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68.68% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 329: 1741-1750

Chapter 329: 1741-1750

Chapter 1741: For A Better Reunion When We Meet Again

Lin Huang felt much more determined after leaving closed-door cultivation this time.

He did not continue to elevate the ten God's Figurine's Combat Souls' combat strength.

He had consolidated over 70,000 Dao seals in the virtual realm and attracted millions of minor dao-level Raptors, which ended up as Origin Energy for him to devour. Although that vast amount of Origin Energy was sufficient to elevate his ten God's Figurine's Combat Souls all the way to major dao-level with Origin Energy to spare, he did not do that after giving the matter some thought.

He was primarily considering the trip into the mystic territory that would take place soon.

Among minor dao-level powerhouses, God's Figurine's Combat Souls with 30,000 Dao seals would not be considered weak. They would be able to help conceal his real ability in the early stages.

If the God's Figurine's Combat Souls attracted even more powerful enemies, he could still handle them without having to expose all of his abilities.

However, if he elevated his God's Figurine's Combat Souls to major dao-level, they would in turn attract major dao-level enemies.

Although, with his ability, he was no longer afraid of major dao-level powerhouses, he hoped that he could stay as low profile as possible instead of standing out.

One must know that, in the vast universe, a major dao-level combatant would be considered a powerhouse, but not a top powerhouse.

There were more powerful existences above major dao-level.

Lin Huang did not hope to be targeted by such an existence.

For safety purposes, he chose to take things slowly.

The simpler one was, the longer they would live.

The death of countless talents and geniuses in the past had verified the truth of this saying.

Time flew by. Three days had passed.

It was finally the day of departure.

All of the Sword Alliance's upper echelons gathered in the largest meeting room that could hold 1,000 people on the first floor.

Lin Huang glanced around at the crowd.

Sword 1 was smiling, but Lin Huang knew that he had been feeling down.

He had been away for close to three years investigating the female Raider who had caused Great Heaven's death. However, his efforts over the three-year period were to no avail.

On one hand, he blamed himself for not discovering anything useful. He thought that the hope of avenging Swordmaster Great Heaven was slim.

On the other hand, he felt guilty for having wasted Lin Huang's confidence in him.

Not only did he not contribute to the Sword Alliance's development during those three years, he had used much of the Sword Alliance's manpower and intelligence gathering resources, slowing everyone down.

However, Lin Huang did not know that he had been having such complicated emotions all this time.

He comforted him twice, but Sword 1 did not seem to feel much better.

Later on, Lin Huang assigned him some tasks to keep him busy and prevent him from being mired in his negative emotions.

Lin Huang very soon had his eyes on Yang Ling and Hong Zhuang.

The two of them had yet to tie the knot officially.

Yang Ling claimed that he wanted to find Hong Zhuang's brother so that he could attend their wedding.

Throughout the three years, he had used countless channels and many resources. However, his efforts were to no avail as well.

This made Lin Huang even more suspicious that Hong Zhuang's brother might be fictional.

He was not jealous at all when he saw these two showing off their love occasionally. He only thought that Yang Ling was quite pitiful.

Such an intelligent man seemed to have been completely bewitched by Hong Zhuang.

In the presence of this woman, his intelligence quotient would drop to lower than zero.

Lin Huang looked away from the two people that he was rather worried about, and then looked at Mr. Fu who was standing next to him.

Mr. Fu still had his mustache. He looked like he was in his 30s now, and had a light smile on his face.

Lin Huang had always treated this master of his like family.

He personally hoped to bring Mr. Fu along with Lin Xin and Lin Xuan. No matter where they went, they would always be together.

However, since Mr. Fu had made up his mind, Lin Huang respected his decision.

Just like what Mr. Fu said. Family would be family regardless of whether they were together or not.

It was just like many families on Earth. Many kids who grew up in small cities would eventually settle down in big cities. They would get married and have kids in the big cities and build their own families. That did not mean that they were disconnected from their parents.

Some were thousands of kilometers away from their parents, but they were still family.

Mr. Fu noticed Lin Huang's gaze. He also seemed to have figured out his thoughts, so he patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry. Visit us when you guys have time."

At that moment, Lin Xin, who had been holding onto Mr. Fu's arm, looked at Lin Huang as well.

The siblings looked at each other and smiled.

Lin Huang treated her as his real sister.

Given that he was a traveler, she could only be considered to be his past life's sister.

Moreover, she had awakened the memory of her past life. She was no longer that same pure Lin Xin either.

However, their relationship did not wane. Instead, they cherished each other's company even more now.

Regarding Lin Xuan, the brother that he adopted, Lin Huang had never treated him as an outsider.

No matter his form as a child in the past or his current form as an adult, Lin Huang had been trying his best to give him the same treatment as Lin Xin. He tried his best not to treat them differently.

Naturally, Lin Xuan felt the care the siblings gave him. He had been giving back in his own way.

Although Lin Huang and Lin Xin were bonded by blood, he firmly believed that they were his family.

Lin Huang secretly teased himself after looking away from Lin Xuan.

'Perhaps this is the mutual attraction of lonely souls…'

He glanced across to his old friends, including Yi Zheng, Yi Yeyu, Leng Yuexin, Li Lang and Chan Dou.

He still remembered everything they went through together.

He clearly remembered the first time he saw Li Lang. He had an undercut and wore a white suit, as well as a showy red tie.

There was only one word to describe his first impression of him—Showoff!

He also remembered the first time when he participated in the Hunter Assessment; Yi Yeyu was a rather irresponsible, arrogant assessor. It was also his first time coming in contact with transcendent powerhouses, as well as his first time being attacked by transcendent powerhouses.

He also remembered the time when he participated in the Hunter Assessment; he would send messages to Yi Zheng to disturb him as he felt bad bothering Yi Yeyu, asking all sorts of cultivation questions and news about the Hunter Association.

He remembered the first time he treated Leng Yuexin to a meal. It was street food and her first time eating by the street, but the two had a great time.

Lin Huang glanced around at everyone present.

He had interactions with most of them. He had more than one interaction with some of them, and had even become good friends with him.

He remembered each and every interaction and story, no matter long or short, thrilling or mediocre.

However, nothing would last forever. It was time to say goodbye.

"I won't beat around the bush."

"I hope that after we leave, the Sword Alliance will continue to grow steadily. You all will fight to grow it bigger and better, recruit more talents and geniuses, and prepare and train more talents for the organization that we'll be establishing in the universe."

"I also hope that we can establish a new organization in the universe and stand out!"

Lin Huang paused for a moment as the crowd applauded loudly.

He only spoke again when the applause died down.

"I'm happy to have known everyone here. Thank you for all of your support throughout this time. I hope that we'll be able to reconnect again if there's an opportunity in the future."

"Lastly, there's something I'd like to say to all of you."

"Goodbye isn't the end, but necessary for a better reunion when we eventually meet again."

Chapter 1742: Dongxuan City

Dongxuan City was located within the Eastern Eight Zone of the universe.

To be exact, Dongxuan City was not a city, but a conglomerate of hundreds of great worlds.

The master of the "city" was given the title of Sovereign Xuan in the universe. He was a supreme powerhouse who had surpassed dao-level, as well as one of Royal's Three Sovereigns.

Dongxuan City was the projection of Sovereign Xuan's Kingdom in the universe.

Instead of calling it a projection, it was actually the concretization of its material form. It bore no differences with the real great world.

It was the divine ability that a powerhouse who had surpassed dao-level possessed. Even though it was just the projection of the Kingdom, it could interfere with the material realm directly.

Lin Huang was shocked when he first heard of Dongxuan City's origin.

He could not tell that anything in this "city" was fake.

Everything looked completely real even when he scanned his surroundings with Divine Telekinesis.

In a mansion in Dongxuan City, Lin Huang met up with Liu Fu again in a small lounge.

"To be honest, I thought you were blowing us off." That was the first thing Liu Fu said when he saw Lin Huang. "The mystic territory will open tomorrow and you only arrived in the universe today. Why didn't you come a few days earlier to prepare ahead?"

"I'm all set," Lin Huang said while smiling. "On the other hand, are you going or not? You should've made up your mind by now?"

"I am!" This time, Liu Fu nodded without hesitation.

"You agreed to it? What changed your mind?" Lin Huang asked with a smile.

"I really didn't want to go initially. After all, I've only just been elevated to dao-level not too long ago. Moreover, there will be major dao-level powerhouses partaking in the exploration this time. It's too dangerous," Liu Fu explained while smiling, "However, perhaps Sovereign Xuan found out that there were too few people who would be participating in the exploration, so he sent out a notice yesterday. Everyone who joined the exploration this time will be exempted from the profit sharing rules. Everything we obtain from the exploration, no matter what it is, will belong to us. There's no need to give a cut to Royal."

"Sovereign Xuan even posted a news article on a social media platform, stating that since the rules of mystic territory exploration are set, everyone should follow them. If there are major dao-level powerhouses attacking minor dao-level powerhouses or dao-level powerhouses attacking Lords, Royal will get to the bottom of it!"

"He's clearly talking about the mystic territory that we're exploring this time around."

"Does it actually make a difference if he posts something like that on the internet?" Lin Huang thought that such a measure would not be effective.

"At least he has indicated his stance, which will be a deterrent to some people," Liu Fu said while smiling, "After all, he's a supreme powerhouse above dao-level."

"When powerhouses who are experts in space-time or dream rules thoroughly investigate things, almost no one can escape it."

Lin Huang secretly jolted slightly when he heard those words.

In that case, he had to be extra careful in the mystic territory. He had to try his best not to expose his true ability.

However, he could not help but ask in a testing manner, "Although that's the case, under normal circumstances, it's probably impossible for powerhouses like Sovereign Xuan to go that far for a mere exploration member, right?"

"Under normal circumstances, he definitely won't. However, he has made an announcement this time. If someone's death is rather suspicious, there's a high chance that he'll investigate. However, I think the possibility of Sovereign Xuan joining the exploration himself is low," Liu Fu voiced his speculations.

"Alright, let's not talk about this matter. Sovereign Xuan might hear the things that we're saying." Liu Fu changed the subject quickly.

"What?" Lin Huang was stunned to hear that.

"This is Dongxuan City. Although it's only the projection of Sovereign Xuan's Kingdom, to him, it's not that different from us actually being inside his Kingdom…" Liu Fu gave Lin Huang a signal.

Lin Huang instantly realized that the projection of this Kingdom actually had the same characteristics of the real Kingdom.

Just like in his Kingdom, he would be able to discover anything that was happening instantly, including everyone's chatter inside his Kingdom.

As long as he wanted to, he could hear them. It depended on whether he wanted to hear what they were saying or not.

For Sovereign Xuan, it seemed that his Kingdom's projection came with such a characteristic as well.

Therefore, Lin Huang knew that he had to be careful when he spoke within Dongxuan City. Especially topics regarding Sovereign Xuan, he would avoid discussing them as much as possible.

"Are you completely ready? I don't suppose your great world has spiritual treasures?" Liu Fu asked again.

"I have God Weapons that have transformed into spiritual treasures." In reality, Lin Huang did not tell the truth. His God Weapons were no longer spiritual treasures of the universe, but had transformed into higher grade items, which were precious treasures of the universe.

He had only found out that his God Weapons had transformed into a level surpassing spiritual treasures of the universe, into precious treasures, when he absorbed a massive amount of Origin Energy fragments in the virtual realm while obtaining the memory inheritances.

If spiritual treasures were the equipment of minor dao-level powerhouses, then precious treasures were the equipment used by major dao-level powerhouses.

Precious treasure-grade equipment could totally harm major dao-level powerhouses.

However, Lin Huang could only hide that from Liu Fu, telling him that his God Weapons were now spiritual treasures.

"You're really something…" Liu Fu could not help but give him a thumbs up. Naturally, he knew how difficult the conditions were to fulfil for God Weapons to evolve. "To be able to evolve them into spiritual treasures, I suppose you've planted the God Weapons into your body before you got to virtual god-level?"

"Something like that." Lin Huang nodded.

"If you knew that you could elevate to dao-level, you would've planted a couple more, right?" Liu Fu teased while smiling.

"That's right. Four is indeed too little. I think I could've gotten wings, gloves and shoes. At least seven or eight of them." Lin Huang nodded to indicate his agreement.

"You have four God Weapons that have transformed into spiritual treasures?!" Liu Fu widened his eyes. He thought that Lin Huang only had one.

After all, God Weapons were completely useless to high-level cultivators. The reason being was that they could only transform according to the cultivators' level. However, to low-level cultivators, they were expensive luxuries.

In the universe, a God Weapon's seed had the price that was comparable with heavenly god-level god sequence relics.

Not many organizations and families would purchase such luxurious things and plant them into a junior whose combat strength was lower than virtual god-level.

The reason was that, as soon as the item was planted, it would bond with the cultivator and could not be sold. Moreover, no matter how high the junior's talent and potential was, nobody could be sure that he would elevate above heavenly god-level in the future.

After all, there were many talents and geniuses dying throughout their journeys of cultivation. Not only that, nobody could tell if the person was a legitimate genius or not before elevating to virtual god-level.

Those clans with powerful bloodlines would not need God Weapons.

Many of the juniors were born at true god-level or even heavenly god-level. They would not need God Weapons at all.

To Liu Fu, Lin Huang planting four God Weapons into his body at once was a complete waste of money.

He was a little envious as well. After all, he had only obtained two spiritual treasures, one weapon and one armor.

However, he knew that he did not need God Weapons because he was born a True God.

Even if he planted God Weapons in his body when he was born, they would only transform into low-grade Dao Weapons, which were completely meaningless.

"Do you have a communication ring for the universe?" Liu Fu asked again after calming himself down.

"I don't have one, but there's no rush. I'll buy one after we get out of the mystic territory." Lin Huang had indeed forgotten about that. However, he did not think that it was an important matter as there was no signal in the mystic territory.

"Rather than that, there's actually something that I urgently need a solution for." Lin Huang looked at Liu Fu. "I brought a bunch of subordinates along to join the exploration into the mystic territory this time…"

Chapter 1743: Gather

Naturally, Lin Huang's imperial monsters such as Bai and the rest were the ones that he wanted to bring along into the mystic territory.

He had elevated their combat strength to the limits of supreme-rank lord-level. They happened to be able to join the exploration into the lord-level mystic territory.

Lin Huang did not plan to bring his Sword Servants along.

After all, among them, the one who possessed the highest combat strength was Sword 1, and he had only consolidated three Dao seals. They would undoubtedly get themselves killed going into the mystic territory with such limited combat ability.

Meanwhile, it was simple to get Bai and the rest to join the exploration. The registration platform on Royal's side was still open. They were registered under the Sword Alliance, so they were members of Royal's affiliate organization. As long as they possessed sufficient ability, they were eligible to sign up.

Given that Royal was eager to have more people joining the exploration this time, the registration process went over well.

Liu Fu did the necessary on the internet and got everything done within ten minutes.

However, it made him suspect even more than Lin Huang had a backer in the universe.

After all, he had been to the great world Lin Huang was in before. He thought it was difficult to even cultivate a middle-rank Lord in that world. However, for some reason, Lin Huang had 25 supreme-rank lord-level subordinates.

Nevertheless, he was wise enough to know that there were things that one should not ask about. He did not ask anything about how Bai and the rest came about.

After registering them, Liu Fu made arrangements for Lin Huang's accommodation passionately.

The meeting between the two could be considered to have ended at that time.

In the hotel suite, Lin Huang summoned all 25 of his imperial monsters.

"We're going into the mystic territory tomorrow, let me remind you again of the things you should take note of."

"We're going in as Royalty. Therefore, there's a rule that we must abide by, which is not to attack other Royalties. Even if you form some personal grudge with them, you should only deal with it after you get out of the mystic territory."

"We should be randomly teleported when we enter the mystic territory this time, so each of our coordinates will be different. There's a possibility that you guys might be directly teleported to regions with dao-level monsters. Therefore, please be on guard as soon as you enter the mystic territory. If you've really been teleported to the dao-level regions, please don't try to challenge dao-level monsters. Instead, find a way to escape as soon as you can!"

"I know you guys received a boost in your abilities lately, and you must have gained a significant boost in confidence as well. However, dao-level is a completely new life level. Even if the powerhouse has one more Dao seal than you do, he can suppress all of you with a slap. The gap of ability is a great one that can't be crossed. Don't try to challenge it." When Lin Huang said those, he had his eyes on Grimace most of the time.

Among all of the imperial monsters, Grimace was the only one who was oddly rebellious. He might really seek death by trying to challenge minor dao-level powerhouses.

"Rather than the local monsters in the mystic territory, humans are the most dangerous ones. Although theoretically the dao-level powerhouses from the organizations can't attack Lords, you guys can't entrust your personal safety to a rule. If you really encounter dao-level powerhouses from other organizations, try your best to avoid them."

"Also, during the fights among organizations in the mystic territory, there will indeed be people who are determined to kill. However, not all are like that. Most of them will only plunder and release. Let me give you this advice. Try your best not to kill. Of course, if the person wants to kill you, show no mercy."

Regarding the mystic territory, Lin Huang had actually given Bai and the rest a rough explanation before coming to the universe.

This included the things they should take note of, and he had actually mentioned some of these points previously.

On one hand, he was adding on some reminders that he missed out earlier. On the other hand, he wanted to re-emphasize his points again.

"In the universe, White Crystals are the basic trading currency, which are the Divine Crystals we used before. The higher grade of currency is the Scarlet Crystal. We didn't have this in the great world we were in before, nor do I have it with me now. If you guys need it, you can trade for it at the crystal currency exchange. The exchange rate is one Scarlet Crystal to 10,000 White Crystals."

"You can do whatever you want for the remaining time today. Gather at the hotel before 12 am. We're going into the mystic territory tomorrow, so don't stir up any trouble."

Lin Huang hoped that they could relax a little bit before going into the mystic territory.

As soon as he was done speaking, Grimace was the first one to leave in a flash.

Bai frowned slightly and decided to go after him.

Very soon, there were less than ten imperial monsters left in the hotel.

Tyrant sat by the coffee table and opened the snacks on it. He began to enjoy himself.

Charcoal shrunk itself and lay on the balcony to soak in the sun.

Lin Huang immediately realized that Kylie was feeling down.

"Are you still worried about Kina?"

"A little bit." Kylie nodded slightly.

"Although there are a bunch of old geezers in the Nephilic Judge Tribe, they aren't fools after all. They won't trouble Kina. At most, they'll only be strict as they watch over her," Lin Huang comforted Kylie.

"Master is right." Bloody who was standing at the side, walked over. "That bunch of old geezers will only throw tantrums for a few days. It will blow over after a week at most. Not only that, I've left Kina some tips. I've included all possibilities that might happen. If she really encounters something, she'll be able to find the appropriate solutions from the information I gave her."

Lin Huang said nothing further. He could only wait for Kylie to get over it.

Before 12 am, Bai and the rest returned one after the other. None of them were missing.

Lin Huang signaled Bai subtly. Seeing that he nodded lightly, he knew that Grimace should not have stirred up any trouble. He was relieved now.

Lin Huang slept soundly that night.

Early the next morning, he brought his imperial monsters for breakfast and then headed to Liu Fu's house.

Liu Fu dressed in formal wear. He looked like he was heading to an important banquet.

He was momentarily stunned when he saw Lin Huang and his imperial monsters. "So these are the supreme-rank lord-level subordinates you told me about?! The strength of their auras are clearly close to dao-level."

"Isn't that still supreme-rank lord-level?" Lin Huang said with a smile.

"That makes sense." Liu Fu chuckled after hearing that. "But that's a good thing. Our team of Lords will have more power now."

"Wearing that outfit, you look like you're about to get married…" Lin Huang teased him and laughed.

"I just wanted to say that you guys dressed too casually." Liu Fu was rather speechless. "I thought I'd dress more formally to show respect since there will be many dao-level powerhouses there."

"Will you change your outfit again after you enter the mystic territory? Or will you be fighting while wearing this?" Lin Huang asked again.

"I'll just change the style." The clothes on Liu Fu changed into something casual as soon as he spoke. He transformed his clothes back into something formal after showing them.

"It's a little past 8 am now. There's still an hour to go before the mystic territory opens officially. Let's gather at Old He's place." Liu Fu waved and summoned a dimensional portal after he spoke.

He led Lin Huang and the rest in.

Chapter 1744: Grade-SSS Organizations in the Eastern Eight Zone

After stepping out of the teleportation portal, Lin Huang's team appeared in a meeting room directly.

It was a meeting room that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. There were many people who had already taken their seats.

Lin Huang glanced over and sensed at least 20 dao-level individuals.

Although they were only at minor dao-level, their combat abilities should be more powerful than Liu Fu who had just been elevated.

Among them, the most powerful one should have consolidated over 50,000 Dao seals.

Apart from that, the remaining 50 or so Lords were upper-rank and supreme-rank Lords. There were no middle-rank and lower-rank Lords at all.

Before everyone arrived, Lin Huang had witnessed the tip of the iceberg of Royal's true capabilities.

Their arrival instantly attracted the attention of many in the meeting room.

It was not the two dao-level individuals, Lin Huang and Liu Fu, who attracted the crowd's attention, but the group of Lords.

The reason being was that they noticed that the 25 of them were powerhouses at the limit of supreme-rank Lords.

The appearance of Bai and the rest had undoubtedly increased the lord-level participants' overall power.

Meanwhile, to them, Lin Huang and Liu Fu were newbies who had just been elevated to minor dao-level. They did not find them special.

Lin Huang was happy that nobody saw through his disguise.

Soon after they took their seats, more people arrived one after the other.

When it was almost 8:30 am, Old He and Old Wang finally showed up.

Old He glanced across the room when he arrived. He then spoke directly.

"I noticed that almost everyone is here now. The people who know those who aren't here yet, notify them now that we're departing right away."

Lin Huang was rather confused. The reason being was that, since he and Liu Fu arrived, those who came later on were almost all at minor dao-level. There were almost no Lords.

Including Bai, there were only some 80 Lords in the meeting room. Meanwhile, there were more than 150 minor dao-level individuals.

"There are so few Lords joining the exploration? The number of Lords are slightly over half of the number of minor dao-level cultivators who are joining." Lin Huang asked Liu Fu through voice transmission.

Liu Fu explained while smiling, "Old He and Old Wang are mainly responsible for leading the minor dao-level individuals. There's someone else who is leading the Lords. Most of the Lords who are joining the exploration are with the person who is leading the Lords. Most of the Lords we have here are just like those guys under you. They were brought along or invited by the dao-level cultivators here."

As they were chatting, there were two people who entered almost at the same time.

Old He glanced at the two of them before speaking again.

"Alright, everyone's here. Let's depart now."

He shook his sleeve as soon as he was done speaking. A Dimensional Whirlpool appeared in the air in the middle of the meeting room.

The people in the meeting room stepped into it one after another.

Lin Huang led his imperial monsters and stepped into it as well.

After passing through the meeting room, they appeared in mid-air.

Lin Huang immediately saw a misty spherical dimension not far away.

That should be the mystic territory that had yet to be fully unsealed.

After observing it for a moment, he looked away and quickly scanned through his surroundings.

Apart from Royal, there were people from a couple of organizations that came.

Although Lin Huang did not use Divine Telekinesis, he speculated faintly that some of them among the crowd should have consolidated above 80,000 Dao seals.

As he was observing the other organizations' camps, Liu Fu who was standing at the side began his briefing. He explained to Lin Huang and his imperial monsters through voice transmission.

"The organization on our left is called the Snow Kingdom. It's a grade-SSS organization that has just risen in the Eastern Eight Zone during this era. They're developing aggressively, especially during the past hundred years or so."

Lin Huang glanced at them. The people from the Snow Kingdom were easy to spot as all of them wore white robes. The only differences between them were the patterns, hues and styles of their robes.

"The leading old man in the white robe is Shang Yang. Don't judge him by his old age. He has consolidated close to 100,000 Dao seals. He's one of the few powerhouses in the Eastern Eight Zone who will most probably elevate to major dao-level."

"The organization on the Snow Kingdom's left is called Star Cluster. They're one of the veteran grade-SSS organizations. They existed even before Royal did."

The people from Star Cluster dressed casually. Almost all of them were dressed differently. However, Lin Huang noticed that their leader was a lady with a piece of White Crystal on her forehead.

"The leading lady is called Starfall. She should've consolidated more than 80,000 Dao seals. She has another identity, which is the disciple of Star Cluster's current Star Master."

"The organization on Star Cluster's left is the Longevity Tribe. They're the local residents of Eastern Eight Zone. They're also the first grade-SSS organization to exist in the Eastern Eight Zone."

"Longevity Tribe…" Lin Huang raised his brows. He noticed that all of the members of the tribe were bald, regardless of whether they were men or women. The leader was a muscular bald man with a square beard.

"Their leading elder is Li Xiong. He's a radical with an aggressive character. He'll usually kill his opponents."

"The organization on our right is Infinite. Infinite is the organization with the most sorcery cultivators in the entire Eastern Eight Zone."

In reality, Lin Huang had noticed that those people's auras were odd from the beginning.

It might seem alright when they were alone. However, when a group of dao-level sorcerers gathered, even the flow of the various elements and particles in their surroundings would become unusual.

"The person who is leading Infinite this time is the young man who is sitting with his legs crossed and eyes shut. His name's Ao Yu. He has many sorcery techniques, and he has mastered over 80,000 Dao seals. There was an individual who surpassed dao-level that commented that he's the toughest brat to deal with among the minor dao-level cultivators in the Eastern Eight Zone."

Hearing Liu Fu's description, Lin Huang secretly thought that this guy had definitely mastered more than 80,000 Dao seals. He already had one foot stepped into major dao-level.

Lin Huang sensed that Ao Yu had mastered close to 100,000 Dao seals.

Not only that, judging by his energy alone, Ao Yu should be the person with the most powerful combat ability among everyone here.

He had even surpassed Old Wang from Royal and Shang Yang from the Snow Kingdom.

"The organization on Infinite's right is Deep Space. It's also a veteran grade-SSS organisation in the Eastern Eight Zone. They have similar qualifications to Royal…"

Liu Fu continued to brief them about the rest of the organizations.

Lin Huang redirected his focus back to Royal that he belonged to.

Apart from Old Wang and Old He who were leading, the most powerful person among minor dao-level characters was a female cultivator. She seemed to possess over 50,000 Dao seals.

Including Old Wang and Old He, there were a total of 158 minor dao-level powerhouses present.

There were many more Lords compared to the time when they were in the meeting room. There were some 500 of them.

The leader of the Lords was a young man with blue hair.

He had made it here with the team before Lin Huang and the rest arrived.

The leader with blue hair had his eyes lit up when he saw Bai and the rest.

He did not expect Old He to bring such a surprise on his side, which boosted the quality of their team significantly.

He took the initiative to talk to Bai and the rest.

When it was almost 9 am, the major dao-level powerhouses from all organizations had finally shown up…

Chapter 1745: The Assembly of Major-dao Cultivators

The seven organizations that joined the exploration this time had only sent three major dao-level powerhouses each.

Lin Huang heard from Liu Fu's explanation that it was the decision that the seven organizations had come up with after their discussion in order to be fair. Each organization was only allowed to send three major dao-level powerhouses to join the exploration this time.

After all, it was only a preliminary exploration. They were unsure of the danger level of this mystic territory. They only sent three major dao-level powerhouses to the mystic territory in case it became too dangerous which would cause them to lose too many major dao-level powerhouses.

In reality, there was also a limit on the number of minor dao-level powerhouses sent, which was 200 people.

As there were too few minor dao-level powerhouses joining previously, less than 50 people, Sovereign Xuan removed the profit sharing rule as he could not bear to see such a pathetic amount of participants.

As expected, after the announcement, the number of participants grew. There were a total of 158 minor dao-level cultivators participating from Royal.

The rest of the organizations had a similar number of participants too. Most of them had more or less 158 minor dao-level cultivators.

Star Cluster, which had the most members, only had 180 minor dao-level cultivators participating.

Meanwhile, the limit for Lords was 1,000.

Including all of the organizations present, the number of participants was far from the limit.

Royal only had some 500 Lords, while the rest were more or less the same. Infinite, which had the most number of Lords, only had some 600 Lords participating.

After the major dao-level powerhouses from all organizations had arrived, Lin Huang placed almost all of his attention on them.

At this very moment, he had finally felt the gap when faced with these major dao-level powerhouses.

Even without releasing Divine Telekinesis, he sensed clearly that these people's auras were much more powerful than the minor dao-level cultivators.

If one really had to compare them, it would be similar to the gap between the Sun and Venus.

Venus' night sky was bright too, but it could not compare to the Sun.

Indeed, judging based on their life level, they were on a completely different level.

However, Lin Huang could sense that, among the 21 major dao-level powerhouses, there were only two who were a real threat to him.

One came from Star Cluster. She was the only woman among the three major dao-level powerhouses from the organization.

She had dark-red hair that touched her waist. Since arriving, she had been silent. She had not spoken.

The other person was the oldest-looking of the three major dao-level powerhouses from the Longevity Tribe.

He had wrinkles all over his face. Even his brows were white.

Lin Huang paid extra attention to the two of them.

Liu Fu, who was standing at the side, continued to introduce these characters to him passionately through voice transmission.

"These are the three major dao-level powerhouses from Royal. I'll introduce them to you."

"That hunk with fiery red hair and beard is Yan Jun. Not only is he a combat cultivator, he's also an Element Master. I heard he's an expert in the Fire Element Great Dao, and that he's mastered tens of thousands of Fire Element Dao seals."

Lin Huang could not help but check him out again when he heard that he was a combat cultivator.

The higher level a combat cultivator cultivated to, the harder it became to strengthen one's physical body.

This guy named Yan Jun was a major dao-level combat cultivator. It proved how stunning his will was. He could not be compared to ordinary cultivators.

Lin Huang secretly imagined what would happen if he became his opponent. However, he got his answer instantly—that man would die a devastating death!

A combat cultivator could suppress psychics on a certain level.

The thing was, Lin Huang was no ordinary psychic. His God Weapon flying daggers were now precious treasures. As long as he inserted sufficient Odyl in them, it would be easy to break through the opponent's defense.

Not only that, he had a cheat code, which was the Critical Hit Hammer that had already evolved to rank-4 now. It would provide a maximum forty-fold boost of power.

Naturally, Liu Fu had no idea what Lin Huang was thinking about at the moment. He continued to introduce the others to him.

"That bearded uncle with hair that reaches his shoulder is Yue Wu. He's a sword cultivator like you. I heard that he has consolidated tens of thousands of Sword seals on Sword Dao alone. Among the major dao-level powerhouses in Royal, he ranks within the top three when it comes to attack ability."

In reality, Lin Huang could tell that he was a sword cultivator from a single glance.

However, he did not really bother with Liu Fu's introduction.

He did not think that it was something impressive for one to have tens of thousands of Sword seals. The reason being was that he had already consolidated over 8,000 Sword seals at the moment.

He secretly ran a mental simulation and concluded that Yue Wu's attack ability was likely to be lower than his.

"Lastly, the beauty is one of the three major dao-level female powerhouses in Royal. Her name is Chi Yao. She's a Soul Master. I heard that her God's soul is rather unusual. She majors in Soul Dao, but is also proficient in many techniques other than Soul Dao…"

Lin Huang nodded lightly. He had actually noticed this lady named Chi Yao from the beginning.

The reason being was that the threat level Lin Huang sensed from her was only second to that red-haired woman from Star Cluster and that white-browed old man from the Longevity Tribe.

Lin Huang had been evaluating her from the beginning. Considering that he had precious treasure-grade God Soul Weapons in his body, if they really were to fight, the threat that this lady presented to him was actually considered low.

After introducing the three major dao-level powerhouses from Royal, Liu Fu proceeded to introduce the major dao-level powerhouses from the other organizations passionately.

Lin Huang merely listened in silence most of the time. He only asked a few questions regarding topics that he was interested in.

He was clearly more serious when he heard Liu Fu start to introduce that red-haired woman from Star Cluster and that white-browed old man from the Longevity Tribe.

"That red-haired woman from Star Cluster seems to have only joined Star Cluster around a couple of hundred years ago. I heard she was a rogue cultivator before. Star Cluster didn't reveal much information about her. Nobody knows her exact background.

"We only know that she seems to be proficient in some strange techniques and has killed major dao-level monsters within seconds."

"The most powerful person from the Longevity Tribe is that white-browed old man who looks the oldest. Nobody remembers his name, but he has the honorific title of Householder White Brow. All dao-level cultivators in the entire universe know him."

"He's considered the oldest major dao-level powerhouse in the entire universe now. No one even comes close. He had already achieved major dao-level 2.8 billion years ago. He's the senior of all major dao-level cultivators in the universe."

"Sovereign Xuan mentioned him in Royal before, saying that he must've consolidated more than 800,000 Dao seals previously. There's a certain possibility that he will break through and surpass dao-level."

The information Liu Fu provided made Lin Huang pay more attention to Householder White Brow now.

He had already consolidated more than 800,000 Dao seals previously, so he might have consolidated even more now.

This Householder White Brow seemed old, but he was actually quite steady.

Lin Huang had a rough guess of what Householder White Brow was up to. He must be lacking in innate talent and potential and, being well aware of his flaws, in order to break through and surpass dao-level, he chose to go forward in the slowest and steadiest way.

Billions of years had passed by, and he was still working on it continuously instead of consolidating more Dao seals quickly to break through.

He was the classic man who remedied his lack of talent with hard work.

Lin Huang admired such a person.

He thought the person had quite a terrifying amount of will to be able to polish himself for billions of years.

He had more respect for this old man now.

Soon, Liu Fu introduced all of the major dao-level powerhouses present.

Later on, the spherical dimension in front of the crowd was finally released from its misty state. The mist had faded completely.

At that moment, a voice transmission came to Lin Huang's ears.

"We can enter now."

Before the voice finished speaking completely, Lin Huang saw that almost everyone from all the organizations had rushed forward to enter.

Soon after they went in, their sizes began to shrink rapidly. They transformed into particles of white light and headed toward the spherical dimension at lightning speed.

Lin Huang snapped out of his senses after being momentarily stunned. He went after them while leading his imperial monsters forward.

Soon after flying in, a strange suction force approached them.

He did not resist, and his body was dragged inside immediately…

Chapter 1746: Entering the Mystic Territory for the First Time

Lin Huang vision blurred. He could not see anything at all.

Such a state continued for a few seconds before the pulling sensation disappeared entirely. As he landed on the ground, he could finally see clearly again.

Lin Huang knew that he should have arrived in the mystic territory.

He looked around. He was currently in a barren valley.

Everything around him was black and white, including the sky.

Lin Huang was not surprised by this.

He had seen the interior of a mystic territory a couple of times in the inherited memories the Nirvana Trees sent over.

Some parts of the mystic territory were like the virtual realm, they were black and white. However, there were some regions that were like the material realm, whereby they had regular colors.

They were known as the black and white zone and the regular zone.

Lin Huang had speculated that the mystic territory should be related to the virtual realm.

However, he was not sure as to what the exact connection between them was.

The reason being was that he had seen in the inherited memories that, not only were there Voids in the mystic territories, there were also Abyssal monsters, spirit species and undying species.

"Black and white zone… There must be Voids in here," Lin Huang mumbled softly.

He thought about it and decided not to scan his surroundings with Divine Telekinesis.

The reason being was that, under normal circumstances, regular minor dao-level powerhouses dared not extend their Divine Telekinesis openly in such a place.

He would definitely be seeking death to be doing something like that.

If he encountered native major dao-level monsters, he would be targeted instantly.

Although Lin Huang had sufficient confidence in his ability to fight major dao-level monsters, and he had the confidence to run away even if he encountered any that he could not fight, he did not want to expose his true ability.

He heard from Liu Fu that all organizations took this mystic territory exploration seriously.

Sovereign Xuan and the other individuals above dao-level from other organizations would be watching in secret too.

Although they could not open up this dimension and probe what was happening inside the mystic territory with Divine Telekinesis, there was a possibility that they had planted moles among their members to spy on the internal situation.

There was a certain possibility that he would be found out by individuals above dao-level if he exposed his ability.

Even if it was an individual above dao-level from Royal like Sovereign Xuan, Lin Huang could not trust him completely. Naturally, he did not hope that the powerhouses above dao-level would notice him.

He only extended his Divine Telekinesis within a region of some a hundred kilometers or so. He stopped expanding his coverage after that.

However, he clearly sensed that the Space Rule of this world had a slight abnormality. It significantly limited his movement speed and the range of his Divine Telekinesis probing.

The distribution of monsters in this world seemed to be very scattered. Lin Huang did not even sense one living creature within the probing radius of a hundred kilometers.

He glanced around his surroundings, and soon had his eyes on the highest mountain peak not far away.

Although he did not find anything within the coverage range of his Divine Telekinesis, he tried to see if he could find anything using his vision.

He put on a disguise that made him invisible and concealed his aura entirely before appearing on top of the mountain in a flash.

Standing at the peak of the mountain, hidden, sigils quickly spread out from Lin Huang's eyes.

The next second, he was looking tens of thousands of kilometers away. He had even seen through countless obstacles.

It was a long-distance probing ocular skill. To the current Lin Huang, it was just a small trick.

The reason he got on top of the mountain only after concealing himself and his aura was because he was worried that others would have similar probing techniques and spot him. They would conceal themselves after spotting him. It would be tough for Lin Huang to find them if that happened.

Very soon, Lin Huang found a target using his long-distance probing ocular skill.

After all, it was impossible that there would be nothing within those tens of thousands of kilometers surrounding his current location.

Not only did Lin Huang discover tens of Voids, he even found two minor dao-level cultivators from other organizations.

Before entering the mystic territory, he had memorized everyone's appearances. Naturally, he remembered those two.

One was a member from the Snow Kingdom. Judging from the aura he sensed at the time, the person should have consolidated some 20,000 Dao seals.

Another one was a member from Infinite who had consolidated around 8,000 Dao seals.

Lin Huang did not plan to come into contact with those two.

To him, killing Voids and other local monsters was far more important than plundering the members from other organizations.

Apart from him not wanting to expose his ability, the other reason was that Liu Fu had specially reminded him to transfer his expensive belongings somewhere else.

Most of the minor dao-level and lord-level cultivators had transferred their valuables from their storage spaces elsewhere before entering the mystic territory this time to avoid being plundered.

That was the unspoken rule that everyone was aware of.

Therefore, when they had just entered the mystic territory, even if some powerhouses discovered members from other organizations, it was unlikely for them to plunder them directly. If they had the time, they would much rather hunt more local monsters.

However, such a peaceful state would usually last one week to ten days at most.

The exploration would only last a month. Plundering others midway through the exploration was something that was definitely inevitable.

Ignoring the two explorers, Lin Huang soon headed toward the Void that was closest to him.

It was a gigantic Void that was hundreds of meters tall. It had mastered some 18,000 Dao seals.

When it saw Lin Huang, it opened its mouth and spat out a jet-black shockwave in his direction.

Lin Huang did not attack or defend, nor did he dodge the attack. Instead, he summoned his God's Figurine's Combat Soul—the Destructive Divine Mammoth.

The Destructive Divine Mammoth swung its trunk agilely and crushed the incoming shockwave directly.

Subsequently, it stomped with its hoof, turning the giant Void that was tens of times larger than it into dust directly.

The gap between beings that had mastered 30,000 and 18,000 Dao seals was obvious.

That Void could not even take one attack from the Destructive Divine Mammoth.

After settling the first Void, Lin Huang rode on the Destructive Divine Mammoth's back and headed to where the second Void was.

Later on, he killed the third and the fourth Void…

All of the 34 Voids that he found using his long-distance probing ocular skill were killed.

The Destructive Divine Mammoth killed 28 of them.

Lin Huang killed six Voids that had consolidated more than 30,000 Dao seals himself. He killed them by using his telekinetic flying daggers within seconds.

He was not worried about exposing his ability at this point as he was very sure that no explorers would notice him. He would notice as soon as there was any probing of Divine Telekinesis, and he would retract his attack in time before being discovered. Moreover, he killed the Voids within seconds. He did not cause any ripples of energy fluctuation at all. There were no battle traces anywhere.

Within an hour, Lin Huang had killed 34 minor dao-level Voids.

He had even begun the second round of probing and hunting.

At that moment, the other minor dao-level cultivators were exploring their surroundings in the mystic territory carefully.

Most of them had not even encountered their first local monster…

As Lin Huang was killing monsters all over the place, he did not know that his partner, Liu Fu from Royal, had just managed to pull off a great escape…

Chapter 1747: I Don't Want to Explore Anymore, I Want to Go Home

It was pitch black at the bottom of the sea in the mystic territory.

Liu Fu had concealed his aura and disguised himself as a reef. He did not dare to move at all.

He had only entered the mystic territory for less than an hour, yet he was already eager to go home.

The reason being was that, when he was teleported, he happened to enter the territory of a faceless giant.

The abyssal faceless giant had mastered over 10,000 Dao seals.

Subsequently, Liu Fu began to run for his life frantically.

He had only escaped into the sea after using all sorts of escape techniques. He had even used two of his death substituting puppets.

Although he knew that it might be a bigger risk hiding in this sea, he jumped in without hesitation.

After jumping into the sea, he concealed his aura and disguised as a reef that sank to the bottom of the sea.

He remained in such a state for about half an hour before he confirmed that the faceless giant did not seem to have come after him.

However, he noticed a new threat.

There was something that was even bigger than the faceless giant from before in this sea—A Putrescent Dragon Whale.

Its aura was clearly more terrifying than the faceless giant. Liu Fu roughly guessed that this guy had mastered over 20,000 Dao seals.

Therefore, he decisively chose to remain in such a state and did not dare to move at all.

He looked firm on the surface but, inside, he was screaming, "I don't want to explore anymore, I want to go home!"

He began having all sorts of thoughts in his head. He began to think about how he should divide his inheritance after he died. Also, he was wondering if his corpse would remain in the mystic territory. If it did, would anyone manage to find it and bring it back to the universe…

He even thought about the newbie Lin Huang who had joined the exploration this time unintentionally thanks to his invitation, 'He might've died by now. Even if he hasn't, he should be like me, either escaping frantically or hiding…'

Naturally, he would not know that the current Lin Huang was enjoying the joys of harvesting Origin Energy.

Lin Huang sat on the Destructive Divine Mammoth's back while hugging the Ninetails Lynx in his embrace as he looked around using the long-distance probing ocular skill. He was scanning each region as he passed by.

Lin Huang basically got the Destructive Divine Mammoth to attack those that had mastered less than 30,000 Dao seals.

For those that mastered around 30,000 Dao seals, Lin Huang got both of the God's Figurine's Combat Souls—the Destructive Divine Mammoth and the Ninetails Lynx—to fight together.

For those that had more than 30,000 Dao seals, they were killed within seconds by Lin Huang's telekinetic flying daggers.

On the first day after entering the mystic territory, he had killed more than 500 Voids.

The region he was teleported to had Voids that had mostly consolidated between 10,000 to 50,000 Dao seals.

Among them, there were more than 80% of them who had mastered less than 30,000 Dao seals.

Therefore, the two God's Figurine's Combat Souls, the Destructive Divine Mammoth and the Ninetails Lynx, were actually the ones who killed most of the Voids.

Meanwhile, the weakest Void that Lin Huang killed had mastered some 36,000 Dao seals. The most powerful one had mastered some 51,000 Dao seals.

To him, the two were basically the same.

He killed them both within seconds. There was no suspense at all.

Throughout his hunting journey today, he came across explorers a couple of times.

Most of them had mastered 10,000 to 30,000 Dao seals.

The weakest one had mastered some 8,000 Dao seals.

When the day of the hunt ended, Lin Huang suddenly thought of Liu Fu.

"If Liu Fu was teleported to this region, I guess he would not have been able to survive for a day. However, I don't think that he'd be that unfortunate. Perhaps he's been teleported to a region with monsters with less than 10,000 Dao seals."

In reality, under normal circumstances, most mystic territories' teleportation rules might appear to be random, but in actual fact they followed a certain rule.

It was basically unlikely for outsiders that had mastered less than 5,000 Dao seals to be teleported to regions with monsters that had mastered over 10,000 Dao seals.

Lin Huang speculated that he was teleported to this region because he had actually mastered over 30,000 Dao seals. Even though he was in possession of a great disguise technique that had even deceived many major dao-level powerhouses, the mystic territory had likely detected a portion of his real ability, which was why he was teleported to this region.

Meanwhile, Liu Fu had only broken through to minor dao-level not long ago.

He had only mastered 3,001 Dao seals. Thus, theoretically, the region he was teleported to should be much safer.

After putting Liu Fu's matter aside, Lin Huang could not help but mumble softly to himself, "I wonder how was Bai and the rest's day. Theoretically, they shouldn't be teleported to a region with dao-level monsters. With their current ability, they should be doing pretty well in a region with Lords."

Lin Huang decided to communicate with his imperial monsters through telepathic voice transmission directly as he thought about these things.

"How was your day?"

"Nothing special." The first one to respond was Charcoal. Just when Lin Huang was getting worried, it continued speaking, "I was teleported to a region containing nothing but Abyssal monsters. I can't eat any of them."

"Remember to extract their Kingdoms. I want those," Lin Huang reminded it as he felt rather helpless.

"Alright then." Charcoal agreed to the request rather unwillingly.

"It's been pretty great on my side. I was teleported to a black and white zone. I feel as if I've gone to the virtual realm," Bloody said while smiling.

"I'm so envious of you…" Charcoal grumbled.

"I'm in a black and white zone too," Bai's answer was pretty simple.

"I'm so envious of you…" Charcoal grumbled again.

"It's all spirit species here. I've even encountered two sword cultivators today. I made them my Sword Servants," Lancelot responded.

"It's all undying species here. I happened to be able to practice real combat with them," Kylie responded quickly.

"I'm also in an undying species zone. I've tried a couple of fun things today," Grimace said while chuckling.

Lin Huang could not help but frown slightly when he heard that.

Grimace would never stop stirring up trouble.

It was only their first day in the mystic territory and he already seemed to be causing a ruckus.

However, Lin Huang was not too worried about him.

After all, considering Grimace's ability, even if he stirred up trouble, he would only affect the regions with Lords at most. His actions would not affect the entire mystic territory.

Lin Huang did not speak to stop him after thinking for a moment.

He hoped to maintain each of his imperial monsters' characters. Even though Grimace had a stubborn side, he did not want to correct him by force.

If it was related to something important, he would give a clear order to discipline Grimace's behavior. If it was necessary, he would even get Bai and the other imperial monsters to keep watch over him.

However, they were in the mystic territory now. They could move around freely anyway. Lin Huang thought that he could let him be himself. There was no need to be too strict with him.

After communicating with his imperial monsters for a little bit and confirming that they were doing well in the mystic territory, Lin Huang was completely relieved. He then focused once again on the task at hand and began a new round of hunting…

Chapter 1748: The Unusualness of the Black and White Zone

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gan Ming thought it was rather strange.

It had been a whole day since he was teleported into the mystic territory.

Initially, he was over the moon to find that he was teleported to a black and white zone.

There were Voids in the mystic territory's black and white zone. He could obtain Origin Energy after hunting them. That was common knowledge when it came to mystic territories.

People who were teleported into the black and white zone were considered to be the luckiest people among the explorers this time.

He had mastered 28,000 Dao seals. As long as he was careful, he should be able to hunt many Voids and obtain quite a large amount of Origin Energy.

However, now that he had been here the entire day, in addition to probing using Divine Telekinesis, Gan Ming had used all sorts of other probing techniques, but he did not manage to find even one Void.

"I've flown close to 100,000 kilometers. I haven't even seen one Void along the way. This is clearly unusual… Can it be that something's unusual about this mystic territory?!" Gan Ming suddenly had his guard up.

He even noticed two explorers along the way, but he did not even spot a single native monster.

Gan Ming was not the only person who was having the same doubts.

Luo Wen was a minor dao-level powerhouse from Star Cluster. She had mastered some 48,000 Dao seals. Although she could not compare with some veteran powerhouses in the universe, she was considered the cream of the crop among those from the younger generation.

In reality, it was not her first time going into a mystic territory.

This was her fourth exploration into a mystic territory.

Therefore, she noticed the unusualness of the black and white zone within an hour.

Now that she had not even encountered a single Void the entire day, she already had a faint idea of what was going on, after which she could finally no longer hold herself back and spread out her Divine Telekinesis.

In the beginning, she was only doing it within a small range of hundreds of kilometers. She then spread out her Divine Telekinesis further slowly, covering tens of thousands of kilometers. She still did not notice any Voids.

However, she discovered something else.

In a flash, she appeared in a valley tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"As I expected, there are traces of battle…" Luo Wen's eyes lit up.

The valley was almost destroyed.

Apart from traces of attacks, she even captured some remnants of auras.

"Judging by the intensity of the remaining Odyl, this person has some 30,000 Dao seals… Not only that, this doesn't look like a battle between two people, but a two versus one scenario…"

Luo Wen came to some conclusions based on the traces left at the scene.

"So two explorers who know each other worked together? Both of them have around 30,000 Dao seals."

However, she soon had more doubts.

"It doesn't really make sense. Theoretically, a person who has mastered 30,000 Dao seals shouldn't dare to probe by spreading out their Divine Telekinesis in the mystic territory, even if they're collaborating in the search process."

"Not only that, the Void with the highest combat strength in the black and white zone must've mastered more than 30,000 Dao seals. They're not capable of killing a Void that has mastered 40,000 to 50,000 Dao seals."

"Someone cleared out the Voids in the entire region, but it's quite impossible for it to have been done by these two."

"This scene might just be a coincidence. There is a high chance that the two of them have a unique communication technique that can be used in the mystic zone. When they realized that they were not far away from each other, they gathered together to combine forces. They might've encountered that Void by coincidence and they worked together to kill it."

Luo Wen thought that her deduction should be close to the truth. That was, until half an hour later, when something overthrew her deduction.

"What is this?!"

As Luo Wen spread her Divine Telekinesis probing range to tens of thousands of kilometers, she found seven other locations with traces of battle within half an hour.

Among the eight locations, there were two where the two people worked together.

There were six battles that were done by a single person.

That had completely overthrown Luo Wen's previous deduction.

She initially thought that the two people only found the first Void by accident.

Now it seemed like it was not the case at all.

It seemed that the two people who had only mastered 30,000 Dao seals had cleared out the entire region.

"If these were done by the two of them, then where did those Voids with more than 30,000 Dao seals go?!"

Luo Wen was getting more and more confused.

"Even if they worked together, it would be impossible for them to kill Voids that have mastered 40,000 to 50,000 Dao seals! I didn't find any traces of battle left behind by Voids with more than 35,000 Dao seals at all. Where did all those Voids go?!"

According to her experiences from entering mystic territories a few times previously, Luo Wen was sure that there were definitely Voids that had mastered 30,000 to 50,000 Dao seals in this region. What puzzled her was that she did not even see one, not even a trace was left behind.

"Even if a person who has mastered 70,000 to 80,000 Dao seals was teleported to this region and hunted down Voids with 40,000 to 50,000 Dao seals, it's impossible not to leave any traces behind… It's impossible that a major dao-level powerhouse was teleported here and he was the one who did all this?!"

Luo Wen shook her head. She figured that it would be impossible for the mystic territory's teleportation rule to have made such a mistake.

As she stood there and thought over and over again, she finally chose to retrieve her Divine Telekinesis probing and stopped the investigation.

Her sixth sense was warning her faintly that she might encounter a scary individual if she continued to probe further.

Since stepping into dao-level, it was the first time her sixth sense had such a reaction.

She decisively chose to trust her sixth sense and gave up the investigation.

If there was something off about this black and white zone, she would just stay far away from it.

The mystic territory was vast. This was not the only black and white zone.

Moreover, even if she did not go into the black and white zone, she could hunt monsters in other regions too.

She would leave the unknown scary individual to the two fools who had teamed up to hunt.

They would have to pay sooner or later for taking advantage of the scary individual.

Luo Wen concealed her aura immediately and headed toward the border of the black and white zone that she had just investigated.

She did not feel sentimental about this black and white zone at all.

However, not everyone had Luo Wen's stunning sixth sense about this black and white zone, which had sensed the existence of that unknown scary individual in advance.

Soon, many people in the black and white zone noticed the traces of battle left behind by the Destructive Divine Mammoth and the Ninetails Lynx one after the other.

There were a few people whose combat ability was equal to the two God's Figurine's Combat Souls who investigated the matter without hesitation.

After all, the opportunity to be teleported into the black and white zone was a hard-to-come-by one. They were upset that they were preempted by this team of two who had only mastered 30,000 Dao seals.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang very soon noticed the people's strange movements through his long-distance probing skill.

He also noticed that there were even some people who spread out their Divine Telekinesis, which was a gutsy move.

Although they only dared to extend it out tens of thousands of kilometers away at most, it had caused a certain level of inconvenience to his operation that he was planning to carry out later.

Lin Huang guessed that they must have discovered the traces of battle his two God's Figurine's Combat Souls left behind.

After some quiet probing, he confirmed his speculation. Those people were really looking for the Destructive Divine Mammoth and the Ninetails Lynx.

Lin Huang very soon came up with a plan after merely thinking for a moment while holding his chin.

Chapter 1749: I'm So Hungry

Lin Huang's long-distance ocular skill soon locked onto the first target.

"Baldy, I'll fight you first."

Lin Huang smirked.

Li Hao was totally unaware that he was being secretly targeted by Lin Huang.

As a dao-level powerhouse from the Longevity Tribe, given that his elder brother was the leader leading the minor dao-level cultivators from the tribe this time, it was only natural that he was considered pretty powerful as well. He had mastered 46,000 Dao seals and had sufficient confidence in his combat ability.

Therefore, he probed his surroundings without hesitation as soon as he noticed the unusualness of the black and white zone.

Relying on his somewhat powerful capabilities, he even expanded his Divine Telekinesis probing range to 30,000 kilometers. He investigated his surroundings as he traveled along the black and white zone.

He was the closest person to Lin Huang at the moment.

"This battle was fought by two people. It's clearly the same guys…" Li Hao was searching for all sorts of details as he extended his Divine Telekinesis over the battle location. "Judging by the remaining traces, they must've left less than two hours ago."

"Seems like I'm not too far from them." Li Hao was clearly excited now. "Within two days, these two have killed at least 30 to 40 Voids. Unfortunately, they won't be enjoying the loot, as all the Origin Energy will soon be mine…"

As Li Hao was picturing himself capturing the two, he suddenly lifted his head.


The next second, the expression on his face turned wild with joy. He moved instantly.

There was no other reason for this than the fact that he had sensed two people entering the probing range of his Divine Telekinesis.

When he moved, the two seemed to have sensed his movements as well and began to run away frantically.

Li Hao was chasing after them from the rear. Seeing their reaction, he was even more sure that these two were the ones who worked together to kill tens of Voids in the black and white zone.

"Do you think you can escape me?!"

Li Hao was running at his full speed. He was getting closer.

At the same time, his Divine Telekinesis sensed more details about the two.

Judging by the strength of their auras, they had approximately 30,000 Dao seals.

One was clearly a combat cultivator with stunning explosive agility who could leap large distances with every stride, while the other one was using a dimensional technique. He seemed like he was taking a stroll. Each step he took was comparable to the combat cultivator's three to five steps.

"One is a combat cultivator and another is proficient in Dimensional Dao…"

Li Hao was getting more and more excited after confirming more information about the two's identities.

The chase lasted for over half an hour.

Li Hao was getting closer and closer to them.

However, when the distance between them had shrunk to approximately 10,000 kilometers, that rather skinny and weak Dimensional Dao cultivator suddenly grabbed that muscular combat cultivator's arm.

Subsequently, they pulled away as he leaped forward. That one leap alone got them out of Li Hao's Divine Telekinesis' probing radius.

Li Hao was stunned at first, after which he grinned.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

He expanded the probing radius of his Divine Telekinesis directly.

From its initial 30,000-kilometer range, it soon expanded to 40,000 kilometers…

50,000 kilometers…

60,000 kilometers…

At that moment, his expression suddenly changed.

The reason being was that he noticed that a powerful aura had suddenly appeared within his Divine Telekinesis' probing radius.

It was a human-form Void. The strength of its aura had clearly surpassed 50,000 Dao seals.

Almost at the same time Li Hao's Divine Telekinesis discovered the Void, the human-form Void suddenly lifted its head. Its purple eyes gazed into the distance and seemed to locate his whereabouts. Instantly, it spread out its powerful Divine Telekinesis and locked onto Li Hao.


Without even thinking about it, Li Hao turned around and ran frantically away from the human-form Void's direction.

Lin Huang saw everything that happened.

He smirked.

Naturally, this was the plan he had orchestrated.

The two cultivators with 30,000 Dao seals were his clones in disguise.

He intentionally entered Li Hao's Divine Telekinesis' probing radius and then ran away on purpose. He lured him to a region that was not too far away from the human-form Void and faked an escape using a dimensional technique. In reality, he had recalled his clones directly.

He baited Li Hao to expand his Divine Telekinesis' probing radius, which eventually got the human-form Void's attention.

He stayed behind the scenes throughout the entire thing.

Nobody knew of his existence and participation in the matter at all.

Even when Li Hao was running, he secretly exclaimed that the two were lucky. He did not notice that he had been framed.

After chasing Li Hao away, Lin Huang repeated his actions. He borrowed a couple of Voids and, using the same trick, he chased the other few probers out of his region.

"It's quite useful to keep these Voids around."

A day and a half had passed. In reality, he and the two God's Figurine's Combat Souls had killed almost all of the Voids in this black and white zone.

There were less than 20 Voids remaining in the entire region. There were a few that were quite capable that Lin Huang happened to be able to use.

After chasing those probers away, Lin Huang did not stay. After clearing out the remaining Voids, he left the black and white zone directly and headed off to the next region.

Lin Huang finally started seeing normal colors.

However, the sky remained gloomy, and the land remained barren.

It felt like the black and white zone had become colorful. Apart from the colors, the style of the surroundings seemed unchanged.

However, Lin Huang knew where he was as soon as he stepped into the region.

The reason being was that he saw the abyssal fog that he was familiar with.

The black fog seemed harmless but, in reality, it would penetrate and contaminate the cultivators' physical body and God's soul.

Almost all normal cultivators would choose to go around it.

However, Lin Huang walked directly into the black fog. His body was smothered in it.

The abyssal fog was toxic to outsiders. However, to Lin Huang who possessed Eternity Fire in his body, not only was it harmless, but it was even a form of replenishment.

The abyssal fog could block one's Divine Telekinesis probing significantly, as well as most ocular skills. However, there were still some probing techniques that could be used.

This time, Lin Huang was using a probing technique that he had learned from the memory inheritances the Nirvana Trees sent—Probing of All Creations.

On the surface, this technique was one that could probe distant sounds. However, in actual fact, it was more than that. It could even be used to listen to one's thoughts and inner voice.

To Lin Huang, it would be sufficient if he could just hear the sounds at the moment.

He closed his eyes and performed a hand seal with both hands, quickly following the steps according to the inherited memory to perform the technique.

As soon as the technique was performed, countless noises echoed in his ears.

It felt like thousands of people were talking into his ears. There were many layers and they overlapped.

After all, it was his first time performing this technique. It took him some time to adapt to it. He could finally hear the voices clearly after adjusting the technique's probing range and frequency.

"I'm so hungry…"

"I'm so hungry…"

"I'm so hungry…"

"What's happening?! Is that a bug?" Lin Huang was quite confused. There seemed to be a bug with the technique, whereby it kept repeating the same thing, "I'm so hungry…" in his ears.

Although the voices and tones were all different, there were even men and women, the content was playing on repeat, "I'm so hungry…"

Fortunately, Lin Huang could still differentiate between the sources of the different voices, which directions they came from and how far away they were from him.

With a little bit of doubt, Lin Huang headed to the source closest to him.

Chapter 1750: Let's Explore Somewhere Else?

Only when Lin Huang arrived at the source of the voice and saw the first monster did he find out why he was hearing "I'm so hungry" over and over again.

It was a headless monster with a big belly. Its round belly was over two meters in diameter, and there was a big mouth in the middle of the belly.

The back of the belly had tens of arms with many joints, and each arm was some ten meters long.

Compared to those arms, the legs that were supporting its upper body seemed extremely frail.

Lin Huang could tell that it was a Glutton the moment he set eyes upon the monster.

Gluttons came in all shapes and forms, but the only thing each of them had in common was their gigantic, round belly.

It was fine if they did not have a head, features, arms or legs, but their big belly was necessary. Some of them even came in the form of solely a big belly.

Someone joked that the Glutton's original form had been a big belly.

This headless Glutton did not speak. It was the mouth on the belly that was muttering meaningless syllables. When it noticed Lin Huang, its big mouth began to drool.

However, Lin Huang heard, "I'm so hungry… Food… It smells good… I want to eat it…"

"Those are its thoughts?!" Lin Huang instantly noticed what was going on.

So what he heard were the Glutton's thoughts.

The "I'm so hungry" he heard from different voices were the thoughts of many different Gluttons!

"Did I enter a Glutton's lair? There are so many minor dao-level Gluttons here…"

After clearing his doubts, Lin Huang got the Destructive Divine Mammoth to fight it directly.

Judging from the strength of this Glutton's aura, it had only mastered some 20,000 Dao seals. He did not bother to fight it himself.

The God's Figurine's Combat Souls' God soul came from him, along with their Divine Power and Odyl. It would not be that easy for them to be contaminated.

Even if their physical bodies were contaminated with Abyssal energy and emotional energy, they could be cleansed with Eternity Fire instantly.

Seeing the Glutton rushing toward Lin Huang and itself, the Destructive Divine Mammoth stomped on it with its hooves without hesitation. It did not hold back at all, crushing the spherical belly until it exploded.

Black, contaminated, blood splashed out, emitting a disgusting smell.

Lin Huang dodged while holding the Ninetails Lynx. They were not contaminated at all.

Lin Huang flicked his fingers when he saw the Destructive Divine Mammoth's body begin to be contaminated by the blood.

A white spark enveloped the Destructive Divine Mammoth's entire body instantly.

Within a blink of an eye, the contaminated energy in its body was cleared out, along with the blood.

The spark that covered its body shrunk at lightning speed. It turned into a flame imprint on its forehead.

The Destructive Divine Mammoth immediately sensed that the contaminated energy that came from the surrounding fog, that had seeped into its body slowly, was being absorbed by the flame imprint on its forehead.

Noticing the changes on the Destructive Divine Mammoth's side, Lin Huang pointed at the Ninetails Lynx forehead and left a flame imprint on its forehead too.

Naturally, the imprint was not permanent. It was the Eternity Fire's temporary imprint that Lin Huang could remove as he wished.

With the flame imprint, the Ninetails Lynx could clearly sense that the discomfort it felt since entering the foggy area had vanished completely. It felt at ease now.

Of course, Lin Huang did not need the imprint; the Eternity Fire was in his body after all.

Not only that, even without the Eternity Fire's cleansing effect, given his current level of ability, contamination of such level could not break through the defense of his body's particles at all.

After leaving the flame imprints on his two God's Figurine's Combat Souls, Lin Huang put away the Glutton's carcass and led the two deep into the fog.

"Do we go in?"

"This fog has strong contamination properties and it blocks Divine Telekinesis. Not only that, the fog comes and goes at random intervals. As soon as we go in, there's a possibility that we can't leave. If we're lost in there for a long time and drained of our Odyl, we'll turn into an Abyssal creature due to the contamination effect."

Two young men in white robes, one tall and another short, were discussing things with hesitation outside the area that was covered in black fog.

"Do we go to the sea in the north instead?" The tall young man asked.

"That place is clearly more dangerous than dry land." The short young man rolled his eyes at the tall man.

"But there are only a few Abyssal monsters outside the fog in this area. They only appear when the fog moves. We've only found seven throughout these two days, and other explorers killed four of them. We've only killed less than one on average daily throughout these two days."

"You're unwilling to enter the fog, nor do you want to go to the sea. So what do we do now? Do we head to another area…?" The tall man looked helpless. If not for the fact that they were friends for many years, and were somehow fated to meet despite the random teleportation, he would have already left him behind. "What if the other areas are more dangerous? Will you retreat, or will you head to other areas?"

"The exploration only lasts for a month, and we've already wasted two days. If we dawdle further, we'll end up wasting ten days to half a month…"

"Aren't I considering our safety?" The short man retorted mildly. He could tell that this friend of his was quite mad. He immediately added, "Of course, what you said makes sense as well."

"We're here to explore. This isn't a vacation. Stop being so picky and make up your mind already," the tall man said angrily, "Do we enter the fog or the sea?"

The short man frowned and fell into silence for a moment. He only made up his mind after seeing the tall man become quite impatient, and was about to urge him again.

"Into the fog!"

After spending hours coming to a common agreement, the two did not hesitate this time and entered the black fog area after covering their bodies in Odyl.

They were devoured by the black fog instantly…

Time flew by, two days had passed.

In the area covered in black fog, the tall and short white-robed young men sat by a cliff.

"It's been two days, and we haven't even found a monster. It's not that our probing techniques aren't working. We even found some explorers from other organizations. It's impossible for all of the monsters here to have been killed by explorers from other organizations, right?" The short young man wore a puzzled expression on his face.

"Something's strange about this area…" The tall young man frowned lightly. "We can't use Divine Telekinesis in this foggy area at all, and the black fog limits many probing techniques. Theoretically, there shouldn't be anyone who can find the coordinates of all of the monsters in this foggy area. However, it's also impossible for the monsters in this foggy area to disappear out of nowhere…"

"How about… we retreat? Let's explore somewhere else?" The short man had cold feet again.

The tall man glared at him as soon as he said that.

"I was just kidding." The short man waved while smiling after noticing his unfriendly glare.

"Let's check more carefully. If it was done by humans, it's impossible that there aren't any traces left behind at all." The tall man thought about it for a moment and decided to stay to find out the truth..

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