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47.18% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 226: 711-720

Chapter 226: 711-720

Chapter 711: Sorcerer Goddess Blood

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang appeared in a shrine when he walked out of the golden whirlpool. It was crystal white around him with gusts of chilly wind all around.

"Is this ice crystal?" He could not help but touch a pillar near him. A striking chill blasted out of the pillar, confirming his speculation.

The shrine seemed to be made of the frost attribute and was probably created by powerful people. Added with the powerful Witchcraft Rune as well as a long period of cultivation, this shrine was as powerful as a god relic. Just as Lin Huang managed to find his footing, the ground started to shake. His feet detached from the ground and floated tens of centimeters off ground. The trembling continued, but that did not affect him anymore. He ignored it and started to observe the area around him

This shrine was made of compressed ice crystals. There were countless Witchcraft Runes carved on the walls, pillars, ceiling, and even on the ground. Lin Huang was dizzy from just looking at them. However, he noticed that the dozen ice crystal cases were arranged in circle. Just when he wanted to check them out, a familiar female voice was heard.

"As a challenger who's broken through the ninth level of the Sorcerer Goddess Tower, you can pick any of the treasures as your reward."

Lin Huang was shocked to hear that as the voice sounded familiar. He looked at the source of voice and saw a lady in a white dress appearing from thin air. She looked like she was only 20 years young. She was short at only 160 centimeters with black waist-length hair. She wore a white dress and was barefooted. She had a face as pretty as a porcelain doll with skin as white as snow. She was flawless.

"Who are you?" Lin Huang asked carefully. Although the lady was beautiful, her appearance was rather strange.

"Don't you recognize my voice?" The lady smiled mischievously at Lin Huang.

"Your voice…" Lin Huang was stunned as he recalled that it was the voice who had explained the instructions whenever his consciousness was taken out of the tower.

"You're the person who explained the rules on the Sorcerer Goddess Tower?"

"Yes, that's me. My name is Wu Mo, but this is only my consciousness as I'm dead," Wu Mo said in a sad but composed manner.

Looking at the barefooted lady in white, Lin Huang thought of something and summoned the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine key. He then compared the lady that was carved on the token and looked at Wu Mo.

"You're the owner of the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine?" Lin Huang was shocked.

The side profile of the lady carved on the token looked exactly the same as the lady standing in front of him.

"Busted." Wu Mo smiled without confirming her identity.

Of course, Lin Huang knew that the owner of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine was the Sorcerer Goddess herself. Wu Mo was the True God who had moved this piece of land into the sky above the Peaceful Ocean 30,000 years ago.

Lin Huang had his own idea of how a True God in the middle epoch would look like, but he did not expect her to appear as the 20-year-old lady standing in front of him. She did not look like she had the power of a god. In fact, she seemed more like a cute, mischievous person.

"Master Sorcerer Goddess…" Lin Huang did not dare to be rude after confirming her identity. Although it was just her consciousness, killing him would only need a flick of her finger.

"I hate people calling me Master. That makes me sound old. You can call me Momo. All of my friends used to call me that." Wu Mo did not sound like a True God at all.

"I don't think that's proper. You're a Master after all," Lin Huang answered shyly.

"It's just an address. Don't take it so seriously."

"If you think that it's rude to call me by my name, you can call me Sis Momo then."

"Alright then." Since she insisted, Lin Huang decided to go with it.

"Sis Momo, did you say that I can pick any one of the treasures that I like here?"

"Yes, all 12 items in the shrine are god-level treasures. Because you've broken through the ninth level on the Sorcerer Goddess Tower, you can pick any one of them as your reward." Wu Mo nodded.

"Sis Momo, do you have any suggestion?" Lin Huang was playing it smart.

"I can't do that, you'll have to decide yourself." Wu Mo shook her head and stayed silent.

Feeling helpless, Lin Huang walked to the cases and looked carefully at the items one by one.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei spoke, "Pick the blood of the True God!"

Lin Huang was surprised to hear its comment. He walked around but did not see any liquid blood in any of the cases, so he contacted Xiao Hei in his mind.

"I don't see it."

"The purplish-gold crystal that's the size of a fist."

Lin Huang turned around and looked at the irregular crystal that he had seen earlier. He walked slowly to the case and observed it before he then contacted Xiao Hei once again.

"This looks more like a piece of mineral. Shouldn't blood be in liquid form? Or is the blood hiding in the mineral?"

"Not that it's hiding inside. The entire crystal is the blood of the True God. As soon as the blood gets out of the body, it solidifies into a crystal."

"Are you sure about that?" Lin Huang was still skeptical.

"I'll remove myself from you and get you a better Goldfinger if I'm wrong."

"Oh, alright then. I trust you." Lin Huang stopped doubting after hearing what Xiao Hei said.

"Don't you want to seize this opportunity to get a better Goldfinger? You won't have the opportunity again if you miss this one. I suggest that you consider it. There're many Goldfingers that are more powerful than me. Some of them can be upgraded after killing a couple of Swine Beasts, while some of them are powerful since the beginning where even an ordinary person will be able to slap a god to death…"

"Never mind, I've gotten used to you." Lin Huang scratched his nose to cover the white lie that he had just told.

"Alright then, I was messing with you. In reality, no traveller can change the Goldfinger that they're assigned. Also, God is an existence from the level-3 of the life level. Stop using your limited brain capacity to craft how a higher life should look like."

Lin Huang was speechless.

"Have you picked one?" Wu Mo was curious as she watched Lin Huang standing before the purplish-gold crystal without moving.

"Yes, I'm picking this one." Lin Huang nodded and pointed at the crystal.

"Are you sure?" Wu Mo asked.


"Alright then, as you wish!" Wu Mo said and placed her palm on top of the case.

The case that was sealed with ice broke as Wu Mo caught the fist-size purplish-gold crystal in her hand. She then flicked it into Lin Huang's chest.

Chapter 712: The Conditions to Enter the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"You've obtained the blood of the True God. Would you like to turn it into a card?"

"Will this thing be restricted after it becomes a card due to my combat level?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"Yes, the card will be sealed immediately."

"Then, I shan't make it into a card at the moment." Lin Huang then looked at Wu Mo after declining Xiao Hei's request.

"Sis Momo, I understand that I'll obtain your inheritance here besides the reward, won't I?"

"That's right, but my inheritance isn't that easy to get." Wu Mo cunningly grinned at Lin Huang.

"I'll give it a try whether I can get it or not. I might be able to get it." Lin Huang smiled back.

"Follow me," Wu Mo said and left. Lin Huang caught up to her immediately. After walking not far away, he saw a familiar charcoal grey stone tablet. It looked exactly like the one at the Sorcerer Goddess Tower.

Wu Mo pointed at the stone tablet and looked at Lin Huang as they stood before it.

"You know what you need to do."

It was a sealing rune that was made of complicated rune lines that Lin Huang recognized immediately.

Wu Mo spoke again as he was ready to decode the rune, "This is a Ten Thousand Sealing Rune. Over time after you decode it, there'll be a new sealing rune which appears. It'll only be decoded entirely after 10,000 times. If you fail in the middle, you'll have to start from the beginning again. It'll be a completely new set of runes that are different from what you've decoded before, so it's best if you go through it once instead of doing it all over again.

"Also, you're only given 30 seconds to decode each rune. You'll have to start over again if you take more than that. As soon as you decode each rune within 30 seconds, the new rune will appear instead of waiting for the 30 seconds to be up."

Wu Mo added after she was done with the conditions, "You can get your little pet monster to help. It's allowed since your summoning monsters are also one of your abilities."

It was clear that Wu Mo had already seen Bloody at the Sorcerer Goddess Tower. There was nothing that Lin Huang should hide, so he summoned Bloody immediately.

"Let me try first. I'll ask for your help if I can't manage to do it," Lin Huang said to Bloody. Bloody looked at Wu Mo who was standing aside without saying anything. It nodded, then wrapped itself around his left wrist while Lin Huang started drawing the decoding rune on the stone tablet with his right hand.

He completed the first decoding rune successfully in less than 20 seconds. As the first sealing rune faded away, the second one appeared automatically. Now Lin Huang knew that what Wu Mo had said about the Ten Thousand Sealing Runes was real as the second sealing rune appeared immediately. Just as soon as he managed to decode the second one in 22 seconds, the third one appeared.

Lin Huang decoded them one by one patiently and carefully since a single error in stroke would break the entire rune. Time was passing by in the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine, but he had no idea what was happening outside. Even if he did, he did not have the time to do anything about it.

A female voice was heard as the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine drifted into the air and the shaking stopped. All of the people below heard her crystal-clear.

"The Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine welcomes all holy fire- and immortal-levels to enter. Those whose combat level don't qualify will be killed without mercy if you come in by force! Those who are hiding or suppressing your combat level can try if you're not afraid to die."

Many of the tribal members turned around and fled as they were afraid to become targets while some of them stood where they were without moving.

"Those who are qualified to come in may enter the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine after I'm done explaining the conditions of the assessments.

"There are a dozen external shrines around the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine with an assessment each. You'll only be able to go to the next one after you've passed the assessment. All challengers who pass the 12 external shrines are eligible to enter.

"There're 12 god-level treasures inside. Besides the one that was taken away by the activator of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine, the remaining 11 will be randomly given out to those who manage to break through the 12 external shrines. If more than 11 people pass, the one who comes later won't receive any of the treasures. That being said, only the first 11 who breakthrough will be rewarded with the treasure."

Many people became excited when they heard about the treasure, but they proceeded to listen patiently. After all, it was the first time the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine was open, so nobody knew what the conditions of entering were. It would be a pity if any of them accidentally broke the conditions and were disqualified.

"There's something that I must emphasize here. No fighting is allowed in the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine. Nobody is allowed to use any techniques to interrupt anybody. Whoever picks a fight or interferes will be disqualified immediately. Besides being sent out of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine, the treasure will be confiscated, and the troublemaker will be blacklisted from the entering the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine forever. If the person tries to enter the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine again, he will be killed without mercy!"

Although fighting was harshly punishable in there, it also meant that they were allowed to fight outside. Many of them managed to read between the lines. Those who planned to rob treasures from others had to come up with another plan.

"The Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine will be opened for ten days. Throughout this period, all of the people who qualify may enter and exit the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine as they wish. The shrine will be closed ten days later. Everyone, including the activator, will be sent out of the shrine no matter which level they are on.

"If anybody manages to get the Sorcerer Goddess inheritance within ten days, the person will have the right to handle the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine whereby he or she will have the right to decide whether to close the shrine and send everyone out…"

Wu Mo read out the conditions to everyone clearly although she was nowhere to be seen. After that, she answered everyone's questions one by one and eventually announced, "The Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine is officially open. All those of you who are qualified to come in may enter the door to the first shrine to join the assessment!"

As Wu Mo said that, thousands of people thronged the entrance of the first shrine like a swarm of locusts.

Chapter 713: The Challenge Has Begun!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the challengers entered the first shrine, they soon realized that they were not inside a shrine, but it was more like they were being sent to a corner of the ruins. There was snow everywhere, and the place seemed to be an endless sprawl of white while heavy snow fell from above. Many of them were stunned, but they soon realized that instead of having been sent somewhere, it was, in fact, the first shrine of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine. They did not care whether it was an illusion or if the space was imbued with special effects as the most important thing was the content of the assessment.

As soon as the 4,000-odd people entered, Wu Mo's voice came from above again.

"Welcome to the first level of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine! Since the first batch has arrived, let me explain what this level is going to be like.

"In this level, you'll be tested on your personal ability. There'll be a monster horde soon in which the least powerful creature will be an immortal-level rank-1 and the most powerful will be an imperial-level black gold-level."

"There are three conditions to passing the level. The first is to survive the monster horde. The second is to kill 5,000 monsters in the ten hours, and the last one will be to kill ten imperial-level black gold-rank monsters in the ten hours. You'll have to fulfill all three conditions to pass the level. Those who fail will be sent out of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine and won't be allowed in anymore.

"You're allowed to work together with the others on this level, but the number of monsters killed will be calculated individually. The person who manages to kill the monsters eventually will be considered the killer. No matter how much damage you've done to the targeted monsters, the tally won't belong to you as long as you're not the one who killed the monster."

Everyone was excited to hear that they could work together, but they became upset when they heard the last rule. According to the method of calculation, there would definitely be conflict among the teams as everyone would want to be the last who killed the monster. Those who failed to do so would be bumped off. As long as there was conflict among the teams, the possibility of being disqualified was high.

After all, since they would have to kill 5,000 monsters in ten hours, that would mean that everyone would have to kill a monster in 7.2 seconds on average. A couple of minutes of conflict would affect their efficiency significantly. Therefore, the teams had to plan among themselves properly before the assessment started to prevent any friction happening.

"Don't be afraid. Don't worry that you'll die in this assessment. This is just a space for your consciousness. Your consciousness will return to your body after you die," Wu Mo reminded.

"That's all from me. You can ask whatever questions that you may have now before the assessment starts."

Among the crowd, a man in a Union Government military uniform raised his hand.

"If I managed to kill 5,000 monsters and ten imperial-level monsters before the ten hours ends, will I be exempted from the first condition and head to the second shrine right away?"

"No, you'll have to fulfill all three conditions to pass the level."

This time, a member of the Dynasty spoke. Up, "Since this level is restricted to ten hours, that means that everyone who passes will be sent to the second shrine after the ten hours has passed without any difference in time. I'd like to know if there'll be many levels with time restrictions like this. If yes, doesn't that mean it'll be difficult to have any time difference between each challenger?"

"Including the first level, there are only two levels that have a time restriction, so as long as you have sufficient ability, you don't have to worry about the time difference."

A couple of people asked their questions after that, and Wu Mo answered them one by one.

"Alright, if there are no more questions, you guys may start the assessment now."

As Wu Mo said that, the monster horde advanced from far away. Apart from some of them, most of the challengers teamed up with people that they were familiar with. It was a monster horde after all, and besides some of the powerful people, it was hard for the rest to survive on their own. Teaming up would increase their survival rate.

However, the conflict started after the teams were formed.

"There are five of us. The efficiency will be poor if we take turns to kill one at a time. So, do the remaining four just watch while one person kills the monsters? I think this is such a waste of time!"

"What do you suggest? Help one person to kill all 5,000 monsters and the next person will continue after that? If that's the case, do you think the person who has fulfilled the mission will have the strength to help the next person? We only have ten hours. It's possible for the first four people to complete the mission within the time limit, but what about the fifth person? Who can guarantee that the fifth person will fulfill the condition? And who is willing to be the fifth person?"

Everyone on the team became silent as nobody was willing to be the last person.

A moment later, a person put up his hand and suggested, "Why don't each of us kill a hundred. The next person will go after the first person fulfills the 100 kills? This way, the last two people will be left with 100 monsters each, so it doesn't really matter who goes last anymore."

Everyone supported this suggestion, and many teams carried out the same strategy to minimize the conflict. Soon, the first monster horde finally arrived. Millions of monsters dashed towards them. They were mostly blue frost corpses on immortal-levels rank-1 to rank-3. Although there were many monsters in this round of horde, the combat level of the monsters was considered low. However, everybody knew that the next horde would have more powerful monsters.

"Since the monsters in this horde will be the least powerful, let's not hold back and kill as many as we can since the later ones are more difficult to kill," a person said to his team members and the rest nodded. However, they were not the first team to think that way. Many of them had the same strategy.

Before the monsters came closer, they initiated the attack by dashing into the horde and starting the massacre. Most of them who entered the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine were immortal-levels rank-7 to rank-9. The monsters that were on immortal-levels rank-1 to rank-3 were like herds of goats entering the territory of tigers whereby the humans were on the winning side. It was not a battle anymore, but a one-sided grisly massacre!

Chapter 714: A Powerful Challenger

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Not long into the first level of the challenge in the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine, a few challengers stood out. They did not form teams with anybody and just fought solo. None of the monsters that passed them managed to survive. They were like fishes swimming freely in water whereby none of the monsters could stop them from whatever they wanted to do. Moreover, they did not only kill one monster per attack. Instead, they were like Grim Reapers, exterminating everything that came their way.

The first monster horde lasted for around two hours before the second one came. This time, there were immortal-levels rank-4 to rank-6 monsters. This stressed many of the teams as their efficiency significantly dropped while those who were weaker were injured, which affected their productivity even more.

However, the few powerful lone rangers remained moving among the monsters, making it look like there was no difference with the first monster horde. The second horde also lasted for two hours before the third one came. This time, there were monsters of immortal-levels rank-7 to rank-9. Since the monsters were much more powerful, most of the challengers slowed down.

At the same combat level, the number of monsters had far surpassed the number of challengers. The monsters could bring harm to most of the challengers, so they were more careful this time. Even the lone rangers who stood out experienced a significant drop in their efficiency. Previously, they could kill a bunch of monsters at once, but now they could only kill a couple or only one at a time.

The third monster horde brought trouble to many of the teams. Some of them could not attack anymore and started defending themselves instead. Three minutes into the third monster horde, a challenger was killed by a monster and was disqualified. The team that lost their member failed in less than ten minutes later as their team members were killed and disqualified.

It was just the beginning. Soon, the second and the third teams started to fall as well. In less than half an hour, seven teams had fallen, and 37 people were disqualified. It was not the end yet. After the seventh team was disqualified, so were the eighth and ninth teams. An hour into the third monster horde, 13 teams were disqualified. As the monster horde was coming to an end after close to two hours, 21 teams and more than 100 people were disqualified.

As soon as the third monster horde ended, the fourth monster horde arrived. The imperial-level monsters were finally here. Gigantic Frostyape Corpses marched towards the challengers in a deadly manner. Besides imperial-level monsters, the number of monsters this time was a few times more than the third monster horde. It was even more than the three monster hordes added up as there were millions of them.

Many of them were terrified when they saw the Frostyape Corpses. Even the tribe members who could transform into dolls were fearful of them. The Frostyape Corpses were not only mighty in terms of defense, but they also had terrifying strength too. Most of the imperial-level humans could not even break through the Frostyape Corpses' defense, let alone kill them. However, a few of the challengers among them were fearless as they stared deadly at the Frostyape Corpses.

"The whole carcass of a Frostyape Corpses can be sold at a high price, but it's too bad that this is just virtual reality." A plump man from the Dynasty smiled grimly.

"Whether you can sell them or not, killing ten of them is our mission," retorted a tall, skinny man next to him.

"Let's see who can kill faster!"

"I don't want to reveal my real ability here. You can look for someone else," the plump man said, smiling.

"This is just a game that I play out of boredom. Nobody is asking you to reveal your real ability." The tall, skinny man pouted.

"Don't you know how I am? I'm not interested in all these games." The plump man smirked back.

"If you really want to play, I think we can bet on the treasures in the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine. The loser will have to surrender his treasure to the winner. What do you think?"

"F*ck off!" The tall, skinny man cursed.

"You might not lose. Don't you want to try?" The plump man smiled to the extent that his eyes became long, thin slits.

The tall, skinny man glared at him and ignored him. He then shot out as a golden glow towards one of the Frostyape Corpses. As the man started forward, the other lone rangers picked their own Frostyape Corpses and dashed forward. Among the lone rangers, the plump man from the Dynasty was the last to attack. He seemed to be chilled as he ambled and blocked the way of a Frostyape Corpse.

He then smiled as he looked at his target.

"I'm sorry. You shall not pass."

The Frostyape Corpse understood what he meant, and it slapped him without hesitation. The slap was terrifyingly fast with a scary chill as the air became frosty. As the slap reached the plump man, he stood where he was with his smile frozen on his face like he did not have the time to dodge the attack.

However, as the slap was inches away from his head, he raised his hand. A golden glow flashed, and a gold battle sword appeared in his hand. He raised the sword slowly and placed the back of his sword on his shoulder as he covered his mouth with his left hand while yawning.

"This level is so boring."

Just as he uttered those words, the Frostyape Corpse stopped moving like it was frozen. The Frostyape Corpse's palm stopped less than ten centimeters away from his head. Some of the challengers noticed the bizarre scene.

"Why isn't that Frostyape Corpse moving?"

"Is this a space restraint?"

All of a sudden, a blue crack appeared in between the Frostyape Corpse's eyebrows. It was like a thread that was being pulled downwards that soon arrived at the Frostyape Corpse's chin. Until then, blue fluid gushed out of the crack and exploded. Blue blood spurted everywhere like a fountain. The huge monster collapsed like a mountain. Above its neck, its head was cut in half like a watermelon in summer.

Chapter 715: Increasing Difficulty With Each Level

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the first shrine of the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine, the fourth monster horde arrived. It had completely revealed the true abilities of everybody there.

The powerful challengers who got into the first echelon were those who went at it alone. They were also the people who dared to challenge the imperial-level monsters.

Among these challengers, the plump man was not the only one who managed to kill the Frostyape Corpse in one hit, the skinny man who challenged him previously managed to complete a kill only mere seconds before him!

Aside from the both of them who were from Dynasty, the other three from the Union Government managed to kill the Frostyape Corpse at breakneck speed as well!

They were the five strongest humans there.

Despite there being a large number of tribal members, none of them had the courage to fight the imperial-level monsters alone. Instead, they formed teams and fought the monsters together. Nobody knew if they were doing this to conceal their true abilities or if they were truly that weak.

A few of the smaller teams that were formed to take on the imperial-level monsters managed to get into the second echelon.

The abilities of each team member were on par with the Frostyape Corpse. However, they did not choose to fight the monsters alone. Instead, they banded together to take on the Frostyape Corpse as they struck several heavy blows and killed them. Although the monsters were not killed in a split second, they still managed to kill them quite quickly and completed a kill within two to three seconds on average.

The party in the third echelon formed a team to kill the imperial-level monsters as well. However, they were apparently much weaker than those in the second echelon. The fight was not an easy one to them since they had to spend about 10 minutes to kill a Frostyape Corpse.

The fourth echelon did not even intend to hunt down the Frostyape Corspe since they knew fairly well that they were incapable of defeating such monsters. Even if they could, they would be unable to complete 10 kills within the time limit. They knew that they would definitely be disqualified and they did not strive to survive.

The fifth echelon was the weakest among the rest. They only managed to defend themselves against the monster horde and they would probably be disqualified at any time. They had no faith in themselves at all and were easily destroyed by the imperial-level Frostyape Corpse.

The fourth monster horde lasted longer than the previous three. More than two hours had passed but it seemed like it was not going to stop anytime soon.

Many of the teams from the fifth echelon were disqualified after the arrival of the monster horde, and some of the teams from the fourth echelon were disqualified as well.

It was only at the fourth hour after the assessment had begun for exactly 10 hours, that the fourth monster horde finally ended.

The monster troops transformed into glowing light and soon, they disappeared as the countdown ended.

Wu Mo's voice was heard in the air again.

"There are only 312 challengers who fulfilled all three requirements and are qualified to pass through the first level. I'm sorry to say that the rest of the challengers are disqualified."

"As for those who are disqualified, please don't attempt to enter the Sorcerer Goddess Shine any longer. If you wish to enter, please wait for the next opening of the Sorcerer Goddess Shine."

Just as Wu Mo's voice was heard, the body of the challengers who failed to qualify for the next level collapsed and soon disappeared from the snowy world.

Among the crowd, less than a tenth of the people remained after a several seconds passed.

Among the remaining 312 people, most of them were the tribal members while about a hundred them were people from the Union Government and Dynasty.

The elimination rate had exceeded 90% in just the first assessment. This had put many of them on alert.

"Congratulations, you've got through the first assessment. Now, I'll send you the second shrine."

Along with the voice, 312 of them entered a trance and appeared in a shrine shortly after.

The shrine was extremely large but there was nothing else aside from the posts, walls, and dome.

Just as everybody was looking around the shrine, Wu Mo's voice was heard once more.

"There are Witchcraft Runes everywhere in this shrine. Among these runes, only 200 of them are single-use dimensional runes that'll send the user directly sent to the third shrine. Activating the wrong one will lead to the immediate destruction of the rune. If it's inaccurately activated, the rune will be destroyed right after it has been activated."

Everybody's facial expression changed as soon as they heard what Wu Mo said.

"Here's a gentle reminder. Aside from the 200 runes that will send you directly to the third shrine, there are also a hundred runes that'll directly send you out of the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine. If you happen to activate such a rune, please come again during the next opening of the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine."

The tribal members' face turned grave as they heard this.

"The rules are pretty simple and I think everyone can understand it. If there are no further questions, the assessment for the second shrine will officially begin."

Runes appeared from the dome and floated around in the shrine. In just a few seconds, the runes had occupied the entire shrine.

Not only were the runes attached to the ground, the runic inscriptions were found on the posts as well.

As one looked from afar, the number of runes had exceeded 100,000.

To find 200 of the specified runes from more than 100,000 runic inscriptions was obviously not an easy task.

More than 200 of the tribal members were busy looking for the correct rune right after they appeared.

As for the humans, more than half of them seemed panicked. Despite the fact that the rest of them had begun looking for the right runes, a majority of them looked upset. Only about 10 of them were able to remain calm as they prepared for the challenge.

In less than 10 minutes after the second assessment had started, one of the tribal members had successfully activated a dimensional rune and disappeared from the shrine. Nobody knew if he was sent to the third shrine or if he was sent out of the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine.

After the first person had successfully activated the dimensional rune, the second and third person followed suit.

"Haha, I've found one!" The plump man from Dynasty stood still in front of a rune and fell into a trance. Then, he pointed his finger at the rune and activated it.

After a short while, his body was enveloped by a white glow, and he disappeared from the shrine at the very next moment.

As time passed, the number of people who remained in the shrine got lesser and lesser.

The second assessment had yet to end. However, whoever managed to get into the third shrine in advance would be able to start the third assessment.

"The third assessment is called Hopscotch. Each participant will be sent to an independent space. There'll be a 3x100 grid on the ground over there. The challenger will have to arrive at the finishing point a hundred boxes away from the starting point. There'll be an attack rune on each of the grid. Some of the attack runes are real while the rest are fake. If you happen to step on the a real rune, you'll be immediately disqualified. If you step on a fake rune, nothing will happen to you. Some of them might be a trip rune. Once you're trapped, you'll be disqualified as well."

"Flying is not allowed in this round. Therefore, you won't be able to activate spatial manipulation abilities. Challengers can only step on the grid on their left, right, or directly in front of them. Moving backward and walking diagonally are prohibited. You can't skip as well. You can use the Witchcraft Rune to decode any of the runes on the grid."

The difficulty level of the third assessment had obviously increased!

Lin Huang who was inside the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine had no idea what was happening outside. He was still focused on decoding the Ten Thousand Sealing Rune.

Chapter 716: The Rune Cliff

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the Ten Thousand Sealing Rune had been decoded for more than 300 times, Lin Huang encountered a rune that he was unfamiliar with for the first time. Bloody accepted the mission without hesitation and rapidly drafted the sealing rune.

Having decoded the rune for about 900 times, Lin Huang faced some problems for the second time. Bloody helped him out again.

With Bloody's assistance, Lin Huang only managed to unseal more than 800 runes after working on it for precisely two days without any rest.

As he continued unsealing the runes, he sensed an energy wave coming from the shrine.

Lin Huang then turned his head back and looked in the direction where he sensed the source of the energy wave. A plump, young man appeared in the shrine.

The golden armor revealed his identity that he was wearing.

"It's the people from Dynasty!" Lin Huang frowned.

Zhu Xing soon noticed Lin Huang who was hundreds of meters away from him. He was stunned when he saw Lin Huang at first glance. However, he was able to confirm Lin Huang's identity soon and started sizing Lin Huang up.

However, due to the rules that Wu Mo had mentioned earlier, he did not take the initiative to talk to Lin Huang.

Lin Huang caught a glimpse of Zhu Xing and shifted his focus back on to the stone tablet. He knew the rules of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine as well. Therefore, he was not worried that the person would attack him.

Zhu Xing knew that Lin Huang was only a purple flame-level at first glimpse. He was not even an immortal-level. Of course, he was envious of Lin Huang as the fellow with such low combat level could own the key to the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine. Furthermore, Lin Huang had even entered the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine two days ahead of him.

Zhu Xing then quickly shifted his gaze from Lin Huang towards the 11 treasures that remained in the frosted cabinet.

"The Sorcerer Goddess's blood isn't here. The fella must've taken it." Zhu Xing glanced at Lin Huang again, and greed flashed in his eyes.

As he was about to shift his gaze and carefully study the treasures, the cabinet suddenly vibrated. White, jade-like phalanges shot out of the cabinet abruptly. The phalanges entered Zhu Xing's body when he was unaware of it.

Zhu Xing immediately sat down with his legs crossed and started digesting the item that he had just obtained.

After sitting down for a while, he felt a stir in the space in the shrine. It was a tribal member that was being sent there. His body was in the form of a teddy bear that was more than two meters tall.

Zhu Xing opened his eyes and caught a glimpse of the guy, and soon, he immediately closed his eyes to complete his task.

Lin Huang did not bother to turn around this time. Since the first person was sent, he knew that the number of people sent to the shrine would only increase after that.

Da Xiong soon noticed the presence of Lin Huang and Zhu Xing. Zhu Xing was familiar to him as the man had exhibited outstanding performance and it was hard for him not to notice him.

Seeing that two items had disappeared from 12 of the cabinets, Da Xiong could confirm Lin Huang's identity as well.

As a tribal member, he was curious about Lin Huang, who had obtained the key to the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine. He secretly sized Lin Huang up.

After a short while, the cabinet vibrated again. A book slowly floated in front of Da Xiong. He then extended his hand and grabbed the item that he had chosen.

The book turned into a ball of light that gradually merged in between Da Xiong's eyebrows.

Da Xiong immediately sat down with his legs crossed as well, watching the item that he had just obtained.

In the last ten hours, before Lin Huang could complete decoding the Ten Thousand Sealing Rune, five people were sent to the shrine one after another.

Wu Mo guided them to a stone tablet that looked similar to the one in front of Lin Huang. They started the assessment of the Ten Thousand Sealing Rune as well.

As for Lin Huang who had not rested for almost 60 hours, he finally carved the last rune on the last sealing rune of the Ten Thousand Sealing Rune.

The outer body of the stone tablet peeled away, revealing the dark bronze metal. Soon after, the complete form of the stone tablet appeared in front of Lin Huang – it was a metal door.

As the outer body had been completely peeled off, the metal door expanded rapidly and soon, a door that was three meters tall and a meter wide formed.

The changes that happened on Lin Huang's side had attracted the attention of the five of them who looked at the metal door.

The four of them immediately shifted their focus back to their work, but Zhu Xing did not. His eyes stared dangerously at Lin Huang, but his hands did not stop decoding the runes. He was just drawing blindly.

Lin Huang did not see this, and neither did the other four.

Lin Huang was standing in front of the door. However, he did not push it open.

Right at this moment, Wu Mo appeared next to him and said, "Please enter. The next assessment is the key to decide if you can inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory."

Lin Huang nodded, extending his hand and pushing against the door. He then strode into the dark space behind the door.

Right after Lin Huang disappeared, the dark bronze door that was transformed from the stone tablet faded away as well.

Wu Mo then turned around, exchanging glances with Zhu Xing who had been staring at Lin Huang.

Zhu Xing took a glance at her and soon, shifted his gaze back to the stone tablet in front of him.

Lin Huang appeared in front of an extremely high cliff right after he entered the door.

The cliff was thousands of meters tall. There were intricate carvings on the cliff which were made of various types of complete runes. There were at least 100,000 or millions of them.

Wu Mo's voice was heard again.

"On the rune cliff, there are 1,080,000 complete runes. You're given three days to memorize all the runes. If you can't finish it within three days, you won't be qualified to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory. Your memory regarding what you've seen from the cliff will be erased as well."

"Memorizing 1,080,000 complete runes in three days…" Lin Huang had no confidence that he could achieve it. He even doubted if Bloody could do so.

"You can ask your pet monster to help you. However, whatever that it memorizes won't be considered. You have to memorize it by yourself. Despite its talent in Witchcraft Runes going beyond comparison, it's still a monster and won't be able to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory." Wu Mo felt disappointed. If it were human, it might be the one to inherit her memory.

"Bloody, I'm counting on you." Lin Huang knew that he would not be able to do it on his own.

Bloody nodded and started memorizing the complete runes.

Lin Huang had no choice but to memorize the complete runes one by one. However, he was slow at memorizing. He managed to memorize less than 20,000 runes in a day.

Even Bloody was only able to memorize less than half of the total number of runes in a day.

"I won't have much time left in the afternoon." Lin Huang knew that he would not be able to finish it according to their efficiency. He frowned as he started thinking of solutions.

While he was immersed in his thoughts, an idea suddenly ran through his mind. A golden card suddenly appeared in his hand…

Chapter 717: Epiphany Card

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Epiphany Card: Gives the user a chance for an epiphany.

"Remarks: Consumable, can only be used once. The effective period and effect depend on the user's credentials and talents."

Looking at the Epiphany Card he had on hand, Lin Huang seemed disconcerted. He could only get three of such cards in the next two years and one of what he had had already been used. However, as he thought about the fact that it was redeemable in the future, he felt relieved.

No matter what, it was definitely worth inheriting the True God's memory by using one or two Epiphany Cards.

Without hesitation, Lin Huang immediately crushed the Epiphany Card that he had.

The card transformed into a bright, golden glow and merged in between Lin Huang's eyebrows. However, Wu Mo did not notice that.

As soon as the Epiphany Card became effective, Lin Huang felt like his brain had detached from his body as his thoughts were much clearer than ever before. It seemed like the mist had cleared away, and the world was incredibly clear now.

Whatever that he could not see clearly in the past was now all revealed.

Even the runes on the cliff no longer looked like simplified runes. Instead, they looked like numbers. The rune lines that befuddled Lin Huang had become simple calculations. Lin Huang was able to grasp the meaning in an instant.

As he looked at the cliff again, Lin Huang managed to memorize all the intricate runes in one glance. He could even understand the constitutive principles and the constructive process of the runes perfectly well.

The impact of the Epiphany Card was beyond Lin Huang's expectations.

Soon, a day passed, and the effect of the Epiphany Card still remained. With the help of the Epiphany Card, Lin Huang managed to memorize more than 600,000 out of 1,080,000 of the runes. He was catching up with Bloody's progress.

Despite Wu Mo not finding out that Lin Huang actually used the Epiphany Card, she realized that Lin Huang had entered the state of experiencing an epiphany. She thought that Lin Huang was lucky because she clearly knew that although Lin Huang was not weak in Sorcerer Dao, he was not a pro either. He had solely relied on Bloody to pass through the Sorcerer Goddess Tower. She did not have faith that he was capable of inheriting the Sorcerer Goddess's memory. She was just giving him a chance to try his luck. However, she never expected that Lin Huang would enter the state of epiphany at the last minute.

The effect of the Epiphany Card lasted until the afternoon of the next day. It no longer became effective right after Lin Huang had completely memorized the 1,080,000 runes.

Bloody had not finished memorizing the runes by the time Lin Huang was done.

"You're kind of lucky to be able to experience an epiphany at the very last minute," Wu Mo whispered.

"Yes, I am." Lin Huang nodded as he knew that she would not be able to see Xiao Hei's card and had mistakenly thought that he had an epiphany simply by luck.

"The last round of the assessment isn't as simple as merely memorizing the runes." Wu Mo remained calm. Apparently, she did not think that Lin Huang would be able to get through the last round of the assessment.

"It's fine. I'm confident enough to accept the challenge." After memorizing all the runes, Lin Huang was positive.

"Are you sure?" Wu Mo turned back and looked at Lin Huang when she heard what he just said. She smiled wryly.

"Yes, of course, I am. I've nothing to lose," Lin Huang answered optimistically, "Of course, I'll be happy if I'm able to get it, but it's within my expectations if I fail to do so."

"It means you're not really that confident though." Wu Mo pouted.

"My confidence in accepting the challenge doesn't mean that I'll be able to go through it," Lin Huang told her the truth with a smile.

"So, are you ready to accept the next challenge?" Wu Mo asked, raising her brows.

"Wait a minute so that Bloody can get its stuff done," Lin Huang suggested. "I want to recall what I've just memorized as well."

"Alright, then let's wait." Wu Mo nodded and agreed with him.

Bloody was still memorizing the contents on the cliff while Lin Huang was sitting down at somewhere not far away from it with his legs crossed. Soon, he closed his eyes and started recalling what he had just memorized.

After recalling the runes that he had just memorized twice, Lin Huang then slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that Bloody was still busy, he did not interrupt it and just waited patiently.

"You're rather kind to your pet monster," Wu Mo commented, seeing that he had nothing to do.

"Bloody has helped me a lot in the past. It's the most intelligent pet monster among all the pet monsters I have." Bloody was indeed the most reliable companion to Lin Huang.

"Is it called Bloody? But I thought it's purple in color?" Wu Mo wanted to ask if he was color blind, but she did not. Instead, she cocked her head at Lin Huang with a strange expression.

"It was originally red in color. However, it looked like this after going through its mutation. I'm used to addressing it this way that's why I didn't bother to change," Lin Huang explained.

"Oh, I see. This at least explains that you aren't color blind."

Lin Huang was speechless.

Both of them remained quiet for a while. Lin Huang then asked, "Can you transform back to your real body with the remaining consciousness that you have?"

"Theoretically, it could work, but it's difficult to do so," Wu Mo took a glance at Lin Huang and said after keeping quiet for a long while. "To be honest, I don't hold out much hope."

"Since it's going to work theoretically, there's still a glimmer of hope. How can I help you? Do let me know if there's anything that I can do for you," Lin Huang offered.

"Let's just forget about it since you're only on this combat level. You might be able to help if you're a True God." Wu Mo laughed. "I don't know when you're becoming a True God!"

"Instead of staying here, why not give it a try? Leave together with me as soon as everything that happens here ends. Let's look for a way so that you can transform back to your real body," Lin Huang suggested.

"If you want to bring me along, let's talk about it later after you've inherited my memory, without which, I won't leave." Wu Mo kept quiet for a while before saying, "Another thing that I'll have to clarify is that if I were to leave the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine, I could only stay in the droplet of the True God's blood. I'll be asleep, and I won't be able to help you out."

"Even if you aren't asleep, I don't think that there's anything that you can help me in your current state." Lin Huang laughed, shaking his head. "As for inheriting your memory, I'll try my best to do so. Please don't forget me when you're able to recover to your original state in the near future."

"Alright." Wu Mo smiled.

As time passed, it was already late at night. At midnight, when the deadline was near, Bloody had finally completed memorizing everything on the cliff.

After recalling Bloody, Lin Huang then looked towards Wu Mo. "Let's begin now."

Chapter 718: The Final Assessment

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What's the final assessment about? Is it going to be a real battle?" He made a wild guess based on the practice of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine.

"It isn't going to be a real battle. After you've mastered the Witchcraft Rune, as long as sufficient training is provided, you'll be able to do well in the actual battle. Also, your ability in an actual battle has already been proven since you're here now. The final assessment wouldn't be meaningful then if it were the real battle." Wu Mo smiled evilly.

"If it's not a real battle, then what could it be?" Lin Huang had absolutely no idea.

Wu Mo's facial expression was grave as she announced, "You have to create new rune lines and new complete runes."

"Create new rune lines?" Lin Huang was stunned.

"Yes. You should know that the Witchcraft Rune has a total of 108 basic runes lines. During our epoch, 36 advanced rune lines are available in public and also nine high-level lines. You should also realize by now that among the 1,080,000 runes you memorized yesterday, there are actually many new rune lines," Wu Mo continued.

"Yes. 76 of them are new rune lines."

"These are the new rune lines provided by the Virtual God during our epoch. The 1,080,000 complete runes are basically the encyclopedia during our epoch, which took us tens of thousands of years to develop. Aside from the rune lines which one owns privately and won't be recorded, basically, all of that covers almost all of the runes available during our epoch. Despite the many rune lines and the complete runes, they belong to others. To be a qualified sorcerer, you will need to create your own rune lines. Therefore, the final assessment will lead you to become a real sorcerer."

"In order to pass the final assessment, you have to create at least three rune lines that belong to you and develop 3,000 complete runes," Wu Mo shared the exact content of the assessment with him.

"Creating three rune lines and developing 3,000 complete runes?" Lin Huang frowned. "I might be able to accomplish the task if sufficient time is given. However, I don't think there's much time left for the opening of the Sorcerer Goddess's Tower."

"You still have four and a half days to go. It's one of the challenges of the assessment. However, compared to those who are often exposed to the Witchcraft Rune, it's easier for beginners like you to develop your own rune lines since your thoughts aren't restricted. As for people like us who're used to the Witchcraft Rune, we won't be able to think out of the box. It takes us a long time to create new rune lines. Moreover, rune lines are easier created at the beginning. It's possible to create a few new rune lines for the first time.

"Forcing you to create three or more rune lines in four and half days is actually a test on your credentials and talents in Sorcerer Dao. If you lack talent, you definitely won't be able to do so.

"Additionally, this assessment aims to test your understanding of the Witchcraft Rune. If you don't have a good understanding of the Witchcraft Rune, it's impossible for you to create your own rune lines."

Lin Huang knew that creating new rune lines was like creating new alphabets other than the 26 alphabets that were already in existence. He had to develop the 27th and the 28th alphabet along with creating new words by using the alphabets that were previously available. A new word with a new meaning had to be created. In addition, the creation could not deviate from the language system itself. The newly created word would be an extension of the existing language after having a solid grasp of the original language system. It was not something that could be created blindly.

The combination of the rune lines was rather precise. If they were incompatible, the complete rune would not work.

Creating new rune lines and developing the new runes required a certain level of understanding of the Witchcraft Rune. Only those with a keen understanding of the Witchcraft Rune would be able to do so. Compared to this assessment, the rest of it meant nothing to Lin Huang.

"There's not much time left. Let's start now." After listening to Wu Mo's explanation, Lin Huang did not wish to have any delay. In the next four and a half days, each passing minute and second were precious to him.

Wu Mo nodded her head. She extended her hand and summoned a silver door. "Get in."

Lin Huang entered without a moment of hesitation.

As he strode to the silver door, Lin Huang was stunned. In front of him was an infinitely large, starry sky. He was floating in the air like a speck of dust.

He then turned back and found out that the silver door had already disappeared. As he wondered how would he return, Wu Mo's voice was heard again.

"Don't worry. Four and a half days later, regardless of the result, you'll be sent back here on time. Just focus on what you have to do now."

Lin Huang was relieved after listening to what Wu Mo said.

As he gazed upon the sky, he snapped himself out of his deep thoughts. After crushing the second Epiphany Card he had in his hand, he gradually closed his eyes.

Soon, the Epiphany Card did its magic, and Lin Huang was immersed in his thoughts again.

The human brain was transformed into a cosmic brain in an instant as the brain had no limit for its capacity and its speed of processing thoughts. The complete runes appeared in his mind. They were analyzed in reverse order whereby they were decomposed into rune lines.

It seemed like the rune lines were alive as they were automatically being sorted into various valid groups.

Lin Huang was like a witness, observing the runes being created and decomposed. The rune lines were like soldiers on a battleground, continually changing their formation to produce different effects.

Soon, four days passed.

On the final half of the day, he still had not started creating new rune lines or newly complete runes.

Wu Mo watched everything that happened in the sky.

Despite her astonishment, noticing that Lin Huang had gotten an epiphany again, she thought that Lin Huang was lucky again and did not think any further. Although Lin Huang had entered the state of epiphany, Wu Mo did not believe that Lin Huang could complete the final assessment given that only half a day was left.

As it was closer to the closing of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine, the lower the probability that Lin Huang could get through the final assessment.

Right when Wu Mo felt that Lin Huang was going to fail, she suddenly sensed a vibration coming from mid-air. She then looked in the direction where the vibration came from, and a bronze metal door opened.

A plump, young man then stepped out of the metal door and approached her.

The plump man waved his hand at Wu Mo as he saw her and said, "Hi, Sorcerer Goddess."

Wu Mo squinted her eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

"Is that important? I've passed all the assessments, and I've got to the second last challenge," Zhu Xing said haughtily while looking around. However, he did not see Lin Huang. His facial expression change. "Did the guy manage to get to the final challenge?"

"Yes, you're right. He's gone there for four days already. He's almost gotten the inheritance," Wu Mo taunted.

"It means that he hasn't got it yet." Zhu Xing grinned and said confidently, "It seems like I'm going to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory!"

Chapter 719: Getting C*ckblocked at the Last Minute

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wu Mo frowned as she looked at Zhu Xing, the plump man. She felt that he was somewhat sinister, but she could not figure out what was wrong. Since she was not in the actual body of the Sorcerer Goddess, her sight was limited.

Zhu Xing walked calmly towards the cliff where millions of runes were carved. He stood still and looked through the runes.

Managing to look through all the runes at one glance, his speed far surpassed Lin Huang who received an epiphany.

Wu Mo was shocked. Soon after, she frowned as if something had dawned on her.

Zhu Xing spent less than eight hours to look through all the runes on the cliff. He then closed his eyes and fell into deep thought. After a short while, he turned back and said, "I've memorized all of them. Can I proceed to the next round?"

"You've seen the cliff before! Who are you?" Wu Mo asked in a deep voice.

"Sorcerer Goddess, does it matter?" Zhu Xing asked as he tilted his head slightly. "I guess that you don't have the right to bother who I am as long as I'm qualified to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory. Am I right?"

Wu Mo remained silent. He knew very well that Wu Mo was just a shell with her remaining consciousness. She did not have the authority to make any decision regarding who would inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory.

"Don't waste my time anymore. Let's proceed to the last round." Zhu Xing waved his hand at her. "I know you wish for the fella to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory rather than me. However, there are only four hours left. I think you know very well that the fella will stand no chance to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory anymore."

Wu Mo did not refute. Lin Huang had gone in for four days. In the last four hours, not a single rune line had been created. The probability that he could complete the assessment was close to zero.

Wu Mo did not say anything else. A silver door soon appeared as she waved her hand. "Get in."

Zhu Xing did not continue provoking her. Instead, he caught a glimpse of Wu Mo before entering.

As the silver door closed, Wu Mo pondered herself. A scene of Zhu Xing in the final assessment was being projected. She was still monitoring him.

In the projection, Zhu Xing was not nervous at all as he was sent to a dimension that looked like the vast universe. Even then, he was not shocked at all.

After closing his eyes for a moment, he opened his eyes again in less than half a minute. He extended his hand and started drawing rune lines in mid-air with his Life Power.

Yes, it was an entirely new rune line. It did not belong to any of the rune lines that were already available in public. It did not belong to the rune line that was decomposed from the 1,080,000 completed runes carved on the cliff as well.

Wu Mo frowned when she saw what just happened. She could confirm that Zhu Xing did not master the essence of the runes on the spot. He had been prepared for this.

Wu Mo could confirm her thoughts as she watched what Zhu Xing did next. After drawing the first new rune line, he immediately drew the second rune line, followed by the third rune line.

Similarly, two of the rune lines did not belong to any of the rune lines that Wu Mo already knew.

After finished drawing the three rune lines, Zhu Xing grinned.

He then lifted his wrist. Without even pausing for a moment, he started drawing the new runes. In just a few seconds, a complete rune was drawn. Next, there was the second one, the third one…

During the final hour of the assessment, 3,000 complete runes were drawn by Zhu Xing.

After drawing the last rune, Zhu Xing stopped.

"I've completed the requirement of the final assessment. Am I qualified to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory now?" He said as if he was talking to himself. It seemed like he knew that Wu Mo was spying on him.

"Are you sure that you aren't going to add any new runes or rune lines to increase the probability of your winning?" Wu Mo's voice echoed.

"No, there's no need to do so. It's less than an hour away from the closing of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine. The fella who has gotten the key to the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine won't be able to get through this. If the rest of them can complete the second last round, they won't be able to enter the last round. Even if they're already prepared for it like I was, they won't be able to achieve the drawing on time." Zhu Xing was extremely confident.

Wu Mo remained quiet again as what Zhu Xing said was a fact. Lin Huang would be unable to get through this since he had not created a single rune line yet. Two others managed to get through the second last challenge. However, it was too late for them to get to the final assessment as they no longer had enough time to get through the final assessment.

It seemed like Zhu Xing was going to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory.

Right when Wu Mo was immersed in her thoughts, Lin Huang, who had been closing his eyes in the sky, finally opened his eyes.

As he opened his eyes, dazzling stars moved around in his eyes. Of course, the peculiar phenomenon disappeared in an instant.

Wu Mo felt that right at the moment when Lin Huang opened his eyes, she experienced an illusion. As she looked at him carefully, there was nothing different than usual in Lin Huang's eyes.

After opening his eyes, Lin Huang did not get out of his epiphany. Instead, he pointed in mid-air and drew a completely new rune line with his Life Power.

Soon after, he drew the second, the third, the fourth… He stopped right after drawing the 11th rune line.

Wu Mo was stunned to see what just happened. Lin Huang's performance was completely beyond her expectations. Soon after, a thought ran through her mind, "Damn it! You don't have enough time!"

In the air, Lin Huang had utterly forgotten about the time limit. After drawing 11 of the new rune lines, he started drawing the complete rune.

Although she felt that he would be unable to complete it on time, still, she reminded Lin Huang, "Lin Huang, you don't have enough time to finish the drawing. You have less than an hour left. You have to finish drawing the complete rune as soon as possible."

As soon as he heard Wu Mo's voice, Lin Huang suddenly paused. He then retracted his arm, and threads extended mid-air, controlled by his telekinesis.

More than 9,000 threads were created, and they all started drawing the Witchcraft Rune at almost the same time.

What Lin Huang did was out of Wu Mo's expectations again. She initially had no faith in Lin Huang as it was almost impossible for him to draw 3,000 runes in an hour. This indicated that he had to finish drawing one complete rune in about a second. It was an unconventional way for Lin Huang to draw thousands of runes at the same time and he quickly managed to complete drawing more than 9,000 complete runes.

Lin Huang did not recall all the threads that were controlled by his telekinesis power after drawing more than 9,000 of the complete runes. He kept about 6,000 threads with him and started the second round of training.

After more than ten seconds, about 6,000 complete runes were drawn. He then slowly recalled all the threads.

Lin Huang exited his epiphany after he had completed all the drawings. He was collapsing as dizziness struck him. He felt as if he was suffering from an intense bout of flu and fever.

Chapter 720: Zhu Xing's Ambition

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhu Xing inserted both of his hands into his pocket and was waiting leisurely in the vast expanse of the sky. "Sorcerer Goddess, do I really have to wait here for the last 40 minutes?"

"Are you sure you want to end the assessment before it's over?" Wu Mo asked.

"I've already completed the assessment. It's meaningless for me to wait here since I must be the one who's going to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory." Zhu Xing sneered upon the rest of the challengers.

"Before the assessment ends, nobody knows who's going to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory." Of course, by looking at Lin Huang's performance, Wu Mo knew that Zhu Xing would be disqualified. However, she was not going to tell him.

However, Zhu Xing could vaguely sense that something was wrong based on Wu Mo's tone. "Sorcerer Goddess, you're worrying me. Could somebody else have completed the assessment too?"

"You'll know that as soon as the assessment ends." Wu Mo gave an ambiguous reply.

"You refused to answer my question. It means 80% of what I guessed might be correct," Zhu Xing analyzed, stroking his chin. "You didn't want me to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess's memory, but you sound like you're not fearful of anything. It means that most likely that person is going to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess' memory and I won't be able to surpass that person in the remaining 40 minutes."

Wu Mo chose to keep quiet.

After several moments, seeing that Wu Mo did not respond to him, Zhu Xing said again, "Your silence means that I made the right guess. I can basically confirm that about a 90% chance that the person has surpassed me."

"Who's the one who did that?" Zhu Xing narrowed his eyes. "Less likely that the few of them who are lagging behind me can get through this. Most probably it's the fella who has the key to the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine… Of course, he must be capable if he can get the key. I've underestimated him."

Zhu Xing knew the truth through the tiny bit of clue he had, and he was sure that Lin Huang was the one who surpassed him.

"If he's the one who inherits the Sorcerer Goddess' memory, it's simple. As long as I can catch him alive, I'll force him to transfer whatever he has inherited to me," Zhu Xing said, nodding his head as if he had made up his mind. He was whispering to himself and did not notice that Wu Mo was watching him. It seemed like he purposely wanted to tell Wu Mo this.

"I think I know who you are," Wu Mo said, "I never expected that you'd still be alive."

"I think you've got the wrong person, Sorcerer Goddess." Zhu Xing refused to admit it.

"I can't be wrong. You're Wu Zhi," Wu Mo stated confidently. "If I'm not mistaken, you must've implanted the God's soul in your son's body. Your soul was awakened as soon as I activated the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine. After occupying your son's body, you seized the opportunity to transfer the soul to an outsider's body."

"I don't understand what you're trying to say," Zhu Xing insisted on denying.

"Don't you understand? I'll explain to you then." Wu Mo did not doubt that he was Wu Zhi. "Wu Zhi is a Virtual God during our epoch. He's the most intelligent among all my followers. However, he made a mistake due to a disaster that happened in the abyss. He did not try to defend us against the abyssal monsters. Instead, he took the opportunity to gather all the Virtual Gods' corpses. He intended to reach his goal of becoming the True God by evilly offering a sacrifice. He even encouraged the rest of the Virtual Gods to act with him. He took advantage of the war and did not contribute to the battle. As soon as I discovered it, he attempted to flee and ended up being killed by an abyssal monster."

"Evilly offering a sacrifice?" After listening to what Wu Mo said, Zhu Xing could no longer stand his curiosity. "Is it a cruel way to reuse the dead bodies? Isn't it evil to sell the monster carcasses for money and eat their meat? They are all dead bodies. Why should humans deserve better treatment than monsters?!"

"Wu Mo, I chose to avoid the battle previously because I didn't want to burn bridges. If I were a True God, the tribal members wouldn't need to stay here for ages. If the True God protected us, the tribal members would have ruled the new epoch, let alone the old epoch!"

"You're the one who talks about principles and stopped me from becoming the True God. Look at the tribal members. They're all living in puppets. They're struggling to survive! Why not just kill the entire ethnic?!"

Zhu Xing finally admitted his identity. Wu Mo kept quiet for a long time after listening to what he said.

"However, what you did was still wrong," Wu Mo sighed after a long while.

"Is it right to allow the people from the old epoch and the new epoch to rule the world? Why can't the tribal members rule the word?!" Zhu Xing was triggered.

"Our epoch has been destroyed. That's certain. Since it's already ended, why can't you just let it go?"

"It's not that I don't want to let it go. Instead, here's a chance for the rise of the tribal members. In less than five years, the abyssal monsters will wipe out the entire land again. After the monsters return to the abyss, we shall make a comeback. The entire land will belong to the tribal members! It's an opportunity given by the God for the rise of the tribal members!"

"Wu Mo, as long as I'm the one that inherits the Sorcerer Goddess's memory, I'll lead the tribal members to march towards prosperity and create a new epoch that solely belongs to the tribal members!"

Wu Mo remained silent again. After a long while, she said, "The era doesn't belong to us. This will cause war and create more suffering."

"As a Sorcerer Goddess, why do you always think about the others instead of the tribal members?" Zhu Xing questioned. "You want an outsider to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess' memory instead of me."

"That's fine. Even if the fella who owns the key to the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine successfully inherits the Sorcerer Goddess's memory, I'll have my way to grab it. I'll not only take away whatever that he has inherited, but he'll also be my slave so that he can be my toy and completely be under my control!"

On the other side, after Lin Huang had completed the assessment, but his body had given way to exhaustion. After about half an hour, he slowly recovered.

"It's less than ten minutes away from the closing of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine. I've completed the assessment, so if I'm not mistaken, I'll be able to inherit the Sorcerer Goddess' memory." Lin Huang was satisfied with his performance.

Suddenly, Wu Mo's voice was heard. "Lin Huang, before inheriting the Sorcerer Goddess's memory, I have some bad news for you."

"Bad news?" Lin Huang was stunned.

"After the closing of the Sorcerer Goddess's Shrine, you'll have to leave the floating land as soon as possible. Someone knows that you're going to obtain the inheritance, and he'll attack you and grab the inheritance from you. He might want to enslave you."

"Eh, is he strong?" Lin Huang asked.

"According to the usual way of classifying combat strength, he's an immortal-level rank-9. However, his ability has far surpassed that. A Virtual God is living in his body."

Lin Huang's face turned grave as he heard that. He never expected to encounter a Virtual God. "How does he look like?"

Wu Mo projected Zhu Xing's appearance. "He has now parasitized this person's body. However, it's easy for him to wear a disguise."

After remembering Zhu Xing's appearance, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. "I know. I'll be careful of him."

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