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82.67% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 396: 71-78

Chapter 396: 71-78

Chapter 71 - Bathhouse And Inn

We have reached Cassau just before it got dark. People are already going their way home and started closing their shops. Other than inns, restaurants and bars.

"We're finally here! Should we go look for an inn?"

"Yeah. I'll also try to look for Sam and Lina to ask if they have already found us a place."

My vision is still locked in one spot. I can see many thing with my Divine Vision so I don't have to turn my head.

Yeah, that's right! I have the greatest vision in the world!

"Excuse me, you have been looking at our bathhouse since a while ago. Are you interested in it? If you are, feel free to come. Although it's not cheap, we have confidence in our services."

Someone suddenly approached me as I was 'looking for Sam'. Annoying…

She seems to be an employee at some kind of shops.

"Well, I'm looking for my frie- Guagh!!"

As I was about to tell her that I'm looking for a friend, but Angela punched me in the gut before I finished my sentence.

"Aaaah… so that's a bathhouse that you keep looking at… what about your friends? Have you find them yet?"

"Ugh- I'm still looking for them. Why don't you go find an inn for us?"

I asked Angela and the others to find us an inn to stay. But before they answered, the reply come from the bathhouse employee.

"Ah! If you're looking for a place to stay, you can stay in our place. Although it's well-known as a bathhouse, it's actually an inn as well. Not many people know about it so we don't have many people choosing to stay. But the bathhouse is almost always full."

"I'll take that offer! We will stay in your establishment for a while!"

"Thank you for choosing our inn. Please come and register first."

The employee ask us to follow her to the bathhouse inn.

"Of course Roy will agree to stay there…"

"I'm sorry! It was instinctive decision!"

"That's what he says… What about you two?"

"I'm fine with it. I want to soak myself in a bath."

"Me too. It's not like it will be easy to find an inn at this time."

It was Kayla first who answered Angela and then Sophie followed after.

"Aren't you two his girlfriends? You two just fine with him looking at other girls?"

"Well, he's Roy after all. And we can just get two rooms later. One will be Angela and me, then Roy and Sophie will be on the other room. She can just sleep with him to seduce him."

Whoa. Kayla already thought that far. Well, it's true that I enjoy seeing girls, but I enjoy it more when they are my girlfriends.

"I'm fine with it, but why aren't you be the one to sleep with him?"

Sophie asked why Kayla didn't decided to sleep with me.

"I think it's too soon for me to think about it. I will just leave it to the most experienced one among us. We will still have a lot of time together in the future."

And so we decided to get two room in this inn. I let the girls find the rooms they wanted while I'm continuing my search of Sam and Lina.

Unexpectedly, as I was just activating my Divine Vision again, I saw that both Sam and Lina are also living in this inn. Just right in front of my room. I guess I was too focused to a certain spot that I didn't notice they are here as well.



"Seems like they are here as well. That means they haven't found a good place yet."

"You mean the one you're looking for is staying here? Why did you take so long to find them? I thought you would have found them sooner."

"Angela. Don't forget that this place is also a bathhouse."


Angela soon realized the answer on her own after Kayla's reminder. Sophie was just giggling while watching the whole conversation.

Well, Kayla is right. I enjoyed watching the bath before actually searching for Sam.

"Well, I will go greet them first. Oh wait! They seem to be coming here. I think they're about to take a bath."

Soon after I said that, we saw Sam going down the stairs and about to go to the bath. Lina also followed behind her. And as soon as Lina saw my face, her face brighten up.

"Master! You're here!"

"Lina. Been a while. How are you?"

"I'm good! I missed you all these times."

"What are you doing here?"

Sam asked my intention in coming here.

"I'm going to another treasure hunt. And to let my party to remember the area around here. You haven't found a place yet?"

I asked Sam but the one who answered me is Lina.

"Not yet. I found a good place for you, but our budget is not enough. Sorry to have failed you…"

"No. Don't be so down. That means you found a good place for me, right? You're doing great then. As for money, I will take care of that since I'm doing another treasure hunt. Just do your job like usual."

"Yes! Thank you master!"

"You're going to the bath, right? You can go now and we can talk later. My friends also want to take a bath. You can get to know each other there."

With that, I grabbed all the girls' luggage and carry them to my room. Angela and Kayla can take them after bathing.

After taking the luggage, I also went to take a bath. I didn't take as long as the girls so when I have done and returned to my room, they are still there having fun.

Of course I can see them.

"Since you will be here, I'll take a bath with them."


Victoria appear and went to the bath. Angela, Kayla, and Sophie are pleasantly surprised to see her joining.

Hmm? I think they're looking this way for a moment? Did Victoria told them that I'm peeking?

…that's the truth and the girls should already get used to it. Other than Sam and Lina who's still confused about their conversation. They must be thinking that there's no way I can peek on them.

They left soon after and entered my room. Seems like we will have our discussion here.

"Roy! That's your summon?"

"Yes. Her name is Victoria. You should have known each other in the bath, right?"

"But I still can't believe it! I mean, she's totally like a human!"

"Victoria. Show her your original form."

Then human Victoria turned into blob Victoria. Now Sam can believe it.

"A slime that have the same intellect as human? Amazing."

"Well, more importantly, how's business?"

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This is what I want to know.

"Well, we're doing well. Although your share is not enough to buy the place that Lina want, it's still a lot."

"Wait. What kind of house is Lina trying to get me?"

"A huge one! Master, please look outside the window!"

I look over the window and see the building Lina pointed. It's a big three story building. I can see it behind a shop in front of this inn. No wonder it's quite expensive.

"Although that building is good, I'm still doubtful to get Master that one."

"Why? I think it's good. As for the price, I can get a lot after treasure hunting a few times."

"That building is the only one for sale in this city. Other than that, there are only small houses for sale."

"Then why not there?"

"…because it was haunted."


Then I looked again with my Divine Vision activated. Can I see ghosts with this vision?

The answer is yes. I saw a human shaped upper half body floating around in said building.

"Oooh! There really is ghosts over there. About five of them I guess?"

"You can see ghosts?"

"I see. It was an ability you got after defeating All-seeing Eye. So you can see everything in present with your eyes. But you can't see the past and future."

Kayla calmly appraising my vision while ignoring Angela's scream. As for Sophie, she's grabbing my hand. She must be scared

"You're right. Let's go over there tomorrow."

"Nope! We will go to the guild and look for a good quest to take. You go on your own!"

"Is that so? Then it will be just me and Victoria."

"No! Nonononononononono! Why should I go with you?"

"Just accept it. Even if you don't want to, I can just summon you when I'm there."

"…this is the first time I regretted to be your summon."

I want to go check that place as soon as possible. I'm not afraid of ghosts. Although it's the first time I see ghosts.

"Are you thinking of exorcising the ghost? I think you should do that after you got the money. If the ghosts disappear before you got the money, the price might rise."

"I'll do that then. By the way, if the place is haunted, why is it so expensive? Shouldn't it be cheap?"

"I thought so too. When I asked, they say that the building is expensive because of the material to build it. I heard that it was made with better materials than other building. That's why it's pretty strong."

"Strong building, huh? I like it already."

"Even though the price has been lowered by more than 50% because of the ghosts, it was still expensive. I think it's best if you have the money first before you visit the building. They might raise the price if they know you can exorcise ghosts."

"Okay. I will get a lot of treasure and bring it to Sam. Where should I take them to?"

"I rented an office nearby. Just bring them over there. I will also buy a place to be my office after I get more money. That's why you should bring a lot of treasures."

"Will do. I'll bring a lot of them tomorrow. Now that you're so close here, I can bring more than I did before."

"Good. I'll be waiting."

I guess I won't leave Cassau until I bought a place here. That's fine since I'm not in a hurry.

As for the haunted building… I'll take care of it after I got the money.

Can aura be used to exorcise ghosts?

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Chapter 72 - Another Treasure Hunt And A Rumor

The next day, I left to the sea while the girls enjoying sightseeing in Cassau. And maybe they will take a quests from the guild.

I dive into the sea to where I found the previous sunken ship. I haven't taken all the treasures inside that ship yet. Maybe there are more of them.

Somehow, today's treasure hunt is different than the last time. This time, there are a lot more monsters. Looks like it's the time when some type of fishes migrate. And because they are foods for monsters, the monsters followed them here. Now I have experienced why diving underwater is not popular. People might die getting killed by monsters.

But not me. Last time I came here, I practiced my underwater battle technique before I hunt for treasure. Now I will know how well I fought underwater.

There are a lot of fish monsters here. Is there any mermaid? I don't see any.

Most of the monsters are smaller than me so they choose to ignore me and feast on smaller fishes. If there's a piranha here, they won't care about the size of their meal.

Then I encounter a bigger target. It's a Sting Ray. The size is wide and long with a long and poisonous tip on its tail. Its tail is so long that it can target the enemy in front of it. Just like a scorpion. It's a perfect practice target.

I first shoot at it with Blobby harpoon. I missed. That Sting Ray is much faster than I imagined, so I transformed Blobby into a broadsword.

Now is where the real battle began.

The Sting Ray already think of me as its enemy. It will either run away or kill me. The fact that it stays, means that thing is trying to kill me.

The Sting Ray can swim fast, but its tail attacked much faster. It's like water pressure doesn't mean much to it. But at least I'm quick enough to block the attack. I block the tip of its tail with the side of my broadsword.

It attacked rapidly but I managed to block them all. Now it's my turn.

I swung my broadsword at it. It dodged easily but my swing doesn't stop. I keep swinging following an 8 shape pattern. Although it's not always an 8, I keep swinging.

I managed to scratch it a few times. Blood pouring out from where I scratched it. I have to finish soon before another bigger monsters appear because of the smell of blood.

The Sting Ray take some distance and I used that chance to attack it with my spear to kill it.

I swum as fast as I can in a straight line to the Sting Ray, and pierced its body with the spear. It was a good idea to hold the rear end of the spear because the length of the spear saved me from the poisonous tail attack. Its tail stopped right in front of my face. If the spear any shorter, I would have died. What a blunder.

I need to improve so I can kill monsters more efficiently. Without taking a huge risk like this. Maybe I should make my broadsword longer? But the attack power might be lessened if I do that. In the end, it's all about my physical strength, huh? I have to be able to strike down the enemy in one strike.

I guess this is enough battle for today. I need to leave soon before the smell of the blood attract stronger monsters. I still haven't got any treasures yet.

I swam to where the sunken ship is. On the way, there are only monsters weaker than the Sting Ray so I have no problem in defeating them. And I grabbed some Tuna because they were delicious. I'll have them for lunch later. I can ask Lina to cook it. Then after lunch I can return here to get some more treasures.

I also grabbed some water magic stones on the way. There are some Ice magic stones that somehow ended up here. Must be carried away from an iceberg or something. I'll give them to Angela later.



I entered the ships and look for more boxes. The ones that's not damaged at all. After all, they're the kind of boxes that was necessary for merchant especially if they want to protect their merchandise. It's difficult to break but I can do it easily.

I ignore the boxes that was filled with foods and spices. Even if the boxes are completely airtight, the foods should be spoiled and rotten already.

I grabbed most boxes that was filled with jewelries. As for boxes filled with magic equipment or magic tools, I'll take them later. I can ask Sam to have someone appraise them and then I'll present the good ones to the girls and let Sam sell the rest.

I left the sea and return to Cassau before lunch.

I returned to the inn and give the Tuna to Lina to cook. She then asked the employee of the inn to use the kitchen as we all waited at the restaurant in the inn. Since we got the ingredients ourselves, we don't have to pay.

While waiting, I asked Sam about the estimation of the treasures I just brought. And since I will return to the sea later, there might be more. I also ask her to find appraiser she can trust to appraise some magic tools and equipment I found. I know some of them, but not all. I just know those I have seen in the past.

"With this, I think you can buy that building already. But you need to wait at least 2 days for all of these to be sold."

"That's fine. I can grab some more treasures during that time or check on the hunting grounds nearby. We also need to check the monsters that commonly appear here in case we want to take some quests."

"That's good. But where will you store the treasures you find? I don't think you can safely put them in your room here."

"I'll just leave them in an empty island I found, or just leave gather them all underwater in the same place. So I whenever I'm out of money I can just go there. But I don't think I can find any safe place underwater with how strong the current is and that there are more monsters here than before."

"I think I know why. There's a rumor about a sea demon appearance. It's not that the sea demon appear, but her maid was witnessed by a fisherman."

"Really? What's the connection with the monsters? Did that demon order them to attack?"

It was Angela who interrupt our chat. I know the reason why. It was a simple answer. But of course for a magic nerd like Angela, she won't know the answer unless it's related to magic.

"It was because of that, most of fishermen afraid to go out to the sea. That mean there will be more fishes around the area. More fishes mean more predators. It's that simple."

Sam answered Angela's question. My guess was right then. But that sea demon… I hope that thing won't attack me out of nowhere.

"Actually, I might know something about that."

"Victoria? You know about the sea demon?"

"No. Sam, can you tell us how the rumor started?"

Victoria seems to know something about it and she asked Sam to tell her how the rumor started.

"It started not long ago. Just few days before we came here. If Roy doesn't know about rumor, I think the rumor started just after Roy leave this city and return to Melk."

Interesting. So the sea demon appeared around the time I'm here.

Sam continued the story.

"There's a fisherman on a boat. He was in the middle of the sea, quite far from where other fishing boat usually went fishing. Suddenly, he saw a humanoid form jumped from the sea and that thing can walk on water. He screamed, "A sea demon! A sea demon appears!" then he got a reply, "I'm her maid!" That's how the rumors spread.

Interesting… wait! That story seems familiar!

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"Somehow, the maid's voice sounded like that of a man."

"Sam… what do you know about that fisherman?"

"He's old. His hearing is not well anymore but he's not a liar. He's quite well-known among the fishermen group as an honest man. That's why everyone took it seriously."


Seems like Victoria already know the truth.

God! That is embarrassing!

That rumored maid of the sea demon was me!

That old fisherman misheard me saying 'I'm a mermaid' and changed it into 'I'm her maid'.

Victoria laughed so hard she can't stop laughing.

Seeing Victoria laughed, Angela and Kayla looked at me. They seemed to have realized the rumor is related to me. Sophie and Sam also looked at me because of it.

"Umm… That probably me."

"As I thought."

"You're such an idiot."

Angela and Kayla laughed after hearing my confession. But Sophie and Sam looked confused. I have no choice but to tell them the truth.

"I was practicing swimming and jumped high and landed on water. I can walk on water so that should be me. But what I shouted at that time was 'I'm a mermaid!' not 'I'm her maid!' That man misheard me."



"I'm serious. The rumor started to spread around the time I'm here, right? Then it was me. I'm sorry to have caused this much problem that makes fishermen afraid to go to the sea. But please don't tell anyone. It's embarrassing."

Sophie laughed together with the other three. But Sam who doesn't know I'm an aura user and what I can do, still looked confused.

She asked me how can a human being walk on water? But Lina already come with the dishes.

I'll tell her about it someday… but not today.

I'm too embarrassed to tell her now.

If I did it with the intention of spreading the rumor, I would proudly tell her how I did it, but since this is totally unintentional, this is too embarrassing.

I think the girls will tease me about it from now on. But it's also my fault so I can't do anything about it.


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Chapter 73 - Dungeon

We had a great lunch thanks to Lina's cooking. She's blushed as usual when I praised her.

One of the chefs also come out and ask me to come again whenever I had more fishes. Since most fisherman stopped going out to the sea, the supply of fish coming low. So they asked me to bring them some if I found more. Of course they will pay me.

I'm the one who started the rumor but I'm getting paid. Other than the embarrassment, there's nothing else I can complain about. I just hope the girls won't tell anyone the truth.

"I'm going back to the sea in a while. What about you girls?"

"I'll try to sell your finding today. If I could sell some of them today, you can get your money faster. I'll bring Lina with me."


Sam trying to sell the jewelries I found and taking Lina with her but Lina refused.

"Lina, please help her."

"If that's what master desire."

"…she's totally your maid now."

"Isn't that great? Lina, unless it's difficult, I want you to help Sam in any way you can. After all, she's my partner."

"Understood. I will help her to the best of my ability."

"What about you, Kayla?"

This time, I asked Kayla about her schedule today.

"I want to learn more about dungeon. I heard that there's a dungeon nearby. The three of us will collect some information about it."

"You want to explore dungeon?"

"Maybe. I want to learn about it first."

"Okay. If you want to go there, bring me along."

There's a dungeon in this world. Although not many of them and they are not popular. Only few hunters and explorers want to go there. After all, it's a monsters' den.

It was said that the monsters in this world, are come from the dungeon. They leave the dungeon and live in the wild. I don't know the truth about it, and no one does.

Dungeon usually is a closed space where monsters appear. They seem to be endless amount of them. There's a story about some group of powerful mage who conquered dungeon, but the monsters still appear even after they reached the lowest floor.

Other than monsters, there are also some treasure that can only appear in the dungeon. Sometimes, it's a magic item, or maybe even an elixir. But they are rare and can only be found deeper in the dungeon.

Most of the people who enters, are those who wants to get rich quickly. Ignoring the risk. But the rate of people who succeeded dungeon exploring, is lower than the people who died inside the dungeon.

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Maybe if I enter there, I could find a super strong magic weapon. But I already have Blobby so it's not important to me.

I have never went inside a dungeon in the past. Although I'm interested in the treasure, the monsters inside is stronger than monsters in the wild. I might encounter another monster more powerful than the mutated Orc Emperor. But maybe if I had a party…

"Roy, you interested in dungeon exploring?"

"Yes. I have never enter a dungeon before."

"What about the cave where you find that fruit? Does that count as a dungeon?"

That fruit? She must mean Pear-y Fruit. If I think about it, it's quite similar to a dungeon. A closed space, a monster, and a treasure. But there's only one monster there. Maybe I should check again. Who knows if the guild will reward me for discovering a dungeon?

"There was only one monster there so I don't know yet. What about you girls?"

"We're interested in going there, but it might be difficult in our current level. As a mage, fighting in a closed space is difficult. How about we all go there tomorrow for a test? If we found the exploring is doable, we can continue later. We have Roy after all."

Kayla is right. Being a mage, fighting using magic in a closed space is hard. That's also one reason why not many mage want to enter.

As for me, I fight in a close combat. So it should be easier for me. And I also have experience in fighting in a closed space. But if I have to choose, I would rather fight outside than inside.

I have fought against an Orc Emperor outside, and against the All-seeing Eye inside. For me, fighting inside is much easier. Although I had restriction back then with not using magic or having companion with me, now I don't have them anymore. If I have to fight All-seeing eye again, I can win easily if I can use my air magic. Having air element magic won't make me out of breath.

But I would rather fight outside. Because fighting in the wild means I have multiple escape route I can take if I can't win the battle. In a closed area, there would usually be just one escape route. Which mean it was easy to block and makes me unable to escape.

If I'm someone who wants to gain achievements and want to win no matter what, I would challenge a dungeon. But I'm someone who values my own life after I lost it. So I would choose to fight in a place where my escape route is clear.

But if I'm with a party, we can watch each other's back and someone can also secure the escape route. Maybe it's fine to explore it.

"Then let's go tomorrow. After today, I think I can get more treasures to last for a month or so. I'll bring them later to Sam."

"Master, can I join your exploration tomorrow?"

"Hmm? Are you sure? What about you girls?"

"I'm fine with it."

"Me too."

"If Kayla and Sophie already agreed, I have no reason to refuse then."

"You can just say okay or something, Angela. Sam, is she free tomorrow?"

"I might need to find some buyers to sell your jewelries. But if can take care most of it today, I can handle everything on my own tomorrow."

I think she has changed a lot. Sam used to be a gang leader and moneylender. But now she's doing a clean job of being a merchant, she's totally different from when she just allow her subordinates do whatever evil stuffs they want.

After finishing our meals and have some more chats, I returned to the sea.

I'm going to take all the treasures left in the ship and took them to the island where I rested back then. I think that's an empty land and no one goes there. I can just dig up a hole and bury the treasures there.

Later that evening, I brought some more fishes for the restaurant. After another delicious dinner, I prepared to take a bath. But the employee stopped me.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry but the male bath can't be used now. The water is slightly muddy so we can't let our customers bathe over there. We're sorry for the inconvenience."

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"Hmm… Then what should I do. I just went swimming today so I smell like a sea now. I really need a bath. Don't tell me it turned into a mixed bath?"

"You wish! There's no way that happened… right?"

Angela always loves to hit me in a moment like this. Can't I just enjoy a mixed bath?

"There's no mixed bath. But the women's bath is currently used as the men's bath. Women can enter it later after the men's turn."

"So the girls will enter after the boys?"

"That's right."

"So we can't enter it right now. What time will it be for the girls to have their turn?"

Angela asked the employee. Seems like she also planned to take a bath.

"In 2 hours. At 9 o'clock it will be the girls' turn."

"Alright. If that's the case, I'll take a bath before the girls. But I need to get some air first before I take a bath. I'll be back at 8:59."

Yup. That's my plan. To take a walk around until 8:59. Then it's still the men's bath at that time. Let's leave before Angela hit me again.

"AAAAH! It hurts! Don't pull my ear!"

She didn't hit me. But she pulled my ear real hard.

"No waiting! You! Bathe! Now!"

"Okay-okay! I'll take a bath now!"

I used my special ability this time since I can't get some air. It's one I used against the Orc Emperor.

Shameless Survival Arts!

Stalling Time Skill: Slow Walking!

I think it's better to name it Shameless Arts now. There's nothing about survival here.

"Run or I'll pull your other ear."

Dammit. I lost to her 'kind' persuasion. I have no choice but to take a long relaxing bath. 5 hours should be enough.

"And don't even try to take a long bath for hours. One hour max! No more than that!"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

She's really persuasive. I can't do anything about it.

The only thing I can do is to watch them from my room.

"And don't use your see-through vision again!"

…no promises there.

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Chapter 74 - New Girl?

"Who's she?"

"She's Ellen. She said she wants to tag along."

Right now, we're about to leave the city and go to the dungeon. But I saw a girl waiting next to the gate for someone. I asked Kayla if she knows her and she said someone wants to tag along with us.

"She's the one from whom I received information about dungeon. When I said we're going today, she volunteer to be our guide."

"She's a hunter?"

"She's an A-rank hunter. But she said a member of her party is an S-rank."

"Why would she bother with us C-rankers? And with my Divine Vision, I can check on the surrounding just fine."

"Well, she's insistent. And I can't really refuse her. Since you have no experience as well, I thought having her would be fine."

"I see. But now there's five of us. You, Angela, Sophie, Lina, and I. And we don't know if Victoria will come out or not. With this many people, the dungeon will be cramped."

"You're right. I told her that we have about five members and she's still insistent."

"Well, how about the rest of you? You fine with another one joining us?"

I asked the rest of the members.

"I'm fine with it. She's a good girl."

"I like her. Let's take her with us."

"Whatever master desire."

Angela and Sophie seems to have known about that girl. As for Lina, she will agree to whatever I say.

Lina joining us as she asked me yesterday. She's still wearing her maid clothes but she's carrying a vase with soil in it. It was for when she summon her plant monster. Since it was a plant, it can't walk on its own. That's why that vase is important. But she said that if her summon got stronger, it can walk by using its own roots as its legs. But it might take a while until then.

Since there's no one disagree with her coming, then she can join us. It should be temporary since she already has a party.

I was about to greet her but her attitude was…

"What?! You have a man in your party? Why didn't you tell me?"

Seems like she hates men.

"What's wrong with having a man in a party? Did you hate men? Then I apologize for not telling you. We can continue without you."

"You entered the guild with just three of you. Everyone is girls. Of course I would think you're a girl only party. I was even prepared to invite you three to join our party."

"Sorry. That's impossible. I enjoy teaming up with Roy."




"Are you sure about that? Don't you know that we have an S-rank hunter in our party?"

"I know. But I prefer Roy over any S-rank hunters. I guess you won't be joining us then."

"Sorry Ellen. I also like to be here."

"Me too. I'm sorry to refuse your invitation."

Kayla, Angela, and Sophie rejected Ellen's offer to join her party which has an S-rank hunter. Well, I'm much better than any S-ranker after all.


"What? Why is she looking at me as if I just stole her lover?"

"Don't know. I guess she's the kind that prefer women."

Ellen is staring dagger at me. As if she had a grudge against me.

"I'll still join you girls! I'll show you that I'm better than that man over there. I'm an A-rank hunter after all."

"If you hate me that much, you don't have to do it. You can just leave now."

"No! I will show you how strong an A-rank hunter is. Even if that rumored Sea Demon come with her maid, I can defeat them on my own!"

Oh shit! She just said something about the rumor. Now I have to deal with the girls' reaction!

"What do you think, Roy? Can she defeat that Sea Demon's maid?"

"Yeah, Rooooy. What do you think, Rooooy?"

"Stop it! Both of you stop it!"

Both Kayla and Angela started to tease me. I heard Sophie's laughter as well. As for Lina, she doesn't know the truth. Let it be that way for now.

"You don't need to ask his opinion! I will defeat that Sea Demon. Even if I can't at least I know I can defeat her maid!"

"What do you think, Rooooy?"

"Enough of that! I think she can do whatever she wants! Let's go!"

We leave the city with Ellen. But I felt Blobby leave my arm. Looks like Victoria choose to appear now. She will appear from outside the city as if she's waiting for us. The worst part about it is that… her teasing will be much worse than Kayla and Angela.

"Hey! I've been waiting for a while! Let's go!"

"Another member of your party? From the look of it, he's the only man here. He must be holding onto your weaknesses. He's just another prick who wants girls all around him! You must leave this party and come with me!"

No! She's wrong! I don't have anyone weaknesses! In fact, at the moment, they are holding my weakness!

"Nope. He doesn't has any of our weaknesses. Let's just go our way. And while we're on the way, let's have a chat about the rumor."


This is hell!

All the way to the dungeon, both my hands never left my face. I'm still covering my face even after we arrived.

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There were some monsters on the way, but thanks to Ellen who wants to show off her ability, we don't have to fight.

She's showing her powerful fire magic against the monsters. They were quite powerful magic, but should be useless in the dungeon.

If she used her magic in the dungeon, the oxygen in the area will be burnt and we won't have any way to breathe. And it was so powerful that it might hit her allies.

For the oxygen, since I'm here, it will be fine. But just like any other mages, her control over her magic is still weak. She can't adjust her magic well.

We have arrived at the entrance of the dungeon so I told the girls to control their magic properly.

"Girls. Don't use big scale magic. Try to control it and make it smaller. We can use this dungeon as your training spot for battle in closed space since we always fight in the wild before."

"Okay. Understood."

"Using weak magic? There are strong monsters inside and you ordered them to use weak magic? Do you want to die?"

I already gotten used to Ellen's hostility toward me so I ignored her. Whatever happen to her, as long as she's alive, I won't care.

I don't want her to die because she's really concerned about the girls' safety. She's a good person albeit only toward girls.

"Then as for formation, Kayla in the front. Then Sophie and Lina in the middle, and Angela behind us. As for the tagalong, she can be wherever she wants. Victoria and I will be on the ceiling."

"Wait, what? On the ceiling? Are you drunk?"

I ignore Ellen's remark again. I can stick on the wall because of aura. As for Victoria, even though she can't use aura, she's still a slime. And it's normal for a slime to have the ability to stuck on the wall or ceiling.

We entered the dungeon and as soon as Victoria and I entered, we climbed on the wall and stuck our feet on the ceiling.

"What? You're really stuck on the ceiling? Are you a cockroach?"

Ignore her. Ignore her.

"Lina. You can summon your monster now."

"Alright. Come Sunny."

She had told us about her monster's ability before we leave.

It's a plant type monster. And it looks like a sunflower. Except for the vine that can grow from its stem. For it to be able to walk using its own roots, Lina need to grow it first. If I found something that's helpful for the growth of a plant type monster, I will give it to her.

Then for Sunny's ability. It can grow its vine and wrap the enemy. Then it can also shoot seeds from its flower. Of course I praised Lina for how cool her summon is after she tells me about it. She was sad that she only has one element. Just like me in the past. But I told her that it means she can just concentrate on growing her summon and become stronger that way. She became happy after that.

"Alright. Lina, there's a goblin in front of us. Attack it with Sunny's seeds. I want to see how strong your monster is."


"The goblin will be visible soon. It's right in front of you. Just wait until it got visible."

I told her to wait. Then when the goblin appear, Lina told Sunny to shoot it.

"Sunny, Seeds Throws!"

Sunny throws the seeds… or is it vomits? Whatever the case, Sunny shoots the goblins with rapid fire. The damage is little but because of how much the seeds attacked, the goblin's got hurt more and more until it died.

"Good job, Lina. Sunny too."

"Thank you."

Once Sunny grows, it should be able to shoot its seeds more powerful and faster than that. I can't wait to see that.

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Chapter 75 - Don't Use Common Sense On Him

Our dungeon exploration is doing well. Extremely well in fact that even Ellen surprised about it. She was supposed to be the most experienced one among us. Not even Victoria has entered a dungeon in her past life when she was an aura user. But she said she's experienced it in a video games when she was in her old world.

I don't know what video games is but if it means someone can learn the experience without actually doing it, I'm jealous of people of that world. I need to learn more about that world later.

The only thing that bothering our exploration is Ellen's continuous questions.

"What is that plant monster? Why is Kayla using an earth spike as a weapon? How can Angela kill a monster with a fireball even though she's just a beginner level? How come the fireball is smaller than most beginner level mage's fireball but has more power? And How come those two walk on the ceiling as if it's normal?!"

"I was surprised that Master can walk on the ceiling. But I know that Master is a special being. If he says he can do it, then he will do it."

"Why is a maid worshipping him?!"

Most of the questions is answered by the maid, Lina. Although she can't answer most of the questions asked, she just said "Everything is by Master's will."

Did I end up creating a cult?

"Ellen. I'll tell you as the person who knows him the longest after his summon. The longer you know Roy, the more your common sense shattered. He might has some common sense, but he choose to ignore it most of the time. Try to get used to it."

"How can I get used to not using common sense?!"

Angela said it as a matter of fact. She's right though. Most of the things I taught everyone is not common. Like how to improve magic level faster without the use of Magic Stones, or to control your magic better. But those are things that will be known in the future. I just taught them before the knowledge spread. I think some of them are knowledge that were discovered by Angela herself in the future. But now I'll be the one who get the credit for it.

Anyway, since Ellen is surprised by everything, it's my time to annoy her. Since she keeps talking shit about me.

"Hmm… So you don't know much even though you said you are experienced in this, huh? What's all that experience used for if you only have questions, huh?"

"Ugh… shut up! I'll can tell you about this dungeon that you don't know of! Listen! This dungeon only has one path. Which means there's just one way to the deepest part of this dungeon. And there's no treasure here. The deeper you go, the stronger the monsters get. But at the deepest part, the strongest monster here is just orcs. This dungeon is well-known for being low leveled and easy to conquer. That's why it's not popular among hunters."

She explained all she knows about the dungeon. That's also the same information I got from Kayla last night. But as soon as I saw this dungeon, I know all they were wrong. The information is only half right. No. it may be even less than half right. But I won't tell her she's right no matter how little it is. She's annoying after all.

"You are wrong."

"Why do you think I'm wrong? My party has conquered this dungeon twice already. First is because we found it interesting and the second is in case we missed anything during our exploration. And we found nothing different from the information that we got."

"But none of you can stuck on the ceiling."

"Isn't that normal?"

"Sophie. Light."

"Huh? Okay."

I asked Sophie to illuminate the ceiling to a part where I pointed at. It's great that we have two light element magic. Kayla who stay as the vanguard who keeps her light magic on and holding a spike in one hand, and Sophie who stays in the middle.

As Sophie light the ceiling, everyone now can see there's a hole on it. It might only be able to fit one person, but it is still a path everyone missed since the dungeon is dark.

"There are many holes like this on the way. Inside, there are monsters and some of them are stronger than an orc. The path inside also branched. Although this one over here has no treasure inside, there's a monster inside."

"What?! How?!"

"The dungeon we're in is going down deeper and deeper. That means there are rooms above this path we walked. Then the path will be like a maze. No longer just like this floor we're walking that only has one way to go."

"Why didn't you tell us? Don't tell me you just wanted to annoy Ellen?"

"Nope. There's no need to tell anyone because the fastest route to a treasure chest is the one at the deepest area of this floor. There's a hole in the ceiling that will lead us to a treasure chest right away."

Angela is angry that I didn't tell her from the start.

"How can you know? Have you entered this dungeon before?"

"No. it's my first time here."

"Then why don't we just enter this one and explore the rest of the dungeon?"

"The monster is stronger than orc. And the area is too narrow to use powerful magic. The girls need to be at least Intermediate level mage so they can damage them by using small magic. And your magic control is too weak despite being the strongest here. If you use the same magic that you used on the way to this dungeon, you will end up hurting us. SO our goal today is to get that treasure from the hole at the end of this floor, kill the monster that guard it, and leave. We can explore later once we're stronger and more prepared. After all there's a lot more undiscovered treasure chests over there."

"And how do you know that?"

"Enough, Ellen. Like I said before, don't use your common sense on him. Just get used to it."

Angela told Ellen to stop asking too many questions. I guess she's also irritated to hear so many questions.

"In any case, it's good that you're joining us in this exploration. It means when we inform the guild about it, they won't think that we're lying just because we're just a C-rank hunter party. Although Sophie is a D-rank and Victoria is E."

"So you're using me?"

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"Yes. You can also explore this dungeon later with your S-rank hunter friend you have. Who knows if you can get a legendary magic tool from here?"

"…fine. So we will climb the hole after we reach the end of this floor?"

"Yeah. I'll enter it first and let you climb on Victoria."

"Climb on Victoria? What the hell are you using a girl for?"

Oh shit. I forgot that she's extremely hostile especially against men who treat women lightly. Let's show her that Victoria is not human.

"Victoria. Please."


Victoria turned into a black blob of slime and dropped just in front of Ellen.

"Nice to meet you, Ellen. I'm Victoria. A black slime. And I'm Roy's summon. I can transform myself into anything. That's what he meant by climbing on me later. I'll just turn myself into a rope or a ladder."

"What?! You're a summoned monster?"

"Yes, I am."

After many times she irritate me with her hostility against me, it's refreshing to see her surprised expression on the way here. And it's way more interesting when she realize that Victoria is a slime.

"Eh? She's a slime? Then it can be explained how she can stuck herself on the wall and ceiling. But what about Roy? And how strong is he to be able to command a slime with intellect that can communicate with human? Then what about how he realize the treasure chests' location? And about…"

Ellen keep mumbling to herself. She has too many questions to ask. Why can't she be a little bit like Luna? Today is her first time joining our party and she doesn't have much to ask.

I turned my eyes at Lina who smiled at me.

Well, she's at the level of worshipping me. Whatever I do or say is normal for her.

All I did was just praised her a few times and she already worship me? She's not right in the head. But her ability as a maid and her plant type monster is both exceptional.

Let's hope she won't make a cult about it.

"Since Ellen is busy mumbling to herself, let's continue our march. All of you other than Lina already experienced battling orcs so I'll leave the monsters in this floor to you."

"Roy, what about the monster that's guarding the treasure chest?"

"That's a Cyclops. It's bigger and stronger than orc. But with how narrow the area it's in, it doesn't have much space to move. I can take care of it easily."

And so, we continue deeper to the dungeon.

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Chapter 76 - Entering The Unexplored Path

It was easy to continue our exploration with the monsters here. Even the strongest one is just an orc and we have experienced battle against orcs too many times. During our training, and also in the recent case of orc settlement.

And this dungeon is too deep. Not the path we're taking of course. What I'm thinking is the path that goes after entering a hole in the ceiling.

I haven't entered one yet, but I can see them clearly with my Divine Vision. That's why I only told the girls to go to the deepest area of this floor and go up after that. The only strong monster there is a Cyclops.

I don't think the girls are able to defeat it yet since they are still a beginner level. But I can fight it. Especially in a closed space. I don't know if Victoria is strong enough to defeat it alone since she can't use aura, but she should be fine. Maybe I'll help her a bit.

Although it will be difficult to use a spear, I just need to break the spear near the tip and use it like a dagger.

"That's it. We have reached the end of the path. How do we get up there?"

"I can climb first then transform Victoria into a rope. You just need to grab her and I will pull you up. The hole is too narrow to fit two people so don't grab the rope at the same time."

I answered Angela who wonders how to get up there. They are all excited to enter the unexplored path of the dungeon.

They never seen any monsters on the ceiling. It was because Victoria and I cleared it up quickly. Most of them are just slimes so it was easy. And they are not that dangerous. Well, the most dangerous slime is my partner here. Other than her, I think there's not many slimes that was too strong.

As for Ellen, she seems to be preparing herself mentally since she heard that we have a Cyclops to fight. Well, usually, Cyclops are only seen on a mountain in outside. Not inside a dungeon.

The one here must be born inside the dungeon. That's why it can't escape since the hole is too narrow and it can't fit. It choose to stays in a room where the treasure chest is because it was the biggest room nearby.

There are more and more strong monsters inside, but there's only one Cyclops we will be facing. That's why I choose this path inside of entering other path.

And what's more, the inside of the treasure chest is amazing! Those are multiple Magic Stones with various elements!

There's some fire element, wind, lightning, ice, earth, and even a rare healing magic stones!

Usually, magic stones only appear in a place filled with certain element. Like water magic stones under the sea, fire in the volcano, and such. So a healing element magic stones are extremely rare. There are no place known to be the exact location where such magic stones appear.

I can give the fire, wind, and ice to Angela, lightning to Sophie, and healing and earth to Kayla.

Since Angela already gotten three types, for the earth magic stones I think it's fair if I give it to Kayla. As for Lina, I have to apologize since there's no summoning magic stones. Even if there's one, I might end up using it to cultivate instead of giving it to her.

Ellen? She didn't do much so we can ignore her.

There are also some other magic stones that I have never seen before inside that chest. I hope there are some air element magic stones.

As everyone has rested enough, I climbed up the hole with Victoria. She had it easy as she can turn small and enter the hole easily. As for me, I have to crawl inside that hole.




Victoria who has exited first, kill all the slimes there. As soon as I reached the end of the hole, she was just finished taking care of the slimes.

"Aren't they your cousins?"

"No. My cousins are as beautiful as me."

"So your cousins change their appearance according to their own preference, huh?"

"Yes. It was thanks to plastic surgery."

"What's that? What's plastic and how a surgery related to it?"

"I don't know much about how they do it. Let's just say that it's a surgery to change people's appearance or heal a scar or flaw or even birthmark that people doesn't want to have?"

"Making old scar disappear? Doesn't that sound like healing magic but through surgery? If I can learn it I might be able to get rich from female hunters or nobles who hates their scars, or freckles, or a birthmark."

"But I don't know how they do it. So good luck inventing it yourself."

"Does plastic surgery popular in your world?"

"They turn fuglies into beauties. What do you think?"

"But there's one thing we needed, right? What's plastic?"

"… let's stop thinking about it. I don't want this beautiful world to be filled with trash."

"What's that mean?"

"In my world, most of the trash that was thrown into the river or even sea, are made of plastic. They are not an edible stuffs so it endangered the animals. And if plastic is disposed by burning it, it will increase the risk of heart disease. It's useful but harmful at the same time if not properly taken care of."

"It's that harmful? And you don't know how to make it."

"And I don't know how to make it. But for healing an old scar or birthmark, there's no need for plastic I guess? You might need to use other part of your patients' skin to cover the scar. And I heard that there's a practice that use fish's skin to cover a burnt skin. Good luck with that."

Using fish skin on the burnt area? That's interesting.

"Even though you're not a doctor, I can still learn a lot about medical expertise from your world. Please teach me more of what you know."

"Sure. Although I don't know everything, I can still give you some ideas. For now let's finish this exploration."

With that, we finished our chat. Then just like what I said before, she turned into a rope and I pulled everyone up to this side.

"This is the unexplored area of the dungeon... and I'm the first one to enter here!"

"No you're not. I'm the first. Don't forget about it. You're just tagging along trying to show off your experience but you haven't done anything at all other than asking too many questions."

"Sorry. I was just excited."

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Hmm? She's not lashing at me like usual? I guess her attitude changed because of this exploration. I'm just glad she stopped doing it.

"After this passage, we will encounter a Cyclops. There's also a treasure chests filled with magic stones of various elements. I'll just give Ellen one of fire magic stones and the rest is for us, okay?"

"Fine with me. Just one is enough evidence to show the guild. By the time we reported about this, there will be chaos in the guild. All the hunters will try to explore the new area and most treasure will be fought over.

What about you? It will be difficult for a C-rank hunters to continue exploring this area."

"Our goal has never been to conquer a dungeon in the first place. We're just here because we never entered one before. If they want to fight, let them fight each other. We have some business to attend tomorrow."

"Not us. Just you. We will go sightseeing the city. You can go alone."

"Just him? What is his business?"

"Not important."

"It is important! I'm just curious about the ghosts."

I objected Angela that says it wasn't important. Looking for a house is important.

"What ghosts? Are you trying to buy that haunted building?"


"Are you crazy? All the previous owners choose to leave and never come back after seeing the ghosts."

"I'm interested to test if I can punch a ghost or not."

"Is that why you're going? Oh wait. I forgot to not use common sense when talking with you. Do whatever you want. We might not meet again in the future after all. And if you're cursed, don't ever talk to me again."

Curse, huh? I guess I forgot about that part. Well, whatever. Once I can't hit the ghost, I will escape right away before the ghost curse me. Can aura protect me from curses?

No wait! More importantly, why am I so entranced with that building? Don't tell me the ghost already put a charm magic or curse on me when I see it before? To make me interested in the building?

Shit. Now that I know, I have to go there even more. And when I do, the first thing I will do when I see a ghost is to punch it straight in the face.

"Victoria? What's wrong?"

I heard Sophie called out to Victoria. What is she doing now?

She's just crouching and facing the wall with her hand holding her head. Does she really afraid of ghost?

"No matter what I do I'll just end up there. I can't undo the contract. I have to face the ghost. How can I escape this fate."

"You can't. I'm bringing you tomorrow no matter what. Who knows if the ghosts over there are your old friends? They died and stay as a ghost in this world."

"But ghosts are scary! I don't believe in a friendly ghosts!"

No matter how much she hates it, I'm taking her with me no matter what.

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It was easy to continue our exploration with the monsters here. Even the strongest one is just an orc and we have experienced battle against orcs too many times. During our training, and also in the recent case of orc settlement.

And this dungeon is too deep. Not the path we're taking of course. What I'm thinking is the path that goes after entering a hole in the ceiling.

I haven't entered one yet, but I can see them clearly with my Divine Vision. That's why I only told the girls to go to the deepest area of this floor and go up after that. The only strong monster there is a Cyclops.

I don't think the girls are able to defeat it yet since they are still a beginner level. But I can fight it. Especially in a closed space. I don't know if Victoria is strong enough to defeat it alone since she can't use aura, but she should be fine. Maybe I'll help her a bit.

Although it will be difficult to use a spear, I just need to break the spear near the tip and use it like a dagger.

"That's it. We have reached the end of the path. How do we get up there?"

"I can climb first then transform Victoria into a rope. You just need to grab her and I will pull you up. The hole is too narrow to fit two people so don't grab the rope at the same time."

I answered Angela who wonders how to get up there. They are all excited to enter the unexplored path of the dungeon.

They never seen any monsters on the ceiling. It was because Victoria and I cleared it up quickly. Most of them are just slimes so it was easy. And they are not that dangerous. Well, the most dangerous slime is my partner here. Other than her, I think there's not many slimes that was too strong.

As for Ellen, she seems to be preparing herself mentally since she heard that we have a Cyclops to fight. Well, usually, Cyclops are only seen on a mountain in outside. Not inside a dungeon.

The one here must be born inside the dungeon. That's why it can't escape since the hole is too narrow and it can't fit. It choose to stays in a room where the treasure chest is because it was the biggest room nearby.

There are more and more strong monsters inside, but there's only one Cyclops we will be facing. That's why I choose this path inside of entering other path.

And what's more, the inside of the treasure chest is amazing! Those are multiple Magic Stones with various elements!

There's some fire element, wind, lightning, ice, earth, and even a rare healing magic stones!

Usually, magic stones only appear in a place filled with certain element. Like water magic stones under the sea, fire in the volcano, and such. So a healing element magic stones are extremely rare. There are no place known to be the exact location where such magic stones appear.

I can give the fire, wind, and ice to Angela, lightning to Sophie, and healing and earth to Kayla.

Since Angela already gotten three types, for the earth magic stones I think it's fair if I give it to Kayla. As for Lina, I have to apologize since there's no summoning magic stones. Even if there's one, I might end up using it to cultivate instead of giving it to her.

Ellen? She didn't do much so we can ignore her.

There are also some other magic stones that I have never seen before inside that chest. I hope there are some air element magic stones.

As everyone has rested enough, I climbed up the hole with Victoria. She had it easy as she can turn small and enter the hole easily. As for me, I have to crawl inside that hole.




Victoria who has exited first, kill all the slimes there. As soon as I reached the end of the hole, she was just finished taking care of the slimes.

"Aren't they your cousins?"

"No. My cousins are as beautiful as me."

"So your cousins change their appearance according to their own preference, huh?"

"Yes. It was thanks to plastic surgery."

"What's that? What's plastic and how a surgery related to it?"

"I don't know much about how they do it. Let's just say that it's a surgery to change people's appearance or heal a scar or flaw or even birthmark that people doesn't want to have?"

"Making old scar disappear? Doesn't that sound like healing magic but through surgery? If I can learn it I might be able to get rich from female hunters or nobles who hates their scars, or freckles, or a birthmark."

"But I don't know how they do it. So good luck inventing it yourself."

"Does plastic surgery popular in your world?"

"They turn fuglies into beauties. What do you think?"

"But there's one thing we needed, right? What's plastic?"

"… let's stop thinking about it. I don't want this beautiful world to be filled with trash."

"What's that mean?"

"In my world, most of the trash that was thrown into the river or even sea, are made of plastic. They are not an edible stuffs so it endangered the animals. And if plastic is disposed by burning it, it will increase the risk of heart disease. It's useful but harmful at the same time if not properly taken care of."

"It's that harmful? And you don't know how to make it."

"And I don't know how to make it. But for healing an old scar or birthmark, there's no need for plastic I guess? You might need to use other part of your patients' skin to cover the scar. And I heard that there's a practice that use fish's skin to cover a burnt skin. Good luck with that."

Using fish skin on the burnt area? That's interesting.

"Even though you're not a doctor, I can still learn a lot about medical expertise from your world. Please teach me more of what you know."

"Sure. Although I don't know everything, I can still give you some ideas. For now let's finish this exploration."

With that, we finished our chat. Then just like what I said before, she turned into a rope and I pulled everyone up to this side.

"This is the unexplored area of the dungeon... and I'm the first one to enter here!"

"No you're not. I'm the first. Don't forget about it. You're just tagging along trying to show off your experience but you haven't done anything at all other than asking too many questions."

"Sorry. I was just excited."

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Hmm? She's not lashing at me like usual? I guess her attitude changed because of this exploration. I'm just glad she stopped doing it.

"After this passage, we will encounter a Cyclops. There's also a treasure chests filled with magic stones of various elements. I'll just give Ellen one of fire magic stones and the rest is for us, okay?"

"Fine with me. Just one is enough evidence to show the guild. By the time we reported about this, there will be chaos in the guild. All the hunters will try to explore the new area and most treasure will be fought over.

What about you? It will be difficult for a C-rank hunters to continue exploring this area."

"Our goal has never been to conquer a dungeon in the first place. We're just here because we never entered one before. If they want to fight, let them fight each other. We have some business to attend tomorrow."

"Not us. Just you. We will go sightseeing the city. You can go alone."

"Just him? What is his business?"

"Not important."

"It is important! I'm just curious about the ghosts."

I objected Angela that says it wasn't important. Looking for a house is important.

"What ghosts? Are you trying to buy that haunted building?"


"Are you crazy? All the previous owners choose to leave and never come back after seeing the ghosts."

"I'm interested to test if I can punch a ghost or not."

"Is that why you're going? Oh wait. I forgot to not use common sense when talking with you. Do whatever you want. We might not meet again in the future after all. And if you're cursed, don't ever talk to me again."

Curse, huh? I guess I forgot about that part. Well, whatever. Once I can't hit the ghost, I will escape right away before the ghost curse me. Can aura protect me from curses?

No wait! More importantly, why am I so entranced with that building? Don't tell me the ghost already put a charm magic or curse on me when I see it before? To make me interested in the building?

Shit. Now that I know, I have to go there even more. And when I do, the first thing I will do when I see a ghost is to punch it straight in the face.

"Victoria? What's wrong?"

I heard Sophie called out to Victoria. What is she doing now?

She's just crouching and facing the wall with her hand holding her head. Does she really afraid of ghost?

"No matter what I do I'll just end up there. I can't undo the contract. I have to face the ghost. How can I escape this fate."

"You can't. I'm bringing you tomorrow no matter what. Who knows if the ghosts over there are your old friends? They died and stay as a ghost in this world."

"But ghosts are scary! I don't believe in a friendly ghosts!"

No matter how much she hates it, I'm taking her with me no matter what.

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Chapter 77 - Treasure, Get!

"About the cyclops. It's a particularly strong monster. Comparable with an Orc General. So for this fight, the participant will only be me, Victoria, Lina, and Sunny. Since the rest of you can get some shares from the treasures, us two summoners will get this turn."

The content of the treasure chest containing various magic stones that suit the rest of the girls. So for the Cyclops, it's the summoners' turn. I need Victoria to defeat a whole lot powerful monster so I can increase my level. Thanks to the Orc Emperor, I'm already halfway in increasing her time. For defeating the Cyclops, it might not increase by much, but it's important for her to defeat monster no matter how weak and how little it increase my summoning element is.

As for Lina, since she only has a summoning element, and has always been Sam's maid, she never had any experience in real fight against monsters other than today. Defeating the Cyclops should improve the level of her summoning element. Although I don't think it's enough for her to reach Intermediate level.

The experience will be shared between the two of us, but that's fine. Since she has chosen to stay with me, I can help her raise her level. Maybe if I find another Pear-y Fruit I can give it to her.

"Alright. Good luck Lina! Sunny too!"

"I wish you the best, Lina!"

"I believe in you."

"Hey! What about me?"

Angela, Kayla, and Sophie were just encouraging Lina. They don't care about me at all.

"Huh? You'll be fine so we don't need to say anything."

"Don't let Lina got hurt."

"I believe in you."

The treatment is totally different with me… except for Sophie who keeps repeating the same words.

Well, at least it means they have that much trust in me.

"Let's enter. Lina. Just tell Sunny to keep shooting at it."


"Are you sure it's okay with just two summoners? I have seen Sunny's performance but not yours. I think Victoria can fight well but I don't know yet."

Ellen seems to be hesitating about my plan. Well, it's her first ride with me so it's understandable.

"Just watch. The four of you just need to watch. The victor has already been decided."

"You have that much confidence, huh? I guess I'll just trust you."

She has been docile since I show her the holes in the ceiling. After all she can't stay hostile against someone who had been right all the time.

"So I just have to let Sunny shoot the enemy?"

"Yes. You just need to hold Sunny and keep shooting. The Cyclops doesn't have anything to attack from distance. Just shoot it from a safe distance. Don't worry about me. I can dodge Sunny's seeds easily while Victoria doesn't really take any damage."


We decided to face the Cyclops with this plan.

We continued walking on the passageway and finally we reached a bigger room. The length of the room is about 20 meter and it's only 5 meter wide. The height is just about 4 meter. Which makes the 3 meter tall Cyclops have restricted movements.

"There's our Cyclops. You can see behind that thing that there's a treasure chest. That's our target in this exploration."

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"You're right. Don't tell me you have a see-through vision or something."

"Yes I do. Ask me what color is the underwear you're wearing and I can tell you the answer."

"I was right! You're just a pervert!"

Oops! I shouldn't have said that. Now she became hostile again toward me.

"Well, let's start the fight. You girls just stay and watch. Lina! Shoot!"


Sunny started shooting its seeds. Does Sunny have unlimited seeds?

Victoria and I also run toward the Cyclops. If the space is this big, I should be able to use my spear just fine. But I also want to improve my dagger technique so I keep using it that way.

Feeling the seeds attacking it, the Cyclops didn't take any damage. The Cyclops strength is almost as strong as the Orc General that I fought before so it was as expected that it takes no damage.

But the seeds make it notice our existence. It knows that enemy is coming.

The Cyclops fight unarmed. It used its long arms to fight. But for Victoria and me, those punches are easy to evade. Especially in this closed space. It keeps hitting on the wall as we keep evading the Cyclops' punches.

I threw three throwing knives to its eye. Although its muscles is as strong as Orc General, its eye is not as strong. Just throwing knives are enough to damage it. Even more, since Cyclopes only have one eye, those knives already took away that monster's vision.

Victoria and I keep slashing at the blinded Cyclops. Although it will be easy to finish if I stab it like how I finished the Orc General, we choose this style of fighting to improve ourselves.

Victoria with her Katana cut open a long wound on the Cyclops, while I use my dagger and aura to make a deeper wound. We keep doing it until the Cyclops unable to move any longer.

It was easier than Orc General since the Cyclops has difficulty in this closed area. Thanks to its size, its movements are restricted a lot and easily predicted. That's how we killed it easily.

"Well, that was easy."

"No, it's not! Cyclopes are monsters that needed at least an advanced level mage to defeat! But you not only are still a beginner level. You also didn't use any magic and fight close combat with it! You are insane!"

"How was it, Lina?"

"I'm fine. But mentally exhausted. I never thought you can defeat it without using magic."

"Well, if you're with me, you will see more unexpected things. Try to get used to it like Angela, Kayla, and Sophie did."

I looked at Sunny who's being carried by Lina.

"Oh, look! Sunny seems to has grown bigger!"

"Yes! I can feel that Sunny is happy. Sunny also started dancing."

I see the stalk keeps moving. Is that dancing? I guess Sunny is happy with its own growth.

"Let's go check the treasure chest."

I opened the treasure chest and I can see a lot of magic stones there.

"They're really magic stones. And the qualities are high! How did you know? Was it really see-through vision?"

"You doubted me? That's normal I guess. Here's one fire magic stone for you. As for the rest, we'll share it at the inn."

"Okay. It was interesting to explore a dungeon. Let's do it again sometime!"

"But after we reported about this dungeon, it will be crowded by hunters who wanted to seek treasures. So it will be difficult to enter again soon."

"But I don't think they can get anything yet at the moment. The hole we entered is quite slippery since many slimes used it. It will be a while until someone other than us can get a treasure. They also need to fight monsters like the Cyclops. It will be difficult for average hunters."

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"You're also leaving for the capital soon, right? So we can't enter it at least until you returned here."

"You're right."

After checking on the ghosts tomorrow, I planned to go to the capital the next day alone. I hope the ghosts problem can be solved so I can buy that building and let the girls stay there.

I need to go to the capital to report about the Evil God Cult to the king. And I need to do it stealthily. No one must know who I am. I also need to disguise myself so the king won't know who I am.

"Master, you're going to the capital? Do you need me to go with you?"

"I need to go alone. Sorry I can't take you with me. But I want you to take care of our new house as soon as we buy it. I'll go check on it tomorrow."

"Understood. I'll make it as clean as possible."

"I knew I can count on you!"

"Of course!"

She's as cute as usual after getting praised.

Meanwhile Ellen seems to be deep in thoughts.

"Hey, Kayla. Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I'm going to inform my party about the unexplored area. When we decided to explore this dungeon again I want you to come with us. We don't have any light element magic to give us light."


Instead of answering, Kayla just looked at me. Asking for my permission.

"You can do whatever you want while I'm going to the capital. But once I return here don't forget that we will go back to Melk soon."

"Then I will go."


"On one condition!"

Of course I would put a condition to this. I can't let anything bad happen to Kayla.

"She can go only if you promise to do anything it takes to protect her from danger. If it's only at the level of orcs, she can fight it just fine. But there are Cyclops in the unexplored areas. You have to protect her even with your life on the line! If you can't do that, ask someone else."

"Of course that's a given! Did you forget that we have an S-rank hunter in our party?"

"I don't. But can your party use a powerful small magic like my party did? Using a strong magic without control will only damage yourself and your surroundings. Can that S-rank of yours do it?"

"… I don't know."

"Roy. Can I teach them how to control their magic? I will only follow them once they passed an acceptable level of control."

"Sure then. You can ask Angela to help you teach them since she's better at it."

"Only if they ask me to join the exploration… Is what I want to say. But in a closed space, it will be hard to explore with too many members. I'll just stay in the city and cultivate with those magic stones we just got."

"Then that's that. If their control is not good enough, don't join them."


"That's good. Let's return now. We have been here for a while."

Seems like they have their own plan now. Angela and Sophie will try to improve their magic with the help of magic stones. Kayla will teach Ellen's party about magic control. And Lina will take care of our new house.

I hope I can punch those ghosts away from that building.

Chapter 78 - News Spread Too Quickly In The Guild

"You found an unex- hmph!"


"You're way louder than her!"

We report our finding to the guild receptionist as soon as we got back to the city, and she almost tell everyone in the guild about it. So I have to cover her mouth with my hand and told her to be quiet. But I was louder than her so Angela yelled at me.

"I apologize for my manner. Please come to the guild master room. This information is too much too handle for me alone."


The receptionist told us to follow her to the guild master room because this is an important matter that can't be handled poorly.

Telling the guild that there's an unexplored area in a dungeon that has been found for over a hundred years is too much of a surprise.

The dungeon we explored has been discovered for a long time. And since the path inside is obvious, it was named Linear Dungeon. Because there's only one path to take. Whether you enter or exit, it's the only path that exist.

Then one day, a group consisting of an extremely handsome man surrounded by beauties suddenly reported that there are many paths in the ceiling leading to treasures.

We followed the receptionist to the guild master's room and tell the guild master about our finding.

"So those holes in the ceiling actually led a way to treasures? How did you enter it? We already know about those holes for a long time, but only thought that those holes are for slimes to spawn. How did you enter it? Unless you can fly."

"We didn't fly. My summon is also a special type of slime that can transform into any object. I let it climb the hole and transform into a rope. Then we climb it like normal."

"Is that so? Can you show me your summon?"


Victoria eight now is no longer in her human form. She's a grappling hook attached to my right arm just like usual.

I showed the guild master my right arm and let Victoria transform into a blob of slime.

"This is interesting. A shape-shifting slime. First time I've seen it."

The guild master of Cassau guild amazed to see Victoria. Meanwhile Ellen looked confused why I didn't tell the guild master that I can stuck on the wall and ceiling.

Maybe after she thought to herself that it was impossible to make him believe it until he sees it for himself, she keep her mouth shut. Or maybe she thinks I want to keep my ability as secret.

"Thanks for your information. But if this report spread to the hunters, the number of hunters who want to enter the dungeon will skyrocket. Even if it's difficult to climb it, there will be many hunters who want to give it a try."

"That's not my problem. Can we leave now?"

"Oh, right. Sorry for holding you this long. But the guild will soon give request to the hunters about the dungeon's unexplored area so if possible, we would like to hire your party. And there might be a name change from Linear Dungeon to another name."

"Just change it to Non-Linear Dungeon. As for your request, I'm going to the capital the soon so I can't participate. Ellen said she wants to tell her party to go. Just ask her."

I can't go because I'm going to have a meeting with the king. And when I said a meeting, it means sneaking into his bedroom and have a private chat.

"Alright. Ellen, your party will try to conquer this dungeon?"

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"Yes. My party and Kayla here will try to conquer it. But we need fit the conditions that Kayla put before we enter it."

What she means by conditions is that they need to learn magic control into a passable level according to Kayla. Because of the narrow area, it will be difficult to conquer it if Ellen's party only know how to use powerful spell. It will only hurt themselves if they use powerful spell. And they have to make sure Kayla is safe even at the cost of their lives.

"What condition… I guess it's something personal. I won't ask any further. But if you take too long before you enter the dungeon, I will inform all the hunters here about the dungeon."

"That's fine. After all there's an S-rank hunter in my party. No matter who tried to compete with us, we won't back down!"

"Okay. I'll give you two weeks before I inform the hunters about this."

"I think you don't need to care about that."

I interrupted their conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that receptionist lady over there has told another receptionist about this before we get here. Although I already shut her mouth before, the gossipy nature of hers is too much to handle. I believe the one she spokes to have already told some hunters about this."


The guild master then looked at the receptionist who enters the room with us.

"Do you know what you have done?! You will make that dungeon cramped with greedy hunters! There will be fight over treasures because you can't handle it in proper manner!"

"I'm sorry!"

"You... there's a Cyclops inside that hole! If inexperienced hunters enter it, although it's difficult, there will be some that can climb the holes. And because of those small holes, it will be difficult for those hunters to escape once they enter. They will be prey to Cyclops and who knows what other type of monsters there!"

"If we're done here then I'll leave, okay? Bye!"

Feeling that there won't be any need of me staying here any longer, I decided to leave.

"Ah! Thank you for reporting! We will reward you for this findings. But we need some time to think of a proper reward. We will give you the reward after I inform the guild HQ about this."

"I'm going to the capital soon. So if I haven't returned yet, just give the reward to any of my party members."

"Understood. Thank you very much."

All of us left the guild master room leaving only the guild master and the receptionist inside.

On the way to the exit, I can see many hunters looking at us. Seems like there are too many gossipy receptionists in this guild.

As we were about to leave, one man blocked the exit.

"Hey, are you the one who find the unexplored area in Linear Dungeon?"

"Nope. Wrong person."

"Oh? Okay. Sorry."

"It's fine. No problem"

"He's lying! He's the one who told Serena!"

"One thing for sure is that the receptionists in this guild will be punished by the guild master for spreading unconfirmed rumor."


One of the receptionists suddenly shout out that I'm lying. How unprofessional of them. And that Serena I guess is the one who is being reprimanded right now in the guild master room.

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"So you're lying! How dare you!"

"I'm not lying! Those area has been found a long time ago but no one tried to enter them before except me and my party."

"Oh I see. So you're not lying."

He's so gullible! I wonder if Daniel grows up, he will be like this man here. I hope that won't be the case.

And I can't hate people with this personality. I guess I need to give him some advice.

"Listen here. The unexplored area is filled with monsters stronger than orcs. If you value your life, please listen to the guild master's pointer before you enter it. Otherwise, it's just a suicide mission."

"Okay. You're a kind man."

"Thank you. I know I am, but listening to other people saying it to me feels good."

"I know. When someone praise me, I also feel good."

"Alright, I'm leaving. Goodbye!"


I found a new friend today!

Wait! I don't know his name yet! Does that count as a friend?

Anyway, I hope nothing happens to him. He's such an interesting guy.

"Then I'll also take my leave. I have to report this to my party. Kayla, I'll contact you tomorrow."

"Okay. See you tomorrow!"

Ellen also leave her own way to tell her party members about the dungeon. Now she has to compete with many other hunters over the treasures.


As she leaves, I heard a familiar voice calling out to her. I used my Divine Vision to look at her without turning my head back. Then I see a familiar face.

She's the loud girl from before! And she's louder than back then when she asked for help!

I guess her being here means that she's safe. And her village should be safe because I gave her some hints. But I don't want to get involved with her. Not with how loud she is. So I walked away without looking at her while the girls are looking at her curiously.

She seems to know Ellen. Maybe it was Ellen's party that helped her before. Good for her.

But if she's here, there's a chance that we will meet again. I don't know if my eardrums can handle her or not. That's why I choose to leave without greeting her. I don't even know her name so I guess we're just stranger.

Before we reach the inn, Victoria spoke to me.

"Roy. Before we return to the inn, let's buy some charms to exorcise ghosts."

"Huh? Aren't you also a ghost? If we think about it, you have died a long time ago. Then you become a ghost that possessed Blobby."

"No I'm not! I'm reincarnated!"

"How can you tell?"

"I can't! I just don't want to be a ghost!"

What a difficult partner I have…

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