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90.81% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 435: 428-437

Chapter 435: 428-437

Chapter 428 - Fight In Space

The Vampire King has become much stronger than me, but with my portals, I still have a chance to win. Though the Vampire King can still get stronger.

First, he can just drink my blood. That means I must never let him wound me again, or he will just get stronger.

And then, it's because there are still vampire's corpses in the area. They are the ten vampires who wanted to kill me even though I allowed them to leave.

Although I think the power he gained will be lesser than when he drank the blood of the Vampire Dukes, he can still get stronger.

Though if what he said about losing his mind is right, I might have a chance to win if I let him drink more blood. He will lose his mind, and his moves will be predictable.

But I don't want to trust in a small chance like that.

Usually, those who I fought and get provoked, will have their moves easily read. But they were all at most as strong as me. But this one is already stronger than me.

I guess I'll change the venue. I doubt he can fight in space, right?

Let's cover my body with Victoria first, and then use air magic to help me breathe. Once I can grab the vampire, I'll bring him to space.

"Do you think protecting your body with protective armor can help you win against me?" Avan asked me when he sees me covering my body with Victoria.

"Yes," I said confidently.

Now, how do I grab him? Well, for now, let's break apart Reizpear first and put them in my pocket. I'll make him think that I will fight barehanded.

"You're still using that sword even though I'm barehanded?" I provoked the Vampire King.

"I had enough of underestimating you. But still, no matter what you do, you won't be able to win."

Why is he saying something that contradict to his own words? First, he said that he won't underestimate me. But the next sentence, he's saying that he is underestimating me. Just how much pride does he have?

Now, I need to get closer to him. Let's calm down first by using the calming gas, and think clearly of a way to win. I need to get him as far away from the vampire's corpses, so I will bring him with me to the space. He won't be able to survive out there, right?

Then… he's gone!

Noticing that he's no longer in front of me, I quickly transformed the gauntlet part of Victoriarmor into a gun, and shoot at the area where the vampire corpses are. And I was right that he was there, grabbing one corpse with only a stabbing wound in his heart. That's the only corpse with intact limbs.

He also blocked the Blobbybullet with his hand. Damn, he's too strong.

I can no longer stand still, so I charged at him emptyhanded.

As he finished drinking the corpse's blood, I finally arrive and throw a punch at the Vampire King, in which he dodged it.

But I keep throwing punches. They are not slow, but he was just much faster. Though I didn't use my full strength, so I can still throw a stronger and faster punch. But I didn't do it so I can surprise him.

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And as expected, he finally had enough of dodging my punches, and caught my right fist with his left palm.

"With that strength, you won't even be able to hurt me," Avan said.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm changing the venue," I replied calmly.

When he was confused, I grabbed his left arm with my left hand, and opened a portal behind me.

Before he can think about what I will do, I already use all my strength to pull him into the portal which is going to the space. Combined with the vacuum power from the opened portal, I can bring him with me.

"How will you fight in this place? I believe that no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to survive here for long. Oh, wait. You can't hear me because there's no air for sound to travel. What are you doing making me look stupid!" I shouted.

"Roy! You're the stupid one here! You're being covered by me from head to toe, so I'm the only one seeing you look stupid!" Victoria shouted back.

"Oh, if it's you, then it's fine," I said.

"How is it fine!?"

I looked at the panicked Vampire King who is unable to breathe. The broadsword in his right that he keeps holding to this place is finally let go. But as there's no gravity, the broadsword is still floating next to him.

I run on air… whatever it is, I run by using Aura and kicked the sword away from him. This way, if he wants to use weapon, he will need to use more of his blood.

No air, no land, no gravity. Avan doesn't know what to do. But after seeing me kicking his sword away, somehow, he's calmed down.

As I gain some distance from him, he used blood to create wings. But why is he calm?

"Maybe he's using the reserve blood to survive in this place. If you can hold long enough against him, he will still die after using all the blood he has," Victoria explained.

That sounds plausible. That mean I still have to fight him, right? If I escape, he might still able to go back to Monsters World…

Wait, where's the planet? Is the Blobby floated away from the planet? Well, that's fine. I can just use portal to return.

But I can't return now until I know that the Vampire King is dead.

"Let's fight here, Vampire King!" I shouted.

"Like I said, he can't hear you!"

This time, I'm using Reizpear again to fight. It's kind of weird that we fought, but there's no sound at all.

Avan created another sword. This time, it's not the giant broadsword like before, but slimmer and thinner. But it's still bigger than regular sword. He must be thinking of saving his blood.

But still, he's already stronger than me. I can win if I hold on long enough that he wasted his blood, but I doubt he will let me. Seems like he doesn't care about his life anymore, and just thinking of killing me.

I blocked his sword with Reizpear. Seems like because he's preserving his blood usage, so the speed is lowered. That's why he's slower than before.

Still… it's funny to fight someone who is upside down.

Wait, is the one being upside down him, or me?

There's no up or down here, so it's confusing.

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Let's just calm my mind with calming gas, and fight.

Avan maintaining his speed and strength ever since he started fighting. Not getting stronger, or weaker. Seems like he's quickly adjusted himself to fight in this place.

Because he's flying with wings, his movement is also smoother than me. but because I'm stepping with my feet, my movement is sharper. That's the difference between us, but neither of us have advantage.

But I can wound him with Reizpear, while his attack is blocked by Victoriarmor. Each time my attack reached him, his attack is getting weaker, but soon enough his strength returns. As long as I keep this up, I can win by chipping his strength away.

We fought for a long time in space already. I don't know how long I have been here, but it should be more than one hour since I brought him here.

The Vampire King Avan, started getting tired. His attacks are getting sloppy and slow. His wings are smaller now. He doesn't have enough blood to survive a few more attacks.

Finally, the Vampire King gave up. He let go of his sword, and the wings on his back disappear.

He spoke some words, But I can't hear him. Let's use air magic between us so we can communicate. Will it work?

"Can you hear me now?" I asked.

"I can talk now?" Avan asked.

"I used air magic. I couldn't hear what you said after all. Are you giving up now?"

"…kill me. There's nothing else I can do. But I can't tell the vampires to surrender and retreat. I—"

"Enough. Die," I said as I pierced Reizpear into his heart. I don't want to hear dying messages. Especially from my enemy.

For whatever reason they are attacking, I no longer care. Albert and the others can take care of it.

After stabbing his heart, I keep stabbing it until I know that his heart no longer working, and no amount of blood can restore his life.

The Vampire King is finally dead, and he died in space. His body is floating with no destination.

"Haaa… I'm tired," I said.

"You have fought well. Though fighting in space is quite amazing. Let's go back quickly before your magic run out, or you won't be able to use portal anymore. I know you almost exhausted your magic as well. The battle went for quite long after all," Victoria said.

She's right. if the battle continues for another hour, I won't be able to use portal to return.

Hmm? What is this feeling?

"Roy, can you feel it too?" Victoria asked.

"Yeah. It came from that planet. Is that Monsters World?" I asked.

I feel a little bit of mana fluctuation, and it suddenly disappears. It was quite powerful that I can feel it from this place.

"I hope that's Angela finishing her breakthrough," I said.

"Then let's go back quickly to check!" Victoria said impatiently.

If that's true, then we have the strongest mage in our rank.

I quickly opened a portal to an empty island in Monsters World, and opened another one from there back to where Angela is breaking through to see that the battle over there is over as well.

…Damn! We are amazing!

Chapter 429 - Humans Against Vampires

Roy let go of the vampires approaching Angela, while he faces the Vampire King and four other vampires.

The approaching vampires stopped when they see an army of humans in front of them. The humans are outnumbered, but none of them are showing any sign of despair.

Albert will be the one to lead the humans, while Lynn, Henry, and Harold will support him.

Other than the four kings, there are several faces that Roy is getting along with. Other than the expert level mages.

They all will participate in this battle alongside other humans.

Those people are Jewel, Oleg, Hill, Claudia, Bernard, and Sara.

Since they are not expert level mages yet, they are allowed to participate.

As for the expert level mages, they are either watching the fight so they can learn something and help in case they are losing, or protecting other areas.

The angels and the werewolves were not here because they will protect other areas as well. Even if an army of vampires is approaching, that doesn't mean other monsters will stop attacking.

"Stop right there! If you move any closer, it means war!" Albert shouted when he sees the vampires.

The vampires paused for a bit. But they didn't care about Albert's threat, and move forward.

"Sigh… so you want war, huh? Everyone, attack!"

With no other interaction between two sides, the battle began between humans and vampires.

Vampires with weak long-distance attack, unable to get closer easily because of humans' magic. And two humans that stand out the most among hundreds. Lighting strikes the vampires, and bullets flying at them.

But the vampires are well prepared. They are protecting their hearts, and the frontline of the army of vampires created a shield from blood to protect everyone behind them.

"Oh, they are also prepared for the war. Roy shouldn't have provoked too much. He's such a pain sometimes… often… always…" Albert sighed.

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"But if not for him, some of us would have died already and the cult has taken over half of the continent. With Arturo and my kingdom at their hand," Henry said.

"But there are things that he shouldn't do. But I can't say anything to him, and his girlfriends just supported him," Albert said.

"At least he's not alone. And as long as he didn't do anything that cross the line, it should be fine. He let you be in charge even though you said that you won't allow expert level mages to participate because I think he believes in you," Lynn said.

"Then you don't know him enough. Instead of me, I think he believes that the expert level mages can clean up after my mess in case things go wrong so everything will be fine. That's what he's thinking. Everyone! Surround the enemies!"

Albert gave another command to surround the enemies. This way, they will attack not just from the front. But the sides as well. As for the back, no one can go there. Because they will be spread too thinly and will only make an unnecessary weakness.

With attacks from the sides as well, the vampires started to build Blood Shield on their sides as they march faster and faster. Until finally, the ten Vampire Marquesses split up and lead ten groups different way. They break their own formation and fight however they like.

"Since the Vampire King is being taken care of by Roy, they have ten different leaders. I guess that's smart," Harold said.

"Hmm… I can learn something from them. I forgot to create groups, so it will be difficult for us who only have one leader," Albert said calmly. He still thinks that victory is still within this grasp.

Without giving any order, the army of humans figure out themselves that they can't rely on Albert's order all the time, so they fight however they like as well. Albert smiled because he knows that this is what's going to happen.

He has listened to others opinion prior to the fight. Including those who are hunters, and guards who protect a city that often gets attacked. And he only gave hints of what they should be doing in case there are no orders from him.

"I need to figure out who will be the leader of the guards, the leader of the agents, the leader of the hunters, and other types of leader so I only need to order those people. And they will relay my order to the rest," Albert said.

"That's no different than being a king. You just need to give the order, and other people will do it for you. I think you're doing fine already," Henry said. In which, Harold nodded.

Next to them is Lynn who writes everything down on her note. She has a reliable subordinate in Claudia, but that doesn't mean she can just rely everything on her. That's why for this fight, she ordered Claudia to take part on the battle, while Lynn herself will learn from watching Albert and the other kings.

The battle progressed well for the humans, as they are winning. No casualty at all for the human because they have healers that Albert and the other kings brought. Although their healings were weaker than the angels, it was still enough.

The vampires tried to attack the humans from distance with Blood Bullet, but before they shoot, Sara would shoot them first with her rifle which was made by Marie. Her eyes have much better vision than average humans despite having no special ability like Roy.

But she couldn't shoot all of them, and some humans get hit by Blood Bullet. But the healers were prepared, so those who got injured can go back to the battle quickly.

Albert gave orders from time to time, but it was the army themselves who did the most. Which makes them feel confident.

But whenever their confidence raised, they would pretend to not hear Albert's order and do things the way they want. But their own plans failed instead. Which make them think twice about disobeying Albert's order, and make them realize that Albert is a capable leader.

Those who disobeyed him were mostly those who are not from Tatrama. And they will all be scolded by their king later.

Some vampires started flying, but the wind mages were already prepared. Albert has been informed about their ability to fly from Roy after their first encounter.

While looking at the sky, they saw something else other than vampires and humans. It's a wolf running toward him in the sky, with two people on its back.

That wolf is Shelia, and the two on her back are a female Vampire Duke, and a corpse of another Vampire Duke.

Shelia landed in front of Albert after dropping the two vampires, and with one-foot stepping on the female vampire's head, she gave a report to Albert.

"Hey, human king! The Vampire King can suck the blood of his own kind, and he got much stronger than when the vampire boy I fought a few days ago drank my blood. At this point, he's already much stronger than Roy," Shelia said.

"Really? If any of these vampires started drinking the blood of their own kind, it will be difficult. Why are you bringing them here?" Albert asked.

"So, the Vampire King won't drink their blood. Though I failed to get another corpse, so the Vampire King should be much stronger now," Shelia replied.

"This is getting harder. Sonia, you there?" Albert called Sonia.

"You want me to prepare the expert level mages?" Sonia who had watched the situation from the start in her invisible form, already know what Albert is thinking.

"That's right. Call them all here. And if the angels and werewolves are free as well, get them here," Albert said.

Sonia then disappear to inform the others, and Kayla and the others arrive soon after.

"Do we fight now?" Kron asked.

"Not yet. Hey, vampire. Can you tell me about what happen when you start drinking the blood of your own kind?" Albert asked the female vampire whose head is being stepped by Shelia. She's still alive, but has no will to fight.

"…We will get much stronger than when we drunk the blood of other species, but we will lose our mind. It's against our ethic to drink blood from our kind, but our king did it," the female vampire said.

"You answered honestly. Do you think that the Vampire King ordered the other vampires to start drinking the blood of their own kind if things go wrong in this battle?" Albert asked.

"There's no way that will happen!"

But as soon as she said that, a commotion ensues.

A vampire start screaming from another vampire who bites his neck.

Not just one or two, but as many as half of the surviving vampires started drinking the blood of the other half.

"…seems like I was right. Expert level mages, go and fight them. We can't afford to lose anyone in this battle," Albert said.

"How… how could this happen?" the female vampire watched the sight in shock. Shelia no longer stepped on her head because she knows that the female vampire has no will to fight anymore.

"Because your king is crazy, and half of your army is filled with vampires as crazy as your king," Albert said.

He didn't show it to anyone, but after witnessing vampires biting another vampire's neck, he is panicked. Because he expected to win without casualties. But if the vampires started getting stronger, it will be difficult to win without casualties.. In fact, winning itself will be difficult despite having expert level mages to help.

Chapter 430 - Angela Finally Awake

"Other than becoming stronger and losing their mind, what else will happen?" Albert asked the female vampire.

"I don't know. We also thought that those were just myth. And there hasn't been any case of someone drinking another vampire's blood," the vampire said.

"There have to be at least one case of a missing vampire. After all, your king suggested this plan to half of the vampires here. Which mean he already know that it will work," Albert said.

"…there were some missing vampires. But they were just some low-rank vampires, and no one cares about them gone," the vampire explained.

Albert start thinking for a bit.

In the battlefield, Kayla and the other expert level mages have started fighting the crazed vampires. Those vampires don't even care how injured they are, and as long as they are not dead yet, they will attack anyone in sight. Even their own kind.

Basically, the battle has changed.

It's humans against crazed vampires, normal vampires against crazed vampires, and crazed vampires against other crazed vampires.

The normal vampires were actually not fighting. They are trying to withdraw from the fight, but because the crazy vampires are blocking them, they had no choice but to fight back. Ignoring the humans they should be fighting.

Seeing the battle, Albert looked at the despaired female vampire next to him.

"What are you doing?" Albert asked.


"Don't you see that your own kind are being massacred?" Albert asked again.

"Then what should I do!?" the female vampire shouted.

"What's your rank?" Albert asked.

"…Vampire Duke," she replied.

"That mean you are second only after the king, right? What about the queen?" Albert asked.

"The queen and the king are different tribe. We are at war with them. we think that whatever the source of this is, we can get stronger and defeat the queen," she explained.

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"So, the king and the queen are not a couple. And they are probably not even a family. Well, doesn't matter. It means that there are other vampires than your group, right? Hmm… let me think for a bit longer," Albert said.

At this time, the werewolves and the angels have appeared to help. The angels quickly healed those who got injured and bitten by the vampires. So far, there have been no casualty at all. But the crazed vampires who have lost their mind are too powerful. They would even break through the magic of the expert level mages forcefully, and fight back.

The human healers have spent their mana to heal so many people, and now, only the angels and some higher leveled healers can heal others.

Celestine and Kayla would create a trap to capture the vampires, but those vampires even broke through the cage as if it was nothing. It's getting more dangerous if it goes any longer. The vampires also started drinking the blood of their own allies' corpses.

The longer the battle continues, the stronger they will be.

"Sigh… since you're second only to the king, I need to ask you to get the vampires together. Either you will retreat or you will join us fighting the crazy vampires, it's up to you. We will no longer kill you unless you still want to fight us," Albert said to the female vampire.

"But… I don't think anyone will follow me since the king is still alive," she said.

"No. He will die. Or he might have already died. The one fighting him, Roy, is strong," Albert said with full confidence.

"But that human was overpowered by my king. And even if my king died, I don't think everyone will follow me," the vampire said.

"It's fine. Even if the enemy is stronger, Roy has many tricks under his sleeves. As long as his mind is still clear, defeating someone stronger than him is easy for him. And I will tell you this as a king of a country. A leader who cares about his people, will have the people's trust. Since there are still many vampires who haven't drink vampire's blood, they are still clinging to hope of survival. Go out there and help the vampires retreat. Or you will lose every single vampire that are here," Albert said.

"…you won't kill us?" she asked.

Instead of answering her, Albert gave an order to everyone.

"Everyone! Ignore the vampires who are retreating! Focus only on those crazed vampires!"

Seeing Albert gave the order, the female vampire quickly go to a surviving Vampire Marquess, and told him that they should retreat so they can survive.

There weren't many vampires who would obey her. And she only leaves with those who want to leave. She also told them to carry the corpses of their allies with them.

"That's a good decision. Not the best, but good enough," Harold said. To which Henry nodded.

"Letting them go? What if they ask that Vampire Queen to attack us?" Lynn asked.

"They will know that we are too strong since we could even stop those crazed vampires. They will think twice before attacking us. Or there will be another way," Henry said.

"What way?"

"That lady vampire and those who are retreating, will come back here and ask for help. We don't know what kind of conflict between the two tribes, but if it's not something that can be finished with just the Vampire King's death, they will ask for our help. And then, we will have the vampires as our allies. Not many, but we will still be stronger," Albert explained.

Lynn nodded in understanding. Making their former enemies turned into allies is something good. But that's only if they will return to ask for help, and pay it back.

And even if the Vampire Queen's army decided to attack them, Albert knows that Roy won't let that happen. He will either told Albert that the Vampire Queen's army is coming, or finish them himself.

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Despite the vampires retreating, the battle is still not over. There are still fifty crazy vampires left, but they have drunk a lot of blood of their own kind.

Their strength has surpassed even the attack of the expert level mages. Whether they are being attacked by wind, earth, fire, or water magic, they can endure it and only got a slight injury.

"They can still get injured! Attack them more! Werewolves, aim at their heart!" Shelia gave the command to the other werewolves.

"Angels! Heal the injured, and support the werewolves!" Graham also lead the angels to help.

The battle is far from over. To defeat one vampire, they will need five expert level mages, and several werewolves. Even worse, as long as the vampire corpse is still remaining, the other vampires would come together and drink the blood of the corpse. Which only make them stronger.

The only one who is fine here is Jewel.

With her transformation into a rhino, her skin is thick enough to not get the vampire's fang pierce her. But for normal attack, she will still get injured. Though with her lightning element, the attacking vampires will be stunned, and the other can defeat that vampire.

That's the strategy that they devised after seeing how amazing Jewel's rhino form is. But it is still difficult to get the vampires focus on Jewel.

"When will Roy return!?" Kron shouted.

"That Vampire King must be much stronger than the ones we're fighting. He will come as soon as he killed the Vampire King. We must endure it," Fabio said.

"Rather than that, won't it be much better if we can defeat them all before Roy returns? We can tell him that he's so weak against just one vampire, while we're facing about hundreds of them. His expression will be priceless," Oleg said.

Hearing that, not just Kron. But Fabio and everyone who hears that sentence, become encouraged and think that it's best to defeat them before Roy returns.

"…I don't know what happened, but it seems like the group with Kron and the others have their morale raised all of a sudden," Albert said when he sees the location of where Kron and the others are.

Suddenly the atmosphere changed. The magic fluctuation in the area become much stronger.

Instantly, the battle paused. All the humans, werewolves, angels, and vampires, are stopped and looked at one direction. To the dome where Angela is breaking through.

Kayla quickly recovers from the shock, and stabbed a vampire in the heart with an Earth Spike, before shouting.

"Angela will finish her breakthrough soon! Everyone, fight!"

Angela's shout wakes everyone from their stupor, and they return back to fight. As for the vampires, they wanted to ignore those people and just charge at the dome where Angela is, but they are being blocked.

"We don't need Roy. As long as Angela has broken through, we can end the battle before Roy returns," Albert said.

"Is she waking up soon?" Lynn asked.

"Maybe she's already awake. Roy has left some food near her, so she might be eating her fill since she hasn't eaten for a while. Let's protect her a little longer. We can only check on her after the battle is over, or she will come out herself soon," Albert said.

Just as he said. Inside the dome, there's a starving girl who is filling her stomach with her favorite foods. Those foods were cooked by Lina, and Lina cooked them everyday because she knows that they are the food that Angela loves.

"I think it's time for me to go out."

The girl inside the dome said as she feels the battle outside the dome.

Chapter 431 - Elemental Master

"I think it's time for me to go out. The others are fighting to protect me. This time, I'll be the one protecting them."

Angela has finished filling her fill, and prepared to go out. She made an opening on the dome without much effort.

Even though the dome was there to cover her, it was still built by two expert level earth mages. Kayla and Celestine. Which mean, the earth dome was by no means weak. But Angela can open the dome easily without using much effort.

With just a wave of her hand, the dome opened. And she can see the battle in front of her.

Everyone is protecting her from the incoming monsters. At least that's what she thought.

It's true that the vampires are coming for her. But at this moment, they are no longer here for her. They just attacked everyone in sight. Including their own kind.

"Something is weird, but as long as my friends are fighting them, it means that they are my enemies," Angela said calmly.

Then, she's flying using her wind magic vertically to the sky to see the surrounding. Her flight speed is too fast. Faster than even Veronica who has been an expert level wind mage the longest among them. Although she's still slower than Spot, her speed is already the fastest among humans. Unless there are master level wind mage.

She's already faster than Roy. But in real battle, no one knows who will be the winner.

She's looking at the battlefield, and see Albert leading the army. She quickly went to his location.

"Albert! Who is our enemies?" Angela quickly asked him.

"Angela? Have you break through to expert level?" Albert asked.

"I did. I want to test it now. Anyway, who is our enemies? They seem like humans. But are they monsters just like the werewolves, angels, and elves?" Angela asked.

"Yes. They are vampires. At first, we are winning. But they drunk the blood of their own kind, and become stronger while losing their mind. They even started fighting among themselves. If not for the angels, many of us would have die already."

When Albert was talking to Angela, Kayla noticed that Angela has already left the dome, and went to her to greet her.

"Angela. It's been a while," Kayla greeted Angela.

"Kayla! I miss you!"

The two best friends are hugging each other in front of the king who is being ignored.

"How are you feeling?" Kayla asked.

"Strong!" Angela replied confidently.

"That's good. Are you going to join the fight?"

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"I am. But where is Roy? I don't see him anywhere," Angela asked.

"He's taking care of the Vampire King somewhere else. Shelia said that the Vampire King right now is already stronger than him, so it might take a while until his fight is over," Kayla said.

"I see. Well, that's just like him."

The two never lose their trust on Roy. They know and fully confident that Roy is fine, and he will return victorious. But for when he will return, they don't know yet.

And of course, no one know that Roy has just finished killing the Vampire King in space. No one would expect that Roy will bring the Vampire King to outer space just to kill him. That's just show how powerful the Vampire King is.

"Let's defeat everyone before he returns, shall we?" Angela said as she flies toward the battlefield.

Angela arrived and see about ten vampires fighting. Six of them are fighting the human army, while the other four were fighting among themselves.

Angela put her hand in front of her, and easily use magic.

It was an ice magic. Or at least it was seen as ice magic for others.

She used ice to freeze the ten vampires, but that's not all she did. Because if it's just that, other people have tried it, and the vampires can destroy the ice.

But with her strength, the ice she created is very strong, and won't break easily. It helps with stopping the movement of the vampires.

The ice only freezes the lower body of the vampires. Not the whole body. But that's what Angela wanted to test.

Now, all her four elements have combined into one. Whether it's fire, ice, wind, or earth, she can use whatever she wants at the same time. Which mean, although the ice was meant to stop the vampires, it's not cold at all for the vampires.

But it was the opposite.


"It's hot!"

Although the vampire lost their mind, they can still talk. And the vampires who have their lower body frozen, were feeling as if their lower body is being burned by fire.

"The ice is burning? That Angela has grown monstrously strong," Kayla said with a smile.

"Burning ice? That's impossible, right?" Lynn asked.

"We don't know the limit of what magic can do. No one has reached that level. Someone can reach master level, but that doesn't mean they know the limit of magic. The only thing we can do is just to get stronger as much as possible. And Angela is showing us how powerful and amazing magic truly is," Kayla explained.

Kayla is still with Albert and the other kings as Angela was too fast. She couldn't follow her at all. Although she can move by using the earth as a wave and surf it, it was far too slow compared to an expert level wind mage.

And with Angela who has surpassed average expert level wind mage, no one can keep up with her speed.

Angela continuously using magic which are new for others to see. She boosted her flying speed with the help of fire magic, blowing the enemies away with fire, and many other things which shouldn't make sense.

"…that was fast," Kayla said to Angela who has returned back to where Kayla is. The others have also gathered after Angela defeated the vampires they were fighting.

"Right now, you are the strongest one among us," Albert said, full of praises toward the newly risen expert level mage.

"Not really. I need to fight Roy first to see which one of us is the strongest," Angela said.

"You want to fight Roy for that?" Kayla asked.

"No. I want to fight Roy because I know that he's the only one I can fight all out with at the moment. Using all four of my elements. No, they are all have combined into one, so I only have one element, which contains those four elements. What should I call it?"

"We'll just call you Elemental Master. You were one after all," Kayla said.

"I think that's fine. So, shall we fight?" Angela said all of a sudden. As if she's picking a fight with everyone. But her proposal was only targeted to one man.

"…why are you picking a fight with me right away? I just returned from space; you know?"

The one Angela talked to has just returned. He landed next to her after a short run from where he transported using portal.

"I want to test my strength," Angela said.

"We'll do that later. There are still many enemies coming, and both of us are tired. Albert, are you going to lead the battle again?" Roy asked Albert.

"…I can't do that. Everyone is tired just from fighting the vampires. I'll ask you to return us to our homes," Albert said.

"Wait! Something is coming! Something huge and dangerous!"

All of a sudden, Roy warned the others. He also prepared a portal to Albert's palace so those who are tired can leave right away. He's too tired and can't open too many portals now, but he still needs to save his magic for the incoming enemies.

Many people entered the portal because their kings ordered them to, but some are still waiting there to see what Roy sees.

The monsters that appears are big and strong. Various dragons, behemoth, and many unknown monsters that humans had never encountered.

"Oh, no! If it's like this, the village will be destroyed!" Lynn shouted.

"…don't worry, we're fine," Roy said calmly as he looked up to the sky.

From the sky, their huge friends appear. It was the Kaiser Dragon, Alejandro.

The gigantic dragon with short limbs compared to his large body is descending from the sky, and roared loudly.

"Embrace yourself!"

Roy used a lot of magic to stop the loud roar from reaching the others. But it's not only the roar that's dangerous. It's the Intimidation from the Kaiser Dragon which makes many of them collapsed.

There are only two people left standing, while the others are on the ground looking at Alejandro in fear. The two are Roy and Angela.

The other monsters who appeared, quickly escaped from the Kaiser Dragon. And no one wanted to come back ever again.

Just with his appearance, Alejandro is capable of destroying the will of monsters that no one dares to approaches.

Alejandro then approached Roy and the others. Although the distance is still quite far, that's just how close he can get to the others.

"Sorry, I'm late," Alejandro said.

"No. You're on time. Thank you for coming," Roy replied.

With that, the battle to protect Angela to breakthrough is finally over.. With zero casualties.

Chapter 432 - I Can Go Home Now

When I return, the battle was just over, and I can see everyone is surrounding Angela, so I went there as well.

She picked a fight with me right away? But I'm too tired, so I refused it and said to do it next time.

Maybe because she has finally broken through that there are more monsters approaching. And their strength levels are incomparable to the strength of the Vampire King.

The approaching monsters are powerful. Like dragons, a four-legged giant beast that might be behemoth, a Giant bird covered in flame, and many other strong monsters that no matter how powerful I am right now, it's nearly impossible to defeat them.

So, before they come, I opened a portal to Albert's palace to get everyone to safety. After everyone entered the portal, I thought of getting the werewolves, elves, and angels to enter as well since this place won't be safe any longer. And the village will be destroyed if just one of those monsters come.

If it's just one of them, I believe that with my strength, I can defeat it. But there are just too many of them.

But before Albert and the others left, I see my good friend approaching. The Kaiser Dragon, Andro.

He roared loudly, while inducing his intimidation into the roar. Making all the monsters retreat in fear, while also making some of us collapsed. Though they are still conscious, only two of us are still standing. Angela and I.

Seeing that, I know that Angela is already stronger than Spot. As for me, if I go all out and use everything, only then I can barely defeat Spot. The same Spot who is afraid of the Kaiser Dragon's intimidation.

Despite his strength, it seems like I'm stronger than him mentally.

"Sorry, I'm late," Andro said.

I just told him that he came on time, and thanked him for coming.

Seems like I got one of the strongest monsters as my friend. It's amazing that I can befriend him just by scratching his back.

I scratched his back, and now he's scratching my back. If he arrives a little later, we all would have gone by that time, and the village might have been ransacked by the monsters. So, I am very grateful to him.

While waiting for everyone to recover, I let those who have entered the portal to come back. Good thing I haven't closed the portal yet, or I will spend more mana later when I return them back to their own kingdom.

And those who have transported with the portal, didn't feel the full intimidation from Andro, so they are fine and can still walk.

Other than those who came from Tatrama's capital, the others entered the portal and return back to Monsters World.

I use this chance to introduce Andro to everyone.

"This is Alejandro. Our big friend. He won't be able to help much when we're in our world, but in this world, we can rely on him," I said.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Alejandro. Roy call me Andro. You can call me anything you want," Andro said.

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"…Roy, you have so many amazing friends. Not just the kings of the four countries, but also this gigantic dragon," Oleg said.

"I know, right?" I said proudly.

"I think I should go now. Visit me often, okay?" Andro said, as he flies off somewhere after seeing everyone is afraid of him.

I think he knows that with him staying here, it will be hard for those who got hit by his intimidation to recover. That's why he left. I'll visit him later as a thank. Maybe I should roast some monster and throw them into his mouth later.

"Huff… he's gone. I feel better now. I feel sorry for this, but this can't be helped," Albert said.

"Ow… I'm too old for this," old man Henry said.

As for the other king and empress, Harold is laughing while Lynn is on the verge of crying. She's being consoled by Celestine.

"I think it's best that you return for now and get some rest," I suggested.

"That's right. But I also have something to discuss. Possibly, with everyone here. Everyone, get some rest tomorrow. And then Roy, please gather everyone in two days. We'll meet in the monster's village," Albert said.


He probably wants to give reward to those who did well. I don't know how the battle goes, but I can ask Kayla later.

I opened a portal to Consenza, Varadis, and also to Bernard's mansion in Arturo. Celestine chooses to go to Consenza with Lynn, Claudia, and her army. Fabio and Carmen also want some time with their family as they entered Bernard's mansion and greeted by Luna who has been waiting for a while. She must have known the exact moment that I opened the portal from her Future Vision.

Next is those from Tatrama. I opened several portals to everyone to return. We have the most people after all. And Oleg and Hill will return back to the city they protect.

"Roy, I have something to tell you."

Before Albert leaves, he wanted to say something to me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I let the female vampire that Shelia brought with her alive, and she retreated with some vampires," Albert said.

"Why!? What if they return to get revenge!?"

"I don't think she will do that. But I don't know about the other vampires. She told me that there's a Vampire Queen who is from different tribe than the Vampire King you fought. They don't get along well. My guess is that the Vampire Queen will use this chance when the troops of the Vampire King is at the weakest to eliminate them. And the female Vampire Duke I let go might return here asking for help. She's different from the Vampire King who told the vampires to drink blood from their own kind. If she really come back, I'll be the one negotiating with her," Albert said.

"You want to get the vampires as our allies?" I asked.

"Yes," he said confidently.

"If you're that confident, you must have something planned already. I'll get the werewolves to inform me if they come. I'll make sure that they won't fight the vampires. I also need to go to the village first to see the situation there before returning to Cassau," I said.

"Good. Then, see you later," Albert said as he entered the portal.

Now that everyone except for the usual group from Cassau has returned.

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"Do you want to return right away, or you want to see the village before leaving?" I asked the others.

"I'll return and get some rest. I never expected the battle to go this long," Kayla said.

"Since we won't be fighting anytime soon, I'll be returning as well," Angela said. Seems like she still wants to fight me.

Following those two, the others also returned back to Cassau. As for Shirley, she has left with Albert to the palace.

Well, all that's left are the Shelia, Graham, and me. Let's check on the village before returning home.

"How's the village?' I asked the two as Shelia and I run, and Graham is flying next to us.

"There are some monsters attacking us, but we're fine. The elves helped build fences to protect the village by using some kind of plant," Graham said.

"We will be having a great feast from all the monsters we caught," Shelia said.

So, it's food for the werewolves? That's fine, I guess. I will give them some chicken nuggets later as a reward.

As for the angels, I don't know what they want. And the elves, I will let Lina take care of them.

When I arrive at the village, I was greeted by the Elf Queen, Tia.

"Welcome back. Thank you for your hard work," Tia said.

"Is there any problem here?" I asked.

"Not at all. The werewolves and the angels are very helpful. Though they are tired and resting at the moment," Tia said.

"That's good. So, this is the fences you made?"

I look around the village, and it is being surrounded by fences made of plant.

"It's not much, but it can hold weak monsters like goblins. Even though we are coward, there are still other things that we can do," Tia said.

"I see. Shelia, Graham, and Tia. There's a chance that the vampire will return. As long as they are here not to fight, don't fight them. Albert has something that he wants from them. I don't know what it is, but it should be good if he thinks so," I said.

"…do we have to let them in the village?" Tia asked. Seems like she's afraid of the vampires.

"You don't have to. We were just at war with each other. Just have them stay outside the village, and contact Sonia, or use the Blobby in your possession. I'll come as soon as possible," I said.

"Understood." Tia said. Graham and Shelia nodded as well.

"Oh, and in two days, everyone will return to have a meeting in the village. Albert said that it's something important."

"So, it will be the first time that that building will be used," Tia said as she pointed at the building in the middle of the village, near the artificial lake.

"Albert might want to ask for your attendance as well. Well, we can only know in two days. Since everything here is alright, I will return now. Have a good rest," I said.

I used portal to return back to my room, and as soon as I lie on the bed, I instantly fell into slumber.

What a tiring day…

Chapter 433 - My Boring And Peaceful Day

Finally, a day off. No training, no protecting, just me and everyone relaxing.

What should I do now? Everyone has their own way to spend the time. Even Victoria is locking herself in her room to write new stories about vampires.

Angela, Kayla, Sophie, and Lina are going shopping.

Candy and Wendy are going somewhere.

I guess I'll play with the kids then.

"No! You're not allowed to play! We're going to have a game of tag! If you play with us, you're going to cheat!" Daniel said when I asked the kids if I can play with them.

Now, how do I fix my broken heart and soul? More sleep?

…I always wanted to have some peace, but now that I have a momentary peace, I don't know what to do. And everyone is busy. I don't want to bother them.

But a boring and peaceful day is great. I don't need to do anything.

Well, I'll just go find a good place to sleep. Although Victoria is busy, she still made some clones for me. I can turn them into a bed somewhere. The lake we used to go for a picnic is a good place. Lina also planted some beautiful flower there, so the sight has become more amazing.

But when I transported there, Jewel is already there. She's with Hannah who wants to learn some fighting skill.

"That's right. You can use your leg to kick higher. It's rare for the enemy to focus on your leg when you are this close. Especially if they are too used in using their magic. They will think that as long as your hands are in sight, they can do anything," Jewel said to Hannah.

"But my kick lack power," Hannah said.

"As Master said, if you lack power, then instead of hitting once, you need to hit multiple times more," Jewel said.

She's acting like Hannah's master and happily taught her what she wants to learn. I think it's best to not bother them anymore.

I guess sleeping won't be a choice after seeing someone using their rest day to train. I can't show her my weakness as her master. Though I think I have shown a lot of weaknesses to her.

Let's just walk around Cassau. Who knows what I will see? Other than Angela and Kayla changing their clothes in the fitting room of a clothing store.

When I started living in this city, there are too many unruly men who keep trying to hit on the girls. But now, many people here have known to not cause trouble to them, or anyone related to me. People here are grateful to me for keeping bad guys out of the city. Though I can't say anything about hunters coming from outside.

And as expected, there are some outsiders who are trying to force their ways with girls in the street. Everyone avoided them as they proudly saying that they are B-ranked hunters.

…it's another peaceful day.

"Roy, you're not going to help those girls?"

Candy and Wendy who were passing by, noticed me and approached me. And Candy asked me if I'm not going to do anything to those thugs.

"It's my day off, and I don't want to do anything that will cause trouble," I said.

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"…so, you know that your method in taking care of people like them will only make new enemies for you?" Candy asked.

I nodded in agreement.

That's right. Usually, my method will end up with people like them to hate me to death, and think about revenge. That's why I don't want to do anything. And it's not like those girls are in trouble since they seem to be calm.

"If you want to help them, you can," I said to Candy and Wendy.

"Roy, look. Those girls are air mages." Wendy said as she pointed at the girls.

I look closely at those girls and… as expected, I don't remember them. Maybe they were my student, or Sara's. I think it's Sara's since I don't remember about them.

There are two girls who are being harassed. And each girl has a small pebble in their hand. They aimed those pebble at the men, and shot them with enough power to knock those men out instantly.

"Hmm… they packed quite a punch. Nice shots," I said.

The two girls heard my praise, but they look away in disdain as they left. They are really not my students.

"They hate you. Did you do something to them?" Candy asked.

"You've seen what happened. I don't even know those two. Anyway, where are you going now?" I asked.

"We're going to buy some underwear," Candy said.

"…Can I come?" I asked.

"Obviously not!" Wendy is the one answering.

"Well, have a nice day," I said as I left the two.

Seriously, today is very peaceful. Why can't days like this continue for the rest of my life?

It's because of the cult.

Let's stop thinking about it, or my day off will be gone while thinking about them. I should relax for today.

Oh? The arena is crowded with people. I guess after the tournament, the arena will be used more often. Let's watch the fight since I have nothing else to do.

Compared to the tournament, the fight in the arena is in a much smaller scale. It's mostly about two sides in disagreement, and decide the result by duel.

Most of them are just lower-level mages, so it was not interesting for me who have trained with expert level mages.

There were some B or even A-ranked hunters fighting. But they are not interesting.

I left after watching three fights.

I went to the restaurant, but on the way, a pickpocket kid is trying to grab my wallet. But I move faster than him.

I grabbed all the money and the Hunter Card in my wallet, and put them in another pocket. Next, when he grabbed my wallet, I also grabbed his pouch which is full of money. I even have a time to write a note saying that his money has been stolen while trying to steal my money.

After that, out of boredom, I watched his reaction. The shock in his face after knowing that his money has disappear is priceless. I don't care for what reason he's stealing, but once he's trying to steal from me, he's my enemy. There's no mercy even if he's a kid.

Though I don't think he can read as he threw away the note right away. He returned back to where I stole his money with teary eyes.

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Once he saw me, instead of apologizing, he attacked me out of nowhere.

"Return my money!"

The boy, who seems to be about twelve or thirteen, shouted as soon as he finds me.

"Return my wallet first," I said.

I know that he has thrown away my wallet when he saw that it was empty.

Well, most of my money is in my Hunter Card after all. Although I have some money in my pocket, even if they got stolen, I still have my Hunter. That's why I don't mind losing my wallet.

But this kid just shouted to return his money and making it as if I'm the bad guy. What an annoying kid.

He even makes sure that everyone in the street hears his shout.

Well, I'm bored anyway, so let's play along with him.

"Those money… those money are for the medical bills! My mother is hospitalized and I need those money to pay for surgery! She's in the university hospital and if they didn't do the surgery anytime soon, my mother will lose her life!" the boy shouted.

Many people watching by sympathized with the boy. Is he going to challenge me in acting? Boy, my acting skill is far more superior than yours.

"But my wallet is more important than a stranger's life! It's my heart and soul even though it's empty! I inherited it from the mother of my neighbor's cousin's friend's nephew!" I said.

"…That's just stranger! Please give my money back so I can pay for the surgery!"

By this time, the guards have arrived. But none of them seem to know me as they are trying to arrest me from stealing.

Is the boy's acting more persuasive?

Well, I guess it's time to speak the truth.

"Alright. That wallet means nothing." I said.

"So, you will give my money back?" the boy asked.

"Now, boy. I didn't say that. By the way, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm surgeon and here's my medical license. Now, tell me the name of your hospitalized mother, and what illness she has. Or else, you're the one lying and you will be the one getting arrested," I said while showing him my medical license. I also show it to the guards.

Now, the guards are confused since I spoke the truth, and realized that the boy is the one lying.

"So, what's your mother's name, and what's her illness?" I asked again.

"Ah! Seems like I got the wrong person. Sorry." The boy quickly escaped the guards. He's quite fast. He must have run a lot and trained those legs.

Well, I don't care. At least I had waste five minutes playing with him.

Now what?

There's nothing else interesting happening today. But that's a good thing for a day off. Although it's boring, I don't hate it. Boring is good.

And I spent the day in a boring way without anything interesting.

I slept well after that, and when I wake up, it's time for more work. Albert asked for a meeting with everyone in Monsters World.. And there will probably more job for me so I can't get another boring day again for a while.

Chapter 434 - Victory Feast

Today is the day for the meeting that Albert scheduled. Good thing that we built the place for the meeting to be big enough to hold a lot of people. Everyone who participated in the battle can join us.

But before we go there, Albert called me through Sonia to meet him right away. Not knowing what he's planning, I go there to meet him.

"What's up, Albert?" I greeted the king of Tatrama.

"What's up?" Albert replied casually seeing me arrive.

"I know that everyone here already knows the truth, and know that you two are good friends. But please don't act so casually toward a king in front of the others," Marie scolded us both.

"Even if I'm the Werewolf King? And the leader of the angels as well?" I complained.

"That's a king in different world. Or different planet to be exact. And King of different races. By the way, I have already figure out how to travel between planet. In theory at least. I need a lot of experiment before that can happen," Marie said.

""Don't even think about it anytime soon.""

Both Albert and I replied together at the same time. Seems like Victoria wanted to say something, but Albert and I spoke first.

"You have already made so many amazing inventions. There's no doubt that the cult has marked you as a target. Either for assassination, or to capture you for your intellect. If you build something that can help us travel between planets, they will ignore everything and aim for you whatever it takes. As your husband, I can't take that risk," Albert said.

"He's right. Too risky. Just writing down the idea is bad enough. If somehow it was leaked, it will be disastrous. At least put off that idea until the cult is destroyed," I said.

With her help, she can make many other inventions that will help us fight against the cult. I don't want her to be targeted by the cult this early. Well, another reason is that she's my friend's wife.

"I understand. I won't speak about this matter ever again until the cult is destroyed," Marie said as she left the two of us alone, and went to her children.

Now that we have more people we can trust, and his palace is filled with them, Lana is no longer staying in my place as she can show herself to everyone here. And about her magic that she can use ever since she was born, she can use it exceptionally well. In fact, I heard from her aunt, Shirley, that Lana is already intermediate level ice mage. And she hasn't awakened her other elements yet! If there are any.

As for Alan, he was raised well that he doesn't feel any sign of jealousy to his sister. In fact, he was more of a smart kid than a talented one. He understands everything that was taught to him.

The twin has grown really well. I'm so proud even though I'm not their parent. I'm just the doctor who delivered them.

There's something I'm curious about the space travel that Marie told us all of a sudden.

"Victoria. Was it you who asked her for a method for space travel?" I asked Victoria.

"…that's right," she replied.

"I know what you're thinking. You want to see if the world you were in originally is one of the planets out there, right? I know you miss home after reincarnated in this world a long time ago, but you're in too much hurry. Not only you will risk Marie to be targeted by the cult, but also everyone else as well. Be patient for now," I said.

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"…I understand. Sigh… I just wanted to show you how amazing my world is. I'm sure you will realize the greatness of fujoshi," Victoria said.


Nope. There's no way I would like that stuff. She has tricked me about fujoshi before, and I won't get tricked again. I already know what a fujoshi is. I'm smarter than I was before.

"Anyway, let's get to the main point. I called you here to bring all of these to the meeting place later," Albert said as he spread his arms to show me what I will bring.

"…there's a lot of tables and dishes. Are we going to have a feast?" I asked.

"That's right. I had the servants to cook a lot of dishes for everyone. Including a lot of meat dishes for the werewolves, and vegetarian dishes for the elves. Although they didn't participate directly, I heard that they built fences to protect the village," Albert said.

Just as he said, there are a lot of dishes to bring. They should be enough for everyone. Maybe.

The werewolves and I eat a lot, so we might need more meat. Does the vegetarian dishes delicious? I'll try them as well. I'm not picky about food like the werewolves or the elves. As long as they are delicious, I want them all.

Oh! There are cakes as well. Let's hide one for myself later.

"Roy," Victoria whispered to me.


"I want that cheesecake."

"Chocolate cake is better. I can only hide one cake, or it will be suspicious if there are two or more cakes to hide."

"…I hate you."

"You hate chocolate cake?"

"You have to share with me," Victoria said.

Although she doesn't need food, she can still taste them. And she likes sweets and cakes.

When I asked her about it in the past, she said that it was like a dream come true to be able to eat as many things as she wants, without having to pay attention to her weight. But she still regrets that there are many dishes that are not exist in this world.

When I replied by saying that I never need to care about my weight as well, she didn't talk to me for three days. It's a taboo to say it in front of women. At least the women around me.

After getting everything to the Monsters World, with the help of the servants as well, I told the Werewolves, the elves, and the angels, to not eat anything until everyone has arrive.

And the werewolves replied by saying that they will protect the food with their lives. While looking at them and drooling.

Can I trust them?

I suppose I have to bring everyone here as fast as possible before they start eating.

Everyone has prepared to go, so I don't need to use portal to many locations. I also let them bring family and friends as well. Of course, only those who have been approved by Albert can join. And he needs to meet them from before, and not meeting them today for the first time.

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And so, the place is filled with kids from four countries playing together with werewolves' children, angels' children, and the elves' children as well.

If yesterday was a peaceful and boring day, today is a peaceful and not boring day.

"Today, we will celebrate for our victory against the vampires! Congratulation to everyone here! Have a feast for today!" Albert simply announced.

I don't think that's the main reason that we're all here. There should be another important thing that he will discuss with us. But for now, let's hide the chocolate cake before anyone notices.

No one is looking? Good. I will transport the chocolate cake to my room, and eat it alone later.

"If you can't bring home the cheesecake, then I should eat as much as possible here!" Victoria said as she transformed into her human form.

"Just because I saved one for later, doesn't mean that I won't eat other dishes here!" And I declared that I will taste at least each one of the dishes here.

"Roy. Albert is calling for you," Sonia suddenly appeared as I was immersed in the fried rice.


"Roy. Henry, Harold, and Lynn are calling for you as well," Sonia said again.


"Roy. It's important," Sonia won't stop until I go and meet the kings.


Finally, she left. And then, the one coming next is Kayla.

"Roy. We're going to meet Albert and the others right now. If you don't, I will tell everyone that you stole the only chocolate cake here. Obviously, someone noticed. But I don't know if Albert notices. Go right now."

…that's a threat. Am I someone who will surrender to a threat? Yes.

"…I'll bring some food to eat during our talk," I said.

Everyone here is having a feast beside the artificial lake, while we are inside the meeting place. The building next to the lake.

When I enter, the four kings have been waiting, along with the usual group.

Only I and Shelia stand out as we are bringing our own food to the meeting place.

"…yes, you can eat while we're having a discussion," Albert said as soon as he saw me entering the building with a tray of foods.

"Thank you. Now, this must be the real reason why you're asking everyone to gather. Just tell us," I said.

I don't think he has started the discussion since everyone is curious about what he wants to say.

"This is very important. The world is in danger," Albert said seriously.

"…why don't you tell me something I don't know instead?"

Chapter 435 - Pointless Meeting

"Like I said, the world is in danger," Albert repeated his words in a serious tone.

"And like I said, tell me something I don't know. I know about the cult from the start, and I knew about the world in danger ever since Javier told us about it. And everyone has already known about it. You should explain yourself why you're saying it twice," I said.

Javier has told us that the world is being destroyed by the cult. First, it was our world. The one that I died protecting. Next was Monsters World. Because of Monsters World getting destroyed, Javier used his power to return me to the past and made sure I can communicate with Victoria right away.

Normally, I need to reach intermediate level first to be able to communicate with Victoria. But Javier, and the other consciousnesses in the Black Slime, including Victoria herself, used the power to make Victoria able to talk with me, and also to get Javier meet me once I reached intermediate level.

That was why I am not interested in this talk if it's just about the world is in danger. I know about it from the start. I don't know what happened after I died, but Javier has told me what will happen after I died.

"Well, let me explain. From the previous battle, when we're up against the vampires, I realized that none of us knew the danger we are facing. Most of them think that everything will be fine. Especially since we have Roy and several expert level mages. That's why I knew that we lack in our sense of urgency," Albert said.

"I see. That is true. I didn't sense it at all until the vampires started drinking other vampires' blood. Once the vampires have grown stronger, and we are losing, only then that our people started to think about the fight seriously. If Angela didn't come out sooner, some of us might have died," old man Harold explained.

"Old man is right. Thanks to Roy, we are more prepared and stronger as well. That's why most of us feel normal even if enemies are attacking. In fact, we are fine because we know that other people, like Roy or any expert level mages, will help us. We truly lack the sense of urgency," Albert said.

Really? A sense of urgency? I always know that the world is going to be destroyed though. Must be other people.

"Well, isn't it fine as long as they fight? Or don't tell me that you never give them motivation to fight?" I asked Albert and the other kings.


Wait, no one answering? They just told the people that we're going to fight, but never gave them any motivation.

"Well, other than the kingdom and the world is in danger, I have never given my people any other kind of motivation," old man Henry said.

"Me too. I thought it was enough to have an army of people whom I can trust. But they just follow my order, and no more than that," Albert said.

"As for me, I don't even know whom I can trust other than Celestine and Claudia. The people I brought with me are loyal. But to the empire, and not to me. Which is great, but that mean they are unlikely to put their lives on the line in a battle like before against the vampires to protect someone they don't even know. They treated it as a simulation battle and not a real battle," Lynn said.

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Well, that's their problem. There's nothing I can do about that.

As the three finished talking, all of us then look at the last king who hasn't speak a word.

"What are you looking at? I'm not even a king anymore. Someone took my place. Trusting just one person is already good enough," Harold said.

Well, that's the king who is not a king anymore.

"So, what you all need are motivation, right? Figure it out yourself. I don't know what you expect from me about this thing," I said.

"Well, I started thinking about this after the fight. When I saw that there are more powerful monsters than the vampires, I realized that the cult might have something even more powerful than them if they could destroy this world," Albert said.

"That should be obvious, no? And the reason I tried to destroy the cult as soon as possible is so that they won't gain enough power to do that yet. Kill them before they grow stronger, or creating more invention that will help them do so," I said.

"Victoria, and Sonia as well. Can you tell me something? If Roy fight against powerful Aura user during the time you were both humans, can he win?" Albert asked Victoria and Sonia.

"Yes. Unlike most Aura users, Roy used tricks as well in his fight. So, can he win? Of course," Victoria said, in which Sonia nodded in agreement.

"I mean if Roy won't use any kind of tricks. Will he be able to win with his current strength?"


"Definitely no."

Victoria and Sonia said.

Well, I also don't expect that with my power, I could defeat powerful Aura user of the past.

"If the story is right, the Evil God thinks that Aura users can stop him. Even with Roy who has defeated an artificial master level mage, he is still weak compared to Aura users of the past. Doesn't it mean the enemy is much stronger than we thought?" Albert said.

"…the enemy has always been stronger than us. That's obvious. What are you trying to say? That there's a level of magic beyond master?" I said.

Beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert, and master. Those are the five level of magic that we always know.

Expert level can be considered as the strongest since there hasn't been any record of a master level in history, and master level was considered as a legend which is impossible to achieve. But what if there's another level beyond that? And someone in the cult, probably the one called the Evil God, is that person.

Hearing that, everyone was stunned. They thought that master level was already too strong. No one would have guessed that there is other level beyond master. But it's not something that we know about.

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"So, Angela, what do you think about it?"

Seeing everyone is still stunned, I asked Angela. Instead of fear, what she's feeling is hope.

"Doesn't it mean that I can grow much stronger again?" Angela said casually.

"Isn't that right? From the time I told you and Kayla about the past, I have only asked you to do one thing. Grow stronger. If the enemy is a master level mage, then we just need to grow stronger than that. Motivation? I don't know about that. But I know that there are many among us who wants to be the strongest. Albert, old man, Lynn, and Harold. All of you might be the leader of your country. You can lead people, but you don't know their desire. Just the previous tournament is already proof enough that many people wish to be the strongest. And the next tournament, between four countries, there will be more people who wants to be called as the strongest. All of you have underestimated people's desire," I said.

Doing it to protect themselves, to be the strongest, to protect other people, for fame, for wealth, for the reward given to them, there are many easy ways to motivate people. Sense of urgency? All hunters know that every mission they took, might be their last one. The guards? They must know that if they can't protect anything, they shouldn't be a guard.

Sense of urgency might be important, but being in a hurry won't give much progress. Each people have their own pace. One can slide down from a hill without stopping, but others need to walk with the help of a cane to progress. If those with cane sliding down the hills, once they stop, they won't be able to stand up.

"…so, this discussion is pointless. Roy is right. We can't ask everyone to save the world. They will fight, but for different reason. There's nothing we can do even if we are the kings," old man Henry said.

"If the enemy is strong, we need to be stronger? That's sound simple. But there's really nothing else we can do," Albert said.

"See? Now that the meeting is over, there's other dishes that I haven't tasted yet. Right now, my motivation is to eat every single dish at least once. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have food to eat," I said as I was about to leave.

"Ah, Roy! Wait!" Albert called.

"What is it?"

"I also want to eat. Especially the chocolate cake that you hide. Bring it back to the table," Albert said.

"How did you know!?"

"I have been aiming at it from the start. Of course I know when it's missing from the feast," Albert said.

I thought Kayla told him about it.

"Then, I want something in exchange," I said.

"No. Cake, or there won't be any more feast for you in the future," Albert threatened me.

"…I hate you."

"Nothing you can do about it."

With no choice, I grabbed the cake from my room and put it on the table with other dishes. The smell of the chocolate even raises the appetite of the werewolves who loves meat.

At least I need to get the biggest slice.

Chapter 436 - Drowned Guests

The feast continued while the kings are still discussing about something. Helping each other with making a motivational speech, I guess?

For me, I don't need it. Kill the enemy so I can gain my wish of peace.

The enemy might be stronger than even master level mage. But if it's the person who killed all Aura users in the past because he's thinking that Aura user can defeat him, I might be able to kill him. Though that will be difficult.

Just being able to cut through magic might not be enough. I might need other thing as well. Even Javier's master can only seal the guy.

Let's see what I can do. I can shoot him, slash him, stab him, crush him, but I still need other things. My magic is too weak, so the best thing I can ask is for other to get stronger. Luckily, Angela has grown much stronger than anyone I ever fought.

Oh, right. I promised her for a fight. Well, I'll do it next time.

Also, seeing how powerful the monsters in this world, the cult might have quite a lot of powerful tamers. That way, it's not impossible for them to tame a dragon. Maybe even Alejandro.

For now, eating is the most important thing.

Let's forget about difficult things for today, and eat to my heart content…

"Wait, where are the meat!? Where are they!?" I shouted and gaining everyone's attention.

"There are meats, and there are werewolves. Where do you think they could be?" Kron said while biting on a steak.

"As I thought, I shouldn't have joining that discussion. Werewolves! Don't you dare touch the cakes!"

This might be stingy for me to act like this and ordered the werewolves something stupid, but I won't let them eat the cakes since they have eaten all the meat.

"Don't worry. We're full," Jack said while patting his own belly.

What about the angels? What are they eating?

Well, they seem to not be the kind like werewolves that grabbed everything that fits into their mouth. They gracefully only eat what they want, as much as they can fill their stomach, and done just after that.

For once, I like the angels over the werewolves.

As for the elves, I can't see the difference between them and goats as they are eating green vegetables.

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Other than eating, there are many kids and family having fun entering the artificial lake. Since we built that lake, there hasn't been any fishes inside there. And other than the middle part which is so deep, it should be fine if the kids are not going there.

The kids are playing peacefully. Well, actually no. When kids are playing, there's no doubt that it will be noisy. And it's amazing to see kids from different races playing together.

The children of the elves were afraid of going too deep into the water. They can only go as deep as their ankles. They are coward just like their parents.

The children of the angels don't want to get wet. They are flying above the lake.

The children of the werewolves are play fighting in the deeper part of the lake.

The children of humans… being led by Daniel, they are pranking the children of other races. Splashing water to the angels that don't want to get wet, pulling the elves deeper into the lake, and laughing at the werewolves.

Daniel is being taught well by me.

"Daniel is growing to be an evil child. How do you think about it?" Sophie asked me as I was eating while watching the kids.

"I taught him well," I said proudly.

"Only you would say that. By the way, have you told Angela when and where you two will fight?" Sophie asked.

"Not yet. Angela had told me that she wants at least a week in Monsters World to get used to her power. I think the soonest we can fight is next week," I replied.

While we're chatting, Daniel is running over here while shouting something.

"Roy! There's something under the lake!"

"There's no way that anything could be there. We built the lake, and I have seen it many times that there are no other things under there. There's not even a fish. Only some water plants that was planted by the elves. Maybe that's what it is," I said.

Although I said that, I haven't used my Divine Vision at all since I was too focused on eating. There's no need to use it when I'm having fun seeing things normally.

"Roy! There's something in the lake!"

This time, the one who shouted was Sara. She has a good pair of eyes, so this time, I believed it and used my Divine Eyes to see what's wrong.

There's shouldn't be anything in the lake, right?

Wait, there are really something inside the lake! There are several corpses inside the lake!

"Tell Albert that the vampires are here," I said to Sophie and the others nearby.

"They're here? Should we prepare to fight?" Sara asked as she grabbed her rifle. She always carried it with her ever since she received it.

"No need. They are drowning and unconscious. Get all water mages here so they can get the water out of the vampires' lungs," I said.

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Since there are kids inside the lake, the water mage can't use magic to get the drowned vampires out of the lake. So, I asked the werewolves to grab them.

I pointed at where the vampires are under the water, while the werewolves will dive and take them out of the lake, to where the water mages are ready to get the water out of the lung. There are also some healers to heal the vampires just in case. Sophie is also there to massage their chests so they can start breathing again. Unless the vampires have drowned for too long, they should be able to recover.

Everyone was wondering about the vampires. Especially the family and friends of those who participated in the battle.

Why are they back again? And most importantly, why are they drowned?

"Look! That's the female vampire from before," Shelia said as she pointed at a familiar female vampire that Albert let go. She's the Vampire Duke, so she should be the one with the highest rank.

"What happened here?" Albert and the others have arrived, and confused as they see the situation.

"Well, the vampires are here. Not in a way that any one of us would expect. They are drowned and carried by the river to the lake," I said.

"Are they dead?" Albert asked.

"I don't think so. Not yet anyway. If they are killed before they are drowned, there's no way to revive them. But if they are just drowned, it's possible for them to survive. Don't you know? I'm a doctor," I said proudly.

"But how could this happen?" Albert asked.

"I don't know. For now, I will help the others to revive those drowned vampires first. But what I do know is that… vampires can't float," I said as I massaged the chest of the female Vampire Duke to make her come back to live after Carmen get the water out of her lung.

Yes, I picked her first even though there are other vampires who had their lung cleared out of the water.

The girls aren't looking at me kindly, but this vampire should be the one whom we can trust the most. At least she's the only one that Albert has meet and talked with. So, she must be the first to come back to live.

Just a few seconds after massaging her chest, her heart has beating again. I wish her heart won't beat for a few more minutes. But if that's the case, I don't know how to explain it to the girls.

Though after the Vampire Duke has returned back to life, other female vampires are being treated by the girls. Sigh… I guess I can just let the others to do it since everyone needs to learn first aid.

"Is she waking up?" Albert asked.

"Soon. With us nearby, they won't be able to do much. But let's get the kids and non-combatant away from here. Elves! Get the kids to play around in the trees!" I told Tia and the other elves to take care of the kids.

Since they are kids, they will love tree house. That's what I am thinking. And I was right as the children of the elves started showing off about their tree houses to kids of other races. Daniel seems to be the one who is excited the most. I guess I'll try building one later.

"Just what could have happened?" Lynn asked.

"I don't know. But since there are no obvious wound from anything, I don't think that they are fighting something. Maybe water is their weakness? They can't swim. Or maybe they loss a lot of blood to survive underwater. I know for one that even the Vampire King could survive in outer space just by using energy from the blood he consumed. Since they might want to drink some blood, everyone needs to keep their distance from the vampires. They might attack us as soon as they woke up," I said.

If that's the case, then what is it that cause them to use a lot of blood before they were drowned? And what were they doing upstream?

I guess we can only wait until they are awake.

Chapter 437 - Going Upstream For Investigation

"So, what should we do with the vampires? Do we kill them?" Graham asked.

"Idiot. If we're going to kill them, we don't need to rescue them in the first place. Put them in a cell for now, and wait until they wake up," I said.

"But we don't have a prison cell," Graham said.

"But we can build it. Ask Celestine, Kayla, or Angela to build one. Also, just in case, put them in separate cell so they won't be able to drink each other's blood. Meanwhile, you and Shelia will come with me," I said.

"We're going somewhere?" Graham asked again.

"We will be looking for any clues of how the vampires ended up drowning to this place. If there are any monsters over there, we will kill them. It will be dangerous if somehow, a powerful monster is nesting nearby," I said.

Maybe, after being scared of Andro's intimidation, there's a monster who didn't escape too far, but instead, it is staying nearby and built a nest. If it's a smart one, I can threaten it to bring Andro back here if it will cause trouble. And if it's a weak monster, I can just kill it. Though I doubt a weak monster can drown dozens of vampires.

We have fished out about thirty-five vampires including the female Vampire Duke. As for the rest, I don't know if there are any Vampire Marques or other lords. But I doubt they will cause trouble to us since they have lost.

Even when some of them drank the blood of their own kind and become many times stronger, they still lost against us.

Whoever drowned them into the river won't be any average monster.

"Wait, I'm coming as well!" Angela said as she flies and follow me.

With this, we have four people checking on the area. And we are among the strongest of everyone here. Won't the defense of this place be much weaker?

Since we have several other expert level mages, I think they can protect themselves if the vampires are trying to attack, or if there's other monsters attacking. It should be fine, but won't it be too much if we're fighting the enemy upstream?

Well, the sooner we stop the danger, the better it is.

So, we decided to have two of us run on foot, while the other two flying. The two running are obviously Shelia and I, while those who are flying are Angela and Graham.

Although I can see the surrounding with Divine Vision, it's still better if there are other people watching with me. Especially since Shelia's sense of smell can reach even further than what my eyes can see. She can even find something that I can't see. Like the remaining smell of whatever attacking the vampires, and where they went. I hope that's the case so we can find them and kill them right away.

Since we built the river quite long, it's still a bit distance from the lake. But we can cover that distance in a short moment.

The four of us were moving at the same speed originally, but when Angela speed up little by little, the rest of us refuse to lose and raise our speed as well. Even Shelia transformed into her wolf form, which is much faster than her werewolf form.

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Graham is the last one even when he has all twelve wings out. In front of him is Shelia and I, with me in front of her just a little bit. And with quite a distance, Angela is in the first place.

After breaking through, she's the fastest among us. Though not as fast as Spot, her speed is already amazing. She's flying while being boosted with fire magic as well.


I told everyone to stop as soon as I see multiple trails of footsteps. Probably, this is where the vampires are drowned. Though I didn't see any monsters nearby.

"Is this where they were drowned?" Angela asked.

"Probably. There are multiple foot steps going into the river, but never leaving the river. Though there are some who didn't even get close to the river," I said.

"Sniff… I smell the vampires we captured. But there are other scents that is both familiar and unfamiliar as well. Probably, the ones who did it are other vampires," Shelia said.

"Angela, Graham, look around and see if you can find anything," I ordered the two of them.

They both fly away leaving only Shelia and I behind.

"Do you smell anything else?" I asked Shelia.

"Just vampires. They smell like blood," she replied.

Let's check on the area first before returning. I don't think we should chase after the attacking vampires. But as long as we know where they were coming from, we can go there anytime we want.

"Roy, I found where the trails end. The vampires must have been flying," Angela said as soon as she returned with Graham.

"As long as we know the general direction, it's fine. We can also ask the vampires we caught the location of the vampires," I said.

"…Master, you are thinking of the vampires we caught like fishes," Graham said.

"I am. They are coming from the water after all. Now, they don't have a place to return to. I think that's the reason why Albert wanted to meet them. He must be preparing a place for the vampires to live," I said.

"Really? Won't they stay in the village along with the other monsters?" Angela asked.

"I don't think that's the case. Especially after they fought with us. If the others are not a species that we have fought before, it's still fine. But now that we have fought, there is hatred between us. My guess is that Albert will bring them into our world and live among humans," I said.

After guessing Albert's intention, the four of us racing back to the village. This time, as Graham and Shelia prepared from the start, the standing this time is different.

The first place is Angela, second is Shelia, and third is Graham. That's what they think as they race back to the village.

…they forgot that I can use portal and travel there instantly. So, I waited for the three to return after grabbing some fruits. The fruits that the elves are growing are sweeter than those farmed by humans. I like them.

And when the three returned, they are shocked to see that I am already waiting for them. and then they remembered that I can use portal.

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"…this is why Daniel and the kids don't like to play with you. You are cheating," Angela said.

"It's not cheating. There's no rule in playing after all," I replied.

Though when Daniel said he didn't want to play with me because I cheated, my heart was shattered. It took me a while until I fixed my broken heart.

I guess it's time to report to Albert. He's with the other kings right now.

"Yo. I have returned," I greeted the kings.

"How is it?" Albert asked.

"There were footsteps. And Shelia smelled the scent of vampires other than the vampires we caught. Seems like that Vampire Queen or her army is fighting them near the river," I said.

"And when they drowned, they disappear? Why?" Albert asked.

"Don't know. Probably because they know vampires are creatures that can't swim."

"Do you really think that the vampires can't swim?" Albert asked.

"We can ask them once they wake up. I bet they will say that they can't swim. They should be able to survive underwater, but they sink like a rock underwater. Do you want to bet?" I asked.

"…no thanks. You're rich, and you're asking a king for a bet. I don't know how much money you will ask for betting," he replied.

There goes my chance to get more money.

But still, do I really think that vampires can't swim? Maybe if they learned it, they can swim. But seeing so many of them drowned and get carried over here, I want to believe that they can't swim.

After all, it's funny to see a species that cause us quite a trouble to have such obvious weakness. And if they really can't swim, just Carmen alone is enough to defeat all of them.

Which mean, just in case the Vampire Queen is attacking us, we can just ask Carmen alone to fight the Vampire Queen and her army.

"So, you know where the enemy is coming from?" Albert asked.

"I think I can guess the general direction. But I need to go there first to confirm it. And we can just ask the vampires soon," I said.

We're right in front of the cell of the Vampire Duke while enjoying the feast. And I know that this female vampire is already awake and pretending to be sleeping. She must be thinking that she's in the worst situation since she's being imprisoned.

Since she was drowned, let's wake her up by splashing water on her face. Well, it's more like pouring instead of splashing.

"Cough! What are you doing!?" the vampire shouted.

"Since you have been awake for a while already, you must have noticed that we're going to interrogate you, right? You will answer our question or I will drown you all into the lake."

Let's start the conversation as joyful as possible by threatening the vampire.. It is joyful to me at least.

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