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70.56% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 338: 1831-1840

Chapter 338: 1831-1840

Chapter 1831: Elevated to Dominator-Level Rank-4!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the third chaotic cosmos was integrated successfully, the Heavenly Daos integrated again.

The three Heavenly Daos seemed to have become one, becoming a cluster of consciousness.

Not only did they share their thoughts, the three chaotic cosmos could interact with each other.

Lin Huang began to suspect that his Kingdom really had the ability to integrate the Heavenly Daos into the Ultimate Heavenly Dao.

Still slightly doubtful, he visited the next chaotic cosmos.

It was also being invaded by the Abyss. However, the invasion had only occupied some 40% of the chaotic cosmos.

This time, Lin Huang only said a few sentences before the second Heavenly Dao failed to hold Itself back from interrupting, and once again tried to persuade the Heavenly Dao. Very soon, the third Heavenly Dao joined in the persuasion process too.

'What surprised Lin Huang even more was that the Heavenly Dao was being persuaded so directly this time.

The entire process was so smooth that it was beyond his expectations.

When his Kingdom integrated with the Heavenly Dao, the fourth Heavenly Dao began to integrate with the other Heavenly Daos. Only then did he fully believe what the universe's Heavenly Dao said.

Perhaps his Kingdom was really the legendary Supreme Kingdom.

From that point on, Lin Huang's visits became more and more successful.

As the current Heavenly Daos began to persuade the new ones, and more and more Heavenly Daos joined the persuasion process, the chaotic cosmos' Heavenly Daos agreed to integrate one after the other.

It was completely different from the continuous rejection Lin Huang faced previously. Since the Heavenly Daos took over the persuasion process, his success rate had even surpassed 95%.

His Kingdom did not seem to not need any rest at all. It integrated with chaotic cosmoses one after the other, and it went through transformations one after the other, expanding over and over again.

Within just a day, Lin Huang had integrated with over a hundred chaotic cosmoses.

He managed to elevate from dominator-level rank-1 all the way to dominator-level rank-3.

The particles in his God's soul and physical body had transformed twice.

He had no idea how much his level of ability had increased within that short span of time.

"Judging by the current rate at which things are progressing, I might only need around ten days to elevate to dominator-level rank-4. I'll do that first!" Lin Huang checked the time and teleported his Primordium to the chaotic cosmos that he had just integrated with. Then, he projected his will farther

away, beginning a new round of integration.

With the Heavenly Daos working together to persuade them, the Heavenly Daos of the chaotic cosmoses seemed to be unable to resist the temptation to become a part of the Ultimate Heavenly Dao. They agreed to the integration directly.

Apart from a few Heavenly Daos that insisted on rejecting the integration, the rest of the Heavenly Daos were convinced.1

Just like that, Lin Huang's Kingdom grew quickly as he integrated with up to a hundred chaotic cosmoses per day.

His level of ability was skyrocketing.

Almost a week later, he had finally integrated more than 1,000 chaotic cosmoses. It was faster than he had expected.

Up to this point, Lin Huang had successfully elevated to dominator-level rank-4.

He was almost certain that he was the fastest person who had elevated from dominator-level rank-1 to dominator-level rank- in the history of the infinite universe. He was the one and only.

He thought about it for a while. Judging by the current rate of integration efficiency, he figured he would need at least two months or so to elevate to dominator-level rank-5, so he decisively made a batch of clones and projected them into the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses that he had integrated with. The

clones began to handle the issues of the chaotic cosmoses being invaded by the Abyss.

Meanwhile, his Primordium continued to project his will farther away without wasting even a second. He continued to integrate with more chaotic cosmoses.

Although the clone that had returned to the universe did not have a level of ability on par with Lin Huang's Primordium who was at dominator-level rank-4, it was at least at the peak of dominator-level rank-3.

His clone ability was countless times more powerful than his Primordium eight days ago.

After the clone returned to the universe, he began to sort out the Primordium's thoughts throughout those couple of days.

His Kingdom seemed to be unusual indeed.

Firstly, his Kingdom seemed to be able to contain an endless amount of chaotic cosmoses. There was no limit in quantity, nor was there a cooldown period.

Each time a chaotic cosmos was integrated, his Kingdom would expand. It would expand even larger than the chaotic cosmos it had just integrated with. It did not need to rest from the continuous integrations.

According to the information Lin Huang obtained from the Heavenly Daos, he knew that the other Dominators could not do that at all.

The reason being was that there was a limit on the number of chaotic cosmoses that Dominators could integrate with.

Another reason was that the dominator-level powerhouses' Kingdom would enter a period of digestion for a short duration each time a chaotic cosmos was integrated. Even if the Heavenly Dao agreed to the integration, their Kingdom would need time to communicate with the chaotic cosmos on a deeper

level. It was like how one would need time to digest after having eaten.

The digestion period would take at least a couple of years, if short, and might even last for hundreds to thousands of years, if long.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang's Kingdom did not seem to know what a digestion period was at all.

Secondly, the Heavenly Daos that integrated with his Kingdom were just like what the universe's Kingdom said. They could integrate into a cluster of consciousness automatically. All of the Heavenly Daos could read each other's thoughts. There were no secrets at all. Not only that, all of the Heavenly Daos

could probe other chaotic cosmoses' internal conditions, as well as intervening in their operations.

It was exactly the same as the legendary Ultimate Heavenly Dao.

Even Lin Huang could not understand why his Kingdom could do something like that.

Naturally, this function had brought many conveniences to him.

Almost all Heavenly Daos were willing to integrate with his Kingdom after listening to the Heavenly Daos' persuasion. This was a treatment that other Dominators would never enjoy.

It would be great if other dominator-level powerhouses could get one Heavenly Dao to agree to integrate with their Kingdom after visiting a hundred chaotic cosmoses.

With the help of the persuasion team led by the Heavenly Daos, Lin Huang's success rate of integration had almost surpassed 99%.

Thirdly, his combat strength had been skyrocketing as the number of chaotic cosmoses his Kingdom integrated with grew quickly.

Within eight short days, he had elevated from dominator-level rank-1 to dominator-level rank-4,.

He still needed time to adapt to the all-around increase of his level of ability from the elevation.

He had to get used to the strength of his God's soul, physical body, Divine Telekinesis and more

Fourthly, the transformation of the particles in his body and God's soul naturally brought a transformation to the God Weapons in his body as well.

Lin Huang was almost sure that his battle sword, armors, Soul Weapons and telekinetic weapon should have surpassed the standards of a chaotic supreme treasure.

It was just that he did not know what the grade above chaotic supreme treasure was.

Fifthly, his skyrocketed combat strength had actually highlighted his lack of knowledge.

His basic understanding of the infinite universe was actually worse than many dominator-level rank-1 powerhouses.

He was not even aware of the basic knowledge of the grading system for treasures above chaotic supreme treasure, let alone many other things.

He definitely needed to spend some time to remedy this.

Lin Huang's clone concluded its thoughts on the information one after the other, and soon transferred the sorted information to the Primordium.

After that, he began to focus on the problem of the universe being invaded.

Chapter 1832: Was I Too Harsh?!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang had absolute confidence that now his Primordium had elevated to dominator-level rank-4.

His clone spent less than half a day since returning to the universe to sneak into a couple of the grade-SS$ organizations without anyone noticing, He visited the people from the Black Abyss who had been imprisoned.

After removing the Kingdoms from their bodies, he spent less than half a day sneaking into the nine star zones that the Black Abyss had occupied.

He retrieved all of the Kingdoms from the Black Abyss members' bodies without anyone realizing.

After doing that, he sent messages to Royal and the rest of the grade-SSS organizations to get them to pick up the pieces and clean up.

With his current level of ability, he no longer cared whether or not Aza's clone came.

He had the confidence to fight Him even if he woke Aza's clone in advance by retrieving the Kingdoms from those guys' bodies.

Apart from the universe, similar things happened in the other chaotic cosmoses.

Lin Huang's clones invaded the camps under the wing of Aza's clones directly. They retrieved all of the half-step Dominators and heavenly dao-level powerhouses' Kingdoms.

With his clones' dominator-level rank-3 ability, the members of those organizations were suppressed easily without having any power to resist at all.

Lin Huang's clones did not encounter any obstacles at all throughout the entire process.

Just like that, the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses under him, which were facing an invasion crisis, had their problems significantly resolved within a day.

After doing that, Lin Huang did not interfere further. Instead, he got the locals to clean up the remaining mess.

However, he accelerated this process.

Before this, the Great Heaven Palace's time flow acceleration only reached one million times.

Since Lin Huang had elevated to dominator-level rank-4, and integrated over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses in his body, the Great Heaven Palace's functions were transformed over and over again. The time flow acceleration function was increased to a billion times now.

This meant that, under the maximum possible time flow acceleration, one day in the outside world would be close to 2.74 million years inside Lin Huang's Kingdom.

To be safe, he did not accelerate his Kingdom to a billion times faster rashly. Instead, he accelerated time flow from the initial one million times faster to ten million times faster first.

As such, a day in the outside world was 27,000 years in his Kingdom.

After accelerating the time flow in the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses, Lin Huang's clones remained inside, guarding the chaotic cosmoses and watching over their development.

The over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses' development was soon back on track after the threat of the Abyss' invasion was removed.

Only a day had passed in the outside world, and the number of cultivators in the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses in Lin Huang's Kingdom had doubled.

His clones did not stay idle. They spent most of their time refining the unlocked Dao seals.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang's Primordium in the outside world did not stop integrating chaotic cosmoses.

He would integrate at least a hundred chaotic cosmoses everyday.

At the same time, he would also produce more clones to guard those newly-added chaotic cosmoses to handle the issue of the Abyss' invasion.

After handling all of the chaotic cosmoses that were invaded, they would include them in the range of the Great Heaven Palace's time flow acceleration, which would increase their accelerated time flow to 10 million times faster.

Just like that, half a month had gone by.

The number of chaotic cosmoses in Lin Huang's Kingdom had successfully broken through the 3,000-mark.

Although he did not break through to dominator-level rank-5, his level of ability was significantly more powerful compared to half a month ago.

However, just as he was happily integrating chaotic cosmoses with his Kingdom, a message suddenly arrived from his clone—something seemed to be going on with Aza's clone.

Feeling helpless, Lin Huang could only pause the integration process of the chaotic cosmoses and returned to the universe to check things out.

The abnormality was detected within the universe and the tens of chaotic cosmoses around the universe.

Nothing happened to the other chaotic cosmoses.

That made Lin Huang suspect if groups of tens of chaotic cosmoses were taken care of by the same clone of Aza.

The other chaotic cosmoses might be territories under other clones of Aza.

Sensing the messages sent by dozens of his clones, Lin Huang soon had a rough understanding of the situation.

The Abyss in the tens of chaotic cosmoses had the same unusual event occurring.

Countless Abyssal monsters began to rush out of the Abyss.

At the same time, the mystic territories in those chaotic cosmoses began to appear frantically.

From minor dao-level to heavenly dao-level, there would be up to a hundred mystic territories opening everyday. Even some of the fog outside the mystic territories began to spread out and invade the star zones of the material realm.

These signs indicated that Aza's clones were waking up!

When Lin Huang's Primordium received the news, he returned to the universe instantly and headed straight into the Abyss.

After entering, from a glance, he saw Abyssal monsters rushing out from deep within the Abyss like a black wave. They were heading to the universe from a spatial rift connected to the universe.

As he hid his existence through Heavenly Dao, it was as if they did not see him at all as those Abyssal monsters continued to rush forward following the orders of the powerhouse that was deep in the Abyss.

Lin Huang spread out his Divine Telekinesis and found out that the entire Abyss had gone berserk. It seemed that all of the Abyssal monsters were controlled by Aza's clones.

His Divine Telekinesis very soon spread out toward the deepest layer of the Abyss. He sensed a disgusting aura.

However, that aura was rather obscure. His Divine Telekinesis seemed to have been blocked by something that prevented him from probing further. He could not get to the source of the aura.

He squinted and recalled his Divine Telekinesis after thinking to himself for a moment. He appeared in the deepest layer of the Abyss directly in a flash.

It was an area that was completely dark. The darkness took away all of Lin Huang's senses.

This feeling was exactly like his two previous trips into the mystic territories before.

Not only was his sense of vision, hearing, smell and touch taken away, he also lost sense of space and time.

Nevertheless, he did not panic at all.

The reason being was, although his senses were taken away, he could see everything in this dark space clearly with Divine Telekinesis.

This seemed to be the other entity's Kingdom. It was empty inside.

Lin Huang finally saw Him for the first time.

He looked like a lump of flesh that was squirming around continuously. There were sarcomas, tentacles and meaty ridges all over His body. His single eye was the only thing that stood out.

The red eye, that seemed to have lava swirling inside, opened. It stared fixedly at Lin Huang.

"He doesn't seem powerful…" Lin Huang mumbled softly as he commented.

The strength of his aura only seemed to be at dominator-level rank-3. He was even weaker than Lin Huang's clone.

Naturally, he knew that he could not judge one's level of ability solely by their aura.

Therefore, without holding back, he summoned his God Weapon flying daggers.

The hundreds of millions of flying daggers were unleashed in three waves. He used the Dominator Power of the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses, drowning Him entirely.

However, Lin Huang had a slight change of expression after merely a second passed.

"What happened? He died just like that?! Was I too harsh?! Don't tell me this guy is faking his death to trick me?"

Chapter 1833: Dominator-Level Rank-5!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"He's really dead?!"

Lin Huang had a doubtful expression on his face when he looked at Aza's clone's fading body that was slowly turing into black fog.

This clone of Aza was indeed rather weak. His level of ability was even weaker than Lin Huang's clone.

"The one that I saw in the mystic territory previously shouldn't be this clone. That one felt much more powerful…"

Before Lin Huang became a Dominator, he had stepped into unknown areas hidden in the mystic territories twice before. He was even almost killed once. He had an intuitive feeling about how powerful Aza's clones were at that time.

Although his combat strength was too low back then, which may have resulted in the feeling he had from the clone's ability being amplified, he thought that clone should at least be more powerful than the one that was right in front of him now.

As Aza's clone's faded away, the army of Abyssal monsters in the entire Abyss fell into chaos. Not only did that, they began to attack each other. The entire Abyss descended into war instantly.

Lin Huang scanned his surroundings with Divine Telekinesis. The next second, God Weapon flying daggers shot forth like electric arcs from his sleeves.

A moment later, the God Weapon flying daggers returned, bringing with them the carcasses of half-step dominator-level and heavenly dao-level Abyssal monsters.

Lin Huang put those carcasses in his storage space before leaving in a flash.

'When he returned to the universe, he saw that those Abyssal monsters that had entered the universe had given up on forming an army and had begun to fight each other.

He knew that the crisis of the Abyss invasion of the universe had been basically resolved.

He got Heavenly Dao to speak to the grade-SSS organizations through voice transmission, asking them to tie up the loose ends. He left directly to the second chaotic cosmos that had been invaded.

Lin Huang headed straight into the Abyss as soon as he entered the second chaotic cosmos.

This Abyss' situation was almost completely the same as the one in the universe.

His Primordium dove directly into the deepest part of the Abyss.

As he scanned with his Divine Telekinesis, he saw Aza's clone once again in the endless darkness.

The clone was exactly identical to the clone that he killed earlier. Not only did He look the same, even His aura was virtually the same.

Without hesitation, Lin Huang attacked again.

This time, he controlled the force of his attack. He only used dominator-level rank-3 ability.

However, he killed the clone easily and instantly again.

This time, he was sure that he did not have to use his Primordium at all. His clones were powerful enough to kill Aza's clones.

After clearing out the half-step dominator-level and heavenly dao-level Abyssal monsters in this Abyss, Lin Huang headed straight to the third chaotic cosmos after he returned.

The third clearance went even smoother than the two chaotic cosmoses before.

At this point, Lin Huang was absolutely certain that he did not have to go to the chaotic cosmoses that were being invaded using his Primordium.

After he returned to the chaotic cosmos, he contacted his remaining clones immediately, sharing the entire process of him resolving the three crises to them. Then he ordered his clones to resolve the Abyss crises in their respective chaotic cosmoses.

The clones who were guarding the invaded chaotic cosmoses took action as soon as they received this order. They dove into the Abyss.

Very soon, the clones sent messages to inform him that they had completed the clean-up process, and shared the details to Lin Huang.

He selectively picked out some of the processes that were shared to him after confirming that the 40 or so chaotic cosmoses that had been invaded by the Abyss were cleared by his clones.

Watching the recordings, he observed that everything had gone smoothly. It was almost no different from him handling it himself.

His clones killed the clones of Aza they saw instantly.

After all, the gap between beginner dominator-level rank-3 and peak dominator-level rank-3 was significant.

One had only integrated hundreds of chaotic cosmoses, while another had integrated close to 1,000 chaotic cosmos.

After watching those recordings, Lin Huang asked his clones if they had come across anything unusual.

He was completely relieved when all of his clones' answered no.

Ina flash, he appeared at the previous chaotic cosmos and continued to project his will onto another chaotic cosmos to integrate with his Kingdom.

Since he discovered that the burden of integrating his Kingdom with chaotic cosmoses had become lighter as his combat strength elevated, he released ten will projections directly to accelerate his efforts at integration.

Time passed by and, soon, a week had passed.

Throughout the week, the chaotic cosmoses in his body were invaded by the Abyss twice. However, his clones managed to suppress the invasions immediately.

The clones of Aza leading the two invasions seemed to have almost been cut from the same mold. All of them were only at beginner dominator-level rank-3.

Such a level of ability was usually more than enough to suppress the chaotic cosmos. However, it was weak compared to Lin Huang's clones.

Meanwhile, his Primordium had integrated over 10,000 chaotic cosmos with his Kingdom throughout the past week. He had officially stepped into dominator-level rank-5.

In the entire infinite universe, dominator-level rank-5 was the top combat strength.

After all, the most powerful person recorded in the infinite universe's history was only at dominator-level rank-5.

However, Lin Huang did not feel that he was at his limit.

He could clearly feel that his Kingdom could integrate more chaotic cosmoses. Ten thousand chaotic cosmoses were far from the limit.

Nevertheless, he could clearly feel that his ability had gone through a transformation since elevating to dominator-level rank-5.

Not only did his Kingdom become more powerful, his physical body, particles in his God's soul, Divine Telekinesis, Odyl and even Dominator Power… All of them were transformed.

His level of ability was completely different now compared to over 20 days ago.

The transformation of particles in his body had naturally brought a transformation to the few God Weapons in his body as well.

Lin Huang even felt that the God Weapons that had been elevated alongside him might be the highest grade of treasures in the infinite universe.

The four God Weapons gave him the feeling that there were four terrifying powerhouses living in his body.

He was very sure that even chaotic supreme treasures would definitely break under the attack of his God Weapon battle sword or God Weapon flying daggers.

Meanwhile, the Heavenly Daos of the over 10,000 chaotic cosmoses in his body were co-existing in harmony. Just like the universe's Heavenly Dao said, They had become a cluster of consciousness.

Each of them had their own individual consciousness, and yet they could read each other's minds as well as access all sorts of information. They could even intervene with the operation of any chaotic cosmos in his body.

Even Lin Huang could not understand how this was happening.

Nevertheless, he did not become prideful just because he had been elevated to dominator-level rank-5.

To him, as long as there was room for improvement, he would work hard toward that goal.

Therefore, he did not stop to rest after elevating to dominator-level rank-5. Instead, he continued to project his will to integrate with more chaotic cosmoses.

Since the burden of integrating his Kingdom with chaotic cosmoses became even lighter when elevated to dominator-level rank-5, he figured he would release hundreds of will projections and spread them out to speed up the integration of chaotic cosmoses.

The effect of the over 10,000 Heavenly Daos' persuasion, alongside with the will projection, was undoubtedly stunning.

He merely used a day to integrate over 10,000 chaotic cosmoses, doubling the number of chaotic cosmoses and Heavenly Daos in his body.

"Judging by the speed at which the integration is progressing, perhaps I will elevate to dominator-level rank-6 a week from now." Lin Huang thought to himself with burning desire in his eyes.

However, this round of integration only went on for less than three days when something happened to the chaotic cosmoses in his Kingdom again

Chapter 1834: The Unprecedented Powerful Enemy!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In Lin Huang's Kingdom, something happened in the over 40,000 chaotic cosmoses almost at the same time.

Regardless of whether it was the range that was affected by the unusual fluctuations, or the aura emanating out of it, it was far greater than Aza's clones from before.

"Can it be that… Aza's Primordium has woken up?!"

That thought popped into Lin Huang's mind instantly when he sensed the unusual situation.

The spatial rifts in the Abyss in the over 40,000 chaotic cosmoses were expanding frantically. They were spreading and stretching out like vines that seemed to have been doused in growth potion. They were spreading out in every direction.

Within the short span of one minute, they had almost occupied over one-third of the over 40,000 chaotic cosmoses.

Watching the strange scene unfold, Lin Huang did not enter the Abyss with his Primordium rashly.

After all, if Aza's Primordium had woken up, he might not be His match. He might be seeking death if he acted rashly.

He thought for a moment while frowning lightly, after which he issued his orders.

The ten clones that were guarding ten different chaotic cosmoses stepped into the Abyss in a flash without hesitation. Ten of them shared their visions directly, showing Lin Huang what they were seeing in real-time.

As his Primordium had been elevated to dominator-level rank-5, his current clones' level of ability had reached the peak of dominator-level rank-4. They were considered top powerhouses in the infinite universe.

The ten clones entered the Abyss at the same time. However, the second they landed in the Abyss, a red glow lit up. Subsequently, all Lin Huang's Primordium saw was darkness.

His pupils shrunk lightly. He sensed that his clones had died.

Not only that, all ten clones had died at the same time.

His ten peak dominator-level rank-4, clones that had entered at the same time were killed instantly.

Although Lin Huang only took a brief glance at it, the red glow gave him a familiar feeling. It was the red glow that had almost killed him when he went into the unknown dimension deep in the mystic territory previously.

Were it not for Xiao Hei's Substitute Card, his Primordium might have died back then.

"Dominator-level rank-5?!"

Lin Huang frowned. The person's level of ability was self-evident, as He could kill ten of his dominator-level rank-4, clones simultaneously. He might be even more powerful than his Primordium.

"Can it really be that Aza's Primordium has really woken up?!"

He did not think that it was the clone's ability.

After all, the legend had it that there was no powerhouse that surpassed dominator-level rank-5 in the entire infinite universe. Judging from that, Aza's clones would only have dominator-level rank-5 combat strength at most.

Lin Huang frowned deeply. After all, Aza was a known supreme powerhouse and had been for a long time.

Even though He had fallen into deep sleep, His name was spread throughout a couple of eras. It proved how powerful and terrifying He was.

The fact that Lin Huang's ten clones were killed instantly just now proved it as well.

He did not have the confidence to win when facing such an opponent.

Watching the Abyss spreading out like tentacles, and releasing black fog-like Abyssal energy that was contaminating everything in its surroundings, Lin Huang knew that he could no longer hesitate.

The Abyss would cover all of the chaotic cosmoses in his Kingdom if he hesitated, contaminating them on a large scale.

He might not be able to clear them out even if he had Eternity Fire.

If he did not eradicate the source, the over 40,000 chaotic cosmoses in his body might be completely contaminated in the end. By then, the Heavenly Daos would become rootless weeds, and would not have enough strength to resist Aza's forced refinement. All of the chaotic cosmoses, including the

universe, would belong to Aza.

Thinking of the consequences, Lin Huang knew that he had no other choice but to fight!

He did not hesitate anymore. He put on his God Weapons and shut his eyes to calm his mind.

Ina flash, he returned to the universe.

Standing on an Abyssal spatial rift in the universe, Lin Huang looked at the black rift that was continuously spreading out and expanding. He dove right into it.

This time, the Abyssal rift had turned into a spatial rift completely.

Inside the rift, a complicated and powerful dimensional power was crushing all living spirits that were below dominator-level.

The dimensional power was pulling and squeezing toward all directions. It was changing continuously and irregularly.

In the dark, there were countless dimensional fragments.

The powerhouses below dominator-level might be banished to an unknown place if they accidentally touched them.

Nevertheless, Lin Huang had completely ignored the unusualness that was going on in this dimension. He continued to dive deeper.

A moment later, he passed through a rift zone and finally entered the Abyss.

He spread out his Divine Telekinesis as soon as he arrived in the Abyss.

He saw the red glow that lit up from a glance.

He moved and appeared hundreds of meters away. He managed to dodge the attack of the red glow.

He had also clearly seen that the attack had come from an eye.

The attack was a unique ocular skill.

It would attack anything it saw directly. The attack could even leap through dimensions, shooting from the eye directly onto the target that it captured within its vision out of thin air.

His ocular skill was almost unavoidable to people whose combat strength was lower than His.

The reason being was that they could not react in time at all!

Lin Huang's clones from before were already considered among the top combat strength in the infinite universe, which was dominator-level rank-4. Their level of ability had even surpassed most top dominator-level rank-4 powerhouses.

However, they were killed before they could even see the attack clearly.

The eye's master seemed to be confused that the attack had missed.

Nevertheless, the confusion only lasted a moment. More attacks came consecutively.

Lin Huang saw the red glows light up in the air. He flashed consecutively without hesitation.

If one were to watch the battle from far, they would only see blood-colored electric arcs lighting up continuously, like 10,000 lightning bolts striking at the same time, as if there was a heavenly tribulation.

Star zones and worlds where they passed through turned into nothingness instantly.

Only the two people fighting the battle knew that the speed of the attacks was beyond the speed of light.

The blood-colored electric arcs were not the attack trajectories of the blood-colored glows, but rather the afterimages that appeared when the attacks missed during the spatial flickering.

In the air, the number of the red glows that were like blood-colored suns continued to grow. The red glows were sparkling even brighter and were far more dense now.

However, Lin Huang was moving with ease amidst the endless sparkle of electric arcs.

Naturally, he was also using dimensional power. He used spatial flickering in each step he took.

It was not limited to dimensional power, he even used the power of time.

The attacks that were completely unavoidable to others seemed to be moving in slow-motion to him.

He could see the second each attack came, as well as react appropriately and instantly.

However, it only seemed easy.

Only Lin Huang knew how dangerous this battle was.

As soon as the attack touched him, his body's movements would be obstructed, and he might be doomed..

Chapter 1835: Give Me Them, Or Die!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the air, the number of blood-colored eyes that were like suns was growing continuously.

Ten thousand eyes!

Twenty thousand eyes!

Thirty thousand eyes!

Almost within a blink of an eye, the number grew to 99,999 eyes.

Endless red glows lit up consecutively, lighting up the entire sky.

Blood-colored electric arcs were like lightning streaking across the sky. Everywhere they passed through was turned into nothingness.

Lin Huang's body did not stop flickering. He looked like he was taking a stroll amidst the storm, but he did not fight back at all.

His Divine Telekinesis was spread out the entire time, carefully counting each time the number of eyes increased during each attack.

Once the number of the blood-colored eyes grew to 99,999, it finally stopped increasing.

At that moment, Lin Huang's flickering body, that had been passively defending, finally moved to counterattack. He smirked lightly.

The next second, he pointed with his finger. A black mirror as thin as a sheet of paper instantly appeared and shielded his body. It quickly spread out in all directions, It grew from the size of a palm to trillions of square kilometers within a blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time, the blood-colored electric arcs hit it and were instantly reflected back. They were now aimed at the crimson eyes that were like blood-colored suns in the air.

Lin Huang fully prepared himself for this attack. He waited for the eyes to grow to their maximum number before initiating a sudden counterattack.

Countless blood-colored electric arcs were reflected back by the black mirror. They then traveled through the air and attacked the crimson suns directly.

All of a sudden, a large amount of the crimson suns dimmed instantly.

After a moment, only around 30,000 of the close to 100,000 crimson eyes were still shining.

The remaining 30,000 blood-colored eyes instantly ceased their attacks on Lin Huang after the counterattack.

Clearly, they knew how powerful Mirror was. They knew that they would only suffer if they continued the attack.

Watching the opponent's attacks halt, Lin Huang did not recall Mirror immediately.

Instead, he began to observe the opponent carefully through the black mirror.

He finally saw His appearance clearly for the first time through Divine Telekinesis.

It was a pile of irregularly shaped meat that was squirming around continuously. Its size was on par with a chaotic cosmos. He could even be considered the biggest monster that Lin Huang had ever seen.

His body had sarcomas, tentacles and meat ridges of all shapes and sizes all around it. There were also countless eyes and mouths of different sizes.

If a person who had trypophobia saw this monster, they might have goosebumps all over their body instantly.

However, Lin Huang was not shocked by the sight.

'The reason being was that he had seen Aza's clone previously, which looked similar. Though the clone's size was smaller than the main body, and there were slight differences in their form, overall, he was fully prepared for the sight of Him looking like this.

While Lin Huang was still checking Him out, the center of His body began to squirm. A moment later, a giant eye that occupied one-tenth of His body mass opened slowly. Behind it were at least tens of thousands of pupils staring at Lin Huang, who was still standing behind Mirror at this moment.

His eyes could even penetrate the Mirror completely, locking on Lin Huang's figure.

'When He locked onto Lin Huang's figure, His tens of thousands of mouths opened almost at the same time. The next second, complicated and obscure syllables floated into Lin Huang's ears.

Although he had never heard such a language before, he immediately understood His message.

"Who are you?"

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking someone who they are?" Lin Huang asked back.

He used the common language in the universe, but he was not at all worried that He would not understand him.

'As expected, He responded quickly.

However, He used the common language in the universe directly this time.

"Human, I'm Aza's clone. The Golden Universe is my territory. Why did you kill so many of my clones, interrupting the process of my integration with the chaotic cosmoses?"

Clearly, those clones had transferred their memories back to Him when Lin Huang killed them. He found out that Lin Huang was the culprit behind this matter.

Lin Huang squinted lightly. "You're just Aza's clone, not His Primordium?"

"Of course. The power of my Primordium is far beyond your imagination," Aza's clone said proudly, but His tone changed quickly, "Human, answer my question. Don't change the subject."

"The reason for me killing your clones is simple. The Golden Universe is my hometown, and you're contaminating It," Lin Huang explained.

Aza's clone fell into silence for a moment before quickly speaking again, "How about this? You can keep that chaotic cosmos of your hometown, but I must take back the rest of the chaotic cosmoses!"

Lin Huang could not help but laugh after he heard that.

"Are you joking?! I've already completed the integration, and you want me to return them to you?! How about this? I want the chaotic cosmos in your body too. You can keep one that you like for yourself, but give the remaining 99,998 to me."

Aza's clone clearly heard the sarcasm in Lin Huang's tone. The gigantic eye aside, the remaining 30,000 eyes all stared at him as well. His tone was clearly cold now. "Give them to me, or die!"

"Lcan say that same thing too," Lin Huang said while smiling. Subsequently, his tone became serious. "Give them to me, or die!"

He took the initiative to attack as soon as he was done speaking.

As usual, endless blood-colored electric arcs shot forth like a lightning storm from his sleeves. They targeted the gigantic meatball in the air.

With just a thought, the endless blood-colored lightning warped through space and arrived in front of the meatball directly.

The giant meatball could not dodge in time, but His reaction was fast.

The moment He sensed the God Weapon flying daggers warping through space, His tentacles moved frantically.

Each of the tentacles formed more tentacles by splitting.

One split to two, two to four, four to eight.

Endless tentacles of all sizes collided with the God Weapon flying daggers, trying to defend against Lin Huang's attack.

However, a raging voice could be heard the next second.

"How is this possible?! These are peerless supreme treasures?!"

The flying daggers that had tuned into blood-colored electric arcs sliced through the tentacles that were acting as His defensive measure without any obstructions when they collided.

Only a small number of tentacles and meat ridges, that did not split, were not sliced through during the collision. However, they were still left with gory slash marks on them after the collision.

Even Lin Huang was secretly stunned when he saw this. He had not expected for this to happen at all.

He initially thought that the battle might go back and forth for some time as his opponent had not panicked when seeing his attack, and had constructed its defense instantly.

He had even been thinking about how to follow-up on the attack later on. After all, He mastered twice as many chaotic cosmos as he did.

Never had he thought that this would be the outcome of his first attack..

Chapter 1836: You Almost Killed Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hundreds of millions of blood-colored electric arcs shot forth from Lin Huang's sleeves.

With merely a thought, the electric arcs arrived in front of Aza's clone directly and broke through the defense of His tentacles easily.

However, each time they were damaged, they would regenerate quickly at speed that was visible to the naked eye. Within a short span of time, they had recovered completely.

Lin Huang squinted his eyes when he saw that.

More blood-colored electric arcs shot forth from his sleeves.

One hundred million!

Two hundred million!

Three hundred million!

One billion!

Ten billion!

Lin Huang only stopped when he had increased the number of his God Weapon flying daggers to ten billion, as well as superimposed them with the effect of the Critical Hit Hammer.

He finally saw that the number of tentacles, that seemed to be endless, began to fall significantly.

Clearly, the speed of regeneration of Aza's clone's tentacles could not keep up with his God Weapon flying daggers' attack speed.

Lin Huang observed the situation on the battlefield calmly. He had his guard up at all times.

Although he clearly had the upper hand, seeing that his God Weapon flying daggers had almost suppressed the opponent, he did not think that he would beat Him easily.

Even if He was not Aza's Primordium, but just a clone, His combat strength was at peak dominator-level rank-5. He had integrated close to 100,000 chaotic cosmoses, which was at least twice of what he had integrated.

Moreover, He had yet to show His trump card.

'What's this guy trying to do exactly? Lin Huang thought to himself.

Theoretically, the longer He defended, the more Dominator Power would be drained. The reason being was that, each time the tentacles regenerated, the Dominator Power that was used would cost at least ten times more than the Dominator Power used in Lin Huang's attack.

Under his God Weapon flying daggers' attacks, His defense had actually collapsed. Although the tentacles blocked the God Weapon flying daggers' attacks, there were many times the God Weapon flying daggers managed to attack His main body when they sliced through the tentacles.

His body had been riddled with holes from the attacks of the God Weapon flying daggers. He could only recover His body forcefully.

Very soon, Lin Huang had finally noticed something unusual. He could not help but shrink his pupils.

'He's adjusting the strength of His physical body?!"

Lin Huang realized that the damage caused by the God Weapon flying daggers was diminishing.

In the beginning, the God Weapon flying daggers could slice through His tentacles easily.

Now, it could only wound them.

As the tentacles regenerated and broke over and over again, they began to grow stronger and tougher.

Dense scales that began to grow on the surface of the tentacles.

'As Lin Huang observed carefully, he noticed that there were countless defense and dispersion-type Dao seals, as well as Dominator Power, superimposed on the scales.

The change was not limited to just His tentacles, the same change occurred to His body as well.

'The changes on His body only took less than three minutes to complete.

Lin Huang frowned slightly.

Clearly, after paying the price of getting hurt, His body began to adapt to the attacks that were at the strength of the God Weapon flying daggers.

If such strengthening efficiency continued, it would only be a few minutes before He could defend against his God Weapon flying daggers' attacks completely.

By then, if his God Weapon flying daggers could not break through His defense, Lin Huang thought that it would become difficult for him to turn the tables around.

Lin Huang changed his battle strategy without hesitation after thinking things through.

More God Weapon flying daggers began to rush out of his sleeves.

The tens of billions of God Weapon flying daggers began to gather into sword formations, transforming into long, narrow, giant swords in the air.

Each of the battle swords of the sword formations comprised a billion God Weapon flying daggers.

As more God Weapon flying daggers rushed out of Lin Huang's sleeves continuously, suddenly, 18 giant swords were formed.

Under the control of his Divine Telekinesis, the 18 giant swords looked like they were wielded by 18 dominator-level rank-5 Sword Dao experts.

The 18 people attacked the giant meat monster in the air almost at the same time!

The attack could be considered to be very destructive.

Each of the battle swords was the size of a star zone.

The 18 borderless, giant star zones slammed into a body the size of a chaotic cosmos.

'The power behind the attack was a hundred times more terrifying than hundreds of chaotic cosmoses exploding at the same time.

After all, it was not just a simple collision, but the attack contained all of the Sword Dao that Lin Huang had learned throughout his life.

'The sword formation, the tens of billions of God Weapon flying daggers, as well as the Dominator Power from the over 40,000 chaotic cosmoses; if one was even hit once, it was powerful enough to destroy most of the dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses in the infinite universe.

Eighteen red glows lit up almost at the same time. The glaring light spread throughout Lin Huang's entire Kingdom.

Even the deepest corners of the Kingdom could see the blood-colored glows suddenly light up deep in the endless sky. They covered the sky and covered the entire world.

Countless living beings in the Kingdom were terrified.

Most of them hid themselves instantly, while a small number of Gods knelt immediately to pray, believing it to be the Dominator's blessing.

Naturally, Lin Huang who was in combat mode did not notice that.

He had all of his attention on the battlefield before him.

The 18 continuous sword swings could definitely be considered the most powerful attack that he had ever launched since he started his cultivation.

His goal was to kill the opponent before He had completely adapted to the attack strength of his God Weapon flying daggers.

The second the 18 sword attacks landed, he indeed sensed the aura of Aza's clone's weakened to its limit; He was close to being crushed.

However, Lin Huang's pupils shrunk again the next second.

'The reason being was that he sensed that His aura began to skyrocket.

He spread out his Divine Telekinesis to probe. He saw the eyeball of a particle hiding in the dimension begin to expand at a rapid pace.

The eyeball had countless bits of flesh growing out of it rapidly, and even had tentacles stretching out of it. There were sarcomas, eyeballs, mouths and tongues growing on it.

"This guy…" Lin Huang frowned hard.

He could almost guess what the opponent was doing.

He must have shrunk his body to its absolute limit the second Lin Huang attacked and hid deep in the sky of the dimension.

Although his attack was so powerful that it could tear through the dimension, only the aftermath and ripples of the attack landed on Him.

Furthermore, after shrinking Himself into a particle, He had even avoided most of the aftermath.

Therefore, when Aza's clone descended again, He seemed like He had not suffered any substantial harm.

Just as Lin Huang was thinking about how to deal with the battle, Aza's clone's laugh echoed from far away. "Not only have I adapted to your attack strength, I've adapted to your attack speed as well. If your sword formations were as fast as your flying daggers, I might've really been killed."

Chapter 1837: Pursuit and Flee

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang frowned slightly. The opponent's life-saving technique was just too powerful.

His overbearing nature of being able to adapt to one's attack strength and speed aside, He even had the dodge technique for dimensions.

Lin Huang was in a pickle now.

The attack speed of the God Weapon flying daggers alone was fast enough, but they were not strong enough to cause sufficient damage to the opponent. Not only that, it allowed the opponent to adapt to his attack strength and speed slowly.

On the other hand, the attack strength of the sword formations were strong enough, but their speed was not sufficiently fast. It gave his opponent the opportunity to hide in the dimension to dodge the attack.

Lin Huang controlled the God Weapon flying daggers to continue with the attack while thinking of a strategy.

He soon had an idea.

More God Weapon flying daggers were rushed out of his sleeves continuously.

Sword formations began to form in the air one after another.

However, at the same time, the great amount of God Weapon flying daggers attacking Aza's clone did not stop at all.

Since the sword formations' speed was slow, allowing his opponent to escape, Lin Huang decided to use more God Weapon flying daggers. While assembling the sword formations, he maintained his normal attacks using the God Weapon flying daggers so that the opponent could not flee.

Aza's clone guessed Lin Huang's plan once He saw what was going on.

Seeing that the sword formations had yet to be formed, He suffered through the attacks of the God Weapon flying daggers directly without hesitation while His tentacles attempted to tear through the dimension in order to escape.

With a thought from Lin Huang, the countless God Weapon flying daggers gathered into a giant wave, besieging the tentacles of Aza's clone.

The tentacles that were initially difficult to be sliced through were quickly destroyed under the continuous attack of the tremendous amount of God Weapon flying daggers.

'When Aza's clone saw that, without hesitation, He used the rest of the tentacles to try to tear through the dimension to escape.

However, how could Lin Huang give Him that opportunity? With a thought, a tremendous amount of God Weapon flying daggers attacked the tentacles again, slicing them off with blinding speed.

Aza's clone began to panic as He had been obstructed twice while trying to escape, and the sword formations had almost been completely consolidated in the air.

This time, He sacrificed his defense almost entirely and stretched out countless tentacles in all directions. All of them began to try to tear through the dimension.

As soon as one tentacle managed to tear out a path to escape, He could flee through the dimension and dodge the terrifying attack that would ensue from the sword formations.

Lin Huang was expressionless when he saw His reaction.

He continued controlling countless God Weapon flying daggers to block him, trying to slice off all of the tentacles that were attempting to tear through the dimension.

However, Aza's clone used too many tentacles this time. Given that the tentacles' defense had been elevated to the point that the God Weapon flying daggers could no longer destroy them easily, Aza's clone used His tentacles to tear out a path of escape eventually, suffering countless wounds on His body

in the process. His body shrunk instantly and He fled into the rift.

Lin Huang did not panic at all as he watched Aza's clone flee.

He did not even control the God Weapon flying daggers to chase Him into the spatial rift. Instead, he lifted his head calmly and glanced at the 18 giant swords that made up the sword formations.

He thought for a second, after which the sword formations began to rapidly shrink, transforming into battle swords that were only about a meter long.

The 18 battle swords were like fish entering water as they flew into the spatial rift that Aza's clone had fled into earlier.

Lin Huang only smirked when he saw the 18 sword formations swimming through the spatial rift.

He had used the Leech Pods ability when he attacked with God Weapon flying daggers earlier. They had copied the particles in Aza's clone's body and penetrated through His wounds.

No matter which dimension He fled to, Lin Huang was able to sense His coordinates.

Meanwhile, Aza's clone had not had time to care about that earlier.

He spent most of his energy tearing through dimensions to flee. He even started to recover His wounds after fleeing.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang's Leech Pods, which copied His particles, were sealed inside the flesh of His recovered wounds.

Aza's clone, who was focusing on escaping, did not sense anything unusual at all.

After locking onto His coordinates, the 18 sword formations penetrated through the dimensions, going after Aza's clone.

Just when Aza's clone thought that He was slightly safe now after running for some time, He suddenly sensed an intense threat.

He found out what was wrong immediately after spreading out His Divine Telekinesis.

The battle swords of the 18 sword formations had broken through space and arrived at the dimension that he was in.

He also instantly realized that Lin Huang must have used some kind of technique to lock onto His coordinates.

However, He did not have time to think about what had gone wrong exactly.

Without hesitation, His tentacles tore through space again, escaping further away.

He had only started to check for any unusual elements in His body once he started fleeing.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang's sword formations chased after Him.

To Lin Huang who was already at dominator-level rank-5 now, as long as he locked onto Him, it actually made no difference as to where He ran.

The reason being was that, as long as he had His coordinates, his attack could travel through time and dimensions and attack accurately.

Naturally, Lin Huang knew that if Aza's clone noticed something unusual, He would not take long to find out what was wrong and remove the Leech Pods he had planted in His body.

Therefore, his sword formations had to attack quickly before He detected the Leech Pods. The sword formations would lose their target if they were removed.

Aza's clone was running away frantically. He was scanning His body to find out what was wrong as He fled.

However, Lin Huang's Leech Pods hid themselves well. Not only that, they were disguised to look exactly the same as the particles in His body.

Hiding and copying were the Leech Pods' core characteristics, but Lin Huang had modified and strengthened them further. This caused Aza's clone to not be able to find anything wrong from the first scan.

On the other side, Lin Huang was controlling the sword formations and began to increase his attack speed.

As soon as he lost His trail, it would mean that he would return empty-handed from this battle. Not to mention that it was impossible that he would be able to use the same technique on Him again next time.

They both knew very well that time was of the essence in this situation!

Aza's clone merely thought for a moment and came up with a plan after the first scan failed to discover anything. He began the second round of investigation.

He changed the frequency of the particles all over His body. All of the particles synchronized themselves for this change.

It was too late when Lin Huang noticed that.

Even if Leech Pods' frequency lagged behind even for a second, they were easily discovered by the eyes of Aza's clone.

"Found it!" A red glow sparked in Aza's clone's eyes.

The next second, all of the Leech Pods were destroyed.

At that moment, 18 blood-colored battle swords made by the shrunken sword formations finally landed in the sky above Aza's clone's head!

Chapter 1838: Absolute Confidence

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The 18 sword formations comprising a billion God Weapon flying daggers, each containing powerful Sword Dao, countless Dao seals and Dominator Power of tens of thousands of chaotic cosmoses, were swung at Aza's clone at Lin Huang's command.

At that moment, the entire dimension was almost covered in blood-colored sword gleams from the sword formations.

The sword gleams not only destroyed everything they passed through, but also wreaked havoc in the dimensions around them, causing Aza's clone to not be able to escape. Lin Huang stared fixedly at the battlefield. He wanted to see what plan Aza's clone would come up with to fight back.

The next second, he saw that Aza's clone seemed to have given up resisting. Not only did He not stretch out His tentacles to fight back, His body began to shrink rapidly.

Within a blink of an eye, he shrunk to the size of a particle that was not visible to the naked eye.

Then, He began to dodge at high speeds in the form of a particle.

Under Lin Huang's observation with Divine Telekinesis, he saw that although the particle had shrunk to the size where it reached Planck's scale, it was still the form of an eye.

Not only that, despite His size, Aza's clone could even use dimensional power in the microscopic world to teleport.

The terribly tiny eyeball was like an agile loach at the moment, dodging amidst the swamp of attacks with all of He had.

He would gain the chance to survive if he dodged the sword gleams' attack on the material plane.

Although the entire microscopic world had been thrown into a mess under Lin Huang's sword formations' attacks, they could not hit that crimson eyeball directly.

Meanwhile, although the ripples and aftermath of the sword formations' attacks affected everything in the microscopic world, crushing everything into nothingness, they could not cause any substantial harm to the eyeball in the end.

As Lin Huang observed Him with his Divine Telekinesis, there were no wounds on the eyeball at all.

In reality, every time his Divine Telekinesis located Him, it would be bounced off, preventing Himself from being locked on by Divine Telekinesis. Lin Huang tried hundreds of times, but could not lock onto the eyeball's coordinates in the microscopic world. He could not even lock onto it for even a second.

In the normal material realm, measurements were not as precise in the microscopic world.

As soon as he missed by a millimeter, it would become thousands of kilometers in the microscopic world.

It caused Lin Huang to not be able to hit Aza's clone head-on.

The battle fell into a stagnant state once again.

Lin Huang really did not expect that He would escape into the microscopic world after he prevented Him from tearing through the dimension. Instead, the situation had become even more difficult now.

Just as he was feeling helpless, an idea suddenly popped into his head.

The next second, his figure became ethereal. He had countless thoughts running through his mind.

He had a plan now!

He did not come up with the plan himself. Instead, he used Bloody's head to come up with it. Now that he had a contract with his imperial monsters, it was a piece of cake for him to turn into any of the imperial monsters under him. It was easy for him to transform his brain into Bloody's. 1

After coming up with the idea, Lin Huang attacked immediately without hesitation.

This time, he spread out his Divine Telekinesis again and found Aza's clone's coordinates. Although his Divine Telekinesis bounced off in the next second, he smirked.


In the next second, Lin Huang stretched out his hand to grab the dimension where his Divine Telekinesis found Aza's clone.

He activated spatial binding on the dimensions hundreds of kilometers around.

After scanning with Divine Telekinesis again, as expected, Aza's clone was inside the dimension that was sealed.

However, the microscopic world was not affected by the seal in the outside


Even the blood-colored eyeball that Aza's clone had shrunk into did not notice that Lin Huang had sealed the dimension.

Without hesitation, He bounced off Lin Huang's Divine Telekinesis again and teleported. He escaped from the area where He was found by Lin Huang's Divine Telekinesis.

Lin Huang smirked when he confirmed that Aza's clone did not escape from the dimension that he sealed.

In the next second, he grabbed at the air.

The entire dimension that was sealed began to shrink quickly.

The spherical dimension, that was hundreds of kilometers in radius, shrunk into a sphere that was less than 20 centimeters in radius within the blink of an eye.

The pitch-black sphere was like a black hole in Lin Huang's palm.

Although the microscopic world was in the dimension, the space was not sealed.

Nevertheless, in the normal material world, the dimension had been sealed completely, forming an area that was isolated from the outside world.

As long as Aza's clone remained in His tiny form, it was impossible for Him to get out.

There was only one way for Him to escape, which was to regain His normal size, tearing open the sealed dimension.

Lin Huang played with the dimension sphere that was sealed for a bit. He could not stop smiling Indeed, he could not lock onto Aza's clone's coordinates in the microscopic world to attack Him accurately, and His shrunken eyeball form had a hundred-fold elevation in defense, where the sword formations' aftermath and ripples could not do any harm to Him at all. However, Lin Huang could compress the entire dimension after sealing it. He would use the sword formations to crush the compressed dimensional sphere directly, turning the dimension and the microscopic world inside into nothingness. The dimension sphere in his hand was still shrinking. Very soon, its diameter had shrunk to ten centimeters. It was the size of a tangerine.

At that moment, Aza's clone finally noticed that something was wrong.

It was not that He had teleported to the border, ten centimeters was an astronomical number on the Planck scale after all, but He noticed something was wrong because He noticed that Lin Huang's attack frequency had dropped slightly. As such, He probed the situation with His Divine Telekinesis.

He was shocked after He did.

The reason being was that He realized that the dimension He was currently in

was in Lin Huang's palm.

Meanwhile, the dimension had been completely isolated from the outside world.

It was impossible for him to escape in His microscopic form.

There was only one way to escape, which was to regain His size.

Naturally, Lin Huang noticed Aza's clone's Divine Telekinesis. The moment he sensed that, he lowered his head to look at the sealed dimension that was the size of a tangerine in his palm. He smiled widely.

"You should know that you only have two options now."

"One is to continue to hide. I'll wipe out the entire dimension completely. When that happens, it will be futile no matter how powerful your defense is."

"You should know the second option, which is to escape by regaining your original size. Fight me head-on with your abilities and trump cards. You might not lose, you know…"

As soon as Lin Huang was done speaking, the sealed dimension that was the size of a tangerine in his palm was torn apart. A blood-colored shadow came out, appearing not far away from him.

It was Aza's clone that was regaining His size quickly.

His bloody flesh rushed out of the eyeball at a high speed. The tentacles, eyes and mouths began to grow out of Him once more.

All of the eyes stared fiercely at Lin Huang. "Why didn't you wipe out the entire dimension directly?! Instead, you gave me the opportunity to escape? Do you really think you have the confidence to win?!"

"I gave you the second option because you'd be wiped out too if I wiped out the dimension. Nothing would be left." Lin Huang smirked. "Also, indeed, I have absolute confidence in winning.."

Chapter 1839: Butterfly Dance

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

'As soon as Lin Huang was done speaking, 18 sword formations rushed at Aza's clone instantly.

The sword formations had been consolidated and had been shrunk to the size of a regular battle sword. Under Lin Huang's control, their speed was no slower than God Weapon flying daggers.

Blood-colored electric arcs were shot forth like lightning as the 18 sword formations were swung down. They sealed all of the directions Aza's clone could escape in.

Lin Huang's goal was clear. He was forcing Him to fight him head-on.

Aza's clone had nowhere to run this time.

The regular dimensions on the material plane had all been sealed by the sword gleams.

He could hide in the microscopic world, but it would still be futile.

Lin Huang had already figured out a solution. Since he could seal the dimension once, it was only natural that he could seal it twice or thrice.

If He shrunk back to His microscopic form, although Lin Huang could not attack Him directly, He would fall into his hands easily.

He also believed that if He pulled the trick over and over again, Lin Huang might wipe out the entire dimension directly.

There was nothing else that He could do at that point. He could only fight force with force.

Countless tentacles grew frantically on the irregular piece of meat. They tangled onto each other, transforming into extremely thick tentacles, looking like tree branches that had been covered in countless vines.

Smaller tentacles that were like hair grew out of the thick blood-colored tentacles soon. They densely covered the entire surface of the tentacles.

Meanwhile, there were defense-type and dispersion-type Dao seals superimposed on the hair-like tentacles. They even curled into scale-like shields. More and more layers were stacked on top.

Within a blink of an eye, the hair-like tentacles had stacked a hundred layers of scale shields on the surface of the tentacles.

At that moment, the 18 sword formations' attack finally landed.

All of a sudden, Aza's clone was drowned completely by the endless blood-colored storm.

Lin Huang's vision was filled with the blood-colored lightning. However, he saw everything that was happening crystal clear before him under the observation of Divine Telekinesis.

The lightning tore the scales made of the layers of hair.

One layer, two layers, three layers… Ten layers, 20, 30… 80, 90, a hundred.

At the same time, Aza's clone was still releasing more hair-like tentacles continuously to stack more scales.

Although the lightning had torn through a hundred layers of scales, there were more new scales stacked underneath them.

This first round of attack by the 18 sword formations still did not do any substantial harm to Him.

Lin Huang did not expect that this would be the outcome of the first round of attack.

"I'd like to see how long you can defend!"

Lin Huang was determined as he uttered softly with rage.

The strength of an attack like this drained him significantly, but it would drain Aza's clone, who was defending passively, even more.

It was a lose-lose situation for both sides when it came to draining.

Lin Huang knew that, which was why he continued with the sword formation attack without hesitation.

The 18 sword formations changed according to his thoughts. They were mainly formed of time and spatial-tearing Dao seals.

He even began to activate sword force to strengthen the attack, making each of the hits more powerful than the previous one.

Suddenly, the 18 sword formations looked like a giant sea that would swallow the sky.

One after another, they crashed waves onto Aza's clone.

The attack was no longer the insane lightning like before. It had been transformed into the crashing of waves.

Each wave was bigger and more powerful than the last!

Aza's clone, who had survived the first round of attack, had just relaxed when He sensed the changes in the second round of attack. The blood-colored sword gleams' attack power was continuously strengthening!

The number of defense scales torn through by each sword gleam had increased compared to the previous attack.

Aza's clone merely hesitated for a moment before determination flashed through His eyes.

The next second, black sigils began to appear in the core eye in the center of His body.

As the sigils swirled, the eye began to release faint black mist. The crimson eye began to turn black slowly.

It was not only the eye, even the blood-colored flesh began to turn ink-black gradually.

The thing that was transformed following that was the strength of the aura of Aza's clone.

He, who had been at peak dominator-level rank-5, suddenly had the aura of His combat strength elevated. There were faint signs that He was breaking through.

Naturally, Lin Huang sensed the unusualness of the situation instantly.

"He's finally using His trump card?!"

Lin Huang squinted as he looked in the direction where He was covered in endless blood-colored sword gleams.

He could clearly sense that His aura was growing at a steady pace. He was not affected by his sword formations' attack at all.

Within almost two to three breaths of time, His aura had broken through to the limit of dominator-level rank-5, stepping into dominator-level rank-6 officially.

'As soon as His aura had a breakthrough, a terrifying suppression spread out instantly.

Even Lin Huang could feel the suffocation that was directed at him clearly.

What made him even more helpless was that, since Aza's clone's combat strength had broken through, His defense had reached new heights.

The sword gleams that could tear through a hundred layers of scales in one hit could barely tear through two to three layers now.

Aza's clone even ignored the attack from the sword gleams completely and walked out while embracing the attack.

Lin Huang noticed that He had turned completely black.

He looked like a pile of blood-colored flesh that had been dyed in ink.

It was not only the flesh itself, even the tentacles, sarcomas, eyes and mouths… All of them had turned black.

"Didn't you keep asking to see my trump card?" Aza's clone's endless black eyes were staring at Lin Huang. "This is my trump card!"

"Using the Primordium's strength to break through to dominator-level rank-6 temporarily…" Lin Huang nodded lightly. "This makes me even more curious about how powerful your Primordium is exactly."

"Die together with that curiosity then." Countless black tentacles stretched out frantically as soon as He was done speaking. They rushed at Lin Huang like waves.

Almost instantly, the endless tentacles covered the dimension.

Lin Huang got the 18 sword formations to slice at them madly with his thoughts.

At the same time, endless blood-colored electric arcs shot out from his sleeves like lightning. They occupied half of the sky like an insect plague.

The entire dimension and world seemed to have been occupied entirely by the colors black and red.

The two colors collided in the sky.

At that moment, countless living beings saw the strange and dazzling scene in Lin Huang's Kingdom.

Even all of the living beings that were on the planets billions of light years away saw the black and red butterfly wings deep in the sky that was infinitely far away.

It was like a butterfly dancing in the sky

Chapter 1840: Trump Card Versus Trump Card

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Deep in the sky, the black and red butterfly wings only lasted for a moment. The red "butterfly wing" disappeared instantly, and darkness was the only thing left.

Lin Huang did not manage to defend against that attack in the end.

Even with 18 sword formations, he could not fight the endless tentacles of Aza's clone.

Meanwhile, the God Weapon flying daggers that did not gather into sword formations could not break through the tentacles' defense at all. They only obstructed the tentacles for a moment before being eventually thrown out by the tentacles.

The tentacles targeted Lin Huang after they broke through the obstruction of the sword formations and flying daggers.

Lin Huang tried his best to dodge while gathering more sword formations. However, there was nothing that he could do because the number of tentacles that had broken through his defense was growing.

Even though he consolidated two new sword formations within a short period of time, they were just a drop in the bucket when faced with the crazy amount of tentacles.

As there were more and more tentacles, he failed to escape despite how hard he was trying to dodge them.

After all, Aza's clone that had elevated to dominator-level rank-6 had surpassed him in all aspects.

No matter whether it was in terms of strength, speed, number of chaotic cosmoses used, Dominator Power or the number of Dao seals, Lin Huang had been suppressed in all aspects.

He had nowhere to run after holding on for less than three minutes.

The endless ink-black tentacles sealed all of his escape paths.

Lin Huang smirked when he saw that. The next moment, he flew into the sky and hid outside the dimension.

Naturally, he had learned that trick from Aza's clone.

Since He had disgusted Lin Huang with this trick from the beginning, he returned the favor to Him now.

Aza's clone was clearly stunned when He saw Lin Huang flying into the sky.

Subsequently, He stretched out His Divine Telekinesis and tried to lock onto Lin Huang's coordinates.

Lin Huang thought of a plan while escaping into another dimension.

The sky was his Kingdom. It was impossible that he would not return after hiding in another dimension. The reason being was that Aza's clone could totally accelerate the contamination of the chaotic cosmoses in his Kingdom when he was away.

He had to think of a plan quickly.

"Dominator-level rank-6 and dominator-level rank-5 are on completely different levels. If the battlefield wasn't in my Kingdom, and I lost the upper hand of territory, I might not even be able to trace his attack trajectory at all. Even in my territory, the maximum duration that I can avoid being hit is

three minutes. It's impossible to turn the tables around with regular techniques…"

Although Lin Huang was unwilling to use his trump card under such circumstances, as Aza's clone's Primordium would find out as soon as he did so, he had no other options now.

Watching the countless tentacles breaking through the dimension and coming at him, he knew that he could no longer hesitate.

Acard appeared in his hand instantly. The next second, the card was crushed in his hand, transforming into golden gleams that penetrated his body.

Almost at the same time the gleams penetrated his body, his aura began to skyrocket.

Meanwhile, the illusory chaotic cosmoses in the Kingdom in his body began to consolidate quickly.

The initial 40,000 chaotic cosmoses grew to 50,000, and then to 60,000 within the blink of an eye.

The number did not stop increasing.

Within half a breath of time, the number of chaotic cosmoses skyrocketed to 100,000.

Following that, Lin Huang's aura elevated to limit dominator-level rank-5.

It did not stop at all.

The number of chaotic cosmoses continued rising, breaking past 100,000.

Lin Huang's aura changed drastically too. It was elevating toward dominator-level rank-6

Within less than half a breath of time, 100,000 chaotic cosmos had been added to the Kingdom in his body, reaching a total of 140,000. It finally stopped increasing.

Meanwhile, his aura had reached new heights.

Even the particles in his physical body and God's soul were transforming quickly, as if he had transformed into a more powerful life form.

Sensing the changes in his body, Lin Huang had the faint illusion that he was invincible again!

As soon as his breakthrough was completed, a tentacle of Aza's clone found this dimension.

Sensing Lin Huang's existence, the ink-black tentacle shot toward his direction. At the same time, more tentacles rushed toward the dimension.

This time, Lin Huang did not run. A red gleam sparkled in his sleeve. It collided with that black python-like tentacle.

The next second, the black tentacle was torn into half directly. The blood-colored God Weapon flying dagger sliced through the tentacle over and over again. Within half breath of time, it had crushed the tentacle into a pile of mush.

Almost at the same time the God Weapon flying dagger completed the attack, more tentacles rushed into this dimension.

'There was no change of expression in Lin Huang's eyes when he saw the endless black tentacles arriving like a wave. Countless red gleams shot out of his sleeves, colliding with the tentacles.

Amoment later, all of the countless tentacles that rushed in like a wave were crushed into piles of mush. They vanished slowly.

Lin Huang scanned through the dimension. After confirming that he did not leave anything behind, he opened the void passage again and left that dimension.

The next second, his body consolidated again in the dimension he was initially in earlier.

He did not conceal his aura at all.

There was a clear expression of doubt and shock in the eye of Aza's clone as soon as he appeared.

"Your combat strength…"

"Do you think that you're the only one who has a trump card?" Lin Huang smiled faintly.

More God Weapon flying daggers came out of his sleeves as he thought. They gathered into more sword formations instantly.

At the same time, 20 sword formations and a large amount of God Weapon flying daggers besieged Aza's clone.

As they had the same combat strength, Aza's clone was suppressed again.

Although He had borrowed His Primordium's strength, He only had close to 100,000 chaotic cosmoses consolidated in His Kingdom. He was only a beginner dominator-level rank-6.

Meanwhile, the Combat Strength Upgrade Card Lin Huang used had increased the number of chaotic cosmoses in the Kingdom in his body by 100,000. The number had surpassed that of the current Aza's clone.

With Lin Huang's ability, he could fight fairly with Aza's clone, who had close to 100,000 chaotic cosmoses, when he only had 40,000 chaotic cosmos. This was even truer now when he had more chaotic cosmoses in the Kingdom in his body.

With his current ability, the sword formations aside, even the regular God Weapon flying daggers were enough to destroy the tentacles.

Within a few breaths of time, Aza's clone began to show signs of being defeated.

His tentacles almost could not form an effective defense. Though He had many tentacles, Lin Huang had more God Weapon flying daggers.

Not only that, he had over 20 sword formations. Each of them were fatal, and the number was still growing.

This drove Him into a predicament.

Realizing this, Aza's clone only hesitated for a moment before He finally activated His second trump card!

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