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50.93% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 244: 891-900

Chapter 244: 891-900

Chapter 891: I Have Assistants!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang flew to the coordinates Bloody gave him easily. He landed slowly when he saw a building that looked an ancient castle.

There was no such complete building left in the Fallen God Land at all. The ancient castle was just a structural-type relic.

Most structural-type relics of such a big scale were expensive. Relics of the same quality were just slightly cheaper than a battleship, but its price-performance ratio was lower than a battleship.

A battleship was an attack weapon that was similar to a God Crasher. Furthermore, it was mobile. However, apart from having a higher defense compared to a battleship, such a structural-type relic only had the upper hand of being much smaller than a battleship.

However, compared to a battleship, such a structural-type relic could not contain large-scale weapons or travel. Its practicality was much lower.

In reality, structural-type relics were not entirely redundant. Some of them were more practical.

The most practical one would be a battle fortress which was also popular. Such a relic could contain a massive amount of large-scale weapons. Furthermore, it was a mobile relic in the form of a fortress. On a certain level, its practicality was even higher than a battleship in wars. However, its cost was over ten times more expensive than a battleship of the same level. It was rare with less than ten of them in the entire world that people knew of. It was even lesser in quantity than god relics.

Naturally, there were still people who would purchase such structural-type relics as it was great for showing off.

As soon as it was activated in the wild, everyone would know that you were rich.

Just like the ancient castle before Lin Huang's eyes, it would be in high demand at an auction. It could be easily sold at the price of a demigod relic.

To be honest, most people could not afford it. Even demigods would not spend money on such a thing.

It was completely useless to Lin Huang who was all about practicality. He would rather dig a cave in the mountain wall.

However, his mood boosted when he saw this relic.

The reason being he was sure of one thing — the people who were coming to stop him were pretty rich!

Lin Huang took a careful look at the entire ancient castle as he landed slowly.

The ancient castle occupied over 300,000 square meters on the ground. The main building was five floors tall while the walls were 12 meters tall. The round sentinel tower was almost 40 meters tall.

Although he could not see what was happening inside the ancient castle, Lin Huang was very sure that the people there were watching him.

Indeed, through the window in the ancient castle, Huang Tianqi and the rest were observing Lin Huang who came alone.

"His combat strength's only immortal-level rank-4…" The 13 of them sensed Lin Huang's combat strength clearly and doubt rose in them at the same time.

An immortal-level rank-4 person had killed imperial-level yellow gold-ranks?

"Whether it was him who killed the people or not, there's no reason for us not to meet him since he came here on his own." Huang Tianqi grinned. He was the first who got up and leaped out as soon as he opened the window.

The other three imperial-level white gold-rank Dynasty members caught up with him without hesitation.

The four of them landed on the wall at the entrance of the ancient castle with one of them standing in front.

Lin Huang lifted his head and looked above the entrance. He glanced at the three imperial-level white gold-rank members behind Huang Tianqi and eventually fixed his eyes on Huang Tianqi.

'People from Dynasty?' Lin Huang identified the few people right away. Only people from Dynasty would dress in that poop-yellow color on the streets.

Huang Tianqi, who was dressed in golden armor, stood on the wall looking down at Lin Huang who was beneath. He released his imperial-level purple gold-rank aura without holding back towards where Lin Huang was.

The three imperial-level white gold-rank members behind him staggered back immediately and leaped to the top of the main building. They were afraid of being impacted by the terrifying aura.

Naturally, Lin Huang, at whom the aura was aiming, sensed Huang Tianqi's show of power. However, an imperial-level's aura was just child's play to him since he could withstand the petrifying aura coming from a god like the Nightmare Dragon's carcass.

Huang Tianqi's suppressing aura was considered powerful among the imperial-level purple gold-ranks. Lin Huang felt it like it was a gentle, soothing breeze coming at him.

Huang Tianqi had been observing Lin Huang's change of expression. However, apart from his clothes fluttering slightly, what he expected to happen never did.

He thought Lin Huang would kneel onto the ground and would not be able to get up from his terrifying aura.

Under normal circumstances, an ordinary immortal-level rank-4 cultivator would definitely kneel down as soon as he encountered an imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouse's aura. He might not be able to stand up from such powerful aura.

However, Lin Huang who possessed Holy Power was clearly an exception. The probability of him kneeling was slim even if he were to encounter a virtual-level powerhouse's aura.

Huang Tianqi's trick was completely useless on him.

The remaining people in the ancient castle had a slight change of expression when they witnessed that.

Huang Tianqi had already released all of his aura. Even the couple of imperial-level white gold-rank members in the ancient castle were rather suffocated while three imperial-level purple gold-rank members looked grave. However, Lin Huang who was at the center of suppression seemed like nothing was happening to him.

"Now, I'm beginning to believe it was him who destroyed our six footholds." Lei Jie from the Purple Crow had his guard up a little as he looked at Lin Huang.

"Something's definitely up with this fella." Xie Pengshan from Saint stared deadly at Lin Huang while narrowing his eyes.

Although Yu Hong from Charm said nothing, he was gripping a short dagger in his left hand. It was clear that he was ready to attack anytime now.

Lin Huang's current level of ease was completely impossible for an immortal-level rank-4. In reality, it was impossible for anyone on immortal-level to feel as comfortable as him. It was impossible for even supreme geniuses such as Chan Dou and the Five Princes to be at ease facing Huang Tianqi's powerful aura. One must know that Chan Dou and Huang Wuji had combat strengths of immortal-level rank-9 while Lin Huang was only on immortal-level rank-4.

"Hahaha… Lin Xie from the Heaven Alliance, it seems like everyone in the world underestimated you." Huang Tianqi's intent to kill rippled rapidly all over his body.

"I'm flattered," Lin Huang replied calmly with a smile. His tone was light and there was no pressure on him at all. "I wonder which Duke of Dynasty are you?"

"Huang Tianqi!" Huang Tianqi announced his name.

"Oh, so you're Duke Qi," Lin Huang raised his brow when he heard the announcement.

He had heard some names of the imperial-levels from Chan Dou before entering the Fallen God Land. Huang Tianqi had a combat strength of imperial-level purple gold-rank, and his ability could easily rank the top three among the over 300 imperial-level powerhouses who entered the Fallen God Land this time.

"Lin Xie, since you've heard of my name, let's not beat around the bush." Huang Tianqi recalled his terrifying aura and stared deadly at Lin Huang. "What's your intention coming here this time?"

"Duke Qi, why are you asking this when you already know what my intention is?" Lin Huang could not help but laugh when he heard the question.

"Was it you who killed the people in the six footholds?!" Huang Tianqi's eyes turned icy gradually. He had an affirmative answer to the question despite asking it out loud.

"I guess," Lin Huang did not deny it but he added instead, "Although I didn't do it myself."

Lin Huang's straightforwardness caught them by surprise, but Huang Tianqi and the rest were stunned when they heard what he said later.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I have assistants." Lin Huang smirked while the four God Figurines' Combat Souls' silhouettes appeared out of thin air.

Yu Hong from Charm revealed himself almost at the same time. His severed arm holding the short dagger fell to the ground less than three meters behind Lin Huang. He staggered tens of feet away from Lin Huang rapidly, staring fearfully at the little white cat that landed on Lin Huang's shoulder.

Chapter 892: I Killed All of Them

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Looking at the severed arm that was tumbling onto the ground, Huang Tianqi and the rest gaped in shock at the little white cat on Lin Huang's shoulder as their pupils shrunk.

The single blow alone chopped off Yu Hong's arm. It proved that the little feline that seemed harmless had the ability of at least an imperial-level purple gold-rank or even higher.

Besides the nine imperial-level white gold-rank people, even Huang Tianqi and the other three imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses had fear in their eyes when they stared at the little white cat.

Apart from Lin Huang, each and every one of them was a top powerhouse in the underground organizations. They were familiar with Yu Hong from Charm. Appearing only 25 or 26, he was an androgynous young man who ranked No. 10 as a supreme assassin among the imperial-level powerhouses in the entire continent. Even demigod-level powerhouses could only make it to the top 15 in the Assassin Leaderboard.

Even the other three imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses present dared not say they would survive his assassination.

However, such a top world-ranking assassin not only failed to attack the little white cat, but his arm was also severed.

Furthermore, Huang Tianqi and the rest did not see the white cat attacking.

Its stealth technique seemed to be more terrifying than Yu Hong who was an assassin. Moreover, its attack speed seemed to be even faster than his.

What bothered Huang Tianqi and the rest even more were the other three little monsters that were similar to the white cat.

There was a little sapling, a little elephant, and a little leopard with a long snout. They looked like baby monsters that had yet to mature.

The white cat performed an ability that almost overcame Yu Hong. How about the rest of the little monsters?

"You're such a hot-head. I told you that I have assistants, but you came at me anyway." Lin Huang turned to tsk at Yu Hong as a smile remained on his face.

He had actually summoned the four God Figurines' Combat Souls when he recalled Thunder but the Ninetails Lynx hid them in the alternate dimension.

Nobody could sense them in the alternate dimension, but they could see what happened in the main dimension. That was why the Ninetails Lynx had come out of the alternate dimension the moment Yu Hong performed the sneak attack, resulting in his severed arm.

Yu Hong sensed the intent to kill that came out of nowhere, so he recalled his attack and retreated immediately. His response saved his life, but it was a little too late. His arm had been chopped off by the Ninetails Lynx's sharp claws.

"If I'm not mistaken, you must be a Nightingale from Charm, aren't you?" Lin Huang continued in his chatty tone, "I wonder how should I address you?"

Nightingale was the title given to Charm's imperial-level powerhouses. They were actually similar to the Hunter Association's elder.

"Yu Hong," Yu Hong said his name coldly. His severed arm was healing at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. He was eager to buy himself more time.

"Yu Hong… That name sounds rather familiar." Lin Huang picked up the severed arm as he spoke. He took the short dagger from the severed limb and put it away into his storage space. He then simply tossed the arm to the ground.

He did that smoothly before Yu Hong. There was no shame in his action at all.

Yu Hong was so pissed that his face turned livid.

The dagger that Lin Huang had taken as his reward was an expert-grade demigod relic that Yu Hong had just bid for at a high price not long ago. It was also one of the two most expensive pieces of equipment that he had with him. It had become Lin Huang's just like that as if he deserved it.

"I can't recall where I've seen this name before. Never mind, I won't dwell on it." Lin Huang had no intention to humiliate Yu Hong. The Emperor's Heart Ring that he was using came from an underground organization. He would look at the underground organization's leaderboards when he was bored. The Assassin Leaderboard was one of them. However, he would usually only remember the top three names on all the leaderboards while the names after that would just seem familiar to him.

Yu Hong's name fell into the latter category. He thought it was familiar, but he could not really pin down which leaderboard on which he saw that name and which ranking he was on.

Moreover, some of the organization members that entered the Fallen God Land this time, including Charm, were not very open to the public. Chan Dou had no idea who Charm had sent, so he only mentioned them when he spoke to Lin Huang. He had no idea that Yu Hong was a top world-ranking assassin at all.

However, whatever Lin Huang said was treated as an intentional humiliation to him. He was so mad that he was going to explode.

"Yu Hong, I can't believe you're being underestimated!" Another two silhouettes joined the fray as a voice was heard.

The person who spoke had a Purple Crow trench coat on him. His body was heavy-built and he carried a gigantic blade that was over two meters long on his back. The blade was slightly taller than he was.

The other person wore the Saint's white robes. He looked old with a long, white beard that reached his chest, and the way in which he looked at Lin Huang was rather demented.

"If I'm not mistaken, the both of you should be Lei Jie of Purple Crow and Saint's second messenger Xie Pengshan," Lin Huang identified the duo immediately.

The gigantic blade on Lei Jie's back and Xie Pengshan's white beard were their distinctive features. Moreover, Chan Dou had shown Lin Huang both of their pictures when he briefed him.

Yu Hong looked even more terrible now that Lin Huang had identified the duo.

Huang Tianqi and the rest were thinking to themselves, 'This fella must be doing this on purpose.'

"Lin Xie, since you recognized me, there's a suggestion that I'd like you to hear," said Xie Pengshan who was in white robes while wearing a smile.

"Do tell," Lin Huang said while raising his brow with a smile.

"There are four of us on imperial-level purple gold-rank. The rest of us can fight you as long as we constrain your four summoning beasts for a moment. I admit that you have a stunning talent as an Imperial Censor, but no matter how powerful you are, you shouldn't have the ability of an imperial-level white gold-rank. Hence, it's impossible for you to win this battle.

"How about this? We'll forget about everything you've done in the past as long as you agree to join the Saint. We can communicate with the other three organizations for you and give the respective compensation to put the rivalry to an end. Apart from that, we'll also make you our First Holy Son of Division 3 and cultivate you with all our might."

Huang Tianqi and the rest were dumbstruck by Xie Pengshan's suggestion out of nowhere.

They were about to fight but he was recruiting openly now?

Xie Pengshan's action made Huang Tianqi and the rest fell into deep thoughts.

Lin Xie's overall ability was indeed stunning. Bringing him back would be much better than killing him directly. He was only on immortal-level rank-4, but his summoning beasts were already so powerful. Would that not mean he would be invincible when he reached imperial-level?! Such a genius might be even more powerful than the Five Princes such as Chan Dou if anyone were to cultivate him…

Lin Huang finally spoke just when Huang Tianqi and the rest were considering if they should change their strategy.

"Firstly, I'd like to correct you. These four little things aren't summoning beasts. They're my Combat Souls." Lin Huang knew why Xie Pengshan would think that his Combat Souls were summoning beasts. The reason being that it was impossible for ordinary people to have Combat Souls that were more powerful than the person himself.

Huang Tianqi and the rest were stunned to hear that while they stared at the four little monsters with their eyes wide open.

The three imperial-level yellow gold-rank and one imperial-level crimson gold-rank monsters were all Combat Souls?! Are you not only on immortal-level rank-4?!

"Secondly, I'm afraid the Saints won't be able to put the conflict I have with Dynasty and Charm to an end." Everyone could not help but listen attentively when he said that.

Was there some deadly grudge?!

Were his parents killed by people from Dynasty and Charm?

Or was it his siblings?

Or was it his girlfriend that he had known since he was a child?

"I bumped into Dynasty's Seventh Prince and Charm's entire squad when I was in the foggy world." Lin Huang smirked slightly. "I killed all of them."

Chapter 893: Even the Imperial-level Purple Gold-rank Surrendered

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

To Dynasty, every Prince was the top Duke candidates. As soon as they elevated to imperial-level purple gold-rank, they would be the top powerhouse among imperial-level powerhouses and become the person who held the most power in the entire Dynasty.

Huang Tianqi, for one, was elevated from a Prince. Apart from a few demigods, his ability ranked No. 2 in Dynasty's Division 3 branch.

The death of a Prince would be treated as a serious event the same level of the death of an imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouse.

Not only did that mean Dynasty had lost a potential top imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouse, but it was also a humiliation to them too.

Whoever killed Dynasty's Prince would mean that he created a rivalry with the entire Dynasty. Even if it was a demigod-level powerhouse who did it, Dynasty would come after him with no mercy.

Throughout the hundreds of years, Bai Qi from the Union Government was the only person who had killed a Dynasty's Prince and managed to live peacefully.

It was not that Dynasty did not attack Bai Qi, but two demigods had died while three demigods were severely wounded as a result of the two fights. They had to give up eventually.

Lin Huang killing Dynasty's Seventh Prince would mean that he had planted an irreversible, deadly rivalry with Dynasty.

Such a grudge could not be solved by compensation. To Dynasty, repaying with blood was the only solution.

Xie Pengshan of Saint forced a smile helplessly while shaking his head upon hearing Lin Huang's situation.

The conflict he had with Dynasty alone made him give up recruiting Lin Huang entirely because taking him in would mean declaring war with Dynasty.

Although Saint was also a top underground organization, it was slightly behind Dynasty. It was not worth declaring war with Dynasty just for a Holy Son.

Killing the entire Charm's immortal-level squad would mean making enemies with Charm too.

Taking Lin Huang in would get himself into a rivalry with two major organizations, and Xie Pengshan knew how much of a loss that would be.

One must know that Charm's Division 3 branch had sent a third of their immortal-level geniuses for the search in the Fallen God Land this time.

The entire squad dying in Lin Huang's hands was equivalent to a third of Charm's future pillar of support being killed in the cradle. Such animosity was nothing less than Dynasty having their Prince killed.

Yu Hong's intent to kill was rising rapidly as he looked at Lin Huang. He was not mad about Charm's loss. He was mad because his daughter was Charm's immortal-level squad leader this time.

More than 20 days ago, he found out that his daughter had been killed in the foggy world. He had been depressed for the past few days because he had no idea who the murderer was and unable to avenge her.

Never had he thought that the murderer would appear before him right now and admit his own doing.

Yu Hong had not said anything no matter how Lin Huang had humiliated him earlier. Now that he found out that Lin Huang was the one who killed his daughter, he could no longer hold his fury back and shouted out loudly, "Lin Xie, you killed my daughter. I'll kill you today!"

"Your daughter?" Lin Huang was stunned to hear that. He then recalled the day when he had annihilated Charm's squad. The lady said her father was an imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouse who was also in the Fallen God Land and would definitely avenge her. Never had he thought he would really bump into the lady's father that day.

"Are you talking about the leading lady? She did say that her dad is an imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouse."

Yu Hong stared deadly at Lin Huang. What he had just said confirmed the fact that Lin Huang truly did annihilate the entire Charm's squad. If looks could kill, he would have murdered Lin Huang tens of millions of times by now.

Meanwhile, the rest who were listening to their conversation that involved the grudge had different expressions of their own.

Xie Pengshan noticed that Huang Tianqi was looking at him. He knew it was time for him to speak now. "Since there's such a conflict, we the Saints organization, will not interfere. We'll give up recruiting Lin Xie." The four underground organizations stood on the same side once again as soon as the Saint made that statement.

The rest of them gave up on the thought of recruiting completely.

The Purple Crow and Saint were mainly fearful of Dynasty and had no intention to be rivals with Dynasty.

Charm, on the other hand, held a grudge with Lin Huang. As the leader, Yu Hong treated Lin Huang as his eternal foe, so it was impossible for Charm to recruit him at all.

Meanwhile, for Dynasty, no matter how powerful Lin Huang's talent was, the rules were the rules. One would have to pay the price with their life if they killed a Holy Son, so it was impossible to recruit the murderer into the organization. If such a thing happened, there would be many geniuses who would come after Dynasty's Princes just because they had stunning talent and potential.

If that happened, would there be any dignity left for Dynasty?

Since the four major underground organizations had shown where they stood, the situation was self-explanatory.

Noticing that Yu Hong's arm had yet to recover, Huang Tianqi did not plan to wait any further. He began to move after speaking to everyone though voice transmission.

The four imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses moved quickly, going after the four God Figurines' Combat Souls each.

Huang Tianqi went after the Ninetails Lynx that attacked earlier while the Purple Crow's Lei Jie and Saint's Xie Pengshan went after the Destructive Divine Mammoth and the Divine Sun Tree respectively. Meanwhile, Yu Hong, who had yet to recover, charged at the Nightmare Tapir that had the lowest combat strength.

Whether they were hiding or not, the remaining imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses stared at Lin Huang.

They were waiting to attack once the four Combat Souls scattered.

However, the Nightmare Tapir which body was only around two meters long lifted its long snout and trumpeted out of nowhere.

A circle of invisible sound wave rippled like waves. Its speed was hundreds of times faster than the regular speed of sound. It rippled through everyone instantly.

Huang Tianqi and the other three imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses stopped moving while the other nine imperial-level white gold-ranks fell from the sky to the ground directly. Nobody knew if any of them survived the impact.

Disdain flashed through the Ninetails Lynx's eyes. Just when it was ready to seize the opportunity to kill them, Lin Huang spoke through voice transmission, "Don't kill them. The Evil Dominator won't get the substitutes if you kill them. Just drain their Life Power."

The Ninetails Lynx was a little reluctant but obeyed anyway. Its body turned into a white ray of light as it dashed forward. In the next second, Huang Tianqi and the other three of them had their limbs severed. They turned into stick figures with no limbs.

In intense pain, Huang Tianqi and the other three finally came out of the dreamland the Nightmare Tapir had created.

The four of them noticed what happened to their bodies as soon as they woke up, and they looked around frantically.

Although they would not be considered as having lost all of their battle techniques without their limbs, they still lost most of their abilities. All they could do was to use their Life Power to recover as fast as they could.

Soon, they noticed the imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses who had fallen to the ground. They had no idea if they were still alive or not. They then looked at Lin Huang and the little monsters in fear.

The four Combat Souls were amazingly powerful!

In reality, Lancelot and the rest that were on pseudo-mythical-level could fight imperial-level yellow gold-rank powerhouses with their imperial-level black gold-rank combat strength. According to Lin Huang's speculation, a real mythical-level Monster Card would have an ability that surpassed pseudo-mythical-level on which Lancelot and the rest were by heaps. It should not be difficult for imperial-level black gold-ranks to fight imperial-level purple gold-ranks.

Lin Huang's four Combat Souls were at least on par with supreme god-level Monster Cards at the moment. It would be nothing for imperial-level black gold-ranks to defeat imperial-level purple gold-ranks, let alone if their combat strength that was on imperial-level crimson gold-rank and imperial-level yellow gold-rank.

Even though Huang Tianqi and the rest were the best of the best among all the imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses, they were still a distance away from the Ninetails Lynx which ability was close to demigod-level.

Lin Huang thought the one-sided battle was expected.

One must know that Ninetails Lynx and the rest could kill imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses like they were cutting vegetables in dreamland.

Lin Huang was not fond of playing around with his opponents. However, both imperial-level purple gold-rank and imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses surpassed Bloody's Leech Pods' abilities.

Making them the Evil Dominator's substitutes by draining their Life Power would be the optimum choice of seizing the resources.

He had even thought of the way to handle the bodies.

Each and every one of them here was worth an extremely high reward at the Union Government whereby they could be sold at a price ten or even hundreds of times higher than monster carcasses of the same combat strength. Combined, their bodies should be able to redeem a god relic.

It was none of Lin Huang's business what the Union Government would do with those bodies.

Chapter 894: That Doesn't Make Sense!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A few breaths had passed. Huang Tianqi and the other three had regenerated their severed limbs.

However, before they could do anything, a white ray of light flashed through the sky while blood sprayed everywhere.

Huang Tianqi and the rest felt agony coming from their limbs again. They turned to look and realized that the limbs that they had just regenerated were detached from their bodies again.

The four of them were dumbstruck.

How were they supposed to fight?!

The Ninetails Lynx's speed was incredibly fast. It was so fast that it surpassed their ability to capture its movement. Their limbs would be severed whenever they saw the white afterimage flashed by; there was no time for them to react at all.

"Don't panic. Summon the Combat Souls to block the attack when our limbs regenerate, then activate the Life Palace ability to show our trump cards right away," Huang Tianqi spoke to them through voice transmission, "Time's critical now. We'll really die here if we hide our abilities!"

Although they were unwilling to show their trump cards, Lei Jie and the other two agreed to Huang Tianqi's suggestion. They had no other choice anyway since they really might die if they did not fight with all their might.

A few breaths passed quickly, and their limbs regenerated once again.

Just when Ninetails Lynx was ready to attack, the four of them summoned all of their Combat Souls at the same time.

36 Combat Souls with the combat strength of imperial-level purple gold-rank appeared almost at the same time. The Combat Souls of different forms were just as majestic as the four of them.

At the same time, the four of them summoned their Life Palaces.

Four gigantic Life Palaces hovered above Huang Tianqi and the other three's heads, looking very spectacular.

"Wow, you guys are going all out!" Lin Huang smirked.

At that moment, the Divine Sun Tree extended tens of its branches like spiritual serpents that came alive. Its attack was terrifyingly quick. It was almost on par with the Ninetails Lynx.

Before Huang Tianqi and the other three managed to react, they watched their Combat Souls being pierced through their bodies by branches. They looked like Szechuan skewers.

The pierced Combat Souls were like balloons that were poked, deflating rapidly and becoming nutrient for the Divine Sun Tree.

Adult Divine Sun Trees could even swallow stars and black holes, so a baby Divine Sun Tree was not to be underestimated at all.

The Combat Souls were like a refreshing drink in the summer. It drank them all after a few sips with a straw.

Have you tried putting 36 straws into 36 bottles of chilled Coke and drank them at the same time during a hot summer?

It was amazing!

The 36 Combat Souls were all killed in less than a second after they revealed themselves.

Huang Tianqi and the other three were stunned just looking at them.

All of the Combat Souls had been killed before they could grow their palms and feet!

Could they not hold on for two more seconds?!

Oh no, there was no way they should hold it back any longer! They had to go all out!

Huang Tianqi signaled the rest and he began to activate his Life Palace's ability. He dared not delay the process until his limbs were done regenerating.

However, disdain flashed through the Destructive Divine Mammoth's eyes. It lifted one of its massive front feet and stomped in the air.


An unusual explosion that sounded like a muffled thunder erupted. In the next second, a circle of invisible energy wave spread out. It rippled through the Life Palaces above Huang Tianqi and the rest's heads.





The four explosions came almost at the same time. Huang Tianqi and the other three spat blood out and they looked above their heads in terror.

The four Life Palaces were directly blasted and skyscrapers and collapsed rapidly. They then disintegrated completely and turned into broken pieces. They were left with a bare palm-sized Life Base which turned into a ferocious gleam that withdrew back into their bodies immediately.

The four Life Palaces were pretty much completely destroyed. Although their Life Base was still there, it would take a long time to rebuild the Life Palace. It required a massive amount of energy too.

Their Life Palaces were destroyed before they managed to activate their Life Power abilities. The four of them felt so screwed at that moment.

They initially thought that the little white cat was the most powerful among Lin Huang's four Combat Souls. However, it seemed like the other three had almost the same standard as the cat.

The little white cat alone had fought four of them on its own without any pressure and Lin Xie had three more of such Combat Souls.

What was an immortal-level rank-4 doing with four such powerful Combat Souls?!

He only had immortal-level rank-4 combat strength, but his Combat Soul was on imperial-level yellow gold-rank. That did not make sense!

His Combat Soul only had imperial-level yellow gold-rank combat strength, but it could fight imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses. Moreover, it was one versus four. It simply did not make sense at all!

Where did he buy such a plug-in? I would love to have one too! Huang Tianqi and the other three wanted to cry.

"The attack the four of you attempted wasn't too shabby," Lin Huang commented while chuckling as though he was a kind mentor on a variety show, "Keep it up. I have faith in you guys."

"A gentleman would rather die than be humiliated!" Yu Hong flushed and shrieked, "Lin Xie, if you're a man…"


A shredding sound came when Yu Hong was halfway speaking. His limbs were severed again.

Huang Tianqi and the other two experienced the same thing too. Their limbs were chopped off from their bodies.

They did not notice that their palms and feet were regenerating at all.

The four of them were speechless as they watched their limbs falling onto the ground, having freshly regenerated from their bodies.

They were puzzled why Lin Huang did not just kill them since he totally had the ability to. Instead, he kept chopping off their limbs again and again.

Could this fella be a masochist?!

If chopping limbs off and making people into sticks was just an appetizer to him, what would he do to the rest of them after Huang Tianqi?

The four of them had goosebumps just thinking about that.

Naturally, Lin Huang had no idea what the four of them were thinking about. He extended four telekinetic threads and took the Emperor's Heart Rings from their severed arms before them. He then put the rings away into his storage space.

The four of them were enraged watching that, but they could do nothing to stop him. All they could do was stare at him fiercely.

Lin Huang peeped at the four of them and glanced away like he did not care. He then extended nine telekinetic threads to the nine imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses who fell onto the ground.

After taking the nine of their Emperor's Heart Rings away, Lin Huang browsed through their bodies and put the items away into his storage space.

Naturally, the nine imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses were still alive. It was not that the Nightmare Tapir could not kill them, but Lin Huang got it to spare their lives. After all, imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses were great substitutes for the Evil Dominator who was only on imperial-level black gold-rank.

The Nightmare Tapir created a massive amount of monster hordes in the dreamland while the nine of them fought the monsters over and over again. They had no idea that they had been dragged into the dreamland.

The Nightmare Tapir's dreamland ability was more powerful than the Nightmare Dragon's. In its dreamland, it was impossible for one to turn the table around just like Lin Huang had done to the Nightmare Dragon.

The draining of their Life Power was reflected perfectly in reality. The nine of them experienced a rapid drop in Life Power in their bodies.

"These nine imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses will drain their Life Power soon." Lin Huang nodded in satisfaction. He then looked at the four imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses' direction. "But looking at these few fellas' progress, it seems like it'll take a while to drain their Life Power…"

Chapter 895: Volleyball Game

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Huang Tianqi and the other three imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses used their Life Power mainly on the demigod armor relic's defense and the regeneration of their limbs.

Naturally, the defense of the demigod armor relic was difficult for the Ninetails Lynx to cut through. However, it sliced at the gap between the joints of the armor the first time. The surfaces that were out of the coverage of the armor depended on the defense layer that extended from the armor.

It would be very difficult for a person who had the same combat strength as Huang Tianqi and the rest to break through their defenses. However, such a defense layer was nothing too difficult for the Ninetails Lynx which had the ability to suppress them.

The four of them had their armors detached from their bodies for the first time after their limbs were severed. They were only left with the armor on their upper bodies and helmets. Their overall defenses dropped by more than 70% compared to the time they donned their full armor. Now, the difficulty for the Ninetails Lynx to severe them was much lower.

However, the draining of Life Power from the continuous regeneration of their limbs was still insignificant to Lin Huang.

"The regeneration of their limbs is too slow, causing their attack frequency to be low." Lin Huang had an idea all of a sudden after thinking to himself as he stared at the four of them.

He spoke to his four God Figurines' Combat Souls including the Ninetails Lynx while grinning.

For some reason, the Nightmare Tapir had sympathy in its eyes as it looked at the four of them after hearing Lin Huang's voice transmission.

This time, the Ninetails Lynx moved suddenly without waiting for the four of them to regenerate their limbs.

It turned into a white figure as it raced out while its white cat claw was imprinted brutally on the demigod armor relic that Huang Tianqi wore.

He felt an intense tremor that came from his chest. He had no idea how many bones were crushed while his heart almost burst. He could no longer control his body as he shot out like a cannonball.

Right at that moment, the shadow of a whip came from the air and struck hard on Huang Tianqi's back.

He spat a mouthful of blood out as a result of the attack and his flight route changed without resistance. He had no idea how wounded his back was at the moment.

Just when he was shot less than three seconds away, the Destructive Divine Mammoth whipped its trunk and smacked the side of Huang Tianqi's body hard.

He could clearly sense that his left waist had been crushed.

Before he could whine about his waist, his body was shot out once again.

A moment later, a cat claw came flying in the air again and imprinted on the right side of his body with a terrifying force.

His right waist was crushed at that moment.

Lei Jie and the other two were dumbstruck while watching the three bullies messing with him like he was a volleyball.

Huang Tianqi had no time to heal himself as the three Combat Souls were attacking him one after another. The Life Power in his body was absorbed insanely by the demigod armor relic almost every second to keep up with the defense.

Huang Tianqi knew very well that if not for the demigod armor relic that had absorbed most of the impact, he would have died many times by now.

However, Huang Tianqi only managed to hold on for less than three minutes as he faced the attacks coming from the Ninetails Lynx and the rest that were assaulting him almost without reserve. His Life Power was completely drained.

Since the demigod armor relic had no more Life Power to charge it, it retreated back into his body automatically.

Watching a whip shadow darting in the air at him, Huang Tianqi closed his eyes helplessly. He accepted his fate of death was the price of his defeat.

However, he felt a rope-like thing rolling around his waist and releasing him in the air.

When he opened his eyes, he was lying less than ten meters away from Lin Huang.

He also saw a long-snouted leopard on Lin Huang's right staring at him. It seemed to be waiting to see if he would have any more trump cards with him.

He forced a smile helplessly. There was no Life Power left in his body and he did not even have the energy to heal his organs, let alone regenerate his limbs to fight.

He laid on the ground like a piece of salted fish. He looked at the sky above him. Suddenly, he realized that it had been years since he had felt so relaxed like he was at that moment.

Lin Huang glanced at Huang Tianqi and spoke to the Nightmare Tapir through voice transmission.

The Nightmare Tapir gazed at Huang Tianqi, his pupils turning black all of a sudden. In the next heartbeat, Huang Tianqi fell into a deep slumber.

After handling Huang Tianqi, the Ninetails Lynx, the Destructive Divine Mammoth, and the Divine Sun Tree headed to Lei Jie and the other two.

They were in a frantic and their faces had turned pale. They knew what kind of torture they would be experiencing without even having to think about it.

The three out them shot out like cannonballs as they shrieked devastatingly. Meanwhile, the Ninetails Lynx and the other two monsters turned into three rays as they chased after them.

In less than five minutes, the three wounded, limbless human sticks were sent to Lin Huang. The demigod relics on their bodies were nowhere to be seen.

Lei Jie and Xie Pengshan had lost all of their hopes. Despair showed on their faces.

Yu Hong, on the other hand, was staring deadly at Lin Huang while rage was written all over his face. However, he could not speak due to his broken voice box.

Lin Huang put them into a line using telekinesis, devoid of any expression on his face. He then summoned the Evil Dominator and Killer.

"Apart from sword cultivators that belong to Killer, the rest will be yours, Evil Dominator."

Killer took a step forward without hesitation and chopped Lei Jie's head off.

The Evil Dominator was grinning as he did as Killer did, chopping the heads of Huang Tianqi and the other two off.

The demigod relics in the four's bodies came out automatically as soon as they were dead.

Lin Huang used telekinesis thread to pick up the four heads and demigod relics, then put them away in his storage space.

He turned and walked to the pile of severed limbs of Huang Tianqi and the rest. He used telekinesis thread to put the demigod armor relics' parts away.

After handling the four imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses, the nine imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses who were stuck in the dreamland should have their Life Power drained very soon.

Lin Huang and the monsters only waited for two to three minutes before the nine imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses' demigod relics withdrew back into their bodies.

The Evil Dominator attacked without thinking twice and killed seven of them in a row.

Killer swung his sword immediately and chopped off two sword cultivators' heads. He then walked to Lin Huang and shared the three sword cultivators' inheritance with him.

Lin Huang closed his eyes and then nodded to Killer slightly after digesting the inheritance.

As he recalled the four God Figurines' Combat Souls, Lin Huang used telekinesis thread to put the nine powerhouses' heads and the demigod relics that came out of them away.

After he was done with all that, Lin Huang browsed through the 13 headless bodies. He then summoned Lancelot, Kylie and the rest after making sure that he had not missed out any valuable items.

"We've taken down region No. 7. Let's proceed with the hunting." The 14 Monster Cards scattered as Lin Huang ordered, beginning a new round of hunting under Bloody's guidance.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away, the imperial-level powerhouses who were in charge of region No. 7 were waiting for good news from their organization's seniors anxiously. They were eager to return to region No. 7 to begin hunting again.

However, nobody heard any news after a day had passed.

On the second morning, someone from Dynasty finally could not take it any longer. He took the initiative to contact Huang Tianqi, but the communication device used by Dynasty's internal team could not be connected from morning until afternoon. The person began to realize that something was off.

The Saints began to suspect something was wrong too.

On the third day, the people from Dynasty and the Saints basically confirmed that Huang Tianqi, Xie Pengshan, and the other imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses were dead.

On the fourth morning, a Dynasty imperial-level yellow gold-rank who was an expert in stealth technique went to region No. 7 secretly. He wanted to know exactly what had happened. Soon, he saw the headless bodies scattered all over a battlefield that was turned into ruins. He did not dare to go any nearer, but he could identify who they were from the torn clothes on their bodies.

His scalp turned numb and he had weak knees when he saw the limbless bodies. He summoned a Dimensional Portal immediately and crawled into it.

What he had no idea about was that Lin Huang had brought his summoning beasts team to region No. 8 an hour before he came checking on the powerhouses.

The news of the underground organizations' four imperial-level purple gold-rank and nine imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses being killed spread through the entire Fallen God Land that very noon.

All the organizations that entered the Fallen God Land were shocked to hear the news!

Chapter 896: Killing Spree Mode

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the central region of the Fallen God Land, the Union Government, the Hunter Association and Adventurer Paradise had gathered their high management around.

The eight of them present were imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses.

There were four of them who were dressed in the Union Government's military uniform and donned military cloaks on their backs while the other four were dressed rather casually.

A hunk with messy hair and an unshaven mustache, carrying a big golden bow who was dressed in a military uniform asked, "Is the news confirmed? Are Huang Tianqi and the rest really dead?"

He was Tu Yu of the Hunter Association and the leader for the mission this time. He was also the top person below demigod level in the association. His ability easily ranked No. 1 among all of the imperial-level powerhouses who had entered the Fallen God Land this round. He was more powerful than the four imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses from the Union Government.

"We had our spies confirm that Huang Tianqi from Dynasty, Lei Jie from the Purple Crow, Xie Pengshan from the Saints and Yu Hong from Charm are all dead. Apart from the four of them, there were nine imperial-level white gold-rank bodies at the scene too," added Wei Xia who was dressed in military uniform in all seriousness.

"Old Wei, it really wasn't you guys who did it?" Leader Chang Ling from Adventurer Paradise could not help but ask.

"If we did it, do you think the four of us could stand here speaking to all of you unwounded?" Wei Xia frowned slightly.

"Huang Tianqi's ability was no lesser than mine. We might not even be able to kill him if the four of us imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses were to fight him together, let alone having Lei Jie and the other three fighting on Huang Tianqi's side.

"Moreover, the three organizations had nine imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses with them. That's only one imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouse lesser than us. It would be a bloodbath even if we could defeat them. At least half of our team would be killed. It's impossible for us to kill them all."

"Huang Tianqi was really powerful. It would've been difficult even for me to kill him." Tu Yu nodded in agreement hearing that. "Judging by the team that they assembled, we might be able to kill them all if we combined three organizations together but it's difficult to defeat them without any injuries."

"There're no other bodies at the scene. Could the assailant put his comrades' bodies away?" Chang Ling asked again.

"That's possible." Wei Xie nodded. "But even if his comrades died, the team must have a terrifying overall ability to kill Huang Tianqi's team. We might all be killed if any of us were to encounter them."

"Did you investigate why did Huang Tianqi's team appear in that area?" Tu Yu asked again.

"According to insider news, throughout the 20 days or so, the regions terrorized by underground organizations had been attacked by an unknown organization. The unknown organization would kill all the underground organization's residents every region they attacked and they annihilated all the immortal-level rank-9 and imperial-level monsters."

"The Purple Crow estimated the unknown organization's route after confirming the news and invited Huang Tianqi and the rest to collaborate with them. Never did they think… that this would happen. Huang Tianqi and the rest were all killed by the bunch of fighters."

"Is the unknown organization attacking the 12 regions terrorized by the underground organization?" Tu Yu asked again.

"Yes," Wei Xia confirmed, "According to the news that we heard this morning, the unknown organization's already attacking region No. 8 yesterday. Looking at their hunting speed, they'll proceed to region No. 9, at the earliest, on the day after tomorrow."

"Judging from their progress, they'll need around 14 days to clear all 12 regions. It's 16 days to the day that the Fallen God Land's closes." Tu Yu frowned as he spoke to this point. "They might attack the region we are in for the remaining two days."

All of them turned pale when they heard that.

The overall ability of the three organizations including the Union Government, the Hunter Association and Adventurer Paradise was much more powerful than Dynasty and the other two underground organizations. However, none of them here dared to say they had the confidence to defeat the unknown organization that had killed Dynasty, the Saints and the rest.

"But there are regions that we occupy around the 12 regions which the underground organization have terrorized. They didn't attack the regions in which our people reside. Maybe they bear no ill intentions toward us?" Chang Ling could not help but voice his speculation.

"Until now, we have yet to identify who this unknown organization is, so we can't be reckless," Wei Xia agreed with Tu Yu's point that they must always have their guard up before identifying who the person was.

"Why not we send someone to try to talk to them?" As an adventurer, Chang Ling was always curious about the unknown.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

The death rate of the members in Adventurer Paradise had always been higher than most organizations. The reason being that they were always asking for death.

"Fine, we won't talk to them. Why are you guys staring at me like that?" Chang Ling mumbled softly with his head stooped down.

The people ignored his mumbling and proceeded to discuss the ways to tackle the potential crisis.

"To prevent unnecessary casualties of our members, I suggest that we bring some of our members back respectively, especially in those regions that are close to the underground organization's territory. We might as well just vacate the regions. We will then gather people with high combat strength to the central region to prevent the unknown organization from attacking," Tu Yu voiced his idea.

"I agree with Boss Tu's suggestion. Although we will lose part of our resources, keeping our members safe is our priority. Considering it as a whole, such a strategy could minimize our loss," Wei Xie stated his opinion.

The people looked at Chang Ling subsequently.

"Why are you guys looking at me? I didn't say that I object to the idea." Chang Ling had disdain written all over his face. Noticing that Tu Yu and Wei Xia were still staring at him, he nodded helplessly. "Fine, I agree."

"Old Zhang, please watch him. Don't let him do something stupid." Wei Xia glanced at Chang Ling and shifted his focus onto the old, plump man next to him.

The old man smirked. "I know that. Don't worry about it, Boss Wei."

"Old Zhang, you really are the spy from the Union Government targeting us Adventurer Paradise!" Chang Ling turned and glared at the old man madly.

"Heh!" Old Zhang responded to Chang Ling with his expressionless face.

Tens and thousands of kilometers away, Lin Huang found out about the gathering of high management from the union organizations, but he had no idea what they were talking about at all.

Throughout the next few days, the union organizations got their members who were close to region No. 8 to leave immediately, followed by region No. 9, region No. 10 all the way to region No.12.

From their reaction, Lin Huang guessed what the union organization's meeting was about roughly.

Their vacating the regions should be the result of their fear after Lin Huang defeated the underground organizations. The union organization was afraid that he might fight their members, so they chose to leave without being asked.

Naturally, Lin Huang was elated that his area of hunting was wider now.

Initially, he decided to hunt the 12 regions terrorized by underground organizations before the Fallen God Land closed. Hence, he had been holding his hunting speed back whereby he was in a relaxed mode.

However, now that the union organization had left him with more space, he would take them all for himself naturally.

Lin Huang got Bloody's parasitic army and the Warlord's mechanical army to join the battlefield. They boosted Bai and the rest's hunting rhythm and activated their killing spree mode.

Chapter 897: The First Mythical-level Monster Card!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Every summoning beast went all out on the battlefield.

Bloody separated its parasitic army into two groups. The team consisting of thousands of triple mutated immortal-level rank-9 monsters were responsible for killing immortal-level rank-9 monsters while the team with monsters above imperial-level would be responsible for killing imperial-level black gold-rank to yellow gold-rank monsters.

The Evil Dominator used an imperial-level purple gold-rank substitute right away which was Yu Hong's body expert in assassinating. Lin Huang even handed the expert-grade demigod short dagger relic that Yu Hong usually used to the Evil Dominator. With the demigod relic, he could kill one monster in every attack, even when he encountered imperial-level white gold-rank monsters.

Lin Huang did not get the Evil Dominator to fight even though they encountered imperial-level purple gold-rank monsters a few times. Instead, he summoned the God Figurines' Combat Souls to put it to an end as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, Lancelot and Killer had been practicing their skills with imperial-level yellow gold-rank monsters earlier. To boost their killing efficiency, both of them were only attacking imperial-level crimson gold-rank monsters now.

Bai and the rest had been practicing killing monsters which ranks were higher. Instead of fighting imperial-level crimson gold-rank monsters, they were fighting imperial-level black gold-rank monsters now. They had a unique bloodline in their body, so fighting monsters of the same combat strength was child's play to them.

The Warlord's mechanical army, on the other hand, did not challenge themselves by killing monsters of a higher rank. Just like Bai and the rest, they were only killing monsters of the same rank, causing them to have terrifying efficiency.

After all, they had many opportunities to practice, but such an opportunity to kill was rare.

Among all of the teams, Kylie's team was the only one that had the same responsibility. All they did was clear the triple mutated monsters with dark attributes. Her Nephilic Judge army would have Nephilic Judges evolving into triple mutated Nephilic Angels everyday. She was closer to evolving to become quadruple mutated.

The monster army that given their all experienced a few folds' boost in their killing speed.

After clearing region No. 8, Lin Huang and his army took a day and a half to clear the areas the two union organizations had left for them. They then headed straight to region No. 9.

Before arriving at region No. 9, Lin Huang had heard from Bloody that the Union Government was not the only one that had carried out the retreat strategy. The underground organizations had also decided to vacate the remaining few joint regions as well.

After all, the remaining high management had a similar combat strength with the 13 powerhouses that Lin Huang had killed earlier. Furthermore, the high management's ability was even slightly weaker than the 13 of them. Instead of coming after Lin Huang for revenge, they were worried that he would come after them.

Lin Huang thought that it was a waste for the underground organizations retreated at their own will. After all, the effort to kill the underground organization members was minor. Moreover, the killing could boost the number of Bloody's puppet army and he could obtain more Sword Dao inheritance when he encountered sword cultivators occasionally. However, Lin Huang expected such a decision to come from the underground organizations.

It only took Lin Huang and his army three days to clear region No. 9 as well as the three joint areas around it. They then headed to region No. 10…

It was the 31st day since Lin Huang returned to the Fallen God Land which was the 81st day since the opening of the Fallen God Land.

When Lin Huang's summoning beast army was almost done clearing region No. 10, the very last Nephilic Judge in Kylie's Nephilic Judge army finally completed the triple mutation and elevated to Nephilic Angel.

As soon as the 368-strong imperial-level black gold-rank Nephilic Angel army was formed, they vanished from where they were together with Kylie.

Lin Huang could sense that Kylie had returned to her mini world.

He could not go into the mini world without Kylie's invitation, so all he could do was wait for Kylie's evolution to be completed patiently.

The summoning beast army did not stop fighting just because of Kylie's departure. They proceeded to fight and their killing efficiency was barely affected.

After spending three days to clear region No. 10 and the areas around it, Lin Huang headed straight to region No. 11 and region No. 12 with his Monster Cards.

This time, Kylie's evolution went on for seven days. She had just completed the evolution when Lin Huang and the rest began their killing spree in region No. 12.

Just when Lin Huang sensed the change of the card in his body, Kylie walked out of her mini world.

There was a thin golden mask covering her face. It hid her entire face and her white pupils were the only thing showing. Her purplish-gold fauld covered her from her upper body all the way down while the metal fauld on her lower body covered her knees, but the black hemline extended all the way to her ankles. It seemed like even the hemline came with defensive power.

The 36 pairs of black wings on her back were releasing a terrifying aura. They were clearly weapons to attack.

Another thing that had gone through changes would be the spear in her hand. It looked much lighter than before and was only approximately two meters long. It was dark purple in color with sigils all over it. There were faint purplish-gold lightning bolts sparkling around it.

Lin Huang could not figure out Kylie's aura. He could not even determine exactly what her combat strength was.

The 368 Nephilic Angels behind her had a change in terms of looks too.

They were initially Nephilic Angels in silver armor, and now their armor was black. They looked similar to Kylie's previous appearance and their aura was different from before.

Kylie let Lin Huang take a good look at them before speaking. Her voice came through her mask. "Initially, I wanted to get my Nephilic Angel army to stay so that they could fight for you when I went into deep sleep. But they've become part of me now and they can't be separated from me…"

"Don't worry about it. I should elevate to imperial-level soon. By then, the summoning authority for mythical-level monster will be activated automatically," Lin Huang assured, "I'm worried about you. You've been working hard these days. It's advisable to rest."

Kylie nodded and said nothing else.

The 368 Nephilic Angels behind her turned into black rays and penetrated into Kylie's body one after another. Kylie's body disintegrated automatically and turned into an orange card that lay on Lin Huang's palm.

"Monster Card

"Rarity: Mythical

"Monster Name: Darkness Judge Master (Lightning Attribute)

"Type of Monster: God's Blood (Pure Blood)/ Nephilic Judge Tribe)

"Nickname: Judge

"Combat Level: Imperial-level Black Gold-rank / Virtual God (Immature)

"Major: Spear Dao, Lightning Element

"Major Skills: Spearheart, Absolute Judgement, Darkness Purification, Cursed Lightning, Godslayer Army, Holy Power…

"Minor Skills: Seraphic Wings, Seraphic Speed, Elemental Transformation…

"Summon Authority: Denied (to be activated when you reach imperial-level)

"Card Remarks: You finally have a Monster Card that you can show off."

Ignoring Xiao Hei's card remark, Lin Huang stared at Kylie's skill slot for a long time.

Due to the insane amount of monster crystal cores they had obtained in the foggy world, Lin Huang got Bai and the rest to absorb the crystal cores respectively, increasing their skill slots. At the moment, Kylie had more than 300 skills in her skill slots. Lin Huang was dizzy just looking at them. He just scanned through them and gave up the thought of looking at the detailed information of each skill.

He then noticed the change in Kylie's nickname and monster type, so he could not help but asked, "Xiao Hei, didn't Kylie awaken the Dark Angel's bloodline before? Why is she a God's Blood now? And what's with the Nephilic Judge Tribe at the back?"

"It's not I who decided to make her a God's Blood. There are some changes in her bloodline, so I'm not sure what the exact reason is. Usually, there wouldn't be such a change in bloodline for elevation. Perhaps, something unusual happened during the course of elevation.

"About the tribe at the back, it refers to a race that has successfully created a tribe in the universe. Kylie's type shows that such a circumstance explains that her bloodline came from a formidable species. Only a Pure Blood would have their tribe on the card. The reason being that in the universe, only Pure Bloods would be approved by their respective tribes."

After studying it for a while, Lin Huang recalled Kylie's card while feeling elated.

He finally had his very first mythical-level Monster Card!

Chapter 898: The Closing of the Ruins

Translator:EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor:EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was elated with Kylie's elevation, but the inadequate summoning authority intensified his pressure.

If he did not elevate to imperial-level soon, the elevation of Bai and the rest would make him be stuck in a pickle whereby he would not be able to summon his imperial beasts. Therefore, he could only pause Bai and the rest's elevation for the time being.

Meanwhile, triple mutated legendary-level monsters would lose their upper hand when they reached imperial-level. If not for their powerful bloodline, Bai and the rest could not fight monsters that were a rank higher at all. Elevating them to quadruple mutated mythical-level monsters was mandatory and urgent.

'I must collect more God Figurines as soon as I can when we get out of here,' Lin Huang decided secretly.

His summoning beast army proceeded with the hunt since Kylie had elevated.

They had only cleared region No. 12 and the two hunting areas around it an hour before the Fallen God Land closed.

After recalling all of his Monster Cards, Lin Huang counted the rewards that he had obtained throughout the three months.

There were two God Figurines, one true god relic, six god relics, close to 400 demigod relics, three true god inheritances, 14 virtual god inheritances, 11 true god methods, over 1,300 sword skills, close to five million monster crystal cores, and close to 200 immortal-level rank-9 and imperial-level Emperor's Heart Rings.

Apart from the material rewards, the cultivation of Lin Huang's Twisted Fate Scripture had reached rotation No. 6. Among the four God Figurines' Combat Souls, three of them were already on imperial-level yellow gold-rank while another was not far from there. His summoning beast army had elevated to imperial-level black gold-rank.

Kylie had successfully elevated to mythical-level.

Lancelot, on the other hand, had elevated to pseudo-mythical-level while all of his 18 sword servants were now on triple mutated imperial-level black gold-rank.

The Evil Dominator had the largest improvement whereby he had three imperial-level purple gold-rank substitutes and seven imperial-level white gold-rank substitutes.

Bloody's imperial-level army experienced a boost on a bigger scale. It had 46 imperial-level yellow gold-rank puppets, over 200 imperial-level crimson gold-rank, and over 500 imperial-level black gold-rank puppets. This army could easily kill imperial-level white gold-ranks and even fight imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses head-on.

It seemed like Lin Huang's combat strength had only gone up by one rank, but in reality, his overall ability had advanced more than that.

Time was ticking.

What Lin Huang had no idea about was that the union organization and underground organizations finally felt relieved the last few minutes before the Fallen God Land was closed. For the past ten days or so, they had been worried that the mystery organization which had killed Huang Tianqi and gang would come after them.

In reality, the union organization used some spying techniques to find out what the mystery organization was after. However, Bloody found out about all their nosing about and put them to an end. Since the efforts were to no avail, the union organization eventually decided to give up with the concern that what they were doing might trigger the mystery organization, causing an unnecessary fight.

On the other hand, the underground organization was behaving like a coward from the beginning until the end. They dared not even investigate the matter because they were afraid that the mystery organization might come after them. After all, the single fight earlier had annihilated half of their high combat strength powerhouses. If another battle broke out, all of their high combat strength powerhouses might be killed.

Initially, they thought it was the union organization that came together to do this and they condemned their sinister act secretly. Later on, they found out that the union organization had vacated many areas at their own will while their members with high combat strength had gathered in the central region. They seemed to be ready for a war to break out with someone else. It was then that they only realized the union organization was not the culprit.

On 1st February at 9 a.m. sharp, a white light sphere appeared above the central region of the Fallen God Land like a sun illuminating the entire ruins.

Just when the people noticed the unusual phenomenon happening in the sky, the white light sphere intensified, and all they could see was an intense white before their eyes.

When Lin Huang got his vision back, he realized he was at the entrance of the Fallen God Land.

The black crack that looked like a Virtual Eye was still there in the sky, and it was exuding a terrifying aura like a giant beast that was ready to devour the world.

Lin Huang was almost sure that anyone who insisted on entering the entrance when the Fallen God Land was shut would be torn apart into pieces by the energy of the crack

He then shifted his focus from the sky to his surroundings. There were people everywhere. Clearly, they were the participants who had survived the ruins.

However, Lin Huang noticed there were only around 3,000 people, which was less than half of the 8,000 people who had entered the Fallen God Land before.

The high management of the Union Government, the Hunter Association, Dynasty, and the rest were waiting not far away.

Most of them had an aghast expression on their faces as they gaped at the members who had survived.

The demigod branch leader of Division 3, who was the Third Prince of Dynasty's face was pale when he saw the remaining members from Dynasty. He shouted at the few imperial-level Dynasty members from far away, "Where is Huang Tianqi?! Where are the Seventh Prince and the immortal-level team?!"

The remaining imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses from Dynasty shrunk as one of them informed Third Prince about what happened through voice transmission.

Not only did the Third Prince lose his calm after hearing that, but he was also even more furious now.

"All of you are useless! You don't even dare to investigate who killed Huang Tianqi and the rest. Furthermore, you only heard the news of the Seventh Prince and the immortal-level team being killed by a local organization from someone else. Why are all of you even here?!"

Another person who was just as enraged as the Third Price was the demigod leader of Division 3 Charm, Yue Ji. However, she did not reveal her rage on the spot as the Third Prince did.

She said nothing after asking about what had happened to Yu Hong and the immortal-level team while looking livid. The intent to kill vibrated from her body.

The happiest ones were the few union organizations including the Union Government and the Hunter Association.

The had lost less than 20% of their members and all of their imperial-level purple gold-rank and imperial-level white gold-rank powerhouses had survived. Only less than five of their imperial-level black gold-rank to yellow gold-rank members did not make it this time.

Lin Huang glanced through the crowd quickly and soon saw the short, young man Tong Lin who had spoken to him before they entered the Fallen God Land. His combat strength had elevated from immortal-level rank-6 to immortal-level rank-7.

"What? This fella's still alive?" Lin Huang was rather surprised because Tong Lin had ordinary abilities and was not even considered a genius. He must have immense luck to be able to survive.

As he looked away from Tong Lin, Lin Huang soon saw Huangfu Lin of the Sweep Alliance. Her combat strength was already on immortal-level rank-9, and her aura had been even more powerful than Shen Tao's before entering the Fallen God Land.

This lady's ability was much more powerful than Lin Huang had estimated earlier.

Lin Huang looked away again and soon noticed Tan Lang and the rest.

The nine of them were still alive. Tan Lang and Shen Tao had advanced to imperial-level black gold-rank. Although the rest did not improve in terms of combat strength, the intensity of their aura was now higher.

Recalling what Gong Sun had said before, Lin Huang fixed his eyes on Li Jia. However, he suddenly turned to look at him at that precise moment.

Li Jia smiled at him as their eyes met. He then turned to speak to Tan Lang and the rest, pointing in Lin Huang's direction.

Tan Lang and the rest looked over immediately as elation filled their faces the moment they saw Lin Huang.

Lin Huang smiled at them and nodded. He then walked towards them through the crowd.

"I knew you had to still be alive!" Shen Tao smirked.

"You're always on your own. You didn't even contact us after getting out of the foggy world," Tan Lang grinned while speaking.

"It wasn't that I didn't want to contact you guys, but the communication device's broken, so I can't use it." Lin Huang came up with an excuse. In reality, it was he who had broken the communication device.

Naturally, Tan Lang and the rest noticed that his combat strength had elevated to immortal-level rank-4, but they did not find it odd. After all, he had already achieved immortal-level rank-3 three months ago.

After chatting with each other, Tan Lang began to get down to business.

"Initially, I didn't have high hopes of elevating to imperial-level this time because the Life Base that I want is very rare. Never would I have thought I would find it in the Fallen God Land and could advance to imperial-level with Shen Tao.

"I'm sure every one of you knows the Genius Union's rule. Members will be removed from the list as soon as they elevate to imperial-level and will no longer be eligible to be in the Genius Union. In other words, both of us are no longer Heaven Alliance members.

"However, I want to say that we're always Heaven Alliance members. Whether our combat strength elevated to imperial-level, demigod-level or virtual god-level, the Heaven Alliance will always be the family that we fought for.

"If anyone of you encounters any troubles at all, please contact me, Tan Lang. If you ever need my help. I'll do everything I can to help. Everybody has each other's number, so please keep in touch!"

"Me too. I'll definitely help as long as I can!" Shen Tao said while pounding his chest.

Chapter 899: Returning to Division 7

It was the 2nd of February at foothold No. 3A5, Wanbao City.

As the sky was getting dark, a man whose body was shrouded in a black robe and hoodie walked into the Wanbao Auction.

Ignoring the crowded stalls in the auction and the people walking in and out, the man walked straight to the lady in uniform who was in charge of customer service.

"Hi, Sir. May I know if I can help you with anything?"

"I have a business opportunity that I would like to speak about with your boss." The man whipped out a golden card that was half the size of a palm and showed it to the lady.

The female attendant recognized it as a VIP membership card right away. She nodded immediately. "Sure, Sir, our boss is here today. Please give me a moment and I'll get the manager to bring you to the boss's office."

"There's no need for the trouble as long as he's here. I know how to get to his office." The man breezed straight to the office area.

She dared not stop him. She allowed Lin Huang to go in, but she informed the manager immediately.

The man opened the door and went straight into the office when he arrived at the entrance.

The man with a ponytail, who was playing games on the Heart Network, looked up all of a sudden. He was stunned by the appearance of the man in the black robe. The moment the man removed the hood, Tang Xu could not help but exclaim out loud, "Sir?!"

"Seems like you still remember me." The man smirked but his smile gave one goosebumps.

Tang Xu could not help but shiver. Just when he was going to say something, a manager arrived at the entrance, clearly having sprinted over and gazed at the black-robed man as he looked concernedly into the office.

"Boss, this guest…"

"I know. You may leave now," Tang Xu dismissed lightly.

After getting rid of the manager, Tang Xu stood up and studied the man before him in excitement. "Sir, are you selling something or purchasing resources this time?"

"I have a batch of some rather valuable items but I'm not sure if your auction will accept them or not." The man plopped onto the couch comfortably.

Tang Xu poured him a cup of tea immediately. "Please do tell me more, Sir."

"Ten demigod relics…" The man took a sip of the tea and proceeded to continue slowly, "Two god relics."

"Two god relics?" Tang Xu was completely dumbstruck.

There had only been three god relics that appeared in the entire Division 3 throughout the past hundreds of years. However, the man before him had announced that he had two god relics as soon as he arrived. It would be odd if nobody felt indifferent hearing that.

"Would you accept them? If not, I can always look for someone else." The man in the black robe caressed the surface of the teacup softly with his fingers while he set his eyes on Tang Xu like he was looking at a harmless little creature.

"We'll accept them! You have my word, Sir," Tang Xu assured immediately. No god relic had appeared even in Division 1 for more than 30 years. If he accepted those, his Wanbao Auction would definitely shoot to instant fame.

"Sure, tell me about your requirements."

The black-robed man nodded in satisfaction. "Two god relics. I won't sell them for Life Crystals. I'll only trade them for items. Also, the buy-in of each relic must be two God Figurines. The proceeding bids after that do not necessarily have to be God Figurines."

"Must the starting bid be God Figurines? Can't they bid with other items of the same value?" Tang Xu asked immediately. He found out about a God Figurine's real value after Lin Huang's lucky bid last time.

"No, it must be a God Figurine." The black-robed man's tone was determined.

"Alright then…" Tang Xu could only accept the strict condition. It was the seller's request after all and he was just the middle-man. "Can I take a look at the two god relics?"

"Sure." The man agreed and nodded right away. He then took out the two god relics which were a sword and a spear.

Tang Xu fell into a trance immediately. He could not take his eyes off the items, and only snapped back to his senses unwillingly after a long time.

"Shall we talk about the details now?" The black-robed man looked at Tang Xu while smirking.

Lin Huang had not slept for three days at the Magical Sky City's Central Library.

He had been 'staying' there ever since the Union Government sent him back to Magical Sky City. The Central Library was open for 24 hours all year long.

Apart from less than half an hour's rest in between, Lin Huang spent almost all the 72 hours throughout the library.

After all, he was only given a three-day pass with level-one reading authorization from the Union Government.

Lin Huang initially planned to bring Bloody there in order to memorize all of the useful information he could access with a level-one reading authorization using its Supreme Intelligence.

However, later, he found out that the Central Library only allowed access to humans while imperial monsters and pet monsters were prohibited. There was even a ban set for demigods whereby they were killed if they sensed a monster's aura right away. It was a sure death even if the monster that came in was on imperial-level purple-gold rank.

After learning about such a rule, Lin Huang had to give up the idea of bringing Bloody in and took the mission up himself.

For the past three days, he had used three Provisional Transformation Cards to borrow Bloody's Super Intelligence for the highest efficiency in the absorption of information.

He got the idea of using Provisional Transformation Cards in such a brilliant way from Xiao Hei.

With the help of Super Intelligence, Lin Huang obtained the memorization and analytical abilities which were on par with Bloody's. After spending some time to filter through the data, he spent the next three days memorizing over 30,000 bits of knowledge accessible with level-one reading authorization.

During the half an hour of 'rest' in between, he used his Cloning Card and Disguise Card to create the demigod-level powerhouse just like before. He used them to head to Wanbao City to auction the two god relics, which were a spear and a sword, off.

The condition of trading the god relics was very simple. They could only be traded with God Figurines. Moreover, the starting bid for a god relic had to be two God Figurines.

Although Lin Huang mentioned the acquisition of information about God Figurines, nobody suspected him.

One of the reasons was that he had the alibi of being at the Central Library when his clone appeared in the Wanbao Auction.

The other reason was that demigods had acquired God Figurines in the past before in order to remodel their Combat Souls. The demigod Lin Huang disguised as was not the first demigod to make such an odd request.

Even if the people from the Wanbao Auction found out that the man in the black robe had a 'master-disciple' relationship with Lin Huang, they would think that it was the black-robed man who wanted the God Figurine while Lin Huang had nothing to do with it. They would not think that the god and demigod relics the black-robed man possessed had anything to do with Lin Huang. After all, relics of such a level were unattainable for an immortal-level powerhouse like Lin Huang.

Naturally, the appearance of two god relics at the same time created a stir in the entire Division 3.

Even many demigods in Division 1 and Division 2 were shocked. Such a level of treasure was extremely rare. Even Division 1 had less than ten god relics that showed up throughout the past 800 years; that number was naturally fewer in Divisions 2 and 3.

Apart from the two god relics that Lin Huang handed over this time, Division 3 only seen three god relics in the past hundreds of years.

Lin Huang gave the Wanbao Auction the full authority to auction the god relics off while he freed his hands from the responsibility.

The Wanbao Auction set the official auction date as soon as they released the news of the god relics being available. It would take place on the 8th of March after the New Year.

On the 4th of February at 10 a.m., Lin Huang's level-1 reading authorization expired. He then walked out of the library and headed to the long-distance dimensional portal to travel to a different division.

Although it was an exclusive passage for transcendence-levels, many of them were heading home to celebrate the New Year. Lin Huang, who had booked his ticket over three months ago, queued until past 2 p.m. and finally walked into the dimensional portal with 29 other people.

His vision recovered after a moment of being in a daze and realized that he was in the White Capital of Division 7 now.

Chapter 900: Reunion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was snowing heavily in Winter City.

Although it was cold, there were lights and decorations everywhere on the streets since it was close to the New Year. They were people walking in and out of the crowded commercial district.

Two little girls trudged in the snow while holding hands in a villa area close to the commercial district in the east of the foothold. Both of them were dressed in the same jacket but in different colors. One was white while the other was black.

"Little Witch, do you think Brother will like the presents that we picked out?" Lin Xin who wore the white jacket asked in excitement.

The Witch who wore the black jacket had soft hair sweeping her shoulders. She replied softly while flushing, "Master will definitely like the present Young Master picked out."

"Then, let's go home right away. Maybe Brother's already at home waiting for us." Lin Xin nodded while wearing a smile and pulling the Witch along to hasten their footsteps.

The two girls slowed down as they reached a three-story villa. They entered the house after scanning their fingerprints at the door.

The villa remained the same as it was when they had headed out in the morning.

Looking at the furnace devoid of fire, Lin Xin seemed rather disappointed.

She changed her shoes at the entrance, removed her jacket and hung it on the rack. Then, she walked to the furnace and tossed a red crystal in. A crimson spark lit up in the furnace while circles of heatwaves were released at the same time. The chill in the house disappeared immediately.

"The house's much warmer." Having changed into slippers, the Witch sat on the floor in front of the furnace. She extended her hands to the furnace for warmth.

Lin Xin stood by the furnace, her eyes reflecting the red sparks dazzling in the furnace. She stared emptily for a while before asking softly, "Little Witch, it'll be the New Year in four days. Do you think that Brother isn't coming back?"

The Witch went silent for a while and tugged Lin Xin to sit down. "Since Master has promised you that he'll come back, he'll definitely be back as he agreed as long as he doesn't encounter any unusual circumstances."

"He said he would go into the ruins for three months, but it's been a few days since three months have passed." Lin Xin was rather worried. "Could he be in some kind of trouble?"

"Given Master's current abilities, he shouldn't get himself into any trouble as long as he doesn't encounter some extraordinarily powerful imperial-level powerhouse. After all, since my combat strength has elevated to imperial-level, Master's other imperial monsters should be the same too. Moreover, there are a few imperial monsters that are more powerful than me over there. It would be a relief if he doesn't create trouble for himself," the Witch explained with a smile, "Master said three months, but maybe it isn't exactly three months."

Noticing that Lin Xin was still upset, the Witch stood up and changed the subject. "We've bought all the goods for the New Year, so let's decorate the house today. Master will definitely feel the New Year spirit when he comes back."

Lin Xin finally felt her spirits lifted after hearing that. "That's right. We must shower Brother with the New Year spirit."

"Little Witch, let's start working! We'll start with cleaning!" The young lady who was exuberant and full of energy was back.

Walking out of the long-distance dimensional portal in the White Capital, Lin Huang knew that Lin Xin was not staying in the Martial Hunter College because the Witch must be with her and he did not sense the Witch's aura in the White Capital.

However, Lin Huang did not summon the dimensional portal to leave the White Capital right away. Instead, he headed straight to the largest shopping district in the White Capital.

He had to bring some presents back for his sister before heading home.

Unsure what combat strength Lin Xin was on now, he ended up buying two sets of equipment — one on silver-level while the other was on gold-level.

The two sets of equipment included the latest battle armor. Apart from that, Lin Huang picked two top-quality battle swords as well as two modified weapon firearms for Lin Xin. He got the staff to wrap them up as gifts and put them away in his storage space.

He then bought the Witch a puppet and got it wrapped too.

The puppet was an ancient relic similar to the doll that Grimace wanted. However, a doll was a battle-type of relic while a puppet was more for controlling the battlefield. Its battle ability was much weaker when it came to fighting enemies head-on.

After buying those gifts, Lin Huang summoned a dimensional portal and stepped into it.

The Witch, who was hanging lanterns with Lin Xin, shivered all of a sudden. She stopped what she was doing the second she sensed Lin Huang's return.

"What's wrong, Little Witch?" Lin Xin noticed the weird reaction from the Witch.

"Master's back! I can sense it."

"Brother?" Lin Xin's eyes flew wide open and she turned to look at the door.

Right at that moment, the door opened while a silhouette walked in. Seeing the person's face, Lin Xin bolted right into the person's embrace instantly.


Lin Huang hugged Lin Xin while patting her head. She only let go of him after a long while her eyes had become a little red.

"You've grown taller quite a fair bit, silly girl! Let me take a good look at you!" Lin Huang put both his hands on her shoulders and took a long look at her while beaming. "Wow, you're getting prettier! You're a beauty now."

"Nah… Really?" Lin Xin was flushing. Although she denied it softly, she was secretly over the moon.

While he was complimenting her, Lin Huang was secretly shocked as he could clearly sense that Lin Xin's combat strength had elevated to complete-stage gold-level rank-3. It seemed like she would break through to holy fire-level anytime now.

Lin Huang was slightly upset that the present he had picked out for her was useless since she could use relics now.

'Seems like I need to buy her something else,' Lin Huang thought to himself.

At that moment, the Witch walked towards him while feeling bashful and greeted him softly, "Master."

"Little Witch, you don't seem to have changed at all." Lin Huang nodded at the Witch while smiling, but he thought what he said was not right as soon the words came out of his mouth. He added immediately, "You're still as cute as always."

The Witch blushed when she heard that. She dared not look at Lin Huang and gazed down at her toes nervously.

After closing the door, Lin Huang looked up at the decorations around the house. It was almost done now. "Not bad. The New Year spirit's here."

The two ladies were overjoyed to hear that because that was what they had hoped for.

Lin Huang summoned Bloody and Bai to finish up the decorating in the house after changing into his slippers and taking his jacket off.

The reason why he did not summon Tyrant and the rest was mainly that they were not suitable for doing such a fine and meticulous task. He might end up with collapsed walls if he got them to paste some decorations. He did not want the simple job of decorating the house to end up in tearing the house down.

The speed of the task was boosted immensely when Lin Huang and the other two monsters joined them. In less than half an hour, they had hung all of the lanterns and decorations while the ceiling looked like a sky full of stars with the dazzling crystals.

Lin Huang indulged in the New Year atmosphere as he looked at the decorations. However, he could not help but slip into his memory of the New Year back on Earth. Although there were some differences here and there, the overall ambiance was similar.

'It's my third New Year in this world now…' Lin Huang could not help but sigh in his heart.

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