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72.44% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 347: 1921-1932

Chapter 347: 1921-1932

Chapter 1921: Showing All Trump Cards

Lin Huang frowned as he watched the Abyssal creatures that were contaminating the various areas like a tidal wave.

The tens of thousands of dominator-level rank-9 monsters Shub bred did not encounter any effective resistance in most of the areas they were teleported to.

These Abyssal monsters devoured all of the lives around them easily and then converted these lives into their own offspring.

The converted offspring also greatly increased the rate of contamination.

Those they attacked and killed would be contaminated by Abyssal energy. Their prey would then be transformed into Abyssal monsters at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Each of Shub's offspring were massive sources of contamination.

The number of Abyssal monsters skyrocketed wherever they passed by.

Dragon Island, Snow Domain, and the other top organizations with dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses all participated in the battle enthusiastically.

Even with Bai and the others fighting alongside them, the situation grew tenuous thanks to the ever-increasing number of invaders.

Lin Huang observed the situation for three days.

Bai and others failed to contain the round of invasion after all.

Feeling helpless, Lin Huang could only get the Bug Tribe under his command to participate in the battle.

The Bug Emperors joined the imperial monsters' team as well. They began to create clones to participate in the war.

Shasha and the other Queen Mothers made thousands of dominator-level rank-9 bug beasts using the various resources they obtained earlier in an effort to resolve the situation.

It was only then that the crisis Shub's offspring brought about was finally averted.

However, Shub soon noticed that something had gone wrong. She projected the scenes from before her offspring died.

"The Bug Tribe?!" Nyarlathotep was a little confused. "Why are they here?"

"They must've come to an agreement with the other tribes." Yogg stared fixedly at the dominator-level rank-9 Bug Emperors that the Queen Mothers had modified. "These Bug Tribe monsters that joined the battle have clearly been modified based on Shub's offspring."

Nyarlathotep, who was standing to the side, only noticed this when Yogg mentioned that.

The reason being was that although Shasha and the others modified the Abyssal creatures' carcasses to look like Bug Tribe monsters, some of their original characteristics still remained.

After looking carefully, it was easy to tell that they were originally Shub's Black Goat's Offsprings.

Aza, who was seated on the throne, opened His eyes once again. He merely stared at the projection for a moment and suddenly spoke into the empty void, "Explain this to me, Bug Tribe."

A voice soon echoed across the sky in reply a moment later.

It sounded like the low hum of countless bug beasts.

"It's a collaboration…"

Aza chuckled. "You've become quite gutsy now."

He did not take the Bug Center seriously.

That guy was the epitome of cowardice hundreds of eras ago. It had managed to survive by relying on its cowardice. Aza had never thought that it would suddenly dare to go up against Him like now.

"It's for self-protection," Bug Center's voice soon echoed again.

Aza scoffed. "If that's the case, you should know the consequences."

"You wouldn't let go of me and my tribe even if I didn't participate in the battle anyway," the Bug Center replied again.

"This makes me a little curious about the reason behind your gutsy attitude." Aza squinted his eyes. "Is it because of that First Liege?"

This time, the Bug Center did not say anything.

After a moment, Nyarlathotep asked Aza, seeing that the Bug Center had gone silent, "The Bug Tribe's participation is greatly influencing the war this time round. Should we… use that?"

"I think we should." Seeing that Aza said nothing, Yogg, who was standing to the side, spoke after a moment of silence.

"Use it then. Let's see what other trump cards they have," Aza said absent-mindedly while supporting His chin with one hand.

He seemed to not care about the proceedings.

"Let's give them a taste of that!" A grin appeared on Nyarlathotep's face.

A moment later, Yogg opened a dimensional gate and pulled out a gigantic egg from it.

It looked similar to the Black Goat's Egg, but the tentacles on it were drooping. It was not as plump as the Black Goat's Egg either.

Lin Huang recognized it immediately. "That's… the Black Goat's dead ootheca?"

While he was in doubt, Shub stretched out her black, fog-like tentacles from her body and pierced them into the dead ootheca.

After that, her rate of breeding accelerated tens of times faster.

She was able to breed 20,000 to 30,000 dominator-level rank-9 offspring initially. Now, this number had been increased to over a million.

Lin Huang also noticed that the dead ootheca was shrinking slowly.

"She's absorbing the dead ootheca's nutrients in order to increase the speed and number of offspring she's making!"

It did not stop there. After Shub bred those offspring, Yogg did not send those Abyssal monsters away immediately. Instead, Nyarlathotep participated in the next step of the process while smiling.

Thorns emerged from his back. They pierced into the Abyssal monsters' bodies one after the other. He only removed them a while later.

Outwardly, the Abyssal monsters did not seem to have undergone any changes at all after being pierced.

However, Lin Huang had his guesses.

Although he did not know what Nyarlathotep had injected into the monsters, he could probe what was happening inside the monsters' bodies.

There were spheres of high-level Abyssal energy inside their bodies.

"Is that something similar to a bomb? Or is it a technique that will boost the monsters' strength?"

Lin Huang could not pinpoint exactly what it was.

After thinking about it, he informed the group of imperial monsters under his command so that they could prepare beforehand.

For the next few days, Shub would breed over a million offspring per day. Not only that, all of them were at dominator-level rank-9, and they had mastered between a hundred million to a billion chaotic cosmoses.

The ootheca had clearly dried up significantly after three days of having its nutrients absorbed.

Lin Huang guessed by looking that the ootheca would only last for ten days at most.

It was just that he did not know if Aza and the others had the second or third ootheca that could provide Shub with more nutrients to maintain her high production rate.

Her breeding throughout those few days had indeed applied a significant amount of pressure to everyone in the infinite universe.

After all, the number of Abyssal monsters that joined the battlefield everyday was increasing every day.

Nevertheless, Lin Huang finally discovered what Nyarlathotep did to those monsters.

As he guessed, Nyarlathotep had made them into bombs.

To be exact, they were not just bombs, but also a highly effective source of contamination.

As soon as the monsters that had been injected were killed, their carcasses would explode. The impact of the explosion was not the most important factor. Rather, the dense Abyssal energy that would be released from the explosion was the most dangerous element.

If one was not careful and got too close, the Abyssal energy would contaminate them immediately as soon as they were touched.

Only supreme powerhouses who had mastered over trillions of chaotic cosmoses were immune to the contamination from these 'bombs'.

In that case, excluding the people from the Sword Alliance, Dragon Emperor was the only person in the entire infinite universe who was immune to such contamination.

One had to say that Nyarlathotep's trick was quite cunning.

What Aza and the others did had gotten the infinite universe into a pickle again.

Chapter 1922: The Second Challenge

The battle on the infinite universe's side gradually became much more difficult over the next few days.

This was due in part to Shub's increased rate of breeding, which stretched Bai and the others' clones thin.

Another reason was Nyarlathotep's technique, which caused the contamination by the offspring to become even worse.

The Abyssal army grew at a rate that was tens of times faster now.

Feeling helpless, Lin Huang was forced to attack after all.

He created tens of thousands of clones and disguised them as Bai and the rest. These clones then participated in the war as well.

The tens of thousands of clones could retrieve the coordinates of the enemies from Lin Huang's head directly and perform teleportation over and over again, accurately attacking the Abyssal monsters that Yogg had teleported randomly.

After Lin Huang's clones' powerful attacks were launched, the situation that Aza and the others had set up was finally resolved once again.

Shub noticed that something had gone wrong, so she projected the images from the deaths of her offspring again.

Nyarlathotep and Yogg's expressions looked terrible as they watched the unusually brave people from the Sword Alliance, who arrived in an accurate and timely manner to attack Shub's offspring.

Aza stared at the images for a while, but did not seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. He merely said to Yogg softly, "Seems like they've found a way to lock onto the coordinates of your random teleportation. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to attack so quickly."

Clearly, Aza could not recognize, from the images, that the clones were disguised versions of Lin Huang.

"In that case…" Nyarlathotep spoke softly.

"Breed the Black Goat's Offspring directly and prepare for war!" Aza looked at Yogg and Nyarlathotep after saying that. "You guys should get things ready for the next few days as well."

Shub's breeding mode changed again after Aza gave His order.

Later on, Lin Huang saw the ootheca that she was absorbing dry up quickly.

Within an hour, the ootheca had been sucked dry entirely and turned into dust.

At the same time, a big mouth was opened on Shub's body. It spat out a Black Goat's Offspring.

The Black Goat's Offspring was clearly not an imitation of the ootheca before. Judging by the strength of its aura, it had clearly mastered 1,000 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

Lin Huang was stunned when he saw the Black Goat's Offspring.

He initially thought that Shub would not have the ability to breed more Black Goat's Offspring after initially breeding them from the 12 oothecas previously. Clearly, this did not seem to be the case now.

Not long after, something that surprised him even more occurred.

Yogg took out a second dead ootheca.

Shub stretched out another tentacle and pierced it again. She then started a new round of breeding.

Clearly, this ootheca was being absorbed at a rate that was similar to the one before.

It dried up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Within an hour, the ootheca was sucked dry completely.

Shub spat out the second Black Goat's Offspring.

The aura of this Black Goat's Offspring was clearly more powerful than the one before.

It had mastered close to 2,000 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

Throughout that day, Yogg continuously took out over 20 dead oothecas, which Shub then bred into Black Goat Offspring.

For the next few days, this breeding rate was more or less maintained.

However, Yogg did not teleport the Black Goat's Offspring into the battlefield.

As Shub's breeding strategy changed, the number of Abyssal monsters that joined the battlefield dropped significantly, and so did the pressure on Bai and the others.

Throughout the next few days, Shub's offspring aside, even most of the monsters that were converted and contaminated by the offspring were killed.

Lin Huang recalled his clones once he saw that the situation was under control.

On the third day, when Shub was about to start a new round of breeding, Aza suddenly opened His eyes and looked somewhere into the distant sky.

Before Yogg and the others could react, Aza spoke directly, "Why are you hiding like that? Are you trying to launch a sneak attack on me?"

A figure walked slowly out of the shadows as soon as those words were said.

"Seems like you're much more powerful now." It was of course First Liege, who had been defeated previously.

"Seems like you've gotten many good things from Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao." There was mockery in Aza's tone.

Clearly, First Liege in front of Him now possessed a level of ability that was incomparable to the time when he had been defeated previously.

Lin Huang observed the scene from afar with interest.

The number of chaotic cosmoses Aza had mastered had increased to over 500 septillion now, as He kep recalling his clones throughout the past few days.

Meanwhile, judging by the strength of his aura, First Liege had mastered over 300 septillion chaotic cosmoses now.

Clearly, he had used some special techniques to increase his ability after being defeated.

Lin Huang did not think too much about it in the beginning. He only thought First Liege might have used a trick similar to Aza's since he also had many clones scattered all over the infinite universe.

However, after hearing what Aza said, Lin Huang realized that his combat strength boost might really have something to do with the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao.

"It doesn't matter where I got this power from as long as I can kill you." First Liege's killing intent began to rise.

"You've no chance of winning at all. Did you forget how I killed you last time? How dare you boast in front of me?" Aza's tone was filled with disdain.

After the two trash talked each other for a little bit, the three Outer Gods and the tens of Black Goat's Offsprings vanished as Aza flung His sleeve.

First Liege frowned subtly. Indeed, he had been thinking about killing the Outer Gods and the Black Goat's Offsprings together. He would kill as many as he could.

However, Aza clearly sensed his intentions, so He teleported the rest of them away without hesitation.

Yogg and the others were sent some tens of thousands of chaotic cosmoses away from that one fling of Aza's sleeve.

Lin Huang divided a portion of his Divine Telekinesis instantly to continue watching Yogg and the other two.

However, he placed his primary focus on the battlefield where Aza and First Liege were located.

Seeing that Aza had sent the three Outer Gods away, First Liege finally began his attack.

He held a saber in his hand. It was obviously an infinite supreme treasure.

He swung the saber around repeatedly. The saber gleams charged, turning into threads that almost seemed like they were able to tear heaven and earth apart. The dense threads clung onto Aza.

However, Aza did not panic at all. He was still mocking First Liege while dodging.

"Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao sure has many treasures. Still, it's quite a pity to leave you with this saber. I should add it to my collection since it happens to be a pair with the one I got from you before."

Although First Liege did not retort, his killing intent had clearly magnified. His killing intent was so thick that it almost felt like it could be materialized.

As First Liege kept swinging his saber, Lin Huang soon sensed something unusual.

First Liege's combat strength was strangely elevating!

As he swung his saber, his aura, which initially indicated that he had mastered over 300 septillion chaotic cosmoses, had increased to over 400 septillion now. It was still increasing…

Chapter 1923: Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's Interference

Lin Huang's expression turned strange as he watched the intense battle between Aza and First Liege.

Their combat strength continued to elevate as the fight went on.

Within a day, Aza's aura had elevated to having mastered close to 1,000 septillion chaotic cosmoses.

The speed of their combat strength elevation was many times faster now.

First Liege's combat strength elevation efficiency was almost on par with Aza's, which was surprising. He had also increased his combat strength to having mastered over 900 septillion chaotic cosmoses within the span of a day.

The strength of their auras were almost identical.

What had Lin Huang confused was not Aza's combat strength elevation, but rather First Liege's.

He could clearly sense the process of Aza recalling His clones from various dimensions continuously, as He integrated them into His Primordium's body.

However, First Liege's elevation was unfathomable.

Lin Huang could not detect the source of his elevation.

It totally felt like First Liege was growing stronger out of thin air.

"Is this being done by… Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao?" That was the only reasonable explanation that Lin Huang could think of.

However, there was something that he could not understand about this situation. "Even a rank-10 living being would have a limited physical body and God's soul. Wouldn't First Liege's physical body and God's soul collapse if he kept being strengthened like that?"

He knew that the Kingdom of a rank-10 living being could usually contain approximately a septillion chaotic cosmoses at most.

Even if one could go beyond that limit, it would not exceed it by too much.

The reason why Aza could absorb clones to strengthen Himself was because He was born as a chaotic lifeform. The strength of His physical body, God's soul and Kingdom far surpassed other rank-10 living beings.

Naturally, His limit was also much higher than other rank-10 living beings.

However, Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had said that First Liege was also a rank-10 living being.

First Liege had already reached his limit when he had mastered a septillion chaotic cosmoses previously, but he had clearly gone beyond this limit now.

Lin Huang thought for a moment while frowning, and he soon came to a conclusion—Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had modified First Liege's physical body, God's soul and Kingdom!

This modification was the only reason why First Liege did not have his physical body, God's soul and Kingdom collapse despite having integrated close to 1,000 septillion chaotic cosmoses.

Clearly, Lin Huang was not the only one who saw through this matter.

Aza noticed that too.

"Seems like Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao has spent a lot of effort on you," Aza mocked First Liege directly.

He even said, while looking at the sky above, "What? Didn't you say that you wouldn't interfere with the world? You've been hard at work on this guy, haven't you?"

Aza was clearly talking to Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao.

In reality, even Lin Huang thought that Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had interfered this time.

Training First Liege and founding Heaven's Secret was still within its limits.

After all, the resources used to cultivate First Liege had not been given to him directly. Heaven's Secret had earned them.

However, modifying First Liege's physical body, God's soul and Kingdom, as well as providing him with chaotic cosmoses to integrate with, were evidence of it interfering outrightly.

It could be considered as having crossed the line.

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did respond to Aza's words.

Nevertheless, Aza's suspicion did not stop at that.

"Heavenly Dao shouldn't have any desires, biases and emotions. No matter what happens to the infinite universe, you've no right to interfere. Your interference only shows that there's a problem. You've no right to be Heavenly Dao at all!"

First Liege attempted to get Aza to shut up, but it was futile.

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did not respond to Aza at all.

It indeed did not have anything to say anyway.

The reason being was that what Aza said was the truth.

Theoretically, Heavenly Daos could only follow the rule if they did not accept anyone as their owner. They could only watch from the sidelines. They could only kill those people who broke the Heavenly Dao rule.

Moreover, Aza's invasion into the infinite universe complied with the rule that governed how the infinite universe operated. It was the infinite universe's calamity.

When Lin Huang heard Aza voice His suspicions, he suddenly recalled what Grimace said before.

Something might really be wrong with Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao!

In the air, the intense battle between Aza and First Liege was still going on.

Their auras continued to skyrocket as each day passed.

One thousand septillion!

Two thousand septillion!

Three thousand septillion!

On the other hand, under Yogg and Nyarlathotep's protection, Shub's breeding had gone very well.

Yogg kept taking out dead oothecas for Shub to absorb.

She could produce over 20 Black Goat's Offsprings every day, and each one had mastered thousands of quadrillions of chaotic cosmoses.

Only a few days had passed, but there were already over a hundred Black Goat's Offsprings.

Still, Shub's breeding continued.

Yogg would take out dead oothecas everyday for her to absorb.

Even Lin Huang was surprised. "How many dead oothecas has this guy stored up exactly?!"

As Shub was busy breeding the Black Goat's Offsprings, she did not have time to breed more Abyssal offspring to participate in the battle.

Bai and the others very soon achieved a temporary victory. They had cleared out all of Shub's Abyssal offspring.

The small remaining amount of Abyssal creatures that were contaminated were struggling hard. The top organizations of the infinite universe were hunting them down enthusiastically.

Basically, the infinite universe had achieved a temporary victory.

Seeing that Shub and the others did not seem to display the intention to release more Black Goat's Offspring for the time being, Lin Huang focused on the battlefield between Aza and First Liege again.

The battle went on, and it got even more intense as days went by.

Their combat strength kept skyrocketing every day, and showed no signs of stopping at all.

It was as if their Kingdoms had broken through the limit of chaotic cosmoses that they could contain.

Three thousand septillion!

Five thousand septillion!

Eight thousand septillion!

Ten octillion!

The number of chaotic cosmoses in their bodies continued to skyrocket even after it broke through the ten octillion mark!

Even Lin Huang could not help but raise his brows.

"Don't tell me they're actually going to catch up to me?"

Lin Huang could not help but check the number of chaotic cosmoses he had integrated with in his body.

3,650 undecillion…

He was slightly relieved when he saw this number.

"Judging by His elevation efficiency, Aza shouldn't be able to catch up so soon."

However, His performance applied pressure to Lin Huang.

"I can't be reckless. I must accelerate my integration efforts to break through to ten duodecillion chaotic cosmoses as soon as I can!"

After that, Lin Huang focused all of his attention on integrating chaotic cosmoses. He officially broke through the ten duodecillion mark in terms of integrated chaotic cosmoses in his Kingdom approximately a week later!

He then refocused his attention on the battlefield.

The battle between Aza and First Liege was still goin on. The chaotic cosmoses in their Kingdoms had broken through to the hundred octillion mark.

Although they were still quite a distance away compared to Lin Huang, the figure was quite terrifying nonetheless.

They could turn an entire chaotic cosmos into nothingness with just a wave of their hands.

The impact from their battle spread to thousands of chaotic cosmoses away, turning everything there into base particles…

Chapter 1924: Talking to Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao Again

Ten octillion!

A hundred octillion!

A thousand octillion!

Throughout those short ten days, Aza and First Liege's combat strength rose incredibly fast. The number of chaotic cosmoses in their bodies received an exponential boost as each day passed.

Although the number of chaotic cosmoses in Lin Huang's body had officially broken through to ten duodecillion earlier, the speed of the increase in the number of chaotic cosmoses integrated by those two's Kingdoms was rather stunning.

"What will their limit be?" Lin Huang was quite curious.

Aza's Primordium was a chaotic lifeform. The limit of His Kingdom was very high, of that there was no doubt.

However, it was impossible for it not to have a limit.

Meanwhile, for First Liege, although Heavenly Dao had modified his physical body, God's soul and Kingdom, he was just a rank-10 living being after all.

Lin Huang guessed that his limit was most probably lower than Aza's.

However, that was not the only thing to consider. Apart from that upper limit, the number of Aza's clones was definitely not infinite.

Even Lin Huang could only create some three undecillion will projections at the moment. The number of clones Aza had had definitely not reached that figure.

Time continued passing by in the infinite universe.

The battle between Aza and First Liege went on for a few months.

The number of chaotic cosmos in their Kingdoms continued to rise after surpassing the 1,000 octillion mark. They soon broke through past the 10,000 octillion mark, and arrived at the hundred nonillion mark!

However, the elevation speed of their auras significantly slowed down when they reached that number.

"Seems like a hundred nonillion chaotic cosmoses is close to their limit. Judging by how things are progressing, they shouldn't be able to make it to 200 nonillion chaotic cosmoses."

Lin Huang could clearly tell that First Liege's aura was a little unstable when they had reached a hundred nonillion chaotic cosmoses.

His physical body, God's soul and Kingdom seemed to have reached their limits.

Meanwhile, Aza had obviously slowed down His own speed of elevation.

However, this should be related to the number of His remaining clones rather than His limit. He had likely recalled most of the clones He had scattered throughout the infinite universe.

Excitement shone in Lin Huang's eyes as he stared at Aza.

He did not think that the current Aza was his match, but the thought of Aza being close to recalling all of His clones meant that he could soon kill Aza off completely.

He patiently waited for that moment to arrive.

Tens of thousands of chaotic cosmoses away, Shub was still breeding.

Throughout these few months, the number of Black Goat's Offspring she bred had surpassed 1,000.

However, Yogg kept taking out dead oothecas for her to absorb every day.

Lin Huang figured that, if he did not interfere, the Black Goat's Offspring army would be enough to destroy the entire infinite universe.

Even Bai and the others would die of exhaustion in the end if they had to fight such a large horde.

After all, the enemy had the upper hand when it came to the number of powerhouses they had with similar combat strength.

Moreover, there were no signs that Shub's breeding would stop anytime soon.

Nobody knew how many more dead oothecas Yogg could provide.

Nevertheless, the Outer Gods did not send any more Abyssal monsters into the infinite universe. This gave the infinite universe the opportunity to kill off all of the Abyssal creatures that had invaded.

The entire infinite universe finally obtained close to a month of peace.

However, all of the organizations knew that this peace was only temporary.

Almost all of the Dominators could clearly sense that a terrifying battle was still going on in the central zone of the infinite universe.

Many people also found out that it was Heaven Secret's First Liege who was fighting Aza.

They secretly hoped that First Liege would win the battle.

After witnessing how powerful the ootheca was, nobody was arrogant enough to think that they could fight Aza themselves.

After all, a person who was as powerful as Sword Palace's palace master, who was a dominator-level rank-9 supreme powerhouse, was killed by an ootheca like a chicken on a chopping block.

Meanwhile, the ootheca was merely a product of one of the three Outer Gods.

From that, one could already imagine how powerful the Outer Gods were, let alone Aza whom they respected.

Before First Liege challenged Aza, most people thought that no one would be His match in the entire infinite universe.

These people saw hope when First Liege showed up.

Naturally, this was not the case for Lin Huang.

Lin Huang even thought First Lege was wasting his time by doing something so futile from the get-go.

The reason being was that it was meaningless even if Aza's Primordium was killed here.

However, seeing that First Liege had forced Aza to recall almost all of His clones, Lin Huang suddenly realized that First Liege's hard work was not entirely useless.

At least his appearance gave Aza pressure, which resulted in Him having an unprecedented enthusiasm to recall His clones.

If First Liege had not stepped up and challenged Him, Aza would definitely have chosen to fight at a more stable pace. He would not have recalled so many clones in such a rush.

Lin Huang was feeling a little sleepy as he watched the ongoing battle.

To others, it was an earth-shattering battle that could tear the world apart. However, to the current Lin Huang, it was like watching kids fight.

The gap between their level and his was too great.

This did not just refer to a gap in their combat strength, but also the gap in scope.

The more chaotic cosmoses Lin Huang mastered, the more he comprehended the dao. His knowledge of Dominator Power had completely surpassed the scope of Aza and First Liege's comprehension.

To Lin Huang, their usage of dao and Dominator Power could not even be called simple and rough. If he had to use a word to describe it, it was 'barbaric'.

It was like a person armed with nuclear weapons watching two primitive humans duking it out with Stone Age weaponry.

Suddenly, Lin Huang faintly sensed Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's existence.

It was secretly watching the two's battle as well.

"What would you do if First Liege loses this battle?" Lin Huang asked, "Will you modify him a second time?"

His voice pierced through the sky and reached Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao.

"If you're asking me that, do you have no intention of fighting?" Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao asked in response.

"Would you trust me… if I fight?" Lin Huang chuckled.

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao fell silent for a moment. "I can't be sure of whether you're one of Aza's clones, so I can't bet on you!"

"Are you sure that First Liege isn't?" Lin Huang responded.

"He was chosen by me from birth. Not only that, he's been under my surveillance every single minute and second since then," Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao explained, "I can't be 100% certain, but compared to other people, the possibility of him being Aza's clone is the lowest."

Lin Huang could not help but shake his head when he heard that. "Aza is indeed right about something… Heavenly Dao shouldn't be biased."

"I don't think that my speculation is biased at all. It is the result of my rational analysis." Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao insisted that its speculation was right.

Chapter 1925: Lin Huang Takes Action

The battle between First Liege and Aza was still ongoing.

However, the rate at which their auras elevated slowed down when they reached the100 nonillion chaotic cosmoses mark.

It even stopped rising half a month later.

It was just as Lin Huang thought.

"It stopped when they got to 120 nonillion to 130 nonillion chaotic cosmoses… I had thought they would at least get to 200 to 300 nonillion."

Lin Huang could tell that First Liege had reached his limit.

Even though Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had modified him, 120 nonillion chaotic cosmoses was the limit that his Kingdom could contain. Even his physical body and God's soul had reached their limits and could collapse at any time.

Meanwhile, Aza had recalled most of the clones that He had scattered all over the infinite universe.

After all, His combat strength had only been at one septillion chaotic cosmoses when He had made His clones back then, so He had very limited clones.

It was rather impressive that He managed to elevate His combat strength to this extent after recalling His clones.

The battle between the two became more and more intense when their combat strength elevations came to a halt.

Each one of their attacks was aimed to kill as their combat strengths were similar. They were eager to kill the other party.

The radius of the battle's impact continued to expand.

From the initial tens of thousands of chaotic cosmoses, the impact had spread to millions of chaotic cosmoses.

Even the three Outer Gods ran further away as soon as they realized that something was wrong to prevent Shub's breeding from being affected.

In the infinite universe, all of the organizations whose chaotic cosmoses were affected retreated one after the other.

The top organizations such as Dragon Island, Sword Palace, Snow Domain, and even the Sword Alliance, retreated as well.

After all, the battle between the two of them was beyond what any organization could handle.

All of the formations and barriers they had set up were useless in the face of such power.

If they did not want to be affected, their only solution was to leave.

Compared to the uneasiness and panic that everyone in the infinite universe was feeling, Lin Huang felt completely relieved now.

He had finally confirmed one thing, which was that his ability had far surpassed Aza. Even if He recalled all of His clones, Aza in his peak state would not be Lin Huang's match.

He could see Aza's limits now, and Aza was still like an ant in his presence.

It was unfortunate that Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did not trust him enough.

Otherwise, he could kill Aza and all of His clones at any time and eradicate any future troubles completely.

In the infinite universe's central zone, the intense battle between Aza and First Liege continued on.

Their attacks went back and forth, and the situation had turned stagnant.

The impact from the collisions of Dominator Power destroyed everything around them over and over again.

The infinite universe's central zone had become an empty void thanks to their battle.

It was no longer a chaotic cosmos. Even the base particles, energies, and everything else… It had all been transformed into nothingness.

In the presence of these two supreme powerhouses who had mastered over 100 nonillion chaotic cosmoses, nothing was indestructible.

Just like that, the battle went on for another half a month.

As First Liege was shouldering a triple burden this entire time, in terms of his physical body, God's soul and Kingdom, given the prolonged high-intensity battle, his physical body finally could no longer hold on and began to collapse.

The first part of his body that collapsed was the heart.

In reality, nobody could sense this from the outside. He had been hiding it with all of his might.

Nevertheless, Aza noticed his unusual state quickly and seized the opportunity to go on the offensive.

Although He did not understand what exactly had happened to First Liege, the subtle differences in the latter's fighting prowess did not escape His senses.

Aza's offensive undoubtedly accelerated the collapse of First Liege's physical body.

This collapse was initially caused by his high-intensity Dominator Power usage. If he gave up fighting immediately, he might be able to recover.

However, as Aza continued to pressure him, First Liege did not get the chance to breathe at all.

Furthermore, First Liege clearly did not plan to leave just like that.

Instead, he chose to collide with Aza again and again with all of his might.

His situation worsened even faster due to this.

It was only his heart that was affected at the beginning, but it soon spread to his other organs.

In the end, it finally reached his skin…

Aza merely scoffed when He saw that First Liege's arms, legs, and even neck, were beginning to collapse. "Seems like I've won again."

"You can only blame yourself for having terrible innate abilities. Even with Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's modification, there's only so much you cando given your body's foundation. No matter how you modify it, you can't raise your body's innate limits," Aza teased him again, but what He said was the truth.

Take for example a person who was 1.6 meters tall. Given the size of his frame, reaching 130 kilograms in weight would be his limit. Meanwhile, a person who was over 2 meters tall would not reach their limit until they weighed over 270 kilograms.

First Liege was just a rank-10 living being. He could not compare to a chaotic lifeform.

No matter what modifications Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao performed on him, due to his innate foundation as a rank-10 living being, it could not change his body's upper limits.

Naturally, First Liege knew that Aza was telling the truth.

However, since things had already gotten to this point, he did not plan to give up just like that.

"I might've lost, but that doesn't mean that you've won either!"

As soon as First Liege said that, he detonated his physical body, God's soul and Kingdom…

Endless scorching white light quickly devoured Aza, who was not far away. It then spread in all directions.

The impact of First Liege's detonation was undoubtedly terrifying.

Noticing the terrifying impact that was about to spread out to millions of chaotic cosmoses, Lin Huang had to finally take action.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed at empty air. Like a gigantic barrier, he contained the impact within a million chaotic cosmoses.

The destruction from impact finally faded away after a few days.

Lin Huang frowned as he sensed the energy released by First Liege's self-detonation. He speculated that if he had allowed the impact to spread out, it would have easily encompassed over a hundred million chaotic cosmoses.

There would have been countless casualties in the entire infinite universe!

Apart from himself, nobody could contain that level of impact…

Lin Huang suddenly raised his eyebrows as he thought to himself. He looked at the direction where Aza had been standing…

His aura, which had almost dissipated entirely throughout those few days, was recovering rapidly…

Aza had not died!

When First Liege self-detonated, Aza did not manage to dodge the explosion at all. He was the first one who was devoured by the impact.

Even Lin Huang thought that He had probably died with First Liege. The reason being was that His aura had become so weak that it was almost indiscernible.

Lin Huang had not expected to Aza hold on and sruvive First Liege's suicidal attack!

"This guy has such a strong will to live." Even Lin Huang could not help but exclaim.

Chapter 1926: Aza's Counterattack

As he watched the black fog linger around Aza's body, and His physical body begin to recover at speed that was visible to the naked eye, Lin Huang did not seize the opportunity to end Him.

Perhaps to outsiders, this was the perfect chance to kill Aza.

However, to Lin Huang, it did not actually make much of a difference as to whether Aza was weak or not.

If he really wanted to kill Him, Lin Huang could do so at any time. There was no need to wait until Aza was weakened.

He sensed Aza gradually recovering energy. From this, Lin Huang knew that He was recalling His clones in order to accelerate the recovery speed of His body.

It proved that the final trick First Liege pulled had indeed hurt Him.

Within half a day, Aza recovered entirely.

His aura had recovered its peak state like when He was fighting First Liege.

"He almost killed me…" Aza snickered as He looked toward where First Liege had self-detonated. He stared at the sky above and snickered in mockery. "This First Liege must be your last trump card. It's too bad that he has a terrible foundation. He's still rather lacking compared to me even after exhausting his talent and ability. Even if he resurrects himself with a clone, it's impossible there will be another breakthrough in his ability."

"Regardless, since you've used up your trump card. It's my turn to fight back now!"

He was clearly speaking to Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao. He knew that Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao could definitely hear Him.

Aza sent over a voice transmission as soon as he was done speaking.

"Get ready to attack!"

As soon as He said that, the three Outer Gods, who were hundreds of millions of chaotic cosmoses away, were stunned.

Subsequently, the three of them responded almost at the same time.

"We obey the Master's will!"

The next second, thorns emerged from Nyarlathotep's back again. They stabbed into the Black Goat's Offspring, injecting something into their bodies.

After that was done, Yogg, who was standing to the side, flung his sleeves and randomly teleported the over 2,000 or so Black Goat's Offspring to different areas in the infinite universe.

Lin Huang could not help but frown when he saw this scene unfold.

The Black Goat's Offspring had powerful abilities and were almost on par with Bai and the others.

They had the upper hand in terms of numbers alone. One could say that they could sweep through the entire infinite universe.

In addition, Nyarlathotep had once again done something to their bodies.

If what he did was the same as before, as soon as these Black Goat's Offspring died, the explosion would be countless times worse than when the offspring that Shub had created before died.

Lin Huang did some slight calculations. As soon as these Black Goat's Offspring exploded, the blast radius would encompass millions of chaotic cosmoses.

As for the resulting contamination effect of the explosion, perhaps only Bai and the others could defend against it by force. Even Dragon Emperor could not escape the fate of being contaminated by Abyssal energy as soon as he was within the blast radius.

Lin Huang shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind and focused his attention on Aza again.

Black fog was lingering behind Aza's back.

He could sense that auras were consolidating quickly within the black fog.

There were 20 to 30 of them that were at dominator-level rank-9; these had clearly mastered over 1,000 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

"What…" Lin Huang's pupils shrunk.

Figures soon appeared from the black fog. These were the batch of Abyssal monsters that Bai and the rest had killed together with the three Outer Gods back then.

However, only the dominator-level rank-9 monsters had been revived.

Those that were below dominator-level rank-9 had clearly been given up on.

Nevertheless, Lin Huang saw through Aza's technique.

"He created those in his dream?!"

Lin Huang speculated that this should be the ability of Aza's Kingdom.

"The war has begun. Kill!"

As Aza issued his orders, the 30 or so dominator-level rank-9 Abyssal monsters, that each had mastered around 1,000 quadrillion chaotic cosmoses, rushed out in various directions quickly.

Lin Huang soon saw how terrifying these revived Abyssal monsters were.

Abhoth, who was a greenish-gray blob, disseminated countless flesh particles in the air.

These particles were invisible to naked eye and spread to the surrounding chaotic cosmoses quickly.

Very soon, they penetrated the bodies of the powerhouses in those chaotic cosmoses. The powerhouses' physical bodies and God's soul began to deform, and their ability began to elevate.

It was not only their physical bodies and God's souls that were deformed, they had also lost their mind. They began to attack the living beings around them maniacally.

The lives that were contaminated by their attacks were deformed as well…

Later on, the powerhouses that were deformed went into a frenzy and began to contaminate a third batch of living beings…

Within half a day, Lin Huang saw tens of thousands of chaotic cosmoses entering a state of war.

From beginning to end, Abhoth did not have to fight at all.

Meanwhile, Ghroth, which looked like a giant eyeball, was like a dead star floating in the air.

His body merely shook slightly, and a shriek that all lives in the world could not hear would reverberate.

Although nobody could hear it, all of the living beings would lose their minds and go insane wherever the shriek passed by.

All of the living beings, including animals, plants, microorganisms, and even viruses, began to kill each other!

Dominator-level powerhouses could not escape that fate either.

Tulzscha was like a pillar of fire that gave off tinder-like sparks.

As those sparks fell, the chaotic cosmoses nearby would be ignited.

However, these chaotic cosmoses were not burnt by high temperatures.

Instead, it felt as if their vitality had been devoured. The lands began to wilt, all of the lives in those chaotic cosmoses were drained of their vital force quickly. They were wilting and rotting…

All of the living beings seemed to have their death clocks brought forward.

Living beings that could initially live for tens of years to hundreds of years had their lives shortened to a brief moment.

This included the cultivators as well.

The dominator-level cultivators' combat strength began to deteriorate until they finally degenerated to the level of ordinary people and died.

There was also a dark purple giant wolf called Mh'ithrha.

It was gigantic, and its shadow alone covered tens of thousands of chaotic cosmoses.

Its shadow transformed into canines as black as smoke, which snuck into the chaotic cosmoses, killing everything inside frantically.

All of the living beings were the canines' prey.

The hundreds of millions of canines had the combat strength of dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses, while the strength of their auras had surpassed tens of billions of chaotic cosmoses.

As they killed and ate, their aura kept growing…

The damage caused by those 30 or so Abyssal monsters that Aza had revived exceeded what the over 2,000 Black Goat's Offspring could accomplish.

That made Lin Huang frown as he watched.

The infinite universe that had been at peace for over a month fell into a state of chaos again within the blink of an eye.

Not only that, the situation was countless times more severe compared to before.

"Seems like I have to intervene."

Lin Huang sent the coordinates of the 30 or so Abyssal monsters to Bai and the others. He sent them a message as well.

"Make killing these 33 Abyssal monsters your highest priority!"

After that, Lin Huang turned his attention to the Black Goat's Offspring.

"I'll handle these injected Abyssal monsters myself…"

Chapter 1927: Unexpected Calamity

After locking his Divine Telekinesis onto the over 2,000 Black Goat's Offspring, Lin Huang sent his will projections over to their locations directly.

However, they were still disguised as Bai.

Even the strength of their auras was completely identical to Bai's.

However, their abilities were more powerful than Bai's.

After all, Lin Huang was totally on another level, whether it was in terms ofthe usage of Dominator Power or the comprehension of dao.

The will projections that were disguised as Bai had bloody wings created with blood-red Dominator Power, which spread out from their backs. They flapped and flew at lightning speed.

They arrived before the Black Goat's Offspring almost instantly. They then pointed at their enemies' chests. Blood-red Dominator Power condensed at the tip of their fingers, vibrating hundreds of million of times within a single second. This power penetrated the Black Goat's Offsprings' defenses easily and burrowed deep into their flesh-like tentacles, restraining their huge bodies.

After that, the Dominator Power traveled up to their brains, cutting off all of their nerves.

The Black Goat's Offspring fell helplessly onto the ground.

All of them had not only lost their ability to move, they had also been deprived of all their senses.

However, they did not die. As such, the mass of energy Nyarlathotep injected into their bodies was not triggered.

Lin Huang did not stop just there either.

A moment later, the blood-red Dominator Power located a mass of dark-green energy. They penetrated it and began to suck it all up.

The Abyssal energy that Nyarlathotep injected was highly contagious.

Had it been Bai or any of the others, they definitely would not have dared to touch it.

However, to Lin Huang, it was just a form of mutated energy that was a little bit special.

Even if the mass of mutated energy had originated from Aza, Lin Huang could absorb it easily.

He did not even need to use Eternity Fire to purify it.

The reason being was that the level of the Dominator Power in his body had far surpassed Aza's.

If the situation was reversed, his Dominator Power could easily assimilate Aza's.

After absorbing the mutated energy Nyarlathotep injected into the Black Goat's Offspring, Lin Huang's will projections sent the Black Goat's Offsprings into his Kingdom.

He disguised himself as Bai primarily because the techniques available to Bai were the most convenient.

If he disguised himself as Tyrant, he would have crushed those Black Goat's Offspring violently. If he had disguised himself as Kylie, Killer or Lancelot, he might have torn the Black Goat's Offspring apart…

There was one more reason behind his choice.

Even with the disguise, the Outer Gods would definitely sense that something was amiss.

Instead of disguising himself as many imperial monsters, he would rather disguise himself as Bai.

That way, the Outer Gods would only notice something unusual about Bai.

They would only suspect that Bai had concealed his abilities before. The thought of someone being disguised as Bai would not cross their minds.

If he disguised himself as many other imperial monsters and accidentally revealed a flaw, that would make the Outer Gods suspicious.

As for whether it would cause trouble for Bai, Lin Huang was not worried about that at all.

Bai had powerful abilities himself. Among powerhouses at the same level, his speed was only second to Kylie and Thunder.

Apart from that, Lin Huang had a revival technique in his Kingdom.

All of the living beings that had a contract bond with his Kingdom would return to the Kingdom when they died. With merely a thought, Lin Huang could revive them at any time.

After handling the 2,000 or so Black Goat's Offspring, Lin Huang retrieved their Kingdoms one after the other and gave all of them to Shasha and the other Bug Tribe Queen Mothers.

To them, these Black Goat's Offspring were the perfect materials for research and modification.

Bai did not notice that Lin Huang was disguised as him at all.

However, on the Outer Gods' side, Nyarlathotep and Shub reacted one after the other.

"Someone removed the energy I left in the Black Goat's Offsprings' bodies?!" Nyarlathotep sensed something wrong immediately.

A moment later, Shub sent a will projection over.

"Someone has cut my connection with all of the Black Goat's Offspring!"

As soon as she said that, she projected the scenes of "Bai" attacking the Black Goat's Offspring.

"This guy… He's from the Sword Alliance!" Nyarlathotep and Yogg were shocked when they saw the Black Goat's Offspring in the images being suppressed and failing to fight back.

"How did he do it exactly? He was able to render the Black Goat's Offspring immobile and toy with them so easily." Nyarlathotep had a confused look on his face.

"He has concealed his ability." Yogg, who was standing next to him, frowned and guessed.

As they watched the scenes being cut off one after the other, Yogg asked immediately, "Have all of the Black Goat's Offspring been killed?"

Shub soon responded by sending over a will projection, "They haven't been killed, but their auras have been blocked by something somewhere. There's a high possibility that they've been captured alive in his Kingdom."

Although she had lost her connection with the Black Goat's Offspring, Shub was still much aware of whether the Black Goat's Offspring were dead or alive.

"He managed to create over 2,000 clones and captured all of the Black Goat's Offspring alive so easily. This guy's ability has surpassed the level that we can handle…" Yogg frowned deeply.

"If he managed to find the Black Goat's Offspring, he is likely able to find us…" Nyarlathotep was worried. "I think that we should meet up with Master as soon as possible."

Yogg nodded after thinking for a while.

"We should report this to Master as well."

The three Outer Gods very soon teleported the few Black Goat's Offspring that Shub had just bred to where Aza was.

Aza was stunned to see them, but did not find it strange.

He asked as soon as He saw the few Black Goat's Offspring that had been teleported along with them, "Have the rest of the Black Goat's Offspring been teleported elsewhere?"

"They have, but they… have been killed," Nyarlathotep said, biting the bullet. Then he gave a simple explanation on how "Bai" killed the Black Goat's Offspring.

After that, Shub projected the battle scenes.

Aza frowned after watching.

"Although this guy's clones' combat strength is similar to you guys, his technique is far beyond what you all are capable of. His mastery of the usage of Dominator Power and comprehension of the dao is extremely high. If you guys really ran into him, you would probably be killed off directly." Aza clearly saw through Lin Huang's trick, but did not see through his disguise. "I can't believe there's someone like this in the infinite universe."

Aza sent out a voice transmission together with Bai's image as soon as He was done speaking, "Find this guy and send me his coordinates!"

"You're going after him personally, Master?!" The three Outer Gods were shocked.

"This guy will be troublesome to deal with if we leave him be. I'm going to kill him before he develops to that point!" A Cold gleam was sparkling in Aza's eyes.

Chapter 1928: You're Too Weak

In the air, the 108 pairs of bloody tentacles on Bai's back had turned into whips. They were slicing apart the greenish-gray figure before him frantically.

The figure was instantly turned into mush. However, the figure slowly began to condense again, looking like something else completely.

Bai's expression was cold. He charged forward and continued to tear it apart.

The battle had lasted for a whole day.

Bai's opponent was Abhoth, who was one of the monsters under Aza's command.

However, compared to a few months ago, Abhoth could no longer be killed so easily.

The current Abhoth had combat strength that was on par with Bai's.

Although it had been beaten up by Bai all day, it did not suffer any substantial damage at all.

Its greenish-gray blob-like body kept transforming into powerhouses that it had devoured before. Not only that, it had been strengthened to the point that its combat strength was technically on par with Bai's.

However, this was meaningless to Bai, as it could not harm Bai in the slightest.

The shortest it had lasted was over an hour, and two to three hours at most, before being killed by Bai.

Nevertheless, every time it was killed, it would turn into another powerhouse that it had devoured before.

Throughout the day, it had changed its form ten times, yet the only thing it exhausted was a portion of its Dominator Power.

Bai had tried all sorts of ways to kill it, but it was futile.

No matter how he killed it, it would always be reborn into a different form.

He finally gave up on all fancy techniques and used the attack technique he was most skilled with, killing Abhoth as quickly and efficiently as he could over and over again.

Just after he crushed Abhoth into mush for the umpteenth time, before it condensed into a new form once again, Bai's pupils suddenly shrank. He looked into the distance not far away from Abhoth.

There was danger!

An extremely high level of danger!

He had never felt such a threat before!

The source of the threat had yet to show up, yet Bai already had goosebumps all over his body. He had a strong urge to run away.

"Who is it?!"

A terrifying thought suddenly flashed through his mind. 'Aza?!'

The strength of the incoming aura surpassed the three Outer Gods. Aza was the only possibility!

The very next second, the person showed Himself directly.

"So clumsy." That person glanced at Abhoth, whose body was slowly reforming.

He then turned his gaze from Abhoth and looked at Bai.

Bai suddenly froze.


Aza squinted as He took a good look at Bai. He only spoke a moment later, "You don't look like you're disguising your abilities… If I'm not mistaken, you're not the one who stole the Black Goat's Offsprings, right?"

Bai was confused. He did not understand what Aza was talking about at all.

"It has to be someone who was disguised as you." Aza came to that conclusion instantly when He saw the expression on Bai's face.

"Can you tell me… who it is?" Aza looked at Bai as he smiled.

Bai failed to control his own body, which flew over as soon as Aza spoke those words.

He felt as if his body had been constrained by something. He could not move at all. He could only watch as his body drew closer and closer to Aza.

'Will I be killed now?!'

It was only then that Bai realized how weak he was before Aza.

He was no different than an ant!

However, just as Aza stretched His finger to point between Bai's eyebrows, a stunned expression appeared on Aza's face. Almost at the same time, His outstretched right hand cracked from His shoulder downward.

At the same time, Bai, who had just been right in front of Him, completely vanished.

"Are you looking for me?"

A gentle voice could be heard from not far away.

Aza lifted His head and looked toward the direction of the voice. It was only then that He realized there was a figure standing there.

"You…" Aza revealed a trace of fear on His face because He could not sense the existence of the other figure at all.

Suddenly, He felt like He had returned to that time hundreds of eras ago when He saw Virtual Sovereign for the first time. This feeling seemed almost identical.

So powerful!

This person was so powerful that He did not have the ability to resist him whatsoever!

"I didn't want to reveal myself initially," Lin Huang's voice remained gentle, "But you stirred up trouble with my buddy, so I could no longer sit back and watch. Also, it's my fault that he suffered this calamity anyway."

"Who are you exactly?!" Aza asked, while trying his best to calm Himself down.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself…" Lin Huang introduced himself fearlessly, "My name's Lin Huang. My identity… Well, I'm the Sword Alliance's chief."

"Sword Alliance…" Aza had just recalled Bai and the others were indeed from the Sword Alliance.

Although He had obtained this piece of information from Yogg, He had not taken it seriously at all.

He had always thought that First Liege from Heaven's Secret was the only one who posed somewhat of a threat to him in the entire infinite universe.

After all, the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had trained him specially to fight Him.

However, He had never imagined that there would be such a terrifying existence hiding behind the Sword Alliance.

"Are you a Transcender?!" Aza suddenly looked a little excited now. He asked Lin Huang with anticipation.

At that very moment, His surging curiosity had far surpassed His fear for death.

He was eager to know whether Lin Huang was a Transcender like Virtual Sovereign.

"Transcender?" Lin Huang was confused as to why He suddenly asked such a question.

Nevertheless, he shook his head and replied honestly, "I'm not."

Aza looked clearly disappointed when He heard that answer. However, He felt unwilling and asked further, "Then how far away are you from achieving the status of Transcender?!"

"I'm far from reaching that state." Lin Huang was telling the truth. "I'm not even sure whether I can get there in the first place."

"How is that possible?!" Disbelief filled Aza's face. He thought Lin Huang was lying. "The oppressive feeling you gave me is close to what I felt from Virtual Sovereign."

Lin Huang was stunned when he heard that. He chuckled. "Perhaps that's because you're too weak. Just like an ant that believes that the planet it lives on is the entire universe. If we really were to compare, I think Virtual Sovereign can kill me with a single finger."

You are too weak…

Too weak…


Aza had never imagined that He would hear a comment like "You're so weak" from someone during His lifetime.

Even Virtual Sovereign did not say that back then.

Of course, this was probably because Virtual Sovereign did not bother to talk to him. The latter had merely used a single finger to kill Him.

After Aza was suppressed, He understood that the gap between Him and Virtual Sovereign was almost immeasurable.

However, it was not until He met Lin Huang that he truly knew that Virtual Sovereign's strength had far surpassed the limits of His imagination.

"The gap is so great…?"

Chapter 1929: Immeasurable Power

Lin Huang had more than a quattuordecillion chaotic cosmoses in his Kingdom now.

Meanwhile, Aza, who had recalled almost all of His clones, only had some 120 nonillion chaotic cosmoses in His Kingdom.

The gap between the two of them was close to ten trillion times.

Aza was really no different from an ant in front of Lin Huang.

However, Lin Huang knew he was far from achieving the status of a Transcender.

Nevertheless, to Aza, Lin Huang's almost immeasurable power gave Him a similar feeling like when He had faced Virtual Sovereign back then.

This was an illusion that caused Him to think that their levels of ability were similar.

Aza could not believe His ears when He heard the truth from Lin Huang.

He had finally realized the unimaginable gap between Himself and a Transcender. This gap could not be bridged no matter how many more chaotic cosmoses He refined. He might not even get any closer even if He had reached His own limits.

"I initially wanted to save you for First Liege. After all, Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao spent a great deal of effort on that man. Although First Liege has lost twice, it should have some sort of back-up plan." Lin Huang ignored Aza's mental state and continued to say, "But you won't have the chance to see what that will be."

As soon as Lin Huang was done speaking, Aza suddenly realized that He could no longer move.

It was as if He was constrained by something.

It was then that He realized that there were invisible Divine Telekinesis threadsthat tied Him up without Him knowing.

What was more terrifying was the fact that the Dominator Power and God's soul energy in His body seemed to have been sealed by something. He could not use them at all.

The very next second, He saw Lin Huang appear less than half a meter before him. Lin Huang stretched out his hand toward Him…

Lin Huang pressed his hand on top of Aza's head directly. Subsequently, a great amount of Dominator Power poured into Aza.

'What… Is this assimilation?!' Aza suddenly panicked.

He had never thought that He would someday be assimilated by someone's Dominator Power. Throughout the hundreds of eras, He had always been the one who used Dominator Power to assimilate others, modifying them into Abyssal creatures under His command.

"You definitely have clones hiding out there somewhere. If I kill you, your consciousness would be transferred to your clone and you would then be reborn. If your clone hides deliberately, even Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao might not recognize you.

"After giving it some thought, to prevent future problems, I've decided to assimilate you directly. Then, I'll get you to recall all of your clones after you've been assimilated. And then I'll kill you properly."

In reality, Lin Huang had not come up with this idea himself. It had been Bloody's idea.

Aza fell into a state of despair when He heard that.

He could only watch as Lin Huang's Dominator Power "contaminated" His physical body, God's soul and even Kingdom… The Abyssal Power that He was so proud of, which could contaminate all of the living beings in the infinite universe, was like snow in the scorching sun before Lin Huang's Dominator Power. He did not have any way of fighting back at all.

His body was constrained. He could not even move His fingers, let alone run away.

Abhoth, who was watching this scene from not far away, was shaking in fear. It did not even dare to run away, worried that this man would target it if it tried to do so.

Within half a minute, Lin Huang had "contaminated" Aza completely, turning Him into one of his underlings.

After unsealing Him, Aza kneeled before Lin Huang directly. He had completely lost the will to fight back.


At this moment, the respect He had for Lin Huang had surpassed the respect the Outer Gods had for Him.

"Get up," Lin Huang issued Aza his first order quickly, "Recall all of your clones now. Leave none behind!"

"Yes, master!" Aza could only obey Lin Huang's orders. The control Lin Huang had over Him had even surpassed the control he had over Xiao Hei and his imperial monsters.

The next second, Aza shut his eyes and began to recall His remaining clones.

Lin Huang could clearly feel that His Divine Telekinesis was stretching toward various corners of unknown dimensions continuously. After that, a large amount of Dominator Power began to return to Aza's body.

Lin Huang could even feel the number of chaotic cosmoses in Aza's Kingdom had skyrocketed once again.

Just like that, many days passed by.

The number of chaotic cosmoses in Aza's Kingdom very soon skyrocketed from 120 nonillion to 130 nonillion, 140 nonillion…

The entire process lasted some 20 days.

In the end, it finally stopped when it had reached approximately 180 nonillion.

Lin Huang had not expected Aza to have hidden so many clones. Clearly, He was still holding back when He was fighting First Liege back then. He might even have elevated His own strength in tandem with First Liege's rhythm intentionally, while reserving a portion of his strength as a trump card.

Lin Huang asked as soon as he saw Aza opening His eyes, "You've recalled all of them?"

"Yes, I have." Aza nodded.

Lin Huang was relieved after hearing that.

Although Aza was no longer a threat to him, he wished to weed out any potential threats.

"It's time to end this war completely." Lin Huang nodded.

Throughout those 20 days, the Outer Gods had been breeding more Black Goat's Offspring.

The battle between Lancelot and the others and the dominator-level rank-9 creatures that were created in Aza's dream raged on.

The Abyssal creatures that were contaminated by Abyssal energy were fighting with all the organizations in the infinite universe as well as the Bug Tribe.

Now that Aza, the source of the problem, had been dealt with, it was time to end the war completely.

"Aza, recall the Outer Gods, all of the Black Goat's Offsprings and the dominator-level rank-9 creatures that you created in your dream."

Aza executed the second order as soon as it was given.

The very next second, the three Outer Gods and the Black Goat's Offspring, that were billions of chaotic cosmoses away, began to fade quickly.

The dominator-level rank-9 creatures that were scattered all over the infinite universe, which were fighting intense battles with Lancelot and the others, began to fade quickly as well. Naturally, that included Abhoth, which was standing nearby.

Kylie and the others looked confused when they saw their opponents suddenly vanish. However, they soon realized that Aza had to have done something.

Bloody reported the odd situation to Lin Huang instantly. Lin Huang only gave her a short reply, "Aza is one of us now."

Bloody instantly understood that Lin Huang must have listened to her suggestion and assimilated Aza.

She could not help but exclaim, "The war is finally ending!"

Apart from the Outer Gods, Black Goat's Offspring and the dominator-level rank-9 creatures, the monsters the dominator-level rank-9 creatures converted were recalled into Aza's Abyssal Kingdom.

However, He could not recall the living beings in the infinite universe that were assimilated by the Abyssal energy.

The infinite universe had to clear those up themselves. Those were basically the finishing touches of the war.

Nevertheless, the Sword Alliance participated enthusiastically.

The organizations participated in the final cleansing with excitement…

Chapter 1930: Traitor

Deep inside a dimension in the infinite universe, a voice came out of a misty cloud.

"First Liege, you can stop integrating chaotic cosmoses now. Aza is no longer a threat."

However, First Liege, who was integrating chaotic cosmoses in a greedy manner, ignored what Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said. He did not look like he was going to stop at all.

"First Liege, if you don't stop, I'll cut off your connection with the infinite universe!" Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said.

"Can you do that?"

At that moment, First Liege finally lifted his head to look at that cloud. He smirked.

He no longer had any fear in his eyes.

"In order to fight Aza, you shared the infinite universe's Heavenly Dao authorization with me. That's how I managed to break through my innate limitations to integrate chaotic cosmoses beyond my limit."

"You're now trying to take the authorization back after Aza has been killed. Do you think that's fair to me?"

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao was rendered speechless by that.

Indeed, it had always treated First Liege as a tool to fight Aza.

Now that Lin Huang had assimilated Aza, this tool was naturally no longer of use to it.

It thought that First Liege, who had always been fearful of it, would execute whatever orders it gave without hesitation.

However, that did not seem to be the case at all.

"I've checked all of the related rules thoroughly as soon as I obtained the authorization. The infinite universe's Heavenly Dao authorization is unique. It allows me to break through my innate limitations by sharing a portion of authorization with me, so the current situation is that we both share the same authorization. There's no difference in the levels of authorization, it's just that you possess a little more.:

"If I'm unwilling to give up the authorization, there's nothing that you can do to me."

"I'm like you now. We're both Heavenly Dao's will by nature. You can try to kill me, but as the infinite universe's Heavenly Dao's will, as long as the infinite universe's Heavenly Dao exists, it's impossible for me to die."

"As for chasing me out by force, you can't do that either. You'd have to give up on the authorization that I possess altogether. However, the price is great for you to even consider doing that."

"The authorization that was initially complete has been shared. You'd encounter a terrifying backlash as the culprit. A light backlash would injure you severely enough to the point that you might not recover even after tens to hundreds of eras. A severe backlash will result in you losing your will entirely, and the entire Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao would return to being a chaotic mass without consciousness.

"Will you coexist with me or pay the price to kill me? If you think logically, there's only one correct answer. Am I right?"

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao fell silent immediately.

What First Liege said was completely true.

Ever since it promised to give First Liege a portion of its authority to fight Aza, it had lost control of this matter.

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's authorization was unique. Sharing a portion of it would be the equivalent of giving First Liege equal footing as the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao.

It initially thought that First Liege whom it brought up; First Liege who always listened to it, would definitely not go against it even after obtaining the portion of its authorization.

However, it had underestimated this human.

How was it possible for First Liege to give up such a precious thing after witnessing its endless powerful possibilities?!

What was loyalty to him?

What was credibility to him?

Was it important to have that, or power?

Was being grateful for his upbringing more important?

Or was possessing endless strength more important?!

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao fell silent. As Heavenly Dao's will, even though it was betrayed, it did not feel angry or upset.

It fell silent because it was still weighing the consequences of the two options.

If it removed First Liege forcefully, just like what he said, it would mean that it was removing part of the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's authorization itself. It would result in a severe backlash.

If it did not do that and chose to coexist with First Liege, First Liege would integrate all of the chaotic cosmoses in the entire infinite universe sooner or later.

The reason being was that he longer had a limit to his Kingdom's integration. It was only a matter of time before he would achieve that.

When First Liege integrated all of the Kingdoms in the entire infinite inverse, he would have mastered the authorization entirely. By then, the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's original will would become a useless ornament.

Should it fight for its life, or compromise and coexist?

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao weighed the options over and over again, but it just could not decide between the two.

After hesitating for a moment, it chose the third option decisively!

The day after he dealt with Aza, Lin Huang's expression suddenly froze while he was arranging the finishing touches.

The reason being was that he heard a voice transmission.

"Lin Huang, I need your help!"

He was familiar with this voice, as it came from Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao.

Lin Huang's Divine Telekinesis pierced through the layers of dimension and he responded quickly.

"I've dealt with Aza. What else is there?"

To be honest, he was quite doubtful.

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had asked for his help last time to deal with Aza.

However, he had assimilated Aza now. The Abyss' plan of invading the infinite universe had basically been resolved now.

It made sense that Lin Huang found it strange that Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao came to ask for his help at such a time.

"It's about First Liege…" Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao quickly told him about the entire matter.

Lin Huang was stunned when he heard it.

He had never thought that First Liege, who looked honest, would turn traitor.

However, he thought it made sense after giving it some more thought.

After all, not many could resist the temptation of obtaining the Heavenly Dao's authorization of the entire infinite universe,

Do you think a regular person would be willing to have all of his fortune taken away out of nowhere after he experienced life as the world's richest man for a few days?

The answer was clearly no!

Lin Huang fell into a long period of silence after listening to Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's story carefully.

He finally spoke a moment later.

"So, what do you need me to do?"

"I hope that you can integrate all of the chaotic cosmoses before First Liege does!" Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao finally said.

"Do you think I can do that? He has Heavenly Dao's authorization. The number of chaotic cosmoses he integrates is growing exponentially every day. Although the number of chaotic cosmoses I integrate is high, in the long run, it's only a matter of time before he will surpass me," Lin Huang said honestly.

First Liege possessed Heavenly Dao's authorization, which was the equivalent of having an invincible cheat code in a game. Even if Lin Huang was a boss at the highest level in a game, he could not fight an invincible cheat code.

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao only spoke again after a moment of hesitation, "I can share a portion of my authorization with you!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows when he heard that. He thought for a moment with his head lowered, after which he replied, "I refuse to accept that."

Chapter 1931: Duovigintillion!

Hearing Lin Huang's rejection, Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did not know what to say.

"I've no interest in taking over the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao," Lin Huang continued while shaking his head, "You should already know that I have the Ultimate Heavenly Dao in my Kingdom that's just like the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao. The only reason why my Ultimate Heavenly Dao isn't as powerful as the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao is becauseI haven't integrated enough chaotic cosmoses."

Lin Huang really had no interest in the infinite universe's Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao. To put it simply, it was similar to how the world's second richest man had no interest in taking over the world's richest man's fortune.

First Liege was occupying someone's nest. That was something too lowly for Lin Huang to do. After all, he had his own nest, so why would he take someone else's?

Now that he had reached this level, rather than inheriting someone's mantle, he hoped to surpass them.

Moreover, he had a faint feeling that if he inherited Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's authorization, he might not be able to take that last step to become a Transcender.

That was the reason why he refused Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's offer to share the Heavenly Dao authorization.

"Do you know how fast First Liege can integrate chaotic cosmoses now?" Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said after a moment of silence. Before Lin Huang could answer the question, it gave him the answer directly. "After he was defeated the second time, I struggled for a week and finally decided to share my authorization with him. It's been 14 days since then."

"On the first day the authorization was shared, the number of chaotic cosmoses he integrated was only a hundred nonillion (10^32). Since then, it has multiplied every day. 14 days have passed since then. He can integrate 819.2 decillion chaotic cosmoses per day. That's close to one undecillion (10^36). Judging by the speed he's progressing, he only needs another 13 days before his daily chaotic cosmos integration rate surpasses ten duodecillion (10^40)."

Lin Huang made some rough estimates. Although the number of chaotic cosmoses he integrated was increasing every day, the rate of his daily increase could not reach First Liege's, whereby the number was doubled every day.

He added close to five quattuordecillion chaotic cosmoses to his Kingdom daily. 13 days later, this number would only reach 45 quattuordecillion chaotic cosmoses daily.

If both their integration efficiency remained the same, 29 days after the 13 days, Lin Huang would have 5.46 quindecillion (10^48) chaotic cosmoses added daily, while First Liege would have 5.37 quindecillion added daily. They would be almost evenly matched.

However, on the 30th day, his daily increase would be 6.45 quindecillion, while First Liege's daily increase would surpass his, reaching 10.74 quindecillion chaotic cosmoses daily.

After that, First Liege's daily increase would become more and more insane every day, leaving Lin Huang far behind.

Later on, he would only need three days to surpass Lin Huang's 600 days' worth of accumulation. First Liege would have more chaotic cosmoses than Lin Huang by then.

In other words, counting from this point onward, First Liege would only need 46 days to surpass him entirely.

"If you're unwilling to accept the Heavenly Dao authorization, it's only a matter of time before First Liege's integration speed surpasses yours." Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said.

"I know that." Lin Huang had already estimated the result before Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's reminder. "However, accelerating the integration speed isn't the only way to obtain Heavenly Dao authorization. Moreover, he might not be able to double his efficiency every day…"

Lin Huang revealed a grin on his face as he spoke.

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao left in relief after the conversation.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang took out the Great Heaven Palace instantly.

When he was elevated to dominator-level rank-9, the Great Heaven Palace's time flow acceleration had reached 6.5 billion times.

As it was sufficient, and that it was the Great Heaven Palace's current limit, Lin Huang did not adjust it further.

However, it now seemed that this time flow acceleration rate was slightly insufficient.

Moreover, as a supreme powerhouse who had mastered close to 30 quattuordecillion chaotic cosmoses, Great Heaven Palace had a lot of room for improvement.

Lin Huang spat out Divine Fire directly to refine and modify Great Heaven Palace all over again.

He tossed his spoils like chaotic supreme treasures and Goldfingers in as the materials to refine it. The Great Heaven Palace's aura was skyrocketing quickly.

The refinement process took close to three days to complete.

Great Heaven Palace looked brand new when it was completed.

The time flow acceleration rate had increased from the initial 6.5 billion times to ten quadrillion (10^16) times.

As Lin Huang was limited by the quality of materials, that was the best he could do for the time being.

However, the increased time flow acceleration was not the only thing about Great Heaven Palace that was strengthened.

There was a new special function added, which was that this time flow acceleration applied outside of Lin Huang's Kingdom as well.

He added this function this time specially to deal with the crisis that First Liege brought about.

The suggestion Bloody secretly gave him was pretty crude and rough.

Since First Liege would catch up to him 46 days later, then he would accelerate the speed of integration through Great Heaven Palace!

He had discussed this with Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao so that the latter would release a great deal of time management authorization to Great Heaven Palace.

The authorization was merely a single authorization under the Heavenly Dao authority. It would not affect the Heavenly Dao authority.

That was why Lin Huang was willing to spend three days to modify Great Heaven Palace.

As soon as the modification was completed, he used it without hesitation.

The Great Heaven Palace's time flow acceleration connected to Lin Huang's will projections quickly, taking over the time flow in the chaotic cosmoses where the will projections were.

After making those preparations, Lin Huang spent half a day testing it out.

Ten thousand times acceleration!

A million times acceleration!

One hundred million times acceleration!

Ten billion times acceleration!

In the end, Lin Huang went all out. He maximized the time flow acceleration in Great Heaven Palace!

Ten quadrillion times!

The speed of his integration skyrocketed as soon as the acceleration kicked in.

From the 86 quattuordecillion (10^48) daily before, it skyrocketed to 8.6 duovigintillion (10^68) per day.

After that, the number kept skyrocketing further every day.

10.1 duovigintillion!

12 duovigintillion!

14.1 duovigintillion!

Lin Huang could even sense faintly that the number of chaotic cosmoses added to his Kingdom daily had surpassed the number of chaotic cosmoses that were produced in the infinite universe daily.

He had an unprecedented thought. Perhaps he could really integrate all of the chaotic cosmoses in the entire infinite universe into his Kingdom!

First Liege did not notice Lin Huang's little trick at all.

The conversation he had with Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao was left hanging.

Since Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did not make a decision, he thought that it had chosen to coexist with him. However, he had no idea that Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had secretly contacted Lin Huang, and that Lin Huang had agreed to help.

Time passed by.

The crisis Aza brought about soon subsided entirely. The infinite universe regained its peace.

Many tribes and organizations began the rebuilding process.

They immersed themselves in development and rebuilding. They did not have time to fight with each other at all.

However, what people did not know was that there was a secret competition going on…

Chapter 1932: I Want to Tell You a Secret

Time flew by and, soon, over a month had passed.

After obtaining the Heavenly Dao authorization, First Liege's ability increased at a terrifying rate within the one month or so period.

In one day, he could integrate over 1.3 quindecillion (10^48) chaotic cosmoses.

Although he secretly witnessed the scene where Lin Huang assimilated Aza, he had enough confidence now. He believed that his ability should not be any lower than Lin Huang's.

"My current self should have surpassed that Lin Huang person, right?" First Liege spoke to Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao in a casual manner.

In reality, he constantly spoke to Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao throughout that period of time. However, most of the time, it did not bother to respond to him.

"Ha." However, Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said something this time.

First Liege did not think too much about its teasing response, as he continued to speak, "Lin Huang is no longer a threat to me now anyway, so I want to tell you a secret."

Although Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao was quite confused, it remained silent.

First Liege merely waited for a brief moment. Noticing that Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did not intend to respond to him, he continued, "Actually… I'm Aza's clone."

Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao was stunned as soon it heard those words. It snapped back to its senses a moment later and asked, "Are you pulling my leg?!"

"No, I'm telling the truth," First Liege said slowly, "There's no need for me to hide this fact from you now."

"To tell you the truth, I only found out when Aza's Primordium was assimilated by Lin Huang."

"After Virtual Sovereign sealed my Primordium, to avoid encountering an entity as terrifying as Virtual Sovereign again, He prepared a back-up plan. That back-up plan was me."

"As soon as something went wrong with my Primordium, whether it died or was sealed, or if it encountered some sort of unique circumstance where He could no longer fight back, the memories that my Primordium stored deep in my God's soul would be activated entirely."

"Meanwhile, my Primordium would remove all of the information about me being his back-up from His God's soul as soon as the memories were activated."

"That was why I wasn't affected at all when Lin Huang ordered Him to recall His clones. The reason being was that, in my Primordium's memories, I've already been forgotten."

"Although I'm First Liege, I had no way of rejecting when you requested me to return the Heavenly Dao authorization. As First Liege, I'm indeed grateful for your upbringing and years of training, though your goal of training me was just to fight Aza."

"However, after my memories were activated, I discovered that I was also Aza. My ultimate goal has always been this—integrating all of the chaotic cosmoses in the entire infinite universe, taking Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's Heavenly Dao authorization, and becoming a Transcender in the end!"

"So I invited the enemy in myself…" Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao thought that life was truly cruel.

It really had never considered the possibility that First Liege was Aza's clone.

It even suspected Lin Huang instead of First Liege.

It could not believe that it had cultivated Aza's clone, giving him all of the resources necessary to strengthen him.

"My Primordium clearly didn't expect things to develop like this…" The expression on First Liege's face was rather complicated. "He initially created a back-up plan in order to avoid powerhouses like Virtual Sovereign and to avoid being sealed again or being killed off entirely."

"He would never have thought that things would play out so cruelly. You found me, cultivated me, and intended to rely on me to fight my Primordium…"

"I only dared to tell this secret today. I was worried that you'd ask Lin Huang for help, sharing a portion of your authority with him. After all, the number of chaotic cosmoses he had mastered surpassed mine significantly. If he really obtained the Heavenly Dao authorization, his integration speed would be faster than mine."

"However, this problem is no longer relevant. I should have integrated more chaotic cosmoses than he has now. Even if you look for him now and share the Heavenly Dao authorization with him, it's too late."

"I want to tell you a secret as well…" Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao finally could not help but interrupt when it listened to his spiel up to this point, "Actually, I looked for Lin Huang 40 days ago."

First Liege's heart jolted when he heard that.

"From your earlier actions, I felt that you were not suitable to be the master of Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao. Therefore, I went to Lin Huang and requested to share a portion of Heavenly Dao authorization with him so that he could fight for the authorization with you. However, he rejected my suggestion."

First Liege was stunned when he heard this. He looked even more confused now. He had a faint feeling that this matter was not as simple as he thought.

"He said he wants to become a Transcender. He also said that he had a faint feeling that inheriting the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao isn't sufficient to make him a Transcender."

"He has found the way to become a Transcender?!" First Liege asked immediately.

"I don't know about that."

"What else did you guys talk about?" First Liege was eager to find out the answer to that question.

"We talked about how to fight you," Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said honestly.

First Liege was stunned for a second, after which he scoffed. "I've easily surpassed him since he rejected your offer to share the authorization. He's probably even way behind me, and the gap between us will only get bigger over time."

"I can only tell you that your sweet dream will be crushed soon." Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's voice was calm.

Just when First Liege was about to retort, he suddenly sensed something amiss. Not only that, the feeling was getting stronger.

He extended his Divine Telekinesis through the chaotic cosmoses that he had integrated.

Suddenly, he realized that they were being assimilated by a strange Dominator Power.

He was familiar with this Dominator Power,

"Lin Huang?!" First Liege was completely stunned. Although the aura of the Dominator Power belonged to Lin Huang, it was so powerful that it was beyond his imagination.

"What did you guys do?!" First Liege quickly reacted and shouted furiously at Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao.

"I just sent all of the coordinates of the chaotic cosmoses you integrated to Lin Huang." Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's tone remained calm, but it sounded proud.

"Why is he so powerful? That's impossible! He didn't get the Heavenly Dao authorization from you…" If Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao shared a portion of Heavenly Dao authorization, First Liege would have sensed it, because he was also the partial owner of the authorization. Therefore, he could clearly sense that Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao had not shared the Heavenly Dao authorization with Lin Huang.

At that moment, a voice could be heard from not far away.

"I don't need the Heavenly Dao authorization. I have other ways to strengthen myself." Lin Huang's figure revealed itself slowly. He looked at First Liege, who had almost collapsed, with a smile.

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