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87.89% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 421: 299-308

Chapter 421: 299-308

Chapter 299 - To The Second Stop

"Everyone has agreed to team up against that evil cult now. They're trying to get to know with your friends." Spot said as we returned to the half-destroyed island.

Just as he said, the other Sea Serpents are looking at the others curiously. Are they trying to memorize our smell?

"Then I have something for you. This… let's make something easier for you to carry. Let's keep it as a Blobby and stick it to your body. It will be glued to you unless you force it to leave. That thing is Victoria's clone. And inside of it, there's a little bit of soil. That's Sonia's soil which you can use to call her. If there's anything you need, or if we have something to ask of you, we will contact each other through Sonia." I said as I stick a Blobby to his forehead.

"Oh! A long-distance communication by using a ghost! You're smart to be able to think of this!" Spot said. He's extremely happy to be able to communicate with a human being after a long time.

"Of course, if Sonia is free, you can call her anytime you want." I said to Spot.

"Okay! I won't bother you much! But if I started to get lonely, I will call her! Though I think it's best if I just follow you." Spot said.


"Oh, sorry, I forgot. Unlike ordinary Sea Serpents, I can change my size into that of a regular snake. I can follow you anywhere! Can I?"

Spot is looking at me with puppy eyes. No wonder he's given a dog name.

He then reduced his size into that of a snake about one meter to prove that he can do it. then he snuggles… or is it warping his body to my leg?

I don't have the heart to reject him, but I'm afraid of what will happen since he's still considered a wild monster. Not contracted with a tamer or summoner at all. What would happen if he changes his mind?

I looked around to ask for the others' help, but they pretend to not notice me. Albert just patted me on my shoulder instead of telling me what to do.

Well, at least I know that Spot has always spoke the truth. Then… let's treat him like a pet.

"Then, if you don't mind, you can come with us. But what about the sea?"

Spot is known as the protector of the sea by the people in the shore of the Empire territory. If he's gone, I don't know what those worshippers of his will think.

"Don't worry. I can have one of my five children to be in charge of this sea. As for the other four, they will be put into different seas along with their children." Spot said.

"Then… I'll ask you to put someone in the sea territory of Tatrama Kingdom. It will be better if that one is near Cassau since that's where my home is. Though I will ask of you to refrain in killing people too much."

"Don't worry! We never kill anyone unless we are provoked. Most of the humans we killed are pirates or bad guys who disturb us by using magic. If you told us to not kill anyone, we won't!" Spot said.

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't kill anyone. I'm saying to not kill people too much. Well, thanks for your help. As for you, what else you can do?" I asked if Spot has any other abilities.

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"Well, other than what Vowa showed you and much stronger, I can fly, change size, and can camouflage so no one can see me when I fly." Spot said.

"Really? Then can you take us to Varadis Kingdom? We want to meet their king. It will be much faster if we could ride on your back."

"Sure. Shall we, then?"

"Wait. Just return to your original size first. I'll transport the others home first."

While I used portal to returns everyone home, Spot is telling his children to guard different part of the seas. It's lucky for one of them to be in the Sea next to Cassau. But I hope that Serpent won't cause any trouble to the fishermen.

"Umm… Roy, why am I still here?" Albert asked.

"Yeah! Why am I still here as well!?" Lynn asked as well.

And not just Lynn. Her aide, Claudia, is also staying.

"Obviously, it will be faster to bring you two to meet the King of Varadis. Then, after meeting him, I'll return you back to your country."

"As long as I'm with my sister, then it's fine! Let's go!" Lynn happily agreed to join.

As for Claudia, she seems eager to fly. She already figures out why she isn't returned back to the Empire. Same as Albert. But she didn't complain.

"I'm busy though…" Albert said.

"Don't worry. With Spot's maximum speed, he can take us there in just a few hours. Spot, back then, that wasn't your full speed, right?" I asked Spot this time.

"So, you know!? You're right! I'm a hybrid of a Sky Serpent and Sea Serpent. My speed is far surpassing any other Sea Serpents. I don't know about Sky Serpents since I never met one in this world. But Sky Serpents were known to be the fastest type of Serpents back in my world. I'll show you my real speed this time." Spot said proudly.

"That's great! Then, we'll ride on top of your head. Come on, Albert!" I took everyone to Spot's head.

"Won't we fall? If we're going that fast, then we will fall due to the speed. And there's nothing to hold onto on Spot's head." Albert feels reluctant to go by riding on Spot's head.

"Don't worry, I can transform me and my clones into a seat with safety belt. It will be like riding a roller coaster!" Victoria said.

"I don't know what a roller coaster is, but do that. I don't need it so you can do it for the others."

I can just stick my feet to Spot's head like before. Well, I don't blame Albert for being afraid. But for me, I'm very confident with my physical strength and ability. And also, my sense of balance. I think the speed will force me to fall even with using Aura, but I will try to endure it. It's like some kind of training where I don't really need to do anything other than standing still. I like this.

Finally, everyone rides on top of Spot's head. Victoria made a seat for everyone to sit on. Even Celestine. I guess she won't be pressing her breasts on me anymore. What a shame.

"Then… Let's go!"

Spot instantly uses his maximum speed. Without even accelerating! That's a cheat!

I thought I am confident that I can endure Spot's speed. But turns out, I still underestimated it. I need to use my Aura fully to endure it.




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As for the others, they are looking at the scenery with delight. Even Albert no longer feel afraid. Does that seat really that comfortable?

Well, even with those seats, it will be difficult for them to look around if I didn't cast an Air Barrier magic around us.

"So fast! You're amazing, Spot!"

It will be even better if your name is not a name commonly used for pet dog. I can't really say something like that when I gave my monster Blobby as a name, huh?

"I am amazing!" Spot said proudly.

We fly very quickly. In just one hour, the sea that I need to cross for a few days is already behind us. With him, we can finish this mission quickly.

"By the way, I want to ask you something."

"What is it, Roy?"

There's one thing I want to ask Spot after hearing about his past. It's about his homeworld.

"Do you want to return to Monsters World to meet your kin?" I asked.

"No." Spot said without any hesitation.

"No hesitation at all! Why?"

"In that world, it's survival for the fittest. I was just a baby back then, but even though I'm stronger now, I still prefer this world. I also have my family here." Spot said.

"I see… well, in that world, I even saw a worm about your size. That world is truly scary."

"I know, right?"

And three hours later, we finally reached the capital of Varadis. We're right above the royal castle, but no one can see us because of Spot's camouflage.

"We're already here!" I said to the others.

We're still above the sky with Spot floating around the castle.

"So fast! That was awesome!" Albert said.

"I want to go again!" Lynn said excitedly while hugging her sister's arm.

Celestine just smiled, while Claudia seems to agree with Lynn to go again.

"No, I'll call Sonia to tell the king that we're here. After meeting him, I'll return you with portal." I said.

Finally, we reached out second stop. I wonder what kind of king he is?

Chapter 300 - Meeting King Henry

"Sonia, tell the king that we have arrived." I spoke to Sonia as soon as she appeared.

Right now, we are right above the royal castle of Varadis Kingdom. High in the sky, we are riding on top of Spot's head. A Giant Serpent who have destroyed and killed a lot of people in the last one thousand years, while being extremely friendly toward me wand my friends as soon as he found out that I'm an Aura user. Good thing he has become our friend now.

And now thanks to his children, some areas of the sea are safe to travel. I just hope they won't cause trouble to the fishermen. But while we're on the way, we had a chat and Spot told me that his children only satisfied by eating deep sea monsters. Which is difficult for any fishermen to catch. I guess it will be fine then.

"Whoa! So fast!" Sonia is impressed seeing that we're already in Varadis.

"Yeah. Can you tell the king for me? Right now, he's all alone. So, it should be fine for you to go to his location. If he said that he can't meet us right away, we'll play around in the capital first." I said.

"I see. I'll go to him right away." Sonia disappeared after she said that.

"So, are we going to get him into our alliance against the Evil Cult?" Spot asked.

"He's already in. But he doesn't know me yet. Since that self-proclaimed Evil God killed all Aura users in the past, there are no one else other than me who can use Aura. At least from everyone I met. Which is why I'm the most important person in this alliance. And I don't have anyone who has a talent in awakening their Aura around me. I have told many people how to do it, but none of them are capable yet." I explained.

"Oh. My Master was barely awakened his Aura a few days after he summoned me for the first time. He said that he practiced how to do it for over ten years already at the time. Which is why he's very happy. And I was happy with him even though I still don't understand anything about Aura yet. I came to know later that awakening Aura is so difficult." Spot said.

"And yet this guy awakened his Aura just after a few months." Victoria interrupted our talk.

"It was because I have experienced it in my past life. Once my physical strength is about as strong as in my previous life, I can use Aura instantly since I have experienced the feeling of using Aura. And now, I'm way stronger than I am in my past life." I said proudly.

While chatting, Sonia returned back to us.

"How is it, Sonia?" I asked.

"We can go in right away. He also said that he will introduce us to someone who will be his heir." Sonia said.

"Oh! Old man has decided already? He's going to retire soon?" Albert asked.

"Yes. His heir is his son called Keith. He's calling him now."

"Then we'll wait until that guy entered the room." Albert said.

No one noticed that I used a slightly serious tone when I said that. Why? It's because after we stopped here, I can see that there are a lot of people here who has explosive devices in their mouth. While we were flying, I can't see much because we are going too fast. But now we stopped, I can see everything clearly.

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If it like this, it should be soon when the fate of this kingdom will be similar to Arturo where the king is replaced by a fake.

Good thing we arrived here quickly. It's thanks to Spot.

From now, until I met the king of Arturo, I won't stop in any other place other than for resting. Or maybe doing some clean up as well.

I have been doing this mission lightly from the start. Just like how we ended up in the hot spring and retrieving the diamond mine to the Empire. I guess I should be more serious about this mission.

The king's heir entered the room, and I waited until the king seems to have finished explaining things.

While the king down there is explaining things to his heir, we in the sky also discussing something.

And now, it's finally time to meet the king. And while doing so, all of us are wearing black robe of Blobbies to make us feel mysterious.

"Ready?" Spot asked.

"Yeah. Just bring us down. Once we're in front of the window, you can turn smaller while I take everyone with me entering his chamber." I said.

"Let's go!" Spot said.

Quickly, all of us entered the king's chamber through the window, and see two people in it. The king of Varadis, Henry, and his son, Keith.

As soon as we entered, Albert quickly grabbed King Henry and put him down.

"What is the meaning of this!?" King Henry shouted, but I already used Air Barrier around the chamber to not let any sound out of the chamber. No one can hear us from the outside.

"Play along, old man." Albert whispered in a low voice to not let his son heard him.

King Henry jolted when he recognized Albert's voice.

"Who the hell are you people!?" This time, it's Keith who shouted.

"Don't you remember me?" Celestine asked as she showed him her face.

"Lady Celestine! I thought you died!" Keith said.

How rude! Not thinking that Celestine died of course. But recognizing her from her breasts instead of her face.

And that is the proof that he's a member of the cult. One of Celestine's worshipper. Well, other than the explosive device in his mouth.

"I'm still alive. I played dead because of Veronica. I'm looking for her to kill her so it will be best if she thinks that I'm dead." Celestine said.

Turns out, Celestine's real goal in coming here is because she knows that the prince of this kingdom is her worshipper. I just found out about it while we're still in the sky when I told everyone that this guy is a cult member. Well, as long as she's still on our side, everything should be okay.

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"It's good to see you well! But seems like we will have some guests arriving soon." Keith said.

"No problem. They're already dead. We killed them on the way here." Celestine lied.

"I see! By the way, some of us already decided to find another person to sub in for your position. But I refused since there's only you who can do it!"

Do what exactly? She's a faction leader just because of her boobs! Do what? Jiggle-jiggle?

"What is the meaning of this, Keith!?" King Henry who realized what happened shouted in anger.

"It's like this, father. You have been sitting on the throne for a long time without announcing your heir, so I asked for help. And finally, soon, this kingdom will be mine! While I'm at it, Lady Celestine, if you don't mind, you can be the queen of this kingdom." Keith shamelessly proposed to Celestine.

"You already rejected me once though?" Celestine said.


"Oh! So, it's really you! You have grown up into a beautiful lady." King Henry said calmly despite the position he's currently in.


"So… the play is over?" I asked.


Keith is confused with our conversation. Though I didn't expect that King Henry still remembers that Celestine was the princess of the Empire who was almost became his daughter-in-law.

In his confusion, I quickly run toward him, grabbed his jaw with my left hand while my right hand is inside his mouth to pluck out the explosive device.

I quickly threw the explosive device to Albert who caught it as soon as he released King Henry from his hold. Then I grabbed the Magic Restriction Collar in my pocket that I have prepared before and wrap it on Keith's neck.

"Damn! I was just here for a greeting, but the first person I met is already a cult member! Old man, you almost give your kingdom to the cult." I said.

"Sorry. You're Roy, right? Nice to meet you in this not so nice situation. But thanks to you, my kingdom is saved. Though about that Celestine… you're really the former princess of Consenza, right? I thought you were dead. And Keith also thought you were dead. You played dead twice?" King Henry asked.

"We'll explain later. For now, we have something more important, Old man." Albert said as he removed the hood covering his face.

"You! You're the King of Tatrama! Lady Celestine, what is the meaning of this!?" Keith shouted.

"It means both Veronica and I played dead and betrayed the cult. I always hated it when you tried to use any means to get close to me in the past, but thanks to that, you stupidly told me who you are. That's why I come up with this plan to make you told your father everything." Celestine said.

Well, that's not really everything. But if his goal is just to ask for help to get the throne, I guess you can call it everything.

"Keith, I'm disappointed in you. You're no longer fit to be the king of this country anymore. I'll continue ruling this kingdom until I find the right heir." King Henry said.

What a way to have our first meeting. But seeing his reaction, I think King Henry is someone we can trust.

But still, this city has too many cultists around. It must be thanks to Keith's power that he let those people in. It will take a while for me to clean up everything.. But for now, we need to have a discussion first.

Chapter 301 - Some Things Can't Be Inherited, While Some Weird Things Can

"So, about what you were talking about with Keith, what do you mean by that?" King Henry asked Celestine, but before Celestine replied back, someone else interrupted.

"Huhuhu, old man, you forgot something. I'm also here!" Lynn uncover her robe and show herself to King Henry.

"E-Empress of Consenza as well!?" Keith panicked seeing two leaders of other countries appeared in the king's chamber.

"Oh, yeah. You're here. Anyway, back to the topic…?" King Henry just ignored Lynn.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Lynn protested.

"Sorry. Good that you're here, Claudia." King Henry greeted Claudia who removed her robe as well.

"It is nice to meet you too, King Henry. Though the situation is not very nice." Claudia said.

"You're right. Sigh… now I have to pick someone else to be my heir. Good thing his position hasn't been officialized yet." King Henry regretted that the future of his kingdom almost fell to the cult without any effort.

"It's all thanks to Roy and Celestine. If not for them, we will never know about it until it's too late. It was quite lucky that we arrived here so quick. Thanks to our new friend, Spot." Albert then introduced the floating Serpent the size of a snake. Spot has transformed into a smaller version of him and look just like a snake.

"Hello, old man! Sorry that I sunk your ships!" Spot said.

"Sunk my ships?" King Henry confused with what Spot just said.

"That one is Spot. He's the Serpent who roamed in the sea between Consenza and Varadis. Centuries ago, when your kingdom wanted to attack the Empire, it was his fault that the attack failed. He destroyed the sailing ships that caused ruckus in the sea." This time, it was me who spoke.

"It's you? I have read in our past documents that such thing actually happened. Well, I don't mind. Those are things from the past. And thanks to that, we ended up having good relationship with each other." King Henry said.

"Oh! You forgive me? You're a good old man!" Spot said.

"But you're older though. Anyway, I need explanation. There are many confusing things happening at once. I'd like to have someone bring tea over, but I don't think any of you want anyone else to notice that you're here. And I don't know if there are any other cult members in this castle." King Hendy said.

"Seventeen. Including the guards and servants, I can see about seventeen in the castle at the moment. As for the tea, I'll bring it."

I turned around and make sure King Henry's son unable to see me making a portal. It's a small portal that can be covered with my body. Though I still let King Henry to see.

I have asked Sonia before to tell Lina to prepare tea for us and told her to put it in my room. So, I just grabbed them with my portal. Now, we have tea for us.

"So, that… that thing is what Albert told me before. That seem very useful." King Henry said. Seems like he understood that I want to keep this power as secret from Keith so he didn't say what it is.

"It is. But I'm special since I can do more thanks to Victoria."

I only said the gist of it. I know he realized it from listening to Albert that Victoria is my summon, and she can create clones of herself. And those clones are where I connect my portal to.

"I heard that you will give me one." King Henry said.



"Right. Here. Keep it with you at all time."

I put the tea on the table, and throw him a Blobby after.

"I'll be sure to keep it safe with me. You're Roy, right? You can just call me Henry or Old man like the others. I prefer to be casual."

"Okay. Anyway, I'll let you and Celestine talk first. As for your son, he won't be able to do anything for a while. Even asking for help." I said.

"That's fine. So, please tell."

"Alright. Here's my story."

Celestine told the old man about her past. About how she ended up becoming a leader of a faction in the cult and how she's still evil despite joining us.

"As for my engagement with him, you remember why it doesn't work, right?" Celestine asked.

"Yeah. It was my son being stupid. You were so young back then and he refused it because your boobs size is too small for him. I also didn't want you to be paired with my son who is a few years older than you, so it's actually a good thing. Sigh… our love toward big breasts are inherited from our previous king several generations before us. It was said that the reason he wanted to attack Consenza was because the princess at the time has a big breast." Old man said.

"PFFFT!" I spit my tea back to the cup. Disgusting.

"So, your love for breasts were inherited?" I asked.

"Yes." Old man replied.

"But her breasts size was not inherited from her ancestor?" I pointed at Lynn's chest.

"It seems so." Old man said as he sighed.

"Hey! I'm still the most beautiful in the Empire!" Lynn protested.

"Ah… how time flies… many things changed. Even people's taste." Old man said.


"But at least your sister got all the good part."


Lynn's tone is getting louder and louder. Just shows how angry she is.

"Huh? So that girl was Lady Celestine? Huh? So, I rejected Lady Celestine? Huh?"

And there's someone who has a lot of regret over there. Let's ignore him and put Air Barrier around him as well so he won't be able to listen to our next conversation.

"Let's talk about our real reason for coming here." I started the serious conversation.

"Oh! Another puppet Shows!" Spot shouted excitedly.

"…no, just a normal story telling. We'll talk, and then I will bring Albert, Lynn, and Claudia back where they belong. Should I do that now?" I asked.

"Yes. We have met and there's no more reason for me to stay. And I have other business to attend." Albert said.

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"Okay, Victoria."

I ordered Victoria to cover Keith's eyes so he won't be able to see what happened. Then, I opened two portals. One is to Tatrama, and the other is to Consenza.

"I'll take care of everything here first. Then, I will go to Arturo. But seeing how many people have explosive devices in their mouth just in this castle alone, I think I will stay here for a few days. I hope nothing happens to the king before I reach there. If he's still alive." I said.

I did this mission leisurely that I almost had Old man Henry as the next victim. I'll clean up everything here as fast as possible, and go to Arturo right away.

"Hmm… they disappear after entering the portal. That's interesting. Now, let's talk."

I told him all that I have told Lynn and Albert. And seems like he's smarter than the others and able to use time wisely, so my talk with him is over sooner than I thought. There are many things that Albert and Claudia asked, but Old man Henry can guess the missing part from my story with hypothesis and they are right most of the time. I enjoy talking with Old man Henry.

"Hmm… just what you did in this life is enough to make a huge change. You alone already made two higher-ups of the cult to switch side. It might be just two and the cult still has a lot of members left, but it's still two expert level mages. And if not for you, I wouldn't know that my own son is conspiring against me. Can I talk to him?" Old man wanted to speak with his son.


Victoria unwrap herself from covering Keith's eyes, and I also undid the Air Barrier.

"Keith, why did you do this? Selling the kingdom to the cult?" Old man asked his son.

"I also never expected it to go this far. At first, I just joined the faction because of my interest. Then I thought that these people could help me get the throne. And when I realized everything, it's too late." Keith said.

"You're such a disappointment. I was already thinking that you are not fit to be the leader when you rejected Celestine back then. And recently, I thought that you're fit to be a leader. But turns out, I almost gave the kingdom I have protected to the cult unknowingly. Do you know what will happen to you after this?" Old man asked.

"Death sentence." Keith said calmly.

"…that should be the case. But since the citizens don't know about this, I will spare your life. You will stay in the dungeon until the cult is destroyed. I'll make up some lies to tell the others."

"…I'm sorry father."


Hmm? That's it? That was fast.

"Then… should I clean up the rest of the cult members in the capital?" I asked.

"No. You can kill everyone outside the castle, and those who are not a noble. As for those in the castle, tell me everyone. Good thing today is my granddaughter birthday. All the servants and the guards are all here for the birthday party. And all the nobles in this city will attend. But it seems one of my sons won't be attending." Old man said as he looked at Keith.

"Birthday party? I want to go! There's a cake, right?"

"…you can be one of the servants there."

"If I'm not the one eating, there's no point in going. I guess I won't be joining. Oh, wait! I guess I can wait here until all the guests arrive, and I will tell you if any one of them is a cult member. As for the rest of the capital, I can do it after the birthday party. I guess I'll play as the servant."

"Good. Then, I want you to tell me the servants who are cult members. You will replace one of them. What about you, Celestine?" Old man asked Celestine.

"I'll be a servant as well. I'll disguise myself as a man. Hearing how your family loves big breasts makes me uneasy to stay here without disguising myself." Celestine said.

If she attended the party as she is, everyone's attention would be on her instead of birthday girl. I guess a disguise is necessary.

Now, we wait until the party started. As for Keith, I covered his head with Victoria's clones, and imprison him in the basement of my house.. Old man will instruct me later on what to do with him.

Chapter 302 - Birthday Party

"Everyone, thank you for attending my daughter's birthday. She's already thirty, but what the hell. She wanted to have a birthday party, so here we are. Hopefully, she can get a spouse from this party."


Old man Henry made an opening speech for her daughter birthday. She's thirty and wanted to hold a birthday party? That's nice.

I want to go to birthday party every day. Any party that has a lot of foods. Whoever is celebrating, I don't care.

Right now, Both Celestine and I were pretending to be a servant in this party. So, we can't just eat whatever food is served. Instead, we are serving the food. But of course, I still grabbed some while no one is watching.

Just as old man instructed, I killed some servants and guards who are actually cult members, and substitute them. Old man told the others that we both, and several other people, are temporary workers. Turns out, the old man has several trusted people on his side already. Long before he knows anything about the cult. As expected for someone who stays as a king for a long time.

How old is he now? I think he's in his eighties. But his body is that of a man in his fifties. Seems like he watches his own health carefully.

"Ahaha! Well, it doesn't matter if she finds any candidate here or not. She's free to pick any man she likes. Julia, you are already thirty. You can't keep acting spoiled forever." Old man said to her party. The girl who is celebrating her birthday, Julia.

"I'll do whatever I want!" Julia shouted.

"Okay, okay. Then, enjoy the party. I'll go grab a servant or two to chat with me." Old man said lightly.

Seems like the king's antics are pretty well-known to everyone here. Although some people looked like they hated how the king prefer to talk to a servant, they didn't say anything.

"Oh, right! Before I forget, I have something to tell you. It's unfortunate, but my son, Keith, is unable to attend the party. Well, enjoy yourself!" Old man said as he walked toward our direction. Seems like the servants he's going to talk to is us.

"So, how is it?" Old man asked me.

"It's scary that about half of the people attending here have explosive devices in their mouth. Celestine?" I asked Celestine if she knows anyone here.

"There's no high-ranking cult member here who doesn't have explosive devices in their mouth. At least from what I know. And there are some people here whose face I know. They are from my faction." Celestine said.

"… it's still weird how those people only know you from your body, and doesn't know who you are from your face. You are not disguising your face at all, and there's not much difference than your usual appearances other than your body." I said.

"And I recognized who she is from her face despite not meeting her for years! I'm an expert in this regard." Old man Henry said.

"And I'm terrible at remembering people. Well, as long as those people are not important, there's no need to remember them." I said.

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Because Celestine and I are chatting with the king, the other servants are doing our jobs.

"Old man, just how often did you talk with servants? Although there are some people glaring at us hatefully, it seems like most people here are used to it." I asked.

"Every time there's a party. I have been talking with other noble on my daily life and for my duty. Why would I talk to them again? They will just start bootlicking. As for the servants, I can ask them how their life in the capital. They can give me suggestion if there's something that I can improve. As for other nobles, they just want something to improve the content of their wallet. I thought that Keith was better than the others, but it seems like I was wrong. I need to find someone else to be my heir. Among my children here, do you see anyone else who seems to be from the cult members?" Old man asked.

Then he told me the characteristic of his children who attended this party. He didn't point his finger to not make anyone suspicious of him why he's pointing at his child while talking to a servant.

As for Celestine and I, we just slightly bowed our head to not make it seems as if we are disrespectful. And since we're in the corner, it's easy for me to put Air Barrier to not let any voices leak out to other people.

I looked at the people that old man told me. And I see that some of them have explosive devices inside their mouth.

"Old man, just how many children do you have?"


Yeah, when I thought that's it, turns out there's more. I won't ask anymore.

After all his children are checked, this time I told him of the nobles who are members of the cult. Just how many people in this kingdom that has already been influenced by the cult?

"Sigh… turns out, I'm walking on a thin line. I'm already old, but I haven't found anyone to be my successor. I'll think things through from my children who are not cult members."

"That's suck. Well, what will you do to them?" I asked the king.

"Leave it to me. Good thing I have several people I could trust with my life long before we know of the cult's existence. I'll discuss it with them. Luckily, none of them are cult members. At least those who are here." Old man Henry said.

"Then, what should I do now?"

"Hmm… how about you just go out there and kill the cult members who are not a noble? Thanks to this birthday party, all the nobles in the capital are here. I don't think there's anyone outside the castle that will give us trouble if they died. Then you can return later after the party. I might need something from you to help me with all those cult members." Old man said.

"Okay. I'll leave now. Celestine, what about you?" I asked Celestine, but it was the old man who replied.

"It will be suspicious if both the servants I talked to suddenly disappeared. She will stay with me here."

"I guess you're right. Then, I'm off. But is it fine if I just leave? I'm supposed to be working here."

"Don't worry. Undo your magic."

Old man told me to undo my Air Barrier. Seems like he will say something to make me leave.

"Antonio! You can go home now! Give your family my regards!"

…that's it? And that's normal thing for him to say? I guess I'm Antonio now.

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The others also looked at us, and then turned their heads right away. This is totally normal here? Just what kind of weird existence is this old man? And why is everyone used to it?

"I will your majesty. Thank you for your kindness." I left the party while the other nobles not caring about me at all.

As for other servants, some of them are looking at me enviously. Seems like they have experienced talking with the king alone and want to leave as soon as possible.

After I leave the castle, I quickly find a place where no one can see, and went on a hunt.

Although it's night, it's weird how there are still many people in the capital. It's difficult to find a cult member who is roaming alone in an empty area.

It will take a few days until I can clean up everyone. Though luckily, I don't think that any of them are expert level mages. Since I'm running in the air, and none of them noticed me when I'm in their range. Unless they are good actors. But I doubt it.

I just finished those who I can kill tonight, and returned to the castle after the party is over.

The party is over, and all the guests are already home. Only the king himself stayed behind, Celestine who is still disguising herself as a servant, and the girl who is celebrating her birthday who is drunk at the moment.

I peeked on them and wait until she's gone.

"Daddy! Why is the man I want to marry doesn't want to marry me!?"

I see a daughter is crying and want to be spoiled by her father. Is she like this when she's drunk, or she isn't drunk at all?

The king was just smiling at her.

"I'm already thirty! Why won't you marry me?" This time the drunk princess is asking Celestine.

"Please don't worry. I know someone who is already thirty-eight, but she hasn't married yet. Being unmarried in your thirties doesn't make you worth less." Celestine said while still pretending to be a man.

Thirty-eight? She's talking about herself? And that princess is proposing to Celestine?

"Anyway, what about the person who is eavesdropping over there!? Are you planning to marry me?"

I was surprised since Julia… she's pointing her finger to my direction. And there's no one else other than me who is eavesdropping.

The king is confused, while Celestine is surprised.

Since I have been found out, there's no reason for me to hide myself anymore.

"Well, I'm back, old man. As for your highness Princess Julia, I would have never thought that you are an expert level mage."

Hearing what I said, old man Henry is the one who is shocked the most.

The previously drunk princess, is no longer seem drunk anymore.

I take what I said back. I thought that there's no way an expert level mage is a good actor. But there's one in front of me. And since the king is surprised as well, it seems like he only finds out about it today.

Hmm… should I call Albert to see if she can be trusted? Let's do that. He has no need for sleep.. I'm the one who decide if Albert is allowed to sleep or not.

Chapter 303 - The Shocked Princess Is Interesting

I just opened a portal to see that Albert is having a dinner with Marie. As for their children, they are still in Cassau being taken care of by the others.

"Albert, come here quick." I said to Albert who has just finished dinner.

I thought that it's already late so he's sleeping, but why is he having a dinner so late?

"Again? It's the second time you called me." Albert said as he stood up.

Good thing that there's only Marie and Mustache in the dining hall. As for other servants, Albert told me that those in charge during meal time are those who knows about me so I don't have to hide the fact that I can use portals. But this is a miscalculation to think that he's having a dinner so late.

"That's the king of Tatrama! Why is he here!?" Julia was surprised to see Albert inside the portal.

"Oh, princess Julia wasn't it? I think I got the gist of what's going on. I'm going right away. Marie, I'll be leaving." Albert said as he entered the portal.

"Okay! See you!" Marie send of her husband with a smile.

Albert seems to get why he's being called. He knows that I want to know if this princess can be trusted.

"Though I don't know that you are having a dinner so late." I said.

"Hmm? It is dinner time back home, you know? What time is it anyway?" Albert asked.

"It's almost midnight." I said.

Then Victoria explained.

"That's because of the time zone differences. The capital of Tatrama and the capital of Consenza doesn't differ much, but it takes a long distance to travel here."

Victoria teaches us about the difference of time in different area. It was because the sun doesn't shine everywhere at once. I know of time difference between this world and Monsters World, but who would have thought that in this world there are a lot of time differences as well. Maybe in the Imperial capital of Consenza, there is still a slight difference of time as well. Interesting.

"That's an interesting knowledge, but I still haven't found out yet why you're all here getting friendly with each other? Who are you? Who is he? Why are you talking to the King of Tatrama so casually? How did you do that?" Princess Julia was still confused about many things.

"Well, first, are you an expert level mage?" I asked.

"How do you know?"

"Because you sensed me when I eavesdropping on you. Only expert level mages can notice me at that distance. And probably some special cases like me. I know that because the person you proposed to while you're drunk, or pretending to be drunk, is also an expert level mage." I said while pointing at Celestine.

"Really!?" Julia was shocked to hear that there's another expert level mage here.

"And then, does your sense only work on noticing if people are nearby? Because it seems like you didn't recognize that the servant you are proposing to is a woman." I said.

"You're a woman!?" Julia asked Celestine.

"I am." Celestine answered lightly.

Hmm… Julia's reaction is so interesting. Let's continue.

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"Then, do you know that when she said she knows a thirty-eight years old woman who is still single, she is talking about herself?" I said.


"Once we have taken care of everything, I planned to be his lover and have a lot of children though." Celestine said.

"Seriously!?" Julia keeps turning her head alternating between me and Celestine.

At Celestine's word, not only Julia was shocked. Albert, Victoria, and old man Henry are surprised as well. But for Victoria and Albert, they must be thinking that it's as expected of me.

"And do you know that her name is Celestine? She's the older sister of the current Empress of Consenza, Lynn?" I said.


"And she almost became your sister-in-law since in the past, she was almost betrothed to your brother Keith."


Seems like she was so shocked she's unable to say anything anymore. But I'll keep going anyway.

"But your brother refused since her breasts was too small."


"But now her breasts become so big, he worshipped her."


"But your brother is a traitor."


"He actually joined the Evil Cult to usurp the throne from your father."


"And now, he's being restrained somewhere else. That's why he's unable to attend your party."


She hasn't moved for a while. But seeing from her working inner organ, I don't think she fainted. Let's continue.

"And I was in the party to see if there are other traitors among the noble."


"Turns out, almost half of the participants are cult members. Even some of your brothers and sisters are cult members as well."


"If your brain can't handle this much, I suggest we stop for today. I don't think your brain can handle the truth of why we're here." I said.

"Wait, if you think so, there's no need to call me now, correct? You can just do this, and contact me tomorrow." Albert said.

"Then you might still be sleeping because of the time differences." I said.

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"…maybe next time we had a meeting with other kings again, each of us should bring our own watches so we can adjust the time." Albert said.

"Hmm… then we might need to have several watches each from four different time zone. One from each capital at least. We don't want Roy to suddenly barge in while we're busy. Even with Sonia to contact, it's still best to have them. Roy, you will need them as well." Old man Henry said.

He's right. I don't want to open a portal here to see the king is bathing. Or what if they have some kind of weird hobby, and I suddenly open the portal to see their most awkward moments?


While we were chatting, princess Julia finally returns to her senses. It takes too long.

"There are many things I want to ask, but first, we almost lost our kingdom to the enemy before we knew it? Isn't brother Keith the one who suited to be the next king the most? But he's actually collaborating with the cult? Isn't that cult our enemies? They already killed so many of our people! It was thanks to brother Keith that they are freely roaming in our kingdom?"

"Julia, welcome back to your senses! I never thought that you have reached expert level. You kept it as secret? If not, I want to celebrate your achievement. With you by my side, there won't be many people who would dare to pick a fight against me." Old man Henry said calmly to the confused princess.

Seems like he's the same kind of person as me. We both can be very calm, especially when we see other people panicked. I like him.

"That's not important right now! What about other nobles?" Julia asked.

"That's why I returned here. Old man wanted to discuss it after the party is over. We're here to discuss of what to do with other nobles, and your siblings who are related to the cult." I said.

"And, and, what about him? I mean her?" Princess Julia pointed at Celestine. "You said that her breasts are big, but I don't see it!?"

That's what she's curious about?


Victoria said some words I don't understand. Probably a language from her world.

Then, I see everything clearly.

The flattening underwear that Celestine wore, disappeared. And her busts were pushing on her shirt from the inside, but the buttons on her shirts were unable to hold it back. Two of the buttons were flying. Both of them are flying toward old man Henry's direction.

While I'm still amazed by what I just seen, I quickly move to protect old man Henry from death. Killed by buttons. With my quick reaction, I grabbed the two flying buttons.

"WHAT THE HELL!!?" Julia is surprised again to see Celestine's breast suddenly growing big.

Although her chest area is now opened, Celestine was still quite lucky since the most important parts are still covered.

"That's her real size if they're not restrained." Victoria said.

Just like Julia, us three men were also amazed by what we've seen. We all have seen how big her breasts are. Well, the other two have never seen them directly, but they are still big when she's wearing her usual clothes.

Albert, with his palm covering his face, muttering something. I can hear him keep muttering 'I have Marie, I have Marie' over and over again.

As for old man Henry…

"…you know what, if you hadn't protected me and those buttons ended up hitting me and getting me killed as a result, I won't regret it."

"…neither will I. Though we both need to be alive so we can destroy the cult." I replied.

"That's true."

After everyone calmed down, we told princess Julia about everything that we know.

…only half of it. Her brain already can't take any more than that. But since Albert has asked her some question, which she answered truthfully and make him able to trust her, it's fine to continue again in the morning.

As for Spot who was with us the whole time but no one noticed at all, he had been wrapping himself around my waist since before the party began. He has been asleep since then. And even when I ran around the city, he's still sleeping. What a cute pet.. I also want to sleep the whole time.

Chapter 304 - Continuing From The Previous Night

Since it was too late in the night when we returned and told Princess Julia about what she wants to know, but unable to comprehend everything in one night, we stayed the night in the king's chamber. And in the morning, we will have to tell Princess Julia more about everything.

With Blobbies to build a wall to separate which area will be for Celestine and which for the men, we slept in the king's chamber. I had a lot of fun chatting with the old man the whole night. Mostly about medical knowledge that I learned in the future. Most of them are research from this kingdom, and some of them are actually in experiment at the moment, so it's easy for him to understand what I'm talking about. And it's fun to speak to someone who can understand.

Some of the old man's children are actually doctors as well. But among them, there are some who are cult members. He will teach his children who are not cult members about what I told him.

Now, in the morning, after breakfast, Princess Julia returned to the king's chamber to continue what we talked the previous night. Though there were several guests for the king, the old man refused them saying that he's too lazy to do anything today. Those guests just gave up on meeting him.

…everyone is already used to his antics. Old man even told the servants to just bring his meals to his chamber saying he doesn't want to leave the chamber at all today other than going to the toilet or take a bath.

Anyway, after Princess Julia entered the chamber, we continued from last night. Though this time, Spot is awake and floating around the chamber.

"A snake is flying!?"

That's the same shocked expression from last night. I thought that since the most shocking part of the story is already discussed last night, I won't see that expression again today. Seems like she can still get shocked again.

"Hello! My name is Spot! Sorry for destroying your ships!" Spot said to Julia.

Since he was asleep the whole-time last night even before the birthday party, he hasn't met Princess Julia yet. And he greeted the princess in the same way that he greeted the old man. He said it as if the princess is the one sending the ships.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Julia. But what's that about ships? I never get on one before." Princess Julia said.

"Spot, those things were centuries ago. Human can't live that long. Unless they are like Victoria or Sonia who became a monster." I said to Spot.

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"Oh, right! That was so long ago! Anyway, nice to meet you!" Spot said.

"Wait, what was that about Victoria and the other person? I know that Victoria is a smart monster and you can communicate with her, but she was a human before?" Princess Julia said curiously.

"Hmm… I forgot to inform you that. But you… you are so curious about many things, but your mind can't handle too much information. Do you think you can handle what I will tell you?" I said.

"…let's talk about the most important thing first. So, there will be war? And in your timeline, although the King of Tatrama can hold off for a while in the war, we are still losing? No, maybe we are losing from the beginning since my kingdom might have already be taken over." Princess Julia said.

"That's probably the case. Since both Arturo kingdom and Varadis kingdom has been taken over, we were losing. But now, I have changed the present a lot, hoping that we are able to defeat the cult this time." I said.

"Alright, I get it. Now, what about Victoria used to be a human?" Princess Julia asked.

"I will let Victoria told you about that. And I will call Sonia as well. Don't attack any monsters here since they are our allies. Oh wait, I forgot to ask. Are you asking everything with the intention to join our cause in destroying the cult, or do you have other intention?" I asked.

"And you, why did you tell me everything without knowing my intention? What if I told you that I'm a cult member? A high ranking one who doesn't have any explosive devices in my mouth? Isn't that dangerous?" Princess Julia asked back.

"Well, you have a really funny shocked expression. And if I tell you why, you will make more of that expression. Are you sure you want me to say the reason why? Victoria hasn't told you how she became a monster yet."

"…I can just say that it's because you trusted me. That's all I needed to know. Thanks for your trust. I will listen to Victoria first. If my mind still has some more capacity to understand complex situation, I will listen to it later." Princess Julia said.

Then, I called Sonia so Princess Julia can be convinced easily. If we have two monsters who used to be humans in the past and know each other as well in the past, she has no other choice but to believe our words.

I guess that's it. I don't have to tell her anything anymore. I'm too tired already. Just yesterday, I told the same things two and a half times. Once with Spot, by using a puppet shows. Then, with old man Henry. But talking with old man Henry was fun. Then, I only talked about half of it with Princess Julia last night. And another half this morning.

I'm already too lazy to tell about this story anymore! And there's one more person that I have to tell! The king of Arturo kingdom! If he's still alive…

I want to let other people to be the one telling the story, but I know that if I'm the one saying it, it will be more convincing. It's thanks to my acting skill, and also the fact that I experienced it.

…alright, I doubt my own acting skill. But it's still considered as a skill.

Next time, I will tell Albert to do it for me. In front of the King of Arturo kingdom, I will transport Albert with portal, and had him tell the truth to that king. Unlike old man Henry or Lynn, I don't think that king will be easily convinced even with Celestine around. I don't think he has met her before.

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While thinking so, I have seen Princess Julia making that funny shocked expression several times. Can she continue hearing more?

"I think that's enough. Let's just get to the main point. Old man Henry is already agreed to help us destroying the cult. What about you? Not as the princess of this kingdom, but as an expert level mage. We are lacking in both manpower and strength. With you on our side, we can be stronger." I said.

"Yeah, that's much simpler. Instead of a complex story, it's much easier to understand like this. But why are you telling me so much?" Princess Julia asked.

"You have a funny shocked expression that I can't get enough of. Isn't that right, old man?" I asked old man Henry who is busy working on some papers in his desk.

"Yes. Among my children, she's the one who is funniest to tease." Old man said that, then he returned to his works.


"Let's finish this quickly. There are still a lot of cult members roaming around in this city. Although there are no more of them in the palace, it's better if the capital city of Varadis kingdom is safe. I want to get rid of them sooner." I said.

Hearing what I said, old man's hand stopped from working and he looked at me.

"Roy, here's a list of criminal organization hiding in the capital. Some of them are related to my children. I marked the one that is related with my children who are cult members. Can you get rid of them all?" Old man Henry handed me a paper with a list of people or organization, and their location. As I thought, it's easy to talk with him since he knows what I wanted.

"I'll try. What will you do with your children?" I asked.

"Punish them and interrogate them. Bring Keith back here. Before you leave."

I used portal to get Keith back from the basement of my home in Cassau. His crotch area is wet from his pee. I guess a night is too long for him to hold it.

"Princess Julia, I don't need to hear your answer. I know that you love this kingdom, so even if I don't ask you to join us, you will help protecting this kingdom. Old man, I won't sleep here anymore. I'll just leave the city and entered through the gate like normal, and find an inn. I'll come back here later to report."

With that, Celestine and I left the Royal Castle and entered back to the city through the gate. Of course, Victoria and Spot is with us. Spot is camouflaging himself and flew right next to me. No one can see him but me. It's thanks to my Divine Vision. I can see things that can't be seen.

"Is this necessary?" Celestine asked.

"The gatekeeper is a cult member. He will record whoever entered the gate. We'll enter with disguise and told him that we're brothers. I need you to disguise yourself as a man. Who knows if there are other cult members from your faction here?"

Even if there are none, just her breast size is too eye-catching.. Even normal people would look at it.

Chapter 305 - The Cult Members I Don't Want To Kill But I Would If I Have To

It has been three days after we leave the royal castle and stayed at an inn. Celestine and I went on to clean up the cult members who knows Celestine's face. I mean Celestine's body. She knows them from the time they worshipped her. She has great memory to remember all those people. And I forgot the owner of the inn already.

After all those who know her died, I wanted to let her return back to Cassau since I will mostly move alone from now on. Not that she's a deadweight, but it's just easier to move around alone.

In fact, she has been very helpful to me. If I moved around alone, I could only kill about less than half of what we achieved together. But this time, it's impossible to bring her with me.

The rest of the cult members in this royal capital that we needed to kill, are mostly of nobility. And those people are old man Henry's responsibility. He said that he already made some plans together with his trusted allies. I don't know if I can trust them or not, but since old man insisted, I won't force him. In the end, he's the king and I'm just a commoner. He knows what to do as a king, while I can only watch the result.

Then, there are some more cult members who are not belonging to any noble family. Those are my targets, but I want to let Celestine return and rest. She has been with me the whole journey so she needed some rest. As for me, I'm way physically gifted than her. There's nothing to worry about my stamina.

"That's why you can go back and rest. Victoria can come with you as well." I said to Celestine in the room of an inn we stayed.

"No, I'm coming with you. Celestine can go back alone. I also don't need to rest." Victoria said.

"…I see. Then, I'll take that offer. It has been a while since I met the orphans back home. Once this royal capital has been cleaned up, bring me with you again to the last stop." Celestine said.

"Do you also have some kind of connection with the King of Arturo?" I asked.

"No. We're totally strangers. But I just want to see the end of this mission that I voluntarily participated. You have to bring me with you no matter what."

"Okay, I understand. Once everything here is done, I'll bring you back with me and we can continue our journey together. Arturo Kingdom will be our last stop before we return home." I said.

Then, I opened a portal back to Cassau. I already informed Lina and the others through Sonia that Celestine will return while I will stay in Varadis. I have said it before, but if I returned home without completing my mission, I won't have any more motivation to complete the mission.

I think Celestine also wanted to see this mission to the end. That's why she's feeling slightly reluctant to return.

We said our farewell, and it's finally time for me to move alone. Well, not alone. Victoria is with me, and Spot as well. He's wrapping himself around my waist like a belt.

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"Roy. you don't need her anymore?" Spot asked.

"It's not that. It's just the some of the targets will be impossible with her around. But I think I will need you to do some works." I said.

"I'll do it! Is it to kill and destroy? That's what I do best!" Spot said.

"That might be the case. I'll ask your help if I need it. I need to discuss how to do it with old man Henry first. I'm going to his place now."

From the inn we're staying, I can see that the old man is alone in his chamber. It's a good time for a visit.

I leave the inn normally, and with Spot's camouflage, we went to his chamber on Spot's head. He's still smaller than his original size, but enough for me to ride on his back. Or is it neck? Maybe it's tail?

Oh, wait. If I use my Divine Vision, I can see his anatomy. I know which part is his neck, and which part is his body.

Let's say that we divide his original size by twenty parts of the same length. It's the length of his head. Let's name each part as well from one to twenty.

So, one is his head. Then, two to three is his neck. Four to sixteen is his body. That's very long. Which must be why it takes a while until he digests everything he eaten. Then, seventeen to twenty is his tail. And I'm sitting on number two. I guess that means I'm sitting on his neck.

We quickly arrived at his chamber, and the king who was not prepared to receive any guests was shocked. But he returns to his calm quickly.

"What's wrong? You didn't even contact me through Sonia." Old man asked.

"This is not something I want anyone to hear. Not even a ghost. I'm here to give you report about the cult members that I couldn't tell you before." I said with a serious tone.

"It's that important? I'll hear it." Old man stopped his works and looked at me directly.

"…they are children. Most of them are in their early teenage years and hadn't awakened their magic yet."

"Roy!" Victoria shouted in anger. She must be thinking that I returned Celestine back because I'm going to kill children. She's half right. The reason I'm telling this to old man Henry is in case he knows a better option.

"…I see. That's difficult. What are you going to do?" Old man asked.

"If there's no other choice, I will kill them." I said without any hesitation.

"…damn, boy! You're crazy! But I guess for someone who hated the cult in two lifetimes, that's as expected. I have a better idea."

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"What is it?"

"In a village near this royal capital, there's someone I know. He was my best friend before and after I became the king. He's as old as me. If you ask me who is the person that I can trust the most, it's him. His magic element is one of the rarest. It's hypnotism." Old man said.

"Hypnotism!? I had never known that there's such element. And you trusted him?"

"He's my best friend and there are so many times that we played around just the two of us. He has all the time in the world to hypnotize me, but he never did that. How about we meet him right now? With Spot, we can get there in just a few minutes, right?" Old man asked.

"It's easy! I'm very fast!" Spot said proudly.

"So, you want to ask his help to hypnotize the children? I guess that's a better choice." I said.

"Right. That's why I wanted to ask him first. Let me do the talking. Because of his element, there are many dangerous people targeting him. After I became the king, I made sure to make everyone involved to think that he had died, but he just moved to a nearby village. It has been a while since we met, so I hope he still trust me." Old man said.

"Then, let's go. Do we need to get Albert?"

"No need to bother him. But if you can't trust him, you can call Albert here."

"…I'll trust you, old man. And if there are too many people, he might be wary of us. Spot, let's go!"

If old man's best friend can hypnotize those children, there's no longer any need for me to killing them.

Some of the children are from different orphanages. That makes those in charge of those orphanages is the most suspicious of all. that's why I hadn't attacked that place yet and killed those in charge.

Weirdly, the children are still under fifteen years old. Which mean none of them has awakened their magic. And that's weird since it should be useless to put those explosive devices in their mouth. There's no way they can be activated by those kids. But what if the cult already made a remote one that can be activated by someone else? Then maybe those children are forced to join the cult.

Thanks to meeting old man Henry, my mind cleared up a bit. I should have thought of this stuff from when I noticed that those kids have explosive devices in their mouth.

Thanks to old man, we might find a way to help those kids. It's with old man's best friend. But how can this person hypnotize the kids? I guess that's why we needed to meet him first.

With us sitting on Spot's back, I mean neck, we reached the village in just one minute.

The two of us covered ourselves with robes because we don't want anyone to notice that the king is here. Of course, the robes are made from Blobbies.

It's good that there's no one here with explosive devices in their mouth. This place is close to the capital so I thought there are some cult members in hiding here, but I guess I was wrong.

We reached a slightly bigger house than the rest in the village, and I can see a grandpa is playing with his grandson in the garden of their house. He must be old man Henry's friend.. I hope he can help us.

Chapter 306 - Russell

There's a grandpa and his grandson playing in the garden, while there's a woman inside the house. That must be the mother. As for the father, he seems to be away at the moment. Probably hunting.

Well, I don't care. I'm just here to see old man Henry's friend. Probably that grandpa.

As we get closer to the big house, the grandpa in that house noticed us and stopped playing with his grandson. He and his grandson then proceed to greet us.

"Welcome to our humble village! I'm the chief of this village, Russell!" The old grandpa greeted us. He's the mayor of the village.

"Greetings! And I am the one who rule over you, Henry!" Old man Henry said as he removed his robe. Was that necessary?

"Grandpa Henry! It's you! Wait, it's my turn! Hm… And I am the grandson of the chief, Russel Jr!" The chief's grandson said.

Wait, so this is a normal thing here? Or is it just them? Well, I don't want to be left out so I'll join.

"And I am the not so normal passerby, Roy!" Hmm… I think my introduction lacked impact.

"Not bad." The chief said.

"I know, right? He has great potential." Old man Henry said.

Potential to do what? To be what? You need to complete your sentences, old man.

"And I am the Destroyer from the sea, Spot! Nice to meet you all!"

Suddenly, Spot joined us. He said the first half imposingly, while the latter half is how he is normally. As for the Destroyer from the sea, he's right about that.

Spot also leaves my waist, and started floating in front of me. at first, the grandpa and grandson duo were surprised, but seeing how friendly his introduction was, they must be thinking that Spot is a nice monster. They must be thinking that I'm either a summoner or a tamer.

"Wow! A talking and floating snake! Nice to meet you too!" Russell Jr. already getting friendly with Spot.

"Sigh… is this how you greet each other? I'm Victoria, a Black Slime. That's all I'm going to say."

Victoria also joined introducing herself, but she did it normally.

"Two talking monsters! That is so cool!" Russell Jr. shouted.

"Well, they are my companion. I have something important to ask of you and this is only something that you can do. Let's talk somewhere private." Old man Henry said.

Maybe he noticed that he will be asked something serious, his demeanor changed.

"Understood. Then, let's enter my room for a chat. Though since the wall is so thin, other people might hear our conversation. I guess we need a change of place." Russell said.

"No need. Your room is fine. As for other people, they won't listen to anything in your room. Let's talk there. The faster we find a solution, the faster we can complete the mission." I said.

"Mission? You want me to participate in whatever mission you are in?" Russell asked old man Henry.

"We'll talk first. May we come in?" Old man Henry said.

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"Okay. Junior, you go and help your mom." Russell told his grandson to leave. It's also not something that a kid should hear.

Then, Russell Jr. entered the house and told his mother that they have guests. I guess we will wait until the tea is served before we get into a real talk. But as soon as I entered the room, I should put up Air Barrier right away.

"So, what can I help you with?" Russell asked.

"First, how much do you know of the Evil Cult?" Old man Henry asked. I should leave it to him to do the talking.

"They are bad guys. Some of them even entered this village as bandits. If not for your warning about the cult, this village would be gone already. We have been wary of any travelers entered this village ever since. Have they started something again?"

"Not started. It hasn't ended yet in fact. I just knew a few days ago that my son, Keith, the one that I thought would be suited for the throne, he was actually a member of the cult." Old man Henry said.

"What!?" Russell was extremely shocked to hear that.

"Not just him. Almost half of my children are members of the cult. If not for Roy and his companions, we would never notice how much their influence has spread. I almost give my kingdom to the cult. Sigh…" Old man Henry sighed. That's one thing that he regrets the most recently. Each time we talked, the topic always ended with how he regretted about it.

"…I'm sorry to hear that. What can I do for you? Hypnotizing your children? I think with how smart you are, you already know what you're going to do without my help." Russell asked our intention in visiting him.

"I want you…"

"Wait. Tea is coming."

I stopped old man from continuing since the tea is about to be served. Both Russell Jr. and his mother then entered the room bringing us the tea and some cookies.

"Thank you Junior. You're a big help to your mom." Old man Henry said as he patted Russell Jr. on his head.

"Hehe, I made these cookies. I'm going to live in the capital in the future, and be the best chef in there!" Russell Jr. said and then he left the room with her mother.

"…I wish I could provide a future to the children. But I need to find the right heir for the kingdom. And the cult… they are too dangerous." Old man said after the two leave the room.

"Then, can you tell me what's going on?" Russell asked.

"I'll tell you everything I know."

Then, old man proceeds to inform Russell everything that I have told him. This time, I'm the one listening to the story instead of telling it.

After listening to everything, Russell looked at me.

"So, you're from the future?" Russell asked.


"And the world was destroyed by the cult?"

"I didn't witness it myself, but that's what I heard from Javier who came from even distant future and brought me back to the past." I said.

"Then, tell me your reason why you tried to change the future."

"Sure. It was because…"

"Wait, I don't need to hear it from you. If you trust me, let me read your mind. I will see your past as well." Russell said.

"You can do that? I thought your magic is just to hypnotize people." I asked.

"It was just Henry who said that my magic is Hypnotism. It's actually some kind of mental magic that affected people's mind. Hypnotizing is just one of them. And I can also read people's mind. Though I rarely used this power. Anyway, I haven't trusted you yet. If you want to earn my trust, let me see inside your mind." Russell said.

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"Sure. I don't mind. It's not like I have any secrets that I want to keep. Everyone around me already know them all."

Like, seriously. I have told many people that I came from the future, and returned to the past. What else do I hide? That I was a doctor? No, I even discussed about medical knowledge with doctors in Cassau, and even old man Henry. As for anything else… I have nothing to hide.

And in fact, letting people read my mind is much easier than telling them the truth. They can see for themselves what will happen in the future if I don't intervene.

Then, Russell closed his eyes. Just in case, I undo my Air Barrier and other magic as well. who knows if they will intercept his magic? And also, I relaxed my body and make sure I don't leak any Aura at all.

Soon after, my eyelids grow heavy. I started to get sleepy. This must be the side effect of his mind reading skill. I don't have to worry about anything since Victoria is here. And he's someone old man Henry trusted as well. Let's just take a nap for a while then.

"Roy, wake up."

"Hmm? Can I sleep again?"

"No. He's done reading your mind."

Reading my mind? Oh, right! I was asleep because old man's best friend casted a magic on me. His name… shit, I forgot.

"My name is Russell." Russell said.

"Oh, right. Then you must have known that I can't memorize people's name well. Sorry about that." I said.

"It's fine. And I can trust you now. I will help you." Russell said.

"Help me with what?"

"Brainwashing those children. That's what you want me to do, right? You're here to find a solution that doesn't involve you killing children, right? I'll help you with that. I also don't want children to fell victim to the cult." Russell said.

"Really? Thanks, Old man's best friend!"

"Just call me Russell."

"But why did you choose to trust me? There's nothing worth-mentioning about me that can make you trust me this easily." I asked.

"You're right about that."

"Hey! At least don't say that so bluntly!"

"Anyway, it's because I noticed your reason to destroy the cult. It's just because of your selfishness. Not because of your righteousness. If you did it because of your sense of justice, then I will never help you." Russell said.


"I have read the minds of many people with sense of justice. But those people are easily influenced by other people. Especially by smarter people. And most of them are those who ended up entering the cult. They entered this village and I hypnotized them to kill themselves far from here." Russell said.

"You can make people to kill themselves!? Man, you're so powerful!"

"But there are some conditions that I need to be achieved first. Though with my position as the village chief, it's easy to do. Anyway, I can trust you because you just want a peaceful life with your harem. You already know what you want to do, and to achieve that, you need to cult to be destroyed. That's why I trust you. Let's get along from now on."

"Alright, Russell. Pleased to make a new old friend." I said.

With this, I hope I don't need to have those kids killed. The reason I need all the cult members in the capital is just because of my fear. Afraid that in the future they will bring more trouble. But if Russell can help, then I don't need to kill them anymore.

I don't want to feel the guilt of killing children on my own.. If possible, I'd like to avoid that.

Chapter 307 - Investigating The Orphans

This afternoon, we will proceed with the plan. What plan?

Actually, after Russell agreed to help me with the cultist children, we made a plan to get Russell hypnotizes them. But that would be difficult.

It has been a long time, but Russell was actually quite well-known thanks to his rare magic element. He has been targeted especially by some nobles who wanted to abuse his power. Although it has been a long time since he shows his face in the capital, that doesn't mean everyone has forgotten who he is.

That's why I need to get the children to be able to meet Russell. It's basically kidnapping. Not just basically, it is kidnapping.

As for old man Henry, I brought him back to his royal castle. He has a lot of work to do since about half of his own children are cult members. And there are also a lot of nobles under his rule.

As for the fate of that one who was Celestine's worshipper, I don't care. Old man will take care of him.

I checked on the children again in the capital just in case. Not all of them are from the same orphanage. I can see other children in other orphanages have explosive devices in their mouth as well.

I guess the orphanages here, most of them are related to the cult. Or the orphans, as they were looking for a job to do, they ended up taking some jobs from the cult without them knowing. They might even willingly put the explosive devices inside their mouth by tricking them.

I shouldn't have made a judgement easily just to kill all the children. They might be forced to do it because of money. Glad that I discussed about it with old man first.

There are three orphanages that has orphans with explosive devices in their mouth. And looking from their reaction, and how they are happily playing with each other, I don't think none of them realized that the thing inside their mouth is an explosive device.

But if that's the case, what about those who have grown ups and left the orphanages? If they recognize that what's inside their mouth is explosive device, do they choose to live with it?

Hmm… I guess if they ask the orphans to join them while they were young, that will be enough time for the cult to brainwash them to join the cult. Children are easily influenced by other people especially those who are close to them. That might be the reason why the cult can brainwash them without using hypnotism like Russell.

Well, that's just speculations. I need to find out if they are real or not. That's why I'm investigating it.

"Where are you going, Roy?" Spot asked me while floating beside me in camouflage. No one can see him.

"Investigating the orphanage. I'm trying to see what's going on before we took an action this afternoon. Since there are three orphanages, I don't think we can capture them all in just one day." I said.

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"What about killing them? That's easy and simple. I like that. If you don't want to do it, I will." Spot said.

…he's a monster. He doesn't care about humans at all other than Aura users. And also, those who he considered as my friends. That's what I learnt about Spot. As long as I am around, he is a good ally. But I wonder what would happen if I leave him be? Will he start to attack my friends?

"Well, I thought that if we brainwash them or help them in some way, they might end up changing side. They are still kids, so their future is still unknown. They are easily influenced as well. We should be able to get them to our side with Russell and old man Henry's help." I replied.

"Being human is so difficult. Why can't you just survive, eat, and reproduce? That should be easy. Killing everyone in the way." Spot said.

"That's how monsters and animals do it. We are humans so we make simple things complicated. Only some smart and strong humans can make complicated things simple." I said.

"Humans sure love to do weird things. Whatever, I will just follow you. Just tell me if you have something you want me to do."

"Okay. Though I want to ask you if I should prepare meals for you or will you find food yourself?"

If Spot is going to be with me from now on, then I will most likely treat him like a pet. With his size, I wonder if I could prepare foods that could satisfy him.

"No need. When you're asleep at night, or when you don't need me to do anything, I can hunt my own food. And whenever I changed size to this small me, I don't need much food. I could even stay without eating for another three days. No need to care for my meals. You just need to focus on destroying that cult." Spot said.

"Well, that's convenience. I'll take that offer then."

No need for food for three days? Even if I have the same condition as him, I still like to eat. I don't want to have no need for food.

Well, maybe I want to. That's convenience. But I will still eat a lot though.

While watching the orphanage, I see two older kids, probably around twelve or thirteen, taking a younger kid with them. The older kids have explosive devices inside their mouth.

"Spot, can you use your camouflage on me? I want to tail those kids." I said.

"No problem!" Spot said. With him around, I can follow people easily. And he just needed to wrap himself around any part of my body to do it. Just like usual, it was around my waist.

"What happen if you fall asleep while the camouflage is on?"

"Then you will be invisible until I wake up, or I let go of you."

Well, at least if he's asleep, I should be able to force him to let go of me with my strength if he's still in this size.

Then, I followed the kids. They are going somewhere while looking around to see if anyone is following them. That's suspicious, alright.

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Then, I see the three of them sneaking out of the capital through a hole hidden in the wall. The hole is too small for adult, but kids their size should be okay to enter. I'm too big for that hole.

They don't leave the capital through the gate because children are not allowed to leave without their guardians. I guess that's why they need to leave the city this way.

I can't follow them through the wall, but since I'm camouflaged, I can just jump over the wall. The security around here is low. Even the guards are sleeping while standing. No wonder it's easy for the kids to leave.

I followed them for a while, and they finally reached a small hut in the forest. There are no monsters around here at all, so I guess the people inside the hut keep defeating the monsters nearby.

The hut is just the size of a bar, and there are about ten people inside. None of them have explosive devices in their mouth. Why? Let's see what happened. Though I can see the explosive devices are stored in a box inside that hut. And some were being pocketed by some men.

I entered the hut from the opened window, and stuck my feet to the ceiling. I can hear everything clearly here.

The older kids introduced the younger kid to the ten scary-looking people. These ten men are faking their smile. It's creepy. Even the kid is scared.

Then, one of the men told the kid that they will give him a job before he leaves the orphanage. He said that the older kids are working for him and get money for it. Hearing that, the young kid is convinced.

Then the man said that as proof of joining the 'office', the kid has to insert a device inside his mouth as a proof. That's the explosive device. I really want to kill these men right here right now.

The kid happily obliged. And the men cheered because they have another person joining them.

The kids then left the hut to return to the capital. And as soon as they left the hut, the men laughed.

"Haha! This is job is too easy! We just need to convince children to put this thing inside their mouth while promising them some work that they can find anywhere in the capital! The person who asked this is so weird, but I love him since he gave us more money than what we spend!" Someone who seems to be their boss shouted happily.

So that's what happened. These guys are hired by someone who seems to be a cult member. And to hire these people, that person must be quite rich and smart as well. since none of them are related to the cult, they won't know anything in case they got caught.

"Boss, do you know who the guy who hired us? If we could just kill him and get all his money, we won't need to work anymore!" One of the men asked.

"You stupid idiot!" The boss shouted in anger and punched the guy.

"Don't you know? The guy who hired us is strong. When he first hired us, we had three of our strongest mages followed him. But they all died. That's show how powerful he is. Don't bother thinking about killing him! We received money, and that's enough." The boss said.

"The boss is right! We get more money than some hunters. Why would we kill the person who gives us money?" Another person said.

Well, I know how the kids have explosive devices in their mouth now. Should I kill these people?

Maybe not. Not this time. I don't know if the guy who hired them is strong or not. I'd be happy if he is one of the men I have killed. But I doubt it. I'll inform this to old man later.

It's about time to kidnap some bad children.

Chapter 308 - Don't Try This No Matter What

Now, it's time to kidnap some children. Anyone who have seen me today, please don't try what I'm going to do. Although there's no one here who knows me when I disguised myself, please don't try it by any means. It's just a last resort that I need to do. Probably second to last resort since the last resort consist of murder or assassination.

With Victoria and her clones, I disguised myself. Fake beard, fake mustache, wig, fake physical appearances, wearing all black. No matter who saw me, they would think that I'm a suspicious person. There's also a caravan made of Blobbies that will be needed for my plan.

And this is a technique that I learned from Victoria. since I don't have to kill kids anymore, she gladly helped me find a solution in kidnapping the orphans right in the middle of the capital, which should have a high security. She said that it's popular in her world.

Why would a kidnapping technique be popular? Her world keeps getting scarier.

So, what I need to do is… oh? There are two orphans playing nearby. Both of them have explosive devices inside their mouth. Let's put what I learned into practice.

I pulled the Blobbycaravan that I made, and pretend to be a merchant. Then I approached the kids

"Excuse me, kids. Do you know the road to the hunter guild?" I asked politely.

"Old man, who are you?" One of the orphans is wary at me and protected the other kid.

"I'm just a merchant. I want to sell potions to the hunters. Do you know the way?"

"It's straight that road, and then go left, and right, and left again, and left again. I don't know where the guild is, but if you go there, there should be someone who knows where it is. You can ask them instead." The kid said.

Seems like he's smart enough to trick a suspicious person who approaches him. Well, that's not really considered as a trick. He just doesn't know where the guild is, and the location he pointed is quite crowded with people walking around. He probably just doesn't want me to stay around them for any longer. I guess I can't ask direction from them anymore.

"Thank you, kid. Here's some candies for you and your brother." This is the trick that I learned. Offering kids with candies.

"Oh! Candies!" The other kid shouted and running toward me to grab the candy.

"Wait! That candy is suspicious!" The kid who gave me directions tried to stop him.

"It's okay! I know that I look suspicious, so I will eat one. I have five in my pocket, so one will be for me, and you two will receive two each. Here. The candies are not dangerous."

Since that kid is smart, I put one candy into my mouth to prove to him that it's not drugged. The kid then believed that the candies are not drugged, and both of them happily took two each.

"Hohohoh, you brothers seem happy with those candies!" I said while pretending to laugh.

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"We're not brothers. We just grow up in the same orphanage." The smart kid said.

"Orphanage? Then there should be more kids, right? How about I give more candies for you to share with other kids?"

"Really? Thank you, old man!"

The smart kid caught the bait!

"They are inside the caravan. You can get in and take as many as you want." I said.

Then the two kids happily entered my caravan. But as soon as both of them entered, I closed the door, and use air magic to produce sleeping gas inside the caravan. I can see the kids are screaming inside, but I blocked the voice with Air Barrier.

They soon fall asleep, while no one noticed it. some passerby just looked at us curiously, but decided to ignore us when the kids seem happy with me.

So, the plan is simple. I will entice the kids with candies, ask them to get inside the caravan, and put them to sleep.

Damn! For me to do this, I'm so evil! But it's all for the greater good. If they don't know that they unknowingly joined the cult, if they are smart enough, they will regret it in the future. But what if they are evil from young? Like Celestine?

…let's not think about it. At least Celestine has weakness with children.

"So, how is it? Kidnapping children? Do you feel guilty?" Victoria asked.

"A little. But it's all for the greater good. Rather, I'm more curious why this method was popular. No, wait! I don't want to hear the reason." I said.

"Yeah… even with all kind of advanced technologies, humans are just being… human." Victoria said.

"Spare me from any moral lesson. I just kidnapped some children and I need to get some more." I said.

"How many will you get?"

"Russell said that he can hypnotize about ten people in one day. That's his limit. So, I will stop around that number. The orphanage these kids are from, there are about five children who have explosive devices. And to not make it suspicious to the cult, I will go grab some totally innocent children who don't even know anything. I will be the evilest human being today. And the next few days. Let's grab some more children. This method you taught me is easy to use."

I will keep using this method to kidnap children.

…I keep saying that I will kidnap children. But that's not our goal. Let's change it. I will protect these children from the clutch of the Evil God Cult! That does sound better.

I used portal inside the caravan, and transported the children to Russell's village. There, he will perform hypnotism. No, healing. He will perform healing ritual to cleanse their minds.

Let's go get the next targets. Other children from the same orphanage. They are playing in other location.

I did the same thing to those children, and in just three hours, I already got all five of the children with explosive device, and another four innocent kids. The innocent kids will sleep until I return them back, while those who have explosive devices will be healed by Russell, and got their HGBs taken from them.

Russell will ask the kids while they are hypnotized about how they got those things, and brainwash them to made them think that taking anything from strangers is bad. Yeah, they shouldn't even receive any candies from me either. Sorry, kids.

"How is it?"

I asked Russell after he has 'healed' them all. I used portal to get here along with the last batch of the children.

"It should work. I also made it so they will think that the people who gave them the thing inside their mouth are bad guys and must be avoided." Russell said.

"Then, can I return them now?"

"Yes. But about those bad guys… have you told Henry?"

"I have done that before I do this shit. I will take care of them now. But I don't know if every one of them will be killed. That's why I'm glad if your hypnotism work. If they see anyone of the bad guys who I hadn't killed, they will escape. If I see their react like that, that mean another target for me to kill." I said.

"…so merciless. But I guess that's fine. Whoever decided to play with the lives of children, should die. Good luck."

"Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow with other kids."

I returned the kids back to the capital with portals. I just made them staying asleep in a park.

As for me, I waited until someone finds the kids. With Spot around my waist, I can stay invisible. Though I don't think it will work for expert level mage. But other than the princess, I don't think there are other expert level mages here. At least at the moment. If there are any, they must be good actors like the princess.

Someone found the orphans, and woke them up. When they were asked what happened, they just answered that they were sleepy while playing. Seems like Russell's hypnotism can alter their memories.

Now that they have gone, I will go find some bad guys to kill. They don't have explosive devices in their mouth, so I don't know if I can kill them all. I already forgot their faces.

But I can't do that right away as a ghost suddenly appear in front of me.

"Roy, go to Henry's chamber right now. And call Celestine once you're there." Sonia said with angry face.

"…did you tell Celestine?"

"Henry told me to call you, I asked. He answered. Julia was there too. Then before I came here, I told Celestine. Now you have to feel the wrath of two expert level mages. Three if Veronica decided to join. She was there when I told Celestine." Sonia said.

…seems like I will die today.

"Roy! Spot and I will mark the bad guys with Blobbies. You just need to find them and kill them later. At least I have better memory in remembering people's faces than you. And if I find someone among them who walk alone, I will kill them myself or have Spot devour them." Victoria said.

"Okay! I am good at devouring people!" Spot said. Since Victoria was an Aura user in the past, Spot also trusted her somewhat.

The two monsters leave me alone before I agree to that.. Seems like I will receive the punishment alone.

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