though how the tortoise was put here is something I don't know. Maybe it was put here since it was just an egg.

As we enter, the tortoise also saw us. But it only looked at us for a moment, and then it closed its eyes again. It was as if the tortoise has given up trying.

On its back, I can see some parts of its shell has been dug many times, and some have started growing some sort of ores. Well, if this monster has been raised by humans, there's a chance that it can understand our language.

"Hello, I came in peace. Please don't attack as we'd like to talk. If you're harmless, we would even let you go," I said.

I don't know if the tortoise can understand or not, but seeing as its eyes are looking at me curiously, I guess it's worth a try.

"Victoria, transform into your original form," I said to Victoria.

"What about your disguise?"

"Use Blobbies for it. I will need you to make an appearance so the tortoise know that I can be trusted with monster," I said.

We only spoke in low tone so the tortoise can't hear us.

And then, Victoria started transformed into a blob of slime and rested on my shoulder.

"It's fine. He's not a bad guy. He has a lot of monster friends," Victoria said to the tortoise.

The tortoise's eyes are glancing between Victoria and I. Well, it's obvious that it can't react. It's being chained after all.

"For now, I will release the chain blocking your mouth. I hope I won't hurt you," I said.

After Victoria introduce herself, I had her transformed into a key so I can unlock the bind covering the tortoise's mouth. It's connected to the one holding its neck, so I had to release it as well.

"Alright. Seems like you can understand my words. But can you speak?" I asked the tortoise. Though I don't think that it can talk.

"I can," the tortoise replied.

"You can talk!"

Although I want to believe that it's a monster that can talk, I was still surprised seeing how it talked so calmly.

But it's good since we can ask it questions.. I think we can get something from it.

Chapter 472 – Different Kind Of Freedom

"Wow, you can talk as well!" Victoria said happily.

"A slime without a mouth can even speak. Why can't I?" the tortoise replied.

"We're just surprised. Can you explain about this situation?" I asked.

"About how I can speak? I have been surrounded by humans since as far as I could remember. Me and my siblings. That's how I can speak. Though when I start to be able to speak, they started locking my mouth. They only open it regularly so I can be fed. Though I was only allowed to eat some kind of ore," the tortoise explained.

"Is that the ore growing on your back?" I asked while pointing at the magic ore on its back.

"That's right. We have the ability to grow any kinds of mineral that we eat on our shell. Even when we eat just a little, we can grow a lot more in our back. That's why they are locking me here. They want to get as many of this ore as possible," the tortoise said.

"What about your siblings?"

"They were fed different kind of ores and put in different location. I haven't seen them for years," the tortoise said.

I see. This kind of tortoise can grow a huge amount of ores on their back, with only a little bit of ore for them to consume. They are good for breeding.

But… from what I heard; it doesn't seem like the tortoise doesn't hate it. Maybe it's because it has been raised in confinement since very young for years.

"Hey, what's your name?" Victoria asked the tortoise.

"The humans that came here keep calling me the tortoise. I don't have a name."

"Then, is it fine if I give you a name?" Victoria asked.

"Will you? I will be honored. Make it a good name," the tortoise replied.

"First, are you a boy, or a girl?"

"A boy."

"Then… how about Red?" Victoria said excitedly.

"We already have a Red. He's a werewolf," I said. How come she forgets someone's name when I was the one who often forget it?

"Oh, right. I rarely talk with him, so I forgot. Then… I don't know what name to give," Victoria said.

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"How come!?"

"It's a set with are you a boy or a girl question," Victoria said.

"That doesn't make any sense. Anyway, how about we call him Heavyback or something. Let's make an easy name to remember," I suggested.

"…I feel like that's how a Viking named their dragon. Well, if he agrees, that's fine," Victoria said.

"Heavyback, is it? That's a cool name! My back is heavy indeed, and it's an easy name to remember!" the tortoise agreed with the name. I guess that's good.

"Sigh… what if there are other tortoises as well? How will you name them?" Victoria asked.

"Shinyshell, Leggone, Neckgone, Hidelimbs, and other tortoise related name," I said.

"…You two are such a pair. Neither of you have good naming sense," Celestine said to both me and Heavyback.

Is it? But it's so easy to understand though. Shinyshell is if the tortoise has shiny ores on its back. Leggone, Neckgone, and Hidelimbs are because they can do that. What other names I would give?

"Those are cool names! If you meet my siblings, can you give them those names to them?" Heavyback requested.

See? Even Heavyback agree with me.

"Wait, what do you mean by us meet your siblings? What about you? You don't want to leave this place?" I asked.

"Why do I want to do that? I can stay here without doing anything, and given food to eat. I just need to sleep and let those people come so they can harvest the ores growing on my back. I like it here. Though it's a shame that they never gave me a name, you have given me a good name," Heavyback replied.

I guess he has been living his whole life without ever experiencing freedom. He thinks that a life in this room is the only thing he needs.

…If it was me, I might do the same. Sometimes, freedom can be poison. Some people don't need it. And one of them is Heavyback.

"Wait, you don't want to meet your siblings?" Victoria asked Heavyback.

"Not at all. If they are the same as me, they should be strong as well and can endure their shell being dug. They should be fine," Heavyback replied.

Hmm… now that I think about it, the name Heavyback is too long. I'll just call him HB.

"Don't you want freedom?" Victoria asked.

"I'm already free. I can sleep and stay here as much as I want," HB replied.

"But you will be able to taste real freedom outside this place. The group of people who captured you and your siblings, and they locked you up in this room, they will be defeated by us. You can only wait for your death here," Victoria said.

"No, Victoria! That's not something you should say!" I shouted, but HB already heard everything.

"So, if I kill you all here, I can be free?" HB looked at us with hostility.

Oh, no. Things went wrong. For someone who thinks that he's already free, one shouldn't tell him that he will be free when what we do is actually restricting him in his mind. Unless he can experience another kind of freedom that he will enjoy, we won't be able to persuade him.

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HB started inhaling air from the surrounding, and about to let out a breath attack. As an air mage, I can tell that it's just air. But coming from a monster, it might be really powerful.

So, while HB has his jaw wide open, I kicked it to close it before he can let out his breath attack. The breath attack got canceled, but I managed to get him angrier.

"Sigh… it's all your fault, Victoria. Celestine, use Blobbies to unlock the chains. I will transport him somewhere else," I said.

But before Celestine released HB, I put three Blobbies somewhere on HB's body so I can go to where he is to ask some more.

After Celestine released the chains from him, HB still tries to attack me. But I opened a portal to an empty island on Monsters World so he will go there when he's charging at me.

And as HB entered the Monsters World and experience the blue sky and the sun for the first time, I said something to him.

"I will talk to you again later. For now, taste a real freedom you have never experienced. I might bring your siblings here if I find them. But we will still destroy the group that captured you and locked you in this place. Not because of you. But because they are going to destroy everything if I didn't destroy them first. I will explain later once we're done here. Just wait and enjoy the sun!" I said.

"The sun…"

HB said something, but I closed the portal before he finished his words.

"So, we will release the other tortoise?" Celestine asked.

"We will need to find them first. If the others found this place as well, which I think they should be since they are better at investigating, and there are other tortoises, I will ask them to leave a Blobby at the rooms where the tortoises are. I will release them to the same place HB is before we exit this dungeon since there's a possibility that the Professor and the cult is thinking of destroying this dungeon."

I have given the others several Blobbies to left in any important location that they found. I will ask them after we meet up.

After closing the portal, I grabbed the ore that falls from HB's back so I can show it to the others.

"Alright. Before we go upstairs, let's check this place again. Celestine, do you sense anything?"

I have told Sonia to relay a message to the others. And since she hasn't relayed a message from the others to me, at least I can say that they haven't found anything worth informing yet. Maybe we took the shortest path.

"There's nothing here other than the chains. Let's bring them home since they seem to be very strong," Celestine said.

"They could even hold the giant tortoise, HB. They might be useful if we want to capture the enemies. Since there's nothing else here, let's go back upstairs."

I opened a portal to where Albert told us to bring the evidences in the capital, and threw the chains inside. I just told the people in there that it's a strong chain and might be useful later.

On the way to the upper floor, we didn't see any monsters.

We encounter several rooms in the dungeon, but there's nothing inside. Still, we double-checked them so we won't miss anything.

"There's not much of stuffs worth taking here as well. I guess they must have taken the really important stuffs somewhere else. Probably the exit of this dungeon," I said.

"…Roy, how long do you think the Professor has waited for us?" Celestine asked.

"Hmm? Well… we did defeat the Mohawk Girl months ago. If the Professor prepared for our raid since then, I guess it's normal for them to take important items away from here. Also, the back of HB's shell has a lot of ores already. I guess it has been a while since they were harvested."

Seems like we won't find something really important in this raid. And the Professor might not be there at the exit.. Still, we can only move forward to know what will happen.

Chapter 473 – Meeting Up With The Others

"There's another way down from here. I guess we should go down again. Maybe we'll find other tortoises," I said to Celestine after we climbed up the stairs in the dungeon.

We have progressed quite far but there's still no sign of exit. Just how big is this dungeon?

When we were at the previous lab, we need to go deep underground. It was so far down that I could barely see the surface. And after that, we go deeper again, before we finally started going up. I think this is the biggest dungeon I've ever explored.

"Let's go down quickly. I have started to get tired of this place," Celestine complained.

Me too. If it's just a normal dungeon, I would be interested in exploring it. But there have been many modifications in this place. The dungeon has been renovated and there were experiments that we need to investigate. It's a pain to do so many things.

We went down to investigate the lower area. Like before, there are some rooms that were used for experiment. I grabbed some stuffs, and put them all in the Blobbycart that I pull.

After meeting HB, we entered other rooms and grabbed a lot of evidences. But since I don't want to spend more mana to made portal, I had Victoria made some Blobbies, and turned them into a cart so I can carry the evidences easily. And with my strength, going up or down the stairs while pushing the Blobbycart is easy.

I took everything I could carry, and when the cart is full, I transported the content using portal. With this, I won't have to use portal too many times just to deliver some papers.

And as we continue going down, Celestine stopped me.

"Roy, I sense two people coming from below!" Celestine said.

"Wait. They might be our friends. I'll go closer to take a look."

I couldn't see the pair that come from below. But as I get closer, I can finally see who they are.

"Celestine, don't worry. They are Angela and Sara. Seems like we reunited with them first," I said.

The two that are coming are Angela and Sara. The girls who entered the first path. Seems like our paths connected to each other.

"Hey! It's us!"

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I shouted to the two when Angela suddenly prepared an offensive magic to attack us. And when she hears my voice, she canceled her magic.

We reunited right there, and start discussing about what we found. And seeing that I have Blobbycart with me, the two put down everything they carried into it.

"You found a lot. Did you check everything?"

"Yeah. Though it seems like you found a lot more than us," Sara said.

"Actually, Roy just grabbed everything he could put into the cart. Even the whole desk instead of opening the drawer and grab everything there," Celestine said.

"Well, for him, I guess that's to be expected. Unfortunately, I'm not that strong. Though we managed to grab everything important," Sara said.

Most of the stuffs she carried are papers. About some kind of research. Well, it's a lab after all.

"So, did you find a huge tortoise?" I asked the pair.

"Yeah! It's so big! Though I didn't try to talk to it. After finding the tortoise, we just left a Blobby so you can get it," Angela said.

"Really? I thought that if it's you, you would try to get the tortoise and talk to it instead," I asked Angela curiously.

"I would like to. But since I'm holding back my power so I can only use the strength of an advanced level mage, it will be difficult if I ended up having to fight it. And I might need my power to defeat the enemy at the exit since they seem to be preparing for our arrival," Angela said.

Right. But We don't know yet if there will be people waiting for us or not after having them wait for us for so long. Though I won't tell it to her. We need everyone to be prepared at all time. If I told her about it, she might let down of her guard.

Well, even if she lets down her guard, she's still Angela. Her instinct can protect her from danger.

"Roy, I'll take care from here. Celestine will come with us while you go down there and transport the tortoise. It's better to transport the tortoise right away instead of doing it later after everything is over. Just in case the dungeon is destroyed," Sara said.

Celestine agreed to the plan, so I transported the whole content of the cart again with portal, and run down to where the tortoise is instead of using portal there.

Sara has told me the location of the portal and show the magic ore she picked from the back of the tortoise. And it's different from the ore that I got from HB. Seems like different tortoise, different mineral.

I see the similar tortoise in the similar room where I found HB before. And just like HB, this one is also tied up with a chain.

Let's get it done fast so I can go back to where the others are.

"Hey. I know you can understand me. I met another tortoise before coming here. I don't know if he's your sibling or not, but I will transport you to where he is. Don't resist," I said.

I released the chain tying down its limbs. I also opened the bind on its mouth so it can talk.

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"Is he my brother?" the tortoise asked.

"I don't know. But I'll tell it to you straight. The people who imprison you in this place are bad guys. And I don't like them. So, I will get you out of here. You don't have the right to refuse," I said to the tortoise as I opened a huge portal.

When I looked at what inside the portal, I was shocked to see… HB is turned upside down. And he can't recover from that position.

"…What are you doing?" I asked HB.

"…I fell," HB replied.

"…I don't know if he's your brother or not. You can go there and help him if you want to. If you don't, that's fine. He's annoying after all. If I see any other tortoise, I will bring them here. But don't expect anything since I might not found any," I said.

"Why? Since you found us, you should help all of us," the new tortoise asked me before it entered the portal.

"Don't expect anything. The people who imprisoned you are someone who doesn't care about the lives of other. Not just other species, but also fellow humans as well. Your siblings might have died a long time ago," I said.

"I see… But if you find any, please get them here as well," the tortoise said as he entered the portal.

I closed the portal thinking that this tortoise is much more polite than HB. Why is this one so different from the previous one?

After finishing my business with the tortoise, I returned to where I met Sara and Angela. They should be going up already.

After running for a while, I finally meet up with the others. Not just Celestine, Sara, and Angela were there. Candy, Wendy, Shelia, and Graham are also there waiting for me. This is where we reunited.

"Hey. Did you see any tortoise on the way?" I asked Candy and Wendy.

"I entered a similar room like you said. But other than the chains, there were no tortoise or any other monster inside. Maybe the one in my place has died," Wendy said.

"We also didn't find one. It's just similar room with chains," Candy said.

"And there's a faint smell of a monster from that place. It has similar smell on Celestine. And now that you're here, I can smell it even stronger. There must be a tortoise there in the past. But because of the faint smell, it must have died," Shelia reported.

Candy and Wendy also told me that they found reports about the tortoise's condition in a room near where the tortoise was imprisoned. And from what we find, each tortoise has different minerals on their back. I was right about that.

I think I also get similar report about the tortoise. Though I didn't read any. I just grabbed everything, and put them into the cart. It's faster that way.

"Now that we are all here, I guess we're closer to the exit. Should I bring the others here?" I asked their opinions since we might enter battle soon.

"No. With your eyes, Shelia's scent of smell, and Celestine and Angela's detection, we can be prepared for what's to come. Just call them when you see something dangerous ahead, or the exit is in sight," Candy suggested.

"I guess you're right. For now, put all the evidences on this cart. We might add some more that we find later. I'll transport them later if it's full, or we're near the exit so I can get the others to come at the same time," I said.

After taking a ten minutes break while discussing about what we found, we move again.. With all of us here, moving forward is easy even if we find another goo here.

Chapter 474 – Fighting Multiple Goos

In a big room inside the dungeon, we encounter ten goos at once. I guess we should take care of them real fast.

"Ten of them at once! Mages! Attack!" I gave the order.

It's not the first goo we encountered after meeting up with the others. Before we reached this room, there were some goos. But only one at a time would appear. And now, there are ten of them right away.

And our plan is simple. Since we have experienced fighting them already, we don't need to think too much.

At first, the mages will attack first. Candy, Wendy, and Angela. As for Sara and Celestine, seems like their earth magic is useless against them. So, only three of us attacked.

After that, once the goo turned into a human, the rest of us stabbed the heart of the enemies. I and Graham can use our spear, Shelia can slash them with her claws, Celestine and Sara can use Ground Spike to pierce their heart. Or Sara can just use her gun to shoot at them.

Some are too strong that we need to attack them several times until we can pierce their heart. But with all of us working together, it wasn't hard.

And now, fighting ten goos at once, Candy, Angela, and Wendy attacked at the same time. Candy use her fire magic, and Wendy used her wind magic to spread the fire. As for Angela, she can do both actions at once.

Even more, Angela still used the strength of advanced level mage. Not her real strength. She's much too strong now. I think she will ask me to spar with her seriously in the future. And the chance of me winning is so slim.

Among all of us, she's the one with the highest chance to reach master level. If she asked me to fight her in the future once she reached that level, I won't be able to do anything against her. I will lose without knowing the reason why.

Though if I could still get much stronger than I am now, I can still win. But it's nearly impossible to see how much growth I have. I can only do so in a real fight. That's why for me, experience is important.

Though once the cult is destroyed, I don't want to have anything to do with training or getting stronger anymore. But if Angela still want to fight, I guess I need to make sure that I am still fit a while after the cult is destroyed. She deserves it. But if she doesn't want to, that will be the best.

Back to the fight. Because of the huge fire inside the room, the air is burned. But it's not a problem for us since Sara used air magic on all of us.

"Is it over now?" Candy asked.

"Not yet. Burn them a little longer. They haven't transformed yet," I said.

With my Divine Vision, I can tell that not all of the goos have transformed into humans. Just some of them.

"Graham! Shelia! Sara! I will point where the goos that have transformed into humans. You will kill them. The first three are the one on the right, third from the right, and second from the left," I gave the direction to where the humans with two hearts are.

"Can we kill them instead of attacking just one heart?" Shelia asked.

"That's fine. I think we have grabbed quite a lot of them from before. Capturing them is optional, but we have spent too much time in the dungeon, so whatever is the fastest for you," I said.

"Good! Now, die!"

The three of them aimed their attacks to the direction I pointed.

Sara with her gun. I don't need to worry about her aim since she's a better marksman than me. As for Shelia, her slash attack affected a wide area. And she can attack continuously. Graham used light magic to attack from afar. Her power is weaker than Shelia, and his aim is worse than Sara. He also can't use his attack continuously like Sara. So, before he could kill his target, Shelia killed it after killing her target.

"Hah! I'm still the better familiar than you!" Shelia proudly said to Graham.

"…That's fine. I'm not going to compete with you. The sooner we destroy the cult, the sooner I can be free. I have that goal in mind," Graham said.

I guess the reason he participated willingly in this mission is because of that purpose. He's right. Once I have destroyed the cult, I won't have any other purpose to call for them. Maybe I will go to Monsters World occasionally, but I don't need to call them unless it's for something important.

It seems like as long as what we're doing is related to the cult, I can use him well. That's makes it easier for me to ask him to do something.

"Next one is—"

"Wait, I'll do it myself."

I was about to continue pointing at where the next goo that transformed into a human is, but Angela stopped me. She wanted to take care of them herself.

Since we don't need to grab all of them for research, we can just kill them.


"It's fine. I don't see anyone there with the heart of a child. Angela, you're free to do what you want."

I know what Celestine is worried about. And this time, there really is no one among them who has the heart of a child. Killing a child is taboo for Celestine. And probably all of us as well. That's why I told her what I see with my eyes.

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Hearing my reply, Celestine sighed in relief. And Angela smiled happily knowing that she can do whatever she wants.

And she did. She burned all of the goos until there's nothing else remaining. Even after transforming, they were quickly got burned to ashes.

"…I guess for the next goo we fight, we can leave them to her," Sara said.

"…Did you really teach her something at school?" Candy asked Wendy.

"…I might have given her some guidance, but most of it was her own doings. I'd like to say that she's the student I'm proud of, but I didn't teach her much, so I can't really say it. Still, I'm glad she's on my side," Wendy said.

We have experimented on the goos on the way here. Once they transformed into a human with two hearts, I tried to talk some senses to them. But no matter what we said, they never reacted.

But once we destroyed one of the hearts, and talked to them, they reacted slightly. Which mean we can only get something from them once we destroyed one of their hearts. So, we have to pick one who dies among the two in that one body.

Before we came here, we encountered some. And I always told them to never aim their attack toward the smaller heart of the two. And they transformed again before I transported them.

As for the rest of the research, I can leave it to the doctors in Varadis and Russell. They are the best doctors in the continent. At least other than me and some doctors in Cassau. Though I also get some doctors from Cassau to go to Varadis to help with their research.

We finished everything so quickly thanks to Angela. And the next goo we encounter, Angela defeated them all.

"It's fine. I didn't waste as many mana as I expected. Using advanced level to improve my magic is a good idea of training."

Seems like she got better in just a few hours we're in this dungeon. Just what the hell is with that growth rate!?

"Wait! Let's stop here and get some rest. My vision is clearer now. Up there, the mana is not as much as it is here and my vision is clearer. There seems to be many things renovated by human hands, but there aren't humans at all there. Let's rest here for a while."

Seeing that the vision is clearer now, the exit should be closer. We will soon reach the exit and find the Professor. Maybe. We don't know if the Professor as still waiting for us or not.

"Are you going to call the others now?" Candy asked.

"Not now. Once we get closer, I will call for them. Sonia, tell the others that I will call them soon," I said to Sonia after I summoned her here.

Sonia has been so busy today. Not only she's watching at Consenza with Spot, she also keeps relaying messages everywhere. If only we could find a similar ghost to Sonia to help us…

"It's fine. I have been staying still in that house for a thousand years. Doing so many things in one day makes me feel better instead," Sonia replied after I asked her about my concern.

"That's good. We'll start moving after resting for thirty minutes. Tell them that they can relax during that time," I said.

If they are too tense before we call them, they will just get tired instead once we call them. Sometimes, waiting is more tiring than fighting. It wears you off mentally.

Once we're rested enough, it's time to move again.

Chapter 475 – Calling Everyone

"…I can finally see the light."

"Don't say it like you're dying. Just say that you can finally see the surface again."

Victoria replied to my words. She's right that I can finally see the surface. But it's just slightly above the ground. Not even half meter tall from where I see.

"I can't see much. Only some people's feet. Anyone with foot fetish would be happy to trade place with me," I said jokingly.

"Good thing there's no one with foot fetish here. Anyway, what should we do now?" Victoria asked the others.

"We haven't finished checking everything under the ground yet. But if Roy can see that far already, if they have artificial master level mage out there, not the goo, then they would notice us soon," Candy said.

"Not really. They can sense me when I'm looking at them. Just like that mohawk girl back then. But before I looked at her, she never detected my presence. Probably like the Vampire Queen, Arin. Though in case I'm wrong, we need some plan. Should I get the others here now?" I asked Candy.

"Sure. Other than Veronica and Julia who might be busy in Varadis keeping eyes on the mohawk that you brought over previously, the others are free to come," Candy said.

Since we're this deep underground, I hope the mages above the ground won't be able to tell that I used magic to open up portals.

"Everyone, be mindful of the surrounding while I opened the portals. We have a lot of people to bring over," I said.

When everyone turns their back on me to watch the surrounding, I opened a portal. This room is quite big, so everyone can be here.

I opened several portals at one by one. Good thing we rested frequently since I have used magic many times already today.

On the first portal, Kron, Fabio, and Carmen entered the portal. They were at Bernard's mansion in Arturo. All three of them wears Blobbymask to cover their identities. It will be terrible if someone from the cult realized their identities. Except for Kron.

Kron is wearing his trademark blue bandana he got after he turned bald from the cult member who exploded himself. I think that's the main reason why Kron joined with us to fight the cult.

Since he's a powerful and quite well-known hunter, even if the cult realizes his identity, they will just think that Kron is hired by someone. He's just a hunter who will work for money.

Hmm… but if he got caught, the cult might be able to tell that the other members of our clan are related to the mission as well. I guess it's a correct decision to get him wear a mask.

"Alright, I'm here! Where's the enemy!?"

Kron shouted as he entered the portal.

"Not here. Move aside. I will open another portal to get other people. This room is pretty big, but we can't just get everyone enter the portal all at once," I said.

"Oh, sorry," Kron apologized.

"You can wait until I called the everyone to hear the situation. I'll open the next portal now," I said.

After Kron, Fabio, and Carmen move out of the way, I opened the second portal. It's connected to the capital of Tatrama where several of Albert's men are ready to fight. Once they entered, Candy took charge of them and get them out of the way as well.

The third portal, I connected it to Cassau. Kayla, Jewel, Shirley, and Lina's monsters, Sunny and Elsie, entered the portal first. After that, it was the vampires turn.

After we have scheduled the date of the raid, I gathered all the vampires back to Cassau to get them fight with us in this mission. With Arin in the lead.

They all have become our allies that we can trust. At least after they talked with Albert, Albert told me that none of them said any lies when they said they are willing to participate. And I trust Albert's decision to let them join.

Sophie and Lina didn't participate. Lina can't fight, and Sophie doesn't want to fight. They just stand on guard in Cassau. Protecting the children.

Seeing that we are all here, Kayla looked at the situation first and told those who came with her to move to the side. She knows that they are not the last one that I called here.

And then, the last portal. It's connected to the Monsters Village in Monsters World. A group of angels and werewolves entered the portal.

"That's everyone, I guess. Now that we're in this place, I think we have quite the number. Candy, give the report of the situation to everyone," I said while taking out a bottle of mana potion so I can recover my mana slightly.

Elsie and I looked around to see the situation. Are there any other people inside the dungeon? How many enemies are above the ground? And if there's another building in the surface.

Elsie can draw now after playing with the children. She loves drawing. And so, with one of her tentacles holding a paper, and another tentacle is holding a pen, she started drawing the surface area.

Seems like Kayla has given her the order to do this right away as soon as Elsie got transported. Elsie doesn't care about the situation, but she will do everything as ordered. So is Sunny.

Well, in fact, all the monsters here don't care at all about the situation. Only who, when, and where they need to fight. I also gather everyone here so they can tell that those who are here are not enemies, while other than us are enemies.

"Is that the map of the surface? Thanks, Elsie!" Candy thanked Elsie after Elsie finished her drawing.

There were several legs above the ground that I can see. All of them are human's legs. I hope that's the case.

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If it ended up as some sort of monsters with the legs of humans, that will be scary.

There is also a building above. Probably, that's the real lab of the Professor.

"How many people are there?" Candy asked.

"Around thirty. And we can expect them to be at least expert level mages with the possibility of some of them being stronger because of experiment. What's our next move?" I asked after informing the situation above the ground.

"…Investigation will be difficult if the enemies are powerful. From now on, Roy will take the lead. Not me. The purpose of this mission is investigation, but if the Professor is here, we have to capture him no matter what. As for the rest, we can kill them. The building and any other stuffs above the ground, are allowed to be destroyed," Candy said.

So, we won't grab any other documents? Well, that's make things easier. We can just destroy everything then. Though I think finding important documents will be important as well.

"Okay. For now, Candy, Wendy, and all the agents, won't fight unless it's necessary. You will grab everything that seems important with you. Although finding documents might not be our most important mission now, we might still be able to find something. Though our fight might cause a lot of them to be destroyed, so try to grab as much and as fast as possible. Celestine, how can we tell the Professor from other people?" I asked Celestine, the former member of the cult.

"He loves to wears yellow," Celestine said.


"He always wears yellow. Whether it's his lab coat, shirts, pants, or even his hair, all of them are yellow. He loves the color yellow," Celestine said.

"…Any chances of him wearing other color to disguise himself?" I asked.

"There's a possibility of that happening, but from the first time I met him, everything about him other than his skin is yellow. Even his hair. It's too much yellow for my eyes. Try asking Veronica if there's anything that she knows. I tried to not interact with him as much as possible," Celestine said.

I guess asking Veronica as well is necessary. But before I called Sonia, Candy already did and told her to ask Veronica about the Professor.

"Anything else other than yellow?" I asked Celestine.

"Nothing. Though if my guess is correct, if he can do it, he will try to change his skin color to yellow," Celestine said.

Wait, so if he still wants the Black Slime, he will try to change its color to yellow? Isn't Yellow Slime a common monster? Easiest to kill? Maybe after he found out about the ability of the Black Slime after it spread inside human's body, he tried to experiment with Yellow Slime. Though since they are monsters that can be killed, of course he won't find anything.

Sonia returned with a message from Veronica. The content is mostly the same. But with an extra addition.

"Veronica said that the Professor loves the color yellow too much. Even if he tries to disguise himself, it will be easy for Roy to find him. And if he has the clone of Black Slime used on him already, Roy can just find him after looking at his inner organ," Sonia said.

"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot about that. I guess we have two clues to find the Professor. The color yellow, and the Black Slime. If I find anyone with similar features, I will quickly go to his location. I guess just me and my familiars are enough. As for the rest of you, fight the other enemies. Let's go!"

With that, we started moving toward the exit. We are close to the completion of this mission.. Things are moving well.

Chapter 476 – Exiting The Dungeon And Capturing The Professor

"Alright, let's move!"

I said after I have Victoria transformed into a black armor to cover my body. I'm going as the Living Armor who killed the Giant Salamander back then. During the Stampede at Melk.

But this time, I'm much stronger. If there's a similar Giant Salamander, I can kill it with one hit this time. Though what we will face are most likely humans, there are still possibilities of monsters they are experimenting to fight us.

"Oh, it has been a long time since back then. Do you wear fishnet stocking under there?" Kron asked.

"No way!" I replied.

"But I can transform into one if you want to," Victoria said.

"NO WAY!" I replied again.

That time, when we finished taking care of the Giant Salamander, she transformed the armor so I only wear the upper part of the armor, while my pants under there was lifted up so people can see me with my fishnet stocking. That was embarrassing. And Kron remembers it.

About that fishnet stocking that can endure fire, right now, Kayla is the one wearing it under her pants. And seeing her wearing it, I gave her a thumb up.

Kayla noticed that I'm giving her a thumb up, and realized what I meant. She just replied with another thumb up from her.

"Kayla. What was that? You communicate with Master without a word?" Jewel asked.

"It's something you can do with someone you know well. If you know what's in his mind while he did some gesture to you, it's easy to figure out what it is he's doing," Kayla replied.

I guess Jewel doesn't know about me wearing a fishnet stocking. That's good. I don't want to be seen as a weird Master by my own disciple.

…I'm already weird though? So, I guess it's fine. What I don't want is to be seen as a pervert who wears fishnet stocking as a hobby.

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We run up to get closer to the exit. And as we run closer to the exit, I can see more people. And the building up there is tall. But I haven't seen anyone wearing yellow, or anyone with Black Slime in their body.

And as we run, we have fewer and fewer people. Because the agents would split up to continue investigate the place we missed, while we continue running toward the exit.

It's good so far because no one seems to notice that we are coming. Though there is a place near the tall building with a lot of goo inside. I guess there will be a fight. But with this many people, it should not be a problem.

"I can see the exit! Melee fighters! Stay at the front!"

Slowly, the people outside the exit realized that people are getting closer to the entrance of the dungeon. They were not quite prepared. I guess they are at most just expert level mages.

Hah! Just expert level mages? The me in the past would think of them as people I would never think I'd be able to surpass. But now, they are just enemies I can kill easily as long as I remain focused.

I won't let down my guard, but I will still focus more on capturing the Professor. And with so many of us here, we can defeat any average expert level mages.

Even one werewolf or one vampire is enough to fight one expert level mage. Though for the angels, it will be difficult for them in a one on one fight. But they are more of a healer than a fighter.

"There's an attack from the dungeon!"

I heard one of the people outside shouting. Must be the guard. Shouldn't they know that we're going to attack them? At least that's what I think from the letter from the Professor.

But I guess it has been so long since they think we're going to attack, and they let down their guards. Maybe they think that we're not going to do anything because the tournament is near. Especially since the Professor should know that I'm getting along with Kayla, Angela, and most of the finalist of the college tournament back then. So, he thinks that I, the master of the Black Slime, is going to Consenza because my friends will participate.

But that means there's a high chance that he won't be here. Well, let's look for him for now. I'll ask Sonia and Spot to watch over if they see anyone yellow getting closer to the Consenza.

The guards are all earth mages. They prepared to block the exit using their magic. But that won't be a problem for us.

They might want to use powerful magic to trap us inside the dungeon and destroy the exit. But we have the most powerful mage below master level mage here. Angela.

"I'll take care of them!"

Angela flew above our heads toward the exit, and used magic stop the magic of the enemies. They are not strong enough to handle Angela.

A tsunami of soil killed the guards easily. Angela won't hold back now that we're closer to the end of this mission. Though some of the guards are wind mages who can fly, so they weren't affected.

But we managed to get out of the dungeon. Let's get to the tall building now. I can see everything clearly again, and I see someone at the top of the building. He's quickly changing his clothes to a normal white lab coat and disguising himself in panic. But I know he's the Professor from the inside of his body.

"Fire mages and werewolves! You will go to that place and destroy all the goos there! As for the rest, go to that building over there! Graham! Shelia! You two will come with me and greet the Professor."

Fire magic is the most effective magic against the goo. And the werewolves will be the one finishing them once they are transformed into human being. After that, if I take too long to put a Blobby inside their body to make their organ function properly, they will die. That's why I need to get to the Professor first if I want to help everyone.

Kayla, Jewel, and the others who are not fire mages, entered the building through the front door. There were some expert level mages guarding the place. But they won't be difficult to handle.

The difficult ones are in the middle of the building. There are multiple mohawks standing by there. And they are not sleeping. Unlike the mohawks I see when I first entered the underground lab previously.

But since they haven't made any move, we can progress with the mission. And even if they tried to fight, Kayla and the others should be able to hold them back until I finished capturing the Professor.

As for Graham, Shelia, and I, we directly go to the top floor of the building. We flew over there right away while the Professor is alone there. No one is here to protect him.

As we reached the height of the highest floor, I smashed the wall with Victohammer. I'm pretending to be a living armor, so I won't speak. And I will only use hammer as a weapon for now.

"Uwaaa! M-Monsters are here! Guards!"

Seems like the Professor has no battle strength. Other than experimenting and research, he's weak in everything else.

There's Black Slime inside his body. Which mean I can't knock him out. But I already told Graham and Shelia that we won't try to knock him out, or killing him. So, they need to restrain him.

The two quickly grabbed the Professor's arms and legs, and I wrapped a Magic Restricting Collar around his neck. Even if he's weak, it's still better if we make sure he won't be able to use magic. But that might not be enough, so I stripped him naked. He might have some magic tools with him after all.

"What is it? An angel? A werewolf? And a Living Armor? Who the hell managed to get you all under their control!?"

Me. The one you think as Living Armor. Though I won't say anything yet.

I injected a needle into his body, with Victoria. This way, I can directly absorb the Black Slime's clone. Since it was the clone of the Black Slime from a long time ago, Victoria can't absorb them from afar like her clones. That's why I can only do this.

"You! You're absorbing the slime from my body! No!"

Now that all the slime inside his body has been taken, I smack him in the head lightly. And he got knocked out unconscious just like that.

Oh, no. Two mohawks are approaching. I have to be quick before we start fighting.

The fainted Professor got transported to Tatrama where Albert can interrogate him. He won't expect that the king will interrogate him as he will think that the king should be going to Consenza. But that's just a body double. The real king is still staying in Tatrama, until I am ready to use portal to transport him to Consenza.

"Shelia! Graham! Two mohawks approaching. I will only fight with hammer for now. So, Shelia will fight one alone, and for the other one, Graham, his shadow clone, and I will fight. I will still pretend that I can't talk. Let's kill them all so we can go home."

Our real mission is over. But now, we will fight artificial master level mages. Not the goo, but the mohawk.

I can see several mohawks are splitting up to fight other people. There might be casualties in this fight.. Though I hope it won't be my friends who died.

Chapter 477 – Against A Fat Mohawk

The two mohawks didn't hear when I gave the order to my two familiars. And when they broke through the floor to reach the floor we're in, I will stop talking again.

Before the mohawks broke through the floor, Shelia already made a move and charged at one of them. I guess she know his location from the smell.

Shelia kicked the man as far as she could. Since we're fighting against a mohawk, if we fight too close with the others in this place, there will be casualties. That's why Shelia kicked him as far away as possible from here, and followed him soon after.

I don't expect that all of us will survive, but we need to reduce as many casualties as possible. Though Shelia's real reason why she kicked the man away most likely because she wants to fight him herself. She hasn't had enough of fighting powerful enemies so far.

Our real mission is over, now she can do whatever she wants. As for me, Graham and I will take care of this fat old man with mohawk.

Although the enemy is an old man, he's still a mohawk. I mean he's still an experimental result to create a master level mage. His body is about as strong as the mohawk girl I fought in the past. And since I will only fight using a hammer, it might be difficult. But Graham and his clone should be able to help me.

Before the match started, I looked around the facilities outside the dungeon we just exited from. There are other mohawks facing other people. But none of them are working together, while we have teamwork and have trained for this situation. And I think Arin and Angela can take care of one mohawk each.

As for the rest, there are werewolves and vampires who can help. And several expert level mages. Also, the angels can heal the injured. Even if they can't defeat the mohawks, they should be able to stall for time until someone managed to defeat one first.

I'd like to be the one who defeated the mohawk first, so let's get it done quickly.

Graham created a shadow clone from his own shadow thanks to the light entering the building from the hole I created to enter this place. Now, it's three on one against the fat mohawk.

"An angel, a shadow, and… a man in armor? I have been tasked to protect the Professor. Where did you take him?" the fat mohawk asked.

A man in armor? That's me. I guess even if he's artificial master level mage, he can still tell the difference between a real monster and a human wearing armor. Though I won't say anything to him back. It's best to keep it as secret.

I swung the hammer in my hand down at him, but he easily blocked it. Though I didn't use my full strength, that should be more than enough to squash any average people to death.

"Wait, the armor seems to be a living being. Is it a Living Armor?" the fat mohawk asked again.

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Is it their trait to keep asking questions? Maybe the Professor's curiosity is planted in their brain because of the experiment.

"So, you are inside the Living Armor to protect yourself, while the living armor moves your body so you can fight? I guess that's to be expected. There's no way anyone could be this strong without experiment from the Professor."

Good. The fat man thinks I'm inside the Living Armor to protect myself. At least I can still cover my identity. He didn't think that the Living Armor is the Black Slime.

"Enough questions. I'll kill you now and get everything done faster!" Graham said.

Graham and his shadow clone approached the fat mohawk, and thrusted their spears at him. But the fat mohawk grabbed the shaft of their spears before the blade reached his skin.

"You're an angel. An angel and a Living Armor? So, the man inside the Living Armor is a tamer who tamed powerful monsters. I guess if I defeat him first, I don't need to mind the monsters."

After the fat mohawk said that, he aimed a magic at me from his hand. It's a powerful wind magic much stronger than what Angela can use. I guess his element that reached master level is wind element.

I strengthened VIctoriarmor with my Aura to protect myself. Just the armor is quite durable. And combined with my Aura, I shouldn't receive any damage.

But when the wind slash appears, it hits me right on the chest. The armor protected my body well, but I still feel the pain. But it's not over yet as the fat mohawk continuously casted Wind Slash to attack me. Even the wall of the building has been destroyed.

Seems like this building won't last long. There are also other mohawks fighting in the lower floor.

I need to get this one away from this building.

Graham keeps attacking the fat mohawk, but the fat mohawk only focused on me. Which mean, I just need to get away so he will chase after me.

"Running away? No. You're looking for a better place to fight. Fine, I will follow you."

As expected, he followed after me.

I run away as far from the building as possible. And because he's a powerful wind mage, his speed is much faster than me. But luckily, I managed to escape to an empty land quite far from the building.

I faced the fat mohawk with the building behind him. Now, all his attack that is focused on me won't reach that building.

"I'll kill you now and ask you where the Professor is," the fat mohawk said.

"How do you ask dead person?" I asked back.

"Oh? You finally talked."

Oh, shit! Though I hope he won't recognize who I am just by the voice. It's not like he knows me already.

I'll keep quiet from now on. There's no need to talk with him anymore.

With that, I changed the head of the hammer to be bigger as I swung it down to the fat mohawk.

"Again, with that attack. You already know that it won't work against me-!"

This time, the head of the hammer is much bigger. And also, Victoria altered the weight to be at the heaviest, while I use my full strength and Aura. It's much faster than before, so he barely blocked it with his arms crossed after the tip of the hammer touched his rising mohawk. But he's quick, so he only got injured on his arms that tried to block the hammer.

"How did you get so much stronger!? And the weapon changed size!"

I didn't reduce my strength as the hammer is being stopped. His feet have sunk on the ground, but he still has a lot of strength.

To defeat him, just like before, I need to get him to waste as much mana as possible. Or, I need to use more powerful attack to defeat him. Though I'm not alone, so we can defeat him without having to get him waste his mana first. After all, we need to be quick so we can help the others.

Graham and his shadow clone finally appear, and tried to pierce the fat mohawk's body with the spear. This time, the blade reached his body. But it didn't hurt him much. Still, Graham is an excellent fighter. He rapidly attacked the fat mohawk in the same place to make the wound bigger.

"Oh? I can't fight because my hands are tied with the hammer. Just how strong is the Living Armor? The Professor would have liked to have it along with the Black Slime," the fat mohawk said.

But that ended up as his last words.

"You won't get anything from us. Die already!"

Graham and his shadow clone used combination attack together. And finally, the two's spears pierced the fat mohawk's chest and stabbed his heart.

I already see that the mohawks in this place doesn't have Black Slime corrupting their inner organ, so I don't have to worry about their recovery. They will still die if their heart or brain stopped working.

"That was quick. I don't think Master need to come this far just to swing a hammer," Graham said as the fat mohawk no longer breathing.

"But if I used it somewhere else, it will destroy everything. Look at the crack on the ground you're standing on? With this much strength, I will disturb other people's fight. Let's go back quickly and help the others," I said to Graham.

"What about Shelia?" Graham asked.

"She wanted to fight a strong opponent, and she's getting one. Try to find anyone else in trouble first. As for me, I need to survey the surrounding and see if there's anyone else nearby," I replied.

With that, Graham and his shadow clone returned to the building and seek for people in need for help. As for me, I flew away and look around with my Divine Vision to see if there's anything worth watching.

Seems like other than at the entrance of the dungeon, there's really nothing else nearby.. I guess I'll help the others too now.

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