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86.84% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 416: 254-262

Chapter 416: 254-262

Chapter 254 - Another Black Slime?

"Alright, it's done!"

I said as I finally peeled off all the black coating inside the corpse and putting them in a glass case.

After peeling off the coating, the corpse's internal organ looks just like a normal human's organs.

I even split the skull of the corpse so I can peel its brain's coating. As for the organ that have been infected, like the corpse's eyeball, there's nothing I can do. Even Kayla's healing magic doesn't seem to have any effect on the corpse, or the victims.

"How is it, Roy?" Albert asked.

"According to Ellen's information and what I can see from the corpse, I don't think that it's contagious. You will no longer need those gloves and masks, and the infected people no longer needed to be restrained. But you four are still need to stay here."

I had Victoria release the restraints on the four infected can now move on their own. I don't need to carry them any longer.

"So, you four were either attacked by an unknown person or drugged, right? Though that might be untrue since we won't really know the answer until we find the perpetrator. At the very least, we know how to cure you from this disease."

"Really!? Please, help them!" It was Nana who asked for help.

"Whoa! Why is it you that asking me? Aren't you the terrible leader of a party who couldn't handle her own party and have everyone else leave? And are you fine staying in this building? What about Ellen and Jessica?"

Those three were trapped in a dungeon before. That mean Nana might not be the only one with claustrophobia.

"As long as there are other people, I'm fine." Nana answered.

"I was a bit afraid when you suddenly restrained me, but I'm fine." This time, it's Ellen.

"Although I was trapped back then, I don't have any fear of closed space. I was just surprised that you somehow suddenly restrained me without a single gap." Jessica said.

I guess they are fine here.

As for the two villagers, the sister of the quest giver is hugging her child and the quest giver is hugging them. I'm sorry, what I said was a lie. I still don't know if it's contagious or not. That's why I had you approach them on purpose. At least I know that as long as you don't touch the black thingy directly, it won't spread.

But from the look of it, you are still fine. That mean touching won't spread it.


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And Albert is looking at me slightly angry. I know he must have noticed my lie.

"Don't look at me like that. You also did it before." I said to Albert.

What I meant is the fact that he let the stampede happened on purpose and letting many people died as the result. Just to show the people that we have an enemy that we need to fight against.

We're both guilty here.

"Sigh… how will you cure them?" Albert asked.

"Whatever I do, it will just be an experiment for the first time. So, there might be danger in it. And it might not be one hundred percent recovery as well. You're a smart king, so you should have realized what I will do after seeing me doing the autopsy, right?"

"…you're saying that the black coatings are needed to be peeled off, right? But what about the brain? Are you telling me that you need to cut their skull?" Albert asked.

"Probably. But first, there's another thing we have to try first. Look at this."

I showed everyone about the black coating that I peeled off inside a glass case.

"What about it?" the guild master asked.

"Now, Victoria, create some clones."

Victoria made some Blobbies and I put some of them on the ground and only picked one. Then with one hand on a Blobby, and the other in a glass case, everyone can see what I mean.

"They look the same! Are they Black Slimes as well?" Albert asked.

"Probably. That's what I will experiment. If it's a Black Slime, can you absorb them into you, Victoria?"

"So that's how you intend to help them! You want me to absorb the black coating without having you to cut off their skulls, right? You want me to see if I can absorb them from any place?" Victoria noticed what I wanted her to do.

"That's right. But that's the most difficult part. For now, let's see if you can absorb it or not."

Instead of Victoria, I had the Blobby to do it. If the clones can do it, it will be easier for me to cure the infected.

I put the Blobby on the glass case as well, and I can see little by little that the Blobby is absorbing the black coating.

During the operation, I used Blobbies as my surgery tools. But they won't absorb it on their own, only when either I or Victoria made them to.

"Oh! It's absorbing… that thing! Does it mean…" The guild master and everyone watching was surprised seeing that the Blobby I had can absorb those black coating.

"That's right. It means that this thing is also Black Slime. And since it can be absorbed by my summon's clones, we can assume that these Black Slime is either weaker than mine, or the weaker clones of the real body. So, is there any Black Slime in your village?" I asked the villagers.

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The two adults shook their heads. But the kid one shouted as if he remembered something.

"I remember! I see that the old beggar in the village sometime would play with a black ball like that! When we asked if we could play with that ball, the beggar was so angry at us!" The kid said.

"Beggar? Is he a summoner?" I asked the adults villagers.

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

"We don't know. It was about two years ago when he suddenly appears in the village. We don't know where he sleeps at night either and he never seems to work." The man said.

"Oh! Because he was never registered as a villager, no one really cares about him. But I never see him in the past few months. Don't tell me that he's the one responsible for this!?" The woman asked.

Hmm… there's a high chance that he's a summoner. But to think that there's another Black Slime as well.

"Victoria, has Javier told you if there are other Black Slimes either in this world or the Monsters World?"

"No. There should be no other Black Slimes. Unless…" Victoria hesitates to continue.

"Unless what?"

"Unless back then, a long time ago, Javier made some clones of himself, and he forgot about it. Then once he became a contracted monster, that clone of his is counted as separate from his body. That's why it's weaker than me. Whether it's true or not, the fact is that there's only one true Black Slime. Which is me. That's what Javier told me. You know what power Black Slime has, so if there are other Black Slime… you know, right?"

Victoria stopped from speaking anymore because there are other people here. But Albert, Kayla, and I understand what she meant.

The biggest power of a Black Slime is its ability to go back to the past. I don't know how Javier has the confidence in saying that there's only one Black Slime, but it's true that anything with the power to turns back in time is dangerous.

"Well, I'll leave the discussion for later. For now, we can be clear that Victoria and her clones are able to absorb the black coating in the infected people's body. We can easily cure them. But about the blood, they are black already. Even if we cure the organs, the infected might still die because of the black blood. That's why whoever want to be the first person to be cured will have to risk their lives. I need to absorb the black coating carefully while making sure that the blood will turn red. Kayla, when you try to heal Ellen, her blood turned red for a while. I need your help in carefully healing only some area so their blood will turn back to red while Victoria absorb the black coating. We need to work together. So, is there anyone willing to volunteer for the first operation?"

Hearing that they need to risk their lives, they hesitate to do it. And the young kid is being hugged by his mom. I don't intend to do it to the kid on the first try. And it will be cruel to do it to his mother while the kid is waiting. That means there's only either Ellen or Jessica left.

"I'll do it." Jessica volunteer first.

"Are you sure? You might die? How about we grab some other people from that village so he can experiment on them?" Nana suggested.

"I don't need you to worry about me. I'm no longer a hunter who needed every little advice from you anymore." Jessica said.

Whatever happened with the former Gladius, is not my problem. They can take care of it themselves.

"Alright. Jessica, take off your clothes. Celestine, build a wall so no one can see her stripping. But Jessica, during the operation, at least the king will need to see it for himself if it works or not. And obviously, I will as well. Since my sleeping gas is not working on you, you will have to stay conscious at all time. That mean when I cut open your body, you might feel pain. Please endure it as much as possible."

Now, it's time for my first surgery after returning back in time.

The autopsy didn't count.

Chapter 255 - Surgery Done

Before I begun performing the surgery, while Jessica is stripping on the other side of the wall, Albert approached me.

"Roy, do you really need to cut open her body?" Albert asked.

"Not really. But I'm trying to keep my see-through ability as a secret. I can inject Victoria or Blobbies into Jessica's body, and absorb the black coating with them. I can see the result with my eyes directly, but no one would be able to do it. It will be suspicious if I told the others that the surgery is done when others are unable to see anything. And this is something that only I can do. No other medical practitioner can do it. As for Victoria, it seems that there are already too many people knows about her able to speak. I won't keep it as a secret anymore. But my abilities are best to keep secrets." I said to Albert in a voice that only us can hear.

"I see. What took her so long there?" Albert asked why Jessica is still not finished yet.

"She's already stripping, but she is preparing her heart. While we're at it, why don't you go and get the dean of the medical academy? If I show him about this, I will be accepted right away, and can graduate as soon as possible. Possibly, I would get my license right away. That would be perfect." I said.

This is something that only I can do since I have a Black Slime. And since there's a whole village filled with people with this condition, they have no choice but to let me do it. That mean, they will have to give me a medical license so those villagers can trust me. This way, I don't need to attend college.

"…I know your true intentions. You don't want to attend classes, right? Fine. I'll get the guild master to call him. I'm fine with you not attending the classes, but I need your status as a student so you will enter the competition we prepared. I'll have you join no matter what!"

Then Albert went to the guild master to go get the dean of Cassau Medical University. And the guild master ordered the receptionist to go.

How will I enter the competition without magic? That's impossible. Even if I end up staying as a student, it's impossible for me to stand out and be picked as a representative of a medical school.

The most he can do is appoint me as a medical official of the competition. That's it.

No matter how I think about it, it's impossible for me to join the competition.

Jessica took a long time to prepare herself, and the receptionist girl has returned with two old men. One is the dean, and another one is a professor in surgery. I'll let Albert do the talking. He can convince anyone that I'm capable. By using his status and power if it's necessary.

"I'm ready!" Jessica shouted from the other room.

"Alright. Begin the operation."

I entered the operating room with Albert, the dean, the professor, the guild master, and Kayla as my assistant.

As for the others, they are waiting in the waiting room. Celestine made an opening on the wall so they can see the operation.

Of course the villager man is not allowed to see by his sister, and was told to keep his nephew company.

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"First, I will tell you about anesthetics. I am an air mage who managed to reach intermediate level. I can cast sleeping gas to make you sleep, but as you experienced it, it won't work on you. I can also cast a pain-relieving gas which makes one don't feel pain, but it will only last for about one hour and I'm unable to cast it continuously yet. Once I cut your body open, you will still feel pain slightly even with it. Please endure it."

Jessica nodded.

"That's what air element can do? It's amazing. Air element is truly the perfect for medication!" the professor said.

"No wonder he's recommended by his majesty. Let's see how he will perform this surgery. Then we can decide to give him a license later." The dean said.

Nice! That was just by air element. What about my summon?

"As for the surgery tool, I will use my summon, a Black Slime. It can shapeshift into anything, and can absorb dirt and stain as well. Making it the cleanest tool for surgery." I said as I transform a Blobby into a scalpel.

Now, I just need to perform the surgery in front of these people. I'm confident in succeeding.

A great anesthetic, and clean tool. That makes the chance for successful surgery to increase by a lot.

What if I said that my eyes can see through things and close up on any object? I will be the greatest doctor in the world! This world at least, not Victoria's. Her world is scary.

But I also want to be a clown again. Even Thomas is starting to build another circus troupe. I will get busy as a doctor clown or clown doctor. I will be busy but at least it's something I will enjoy.

Whatever, I'll just do the operation here now.

"Jessica, do you want something to bite so you can endure the pain?" I said to Jessica before I opened her body.

"…please do."


I told Victoria to transform into something Jessica can bite. And Victoria get her clones to do it instead. They are breakable unlike Victoria, but I'll let it be. It's not like she has the jaw strength of a lion or something.

I open up Jessica's chest with a scalpel. She's screaming but muffled by the Blobby she bites.

I started from her heart first. I absorbed the black coating with Blobby little by little, and get Kayla to heal Jessica.

"Kayla, heal."

"Right now? Are you sure?"

"Yes. Try to target only on Jessica's inner organ. Not her whole body. You can do it, right?"

Kayla already mastered magic control really well. she can target her healing magic only on a certain wound instead of the target's whole body. Making her only spent as little mana as possible, and making the healing progress as well as if targeting the whole body. So, I'm not afraid of her accidentally closing Jessica's chest while I still perform the surgery.

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Everyone was shocked by how well Kayla can aim her healing magic precisely.

Kayla has learned human anatomy even though she doesn't want to be a doctor.

I ignore their reaction, and continue cleaning Jessica's inner organ. Once I absorbed some black coating, I had Kayla heal Jessica's inner organ. It was to make the blood cleaned of the black coating as well. And it worked!

I can also directly have Blobbies absorb all the black coating at once but having multiple Blobbies covering the infected. Even their blood. But It will be too surprising if I do that right away. Let's try it on the second one later.

This is too easy, but since I'm holding back my true ability, it took some time until I finished healing Jessica. Once the black coating no longer covering her lungs, I used anesthetic gas on her and she quickly fallen asleep.

"Good. She won't feel any pain now. And it proves that she can sleep again from now on. Let's continue with the rest of her organs." I said.

While I'm operating, I also explain what I'm doing to the dean and the professor. They are also looking at the corpse I did my autopsy with, and examining it. They didn't bring their own surgery tools, so I lend some Blobbies to them.

Huhu… I'm one step closer into getting my medical license.

Once I finished absorbing all the black coating in Jessica's body, even her brain, I stitched her chest part with Blobby as the stitches, and after that, Kayla healed her whole body. I made the stitching disappear after that, and there's no scar in sight. Which surprise everyone watching again.

"Air element mage, and a summoner who summoned a Black Slime… he's too good to not be a doctor. And with his skill, it will be a shame to not get him a license already and have him help a lot of people. I'll make sure to get him a license." The dean said.

"But there are many things that I think he can help us create. Maybe we should put him as my assistant in surgery experiments first. We can discover many new possibilities of healing method with him." The professor said.

Now I can show them about the surgeries from the future that I know. I don't care if any of them decide to name the surgery after them since I just want people to be healed.

Soon, because of Kayla's healing, Jessica is already awake and up.

"How do you feel?" Albert asked.

"Umm… normal? What about the surgery?"

"It's a success. At least from my perspective. You need to go back to that village first to see if the barrier works or not. If it no longer working, that mean you have returned into a human again. Now, I have succeeded the operation. And I found a better method in doing it with less pain. Do you want me to continue with the others?" I asked the professor and the dean.

"We'll examine Ms. Jessica first. Ms. Jessica, if you don't mind?" The professor then performed medical checkup on Jessica, and found nothing abnormal. He then examined Ellen before her surgery, and found nothing abnormal again.

"Hmm… other than the inner organs, there's nothing strange with your health. No need for food, water, and sleep, that should be a blessing. But the fact that they are considered monsters is the only flaw in their condition." The professor said after examining Ellen.

"That's right. I'll ask the next patient if they want to be cured or not. Their condition is too good to be healed. If they were not trapped in that village, I think some of them would be happy. Now, Ellen, will you want to be cured or not?"

I asked the rest of the infected one by one if they want to be cured. And their answer is that they all want to be cured.

If it was me, I will hesitate with my answer. Not needing food doesn't mean you can no longer eat, right? It just meant that food is no longer necessary, but you can still eat them if you want. It will be useful to not need food depend on the situation.

…maybe I should try to infect myself with Blobbies so I won't feel hungry. But I still love food, so I hope I can still eat then. But it's scary to have something in my body. I guess I'll consider the situation before infecting myself with Blobbies in the future.

Chapter 256 - Rare Flower

The first surgery with Jessica, I took the long way on purpose. If I do it too quickly, they will be suspicious of me since this is the first time such condition appears. Even I never heard of it in my previous world. Probably because there's no cure, someone decided to keep it as a secret. I'll have Albert asked the noble we captured before if he knows something about it later.


As for the second surgery with Ellen, I didn't cut open her body. Since I can pretend that I'm a genius who knows when the exact moment that Kayla need to cast her healing spell. I can't tell anyone that I have my see-through ability yet.

So, I just stabbed a Blobby that I turn into a syringe into Ellen's body, and absorbed the black coating from there. I just said to the others that I can absorb just the black coating without harming the body.

Jessica protested since she needed to be naked and be sliced open on her chest while Ellen didn't need to. Making me look like a pervert who just want her naked. That's wrong. It's just one of the reasons, but not the main reason why I ask her to be naked. And I have the right excuse to say to her so, she forgives me quickly. And she even asked to join our clan later. I'll think about it with the other later. Though, I don't think we should increase our members just as soon as we established the clan. Maybe sometime in the future I will accept her.

I finished curing Ellen rather fast. Then continued with the villager kid, and his mother. I finished the three in the time I did an operation on Jessica. She still looked angry the whole time.

…if she's this angry at me, then why would she ask to join my clan?

"Other than the first one, the others were done rather quickly. How fast can you cure everyone in that village?" Albert asked.

"Probably… if I have supplies of mana potion for Kayla so she can cast healing magic the whole time, I can probably finish it in… at most two days. But that will be too stressful for me and Kayla, so maybe a week? And more, we need to know if after we cure them, they can pass through that barrier or not. Also, do you think that everyone wanted to be cured?"

"What do you mean?"

"Albert, you are the busiest man here and I kidnapped you. Once you returned, you continue being busy. What if I had a Blobby infected your inner organ just like these people? You will be able to work non-stop without being tired, hungry, or thirsty. You don't need rest, food, or water. The only disadvantage of this condition is that you are no longer a human being. And for hunters who would sometime take a quest that took them days, they will no longer need to camp and rest since they can continue moving at night. And they also won't have to spend any expense for food and water. This condition has more advantage than disadvantage." I said honestly.

Thinking that Blobby can do this to my body as well, I can't wait to try it. but to do that, I need someone to be sacrificed first. I'll ask Albert to give me a prisoner to do the experiment on.

"I guess for now, we need to investigate about the invisible barrier first. I'll give you nice reward to do it as a task for your newly built clan." Albert said.

Good. Now, to the most important event today. Can I get my medical license?

I approached the dean and the professor who is discussing something.

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"Excuse me, dean and professor of medical academy, I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Roy. An air and summoning element mage. And I also wish to be a surgeon as well. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself properly.

"Ah! We're currently discussing about whether we can get you a medical license right away or not. I thought that it might be good to get you a medical license as soon as possible, but you are still too young. There will be too many people who will hate you if you suddenly received a license just like that. So, we're considering our next actions." The dean said.

I had some ideas in mind to take care of that, but before I was able to say anything, Albert interrupted.

"Don't worry about it. I have some great ideas for that. That's why we will discuss it privately later. How about you all return back to the academy. And the guild master can return to the guild as well. as for the people Roy cured… they will stay in Roy's clan base temporarily so Roy can watch over them in case they have some kind of side effects from the infection." Albert said.

…there goes my chance. Since the king has already spoke, whatever I say won't be heard by them. Albert is acting like he's my dad or something. At least that mean these people won't think to make a mess with me.

Now, what should I do? It's already dark. I guess I should return back to the village quickly to investigate the barrier and see if there's anyone suspicious. I'll ask the kid about the homeless man's description later.

"I guess we'll return home now. Celestine, we don't need this dome anymore. You can destroy it. As for you four, just like the king said, you will stay in my place. Since you haven't eaten for months, we need to prepare a lot of foods for you, huh? How do you feel?" I asked the patients.

"Now that you mention it, I feel hungry all of a sudden." Ellen said.

"That's because your stomach has been empty for months. Grab some drinks first." I said as I look at Kayla. She has already prepared some water when I called her. She's always one step ahead.

Kayla then gave each patients a bottle of water to drink. And all of them emptied the bottle in one go.

"Ah! Wait, Roy! You need a permit to pass the checkpoint, right? I'll write it for you since the one in charge of this city hasn't been decided yet. If it's a royal decree, there's no way a normal guard will refuse it." Albert said.

I just nodded to his words. I guess he already expected me to take action tonight to investigate the barrier and see any trace of the other Black Slime's master.

That night, after taking everyone to our base, Albert and I transported to the outside of the village with Ellen who we knew can keep secrets.

"Umm… Roy and his majesty… is it okay if we come here together?" Ellen asked.

"There's no one else to ask. The one who knows Roy most among you four is just you. You already know how he fight in close combat, and you didn't tell anyone about it, right? That mean you can keep a secret. That's why we take you here with Roy's portal since you won't tell anyone about Roy's portal." Albert said.

"Anyway, why are you even here? You should be home already." I asked Albert who followed us here.

"I'm curious about this barrier. Can we put the same barrier around the capital? If so, any stampede won't be a problem. You also think that the perpetrator might still be here and the possibility that he's a member of the cult, right?"

"That's just a possibility. Ellen, we're here. Try to pass this barrier. If you can, then you are completely cured." I said to Ellen.

"I want to try it again! Hmm... I can't."

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Victoria transformed into her human form and tries to enter the barrier, but she failed. There's nothing blocking her, but she just instinctively felt that it's dangerous to enter any further.

Then, Ellen tries to enter the barrier. And she can do it easily. There's nothing blocking her anymore.

"I'm fine. Should I keep moving forward?" She asked.

"Let's go together. The barrier is about 80m deep. Let's have you walk the whole way through first."

The three of us walked easily inside the barrier while Victoria is just watching from the outside.

"That's it. You're no longer a monster. Congratulations." I congratulate Ellen for returning back into human again.

"Now that's one thing taken care of. Let's investigate about the area here first." Albert said.

"You do that. Ellen will be with you and Victoria will watch you from afar. I will see if there's anyone that looked like the man in description around the village."

And so, I left the others as I look around the village to find the perpetrator. I ran in the air and look over the village and anywhere outside the village a few times, and didn't see anyone in the description. I guess he's no longer in the village anymore.

I returned to Albert's location and see him digging something.

"Found something?" I asked.

"That was rather quick. Look at this. This is a rare thing that I thought supposed to be extinct already."

What Albert shows me is a flower, with a giant potato-like root under it. What is this plant?

"This is called Dragon Dung Flower. Because the root has similar look like a dragon's dung, and has similar effect of repelling nearby monsters. Making other monsters afraid of getting closer." Albert explained.

"…whoever named a flower like that, need to die." I said.

"I'll bring this one back with me so Marie can research on it and see if we can breed this flower and get them around the capital. Then other cities as well."

"At least we found something already. Now, where's my payment?" I asked.

"I haven't submitted the quest formally, so it's not a quest. And I'm the one who find out about this flower. I'll change the quest into going to the village and cure everyone. No one spared. Even with all the advantage, it will be dangerous if someone we can't trust have that much power."

Albert is right. Just not needing to sleep alone can have someone finish a lot of things in one day. That's a power no human should have.

I returned back to Cassau with Ellen and Victoria after sending Albert to the royal palace. I'll do the formal investigation once I received my medical license.

Chapter 257 - Returning To The Infected Village

A few days after that, I received my medical license.


But on one condition. I need to have a status as a student in the medical academy even though that there's no need for me to attend classes. And the registration of the new students can only be taken once a year, and for this year, it's already over. Which mean I can only be a student from next year.

And as of now, my medical license is only temporary.

In my previous life, there's only a lifelong license. No temporary ones. Once someone received a medical license, they are considered as a doctor for the rest of their lives. But as for me, I need to extend my license next year if I still want to be a doctor. What a pain in the ass.

I think there's some other things that the dean, the professor, and the king discussed without telling me. I don't know what it is that they are discussing, but I'm afraid of my future. Why does someone else have to be the one who decide my future? And they are not even my parents!

Whatever, I'll just think about it next year. It's a medical school anyway, so it's impossible for me to enter the competition.

Albert said that whatever that Marie and Victoria is inventing, it will also make appearance during the competition and makes the competition bigger. It will surely be a huge thing.

It will be historical since the competition will go on annually. And next year will be the first time ever. I hope this competition will light the desire to get stronger for everyone.

And I think that even if I don't compete in the competition, I will still be there anyway to check if anyone is from the cult or not. Sigh…

I'll just focus on the matter at hand first.

So, Albert has formally sent me the quest to cure the villagers and investigate about it. This time, I'll do it openly and ask the village chief and the hunters there.

And that's why I'm going there again, with two horse carriages, bringing some people from my clan and also the former infected people, and the previous quest giver and his wife.

The members I brought are Kayla, Jewel, Celestine, Angela, Ian, and Kron. Kayla is needed for her healing magic. Celestine and Angela will build a temporary hospital in the village with their earth magic. And Ian and Kron will be the muscle to move things around. Including Jewel whose strength increased in her rhino hybrid form. Also, Ian is necessary for the meal since all the patients have empty stomach since they have never eaten for months.

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As for Ellen and Jessica, I brought them there since they are acquaintances, and they are needed to prove that they can pass the barrier along with the villagers I brought. If it's only the village woman and her child, the hunters in that village will think that it's some kind of conspiracy that the hunters are unable to leave.

Once we reached the checkpoint, I told the guards that there will be no need to put the checkpoints anymore according to the king's order, and have the guards relay to the other guards in different checkpoints that they are dismissed.

I heard from Albert that after the nobles were captured, there are also several guards who were fired and imprisoned. So, it's necessary for these guards to return back to Cassau since they lack guards for the security of the city. At the moment, Albert is sending some of the agents from the capital to help. Though they will have to return there soon.

The next day, we finally reached the outer part of the barrier.

We stopped to let the cured patients get their hearts prepared. It's the moment that they will truly feel relieved that they are no longer a monster. Though Ellen has already tried it alone. I don't know if she had told Jessica or not about it.

I passed through the barrier easily. I didn't bring Victoria with me. She's back in Cassau. Though once I passed the barrier, I will summon her. She is the most essential member for curing everyone.

After passing the barrier, I summoned Victoria and about to say hello to everyone in the village. It should have been started with 'Hello, I came in peace!' But it seems to be impossible.

Someone, in the house full of dead people, is trying to commit suicide. That's why I have no choice but to change how I say my greeting.

"Everyone, stop taking your own lives! I have arrived with the cure! And you all will be able to leave this village!" I said so loudly to make sure that even that one who tried to commit suicide will hear it.

If I want to make it louder, I can just tell Jewel to do it. But it's so sudden and I have to stop that person from committing suicide. That's why I'm the one shouting. Even though I'm still a little bit away from the village.

Hearing my shout, everyone quickly gets out of the village, and see their ray of hope! Me!

Of course no one would believe me right away, but I'm here with the village chief's son who submitted the original request to the guild, and his sister and nephew who should have been here a few days ago. I also brought Ellen and Jessica who they claim to be quite popular since they used to be in a party with an S-rank hunter. This way, it will be easier for the hunters to believe me. It's also why Kron, an S-rank hunter, is coming as well.

Then, once everyone is watching me, the village girl who I cured spoke to them first.

"It's true! He can save us! He saved me and now I and my son can enter and leave this village. He will be able to save everyone as well."

"That's right! Some of you should have noticed that the four of us have been missing the past few days. It's because he enters this village a few days ago, and brought us out to be examined. And now, he is the only one who has the cure." Ellen also said to convince the hunters.

Nice! Everyone is looking at me like I'm their savior. At least all of them looks like they believed it.

"Guys! He's the messiah!" It was the quest giver who suddenly said it.

""He's the messiah!"" Everyone said.

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"Wait, no! I'm not the messiah! I'm just a doctor!" I denied it.

It does feel nice to be worshipped, but too much just makes it creepy.

"Enough! I'm just a doctor!" I keep denying them calling me messiah.

"…this scene looks familiar." Victoria whispers lowly.

At this moment, I don't really care about what she meant anymore.

Since it was too loud, I made a barrier with air magic to make the surrounding voices turn silent. Then I asked Angela and the others to prepare a make-shift hospital where I will treat the patients. I will only heal about twenty people in one day. As for those who will be healed first, I don't care as long as everyone is healed.

Then I told everyone about their condition. How they no longer need to eat, drink, and sleep anymore. And how once they are cured, they will be hungry. That's why I only let ten people to be healed first.

If I healed everyone in one go, we won't have enough supply of food for everyone. But if it's twenty, those who are healed can go fetch water and hunt for food outside since the barrier won't stop them anymore.

But if I healed the hunters first, they will leave right away and won't return. That's why I only will heal hunters from the second day.

I brought some supplies with us but I don't know if it will be enough. They have no supplies of food for month, so they need to stock up some more again from the start.

Then, while the others are building the temporary hospital, I went to the village chief to ask him some questions.

"Chief, do you know about the homeless man who was in the village a few month ago before this tragedy happened?" I asked.

"The homeless man? What about him?"

"We assume that he's the one who attacked the villagers and bring them somewhere, then turned you all into… this. Once you are turned to this, you are returned back to the village. That's what I hear from your daughter."

"Really? It's a mistake to lend him the stable to rest. He shouldn't be let in the village!"

"But it's already done. Do you know where he is?"

"Sorry. I don't think there's anyone here who knows about his whereabouts. No one care about one homeless man when everyone is panicking about not being able to leave the village." The village chief replied.

"I see… do you know anything about Dragon Dung Flower?" I asked about the flower this time.

"…that's a stupid name for a flower."

"I agree. But that flower is the reason why you are unable to leave the village. It's a flower that any monsters will instinctively feel danger when they're nearby. I think that whoever that homeless man is, he turned everyone into a monster, and planted those flowers around the village. While I'm curing the infected people, my clan will find all the flowers. This is no longer a quest from you. It's a quest directly from the royalty. I hope for your cooperation with us in the next few days."

Chapter 258 - The Quest Is Completed

The first day in the village, I healed ten villagers. All of them are men who can work and hunt animals and monsters for food.

After treating them with the food and water we brought, they quickly left the village to get more supplies for the rest of the villagers.

Seems like doing it ten times is exhausting for Kayla even with Mana Potions. She slept instantly after the tenth patient leave the hospital.

As for the other members, they are patrolling outside and inside the village. Those who are patrolling inside were looking for a trace of the homeless Black Slime summoner. And those who are patrolling outside were looking for the Dragon Dung Flower. I didn't ask them to take care of the flowers yet. Just locating them.

The quest given by the king is to cure everyone in the village. If we destroy the flowers first, some people might leave the village right away thinking that living without having the need for food and water is good. They will think that they have no need to work anymore. That's why we'll take care of the flowers after everyone is cured.

Just like I told Albert, it might be over in a week.

The second day, another ten people is in the hospital. Five villagers and five hunters. And just like we feared, someone asked if they can just get out of the village without being cured since.

"No way. You can, but I will kill you if you do so. My quest is given directly by the king to cure everyone here without sparing anyone. If you don't want to be cured, I will gladly kill you."

After saying that, everyone shut their mouth and didn't dare to ask any more. They must have been afraid that we have an S-rank hunter and an expert level mage here.

By the way, Ellen and Jessica is leaving in the second day, together with the five hunters who were just cured. Just like I thought, the hunters will try to leave this place quickly without caring about the fate of the villagers. Good thing I only healed the villagers with family in the first day.

The chief and the villagers said that fifteen people is more than enough to stock some supplies from hunting and fetching water. So, on the third day, I only cured the hunters. This way, the number of people staying in the village will be lessened.

The fourth day, I cured the rest of the hunters, and the children of the village. It's because children don't eat as much as adult.

I spend my free time walking around the village. I asked the chief and the villagers about what they know about the homeless man, and even investigate the stable the chief lend him to sleep. But I didn't find anything. I guess he must have left the village after infecting everyone here.

Let's imagine what he's thinking. He entered this village to conduct an experiment. Before he grabbed a villager for experiment, he planted the Dragon Dung Flowers around the village. Then, once he planted them, he started taking a villager and conduct an experiment somewhere. He either put them to sleep or knock them out. Once he grabbed quite a number of people, the chief asked his son to submit a request to the guild. Hunters started to take the request and go to this village.

By that time, the homeless man's experiment bear fruit, and he returned the missing people back to the village. But he didn't have enough, so he also grabbed the hunters and other villagers until everyone is infected.

Then, after no other hunters entered the village, he left the village since there's no one else to experiment on. I guess that's what happened. I discussed this possibility with Victoria, Kayla, and the others as well.

I'll tell Albert to put up wanted posters with the homeless man's description since I can't find any clues of his whereabouts.

After seven days, like I expected, everyone is cured.

"Thank you, messiah, for curing us." The chief said.


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"Like I said, I'm not the messiah!"

It's annoying to be called the messiah for a week.

"By the way, the person who did this to you has disappear. So, I want you to keep the fact that I have cured you all as a secret. I don't want that person to be wary of me since I want to capture him." I said to the villagers.

I don't want to capture him. With the wanted posters, someone must be interested in capturing him. I'm just afraid in case he's related to the cult. It will be dangerous if the cult knows about the effect of a Black Slime inside your body. Though for me, they will be easier to find than having explosive devices in their mouth. But I will still be careful about anything that possibly related to the cult.

After saying goodbye to the villagers, we're finally home. I just opened a portal back home since the other hunters, including Ellen and Jessica, are all already left.

I reported the situation to Albert, and left everything to him. Now, I'm back to my break again.

What should I do in this one year before entering the medical school?

Right! I forgot! Training camp!

We have a training camp, together with the guards at Melk and Mellian, and all Albert's agents. I should bring the Werewolves as well at that time. I think there's still a few months before the training camp.

I guess until then, I continue getting stronger and take quests while making name for my clan.


Two weeks before Roy and his clan took the quest, someone left the village. He was the homeless man who experimented on the villagers and the hunters who visited the village.

Although he looked haggard, he's actually an advanced level mage in ice element, and wind element.

He knocked out the people he will experimented on, or kidnap them in their sleep and escape quickly with his wind magic. Then, injected those people with clones of a Black Slime, which is his summon.

Unlike Roy's Black Slime, his was different. The Black Slime is already capable of making clones of itself even when the summoner was still beginner level in summoning element.

As for the origins of the Black Slime, it was part of Javier's clones, way before Javier first contracted with his first master. And Javier forgotten about it.

When Javier made a contract, his connection with that clone disappear. And it's as if the clone is its own entity.

And about forty years ago, the Javier's clone accidentally got summoned and became the homeless man's summon.

Now, the homeless man has found a good way to use the his summon. His goal is to attain immortality. And he's halfway there with achieving it after experimenting on the village, with the result of no longer needed food or water anymore. No more sleeping is just a side effect to him.

And so, he left the village to report to his old friend, who is a fellow researcher.

He managed to get an appointment with his friend, but what he didn't know is that his friend is the head researcher of the cult.

"So, you're halfway through your research to immortality, huh? Using the clones of a rare Black Slime as substitute for human's organs." The cult's researcher said.

"That's right! But I don't know if it can cause longevity to people's lives or not. I do know that once the clones spread inside their body, they no longer need to eat or drink or sleep anymore! If it can stop the process of aging as well, we might as well be immortal!" The homeless man excitedly explained.

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"It's your summon, right? Let's try to use the real Black Slime instead of its clones. We can research it by experimenting it on me. And if something happened, you can summon it from my body, right? It will disappear from my body and I will be normal human again." The researcher said calmly.

"Are you sure? Then let's do it!"

Then he injected the real Black Slime, which is actually clone of the real Black Slime, into the researcher's body.

A few days later, the researcher's inner organ turned black. And he no longer needs to consume anything anymore to live.

"I see. This is useful. Good job in discovering it!" the researcher said to the homeless man.

"Then, should I summon it? It won't do anything if the real Black Slime is unable to create its clones."

"There's no need for you to do that anymore."

The researcher, calmly cast a fire magic on the homeless man, and killed him. The homeless man died without knowing why he was killed.

"This way, I can become closer to the True God! Even closer than that shitty Archbishop!"

That's his real goal in lending his own body to be experimented. This way, he can do more works without being tired, and research more, for the sake of the Evil God.

Then the researcher asked his subordinate to clean up the corpse of his former friend. And at that time, he remembered a small detail of a report from the past, and asked his subordinate who wrote it.

"Hey, if I remember correctly, there's a kid who can summon a Black Slime in that city you were watching, right?"

"Yes. It was in the city of Melk, just days before the stampede."

"Hmm… it was after his test that someone unknown suddenly appears, right? And we thought that the failure of the stampede might be connected with that unknown person."

"You are correct."

The researcher is trying to connect the dot about Roy, and the unknown person.

"Tell me more about that Black Slime summoner."

"Well, he's weak. His awakened elements are summoning and air. His summon is a weak Black Slime which he used as a throwing weapon during that test. So, we assume that he's just an idiot."

"…an idiot, huh? Well, doesn't matter. It just means that he probably already died although the stampede was a failure. There's no point in looking for him anymore. Black Slimes might be useful for a lot of things. That's why I'm curious about summoner who made a contract with Black Slime. Though if he's stupid, I won't think of making him my subordinate. I'll just enjoy my new body and research more for the sake of our lord."

And just like that, Roy almost being targeted by a higher up of the cult personally. But Roy is safe because the report says that he's stupid.

In Roy's past life, the researcher is known as someone who never rest. His infamy was spread through the whole world when Albert found out that he's connected with the cult.

…if Roy's memory about people is a little bit better, he would be able to connect the rumor with the Black Slime infection.

Though because of this event, someone powerful in the cult is looking for anyone who has a Black Slime as their contracted monster.

Chapter 259 - Training Camp Starts!

Several months have passed since the day we established our clan and healed everyone in that village. After that event, we found no clues about the homeless man's whereabouts. I'm afraid if he's actually a member of the cult.

As for the Dragon Dung Flower, Marie managed to breed that flower somehow. Although the range is less than the one we found, it's still useful. And Albert has spread the flower around the capital, except for the main entrance. This way, mages who are tamer, or summoner who always have their monsters with them, will still be able to enter or leave the capital.

Soon, the seeds of Dragon Dung Flower will be spread to every city and village in the kingdom. The only way for monsters to be able to enter the city, is from the main gate, or from the sky. Maybe from water as well if the city is next to the sea or river, just like Cassau.

At least this way, we won't have any trouble with stampede anymore. But the Dragon Dung Flowers are still under experiment. We don't know if it can stop a stampede or not. Especially when we know that we can still force monsters to get inside. Just like how I threw Blobbies into the barrier to get it pass through.

I don't know the fate of that homeless man, but at least we received something from him.

And I don't think that what happened in that village is affected because of my return to the past. Which means that it's something that won't change the future as I know it. At least that's what I hope.

We received not only the Dragon Dung Flower, but also the knowledge that Victoria's clones are able to make us work non-stop without consuming anything, and we don't need to rest at all.

Albert and Marie would ask me to do it for them when they want to finish some works quickly. And now, Marie's research is over and she's now enjoying her moment with her children more often.

The twins are two years old now, and Lana has become more proficient in ice magic. Weirdly, Victoria would often ask Lana to make snowman. Well, I guess it's just Victoria being Victoria.

Anyway, it's finally the time for training camp!

I transported a lot of people into Albert's private island. Of course I already planted a Blobby in that island, and patrolled that island and other islands nearby. Just like Albert said before, the island is free from monsters, but the other islands have a lot of monsters.

There is only one building there, which is Albert's villa. But it's fine since it's training camp. I'll just get every earth mage to build shelters. It will be a part of their training.

And so, I went all around the cities in the kingdom with portals to Blobby that has been placed to the leader of agents in their designated city. Albert sent those Blobbies via mail.

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Some of the agents were surprised, but they are already prepared since Albert has inform them by using secret codes that some of the agents need to gather in one spot, and will be transported via portal.

Of course the one who has Blobby in Melk is Oleg, and the one in Mellian is Hill. And I'm slightly afraid when Hill is actually had me open a portal to his room. I had my back against the wall at all time.

In total, we have about 5 hundred people in the training camp. Some couldn't make it since we still need people to keep the cities under protection, but the most important ones are here.

Our plan is just to teach everyone about how to use magic efficiently, and improve their strength. I assigned Hill to improve the strength, while for magic, we have at least one teacher in each element. And obviously, I will teach air element and summoning element. It's good if we have more people that can use portal even if it's just two-way trip. Unlike what I can do with Victoria's clones.

We gathered everyone to an open area, including even the children and the family of the people here that come along so they can learn as well. Including the orphans from Celestine's orphanage.

I'm going to teach the children that there are no useless elements. I won't like it if they wished for an element so bad, that when they grow up, they will despair when they didn't manifest the elements they wish for.

And my real goal is to show these people, who rarely meet me, to know that I'm the most important member of this group that aim to destroy that evil cult.

So, I stand up in front of everyone and introduce myself. Using air magic to increase the Volume of my voice so it reaches everyone.

By the way, although they haven't been accepted into my clan, Ellen and Jessica were invited since Albert said the more people the better. Especially when he already said that they can be trusted.

Though there's one more person who will be accepted into my clan if she asked. It's Ms. Wendy. But even though she's here, she hadn't asked to join yet. Candy is trying to convince her while she's here.

"Nice to meet everyone here. Some of you might not know me so I'll introduce myself. I'm Roy. The leader of Wolf's Crown clan. I'm telling you this since his majesty Albert has told me that all of you can be trusted. I'm a person from the future, in which we will fight against the Evil God cult, and eventually we will lose. I'm here to change that future. If you think I'm lying, you can ask Albert here. He has the power to detect lies." I said as I bravely pointed my finger to the king. To show these people that I think of Albert as equal.

Almost everyone is shocked with that revelation. It's normal for anyone to not believe me. I'll leave the believing part to Albert.

"I think my introduction is over. Next, Albert will explain more. He is more trusted than I am."

Albert then stand in front of me and started his speech. Of course I helped him increase his volume.

Basically, what Albert say is about the future, his power to detect lies, and hope that everyone will fight together. As most of these people are the kingdom's agents and guards of the cities in the kingdom, everyone chooses to put their trust in Albert. But I can sense that some individuals are looking at me curiously. Like Hill, Oleg, Ms. Wendy, Ellen, Jessica, and Thomas who know me personally.

I asked Thomas to be here so he can find a good member of the circus troupe among these people.

I told him that we're preparing ourselves in a war against the cult before, but it's the first time he heard that I'm from the future.

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Thomas is planning to help us with the circus. By touring around the world, we can find if there are any places that have a lot of cult members gathering. Though his real goal is to have the circus so famous by touring around the world. That's his dream.

Thomas hasn't found anyone to be a member, so I told him to join the training camp with Albert's agreement.

Having some agents that can travel around the world freely is good after all.

After the speech is over, it's my turn again to say something.

"Because of Albert's ability to detect lies, he tells everyone the truth since he can trust you. It's fine to leave right now, but don't spread this story to anyone else. Is there anyone who wants to leave?"

I asked first in case someone don't want to take part in the war. But seems like Albert's speech raise their morale and instead, they are even more willing to fight the cult. Especially since most of the people here are those who failed to save someone during the stampede.

The stampede was stopped back then, but not without casualties. And now they know who to blame, and that we are trying to improve ourselves to be able to fight them, none of them want to leave.

"Good. Then, the training camp start now!"

With that as the signal, Celestine, Kayla, and Angela instantly build a shelter by using earth magic. It's very sturdy and detailed. Unlike what people thought about earth magic at all which is usually just an ugly looking earth wall.

"As you can see, we have no others place to sleep here other than Albert's villa. But there's no way that we allow you to sleep in the same building as the king. Which is why the earth mages today will learn how to control your magic properly and build a sturdy shelter. There will be at least one teacher teaching one element. And these three will be teaching earth magic and probably some other elements as well. It's fine to build a shelter that can only stand for one day, but every earth mage will need to be able to do it. if not, some of you might need to sleep outside. By the way, the building that these three just built is for your family who won't participate in the training. They will build more if that's not enough. Good luck you all!"

With that, the training camp started with earth mages practicing hard to build shelters since none of them want to sleep outside. Those who don't have earth element will watch how the earth mages control their magic to build a sturdy shelter. They may have different elements, but the basic of magic control is the same. Imagination.

While everyone is busy training, Albert approached me.

"Seems like they are motivated to learn and get stronger. What will you do now?"

"Taking a nap. The others can watch over them."

"So, you don't have anything to do for the rest of the day? Then I'll appoint you to babysit the kids. Marie and I will also train with the others. See ya!"

Albert run to the others as Marie come and bring me her children. Daniel and Hannah see that and now I can't sleep since I have to babysit all children that play around me. Even the wives of the guards or agents choose to watch the training.

…I still think that babysitting children is much more exhausting than training. I shouldn't have said that I will take a nap.

Chapter 260 - Teaching Summoners

I'm exhausted from playing with the children. Then, when it's time for dinner, the group of wives, maids, and butlers, prepared the dinner. Since Albert also brought the nobles he can trust, there are a lot of maids and butlers. Albert has already auditioned everyone, including the lovers and servants of the participants, if they can be trusted. Luckily, everyone is clear.

Some of them who has earth element, started practicing with the other to built shelters. When they found out that they are too weak alone, some suggested to cooperate with the others. Which is good.

I never forced anyone to do everything by themselves. If one person can't do it, then the people will do it. if two can't then three. And that's how we have enough shelter for everyone. As for those who bring their families, they went to built a small shelter enough for their family.

Most of them only have enough ability to make a shelter that can stand for just one night>Which mean they need to rebuild it again tomorrow. I hope once the training camp end, they can build even stronger shelter.

As for other elements, we only teach them about magic control at the moment. As for the practice, we'll do it tomorrow. I will also teach those with summoning element and air element tomorrow.

There aren't many participants with either one of those elements, so I will teach summoning element tomorrow. As for air element mages, they will learn their other element first. It's good that no one here only have one element like Lina who only has summoning element.

As for the numbers of summoners here, there are only seven of them. And for air mages, only two.

There are several healers in the group as well. They will be taught by Kayla. Although some of the healers, and even some other mages here, are one level higher than the teacher, or maybe higher, no one seem to complained. I guess it's because Albert is here and it's the first time that they learned such knowledge.

The knowledge we will teach them are from my future knowledge where magic control is known, and from knowledge from the past mages we learned from Javier.

After the dinner, most of the people choose to rest since we have nothing scheduled for the night. As for me, I sleep in the wild, with Blobby as my sleeping bag. That's enough for me.

The next day, it's finally time for everyone to learn about what their magic can do. But first, I need to show them a demonstration first.

I gathered everyone, including those who are not summoner.





"Alright, summoners please step forward!"

Seven people stepped forward. 3 of them are males, and the other four are females.

"I called everyone here to tell everyone something which seven of you can learn. It's about summoning magic. There's not much I can teach, so just one day should be enough to cover everything you need to learn. First, is this!" I grabbed a Pear-y fruit from a bag.

Before the training camp, I explored the Monsters World and harvesting more of these fruits. As of now, I'm fine even if I'm being surrounded by dozens of those monkeys protecting these fruits. And I keep gathering these fruits for these moments where I can give them to people I can trust. Or people Albert believe we can trust at least.

"This fruit is called Pear-y fruit. As for the reason why I introduced this fruit to you all, is to show you its effect to summoner. If other mages eat these fruits, nothing will happen. But for summoner, this fruit is great. If you eat this, whenever your level raised, you will be able to make contract with another monster. But it can only affect for leveling up twice. Which mean if you're a beginner level summoner, you can make contract with two other monsters when you reached intermediate level. But if you ate this when you're an expert level, you can only make a contract once more when you reached master level. As a proof, here's my first summon that you already know, Victoria."

I summoned Victoria who was with other girls to in front of me.

"Then, next is my second summon, Shelia."

After summoning Victoria, I summoned Shelia. I already informed the Werewolves about what I'm planning. Of course those battle addict monsters agree to join the training camp.

Once Shelia appear in front of everyone, the people watching were shocked even though that I have just told them the truth. Am I that unreliable that no one can believe me? I'm sad…

"As you can see, I have two contracted monsters. And I'm a summoner, not a tamer who can do that right away. I'll give you seven each one fruit. Tell me if you have raised your level twice so I can give you another fruit later."

I gave each of them a fruit, and they quickly devoured it. Why so impatient? It's not like they will increase their level today.

"Next is what I have shown everyone here. Portals. As you might have guessed, I can open a portal connecting my location with my contracted monster, or part of my contracted monster. Which is how I can make a portal to many different places since I used Victoria's clones as the destinations. But other than that, there's one more place where you can connect a portal. It's called Monsters World. Which is where summoned monsters came from. Unlike tamers who can only tame a monster in this world, summoner need to summon a monster from another world to make a contract with. If you unsummon your monster, they will return to their world. And you can open a portal to your monster. But if your monster is here, your portal will connect randomly to that world."

I wait patiently until everyone understand. No way everyone could understand about Monsters World right away, right?

"Which mean, you can forcefully make a monster to be your contracted monster by going to that world. You can open a portal to that world, and make a contract like how tamer did it. That's how I made a contract with Shelia here. By the way, although she looks like human, she's a Werewolf. I made a contract with her by defeating the Werewolf King, and I ended up becoming the Werewolf King. All the Werewolves in that tribe will follow my lead. And I asked them to come join us in this training camp."

I opened a portal to the Monsters World, and Werewolves coming out of the portal. Just about ten of them. With just this much, I have shown everyone here how strong I am. I can summon an army of Werewolves anytime I want.

"Well, for the summoners, you don't have to force yourselves to do it like me and become the king of a species or a tribe. You can make a contract with any monsters you like. And for these Werewolves, you can ask them to accompany you in a spar. This way, everyone will know how much progress they make. Werewolves, in the spar, don't kill anyone. They are all our allies." I ordered the Werewolves to not kill.

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"Understand. But this much… do you think we have enough allies?" It was Red who asked after seeing the numbers of people in the training camp.

"It will never be enough until we're sure we can destroy the cult. They have the power to destroy this world, and Monsters world after all. We can never be sure and can only grow stronger." I replied.

If this number is enough, we would have no problem in attacking right away. Finding the present location of the leader of the cult, and kill everyone related. But when I asked Celestine and Veronica, they both said that this amount of people is just barely cover the amount of one of their factions. The big boobs faction, or the big ass faction.

"Alright, that's it. You are dismissed. From today, you can learn about each element that you have by asking the assigned teachers. As for summoners, come with me."

I finished telling everyone about summoners magic, and the fact that the Werewolves are our allies as well. Then, I gathered the summoners with me along with Lina.

"As you know, you can kill your contracted monster to free a spot. But if you don't want to you can keep it. It's better to have a monster that you can bond with after all. Though if you want to get a new monster by killing your previous one, I will help you find a good one by bringing you to Monsters World. Is there anyone here who want to do that?"

Everybody quieted down and no one replied. But soon, everyone shook their head. I guess they have bonded with their monsters.

"Then, once your level increased, you can enter Monsters World to find your next monster. You can ask me to go with you. And if you have any preference, tell me so I can find it before we go to Monsters World. Though if you want to find a monster yourself, it's fine."

Then, one of the female summoners asked a question.

"Do we need to get a strong monster?"

"No. Even one that can help you in daily life is fine as well. Lina."

With my signal, Lina summoned her two monsters. The sunflower, and the All-seeing Eye.

"Lina's sunflower monster, Sunny, sometime would help Lina cooking. As for the All-seeing Eye, Elsie, she's on surveillance duty. To be able to protect my home when I'm away. Although both of them can fight as well. Just get any monster that you think can help you. Is there anyone here who has reached intermediate level?" I asked.

Everyone shook their head. And one man explained.

"There's no need to. After all, whether we're a beginner level or even master level, the power of our monsters won't change. And our other elements are more powerful than the strength of our monsters. But I guess that's not true anymore since we have eaten that fruit."

"Right. And also, not all monster like that. Victoria gained a new power once I leveled up. And Shirley can get stronger on her own. Each monster is different. I guess for today, I'll teach you to open a portal to your monster before you open a portal to Monsters World. To do it, you need to…"

Today, I taught the summoners to connect a portal to their monster that has been summoned. Only two succeeded, while the others failed. It's fine since we have time.

I'll let them practice on their own tomorrow since tomorrow I will teach the air element mages.

Chapter 261 - Teaching Air Mages (Not!)

Yesterday, I'm done teaching summoners. They will need to practice by themselves to be able to create portals. If they needed guidance, they can just ask either me, or Lina since she can also use portal well.

Other than making portals, the summoners only need to increase their level by using their monsters to defeat other monsters. But since they are practicing with portal first, they will need to have their monsters by their side so they can open a portal to a safe location.

I think once they are better in opening a portal, I'll bring their monsters to nearby island that has a lot of monsters so they can increase their level. Maybe within two or three days, the summoners should be able to open a portal at least three times.

As for the Werewolves, none of the participants dare to spar against them at first. So, I told them to fight among themselves. That way, the participants might be interested in sparring against them. And I also told the members of my clan to spar against the Werewolves. Just to show the participants how strong a Werewolf is, and how a mage can fight them.

But the Beastform mages seems more interested in sparring against the Werewolves than other mages. Especially after they saw how Jewel is challenging Shelia. She knows how weak she is compared to Shelia, but she never gave up. Well, it's a sparring after all. If it's the real thing, Jewel might choose to run away instead. I'm her master after all.

There are other mages of other elements that I haven't taught to anyone before. Like water element mages. We just taught them the basic of magic control, and hope that they can teach each other with the same element about their understanding of their element. Just like how me can get this far in other elements.

Right now, I'm in front of the two other air element mages, in the beach. Since they are air mages, I need to know their magic capacity first. How long can they last underwater, or in any location that needed them to use magic to breathe.

"Well, nice to meet you two. You already know me so I won't introduce myself again. For now, can you tell me how long you can last by breathing only by using air magic? And how often have you done it?"

In front of me, there are two girls. One is an agent who is a few years older than me, and the other is Oleg's wife that he brought over.

"I never used it on purpose. But I don't know if I ever do it unconsciously. I don't know how much I can last." The agent said.

"Same here. I even almost forgot that I have air element." Oleg's wife said with a smile.

…seems like it will be difficult to find their limit. If I know how long they can last, I would be able to tell their limit. On how much air they can compress to use Air Gun, and how many times they can do it.

"Then, how about you dive into the sea, and last there for as long as you can? That way, I will know your limit." I said to the two.

"…why not just do it on land?" Oleg's wife asked.

"Because I can't tell if you're using your magic or not when you breathe."

"But I don't want to get wet…" Oleg's wife complained.

Sigh… it's difficult to teach. I respect Ms. Wendy and other teachers who managed to went through this shit over and over again with their students.

"Don't worry about getting wet! Why don't you come with me to Albert's villa, then I'll give you some clothes that you can wear underwater! Though they are actually my clones. Come!"

Victoria who was with me as a Slime on my shoulder, suddenly transformed into a human and ask the two mages to follow her.


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Before I can say anything, they left to Albert's villa.

And… I can see that Victoria brought more and more female mages with her. What about training!?

I guess it will be delayed. Other people also can't learn since most of the teachers are the girls from my clan. Other than Kron and Ian who can still teach.

And of course, when they are in the villa, they are happily looking at the prototype of the clothes made of Blobbies.

While I don't know what to do, Albert approached me.

"Roy, how's your teaching?"

"Albert, how's your learning?"

"…the teacher enters my villa."

"…the students enter your villa."


Both of us sighed together. But it seems like for other participants, they took this chance to have as much fun as possible. Including Kron who is supposed to be teaching. As for Ian, he's already right behind me.

"I guess we should delay the training until tomorrow." I said.

"Are you sure?" Albert asked.

"Well… three… two… one… and… now."

"KYAAA!!! This dress is so cute!"

"I want that one!"

"Oh! I like that!"

The girls in Albert's villa started to shout in excitement seeing the clothes that they never see before. Though all of them came only in one color, black.

Victoria also prepared for this as well since she brought the manager of the clothing store with her to this training camp, along with a lot of clothes as well.

At least she's promoting the store that was built with my money. I have a share with that store, so I will get money once they start buying the products from that store.

"…so loud." Albert said.

"By the way, your wife is already choosing four sets of matching clothes. Two of them are the size of toddler. I guess for the rest of the camp, you will have to wear matching outfit with them." I said to Albert.

"…please don't laugh at me at that time."

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"I will laugh as much as I want to."

"So, what do we do now?"

"Whatever you want. It's not like we have an actual schedule at all. The one who were assigned to be the teacher can teach whenever and whatever they want. We just announce it in the morning that we will teach this or that."

"…so lax. Well, how about we go and play with the others? Do you have something to play with?"

"How about… what was it called again? Right, beach volleyball. It's a sport from Victoria's world. Just need two posts, a net connecting the two posts, and at least two players on each side." I said.

We have become bored of doing the same thing whenever we're relaxing on the beach, or by the lakeside. So, Victoria invented a kind of sport that people can enjoy. Or more like just telling us about a sport from her world.

So, Albert called other men while I prepared the venue. Good thing I told Victoria to left some Blobbies to be the net and the ball. As for the posts, I just used two trees for it. I can easily move them with my strength, or just ask someone to do it with magic.

When the venue is prepared, I can see from afar that Albert actually brought everyone. So, I made some more venue nearby. This way, we can have multiple match at once. But we need to show the others how to do it first. So, I asked Kron to play on the other side.

When I was about to ask Kron, I looked at something good! Praise the God! Celestine and Veronica is approaching us in their bikinis!

I clasped my hands together toward the two while they are still afar. Albert looked confused, but after looking toward where my sight is locked, he did the same. Followed by Kron, then almost everyone else.

""Thank you very much!"" Those who clasped their hands together, said their gratitude to the two approaching expert level mages.

"Roy, I see that you're planning on playing volleyball. What about training?" Veronica asked.

"Well, seems like the girls are all busy enjoying something. So, I thought of delaying the training and play instead. And we can also train by playing, right? How about you? Wanna play as well? We need at least two more members to show everyone what a volleyball is."

"Sure. We're in!" Celestine replied after the two nodded at each other.

And so, we played a two on two match. With me and Veronica on one side, and Celestine and Kron on the other side.

When the game started, everyone is left in awe since it's the first time they see a game that can be played using magic. This way, the players can improve their magic as well while playing.

Victoria's original game doesn't use magic. But we thought that it would be boring, we started using magic to play. Which is how this game came to be.

For example, we have the first game here. Veronica will be the one to serve. She throws the ball so high in the sky, and use wind magic to fly and spiked the ball. The ball fall so quick toward the opponent's side, but Celestine raised the soil to block the fall with earth magic. The rule is that as long as the ball isn't falling in the flat ground, the game is still going. So, it's still fair to use earth magic.

Since I pretend to be losing, after a few times going back and forth, I let Kron's spike boosted with wind magic to fall on the ground. That way, Kron and Celestine received the first point.

The funny thing is… the guys were looking at Celestine and Veronica at the beginning. But then, one by one, the girls returned, wearing bikinis or other type of swimsuits. Some of them have their own swimsuits, and some are made of Blobbies. The boys were afraid of being called as perverts, so they started to concentrate on the game.

"You guys understand the rule, right? This way, you can play while controlling your magic. This sport is good for improving your magic control and your physical strength. As for the magic used, as long as it won't kill anyone, it's fine to use it."

With that, everyone is interested in playing and started to build their team. Since there are a lot of people who want to play, I told them that one team will have five people at most.

And everyone started to enjoy playing as well, so I build some more venues.

What about the original training session? I forgot about it. I'll do it tomorrow. We are not in the mood to learn something serious.

Chapter 262 - Magic Beach Volleyball

So, today, instead of teaching the air element mages, we ended up having a volleyball tournament. Hurray!

Why!? How!?

No one seems to be in the mood to either teach, or learn anymore. They all wanted to practice what little they have learned. And Magic Beach Volleyball is the perfect occasion to do it.

Even though it's all started just because I want to know about the two air mages their limit by diving underwater as long as they can. And then, Oleg's wife said that she doesn't want to get her clothes wet, so Victoria said that she will show the two some clothes.

…and then volleyball tournament happened. It doesn't make sense.

But since I am participating in it, I will be the champion!

I have said it before that competition is boring to me. But for the others, it's some kind of entertainment which they enjoyed. I only said that it's boring when I'm not taking part in it. like the competition between the Werewolves that I no longer pay attention to. So, when the fight competition happens next year, I want nothing to do with it. Not even watching it.

This competition is just for fun, so there's actually no rule here and no reward either. Just us, playing around in the beach with a ball.

We made a tournament with 8 teams. Each team has 5 players, and unlimited number of substitutes. Which mean anyone can participate.

As for the team, we just put 8 team leaders, and anyone can join any team they want. I'm one of the leaders. And Albert as well. But he won't play. Instead, he will lead his team from the side.

He didn't participate since he knows that no one here will go all out against him. Except for me who might want to smack his face with the ball.

No, scratch that. I really want to smack his head.

Some people decided that their magic is not to their advantage, so they just choose to watch, or just play lightly on the other field.

Anyway, right now, I'm playing with four other player whose name I don't know. I told the Werewolves who wanted to play to pick different team, so I'm the only one physically strong in this team.

"Everyone already knows the rule?" I asked my teammates.


"Then, does each of you know what your magic can do in the game?"

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…this is just a game for fun. Why are they so enthusiast like a kid again?

By the way, the kids are just playing with Blobbyball whatever kind of game they want while being watched by the monsters. Shelia is also there since she loves children.

Soon, our first game started. It's against Celestine's team. And obviously, most of the male audiences are rooting for her all girls team. While on my team, we have three men including me, and two women.

The first game started, and I served the ball to the opponent's field. I used my Aura to get the ball as fast as possible to the other side. It worked and I got our first point. If it's like this, I don't need any one of my teammates, right?

The second serve, they are already prepared and casted a wind barrier right above the net. The ball is still too fast and can breakthrough the barrier, but it's still slowed down the ball considerably. Making it easier to receive.

They countered by having Celestine spiked the ball while using her fire magic as well to cover Blobbyball with fire. Her fire magic is not as strong as her earth magic. In fact, it was still in intermediate level since she chooses to only focus on her earth magic. But her fire magic is about as strong as an advanced level fire mage's fireball. She has been training with us much longer than the others after all. About few months since she has become our friend.

The one who received the ball don't have the magic to protect himself from the fire, so we lose one point. Or is it that Celestine purposely aiming at the man since she's well-versed in seducing people with her body?

Even I who should be able to react quickly, is unable to take my eyes off of her. Actually, I did. But my Divine Vision is focusing on her.

Now that I think about it, unlike Veronica who detested to be used by the cult for her body, Celestine only detested how the cult treat the orphans. She doesn't mind with men ogling at her breasts. She just won't think positively about those men. That's why I have always make sure to look directly to her eyes whenever we talked, while using Divine Vision to focus… on other things.

And now, she relies on me. and her hatred to men who only looks at her body, reduced. But if she has to use her body to win, she will do it. No wonder she picked a team full of girls with nice bodies. Scary…

The men are useless in this match. I have no choice but to swap the two men other than me, with two women who wanted to play. After that, the match was intense but it ended with my win.

What makes it good with being in a team filled with women is that they love hugging. So, when we win, we did a group hug. Nice…

Though seeing my girlfriends' eyes are not smiling is a little scary. What about that time when you all agree to get me as many lovers as possible? Is that a lie?

We progressed to the final after that. We had several substitutions made already and now, no one from the original members is here except for me. the other teams also did substitutions as well. some of them are because they were knocked out by the opponent's powerful magic. They needed to be treated by the healers.

By the way, the opponent for the final is Albert's team. Of course, he's just watching from the sidelines and only give order to his players. One of his players is obviously Mustache. As for the other members, all of them are those who have deep loyalties to Albert.

"Are you ready, Roy!? You will lose this round!" Albert proclaimed.

"I will win easily." I said.

There's no way I can lose if I knew their weakness, right?

Since this is the final, everyone stopped what they're doing and watched the game with interest. Some of them also started to place a bet. And I placed a bet on my team.

The game started with Mustache serves the ball first. He didn't use any magic to do it. Seems like it's some kind of Albert's strategy.

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Our team easily received it. Then a girl teammate passed the ball to me and I spiked it really hard toward Albert's face direction. Even if he's not playing, I can still aim for his face. It's just one point after all.

Mustache realized that the ball is going to Albert's direction, and blocked it from hitting Albert. But the ball fell to his field. And that mean I got the first point!

"Woohoo! That's one easy point!"

Why is everyone quiet? Even my teammates? We're one point ahead, you know?

"…Roy. Do you know that you're evil?" Albert asked.

"I do."

"Sigh… this is the first time that most people here know about it. that's why everyone is shocked that you're actually aiming at the king's face just to get a point." He said.

"Aiming at the opponent's weaknesses is the basic fighting. Whether it's a war, a fight, or even a game. Does no one know about this?"

I looked at everyone. Of course, they know about it. But I guess none of them expected this to happen in a volleyball game with no reward at all. So, I continue speaking.

"Rather, I'm worried. If they were shocked by just this much, what will happen when the war happened?"

"…what about it?"

Albert is smart. He should have known what I'm about to say. But instead of saying it himself, he let me do the talking. As for his goal in doing it, I guess it's to let everyone knows what kind of person I am.

"We still don't know if there are more of those cultists in this kingdom. What if they are another evil noble? What if they are so close to you? Worse, if they are your friends, lovers, or families. I don't think they can kill them. But I will."

"…aren't you just imagining it?"

Damn! He's good in acting! I guess I am as well. After all, what I said is not just my imagination. I think most people here already know, but I will say it.

"Don't you remember that guy whose name I forget? You know, the one who was supposed to be your personal secret guard? He's actually a member of the cult. And not just that, he's also aiming at your wife. And you kept such person so close to you without knowing anything. If it not for me killing him, all of these won't happen."

Now everyone here knows that I'm the wanted person, Ninja.

It's weird that we have such conversation during a beach volleyball match where everyone is barely covering their bodies.

"…I guess you're right. I pray such things won't happen again. But if someone close to me is aiming for my life again, I hope you will be there for me again." Albert said.

"I also hope that it won't happen again. Come on! It's time to continue the game!"

After that, I easily won the match. But at least after our conversation, everyone is more motivated in getting stronger. Although most of them are already tired, all of them choose to train. Individually, or in group.

Nice. This way, just on the third day, I can tell that this training camp is successful in getting everyone motivated.

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