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75.78% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 363: 231-240

Chapter 363: 231-240

Chapter 231 - Having Energy With Nowhere To Spend It.


Melinda had just dodged a Cosmic attack that damaged the ground next to her.

Her eyes were burning gold and her Armament was a blur in her hand as she deflected all the pelting of cosmic attacks that were being tossed in her direction.

By her sides were Rita whose eyes were burning violet while wielding her Cosmic Armament and Karmen whose eyes were fiendishly red and had her Red Broadsword Cosmic Armament out to deflect cosmic attacks as well.

Attacks that came from the Six ladies facing them.

The ladies were the best of those from Pleasure inn;

Camilla, Irina, Navaeh, Kyla, Nina and Opal.

While Camilla and Irina had always been the strongest of the ladies, the other four were rising stars and had all advanced to the Cosmic Armament Realm and were now at the Mid-stage.

Camilla and Irina were at the Late stage.

As for their opponents;

Melinda was already at the Peak and ready to attempt advancing to the Cosmic Phenomenon Realm.

Rita only just advanced to the Peak stage of the Cosmic Armament Realm and was far from ready to attempt another advancement.

Karmen was the weakest of the three with her cultivation at the Mid-stage but it was no secret that the Blood Knights' whole cultivation pattern was for battle and no one ever underestimated her.

So far, both sides had kept to long-distance attacks only and they had the spectating of a few of the other ladies including Marla and Amelia who was now spending a lot of time at the Mansion.

The spar might have been meant to be good natured but the ladies could not help but feel the need and urge to knock Melinda off whatever pedestal Hal had placed her on.

It was not because of any vendetta against her, it was just jealousy.

Plain and simple.

Jealousy that it did not matter how much time Hal spent with them and how much pleasure he felt with them, Melinda was the one he always ended the day with.

She was his home.

Melinda smirked lightly as she could tell what it was they had on their mind but felt it would have the opposite effect to pacify them.

Instead, she might as well show them why she deserved that position and why she wished to keep it.


The sound was light but by the time they blinked, Melinda was already dashing towards them with her sword raised high.

Camilla's eyes widened and she leaped back but even then, Melinda caught her with a hard rap on her arm.

The other ladies managed to escape her path however, it was only to meet Rita and Karmen who were quite ready to make their presence felt.

Karmen especially was feeling quite good.

Ever since the war, she had been riding on a high and she did not wish it to end anytime soon.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

The sounds of blades slicing through the air were unanimous as Navaeh, Kyla and Nina had leaped back just in time to avoid the ladies' strikes while Opal had leaped upward right on time to strike down at the Two with lust flames.

Rita smirked and slashed her hand right through the Flames and put them out just as Opal landed and staggered many steps backward.

The ladies shared a quick look and seemed to come to an agreement quickly as they were soon engaging the two ladies.

Just like that, Karmen and Rita had to fend off two opponents each.

The close combat made Karmen's smile, if possible, even wider as she simply relished it.

"Haha. Now, this is how to fight. Not that sissy long-distance stuff" she yelled in joy as she parried Navaeh's blade and twisted to avoid Nina's while striking the lady with the flat side of her Broadsword.


So heavy was the strike that it propelled Nina all the way to the other side of the courtyard.

She lifted her head and her brown hair formed a curtain in front of her face but she brushed it aside to look at the battle between Navaeh and Karmen.

Despite the welt that formed from the strike, Nina smiled.

She quite enjoyed the spar.

Besides, it beat fighting wars any day.

Not to mention that it took her mind away from how horny she was at the moment which was Hal's fault as he had not visited any of them in the last three days.

He had been spending all of his time with that Green eyed bitch (her words not mine).

Nina sighed and returned to her feet.

Ready to rejoin the fray.

Rita's attackers were quite adamant about infiltrating her body with lust flames.

It was probably their perfect idea for torture.

They probably expected that since Hal had not been with her in a while, the flames might finally break the dam of her sexual frustrations.

She had to say that she quite liked their attention to detail to even attempt to make use of that to tweak things in their favor but it did not change the fact that they were way out of their league.

She was stronger cultivation-wise and Bloodline-wise so this does was only still going on because she wanted it to go on and use it as an avenue to instruct them.

That said, it seemed it was right about time to end it.

That was enough for today.

Rita dispersed her Armament but before either of the two could attempt to take advantage, she was already rotating and blasting the both of them back with a mini-explosion of lust flames.

*Bam* *Bam*

The two landed on the courtyard ground and called out...

"I give up" unison.

The battle between Melinda and the Camilla-Irina duo ended in an almost similar fashion, except that the two went as far as to join their lust flames and create a ball of the stuff.

The energy coming off of the flaming ball was more than enough to tick off her Bloodline and her eyes flashed and with it came a torrent of Light gold flames that canceled out the lust flames easily.

The explosion of it blasted both ladies back while Melinda remained as solid as a rock.

Once the explosion cleared up, Melinda walked to where they lay, looking delirious and chuckled,

"You're getting better. Keep it up and you could unseat me"

Karmen's battle ended as well but she was far from satisfied,

"Get up, you weak bunch. Do you really call that a fight?" She roared at the two who were gaping at her.

She had not pulled any of her punches and they were aching all over and yet she was still berating them with her words.

"Fine, I'll give you ten free strikes. Come on" she urged.

The truth was that they were quite sure they could defeat her with those free ten strikes and Karmen must have known that as well, but yet she still wished to give those free strikes just to lengthen the spar.

This was a classic case of having too much energy and not having anywhere to spend it.

Nina and Navaeh looked at each other and agreed,

"She needs to get laid."

Karmen sighed as she heard them mention her sore spot.

At that time Marla and Amelia were already walking up to Melinda and Rita who stood close together,

"So are we going to put that bitch in her place or what? She's hogging Hal's attention"

Melinda was about to speak when...


...a loud explosive sound came from inside the Mansion.

Melinda sighed,

"Speak of the Devil..."

Chapter 232 - Another Use For {Equipoise}.

Alchemy Room...

It had only just been set up in the mansion quite recently and it was where Hal had been spending a lot of his time with Arya.

After pillaging the treasuries of all the Plebeian families, his wealth had swelled significantly and even after buying Green grade cultivation techniques for the Commoner families, what was still left far exceeded a billion Gold coins.

It was no hassle at all for him to purchase the ingredients required to make the Blood replenishing pills he wanted but it was then things got annoying.

According to Arya, while her spiritual sense was more than enough to refine the pill, the number of pills he needed was of such a large amount it would take her very long to complete.

It was made more so because it was a Rank 5 intermediate pill which made it very close to Rank 6 and Rank 6 pills were so far her limit and would still waste materials and time to make it adequately.

At first, Hal had told her she could take as long as she needed but he soon grew impatient and wanted it done faster.

And he could not be blamed.

This happened to be something he wished to take care of as soon as he could because the arrival of the Envoy from Melinda's home was fast approaching and whether or not it was to escort her back to the Duchy capital or to check up on her, it was still the sign that it was time to leave.

Hal had calculated his plans with that in mind and thanks to the {Upset Victory package} he received for successfully winning the war and defeating the hidden Master Arya, transporting those he wished to transport was no issue.

Well, actually it was two Upset victory packages but that is an issue for later.


He had his men working on the double and was even enlisting the service of the favored families to sway the others to come under his wing and was quite confident it would all be ready in time to leave.

The only issue was these pills.

He needed them done right now.

So he wracked his brain and finally discovered something that might work and it was what he had been working on for the past three days.

"*Cough* *Cough* I told you it wouldn't work. Master, you are attempting the impossible" Arya said and waved her hand to clear the smoke before her.

But that was futile as the room was completely saturated by the stuff.

Hal on the other hand was not really bothered by the smoke and only continued to stare at the damaged Cauldron in front of him.

It was as though he had not heard Arya's concerns,

"Damn it. Astral Energy is still seeping in." He said.

Even though he was lamenting, Hal was still smiling.

His adventurous nature who lived to take risks was loving every minute of his experiments.

He was like a Mad scientist.

This was what Hal had discovered and felt could work;

He wanted to become an Alchemist.

When he had first told it to Arya, she had looked at him as though he was insane and to be fair, Hal had felt he was insane as well but the more he worked on his idea, the more he felt that it truly could work.

The key was {Equipoise}.

As a skill he had received from Grimoire, Equipoise grew stronger with him just like his invisibility with which he could know even make others invisible.

Anyway, Hal had an epiphany three days ago which was that the only true difference between Astral sense and spiritual sense was the absence of Astral energy in the latter and the presence in the former.

Equipoise allowed him to store Astral Energy in his body and kept it away from the Cosmic energy. It helped him gain balance so why could it not help him separate Astral energy from his Astral sense.

It was all about attaining balance and that was the only thing Hal had not being able to achieve.

Grimoire had given him tips after admitting to the likeability of it being possible but also warned him that it was dangerous.

Should he lose the balance during pill refining, then it could prove fatal.

This was not the first explosion and he had told Arya to leave but she said she could not possibly leave him to risk his life. Besides, with her cultivation, the Explosion of a Rank 1 pill was not enough to cause her any harm.

Hal planned to successfully separate Astral energy from his Astral sense and then assist Arya in the refining of the Blood Replenishing pills.

Had he been able to purchase the pills with Gold or at the very least, their equivalent worth of Blue gems in gold, then he would not have needed to do this.

When he had pointed this out to Grimoire, the book had laughed and mocked him for being impatient and cheap.

Today was the last day Hal would attempt it.

Not that he would give up forever of course, but he would give up for now and allow Arya to refine the pills at her own pace.

He would just have to be satisfied with whatever amount she was able to refine.

He purchased another cauldron from Grimoire and Arya was more than a little surprised to see him pull out another Cauldron seemingly out of nowhere but she asked no questions.

She was no longer a stranger to Hal's mysterious peculiarities.

Hal lit the flames and he began another attempt which...




Melinda and Rita walked across the halls towards the Alchemy room not out of worry for Hal who they knew was alright but to get an inkling of how much longer he planned to spend inside that room.

They met Sassy outside of the Door, her eyes were only just closing back up. Clearly, she had been disturbed by the Explosive sound and was only just getting back to her nap.

However, when they got closer, Sassy raised her head and eyed them before resting her head back on her coupled body.

While she was now capable of human speech, Sassy usually preferred to be quiet and use gestures and this time, the sentiment was clear;

'Hal was still busy and entering at that moment could distract him'.

The ladies sighed and Marla glared at the door before cracking her Knuckles,

"Just wait and see how I'm going to beat up that Green eyes bitch" she said in a menacing tone, completely disregarding the fact that Arya was about four cultivation realms stronger than her.


It was many hours later before Hal seemed to finally get the hang of it.

He was preparing himself mentally to attempt it again while Grimoire told him the disadvantages of what he was attempting.

Apart from it being dangerous of course,

'You do know that increasing your rank as an Alchemist and a Runemaster will go hand in hand.

While other Alchemists simply try, fail, try, fail and eventually succeed to advance, you will have to advance the same way you advance your Astral sense. You will have to advance them simultaneously.'

Hal smiled,

'That's not really a disadvantage. It's just things remaining virtually the same' he replied.

Grimoire sighed,

'I know it's not really a disadvantage but it's something to think about' it said.

'Don't worry Grimmy, I'll be fine'

Hal told the book before attempting once again and this time, things went better and at the end of it when Arya expected to hear another Explosion, Hal yelled instead,


Chapter 233 - Who Hadn't?

It took Hal the rest of the rest of the day to fine-tune his Alchemy skills and bring it to a level where it was passable as a Rank 4 Alchemist.

Over the last month, Hal had taken care to dedicate his time to refining his Astral sense with the Astral refining Art he had gotten from Grimoire and finally advanced his Astral sense rank.

Once his skills were passable, he began to do his part in assisting Arya and making it easier for her to refine more pills in a shorter range of time.

Now he could relax that things were getting back on schedule...

"Um, Master?" Arya suddenly called out to Hal where he was working on his part with his cauldron which was low grade by the way.

"Hmm?" Hal acknowledged her without taking his eyes or concentration off what he was doing.

Any lapse could prove very dangerous.

"Well, I was wondering... Well, I've been a good girl haven't I?" She asked.

Hal managed a shrug,

"You've tried"

"Well then. Can I have my ritual?" She asked.

By ritual, of course, she meant the pentagram in which she had refined all of the Plebeians' essence as well as Borus'.

Ever since the end of the war when Hal had put it into his inventory and hence kept it in stasis, he had only brought it out once and it was to take control of it and return Borus' cultivation base,

which had been so refined and made devoid of impurities that while it only put the Tretch king at the mid-stage of the Natured Beast Realm, he experienced such an increase in strength, he felt he had advanced to the peak stage instead.

After that, Hal returned it to his inventory and Arya could not take her mind off of it. After all, devious means or not, it was the result of her hard work.

Hal already knew of her past and the root of her hatred against the Haron continent.

You see, Arya's mother was a slave from the Dystopian continent. A maid who ended up working in the Imperial Palace.

A place many would die to be just for a mere glimpse of the life of grandeur. However, slavery was still slavery no matter how good it was dressed up to look and her mother's situation had not being dressed up at all.

Anyway, for reasons relating to her origin of being a part of the Devil clan on the Dystopian continent, Arya's mother proved irresistible to the Emperor's third brother who had an affair with her.

Arya was born of that union and despite her mother surviving childbirth, she still died mysteriously a week later.

A rumor spread that the Grand prince's main wife had her killed for having dared to enchant her husband with her 'Devil wiles'.

Arya described her life in the imperial palace as hell and so convinced was she of that fact that it colored her memories so deeply that it was how so many things were interpreted.

If she was given a beautiful dress, her memory registered it as an attempt to take away her identity as she preferred to dress like her dead mother.

Anyway, once Arya was sixteen and discovered her spiritual sense, she could take it no longer and was determined to escape the palace.

The problem was her father would not have it and took many precautions to keep her in.

That said, with her spiritual sense as a premise, she managed to get him to endorse her ambition to become an Alchemist on which she focused intently on and neglected her cultivation.

Not that she was been given many resources anyway.

Eventually, she created Alchemical products to aid her escape and that coupled with her now heightened spiritual sense, she attempted her escape.

As she could not make use of the teleportation circles which were mostly transportation within the palace, for fear of being caught, it took her days to complete her escape. The Palace was that large. Practically a small city of its own. (About half of the size of Sapphire city).

At which time she was only able to buy time to escape before security was heightened by saying she was going to hole up inside her chambers until she advanced to the next Alchemical rank.

Once out of the palace was when her hurdle truly began.

She was alone and had to make it on her own.

But she survived through many different means with her only true wish now being to go to where her mother was from. Where SHE was from which was the Dystopian continent.

However, it was not something that could be achieved by simply going across for a visit and the two legitimate means for her to travel there was to either join the army which would have been her asking for trouble.

Or joining an organization with enough influence to get her across.

So she joined an alchemist association that got her across and needless to say (and we will not go into it for now) she went through a lot of ordeals and nearly lost her life on more than one occasion.

When she finally arrived at the Devil tribe her mother belonged to, which was the only thing about her mother she was very sure about on account of how many times it had been yelled at her, she was required to show that she truly was a member and she passed the test.

Then she learned of the Devil cultivation techniques as well as how to use Devil/Demon spells as well as preparing Devilish rituals.

Of course, despite proving she was at least half a member of the Devil tribe, they did not share with her, the true secrets of the tribe but the little she knew was good enough.

She could have simply cultivated like a normal cultivator as she was not want of wealth as an alchemist but she felt very vindictive and through the influence of the organization that got her out, she got back into the Haron continent and the 'Master' persona was born.

Knowing how much she needed to keep it all under wraps, she focused her attention on small cities and did something similar to what she had done in Salmon city.

So many materials she had gotten at prices so cheap, they were practically giving them away in Dystopia, were so sophisticated, they could buy the loyalty of the small city folks.

They fought, they died and she reaped their essence.

She started this practice when she was at the peak of the Cosmic Armament Realm and the requirements were always getting higher.

This was why simply instigating war was no longer enough and she also took to giving them cultivation resources to fatten them up and reap them.

When she had told Hal and expected him to sympathize with her, his reaction had been natural and borderline indifferent.

He accepted that she must have gone through a lot but then again, who hadn't?

She managed to find assistance and there were those who did not have that luxury so, he felt he could not brother pretending to feel sympathetic.

It was clear that she had a vendetta against both her father and her father's wife but also had no intention of confronting either of the two.

So she took out her anger, frustration and pain on individuals who were simply living their lives and had nothing to do with the sordid affair.

Chapter 234 - The Envoys Arrive.

Don't get him wrong, it was not that Hal particularly condemned what she did because he didn't, he was just saying it as it was.

Those that she had refined had done nothing against her but they suffered all the same.

It was the reality of a world where the strong ruled and those that called such practices evil in such a world and then condemned it were usually hypocrites attempting to look flawless for the public.

That said, he did appreciate Arya's tenacity.

Not to mention that she had been doing her ritualistic tour for over Two hundred years and had formed a lot of connections along the way.

After all, being the 'Master' was an alter ego and she was still quite a capable Alchemist who was bound to be respected.

Hal knew she had a lot of acquaintances that could help him along the way and he liked having that in his reach.


On the matter regarding the Pentagram ritual in his inventory, while he did admit it was a result of her hard work, he also believed, quite strongly might I add, that she had stolen it from him.

After all, had she not refined them when she did, his knights would have been sure to make good use of it.

Yes, that's right. His Knights.

If Hal absorbed the essence, it would be for the advancement of his Bloodline and ever since acquiring the Mid-World Devil form, he seemed to have reached his limit for the time being.

As for his cultivation, he much preferred Dual cultivation.

Besides he was quite satisfied with his Early-stage Cosmic Phenomenon Realm cultivation for now.

His Blood Knights, however, who made use of blood essence to advance cultivation and would experience slow growth without it, would benefit better from it.

That said, Arya would receive from it as well.

The truth was that Arya was quite satisfied with the alternative cultivation resource source she now had but would hate to see all her hard work go to waste,

"Nonsense, it won't go to waste.

It will go to my Blood knights" Hal told her with a smile and she sighed before returning to refining the Blood Replenishing pills.


Two Days Later...

A carriage of such splendor pulled into the streets of Sapphire City and headed directly to the Mayor's residence; Horst Manor.

The carriage was of such beauty and the likes of it had never been seen in the city prior to that day.

It was obvious to those who saw it that it belonged to someone who was not from the city.

Said individual watched the city from inside the carriage while twirling his long and thin beard between his thin fingers.

The way he scrunched his nose at the city's notable sights and made it clear how much he looked down on them,

"This is where the lady was exiled to? Damn, I won't be surprised if she decided to kill herself." He said in an annoying nasal voice.

"Come on brother, be nice" said the young-looking lady seated opposite of him with a dress that was undeniably slutty.

She was beautiful of course, it just seemed she put a lot of effort into dressing up for the purpose of seduction.

She continued,

"Also, you have to be nice. She's no longer in exile and she has enough status in the family to make our lives hell."

Her brother rolled his eyes,

"Oh please, Evelyn. Just because we don't have the Dane bloodline does not make us less important" he said but it was in a tone that made it clear he did not completely believe what he had just said.

Evelyn chuckled mockingly,

"Idiot. Argo, It does not make us less important but the fact that she is the patriarch's niece makes her more important than we are no matter how important we are.

I don't need to remind you of who her father is and what his feats are do I?"

Argo seemed to be covered in cold sweats immediately.

Clearly, whatever Evelyn was referring to, he remembered and it scared him immensely.

When he spoke again, it was with a little more respect than before, albeit still quite rude,

"So what, We are supposed to grovel before her?" He asked.

Evelyn eyed him and sighed as she tossed loose bangs of her hair behind her shoulder,

"Of course not. By the time we return to the capital with her status returned we would have lost such a prime opportunity to humiliate her so we do it here before giving her the news.

We will have to be subtle and not go overboard so that it's not something so serious, she will report once she has returned."

Argo grinned,

"That's if she does report. After all, it's no secret that she is not on good terms with the patriarch. She neutered his son after all."

Evelyn shrugged,

"Better safe than sorry."

Their journey continued in silence for a while before Argo spoke again,

"I really do hate this city. It's so poor. Not a single teleportation circle. We have to travel so far from the nearest one.

Also, why do we have to visit the Mayor first? Why not go directly to the Lady's Mansion?"

Evelyn shrugged once again,

"First off, we don't really know where the lady lives and would have to ask around anyway so why not ask the Mayor who is almost totally sure to know. Also,

Apparently, there was a war here quite recently and it resulted in a change in leadership. The Duke does not really care what happens to a city such as this but once he heard we would be visiting for the young miss, he decided we might as well find things out.

We are to make sure it is stable and also to infer if there should be intervention for stability."

Argo sighed,

"Damn it. I wish we came in time for that war.

It would have been fun to throw a little weight around. Show these destitute bastards what an expert really looks like.

We could have used a portable circle to call for reinforcements."

He shook his head like it truly was a great tragedy.

At that time they pulled outside of Horst Manor and the guards that followed their carriage were quick to Intimidate the Manor guards who let them inside in a heartbeat.

They had only just pulled in when Ford Horst dashed out of the Manor to greet the visitors in person.

He had received a message beforehand that he should be expecting guests from the capital soon and they were there to confirm the stability of his rule.

Argo watched him and laughed,

"Pathetic" he laughed and it was not about Ford's run but his strength which the new Mayor was letting leak out, seemingly in excitement.

Ford was at the Early stage of the Cosmic phenomenon Realm which to someone who came from the capital was absolutely pathetic.

After all, the older man was already at least three hundred years old.

Such an age should be stronger.

Even he and Evelyn were only about a hundred and fifty and were both at the Mid-stage of the Cosmic phenomenon Realm and were not shy about it at all as they let it show.

They stepped out, with Evelyn been the shorter of the two and dressed in a green tight-fitting gown that shows off her seductive body. The gown had a split on the side to show off her creamy legs.

Argo was still twirling his thin beard and was dressed in a white robe that had a golden lotus in the center.

While the uniform color was different, Ford recognized the lotus, it was the symbol of the Flame Lotus Sect!

Chapter 235 - Get Down...

Argo and his sister Evelyn were part of the Flame lotus sect just as they are part of the Dane Family.

Or it would be more accurate to say that they were part of the Flame lotus sect BECAUSE they were part of the Dane family.

The Dane family is one of the founders of the Flame lotus sect which is also a great power of the Silva Duchy.

While they are far from being the only family with influence in the sect as even the Silvas have a connection with the sect, they are most likely the ones with the most influence.

The name and symbol of the sect itself were inspired by the Dane Family's Bloodline which incorporated the golden color and a secret lotus technique which we shall not delve into at the moment.

Anyway, while Ford had no prior knowledge of this connection, Hal was already aware as Melinda had told him.

Argo narrowed his eyes at Ford who kept staring at the lotus symbol for a while and looked as though he had completely forgotten himself,

"What are you looking at?"

Argo's voice jeered Ford out of his thoughts but the young man was not done,

"Stare at it all you want, no member of your family will ever put it on" he sneered.

Ford bowed,

"Forgive my imprudence" he said but he was mocking Argo in his mind.

However, he did have the good sense to know it would be better he did not mention that his daughter was already wearing that symbol.

"Are we just going to stand here?" Evelyn's voice suddenly sounded from behind and Ford shook his head,

"Not at all. Right this way" he said and led them into the manor.

The Brother and sister pair did not forget to complain about how small the Manor was and how dangerous it would be for a claustrophobic.

Ford nearly burst into laughter at a fat joke that came to mind which was for him to inquire how large the claustrophobic individual was.

He had to bite his tongue not to say it and it was only made worse when the two did not stop the more they walked.

Hal had told him it was best not to antagonize them.

It was not truly worth it.

"So, tell us about this war" Argo said just as they reached the large conference table that had now become where he had his Mayoral meetings.

Argo took the head seat immediately and his sister Evelyn sat beside him.

Once again, Ford said nothing and took his seat on the other side of the table and narrated all about the war.

Or at least the parts that did not mention Hal.

He made references to a villain of course and also made reference to a benefactor who had helped them in their time of need and it was as though the Benefactor was just passing through and left once the job was complete.

The Brother-sister pair wondered if there really were still such experts who went around and did good deeds with no strings attached.

However, as it was not what they truly cared about, they moved away from that topic quickly,

"So is there any unrest?" Evelyn asked and her tone was a little hopeful.

If there was unrest, it would be the perfect avenue to do as they wished to 'quell the unrest'.

Ford however disappointed them when he shook his head and told them there was no unrest whatsoever.

"You'd better be truthful. If you are lying, we will know and it won't bode well for you." Argo snarled and for the purpose of furthering the intimidating effect, he released his pressure, even more, to show what he was capable of.

While also fingering the lotus symbol on his chest to show that Ford would not be able to defend himself even if he could, without incurring grave consequences.

However, despite the barely veiled threat, Ford still smiled and stood from his seat,

"Please walk with me" he said and led them to the roof of the Manor and when they stood there, they could view quite a lot of the city's mass.

The people were going about their business in the manner they should and the city's commerce was quite a sight to behold.

There was no sign of unrest anywhere.

"This proves nothing. The worst sort of unrest are the ones brewing beneath the surface of such perfect proceedings" Argo said.

Ford raised his brow,

"Oh? Well so far there haven't been such issues that I would know of and I remember your question insinuating something I was aware of.

Not to worry though, should there be unrest which I cannot quell on my own, I'll be sure to send you a message at the Duchy capital.

I can only hope that the city would not be destroyed in the month it would take you to get here"

Ford finished with a bow and Argo swelled with anger and his eyes bulged as he caught a hint of disrespect in Ford's tone.

However, it was not so glaring that he could flare up justifiably.

He still would have done so anyway had his sister not pulled on his arm to pacify him.

She whispered to him,

"What would be the point of blowing up right now?

After all, the Mayor was only making conversation." She said.

Ford bowed once again,

"I'm sorry if I offended you, sir, I was merely pointing out how hard it is to cross the distance that so greatly separates us.

Had it not existed, I genuinely feel we could have been friends." He said with a smirk that Argo could not see as his head was still lowered.

Argo snorted and turned to return to into the Manor.

Once they were at the conference table again, Evelyn spoke,

"I believe you know Melinda Dane"

Ford nodded politely,

"Yes I do"

"Well, we are here as envoys from her family and want you to have your men escort us to her residence.

You do know where she lives don't you?"

Ford smiled lightly,

"Yes I do and my men will be honored to escort you."

Soon, their carriage was pulling out of the Manor grounds and headed towards Melinda's Mansion with at least five Horst guards in front and leading them.

Ford watched them leave with a sneer just as Frank came out and joined his father.

He had had the good sense not to be involved with the guests and simply stayed away.

They wanted the Mayor and it was better they get him and no extras.

"Alright, Father?" Frank asked.

Ford sighed,

"I guess. I just can't help but be worried knowing your sister is somehow exposed to that sort in the Flame Lotus sect."

Frank shook his head,

"Father, you should have known she was exposed to such already since she is part of a sect in the Duchy capital.

All this should not be news. Besides, I trust master Hal, he'll keep her safe".



Minutes later, as the commute was quite short, the Envoy carriage arrived in front of the Mansion gate and made to enter as they had done the Mayor's mansion with the guards with them attempting to intimidate the Mansion guards but were ignored.

"Are you Mad? Did you not hear?

We are guarding envoys from the great Dane family of the Silva Duchy. Let us through"

Castor eyed the guard that had spoken with an indifferent expression,

"My lady told me that you are not allowed entry with the carriage. If you want to visit and deliver your message, then..."

He stretched his hand towards the courtyard,

" all means, get down and walk!"

Chapter 236 - Hyped Up To Beat Up.

"Get down and walk?"

So shocked was Argo that he repeated those words and with the hint of dissatisfaction on his face, the guards with him let out the pressure of their Cosmic Armament realm cultivation.

However, even with that, Castor's expression remained the same.

Argo frowned at such insolence and thought,

'I'd like to see you try and stop me' and then gave the order for his carriage to proceed.

However, the mansion guards were quick to barricade their way and stop any further movement.

"It seems you might not have heard me. My lady has ordered me not to allow your carriage entry.

If you really want to see her, then I must ask you to walk inside.

Besides, it's more than a little disrespectful to deny the wishes of a host in their own home, I hope you understand"

The words Castor spoke were quite polite but the smile on his face as he said it was anything but.

That said, Evelyn stepped out and after her descent, Argo came down from the carriage as well with quite an angry look.

Evelyn had her hand on his elbow and it was a warning for him to play it smart because, for one, they had no idea the true depth of Melinda's ability and it would quite defeat the purpose if they blew things out of proportion and had to call out to the family in the capital.

After all, while they were both quite talented, the family was sure to take Melinda's side.

Especially since their mission today was to call her back home.

Among other things of course...

Disgruntled as he was, Argo sucked it up and proceeded into the mansion courtyard with Castor in front and leading them in.

The door was opened, by maids whose whole duty seemed intensely on not being seen while doing it, and they walked into the lounge with the first view they had was being its luxurious insides.

It was clear that Melinda had adopted some designs from her home and made the room so beautiful that the two could not reproach or sneer at the sight.

However, beautiful as the room was, it was not the main thing that caught their attention, it was the lady who sat on the best chair in the room with her legs crossed.

Her posture was perfectly regal, her hair came from behind her and trained onto the ground and yet it was merely hinting at its calf length. The lady's face held a light smile and her golden eyes looked as though it pitied them.

Across the lady's chair's armrests was a white sword with golden veins crisscrossing on it.

Melinda Dane was incredibly intimidating...

And flawlessly beautiful.

Argo had come into the room filled with anger and ready to neglect his mission for the first few minutes so he could give the pompous host, Melinda, a piece of his mind.

Alas, now that he was right in front of her, he found himself tongue-tied.

Everything about her seemed to ooze power and authority and both seemed directed towards diverting attention from her face.

However, they failed woefully.

There was no way anyone would not appreciate the perfection that was her. A part of him always understood Cirk's temptation that caused him to attempt to violate her as she was a knockout.

But even back then was nothing compared to now.

Evelyn looked sideways at her brother's gaping mouth and rolled her eyes,

"He should have at least tried to remain composed right? Men and their horniness" she scoffed.

Argo looked in her direction and seemed to finally collect himself a little,

"You're one to talk. You dress up just to tease men"

Melinda ignored their conversation,

"So I take it you're here to Audit me. Okay then, I'll bring out my records for inspection, you'll inspect it, accept a beating from me and get out of my house"

After all, the message she had gotten from the communication rune was that she was to be audited which she took as a cover for 'she would be investigated'. Most likely to find out what means she could have used to destroy the imprint.

The truth was that she was not overly concerned as to what they had been sent here to do, because she was planning to return to the capital regardless. She would end her exile but that did not necessarily mean she would be returning home.

That said, she was quite sure they were not here to give her a pat on the back.

What she did not know was that that was what it was.

Among other things of course...

The eyes of the Brother-sister pair widened as they heard Melinda's words. While it was clear that the sword across her chair's armrest was a cosmic Armament and meant she was already at the cosmic Armament realm, she was still not a match for either of them.

Not to mention both.

Melinda on the other hand was quite upset at being subjected to this audit and had already promised herself that she would beat up the envoy which was a compromise from her initial decision to crush them, and that was exactly what she was going to do.

"You won't even offer us a seat?" Evelyn asked but she was not really looking for permission because she sat down soon after.

Argo cleared his throat and lowered himself beside his sister with his back straight.

"Anyway, Lady Melinda, ever since our arrival, you seem to have been intent on humiliating and embarrassing us all because of a preconceived notion you have.

We are not here to audit you"

Melinda's expression did not change, instead, she sneered,

"Oh, you're not?"

Evelyn shook her head with a light smile,

"No, we are not.

We are here to deliver the Patriarch's message directly and tell you that you have been welcomed back home.

It seemed like too much of a big deal to be told to you through a communication talisman."

The truth was that at first, the Patriarch had truly wished to subject her to something as humiliating as an Audit while also taking care to send capable envoys who possessed strength she could not possibly be able to contend with.

The audit was of course meant to be in pretense to find out exactly how she became strong enough to destroy the mind imprint.

However, someone intervened and with that person's input, the patriarch's decision changed to one where she was called back home by the envoys.

They had already been on their way before the change was reported to them through a communication talisman.

"We would even be glad to escort you back to the capital" Argo said.

Melinda sighed,

"Well, this Is a problem. I was really hyped up to beat you up and that urge was increased when I found out you're a core disciple at the Flame lotus sect" she said and gestured to Argo's robes.

Argo laughed uncomfortably,

"With all due respect, I'm a Phenomenon realm expert and you have been away from good cultivation resource from your family that you can't possibly be able to contend with me.

Melinda would have replied had it not been for the sound of sure footsteps that sounded and with it came the arrival of a Man that caused Evelyn's breath to seize.

He was 1.85 meters tall with a moderate but muscular physique that was shown off by the tight-fitting royal blue robe he was wearing and a face that was to die for. His midnight-black hair lengthened past his shoulder and his sapphire blue eyes sparkled with mischievousness.

His footsteps were sure as he walked into the lounge and even though Argo was not part of his target demographic, he still couldn't help but admit Hal was beyond good looking and smelled nice.

As though possessed, Evelyn did not even attempt to resist his pull and stood to her feet...

"I want you"

...and said that.

Chapter 237 - Prime Material.

Hal had finally completed his part of the pill refining and all that was left was for Arya to do her part.

So he decided to come over to the lounge and see how things were going with the envoys.

He was actually quite tired as he had been working the last two days with little to no rest and wished he had done the smart thing by using Arya's Blue gems to purchase it from grimoire directly.

However, he and Grimoire had agreed that it was much more prudent that he refine a good amount of pills because it was quite likely all of Arya's blue gems would not get him all of the pills he would require to replenish blood to feed the thousands of beasts that reside in Tretch forest.

With one of those pills costing 100 blue gems each and he required about two pills each for one beast, the cost was amounting to over 300000 Blue gems which was a sum Arya did not have on hand.

In fact, had Grimoire allowed him to purchase the pills with Gold equivalent, his massive wealth would not have been enough.

On the other hand, purchasing the ingredient with gold coins and refining it proved to be far more frugal and cost-effective.

It only cost Hal about 500 million gold coins which was a sum he could afford, even before taking all the Plebeians had to offer.

Anyway, when he walked in as a show of solidarity to his woman and heard the seductive-looking lady in the room stand to her feet and say she 'wanted him', he could not help but grin.

In a cautious manner of course.

There was something about the look in her eyes when she said she wanted him that made him feel he was heading into a territory of fetishes.

That said, he would not be Hal the pervert, and definitely not he deserving of his Devil bloodline if he shied away from her practically giving herself away.

Argo looked at his sister,

"What?!" He exclaimed.

Evelyn did not take her eyes off Hal as she walked closer and placed her hand on his chest while she spoke to her brother who looked shocked, to say the least,

"You heard me, brother. I want him. You are not going to interfere, are you?" She said the last part with a look over her shoulder.

Towards that attitude, Argo gulped and sat back down.

Then Evelyn turned away from Hal and towards Melinda,

"I wonder where you got such prime material as your servant. They don't make them this good at the capital"

Evelyn was obviously sourcing for Hal's identity from Melinda as Hal's attire should have made it clear that he was no servant and if he was, then he was very important to her.

Melinda's eyes narrowed to silts and she was about to retort most likely with a cosmic attack to boot when Hal winked at her from behind Evelyn while mouthing words at her,

'I'll deal with her'

At the sight of that assurance, Melinda swallowed her anger and said,

"Hal is very close to me"

Evelyn smirked at those words. Thinking, if she had such a servant, she would keep him close as well,

"Mind if I borrow him?" She asked but was expecting hostility and for Melinda to show possessiveness, but the golden-eyed lady simply smiled,

"Be my guest.

But, you have to give your brother to me. I wish to spar with him"

Evelyn grabbed Hal's hand while she smiled,

"By all means"

Argo leaped to his feet,

"Now wait just a minute. I have not agreed to this and I refuse..."

"You refuse?" Evelyn asked with a raised brow.

Argo's face twisted with annoyance before he yelled,

"Fine. But I will not be pulling my punches. Just remember my lady, you asked for this"

So angry was he that he raised his voice to Melinda and forgot to simply marvel at her beauty.

Melinda grinned and her light gold eyes flashed with evil intent,

"I wouldn't have it any other way" she said.

Evelyn nodded with satisfaction and pulled Hal away,

"Come on handsome, I am going to show you a lot of wonders and if you're lucky, I might even let you touch me"

Hal raised his brow and chuckled,

"Oh, I don't think luck will have anything to do with this."

Once they were out of sight which Melinda secretly shook her head at the seductive lady's naivete, she stood to her feet with her Armament in hand while she led Argo to the part that was for sparring in the courtyard.

Argo's guards followed them and so did Melinda's but he could not shake the feeling that besides those two groups, there were still some sets of eyes watching them and anticipating the spar.

"This is not a spar" Melinda suddenly said as though she had heard his thoughts,

"This is a duel and we will only stop when one of us bleeds" she added and turned to him to show that they were at their destination.

Not only that, but she also let out the pressure of her Early-stage Cosmic phenomenon realm cultivation base, a pressure that caused Argo's eyes to widen in surprise.

"How could you have possibly cultivated that much in just five years. Without the family's resources?" He asked.

Melinda simply flicked her sword,

"I don't want to talk, I just want to fight. This will be the perfect way to relieve some stress and let off some of my frustration"

Argo sneered,

"Whoa, don't get ahead of yourself" he said and released his pressure that surpassed hers at the Mid-stage of the Cosmic Phenomenon realm.

Melinda was not fazed in the slightest and walked towards him in quick and ready steps to strike at him with her sword which was covered lightly in a Cosmic phenomenon.


Argo summoned his yellow sword Cosmic Armament as well to intercept the strike which knocked him a few steps back.


That was his thought as his wrist numbed from the attack.

It would seem, Melinda had not forgotten all she had been thought in swordsmanship while she was at the Dane family.

He could almost see her father's shadow around her as he felt the strike.

That said, he did not have that long to wallow in his thoughts as Melinda was already coming after him for another strike.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

What annoyed Argo the most as the duel went on was how easily Melinda dominated him despite being one stage lower.

Was this really the reality of the cultivation world?

Since when did being one stage above seem like being one stage below?


In his frustration, he blasted out a Cosmic attack just by yelling and it hit Melinda square in the chest or it would have, had it not being her quickness in placing her sword across her chest and defending herself.

The moment she was no longer moving back, she was tossing a Cosmic attack of her own at Argo who leaped up and did a flip in the air to avoid it completely.

He had only just landed when he saw Melinda was already in front of him and stabbing at his shoulder blade with her sword.


He deflected it only to see a fist charged with a Cosmic attack heading towards the side of his face at a speed he could not possibly evade...


Chapter 238 - Top-Grade Product. R-18

The hit bruised his cheek and had him skidding away from Melinda while still having the presence of mind to surround himself with Cosmic energy.

By the time he stopped, he was sending a cosmic attack infused with a phenomenon in her direction but Melinda simply divided the attack with a slash of her sword before dashing through the middle to smack his ribs with the flat side of her blade.

Argo buckled and held his sides as he felt the pain from the strike which threatened to fracture his ribs.

His eyes widened at the realization that Melinda could have simply drawn blood right at that moment but she deliberately smacked him instead.

He had not bled, neither had she, so the duel continues.

Melinda chuckled at the look on his face,

"What's with that look? If you want this to end, then make me bleed. Until then..." Melinda suddenly vanished from his sights, clearly taking advantage of his lapse in concentration.

With his impressive senses, Argo accurately predicated where she was directing, alas...


...the hit still connected.

"... I shall beat you senseless" she completed.



Evelyn had Hal direct her to one of the rooms in the mansion, as that was his duty as a servant.

Being well cared for and incredibly handsome was no excuse for sloppiness.

The moment they were in the room, she directed him to take a seat,

"Wait right there, I'll be right back." Evelyn said and walked to a partition in the room as was filled with giddiness.

Hal smiled at her and said nothing as she left.

An attitude she took for compliance.

She did not spend that long behind the partition before she was making her way out of it, now out of her tight fitting seductive clothes into a more scanty crimson attire that resembled the costume of a dominatrix.

Evelyn even completed the look with a set of crimson gloves and a whip which she twirled in her hands as she appraised this new victim of hers.

It was a little unsettling to see the lack of surprise or worry on Hal's face. He remained seated at the edge of the bed with a perfectly relaxed expression on his faces.

She could not help but wonder if he was used to such practices.

Evelyn frowned lightly,

That would take part of the fun away. The most interesting part of this art which always brought her so much pleasure was seeing her victim squirm.

She always dressed seductive to ensnare them and call out the brave ones to make a move or confess to her. And even if they did not, she would proffer the flirting hand.

But once they were alone in a room, she would break them systematically and most of them would wail and screech in discomfort and pain while some of them would enjoy the feeling.

Either way, she loved introducing them to her world and was always glad to see they were submissive in the end.

Evelyn placed her whip down and with a flick of her wrist, she withdrew restraints from the spatial ring on her finger and then told Hal to lie down which he did without any complain.

She went ahead and secured his hands to the headboard of the bed and then began to bring out so many torture devices which she laid down before...


...she tore open Hal's robes and let her hand move over the perfect musculature that was his chest. Just rubbing her hand across it was making her so wet...

Wait a minute. She thought.

This had never happened before.

Since when should merely touching a man make her feel good. Only their screams or screeches of perverse pleasure should do that.

Clearly, her experience with this youth was turning out to be different.

She shook off any worry as it must have just being because she was so excited. After all, no man she had ever broken looked so good.

"Don't worry. I'm going to take it easy on you. I won't wear you out so quickly" she said and sucked his nipple into her mouth before nipping at it with her teeth.

It was supposed to make him groan but he was simply smiling at her as though amused by her antics.

Evelyn stood from the bed and pulled out metal clamps that were clearly for his nipples.


She snapped it experimentally in an absentminded manner but it was clearly to intimidate him and then for the first time since they entered this room, Hal made her sound,

He chuckled.

The sound was so quick that Evelyn turned to him with a skeptical expression as though unsure of what she had heard but Hal made her sure once he burst into laughter,


Evelyn frowned,

"What's so funny?" She asked.

Hal raised his hands casually and broke off the restraints while still laughing. The act caused Evelyn's eyes widen as the restraints were reinforced enough to trap Cosmic Armament realm Experts and yet this servant...

No, not a servant.

He was clearly not a servant.

"Why are you still laughing?" She asked but this time she backed up her question with the release of her cultivation base.

Hal's amused expression remained the same but he slowly stopped laughing,

"I'm sorry, I couldn't quite control myself. I mean, you held those nipple clamps as though they were for me"

Evelyn looked confused,

"They are for you and it's only one of the many things I plan to use on you"

Hal shook his head,

"Oh no, you're mistaken. They are not for me, they are for you" and with that he stood up and his eyes flashed nightmarish Dark for barely a second.

It was for such a short duration that Evelyn felt she must have imagined it but with it came the complete suppression of her pressure.

It was as though she had been rendered completely paralyzed by his look and also rendered powerless.

And yet, the pressure of cultivation Hal was giving off was only at the Early stage of the Cosmic Phenomenon realm.

What she did not know was that Hal's Devil Bloodline now gave him passive superiority over any one at or below the late stage of the Cosmic phenomenon realm.


It was one word but it was a command to Evelyn, one she felt she dared not disobey as she hurried to bare herself to Hal's Sapphirine gaze.

Evelyn felt a tingling in her nether region as Hal appraised her.

He was now walking around her with his hands behind his back while he took a deep breath as though to favor the scent of her juices which had already smeared her inner thighs.

"Top grade product. This is top-grade product" Hal said with a shameless nod of his head before he ordered Evelyn to sit on the bed and serve his cock.

Evelyn hurried to pull down his pants and finally see his flaccid member before she looked up at Hal,

"I've never done it before." She informed him.

Hal raised his brow,


Evelyn nodded,

"I usually make two guys do it to each other" she confessed.

Hal's eyes widened and he felt a chill at the back of his neck,

"Quite progressive of you. I'll guide you"

And guide he did.

Giving her tips as to how he liked it, the amount of suction he preferred, the most sensitive spots on his cock and finally, the explicit order not to use her teeth.

*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

Soon, Evelyn got so into it that she was well underway and doing it quite well without any directions.

Hal felt he had had better but it was good enough for a newbie like her and soon, he grunted and spewed his seed down her throat.

By then, Evelyn was leaking and it was sure that any touch to her pussy would send her over the edge and straight into climax.

She looked up at Hal and it was clear she was expecting it to be her turn but Hal grinned and his eyes flashed violet but once again, it vanished so fast she thought she might have imagined it.

He placed his hands on her shoulder and passed lust flames directly into her body.

The effect was immediate...

"Ahhhnnngggghhhhh" Evelyn moaned and spasmed as her pussy squirted juices and she experienced orgasmic bliss.

But that was only the beginning...

Chapter 239 - Not Feeling Lucky. R-18


Evelyn was laying on the bed with her legs wide and her fingers knuckle deep within her pussy as she masturbated in an attempt to curb the ache she was feeling deep inside.

Hal sat on the side of the bed and looked at her with a light smile.

Other than touching her shoulder and passing lust flames into her body, Hal had not touched her once.

Soon Evelyn's other hand joined the one that was fingering her and went straight for the erect nub at the top of her pussy which she rubbed and pinched.


Her back arched as she thrust her hips up and squirmed at the pleasurable orgasm that washed over her.

However, even as she enjoyed that pleasurable sensation, Evelyn had to make a conscious decision not to cry as she now understood what the punishment was.

Once Hal touched her shoulder and she climaxed for the first time that day, he told her to lay on the bed and do 'whatever came naturally to her'. It did not take long after that for her to feel the rising heat that threatened to devour her whole.

At first, she had pleasured herself to another orgasm and felt heady from the pleasure of such magnitude, she had never felt before but the novelty soon wore off when she felt the urge to pleasure herself again, and again, and again.

Every time it would end in a climax and every time she would feel more unsatisfied.

She began to curse her sexual stamina as she felt there was no end in sight.

It was as though Hal had placed a curse of eternal horniness on her and in a sense, that was what he did.

The flames mare her horny and easy to please but as long as they never went out, she would remain that way.

As for her never-ending stamina, his seed was to blame as it had lengthened however long she would have lasted without it.

"Please... Please touch me" Evelyn moaned.

"Why should I? You've been touching yourself for the past hour and that has not quelled your insatiable sexual appetite, so why should my hands be any different?" Hal asked with a shrug.

"Because you did this to me. Since you could, then you can stop it as well" Evelyn said with a groan as she felt another orgasm coming on.

Hal sighed,

"That's such an accusation. Why should I be blamed if you have the makings of a sexual deviant? And let's say you were right and I did cause this, then touching you would probably only make it worse" Hal said with the melancholic expression of a good Samaritan.

"Please... I want to feel... Ahhhnnnggghhh... Satisfied" she said again and her breasts wobbled as her body trembled from her orgasmic spasm.

"Tempting, but I think I'd rather you keep going. Remember, you said IF I was lucky, I would get to touch you.

Well, I'm not feeling lucky quite yet"

Evelyn wished to glare but she couldn't as she was facing a conundrum at the moment, she seemed to be close to having...

"Wow, Multiple Orgasms and all on your lonesome. Impressive" Hal said with a nod and stood up to watch her twist into different shapes and forms as she became a victim of multiple orgasmic fits.

"I truly commend your flexibility" Hal said as he watched on.

It was over in minutes and she slumped back on the bed, her chest heaving as she took deep breaths and came down from her high. But then she felt the lack of satisfaction and the tears she had been holding began to roll down her cheeks.

She hiccupped a few times and began to cry while her hands moved towards her very pink pussy and she began to rub slowly, unable to resist the itch and ache she was feeling down below.

Hal sighed,

"This is what happens when you jump to conclusions and attempt to sodomize a man due to those very wrong hasty conclusions"

Hal climbed onto the bed which already had a large spot that was stained with her juices and moved closer to her.

He grabbed her chin and turned her to face him as he looked her in the eye,

"Who am I?" He asked with a light smile.

Evelyn looked uncertain,

"Not... a servant?" She said.

Hal smiled encouragingly,

"Good enough"

And then grabbed one of her breasts while he lowered his hand to her pussy to replace hers and begin to run it slowly,

*slush* *slush* *slush*

The pace picked up and before long, Evelyn felt an orgasm coming. One that put all the others to shame and caused her to grab onto Hal's hand tightly.

Hal whispered into her ear as he put out the lust flames within her,

"By the way, I won't be fucking you"

Evelyn's eyes widened and disappointment colored her face,

"Why not?" She asked but before Hal could reply, and that's if he even wanted to, she was yelling out her satisfaction to the entire Mansion and even those on the courtyard...


... were sure to hear her.


And sure enough,

The battle between Melinda and Argo was still very much on with Argo been on the receiving end of Melinda's strikes all the time. It did not matter how much he attempted to stop those vicious attacks or retaliated with Cosmic attacks.

He even made use of skills a lot, all with the aim of cashing in on his superiority of being one stage ahead of her but it was all for naught.

Melinda always countered successfully.

It got to the point that Melinda truly wondered how he became a core disciple at the Flame lotus sect.

Clearly, nepotism played a large role.

It was at the point where she could truly say she was having fun and had accomplished what she wished to accomplish which was to beat him senseless and thus felt it was time to bring things to a close that Evelyn's loud moans sounded.

Melinda rolled her eyes and eased up on Argo who turned on her immediately while working to endure his aching body pains,

"What the hell is that servant doing to my sister?" He snarled.

Melinda's eyes suddenly snapped up and the only thing Argo saw was the silver line of a sword slash and then...


...there was a deep slash across his chest.


"Arrggghhh" he groaned from the pain just as his knees hit the courtyard floor.

The guards that were with him were caught between showing hostility to his attacker, Melinda and having the good sense to be respectful to the lady who could surely make their lives a living hell once she returned to the capital.

And considering she could probably do the same to the wounded Argo, they decided it was best to simply remain quiet and watch.

"What the hell?" Argo yelled as he quickly retrieved a pill from his spatial ring and swallowed it.

The wound to his chest healed in seconds. A sure sign that the pill was of impressive quality.

"Stop whining. You'll live" Melinda said and dispersed her Armament.

She was walking back to the Mansion when she paused and looked over her shoulder at Argo,

"That marks the end of our duel. I made you bleed. Unless of course, you wish to continue..."

Argo's lips twitched but he remained quiet,

Melinda snorted,

"Humph, I didn't think so"

Chapter 240 - Close 'Friend'.

Argo dashed right past Melinda and entered the Mansion lounge first.

He was there and already calling out Evelyn's name in worry when Hal walked into said lounge almost at the same time as Melinda but Argo's whole attention was on Hal who he walked over to briskly and grabbed the front of his robes which he noticed was different to the one he was wearing before.

He shook him as he yelled into the boy's face,

"Where is my sister? You stupid servant, if you hurt her..." Argo suddenly froze as he felt a chill behind his back.

A chill that was definitely from Melinda's death glare.

Clearly, she took offense to him calling Hal a servant.

Hal chuckled,

"Quite overprotective of you" he said and pulled Argo's hands off his robes with such ease, the young man's eyes widened in surprise.

What the hell?

He was still thinking about this when his sister Evelyn walked in with shaky legs.

Argo quickly ran over and supported her by putting her arm about his shoulder and bearing her weight while he glared at Hal who was already walking back to Melinda's side and they were having a quiet conversation.

"You look a little gloomy and I hope it's not because he called me a servant" Hal asked with a smile.

"It's part of it" Melinda admitted.

"Oh please. We're heading to the capital and I am doing so without a powerful last name or background to terrify the snobby ones.

If you're going to be this gloomy when I'm insulted, you might develop a permanent scowl" Hal said with a chuckle.

Melinda rolled her eyes,

"Very funny. Why are you being so casual about this?"

Hal shrugged,

"Because they are usually true. I mean I'm not a servant per se but in the capital, in terms of status, I might as well be.

The day I feel I no longer deserve those monikers, then I will get upset.

Besides, it's kind of a turn-on to be a servant bedding the princess" he told her while he buried his face in her hair.

Melinda turned away with a pout,

"I'm not a princess" she said.

"Who said I was talking about you?" Hal teased with a smile.

She smacked him playfully,

"You whore. You just want to do everyone that moves don't you?"

Hal stepped back one step and looked insulted albeit jokingly,

"I'm insulted. I didn't sleep with her" he said and gestured in Evelyn's direction.

The brother-sister pair had watched their little discussion with a strange expression but once Hal gestured in their direction, Argo remembered his complaints,

"What did you do to her?" He yelled but it was not Hal or Melinda who replied, it was Evelyn,

"Shut up Argo. I'm fine. Just a little weak." Then she spoke to Melinda, or at least her words were directed to Melinda while she was facing Hal,

"We were tasked with escorting you to the capital. Your father misses you" she said.

Melinda rolled her eyes,

"Yeah right" she scoffed.

"He really does. So does your Grandmother" Evelyn insisted.

Melinda chuckled lightly,

"My father? I highly doubt that. As for grandmother, I can see that. I'm guessing she's the reason your mission changed from an order of Audit to Pardon."

Evelyn looked at the floor.

She did not know for sure if that was the case but she suspected it as it was no secret that the Dane Patroness had been very upset at Melinda's banishment and even went into seclusion for that reason.

If there was someone who could cause the change, it was her.

Evelyn looked up again and it looked as though she was about to try to convince Melinda further but the golden-eyed lady interrupted her,

"I will return to the capital but it would be at a time of my choosing and my own pace. You can tell them that whichever way you wish.

Now that you have paid me a 'visit' and I have gotten my pound of flesh, I believe it's time you leave." Melinda said with no attempt whatsoever of being courteous.

She had no interest in being hospitable.

If they truly wished to stay in the city, they could find an inn for all she cared.

Argo frowned but said nothing.

Evelyn on the other hand nodded while she looked at Hal with a deep feeling of loss and when he smiled at her, her heartbeat grew faster.

It was only about an hour that she had spent with him and wondered if she could bring herself to leave.

Hal on the other hand continued to smile nonchalantly. As though his experience with her was nothing thought worthy.

Then she remembered something she wished to ask,

"You said he was close to you. Just how close?" She asked.

Melinda frowned lightly,

"Well, he's my f..."

"Friend. I'm her close 'Friend'" Hal interrupted her with a smile.

Evelyn nodded and with a gesture at Argo, the two walked out of the Mansion with Argo bearing most of her weight as her legs were still quite weak and she was actually still having some post-orgasmic spasms at that moment.

Their guards followed and before long, they were back inside the carriage and pulling away. It did not matter that the day was getting dark, there was nothing that could worry them in a city such as this.

Meanwhile, once they were gone and with it, quite an anti-climatic end to the much-anticipated Envoy arrival,

Hal swept Melinda into his arms and kissed her deeply and once they separated, he looked down at her with a smile,

"I'm sorry baby girl, but I'd prefer you did not tell two envoys from your father and uncle who are likely to report it once they arrive, that we are engaged"

From what Hal could glean from the Dane family, he was quite sure they would not take very kindly to the news and he felt at the moment, it was far better to take things slow. At least until they had support.

They had already agreed beforehand that once back with her family, Melinda's first aim was to regain a foothold in the family.

She had argued that she was not such a big fan of politics that existed in a large family such as hers and Hal had told her she should do it the way she felt comfortable.

And that was going to involve a lot of merciless beatings.

Melinda shrugged,

"I got a little excited"

Hal shook his head slightly,

"No, you didn't"

"Alright fine, I felt impulsive..."

Hal pecked her fair neck,

"See? Does It not feel good to tell the truth?" He asked but Melinda was not done with her words,

"...and it's your fault. Too much bottled up energy" she said.

Hal chuckled,

"Now we wouldn't want that. How about making use of that bottled-up energy" He said.

"About time" she replied and joined their lips together in a deep kiss.


In the Envoy carriage...

"We'll stop by at an inn. I need to rest" Evelyn said with her head on Argo's shoulder.

"No problem sis." He told her.

They both sighed in unison as they thought back to how enthusiastic they had been and even all but volunteered to be envoys and visit the banished Dane princess.

They had so many plans and ideas and it all fell apart.

First, she had been so beautiful, the thought of putting her down did not come to Argo's mind and then she had been overwhelmingly strong that he could not take advantage of the duel to do so.

As for Evelyn, she had been excited about a prospective new pet and ended up becoming putty in said prospective pet's hands.

"What do you think the relationship between them really is?" Evelyn suddenly asked.

Clearly, she had not believed they were just 'close friends'. After all, how could Melinda live with such a hunk and not tap that?

Argo shrugged,

"Considering the rumor going about in the family, it wouldn't matter anyway"

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