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54.48% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 261: 1061-1070

Chapter 261: 1061-1070

Chapter 1061: Dirty Business

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ignoring Xiao Hei's notifications, Lin Huang glared coldly at the Master God's projection that was turning into a cold, blue mist and vanishing.

The dimensional gateway that seemed like a black hole was shrinking rapidly. A thunderous deafening roar came from the other side of the black hole.

"I'll remember you, brat!" Almost at the same time that the voice came, a blue ferocious glow shot out the black hole. The blue glow was extremely fast as it penetrated Lin Huang's body almost at the same time it detached from the dimensional gateway.

Lin Huang saw a black mark appearing on his chest when he snapped back to his senses.

A giant tentacle made of black fog appeared out nowhere in his body. It looked like a gigantic black boa that attached itself to the blue glow that penetrated his body. It then tugged hard. Soon, the blue glow was crushed and vanished right away.

The Master God exclaimed from the dimensional gateway that was closing, "What did you do?!"

In a surprise, Lin Huang looked into his body to see what exactly the Master God had done to him. However, he did not see anything odd in his body.

Even the black mark on his chest had disappeared on its own accord as if it had never been there.

As he snapped back to reality, Lin Huang happened to see the dimensional gateway close completely. It turned into a bronze token hovering in the air.

The bruised corpse stepped forward in a flash and grabbed the token, putting it away in Lin Huang's storage space casually. He then shifted his focus onto Grandmistress Wei who was not far away.

Since the Master God's projection was dead, the defense around Grandmistress Wei dropped automatically. However, she was still unconscious.

Lin Huang lifted her up by grabbing her neck before he injected a gush of Divine Power into her body to wake her up.

Grandmistress Wei was in despair when she saw the bruised corpse before her. She had no idea that the Master God's will projection had been there. The last thing she saw before she passed out was the bruised corpse killing the Master God's clone.

One must know that the Master God was her god. Upon witnessing her god collapse before her, she lost all strength to fight Lin Huang.

"Look into my eyes," commanded Lin Huang as he lifted Grandmistress Wei's chin. As if a pebble was tossed into the water, a ripple spread in her bloody pupils.

Grandmistress Wei lifted her head without fighting back, locking eyes with Lin Huang.

She froze in the next second. All she could feel was that she had fallen into a bloody sea. She was deep in the water and could not get out of it.

The bruised corpse's eyes had continuous ripples spiraling within then. In less than two minutes, he retrieved all the information in Grandmistress Wei's head.

After retrieving everything in her head, the killing intent in Lin Huang surged even more.

Wei Clan had done many dirty jobs for God Bless. Human trafficking, smuggling young girls, and drug trafficking were just the tip of the iceberg.

Under Grandmistress Wei's control, every business the Wei Clan had ever transacted became God Bless's source of income. They would do anything that could get them money since there was no moral baseline for them at all. Almost everyone in the Wei Clan was involved in dirty business.

'All of you deserve it,' Lin Huang condemned secretly peeping at the Wei Clan's ancient castle that had turned into ruins. He then shifted his focus back to Grandmistress Wei.

In torn clothes, she actually looked pretty attractive. However, Lin Huang was disgusted by her face.

The bruised arm stretched out and pierced through Grandmistress Wei's chest. A moment later, a Godhead appeared between Lin Huang's fingers.

At that second, Grandmistress Wei snapped back to her senses. She stared terrified at the black Godhead in Lin Huang's hand as her vital signs faded.

She heard the bruised corpse talking to her before she lost consciousness completely, "Since little fatty died by your order, you'll pay for his life with yours."

After removing Grandmistress Wei's Emperor's Heart Ring and picking up the god relic battle armor and sword, Lin Huang tossed her corpse aside casually.

Lin Huang summoned Bloody and the Warlord, getting them to summon their armies to clean up the battlefield.

In less than 20 minutes, the two armies swept all of the loots. They did not let go of the buried items in the Wei Clan's ancient castle which had collapsed.

After putting the loots and the Monster Cards away, Lin Huang got the Ninetails Lynx to release Guan Zhong from its alternate dimension.

Guan Zhong could not help but gulp after glancing at Grandmistress Wei and the Master God's clone not far away as well as Lin Huang who appeared unharmed and the bulky bruised corpse next to him.

He was sent into the Ninetails Lynx's alternate dimension when the Master God's clone showed up. He did not see what happened in the battle later on. However, Lin Huang, who stood intact before him, and the dead bodies scattered on the ground proved the result of the battle.

"Master Emperor…" Although he was the vice president of the Union Government's Agency EA, who was on the same rank as the leaders of many organizations, he could not help but hang his head down in shame before Lin Huang at the moment.

"I've taken the loots. Do you have anything to say about that?" Lin Huang looked at Guan Zhong and spoke calmly.

"Nothing. So, the bodies…"

"Since you're investigating God Bless, I'll leave the bodies to you while I take the Godhead. Also, I'll leave the Wei Clan's information for you guys. You'll have to find out the rest on your own."

"Thank you, Master Emperor!" It was Lin Huang who had killed the people after all. He did not even manage to cheer for him earlier.

Even if Lin Huang took the bodies with him, there was nothing he could say. After all, Lin Huang had the power and ability, hence there was no reason for him to give the Union Government any face.

Lin Huang knew that Guan Zhong must have a high-ranking position in the Union Government since he was a Virtual God, so he said, "Also, I hope that you can tell the Union Government not to interrupt my next mission."

"Could you reveal what your next mission is?" Guan Zhong asked immediately.

"I'll head over to Division 1 to kill the other two God's Messengers directly and destroy God Bless's headquarters. You guys can't do anything to them without any valid reason. Am I right? I'll do it for you guys then."

"That's… against the rules…" Guan Zhong looked aghast.

"It'll be days later by the time you guys are done getting the shreds of evidence. The news of the Wei Clan being destroyed will definitely spread today. If we don't get rid of God Bless's headquarters right now, their people will definitely destroy all the evidence when they hear the news. By then, it'll be difficult for the Union Government to do anything to them.

"In order to eradicate a cancer such as God Bless, you sacrificed your time to spy on the Wei Clan for so many years. Isn't this what you want? You guys just have to turn a blind eye and let me handle this. You guys will only be responsible for cleaning up later. I don't see why not!

"Furthermore, this is the last time I'll get involved in this. You guys will handle their divisions after I get rid of the headquarters. I don't have the time for that."

Guan Zhong fell into silence for a moment and nodded eventually. "Sure! We'll do as you say, Master Emperor."

Chapter 1062: Blessing Trading Group

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sky had turned dark when Lin Huang returned to Division 1.

He did not have the time to look at the loots or to go through Xiao Hei's notifications properly.

Instead of returning to Emperor City, he went straight to where God Bless's headquarters was — the Golden City.

Lin Huang knew that the news of the Wei Clan being destroyed would get to God Bless's headquarters very soon. He had to seize every second.

The No. 1A8 Golden City was a grade-A foothold under the Union Government's territory. It was also one of the most prosperous footholds in Division 1.

The main reason for the Golden City's development was that this foothold was the only grade-A foothold that allowed businesses to be run by underground organizations.

In the Golden City, the Union Government would turn a blind eye to underground businesses as long as it did not do anything against the Union Government's laws publicly. In other words, the Union Government would ignore the businesses as long as they did not do anything inappropriate openly.

Perhaps many did not believe that there was such a shady foothold in Divison 1, but it was the truth. It was an agreement between the underground organizations and the Union Government.

The Golden City sounded like a wonderland filled with gold, but in reality, it was a dirty land with a clean surface. There were all sorts of corrupt and unbearable events secretly happening every day.

In the Golden City, God Bless was called the Blessing Trading Company on the surface. Its main business covered all sorts of genetic elixirs manufacturing and sale. Apart from that, they covered hospitals, medical equipment, and health products.

They had land in the middle of the expensive Golden City and it occupied approximately 800,000 square meters of space.

According to Grandmistress Wei's Memory, God Bless's headquarters was hidden under the land.

Lin Huang saw the Blessing Trading Company's building tens of kilometers away as soon as he stepped out of the dimensional portal.

The Blessing Trading Company's headquarters that was more than 800 meters tall was the third tallest building in Golden City. It stood out even in the middle of Golden City. One could see it clearly from far away.

"Master Emperor, please wait for approximately 20 minutes. I'll prepare the energy shield to prevent the battle impact from reaching the people," said Guan Zhong who came with Lin Huang as soon as they stepped out of the dimensional portal.

Lin Huang nodded by way of permission. God Bless was his target, thus it was unnecessary to harm others.

The entire Golden City might be destroyed if he were to allow his God Figurine's Combat Souls to fight as they fancied without any energy shields. Most people below demigod-level might not be able to take the first impact of a battle among Virtual Gods.

Seeing Guan Zhong summon a dimensional portal and step into it, Lin Huang flew in a flash toward the Blessing Trading Company's building.

He arrived in a business district two blocks from the Blessing Trading Company's land in the blink of an eye.

Since he promised Guan Zhong that he would wait for 20 minutes, he did not want to alert the enemies before that.

After all, his face was familiar to the people from God Bless. He would be detected easily with Divine Telekinesis if he got too close.

Meanwhile, the business district before him was a place that many cultivators frequented. Even if he was within the sensing range of the two God Bless God's Messengers, the duo would not use to Divine Telekinesis to scan for nothing.

As he walked into the crowded business district, Lin Huang soon blended in with the people, appearing like a tourist who had just arrived.

He arrived at a sophisticated-looking medicine store when he was halfway through the street. He could not help but lift his head to look at the sign. The word 'Blessing' was written on it.

Lin Huang hesitated. A silhouette came out of nowhere in the alley next to the store just when he was thinking if he should go in.

"Brother, are you looking for genetic elixirs?" A voice came into Lin Huang's ears all of a sudden.

He turned his head and looked to see a skinny, middle-aged man waving at him in the alley next to Blessing's store.

He walked to the middle-aged man with a raised brow. "Do you sell genetic elixirs?"

"That's right. It's Blessing's elixir, but it's 30% cheaper than the store." The middle-aged man took out a few tubes of elixirs in various colors from his storage space.

"It's so much cheaper. It has to be fake!" Lin Huang raised his suspicion.

"I can guarantee that they're all authentic. It came from Blessing's production line directly. They're cheap because there's no tax and operating fees. To be honest, the profit I'm making from selling to you at a 30% discount is even higher than selling them in the store."

"You said they came from the production line. How would I know if they're authentic?" Lin Huang questioned suspiciously.

"We support product authenticity verification. The store is just next door, so you can verify them after purchasing the product."

"You'll be gone after I've paid and gotten the product. How can I possibly find you if they happen to be fake after the verification?" Lin Huang stood his ground.

"How about this? I'll bring you to Blessing's production line to collect the stuff if you're buying in bulk. They have to be authentic that way, right?" the middle-aged man said.

"So, how many do I have to purchase to be able to collect them from the production line?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"At least 100 tubes." The middle-aged man named his number.

"100 is a little too much… How about 80? I don't have that much money." Lin Huang looked troubled.

"Alright then, 80. Follow me!" The middle-aged man nodded right away and waved at Lin Huang. He then turned around and walked into the alley.

Lin Huang followed him immediately.

He wanted to see what the man was doing exactly. He did not believe that Blessing had such a sales model.

Although the tax and operating fees were high, the daily traffic at the store would be so much higher than the man soliciting sales that way. It was impossible for Blessing to make such low-efficiency sales for the sake of a measly profit.

In the beginning, Lin Huang thought the man was not someone from Blessing. He must be someone who had Blessing's products for some reason and was selling them secretly.

However, he just realized it was not as simple as he thought while he walked to Blessing's building with the man and entered the factory.

The man was clearly from Blessing. However, theoretically, it was impossible that Blessing would do such soliciting. The only possibility was that the middle-aged man had another purpose of getting him into Blessing!

What surprised Lin Huang was that the man really did take him around the production line. His act was thorough.

As they were done visiting the production line, the middle-aged man smiled and said to Lin Huang, "What do you think? I told you that I work at Blessing and you didn't believe me. Do you believe me now?"

"Yes, yes, I believe you," Lin Huang assured immediately, "So, how do we go about the deal?

"The goods in the production line haven't been sent to the warehouse yet. Follow me to the underground warehouse. We'll deal there. If you're still unconvinced after the deal, you can bring them to test at the store since it's nearby," the middle-aged man said.

"Sure!" Lin Huang agreed right away and followed him to the elevator.

The middle-aged man pressed 'B1', but the elevator was still moving after descending for half a minute. Lin Huang figured that something odd was happening.

"Isn't it B1? Why is it taking so long?" Lin Huang asked on purpose. Anyone else would definitely be suspicious if it took so long.

"Due to the cargo demands, this elevator is a little slow. Our underground warehouse is massive, so it takes a long time to get there. Don't worry. We'll arrive soon." The elevator finally stopped just when the middle-aged man was done speaking.

Lin Huang walked out of the elevator behind him.

He looked around to find that it was empty. It was clearly not a warehouse.

"Didn't you say we're going to the warehouse? This can't be the warehouse."

"Of course, this isn't the warehouse." The middle-aged man turned around and grinned maliciously.

At that moment, a silhouette sneaked up behind Lin Huang. Almost at the same time, a burgundy silhouette with a sword appeared behind Lin Huang out of thin air.

When the man swung his sword, the sneaky assassinator was killed from the attack that came without warning. His body was sliced into half and he fell onto the ground.

The man in burgundy armor holding a sword then turned around and stood next to Lin Huang. He looked at the middle-aged man before him smugly.

"So, can you tell me why you've brought me here now?" Lin Huang put both of his hands into his pockets and revealed a harmless smile.

Chapter 1063: Sneaking In

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"This room in the underground is exclusively for people to take care of those who they've deceived. When people are lured here, they'll be beaten until they're unconscious, then their clothes and Emperor's Heart Ring will be taken away. They'll be sedated, cleansed and sterilized. Eventually, they'll be given a Life Power inhibitor shot and put into custom-made cages as test subjects.

"The people who are captured can't fight back at all since they'll be given a Life Power inhibitor shot every day. Moreover, the cages are made of monster bones and metal. Even an imperial-level powerhouse could hardly break it.

"The stubborn ones who fight back will be killed in front of the rest. The rest of them will feel numb eventually and give up fighting, accepting their fate of being test subjects."

Lin Huang finally found out the middle-aged man's real purpose after getting Bloody to read his mind.

There was a specific bunch of people in the Blessing Trading Company who would use the excuse of selling genetic elixirs at cheaper price as bait. The victims who were lured would be trapped by the company like lab rats, allowing them to run all sorts of tests on them.

Naturally, the baiting act was not the Blessing Trading Company's main supply of test subjects. Their main test subjects came from the human trafficking business through black markets. They would look for sources from other channels if the black markets had insufficient supply. The con job Lin Huang encountered was merely one of the supply channels.

The killing intent in Lin Huang spiked after finding that out.

Just when he was going to kill the middle-aged man before him, Bloody's voice came into his ears through voice transmission all of a sudden. "Don't destroy him just yet. The God Messengers' territory will definitely sense something off if you kill too many. We should think of a way to get to the B2 floor to save Chan Dou before our identity is exposed."

Bloody's urging soon calmed Lin Huang down. He put the battle sword in his hand away after taking a glance at the middle-aged man who looked blank before him.

Bloody then began explaining to him through voice transmission, "According to this middle-aged man's memory, there are a total of three floors in the underground of the Blessing Trading Company.

"The first floor is the one that we're currently on. It's mainly for experiments and the modification of living things. The main purpose is to create human warfare weapons that will obey orders. The second floor is a prison for living materials. Not only is it a prison for humans with special skills, but there are also some unique monsters. The third floor is the core floor where God Bless's headquarters located. All major God Bless meetings are held here and all the core information are also stored in this floor. The Master God's clone and the two God Bless God's Messengers live here too.

"Looking at Grandmistress Wei's memory, Chan Dou should be kept on the second floor. Only a handful of people in the entire the Blessing Trading Company has access to the second floor."

"Can't I just go there in specter form?" Lin Huang asked.

"You can't. The Master God set up many barriers in the entire underground. Besides blocking out the Divine Telekinesis detection coming from the ground, each underground level is blocked. Specter's spirit form can't pass through these barriers. Furthermore, the two God's Messengers who control the barriers will sense it as soon as you touch the barrier. The only way of not getting exposed is through the regular channel, which is the elevator."

"So, we need someone who has access to the second floor? And go there with his identity?" Lin Huang figured Bloody's plan out.

"Yes, there happens to be someone like that on this floor."

Lin Huang nodded and agreed after hearing Bloody's plan.

After putting the body on the floor away, he recalled Lancelot into its card form.

Bloody controlled the middle-aged man, who was parasitized, to get a white coat for Lin Huang. As Lin Huang put on the face mask, his eyes were the only thing that was showing, so nobody knew how he looked like. He walked out of the room just like that.

He turned left as he came out of the room and walked straight along the corridor.

He stopped walking when he arrived at the end of the corridor before a room on his right. He said to the people inside, "Is Sir Chen here?"

"He went to the cage room," a man in white coat replied casually.

"You need an ID card to enter the cage room," Bloody reminded him through voice transmission.

"Oh, thanks." Lin Huang thanked him while smiling. He stretched his Divine Telekinesis out and stole the person's ID card from his chest secretly. He then turned around and walked to the cage room.

The Sir Chen that he mentioned was the person-in-charge of the current floor they were on. He was also the only person who had access to the second floor. Apart from that, he was also the disciple to the person-in-charge of the second floor, Wang Lao.

The cage room the man in the white coat mentioned was the lab to test living things on the first underground floor.

Soon, Lin Huang arrived at the entrance of the cage room according to the middle-aged man's memory.

After he scanned the ID card he stolen on the sensor at the door, the door to the cage room opened automatically. He walked in and clipped the ID card on his chest casually.

The room was massive with endless black metal cages stacked in the room. There were at least 10,000 cages in his field of vision.

Most of the cages were empty. Only a quarter of them had living things in them. The living things captured in the cages were riled up when they heard someone coming in.

It was the cage room on the first underground floor. Apart from the regular eating and shitting time twice a day as well as the occasional lab test, these test subjects were kept here at all times.

As Lin Huang scanned through the cages with his Divine Telekinesis, he found out that there were over 3,000 living things in there. Most of them were in human form, and some of them even retained their human parts.

He saw a few female monsters who obviously had pert breasts. Some of the monsters clearly had human faces and skin, making them appear like humans with abnormal growth. However, most of them had lost their human characteristics.

Furthermore, the living things in those cages seemed to have experienced severe intelligence deterioration as they moved like wild beasts. All of them looked like they had an instinct to attack.

"None of these living things in the cages are in the monster guide. They're most probably new species modified from humans," Bloody voiced its speculation.

"God Bless!" Lin Huang clenched his fists angrily. Although he had heard of such organizations in the Golden City much earlier, he was boiling in rage when he witnessed these modified monsters with his own eyes.

At that second, a silhouette walked out of the darkness not far away. Lin Huang contained his emotions and walked up to the person.

He called out before the person spoke, "Sir Chen, you're here."

"You are…?" A man wearing golden-framed glasses looked at Lin Huang in confusion. Although Lin Huang was wearing a mask, his voice and face were unfamiliar. However, he did not figure that an outsider had invaded. Instead, he was trying to figure out who the person was.

Lin Huang arrived in front of him just when he was contemplating to himself. Bloody stretched a tentacle from Lin Huang's sleeve and wound it around his neck.

In the next second, it released its tentacle. The man in the glasses froze.

Lin Huang removed his face mask and took out a golden mask from his storage space. When he put the mask on, his appearance soon looked exactly like the man in the glasses.

Lin Huang removed the man's golden-framed glasses and put them on. He then removed the ID card on the man's chest and clipped it on himself.

Just when he was done with the disguise, Bloody stretched a tentacle out and put it on his forehead. It transferred the man's memory to Lin Huang after arranging it.

The door to the cage room opened a moment later. A man in glasses wearing a white coat walked out and headed towards the elevator.

Chapter 1064: Your Master God is Doing Great Down There

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After entering the elevator, Lin Huang scanned the ID card, then verified his fingerprints and irises of both eyes. The elevator descended to the second floor.

He was relieved to have passed through all the verification processes.

Approximately ten seconds later, the elevator arrived at the second underground floor. Lin Huang then walked out of it.

Following the memory of the man in the glasses, Lin Huang walked towards the observation room where Chan Dou was captured.

He bumped into a few men in white coats along the way. Lin Huang followed the man in the glasses' habit whereby he ignored them directly.

He saw an old man with gray hair and two middle-aged men working on something as he walked into the observation room.

"Sir," Lin Huang greeted the old man and turned his head to look at the room behind the observation glass.

There was a naked, muscular man who had all his limbs bound by black shackles in the room. Even his neck was locked.

There were all sorts of wounds on his body. He had clearly gone through inhumane torment.

There was a black monster that looked like mud stuck on his shaved head. It seemed to be hurting him, causing him to struggle and groan.

Lin Huang's eyes turned bitter upon seeing Chan Dou's devastating state.

"Why did you come today?" Wang Lao's voice echoed behind Lin Huang. He sounded pretty surprised.

"The new toxin lab report is out. I went to your office earlier, but you weren't there, so I figured you should be here." Lin Huang swiveled around while smiling. "How is it so far? Is there any progress?"

"It's progressing really slowly. The god item in his body is very powerful and has been protecting his consciousness, preventing him from collapsing. I've been getting the Rotten Soul Beast to insert all sorts of spiritual toxins into his body. However, with that god item, the corroded part of his soul has been regenerating each day.

"But I heard the new spiritual toxin that you guys have developed has a pretty astounding effect. I'll take a look at the report later and see if I can add it in."

"I'll send you the report," Lin Huang responded and walked to Wang Lao while grinning.

Bloody stretched a tentacle from Lin Huang's sleeve all of a sudden when he stood still before the old man. It turned into a pile of gooey mess stuck on his face directly. It sealed his mouth and nose, stopping him from releasing any sound.

Wang Lao stood at an angle where his back was facing the two other people in the lab. He blocked Bloody's action completely, so the two researchers who were not cultivators did not notice anything off at all.

After casting a parasite on Wang Lao, Lin Huang walked past him and headed toward the two people in the lab.

He patted their shoulders while smiling. "Thanks for your hard work."

Almost at the same time, Bloody stretched its tentacle again and completed the parasitization.

The reason Bloody used close-range parasitization instead of Leech Pods was that Leech Pods could be detected within the territory of powerhouses above imperial-level. To prevent their identities from being exposed, Bloody could only perform close-range parasitization which was slightly more troublesome.

The parasitized Wang Lao opened the door to the room where Chan Dou was captured under Bloody's control. Lin Huang followed behind him.

Almost at the same time that the duo walked into the room, the Rotten Soul Beast extended its tentacles toward the both of them. However, it was immediately swallowed by the Undead Styx that Lin Huang had summoned.

Lin Huang removed the shackles on Chan Dou's body and took a blanket out from his storage space to cover his body up. He then got the Ninetails Lynx to send him into its alternate dimension.

The Rotten Soul Beast was dead, but the remnants of the spiritual toxin in Chan Dou's body did not vanish right away. It would take time for it to get out of his system, so Chan Dou would be unconscious for a while.

A voice came out of nowhere just when Lin Huang sent Chan Dou into the alternate dimension.

"I thought some rat came to our base. I didn't know it's someone so important!"

Lin Huang did not expect to be exposed, but he was not entirely surprised. The person must have done something to Chan Dou and found out that something was off as soon as Chan Dou disappeared. Lin Huang did a quick check on himself with his Divine Telekinesis and found that his disguise was perfectly fine.

Two silhouettes soon appeared not far away from him.

One of them had a muscular body with a stiff expression and a strong aura. The other looked sullen with an unfathomable aura.

Lin Huang soon found out about the duo's identity through Grandmistress Wei's memories.

The muscular one was called Gao Ming while the sullen one was called Qi Shihan. The duo had a combat strength of Virtual God rank-3 which was even more powerful than Grandmistress Wei.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the Emperor Dynasty, aren't you?" Qi Shihan's tone sounded like he was taunting Lin Huang. "Why are you here in my Blessing Trading Company in the middle of the night?"

"Ah, it's great that you recognize me. I can save time introducing myself." Lin Huang had to stall since Guan Zhong had yet to come back to him. Clearly, he was not done building the energy shield.

"Did you ask why I'm here in the Blessing Trading Company in the middle of the night? I didn't want to come, but it was your staff who invited me here. I saw a store in the business district earlier, and I wanted to go in. There was a guy in the alley next to the store who told me that he's your staff and that I could get 30% off on the elixir if I buy it from him. He even enthusiastically invited me to visit your production line. In the end, he brought me underground after the visit was done. Someone even attacked me, so I killed the person. I couldn't find the exit for a long time and ended up on this floor for some reason."

"It seems like both of you are the Blessing Trading Company leaders. You guys should know how do I get out of this horrible place. Am I right?"

The duo looked dumbfounded after being mocked by Lin Huang. They finally found out how he had sneaked in, and they also knew that he was playing dumb.

"He's stalling. He might have partners," Gao Ming spoke through a voice transmission, "His partners might have blended in with the staff, so it'll take time for us to check one by one."

"Lock the place down to prevent them from escaping. I'll bring him up to lure his partners out! His identity is rather sensitive. We must kill everyone who came with him. Spare nobody's lives!" Qi Shihan replied through voice transmission.

The voice transmission ended with them merely locking eyes.

Gao Ming disappeared right away while Qi Shihan forced a smile. "I see. Let me send you out, Master Emperor." Qi Shihan brought Lin Huang to the elevator as he spoke.

With plans of their own, Qi Shihan and Lin Huang remained silent in the elevator. None of them spoke again.

Lin Huang's Emperor's Heart Ring vibrated all of a sudden when the elevator arrived on the first floor and they walked out.

It was a message from Guan Zhong whom he just added into his contact list. There were only two words in the message: 'It's done!'

Next to him, Qi Shihan peeped at the screen. He did not understand what the two words meant. However, he had a bad omen upon seeing the smirk on Lin Huang's lips.

At that moment, Lin Huang turned around and looked at him. He smirked. "Your Master God asked me to send his regards. He wants to tell you that he's doing great down there, but he's lacking two strong men to serve him."

Chapter 1065: Fighting Virtual Gods Again

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qi Shihan and Gao Ming were petrified when they heard what Lin Huang said.

Both of them knew that the Master God's clone had left to handle something not long ago, but they had no idea where he went.

They did not think of much when they saw Lin Huang. However, they were concerned when they heard him mention their Master God.

The Master God had just left less than 20 minutes ago and Lin Huang came to them coincidentally. Besides exposing the existence of God Bless and the Master God, he even knew where Chan Dou was captured. They could not help but suspect that something had happened to the Master God.

'Could Mr. Fu be the one who attacked?' The duo looked at each other with the same thought flashing through their minds almost at the same time.

They knew that the Master God's clone had a combat strength of Virtual God rank-9, and there were very few powerhouses in this gravel world who could fight him. Among those countable powerhouses, Mr. Fu, who was Lin Huang's master, was the only person who was related to him.

The duo spread their Divine Telekinesis as they thought of this detail. They were searching for all the possibilities.

Naturally, they could not detect Mr. Fu from the hunt. However, Guan Zhong and the other two Union Government Virtual Gods were completely exposed.

Qi Shihan and Gao Ming were getting more and more concerned after sensing three Virtual Gods hiding nearby.

Lin Huang summoned three God Figurine's Combat Souls which were the Destructive Divine Mammoth, the Ninetails Lynx, and the Enchanted Fairy as soon as he was done speaking.

However, what Lin Huang did next confused Qi Shihan and Gao Ming.

'Is he using his few imperial beasts as bait? I guess the three Virtual Gods hiding nearby will attack us as soon as we move an inch.'

The duo saw through Lin Huang's plan like a piece of cake. They had their guard up against the three Virtual Gods hiding nearby, and they did not want to attack first.

Lin Huang had no idea that Guan Zhong and the rest were exposed. He felt puzzled when the two God Bless God's Messengers did nothing to him despite what he said earlier.

The confused thought flashed by his mind and vanished. Lin Huang then gave the Destructive Divine Mammoth and the Ninetails Lynx his orders right away.

He could unleash hell since Guan Zhong had completed the setup of the energy shield.

The Ninetails Lynx could no longer wait and disappeared in a flash as soon as it heard the order.

The Destructive Divine Mammoth did not go after it. Instead, he stood where he was and lifted his front feet high. He stomped hard after releasing a long, deafening shriek.

The gigantic feet came from the sky like two pillars, they were stomping above the two God's Messengers' heads.

Until then, Qi Shihan and Gao Ming, who initially ignored the three God Figurine's Combat Souls, had a dramatic change of expression.

The duo clearly sensed the intense danger coming from the Destructive Divine Mammoth's attack. Just when they were about to dodge, they realized they could no longer move.

It was the effect of the Destructive Divine Mammoth's power. As long as the opponents were not more powerful than him, they basically could not break away from the seal.

As the grayish-black gigantic feet that seemed like pillars consolidated in the air, a white silhouette passed by the duo.

Almost at the same time, Qi Shihan and Gao Ming's clothes were all torn. The god relic battle armors in their bodies were revealed automatically, protecting their bodies.

Divine Power was rushing into their god relic battle armor as the deafening noise of thousands of dense metal colliding roared. The armor blocked the attack head-on.

The attack that came out of nowhere jolted the both of them, and their backs were drenched in sweat.

They only saw a white silhouette pass by, but they did not see how it attacked at all. What was even scarier was that the silhouette's single blow had drained close to a fifth of the Divine Power in their bodies.

The white silhouette that zoomed by was naturally Lin Huang's God Figurine's Combat Soul, the Ninetails Lynx.

Clearly, the little white cat was upset that its maximum effort attack was obstructed by the god relic battle armor on their bodies. It wanted to defeat them before the Destructive Divine Mammoth did.

The Ninetails Lynx manifested itself in the air when its attack was to no avail.

It had hair as white as snow, and it was only the size of a palm. It looked like a cute, harmless animal that any animal lover would want to pet.

However, Qi Shihan and Gao Ming had no intention of petting the cat at all. They looked terrified and worried when they looked at this cute, little creature.

Just when the duo was shocked by the Ninetails Lynx's ability, two giant pillars came from the sky. They stomped above the duo's heads, and it was as if an elephant was trampling on two ants.

The grayish-black silhouette came down like a mountain collapsing. The duo's Divine Power rushed out and collided with the two gigantic legs above their heads.

The enormous legs collided with their sword glows in the blink of an eye.

Two dazzling white glows lit up at the collision point. The impact of the Divine Power and Life Power spread towards all directions as endless wind energy blew all around.

The buildings within the Blessing Trading Company's property were crushed into dust. However, thanks to a layer of energy shield outside the land, nothing else was impacted at all.

Meanwhile, a white crystal arc wall consolidated around Lin Huang's body that was situated in the middle of the battlefield. All the impact of the energy and the wind were blocked.

It was naturally the Enchanted Fairy next to him who had done that.

The jaws of the two Virtual Gods, who were responsible for holding up the shield, dropped as they witnessed the battle outside the shield.

Never had he thought that the two imperial-level purple gold-rank imperial beasts could fight two God Bless Virtual God rank-3s head-on. Furthermore, they clearly had the upper hand.

Watching the battle aside, Guan Zhong had a rather complicated expression on his face. He had witnessed Lin Huang destroying the Wei Clan before. Although he did not watch the battle with the Master God, he did witness the ability of Lin Huang's 'imperial beasts'. He was shocked to watch the 'imperial beasts' fight again as an outsider.

Apart from that, he secretly exclaimed about how Dynasty had played their cards right by getting Lin Huang to be their Emperor.

Although he did not want to see Dynasty rising in the Union Government's shoes, that was almost a sure case. He just hoped that Lin Huang could take everyone into consideration as an Emperor because he did not want a war to break out among the people.

For the sake of building a solid relationship with Lin Huang, he ignored the Union Government's rules and allowed Lin Huang to carry on with his mission secretly. He even became an accomplice, getting people to help build the energy shield. If the Emperor was just a mediocre person, prohibiting the mission aside, it would be nice of him not to put the person into the Union Prison.

In the battlefield, Lin Huang was not sure if he should laugh or cry. The opponents were Virtual God rank-3s after all, which was the reason why Lin Huang had gotten both his God Figurine's Combat Souls, the Ninetails Lynx and the Destructive Divine Mammoth, to fight them. His initial plan was to get them to fight one-on-one. In the end, the two God Figurine's Combat Souls chose to fight both of them. In addition to that, they went all out as soon as they attacked.

Qi Shihan and Gao Ming's performance rendered him speechless. Their jaws dropped upon seeing the two imperial beasts' ability at the beginning of the battle. Almost half of their Divine Power was drained after merely one match.

"We can't be slacking like this. The duo is clearly quadruple mutated mythical-level monsters. Their abilities are too terrifying. Our Divine Power will be completely drained if they attack again! We must kill Lin Huang as soon as we can!" Qi Shihan hissed to Gao Ming in a panicked tone through voice transmission.

"There's another monster guarding him. It's probably also a quadruple mutated monster. I'm afraid it'll be hard to kill." Gao Ming frowned, seeming rather beaten. Both of them never expected Lin Huang's imperial beasts to be so powerful.

"I'll distract the guard and lure the three imperial beasts to attack me. However, you'll only have one chance to attack. I won't have any Divine Power left to defend the next attack if you fail. They won't be lured the second time." Qi Shihan's expression was extremely grim as he warned him.


Chapter 1066: God Bless Has Fallen

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The two dazzling white glows dimmed gradually. The two God Bless God's Messengers did not look like they were in the best shape.

The two God Figurine's Combat Souls' single attack had drained almost half of their Divine Power.

Qi Shihan moved before the white glows faded completely. He was going after Lin Huang.

Although the Enchanted Fairy was guarding the front of Lin Huang, the Ninetails Lynx and the Destructive Divine Mammoth left Gao Ming behind anyway and went after Qi Shihan in an attempt to stop him.

Qi Shihan shook his body and released hundreds of clones that charged at Lin Huang from different directions.

The Ninetails Lynx and the Destructive Divine Mammoth attacked the hundreds of clones one after another, but they did not find Qi Shihan himself.

The Enchanted Fairy waved her sleeve upon seeing that the clones were arriving before Lin Huang. The area hundreds of kilometers before Lin Huang turned into a snowfield.

The clones turned into ice sculptures, and only one silhouette broke out among the ice sculptures. It was running away quickly in the opposite direction, appearing to flee.

The Enchanted Fairy went after it without hesitation.

Right at that moment, a muscular silhouette appeared behind Lin Huang. The battle sword in his hand turned into a bloody glow and aimed towards Lin Huang's waist.

The bloody sword glow froze all of a sudden when it was approximately a meter away from him.

Then, he stepped out and flashed hundreds of meters away.

Only then did the frozen red glow penetrate where Lin Huang was originally standing.

Lin Huang, who was completely unharmed hundreds of meters away, turned around slowly with a smirk at Gao Ming who had attacked him sneakily.

"Did you really think I didn't take my personal safety into consideration? You thought I only got the Enchanted Fairy to protect me, didn't you?" Lin Huang stretched his palm out as he spoke. A golden clock hovered above his palm.

It was Lin Huang's God's Figurine's Combat Soul, the Creation Clock.

He did not actually just summon the Creation Clock. Instead, he had summoned it at the same time when he summoned the Ninetails Lynx in the beginning. It was just that he got the Ninetails Lynx to send the Creation Clock into its alternate dimension.

The Creation Clock had been watching the battle in the alternate dimension. When it saw Gao Ming attack, it penetrated the alternate dimension with the Ninetails Lynx's paw print and blocked the attack.

Due to restriction on its combat strength, the Creation Clock could not use many of its powerful abilities at that moment. However, its limited abilities could constrain many powerhouses.

The technique used to defend Gao Ming was called the Time Gully. It targeted the area behind Lin Huang and slowed time down by a million times. That was the reason why the sword glow froze in the middle of the action.

After Lin Huang dodged the attack, the Creation Clock removed the effect, so the sword glow went back to its normal attack speed.

Naturally, Lin Huang would not mention the Creation Clock's secret to his opponent.

Just when Gao Ming was going to attack again due to his missed shot, the Ninetails Lynx began attacking him. It slapped his face hard and shot him out.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, Qi Shihan, whose Divine Power was drained, was completely frozen into an ice sculpture by the Enchanted Fairy. Although he was not dead yet, his vital signs were deteriorating.

His earlier attack was fancy as he had released the clones first to pretend to attack Lin Huang and pretended to run to lure the Enchanted Fairy away.

As he was chased by the three God Figurine's Combat Souls, he managed to summon his God's Figurine's Combat Soul in time. He defended himself from the three God Figurine's Combat Souls' fierce attack, preventing his death on the spot.

However, his fancy technique did not stop the three God Figurine's Combat Souls from suppressing him together. His Divine Power drained eventually and the Enchanted Fairy turned him into an ice sculpture.

After tossing the frozen Qi Shihan at Lin Huang's feet, the Enchanted Fairy followed behind the Ninetails Lynx and the Destructive Divine Mammoth to join in the fight against Gao Ming.

Gao Ming ran for his life looking troubled. He knew that the battle on Qi Shin's side had ended when he saw the Ninetails Lynx.

Qi Shihan merely held on for less than three seconds under the duress of Lin Huang's three imperial beasts.

Without even thinking, Gao Ming gave up the thought of fighting Lin Huang and fled immediately.

However, in the next second, he realized that the area around the Blessing Trading Company had been sealed. The layer of shield killed his last hope of running for his life. He swung his sword at the shield, appearing ferocious as he attempted to shatter the shield to run for his life.

As the sword glow powered up, the shield went through a tremor as if there was an earthquake. However, it did not shatter.

Gao Ming's eyes lit up when he saw that. So, the shield was not as powerful as he thought.

Just when he was going to swing his sword to break the shield again, a giant pillar locked onto him from the sky.

The Destructive Divine Mammoth in the black armor that was not far away stared at him coldly. It then stomped both its feet.

At the same time, the Ninetails Lynx and the Enchanted Fairy tore forward at the same time.

The god relic armor on Gao Ming's body merely held on for approximately a second and went back into his body. His Divine Power drained out and he turned into an ice sculpture from the white crystal-like snow.

In less than three minutes, Lin Huang had killed two Virtual God rank-3 powerhouses.

Watching this, Guan Zhong forced a smile. The two Virtual Gods, who were responsible for holding the defense up, were shocked.

In the beginning, they thought Gao Ming was weak since he had been suppressed by three imperial beasts. However, the sword Gao Ming charged earlier proved that he was definitely one of the top powerhouses in this gravel world.

The shield was made of a god item. The duo was only responsible for maintaining it by inserting Divine Power.

However, Gao Ming's single swing of his sword drained half of the Divine Power in their bodies. One could imagine that his ability surpassed the duo by heaps. However, such a powerhouse could not even hold on for a minute when facing the three imperial beasts.

Looking at the two ice sculptures that were tossed in front of him, Lin Huang summoned the Warlord. "Grab the loot."

The Warlord released thousands of mechanical puppets and began searching for loots.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang took the bruised corpse out and synced his consciousness with it.

The bruised corpse soon opened its bloody eyes and pressed the frozen Gao Ming's head. The white ice melted right away, exposing the head.

Gao Ming heard a voice in his ears as his weak consciousness just woke up. "Look into my eyes."

In the next second, his consciousness was completely drowned in a bloody sea.

A moment later, Lin Huang stretched his arm out, penetrating the ice directly. He pierced his hand into Gao Ming's chest and took a gray Godhead out.

As he let go of his hand that was squeezing Gao Ming's head, the half-frozen body collapsed to the ground.

The bruised corpse then turned around and held onto Qi Shin's head, pulling it up. After repeating the same steps, he let go of his hand and tossed Qi Shin's body onto the ground.

Lin Huang spread his Divine Telekinesis out after getting the Enchanted Fairy to defrost both bodies. He took out the duo's Emperor's Heart Rings and god relic battle armors that came out. He picked all of the weapons up and put them away in his storage space.

A Virtual God outside the shield could not help but ask Guan Zhong, "I'll turn a blind eye to him killing everyone, but how are we supposed to get the information from the God Bless God's Messengers if he's taking the Emperor's Heart Rings?"

"I've already discussed this with the Emperor. He'll take the loot while we'll have the information. He'll send us the information after the unlocking is done," Guan Zhong explained, feeling rather helpless. He had no authority in the matter at all, so he dared not ask for it even if Lin Huang refused to give him the information.

The Virtual Gods said nothing else after hearing that.

Chapter 1067: Saved A Sum of Processing Fee

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Saved A Sum of Processing Fee

Destroying God Bless's headquarters was much easier than Lin Huang imagined.

After all, Wu Mo and he had gotten rid of the biggest trouble in the battle back in Division 2, which were the Master God's clone and the Master God's will projection.

The most powerful beings at God Bless's headquarters were just the two Virtual God rank-3 God's Messengers. Their ability was pretty similar to the Grandmistress. Naturally, it was easy for Lin Huang to kill them.

Meanwhile, the Blessing Trading Company and God Bless's headquarters were completely destroyed as a result of the virtual god-level battle. Not only did the Blessing Trading Company's building which was the third highest in Golden City collapse, but the other buildings around also turned to dust. Even the three levels deep in the underground were completely destroyed.

The God Bless members in the buildings were killed by the impact of the battle. Lin Huang scanned the structure with his Divine Telekinesis, but he did not find a single living thing around the entire property.

Approximately half an hour later, Guan Zhong only walked in after seeing that Lin Huang was done searching for the loot and had even recalled his imperial beasts.

"Like always, I'll take the loot and you can have the bodies and the information." Lin Huang nodded at Guan Zhong. He knew Guan Zhong was fulfilling his promise since he only walked in after he was done searching for the loot.

"God Bless only has their branch broken at the moment, but their roots are much deeper than we can ever imagine. It's not news that they're scattered in all of the other organizations with their influence. It's best that you guys check your Union Government departments and get rid of the spies. We'll have to eradicate everyone in God Bless, or else, they'll bounce back again.

"God Bless's ultimate goal is to bring their Master God back. Their Master God is a ninth-rank True God, so it'll definitely be a deadly catastrophe for us if he really comes. Even if he's rejected by this gravel world, he should be able to stay until he has killed all the rebels."

Guan Zhong responded to Lin Huang's reminder.

"We'll take note of whatever Master Emperor said but is it possible if you provide us some help?"

"What kind of help do you need?" Lin Huang asked while raising his brow.

"The spies name list." Guan Zhong did not bother to beat around the bush and told what he most desired. "I suppose you've retrieved the memories of the three God's Messengers before you killed them, haven't you? If I guessed correctly, there should be a list of spies who went into the Union Government in their memories."

"Won't you retrieve their memories when you brought back the bodies? Is it necessary to get a list from me now?" Lin Huang asked.

"It's necessary indeed." Guan Zhong nodded while explaining in all seriousness, "It takes time to break into a corpse's memory. There might be a loss of information during the process of memory retrieval. In comparison, the memories that you read are much more complete."

"I'm just worried what those spies will do when they hear about God Bless being destroyed."

"Will you believe the list that I give you? Aren't you afraid that I'll give you a fake list to sabotage the Union Government?" Lin Huang asked while grinning.

"We'll verify it. It's impossible for us to execute with one name list alone," Guan Zhong explained honestly.

"Alright then. I'll give you the list but it's not free," Lin Huang said and named his condition, "After you guys are done investigating God Bless, send me a complete copy of the report. I want the report with the highest authorization."

"That shouldn't be a problem. I can promise you that," Guan Zhong agreed.

"I'll send you the list after I've sorted it out."

"So… Shall we take over the rest now?" Guan Zhong asked Lin Huang.

"Please take over," Lin Huang replied.

Just when he was summoning his dimensional portal to leave, he stopped walking out of the blue and turned his head to ask Guan Zhong, "The intel department of your Union Government should be able to unlock Emperor's Heart Rings. Am I right? Can you unlock a batch of rings for me for free?"

Guan Zhong looked puzzled upon hearing the request. He thought to himself, 'Do you really lack money to pay for the processing fee?'

However, it was merely a thought. Guan Zhong still promised to do that for him.

Unlocking Emperor's Heart Rings was not difficult, and the Union Government would do it once almost every month. It was no different adding Lin Huang's batch to the monthly activity line-up.

Lin Huang was delighted to hear the firm answer. He had gotten quite a number of Emperor's Heart Rings from God Bless this round, and there should be a load of good stuff in them. After all, those were everything God Bless had accumulated for hundreds of years. The processing fee would definitely be high if he got someone to unlock them for him. Getting the Union Government to do it for him for free would mean him saving a hefty sum of processing fees.

"I won't disturb your work. Remember to contact me to unlock the Emperor's Heart Rings when you're done with your stuff," Lin Huang said and summoned a dimensional portal which he stepped into.

Guan Zhong only called out to the two Virtual Gods after seeing that Lin Huang had disappeared, "You guys can remove the energy shield now. Change it to an illusion shield to prevent people from coming in. Also, the longer the shield can maintain, the better. Don't tell anyone about God Bless being destroyed. Just drag it out as long as you can."

"Then, get people to clean this ruins as soon as possible and sort out the information from here."

Guan Zhong then fell into busy mode.

It was midnight when Lin Huang returned to Emperor City. Huang Tianfu was relieved to see him finally return after having gone missing for a day.

However, he looked rather surprised when he took the Star Titan's ring from Lin Huang because the Star Titan was damaged pretty badly.

However, since it was a god relic airship, it would fix itself as long as sufficient Divine Power was provided.

Huang Tianfu was not upset that the airship was damaged. He was just surprised and wondered what kind of opponent Lin Huang had encountered which resulted in such destruction.

He did not know that the Star Titan was not attacked since the beginning until the end. It was just 'baptized' by the impact of the two true god-level powerhouses' battle.

After returning the airship filled with Divine Stones to Huang Tianpu while feeling sorry, Lin Huang turned around and returned to his Emperor Palace.

The first thing he did as soon as he sat on the throne was neither to look at the loot nor glimpse at the card. Instead, he got the Ninetails Lynx to release Chan Dou from its alternate dimension.

Lin Huang frowned slightly after seeing that Chan Dou, who was wrapped in a blanket, was still out of it.

"Is Chan Dou going to be okay?"

"His soul has been corroded by the Rotten Soul Beast's spiritual toxin for a long time. Judging by the speed of his recovery, it'll take at least half a month for him to wake up. Moreover, due to his soul that's so severely damaged, he might suffer from a certain level of memory loss," the stone tablet's voice came calmly.

Chapter 1068: The Fourth God's Messenger

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Memory loss…" Lin Huang scowled. "Can it be recovered?"

"I'm not sure about that. Soul damages are rather complicated. If the memory root is affected, it's impossible to fix no matter what.

"Theoretically, it can be fixed if it's just the projection of memory root in his consciousness, but determining how long it would take to recover depends on his body and the level of damage. Maybe a few days if it's short and decades if it's long. It could even go up to 100 years."

Lin Huang fell into deep thought after hearing the stone tablet's uncertain answer. He gave up the thought of sending Chan Dou home.

He figured there might be God Bless spies in the Chan Clan when Chan Dou had been attacked back then.

Now that he was in a coma, it would mean that he had lost the ability to protect himself. If Lin Huang were to send him back just like that, Chan Dou would be at risk, so it would be safer to keep him in Dynasty instead.

Lin Huang had made up his mind to place Chan Dou at Dynasty for the time being. He would decide if he should send him home when he woke up. He then asked two guards to come after glancing at the man wrapped in the blanket with a filthy face.

"Clean him up and bring some clean clothes. The fewer people know about this, the better."

The reason why Lin Huang added the last sentence was that Chan Dou's face was familiar to many. If too many people saw him, the news might spread outside Dynasty. By then, Chan Dou's presence in Dynasty would be exposed and it might even cause many to think it was Dynasty who had captured him.

However, the two guards had no idea about that at all. They realized it was a man wrapped in the blanket and he obviously was not properly dressed. They gawked rather awkwardly at Lin Huang.

After getting the two guards to bring Chan Dou away, Lin Huang thought about it and asked Xiao Mo to come.

As he chatted with Xiao Mo for a while, the guards brought Chan Dou, who was cleaned up and dressed, back to the Emperor Palace.

Lin Huang only said to Xiao Mo after getting rid of the guards, "You'll be responsible for this guy's safety for the next half a month or so. I don't trust anyone else to do that."

Xiao Mo turned his head and looked at Chan Dou who was lying on the stretcher. He was stunned when he saw the man. He asked doubtfully, "Is he Chan Dou?!"

Lin Huang nodded. "You know him too?'

"Of course, I do. He's one of the Five Princes, the most powerful powerhouse among the young generation. Everyone in our generation knows him, and many of the Purple Crow's female members are fans of the Five Princes. Many of them are Chan Dou's fans," Xiao Mo explained while smiling.

"But I heard he went missing a few months ago. It created a stir on the Heart Network. Why is he in Dynasty?"

"God Bless took him, but I've just rescued him today." Lin Huang waved his hand as he spoke after noticing Xiao Mo was going to ask more, "We'll talk about this in the future when there's time."

"This guy's soul is damaged, thus he might only wake up at least half a month later. It's not entirely safe to bring him back to the Chan Clan. I thought about it and thought it's better to keep him in Dynasty and figure out what to do next when he wakes up. His identity is rather sensitive, so I don't trust others to take care of him and I'm afraid that the news might leak. I only trust you to take care of him. I'll leave him in your hands for the next half a month."

"Sure, I'm on it," Xiao Mo responded and promised right away.

"Notify me as soon as Chan Dou wakes up."

"Also, I'll get Xin Er to cultivate properly during this period of time and we won't disturb you. Somebody else will take care of her safety," Lin Huang added.

"It's alright. I can take up more responsibility." Xiao Mo saw Lin Huang taking a careful look at him while smiling as he spoke. The entire Emperor Palace fell into a dead silence. He could not help but gulp nervously. "I think Sister Xin should really spend more time on cultivating."

"Alright, that's settled." Lin Huang patted Xiao Mo's shoulder in satisfaction.

After sending Xiao Mo off with Chan Dou, the doors of the Emperor Palace were shut.

Lin Huang summoned Bloody and shared the memories he had retrieved from the three God's Messengers with it.

It was a little unfortunate that he did not manage to read the Master God's memory.

When the Master God's clone was killed, its will projection arrived before Wu Mo could read his memory. Later on, when the will projection was killed, it faded into energy and vanished. Wu Mo fell into a deep sleep while the bruised corpse could only read a living being's mind through their eyes. Therefore, Lin Huang did not retrieve the Master God's memory.

Fortunately, there was quite some information on the three God's Messengers' memories. It covered almost every secret about God Bless.

Soon, Bloody sorted out the list of spies and shared the complete list with Lin Huang.

Fulfilling his promise, Lin Huang sent the list of the spies in the Union Government to Guan Zhong after adding encryption to it.

Approximately five to six minutes after he sent the list over, his Emperor's Heart Ring began to vibrate. It was Guan Zhong calling.

As the video call connected, Guan Zhong's upper body was projected clearly. His expression was rather grim.

"Master Emperor, are you sure that everyone on the list is a God Bless spy?"

"That's the complete list I compiled after reading the three God's Messengers' memories. Of course, I only gave you those who are in the Union Government. I guarantee you that all the names on the list came from the three God's Messengers' memories. I made none of them up." Lin Huang gave a firm answer.

"I know you're in disbelief that your superior, the president of Agency EA, who is also its founder, is a God Bless spy. However, I must tell you that this is the truth. The man named Zhuge Feifan has been a God Bless member since 700 years ago. He received the Master God's order directly to become a spy in the Union Government. He founded Agency EA later, which was also the Master God's order."

"I'm sure it's not hard for you to guess what Zhuge Feifan's position is."

Guan Zhong fell into silence for a moment and spat two words out forcefully, "God's Messenger."

"That's right. He's the most secretive God's Messenger in God Bless whereby only the Master God and the other three God's Messengers know his name in the entire organization."

"He's my master…" Guan Zhong clenched his fists so hard that they were going to bleed.

He had been working with Agency EA for years, so he had read through everything about Lin Huang ever since he became the Emperor of Dynasty. He knew how Lin Huang was like, and he also knew that it was impossible for Lin Huang to do such a thing.

"You guys can verify and check through the authenticity of the list. No matter what, everything that happens next is on the Union Government. I won't be interfering unless you want me to."

"I'm happy to kill a God's Messenger again. I've already killed three after all, and I won't be at peace if the last one is still alive."

The reason why Lin Huang did not go after this fourth God's Messenger after ending God Bless' headquarters was that this particular God's Messenger had a sensitive identity. There was no way that he could kill him recklessly.

"There's no need to trouble you, Master Emperor. We'll handle it on our own. It's the Union Government's internal conflict after all." Guan Zhong's heart sank. He hung the phone up after some small talk.

Lin Huang could not help but say after sighing as he hung up. "I hope the Union Government will execute this guy as soon as possible so that he won't be able to do anything disastrous."

Chapter 1069: God-slaying Power and Origin God's Heart

Translator:EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor:EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang glanced at the time after his call with Guan Zhong ended. It was almost 9 p.m. He shook his head while forcing a smile, feeling helpless.

He did not even have the time to go through Xiao Hei's notifications due to his busy day earlier.

Now, he finally had the time to look at the notifications that had popped up earlier.

"Congratulations, you've killed a True God. You've won the title of Godslayer!"

"Congratulations, you've obtained a rule power — the God-slaying Power!"

"Congratulations, you've obtained a god item — the Origin God's Heart!"

Killing humans did not earn any cross-ranking reward. There was an extremely low probability of the deceased's items falling off including their skills, secret skills, divine abilities, divine skills, items, equipment, and cards.

However, Lin Huang had terrible luck this time. He did not even obtain a single Skill Card or Equipment Card from killing a True God, three Virtual Gods (excluding the puppets) and at least 20 demigods who were killed by the impact of the battle.

Apart from the two notifications Lin Huang had seen earlier, he realized he had obtained a god item which he considered a reward.

He ignored the new notification and asked Xiao Hei the question that he had been wanting to, "What's this title thing?"

"You'll be given a relevant title after achieving a certain special condition. Different titles have different effects. Some give you the ability to master a rule power, some might be a divinity ability, and some might allow you to comprehend a certain true meaning besides some other special effects.

"For instance, for those who have extraordinary luck, they may obtain the title of Destiny's Child and the world will take care of them. Not only will they encounter all sorts of fortuitous circumstances, but they can also get out of any threats. Basically, they won't die no matter what they do. Furthermore, there'll be a spillover effect on the people around them and they'll become lucky."

"I'm envious of him!" Lin Huang's eyes lit up when he heard that. However, he knew that he was born to have bad luck. Although his luck had gotten better since he traveled there, he was far behind from getting extraordinary luck. He would never win a title such as Destiny's Child in this life. If he did, he would be able to draw any cards he wanted from Xiao Hei. He would not have to spend endless cards to trade them for a specific card he desired.

"So, what's the effect of this Godslayer title that I've received? Did I obtain the rule power of God-slaying Power?" Lin Huang could not help but ask upon observing that the second notification seemed to be related to the first.

"Yes, the title Godslayer means that you've obtained the God-slaying Power. The God-slaying Power is a god rule under the Kill Rule. It's an attack rule power that's suitable for battles. Under normal circumstances, god rules are rule powers that are only mastered by True Gods. However, since you've obtained the title of Godslayer, it means that you've mastered the rule power in advance."

"Does that mean I've got the ability to kill True Gods now?" Lin Huang felt a current of excitement run through him.

"Of course not. Theoretically, you possess the ability to harm True Gods, but you're still far from having the ability to kill god order-level (True God) powerhouses.

"The vast difference in speed and strength aside, it's hard for you to break a True God's defense even if he were to stand still and allow you to do so because god rule power can be charged from both sides. Those True Gods obtain god rule power as well just like you do.

"Furthermore, there's almost no way for you to elevate your God-slaying Power before you get to god order-level. You'll stay on level-1, which is the lowest level. The other true god-level powerhouses will block you like a piece of cake."

"Then, how about killing Virtual Gods? It shouldn't be a problem, should it?" Lin Huang continued to ask, "Don't talk about the difference in strength and speed."

"Without taking the difference in strength and speed into consideration, killing Virtual Gods is child's play. God rule power falls under the rule power. To virtual god-level powerhouses who don't the master god rule power, they won't be able to defend your attack just like ordinary people who can't defend against steel, blade or swords cutting into their body. Of course, that's based on the premise that your opponent has no rule power god relic on.

"It's good enough to kill Virtual Gods. Killing True Gods is something too farfetched. There's no need to worry about it at the moment." Hearing Xiao Hei's explanation, Lin Huang was pretty satisfied with the god rule power he had obtained. He then looked at the third notification.

"So, what's this Origin God's Heart?"

"The Origin God's Heart is a Protoss's heart. Owning this god item will give you a Protoss's body. Due to the combat strength restriction before, you can't use Divine Power while the power created from the Divine Fire in your body is merely Life Power. Although your Life Power has a higher quality than the rest due to the refinement of Divine Fire, it's still Life Power after all. It's nothing compared to the real Divine Power. To describe it as you would back in your hometown, the difference between Life Power and Divine Power is almost the difference between coal and nuclear energy.

"After integrating the Origin God's Heart, being able to use Divine Power isn't the only advantage. Due to the Protoss's body that you've been given, though restricted to a combat strength whereby your body will be far behind the real Protoss, you'll be much more powerful than anyone who is on the same level as you. Your strength, mobility speed, and attack speed will break through the limits that you possess at the moment.

"The abilities of your God Figurine's Combat Souls will also be transformed further. All of them have perfect power systems in their bodies. However, in reality, their abilities have been restricted due to the power you've provided. They haven't been showing what they really have got. Now that there's Divine Power, their abilities will be recovered by heaps."

"So, are you saying that I'll obtain Divine Power and the god power rule with my current combat strength which is immortal-level rank-10? In other words, I'll become a True God whose combat strength is only immortal-level rank-10. Is that right?" Lin Huang could not help but tease Xiao Hei after hearing its explanation.

"You've no Godhead or God Territory. You haven't even refined your Life Base. Your god rule is only on level-1, which is the lowest level. You can't even break a True God's defense…" Xiao Hei corrected him honestly, which was rare.

"Alright then, I was full of myself. Thanks for popping my bubble." Lin Huang became a little depressed after his two-second bout of excitement.

"Would you like to activate the title of Godslayer?"

After Ling Huang had read through the notifications and Xiao Hei had explained everything to him, another notification popped up.

"Activate!" Lin Huang nodded without hesitation.

"Activating Godslayer!"

"Activating god rule — God-slaying Power!"

Lin Huang raised his brow as he realized there was no significant change to his body after the two notifications echoed in his ears.

He gathered the Life Power in his body onto his palm. His Life Power was now mahogany in color like molten lava.

He gazed into his body immediately. He realized that the ten Divine Fires that were pitch-black like ink were now mahogany.

An unknown power was hiding within the Divine Fires. Lin Huang could only feel the power faintly but could not catch it clearly. He knew that it should be the legendary god rule power.

A golden card appeared in his hand when he snapped back to reality.

There was a heart that looked like a golden gem in the middle of the Origin God's Heart card. He flipped it over to look at the details. It was the same as what Xiao Hei said but more detailed.

Lin Huang crushed the card after reading the description.

"Activating god item Origin God's Heart!"

"Beginning integration: 1%, 2%, 3%…"

As soon as the integration began, Lin Huang could feel the changes in his body obviously. Until the 'integration completed' notification came, he felt much more powerful now. Almost each and every cell in his body had transformed. The feeling was more intense compared to the time he had elevated from holy fire-level to immortal-level, crossing a whole new level. It felt more like the time he had elevated to transcendent-level back then which was a transformation in his life level.

He looked through his body immediately as soon as the integration was completed. He realized he did not transform to level-3 on the life level.

"As expected, it was just an illusion…"

"Actually, it wasn't an illusion. Your body indeed transformed deep down in your core, but it'll only show when your combat strength fulfills the transformation condition," Xiao Hei explained.

"Alright then." Lin Huang accepted the fact begrudgingly. "But my ability has indeed elevated. Before this, with my immortal-level rank-10 combat strength, I should have the ability on par with an ordinary imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouse when I had no combat strength boost technique. I could fight them head-on, but it was hard to defeat them. Now, I should have the ability on par with an ordinary imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouse even without using the Divine Power and the god rule power."

Lin Huang thought of a question all of a sudden after the Origin God's Heart integration was completed.

"Xiao Hei, isn't the Origin God's Heart something in a Protoss's body? I didn't kill any Protoss today, so where did this Origin God's Heart come from?"

"The system retrieved it randomly from the Master God when you killed the Master God's will projection."

"Isn't the Master God human? Where did he get the Origin God's Heart?"

"Perhaps it's a treasure he stored in his storage space."

Chapter 1070: Loot Inventory

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang called out to Bloody that was in his sleeve after activating the card reward on Xiao Hei's side.

"Bloody, what's the loot today like?"

Bloody reported the data it had compiled calmly, "We've gotten a total of 3,021 Emperor's Heart Rings, 20 god relics, 34 demigod relics, two god-level puppets, 11 demigod-level puppets, 74 God Figurines, four Godheads, and 23 broken Godheads."

"That many God Figurines?" Lin Huang was stunned. He had spent some effort obtaining God Figurines earlier and ended up accumulating ten, which was not an easy feat. However, now he had just obtained 74 God Figurines in merely a day.

"The God Figurines fell off when the Virtual Gods and demigods were killed. The Master God's clone alone had nine. Seven from Grandmistress Wei, and five and six respectively for the other two God's Messengers. Meanwhile, the 20 or so demigods basically had one or two God Figurines refined for emergencies while a few of them even had three," Bloody explained. The Warlord had compiled the data for it when he was gathering the loot.

"Seems like I went to the wrong places before. So, the fastest way to obtain God Figurines is by killing human demigod-level and virtual god-level powerhouses. Too bad it's a tad bit late that I've only found out about this now," Lin Huang mocked himself.

As he visualized his God Figurines into True Spirits, all of them possessed a strong sense of territory, resulting in one Life Wheel being able to only contain one God Figurine. Now that he had surpassed the life wheel-level, the number of Life Wheels were fixed to ten. Ten Life Wheels would mean he would only be able to contain ten God Figurine's Combat Souls, so it would be redundant to have more God Figurines.

'I'll get Sister Mo Mo to pick one of these God Figurines to be her vessel when she wakes up. Apart from that, it seems like I can only use them as battle puppets.' Lin Huang thought about it thoroughly and figured there was nothing better that he could use them for.

He asked Bloody after setting the God Figurines' matter aside, "Are there any sword and telekinetic weapons among the 20 god relics?"

"There's a battle sword among the god relics but no telekinetic weapons. However, there are two sets of telekinetic weapons among the 34 demigod relics."

Lin Huang nodded and mumbled to himself, "I can give the puppets to Grimace and the Witch as their toys. For the four complete Godheads, I'll refine them together with the broken Godheads. I wonder if I could build a Life Palace after this round of refining."

In order to build a Life Palace, Lin Huang had been refining the broken Godheads in the demigods' bodies with Divine Fire, mainly because it was cheap to purchase broken Godheads and rather easy to refine them.

Meanwhile, a complete Godhead was expensive and the price to performance ratio was low. Moreover, with the speed of the Divine Fire in his body, refining a complete Godhead had extremely low efficiency. The time taken to refine a complete Godhead would be hundreds of folds more than refining broken Godheads.

Due to the various reasons, he had never thought of refining complete Godheads before this.

Now, he happened to have four complete Godheads whereby three of them were on Virtual God rank-3 while another was on Virtual God rank-9. Although it would take a long time to refine all of them, the refinement by Divine Fire was automatic. It would not affect Lin Huang in any way, so it would be a waste if he did not do so.

Lin Huang took action instead of hesitating any longer as he thought about this. He tossed the four Godheads into his body together with all of the broken Godheads that he had been accumulating. Then, he began to refine them by activating his Divine Fire.

As the Godheads entered his body, the ten Life Wheels in his body began shaking at the same time out of nowhere. The Godheads seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and all of them gathered together in his body.

Subsequently, the ten Life Wheels formed a circle rapidly and surrounded the Godheads in the middle. Divine Fire was shooting out of the Life Wheels, drowning the Godheads completely.

Approximately an hour later, cracks were showing on the broken Godheads. As time went by, the cracks on the broken Godheads expanded. Around two hours later, the first broken Godhead finally turned into tiny, dark gray gravel.

Since the first broken Godheads disintegrated, the second one soon followed suit, then the third… The broken Godheads disintegrated one after another. Now, all of them had taken the form of tiny, dark gray gravel. The gravels formed a cloud of mist as if they were alive and floated within the ten Life Wheels.

Lin Huang had been observing the process until past midnight. He watched the last broken Godheads disintegrate and become one with the cloud of mist. The four complete Godheads experienced no changes from the beginning until the end.

He felt helpless and snapped back to reality. Just when he was going to wash up and sleep, his Emperor's Heart Ring vibrated out of the blue.

He checked and realized it was Guan Zhong who was calling. When he peeped at the time, he frowned. It was already 12.41 a.m. It was definitely bad news for Guan Zhong to be calling him at such an hour.

He figured what Guan Zhong was going to say roughly as he clicked the pick-up button.

Guan Zhong's upper body was projected when the video call was connected. He clearly looked terrified.

"Master Emperor, Zhuge Feifan has escaped. I'm calling you just to tell you to be careful. He found out that it was you who ended God Bless all by yourself, so he might seek revenge."

Lin Huang had already guessed what Guan Zhong was going to tell him when he saw him calling. He grimaced upon hearing the news. However, he did not mention the Union Government and Guan Zhong's neglect of duty. Instead, he asked, "Can you tell me more about it?"

"It's my fault. After you destroyed the Wei Clan, I sent a brief to Agency EA to give a short report on the situation. Perhaps he found out that his identity was exposed when he saw the brief.

"I contacted the Union Government president as soon as you gave me the list of spies. He had also given me the search warrant immediately. However, just when I was going to search for him as soon as I got the warrant, he disappeared.

"Everything in his office was cleared and the surveillance was wiped. His few accommodations were completely burned down, so there was no evidence left. Even his Emperor's Heart Ring's account was deleted and his messages were reformatted. A special virus, which destroyed all of the information he stored in the cloud, was planted."=

"Since I couldn't find anything from him, I thought I'd go for the people who are close to him on the list. I later found out that everyone on the list you gave me were all dead overnight. All of them were killed as a result of their brains having exploded. I can't even retrieve any information in their heads.

"The autopsy shows that these people died almost at the same time. The cause of death is an energy bomb that was installed in their heads going off. That should be some special ability that Zhuge Feifan has never revealed to anyone."

"So, you guys have zero clues on where he might be hiding now?" Lin Huang concluded after what Guan Zhong told him.

"That's right," Guan Zhong admitted that feeling helpless.

"Maybe I'll drop by the Union Government tomorrow. Perhaps I might be able to help," Lin Huang suggested.

"I think that's alright. It's a mess over here. You won't be able to help with anything if you come. Let's not complicate things."

"What if I tell you that I have a secret image playback skill that shows what happened within 24 hours?" Lin Huang initiated assistance because he would feel uneasy as long as the fourth God's Messenger was still alive. He was not afraid to be assassinated, but he had a sister and he did not want Lin Xin to be dragged into this for no reason.

Guan Zhong was stunned to hear Lin Huang's offer. "Do you really have such a secret skill? It's not the right time to joke now."

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Lin Huang raised his brow and asked him back.

"It'll be great if you weren't. When can you come?" Guan Zhong asked rather frantically after confirming that Lin Huang indeed had such an image playback ability.

"I'll drop by after breakfast tomorrow morning."

Guan Zhong was speechless and mocked him secretly, 'You still have the mood for breakfast!'

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