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50.52% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 242: 871-880

Chapter 242: 871-880

Chapter 871: A Great Place to Obtain Points

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang felt refreshed when he woke up early the next morning.

After washing up and having some snacks that he had prepared beforehand for breakfast, he put away the tent and broke out of the cave.

Countless monsters surrounded his field of vision as soon as he exited the cave.

They were scurrying towards all directions at the bottom and crawling upwards on the walls continuously. They were like an army of ants migrating on a large scale.

Soon, many monsters noticed Lin Huang's presence and jumped to attack him.

Observing that, Lin Huang summoned Bai, Lancelot, Thunder, Bing Wang, and Kylie immediately.

As soon as Bai was summoned, he attacked at lightning speed the moment he saw the monsters targeting Lin Huang.

He turned his Vampire Particles into a couple of sharp blades. A few monsters were killed directly as he attacked in a flash. There was not even a drop of blood as the monsters were slashed in half. The carcasses dropped onto the ground.

Meanwhile, Lancelot, Thunder and Bing Wang landed on the ground one after another and began a new round of killing as they looked around.

Bai then joined the killing spree instantly.

The four monsters that were experts in killing as a group entered the herd of lambs like tigers. Eventually, the mortal transformation-level monsters were killed one by one.

As the monsters were killed, Kylie summoned her Nephilic Judge army to begin collecting their carcasses.

Lin Huang turned to look at the monsters that had been initially behind him while looking a little puzzled. Those monsters that had passed him and his summoning beasts by did not turn back to attack. Instead, they were running in all directions. Those monsters that were crawling on the walls also did not jump down to attack him or his summoning beasts. They continued crawling upwards as if nothing else mattered to them.

"These monsters are behaving rather oddly," Lin Huang said softly with a frown. "If this is a normal monster horde, no matter where I am, they would treat me as their target as long as they can see or sense me. They would want to kill me no matter what, but those monsters that passed us ignored me completely. They didn't turn back to attack. Instead, they proceeded with their journey. The only exception were those that saw me right before they attacked me."

"There are two possibilities." Bloody attended to Lin Huang's confusion. "The first possibility would be that they're moving or they're escaping. Hence, they don't have the time to care about you. Some of them attacked you not because you're human, but simply because you're blocking their way.

"The second possibility would be that they've received a powerful order. Compared to the order, you're nothing, so they decided to ignore you and follow the order."

"This isn't something bad. At least, it means that we can go forward without having to kill all of the monsters along the way," Bloody added.

"Do you mean minimizing the hunting zone and speeding up?" Lin Huang raised his brow when he heard what Bloody said. "If that's the case, wouldn't Tan Lang and the rest have more pressure on them?"

"They don't even have any monsters to kill at the moment." Feeling helpless, Bloody told Lin Huang about Tan Lang and the rest who had nothing to do since yesterday afternoon until the night due to him slaying all of the monsters.

"Besides Tan Lang and the rest, a couple of government residences in the northwestern area and the Luotian Sect were affected too. Because of us hogging all of the monsters, they didn't get many kills yesterday.

"Also, the Luotian Sect couldn't help but send two teams out to investigate last night. Fortunately, the monster horde went back to normal after we went to sleep last night. Their teams encountered the monster horde not long after that and they retreated.

"Li Jia sent a couple of bugs to investigate as well. Luckily, his bugs have a limited range which is less than 300 kilometers, so he didn't find anything."

"Ahh, okay, I've overlooked this." Lin Huang thought he would kill as many monsters as he could to minimize Tan Lang and the rest's burden, but he never realized that he would confuse them instead.

"Alright, we'll go as fast as we can to get to the central area of the gully and begin the hunt there. We can ease the pressure off the people outside and at the same time, we won't kill the monster horde entirely." Lin Huang came up with a new plan immediately.

"We can do that before the advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters appear," Bloody nodded. "But as soon as the monster horde levels up and the advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters come out, I'm afraid it's a little difficult for us to survive in the center of the gully with our abilities. We can only guard one of the gullies."

"Sure, let's do that then." Lin Huang understood what Bloody meant.

As soon as the monster horde leveled up, the advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters would have the equivalent combat strength of immortal-level rank-6 to rank-9 monsters. Such monsters would be difficult for Bing Wang and the rest to kill in one hit if their defense was slightly more powerful. Some triple mutated immortal-level rank-9 monsters even had the ability to fight Bing Wang and the rest. As soon as they were attacked by one of those monsters, it would be hard for them to come out of the monster horde. By then, the risk of losing their lives there would be high.

After giving Bai and the rest a new order, Lin Huang and his army began to speed up towards the central zone of the gully.

The closer it was to the central zone, the lower the terrain was and more spacious too. It was like a narrow, fan-shaped slope.

The closer Lin Huang was into the center of the gully, he realized there were more and more monsters ahead of them.

Bai and the rest fought together like arrows continuously shooting into the sea of monsters that were in front of them. They ignored the monsters that were surrounding them left and right.

The monsters that passed them did not turn around to attack. Instead, they were whizzing towards the northwestern direction.

After changing the hunting plan, Lin Huang and his army sped up so much more that they could travel up to 1,000 kilometers per hour.

When the sky was turning dark, Lin Huang finally saw the central zone which was the end of the intersection of the gully.

It was a gigantic sunken pit that looked like a huge crater. There was a huge hole in the middle of the crater.

To Lin Huang, the eight gigantic gullies looked like eight slender legs that expanded from a humongous spider while the sunken hole was the spider's heart.

Lin Huang got Bai and the others to go into the bowl-shaped crater to kill the monsters while he stood by the edge and peered down. It was pitch black. Apart from the various monsters that were crawling up tens of meters around the edge, he could not see anything else down there.

"This must be the center of the abyss…" Lin Huang used his Divine Telekinesis curiously but he sensed nothing. It was like his Divine Telekinesis had entered a land of nothingness.

"Bloody, release a few Leech Pods down there and see," Lin Huang said to Bloody since his effort was to no avail.

Bloody released a few Leech Pods immediately. The pods were going towards the center abyss slowly.

However, Bloody shook its head after a short while. "The communication was cut off. I'm not sure if someone shot them or if the Leech Pods floated somewhere else."

Lin Huang gazed at the center of the abyss for a while and eventually shook his head. He gave up on the thought to jump into it to discover for himself.

He turned to look at the countless monsters within the hundreds of kilometers radius in the gigantic crater. Lin Huang was elated all of a sudden. "This is a great place to reap Glory Points!"

Chapter 872: The Sixth Day

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Time passed by. It was the fifth day since the monster horde broke out.

Throughout the past five days, the combat strength of the monsters that had been gushing out of the abyss was increasing day by day.

It was just monsters on the beginner-stage mortal transformation-level on the first day, but there were intermediate-stage mortal transformation-level monsters beginning to appear on the second day. On the fifth day, there were already intermediate-stage ascendance-level monsters appearing, which combat strength was equivalent to immortal-level rank-4 to rank-6 monsters.

To Tan Lang and the rest, the pressure increased day after day.

On the fifth day since the monster horde broke out, most of the Heaven Alliance members could no longer take the pressure and had to retreat back to Enlightenment City.

Even Tan Lang returned to Enlightenment City when the city door closed on the fifth night.

As soon as he returned to the inn, Tan Lang gathered the people from the Heaven Alliance. He glanced through everyone, all members were there while Lin Huang was the only one missing.

"Didn't Lin Xie come back?" Tan Lang asked while frowning a little.

Chan Dou had assigned Tan Lang a mission which was to take care of Lin Xie's safety. He was a little worried when he noticed Lin Xie's absence.

"He didn't. We haven't been able to contact him via the communication ring." Shen Tao shook his head. He had tried contacting Lin Huang a couple of times yesterday, but his attempt was futile.

They could not use the communication system in their Emperor's Heart Ring there, but it worked for the local communication ring. The function was nothing less than the Emperor's Heart Ring. For convenience, all of them had one of their own.

However, since Lin Huang had been in the gully for the past few days, the communication ring could not receive any reception outside of the abyss.

"He didn't reply the messages?" Tan Lang asked again.

"No. I've sent a few messages to him, asking him to contact me as soon as he sees my messages, but he didn't reply since yesterday. I'm guessing that he's somewhere that has no reception."

Tan Lang said nothing and used his communication ring to call Lin Huang directly. However, the call did not connect.

Since the call was not connected the first time, he called again, but it was the same result.

"It can't connect…" Tan Lang frowned.

"It shows that he might still be alive," Tang Ning comforted, "The communication ring here is different from the Emperor's Heart Ring whereby the communication ring's reception won't be affected when the person is dead. You can still call, just that nobody will pick up."

"What if the person is dead and the communication ring is broken?" Tan Lang glared at Tang Ning. He knew not having any reception did not mean that Lin Huang was dead.

All of a sudden, Tang Ning fell silent. If Lin Huang was dead and his body was trampled by the monsters, there was a high chance that his communication ring was broken. A broken communication ring would have the same no-reception mode just like what happened when they attempted to call.

"I'm not worried about Lin Xie. Remember that he killed so many monsters on the Stairway Tree?" Shen Tao comforted Tan Lang while wearing a smile.

"There'll be advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters coming out of the abyss tomorrow. Do you think he has the ability to kill monsters that are equivalent to immortal-level rank-7 to rank-9?!" Tan Lang shook his head helplessly. "Even I would have to avoid them if I encountered monsters of such a level!"

Even though Tan Lang had an ability comparable with imperial-level crimson gold-ranks, he dared not guarantee that he could kill all of the advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters alone. The reason was that being attacked by monsters of such level would cause severe damage to him.

"Perhaps Lin Xie has a way of his own. Nobody saw exactly how he killed the monsters on the Stairway Tree earlier." In reality, Li Jia was very curious about how Lin Huang managed to obtain such a high score on the Stairway Tree.

He was a Bug Master. On a certain level, it was a branch of the Imperial Censor. He had always wanted to see Lin Huang's full blast combat strength as an Imperial Censor.

"Don't worry, Imperial Censors usually have much more survival techniques than us ordinary people do. Moreover, Lin Xie isn't a reckless person. If he knew that the situation's out of hand, he'll definitely come back." Shen Tao stepped forward and patted Tan Lang's shoulder.

Tan Lang went silent for a moment. A strange thought popped into his mind after he calmed down, and he could not help but say it out loud, "Do you guys think it's true what the Herculean King said the other day about his ability being the least powerful among all of the summoning beasts that Lin Xie has?"

Shen Tao and the rest had their eyes wide open when they heard that and they fell into a dead silence.

They knew the Herculean King since they had fought together before. The Herculean King was not only a triple mutated beast. It had an ancient beast bloodline too. His ability was much more powerful than most of them who were present. He was just a tiny bit lagging behind Shen Tao who was about to elevate to imperial-level.

Shen Tao chuckled awkwardly a while later. "Then, Lin Xie's ability's really terrifying."

Just when the people from the Heaven Alliance were discussing Lin Huang, he had just ended the massacre of the day.

On the second day that he entered the gully since the monster horde broke out, Lin Huang had been getting the kills for his Monster Cards in the central zone of the abyss.

It was like a job to him every day whereby he would hunt for 17 hours from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. Throughout the four days, he had killed more than four million monsters in total.

Lin Huang estimated that he could obtain at least 30 million Glory Points just by selling the monster carcasses alone.

He called off the hunting when it was close to twelve midnight.

"That's all for today. Let's rest well tonight. Tomorrow will be the last day that we'll be in the abyss." After entering the cave that he had been staying in temporarily for those few days, Lin Huang recalled Bai and the rest into their card forms and summoned Bloody Robe.

Lin Huang did not sleep right away after getting Bloody Robe to seal the cave. Instead, he got Bloody to project the images taken at the bowl-shaped crater.

It was the sixth day since the monster horde had broken out after midnight. As expected, there were advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters that began crawling out of the abyss. There were countless of them.

"Looking at the progress of monsters coming out of the center abyss, there'll be peak-stage ascendance-level monsters coming out after midnight tomorrow and there'll be human immortal-level monsters the day after that, which are equivalent to imperial-level black gold-rank monsters. And there'll be imperial-level crimson gold-rank monsters coming out three days later…" Lin Huang shook his head while forcing a smile. "Can the sects of this world really handle such an impact?"

"According to my current observation, these sects are actually formidable. However, the chances of them defeating imperial-level monsters aren't high." Bloody was pessimistic about this crisis. "Even if an imperial-level monster horde were to happen in the outside world, we might need many demigods to fight together to solve the crisis. However, there's not even one demigod that's surfaced in this world until now."

"Maybe the demigods are hiding just like those sects before," Lin Huang teased. Even he did not believe what he had just said.

"We could still hunt the last day tomorrow. We must leave the abyss tomorrow at midnight," Bloody reminded Lin Huang in all seriousness while looking at him. "There'll be peak-stage ascendance-level monsters coming out the day after tomorrow which is equivalent to immortal-level rank-9. Some of them might even be just as strong as us. Furthermore, there are many more monsters than what our own numbers."

"I understand." Lin Huang shook his head, feeling helpless. "Seems like it's not possible to obtain 100 million points to achieve seven-star Glory after all."

"The Sect Alliance's point system was never made for anyone to achieve seven-star Glory or even six-star Glory. It'd be great if you achieved six-star Glory to purchase items at a 60% discount," Bloody smiled as it said, "If you really want to achieve seven-star Glory, you'd need to sell the crystal cores as well."

"It's not worth redeeming points with crystal cores here. I'll only sell them when I get out. Then, I should be able to get a better price." Lin Huang was very sure of that. Such an item that could replenish Life Power at a high speed would definitely be something that countless people would fight for out there.

Just when Lin Huang was ready to sleep after chatting with Bloody for a while, he heard a dumbfounded gasp from Bloody.

'What's wrong?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"It's the people from the Union Government. They're trying to come down to the abyss now…"

Chapter 873: The Union Government's Unusual Behavior

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang thought it was a little puzzling when he saw the image that Bloody projected. 200 of them from the Union Government initiated the slaughter of the monsters along the way down to the central zone of the abyss.

"What's this? Isn't it a little too late for them to only come to the center abyss to stop the monsters now?"

"I'm afraid their objective isn't that simple." Bloody gave a completely different opinion. "They've come down on the first day the abyss was formed. They even attempted to enter the crater in the center abyss but they failed. I'm guessing they're here for the crater."

"I don't think you've told me about this before." Lin Huang raised his brow when he heard the explanation.

"You were in cultivation when they came and they only stopped by for less than half an hour. They gave up and left after trying a few times, but their attempts were to no avail. I didn't think it was something important and they didn't come back since then. That's why I didn't mention it to you," Bloody explained.

Lin Huang did not dwell on that. Instead, he asked while frowning. "They're trying to get into the crater. Is it because they knew there's something in there? But why do they choose to come today?"

"As soon midnight passes, the monsters that are crawling out of the crater will become advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters. Wouldn't the pressure be even bigger if they go in now?" Lin Huang thought it was rather hard to understand.

"If it were me, I would try every way I could possibly think of to get in if I failed on the first day, but they only started trying again today since they failed the first time. Moreover, they did this right when midnight passed. It shows that they might have possibly mastered the way or the pattern of getting into the crater.

"There's another thing that seems a little odd now that I think about it. They rushed to Weiyang City which is closest to the central zone as soon as the gully was formed. They've never left Weiyang City since then.

"Looking at their behavior, they must've known something about the crater. Even if they're not entirely sure about the situation in there, they must've confirmed there's something that they want in there. That might possibly be the ultimate objective of why they entered the ruins," Bloody voiced its speculation.

In the projected image, the battle formation made by 200 of the Union Government members was formidable. They killed almost all the monsters that they encountered along the way.

Their goal was not to kill all of their enemies but to travel as fast as they could. They managed to get to the abyss from Weiyang City which was 200 kilometers in less than ten minutes.

They jumped down without hesitation as soon as they arrived at the abyss and made their way to the bowl-shaped crater. All of the monsters they encountered along the away were killed by the compelling Union Government army. They did not even collect any monster carcasses.

Another ten minutes later, this powerful Union Government army opened a bloody path and finally arrived at the border of the crater.

A tall lady walked out of the crowd. She wore a big white coat and seemed to be the leader of the pack. She looked down the crater as she walked to the edge and turned to shout at the people behind her, "Begin the experiment now!"

Three Imperial Censors summoned twelve immortal-level rank-9 monsters while the others guarded them.

Although the twelve monsters were all on immortal-level rank-9, they were just double mutated while their abilities seemed ordinary.

Under the three Imperial Censors' command, the twelve monsters hopped into the crater together.

Nine of them were torn into pieces by the monsters that were crawling up as soon as they jumped in while another two were attacked. Nobody knew if they survived. Only one of the twelve managed to dodge the monsters' attack and disappeared into the abyss.

After waiting for two to three minutes, the three Imperial Censors looked at their pet spatial ring with their heads down.

One of the Imperial Censors lifted his head after checking it thoroughly. He said to the people helplessly while shaking his head, "All dead."

Subsequently, the second one lifted his head. "It's the same on my side. None of them survived."

The last one only spoke after the second person was done speaking, "One of mine survived. I guess the first round of experiment's complete."

"Go on with the second round of the experiment!" The leading lady nodded.

The three Imperial Censors carried out another round of summoning whereby they summoned another twelve monsters.

Just like before, they were all on immortal-level rank-9 and double mutated.

The twelve monsters jumped into the crater under the three Imperial Censors' command.

A few minutes later, an Imperial Censor nodded at the leading lady again. "I have two monsters that survived. The second experiment is complete."

"Begin with the last round of experiment!" The leading lady ordered again.

Soon, the new round of experiment was accomplished while only one of the twelve monsters that jumped down survived this time.

"Since the three rounds of experiments were successful, we can go in now." A man wearing a white robe nodded at the leading lady. His attire was out of tune with the Union Government's uniform, but nobody seemed to have an opinion on that.

As soon as he spoke, the white-robed man was the first to jump into the crater. The leading lady did not have the chance to stop him even if she wanted to.

Seeing the man disappear into the crater, the leading lady followed suit while frowning slightly. The rest of them from the Union Government then jumped in too.

Lin Huang was stunned watching the projection.

"All of them jumped?!"

"I've attached two Leech Pods on two of them," Bloody said while grinning, "For some reason, I failed to look at the images the Leech Pods sent back, but I could sense that the two Leech Pods are still around this time."

"Let's go in too." Lin Huang's interest was piqued all of a sudden. Although he had reaped a number of great rewards throughout these few days from killing monsters, he thought it was rather boring. Now that he found something interesting, he would not want to miss it naturally.

"The Union Government has formed an army of 200 who are experts in battle formation. I'm afraid it's not safe down there." Bloody was unwilling to take the risk.

It preferred to fight as long as it could master the situation. Its instinct was to avoid such an unknown area at all costs.

"No matter how powerful this battle formation from the Union Government's army is, they'll never beat your battle formation. None of them is a match for me when it comes to personal ability." Lin Huang had faith in Bloody and himself. "I think it'll be easy for us to handle the risk that they could handle."

"Moreover, judging by the Union Government's huge effort of forming such a team, the treasures in the crater must be exotic!" Lin Huang's eyes lit up as he spoke about this. "Let's follow secretly behind them."

Bloody knew that since Lin Huang had made up his mind, it was futile for it to stop him, so it did not bother wasting its effort on doing so.

The exuberant Lin Huang did what he said right away. He put the tent away immediately and got out of the wall as soon as he donned his clothes.

He then summoned Bai and the rest to kill all of the monsters along the way before arriving at the border of the crater. After recalling all of the Monster Cards apart from Bloody, Lin Huang jumped into the crater without thinking twice.

Chapter 874: The Source of the Monster Horde

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang looked around as he hovered in the air.

Everything that he was observing was a little different than what he had imagined before going in.

It was clear that he was not hovering underground but above an isolated space.

The sky was gray, and there was an unpleasant, pungent smell lingering in the air. The stench undoubtedly came from the few volcanoes that had smoke billowing out of them not far away.

One of the volcanoes was erupting where an insane amount of burning lava was flowing out from the crater. It drowned the burnt soil on the ground and connected with the dark-red lava river, making it even more disastrous than ever.

Although the ordinary lava could not cause any physical damage to ascendance-level monsters, the swarm of monsters decided to dodge the lava river and the erupting volcano. After all, monsters that lacked strength would not want their flesh to be burned by lava.

Lin Huang saw the Union Government members that were a distance away after taking a glance around.

They were forming a battle formation and zooming towards the direction in which the monsters were coming out. They seemed to be gunning for the source of the monster horde.

However, they appeared rather beaten although the battle formation was formed successfully.

The monsters were a little different from those on the outside. All of the monsters that sensed their existence attacked them, including those that had already passed them. They turned around to attack the people at full force.

The members were surrounded by the monster horde entirely now. Unlike before, the only threat they had faced earlier was the monsters ahead of them. Unfortunately, now monsters from all directions and even angles were attacking them.

Lin Huang only took a moment to complete his observation.

However, the monsters noticed him in the next moment. As they surged toward him, Lin Huang did not attack impulsively. He slid under a gigantic ungulate monster's abdomen, ignoring the monsters that were coming at him. Then, he crushed a Transformation Card.

In the next second, Lin Huang turned into a little black snake the size of a thumb with red patterns all over his body. He slithered below the monster's abdomen together with a tiny purple snake which was Bloody. Its body was compressed to the same size as the Eclipse Boa that Lin Huang had transformed into.

The monsters that were chasing Lin Huang realized that his aura suddenly vanished out of nowhere. They left helplessly after their failed attempts to detect them.

The two little snakes turned into red and purple ferocious gleams as they traveled among the monsters.

Many of the monsters saw them, but they did not attack. It was clear that the monsters treated Bloody and Lin Huang who had transformed themselves as one of themselves.

Lin Huang was secretly glad. The idea of using a Transformation Card came to him out of nowhere. He was taking a risk to see whether he would be attacked if he did that. He did not expect it to turn out so well. They were completely ignored even though they were traveling the opposite way.

"The people from the Union Government are going to the source of the monster horde. There might be treasures that they are after," Lin Huang said to Bloody through voice transmission, "Let's go there before they do."

Lin Huang raced against the current of the monster horde with Bloody as soon as he spoke.

They were so tiny that they were traveling among the monsters' legs, so they did not affect the flow of the horde at all.

Meanwhile, the Union Government army that was far away did not notice them at all. The duo passed them in a few seconds after their great efforts to struggle through less than ten kilometers in the monster horde.

Lin Huang and Bloody finally arrived at the source of monster horde after traveling for over an hour against the current. Lin Huang had to crush the second Transformation Card along the way to extend the duration of the transformation.

Lin Huang and Bloody were stunned when they saw what was happening at the source.

All of the monsters thronged from the gigantic crater before them.

However, there was a giant black dragon, which was thousands of meters long, perching on top of the crater. It seemed like it was in a deep sleep, but its aura was so powerful that Lin Huang and Bloody felt core-chilling fear despite being so far away.

"What a terrifying aura! That dragon must be at least a Virtual God!" Lin Huang and Bloody hid behind the other volcano and watched the dragon quietly.

"Why are both of you hiding? This Nightmare Dragon has been dead for a long time. It's just a carcass now." The stone tablet's thick voice came into Lin Huang's ears all of a sudden.

"Are you sure it's really a carcass and not just sleeping?" Lin Huang felt the compelling aura of that giant dragon. He found it hard to believe that it was already dead.

"Of course, it's a carcass! Why do you think that a True God wouldn't have noticed you when you're so close to it?" The stone tablet asked him back as if he was stupid.

"Maybe it noticed us, but couldn't be bothered to do anything because we're too weak." Although Lin Huang was in doubt, he believed the stone tablet.

"Do you still want the God Figurine?" The stone tablet did not want to argue with Lin Huang so it brought that up right away.

"Yes!" Lin Huang answered without thinking twice.

"This dragon carcass is actually a God Figurine," revealed the stone tablet, "It's just that it still has the very last remnant of will which is the reason why it isn't in the form of a God Figurine."

"Do you mean I'll have to fight this true god-level giant dragon in order to obtain the God Figurine?" Lin Huang was speechless to hear that. He did not think he could win.

"You don't fight it. You fight the gush of will that it has left," corrected the stone tablet.

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is that it's just a gush of will."

"You might as well not answer me…"

"Its gush of will extremely weak now. In fact, it's so weak that it can't drive this dragon carcass to fight. It's just using some sort of ability that the dragon carcass had when it was still alive. The ability's restricted due to the strength of the will."

Lin Huang finally understood the stone tablet after the explanation. He was finally relieved. "So, what should I do?"

"Simple. Turn back to a human, activate this gush of will, then destroy it! As soon as this last gush of will disappears, this dragon carcass will turn into a harmless God Figurine."

"Can I destroy it directly without activating it?" Lin Huang asked shamelessly. He could actually guess the answer to this question but he could not help asking anyway.

"You wish!" The stone tablet teased then explained in all seriousness, "Your will has to be tens of folds more powerful than this dragon's will when it was still alive in order to destroy its current will directly. Without activating the gush of will, it'll stay in this dragon carcass forever. It might take hundreds of thousands or even millions of years to fade away slowly on its own."

"Alright then…" Lin Huang looked helpless as he knew that was the answer he would get anyway. "So, how do I destroy it?"

"Just keep fighting it. When it's activated, it'll drain itself every minute and second. Fighting will only speed up the draining."

"So, how long does it take to destroy it completely?" Lin Huang proceeded to ask.

"From the intensity of its will that I can sense, it'll take three days at the most for it to be completely drained as long as it stays activated. If it's in battle mode, the duration will be shortened by heaps. It might not even be able to take it for a day if the fight's intense enough."

'You sound like you're making it up,' Lin Huang thought to himself secretly, but he did not seem to have any other option now.

If he did not do anything now, it would be harder for him to do it the next day when the monster horde leveled up to peak-stage ascendance-level. The chance of achieving this would be even slimmer.

After some thought to himself, Lin Huang finally made up his mind.

"Let's do it for the God Figurine!"

Chapter 875: Remnant Of The Will

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The Nightmare Dragon's a pureblood dragonkin whereby it's a true god-level powerhouse when it becomes an adult. As opposed to many other dragons, it masters the soul-type power, especially spirit methods.

"It can traverse through dreams of different living beings as it wishes and alters reality with dreams. If they kill a person in the dream, the person will be dead in reality.

"An adult Nightmare Dragon can even materialize something in dreams into reality, including living things. Just like this world that both of you are in now, it's been reified by the remnants of this Nightmare Dragon's energy."

Lin Huang was completely shocked upon hearing the stone tablet.

"You mean these volcanoes, the lava, the monster hordes, and the entire underground space are products of this Nightmare Dragon?"

"Besides this underground space, even the entire foggy area above is too," revealed the stone tablet, stunning Lin Huang even more. "However, the things that were reified on land was interfered with by another force."

"Do you mean that even the government residences, the sects and even the people in the cities are…" Lin Huang's eyes flew wide and suddenly, he felt like his head was too small to consume all this information.

"That's right. They're all materialized by the dragon."

"So, True Gods are so powerful that they can do this?" Lin Huang inhaled sharply.

"Not all True Gods. In reality, most of the true god-level powerhouses can't do this," explained the stone tablet immediately, "Reification and traversing in dreams are the Nightmare Dragon's innate abilities. Because of these two abilities, the Nightmare Dragon's clan made it to the top of pureblood dragonkins.

"Moreover, the reification of the entire foggy area isn't entirely the work of this Nightmare Dragon. There's another true god-level monster which seems to also have a similar reification ability," the stone tablet added. "Also, these two monsters were top True Gods when they were still alive. Their will has traveled through countless eras, but they're still there, which proves that they were the best of the best when they were still alive."

"There's another will? Would it appear to help the other one?" Lin Huang questioned immediately. He did not have full confidence in handling one, and he did not think he would win if both of them were to challenge him together.

"From what I've observed, these two wills are rivals. The other gush of will should be glad to see you killing this Nightmare Dragon's will," assured the stone tablet while grinning. "Alright, let me tell you the possible battle patterns the will might carry out in detail…"

After hearing the stone tablet's detailed explanation and analysis, Lin Huang had a thorough understanding of his opponent and found out that defeating it was possible.

"No matter how powerful it used to be, it's just a remnant of a will right now. It doesn't even have complete consciousness. All that it's left with is its battle instinct. You don't have to be stressed about it. Just treat it as an ordinary opponent," reminded the stone tablet later on.

"Alright." Lin Huang nodded.

He did not remove the effect of the Transformation Card immediately. Instead, in the Eclipse Boa's form, he slithered to the Nightmare Dragon's head which was above the volcano. He only removed the effect of the card and revealed himself then.

In reality, being close to the carcass of the Nightmare Dragon was immensely uncomfortable because there was a gush of terrifying energy remnants being released from the dragon carcass at all times. The energy was on at least virtual god-level.

Although Lin Huang had the same ability as it, which was the Holy Power, due to the major difference in combat strength, he could not enter the area tens meters from the dragon carcass. He could not land on the dragon carcass either, so he hovered more than ten meters above the dragon's head.

Bloody, on the other hand, hid deep in Lin Huang's sleeve and dared not show itself. Even with the Holy Power from Lin Huang's body, it felt uncomfortable being so close to the dragon carcass.

As soon as Lin Huang unveiled his aura, the monsters around lifted their heads to examine the aura. Soon, their eyes locked onto Lin Huang who was above the dragon's head.

Many monsters roared and tried to get closer to him but they were repelled by the Dragon Power. They simply could not reach Lin Huang.

That was a technique the stone table had taught Lin Huang earlier, which was to avoid unnecessary confrontation as much as he could.

Furthermore, the stone tablet also hinted to him that getting close to the dragon carcass was the best way to activate the remnant of the will.

"Avoiding confrontation really worked!" Lin Huang trusted the stone tablet even more now looking at the crazy number of monsters roaming the crater as if they were ants on a heated pot. Still, they did not dare to get close to him.

"I wonder how long does it take to activate its will." Lin Huang looked down to study the dragon carcass beneath his feet.

Right at that moment, the dragon carcass opened its eyes slowly. It stared deadly at Lin Huang with its black, crystal-like eyes.

Lin Huang was shocked to see that. Even his heart skipped a beat. Cold sweat was dripping down his back and he dared not move now.

"Don't worry. It's just scaring you. With its weak will, making those eyes open is the best that it can do." The stone tablet's voice came instantly.

Lin Huang was stunned to hear that and calmed down upon noticing that the dragon carcass did not move a couple of seconds later.

"Scared the sh*t out of me! I thought it came back to life." Lin Huang patted his chest and released a long whoosh of air.

Realizing that staring at Lin Huang was to no avail, the remnant of the will could not help but roar, "Worthless ant, are you seeking death?!"

Naturally, that did not come from the dragon carcass, but directly from thin air. However, the remnant of the will shifted the source of voice to the dragon carcass, making it sound like the carcass was speaking.

"Is this all you have?" Lin Huang did not panic at all this time as he had seen through the little trick. "You should just destroy yourself and give me the God Figurine if this is all you've got."

"I'm going to kill you!" Another shriek came.

However, there was a commotion among the monsters all of a sudden. The countless monsters that were repelled by the Holy Power earlier began to rush towards Lin Huang in madness.

Lin Huang grinned. "This is what I've been waiting for!"

Bai, Bing Wang, Lancelot, Thunder, Charcoal, and Bloody Robe that were experts in killing groups of monsters appeared around Lin Huang in the next second.

In order to get the monsters to kill Lin Huang, the remnant of the will weakened the Holy Power on its carcass, allowing those monsters that were dying to kill Lin Huang to surge in.

However, Lin Huang seized the opportunity to summon his summoning beasts that were experienced in group kills while he landed a meter away from the dragon carcass slowly. Within that distance, the monsters could not get close to him even with the weakened Holy Power. It would be equivalent to Lin Huang entering the safe zone again.

He lifted his head to watch the one-sided massacre above excitedly. Popcorn was the only thing that was missing from his hands.

"Shameless!" The remnant of the will's voice boomed again.

"Hey, it was you who attacked me with the monsters first. What's wrong with me using my summoning beasts?" Lin Huang looked like he had done nothing wrong. "I'm an Imperial Censor, so it's my pride to use my summoning beasts to fight. Have you seen any Imperial Censor who fights with his own hands while neglecting his summoning beasts aside?"

Chapter 876: Going All Out

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The stone tablet predicted the battle pattern of the remnant of the will completely.

At the start, the stone tablet had told Lin Huang that the chances of the remnant of the will initiating a fight was slim as it would want to minimize exhausting its energy. Its likeliest attack would be to use the dragon carcass to drive the monster horde to attack him.

As expected, all it did was to hold back the dragon carcass's Holy Power to allow the monster horde to get closer to Lin Huang so that they could initiate an attack.

However, Lin Huang was smarter than it was. He entered the range of the Holy Power as well as summoning his Monster Cards to fight the monsters.

If it were not for him wanting to obtain more monster carcasses and crystal cores, in reality, Lin Huang would not bother summoning Bai and the rest. All he had to do was to hide in the coverage of the Holy Power since the monsters outside would not be able to touch him at all. He could just activate his Dark Mirror for long-distance attacking.

Meanwhile, the remnant of the will would speed up the drain on itself no matter which form of energy it was using. It was draining for it to suppress the dragon carcass's Holy Power too, but it was just a minor depletion. However, the more it suppressed the Holy Power, the more draining it would be.

The remnant of the will had no solution to Lin Huang hiding in the range of the Holy Power. Lin Huang seemed to have a rather powerful defense against the Holy Power whereby he was not affected just by staying in its coverage.

Feeling helpless, all it could do was watch at that moment. It hoped the monsters could kill Lin Huang's summoning beasts as soon as they could to weaken his ability.

However, Bai and the rest were all triple mutated. Moreover, with the effects of the Rebirth Card and the Blood Thickening Card, their ancient beast bloodlines and god's blood made them the top of the food chain among the immortal-level monsters.

The killing was one-sided when they encountered advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters.

Although there were the occasional monsters on par with an immortal-level rank-9, Lancelot, who possessed Sword Dao Territory, would annihilate them if they were not already killed by the first hit from Bai and the rest.

Now that Lancelot had elevated to pseudo-mythical-level Ruthless Sword Dominator, the radius of his territory had doubled to 18 kilometers. Anything within his territory would not be able to escape from him. He did not even need to move to kill by swinging his sword from where he was. His attack strength was just as powerful as Killer's who was also on pseudo-mythical-level. Even a triple mutated immortal-level rank-9 monster could be killed by one swing of a sword as long as the monster did not possess some unique defense ability or technique.

Seeing that the battle had turned one-sided and the massacre of the monsters went on for a few hours, the remnant of the will finally realized that such a level of the monster horde was not a threat to Lin Huang at all.

Initially, it thought that the monster horde would drain the Life Power of Lin Huang's summoning beasts even if they could not kill them. However, the Life Power in the summoning beasts maintained at their peak even a few hours after that; there was no decline in their Life Power at all. It then realized that the human standing before it was tougher than it imagined.

"I thought the remnant of a true god-level powerhouse's will would be compelling, but it seems like I've overestimated you," Lin Huang teased, "I can't believe that you need to use the dragon carcass to draw the monster horde to attack me! Didn't you inherit the Nightmare Dragon's reification ability? I'll definitely run away if you reified a human immortal-level monster horde."

"There's no need to do that. Your summoning beasts will definitely not be able to handle the next wave of monsters!" As soon as the remnant of the will's voice echoed, the monsters that crawled out of the volcano beneath the giant dragon carcass elevated to peak-stage ascendance-level. Their aura was on par with immortal-level rank-9 monsters.

Sensing Lin Huang's aura, the monsters began to join in the battle with Bai and the rest like they were rabid.

'It interfered with the release of the monsters directly as expected.' Lin Huang was not surprised by that.

The stone tablet had reminded him before that its reification ability would exhaust its energy faster and it would not stop draining. Compared to the interference of the monster release, although the exhaustion was major, the exhaustion would not proceed as reification did. However, the tablet suspected that the remnant of the will would only use such a technique once.

Now that their opponents had elevated from advanced-stage to peak-stage ascendance-level, Bai and the rest felt a hike of pressure.

It was easy for them to kill advanced-stage ascendance-level monsters that were on par with immortal-level rank-7 to rank-8s in one hit. However, now that they were fighting monsters of the same level as they were, their upper hand was taken away. It was difficult for them to kill those monsters in one blow. It now took them a few hits.

Nevertheless, it was not a dead end for Lin Huang. Bai and the rest were not his trump cards after all.

"Come out, Killer, the Evil Dominator, Kylie, Warlord, the Death Knight, the Fallen Knight, and the Dark Crescent Snakes!" Lin Huang yelled to summon the best army he had: two pseudo-mythical-level monsters, a Nephilic Judge army, a mechanical army, and two knights who had the combat strength of imperial-level crimson gold-ranks when they fought together.

Bai and the rest felt the pressure being lifted by heaps as soon as the eight monsters joined the battle.

The remnant of the will was stunned to see those monsters that had a compelling aura on par with human immortals joining the battle all of a sudden.

Soon, Killer and the rest showcased their stunning abilities.

Killer and the Evil Dominator, who had an imperial-level crimson gold-rank substitute and two imperial-level crimson gold-rank knights, were exterminating the monsters like a piece of cake as soon as they encountered all the monsters. It was almost one slash per monster for them; it was as easy as slicing vegetables.

Kylie's Nephilic Judge army fared very well as they killed hundreds of monsters at once and commenced the second round of killing right after that. The cycle never ended like they were chomping on a bunch of chives.

Warlord was amazing whereby he began the battle with his 100,000-strong mechanical army. They outnumbered the monsters that approached them. Although his mechanical army could not kill peak-stage ascendance-level monsters in one blow, no monster could withstand his high-frequency shooting. Ammunition was fired as if they were free-of-charge. If not for Lin Huang's never-ending Life Power supply, he would have gone soft within 30 seconds attacking like this, at the most… Err, I mean, his Life Power would be exhausted and he would become weak.

Moreover, the mechanical army could be recycled instantly as soon as they were destroyed. The same applied to those used ammunition too.

"Shameless! You have more support than I do!" The remnant of the will almost cursed when it saw Warlord attacking.

"It's not enough for them. You should send more," Lin Huang could not help but tease again as he noticed that the speed of the monsters coming out of the crater was slower than Warlord and the rest while Kylie's Nephilic Judge army was so bored that they began to collect carcasses.

"You…" The remnant of the will was so mad that it was speechless.

"Please just bring out whatever you have. Since peak-stage ascendance-levels don't work on us, you should reify human immortal-level monsters. Maybe it would work." Lin Huang looked calm as he planted the idea.

"You're just depending on your summoning beasts. Without them, you're nothing!" The remnant of the will turned calm all of a sudden while a black ray shot out of the dragon's eyes. It caught Lin Huang off-guard. In a flash, the black ray penetrated his eyes.

Suddenly, Lin Huang could no longer move.

Chapter 877: Dreamland

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The giant dragon above the crater closed its eyes slowly.

Meanwhile, although Lin Huang, who was hovering above the giant dragon carcass, had his eyes opened, he could not move as his aura was being suppressed entirely.

Sensing Lin Huang's aura changing, Bai and the rest had a drastic shift of expression. They were stopped by Bloody's voice transmission just when they were about to dash toward him.

"Don't worry, Master's fine. Just do your part and guard outside. Don't let any monsters come in."

Bai and the rest were relieved to hear that.

Hiding in Lin Huang's sleeve, Bloody was rather worried. It knew that Lin Huang was not wounded in that situation. Instead, he had been pulled into dreamland by the remnant of the will. It was uncertain whether Lin Huang could leave the dream alive.

Meanwhile, in the present dreamland.

All that Lin Huang felt was a flash before his eyes before he found himself in a quiet place when he snapped back to his senses.

He was still where he had been earlier. The giant black dragon that was in a deep slumber was still beneath his feet while it occupied the same volcano.

However, there was no monster horde around. Even his summoning beasts had vanished.

Not only had Bai and the rest disappeared, but even Bloody that had been hiding in his sleeve was nowhere to be seen too.

The giant black dragon beneath him opened its eyes all a sudden and ridiculed with its mouth wide open, "Being a Demontamer's such a weak profession. You're nothing without your summoning beasts!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should a dream. Am I right?" Soon, Lin Huang realized what had just happened.

The stone tablet had also foreseen this.

"That's right, and this will be where you die!" The remnant of the will's voice boomed again.

"Well, I'm not sure about that." Lin Huang shook his head while smiling. "Although we're in a dream while your level of exhaustion is much lesser than direct reification, your Life Power will still continue to drain even in a dream. Moreover, the rules apply similarly in reification whereby the more powerful and more monsters you summon, the more power you'll drain. The more intense our fight is, the more the exhausting it is for you to maintain the dreamland."

"Neither of us knows whether I'll die in this dreamland or you'll be completely drained first."

"Seems like old man Gong Sun has told you a lot," said the remnant of the will, puzzling Lin Huang.

"Old man Gong Sun?"

"Stop playing dumb. There are only two True Gods' will in this world. Moreover, apart from old man Gong Sun, nobody knows about my existence, let alone my techniques."

Lin Huang barely understood what the remnant of the will meant. It thought that the other remnant of the will had gotten him to go there. It put Lin Huang in doubt as old man Gong Sun sounded like the family name of a human but according to the stone tablet, the other True God's will was also a monster.

Lin Huang did not bother to explain the remnant of the will's misunderstanding as he did not want to expose the stone tablet's existence.

Since Lin Huang kept mum, the remnant of the will thought that he was admitting its speculation.

"It's useless even if old man Gong Sun told you about my techniques because, I'm the ruler of the entire world in this dreamland!"

As soon as the remnant of the will proclaimed that, an insane amount of monsters began rushing out of the crater beneath the giant dragon. Just like a beehive that had been poked, the monsters tore toward Lin Huang as though the floodgates were opened.

Lin Huang had a slight change of expression at that second. He summoned Killer, the Evil Dominator, Lancelot, Charcoal, Grimace, Kylie, Bloody, the Imp, Warlord, the Death Knight, the Fallen Knight, and the two Dark Crescent Snakes.

Killer, the Evil Dominator, and Lancelot had combat strength of pseudo-mythical-level which was on par with imperial-level crimson gold-ranks. As long as Lin Huang provided them with endless Life Power, they would have stunning lethality among an imperial-level black gold-rank monster horde.

Combined, the two knights and the two Dark Crescent Snakes were on par with pseudo-mythical-level combat strength.

Meanwhile, the reason he summoned Charcoal was that the intensity of its Dragon Flame could wound imperial-level black gold-rank monsters. Even though the Dragon Flame was not enough to kill, it could cripple the monsters on a wide scale.

The Imp's Meteoric Descent, on the other hand, could cause casualty to imperial-level black gold-rank monsters.

Although Grimace's magic could hardly kill any imperial-level black gold-rank monsters, it would work wonders to cause confusion among the monster horde.

Kylie, Bloody, and Warlord had armies of their own. Their armies were much more powerful than their own personal abilities.

Beneath, the remnant of the will was stunned as soon as the 13 monsters were summoned.

"You're pretty smart to master the basic rule of the dreamland so soon."

"Someone's stellar at teaching," Lin Huang complimented with a faint smile.

Naturally, he was not talking about old man Gong Sun like the remnant of the will thought, but about the stone tablet.

The remnant of the will was indeed the ruler of the dreamland. As long as it was not exhausted, it was almost invincible in this dreamland.

However, it would need to connect its own dreamland with Lin Huang's forcefully to pull him in.

On a certain level, Lin Huang, who was dragged into the dreamland by the Nightmare Dragon, was also the ruler of the dreamland too.

However, the Nightmare Dragon knew the rule of dreamland like the back of its hand. That was how it managed to defeat the others in this world who were also the rulers as easy as pie.

It was just like a professional chess player dragging a rookie who knew nothing about the rules of chess into a chess game. Although the rookie had the same number of chess pieces as the professional player did, it was almost impossible for the former to win.

Although Lin Huang had learned about the rules of this dreamland from the stone tablet, it was impossible for him to master it as soon as he entered the dreamland. All he could do was to follow the stone tablet's instruction, which was to start with the things and ability that he had in order to familiarize with the rule.

The rule of this dreamland was very simple: anything that you believed in would come true.

Lin Huang believed that he possessed Monster Cards, which was why even though it was his first time entering the dreamland, he could summon his Monster Cards in a snap.

The remnant of the will thought that Lin Huang would panic because he was dragged in from the outside world and would not know what to do when his summoning beasts were nowhere to be seen. Never did he expect Lin Huang to summon his summoning beasts again calmly as soon as he got there.

The monsters that he summoned in the dreamland completely inherited the true abilities of Bloody and the rest. They were ridiculously compelling.

Although it was gravely difficult, they managed to fight back against those beginner-stage human immortal-level monsters that were on par with imperial-level black gold-ranks.

Lin Huang even noticed that the dragon carcass controlled by the remnant of the will had a slight change of expression.

"Since beginner-stage human immortal-level monsters can't defeat you, I'll see how you fight advanced-stage human immortal-level monsters!"

It had been half an hour, and a huge chunk of the remnant of the will's energy had been drained. Its effort was to no avail. To prevent any unforeseen circumstances, the remnant of the will went all out and increased two ranks of the monster horde.

As soon as it spoke, the advanced-stage human immortal-level monsters that were comparable with imperial-level yellow gold-rank monsters began crawling out of the crater. Their aura was so powerful that it was bone-chilling.

Monsters of such a level surpassed the abilities of Lancelot and the rest ability even though they were on pseudo-mythical-level. The only monster that could match them was the parasitic army under Bloody. However, even with Bloody's parasitic army, the most that they could do was to fight six to seven imperial-level yellow gold-rank monsters at once. They would not be able to handle any more than that.

Lin Huang observed the monster horde beneath him while frowning slightly. He recalled all of his Monster Cards eventually. He knew that he had to bring out the real trump card now.

Chapter 878: Invincible Combat Souls

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Even Lin Huang himself would only have an ability which was on par with an imperial-level white gold-rank by using the knights combined or an imperial-level crimson gold-rank substitute,

Even so, it was rather difficult to kill an imperial-level yellow gold-rank monster in one blow. It would be possible if he encountered an imperial-level yellow gold-rank monster with a normal defense ability, but one hit was definitely not enough if he was to encounter monsters that had a powerful defense or some unique defensive skill.

Moreover, due to the combat strength limitation of his body, Lin Huang had a limited time maintaining imperial-level crimson gold-rank combat strength. It was almost impossible for him to fight the advanced-stage human immortal-level monster horde that was on par with imperial-level yellow gold-rank on his own.

However, Lin Huang did not seem panicked at all as he watched the monster horde approach.

He had more than one trump card to handle that sort of trouble. There was one that he had never used in battles, which was the God Figurine's Combat Soul.

Lin Huang had killed more than four million monsters throughout the past few days since the monster horde broke out. Although those were just holy fire-level and immortal-level monsters, the change in volume caused an impressionable qualitative change. The number of monsters killed elevated the three Combat Souls in Lin Huang's body from imperial-level crimson gold-rank to imperial-level yellow gold-rank.

The three Combat Souls took on the physical appearance of the Protoss' God Figurines. Using the True Spirit in the True Spirit Guide as their template, they were made from spiritual energy extracted from Divine Fire. If one were to consider the rarity of the monsters, they might far exceed that of quadruple mutated mythical-level monsters.

Lin Huang knew very well that even he would not be able to defeat these God Figurines' Combat Souls with the same combat strength.

Moreover, God Figurines' Combat Souls were almost indestructible physically. As long as his Divine Fire provided them with infinite energy, the God Figurines' Combat Souls would have no limitation in their strength at all whereby they could fight forever without feeling exhausted. One could say they were definitely a valuable battle conquest weapon.

Without hesitation, Lin Huang summoned the three God Figurines' Combat Souls as he thought about this point.

The three God Figurines' Combat Souls solidified above Lin Huang's head instantly. However, he wanted to chuckle when he saw how they looked like.

There was a skinny little sapling that was only around three meters tall, a little white cat that was smaller than a palm, and a little elephant the similar size as a Swine Beast.

The three combat souls seemed underaged no matter how he looked at them. They did not seem to have the ability to fight at all.

"Are you really summoning three young beasts' Combat Souls that have no combat strength at all to fight? Are you here to make fun of yourself?" The remnant of the will was stunned when it saw this and it teased while laughing.

Lin Huang had no idea what caused the combat strength of the three Combat Souls not to be sensed by outsiders. However, he clearly sensed that the three Combat Souls were all imperial-level yellow gold-rank. He did not doubt the three little beasts' abilities at all.

"Let me see what you've got, you little beasts." Hearing Lin Huang's order, the three Combat Souls whisked toward the monster horde.

The remnant of the will smirked on the dragon's face. It was waiting to guffaw when the three little beasts drowned in the monster horde. However, the expression on its face soon turned into shock and surprise.

Without waiting for the monster horde to come closer, the tiny sapling shook its branches and released a glaring golden ray instantly.

As soon as the golden ray shone on them, all the monsters began to burn. In less than three seconds, the tens of thousands of monsters were burnt to ashes.

One must understand that those were advanced-stage human immortal-level monsters that were on par with imperial-level yellow gold-ranks. Tens of thousands of them were exterminated by the tiny sapling in one hit in the blink of an eye.

The two little beasts, on the other hand, were just as capable.

The little white cat the size of a palm hovered in the air alone. As it scratched the air with its sharp claws, five silver threads were formed. All of the monsters were sliced into six wherever the threads passed, and they died on the spot.

Including the monsters that had a defensive ability that was on par with imperial-level white gold-rank, they were as fragile as a sheet of paper under the little white cat's claw attack.

Meanwhile, the little elephant had a more direct way of attacking.

It stomped one of its front feet in the air, making a terrifying wave ripple outward. All the monsters' heads exploded wherever the wave passed. It was as if something had imploded in their heads, and countless headless monster carcasses fell all over the ground.

The attack of the three God Figurines' Combat Souls astounded the remnant of the will completely.

Not even many imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouses could kill that many imperial-level yellow gold-rank monsters at once as efficiently like that.

Lin Huang was shocked at that very moment. It was not his first time summoning the God Figurines' Combat Souls, but he had just done a simple test on them before this. It was clear that they had not exhibited their full strength back then. It was his first time seeing their full blast ability without holding back at all.

Lin Huang had to admit that these three Combat Souls' abilities had exceeded his expectation by leaps and bounds.

After a pregnant pause of doubts and silence, the remnant of the will seemed to recall something and shouted in rage, "This is Protoss' aura! Human prick, how dare you make the Protoss God Figurines your Combat Souls?!"

"Ahh, you see through them…" Lin Huang did not bother to hide the fact since the remnant of the will found out about that.

"You don't have to look so shocked. Yes, I made God Figurines into Combat Souls, but I bet many of you among the Protosses have activated God Figurines and made them into Corpse Slaves. Compared to what I did, what they've done is hundreds of folds worse than me! Why don't you condemn them instead?"

Even though Lin Huang told him the truth, the remnant of the will was enraged. "This is our business. How dare you, a human, do this to our Protoss' corpses?!"

"I've already done it, so what are you going to do about that?" Lin Huang grinned devilishly. "After I've destroyed you, your dragon carcass will be my next Combat Soul!"

"You're asking for death!" The remnant of the will was consumed in total fury now.

The aura of the monsters that were rushing out of the crater elevated again. From advanced-stage human immortal-level, it skipped peak-stage human immortal-level directly and upgraded to complete-stage human immortal-level. It was on par with imperial-level purple gold-rank.

The speed of the three Combat Souls' killing went through an obvious drop after monsters of that level were released.

Since the long-range attack could no longer kill those monsters in one blow, the three Combat Souls rushed into the monster horde to fight the monsters.

The little sapling pitched its few branches like whips. All of the monsters would be killed wherever the whips traveled. However, the range of the attack was now less than ten meters and the efficiency was much lower than before.

The little white cat was speeding across the monsters. It was so quick that even the imperial-level purple gold-rank monsters could not see it. It sliced all of the monsters into shreds with its claws wherever it passed.

The little elephant, on the other hand, was crashing around blindly. It would hit the monsters it encountered right away no matter what kind they were. The imperial-level purple gold-rank monsters were trampled and died from ruptured organs.

Meanwhile, the attacks of those complete-stage human immortal-level monsters did nothing to the three Combat Souls. None of the attacks managed to break their defenses.

Although the three Combat Souls only had a combat strength of imperial-level yellow gold-rank, the ability at which they were performing was close to demigod-level.

However, due to the decline in killing efficiency from the three Combat Souls, some of the monsters began to break through their defenses and raced toward Lin Huang.

Lin Huang was not alarmed at all seeing that. He brought out 23 God Crashers from his Emperor's Heart Ring while beginning to fire each one of them after connecting them with his telekinetic threads.

Tonnes of imperial-level purple gold-rank monsters were killed as soon as the God Crashers were fired.

Since it was a dreamland, Lin Huang was not worried about exhausting the God Crashers at all. He was having fun firing at the monsters without having to worry about anything.

Time passed quickly, and another half an hour flew by.

The imperial-level purple gold-rank monster horde could not get any closer to Lin Huang.

He saw the emotion the remnant of the will on the giant dragon's face clearly. It was clenching its teeth in anger.

"Are you having a spasm on your face?" Lin Huang remembered to show 'kindness' as he had time to spare while controlling the God Crashers. "Eat more food that cleanses the arteries like kelp and oatmeal."

"Do you really think that that's all that I got?" The remnant of the will growled. Even though it was not screaming, Lin Huang could hear the wrath in its voice.

As he hovered above the head of the dragon carcass, he said nothing but showed a beckoning sign to the remnant of the will beneath him with a smirk.

"You're asking for trouble!" The remnant of the will finally unleashed its fury.

The dragon carcass beneath him had two glaring white rays shining from its eyes.

Chapter 879: 18,000 God Crashers!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Glaring white rays shot out from the Nightmare Dragon's eyes, making the entire dreamland shake.

As the white rays faded a while later, the hundreds of thousands of imperial-level purple gold-rank monsters in the horde melted like snow under the blazing sun.

The Nightmare Dragon occupying the top of the volcano that was initially dead was resurrected rapidly while its combat strength experienced a boost.

Mortal transformation-level, ascendance-level, human immortal-level… Earth immortal-level!

In the blink of an eye, the aura of the dragon carcass skyrocketed to a level that shocked Lin Huang to his very core.

"Virtual god-level?!" Lin Huang's pupils shrunk. He clearly sensed that the intensity of the aura was definitely not only on demigod-level, but even higher.

Only a real God could make his soul that had Divine Telekinesis consolidated around it shiver so violently.

As the white rays faded, the Nightmare Dragon's eyes that were looking at Lin Huang lost the rage that it held earlier. The only thing left was indifference and coldness.

It was the attitude only a superior reserved for a low-rank person. The difference of ranking was like comparing a giant dragon to a measly ant.

The Nightmare Dragon had no change of emotion at all when it looked at Lin Huang. A single word came out of its mouth calmly.


Just when Lin Huang was about to do something, he realized he could no longer move. It seemed like he was stuck in a space filled with glue whereby he could hardly move his fingers.

On the other hand, the Nightmare Dragon lifted a dragon claw slowly. The claw arrived less than a meter near Lin Huang in the next second.

As the claw was about to touch Lin Huang's body, a white silhouette came out of nowhere. It brought Lin Huang with it and appeared a few kilometers away in the next second. Lin Huang, who was constrained, finally broke away from it.

It was the Ninetails Lynx's Combat Soul which did that.

Meanwhile, the other two God Figurines' Combat Souls attacked the Nightmare Dragon at the same time.

The two God Figurines' Combat Souls underwent a major change in their size. They expanded to the mass of the Nightmare Dragon in the blink of an eye.

The Divine Sun Tree had fire all over while its branches turned into flaming whips that went after the Nightmare Dragon's body.

The Destructive Divine Mammoth that had black armor all over it lifted both its front legs that were covered in black metal and crushed the Nightmare Dragon.

"Get out!" As the Nightmare Dragon shrieked, a black ray came out of its body. The Divine Sun Tree's branches dangling on its body were torn apart by the black ray.

The Nightmare Dragon seized the opportunity to retaliate as it lifted its claws to smack the Divine Sun Tree's branches. The fire on the Divine Sun Tree extinguished and it flew away. Its body shrunk back to its original size in the air.

In the next second, the Nightmare Dragon threw its gigantic boa-like black tail into the air as a ferocious gleam flashed through its eyes. Its attack that came later collided with the Destructive Divine Mammoth's two front legs.

It was as if millions of thunderstorms exploded in the air while strong winds rippled like waves. Even Lin Huang, who was a few kilometers away, almost fell down from the impact.

A moment later, the Destructive Divine Mammoth let out a devastating groan and its gigantic body was slammed a distance away like a cannon. It spat a mouthful of blood out when it was in mid-air. Just like the Divine Sun Tree, its body shrunk rapidly.

Lin Huang was relieved upon sensing the condition of the two God Figurines' Combat Souls.

Only true god-level ability could destroy a true god-level's flesh. The Nightmare Dragon only had virtual god-level combat strength after all, so it was difficult for it to kill them. However, due to the vast difference in combat strength, the flesh-on-flesh collision affected the souls and wounded both of them.

The two Combat Souls might be dead now if the Nightmare Dragon had performed a spiritual-type attack that it was an expert in earlier.

The remnant of the will did not have such a technique. It was easy for Lin Huang to figure out that it did not have much energy left now. Using spiritual energy directly would deplete its will gravely.

"You won't be able to run this time!" After getting rid of the two God Figurines' Combat Souls, the Nightmare Dragon fixed its eyes on Lin Huang again with an intent will to kill. It opened its mouth wide, a navy blue force consolidating in its mouth quickly.

Lin Huang was not constrained this time; the Nightmare Dragon did not seem worried that he might run away at all. Perhaps it was because there was no way that he could flee as soon as the dragon flame went out.

Lin Huang was familiar with such a dragonkin. Naturally, he knew that the Nightmare Dragon was going to spit dragon flames.

The Ninetails Lynx that was standing on Lin Huang's shoulder sensed the crisis and arched its back, exhibiting a cat's natural behavior when it was threatened.

However, Lin Huang was extremely calm while the deadly attack was being charged. He patted the Ninetails Lynx's back. "I should be able to handle this."

As soon as he said that, Lin Huang brought out 23 God Crashers from his storage space.

Naturally, that many God Crashers would not be able to handle the virtual god-level attack. However, the 23 God Crashers before Lin Huang seemed to have a cloning ability and they began to duplicate swiftly. There were over 18,000 God Crashers in a blink of an eye.

In reality, Lin Huang only had 23 God Crashers but this was a dreamland. He could clone as many God Crashers as he wanted.

The over 18,000 God Crashers hovered in the air before Lin Huang like a navy parade.

There was a telekinesis thread connected to each God Crasher.

Sensing the unusual activity coming from Lin Huang, the Nightmare Dragon did not proceed to consolidate its dragon flame. It opened its mouth wide while dark blue dragon flames shot out. It was like a tsunami expanding toward Lin Huang disastrously.

At that moment, Lin Huang activated his Divine Telekinesis where the battalion of more than 18,000 God Crashers was fired at the same time.

Explosive red sparks formed into a gigantic shockwave instantly. The terrifying red ray of light shot out and occupied half of the sky immediately.

It was Bloody's idea to combine all the God Crashers to attack. It also Bloody calculated the angle of the arrangement.

That was the only arrangement that could get the 18,000 God Crashers to merge the attacks into one.

Naturally, such merging was only feasible in theory but difficult to do in reality. However, it was a dreamland. As long as Lin Huang could think of it and believe in it, the attack would definitely materialize.

Perhaps one God Crasher could do nothing to a virtual god-level powerhouse, but it was a different story when there were so many of them. The combo attack from the tens of thousands of God Crashers meant that the boost in power was thousands of times stronger as well. It was not to be underestimated naturally.

The dragon flame that was like an ocean wave soon collided with the gunfire that was forceful enough to tear the sky apart.

The crimson gunfire tore an opening in the dark blue dragon flames all the way to the end of the flames in an instant. The dragon flames were put out completely wherever the gunfire passed.

However, the gunfire was burning out rapidly in the process.

When it passed through the dragon flames completely, it was left with a red ball of light that was smaller than a fist.

The ball of light was then smashed by the Nightmare Dragon's giant claws.

The Nightmare Dragon lifted its head to look at its human opponent. It did not expect Lin Huang to be able to survive two of its most powerful attacks. There was fear in its eyes when it looked at him.

Lin Huang could not help but grin when the dragon flames were destroyed by the God Crashers.

He lifted his head to look at the Nightmare Dragon and spoke again, "If I'm not mistaken, I suppose your will's going out anytime now, isn't it?"

The Nightmare Dragon glared coldly at Lin Huang and said nothing.

"I still have a trump card that I've never used before. I'd like to see how powerful it is." Lin Huang sounded like he was casually chatting with a good friend. "If you're okay with it, I'll try it on you."

Chapter 880: The Fourth God Figurine!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang grabbed the Ninetails Lynx on his shoulder and placed it on his palm.

Meanwhile, he crushed an orange card with his other hand. It was a mythical-level Sorcerer Goddess Combat Soul Card.

The orange card turned into a salmon-colored ray and penetrated into the Ninetails Lynx's body.

Naturally, the Nightmare Dragon could not see that happening. All it sensed was that little white cat on Lin Huang's palm experiencing a ridiculous boost in its aura.

Its combat strength was elevating from imperial-level yellow gold-rank to white gold-rank, purple gold-rank…

To virtual god-level!

As the Ninetails Lynx hopped from Lin Huang's palm and hovered in the air, its body had grown to one meter long, excluding its tail.

It glared coldly at the Nightmare Dragon that was nearby. The glare alone gave the Nightmare Dragon chills.

Although they had the same combat strength on virtual god-level rank-1, the Ninetails Lynx felt like a top predator to the Nightmare Dragon.

It had doubt and confusion in its mind. It could not figure what kind of technique this ascendance-level human had performed to elevate a human immortal-level monster to such a terrifying Earth immortal-level.

However, it put the thought aside a moment later.

Sensing the threat looming from the Ninetails Lynx, the Nightmare Dragon initiated the attack without thinking twice.

Dragon flames shot out as soon as it opened its mouth. The disastrous flames were going after the Ninetails Lynx like a rolling wave. Compared to the dragon flames it released, the dragon flames Charcoal produced was complete child's play.

The dragon flames were earth-shattering as they covered thousands of kilometers in diameter.

What puzzled the Nightmare Dragon was how the white cat disappeared. The young human disappeared along with it at the same time.

Within the coverage of the dragon flames, the Nightmare Dragon could only sense the little elephant and the tree that it had attacked earlier.

The dragon flame did nothing to them; there was no charring on them at all.

Surprisingly, the unusual sapling was even absorbing its dragon flames secretly.

Right at that moment, the Nightmare Dragon sensed an intense danger coming from behind it.

It flapped its wings and flew into the sky, but it was a little too late to dodge the Ninetails Lynx's sneak attack.

A couple of ferocious rays flashed in the sky. Although the Nightmare Dragon dodged the attack that could have beheaded it, its right wing and right leg were chopped off. There were two deep wounds on its back too. They were so deep that its bones could be seen.

The single attack wounded the Nightmare Dragon severely until it could no longer move as agilely now.

'That's incredibly powerful!' The Nightmare Dragon had its guard up as it looked around, holding back its pain. Its flesh was healing at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

However, there was fear growing in its heart. The Ninetails Lynx charged at it, taking it over completely.

The Ninetails Lynx's untraceable hiding technique and terrifying attack speed were out of its control.

As a monster that had the same combat strength as it did on virtual god-level rank-1, the Ninetails Lynx was so much more powerful than it was!

Soon, the Nightmare Dragon felt danger coming for the second time. It was even slower than the first time since its wounds had yet to recover completely.

A tearing sound was heard.

The Nightmare Dragon's left wing was ripped off. Its left back leg was chopped off after that. The wound on its back was even more serious than before. The second cut saw a cut on its cervical vertebra.

If the first attack affected the Nightmare Dragon's ability by 20%, this attack caused it to have less than 30% ability left.

After the second attack, the Ninetails Lynx attacked for the third time without waiting for the Nightmare Dragon to heal.

The attack impacted the Nightmare Dragon's cervical vertebra again, slicing it into pieces.

Its gigantic head fell from the lack of support from its cervical vertebra. However, it did not die as it was a tough Virtual God. Still, its mobility was majorly affected.

Despair kicked into the Nightmare Dragon. This battle was unfair to it since it could not capture the Ninetails Lynx's movement from the beginning until the end. If not for its sense of danger, it would have been dead from the start. It would not have been able to survive until now.

Lin Huang, who was riding on the Ninetails Lynx's back, finally could not help but say, "Alright, stop playing."

A cat was always fond of playing with its prey, and that was a trait the Ninetails Lynx inherited, but Lin Huang thought it was a bad habit.

Naturally, the Nightmare Dragon heard Lin Huang's voice and panicked. Just when it was thinking how to buy itself time, it felt chills running down its neck and it saw a headless dragon carcass fall slowly from the sky.

A myriad of colorless ferocious rays shot out and became larger in its eyes as it thought to itself, 'Is that… my dead body?'

Watching the dragon head being sliced into tens of pieces, the headless dragon carcass turned into broken bits instantly and disappeared in the sky.

Darkness engulfed Lin Huang's vision before he snapped back to his senses completely. When his vision recovered, he realized that he had gotten out of the dreamland.

Not only were the God Crashers before him all gone, but the three Combat Souls of the God Figurines were also gone, let alone the Ninetails Lynx with the Sorcerer Goddess Combat Soul Card.

Bai and the rest were still fighting the monster horde while Bloody was still in his sleeve.

The gigantic Nightmare Dragon carcass had lost all signs of resurrecting completely while its carcass shrunk rapidly. It turned into a black sculpture the size of his palm in the blink of an eye.

Lin Huang activated his Divine Telekinesis and grabbed the sculpture that was falling into the crater right into his palm.

The remnant of the Nightmare Dragon's will was destroyed and he had finally gotten the fourth God's Figurine!

"Are you alright?" Bloody asked immediately after sensing Lin Huang waking up.

"I'm fine. I was just dragged into the dreamland," Lin Huang explained.

Bloody figured what had happened naturally seeing the dragon carcass turned into God's Figurine.

Bai and the rest were finally relieved upon sensing that Lin Huang's aura was back to normal. They then put all of their focus into fighting the monster horde.

Since the dragon carcass disappeared, the volcano finally stopped releasing monsters. However, those monsters that were already reified did not disappear. They proceeded to attack Bai and the rest in a frenzy.

Sensing the unusual aura inside the volcano, above the volcano, Lin Huang turned to order Bai and the rest, "Please take care of this for me a while more. I'm going to check out what's happening in there."

He then brought Bloody along as he entered the volcano immediately.

Soon, Lin Huang arrived at the bottom of the volcano. His eyes lit up like jewels when he saw the mountains of monster bones and metal equipment.

The volcano was where the Nightmare Dragon kept its treasures!

"These monster bones and equipment basically have no more Holy Power." The stone tablet's voice came out of nowhere. "The reification of the monster horde should've come from here. The remaining energy of the Nightmare Dragon carcass was only conducive to the monster horde."

"It seems like the Nightmare Dragon set up a formation especially to absorb the Holy Power from those monster bones and god relics before it died. But now that it has turned into a God Figurine, the formation was deactivated automatically.

"This formation has existed for at least an era. These virtual god-level monster bones and normal god relics have no more Holy Power left. There are only a couple of monster bones and god relics which I think used to be true god-level that have Holy Power left in them."

"I can use these monster bones and god relics as materials even though there's no more Holy Power in them, right?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"You can, but it's a little troublesome to process them."

"I can take care of them, but your authorization is restricted for now." Xiao Hei's voice rang out all of a sudden.

"Sure, they're all mine then!" Lin Huang smirked and got Bloody to categorize them.

"128 virtual god-level monster bones, 89 virtual god-level human bones, and 101 virtual god-level equipment that have no more Holy Power left. Three out of 12 true god-level monster bones still have Holy Power left and two out of 11 true god-level human bones have Holy Power left. There are also five out of 23 true god-level equipment that has Holy Power left, and there's one out of the five telekinesis weapons are suitable for you.

"Apart from that, there are still 128 storage rings that haven't been cleared out at the moment. We don't know how much valuable things are in them."

Lin Huang only left in satisfaction after spending half an hour clearing the entire volcano and categorizing all the monster bones and equipment into different storage rings.

He did not plan to stay after coming out of the crater.

Since the source of the monster horde was cut off, there were no more threats to the outside world. Moreover, without the never-ending monster horde, the people from the Union Government would be there soon.

Lin Huang ordered Kylie to put all of the monster carcasses away immediately as he thought about this point. Shortly, Kylie's Nephilic Judge army cleared all of the monsters away.

Lin Huang then recalled all of his Monster Cards in an instant while he turned into a tiny snake with red patterns and left the underground quietly.

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