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48.85% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 234: 791-799

Chapter 234: 791-799

Chapter 791: It Is Here

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"These demonic monsters are really crazy!"

As Lin Huang showed up in the next moment, he had already left the area of the Fiendish Osiery that was within the osiers' control. He then turned back to look at the continuous explosions of the catkins that were scattered through the air. A third of the region near the Fiendish Osiery was now shrouded in flames.

"It's not that out of the ordinary for demonic monsters to do something crazy like this." Bloody slowly floated toward Lin Huang, "The mentality of those demonic monsters is controlled by their negative emotions. When they're triggered, their negative emotions will multiply, causing them to lose all ability to think rationally and consider the consequences of their actions."

"But why would they hurt themselves to kill me?!" Lin Huang felt amused when he saw the Fiendish Osiery shrouded in flames with most of the osiers left with nothing.

Neither the daggers not the bombs were usually used by the Fiendish Osiers. Those abilities were usually reserved for self-protection and once activated, it would remain unusable for the next three months. The Fiendish Osiers had given their all in their attempt to kill Lin Huang.

"It's almost time to attack! Although the explosion did directly affect the group of Luna Beasts, some of them may have been severely injured. If we don't attack them now, the Fiendish Osiers might kill them." Bloody reminded, "If they're killed by the Fiendish Osiers, you won't get any points."

Lin Huang nodded his head and shifted his gaze in the direction where Bai and the rest were. "It's time to show up!"

After saying that, a few shadows flashed by and at the next moment, Bai and the rest appeared standing next to Bloody.

"I relinquish the task to you." Lin Huang then allowed Bloody to take charge of the situation.

Bloody nodded slightly and called out the first name. "Charcoal!"

As soon as Bloody's voice was heard, Charcoal rapidly returned to its original body size.

It knew very well what it was doing because Bloody had already planned a strategy to fight when they began setting up the trap. Charcoal only had to follow what had been planned.

It opened its mouth wide as black flames shot out in waves, engulfing the Fiendish Osiers and some of the Luna Beasts.

The Luna Beasts that were caught in the attack attacked groaned as they struggled. They wanted to break free from the Fiendish Osier's entanglement and escape from the fire.

However, the Fiendish Osier waved their osiers, extending their tentacles in Charcoal's direction to rip Charcoal into pieces.

In the beginning, Charcoal would still flutter its wings so it could fly to a higher position. It feared getting tangled by the Fiendish Osiers but soon, it realized that the height Bloody told it to fly at had already exceeded the Fiendish Osier's range so it did not need to worry about attacks from the Fiendish Osiers.

"Kylie!" Bloody's voice was heard before the first attack was over.

Kylie who was in her black armor then picked up her spear, pointing the tip of her spear toward the sky. A purple electric glow began flickering on the spear.

All of a sudden, dark clouds were formed in the air, and purple lightning was quickly formed on top of the cloud layers.

After a short while, endless thunder rumbled in the sky and lightning bolts struck the ground like a storm was coming.

The lightning accompanied with the purification power was a poison to the Fiendish Osiers. In addition to the injuries caused by Charcoal's dragon flames, many of the Fiendish Osiers were burned and died on the spot. Despite there being a small number of Fiendish Osiers that were still alive, they were severely injured and were already on the verge of death.

As for the Luna Beasts, the Fiendish Osiers had almost taken their lives away. After experiencing the explosion of the catkins, the dragon flames, and the lightning strikes, it was not easy for them to stay alive. They did not have the energy to run away now, let alone engage in a fight.

Bloody did not seem satisfied with the battle's outcome so it did not immediately ask the rest of them to enter the Fiendish Osiery. Instead, it called Lancelot.

Lancelot nodded its head before it brandished its saber, pointing toward somewhere in the Fiendish Osiery.

A strange force wave could be felt coming from the sky. A black saber was then formed out of nowhere. Its blade was narrow, long, and was about a meter long.

As soon as the first saber appeared, a second and third saber with the same length began to form. In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of black sabers that looked exactly the same appeared in front of Lancelot.

The tips of the sabers were all pointed in the same direction as the saber Lancelot was holding – the Fiendish Osiery.


A deep voice was then heard, accompanied by tens of thousands of sabers that streaked across the sky with a whistling sound.

The streaking sabers raced toward the Fiendish Osiery like a torrential rain, passing through the bodies of the Fiendish Osiers.

Lancelot's Sword Manipulation was not that strong and could only be compared to a random attack from an immortal-level rank-8. Usually, it could do no harm to the Fiendish Osiers. However, its attack was the final straw that would spell the doom of the Fiendish Osiers. The ones that were already knocking on death's door could no longer defend themselves against their enemy. Soon, they succumbed to their injuries after the onslaught of the sabers.

The Fiendish Osiers finally died after three attacks from Charcoal and the rest. Less than a tenth of them managed to survive the onslaught.

The Luna Beasts were rather pitiful. Each attack from Lancelot's dominating saber was a fatal strike especially since the Luna Beasts had depleted their life power earlier. The onslaught of Lancelot's sabers only added to their casualties.

However, due to a limited range attack, it only managed to cover a twentieth of the Fiendish Osiery.

"Charcoal, Kylie, Lancelot! Continue assisting the fight. Attack the rest of the areas in the Fiendish Osiery. You don't need to care how many Luna Beasts and Fiendish Osiers are killed. I'll ask the rest to complete the remaining task."

After instructing Charcoal and the rest, Bloody turned its body around and looked toward Bai.

"Bai, please lead the rest to continue clearing up the monsters. Kill the remaining Fiendish Osiers and Luna Beasts that are still alive after the first wave of attack. Don't go to places where Charcoal and the rest haven't been to. Just go after them and complete the kill." Bloody intentionally glanced at Ghastly after finishing its words as if it wanted to warn Ghastly.

Ghastly grinned as if it did not mind at all.

"I'll look after it." Bai took a glance at Ghastly and whispered to Bloody. After taking a leap, a voice was heard, "Follow after me!"

Tyrant and the rest immediately followed after Bai and Ghastly was no exception. However, it followed at the back of the team, looking relaxed without even an ounce of nervousness despite the fact that the battle was about to begin.

Soon after, the battle began as instructed by Bloody.

The battle was not as intense as expected by Lin Huang. After three rounds of attacks launched by Charcoal, Kylie, and Lancelot, they no longer had the strength to fight back, be it the Fiendish Osiers or the Luna Beasts. This made it much easier for Bai and the rest to complete the kills.

It was certainly a one-sided fight, and Lin Huang's points kept increasing every second.

In the Fiendish Osiery, Bai and the rest were busy with the fight while Ghastly walked leisurely as if it was on a vacation.

It did help to attack the Fiendish Osiers in the beginning. However, it began to slack off after a while.

Since it did not influence the overall efficiency of the team, Bloody did not bother scolding it.

Ghastly walked before one of the Fiendish Osiers for about five times, having observed it for a long time. Them, as it made up its mind, it waved its right hand that wore a white glove. Soon, a gigantic arm was formed out of nowhere, grabbing the Fiendish Osier's trunk and easily uprooting it. Ghastly then dragged it toward the sky and disappeared from sight.

Bloody and Lin Huang saw everything that just happened clearly.

"Ghastly, what are you doing?" Bloody frowned as it asked.

"Killing all of them is just a waste. I want to catch a few of them alive so that I can do some experiments." Ghastly was being frank with Bloody.

Although the instruction given was to kill, Ghastly did not actually go against Bloody by catching a few of them alive. Bloody did not say anything else.

"It's fine. Just let it be." Lin Huang then whispered to Bloody.

He did not mean to spoil Ghastly. In fact, there was nothing wrong with Ghastly's decision to catch them alive.

Despite Ghastly slacking all the while, the battle ended very quickly. After less than 10 minutes, they were about to end the fight. They managed to wipe out all the Luna Beasts and almost two-thirds of the Fiendish Osiers had sacrificed themselves in the battle.

Just as Bloody was about to give the last instruction to clear up the Fiendish Osiery, its body suddenly became stiff.

At almost the same time, Lin Huang who was standing next to Bloody had a shocked expression.

Lin Huang's neck was stiff as he turned his head around to look at Bloody. Bloody's face had a shocked expression as well as both of them exchanged glances with each other. They knew they had seen.

"It seems like it has discovered us." Bloody was feeling worried.

"Yes. In fact, it's already staring at me." Lin Huang shook his head, forcing a smile.

"I felt like something was wrong right at the moment when she entered the area covered by my Territory. I checked what's actually happening out there with my Divine Telekinesis. However, it activated its telekinetic skill as well and the power it was on par with mine. It then managed to locate me after getting into contact with me." Lin Huang told Bloody what had just happened.

"I've hidden thousands of leech pods throughout the journey, and it has destroyed all of them in an instant. I was wondering how it did it earlier but after listening to what you said, I finally understood. It's because of its telekinetic skill." Bloody felt relieved as it was really frightened by its opponent.

"It's really strong even without its telekinetic skill. Its aura can be compared to that of Chan Dou. It's the strongest immortal-level monster that I've ever encountered." Lin Huang's face contorted.

"Should we leave?" Bloody asked.

"Yes, we should." Lin Huang quickly nodded his head. "The ability of the hornet queen is incredible. Also, there are 12 hornet guardians that have abilities that are almost at the imperial-level as well as millions of Combat Hornetdemons. With our current abilities, we're incapable of fighting them."

"Moreover, I've earned enough points." Lin Huang smirked as he looked in the direction where the hornet queen was leading a swarm of hornets at several kilometers away. "Keep the rest of the Fiendish Osiers alive, let's get them into trouble."

Chapter 792: Three Demigod Relics

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Seeing the points of the first name on the leaderboard constantly increasing, the people on the Stairway Tree started feeling bored. Lin Huang's points had never stopped rising.

However, as it reached 287 million points, it suddenly stopped increasing, catching the attention of many.

"Lin Xie's points have stopped changing since 10 minutes ago, but the name on the leaderboard shows that he's still online. Is he looking for a place to hide?"

"The monster horde has just begun for a while but he can already no longer fight them. It seems like he isn't as strong as we think. I thought that he could fight the entire night."

"You said that it has just been a while but to be exact, it's been two hours. Lin Xie had the courage to stop the monster horde in the Secret Forest and still, he didn't die after the two-hour fight. This has indeed proven his ability. Those who think that Lin Xie isn't that powerful, why not enter the Secret Forest and see if you can stay alive for two hours?"

Lin Xie did not bother about the discussion that went on in the Genius Union at all. Instead of logging out, he entered the Stairway Mall.

"There're a total of 287 million points. 263 million points are usable which equals 263 billion Life Crystals. The outcome is completely out of my expectations." Lin Huang laughed. He thought that he would be fortunate enough if he could earn tens of millions of points in two days as he already had 24 million points previously. He did not expect using that Bloody's battle strategy, the points he gained would far exceed his expectations.

"It's not worth directly exchanging your points for Life Crystals here," Bloody reminded.

Before returning to checkpoint 55 on the Stairway Tree, he had recalled Bai and the rest back into their card forms. He only brought Bloody along with him to the Stairway Mall.

"I know. That's why I brought you along to see if there's anything that's worth exchanging here to be sold at a premium out there." Of course, Lin Huang would not directly exchange his points for Life Crystals. It was terribly silly to do so.

"The rarer the item, the higher the offer price at the auction. With your points now, your first choice will be to purchase a demigod relic. Among the demigod relics, demigod-level swords and sabers have the highest demand, followed by armors. If you were to sell these demigod relics at the auction, you don't need to worry that nobody will buy it," Bloody laughed as it suggested.

"Although 263 million points seem like a lot, we can only afford to buy a few demigod relics. The cheapest demigod relic at the Stairway Mall costs 10 million points." Lin Huang had skimmed through the prices of the demigod relics. He was now screening through the items again, looking at the big screen at the Stairway Mall.

"The cheapest demigod-level saber costs 16 million points. It's 15 million points for the sword and 19 million points for armor." Lin Huang realized that they were much more expensive than what he had seen previously. Perhaps the cheaper items might have already been purchased by others.

"Check the details," Bloody was staring at the screen as it said.

Not many demigod relics were left at the Stairway Mall. The weapon which was in abundance was the saber; they had 28 of them. The item they had least was armor with only 17 of them remaining. There were 23 swords as well. Lin Huang and Bloody soon read through the detailed information of these three types of items.

"The items with the highest price are the best quality ones. If I were to sell them at the auction, perhaps the increment in price will be lower than that of the lower priced items." Lin Huang was quite well-versed with this matter. "Should we buy the lower priced items?"

"Have you seen the list of items for sale at the auction? What's the last item to be sold off on the last day of the auction?" Bloody asked, not suggesting anything right away.

"Yes. The two items to be sold off on the last day are a demigod-level saber and a demigod-level combat sword."

"Are there only two of these demigod relics for sale?"

"Yes, there are only two of them. The demigod relics aren't cabbage. It's considered an attractive thing to have these two items sold off on the last day." Lin Huang nodded.

"How's the quality of the two demigod relics?" Bloody asked again.

"According to the information provided, their quality is about the same as these two items." Lin Huang then selected a demigod-level sword and a demigod-level saber on the screen. The price of the sword was 22 million points whereas the saber cost 23 million points.

"Since that's the quality of their last item for sale at the auction, we should try giving them a chance to change the items for sale on the last day of the auction." Bloody chuckled.

"Do you mean that we should look for a demigod relic that's of an even better quality so that it'll be the last item for sale at the auction?"

"Yes, you're right. Since they've announced the last item for sale in advance and the price has already been fixed, they can offer a better price if we were to send them items that are even better in quality. Since people can compare these items in terms of quality, the bidders will spend more in order to bid for a higher quality demigod relic." Bloody already had the entire plan in its mind.

"But they've already promoted those items. Even if I were to send these items in today, it's a bit too late to do so. Are they still going to offer me the best price?" Lin Huang was still worried.

"Don't worry. They're experts in this field and they will have their way. We just need to send them the items and they'll do the rest," Bloody assured confidently.

"Choose this for the saber. It costs 31 million points. It has a better quality than the saber that costs 23 million points. Choose the sword that costs 29 million points." After Bloody had finished its words, it then picked out a set of armor which cost 33 million points.

"These three items, right?" Lin Huang confirmed.

"Yes, these three are enough. Having three different types of items, we can target three different customer groups. This is the only armor being sold and it will definitely excite the bidders. There's already one saber and sword being sold at the auction. Therefore, buying one sword and one saber will be enough. They'll feel that it isn't valuable if we have more. The rest of the demigod relics have very low demand and we can hardly sell it off at a good price. There's no need to get those items," Bloody explained.

The Heaven Alliance members would receive 30% off their purchase. Lin Huang spent 65.1 million points purchasing the three demigod relics that Bloody had chosen. He saved about 28 million points which was almost equivalent to buying two items and getting one free. Initially upset, he felt much happier now.

After purchasing the three demigod relics, Lin Huang then logged out of the Genius Union after leaving the Secret Forest for about half an hour.

On the Stairway Tree, many people were staring at the points on the leaderboard, wondering if something had happened to Lin Huang.

After half an hour, Lin Huang's points never changed right until the light on his name dimmed.

"Lin Huang has logged out?!"

"His points never changed for half an hour. He's just started playing. How can he log out at this moment!? What is he doing? Is he fooling us?"

"Could he have encountered some scary monsters or a massive monster horde and was escaping from them?"

Many people agreed with this hypothesis because one would not be able to instantly log out from the Stairway Tree. There was a two-second delay. If the person was distracted during the two seconds delay, he or she would not be able to log out. If monsters were chasing Lin Huang the past half an hour, then everything would make sense.

Just as everybody was discussing on the Stairway Tree, Lin Huang had dressed himself up in a disguise and rushed towards the auction in Wanbao City.

Chapter 793: A Unique Disguise

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Disguise Card is activated. Please choose your disguise. Please choose the race that you would like to disguise as."

"Human race."

"Please choose a gender."


"Please choose a combat level that you would like to disguise as."


"Please proceed with a detailed character design."


"Starting to create the body of the character randomly. Appearance and attire loading… The character has been randomly created."

"Would you like to confirm your disguise? (If your answer is no, a face will be randomly chosen again.)"


A skinny and tall man was then randomly created. He had a height of about 1.92 meters with long limbs. Even the size of his palm far exceeded an ordinary man's.

However, all these did not draw Lin Huang's attention. What stunned him was his reflection as he fixed his gaze at the mirror.

He had a sinister yet handsome face. Pairing his gloomy face with a pair of bloodshot eyes, he looked extraordinary. From his face, one would know that he was definitely not a kind person. Looking into his eyes, anyone would wonder how many people's blood was on his hand.

Lin Huang smirked as he looked at the mirror. As he opened his mouth wide, a chill spread everywhere.

He shivered as he saw his own reflection and he immediately dropped his smirk.

"I look scary."

He practiced some expressions and movements in front of the mirror, familiarizing himself with the new body. Lin Huang then donned a black robe.

It was a long robe which completely covered his body. It was difficult to even detect his body shape after putting on the robe. His head was covered by a hat, and his hairstyle could not be seen at all. His face was barely visible as the shadow of the hat masked it. One could hardly see him clearly.

"The attire makes me look even scarier." Lin Huang smirked in mockery.

After preparing himself well, Lin Huang then left and headed towards the Wanbao Auction.

The Wanbao Auction was open for 16 hours a day from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m.

When Lin Huang logged out of the Genius Union, it was not even 10 p.m. yet. It was just slightly after 10 p.m. when he arrived at the auction which was lively as usual.

A week before the auction officially began, the small dealers had very brisk business because many people from different footholds went there to seek good deals. They wanted to find treasures that people might possibly miss out on.

As he entered the auction, the liveliness of the place was out of Lin Huang's expectations. He thought there would not be that many people at this hour. However, he seemed to have entered the wet market area where it was incredibly crowded.

As he gazed around the auction square, Lin Huang walked towards a lady in a uniform. From the uniform that she was wearing, it was not difficult to identify that she was neither a seller nor a buyer. She was an auction staff.

"I have something to sell. Please bring me to meet your boss," Lin Huang said as he approached the lady. He did not bother whispering.

"May… May I know what kind of item you have?" Seeing Lin Huang's pair of red eyes, the uniformed lady was frightened and stammered immediately. She tried not to distance herself from him while forcing a smile.

"Demigod relics," Lin Huang spoke audibly.

Despite the fact that it was noisy at the auction, complete silence fell over the hall as soon as he uttered his words. Most of them then looked towards Lin Huang who grinned as this was precisely the effect he wanted.

He wanted as many people as possible to know that he had demigod relics for sale. Therefore, many of them would know that there would be more than two demigod relics on sale on the last day of the auction. They would then prepare more credits for the relics.

However, many of them did not size Lin Huang up immediately. The moment when they saw his pair of eyes, they quickly shifted their gazes as they did not have the guts to look at him.

A minority of them checked him out, but they did not fix their gaze on Lin Huang any longer. They tagged Lin Huang as "an extremely dangerous" person.

Only a small number of people could bear the effect of deterrence and secretly observed Lin Huang. They wanted to know if they could get some clues from him.

Lin Huang did not mind at all. He stared at the staff, patiently waiting for her reply.

"Demi-Demigod relic?!" The staff was terrified and still, she spoke with a stutter. Her lips moved slightly as if she had something else to say. However, Lin Huang interrupted her.

"Stop wasting my time. Bring me to meet your boss."

Lin Huang's character was meant to be rude and unreasonable. A person like his character would certainly not have the patience to listen to her.

The staff's body shivered slightly. Fearfully, she brought Lin Huang to meet her boss. She had completely forgotten that she did not have the right to bring anyone to meet the boss. Under normal circumstances, if someone requested to meet the boss, she had to inform the manager who would have the power to bring the guest to meet the boss.

After a short while, the staff brought Lin Huang in front of a door.

"This is the boss's office."

After completing the task given by Lin Huang, the staff felt relieved and no longer spoke with a stutter.

"Is he in at this hour?" Lin Huang wondered as it was about 10 p.m.

In order to disguise himself, he had even removed his Territorial skill as he was afraid that someone would notice that something was off. He dared not simply activate his Divine Telekinesis either. He knew nothing about what was happening behind that door.

"He should be in at this hour. The auction is about to begin. The boss is in the office almost 24 hours a day." The staff nodded her head. Lin Huang did not ask her to go and she also did not dare to leave.

Just as Lin Huang was about to push the door open, a voice was heard coming from behind the door.

"The VIP is here. Please come in."

After finishing his words, the door opened on its own accord.

Lin Huang grinned and strode into the room without any hesitation.

He looked around the room as he entered.

It was a room with a clean and simple renovation, but one could tell that it was an extremely luxurious room just by looking at the room details.

The office table was made of ink lightstone which was a scarce type of mineral. Seemingly, the entire ink lightstone had been used to make the office table. Based on its weight, Lin Huang estimated its price to be comparable to an ancient relic's.

On the other hand, the office chair was built using dark gold. Dark gold was an alloy and it was one of the primary materials used to make ancient relics. The chair was made of quality materials and its price could also be compared to an ancient relic.

The cost of the sofa was high. Just by looking at the sofa legs and arms, it was apparent that its frame was made from the bones of monsters. The leather that wrapped around the sofa was from the black-scaled dragonkin while its back and seats were made of skin with leopard print. Lin Huang could roughly recognize that it was the skin of a monster called the Sapphire Coeurl. As for the leather, it should be made from the skin of the Thinscale Night Dragon. Both of them were imperial-level monsters. Therefore, Lin Huang guessed that the bones of the monster must belong to the bone of an imperial-level monster as well.

As for the price of the sofa, it should be equivalent to the price of an ancient telekinetic weapon.

The both of them sat up straight on the sofa.

Chapter 794: Glorious Exit

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The duo sitting on the sofa did not release any aura that was suppressing to Lin Huang. However, they did not bother to restrain the aura that exuded from their body. Lin Huang had dealt with imperial-levels several times, so from their aura, he could easily identify that the both of them were on imperial-level.

While the both of them were sizing Lin Huang up, Lin Huang returned the favor.

The one sitting on the left side of the sofa was quite tall, and he was wearing a navy blue suit. It was evident that he had recently just shaved as he had a mild green tint on his face. However, one could also see the growing stubble on his face. Right at this second, he was sitting up straight like a ramrod and his facial expression was stern. He looked at Lin Huang like he was scrutinizing him.

The man sitting on the right was very lanky too. However, he was thinner than the man sitting next to him. He had long brown hair that was tied back in a ponytail. He had a mustache and a beard that he shaved very often.

He looked much more relaxed than the one sitting next to him. However, he did not completely lie back on the sofa as he was still on his guard. He did not scrutinize him though, but he looked at him curiously.

After studying up, Lin Huang then took off his hat, revealing his hidden face.

He did not worry that both of them might discover that something was amiss. Xiao Hei had told him before that only a True God could see through the effects of the Disguise Card. Even a Virtual God would not realize anything wrong if they were to look at him close-up, let alone the two imperial-levels.

Just as Lin Huang took off his hat, the disguised aura of the demigod was released.

Although there was only a slight release of the aura, the two imperial-levels could clearly sense the combat level screened by Lin Huang at such a close distance. Their pupils immediately dilated, and they exchanged glances with each other. They stood up from the sofa at almost the same time and bowed deeply to Lin Huang.


A demigod had the most powerful combat strength on this land and was undoubtedly one of the strongest people even if they were to go to the Land of Origin in Division 1. Many of the old and well-known families at the core zones and the leaders from various organizations were also on demigod-level.

The man with the ponytail and the man in the suit were respectful not just due to the difference in combat strength, but also the disparity in status. The status of all demigods on this land, including those who trained themselves without joining any organization, could be compared to the elders from the royal families. Both of them ought to respect the elders.

Of course, Lin Huang knew about this and did not feel strange when they paid him their respects. He waved his hand slightly and walked towards the sofa. He then moved one of the single-seater sofas and sat down. He did not say anything while sizing up the man with the ponytail.

After a moment of silence, the both of them felt nervous and the man with the ponytail finally initiated the conversation.

"May I know if you're a buyer or a seller?"

"I have a few items for sale, but I'm not sure if you know much about them." Lin Huang sounded as if he was lecturing his juniors.

"Don't worry. We have 28 professional appraisers. 25 of them are Grade-A appraisers and the other three are Grade-S appraisers. The man next to me and I are both Grade-S appraisers."

An appraiser could not be blase when examining the grade of an item. A true appraiser had to be capable of clearly determining the ingredients of each item, its raw materials, the price of each raw material, and the difficulty of the finishing process of the product. Only then could the appraiser make an accurate estimate of its price. An appraiser had the right to set the call price of each item.

The grade of each appraiser was highly dependent on their combat strength. The reason being was that the appraiser would need to insert Life Power into the relic in order to know the exact function of the relic, the conversion rate of the Life Power of the relic and other details.

For example, anyone below immortal-level would be unable to activate an ancient relic. Therefore, in order to examine an ancient relic, one would need to fulfill the requirement whereby their combat strength had to be at least on immortal-level.

The so-called Grade-A appraisers were on immortal-level. They could accurately evaluate an ancient relic. At the same time, they had the right to set a price for the ancient relic, so the auction could refer to the price provided to fix the call price.

As for the Grade-S appraisers, they basically had to be on imperial-level and they must possess the ability to examine a demigod relic. Of course, they had the right to set a price for the demigod relic.

Lin Huang was surprised. Despite not having been to many of the auctions, he knew that as the largest auction house in Division 7, the Kyoto Auction House only had three Grade-S appraisers.

The Wanbao Auction could only obtain the 10th place among all the auction houses in Division 3. It was no better than the Dark Auction House which was ranked 11th. Basically, the Wanbao Auction could possibly be replaced at any time by the Dark Auction.

However, such an auction house would be on par with the first auction house, the Kyoto Auction House in Division 7.

"This is a core zone for real. Other divisions are incomparable to it," Lin Huang thought to himself. However, he acted as if there was nothing exciting.

"Are the both of you Grade-S appraisers?" Lin Huang glanced at the both of them with a scrutinizing gaze.

The man with the ponytail smiled while projecting his certificate as an appraiser. "Sir, this is my certificate."

The man in the suit who stood next to him immediately projected his certificate without any facial expression.

It was a card with only some brief information about the appraiser. There was information like photos, names, certificate ID, and registration time.

Information such as items that had been examined and the detailed evaluation reports was hidden. The appraiser would need to authorize others in order for the rest to have access to it.

Lin Huang did not need to know all this. It was not necessary for him to look at their certificates though. To prove his arrogance, he doubted their identity, behaving in a manner he should be.

Glancing through both of their certificates, Lin Huang immediately shifted his gaze back to the man with the ponytail and smirked.

"Your name is Tang Xu. Are you from the Tang family?"

Among a few of the royal families in Division 3, the Tang family was one of them with two demigods from the Tang family. Before coming to the Wanbao Auction, Lin Huang had no idea that the auction house was actually the run by the Tangs.

"Please don't laugh at me." Tang Xu smiled, nodding his head.

Lin Huang nodded and did not ask further about Tang Xu's identity. "It's quite reliable I guess since the auction house is part of the Tang family's business."

After finishing his words, Lin Huang took out the demigod saber chosen by Bloody from his Emperor's Heart Ring. He then gradually drew it from the scabbard.

As soon as the saber was pulled out of the scabbard, a blood intricate lit up on the blade of the saber, releasing a faint bloody glow. Soon after, the bloody glow surrounded the entire blade of the saber.

"Demigod relic!" Right after the saber was being drawn out of the scabbard, the both of them fixed their gazes on the saber.

"What do you think about this saber?" Lin Huang grinned as he asked both of them.

"It's an incredible saber! It's much better than the one that we intend to sell on the last day of the auction!" Tang Xu excitedly grabbed the saber from Lin Huang and took a closer look at it. He was in love with the saber.

The man in the suit who stood next to him carefully looked at each and every inch of the saber as well.

"Offer me a price." Lin Huang did not show them the other two demigod relics. He patiently waited for the both of them to have a better look at the saber before he requested them to offer him a price.

"The call price of this saber is 30 billion," the main in the suit offered.

"What do you think?" Lin Huang seemed to be unhappy with the price, turning his head back and looking at Tang Xu.

"30 billion is a pretty reasonable price." Tang Xu kept quiet for a moment before responding to him, "However, the price can be a little higher since the saber can be sold off on the last day of the auction. I'll fix the price at 33 billion then."

After setting the price, Tang Xu noticed that Lin Huang's facial expression remained unchanged. He then continued, "Sir, the call price doesn't have to be too high. If the price being set is too high, you might scare some of the potential bidders away."

"What's the call price of the item that you just mentioned which you intend to sell on the last day of the auction?" Lin Huang asked.

"25 billion. The price is slightly higher than usual. If it weren't the last item for sale at the auction, the price wouldn't be higher than 23 billion." Tang Xu was honest.

"Alright. I'll accept the offer then." Lin Huang grinned. "Since the price of the saber is 33 billion, I suppose that the other two demigod relics of similar quality will be offered almost the same price, right? Can the both of you please have a look at them?"

After having his words uttered, Lin Huang then took out the other two demigod relics where he had a combat sword and a set of armor.

Tang Xu and Tang Yi were startled. Lin Huang had set them up. The price of the saber was actually set slightly higher than normal price. They did not expect Lin Huang to have another two demigod relics.

However, both of them were soon attracted by the other two demigod relics.

Spending almost 20 minutes to complete the evaluation, both of them then decided the final price of the relics after a short discussion.

"The quality of the sword is almost the same as that of the saber as it can be sold during the last day of the auction as well. The call price will be 32 billion. As for the set of armor, since it's the only demigod-level armor we have at the auction, it can be priced slightly higher at 38 billion. Sir, do you agree with the price offered?"

"Okay." Still, Lin Huang answered without any facial expression. In fact, he was feeling great inside. He was expecting to earn about 90 billion from the three demigod relics. However, the price offered had exceeded 100 billion.

"Under normal circumstances, a 5% administration fee will be charged by the auction house. I'll give you a Supreme Member Card and only 3% administration fees will be charged. If you feel like buying anything from the Wanbao Auction, you'll get 20% off on all items!" Tang Xu then paused for a moment, lowering his voice and added, "Including the illegal items."

"Also, the card will be valid for a lifetime as long as our auction house does not go bankrupt," Tang Xu said as he took out a golden card the size of half a palm from his Emperor's Heart Ring and passed it to Lin Huang. "Scan it with your Emperor's Heart Ring and it'll be in sync with your identity. Our system will be able to detect your Emperor's Heart Ring on its own then."

Lin Huang took the card from him and fiddled around with it. "Does it mean that the card can no longer be used after scanning it with my Emperor's Heart Ring?"

"Yes, it is. You can only sync one Emperor's Heart Ring to one card. You no longer need to use the card after it's in sync with your identity. You can do whatever you like to the card."

"Does it mean that I can give it to anyone as long as I don't connect it to my Emperor's Heart Ring?" Lin Huang asked again.

"Yes, it is. However, only the Emperor's Heart Ring that's in sync with the Supreme member card will be eligible to enjoy those offers."

"Alright, I know. I'll leave the items here and I'm not going to the auction. My apprentice will be attending instead.. You shall just pay the final amount of money for the items sold to him. He'll bring along this card when he attends the auction." Lin Huang was preparing himself for what was going to happen soon as he had to come along with Yi Zheng and he could not attend the auction by wearing a disguise.

"It's sad that you can't attend the auction on your own. However, we'll treat your apprentice well."

"Please remind him about the underground auction as well. I think he has something to buy," Lin Huang deliberately urged him. He knew that an invitation was required in order to join the underground auction as there were many illegal items that could not be sold in public. They had to restrict the buyers to avoid getting into trouble.

"Okay, I got it. Don't worry. I'll make arrangements for you." Tang Xu nodded his head as he did not feel strange about it.

"I'm done with it. You may continue with your work. Thank you for your hospitality." After finishing his words, Lin Huang's body was akin to the breaking of glass as it decomposed swiftly and faded away.

The duo was stunned when they saw what just happened. They only regained their senses when Lin Huang's body had disappeared entirely.

"The skill of a demigod is fantastic!" Tang Xu exclaimed.

"I can't even recognize if it was a unique body movement or a cloning skill." Tang Yi was feeling surprised.

"There's a monitoring system in my office. The scene should've been recorded." Tang Xu looked in the direction where the Surveillance Snail was being hidden.

"I guess we should show this to the elders. Perhaps they'll know who he is." Tang Yi suggested.

"That's what I was thinking too."

Hundreds of meters away from the hotel, Lin Huang grinned.

In order to create such an astonishing departing effect, Lin Huang sent his clone to meet the both of them. The clone was created with his Cloning Card. The clone then wore a disguise with the Disguise Card, putting his consciousness into the clone. His real body had been sitting on the hotel sofa since the very beginning.

Just as he wanted to use the Disguise Card, Lin Huang pondered how he could leave the auction house without being followed so that his identity would not be revealed. Regardless of how well he could disguise himself, his combat strength was only on holy fire-level. If he were followed by an imperial-level, he would be unable to get rid of them.

After a long while, only then did he come up with this plan. He met them with his clone, making such a glorious exit. Nobody could follow after him and he could even deter the people from the auction house.

Lin Huang even asked Xiao Hei to turn his Emperor's Heart Ring into a card. The card was recalled right as the clone left. As for the Supreme member card, Lin Huang had already stored it into his Emperor's Heart Ring.

Putting on his Emperor's Heart Ring that gradually formed in his hand, Lin Huang took a deep breath and said, "I'm glad that there were no mistakes."

Chapter 795: Yi Zheng Is Here

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Late August marked the beginning of autumn at Wanbao City. The temperature was about 27 degree Celsius and it was much more comfortable than the climate a week ago.

Framing both sides of the road were Jingui Trees with stunning blossoms and its fragrance permeated the air.

It was named the Jingui Tree because its flower was golden in color. It glowed as the sun shone on it, looking luxurious.

The plant was somewhat similar to the sweet osmanthus on Earth. However, it was lightly scented and did not overpower the senses.

Contrary to its reserved scent, the Jingui Tree was larger and taller than the sweet osmanthus on Earth. Most of the trees were 15 meters to 25 meters tall. A few of them reached 30 meters and above. Those with a height of 50 meters and above were known as Jingui Kings. They were rare and their price could be compared to that of an ancient relic's.

Lin Huang had taken his bath early in the morning. He leisurely walked toward the portal located at the center of Wanbao City.

He went to a café opposite the portal and sat by the window. He then ordered a set of breakfast with a black coffee, patiently waiting for Yi Zheng to arrive.

He even captured a photo of his breakfast and posted on his social media.

There were a few comments and likes less than three minutes after the photo was posted.

"Are you waiting for my brother?" Yi Yeyu was the first person who commented. She seemed to be tracking all of her friends' activities constantly.

"Why are you taking pictures of food? You should've taken pictures of the beautiful ladies!" Li Lang posted the second comment.

Leng Yuexin liked the post without commenting on anything.

Lin Xin commented with an emoji showing bared teeth.

On his way, Yi Zheng saw his post as well and he commented, "I departed without eating breakfast. I'm ravenous now… Xiao Yu, comfort me, please. Boohoo!"

However, Yi Yeyu's reply was "F*ck off!!!"

Lin Huang did not expect Mr. Fu to comment as well. However, his comment was "Does it taste good?"

After chatting with his friends for a while, Lin Huang browsed the news on his Emperor's Heart Ring since it was still early.

By default, the Emperor's Heart Ring would show the local news. Unless he changed its default homepage, the news that first popped up would be the local news regardless of where he was.

As he tapped the webpage open, he was startled to see the news headlines.

The headline was "Wanbao Auction Will Have Three Secret Items to Be Auctioned Off on the Last Day of the Auction!"

Lin Huang immediately tapped it open to read the contents.

The news reported that there was a demigod who secretly visited Wanbao Auction House at night, leaving three items to them and left."

The news did not mention what those three items were. However, it did say that the two demigod relics that they intended to sell on the last day of the auction would be shifted to the first day of the auction instead.

Right after the news was published, many people began commenting.

"The three items have replaced the demigod relics. Could they be God relics?"

"They might be God relics or God items."

"Items offered by a demigod must be at least on demigod-level. The quality of these items must be better than the previous two demigod relics in order to be able to replace them. The three secret items are definitely worth looking forward to."

The people from different royal families and organizations panicked after reading the news early in the morning.

"There might be the appearance of Virtual God items at the auction. I need more cash!"

"Regardless of the probability of having a God relic or a God item at the auction, as long as there's a gleam of hope, we have to be well prepared and get them all!"

"The last time there was a God relic at the auction was 31 years ago. As for the God item, the last time they had such an item for sale was at the Land of Origin 46 years ago. If there really is a God item or a God relic at the auction, we're getting it by all means!"

Lin Huang was the culprit who had caused all this to happen. He was now leisurely reading the news while drinking his cup of coffee.

At 9.26 a.m., Lin Huang received a voice message from Yi Zheng. "I'm here. Where are you?"

"Exit from the south door. I'm in the café opposite." Lin Huang then finished his last sip of coffee and strolled out of the café.

Just as he stepped out of the café, he saw Yi Zheng walking towards him from the south door of the portal.

He waved his hand and Yi Zheng walked towards him with a smile.

"I haven't seen you in half a year. You've grown taller." Yi Zheng patted Lin Huang's shoulder.

"Is it?" Lin Huang asked as he raised his brows. He had been in Division 3 for more than four months using Lin Xie's fake identity most of the time and he did not realize the changes in his body.

"You're almost the same height as I am," Yi Zheng compared. The difference between their heights was probably less than a centimeter and was hardly detectable. He was 183 centimeters tall. Half a year ago, when the both of them entered the grade-5 ruins together, they were about five centimeters different in height, which was apparent.

"Perhaps I've really grown taller." Lin Huang realized that they were now at the same eye level.

"Let's go back to the hotel."

"You haven't taken your breakfast. Don't you want to eat something first?" Lin Huang turned his body slightly, pointing at the restaurant that he had just taken his breakfast at. "They serve pretty good food."

"It's okay. I've taken my breakfast. I was just teasing Xiao Yu just now." Yi Zheng smiled, shaking his head.

"Alright. Let's go back to the hotel then."

Lin Huang immediately summoned the Dimensional Portal without a moment of hesitation. The both of them then strode into it.

In the next moment, they arrived at the hotel where Lin Huang was staying.

"The room looks cozy," Yi Zheng teased as he glanced around the room.

"This is your room. Mine is to the right of yours." Lin Huang pointed at his room. "I've done the check-in process for you, so you're all set. I'll send you the key card now."

After finishing his sentence, Yi Zheng then received the electronic key card from Lin Huang.

"Do you want to take a rest first and walk around the stalls later after lunch? Or do you want to go now?" Lin Huang asked.

"I think we shall go now. The auction begins tomorrow. I need to familiarize myself with the place first. Let's see if we can find something worth buying," Yi Zheng said in excitement.

Before the auction officially began, sellers peddled a variety of items outside the auction house. Not every one of them would set up a stall. Some of them had their own platform to display the items for sale. However, everybody had already gotten used to calling them "stalls".

Most of the people who wanted to attend the auction would usually walk around these stalls before the auction officially began. They hoped to buy something that others could have possibly missed out on.

"Alright, then let's walk around the stalls first." Lin Huang had actually visited these stalls on the very first day that he arrived at Wanbao City. However, there was nothing worth buying. Seeing Yi Zheng's excitement, he did not want to disappoint him.

Chapter 796: A Healthy Sibling Relationship

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The hotel which Lin Huang was staying at was less than 300 meters away from the auction house.

He left the hotel with Yi Zheng. They walked along the street and soon, they arrived at the auction house.

There were many sellers outside the auction house. Yi Zheng then joined the crowd excitedly and visited each of the stalls.

Lin Huang followed after him. He took a glance at the stalls and he clearly detected everything through his Divine Telekinesis.

Most of them were just selling worthless stuff and there were many counterfeit goods as well.

Lin Huang scanned through tens of stalls with his Divine Telekinesis. Not a single transcendent item could be found.

Although Yi Zheng did not possess Divine Telekinesis, he had been brought up in a royal family. Despite not being an appraiser, he was definitely an expert in this field.

They spent the entire morning visiting hundreds of stalls. Soon, Yi Zheng's facial expression changed as he found nothing to buy.

"I'm overthinking. There are just a few transcendent items which aren't really great in terms of quality, but they're being sold at an exceptionally high price."

"The stalls have been here for more than a week. Many immortal and imperial-levels have visited these stalls. If there were items that were really valuable, they'd have bought them earlier," Lin Huang raised his brows and said with a simper, "Are you really expecting to find something valuable here? That's too good to be true."

"Let's go in and walk around." Yi Zheng did not want to give up yet.

Lin Huang had no choice but to follow him into the auction house.

It was much more crowded inside. Yi Zheng had regained his enthusiasm and soon, he followed the crowd. Lin Huang accompanied him for a while but was quickly left behind. Although Lin Huang could easily locate his position with Divine Telekinesis, he could not follow him closely as the auction house was now jammed packed.

He was too lazy to make his way through the crowd, so he decided to follow the crowd while detecting the stalls nearby with his Divine Telekinesis.

He had to admit that the items the stalls in the auction house sold were of a higher quality compared to the items being sold outside. Lin Huang scanned through more than 20 stalls with his Divine Telekinesis, and almost every stall had transcendent items available for sale. Most of the sellers were on holy fire-level and there were even some immortal-levels as well.

However, those transcendent items came at a steep price as they were at least 20% more expensive than the market price.

As Lin Huang glanced through the stall, he noticed a few supreme relics as well. However, none of them managed to attract his attention.

Among the supreme relics he owned, he had two combat swords, three sets of telekinetic daggers and two sets of armor that were still new. As for ancient relics, he had a sword, an armor, and three sets of daggers. Of course, he would not be interested in the items sold at these stalls.

With his Divine Telekinesis, he detected that Yi Zheng had stopped in front of one of the stalls not far away from him. He was looking at a supreme relic that was in the shape of an umbrella. Soon, he began to bargain with the owner.

Lin Huang felt that it was strange and he contacted him, "Why do you want to buy this?"

"Since I'm here in Division 3, I'll need to buy some New Year gifts for Xiao Yu. The umbrella looks pretty. I think that she'll like it," Yi Zheng answered.

Lin Huang was speechless. He could buy an umbrella like this anywhere. Moreover, the one that Yi Zheng was holding was not an umbrella. It was a unique type of weapon that appeared like an umbrella. The process of making of that particular umbrella was very complicated. The market price of this item was at least 50% much more expensive than a sword of the same grade. The stall owner was quoting him double the cost of a supreme relic.

Nevertheless, Lin Huang did not stop him. From a short distance, he saw Yi Zheng purchase the umbrella at a price that was 1.8 times higher than the price of a sword of the same quality.

"He's a siscon for real…" Lin Huang mumbled. The face of a short-haired girl with bangs then flashed through his mind.

"Xin Er…"

Lin Huang had a rather soft gaze as he thought about Lin Xin. "What New Year gift should I buy for her?"

It was about 1 p.m. after he visited all the stalls.

Lin Huang did not buy anything while Yi Zheng's only purchase was the umbrella.

"Let's eat something first. I know a seafood restaurant nearby that serves delicious food," Lin Huang suggested as they walked out of the auction house.

"Okay. Let's talk over lunch. I'm interested in what you've been through over the past few months." Yi Zheng respected Lin Huang to some extent. He had left home at the age of 18 and trained in the core zone alone. It seemed like he had been doing exceptionally well there.

They then arrived at the restaurant and ordered some food. Yi Zheng initiated the conversation. "What do you want to buy at the Wanbao Auction? An ancient relic?" He could sense that Lin Huang's combat strength had advanced to gold flame-level. That being said, he was actually close to immortal-level.

"No. I have an ancient relic. I'm here to sell off some of my stuff and have a look at the underground auction. I want to buy God Crashers." Lin Huang did not hide his intention from Yi Zheng since they had discovered the God Crashers together.

"God Crashers?!" Yi Zheng frowned as he heard that. "Have you used up all the God Crashers?"

Lin Huang grinned, nodding his head and he did not say anything else.

"It seems like the past few months have been hard on you." Yi Zheng knew that Lin Huang definitely would not have used the God Crashers if it was not an extreme emergency. He had encountered danger for more than once since he had used up all the God Crashers.

"Division 3 is a complicated place. You have to be careful if you are to train here." Lin Huang did not explain any further and warned Yi Zheng. He then changed the topic. "How's Yeyu?"

"As usual, she still slacks off at training." Yi Zheng looked resentful. "She's actually way more talented than I am. As long as she's willing to put more effort into her training, she'll be able to surpass me very soon."

"Will you be worried if she beats you?" Lin Huang teased.

As a siscon, it was his nature to protect his sister. If Yi Yeyu happened to be stronger than him and no longer needed his protection, he would probably be upset.

Yi Zheng was stunned when he heard that. He kept quiet for a couple of moments before changing the topic again. "Tell me what you've done in the past few months so that I can learn from your experience. Knowing that you've used up all the God Crashers, I worry if I'll die in Division 3. If I die during the training, Xiao Yu might engrave stuff I wouldn't want to see on my grave such as 'The weak person who died from choking on his saliva', 'The fool who died from slipping on a watermelon rind…"

"Both of you sure have a healthy sibling relationship!" Lin Huang thought to himself.

Chapter 797: I'm Just Selling off a Few of the Demigod Relics

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The long-awaited Wanbao Auction officially began on the first of September.

Slightly after seven o'clock in the morning, Lin Huang knocked on Yi Zheng's door as his room was just next to his.

After a short while, Yi Zheng opened the door and was stunned when he saw Lin Huang. He then shook his head helplessly. "I'm not used to seeing you in this guise."

"I've no choice but to temporarily use this identity in Division 3 to avoid getting into trouble." Lin Huang shrugged his shoulders as he had already disguised himself as Lin Xie. "You'll get used to it soon."

He had told Yi Zheng about his fake identity the night before. He even showed him how he looked like after putting on his disguise. It was Yi Zheng's second time seeing this face but he still could not get used to it.

"Your name is Lin Xi, isn't it?" Yi Zheng confirmed with Lin Huang again. Lin Huang had already told him the night before, but he was afraid that he might recall wrongly.

"You're right." Lin Huang nodded his head.

"I'll address you as Lin Xie from now onwards." In order to avoid calling him the wrong name, Yi Zheng decided to start addressing him as Lin Xie.

"I guess you should get a pseudo-relic in the future. It'd be best if it were an ancient relic which can cheat most imperial-levels," Lin Huang then said, "It's very complicated in Division 3 with so many underworlds. Some of the footholds are ridiculously confusing. There's almost half a year left to the new year. You'll face some trouble. Sometimes, when you don't feel like getting involved at all, trouble will come to you too. Having a pseudo-relic can save you from that hassle."

Yi Zheng was not weak and he was just as experienced as Lin Huang.

Lin Huang was telling him all this not because he doubted Yi Zheng's ability and experience. Instead, he was worried that Yi Zheng did not realize how dangerous Division 3 was. He would die if he were to be careless especially in places like Division 3.

"I've got it. Don't worry. I won't put my life at risk." Yi Zheng's facial expression became serious. "As for the pseudo-relic, I'll get myself one soon."

In fact, before meeting up with Lin Huang, Yi Zheng did not take training seriously. He used to think that he was now on immortal-level and nothing could possibly endanger his life. He thought that the half-year training program could not be compared to the training at home. However, after listening to what Lin Huang said regarding the distribution of various organizations and some of the incidents between the organizations in Division 3 the night before, he suddenly felt that he had entered an ancient forest. There were cruel, carnivorous monsters that could kill him at any time.

After chatting for a while, they then entered the floating staircase and had their buffet breakfast on the first floor of the hotel. It was just 7.30 a.m. After leaving the hotel, they leisurely headed towards the auction house. Soon, they arrived.

Many of the stalls had been set up at the plaza in front of the auction house. Some of the crowd was casually walking around the stalls but most of them were there for the auction.

The auction began at 9 a.m. and they could only enter at 8.30 a.m. They had to wait for another hour. Since they had gone there early, they could only walk around to kill time.

"Let's walk around?" Yi Zheng asked, turning his head back at Lin Huang.

"There's nothing to see here. Let's enter the auction house." Lin Huang then walked towards the entrance of the auction house.

"We're only allowed to enter at 8.30 a.m.!" Seeing the two guards in uniforms stationed in front of the entrance, Yi Zheng whispered to Lin Huang. He could sense that the both of them were at least on immortal-level rank-7.

"I'm a member, so I'm allowed to go in earlier." Lin Huang did not stop and continued heading towards the entrance of the auction house.

Yi Zheng had no choice but to follow after him.

As they reached the entrance, the guards blocked their way.

"The auction hasn't started yet. Only members and Supreme members are allowed to enter. Please show us your member card."

Lin Huang then projected the Supreme member card that had been synced to his Emperor's Heart Ring. A beam of red light shone out from the Emperor's Heart Ring of the guard on the left. A notification sound was then heard.


"Identity is verified. Identity: Supreme member. You're allowed to bring three people along."

"A gold flame-level Supreme member?"

Both of the guards secretly exchanged glances with each other and moved aside. They then allowed Lin Huang to enter. "Welcome."

Although Yi Zheng did not say anything, he looked at Lin Huang with a strange expression.

As they entered the auction hall, a tall female staff approached them.

"Please follow me."

The female staff then led them to a closed floating staircase and said, "Please scan your member card at the detector."

Lin Huang projected the Supreme member card and scanned it on the detector built into the floating staircase. The number three then lit up on the upper part of the floating staircase.

Soon after, the floating staircase began to move.

Lin Huang could clearly tell that the floating staircase was moving upward. After reaching a certain distance, it began to move horizontally.

After a short while, the floating staircase stopped moving and the door opened.

He then noticed that the floating staircase had actually stopped right in front of a room.

The female staff led them out of the floating staircase and entered one of the big halls.

"The rooms on the third floor are VIP rooms for the Supreme members. There're a total of eight VIP rooms. We'll arrange it according to the sequence the VIP members arrive. VIP room No. 1 is now full and this is VIP room No. 2."

"Is this the hall?" Seeing the luxurious design of the hall which was more than 500 square meters, he felt that it resembled a small palace.

"Yes, it is. The Grade-S VIP room for all the Supreme members has been renovated with the highest standard of design. The total area of each of the VP rooms is more than 3,000 square meters. Aside from its living room, bedroom, kitchen, toilet, and other basic functions, it's also equipped with a training room, game room, cinema, bathhouse, swimming pool, balcony, and other facilities. Of course, the most important facility will definitely be the stage that enables them to have a full view of the auction.

"Building the VIP room must cost a lot. Is the room left vacant when there's no auction?" Lin Huang, who followed after the female staff, asked. Perhaps the price of building the VIP room would far exceed the price of an ancient relic.

"No. The VIP rooms normally serve as a hotel. This isn't only an auction house, but it's also one of the three most expensive hotels in Wanbao City. However, the Grade-S VIP room will never be opened to the public. Only members and Supreme members are eligible to check into the hotel. Non-members are only allowed to check into the Grade-A VIP room.

"Also, during the auction, the VIP room won't accept any check-ins. We'll provide a free stay for members and Supreme members. When there's no auction going on, even Supreme members will need to pay for their stay.

"The guests in VIP room No.1 came three days ago. They have to pay for their stay up until last night. He's eligible for the free stay starting from tonight. There are other guests in the Grade-S VIP room too. However, because of the auction today, all of them have checked out yesterday."

"So, the hotel business is quite profitable?" Lin Huang raised his brows.

"Yes, it is. We're booked out until next June."

"Are there many of them who book the Grade-S VIP room as well?"

"As for the Grade-S VIP room, the bookings are full until next September since the number of rooms available is relatively few," the female staff laughed as she said.

"I'm wondering if we should check out from our current hotel…" Lin Huang thought to himself.

The female staff guided Lin Huang and Yi Zheng to walk around the room. It took her about 50 minutes to finish introducing all the functions available in the VIP room.

"Dear customer, if you need anything else, you may visit the check-in webpage of the hotel on the Emperor's Heart Ring and click on the bell-shaped button. We'll then make the arrangements for you." After telling them what to do, the female staff then left the room.

"The auction is about to start. Let's go to the stage and have a look." Lin Huang glanced at the clock. It was about 8.30 a.m.

The stage in the VIP room spanned about 20 meters. There was an artificial periosteum that was akin to a huge, arc-shaped, transparent glass which separated the VIP room from the auction hall.

It was as clear as glass if one were to look at the auction hall from the stage. However, from the auction hall, it seemed like everything behind it was covered by a huge black curtain.

The both of them then sat on a sofa in front of the stage. Lin Huang unsealed an alcoholic beverage, pouring it for himself and Yi Zheng.

They then gulped the drink, slowly finishing their beverages. Yi Zheng, who had been keeping quiet all the while, then turn his head back and looked at Lin Huang. "I've been wanting to ask you in the beginning. What did you offer them for sale to the point that you're now the Supreme member of Wanbao Auction?"

"To be honest, I've no idea what we should do in order to become a Supreme member of Wanbao Auction. However, I know that there are two ways to become their ordinary members. The first one is to spend more than 100 million Life Crystals and the other is to sell items that worth more than 500 million Life Crystals. That being said, even if you were to sell an ancient relic, you need to sell at least 10 of them."

Yi Zheng paused for a moment. He then added, "Of course, it's okay if you don't feel like telling. I'm just asking out of curiosity."

"There's nothing that I can't tell." Lin Huang then downed the other half of his drink, turning his head back with a smile as he looked at Yi Zheng. "I'm just selling off a few demigod relics."

Chapter 798: The Auction Has Begun

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At 8.30a.m. the door of the auction house officially opened and the bidders entered the auction house one after another.

Excluding the VIP room, Wanbao Auction could accommodate 12,000 people at most. It was different from the stadium that could simply hold tens of thousands of people. Wanbao Auction was considered big for an auction house.

It was because the spectators in a stadium were mostly ordinary people. However, those who attended an auction were mostly the cultivators and the number of transcendents who attended could be more than one-third of the total number of people at times.

Some of the cultivators attended the auction not because they wanted to bid at an auction. Instead, they wanted to gain knowledge and see how the transcendents looked like. There were also people who came here just for fun, wanting to see the war between the pros at the auction.

Soon, 12,000 seats were occupied. Lin Huang and Yi Zheng could clearly sense that there were about 5,000 transcendents out there and a majority of them were on holy fire-level.

"There are only four immortal-level and none of them is on imperial-level." Yi Zheng looked around, feeling surprised.

"Perhaps they've entered the VIP room." Lin Huang stood up, walking towards the transparent periosteum. He lowered his head as he looked downward. It was covered in black and he could see nothing.

As the staff brought the both of them to look around the room, she had briefly told them about the VIP room. Aside from having eight Grade-S VIP rooms on the third floor, there were 128 Grade-A VIP rooms on the second floor as well.

It was about 9a.m. now after getting the crowd seated.

The auctioneer who had been waiting for them then gradually walked onto the auction stage.

The auctioneer looked young as if he was at the age of 20. He was handsome and was definitely a young guy who could attract many women on Earth.

However, Lin Huang and Yi Zheng could clearly tell that his combat strength was on immortal-level rank-9. His age was definitely not as young as he looked.

"Welcome to Wanbao Auction. I'm the auctioneer – Yu Bo. I hope that you'll be able to bid whatever you want in the next five days."

"I'm not going to waste your time and I'll keep it short. Let the bidding begin!" Yu Bo took a look at the time and it was 9a.m. sharp. He then got straight to the point.

"Let's take a look at the first item!"

After finishing his words, the staff who had already prepared themselves then brought over the first item which was covered by a red cloth.

By looking at the shape itself, it should be a long box.

Generally, there would be a sword type weapon in a box of a shape like this.

Of course, Lin Huang could not be completely sure about it as there could be some other items inside the box.

"The first item is…"

Yu Bo then unveiled the red cloth, revealing a red wooden box with delicately made engraving. Even the lock was made of pure gold.

"Ancient relic – Gold Saber!"

After having his words uttered, the red wooden box was slowly being opened and a saber could be seen.

The saber was about one meter long with a black handle. It had a golden scabbard with exquisite engraving on it.

"The Gold Saber was dropped by the Gold Serpent after being killed by an imperial-level. It's extremely sharp…"

Many of them had a stronger interest in it after listening to Yu Bo's explanation.

Even Yi Zheng felt the same about it. He had heavy breathing and it was obvious that he was already attracted by the first item.

"Do you want to buy the saber?" Lin Huang asked, raising his brows.

Lin Huang had read through the information regarding the Gold Serpent on the monster guide before. Its combat strength varied from black gold-rank to yellow gold-rank. After it was being killed, the probability of dropping an ancient relic was extremely low. However, among the ancient relics, the Gold Saber was only considered as a beginner-level weapon. Lin Huang felt that it was not worth buying it.

"The ancient relic is a very rare weapon in Division 7 and it's rarely available for sale on the market. After getting into immortal-level, the ancient relic which my family rewarded me was merely a Blackscale Saber. The weapon was obtained from killing the Dragonscale Hog where there's no addition of attributes. The quality of the Gold Saber is quite good with sharpness addition. It's much better than the one that I'm using." Yi Zheng said helplessly.

Lin Huang was startled as heard that. He then thought of it carefully, as compared to Division 3, Division 7 was indeed a place that faced resource scarcity. There was only a small number of imperial-level monsters over there. On the other hand, there were very few people who were on imperial-level as well. The two reasons had amplified the impact as the probability of a monster dropping an ancient relic was extremely small. One could then tell its supply rate.

As for the black gold-rank Dragonscale Hog, other than having outstanding defensive ability and strength, it had nothing special in other aspects. It even had relatively low intelligent. If the immortal-level were to fight in a group, it would not be difficult to kill it as long as an appropriate way was used. Therefore, a large number of Blackscale Sabers obtained from this monster was available for sale on the market. It was not difficult to buy it as long as one was willing to spend some money for it. However, one could hardly find an ancient relic better than it and normally had to get it from the auction.

Yi Zheng's first destination was Wanbao Auction and his intention was clear. He wanted to change his equipment in the first place, preparing himself for the training after that.

On the auction stage, after the auctioneer had done a brief introduction, he finally revealed the starting price of the ancient relic.

"The starting price will be 22 million Life Crystals! The price increment must not be less than 500,000 Life Crystals each raise."

After having his words uttered, the bidders began to place their bid.

"23 million!"

"24 million!"

"25 million!"

After just a couple of moments, the bid price had exceeded 30 million.

Seeing the situation at the auction house, Yi Zheng had not placed a bid yet. It was not because he did not want to bid for it, it was simply because the bids were being placed too quickly. He did not even have the chance to hit the button to place a bid each time.

However, after the price had increased to 30 million, the number of bidders had reduced significantly. The price increment for each raise was no longer one million but only 500,000.

Just as the price rose to 31.5 million, Yi Zheng finally pressed the button to raise the bid. He then offered his bid price, "35 million!"

Lin Huang did not stop him as he could use it first after purchasing it. He could buy another one when there was a better choice later on. If he were to sell it to the auction house by then, he would not suffer great losses. It could be treated as the usage fees.

All of them shifted their gaze in the direction where the Supreme member who had just placed a bid on the third floor.

Since it was being covered by a black screen, what could be seen were the golden characters, "35 million!"

It was the special effect for the bid price of the Grade-S VIP room. The price would be displayed in the state of a golden spark on the isolation layer which was 20 meters long.

Yi Zheng was the first person who placed a bid among all the guests in the VIP rooms.

Many of them began to talk about it as it was their first time to join Wanbao Auction. What just happened was like a novelty to them.

"He's on the third floor. I heard that only the Supreme members are qualified to enter the Grade-S VIP room."

"It's really different to be in the Grade-S VIP room. They even have a special effect on the bid price!"

"The Supreme members of Wanbao Auction will usually have a powerful background. Why is he interested in an ancient relic of such a quality?" A man who wore glasses and had blond hair in one of the Grade-A VIP rooms on the second floor smirked. Soon after, he pressed the bid button.

"36 million!"

Characters in silver color suddenly lit up on the isolation layer on the second floor. It was the special effect for the members in the Grade-A VIP rooms. However, it was much weaker as compared to the effect it had when Yi Zheng placed a bid.

"Someone in the Grade-A VIP room just placed a bid!"

"What is he doing? Is he trying to suppress the pro on the third floor with his wealth?"

"What's happening? Is there anything special about the saber?"

What the bidder from the Grade-A VIP room on the second floor just did had attracted many people's attention.

A few of the bidders no longer had the desire to bid for the saber as they saw the price being offered by the person on the third floor. They were afraid that they would offend the pro on the third floor. Seeing that the bidder from the second floor was trying to get into the bidding war, they got even more excited to watch the show.

"40 million!"

Yi Zheng had no idea why he placed a bid but he could not be bothered to continue the bidding war with him, so he simply increased the bidding price to 40 million.

"The more you desire, the more it shows that something's wrong with the saber!" The blonde man on the second floor grinned, pressing the bid button again.

"41 million!"

"61 million!" Yi Zheng unexpectedly increased the price by 20 million.

The crowd was overwhelmed as they felt that the pro on the third floor might be feeling angry now. Some of them doubted that there could be some hidden secrets in the saber being sold on the auction stage.

Even Lin Huang who sat next to him was startled, "Bro Zheng, stop fooling around. The saber worth at most 30 million. You can buy two sabers at this price."

Yi Zheng did not stay anything, staring at the auctioneer on the auction stage. Nobody knew what he was thinking about.

At the next second, the bidding price on the second floor lit up again.

"62 million!"

Lin Huang was worried that Yi Zheng would place another bid. However, Yi Zheng turned back and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm not going to place another bid."

At the auction hall, many of them lifted their head, fixing their gaze at the VIP room where Lin Huang and Yi Zheng were at. They were hoping to see the new bid price offered by Yi Zheng.

Even the auctioneer was thinking about the same thing. However, the isolation layer on the third floor remained dark. Right until the auctioneer announced that the deal had been made, the isolation layer on the third floor did not light up.

"62 million going thrice! Deal!"

"Congratulations to the bidder in VIP room No. A22 for getting the first item for sale at our auction!"

The blonde man on the second floor frowned, "Why didn't he place another bid? Perhaps I've made the wrong guess?"

In the VIP room on the third floor, Lin Huang smirked as he sized Yi Zheng up. "You did it on purpose?'

"Did I?" Yi Zheng was trying to look innocent, "I wanted to increase the price by two million but I end up entering another zero. I then accidentally hit the bid button and the bid was placed… Fortunately, the bastard on the second floor placed a bid for it. Otherwise, I'm going to suffer great losses."

"I'm not going to believe you." Lin Huang thought to himself.

After the first item was being sold at a price of 62 million, the second item was then being displayed on the auction stage.

"Now, let's take a look at the second item!"

Chapter 799: The Death Knight and the Fallen Knight

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the first item was sold at a high price of 62 million Life Crystals, it seemed like none of the following items was priced higher than that. A few of the ancient relics were put up for sale, but there was no saber type of weapon. Yi Zheng was not interested in the sale, let alone Lin Huang.

Everyone would expect better quality items later in the auction. The show only began especially on the last day of the auction.

Soon, the first day of the auction ended.

There was nothing appealing and it made most of the crowd sleepy. Some of them could not bear it any longer and left early.

Just as the first day of the auction was about to end, the auctioneer suddenly dropped a bombshell.

"The last item for sale today won't disappoint you. Many of you know that we have three secret items to be sold off on the last day of the auction. Therefore, one of the two demigod items that we initially intended to sell on the last day of the auction will be the last item for sale today!"

As the red cloth was unveiled, it revealed a long, golden scabbard which exuded a powerful aura.

Without a doubt, it was a demigod relic.

In the auction hall, everybody obsessed over it as soon as they saw the saber.

Even Yi Zheng who sat next to Lin Huang had his eyes fixed on it. "This is the saber of legends…"

Although Lin Huang could tell that he was dying to get his hands on the saber, he was not going to lend Yi Zheng his money.

Only an imperial-level would be capable of activating a demigod relic. Yi Zheng would have no way of using it despite buying it now. He had just made it to immortal-level rank-1. Lin Huang had no idea how long Yi Zheng would have to wait until he could level up to imperial-level. Instead of buying a demigod relic, he would be better off buying equipment that he could use and training guides that were useful for him to improve his abilities.

"It's called the Dragon Slayer. Its master used to be a demon slayer who achieved imperial-level about 100 years ago. The saber was originally obtained from killing a triple mutated white gold-rank Silver-Winged Rocfiend. It was then modified and reforged with 99 sets of dragonkins' teeth and three dragonkins' vertebrae as auxiliary materials…"

On the auction stage, Yu Bo was putting a lot of effort to introduce the particular item and hype it up.

After listening to him for a while, Lin Huang then ignored him and began searching for the "demon slayer" online. After a short while, he went through all the information about this item's previous master.

The demon slayer's original name was Jiang Yi who was an imperial-level in Division 3 more than 100 years ago. About 80 years ago, he was severely injured after he explored one of the underwater ruins in the Peaceful Ocean. Less than half a year after he returned to Division 3, he died from an incurable illness. The Dragon Slayer he owned then became his son's legacy. However, after tens of years, none of his descendants managed to break through to imperial-level. None of them could use the saber and it was then abandoned.

However, Lin Huang had no idea why the saber would appear at the auction house. Since the auctioneer dared to reveal the actual information about the saber, it had to be a legitimate item. Otherwise, they could only sell it at the underground auction instead of selling it in public.

As one of the top auction houses in Division 3, the Wanbao Auction knew the unspoken rules of the business very well and it was impossible for them to make such a silly mistake.

While Lin Huang was pondering to himself, Yu Bo who was on the auction stage had completed the introduction. "I'll stop bullshitting now. Let's begin the last round of bidding!"

"Dragon Slayer! Its starting price is 20 billion Life Crystals. The price increment mustn't be less than 500 million Life Crystals each round!"

"25 billion!"

Just as the auctioneer finished his sentence, the bidder in the VIP room on the second floor placed a bid at a price that was five billion higher than the starting price.

Seeing the silver figures light up abruptly on the black screen, most of the onlookers at the auction house were surprised.

"He increased the price by five billion without thinking twice… I can't even spare 50 Life Crystals for a bowl of noodles."

"It's great to be rich. As peasants, we wouldn't know how it feels like…"

"To the rich man on the second floor, are you looking for a son-in-law?"

As the black screen on the second floor lit up for less than two seconds, the black screen on the third floor lit up as well.

The figures were bigger and brighter this round, and they were golden in color.

"30 billion!!!"

The bidder on the third floor raised the price for the second time and again, it was an increment of five billion. The bidding price had immediately risen up to 30 billion.

At the auction house, everybody appeared stunned. Nobody would expect such an aggressive bid for the second time!

"To the rich man on the third floor, are you looking for a son-in-law? Or do you need a houseboy? I'm an excellent bedwarmer!"

Seeing the one who said this was a muscular man who was more than two meters tall, the crowd gagged.

Yi Zheng, who was in VIP room No. 2 on the third floor, was shocked as well.

"Why are the pros in Division 3 so rich? I used to think that I was wealthy enough with hundreds of millions of Life Crystals."

"You aren't considered rich with hundreds of millions of Life Crystals." Lin Huang laughed, shaking his head. "The cheapest ancient relic costs tens of millions of Life Crystals. Those on white gold-rank basically cost at least hundreds of millions. As for those on purple gold-rank, the starting price is at least 200 million. Not forgetting the telekinetic weapons whereby the lowest ranking is on black gold-rank and costs at least 100 million. You aren't even qualified to bid for the purple gold-rank telekinetic weapon if you don't have at least two billion Life Crystals. The price of the demigod relic is even higher. Any of them will start from 10 billion Life Crystals. If they're of really premium quality, they don't accept Life Crystals but Divine Stones instead."

"Divine Stones?" Yi Zheng had just arrived at Division 3 and it was his first time coming across this term.

"A Divine Stone is a rare ore that comes with God's energy. A Divine Stone is equivalent to 100 million Life Crystals. However, almost none of them will exchange Divine Stones for Life Crystals. The God's energy within the Divine Stone can be absorbed by demigods. This is a high-ranking currency only used by the demigods to trade."

Lin Huang heard the information regarding the Divine Stone from Mr. Fu who had casually mentioned it and he could remember it up until that day.

On the auction stage, the price of the Dragon Slayer had increased to 38 billion. The number of bidders had increased from two to five as well. Each time, the increment of price would either be 500 million or a billion.

Among the five bidders, three of them were Supreme members on the third floor whereas the other two were members on the second floor. None of the people in the auction hall had placed any bids and they were just sitting there, watching what was going to happen next.

It was not strange though since only an imperial-level was capable of activating a demigod relic. The strongest person in the auction hall was only on immortal-level rank-7.

The bidding lasted for more than ten minutes and the Dragon Slayer was finally sold to somebody else.

"The member in No. S4 VIP room bid 43 billion Crystals!"

"43 billion going once!"

"43 billion going twice!"

"Anyone wants to place another bid? Otherwise, you might not have the chance anymore!"

"Alright, 43 billion going thrice!"


"43 billion…" Yi Zheng was so envious of him.

Lin Huang then thought to himself, "If the saber can be sold at 43 billion, I guess I can sell mine at 55 billion and above."

The first day of auction then ended. Lin Huang and Yi Zheng went back to the hotel empty-handed.

After having their dinner, just as Lin Huang and Yi Zheng were about to walk around the night market, Kylie's card suddenly vibrated in his body.

"I just thought of something else I have to deal with. You go first and I'll meet you at the night market after getting my things done."

After sending Yi Zheng off, Lin Huang went back to his room and summoned Kylie. "What happened?"

"The two dark knights that you placed in my mini world have completed the evolution and awoken the bloodline."

"Let's have a look."

Before coming to Wanbao City, Lin Huang had advanced the two Dark Knight cards that he just obtained, transforming them into two cocoons. Nothing happened after that but they finally managed to break free from their cocoons.

Lin Huang could not wait any longer to enter Kylie's mini world. Soon, he saw the two Dark Knights that had been transformed.

The two of them used to be exactly the same but after the evolution, they were now completely different. However, the change was out of Lin Huang's expectations.

"They look formidable."

Sensing the aura of the two knights, Lin Huang frowned and immediately checked their information in detail.

"Monster Card

"Rarity: Legendary

"Monster name: Death Knight

"Type of Monster: Spirit type

"Unique Bloodline: Death (Beginner)

"Combat Level: Immortal-Level Rank-4

"Skill 1: Immortal

"Skill 2: Dead Eye

"Skill 3: Disastrous Ring"

"Skill 9: Death Punishment

"Summon Authority: Activated

"Card Remarks: Trainable"

"Monster Card

"Rarity: Legendary

"Monster Name: Fallen Knight

"Type of Monster: Undying Species

"Unique Bloodline: Master of the Abyss (Beginner)

"Combat Level: Immortal-Level Rank-4

"Skill 1: Triple Inferno

"Skill 2: Instant Kill

"Skill 3: Cursed Ring"

"Skill 9: Falling Abyss

"Summon Authority: Activated

"Card Remarks: Trainable."

"They're really powerful!" Lin Huang exclaimed after looking through their information.

Having nine beginner skills were the maximum of what a triple mutated monster could have.

Many other skills could be derived from beginner skills, forming a massive skill tree. However, many of the derived skills and advanced skills could not be used yet and were gray in color. Lin Huang knew that the two monsters had great potential just by briefly looking at their information.

"The Immortal skill is incredible. It has full blood revival three times. After the fourth death, it'll transform into a strong, immortal egg. Dead Eye is a spirit type attack skill that can directly burn its opponent's spirit. Disastrous Ring deters creatures in a specific region, depriving the opponent's intent to fight to various extents, lowering the opponent's ability to fight.

"The skills of the Fallen Knight are impressive too! Triple Inferno allows it to recover its total blood volume to 50%, 30%, and 10% three times in a row when it's on the edge of death. Its ability will be multiplied each time as its blood is restored! The Cursed Ring can weaken its opponent and includes curse effects in its skill to lower its opponent's ability. In addition to that, the Falling Abyss contaminates most of the creatures, demonizing them and gaining control over them. I suppose this is the ability of a parasite…"

Even Lin Huang was envious of some of the skills.

He then took out a bottle of mineral water from his Emperor's Heart Ring to wash his hands and face after that. After preparing himself in a spiritual way, Lin Huang mumbled, "Buddha, Jade Emperor, Guan Yin, Monkey King, Xuanzang, Pig God… Please bless me with two solid skills…"

As Lin Huang mumbled his words, he opened the skills that he had obtained.

"Skill extraction has been completed!

"Congratulations, you have obtained a skill – Knight (Death Knight).

"Congratulations, you have obtained a skill – Integration (Fallen Knight)."

"Eh…" Seeing the two skills, Lin Huang had no idea what to say. The two skills were possessed by both the Death Knight and Fallen Knight. They were not weak and were even considered powerful. However, Lin Huang was not interested in becoming a knight. He was more inclined to get into a solo fight.

"Knight: The user of the skill is allowed to ride on any non-human monsters. On a ride, the mount's combat strength will be one to three ranks higher (depending on the grade and combat strength). At the same time, the user and the mount can share all the skills that the both of them possess, which increases the skill power anywhere from three to five times stronger.

"Remarks: A knight without a mount is not a complete knight."

"Integration: The user of the skill can integrate with any mount, pet, or summoning monster. After the integration is completed, one's combat strength can increase anywhere from one to three ranks higher (based on the one with a higher combat strength). The leader possesses all the skills of those one has integrated with.

"Remark 1: Integration can only be done upon agreement of both parties. Otherwise, integration can't be completed.

"Remark 2: The skill can be used to overlay with the effect of the Knight skill."

However, after carefully reading the skill descriptions, Lin Huang noticed that both of the skills could be used to compensate for his greatest weakness which was his weak combat strength.

"If I were to use Knight and Integration at the same time, Bai's combat strength will be considered the initial combat strength which is immortal-level rank-4. I can level up to at least two ranks higher, reaching immortal-level rank-6. If three Provisional Combat Strength Upgrade Cards are used, my combat strength will be upgraded to immortal-level rank-9 and I can even save my Transformation Card.

"I didn't expect that the two skills that I'm not interested in are much more practical than the skills I've been longing for."

Lin Huang was just skimming through the skill description of the two knights. He did not analyze them carefully as to which would be the most beneficial to him. He only noticed a few of the skills that he was eager to obtain. After obtaining the skills, he then realized that it was not necessary for the skill to have amazing effects. The best ones would be those that suited him the most.

He still had a few Skill Extraction Cards whereby he could extract the skills for the second time. However, after obtaining two of the new skills, 20 of his skill slots had been filled. He had to wait until he got to immortal-level for more vacant skill slots.

"My combat strength can only be upgraded to immortal-level rank-7 at the most with my Transformation Card and Provisional Combat Strength Upgrade Cards. It's a limit that I can never break through. However, with the two new skills, it's no longer difficult for me to upgrade my combat strength to immortal-level rank-9. I'm now capable of killing black gold-rank and crimson gold-rank enemies. I can finally compensate for my weaknesses!"

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