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49.47% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 237: 821-830

Chapter 237: 821-830

Chapter 821: Auctioning the God Crasher

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Time flew by and it was soon the third day of the underground auction.

Lin Huang saw many genetical products on the first two days.

Apart from artificial men and mutants, there were many genetically modified monsters that did not exist in the monster encyclopedia.

It reminded him of the Scarborough Workshop.

He clearly remembered that there were many similar monsters on the Enigma Island created by the people from the Scarborough Workshop.

"It seems like the supply to the Wanbao Auction might be coming from the Scarborough Workshop. They might even have more collaboration. After all, organizations such as the Scarborough Workshop would need massive financial backing to run studies like these." The name Leib Lab flashed through Lin Huang's mind. Since it was an organization that originated from the Scarborough Workshop, it might be working on studies on a similar track. However, Lin Huang could not be sure of that since he did not know much about it.

His mind wandered off as he sat on his seat at the auction until the appearance of the God Crashers on the auction stage.

"The eighth collection today is something that many have been waiting for…"

Thick black barrels were revealed as the red cloths were lifted. The muzzles pointed at the audience's direction, causing many to exclaim out loud.

"These are 28th generation God Crashers that the Union Government's military has eliminated. There are a total of 30 of them. They've been left alone in the warehouse ever since they were produced and have never been used before.

"Perhaps some of you aren't aware of what the 28th generation God Crasher is. Let me take some time to explain this.

"The 28th generation God Crasher ranks second in power among all God Crashers. It's ranked right behind the 3rd generation God Crasher. However, the flaw of the 3rd generation God Crasher is very obvious. Some of you might have heard that although it's powerful, it can only be used for ten times. It's completely worthless after ten times.

"Meanwhile, the 28th generation God Crasher is the improved version of the 3rd generation God Crasher. Its power is equivalent to 82% of the latter which is enough to cripple an imperial-level purple gold-rank powerhouse. Moreover, its effect will last more than 60 times. Experienced Gunmasters can even use it for 100 times…"

A lot of them who were proficient in guns and firearms realized that the rabbit-eared auctioneer was actually mixing up the concepts on purpose. The 28th generation God Crasher was only effective for 30 uses whereby the muzzle would begin to deform after that. Naturally, the data was the result of test after test in which the God Crasher was not maintained at all during the process.

Meanwhile, Gunmasters would usually maintain the muzzle, so it would basically only begin to deform when it was used for more than 60 times.

On a certain level, Lin Huang was not considered a certified Gunmaster, so he was usually rough when he used God Crashers. Taking time to maintain them? He would rather spend the time practicing his sword skills. However, the precise 30 uses of the 28th generation God Crasher was enough for him.

The auctioneer was intentionally mixing up the concepts to confuse those who knew nothing about God Crashers.

After some introduction, the auctioneer finally named the starting price.

"The starting bid of the 30 God Crashers are the same which is 150 million Life Crystals! Each bid has to be an increment of at least five million Life Crystals. Now, let's begin the bidding of the first God Crasher!"

"200 million!" Someone in the audience named his bid as soon as the auctioneer was done speaking.

The person who bid was even faster than Lin Huang.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrow under his mask and spoke directly before the second person could bid, "250 million!"

As soon as the bid was out, nobody in the crowd made a sound.

Most of the wise buyers knew very well that the 28th generation God Crashers were auctioned at 230 million on average. Any price higher than that was not worth it.

Furthermore, there would be 29 more later. It was unnecessary to fight with Lin Huang at 250 million.

"250 million, going once!

"250 million, going twice!

"If nobody is bidding at a higher price, our first God Crasher will go to this man in the silver mask.

"250 million going, thrice! Sold!

"Now, let's begin the bidding of the second God Crasher…"

"240 million!" Lin Huang was the first one who bid.

Bunny Ears attempted to pique the interest of the others, but nobody was willing to bid at a higher price.

"240 million, sold!" The second God Crasher became Lin Huang's too.

"230 million!" This time it was not Lin Huang who called out the price.

However, Lin Huang's voice followed. "240 million!"

He purchased the third God Crasher.

"Now, let's begin the bidding for the fourth…"

"240 million!" Again, Lin Huang was not the first one who called out the price.

"250 million!" Lin Huang was the second to call out the price again. He purchased the fourth God Crasher.

"Now, let's begin the bidding for the fifth…"

"250 million!" It was not Lin Huang who called out the price first.

"255 million!" This time, Lin Huang only added five million. He purchased the fifth God Crasher.

The bunny-eared auctioneer was a little speechless. The starting bid of the God Crasher was only 150 million, but it rose above 250 million because of Lin Huang which blew the other buyer's desire to bid.

Lin Huang purchased ten God Crashers at a price of around 250 million each with the same method. Finally, somebody could not help but challenge Lin Huang when it came to bidding for the eleventh one.

The both of them competed until the bid went all the way to 350 million. Finally, the person gave up and let Lin Huang win the God Crasher.

The rest turned solemn after finding out that Lin Huang's base price had exceeded 350 million.

He then proceeded to purchase the remaining God Crashers at around 250 million each. Almost nobody competed with him.

When they were auctioning the last few God Crashers off, the participants could not tolerate Lin Huang for dominating the auction, so they began to bid too.

The 21st God Crasher was sold at a high price of 410 million. Finally, Lin Huang was not the buyer this time.

However, he was a troublemaker in the coming auction whereby he kept bidding and raising most of the God Crashers' price to over 400 million.

Meanwhile, he purchased two more God Crashers at 390 million and one more at 400 million.

The bidding of the last three God Crashers was intense. They were sold at 490 million, 530 million, and 610 million respectively.

Since Lin Huang purchased 23 God Crashers, he became the biggest winner and was resented by the participants at the auction.

"Aren't you afraid that you'd be targeted for buying so many God Crashers yourself?" Yi Zheng teased.

"They don't know who I am anyway," Lin Huang said like he did not care, "These are trump cards to save my life. Of course, the more the better. I just don't want people to think that I'm an idiot who splurges, or else I wouldn't have let go of any of the 30 God Crashers."

He knew very well that the other buyers would definitely raise his price if he was determined to purchase every single God Crasher available at the auction. By then, 600 million aside, he might not even be able to purchase them at six billion. Therefore, he made up his mind to stop bidding after purchasing 20 God Crashers. The three that he purchased later was actually a bonus to him.

Chapter 822: The Truth About the Crack

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After obtaining the 23 God Crashers, Lin Huang had finally accomplished his ultimate goal of going to Wanbao City this time.

The items that were auctioned later were some contrabands which sale was prohibited by the Union Government. Nevertheless, Lin Huang and Yi Zheng had little interest in those items.

The third day of the auction had finally come to an end when it was almost 12.30 a.m.

The staff arranged for Lin Huang and the rest to remove their masks and cloaks respectively. Then, they were transported back to Wanbao City.

The Wanbao Auction managed the underground auction in complete confidentiality. The communication and positioning system on everyone's Emperor's Heart Ring were locked, so none of the guests knew where it took place.

Although Wanbao Auction clearly had the Union Government supporting them and sleeper agents, they were cautious and prudent in managing the auction to eliminate the possibility of being held ransom.

"They're worthy of being the top ten in Division 3. The way they handle things is extraordinary." Even Lin Huang admired their efforts on confidentiality.

The night passed by peacefully. What Lin Huang was unaware about was that the imperial-level powerhouses in Wanbao City had been looking for the killer who destroyed the monster which invaded the city.

However, that had nothing to do with him since he was ready to leave.

Lin Huang said goodbye to Yi Zheng when they were having breakfast early in the morning.

"I've sent you all the detailed documents on the segregation of Division 3's organizations. You must be extra cautious when you get into the territory of underground organizations. Never underestimate those fellas whose combat strength are lower than yours. It's messy in there and they can do anything to achieve what they want. Even a person on holy fire-level could possibly plot against you. You must watch out for that…"

"You told me that you'd leave after the auction ended. I thought you'd stay for at least another one or two days. I didn't expect you to leave so soon," Yi Zheng said while shaking his head with a smile.

"I came to Wanbao City to purchase God Crashers. Since I've gotten them, why should I continue staying here?" Lin Huang shoved half a fried egg into his mouth.

"So, where are you heading to next? Mind sharing?" Yin Zheng asked rather curiously.

"I'll drop by the Abyss Brink. There's something that I need to handle there."

"The Abyss Brink…" Yi Zheng's pupils shrunk when he heard that name.

The Abyss Brink was ranked the No. 2 forbidden land in the entire continent. There were a massive amount of immortal-level monsters wandering on each level. It was not exactly safe even for an immortal-level powerhouse.

Yi Zheng had some goosebumps just from hearing the name. He did not ask any further.

"You already have ancient relic-level equipment now but have as many life-saving measures as you can on stand-by. Borrow Life Crystals from me if you don't have enough. Don't be embarrassed to do so. Please contact me if you get yourself into unsolvable troubles. You have my number. Don't be embarrassed to ask. Your reputation isn't as important as your life," Lin Huang advised.

"Alright." Yi Zheng looked helpless. Although he was the senior between the both of them age-wise, Lin Huang was advising him instead.

"There's something that I almost forgot to tell you." Lin Huang recalled suddenly. "I've sent you the Genius Union invitation code earlier. Take some time to sign up. There might be a virtual assessment by then, and you should be able to pass it with your abilities as long as you roughly prepare yourself."

"Genius Union?!" Naturally, Yi Zheng had heard of the organization. He was a little dumbstruck hearing Lin Huang talking about it so casually.

"Yes, sign up and familiarize yourself. I can be your referrer to the Heaven Alliance if you want to join the genius organization by then."

Yi Zheng had no idea what the Heaven Alliance was. Only people in the internal management of Genius Union or those in the higher management of major organizations knew the names of Genius Union's internal organizations. Yi Zheng's eyeballs might fall out now if he found out that the Heaven Alliance was the No. 1 organization in the Genius Union.

Lin Huang got the idea of getting Yi Zheng and the rest to join the Genius Union in order to obtain more resources after seeing the latter purchasing equipment at the auction. He had always thought since Yi Zheng came from a rich family, his family should not lack cultivation resources.

It was past eight in the morning when they were done with breakfast. They walked to the hotel lobby as they chatted.

Yi Zheng then sent Lin Huang to the hotel entrance after he checked out of his room.

"Please don't die. Your sister's waiting for you to go home," Lin Huang said while smiling and waving after summoning a Dimensional Portal.

"Same to you."

Lin Huang stepped into the Dimensional Portal and vanished after the portal was shut.

Seeing the Dimensional Portal disappear, Yi Zheng then turned around slowly while a faint smile appeared at the edge of his lips. "I can't believe this kid who wasn't even on iron-level has grown to what he is now in a short two years. I really won't be able to catch up with him if I don't work harder."

In a deserted city in a Grade-B foothold near the second layer of the Abyss Brink, a white Dimensional Portal slowly opened in a residential alley. A young man walked out of it.

The young man mumbled softly after putting the Dimensional Portal away, "There's no need to stay in a hotel this time. I'll just go straight to the second layer of the Abyss Brink after I refine the two God Figurines."

"Kylie, bring me to your mini world." A lady in black armor appeared following his soft mumbling.

She grabbed the young man's wrist and both of them disappeared in the next second.

Lin Huang sat in a meadow after entering Kylie's mini world. He then took out the two God Figurines that he had obtained after killing the skinless monster.

One of them was a feline with a grimacing skull face. Its body was slender while it was covered in leopard fur. It looked like a specimen that was made of a tiny feline's carcass.

Another one was a hooved monster with the head of a snake. It had black armor covering its entire body like a sculpture made of black metal.

"The Grimace Feline Demon and the Snake Ungulate are combat-type of protosses. When they were alive they were True Gods which combat strength was on the medium-rank True God-level." The stone tablet's voice came out of nowhere.

"Is it weaker than the Petal Devil that I obtained earlier?" Lin Huang remembered the stone tablet had mentioned before that the Petal Devil was a high-rank True God-level.

"You can't compare them like that. That's just the difference in combat strength. The Petal Devil's still more powerful than both of them in terms of combat strength. After all, the Petal Devil isn't a combat-type protoss," the stone tablet explained.

"So, what kind of combat souls are these two suitable to visualize?"

"The Grimace Feline Demon's most suitable visualization is a Ninetails Lynx while the Snake Ungulate should visualize the Destructive Divine Mammoth," the stone tablet proceeded. "The Ninetails Lynx is the most energetic monster in the True Spirit Encyclopedia. It's said that a peak-level Ninetails Lynx has the ability to control space whereby it can traverse the world as it wishes. Meanwhile, the Destructive Divine Mammoth is a monster of strength. It's definitely worthy of being ranked in the top ten among the strength-type of living forms. I heard the most powerful one has the ability to crash the galaxy, suppressing the other side of the world."

Lin Huang was lost just by listening to that. He only grumbled to himself after a while, "The more I listen, the more I think that this True Spirit Encyclopedia's fabricated by some novel author. It's either traversing or crashing the galaxy…"

The stone tablet heard what he said and refuted, "What does a kid like you know? You'd know that those descriptions of creatures whose power surpasses True God are valid as soon as you witness it."

It seemed to recall something suddenly, then it rhetorically said, "What do you think caused that massive crack next to this foothold? It's a crack in the world that was created as a result of the fight between True God-level powerhouses."

"Do you mean the Abyss Brink…" Lin Huang seemed to have heard an earth-shattering secret.

"Also, that ocean named the Peaceful Ocean or something… Wasn't it caused by the collapsing of continents due to the fight between True God-level powerhouses too?" The stone tablet revealed another shocking news.

"Hmm, are you sure those are done by humans?" Lin Huang was in disbelief.

"Well, do you think it's by natural causes?" If the stone tablet had eyes, Lin Huang was sure that it had to be rolling its eyes at him when he said that.

"Alright then…" Lin Huang felt his world perspective being reconstructed.

If what the stone tablet said was true about the True God-level powerhouses being able to cause such damage to the continent, it was possible for those powerhouses above True God-level to crash the galaxy.

"What's exactly behind the crack in the Abyss Brink? Do you know?" Lin Huang asked in a testing manner. He was not sure if he could get a direct answer from the stone tablet.

"Such a crack in the world could lead to anywhere. If one's lucky for it to lead to a gravel world of the same level, the abilities of the living forms should be similar to what you have here. A world war is the worst that could happen. If one's unlucky whereby the crack connects to a higher world, a world invasion would take place even if it's just a small world as long as it has a complete set of rules and regulations of its own. That would happen because to the higher world, your gravel world's just a subsidiary space. Put simply, your world's just a model or a test run in a game for one to brush up their experience by playing it."

The stone tablet's words sent chills down Lin Huang's spine.

From the conversation he had with the True God Wu Mo from the tribe, Lin Huang knew that the reason the ancient era had perished was due to the complete opening of the crack in the Abyss Brink. It had led to an insane amount of powerhouses from the outside world carrying out a massacre. Wu Mo even speculated that the ending of each era of the continent was caused by the same thing.

"If what you said is true, the latter might possibly be what happened to our continent," he said, feeling helpless although he was unwilling to admit it.

Chapter 823: One-Month Junk Food Reward

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the conversation with the stone, Lin Huang felt a stronger sense of danger and he was eager to achieve an upgrade in his combat strength

After integrating the two God's Figurines into two different Life Wheels, it took Lin Huang a whole day to completely refine the figurines.

"I've finally managed to get to immortal-level rank-3." Lin Huang, who was in the meadow, slowly opened his eyes. He could clearly distinguish that there was an advancement in his combat strength. "It seems like my combat strength can be quickly upgraded as long as I have enough God's Figurines. I can even level up to immortal-level rank-9!"

After confirming that, Lin Huang knew that before getting to imperial-level, his main task would be to collect the God's Figurines!

In fact, he was already doing that now.

He had contacted the black market earlier to ask about the God's Figurine. He asked Yi Zheng to contact him as well if there was any information from the Union Government.

However, as for the secret of the God's Figurine, he had had a question in mind while he fought the skinless monster earlier. However, he had forgotten about it because he had been really busy these days.

"Stone tablet, you told me earlier that the God's Figurine can be activated as long as it possesses divinity. For example, if a demigod-level possesses divinity in his body, he'll be able to activate a God's Figurine. The skinless monster which I encountered earlier was just an imperial-level. How could it have activated the God's Figurine as well?"

"Because it's not just an abyssal monster, but also a god's blood monster. It possesses god's blood in its body. Under normal circumstances, possessing god's blood alone can't activate the God's Figurine. However, it seems to have some sort of secret skills whereby the divinity of the god's blood was activated. That's how it managed to activate two God's Figurines. If I'm not mistaken, the skill must've been taught by the God's Master it mentioned. It makes sense for the True God-level to own such a skill," the stone tablet explained.

"It means that most of the time, other than those who are on demigod-level and me, it's useless for the rest to own a God's Figurine," Lin Huang sought confirmation.

"In fact, that's what normally happens," the stone tablet continued, "However, I realized that most of the demigods don't know that the God's Figurine can actually be integrated with a combat soul. Therefore, not many people collect the God's Figurine like you do."

"The Union Government must've known something about it. Otherwise, they wouldn't have blocked all relevant news about the God's Figurine on the Heart Network. I'm not sure about the other organizations though." Lin Huang was slightly relieved. "That's good news for me. The lesser the number of people who know this, the better it is. I'll have lesser opponents and collecting the God's Figurine will be way easier."

After resolving his doubts, Lin Huang then left Kylie's mini world.

By the time he returned from Kylie's mini world to the deserted city, it was about six o'clock in the evening. The sky was turning dark.

Under the lights along the street, a faint white glow was emitted and the area was brightly lit.

There was the scent of food in the air. It was time for dinner.

There were two boys chasing after each other, laughing and having fun as they ran down the street.

Lin Huang had an illusion as if he had gone back to Earth when he saw this.

"Everything will be destroyed if it's invaded by the higher world…" Lin Huang clenched his fists tightly.

Walking halfway down the street, he flew up into the sky, transforming into a meteorite and headed to the second layer of the Abyss Brink.

When he arrived at the entrance, he did not stop at all and went straight into it.

The timezone at the second layer of the Abyss Brink was the same as the outside world. The sky had also turned dark.

Lin Huang gradually landed on the ground and summoned Bloody.

"Bloody, please check the distribution of monsters. You may then parasitize some of the monsters in different areas. Let's see if there's anything odd." After instructing Bloody, Lin Huang summoned the rest of the monster cards: Bai, Tyrant, Lancelot, Kylie, Ghastly, Thunder, the Sanguine Overlord, the Malachian Fiend, the Imp, the Eclipse Boa, the Death Knight, the Fallen Knight, and two Dark Crescent Snakes.

Similar to Bloody, after Lin Huang leveled up to immortal-level rank-3, the 14 monsters cards were upgraded to immortal-level rank-7 as well. Lin Huang did not summon Charcoal because its combat strength was already on immortal-level rank-9.

"You are now currently on immortal-level rank-7. However, the maximum combat strength you can actually achieve is immortal-level rank-9. Therefore, in the next few days, form a team of two and kill the abyssal monsters so that you can level up to immortal-level rank-9."

Lin Huang issued this instruction because most of the immortal-level monsters would occupy the entire region on their own. They would rarely come in a group. Without a doubt, allowing the monster cards to kill separately would definitely increase their efficiency instead of killing as a group.

"Bloody will send all the dead bodies to me and it'll take care of it. The only thing that you need to do is to hunt for monsters so that your combat strength can be upgraded.

"I'll now divide all of you into different groups. Bai teams up with Ghastly, Tyrant teams up with the Eclipse Boa, Thunder teams up with the Sanguine Overlord, the Malachian Fiend teams up with the Inferior Imp, and the Death Knight teams up with Dark Crescent Snakes. Lancelot and Kylie can fight on their own because they have the sword servants and Starlight Beasts to back them up."

The 14 monsters were divided into eight groups.

"Bloody, you're in charge of contacting them. You need to provide them with various information as well as the hunting paths and plans."

"It's now free and easy time, but there are three rules that you must obey. First of all, don't stray from the hunting path given by Bloody. Otherwise, you'll probably encounter imperial-level monsters or humans.

"Secondly, don't ever fight humans unless you're forced to do so. If you ever attempt to provoke humans or kill them, you'll be sealed and be stuck in your card form forever. I'll never summon you." As Lin Huang said that, he glanced at the Supreme Overlord.

"Thirdly, try not to fight the imperial-level monsters. Most of them have gone through their third mutation as you have. Even if your combat strength is on immortal-level rank-9, it's still risky to kill them. Also, it's a waste of time and strength.

"Lastly, let's talk about the rewards. You'll be given one month of junk food as a reward if you manage to complete the upgrade within three days. You can exchange it for other items if you don't want junk food. As long as it's a reasonable request, I'll try my best to satisfy you."

Everyone was excited to give it a try when they heard this.

Even Bai, who used to be calm, was about to act immediately.

Although the Supreme Overlord looked like it was not interested in it at all, its eyes flashed with a trace of uncertainty.

Seeing everyone being so exhilarated, Lin Huang knew that his trick had worked.

Despite the monster cards being unable to go against his instructions, he still wanted them to complete the task willingly as this would obviously increase their efficiency.

"That's all. Bloody will contact you afterward. You can now spread out according to your groups."

After Lin Huang had given his orders, the eight teams then chose a direction and left.

Bloody asked him after Bai and the rest had left, "Master, the rewards that you just mentioned…"

"The task assigned to you is much more important than the rest. You'll be rewarded without any upgrade in combat strength." Lin Huang patted

Chapter 824: We Fight, We Fight for A Head

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The monsters were most active at night in the Abyss Brink.

However, the second layer of the Abyss Brink was slightly different from usual that day as there were fourteen rather different monsters blending in.

There was a sky dragon that looked like T. Rex with a body over 30 meters long running out of control on the meadow.

Meanwhile, a silhouette that looked like a human was chasing it.

If one were to look closer, the human-form monster was over three meters tall. It had a muscular body and wore a pair of army green capri pants while it chased the monster in bare feet.

Deep footprints were imprinted on the ground every step it took as if it was stepping on the sand at the beach. It would move hundreds of meters forward with every leap it took, getting closer and closer to the sky dragon in front of it.

The sky dragon was roaring in rage as it ran out of control. There were a couple of obvious wounds on its body. The wounds did not look like they were caused by weapons. Instead, they resembled more like the result of a monster's claws and teeth tearing through the flesh. Some of them were still bleeding continuously. However, the monster could not be bothered about its wounds right now. All it could do was to run as fast as it could.

Meanwhile, the human-form monster behind it was getting closer and closer.

300 meters!

200 meters!

100 meters!

50 meters…


As it was catching up to the sky dragon, Tyrant released a roar of excitement and accelerated. It extended its hand and grabbed the sky dragon's tail.

The sky dragon that was running for its life felt the great pulling force that came from its back and soon its feet were lifted from the floor before it was smashed hard on the ground.

With both of its hands, Tyrant lifted the sky dragon's body by grabbing its tail and smashing it on the ground hard. It repeated the same thing over and over again.

The gigantic sky dragon was like a giant hammer at the moment which was continuously being smashed by Tyrant.

Around ten minutes, Tyrant released its hands and tossed the body of the sky dragon on the ground.

This immortal-level rank-9 sky dragon seemed to have no intact bones left in its body while it was at its brink of death now. It seemed like it would die any second.

Tyrant leaped onto its stomach and stomped towards its head.

However, a bloody glow came out of Tyrant's body at that moment and pierced through the sky dragon's eyes. In the next second, the gigantic monster lost its pulse completely.

"Hey, you didn't put any effort this time. Also, how dare you take the head from me?" Tyrant frowned as it looked at the sky dragon's head and shouted.

"Don't be selfish, big guy. All of the prey will be yours after I elevate to immortal-level rank-9," A tiny brain came out of the sky dragon's nostril. It was just the size of an adult's thumb. There was a layer of semi-transparent mucus covering it. "Look at this. The fella has quite a big brain. I can give you some. Do you want to eat it?"

"No," Tyrant declined right away, "I'll help you elevate to immortal-level rank-8 and you'll help me back. Then, I'll help you boost yourself to immortal-level rank-9 after that. But you must help me to get to immortal-level rank-9 later on. If you disagree with that, we'll just part ways now."

"Deal!" The Eclipse Boa agreed to that immediately. "This sky dragon's brain is much juicier than those before it. Are you sure you don't want any?"

"No. Finish it now so that we can proceed on our journey." Tyrant declined again.

"We fight! We fight for a head and we got a dumb dragon. We smash! We smash its head open and indulge in a fresh dragon's brain…" 1 A tune was sung from where the sky dragon's head was after a short moment of silence.

"Shut up!"

"Hehe, it tastes good!"

On a cliff, there was a gigantic dark gray bird with golden patterns on it. It was looking at a swamp not far beneath it.

"I see the prey that Bloody mentioned."

"You've such great eyes. I've looked around three times and saw nothing but some mosquitoes." Thick white mist flowed continuously from the Sanguine Overlord's white flaming eyes on his skull. He had a crown on his head and a red robe around on his body. "How does the monster look like?"

"It should be a Champsosaurus-type of sky dragon. It's pretty big — at least 30 meters long, but it has a great disguise whereby it almost blends with the swap completely. It makes sense that you can't see it." Thunder's eyes did not leave the swamp when it was speaking. "The swamp's its home ground. I think it'll take us a great effort to kill it."

"That's easy. We'll just have to make it our home ground," Bloody Robe snickered.

"How do we do that?" Thunder turned around to look at Bloody Robe.

"I'll turn this swamp into lava." Bloody Robe turned his head too and locked eyes with Thunder.

"Alright, let's use your method to get it out."

"Wait, we must make it clear before we do it. Whose will this prey belong to later?" Bloody Robe seized the opportunity to ask.

"It'll be yours, okay?" Thunder was quick to respond. "You'll do the last hit, I won't do it."

"Deal!" As soon as the both of them came to a consensus, they then attacked the monster below.

Dark red lava emerged from the underground and drowned the entire swamp in an instant.

The prey had finally shown itself. It was a giant Champsosaurus close to 50 meters long.

It climbed out of the lava while roaring. Then, it looked at the two culprits after lifting its head. It bellowed in rage, "Who is your master? Don't you know the rules?"

"In fact, we don't actually know." Dark clouds were formed in the sky as soon as Thunder said that. A purple lightning bolt flashed through the night sky and struck the Champsosaurus's body accurately.

"How dare the both of you attack me? Do you know that my boss is Master Ku Long?!" Not sure if enraged or if it was the lighting's doing, the Champsosaurus was shaking as it was speaking.

As soon as it spoke, another purple lighting bolt struck followed by the second one and the third one…

Lightning was striking one after another. Not only did the Champsosaurus not have the opportunity to fight it, but Thunder also did not even give it the opportunity to speak.

"I… want… to see your… master…" The Champsosaurus expressed what it wanted while being interrupted.

"You'll definitely see him, but that'll only happen after you're dead." Thunder did not stop its attack.

"This fella has such thick skin. It feels like your attacks are just numbing it temporarily while no physical damages are done at all," Bloody Robe who was aside said while stroking his chin, "Let me help you."

Bloody Robe extended his hand and a couple of flaming chains materialized out of thin air.

The Champsosaurus that was numbed by the lightning strikes had a drastic change of expression seeing that. It tried its very best to dodge, but only managed to move ten meters away before Bloody Robe's Punishment Chains bonded it tightly. Its Life Power retreated back into its body while it felt a clear gush of weakness spread all over its body.

Another lightning struck in the next second.

"Ahh!!!" A burn that it had never experienced before shocked it, causing the Champsosaurus to release a devastating wail.

"Bondage, electric shock and devastating wail… What a perfection combination!" There was joy in Bloody Robe's voice. "It'd be even more perfect if there are some tentacles. Hmm, I'll replace the lava with that…"

In the next second, the ground beneath the Champsosaurus turned into lava instantly.

Mạny lava tentacles clung onto its body and went into its eyes, nose, and mouth like they would not let go of any holes there were on its body…

Under the duo's attacks in the condition of Life Power being sealed, it only managed to hold on to dear life for less than five minutes before it was killed on the spot despite its powerful body defenses.

"It hasn't even been five minutes. How pathetically weak! What kind of male animal is this that it can't be even challenged for half an hour?" Bloody Robe clearly wanted more fun.

"Let's go for the next one." Thunder flapped its wings and lifted into the air.

Bloody Robe flew immediately and caught up with Thunder. "Hey, Thunder, I just thought of a new way to play. Put your lightning onto my lava tentacles and let's see what's the effect of electrical tentacles…"

"I disagree!" Thunder who was flying ahead declined determinedly before Bloody Robe could finish what he was saying.

Chapter 825: I'm Sorry, Boss

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A tremendous battle was going on in a valley.

There was a fiend and an imp on one side while an Earth Ursine was on the other side of the battle.

The Earth Ursine was a triple mutated monster with midnight-black skin and a layer of golden armor on its head, abdomen, and back. The golden armor was not put on. Instead, it grew together with their skin since birth.

The strongest suit of such a monster was its body whereby it could tear most of the double mutated monsters of the same combat level into half like a piece of thin paper. Its defense ability was strong enough to protect itself from most of the monsters of the same combat level, preventing them from breaking their defenses.

This Earth Ursine before them had a combat level of immortal-level rank-9.

The shocking fact was that the Malachian Fiend, which combat level was only on immortal-level rank-7, was going strong against the Earth Ursine.

His green skin showed signs of turning into a metallic armor which expanded his body further, making him look even bigger. He was initially two meters tall, but with the addition, he looked at least 2.5 meters. However, he was still a fat meatball.

Meanwhile, the Earth Ursine was over 30 meters long. Even if the Malachian Fiend expanded by heaps, it would still be a tiny bean before the Earth Ursine.

The Inferior Imp who was on the same side as the Malachian Fiend was hovering hundreds of meters away from the battle. It seemed like it was just a spectator.

However, if one was to study it with spiritual strength, they would see the hundreds of telekinetic threads being released from his body. The other ends of those telekinetic threads clung onto the Earth Ursine's limbs and neck.

The telekinetic threads were breaking one after another as a result of the Earth Ursine's immense strength. However, the Inferior Imp reconnected them again and again. The strength the Inferior Imp was putting in was nothing lesser than the Malachian Fiend that was fighting on the battlefield.

"You damned Fatty, why couldn't you have chosen an easier prey?!" The Inferior Imp's bloodshot eyes seemed like they were going to spit fire. "Forget about those before this that had crazy strength! This ursine has such insane defense. The both of us might not be able to kill it even if we keep doing this until the next morning!"

"Big Bull, you don't know the fun in fighting at all," the Malachian Fiend replied immediately, "Such a collision of power is the biggest joy a man could have!"

"Stop calling me Big Bull!" The Inferior Imp objected.

"It's you who called me Fatty first."

"It's because you're fat! Fat*ss!"

"Then, I'll call you Big Bull because of the bullhorns on your head and your nose that looks like a bull," the Malachian Fiend retorted rudely.

"Do you want to fight?!" The Inferior Imp really sounded mad now.

"Come at me! I'm not afraid of you! I've despised you since the beginning." The Malachian Fiend threw a punch at the Earth Ursine and turned around to look at the Inferior Imp.

The Earth Ursine retreated slowly and did not attack the Malachian Fiend sneakily from his back.

To the Earth Ursine, these two foes were on par with it when they fought together. It was uncertain who would emerge as the winner eventually. However, this was undoubtedly an advantage for the Earth Ursine since both of them had an internal conflict now. It decided to strike the last blow when they seriously injured each other later. It required little effort, and the Earth Ursine was happy to do it. It chose to watch aside decisively.

Meanwhile, the two silhouettes were about to collide.

The Inferior Imp's close-range ability was not too shabby. It was just that he had gotten used to fighting methodically. However, he was not at a complete disadvantage fighting with the Malachian Fiend.

The Earth Ursine was watching the fight delightedly, sitting on the ground not far away. It would have been perfect if there were snacks like popcorn or sunflower seeds for it to munch on.

In the air, the Inferior Imp soon fell at a disadvantage. After all, he did not have much opportunity in close-range confrontations in real life and its body was not as powerful as the Malachian Fiend's.

It crawled out of the ground slowly after being punched by the Malachian Fiend while spitting a mouthful of blood that looked like lava onto the ground. He lifted his head to look at the Malachian Fiend while resentment filled his eyes.

"What else do you have? Show me all of it now or else you won't have the opportunity to when I kill you later," the Malachian Fiend said fearlessly while crossing his arms.

"Since you want to die so badly, I'll make your wish come true!" The red glow in the Inferior Imp's eyes grew. "If you're that powerful, don't dodge my next attack!"

"I won't dodge then! I'm not afraid of you!" As soon as the Malachian Fiend was done speaking, a spark lit up in the sky. It was extra bright in the night sky like a meteor that was plummeting from outer space.

Evidently, the meteor was flying towards the battlefield in the valley.

The Earth Ursine that was watching aside noticed that something was off immediately. It could not help but open its mouth wide seeing the meteor that was flying towards them. "It can't be! How can he summon a meteor… shower?!"

Before the Earth Ursine was done speaking, it saw the second and third meteor raining down from the sky. Sparks fell one after another. Soon, there were hundreds of them.

"a This fella has such terrifying technique!" The Earth Ursine gaped at the Inferior Imp with fear now.

However, it soon noticed that the Malachian Fiend was just hovering where he was, maintaining his stance of crossing his arms without showing any signs of dodging.

"Is this fella a little dumb? Is he really not dodging?!" The Earth Ursine was secretly glad after being concerned for the Malachian Fiend for a split second.

"As soon as the Malachian Fiend is dead, I shouldn't worried about that Inferior Imp. He has already unleashed a big hit, so he should be exhausted by now. He shouldn't be able to execute such a powerful blow for the second time in a short period of time. I'll be able to do anything I want with him by then."

The Earth Ursine retreated a distance away and did not leave. It was waiting for the duo to finish their fight and it would pick up whatever was left.

Hundreds of meteors come raining down from the sky. They could even hear the air-piercing whistles from far away.

The meteor shower added vibrant color to the quiet night sky.

However, grave danger came after the beautiful scene.

Each of the meteors was burning furiously. They were dropping to the ground at a terrifying speed. One could only imagine how much damage they would bring.

The more the Earth Ursine watched, the more terrified it felt. Among the meteorites, the smallest one was just slightly smaller than the Earth Ursine.

It was even mourning a little for the Malachian Fiend. "I'm afraid such an attack could even kill an Inferior Imperial-level."

However, the Malachian Fiend remained hovering where he was with no plan to escape. The meteorites arrived close to the valley in the blink of an eye, aiming at the Malachian Fiend.

"There's no way that he can turn the situation around at all." The Earth Ursine found it hard to watch the disaster that was Inferior Impending.

However, something changed. The meteorites in the air moved in an arc in the air while the Earth Ursine now became their target.

"What happened?!" The Earth Ursine was stunned to see that. It reacted right away and shouted at the Inferior Imp and Malachian Fiend, "The both of you tricked me!"

The first one landed as soon as it uttered its last word.


A deafening thud exploded while a huge piece of the ground collapsed in the valley.

Amongst the endless chunks of dirt flying in the air, a gigantic silhouette flew out in devastation and fell hard into a mountain range in the valley.

The Earth Ursine fell deep in the mountainside and could not help but spit a mouthful of blood out. It had tried to defend itself from the attack with its palm in panic. Now, it's entire arm was entirely obliterated as a result of the collision while the golden armor on its chest had faint cracks on it. Meanwhile, its organs went through a serious tremor while it felt a burning sensation as if there was a fire in its lungs when it breathed.

The second meteorite came crashing into the mountainside before it could even catch its breath.

Followed by the third, fourth, fifth…

Over 200 meteorites fell like cannonballs, and the entire valley was smashed into a flatland completely.

Meanwhile, the Earth Ursine was killed upon the crashing of the eleventh meteorite.

"That ursine's so dumb to even believe what a Malachian Fiend says. He actually thought we were having an internal conflict!" The Malachian Fiend landed slowly on the ground which was now completely ruined.

"We Inferior Imps are born con men and actors." The Inferior Imp walked over slowly too while looking at the Malachian Fiend with a smirk. "I've taken so much physical pain from this round of attacks which caught it off-guard."

"I'm sorry, Boss…" The Malachian Fiend turned into a scaredy-cat in a split second.

"Do you think an apology does anything?" The Inferior Imp remained smiling.

"Ugh… I think we should look for the next prey now. If we can't accomplish the mission within three days, we'll lose a month's supply of junk food." The Malachian Fiend changed the topic immediately.

"It's your fault, Fat*ss. You pick preys that are getting harder and harder to kill!" The Inferior Imp was enraged as he thought about this point.

"Big Bull, I'm warning you. Stop calling me Fatty! And don't even think about calling me Fat*ass!"

"What did you call me?! I'll summon the meteorites to kill you."

"I'm sorry, Boss…"

Chapter 826: I'll Cheer On For You in My Heart!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Two black and gold silhouettes flew under the sunlight with one of them leading the way.

"Hey, handsome boy with the white hair before me, could you fly a little slower please?" The man in the golden robe shouted at the man in the black robe in front.

"I can't." The black-robed man with white hair turned around and glared at him while replying with those two words coldly. He then accelerated after that.

"Hey, hey, can you not do this? You've got the skill to boost your speed, but I don't. It wouldn't kill you to consider someone else's feelings," the golden-robed man shouted again.

The man with white hair then slowed down his pace. However, he did not even turn around this time and stayed silent.

The golden-robed man then caught up with him slowly and they proceeded on their journey together.

The duo was the Ghastly Clown and Bai. Lin Huang had put the both of them in a team.

"Xiao Bai Bai, we should be partners since we've been fighting together for two days now…" Before the Ghastly Clown was done speaking, Bai turned around, glaring at him. His eyes were cold.

"Did we fight together? It was me who was fighting while you just watched. Not helping aside, you even took my prey in the end," Bai said, looking pissed. If not for Lin Huang who had asked them not to fight among themselves beforehand, he would have attacked the Ghastly Clown since the beginning.

"Is it necessary for you to be this mad? All that I did was take a couple of your victims," Ghastly Clown said like he did not care, "I didn't help because I knew you could handle them yourself. I'd definitely have helped if you encountered one that you couldn't handle."

"I'd be stupid to believe you," Bai thought to himself secretly. "You'll definitely run faster than anyone else if I really encounter monsters that I can't handle."

After spending two days together, Bai knew the Ghastly Clown's character well now. All he was competent at was cheating. Anyone would be unfortunate to encounter him.

"Look, we're both on immortal-level rank-9 now and we've accomplished our mission a day ahead. Shouldn't everyone be happy now?"

"Yeah, right!" Bai did not say that out loud.

Bai had lost interest in what the Ghastly Clown was saying. Later on, he thought that communicating with the Ghastly Clown was a complete waste of time.

"Xiao Bai Bai, we're already on immortal-level rank-9 now. It's no fun killing monsters on the same level. Why don't we start killing prey on imperial-level now? I've never killed anyone on imperial-level before," the Ghastly Clown suggested all of a sudden.

Bai pretended like he did not hear him and ignored the suggestion.

"Xiao Bai Bai, did you hear what I said?"

Bai proceeded to ignore him. He knew that the more he responded to the Ghastly Clown, the more he would babble on.

"Xiao Bai Bai, are you ignoring me?" After being snubbed twice, the Ghastly Clown knew what Bai was doing in response, or lack thereof, to him. He smirked and come up with a strategy.

"Bloody, give me the nearest black gold-rank's coordinates."

"Ghastly Clown, please don't create trouble and stay on your mission obediently." It was clear that Bloody took the same side as Bai.

"I'll just go in a random direction if you don't give me the coordinates." The Ghastly Clown stood where he was and watched Bai go.

"Ghastly Clown, Master mentioned that those who disobey will be sealed into card form and won't be summoned ever again. Are you sure you want to go against the Master's orders?" Bloody took out the big guns.

The Ghastly Clown had a slight change of expression, but soon he looked normal again. "Master doesn't like me anyway. Even if I obey the orders, I might not have many opportunities to be summoned in the future. Go ahead and seal me. I don't care."

Bloody went speechless at that moment. Feeling helpless, it sent a message across to Lin Huang.

"Ask him to go ahead if he wants to kill imperial-levels. It's good to teach him a lesson. Tell him that since this is his idea, he'll have to fight while Bai's only responsible for assisting. I'd love to see his capacity." Lin Huang had always been slack about the different personalities of his Monster Cards. Not that he did not care about them, but he thought it would be healthier for them to explore and express themselves. Even when it came to the stubborn Ghastly Ghost, Lin Huang did not plan to oppress or correct him. The most he would do was to guide him accordingly.

He had always thought that a person's perspective on life should not be taught. Instead, it should come from self-learning and self-correction. It was something that should be built slowly within a person.

Due to everyone's different genes since birth, the people that they came to know in society differed as they grew and learned in different environments. Therefore, it might not be the best for one to apply something that someone else had learned to themselves. Just like if one copied what the world's richest man did and applied it to a newborn, it would still be hard to cultivate the newborn into the next richest man tens of years later.

The best view of life came from the person's personal failures. It was the value that the particular individual could come up with from the mistakes that they made.

What was right, what was wrong, what could be done, what could not be done… Compared to the values that you fed him, it would not be as impactful as letting him make the mistake himself. He would understand it clearly as soon as he realized his mistake.

Lin Huang understood that theory very well, which was the reason why he took such loose measures with the Ghastly Clown.

Soon, Bloody's Leech Pods sent Lin Huang's message across thousands of kilometers away.

The Ghastly Clown had a rather odd expression. It was obvious that he did not expect Lin Huang to agree to his idea just like that. He thought Lin Huang would warn him, but still, he said nothing.

"Did he really just say that and nothing else?"

"He said you'd learn the lesson when you get yourself into trouble." Bloody's voice came through the Leech Pods once again. "Alright, I'll give you the coordinates."

Bloody called Bai who had left far away over after showing it the coordinates.

"What exactly do you want?" Bai advanced towards the Ghastly Crown while looking mad.

"Xiao Bai Bai, I've told you that we'll team up to kill imperial-level prey." The Ghastly Clown winked at Bai.

"I'm not interested in that. You can go on your own," Bai rejected directly and turned around, about to leave.

"The Boss has agreed that you'll be my assistant. I'll be fighting. You just have to cheer me on from the side." The Ghastly Clown grinned as he spoke.

Bai looked doubtful at the Leech Pods, clearly seeking confirmation from Bloody.

"Master said it's for him to learn a lesson." Bloody's voice came through the Leech Pods again.

Hearing what Bloody said, Bai understood Lin Huang's intentions immediately and nodded. "Let's go then."

The duo turned into black and gold bright glows as they turned around, heading towards their new target.

"Xiao Bai Bai, I won't mind if you'd like to help me. If you fight, I'll try my very best to assist you. If you don't want me to help, I'll cheer you on from the side…"

"It's you who chose the opponent. I'll be stealing your limelight if I interfered. I'll cheer on for you in my heart." Bai turned around and looked at the Ghastly Clown while smirking.

Chapter 827: Army

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The hunt went on for two days. In his dark-red armor, Lancelot led nine sword servants as they killed a variety of monsters along the way. He obtained Life Power and finally accomplished Lin Huang's mission, which was to elevate him to immortal-level rank-9.

Besides him, the nine sword servants under him were elevated to immortal-level rank-9 too. They experienced an immense boost in their ability.

A cold gleam flashed through Lancelot's eyes when he looked at the nine sword servants.

"Bloody, help me find triple mutated Sword Dao monsters. Their combat strength must be on immortal-level rank-9."

"No problem. But there aren't many such monsters on the second layer of the Abyss Brink. I've only found three at the moment," Bloody replied immediately.

"It's alright. Three is good enough. We'll look for more slowly if it's necessary in the future. Please send me the coordinates." Lancelot nodded.

After he was done communicating with Bloody, Lancelot gathered his nine sword servants.

They were the Fiery Swordfiend with fire attributes, the Frigid Swordswoman with frost attributes, the Luminescent Angelwing with light attributes, the Hatted Swordsman with many swords, the Sword Knight with a sword and a shield, the Swordfiend Soldier with a greatsword, the Cursed Swordfiend that was an expert in assassination, the Sword Dominator who could manipulate swords, and the Spiritsword Supreme in sword form.

"To the nine of you, double mutation isn't enough if all of you want to follow me in the future. Immortal-level rank-9 is the limit of double mutation and you won't be able to reach imperial-level. Meanwhile, it's just a matter of time for me to go up to imperial-level. If your combat strength stays on immortal-level rank-9, I'll have to replace you guys when necessary."

The nine sword servants had special skills of their own while they were the best of the best among the double mutated monsters. However, Lancelot thought it was not good enough because being immortal-level rank-9 was basically the end for a double mutated monster's combat strength. Their chances of breaking through and stepping into imperial-level were slim.

Many of the sword servants changed their expressions as soon as Lancelot said that.

"Sword Master, please don't refrain from telling us what you need us to do directly," the Spiritsword Supreme who took the sword form spoke right away. It seemed to grasp the underlying meaning of what Lancelot said.

"Alright then, I'll be straightforward. I hope that you guys can achieve a triple mutation. I have an idea on how to get you guys there." Lancelot paused and glanced at the nine of them before he proceeded to speak, "But it's extremely risky for you guys to carry out this plan. You might even die while you're at it."

"Sword Master, please do tell!" It was the Sword Dominator who could not wait to hear what Lancelot's plan was.

Meanwhile, the other sword servants looked at Lancelot with anticipation.

"I have a secret skill that can replace the Life Fire in your bodies, but there are four preconditions to perform this secret skill.

"Firstly, it can only be used on my sword servants. Secondly, the substitute and the monster to be replaced must be skilled in Sword Dao.

"Thirdly, the sword servant will have to kill the monster to be replaced. The other sword servants can help, but their combat strength can't be higher than the monster's. The mutation level must be lower than the monster's as well.

"Lastly, the monster to be replaced must have the exact combat strength with the sword servant.

"To put simply, you guys will have to kill immortal-level rank-9 triple mutated Sword Dao monsters. I'll use the secret skill to retrieve the rank-3 Life Fire from the monster's body and replace the rank-2 Life Fire in your bodies."

The nine sword servants realized the difficulty of the plan as they listened.

To be able to achieve triple mutation, they would have to kill other triple mutated monsters on the same level. A triple mutated monster was much powerful than a double mutated monster, let alone monsters of Sword Dao with powerful attack strength.

Although they had the upper hand in quantity since it was nine against one, it was possible for a powerful triple mutated monster of Sword Dao to kill them with a single swing of a sword.

Moreover, the more sword servants elevated to triple mutation, the fewer of them could participate in the killing. In other words, with fewer of them killing the monster, the more difficult it would be. Especially for the last one to elevate, the sword servant would have to fight the triple mutated monster on his own since the remaining sword servants had elevated to triple mutation and they could no longer help.

Naturally, Lancelot hid a fact here.

Although he and the sword servants who completed the elevation would not be able to participate in the killing, they could share their skills. Lancelot could share his skills with the sword servants while the power of the skills could be copied 100%.

The reason he hid this fact from them was that he hoped his sword servants would fight with their own might without thinking of having a plan B to fall back on.

"Only three monsters of Sword Dao fit the requirements in this area, so only three of you can elevate first. The three that I've picked are the Hatted Swordsman, the Swordfiend Soldier, and the Fiery Swordfiend."

In her black armor, Kylie flapped her dozen black wings that were as sharp as blades on her back slightly as she hovered in mid-air, watching the battle beneath.

The 368 troops of the Nephilic Judge army in silver armor formed a killing formation as they fought a triple mutated immortal-level rank-9 monster.

These Nephilic Judges were only double mutated beings while most of their combat strength was only on immortal-level rank-5 or rank-6. However, their combat strength was on par with an imperial-level black gold-rank powerhouse when they performed the formation.

Even Kylie herself found it hard to believe. Theoretically, such a difference should not be possible with hundreds of Nephilic Judges. However, she achieved it with the formation inheritance she received from the black rock. Not only were the Nephilic Judges fighting hard against the immortal-level rank-9 triple mutated monster, but they had also completely oppressed the monster.

In less than ten minutes, this triple mutated monster that was just slightly less powerful than Kylie was killed on the spot. It did not manage to fight back even once from the beginning until the end. Not a single Nephilic Judge was harmed.

"If it were me, I might have needed two to three hours to kill this monster…" Kylie watched everything above the battlefield. The triple mutated monster that died was powerful, but the formation the Nephilic Judges came up with was even more domineering.

As her mind wandered off for a moment, Kylie suddenly noticed something happening among the Nephilic Judges.

There was a glaring white glow kindling within an immortal-level rank-7 Nephilic Judge. Other Nephilic Judges moved away and watched what was happening curiously.

Kylie was shocked to see threads coming out of the white glow gradually and wrap around the Nephilic Judge slowly. "Is it going to perform a triple mutation?!"

Meanwhile, Lin Huang who was thousands of kilometers away watched the scene through Bloody's projection.

"They'd be an invincible army if more than 300 Nephilic Judges complete the triple mutation at once!" Lin Huang's eyes lit up as he watched.

"The last hit was performed by this Nephilic Judge that's going through the mutation now," Bloody narrated its observation.

"So, do you mean these Nephilic Judges will mutate automatically as soon as they kill a triple mutation monster?" Lin Huang raised his brows. "But this isn't the first triple mutated monster that Kylie's army has killed. Am I right?"

"The monster that's just been killed is a spirit type monster. Maybe it's related to that," Bloody speculated.

"So, it's similar to the terms of Kylie's evolution back then. It's just that the condition to elevate their combat strength is stricter now," Lin Huang mumbled softly, "The monster the Nephilic Judges kill must be triple mutated dark creatures. Nephilic Judges would've to complete the trial on the monster that suits the conditions for the elevation to happen."

As he had no bond with these Nephilic Judges, Lin Huang could not see their specific information. He had to speculate about most things.

"This is just a speculation for now, but we can get Kylie to lead them and test that out," Bloody suggested.

"Tell Kylie then. If she still has full control over these Nephilic Judges after they've elevated, then let her do it. If these Nephilic Judges will provoke her power after they've elevated, there's no need for them to elevate." Lin Huang made up his mind decisively.

Even though the elevation of the Nephilic Judges would make them a powerful army, Lin Huang hoped that it would not turn into grave trouble. If Kylie was unable to control such a powerful army, it would mean that these elevated Nephilic Judges would rebel anytime and turn into her enemies. Such tremendous power would become disastrous as soon as they came together and might even be used by other organizations. It would be better if they were smothered in the cradle before a disaster happened.

Chapter 828: Pseudo Mythical-level Card

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The moonlight was shining brightly late at night.

There were two powerful aurae colliding into each other repetitively above a lake in the second layer of the Abyss Brink.

Many of them who had been to the Abyss Brink would know the name of the lake – Black Water Lake.

Due to the existence of imperial-level monsters, many immortal-level human powerhouses treated this lake as a forbidden land which made it hard to discover.

If anyone who learned about the lake was nearby, one glance was enough for the person to recognize the master of the lake which was fighting above the lake at the moment: the black gold-rank Devil Ray.

Meanwhile, a pitch-black gigantic boa was fighting the Devil Ray at the moment. The boa was 9,000 meters long while there was a human-form monster in black armor standing steadily on its head. The monster had a faint layer of black mist surrounding its body.

A similar thing was happening above a snowy area thousands of kilometers away.

A gigantic boa was also carrying a black-armored monster in a human form and fighting a black gold-rank Frost Bear.

However, the boa disappeared in the middle of the battle. The human-form monster with an unknown aura lingering around its body experienced a boost in its combat strength. It was elevated to crimson gold-rank.

The battle turned one-sided later on.

In less than three minutes, the head of the powerful Frost Bear was chopped off. Bright, red blood splashed all over from its severed neck, dyeing the snow red. It was like a red rose being painted on a piece of white paper.

"Everyone has accomplished their mission in less than three days and has gone up to immortal-level rank-9," Bloody reported its observation, "Some of them even took the initiative to kill imperial-level monsters."

"It's the third day tomorrow. Should we call all of them back?"

"There's no need. Most of them are trying something new. It's good to let them practice, but Thunder, Bloody Robe, the Malachian Fiend, and the Inferior Imp should be done having their fun. We can change the teams now." Lin Huang came up with a plan ahead.

Lin Huang could not stand some of the repulsive addictions that Bloody Robe had when he teamed up with Thunder.

Meanwhile, the Malachian Fiend and imp duo had the bad habit of torturing and tricking their prey. However, that was something that was planted deep in the Malachian Fiend's bones and there was no way to eradicate it at all. Their behavior might worsen if they were ordered to stop behaving that way in the long run. All Lin Huang could do was to take the opportunity to let them release it moderately.

"Is there still nothing about the crack in the world at all?"

"No, my Leech Pods have spread all over the second layer of the Abyss Brink these few days, but they found nothing. Nothing odd has happened recently to the monsters that were parasitized. I'll need more time to investigate this further."

"There's no rush. I haven't even collected half of the spiritual energy. We'll need to stay for three or four more days, or even longer." Getting Bai and the rest to kill in teams allowed them to obtain Life Power and, on the other hand, obtain spiritual energy to fill the God's Figurine in his body.

"Bai and the rest have killed at least over 300 monsters these few days whereby the lowest combat strength of the monsters was immortal-level rank-9. How come you haven't collected the full spiritual energy? Is the conversion rate very low?" Bloody could not help but ask.

"Yes, even with the God's Figurine protection, the spiritual energy needs to be filtered by the Divine Fire. The spiritual energy's conversion success rate is less than 1%." Lin Huang looked helpless as he spoke. "But that's not entirely bad. At least, the converted spiritual energy will be extremely pure and won't be affected by the Divine Fire again."

The third night was the due date of the mission Lin Huang had assigned to them. All of them thought that the time given was too short and they were not done having fun.

Initially, they had accepted this mission for the junk food reward or other things that they desired. However, without Lin Huang by their side for the past few days, almost all of them unleashed their true monster characters.

When Bloody sent Lin Huang's order across for them to continue with the killing through his Leech Pods, Tyrant and the rest almost cheered.

However, some of them were unhappy, including Thunder, Bloody Robe, the Malachian Fiend, and the Inferior Imp.

After recalling the four of them into cards, Lin Huang summoned the Herculean King, Bing Wang, Killer and the Evil Dominator.

Killer and the Evil Dominator were two pseudo-mythical-level monsters, and it was the first time Lin Huang had summoned them. They teamed up with Bing Wang and the Herculean King to begin a new round of killing.

Lin Huang had been watching the two teams as he was worried.

However, the truth revealed that his concern was unnecessary as the two pseudo-mythical-level monsters were invincibly powerful. Although they only had a combat strength of immortal-level rank-7, they won the battle in less than a minute when they encountered triple mutated monsters of immortal-level rank-9.

The two apes only realized that the teammates they had never met before were the real bosses after seeing them fight.

"Pseudo mythical-level is so much more powerful than legendary-level. I wonder how powerful a real mythical-level Monster Card is!" Lin Huang became excited looking at the duo's performance.

The two pseudo-mythical-level monsters led the two apes and elevated to immortal-level rank-9 that night itself. The reason why the two teams had such high efficiency was that the two pseudo-mythical-level monsters would cripple the prey since they advanced to immortal-level rank-9. Then, they would get the two apes to kill them directly.

Ever since they got to immortal-level rank-9, Killer and the Evil Dominator brought their burden along to fight imperial-level monsters.

If they were in other teams, the two apes might have been able to share the responsibility and be of great help. However, in the shadow of these two pseudo-mythical-level bosses, the two apes had no opportunity to fight at all. They ended up being their transportation vehicles and would sometimes cheer for them.

"The Herculean King and Bing Wang seemed to be treated as transportation vehicles now. They hardly get out to move around, these poor babies…" Even Bloody could not take it any longer. As opposed to the two Dark Crescent Snakes which had the opportunity to fight with the Knights, the two apes completely became benchwarmers.

"It's my fault. I miscalculated the two pseudo mythical-level monsters' abilities. I should've paired the two apes up instead while letting Killer and the Evil Dominator be on the same team." Lin Huang was not sure to laugh or to cry. "The only thing I can do is to make up with free time for the Herculean King and Bing Wang next time."

Time flew by and soon three days passed. The spiritual energy of the three God's Figurine in Lin Huang's body had been finally filled to the amount he expected.

Bai and the rest killed tens of black gold-rank monsters throughout the past few days.

There were not many imperial-level monsters on the entire second level of the Abyss Brink, let alone black gold-rank monsters. The news of a massive amount of black gold-rank monsters being killed was spread a few days ago, so many of the black gold-rank monsters hid. However, Bloody found most of them while a handful of them ran to the third level of the Abyss Brink.

Since that was the case, Bai and the rest could only hunt for immortal-level rank-9 monsters which were abundant in the Abyss Brink.

Meanwhile, Killer and the Evil Dominator challenged a crimson gold-rank monster each which ended up to be a tie. They then retreated respectively.

Later on, the two pseudo-mythical-level monsters proceeded to challenge more crimson gold-rank monsters. They won some and lost some, but did not manage to kill any.

The two apes, on the other hand, were put into a team when the two pseudo-mythical-level monsters were challenging their first crimson gold-rank monster. They proceeded to kill immortal-level rank-9 monsters.

Among the nine sword servants that Lancelot was leading, three of them completed triple mutation.

Meanwhile, on Kylie's side, only 16 monsters completed triple mutation. The truth proved that Nephilic Judges would really have to go through a trial to advance into triple mutated Nephilic Angels. However, the success rate of elevation was less than 10%.

Too many things had happened throughout the past three days, but Bloody had yet to find anything about the crack in the world.

Lin Huang even began to suspect the new crack might not be on this level.

"If the imperial-level skinless monster managed to pass through the crack, it proves that the crack must either be on the second or third level of the Abyss Brink. The reason being that there's a limitation on the first level whereby imperial-levels can't enter. Now that we can't find it on the second level, the only possibility is that the new crack's on the third level."

"Please give me two more days. Let me look for it thoroughly one more time." Bloody refused to give up.

At midnight of the fourth day, Bloody exclaimed out of nowhere, "I've found it!"

Chapter 829: Flat-Chested like a Boy

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Found it!"

Bloody finally managed to find the new crack after it looked around.

Lin Huang was shocked as it projected the scene monitored by the Leech Pods.

"Isn't that the crack that we discovered earlier? Is the seal no longer working?!"

The location displayed on the screen was the crack Lin Huang had discovered in a cave a few months back. The wall looked exactly the same.

Right at this moment, the black mist was coming out from the purple-black crack as if it was alive, spreading out from the fissure.

"It's not because the seal is no longer working. Instead, the second crack was found in the same position," Bloody said, projecting an image. "This is the photo I captured earlier. You can compare them."

"It seems like there are some cracks that look different over there." Lin Huang could immediately recognize the differences between them.

"That's not the point," Bloody explained, "If you were to look at it carefully, you should realize that the crack initially looks like a huge spider web. The additional crack is just another spider web. The new spider web is a new channel and it's completely different from the seal that you discovered a few months ago."

After listening to Bloody's explanation, Lin Huang soon realized that it was correct. The new crack seemed to be overlaid with the original crack. One would feel that the original crack was spreading, which was not true. Just like what Bloody said, there were two spiders forming two spider webs that were completely different in the same position.

"I didn't discover it earlier as there used to be a crack over there. I didn't pay close attention to it. Until today, the black mist was released from the crack. Only then did I notice that something was wrong." Bloody had put a lot of effort into looking for the crack. It did not expect it to be the one. "I felt the same too. I thought there was something wrong with the seal. After observing it carefully, I noticed that it's a new channel created after the previous channel was sealed."

"Let's go there and have a look."

Lin Huang immediately flew into the sky, heading towards the cave where the Devil's Psykid had been a few months ago.

It took him more than an hour to reach there. He then immediately recorded the latest situation of the new crack in the cave with his Emperor's Heart Ring as well as capturing some high-definition images.

It was about 2 a.m. now after getting all this done.

"Bloody, you may stay at the Abyss Brink and monitor the killing process of Bai and the rest. I have somewhere else to go." Lin Huang immediately gave new instructions as he got out of the cave.

The Emperor's Heart Ring had no network connection and signal in the Abyss Brink, so Lin Huang had to leave the Abyss Brink if he wanted to send the message.

Lin Huang immediately strode into it after activating his dimensional portal.

Bloody waited at the entrance of the cave where the crack was, patiently waiting for Lin Huang to return.

As he passed through the entrance of the Abyss Brink, Lin Huang immediately sent the videos and photos he recorded in the cave to Yao Lan and dialed her number as well.

Lin Huang did not know many people in Division 3. Yao Lan was royalty and also the member of the Adventurer's Paradise. In addition to her previous task being related to the crack in the world, Lin Huang had thought of her in the first place.

It was about 2 a.m. now. However, Lin Huang's video call request was answered in just a heartbeat.

"Why are you disrupting my sleep in the middle of the night?!"

As soon as Yao Lan's voice was heard, Lin Huang could see from the video that the room was brightly lit and Yao Lan had just gotten up from her bed. Her upper body was exposed outside the blanket and she was naked…


Seeing that the person in the video call was Lin Huang, Yao Lan was shocked. Soon, she heard an ear-piercing scream. She immediately grabbed the blanket to cover her body and wrapped herself tightly in the blanket. Not even her neck could be seen. She then shifted her gaze towards Lin Huang.

"Lin Xie, what did you see?"

"No, I didn't see anything," Lin Huang answered innocently with his palms up.

"You did!"

"I saw nothing for real…" Lin Huang mumbled, "You're flat-chested like a boy. What can I see?"

"What did you say?!" Yao Lan heard it clearly and she got even angrier.

"I didn't say anything. I have something serious to tell you." Lin Huang immediately changed the topic.

"It's 2 a.m. now and you're making a video call. Do you think that I'm that close to you?!"

"There's another crack that's appeared at the second layer of the Abyss Brink." Lin Huang knew very well that there was no need to continue the conversation with her, so he went straight to the point. "I've just sent the videos and photos to you. Have a look first."

Yao Lan was stunned. She rolled her eyes at Lin Huang then tapped the images open and videos. She frowned.

"Isn't the position similar to the one discovered earlier? Was it unsealed?"

"It's the same position, but it's a different crack." Lin Huang shared Bloody's observation, "You'll know once you compare it to the photo that was taken previously."

"I got it. I'll check whether if it's true later. If it is, I'll make a report immediately." Yao Lan nodded her head. Just as she was about to hang up the call, a question ran through her mind. "Why did you go back to the cave?"

"I'm hunting for monsters. I went back to the cave to have a look since I was nearby. I then saw what was captured in the videos and photos." It was impossible for Lin Huang to tell Yao Lan that he had killed an imperial-level monster and had gotten the clue from the monster. Therefore, he then lied to her.

"Can you please tell a more plausible lie?" Yao Lan knew that he was lying.

"I'm telling the truth. Let it be if you don't trust me." Lin Huang shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not going to trust you." Yao Lan knew that she would not find anything out from him and did not bother talking nonsense to him any longer. She then hung up the call.

Lin Huang grinned after she hung up the video call. "She's really flat-chested like a boy…"

Lin Huang did not go to the cave after he returned to the Abyss Brink. He recalled Bloody instead and did not meet Yao Lan as well.

One of the reasons was that the flat-chested lady would get him into trouble.

Another reason was that when he last met her, he was only on crimson flame-level. His combat strength had leveled up to immortal-level rank-3 in less than half a year. Such an upgrade was unusual.

The crack in the world was found and he had informed the person-in-charge as well. Lin Huang had basically completed his task at the Abyss Brink.

"The last thing to do now is to obtain the cross-ranking reward!" Lin Huang had gathered 30 cross-ranking rewards from immortal-level rank-1 to rank-3.

Since he had used the Combat Strength Upgrade Card, the system did not consider the imperial-level skinless monster that Lin Huang killed a few days ago as a cross-ranking kill. Otherwise, there would be 29 cross-ranking rewards remaining.

"My combat strength is now on immortal-level rank-3. It belongs to beginner-level immortal-level. My combat strength can still be upgraded to black gold-rank if I were to combine the Knight and Integration skills." Xiao Hei had given a detailed explanation regarding the upgrade in combat strength when the Knight and Integration skills were activated. For a beginner-level immortal-level, authority would be restricted to black gold-rank. Despite achieving immortal-level rank-3 whereby Lin Huang's body could barely manage to withstand the combat strength of crimson gold-rank, the level of authority he had would not change. Only an immortal-level rank-4 to rank-6 would be granted the authority of crimson gold-rank.

"I suppose yellow gold-rank is sufficient to perform a cross-ranking kill since the second layer of the Abyss Brink can only bear monsters of yellow gold-rank. The efficiency of killing them will be increased if Killer and the Evil Dominator are summoned." Lin Huang pieced his plan together and soon, he decided his first hunting target.

"The first monster to kill is the Rakshasa Mother. It's never too late for revenge. It seems like it's been less than half a year since I last came."

Chapter 830: It's Never Too Late for Revenge

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang encountered the Rakshasa Mother when he entered the Abyss Brink for the first time to hunt for the Devil's Psykid.

The Devil's Psykid was the Rakshasa Mother's adopted son. After Lin Huang killed it, he was attacked by the Rakshasa Mother.

The Rakshasa Mother's clone chased after him until he escaped to the first layer of the Abyss Brink. Finally, Lin Huang managed to kill its clone with his God Crasher.

As the saying went, every dog had its day.

Lin Huang was going to take revenge that day.

Along with the Regal Sword Killer and the Evil Dominator, Lin Huang rode on Charcoal's back and arrived at the Rakshasa Mother's lair.

"It's you!" The Rakshasa Mother saw Lin Huang from afar and could recognize him at first glance.

Less than half a year had passed. The Devil's Psykid had been the one with the greatest potential among all its adopted sons, so of course, it could clearly remember how Lin Huang looked like since he had murdered the Devil's Psykid.

"It seems like you can still remember me, Rakshasa Mother." Lin Huang lowered his head, shifting his gaze towards the Rakshasa Mother in its red robe.

Catching a glimpse of Lin Huang, the Rakshasa Mother soon noticed Charcoal and the two pseudo-mythical-levels. Seemingly, she did not notice anything special about the Regal Sword Killer and the Evil Dominator. Soon, it shifted its focus back to Lin Huang.

"There are three triple mutated immortal-level rank-9 monsters and a dragonkin. It's a solid combination, but their combat strength is rather weak. Human brat, do you think that you're capable of fighting me with your three little monster pets? I have to admit that you're too naïve and a little cute."

The Rakshasa Mother stood about 1.8 meters tall in its red robes. It had a curvy body and was extremely seductive. It was beautiful and it spoke like a human.

However, Lin Huang knew that the monster could disguise itself as any female creature it had ever seen. Only when it was emotionally aroused or engaged in a fight would it reveal its true self. It had a green, ghastly face with fangs. One would not describe it as beautiful at all.

"You'll know soon enough whether if I'm capable of fighting you or not." After uttering those words, Lin Huang's Knight skill was activated. Charcoal and his combat strength immediately grew to black gold-rank.

The Rakshasa Mother was surprised by what unfolded before it. "It's indeed a great skill to level up straight away from immortal-level rank-3 to black gold-rank. However, if that's your trump card, perhaps you won't even have a chance to run away later."

"I'm an imperial-level rank-3 on yellow gold-rank. If you were to ask for help from three monsters on crimson gold-rank, you might get me into trouble. At least, you'd have a higher chance of running away. However, since this is the case, the four of you came to me by yourself and you're going to be my snack. Hmm, I can imagine that you're going to be delicious," the Rakshasa Mother cackled, licking its lips.

"It still remains unknown who's the one who has to be extra careful." Lin Huang did not want to talk nonsense to it. After sending a message via his mind, Charcoal was the first one to launch an attack.

It opened its mouth wide, black dragon flames beginning to gush out of its mouth and covering an area with a circumference that spanned tens of kilometers in an instant.

"You've destroyed my lair. You're digging your own grave!"

Along with the yell, dragon flames spat out of the Rakshasa Mother's mouth. Its entire body was covered by a layer of red Life Power. Seemingly, it could defend itself against flames to a certain degree as it did not seem to be injured by the dragon flames. Its once pretty face turned green with fangs while two glimmers of bluish green light glowed in its eyes.

Just as the dragon flames struck, the Rakshasa Mother immediately flew up into the sky, pouncing towards Lin Huang and Charcoal.

Right at that moment, a shadow appeared in front of it abruptly.

Before the Rakshasa Mother could figure out who was blocking its way, a black sword glow flashed in the air. The sword glow streaked across the sky and spanned hundreds of meters, resembling a gulf that blocked the Rakshasa Mother's way.

Sensing the danger coming from the sword glow, the Rakshasa Mother's flaming eyes dilated. "That's incredible!"

It did not dare to fight it straight away. Pointing its finger at the crack in the air that was tens of meters long, it instantly collided with the gulf-like black sword glow.

A snap was heard. Soon after, the crack and the sword glow collapsed at almost the same time.

Just as the Rakshasa Mother appeared again, another sword glow that looked exactly the same struck from behind.

Even Lin Huang was startled. Two Regal Sword Killers blocked the Rakshasa Mother's way. One of them came from the front whereas the other came from behind. They looked exactly the same.

However, Lin Huang soon figured out what was happening now. The Evil Dominator had transformed itself into the Regal Sword Killer.

Lin Huang could still remember that one of the skills possessed by the Evil Dominator was called Evil Blood Substitute. As long as it managed to obtain one drip of its target's drop of blood, it could create a clone that looked exactly the same as its target. Also, it could perfectly duplicate all the abilities of its target. Even if the substitute was killed, it would not die. It could still create another clone and continue the battle.

It was apparent that it had borrowed blood from the Regal Sword Killer, creating a clone that looked exactly the same as the latter and perfectly inherited the Regal Sword Killer's abilities.

The Regal Sword Killer itself was shocked when it saw what just happened.

The Rakshasa Mother felt that it was facing difficulties that it had never encountered before after being attacked by the two Regal Sword Killers.

It used to think that they were only on immortal-level rank-9. Despite the fact that they were triple mutated monsters with special bloodlines in their body, it would be amazing if their abilities were on par with a black gold-rank's. However, it seemed like the two monsters were of crimson gold-rank.

"Have the two of you… Gone through deification?!" The Rakshasa Mother exclaimed.

A deified 1 monster was a monster that had gone through its fourth mutation.

"No. We're just halfway through deification," Killer admitted its weakness.

The Evil Dominator then continued, "Otherwise, I'd be able to kill you on my own."

In fact, if Killer and the Evil Dominator were not of pseudo-mythical-level but true mythical-level, Lin Huang would have been unable to summon them with his current level of authority.

The Rakshasa Mother was slightly relieved. However, it began to have its guard up and staying aware of Lin Huang who had yet to fight. It knew that since Lin Huang was capable of taming the two monsters, his abilities could probably be much stronger than the monsters.

Still, Lin Huang who was in mid-air did not launch an attack.

He could tell that the Rakshasa Mother had not given its all yet. It was still capable of fighting the three of them. Occasionally, it managed to strike out at the two Regal Sword Killers as well as fighting Charcoal.

The intense battle lasted for about half an hour. However, no flaw was found in the Rakshasa Mother's attack.

Lin Huang knew that it was meaningless if he were to continue waiting.

He then brandished his sword, unleashing his Thunder Sting.

It was an extremely quick attack and was more than 10 times quicker than Killer's maximum speed. His sword appeared right in front of the Rakshasa Mother at almost the same time when he wielded his sword.

The Rakshasa Mother was unable to defend against it in time. It moved its body slightly, attempting to dodge the attack.

However, it was unable to act as fast as Lin Huang's sword. Despite not being annihilated by the attack, a wound that was about 10 centimeters long was formed on the right side of its waist. One could even see its internal organs through its wound.

He joined the battle with a powerful offense, severely injuring the Rakshasa Mother in just one hit.

One must not underestimate the injury caused by an expert-grade demigod relic.

Lin Huang did not hold back against his opponent. He did not even give the Rakshasa Mother a chance to breathe. The second attack was then launched.

The Rakshasa Mother felt a strong sense of doom advancing towards it. Withstanding the pain coming from its wound, it attempted to flee. However, it was blocked by Killer and the next attack struck it.

Again, the black sword glow streaked across the sky.

It clenched its teeth, extending its claws and pouncing towards Killer. It knew that Lin Huang's attack would be much scarier.

At that second, the Evil Dominator stealthily attacked from the side.

The sword shot out rapidly like a crescent moon. There was nowhere else for the Rakshasa Mother to dodge and another wound formed on the left side of its torso.

The injury was less serious than the one caused by Lin Huang. Still, blood dripped out of its wound.

The Rakshasa Monster covered its wound with its left hand, glaring at Lin Huang and the rest with a stone cold expression on its face.

She had been struck by two consecutive attacks. She knew that she might not have the chance to use her trump card any longer if she did not use it now.

Before Lin Huang made his third attack, it summoned its trump card.

A bloody red Life Palace appeared.

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