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91.02% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 436: 438-447

Chapter 436: 438-447

Chapter 438 - How They Drowned

"You're evil," The vampire said after I poured water on her.

"If you are wondering how I killed your king, you just found the answer. Now, we will ask you questions and you will answer everything truthfully. Or I will ask our water mage to drown you all. You and every vampire that we fished out of the lake," I threatened her again.

"Please don't! Vampires can't swim! We can stay long enough underwater using blood as our energy, but we can't swim! If you do that while we are vulnerable, we will die!" the vampire shouted.

"Then you should answer everything truthfully."

More importantly, I was right that the vampires can't swim. If only Albert would bet on it, I would get some money. But I guess it's fine as well this way.

But how come vampires can't swim? Let's see their bodies.

Hmm? They are far weaker than before. They must have used all the blood they have to survive underwater.

If I have to guess, when they start drinking blood, the blood they drunk will become energy for their body. And that will make bones and muscles denser and more solid. Like steel. Which makes them too heavy to be underwater and unable to float. They can only sink into the water.

And but once they used all the blood as energy, their bones and muscle will return back to normal and they should be able to float.

Well, that's just my guess. Whether it's true or not, I can only know about it once I experimented on the vampires. Though even if I do that, I doubt the result will be something useful for us human. And it's not like they are our ally, so I don't need to help them.

Maybe I should start doing experiment on the monsters around me. The werewolves, the angels, and the elves. That way, if there's something wrong with them, I can help.

I'll just do that when I'm free. Seems like I will be busy from now on. After all, it will be the time to raid the lab soon.

"I'll be the one asking questions since she's afraid of Roy. Now, can you tell me how you were drowned?" Albert asked.

Well, even if it's anyone else asking, he can still tell if she spoke the truth or not. But if she believes that a lie is the truth, Albert's lie detection skill won't activate. So, unless she was somehow brainwashed by someone, Albert's lie detection skill can be trusted.

"…we were being chased by the Vampire Queen's army all the way back here. We tried to go upstream, but there are more Vampire Dukes among them, while we only have one Vampire Duke, me. And since all of us have used a lot of blood, we don't have the energy to escape or fight back, so we dive into the river hoping that we can survive long enough until they leave," the vampire said.

"By the way, can you swim if you hadn't drunk any blood at all?" I asked.

"We can float, but as we mostly used blood as our energy, we won't be able to move anyway," she replied.

I guess I'm right that they can float after using up the blood they had consumed.

So, they must be waiting underwater for the vampires chasing after them to leave, but the vampires under the Vampire Queen waited for them long enough until they used up all the consumed blood, and started floating and being carried by the torrent. After that, the vampires chasing after them left while thinking that this group of vampires will die anyway.

Albert also seems like he figured out about it as well. So, they must have been entered the river for a while for them to used up all their consumed blood. How long was it until they consumed everything?

"What should we call you?" Albert asked the female Vampire Duke.

"…you can call me Carrie," the vampire said.

"Alright, Carrie. Tell me everything ever since you left the battle against us," Albert said.

And then, the vampire told us what she and the remaining vampires from the army experienced after leaving the battle.

As someone with the highest status, she led the vampires back to where they were before attacking us. To their hometown before they decided to move after feeling Angela's process of breaking through. They wanted to live close to where such powerful magic is coming from.

Unfortunately, the Vampire Queen's army has taken that place from them. So, Carrie and the rest had no choice but to escape unless they want to fight with the Vampire Queen. Since their king has died, Carrie had no way of victory.

And then, the enemy vampires started chasing after Carrie and the others. Since they are outnumbered, and has used a lot of consumed blood on the battle against us, the only route they can go is back here.

Carrie managed to kill one Vampire Duke, but there are too many enemies and they don't want to drink the blood of other vampires even if they are the blood of their enemies. After witnessing what happened with their former allies in the battle with us, they don't dare to do it. That's why they choose to keep escaping, until they are cornered and exhausted all their energy.

They arrived at the artificial river we created, and gambled with their own lives hoping that they can survive by diving into the river. And that's how they ended up getting fished out by us.

"…you have no place to return in the end. Thinking of conquering a new place to call home, you had no place to return to in the end. That's stupid," Albert said.

"…what will you do to us?" Carrie asked.

"First, I want to ask you about the Vampire Queen. How did two sides ended up fighting each other? If possible, I want to cooperate with the Vampire Queen instead," Albert said.

Cooperate with the Vampire Queen? I guess since we have a lot of monsters with us, he's thinking of getting monsters to help him. But this time, it's for him and not for me.

But they are vampires. How will Albert convince them to not attack humans?

"…I don't know. As for us Vampire Dukes, we picked the side of our king just because we knew him the longest. But how long we know him doesn't matter in the end when we truly don't know the real him," Carrie said.

"I guess I will need to meet the Vampire Queen then," Albert said casually.

"Wait, you're not going to force me to go there with you, right?" I asked Albert.


"That's good."

"But you will voluntarily help me with it. For example, I will tell my chef to teach Lina the recipes of the cakes we—"

"I'm in! Let's go!"

I have to choose between food, or avoiding battle. In the end, I picked food. But it doesn't mean that I'm confident that I can win the battle.

…alright, I'm actually really confident that I can win. Especially since we can ask expert level mages to help, and it seems that the Vampire Queen is not someone who tells her subordinate to drink the blood of their own kind.

And also, I could even kill the Vampire King who had strengthened his power after drinking the blood of a Vampire Duke.

And with the Blobby under the sea, I can use portal to sink all the vampires. They can't swim anyway. I can just ask Carmen to come with us. Or even if it's just weaker water mages who works for Albert, it should be fine.

"Our goal is not to fight them. Try to befriend them instead," Albert said.

"You think that's possible if you take these vampires in?"

I pointed at Carrie and the other vampires in the cages. Some of them have woke up and looked at us.

"Let me do the thinking. You don't need to do anything. Hopefully."

This time, Albert asked Kayla to release Carrie from the cage. Since it won't be a problem because we are here, she did it.

"So, I have a proposition to you. Not just you, but all the vampires here. All thirty-five vampires that we found here. Would you like to live in my world?" Albert asked.


"You might not know about this, but we are from different world. We call this world as Monsters World, and our world as humans world. We can come here because a summoner can use portal to transfer between two worlds. And you know the strongest summoner here," Albert said as he pointed at me.

"…what do we get from living in your world?" Carrie asked.

"Chance of survival. At least as long as you obey the rule, you can live however you want," Albert said.

"…let me talk with the other first," Carrie said.

"Sure. Take your time," Albert said.

Is he so free nowadays? Seems like he didn't do much these past few days. Or maybe he had done everything yesterday so he can have several days off.

Well, if the vampires agree to live in our world, as long as they don't cause trouble for us, I won't have to be a vampire hunter.

…but vampire hunter does sound cool.

I'll just leave the negotiation to Albert.

Chapter 439 - Who Want To Come?

During Albert's talk with Carrie, all the other vampires have awoken. And seeing us in front of them, they realized that the other vampires that attacked us have all been defeated.

If I use the depressing gases on them, they might take their own lives.

…let's not do that since Albert still needs something from them. But can they give it to Albert?

I know what he wants. It's the vampires' loyalty. But that's difficult to get. They are monsters after all.

Maybe Albert will get a summoner or tamer to tame the vampires and make them their familiars. That should be possible to trust them then. But the chance of me becoming a vampire hunter will be zero.

Wait! I'm already a vampire hunter. I killed their strongest vampire. There's no need to aim for that title anymore.

Now that all of the vampires have awake, Kayla opened their cages. We don't need them anymore since they won't attack us out of nowhere.

They don't have any spirits. Seems like everything is too much for them.

Losing the battle, losing their hometown, and they have no home to return to.

That's what you get when you mess with me.

Carrie brought all the vampires together to discuss about Albert's idea. Although they hadn't heard what Albert needed from them, they think it's best to talk about it first.

As for me, I'm about to return to eating. But Albert stopped me. At least Graham the archangel doesn't eat much. Since I can't go over to eat, I can just ask Graham to bring me the food here.

Albert also asked someone to bring another person over. He told me that the one's coming is a summoner I taught before back in the training camp. I already forgot about them.

He said that this guy has reached intermediate level, but he hadn't made a decision of what monster he will make a contract with. I guess his next monster will be Carrie if the vampires agree.

But would the vampires agree to have the Vampire Duke to be their leader and obey her? I don't think so. They are not even vampires who obeys their king to drink the blood of their own kind.

"You want us to live in their world?" one of the vampires asked Carrie.

"It's up to you. I'm not your king or queen. For me, I want to go somewhere safe. But I will need to ask the human king what he needs from us," Carrie said.

"Since everyone is here, I'll tell you what I want. I want you to live in my world, and become my soldier. I want your loyalty. I will give you a place to live, and you will do as I say. There will be battle coming soon in our world, and I will need as many helps as I can get. And if you don't want to be under me, that's fine. As long as you obey the rule of not drinking the blood of humans, you can stay in our world as much as possible. I will still pick some people that you are allowed to have their blood sucked out. But if you still choose to drink the blood of human other than those I allowed, I will have this Roy over here to find you and kill you. Since he's the Werewolf King as well, he can have the werewolves under him to find your location by your smell," Albert said.

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So, I ended up as blackmailing material? Well, if they didn't break the rule, I won't have to do anything.

"So, other than drinking blood of humans, we are free to do everything else?" Carrie asked.

"Other than that, I will offer you, or anyone who is interested, to be a familiar for a summoner under me. Of course you can refuse it," Albert said.

"…let us discuss it before answering," Carrie said.

Now that Albert has told them what he wants, it's up to the vampires to decide.

"Roy, after this, we will be visiting the Vampire Queen," Albert said.

"Yeah, sure. Let's get everything done before I return you back home," I said.

If I refuse, it will take longer until everything is over.

After a while, Carrie and the vampires have finished their discussion. Though it's not really a private discussion, so I can hear them clearly.

"So, how is it?" Albert asked.

"We will all live in your world. But we won't follow you other than when we participating on the fight you talked about. Can you tell me about that fight first?" Carrie asked.

"Well, simply put, it's a much bigger scale than the battle between us. In fact, it's something that will affect both worlds," Albert said. Then he explained about the cult, the fact that I'm from the future, and the fact that the cult will destroy everything.

The vampires are too shocked to say anything. They just blankly stare at Albert or me. We just let them cool down for a bit.

"…so, there will be war?" Carrie asked.

"Yes," Albert replied.

"And if you lose your world, they will attack us even if we don't want to have anything to do with it?"

"Yes again."

"…I guess I have no choice but to go with you. Does everyone here with you know about it? Including the monsters?" Cassie asked again.

"Yes. Though they are not under me. They are under Roy," Albert replied.

"…we will go with you. I won't make a contract with your summoner, but if there are any vampires who are interested, feel free to do so," Carrie said.

"Sure. But I won't accept you as the leader of the vampires. I know that some of the vampires won't obey you. So, I will ask you all individually if you want to live in our world or not," Albert said.

Yup. That's Albert's idea of finding someone he can trust.

He instantly asked someone who is obviously doesn't like the idea of being under human.

"Sure. I will live in your world, and join your war," he said.

Albert then looked at me, and pointed his thumb at the vampire who just answered. I guess he's lying.

And I quickly charged at the vampire, severed his arm with the blade or Reizpear, and use it again to stab at his chest. Not deep enough to kill him.

"You mustn't lie, fanged fool," I said to the vampire.

"Fanged fool? Don't you know a better word for insult?" Albert asked.

"I'm not good at making names," I said.

"Sigh… Anyway, if you don't like it, just say so. I will only let those who speak the truth and can be trusted to live in my world. If you want to live there but don't want to join the war, that's fine. You can say that. But if you lie, well, this guy is a bad guy who made you kill your own kind. I doubt you can forget about him. Even if you didn't see him killing your king, you saw him making you kill each other," Albert said.

With that, the vampires became wary of their own word. As for the vampire I attacked as an example, he's still alive. But he won't be allowed to live in our world, so he will leave after this.

After that, as he said, Albert started asking the vampires one by one. They are afraid of lying after witnessing what happened. Either that, or those who lie and said that they don't want to come to our world is being ignored by Albert.

In the end, there are just twelve vampires who will come, including Carrie.

"Twelve? Well, that's fine. As for the other twenty-three, you are free to leave. It's fine if you won't be together again, right?" Albert asked.

"It's fine. We have discussed it before. From now on, we will live for ourselves and not for anyone else. We will think about everything by ourselves," Carrie said.

Yeah, I heard that when they were discussing about it.

"Excuse me, but… for us who doesn't want to go to that world, is it fine if we stay in this village?" one of the vampires asked.

"Well, it's up to you. But know this. Each race in this village have their own leader. But all of them are under Roy. So, if you choose to stay in this village, you agree to have Roy as your leader. And he's much scarier than I am," Albert said.

The vampire who asked no longer has the intention to stay in this village anymore. Including those other vampires who want to stay.

It's great that we have more allies. Just twelve of them. And among those twelve, only five of them will be Albert's soldier. Including Carrie.

"Hmm… just five, huh? Well, I will let you live in our world for a month as a test. All twelve of you will live with Roy and his friends for a month, and after that, you can decide what do you want to do," Albert said.

…so, I will be babysitting them?

"Don't worry. It's not like he will stay with you at all time. And as long as none of you break the rule, he won't do anything to you," Albert continued.

Twelve vampires. Five of them will be soldiers or agents. That's good enough.

Next would be a meeting with the Vampire Queen. Will there be a fight?

Chapter 440 - Leaving The Feast Early

"So, does vampires only drink blood?" Albert asked Carrie.

"…no. We can survive just by drinking blood alone, but we can still consume other meal just like other species. Though we prefer meat than vegetables," Carrie said.

"Just like the werewolves, huh? Well, you are now free to join our feast. It's a feast to celebrate our victory against you though. For those who doesn't want to go to our world, you are free to go anywhere. But before you join the feast, I want to ask you where the Vampire Queen is if you don't mind," Albert said.

"You're going to meet them?"

"Yes. As long as they have no intention in attacking us, everything is fine. And if they want to live in our world, I will need to do some adjustment so your group won't stay in the same place as them," Albert said.

Other than the remains of the Vampire King's army, Carrie and the others here, Albert still wanted to get more vampires? Is he going to build a vampire city in our world?

If there are too many vampires in our world, it will only bring more trouble since there's no one who can control them.

"Oh, and if there's any of you who make a contract with our summoners or tamer, you have more freedom. As long as you obey your master. Which mean you are free to go anywhere, suck the blood of anyone with your master's permission, and other stuffs. That's up to you though. Now, tell me where the Vampire Queen is."

Freedom? Isn't that more like slavery? Well, I can't say anything about it because I'm a summoner and he's right.

Even though I said that, I still gave them a lot of freedom. When Shelia or Graham want to explore our world or stay in their world, as long as they don't give me trouble, it's fine.

Though Graham still can't handle it when the girls are wearing slightly revealing outfits, so he rarely explores my world. I hope he's used to it since I brought all the angels to live with the werewolves who only wore revealing outfits.

Carrie told Albert the general direction of where their home that the Vampire Queen captured. She doesn't know where the Vampire Queen is, but the vampires over there should know where she is. I guess that's a start.

"Alright, let's go to where it is. Do you want to come as well?" Albert asked Carrie.

"…can I refuse?" she asked.

"Well, I guess you don't want to meet them. Don't cause any trouble here. Or maybe you can, but there are werewolves and angels here who are ready to fight you if you do anything. Roy, let's go."

"Sigh… of course I can't refuse it. What a pain. Spot! Come here!"

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I called out to Spot who is swimming in the lake. He's sleeping there. I guess even though it's an artificial lake, the water is good enough for a sea serpent to swim in.

Spot quickly fly to where we are and asked us if we want to go somewhere.

"Spot. I'm thinking of meeting the Vampire Queen. Will you help me go over there?" Albert asked.

"Sure. Let's go!" Spot said as he transformed into his original size.

Obviously, Carmen will come with us. They are vampires who can't swim. It's best to have her with us in that case.

So, it's just us four. Spot who will bring us there, the king of a country, a queen of another country, and a plebian.

The other must be thinking that it's too tiring to be in a huge battle twice in a row, so they refuse to come. But are they alright with sending me who can cause trouble easily? I guess they have that much faith in me.

The three of us ride on the top of Spot's head. Spot didn't hold back at all as he used his full speed. If I didn't had Victoria to transform into a saddle for Albert to sit on, he will fall already and died a horrible death.

With Spot's speed, we can reach the location of Carrie's former hometown in less than two hours. I guess that's quite far. Even more when I feel that Spot's speed has increased by a lot.

"Spot, have you gotten faster?" I asked.

"Oh, you noticed? Seems like going with you benefits me greatly. After helping you guys defeat so many enemies, my strength has grown so much more than before I joined you guys," Spot said happily.

The stronger he became, the better it is for us.

"That's great. Keep up the good work," Albert praised the serpent.

"Thanks. But I don't think I can handle Alejandro's intimidation yet. I want to be at least strong enough to guard myself from that," Spot said.

I think he will be fine. If he keeps being around powerful monster like Andro, he will get used to it and won't get intimidated easily by other similarly powerful monster.

We're finally at a place where I can see Carrie's old home. There are about a hundred humanoid being over there, which I assume that all of them are vampires.

I remember how the Vampire King noticed me from far away, so if the Vampire Queen is here, she should be able to see me. But so far, there were no vampires in this place that noticed us flying toward them.

"That's the place she told us. But I don't think the Vampire Queen is here. Should we go greet them?" I asked Albert.

"Yes. Although it's quite far, we are still neighbor. There aren't any other villages or nests that we passed by, right? Let's greet them," Albert said.

Greeting our neighbor without any preparation. I hope they are not someone who are easily get mad. Or I might end up killing them all.

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Well, maybe not me. But Carmen can. Though I can also summon a lot of water just by opening a portal underwater. But I can't control it.

Maybe I can just summon water by portal, and let Carmen control the water. That way, she doesn't have to use a lot of magic.

"Spot, let's make sure everyone can see you before we landed in front of them," I said.


Then, Spot fly above them in a speed slow enough for everyone so they can see us. And with his size, Spot's appearance is obvious as he can block the sun from reaching them. It's always funny to see people reacting to Spot's appearance. Even if they are vampires.

After flying above them, we landed in an open space big enough for Spot's real size to land, before he transformed into his small size while we jumped from him.

"Nice to meet you all, neighbors! May I ask who among you is the leader of this village if this place can be considered as one?" Albert said politely.

"…we have three dukes in this place. You can talk to us," someone stepped forward with two other men behind him.

"So, you are all Vampire Dukes? Well, I'm here to negotiate for a peace treaty between us. We're… how far are we from the village?" Albert asked me.

"Hmm… the previous Vampire King's army reached us after more than a week of travelling on foot. Let's say ten days on foot. But if they fly as fast as possible, the vampires can reach our village in just a few hours," I said.

"Okay. We're about ten days away from this place. Since I don't want to have any problem between us, so I want to ask for a peace treaty. May I ask where the Vampire Queen is?" Albert asked.

"You! You said about the Vampire King before! What's your relationship with him!?" one of the dukes asked me.

"I'm the one who killed him after he and his army trying to attack us. Do you want to test it?" I threatened the vampires.

"Roy, we're here not to make any more enemies. Let me be the one talking," Albert stopped me from stepping forward.

I have to say that we are good partner. He knows that I'm just acting to make them afraid. He asked me to come here just for that reason. This way, the negotiation will be over sooner.

"Well, if you know the Vampire King, you should have known that they left this place and trying to conquer another place, which is the place we absolutely have to protect. So, we killed most of the attacking vampires. To make sure that there won't be any vampires trying to fight us anymore, I'm here to negotiate with the Vampire Queen. Please tell me where she is," Albert said.

A king must be able to act. That's what he told me when we were drinking together in the past. And the king must be able to act really well that no one can tell that he's just acting.

My acting skill is still worse than Albert's, but after accompanying him several times, I can say that my acting skill has improved. Maybe other than being a circus clown, I can act in a play as well.

Maybe I should play something funny. I'll ask Victoria if she knows any good comedy drama from her world that I can play well.


The three Vampire Dukes discussed it with themselves. Will they show us where the Vampire Queen is? I hope so. I also don't want to fight unnecessary battle.

If we can be at peace with the vampires, we don't have to worry about them anymore.

Chapter 441 – Take Me To Your Leader

The three Vampire Dukes discussed about letting us meet the Vampire Queen. They also asked for other vampires' opinions. I can hear them talking from here.

"So, should we tell them where our queen is?" Vampire Duke #1 asked the others.

"No. They can't be trusted. Even if what they say is the truth, they are still someone who killed vampires," Vampire Duke #2 said.

"But if that's the case, we are powerless against them. What if we ended up provoking them and they started aiming for our queen's life?" Vampire Duke #3 said.

That's basically what they are discussing. We just stand here while waiting for the conclusion of their discussion.

I get Victoria to creates clones of herself, and transform them into chairs so we can take a seat. And to show them that I'm the one in charge, my seat is a throne while the other two are just sitting on normal chairs.

"…we have a king and a queen here, but you're the one sitting on a throne?" Albert asked.

"Yes. I always love it when I feel superior to you," I replied.

While waiting until the vampires are finished their discussion, Albert and I just chatted randomly like we usually do. As for Carmen, she watched us with interest and a smile. She laughed when we started making jokes on each other.

"Haha. You too are so funny. I wish you two to keep being good friends to Fabio and my children," Carmen said.

"That depend on his personality," I replied honestly, which deserves me a slap by Albert.

"He's still the future King of Arturo. Once we retrieve Arturo back, Harold will return as the king temporarily. No one wants a king who got easily captured and swapped. We will make it so it's Fabio who is the one in charge of… the rebellion. The citizens will support him if he become the king that way. Whatever his personality is, you should get along with him," Albert said.

Carmen just laughed at us. Well, Fabio is a good guy. As long as he keeps being himself, I don't mind being friends with him.

After a while, the vampires have finished their discussion and approached us.

Since we're trying to be polite, I had no choice but to turn my throne into a normal chair. Then, I prepared more chairs for them to sit on.

"…we'll just talk while standing," Vampire Duke #2 said.

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"Okay. So, what's the result?" I asked.

"First, can you show us the proof that you are not hostile at us?" Vampire Duke #1 asked. I guess he's the wisest one among the three Dukes.

"How?" Albert quickly stopped me from speaking and interrupted.

I was about to say that it's because I haven't killed anyone there, but I guess that's the wrong answer.

"Just tell us how you find this place," Vampire Duke #3 said.

"Oh, that. The vampires who returned here after losing against us were chased by you guys, right? To the point they drowned themselves? Well, they are still alive. About thirty of them. And I asked the only Vampire Duke among them. She told me about the Vampire Queen. So, before the same thing happened again, we want to make peace with you," Albert explained.

"They are still alive!? Kill them!" Duke #2 said.

"Can't do that. Twelve of them decided to live in our world. They will be under me from now on. As for the rest, they will live freely in this world. You can hunt them if you want," Albert said.

"Your world?"

"We are humans from our world. And we have a village over here which has monsters of three races living there. They are the werewolves, the elves, and the angels. The leader of the angels is his familiar, and he's also the Werewolf King because he defeated the previous Werewolf King," Albert said while pointing at me.

"This guy is the Werewolf King? You must be joking."

The Duke #2 doesn't seem to like me and provoked me. For now, I won't fight him. I'll try to keep my mind calm with calming gas. Let's ignore him as well.

"…don't they use to say that human blood is delicious? Should we just kill them and drink their blood?" Duke #3 whispered to the other vampires.

Well, that's not something that I can ignore.

"Which part of me stronger than the Vampire King who has drunk the blood of his own kind don't you understand? You want to kill us and drink our blood? Are you willing to let everyone here die for your gluttony?" I infuse my Aura to my word so I can intimidate them. And as expected, the three of them freeze in fear. They won't dare to say anything about killing us again.

"Roy, enough. Don't pressure them," Albert said.

I stopped my intimidation and stared at the three. While the other vampires behind them who feels my intimidation are unable to look at me.

"You are frozen just by sheer pressure. We're here to negotiate. Show us where the Queen is, or not," I said.

"I-I'm sorry, but…" Duke #1 stopped his words.

"But you can't just let us meet the queen? That's fine. Tell us how we can meet her then. But if you are trying to pick a fight, I'm ready," I said.

I think that's enough of my performance. Next is up to Albert.

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"We won't kill any vampires who won't hurt us," Albert said.

"…will you wait for us while we talk to our queen?"

"How long does it take to go to her place?" Albert asked.

"If we go by flying as fast as we can, we can get there in a day," Duke #1 replied.

That's about as far as this place from the village. On foot, it's more than a week. But when they retreated and tried to return here, it's not even a day when they arrive. Though in the end, they retreated back to the artificial river in one night. I guess they're pretty fast.

"I'm a busy man, so I can't wait until tomorrow. And it's easier if we just follow you back to your queen's place," Albert said.


"Can the Vampire Queen read? Wait, I don't think that's the case. If only she could read, then we can just ask you to deliver a letter from us to schedule a meeting. It's also our fault to come here uninvited. Hmm… what to do?"

If it's only to meet the Vampire Queen, we should be able to get their permission easily. But we came here and told them that we are strong enough to fight against an entire vampire army and killed the Vampire King. They are hesitant to let someone that powerful to meet their queen. These guys are amazing for being so loyal to their queen. But if they ended up making enemy out of us, they will be blamed if we ended up killing their queen.

"How about this. I brought two humans here, who are more than capable of killing all the vampires here. And one of them is a powerful water mage who can summons water. The fact that we didn't drown you all right away meant that we want to negotiate. We know from the vampires we rescued that you can't swim. So, if someone on that side accuse you of disloyalty and brought us to them, you can say that you are being blackmailed. Or is it that you want to see if we can drown you all first?"

Of course it will come to this. Blackmailing. Let's threaten them by saying what we can do to kill them to make them do what we want. But Albert said it in a polite way.

…does it make any difference if blackmailing is done politely or not?

"Don't worry. We really want peace. Even more, we can also bring benefits to each other if your queen agrees with this peace treaty," Albert said.

"To hell with that! Now, you started blackmailing us! We won't let you come close to our queen no matter what!" the Duke #2 shouted and started charging at us.

He's quite fast. But that's as expected of a Vampire Duke. Still, he's no match for me.

Just as his hand about to grab Albert's neck, I quickly grabbed his neck and twisted it. Not just that, I also use some strength to remove the head from the neck.

And with just one move, one of the strongest vampires here got defeated easily.

"I know you won't die from this. You have enough blood to recover your head. Your weakness is your heart. And I can easily kill all of you if I want to," I said.

As I thought. The vampire whose head was removed, started growing a head from the body. I don't know how, but he shouldn't be able to live anymore once his brain is disconnected from the body. But the vampire easily grows a head, including the brain as well.

As long as the heart is not destroyed, they are practically immortal.

"…we'll take you to our queen. Please don't kill us," Duke #1 said.

Now, that's easy. But it took a while.. Well, it's time to do more travelling then.

Chapter 442 – She's Similar To Our Ghost

"Alright, get on. It will be faster this way," I said as Spot transformed back to his original size.

The three Vampire Dukes looked at each other and decided to have the Duke #1 to be the one guiding us to the queen.

Although he was scared at first, he carefully jumped on top of Spot's head and take a seat on the Blobbyseats I prepared. It's so that other people than me won't fall over. And I just sat on Spot's head cross-legged without sitting on Blobbyseat. I don't need to.

While being watched by the other vampires, Spot started to move as he fly to the sky. The unprepared Duke #1 screamed because of the speed, but got used to it soon after.

Since I put Air Barrier around us, we can still talk with each other despite the speed.

"So, which way is your queen's home?" I asked the Vampire Duke.

"We're going the opposite way!"

The Vampire Duke, still unused to the speed, think that he needs to raise his voice. Well, he might have gotten used to moving at high speed, so he unconsciously raises his voice. It's normal for those who have used to such speed, without putting air or wind barrier around them to speak loudly. Because of the wind pressure is too strong for sound to travel.

"You can just talk normally. I'm using magic so we can do that. Spot! Turn around! We're going the wrong way!" I shouted. Just after I told someone that he doesn't need to shout.

"Oh, okay! How far is that place?" Spot asked.

We looked at the vampire to ask the distance from here to the queen's location.

"…it should be a five days travel on foot. So…"

"One hour it is. Spot, let's finish this soon so we can go home faster," I said.


Spot increased his speed even further. With this, it won't be a problem for us to reach the queen in just one hour.

"So, how was your queen like?" Albert asked the vampire to get to know who we will meet.

"She's the most beautiful vampire in the world," the vampire said as if he's singing praises for his queen.

"I mean her personality," Albert said.

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"Her personality is as good as her appearance," the vampire said.

…alright, he's gone. Seems like this Vampire Queen can entrap other vampires this much. This is no longer loyalty to the queen. It's worship to the queen instead.

"Does she have children? The Vampire King has a son that we killed, so I don't want to make the same mistake to kill her family before meeting her like when I met the Vampire King," I said.

"Anyone who becomes our queen's husband will be killed by me and all the male vampires! Though if she makes all of us as her lovers, it will be fine," the vampire said.

…I feel like I'm familiar with the story. About a seductress who seduces men to be her harem. She ended up becoming a ghost though.

So, this one is a Vampire Queen with power to seduce the male vampires? Is she some kind of hybrid between a vampire and a succubus? Maybe I can let Sonia to help us negotiate with the Vampire Queen because they are similar.

"Then, what about the female vampires?" Albert asked. Seems like he noticed the similarity between the Vampire Queen and our ghost.

"They respected her for being able to stand above the male vampires," the vampire said.

So, the male vampires love her and the female vampires respect her? Then, what is the reason for the feud between the Vampire King and the Vampire Queen?

"How did you and the Vampire King's group ended up fighting each other," Albert asked.

"I don't know how it started, but there's a disagreement between him and our queen which made him, along with those who follow him, to leave this place. The disagreement turned into hatred and we started killing each other," the vampire said.

That's it? I guess he doesn't know everything.

But still, if the Vampire Queen is someone who can use charm magic like Sonia, it will be dangerous to meet her without preparation. For me, I once dispelled Sonia's charm right away on our first-time meeting. It's thanks to my Aura. But for Albert, it will be difficult.

"Albert, I'll take you back for now. How about you get lovey-dovey with Marie first so you won't get charmed by the Vampire Queen? Don't do it too much since I'll be opening a portal to you once we can talk peacefully," I said to Albert.

"I also don't want to have you watch us. I'll wait with her then. Don't forget to call Sonia," Albert said.

In truth, after I started thinking that the Vampire Queen might be able to use charm magic, O already called for her and she's already in invisible state. To keep her as a secret from the Vampire Duke who is guiding us.

"I won't. She's busy," I said, but I still pointed at her location behind me with my thumb so Albert and Carmen know that Sonia is here. Though I don't know if Carmen knows about Sonia's charm magic or not.

Noticing that Sonia is already there, Albert nodded. Then, I opened a portal back to the village where the feast hasn't ended yet and transport Albert back while grabbing the freshly prepared meal. Seems like Lina and the other chefs keep cooking even in the middle of a feast. At least I can enjoy the dishes I missed.

I walked to Carmen and told her about Sonia and the possibility of the Vampire Queen having charm magic.

"It doesn't work on women?" Carmen asked.

"I don't know. But back then, when I first purchased the haunted house Sonia is in, none of the girls are affected. Are you going to meet her?" I asked her.

"I will stay. It will be bad if she has stronger charm magic than Sonia and you got charmed. At least I will be there," Carmen said.

She's right that rather than Albert, it will be more dangerous if I'm the one who get charmed. But I have Victoria with me.

She's transforming into my undershirt right now. So, just in case anything happens to me, she will transform into a spiked undershirt that will stab me just in case. Not to the point that she will kill me. just enough for me to open my eyes wide.

"I'll do that. Like this?" Victoria quickly test it out.

"Ouch! Like that, but not know! That's hurt. Just when we met the Vampire Queen, and you think I started acting weirdly. You're the one who knows me the most, so you should be able to notice if I acted out of the line," I said.

"But you did that a lot. Well, I'll try my best," she said.

As for the other two with us, Carmen and the vampire, they are confused why I suddenly screamed in pain. Well, I won't tell them.

And in case Carmen got charmed, I guess I'll bring Harold here.

…will that work? She doesn't even know that Harold has been replaced until she slept with the impersonator.

Well, I hope charm magic won't work with the same sex. Though in the end, Harold might be the one who got charmed

I can finally see it the place where the vampires live.

Just like the previous town, the houses were built mostly from wooden log. But there's a castle in the middle of the town.

Using my Divine Vision, I can see inside the castle that there's a woman sitting on the throne alone.

Just like when I first met the Vampire King, the Vampire Queen also noticed me right away.

"Carmen, she's coming," I said.

The Vampire Queen who noticed me, quickly fly too the sky toward us. I had Spot slowed down so we can greet her.

"Hello, I came in peace," I said to the flying Vampire Queen who has summoned her Blood Wings.

Oh, no wonder that the Vampire Duke with me worshipped her. She's a real beauty. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's even more beautiful than…


Under my shirt, I feel prickling sensation as Victoria stabbed me with needles enough to make me bleed. Thank you, Victoria.

Since she has the gut to charm me, I don't need to be polite against her.

I used my Aura to the fullest to protect myself from her charm, and shouted at her.

"If you dare using charm on me again, I will kill you just like how I kill the Vampire King!" I shouted loudly to intimidate her. It works.

And since I also used air magic to make my voice louder, the Vampire Duke with me was so scared that he wet his pants.

…I need to apologize to Spot later.

One thing I know for sure, she used charm on people she sees for the first time. And that's make her dangerous enough for me to make a decision to kill everyone here.

But since Albert has some kind of intention, I won't do that.. At least until I know she can't be trusted.

Chapter 443 – She Want To Come?

"…you're coming here and threatening to kill me? Do you think I will let you?" the Vampire Queen asked.

"You have no choice, or we will kill every single one of you. Look above you," I said as I pointed up to the sky.

"What? It's raining? No, what the hell is that!?" the Vampire Queen, and the duke we brought with us, were surprised when they checked above their heads.

Waterdrops are falling, but it's not raining. Above us, is not cloud. But water.

That's right. A huge amount water that Carmen prepared to drown all the vampires. She can make water float in the sky.

Is it normal for a water mage to do that? Or is it because she's also a wind mage? I don't even know her other elements, but I know that she's the one who did it.

"You're just one lonely vampire who can't trust anyone, and resorted in using charm magic. Never use your charm magic in my presence again, or I will truly kill you," I threatened the Vampire Queen.

"You dare threatening our queen!?"

In front of the Vampire Queen, the Vampire Duke #1 who was supposed to be wiser than the other Vampire Dukes, start attacking me. And just like I did to the Duke #2, I broke his neck and remove his head from the body.

Now, the top of Spot's head is dirtied by blood and pee. I feel sorry to him. But he can just dip himself into a lake or a sea and clean himself. Though if there's any stain, which I hope there won't be any, I will offer my help to clean him.

What? I have scratched the back of a dragon. Washing a giant serpent's head should be easier.

"Oh, wow! See how easy it is for me to remove his head? Well, he's going to regenerate soon. But if I destroy his heart, he won't return back to live, right? But he's weaker than you who is the queen. Though I have killed the stronger version of the Vampire King who has drunk the blood of other vampires. You should have known that it wasn't just a myth that you can get stronger after drinking the blood of your kind, right? I will ask you this one more time. Never use charm magic or whatever it is around me ever again, or I will eradicate every single vampire here," I threatened the queen again with my voice imbued with Aura. She will feel the dread even more.

"…how did you know I can use charm? You're just a human," the queen asked.

"I experienced it once, and also prepared to receive it after asking this one about you. What about you? How did you know that I'm a human?" I asked back while throwing the head of the Vampire Duke at her. though the head is disappearing and started regenerating from his body.

"I heard the story from my parents. Human is the most dangerous creature. They could be smart, could be stupid, could be strong, could be weak. They are the most unreasonable creature, while could be a reasonable one as well," she said.

Wow, that's correct! I was surprised at that. Her parents taught her well.

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"So, will you let us have a chat with you? You can also bring your trusted people with you as well. I will also bring someone who really wants to talk with you," I said.

"…you can come into the castle. There's a huge place which is suitable for negotiation. You can wait here while I brought other people with me," she said.

"Sure. But can you really trust them when you need to use your charm?" I provoked her.


The Vampire Queen didn't answer at all. She knows that they only worship and love her because of her charm. Once he undid her charm on them, there's a high possibility that they will turn their back on her.

"Here's a life lesson for you. You can ask this ghost about it since she experienced it before she died. We will wait for you in that room. As for this vampire, I'll just drop him here," I said as I kicked the vampire who dirtied Spot's head.

Then, we quickly entered the place she told us about. I also opened a portal to let Albert come, but he's not the only one coming. Marie and Harold also entered the portal. Seems like they are worried if something would happen with their loved one.

So, as we waited for the vampires, I told Carmen and Harold about Sonia. A ghost who was an Aura user and has the special ability to charm men. And now, they become even warier of the Vampire Queen.

Though Harold is in more danger than Carmen.

After all, why would a man who has been told about someone with charming magic voluntarily come other than to see the Vampire Queen herself? And he's someone who keeps flirting with other women despite having his own wife with him!

As for me, I called Kayla to heal my body which has been stabbed by Victoria. The bleeding has stopped, but I still ask for her healing. Though she refuses to leave as well for the same reason why Marie is here. I feel so happy. And a little bit scared.

Meanwhile, Spot is entering the portal to return back to the village so he can wash his head. Though I told him to not wash the blood on the lake where everyone is drinking from. He flew away somewhere else after I told him that.

As for the Vampire Queen… she ended up having a blast with Sonia.

What the hell!? Don't tell me that Sonia has been charmed by her?

Though I don't think that's the case since the two of them seem happy from the bottom of their heart. Does meeting someone you can share your experience with make you so happy? Should I meet someone who returned back in time? Though I don't need that to be happy.

"So, where is the Vampire Queen?" Albert asked.

"You really can't wait for her, huh?" Marie replied.

"No! I mean I can't wait for the negotiation! Not from meeting her!"

…what the hell am I seeing?

"Victoria, if you think that Roy is getting charmed again, you can stab him a bit deeper," Kayla said to Victoria.

…being loved sure feels great. But if she loves me too much, I guess it could be painful. And her love hurt. Literally. Like needles piercing my body. Literally.

"The Vampire Queen is having a blast with Sonia at the moment. But she also has grabbed some vampires with her. All of them are female vampires. I guess they are the ones she can trust without using charm magic," I said.

""All of them females you say!?""

Victoria, Kayla, Marie, and Carmen asked at the same time. Good thing only Kayla and Victoria are here for me. If Sophie, Lina, Candy, Shelia, and even Angela are here, it will be too much for my heart, body, and soul.

I know that Angela is not my lover. But she would never miss the chance to hit me.

"They're coming here," I said.

And the three ladies instantly stand in front of the men as if to protect us. How can we start our negotiation this way?

"I'm sorry for making you wait," the Vampire Queen said as soon as she entered the room. Though she was surprised to see that several new humans appearing out of nowhere, she changed her expression quickly. Did Sonia tell her about me? That does make it easier for us to negotiate.

"For now, how about an introduction. My name is Roy, and she's Kayla. The one who want to talk with you is Albert. He's a king of a country in our world. And with him is Marie. The water mage from before is Carmen, and that's her husband. Which is a king from another country," I started introducing everyone but Victoria. And also Spot who is not here.

I believe that no matter how close Sonia is with the Vampire Queen, she won't tell her about Victoria. She's our secret weapon.

At least I won't introduce her to the Vampire Queen yet until I know she can be trusted.

"I'm the Vampire Queen. You can call me Arin. And these are my trusted vampires…"

Arin started introducing the female vampires she brought.

So far, I didn't feel anything strange with me. And Albert is the same as well. Though for Harold, who has multiple wives and keep wanting more, seems like he has fallen for the vampires. But Carmen is stepping on his toes, so the only thing he can do right now is to endure the pain.

"Now, let's get to the discussion. I want an agreement with you to net get into conflict with each other. Between the vampires under you, and the village that he created," Albert said as he pointed at me who is the founder of the monsters' village.

"I can do that. But if that's your main reason to be here, he doesn't need to bring you here, right? You have other intentions, I guess?"

That's right. If it's just that, I don't need Albert to come. I can just negotiate alone, and be the last one standing.

Wait, that's battle royal. Not a negotiation at all.

"That's right. The real reason I'm here is to ask if there are any vampires who are interested in living in our world," Albert said.

"I do. I'm interested,"

Surprisingly, without any hesitation, it was the Vampire Queen herself who raised her hand.

…a Vampire Queen in our world? Won't that be dangerous?

Chapter 444 – The Reason She Wants To Come

We just asked if there are any vampires who are interested in our world, and the first one who wants to come without any hesitation is the Vampire Queen, Arin, herself.

She didn't ask why, for what, or anything. She just jumped at the opportunity to go to another world and live there.

Even the vampires she brought with her didn't stop her at all. In fact, after their queen raised her hand, the rest also raised their hand to follow her.

"…Sonia, what have you told her?" I asked Sonia.

I thought that during their time chatting with each other, Sonia might have told her about everything. About the cult, our world, and the reason we want the vampires in our world. Which is to be soldiers against the cult.

"I only told her about my past, and a little bit about fashion. Well, even if she's a vampire, she's still a woman. I bet even she doesn't want to wear the same thing over and over again," Sonia said.

Albert and the others also listened to what Sonia said. And the women in our group nodded in agreement.

Women and fashion just can't be separated. Even the werewolves and the angels are all interested. I don't know about the elves though. But Lina might have taught them herself about fashion.

"We haven't told you the reason why we want vampires in our world yet. But let me ask you something first. Why do you want to come with me, and why are your subordinates also want to come as well?" Albert asked Arin.

"As for me, I just enjoy chatting with Sonia. I think I can learn more from her. And seeing the girls with you wearing nice clothes make me want to wear something nice as well. Not this cape with high collar all the time," Arin said.

So, there are no other clothes other than the one they wore? What if they got dirty? Letting it smell bad?

Well, I don't need to think about it too much. They are monsters after all.

"And what about the other vampires here?" Albert asked.

"We will follow Queen Arin wherever she goes," one of the vampires said.

"They are my most trusted vampires. They don't have high rank other than the two Dukes I brought, but they can be trusted. All of them are those who knows about my charm magic but still choose to follow me," Arin said.

Since Albert didn't react, that should be the truth. And I also looked at the ten vampires here. Their heartbeats are still normal. No other reaction from them other than nodding in agreement.

"Do you not trust men?"

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It was Harold who asked.

"…I never met any male I can trust. But I will try trusting you," Arin said.

"What you mean by 'you' shouldn't include Roy. Just Albert is fine," Kayla said.


…what does she mean by not trusting me? What is it that she's thinking that makes me can't be trusted?

"Roy said that he's going to come here peacefully. But I believe that when he arrived, he did something that forces you to stop being hostile at him, right? Can that be called 'peacefully'?" Kayla asked.

"That's right. You threatened her right after meeting her," Victoria whispered. She's still a secret, so I won't show her to the vampires.

"But she's the one who uses charm magic on me first. She deserves it," I whispered back to her.

In fact, I still can't trust her enough to let her live in our world.

"…before you decide if you want to go, I will need to inform you about why I offer you this chance. Actually…"

The same story. Repeated over and over again. And when we found other people, monster, or whatever it is that might be a great asset for us, we will repeat the story again and again.

"There's a war coming? Then, we should be allowed to drink a lot of human's blood, right? We can drink the blood of the cultists. I don't think it's a bad offer," Arin said.

"…I'm still shocked to see how quick you made your decision. Is humans' blood what you're really after?" Albert asked.

"I've heard about them being the most delicious blood. The temptation might be too great if we move to your world, but we can endure it. I even don't remember the last time I drank blood," Arin said.

So, it has been so long since she last drank blood. That's why she believes that she and the vampires who will come along can endure it. I think we need to test it.


"I know. Open a portal,"

Albert realizes my intention as I opened a portal back to the village where the feast is going on.

The people over there are looking curiously at the portal thinking that we will return soon. But Albert just poke his head out and called someone. It's a girl who seems to be a tamer or summoner. I don't remember.

Albert picked a girl because the vampires can't trust men yet.

Once the girl entered the portal, I closed it.

"She is a summoner just like Roy. And she can make a contract with one of you. We need one vampire, preferably with high rank, to make contract with her. With her as mediator, we should be able to contact each other easier. And as her familiar, you can't disobey her," Albert said.

"That's it? That seems easy," Arin said as she stepped forward to make contract with the summoner.

"No! Please let me do it. I can't let our queen be under someone else," one of the vampires, who seems to be a Vampire Duke, volunteered herself.

The contract was made so in case we need to relay a message, the message can get there faster. The contracted vampire will go to this world or our world depend on the summoner. As for the other vampires, we don't really care as long as they obey the queen. And I just need to give the Queen a Blobby anyway.

"The remains of the Vampire King's army will also be there. Please don't kill each other," Albert said.

"Don't worry. It's not like I hate them," Arin said casually.

"Hmm? Then why do you fight them?" I asked.

"The Vampire King fall for me without me having to use my charm. And he decided to kill everyone else to get me. But because I have more vampires, he can't win and left to get stronger before returning and fight us again. Though in the end, he never returned," Arin said.

…that's it? Women fight for fashion and men fight for love? I can't say I understand, but seeing Harold nodding, I guess he understand the mind of the Vampire King.

"Okay. So, do you want to increase more vampires or just this much to come to our world?" Albert asked.

"There might be more. Anyway, as long as I'm alive, all the male vampires in this place will obey me. They are all my slaves. Though I will only ask the female vampires," Arin said.

She thinks of them as her slaves? Well, that means even if they died in the war, it won't be a big loss. We can also use them as our bait.

"Hmm… then, other than the remains of the Vampire King's army whom I will brought to my world, you can seduce other vampires. And since you will be leaving, how about you inform all the vampires here first?" Albert suggested.

"Inform them what? They will obey me anyway," Arin said proudly.

No matter what, I must never let her seduce any humans other than the enemies.

"Tell them you will be leaving and have someone be in charge. As for the vampire who made a contract with our summoner, she can come and go to this world according to her master's will. You can appoint her as a messenger, and appoint someone else to be in charge of this place. This way, it will be easy to gather all of you when the war is happening," Albert said.

"I understand. I will discuss it with the others. Then, when will we begin living in your world?"

"Tomorrow. Roy will pick you up along with those who wants to go. As for the one who made a contract with our summoner, she can go there right away," Albert said.

And so, after giving some more detailed instruction to the vampires and Albert is satisfied with the result, we return back to the village. But there's no more food. They're all gone.

"…I'll go grab some fruits from the elves' home. When will you be back, Albert?" I asked.

"I'll discuss it with Carrie and the other vampires who will come first. The feast is over. You can bring back those who wants to go home. I think I see some children napping. We have gone for quite a long time. But it's great that we managed to finish it in one day," Albert said.

"Then, I will bring everyone back. Just contact me if you want to go home."

With that, our business with the vampires is done. And we gained more powerful allies again.. Though I hope the vampires won't cause trouble in our world.

Chapter 445 – Getting The Vampires To The Human's World

Today is the day that I should bring the vampires to our world. I did it during the evening so no one will be suspicious since it's dark. And also, we need to teach them how to adapt in this world. Which will take about one night of lesson.

But before bringing them here, I need to get the Vampire Queen and Carrie to meet first. Both sides have been told that they have to get along. If they can't, they will be put in different location. Lynn, old man Henry, and Harold are ready to take them in in case they can't get along. But we'll see if they will shake their hand and forget about the past or not.

In the vampire castle we meet Arin yesterday, I brought Carrie and the other drowned vampires. Just those who wants to come to our world.

In total, there are thirty-five vampires here. Twelve are former Vampire King's army, and the rest are under the Vampire Queen.

"So, can you two get along?" I asked the two sides. Albert is also here to watch.

"I'm fine with it. As long as we won't get into another conflict, it should be fine. And the cause of our feud has died. The Vampire King. We can start over again," Arin said.

They have discussed it with the other vampires so it's easy for them to reach that decision.

"We're fine as well. After hearing how stupid the beginning of our feud is, I think the correct decision is to forget about the past. I might have killed some of your subordinates, but let's start over from the beginning," Carrie said as the leader of the drowned vampires.

I don't want to keep calling them the remains of the Vampire King after they decided to get along with the Vampire Queen. So, the drowned vampires are good enough title for them for now.

The two shook their hands, but I just looked at Albert.

"Well, I will ask each one of you individually again to see if you can truly be trusted or not. Let's start from Carrie's side," Albert said as he started asking the vampires one by one.

He did it yesterday, and he did it again today. It's just too difficult to trust someone to get along after fighting for too long.

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The end result was good. Only six vampires decided to stay behind. I don't know if the four from the drowned vampires will live with the rest of the vampires here or not.

Combined with the Vampire Duke who became our summoner's familiar, there are exactly thirty of them. And only two of them are males. They are from the drowned vampires.

"Hmm… it will be difficult to get them to stay in one village. Seeing that there are way too many females in the village will raise suspicion to everyone," Albert said.

"It's not like you have to do that. You can set them in different places. Just pick those you can trust to live separately from the others," I suggested.

"Right. For now, they will all live in Cassau. You will supervise them for a while and hopefully, after one month, they all can be trusted," Albert said.

And I can't escape from babysitting job.

But Cassau is a city next to the sea. And the vampires can't swim.

Well, as long as they don't get anywhere close to the beach, it should be okay.

"Since it has been decided, you all can stay in the same city. The city is called Cassau. A city inside my kingdom. And it's also where Roy's home is. He will supervise you along with his friends. You can ask him or his friends if you need anything. After one month, I will see your performance. If you want to go somewhere, as long as you can be trusted in that one month, you're free to go," Albert said.

With that, I opened a portal back to our base. As for Albert, he returns to his own home and will be busy taking care of the kingdom again.

One of the reasons he's busy is that the cult has been too quiet. Even if they are preparing for something, they have been too quiet. And we need to make sure that we can raid the lab safely.

The kings have sent most of their elite members to guard Consenza. Especially the venue for the tournament. After all, the cult must have sent someone to scout the area.

Well, I only need to care about the raid. And it's not the time yet.

The vampires entered the portal cautiously. Even the drowned vampires, whom I brought here with portal, are still wary.

As for those who doesn't want to stay in this vampire town, I opened a portal near the monsters' village. They are free after that. And as long as they don't cause trouble to us, we will never meet again.

"Hmm… it doesn't feel any different from our world," Arin said.

"Of course it doesn't. The real difference is the people and the culture. As for other things, the two worlds are basically similar," Kayla said.

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Everyone has been waiting for the vampires to greet them. As for the place they will be staying at, we have built another building next to the base which can fit up to fifty people. I'm rich after all. And everyone will only think that it's normal since Kayla is the runner-up of the previous tournament. They just think that she has a lot of guests.

Fame and wealth despite not being a part of nobility. We are awesome.

"These girls will teach you about our world. Your main goal in this one month is to go to the Hunter Guild, become hunters, and then you can start gaining money from the job. We will also tell you about the law in this world. Other things than that, you can ask Kayla, Angela, Sophie, or other girls. If you have a profession that interest you, you can tell us about it. Study hard, everyone," I said.

We gathered in the new building to show them where they can rest. As for the room arrangement, we let them decide it themselves.

The main show for tonight is the Vampire Duke which has become Albert's summoner's familiar. She has stayed in this world since last night, and can tell the others about what she sees from her point of view. Which will make the other vampires becoming more interested in this world.

"So, we can drink the bloods of humans here, right?" one of the vampires asked.

She must have asked that after being told how delicious a human blood is.

"You can. But only to those humans who break the rules. Like thieves, murderers, and other outlaws. If you decided to let them live so you can drink their blood again next time, that's fine. But make sure you won't get noticed," Kayla said.

"Oh, about that. There's something interesting, you see. In the past few days, I noticed that there are bandits outside the city. During the day, they entered the city and stole something in the street. But they are growing in number, and I think they are planning for something. Now that this city has become more famous, there are many people with evil intention thinking of doing something. How about for tonight, we will raid the bandits' lair? There should be around fifty of them. I think just thirty of you is enough. And you can also taste human's blood for the first time," I suggested.

Using the vampires to defeat the bandits, I can see how well they perform.

"Can we keep them alive and lock them in a cage? That way, we can farm their blood without having to work hard," one of the vampires suggested.

That is crazy. Other than keeping them alive and letting them escape, that is also an option. But I don't want a blood farm near the children.

"You can do that. But not now. If you want to do that, you need to live somewhere else far from here. I don't want such farm anywhere close to the children. Maybe after one month, those who wants to farm blood, will have to leave this city and live somewhere else. Albert will help you find a good location. Probably somewhere bandits and criminals are commonly seen," I said.

"How strong are they?" Arin asked.

"I don't know. I doubt they are weak. But I don't think they are strong enough to survive against you vampires. Well, how about we go there and see for ourselves? Everyone here can fly, right?"

"Yeah. Since we were going to move here today, I told everyone to drink blood of monsters just in case. We have enough to be able to fly," Arin said.

Carrie also nodded as well. Seems like she's doing something while waiting for me to pick them up. That's good. at least this way, they won't damage the population of monsters nearby.

"Then, follow me. Angela, Shirley, Veronica, and Wendy will come as well," I said.

And in the dark of the night, thirty vampires and five humans fly in the sky.

Chapter 446 – Easy Victory For The Vampires

It's the vampires' first mission after entered our world. They will start living here from now on, so I want to see if they can obey the rule, follow order, and hopefully, they can be independent.

Although there are some vampires who don't want to follow Albert and become soldiers, I want to see them in the mission as well.

The five of us, me, Angela, Shirley, Veronica, and Wendy, will watch over them. In case they try to escape, or the bandits managed to escape them.

"Oh, I can see them," the Vampire Queen, Arin, said.

"I thought you can see them from further here. You did saw me when I arrive at your castle, right?" I asked.

"Rather than seeing, it was more of sensing your presence. And I somehow can tell when you are looking. I can tell where you were before is because you are watching me. As for the group you called bandits, I know where they are but I can't see them.," Arin said.

"So, you can tell someone's presence, and if they are watching you, you will know instantly?" I asked.

"That's about it. Well, I don't know how to explain this. And it seems like we can get this power once we become either the queen or the king," Arin explained.

At least Arin can tell someone's presence. I will talk to Albert about this. Maybe, he will ask her to live in the capital. That way, the capital will be safer since there's someone who can detect presence.

"Anyway, I have a question. How do vampires raise their rank?" Wendy asked.

"Oh, right. Why aren't there more kings or queens?" I also asked Arin.

"To raise our rank, we needed to fight more and defeat powerful enemies. I managed to become a queen after defeating a Giant Salamander on my own," Arin said.

Oh, a Giant Salamander? I also managed to defeat one in the past. Back when I was much weaker than I am now. Back when I was disguising myself as a living armor. And the armor I wore was something similar to a flying mammal. And I… also wearing the fishnet stocking.

Now that I don't need the fishnet stocking anymore. It's in the possession of Sophie who would wear them from time to time. Especially at night.

I hope the stocking can protect her. But I hope even more that the time when the stocking will be of use would never happen.

Sophie doesn't want to join the war. Her personality is not well-suited for killing people. She will stay at home and protect the children.

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"Should we attack them right away?" Arin asked.

Now that we have gotten closer to the bandits, we stopped. We are hidden by the trees in the forest. And since the vampires have good eyesight, all of them can see the bandits. Though that's not the case for the humans except me.

"You will decide how to do it yourself. I want to see how you can handle it," I said to Arin.

Arin looked around at the vampires, and quickly make a decision. I guess she's a capable leader. Unlike the Vampire King.

"For now, we will split our group in three. Each will have ten people. I will lead one group, Carrie will lead the second group, and the third group will be led by Eve," Arin said.

Originally, the vampires came from two sides. The Vampire Queen's side, and the Vampire King's.

Getting them to work together is difficult. That's why Arin split the group with Carrie leading the group of vampires from the remains of the Vampire King's army.

As for Eve, she's the vampire who made a contract with our summoner whose name I can't remember. Even the name of this vampire, I can only remember it after Arin said it.

Since she has stayed in this world longer than the other vampires, even if it's just one day longer, she will lead a group herself.

"Each group will attack from different sides. They have more numbers, but we should be fine. After killing one, drink their blood and move on. Don't drink their blood dry. We need to show Roy that we can also choose to capture the enemies instead of killing them. Only kill them if there's no other choice," Arin said.

Wow, she's sharp! Had she told them to kill everyone, it would be harder for me to trust them. But if they choose to capture them, Albert can give them various mission. Not just to kill.

Maybe it's best to build them a prison. All the vampires will be the warden. And those captured will never leave. They can only be the vampires' meal. And we don't have to worry about the vampires attacking other people if they can be satisfied with just that.

Well, I will see how this mission goes first. And there will be other mission that they need to take during this one month of trials.

The vampires departed. Meanwhile, we also leave to watch them.

Angela will watch Arin's group, Veronica will watch over Carrie's group, and Wendy and Shirley will watch Eve's group.

As for me, I don't need to move as I can watch everything from here.

The three groups advanced at the same time. And the unprepared bandits were surprised. But still, the bandits are human mages. They can attack the vampires from distance.

But the same can be said to the vampires as they use Blood Bullets to shoot at the bandits. Still, the power difference is too great. The vampires are more used in close combat than attacking from long distance.

They had no choice but to endure the enemies' magic. And that's no problem for the vampires who can regenerate as long as their heart is not destroyed.

It was easy to enter the bandit lair. And the first group who managed it first was Carrie's group.

Well, that's to be expected since they have experience fighting humans. Although they didn't manage to kill even one of us, they still have experience in fighting against magic.

Carrie did not participate in the war since her job was to fight me. But the others in her group did. They might have given some suggestion in dealing with magic.

As the first group that managed to defeat the enemies in front of them first, they are also the first who will taste the blood of human.

…I can see their ecstatic state after drinking a bit of blood. And they about to suck them dry, until other vampires who haven't drank yet stopped them and reminded them to not kill them. And when it's time for them to drink the blood, they are stopped from drinking too much by those who drank it first.

As for Arin's group, even though she's the first one to drink blood, she can still maintain her rationality and stopped from drinking too much. Since she's the queen, it's easy for her to stop the others.

And then, for Eve's group. I think Eve had tasted human's blood when she explored this world with her summoner. That's why she didn't drink any and watch over the other vampires.

I guess she has been taught well by her master.

The vampires managed to capture thirty bandits. They have drunk the bandits' blood enough to make them faint. And even those who didn't faint, they don't have enough power to move. That's one way to stop them from moving.

But that means there are still twenty bandits. Though since the vampires outnumber them this time, it won't be a problem.

Some wind mages tried to escape via the sky, but they were stopped by the vampires as they have spread the Blood Wings on their back. The vampires flying speed are actually slower than the wind mages, but they used the blood they consumed to boost their speed. It was easy to catch them.

Finally, there's only one man left. The bandit leader.

He came out wearing magic robes to protect himself. I know that one. That's quite expensive, but they are commonly used during the war. Especially by hunters.

Though that is useless as the vampires didn't use magic. Does blood magic count as magic? Is that even magic?

Seeing how Arin easily slashed her Blood Sword at the bandit leader, the magic robe is useless against vampire.

And as the queen, she grabbed the leader and bite on his neck to drink his blood. After she has enough, she dropped the bandit leader on the ground and cheered for their victory.

"Well, that was surprisingly fast. The vampires are so strong. How did you manage to stop them?" Angela asked Shirley as we all entered the lair.

I'm also curious about it since I didn't see it myself.

"Well, Albert is a good leader. And none of us have been bitten by them," Shirley said.

I don't know because I only see the result and not the process. And since Albert can do it without any casualty, I can expect more from him.

Now, what to do with these fifty bandits? I can't just bring this many people to Cassau.

Well, since the vampires have shown us what they can do, I don't think there's any reason to let the bandits live.

For now, I'll put the Magic Restraining Collar on the bandits.. They won't be able to do anything else anymore.

Chapter 447 – One Month To Learn To Be Human

"What should we do with them?" I asked the others on what to do with the bandits we captured.

"You gave the mission to the vampires, but you don't know how to deal with them?" Shirley asked.

"That's right. And there's no mission about bandit extermination in the guild as well, so we can't get a reward. Not to mention, these vampires are not hunters yet," I said.

"Sigh… for now, since you have put the collars on them, you can transport them to an empty island or isolated location somewhere. Just do it fast before the vampires started their feast," Shirley suggested.

When I looked at the vampires, some of them have started drooling. Is the taste too delicious for them to hold back?

I quickly opened a portal to an empty island, and get Angela to build prison cells there. I'll check on them tomorrow. I also need to report Albert about it.

"So, how does human blood taste?"

Just in case, I asked the vampires.

"It's the most delicious blood I ever drink!"

"Can't we go to war quickly? We should be able to drink more blood in the war, right?"

…they're addicted to it. I hope they can endure it. but we will need to think of a way to get them to drink blood regularly.

"Also, some human tastes different. The weaker ones are delicious, but their leader was the most delicious," Arin said.

"So, the higher their magic level is, the more delicious their blood taste?" I asked.

"I think that's the case. And the more we drank their blood, the higher chance we can evolve into higher rank. Living in this world might not be a bad idea at all," Arin said.

"You do know that if you drink more than you should, and even started attacking humans, especially innocent humans, I will have to kill you, right?" I put some pressure in my words to make them understand the situation they're in.

Feeling my pressure, the drooling vampires wipe their drool and started paying attention to me seriously. For now, they can be trusted. But it's just the first night. They still have a month to prove themselves.

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"And don't try to escape. Or I will release the werewolves to search for you," I said.

"I understand. We will try our best to only drink when we are allowed to," Arin said. And as the representative of the vampires, the other vampires also nodded in agreement. Including the vampires who used to be part of the Vampire King's army.

Have they started to get along? That's nice.

"Don't worry. As Albert said, as long as you prove yourself to us that you can be trusted, you can have more freedom. Maybe he will let you be the guards for a city. Being a guard means you have the authority to a certain extent to protect the city in various way. For example, like killing a criminal who fight back. But I will ask you to at least not drink their blood in public. Well, that's just an example. If you want to live another way, there's other options than just being a guard," I said.

Hearing that they might have the chance to drink blood however they want, their motivation is rising. Are they this easy?

"That's why for this one month, you will learn a lot of things from us. If you have any question, you can ask us. Maybe that way, you can find other job that is more suited," I said.

"We will try our best to live up to your expectation. Now, what do we do? Do we have more mission?" Arin asked.

…they ended up becoming too motivated. They can't wait to get another mission.

"It's the most important mission. Pretending to be humans. Night time is the time where most criminals like bandits and the like to come out. It's where trouble appears more often. Because it's the time for most humans to rest and sleep. That's why you will try to rest at night as well. It's not like we will give you mission all the time. Tomorrow, you will explore the city in small groups. Watch what other people is doing, try eating what they eat, drink what they drink, and learn what they do. I will have some other business to attend, so you can ask other people to guide you around the city," I said.

For Shelia and Graham, blending in is simple. Because they are my familiars, and they can't disobey me if I ordered them to. I just need to give them an order, and they will follow it obediently.

But these vampires, only one of them is a familiar. And the rest are actually wild and dangerous vampires. Telling them to do something doesn't mean they will obey.

Since they will be our important allies against the cult, Alberts want to train them to obey orders. Not just from him, but also other people as well.

The vampires then returned home. I guess they already memorized the route to take. Veronica and Wendy then followed them. Leaving me, Angela, and Shirley behind.

"Why aren't you leaving?" I asked.

"What will you do tomorrow?" Shirley asked.

"I need to go to the hospital to do some experiments. If it works, the vampires won't need to attack humans," I said.

Victoria told me last night, after meeting the Vampire Queen with Albert and the others, about blood bag.

She has told me in the past about blood type. And the hospital is helping me researching about it. This way, if there's a patient who loses a lot of blood, they can use blood transfusion to regain the blood they lost.

It's still in the middle of experiment since we don't know how many blood types out there.

If it's successful, we can just donate our blood, and get the vampires work their asses to buy some blood instead of hunting people. But if the blood of those with higher magic level is more delicious, it might be difficult if those who donated their blood are people with low level. The vampires will start looking for higher level mages on their own.

Well, I will see the experiment tomorrow.

I guess that's what Shirley is curious about as she returns back to the base soon after. Does everyone forgot that I can use portal to get home sooner?

Maybe they just like flying more.

"What about you?"

This time, I asked Angela who hasn't left yet.

"When will we fight?" Angela asked.

"…Aaah, right. We need to see your full strength at one point. Have you tested it yet?"

"I have tested it on monsters. But being in a real fight will help me more than trying it on weak monsters," Angela replied.

"How about on stronger monsters?"

"I tried sparring with Shelia, but the gap now is too big. The only one left I can think of is you or Spot. But I think I can learn more from fighting you."

She had a spar with Shelia? Was it during the meeting with the Vampire Queen? Probably.

Back then, after I returned, I see Shelia looked down. And she seemed exhausted. So, that's because she's sparring with Angela?

It's amazing how powerful she has become. I hope Angela can reach master level in the future.

"It's best to test it sooner, but I have vampires to take care of. Scheduling it for next month will be too long as well. How about next week? By that time, the vampires should have gotten used to this world and we don't need to watch them all the time anymore," I said.

"Next week then. Let's do that."

After confirming the date, she flies away. In the end, they have forgotten about my portal even though I just used it to transfer the bandits to an empty island. Well, that mean I don't need to waste my mana.

Now, should I go report it to Albert?

Nah, I'll do that tomorrow. Albert and Marie both also curious about blood transfusion. For tonight, I'll just tell Dean that they are coming.

I just said to the vampires that humans are mostly sleeping at this time, so it's obvious that Dean is sleeping as well. But it should be fine to wake him up, right? After all, the king and the queen are coming here. It's an important information.

I opened a portal to the Blobby that Dean has, and entered a bedroom which I assume to be his. Since he is not married, he sleeps alone. It would be awkward if I entered his room to see him and his wife.

When I woke him up, he was quite angry for being awoken in the middle of the night. But after I told him my purpose in coming here, he's wide awake.

"Shit! I need to inform the hospital quickly! And all other researchers should be at their home right now! Why did you have to inform me now and not earlier!?"

Before I could answer, he run out of the house. Again, another person who forgot I can use portal. If he told me that I can be the one relaying the message to the other doctors right away, I can do it since this is important. But I guess he won't need me.

At least I can go to bed early today.

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