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43% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 206: 511-520

Chapter 206: 511-520

Chapter 511: Xiao Hei's Ability

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Congratulations, you have completed sextuple cross-ranking kill with reward card draw x30!"

Lin Huang looked at the time when he heard the notification from Xiao Hei.

"This took five minutes. Looking at the progress, I have just enough time. It seems like we need help." Lin Huang frowned. The fight started one-on-one. As the both of them collided together, the three fiends could not find a way to help, so it took more time than the previous fight.

If he had not used Thunder Sting on the Arachnid Enchanter, the fight might not have ended so easily. After concluding the experience silently while standing, he put his sword and the Arachnid Enchanter's carcass away, then summoned the dimensional relic again.

"Let's go!" He waved to the three fiends and stepped into the dimensional relic. After completing two kills, he grasped the basic understanding of immortal-level rank-2 monsters. With Bloody's help on each monster's weaknesses and abilities together with the fiends' assistance, Lin Huang managed to kill seven monsters in less than half an hour.

"There are 23 minutes left. We should be able to kill all of them." Lin Huang became excited after winning battle after battle. He stepped into the dimensional relic and appeared on an island. It was the Enigma Island where there were many peculiar, unknown monsters. There were new monster types that could not be found in the monster encyclopedia. Some of them were transformed from other existing monster types.

Lin Huang's target was an unknown ape on the island. Although Bloody could not distinguish the type of monster, he could still use it as his target because it was also an immortal-level rank-2. It was Xiao Hei' that suggested making this island their final destination. Its reason was that there were many odd monsters that it wanted Lin Huang to kill for research. Since he had completed all the cross-ranking kills, it was the perfect timing as he needed to kill monsters to obtain more Life Power to grow his Life Fire.

"This ape looks a little like the Mighty Ape from the ancient epoch. The Mighty Ape was a triple-mutated ancient beast and its ability was the top of the triple-mutated monsters. Not many same level monsters could fight it with its strength. However, according to the monster encyclopedia, The Mighty Ape had three descendants, but none of them looks like this one," Bloody said.

"There's something that I'm not sure if I should tell you about…" Bloody hesitated.

"Just tell me everything." Lin Huang nodded.

"This ape gives me an odd feeling that I can't describe… In reality, since the first time we came here a few days ago, besides this ape, I feel that all of the monsters on this island give me an… uncomfortable feeling…" Bloody said out loud.

"Really?" Lin Huang thought that was odd.

"This island is a little familiar to me. Like… I've been here before," the Inferior Imp that was standing next to Lin Huang said after looking around.

"I have the same feeling too. It's like I've been here before." Just when Lin Huang was stunned by what the Inferior Imp said, the Witch nodded and agreed.

"Me too." The Malachian Fiend nodded in assent.

"Did that happen before you guys became my summoning monsters?" Lin Huang thought it could not be a coincidence that the three fiends shared the same feeling.

"I think so, but my memory is unclear. I feel the familiarity when I look around the place," the Inferior Imp replied.

"Xiao Hei, do the Monster Cards retain their memories before they die?" Lin Huang contacted Xiao Hei secretly.

"That would involve the forming of Monster Cards. You have the authority to know about this now, but are you sure you want to hear about it?"


"The forming of the Monster Card is actually the breakdown of the dead monster's flesh and soul, transforming it into a particle that can be made into cards. To explain this in Earth language, it's like a three-dimensional creature that's placed into the data world in a computer.

"To make it simple, you're a three-dimensional human and I'm the computer that you're using while your Monster Cards are the data on the computer."

"If that's so, how does the Monster Card appear in the world with body and flesh? On Earth, the data in the computer can't be transformed back into a three-dimensional creature." Although Lin Huang understood what Xiao Hei was saying, he now had more questions.

"That's because of my existence. I allow the 'data' to interfere with reality!"

Lin Huang became silent before nodding.

"I understand now. That means all the Monster Cards retain their memories before they died."

"When they are broken down, all of the information in their heads, even the information that was inherited from their genes will be completely copied. To avoid trouble, I have categorized their memories. Most of their memories remained while some of them are sealed. However, to retain their intelligence and character, the memories aren't completely sealed, so they feel the familiarity whenever they encounter familiar environment and incidents."

"So, what happened to the Supreme Overlord who managed to escape from its card form earlier?" Lin Huang asked.

"As you did not have enough authority, you could only seal a living creature in a semi-card form. Once the card's combat level surpasses your authority and I'm unable to suppress it, the living creature will escape back to the world from its semi-card form."

"You're my power source. The higher your authority, the more powerful I am. Before you arrived at white flame-level, my power was limited by you and I couldn't manage legendary-level cards. That's why I had to seal them when your Monster Cards leveled up to legendary-level. The Supreme Overlord was only in a semi-card form so I could only seal a portion of his power, not the material portion of him. That's how he managed to escape.

"In reality, as long as you have enough authority to supply me with sufficient power, not only can I turn all the monsters in this world into their card forms, I can even make the entire world into a card…"

What Xiao Hei said puzzled Lin Huang.

As long as it had sufficient power, it could turn the entire world into a card?!

Chapter 512: The Unknown Ape

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After communicating with Xiao Hei, Lin Huang had a better understanding of the Goldfinger than he did before. He did not know that Xiao Hei was powerful enough to control the entire world. A while later, he snapped out of his shock and recalled what he wanted to ask.

"So, you mean that the three fiends have been here before since they find it familiar?"

"Yes, there's no other reasonable explanation for that. It could be a coincidence if only one fiend feels the deja vu but it's definitely not a coincidence if the three of them are experiencing the same thing."

"Haven't you seen this part of their memory before?" Lin Huang thought Xiao Hei's explanation was odd.

"I realized that the information in their bodies was messy when I was returning them to their card forms. Some of their memories had been erased earlier. While I was organizing their memories, I didn't find anything that's related to this area, so I have no idea what was the memory that was erased."

"I first saw them at the Mystery Auction. They were brought by the Purple Crow. If they've been here before, could that mean that this is one of the footholds under the Purple Crow's territory?" Lin Huang frowned as none of his encounters with the Purple Crow had ever been a positive one.

"That could be possible… Do you remember that I told you that these three fiends were modified by humans before?"

"I remember. The three of them looked much more ferocious at the auction. I even asked you what happened to them before."

"I found out from Bloody's Leech Pods' surveillance that there's a similar aura coming from the creatures on this island. The same aura as before the fiends were returned to their card form. I suspect they were modified on this island!"

"This entire island could be a creature laboratory, but I can't confirm at the moment if it's been formed by nature or if it's man-made. This is also why I picked this place as the final destination. I need you to kill as many monsters as you can on this island so that I can analyze the monster modification."

"I understand now." Lin Huang nodded.

If this foothold belonged to the Purple Crow, he did not mind causing damage to this place. Even if it was not, it was perfect for him to kill more monsters to grow his Life Fire.

"Let's go!" Lin Huang waved to the three fiends.

"Don't do anything at the moment, let me try to kill it first," Lin Huang said, then activated double acceleration immediately and scooted towards where the ape was. It only took him a moment to arrive at his destination. This ape was 200 meters tall. Although it was nothing comparable to the Black Serpent he had encountered earlier, its aura was even more powerful.

The ape had green hair with three gigantic heads. There were six white eyeballs on each of its head, and its teeth were as sharp as a beast's. As its teeth were too huge, its mouths could not be closed completely. Its six arms were muscular, each of them a few times bigger than its thighs. It was obvious that its upper body strength was terrifying. Its palms were gigantic and were no smaller than its faces.

From the front, it had detailed golden scales from its neck all the way to just above its thighs. On its back, there was a metal golden armor from its neck downwards, appearing like an enlarged metal spine that extended all the way to its tail. It did not only cover two-thirds of its back; its entire tail looked like it had been galvanized. The end of its tail looked like a golden metal needle.

Although its legs were thinner than its arms, compared to normal apes, they were much more muscular and powerful. Its black feet created odd cracking sounds when walking on the ground, sounding very much like snow being crunched on. It was the sound of the gravel becoming powder under its feet, leaving deep footprints on the ground.

"A strength-type monster with powerful defense…" Lin Huang checked it out and figured what type of monster it was.

"The only weakness is both sides of its body but it has two heads and four arms on both sides. This is tricky…"

Just as Lin Huang was checking the ape out, it noticed his presence. Three of its heads turned around while its 18 white eyes that seemed devoid of pupils stared at Lin Huang. Fortunately, he was not trypophobic, or he would have had goosebumps all over his body.

As the ape locked eyes on Lin Huang, it did not seem to bother if he was friend or foe. It tore right at him.

"Attacking directly… It seems to only have battle instincts," Bloody mumbled.

"Perfect!" Lin Huang shouted and held his battle sword in his hand. He dashed towards the ape after activating his Seraphic Speed and Thunder Steps.

"Thunder Sting!"

White sparks shone brightly on the sword while electric arcs dashed into the sky. The combination of the Seraphic Speed, Thunder Steps, and Thunder Sting was so fast that Lin Huang looked like he transformed into a white electric bolt.

The crescent moon sword glow raced towards the ape that was charging towards Lin Huang. The ape swung its muscular arms at Lin Huang, and a loud explosion was heard. A strong gust of wind blew as a shockwave exploded in the air. The white glow collided with the gigantic fists.


The collision was not like a thunderclap. Instead, it was like a nuclear bomb explosion. Green and white shockwaves shot into the sky in the center of the collision. Circles of energy waves rippled in the air and spread out. The area within 78.5 square kilometers was completely destroyed.

The collision lasted less than two seconds before a figure shot out like an arrow…

The one remaining was the gigantic ape.

"Such powerful strength!" Lin Huang exclaimed. Although the ape was only an immortal-level rank-2, its strength surpassed an immortal-level rank-3's standard and was almost equivalent to an immortal-level rank-4's. Looking at his deformed right hand, Lin Huang could tell that the single collision had broken every bone in his hand.

Fortunately, he managed to heal his hand immediately with the Demonic Regeneration Monster Skill that he had just obtained. Within seconds, his broken bones were completely healed, and the injury seemed like an illusion to him.

"It doesn't seem to be affected by Thunder Sting at all..." Lin Huang looked solemnly at the monster.

"I need to try something else…"

Chapter 513: Professor Jin

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

From that single attack, Lin Huang was sure that the ape was much more powerful than he expected. Fortunately, his broken hand was healed immediately with the Demonic Regeneration skill which did not affect him much. The ape charged towards him once again. Each step it took brought it 1,000 meters closer, and it was coming right to Lin Huang.

He realized something as he watched what the ape was doing.

"So, this is it… Most apes aren't only agile but fast as well. However, this fella has an advantage in strength and defense which makes its speed and agility drop tremendously."

The ape arrived before Lin Huang after a few steps while swinging its fist towards him again. He stepped back with the help of Thunder Step, pulling a distance away from the ape. As the ape swung its fist in the air, there was a sonic boom in the air but Lin Huang was not affected at all. Seeing that he managed to avoid its attack unharmed, the ape chased after him furiously. However, it was not any faster than before.

"It seems that this is its maximum speed. That's perfect!" Lin Huang smirked.

He leaped into the air and turned around out of nowhere then stormed towards the ape. As the ape raised its fist again, Lin Huang was like a loach that avoided its attack easily. The battle sword in his hand was covered in white, glowing Life Power and he launched it at the ape as it attacked. There were white trails on the ape's golden scales but it did not manage to break its defense.

Lin Huang stepped back again before the ape managed to swing its fist at him.

"I can't break it… The defense of these scales should be above immortal-level rank-3 while the thicker metal armor on its back should have a higher defense." Lin Huang observed both sides of the ape.


Suddenly, the ape bellowed furiously into the sky. It was mad as Lin Huang attacked it continuously. Although he did not break its defense, the blows of the sword hurt. Furthermore, it was irritated as it could not hit Lin Huang since the beginning.

"This monster seems not to have any intelligence but relies only on battle instinct." Lin Huang peeked at his Emperor's Heart Ring.

"I've got 18 minutes left. It's meaningless to waste time with it like this."

Lin Huang snapped out of his thoughts and tore towards the ape with his sword.

"What's happening? Who's fighting on the island?"

The glassware in the huge laboratory under the sea of the Enigma Island was clattering against one another. A petite old man with silver hair in a white coat glared madly at the middle-aged man in the white coat.

"I'm sorry, Professor Jin. A young male human invaded the Enigma Island. He's fighting with a Tri-headed Ape," the middle-aged man explained.

"A young man?" The old man named Professor Jin seemed to be interested. "Show me!"

The middle-aged man brought Professor Jin to the surveillance room. There were many of them watching what was happening. They left immediately the moment Professor Jin appeared. He walked to the surveillance monitors where everyone surrounded as he frowned. It was a live stream of Lin Huang fighting the ape.

"He looks so young! He doesn't look like he's older than 20!" Professor Jin exclaimed when he saw Lin Huang.

"What's his combat level?" Professor Jin turned around and asked the middle-aged man next to him after watching for a while.

"He's performing white flame-level skills but I suspect he's using some relic to hide his real combat level," the middle-aged man presumed.

"Usually, it's impossible for humans to cross a level in battles. Only the legendary Supreme Genius can do that. Besides, the Tri-headed Ape is a double mutated immortal-level rank-2 monster and its strength and defense surpasses immortal-level rank-3. Even an immortal-level rank-2 human can hardly fight it."

Professor Jin proceeded to watch the fight. After Lin Huang's failed attempts to attack, he advanced to attack once more but this time, he aimed at the Tri-headed Ape's lateral sides that were the weakest. Within a minute, the Tri-headed Ape was badly injured. The dejected Tri-headed Ape fell into a frenzy whereby its body grew bigger. Besides its spike in strength and defense, even its speed had increased tremendously.

Lin Huang avoided it calmly like an agile ape that was swinging among the trees. As the Tri-headed Ape showed its flaws again and again, Lin Huang managed to pierce through the 18 eyes on three of its heads with his sword. Finally, he pierced through its heart from the side of its body. The entire process lasted less than ten minutes.

Professor Jin stared at the screen without blinking. He did not want to miss a thing.

"Lock down the island immediately!" He shouted as soon as Lin Huang killed the Tri-headed Ape.


The middle-aged man took out a Transmission Snail and instructed one of the departments, "Lock down Enigma Island!"

After carrying out the order, the middle-aged man turned around and asked, "Professor, do we kill him?"

"Are you an idiot? Of course, we're capturing him alive!" Professor Jin shouted.

"I'll arrange that immediately." The middle-aged man remained polite.

"Wait, I want to test his ability." Professor Jin raised his hand to stop him.

"Release ten inferior immortal-level rank-1 beasts from the cage and target this young man."

"Ten? Won't he be killed?" The middle-aged man was stunned.

"Get something to watch over him and don't get him killed! I want him alive!"

"Sure, I'll arrange that right away." The middle-aged man nodded and left.

"This kid could be the legendary Supreme Genius. As long as I manage to capture him and run some tests on him, I can definitely make a creature that's even more powerful!" Professor Jin looked at the screen with burning desire.

"Congratulations, you have obtained an epic-level Monster Card - Tri-headed Ape (Unknown Monster Type) x2!"

"Congratulations, you have completed a sextuple cross-ranking kill with reward card draw x30!"

"I got a complete Monster Card?" Lin Huang raised an eyebrow. The ten cross-ranking kills had gotten him 300 card draws and to his surprise, he obtained complete Monster Cards twice.

"I've told you that I need many modified monsters for research. These two Tri-headed Apes are my advanced reward for you. Unfortunately, I have bad news. The island is being locked down…"

Chapter 514: A Little Game

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"There's someone on the island?!"

The first thing that popped into Lin Huang's mind was the Purple Crow when Xiao Hei told him that the island had been locked down as the three fiends in his possession had been brought by the Purple Crow to the auction.

"I've checked the island these few days. There's no man-made building. The lock down must've been done by humans. The enemy is either hiding under the island or somewhere outside of the island but I'm pretty sure that we're being watched," Bloody analyzed.

Lin Huang turned on the communication page on his Emperor's Heart Ring and found out that signal and network had been cut off.

"The signal has been cut. I definitely can't use the dimensional relic anymore." Lin Huang summoned his dimensional relic and found out that he could not set any location.

He recalled the dimensional relic and waved to the three fiends in the sky.

"Follow me!" He ordered and flew straight up to the sky. Within seconds, he arrived thousands of meters in the sky but was soon blocked by a transparent shield and could not get any further. He held his sword in his hand and white Life Power was coming out of the sword...

Suddenly, an excited voice came out of nowhere. It echoed to every corner of the island and sounded old.

"It's useless, kid. Nobody below imperial-level can break the seal layer of the island. You can't run anywhere. Just accept your fate of being my guinea pig!"

"We're really being watched." Lin Huang frowned and but he did not stop trying. He swung his sword at the shield on top of his head with his Star Dome. An intense impact was sent through his sword and he was shot right down. He crashed into the ground like a cannon. A crater hundreds of meters wide and at least 20 to 30 meters deep was created.

The three fiends caught up to him immediately and landed next to the hole.

"Master, are you alright?" The Witch asked immediately.

"I'm alright."

Lin Huang got up from the hole slowly and coughed the sand in his mouth out. He then used his Life Power to clear the dirt on his body and flew to the surface.

"This shield should be all around the island. Since I can't break it, what he said about those below imperial-level not being able to penetrate it is true. Seems like I need to think of another way to escape." Lin Huang looked into the sky wistfully.

"Stop trying. There's no way that you can run," the old person spoke again.

"Oh yeah, I've prepared a little game exclusively for you. I hope you'll have fun."

"A little game?" Lin Huang frowned and soon, he sensed that he was being targeted by something which was heading towards him at full speed. He immediately understood what the person meant by "game". Within minutes, ten ruthless shadows streaked towards him, ignoring the three fiends.

"Ten immortal-level rank-1… Such odd aura! They're also uglier than one another." Lin Huang put his sword away and slipped his hands into his pockets while grinning to the fiends.

"I'll let you guys handle these ten."

The three fiends were excited when they heard his instruction. The Witch performed a hand seal immediately. As the ten monsters were less than ten meters away from Lin Huang, ten purple vines with thorns grew out of the ground and entangled the monsters' ankles. The vines then crawled up the monsters in an instant. The monsters' body turned a plum color like they had been poisoned.

Lin Huang knew that it was not poison though. The vine was called the Crippling Vine, and it was a type of vine enchanted with witchcraft. Once someone was entangled by the vine, the person would be weakened whereby his strength and speed would drop by 10%. The thorns on the vines were not poisonous, but it was painful and itchy. It would be a form of living death if one was to be entangled by these vines. However, if one encountered monsters with powerful defenses, the thorns would be redundant.

As the Witch attacked, the other fiends followed as well. They had great teamwork. The Inferior Imp activated its Telepathy and covered the four of them in a circle. An intense wave shot the ten monsters out of the circle and prevented them from coming closer. Meanwhile, the Malachian Fiend punched through the two monsters' abdomens that had turned plum without thinking twice. Without even looking at both the monsters, it turned around and started punching another two monsters…

Suddenly, there were black flames on two of the Inferior Imp's claws. It was mauling the other two monsters ruthlessly.

The Witch was performing well too as she grabbed two figures and tossed them into the carcasses of the dead monsters that the Malachian Fiend had killed. The two dead monsters were revived and they dashed towards a monster after passing through Lin Huang and the rest…

In less than a minute, the ten immortal-level rank-1 monsters were completely slaughtered by the three fiends. Despite being killed, all of them were controlled by the Witch's parasitic worms and they were revived. As the three fiends transferred their Life Power to him, Lin Huang could feel intense Life Power flowing into his Life Fire. His Life Fire was akin to being lit up with gasoline and burning wildly.

The immortal-level monster's Life Power was the ultimate replenishment to Lin Huang's Life Fire. Ten of his Life Fires that had been less than 30 centimeters tall was now burning at 1.5 meters. Almost every monster kill gave them a 10-centimeter growth spurt. As his Life Fire was stronger now, he could feel that his Life Power was more powerful now and his abilities had increased as well.

"The Life Power of the ten immortal-level rank-1 monsters only made my Life Fire grow more than one meter tall!" Lin Huang thought that killing one immortal-level monster would make his Life Fire grow by a meter but it was only 10% of what he expected.

"It seems like growing Life Fire isn't easy!"

As he observed his Life Fire, the old man spoke again, "Hmm, so the game isn't difficult enough. Let's go big. I want to see how long can you stand this!"

Chapter 515: The Weird Old Man

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In a huge laboratory deep in the sea under the Enigma Island, the silver-haired Professor Jin was excited as he watched the three fiends from the screen. He did not seem to be sad about losing ten inferior monsters.

"Let 50 monsters out this time. I don't believe the kid won't fight this time," Professor Jin instructed without even turning his head. His eyes were locked on Lin Huang on the screen.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man in white coat nodded and made the arrangements using his Transmission Snail. When the old man spoke again, Lin Huang sensed that he was being targeted again.

"It seems like there's more this time." Lin Huang frowned.

A few minutes later, he saw an army of monsters of different varieties raining from the sky. They released their aura and headed towards him like a vampire desiring blood. Just like the previous ten monsters, they completely ignored the existence of the three fiends. They were ugly and they looked like aliens that were not part of this world.

"These should be modified monsters since I can't differentiate their types. Their minds are in a mess. Perhaps it was caused by over-modification. All they have is their battle instinct and they just attack the target that they are assigned," Bloody said to Lin Huang.

"Is there anything that can kill them fast?" Lin Huang asked.

"I can't think of anything. As my combat level is restricted, most of my parasitic ability only works on holy fire-level. Although I can control immortal-level rank-1 monster carcasses, the effect is almost the same with the Witch's parasitic worms. Now there are too many monsters, so the only thing we can do is to kill more monsters for the parasitic worms and control the monster carcasses to join the fight. The more monster carcasses, the more advantage we have." Bloody did not have any better suggestions, but what it recommended was what Lin Huang had in mind.

"Well, I guess that's the only thing that we can do." Lin Huang accepted the fact.

The 50 monsters headed towards them in an instant. As the Witch controlled ten monster carcasses that were cast with parasitic worms, she activated the Crippling Vine towards the monsters. The Malachian Fiend dashed into the monster crowd and started punching. Almost every punch took a life. Meanwhile, the Inferior Imp changed its battle strategy. Instead of controlling like the Witch did, it joined the massacre with the Malachian Fiend. With its sharp claws added with Abyssal Fire, its speed of killing was no slower than the Malachian Fiend's.

Lin Huang took out his battle sword and killed the monsters that broke the three fiends' defenses easily. As the Witch was controlling the monster carcasses, she was releasing parasitic worms into more and more monster carcasses. The battle lasted less than two minutes. The monsters that were on Lin Huang's side soon outnumbered the number of monsters who were attacking them. They were winning effortlessly, and the 50 immortal-level rank-1 monsters were settled within four minutes.

After this round of battle, Lin Huang's ten Life Fires were burning at six meters high now. Besides the monsters that he killed and did not obtain their Life Power, the rest were fed to his Life Fire.

"Let's see if it will burn even higher after 50 meters," Lin Huang mumbled as he observed the Life Fire in his body. Rank-3 mutated tinder could burn 50 meters, but he was not sure if the tinder in his body was a rank-3 or a rank-4.

As he snapped out of his thoughts, Lin Huang looked at the monster army that was surrounding him. With the Witch's parasitic worms, they obtained 50 more guardian monsters after the battle. As the monsters that were cast with parasitic worms were dead, they could still fight even though their heads were crushed since they did not have any senses anymore. As long as the parasitic worms were alive, they would continue to fight forever without tiring. It was a great advantage. Furthermore, the monsters that the old man released had no basic intelligence, so the monsters could do nothing as they were controlled by the parasitic worms.

Even though Lin Huang had a monster army now, he frowned as he knew it would not end so easily.

"Witch, can your parasitic worms control immortal-level rank-2 monster carcasses?" Lin Huang asked Witch telepathically.

"I can't. Immortal-level rank-1 is the maximum." The Witch shook her head.

"If that's so, it's going to get tricky…" Although he expected the Witch to give such an answer, he was worried when he heard the confirmation.

Just when Lin Huang was thinking, the old man spoke again, "Young man, congratulations for passing the level-2 challenge. The game's difficulty level will proceed to increase. Let's go to level-3 now!

"In this round, we're giving you 30 immortal-level rank-2 monsters. Will you be able to pass this level? We shall see!"

"Such a weird old man…" Lin Huang mumbled but he remained focused.

He expected that the difficulty level would increase when the 50 immortal-level rank-1 monsters were released earlier.

"I've detected that the most powerful monster on this island is an immortal-level rank-8. Looking at the situation, the entire island is the old man's fun laboratory. Since there's an immortal-level rank-8 here, that means they have a monster army on the same level."

"Judging from the current situation, even if we manage to defeat the immortal-level rank-2 monster army, there will be rank-3, rank-4 and even rank-5 monsters coming to us. As long as we continue to fight, the old man will definitely send monsters that are more powerful to kill us. If that persists, we'll lose sooner or later. We must think of a way to leave as soon as possible!" Bloody said urgently to Lin Huang.

"I realized that when the monsters were sent for the second time," Lin Huang replied.

"We'll leave when my Life Fire burns at its peak later. It's meaningless to stay here. Even if this is the Purple Crow's foothold, there's nothing that I can do now with my current ability."

"How do we escape?" Bloody asked.

"I have a way." Lin Huang had a plan since the beginning.

"Before we leave, I need you to check how he's monitoring us. It would be perfect if you could deactivate his surveillance for some time. If you can't do that, maybe cover the surveillance with something."

"Sure, I'll try my best," Bloody replied.

Chapter 516: I Don't Want to Play with You Anymore

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Just when Lin Huang was done discussing with Bloody, dozens of powerful aura appeared out of nowhere. They were pushing towards where Lin Huang and the rest were.

"They're here!"

Lin Huang looked in the distance as he saw shadows descending from the sky. Their aura was much more powerful than the 60 monsters that had been sent earlier. It was like comparing domestic dogs to hungry lions.

Lin Huang knew that it was a tough battle. The bunch of immortal-level rank-2 monsters were on par with the abilities of the three fiends. The only flaw the monsters had was that they had no intelligence. Without waiting for the monsters to come closer, the 60 monster carcasses that were controlled by the Witch charged towards them. At that same time, the Witch performed a hand seal immediately while strands of vines came out of the ground. Besides the purple Crippling Vine, there were also black Paralyzing Vines.

The Paralyzing Vines could inject paralyzing poison into the creature's bodies. As soon as the vine broke, the poison that shot out of it would be a few times even more powerful. The two types of vines crawled swiftly towards the monsters. The 30 immortal-level rank-2 monster that had lost their minds had their eyes on Lin Huang. They did not avoid the vines that were reaching towards them and soon, all of them were slowed down by the 60 monster carcasses as well as the vines.

The Malachian Fiend and the Inferior Imp's bodies started growing tremendously. The Malachian Fiend grew from two to five meters, its greenish rock body now became blue. The scales on its arms had crystallized into a bluish-black, jagged matter. Its aura was also a few more times more powerful than before. Meanwhile, the Inferior Imp that was next to it was no longer five meters tall as well. Its body was burning in a crimson-black flame. The flame was hot, so fiery that the air around was distorted and its aura was much more terrifying than ever.

As the both of them grew, they darted towards the monsters that were slowed down. The movement of the 30 immortal-level rank-2 monsters was interfered by the 60 monsters and the Witch's vines. Meanwhile, the Malachian Fiend and the Inferior Imp dashed into the monster crowd. Lin Huang did not join the fight as he watched. Bloody that was hiding in his sleeve released transparent flecks everywhere. It could now change the color of its Leech Pods to whatever color that it wanted, including making them transparent.

Among the monster crowd, the Malachian Fiend targeted its first opponent. It looked like a deformed human monster. It was over two meters tall and walked on both legs. However, its head was twice the size of a normal human's and its entire body was covered in citrine scales, including its face. The monster was entangled by two vines while two immortal-level rank-1 monsters attacked it. However, it did not seem to be hurt at all. It then mauled one of the monster carcasses with its claws, leaving a massive hole in its chest. Had the monster carcass been alive, it would definitely have been killed by that single attack. However, under the control of the parasitic worms, the monster carcass was not affected by the attack and it proceeded to attack the monster that was filled with scales.

The Malachian Fiend then headed towards the scaled monster and punched hard on its chest. The scaled monster had turned purple from the Crippling Vine since the beginning and its defense had fallen by tenfold. However, the Malachian Fiend's punch only managed to cave its chest in and break some of its ribs. It did not die and instead, it attacked the Malachian Fiend back in pain.

The two monsters started fighting each other aggressively. However, due to the vines that were entangling it as well as the two monster carcasses that were surrounding it, the scaled monster soon lost the battle. In less than half a minute, the Malachian Fiend smashed its skull and the monster was dead. Although the fight took less than a minute, it was a tough one for the Malachian Fiend. Meanwhile, the Inferior Imp was experiencing almost the same situation. Without its Abyssal Fire, its strength was weaker than the Malachian Fiend's. With the burning of the Abyssal Fire, it took less than half a minute to kill its first opponent.

"This isn't very efficient…" Sensing that the Life Fire in his body growing, Lin Huang was not relaxed at all. Looking at the monsters that were slowly being killed, he pulled out his battle sword and ran into the monster crowd. A white glow enveloped his sword as he dashed among the crowd like a lightning bolt. He did not stop moving. Each of his sword swings were quick and each attack left a couple of deep cuts on those immortal-level rank-2 monsters. That was the maximum that he was performing as his aim was to injure the monsters and not kill them as he would not obtain any Life Power if he were to kill the monsters himself.

The monsters that were cut by Lin Huang experienced an instant deterioration in their abilities. The two fiends then proceeded to kill the monsters that were hurt. They aimed their attacks at the wounds that Lin Huang left on the monsters, successfully killing the monsters within two to three seconds. The immortal-level rank-2 monsters were killed one by one. As they fell to the ground, the Life Fire in Lin Huang grew tremendously within minutes.

When all of the monsters were dead, he looked at the Life Fire in his body.

"Each immortal-level rank-2 monsters gives a growth of over ten meters but it stopped growing at 300 meters…" Before Lin Huang started the battle, his Life Fire had been burning at over six meters. From his observation, each immortal-level rank-2 monster would give him a boost of over ten meters. Theoretically, killing all 30 monsters would at least give his Life Fire a boost of at least 330 meters. However, it had stopped at 300 meters.

"It seems like 300 meters is the limit of my tinder."

After confirming that, Lin Huang knew that his mission had come to an end and it was unnecessary to stay any longer.

"Bloody, did you manage to pick up on how they are monitoring us?" Lin Huang contacted Bloody secretly as he picked up the monster carcasses.

"I've tried looking around with my Leech Pods but I can't find anyone who is monitoring or if there are any monitoring monsters around," Bloody answered helplessly.

"I suspect they're using the defense layer on top of us to watch us. The areas that are covered by the shield should be within their surveillance."

Lin Huang looked up into the sky.

"If that's the case, we can't carry out the plan that we had earlier…"

The old man spoke again before Lin Huang finished picking up the monster carcasses, "Young man, it seems like your parasitic worms can only control immortal-level rank-1 monsters… Will you lose if I increase the difficulty to level-4 by releasing 100 immortal-level rank-2 monsters?! I want to know the answer so badly…"

"You crazy old man!" Lin Huang shouted, furious that the old man treated him like a toy.

"Xiao Hei, I definitely can't handle the fourth wave. Are these 90 monster carcasses enough for your research? If not, we'll have to come back next time. I might be captured by this crazy old man for his research if we stay any longer," Lin Huang contacted Xiao Hei secretly.

"Yes, they're enough. Remember to store all of the monster carcasses before you leave," Xiao Hei replied immediately.

"Witch, relieve all the parasitic worms," Lin Huang turned around and instructed the Witch.

The Witch performed a hand seal and the monster carcasses fell onto the ground one by one. They were put into Lin Huang's storage space immediately.

"What? Are you giving up now?" The old man spoke again. It was clear that he was watching whatever Lin Huang was doing.

Lin Huang shrugged his shoulders and recalled the three of his fiends as well as Bloody. It was just him alone.

"You're smart. As long you're willing to cooperate with my research, I'll consider keeping your conscience and modify you, making you a truly powerful person." The old man thought Lin Huang had completely given up fighting back.

"May I know how to address you?" Lin Huang asked while looking into the sky.

"You can call me Professor Jin." The old man did not bother hiding his identity.

"Professor Jin, I'll remember you…" Suddenly, Lin Huang smirked and pointed a finger into the sky. A white glow accumulated at his fingertip, growing brighter and brighter.

"Still trying to fight?" Professor Jin sounded sarcastic.

Within seconds, the white glow blossomed into a white sphere that was the size of a fist. Lin Huang flicked his finger and the white sphere exploded in the sky as it was flung a few meters high. The bright white glow covered a few kilometers.

"Crazy old man, I'll remember what happened today. I'll come back to end this one day. I have things to do, so I won't play with you anymore for now. Bye!" Lin Huang's voice came softly among the white light. He then crushed a card between his fingers, then his body turned into a cloud and he disappeared into the ground…

As the white glow faded, Professor Jin was stunned to see that Lin Huang was no longer where he stood.

"He's gone?"

He got all his staff to scrutinize the surveillance cameras on the entire island. However, half an hour had passed but Lin Huang was still nowhere to be seen. He finally realized that Lin Huang had escaped and was furious.

"I don't care how you do it. You guys have to find that kid for me!!!"

Chapter 517: Scarborough Workshop

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As Professor Jin got everyone to search for Lin Huang on the island, Lin Huang had dove underground after transforming himself into the Spectre. As he went deeper, he found out that the middle of the island was hollow. There were many monsters of different varieties hiding underground. To his surprise, there was an entrance leading to the ground.

"So, the monsters that attacked us were released from here." Lin Huang could not figure out where the monsters had come from earlier, but he had the answer now. In the hollow island was a huge space with many different monsters. There was also some staff in white coats working there. Lin Huang initially wanted to leave immediately, yet he could not help but take some photos as he strolled around the island within the walls.

"The staff are all wearing white coats. None of them are wearing the Purple Crow uniform. Are they not from the Purple Crow?" After a brief exploration, Lin Huang started suspecting that it was not the Purple Crow's base as he could not find any of the organization's logo there. Under normal circumstance, even the laboratory staff should have the Purple Crow logo emblazoned on their white coats. However, Lin Huang could not find any sign of the logo on their clothes. They looked more like doctors in normal hospitals.

However, considering his current situation, Lin Huang did not dwell on it as he proceeded to dive deeper…

There were many floors under the base on this island. There were monsters of different types on different floors, and Lin Huang felt dizzy looking at all the monsters.

"There are really immortal-level rank-8 and even rank-9 monsters here…" The deeper the floor, the more powerful the monsters that were captured. Lin Huang's pupils dilated slightly when he saw the hundreds of immortal-level rank-8 and rank-9 monsters.

If a few imperial-level humans were to control these powerful monsters, they could destroy an A-grade foothold easily. These monsters were not probably trained by a run-of-the-mill organization.

"Is it really not the Purple Crow?" Lin Huang thought only a handful of top underground organizations could afford to do this. If it was not the Purple Crow, it had to be another top organization that was just as powerful as the Purple Crow.

Lin Huang did not stay any longer after snapping some pictures. The more he saw what was in the organization, the more he thought he should leave. As he dove into the bottom of the island, he entered the ocean as the Spectre. When he was ready to summon his dimensional relic, Lin Huang saw a light under the ocean. He hesitated and gave in to his curiosity, swimming towards the light. As he transformed into the Spectre, he did not have to worry about the water pressure or breathing difficulties. He soon dove hundreds of meters deeper where the light was getting brighter.

"This is a… base?!" As he dived 4,000 meters down, Lin Huang finally saw the source of the light. It was an underground base that was covered in a transparent defense layer that isolated it from the ocean. Looking at the bubbles, Lin Huang could tell that the island lockdown earlier had been orchestrated by the people from this base. He did not get closer as he locked eyes on the top of the base. There was a weird logo on it that looked like a table knife tilted in a circle.

"A table knife? Which organization is this?" Lin Huang could not recall any underground organization with such a logo. When he was in the Purple Crow training camp, he had learned most of the organization logos in Division 7, but he did not remember any of them having a table knife as a logo. He snapped a couple of photos but did not get any closer. Although he was in the Spectre form right now, he could not get into the base as there wasa defense layer around it. He decided to leave as soon as he could after snapping the pictures. After he was a distance away from the island, Lin Huang summoned his dimensional relic in the ocean and left.

In a control room under the sea, a bunch of staff was working hard. The silver-haired Professor Jin looked upset as Lin Huang was nowhere to be found on the island.

"Professor, we've looked all over the island, but we can't find him. The only possibility is that he has escaped," the middle-aged man next to him said.

"How is that possible? Isn't the island locked down? Where could he have possibly run to?!" Professor Jin could not accept the fact.

"It's not difficult for him to escape if he has a supreme escaping relic with him to break free from the lockdown," the man explained softly.

"Besides a relic, if he has earth attributes skills or penetrating skills, he can escape from underground. The island is too big. The setting of the lockdown mainly focuses on the top of the island, and excludes the underground."

"It has been more than half an hour now. No matter what he used, it's sufficient time for him to activate a dimensional relic to escape," the man speculated with a helpless expression.

"All of you are useless!" Professor Jin seemed to realize that what the man told him was the truth and became mad.

"If anything like this happens again, you guys should get ready to be fed to the monsters."

The staff in the control room had cold sweat trickling down their backs.

"You have 24 hours to find out who exactly this kid is!" Professor Kin stomped out of the control room after bellowing.

After escaping from the ocean, Lin Huang returned to the Martial Hunter College dorm. He did not have the time to catch up on the past few days as he called Mr. Fu straight away.

As he explained what happened to Mr. Fu, he sent the photos that he had snapped on the island.

"Master, which organization does this table knife logo belong to?" Lin Huang could tell from Mr. Fu's expression that he was familiar with the organization.

"What table knife?! That's a surgical knife!" Mr. Fu chortled before explaining.

"This organization is called the Scarborough Workshop, or at least that's what it was called 200 years ago. I'm not sure what it's called now. The founder of the organization is a crazy old man. He's very powerful and is one of my oldest opponents. He was beaten up by me badly. I thought he'd be dead by now, but it seems like he's still alive…"

"Do you mean Professor Jin?" Lin Huang asked.

"No, Professor Jin is his apprentice. He used to have two apprentices. I killed the first one, and Professor Jin is the second one. I'm not sure if he has any new apprentice now," Mr. Fu said like he could not care less.

"I don't care what they're doing, but they would never dare to touch you, so there's nothing to worry about. Especially Professor Jin, he'll be glad that he didn't do anything to you when he finds out who you are."

"Mr…. Mr. Fu's apprentice…" Looking at Lin Huang's details on the screen, Professor Jin became pale, and his heart was beating fast. The middle-aged man did not notice his reaction while he continued to look at the screen.

"This Lin Huang kid is working at the Martial Hunter College. Should I get someone to bring him back?"

"This is the end of it. Nobody touches this Lin Huang!" Professor Jin was even more upset after hearing the man's suggested and shouted.

"But didn't you say…" The man could not understand Professor Jin's reaction.

"I don't care what I said before. Everything before isn't important now! The most important thing is that you must remember what I'm saying now. Lin Huang has never been here, and we have never had any conflicts with him!" Professor Jin looked seriously across the room.

All of the staff nodded immediately while remembering Lin Huang's name. They could not understand how the kid could make Professor Jin so fearful.

Professor Jin headed straight to the washroom after leaving the control room. He panted as he leaned against the bathroom door after locking it. He snapped out of it after a while and washed his face. He had almost wet his pants when he saw Mr. Fu's photo with that seemingly kind face on the screen. He still remembered how scary Mr. Fu was…

Chapter 518: Special Cards

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Scarborough Workshop was a powerful organization that was founded in the olden days. They mainly researched genetics where they were looking into genetic elixirs in the beginning, but they also secretly worked on genetic modification and artificial humans. Later on, as the new era came, the organization started researching on various monsters and modifications. They integrated the genetics of monsters and humans to come up with modified humans.

Scarborough's owner, Si Nan, was not only powerful. He was also a genius scientist who supported human evolution. He said the new era was a world of new human beings. Those humans who refused to be modified would die with history. Lin Huang retrieved the basic information about the Scarborough Workshop from Mr. Fu. Although Mr. Fu only knew that the organization headquarters was located in Division 2 200 years ago, he had no idea where it was now. However, he asked Lin Huang not to worry about the organization as they were not a threat to him.

"It seems like the Scarborough Workshop sold the three fiends to the Purple Crow or they had some collaboration going on," Lin Huang speculated from what Mr. Fu told him.

The Scarborough Workshop had modification businesses which many underground organizations worked with since hundreds of years ago. It was highly possible that the Purple Crow had bought the fiends from the Scarborough Workshop to join their army. However, both the organizations could be collaborating with each other.

Lin Huang thought it was normal that Professor Jin did not recognize the three fiends as they looked a lot more different than before. The fiends had appeared much more terrifying when Lin Huang found them at the Mystery Auction. When they were made into cards, their appearances were restored back to how the fiends usually looked like. However, according to Xiao Hei, the fiends' modification data remained in their memories, which made them powerful enough to fight immortal-level rank-2 monsters when they were only double mutated gold flame-levels.

Lin Huang did not dwell on it further after finding out that the Scarborough Workshop was not a threat to him. However, he remembered clearly that Professor Jin had treated him like a toy and wanted to turn him into his guinea pig. He did not plan to look for Professor Jin at the moment as he was incapable of fighting him now. He would go back for him when he was more powerful in the future.

It was clear that Mr. Fu would teach the Scarborough Workshop a lesson as he had said that he would talk to Si Nan soon. Lin Huang decided to forget about the incident while browsing through the rewards that he had obtained in the past few days.

"The mission took me a total of four days, and the ten Life Fires in my body are burning at 300 meters now, which exceeds the 50-meter limit of rank-3 tinder. I also got four epic-level monsters, two Black Serpents, and two Tri-headed Apes. However, as my combat level is restricted, these four monsters are suppressed at gold flame-level instead of its previous immortal-level rank-1. The main reward is the cross-ranking rewards…" His eyes lit up when he thought about that.

"300 card draws!"

Before Lin Huang reached white flame-level, he had less than 100 functional cards excluding Monster Cards. The mission this time had rewarded him with 300 card draws. It was like a lousy player who gotten $5 million and became a platinum player.

"300… Hehehe…" As he giggled to himself, Xiao Hei's notification came through.

"You have accumulated 100 card draws this time, and that has activated a new function. I didn't remind you earlier. I shall explain to you now before you draw the cards."

"A new function?" Lin Huang was excited.

"The first new function would be a specific card draw whereby you'll get one specific card that you desire for every ten card draws. Of course, the specific card may be either a Skill Card, an Item Card, a Function Card and even a Monster Card but not a Special Card."

"Special Card?" Lin Huang was surprised to hear that. He was familiar with the four types of card that Xiao Hei had listed, but it was his first time hearing about a Special Card.

"A Special Card is a supreme card such as the Revival Card that can revive a dead person, the Invincible Card that makes a person immune to all harm and the Time Freezing Card that can stop time… The Deceiving Card that you used the last time is also a Special Card which allows you to hide away, deceiving every living thing in the world."

Lin Huang was stunned at what Xiao Hei informed him as the effect of these cards were incredibly attractive.

"How about the second new function?" He only snapped out of his daydream zone a while later.

"The second new function will be the ability to obtain a Special Card. This function allows you to obtain one Special Card with 100 card draws. The card that you'll get is random; there's nothing I can do about it."

"So that means I'll only get three Special Cards for 300 card draws and what I get is random…" Lin Huang was tempted after hearing the effects of the Special Card. However, he remained rational.

"Xiao Hei, if I draw my cards now, I'll definitely have the chance of getting a Special Card. Am I right?"

"Yes, but the probabilities are slim."

"Do you have a more specific ratio?" Lin Huang asked.

"No. All I can tell you is that if you're not lucky, the probability of getting it will be zero."

"That depends on my looks then…" Lin Huang became gloomy after hearing Xiao Hei's answer. He always hated games that depended on looks. Although he thought he had become luckier when he got to this world, he was still traumatized from playing 'Master XX' the last time.

Lin Huang made his decision a while later.

"Never mind then, I shall keep a hundred card draws for an emergency. If I ever encounter something threatening, at least I'll have something that I can depend on." He was insecure ever since he got to this world. After thinking about it, he decided not to draw all of the cards now.

"I should have enough for 200 card draws."

"Xiao Hei, show me the cards that I can choose from!" Lin Huang said to Xiao Hei.

"I have randomly picked 3,600 cards for you. Pick 200 cards from these 3,600 cards as your reward."

Lin Huang was surrounded by an ocean of cards as Xiao Hei spoke. It was like a card frenzy had set upon him…

Chapter 519: 200 Card Rewards!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The 3,600 cards floated in the air and surrounded Lin Huang like a gigantic circle. They looked exactly the same. The cards were all black with a flaming golden question mark in the middle. Lin Huang knew that what he would get depended on his looks. There was no skill to this, and there was no way to cheat around this. He could only pick the cards by his instinct. He took a deep breath and looked at each of them. Soon, he intuitively pointed at the cards.

"This one, this one, this one…"

All of the cards that he picked seemed to be lit up on fire. As the black faded away, the cards became flaming golden cards that stood out among the rest. He finally picked 200 cards half an hour later. The remaining 3,400 cards that were not chosen disintegrated into pieces and disappeared. The 200 cards that he had picked were arranged into ten rows of 20 cards each. The flames on the cards faded away, revealing what they were.

"Congratulations, the 200 new cards that you have obtained are as below:"

"Epiphany Card x1."

"Skill Card x1."

"Flawless Card x2."

"Seal Card x2."

"Theft Card x2."

"Plunder Card x3."

"Challenge Card x3."

"Transportation Card x3."

"Misfortune Card x3"

"Duplication Card x3."

"Cloning Card x4."

"Disguise Card x4."

"Reborn Card x5."

"Treasure Card x5."

"Trap Card x6."

"Mission Card x7."

"Crippling Card x8."

"Healing Card x11."

"Item Card x17."

"Advanced Card x25."

"Time Cabin x1"

"Medium Destruction Card x3."

"Skill Combination Card x4"

"Provisional Summoning Card x5"

"Provisional Transformation Card x8."

"Skill Extraction Card x11."

"Double Reward Card x12."

"Monster Upgrade Card x16."

"One-Time Skill Card x7."

"Provisional Combat Strength Upgrade Card x4."

"Blood Thickening Card x7."

Lin Huang was satisfied with the cards that he obtained. Besides the additional Strengthening Cards that he already had, there were new cards that he had never seen before. He started looking at them one by one.

"Theft Card. Gives you the ability to steal one skill from your target and make the skill yours. Escape Card. Escape from any dangerous situations that you encounter upon activation. Plunder Card. Obtain three relics of a specific target within coverage. Misfortune Card. The specific target will experience three consecutive days of misfortune and the person's fortune level will be negative…"

Lin Huang was excited as many of the new cards were practical.

"Now that I have enough Advanced Cards, I can finally upgrade Tyrant and Kylie to legendary-level." Lin Huang had his eyes on the Advanced Cards. He initially had five with him. With the additional 25, he now had 30 Advanced Cards, so he did not have to worry about that for the meantime.

As he looked at all the cards, Lin Huang looked at the Monster Upgrade Card that appeared in his hand.

"Monster Upgrade Card: Once activated, a specific monster will be upgraded one rank higher permanently.

"Remark 1: Limitless cards can be used at once.

"Remark 2: Consumable. Each card can be used once. It'll disappear once activated."

"Xiao Hei, it says that limitless cards can be used at once. Does that mean if I have enough cards, I can upgrade my Monster Card from imperial-level to demi-level?"

"Of course not. Limitless means there's no limit to how many Monster Upgrade Cards that you use on one Monster Card, but it'll still be restricted by your combat level."

"You're white flame-level now, so the most your Monster Cards can be upgraded to will be gold flame-level. You can't use the Monster Upgrade Card on them anymore."

"If that's so, why is blue flame-level the highest that I can upgrade Bai and Charcoal?" Lin Huang asked a question that had been bothering him.

"That's the side effect of synchronized leveling up. When you were silver-level, your restriction was gold-level rank-3. When you reached complete gold-level, your restriction should have increased from gold-level to white flame-level, but since you had yet to unseal your Monster Cards, your Monster Cards stayed at complete gold-level, which made the synchronized level up to fail.

"Usually, when you're gold-level rank-1, your Monster Cards will be at white flame-level. When you're gold-level rank-2, your Monster Cards will be at crimson flame-level. When you're gold-level rank-3, they'll be at blue flame-level. When you're complete gold-level, they'll be at purple flame-level. However, you only started unsealing your Monster Cards when you were gold-level rank-3. That's why when you were at gold-level rank-3, your Monster Cards were only at white flame-level, which resulted in your current situation whereby you're already white flame-level, but your Monster Cards are only on blue flame-level. In reality, your Monster Cards should stay on gold flame-level now."

"Is this why the three fiends experienced synchronized leveling up as they did not require unsealing?" Lin Huang finally understood after Xiao Hei's explanation.


"However, on different levels, your Monster Cards will have different restrictions. On holy fire-level, your combat level will be white flame-level while your Monster Cards will be at gold flame-level. However, when it comes to immortal-level, if you're immortal-level rank 1, your Monster Cards' restriction will be at immortal-level rank-9. But the level up will remain at the same speed where when you're on immortal-level rank-1, the most your Monster Cards can be at is immortal-level rank-5 looking at your progress now. Under normal circumstances, you can actually upgrade your Monster Cards to immortal-level rank-9 when you have enough Monster Upgrade Cards."

"I understand now." Lin Huang nodded.

From what Xiao Hei had explained, as long as he had enough Monster Upgrade Cards, he could upgrade all of his Monster Cards to immortal-level rank-9 when he got to immortal-level. Thinking about the potential explosive ability upgrade, Lin Huang was excited. It was past noon when he put away all of his cards.

"It's Tuesday today, and I have class three days later. I shall drop by Meteorite Desert these three days to upgrade my Monster Cards to legendary-level. Before that, I'll have lunch."

Chapter 520: Group Upgrade

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang arrived in the isolated space in the Meteorite Desert before 1 p.m. on Tuesday. This place was the only place where the monsters' triple mutation would be completely isolated and would not get any attention from powerful humans or monsters. Lin Huang summoned a total of eight summoning monsters which were Bai, Charcoal, Tyrant, Bloody, Ghastly, Lancelot, Kylie, and the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit.

Besides Bloody, the other summoning monsters were puzzled as there was no battle going on when they were summoned.

"I'm summoning all of you to upgrade your abilities as a whole. First, there'll be an upgrade in your combat level. All of you are on the blue flame-level now. You'll be upgraded to the gold flame-level and have 16 cards. In reality, I have exactly 16 Monster Upgrade Cards; no more and no less, and all of them go to you guys." Lin Huang did not think that it was a pity to use all of his Monster Upgrade Cards to upgrade his monsters anyway. As he did not have anymore Monster Upgrade Cards, he decided to put Thunder aside as it was not meant for battle.

"Xiao Hei, activate all of the Monster Upgrade Cards. Two cards for each of them," Lin Huang instructed.

"Monster Upgrade Card x16 will upgrade the eight monsters from the blue flame-level to the gold flame-level. Are you sure about using Monster Upgrade Card x16 to upgrade these eight monsters standing here?"

"Yes." Lin Huang nodded.

"Monster Upgrade Card x16 has been activated. Upgrading the targeted monsters…"

When Xiao Hei's notification was heard, the auras of Bai and the rest were increasing tremendously. Within seconds, they leveled up from the blue flame-level to the purple flame-level and seconds later, they leveled up to the gold flame-level. Their aura only stopped growing when they reached the complete gold flame-level. The entire process took less than half a minute.

They were surprised to sense that their combat level was two ranks higher now.

"Bai, you guys have completed your triple mutation. I'll recall all of you now," Lin Huang said to his four monsters that had completed triple mutation. Then, he recalled Bai, Bloody, Charcoal, and Ghastly into card form. If he did not have the limit of only summoning ten monsters at a time, he did not mind letting Bai and the rest stay and watch.

After recalling the monsters, Lin Huang summoned the three fiends, two Black Serpents, and a Tri-headed Ape. The Black Serpents and the Tri-headed Ape had shrunk. Looking at the ten monsters standing before him, Lin Huang could not summon the last Tri-headed Ape that he had. In reality, the Tri-headed Ape now had only one head and two arms after being restored by Xiao Hei as it was made into card form. However, its other two heads and four arms could grow out if it wanted them to.

"I only have 30 Advanced Cards, so the last Tri-headed Ape will have to wait," Lin Huang mumbled to himself as he looked at the ape that he had summoned.

However, he waited no more and instructed Xiao Hei again, "Xiao Hei, use the Advanced Cards on these ten monsters to upgrade them to the legendary-level."

"I would like to remind you that the Ruthless Sword Master can complete triple mutation on his own he fulfills the hidden condition. Are you sure you want to use your Advanced Card on him?"

Hearing Xiao Hei's reminder, Lin Huang looked at Lancelot.

"Lancelot, Xiao Hei told me that you have a hidden mission that allows you to perform a triple mutation automatically. Would you prefer to do that or will you let me use my Advanced Card on you?"

Lancelot was surprised to hear the question, but he replied, "I would prefer to do it on my own."

"Sure, I'll try to fulfill your hidden condition." Lin Huang respected Lancelot's decision. He then recalled Lancelot and summoned the second Tri-headed Ape.

He instructed Xiao Hei once again, "Upgrade them to the legendary-level."

Xiao Hei did not have any objections this time.

"Upgrading ten targeted Monster Cards. Consuming Advanced Card x30. Are you sure you want to use these cards?"

"Yes." Lin Huang nodded without thinking twice.

"Advanced Card x30 has been consumed. Upgrading ten targeted Monster Cards…"

A white glow beamed down from the sky, covering all ten monsters.

The white glow on top of Kylie, the Sanguine Skeleton Spirit, the Malachian Fiend and the Witch faded after a few minutes. The armor on Kylie now had purple lightning patterns. The most significant change was her half red and blue mask now half-concealed her lips, revealing her eyes and forehead. Her blue eyes were as clear as lake water.

The Sanguine Skeleton Spirit was in its red robes as usual but the crown on his head was no longer red; it was now gold. There was a red precious stone in the middle of the crown. The most significant change was his eyes that had been blue but were now white. They looked like fog swirling in his eyes.

The Malachian Fiend did not change much. Only its face had changed from blue to green.

Meanwhile, the Witch experienced the most prominent change as she was not wearing black armor anymore. Her armor had been replaced by a black dress. Her tail was no longer there, and there were two tiny horns on her head that were less than 10 centimeters long. If not for the horns on her head, she looked just like a pale human.

They completed their triple mutation within a couple of minutes to achieve the legendary-level. However, they did not feel any changes in their bloodline. Meanwhile, Tyrant, the Inferior Imp, the two Black Serpents and the two Tri-headed Apes were wrapped in energy cocoons separately. Tyrant was wrapped in a bloody cocoon that looked like a heart. There were scars everywhere that looked like undulating blood vessels. The cocoon that wrapped the Inferior Imp up was flaming like lava. Heat was spreading out of the cocoon. The two Black Serpents were wrapped in two black opaque liquid spheres. The two Tri-headed Apes were wrapped in completely different cocoons. One looked like a green rock while another looked like white jade.

Lin Huang was stunned as he watched the gigantic cocoons growing under the glow from the sky. He had expected the mutation in Tyrant but not the Black Serpents and the Tri-headed Apes.

"Do mutations happen easily for animal-form monsters during the upgrade?" Lin Huang asked Xiao Hei in a low voice.

"That's right. As the ancestors of animal-form monsters have a stronger reproductive ability and their bloodline was passed on to the next generations, that increases the probability of their bloodline inheritance."

"These four monsters are experiencing mutation together as the data was duplicated when you killed the two Black Serpents and Tri-headed Apes that have a great probability of mutation in their body. But I must say that you have pretty good luck."

Knowing that the mutation would take a while, Lin Huang watched for a moment and turned to Kylie and the rest.

"The Reborn Card can boost the monster's bloodline, but I only have five. One for Lancelot, one for Ghastly, and one for Bloody. I'll keep one for Kylie as well. Who should I use the last one on?" Lin Huang looked undecided at the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit and the Witch.

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