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42.58% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 204: 491-500

Chapter 204: 491-500

Chapter 491: Play with Him

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Soon, the result obtained from his detection relic was revealed in front of Wang Zijun.

"There's an immortal-level rank-3 and an immortal-level rank-5 in the south-eastern direction." After a moment of hesitation, Wang Zijun exited the Mist Forest. "A two versus one battle is no fun. I'll find someone to help me!"

He then turned back to summon his Dimensional Portal and advanced a step forward.

After a few moments, he took Vice President Zhang's hand and walked toward the Dimensional Portal.

"Can you keep your hands off me now?" Zhang Xuefeng looked aghast at Wang Zijun who was still holding his left hand without any facial expression.

Could you imagine both the male Vice Presidents, holding hands and entering the portal?

Yes, over hundreds of teachers in the Martial Hunter College witnessed this and only one word could describe the expression on most of their faces – dumbfounded.

Zhang Xuefeng felt that Wang Zijun's single small deed had just ruined the image that he had built over the years.

"Erm, I'm sorry. I was too excited just now… No, I mean I'm too nervous." Wang Zijun then released his hand quickly.

"Tell me, what's happening?" Zhang Xuefeng noticed that Wang Zijun had pulled him over because he could not handle it alone.

"There's an immortal-level rank-3 and an immortal-level rank-5 together," Wang Zijun explained.

"I'll fight the one on rank-3, and you'll handle the one on rank-5. I'll help you out after I've killed him." Zhang Xuefeng went straight to the point.

"Alright!" Wang Zijun immediately agreed with him since he was an immortal-level rank-5 whereas Zhang Xuefeng was only an immortal-level rank-4. Of course, he would not want him to fight an immortal-level rank-5.

Both of them entered the forest, and Wang Zijun took out his detection relic again so that he could identify their position.

Observing the projection from the detection relic, Wang Zijun frowned. "It shows that they were waiting at their original position earlier, but they are now moving quickly towards the west as if they're chasing after something…"

"Could they be chasing after teacher Lin?" Zhang Xuefeng immediately thought of Lin Huang because, among all the teachers, only Lin Huang's Viridescent Thunderhawk could manage to escape an immortal-level. If the rest of the teachers encountered the two immortal-levels, they would be killed before they could run away. Even teacher Ye Tiankong from Year 3 Class 1 was only on gold flame-level. He would be killed in a split second if he encountered both of the immortal-levels as it was impossible for him to flee.

"Let's quickly follow them!" When reminded, Wang Zijun felt that it was possible for that to happen. Thinking of Liu Ming repeatedly asking them to take good care of Lin Huang, he panicked.

"Be honest. Is he the illegitimate son of the President?" Zhang Xuefeng asked in a low voice.

"How would I know!? The President asked me to take good care of him, telling me that I'll be in trouble if something happens to him. You know the President well. I wish that he won't get me into trouble every few days," Wang Zijun explained as he knew nothing about the relationship between Lin Huang and Liu Ming. However, he too shared the same thought as Zhang Xuefeng and had even secretly compared the photos between the President and Lin Huang when he had time. Realizing that there was nothing similar in their features, he then switched his thoughts. "We have something important to do. Don't waste any more time."

Both of them then flew into the sky, heading towards the location shown on the detection relic.

A few minutes ago, at the place where Lu Feng's dead body had been found.

"No matter what, we have to explain to Lu Yuan. Let's think of a way to find the Imperial Censor. Regardless of whether we're able to kill him or not, at least we tried!" Yu Wenbin turned back to look at Wu Fa, "Is there any way that you can find him?"

"I only managed to find the dragonkin that tried to kill him. When the Imperial Censor recalls the dragonkin, only then will the detection relic point out who the master of the dragonkin is." Wu Fa shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's give it a try." Yu Wenbin nodded.

Wu Fa stood in front of Lu Feng's dead body and took out a piece of burnt skin, placing it on his palm. He started making hand seals with his other hand.

After a short while, a black strand extended from the burnt skin and stretched far away.

It was a monster skill that Lu Feng had unintentionally obtained from a spiritual monster. It was called the Death Hair which was actually a weaker version of the Death Whisper. The Death Whisper could retrieve a certain amount of information from the dead body whereas the Death Hair could only detect who the murderer was, giving the user a hint such as a strand of hair.

Only the user of the skill could see the fine lines that looked like black hair.

"Have you found it?" Seeing Wu Fa had stopped his hand seals, Yu Wenbin immediately asked.

"Yes, you may now put the dead body away."

Yu Wenbin frowned as he saw the condition of the dead body. Still, he took out a body bag, controlling Lu Feng's dead body with his mind. Soon, the dead body fell into the body bag. He then put it away in the storage space in his Emperor's Heart Ring.

"Bring along the Demonic Ape's carcass as well since nobody will be able to recognize Lu Feng's dead body," Wu Fa reminded.

Although Yu Wenbin was unwilling to do so, he still put the Demonic Ape's carcass away in the same manner.

"The dragonkin hasn't been recalled by the Imperial Censor. Perhaps, it's acting alone. If we can't find the Imperial Censor, the only way is to kill the dragonkin and pass it to Lu Yuan." Wu Fa laughed helplessly.

"Maybe that's the only way since we have a limited time here. Lu Yuan isn't going to let go of it regardless of what we do. It's important that we capture it so that it can serve as an oblation." Ever since they found out that Lu Feng had been killed, Yu Wenbin's face was a serious slate.

"Let's go!" Wu Fa did not say anything and let the strand of hair guide him. He took a leap and headed towards the west.

Yu Wenbin flew off into the sky as well, following after him.

Only the mess after the battle remained.

Lin Huang had no idea that Charcoal had become the target of the two immortal-level Saint elders and that its position had been identified.

Lin Huang quickly left the battleground with the both of them as he was afraid that they would be looking for him.

According to the information obtained by Bloody, between the two Saint elders, the weaker one was an immortal-level rank-3 whereas the stronger one had the combat strength of at least an immortal-level rank-4 or higher.

If only his opponent were on immortal-level rank-3, Lin Huang was still capable of fighting them with his cards. However, if they were stronger than that, Lin Huang had zero confidence that he could handle them. Therefore, he decided to flee with Bai and Charcoal in the first place.

The three of them escaped about 1,000 kilometers away. When they were about to reach the border of the Mist Forest, they went into three different directions in order to rescue the students.

When he had parted ways with Charcoal and Bai for less than ten minutes, a notification from Xiao Hei suddenly arrived.

"The system has detected that something is wrong with Charcoal's card as if somebody has targeted its position in a unique way."

"That must be the Saint elders!" Lin Huang frowned. "Recall Charcoal!"

"If Charcoal is recalled, most likely, they'll shift their attention to you. Are you sure you want to recall it?"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Lin Huang nodded. He knew that Charcoal would not be able to handle any of the Saint elders, regardless of who activated the trace.

"If he's looking for me, then let them come after me. The Vice Presidents must have arrived. It's not a problem for me to buy them some time. I'll just play with him."

Chapter 492: I Know Who the Imperial Censor That You Are Looking For Is!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang recalled Charcoal. Bloody kept a few of the Dark Spheres and the Emperor's Heart Ring with it.

Despite knowing that recalling Charcoal would cause the Saint elders to shift their focus to him, Lin Huang did not choose to run further away. Instead, he went deeper into the forest. He raced against the clock to look for the Saint members and to rescue his students.

In mid-air, Wu Fa who was flying at breakneck speed suddenly stopped.

"What happened?" Yu Wenbin who was following him stopped and asked curiously.

"The strand of hair suddenly changed its direction… Perhaps they have found out that I'm tailing them or the summoning monster has been recalled." Wu Fa's face took on a grim expression and looked at Yu Wenbin. "This indicates that the current coordinates of the hair should be showing the position of the Imperial Censor."

"If he manages to find out that you're tailing him, his spiritual strength must be higher than yours. From this, we know that his combat strength is at least an immortal-level rank-4. I've no idea where the Martial Hunter College found an immortal-level rank-4 Imperial Censor…" Yu Wenbin had a grave expression. Despite the fact that he was an immortal-level rank-5, he was reluctant to encounter such an enemy.

A demigod had once commented on Imperial Censors, "Fighting an Imperial Censor is equal to engaging in a battle with a group of trained monsters."

This was also the reason why many of the people admired and respected Imperial Censors.

The stronger the combat strength of the Imperial Censor, the higher the number of monsters one could summon, resulting in a higher probability of summoning a triple mutated monster. The ability of a triple mutated monster could be compared to a genius. Therefore, performing a rank-crossing kill was an easy feat for an Imperial Censor.

"Are you still going to chase after him?" As soon as they were able to predict the combat strength of the interrupter, Wu Fa intended to retreat.

"Let's go and have a look. If we don't even meet him, it's hard for us to explain to Lu Yuan." Yu Wenbin hesitated for a moment and finally decided. "If we really can't fight him, take a photo of him and immediately retreat. I'll think of ways to get rid of him."

"Alright." Listening to what Yu Wenbin said, Wu Fa had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Since the both of them had mistakenly predicted that Lin Huang was an immortal-level, they had a false estimation of Lin Huang's combat strength and treated Lin Huang as an unprecedented enemy.

Fortunately, Lin Huang knew nothing about it. Otherwise, he would be secretly smirking at them as he was just a newbie who had just got to white flame-level. He could not even fly, but they assumed he was an immortal-level rank-4.

At the Mist Forest, where the mist was slowly thinning, Lin Huang's battle sword streaked across the sky, and a skull fell onto the ground from the air in a parabolic curve. Soon after, fresh blood sprayed out from the neck of the corpse to a distance of a few meters high, splattering all over the trees and plants.

Lin Huang picked up the Dark Sphere around the corpse's waist with the tip of his sword and passed it to Bloody. He then chopped off the finger that was wearing the Emperor's Heart Ring and took the ring.

When he was about to leave, he sensed a threatening aura approaching him.

"Both of the Saint elders are here?" Lin Huang raised his head, looking into the sky.

The next moment, Wu Fa and Yu Wenbin arrived above him.

Seeing that there was only Lin Huang who was a white flame-level, Yu Wenbin ignored him and looked around. However, there was no one else. "Are you sure that this is the location being traced?"

Wu Fa then gazed at Lin Huang in doubt. "The strand of hair is pointing at that guy who's only a white flame-level."

"A white flame-level?" Yu Wenbin then shifted his gaze towards Lin Huang. After sizing him up, still, he could not believe it. "Are you sure that you didn't get it wrong?"

"Now, there's only one possibility -- the Imperial Censor has been tampering with the result of my detection." Wu Fa did not think that Lin Huang was capable of summoning an immortal-level dragonkin to kill Lu Feng who was on immortal-level rank-1.

"Eh, little brat, did any Imperial Censor from the Martial Hunter College come over here to assist?" Yu Wenbin asked.

"You're asking him this way? How possible is it that he'll answer you?" Wu Fa was speechlessly gawking at Yu Wenbin.

"Imperial Censor? Yes!" Lin Huang immediately answered.

"Does the Imperial Censor own a dragonkin?" Yu Wenbin immediately continued asking.

"Yes, I've seen it before. It's black." Lin Huang nodded enthusiastically with a smile.

Wu Fa was inarticulate seeing Lin Huang's reaction. He never expected the guy to answer their questions so easily. Under normal circumstances, Wu Fa would have to catch and torture him whereby he would rather die than give in. Eventually, the both of them would then not be able to get any information from him.

"Do you know the background of the Imperial Censor? What's his combat strength? Which rank of the immortal-level is he on?" Yu Wenbin then asked, feeling that he had bumped into an idiot who knew nothing about the situation and was willing to tell him anything he asked.

"What's the benefit of telling you this?" Lin Huang tilted his head, smiling at them.

"As long as the information that you provide is accurate, we'll let you go. We promise that we won't hurt you," Wu Fa guaranteed.

"I'm sorry. I'll never believe a verbal promise." Lin Huang shook his head.

"You…" Wu Fa exuded an aura with powerful killing intention. However, Yu Wenbin suppressed him.

"He's a person who's only looking for money. If you're trying to force him, perhaps we won't be able to ask anything from him in a short period of time. However, we don't have much time here. As long as he's not requesting for something excessive, just promise him anyway. Anything that we give to him, we're able to snatch away later. Secretly lock the dimension with your territory to avoid him from running away after getting the item!" Yu Wenbin quietly told Wu Fa.

He then asked Lin Huang directly, "What do you want?"

"I'm not a greedy person. Each of you should give me a supreme relic." Lin Huang picked his ear with his little finger nonchalantly.

"Do you want to die!?" Wu fa was furious as this junior who had not even achieved immortal-level dared to blackmail him.

Yu Wenbin pressed against Wu Fa's shoulder and shook his head. He then scowled and told Lin Huang, "Young man, we sincerely want to offer you a deal, but this is an absurd request. It's impossible to offer you two supreme relics. Please request for something reasonable since we're just asking for some information. It doesn't cost that much if we were to buy it from the black market."

"It's true that it costs nothing under normal circumstances, but the case is different now. The Union Government and the Hunter Association have been informed that the Martial Hunter College is under attack. Soon, a large force will enter the Mist Forest, and you'll probably have to leave soon. If both of you miss out on the information from me, perhaps it's difficult for you to find out who the Imperial Censor is from the others.

"Although I have no idea why you're so eagerly looking for the Imperial Censor, you didn't kill me in the first place. Instead, you asked me patiently. This shows that his identity means a lot to both of you! Therefore, the information is as rare as water in the desert, and of course, it'll cost a lot more!"

Both of them were unable to refute Lin Huang.

Wu Fa would have killed him if Yu Wenbin did not try to suppress him.

Even Yu Wenbin was incensed after listening to what Lin Huang said.

"What if we catch him alive? We can ask him about it after bringing him back." Wu Fa's voice was heard.

"Lu Yuan needs a target to vent his anger. There are only two choices to cool him down. We can either bring back the dead body of the Imperial Censor or the carcass of the dragonkin. If we bring him back, Lu Yuan won't be able to calm down even though we're able to obtain the information about the Imperial Censor. He will think that we're useless as we can't even obtain the information and have set the Imperial Censor free." Yu Wenbin tried very hard to contain his anger and remained alert. "Let's think of a way to get the answer from him since he has to give us back whatever we gave him afterward!"

"Bro, we only have two supreme relics. It's unrealistic to ask for two." After the discussion, Yu Wenbin said, "I have an extra armor which is a supreme relic. If you'd like to deal with us, I'll give this armor to you. If you refuse to do so, I can't promise that you'll be able to get out of this place alive…"

The last sentence that Yu Wenbin said sounded intimidating.

"Alright, since you only have one, I'll have to accept. I didn't know that the both of you are so poor." Lin Huang was unsatisfied and extended his hand.

Yu Wenbin was holding himself back as he took out the armor. He then threw it to Lin Huang.

As Lin Huang received the armor, he scrutinized it carefully to ensure that nothing was wrong with it. He then put it away in his storage space.

"Could you please tell us what we want to know?" Yu Wenbin squinted his eyes.

"Alright." Lin Huang nodded his head with a smile. He then extended his right index finger, pointing at himself."The Imperial Censor that both of you are looking for… is actually me!"

Chapter 493: Fight

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The Imperial Censor that both of you are looking for… Is actually me!"

Just when Lin Huang was pointing at himself, he contacted Xiao Hei through his mind.

"Use the Provisional Transformational Card. Transform into the Inferior Imp but maintain the human form."

"You will lose all the abilities of the monster by activating the Provisional Transformation Card in the human form. There will only be an increase in your combat strength. Are you sure that you would like to transform by maintaining in the human form?"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Lin Huang answered firmly.

He unintentionally found out from Charcoal a few days ago that the Provisional Transformation Card could be used as a combat strength increment card. It could stop changes that occurred during the transformation while there would be a temporary increase in his combat strength. However, he would be unable to use the power of the monster transformed, and he would not possess the physique of the monster.

Furthermore, despite part of the function of the Provisional Transformation Card being restricted, each of the cards could still be used for only an hour. The usage was similar to the normal extent. The effect of the increment in combat strength would automatically disappear after one hour.

"Using the Provisional Transformation Card x 1. Restricting transformation effect… There is a provisional increase in your combat strength to gold flame-level!"

As Xiao Hei's voice was heard, there was an increase in Lin Huang's combat strength. In less than a second, he upgraded from a white flame-level to a gold flame-level. He could unmistakably feel that his abilities were improving insanely.

Sensing that there was an explosion in Lin Huang's combat strength, Yu Wenbin and Wu Fa were shocked. They then recovered from their thoughts.

"You can alter your combat strength! Your combat strength is actually on gold flame-level… No wonder you could kill Lu Feng." Wu Fa was shocked. He then realized that nobody had tampered with the result of the detection. The Death Hair had been pointing at Lin Huang as Lin Huang was the master of the dragonkin!

Lin Huang's performance was confusing. As his combat strength was only on white flame-level, Wu Fa and Yu Wenbin had assumed that he could only control a crimson or blue flame-level monster. It was less likely that he was capable of controlling a monster that was higher than blue flame-level. Even if he was capable of summoning a group of monsters, it was impossible that he had managed to kill someone who was on immortal-level since the gap in combat strength was too big.

This had also caused the both of them to make a serious mistake in estimating his combat strength and they thought that somebody had tampered with the detection result when they saw Lin Huang at the very first moment.

However, since his combat strength was now on gold flame-level, there was nothing unusual even if he owned an immortal-level summoning monster. It was not difficult for him to defeat Lu Feng's immortal-level Combat Soul and kill him.

"Damn little brat! How dare you lie to me!?" Yu Wenbin's face turned maroon in fury. He would never have expected to be cheated of his supreme relic. It was an utter humiliation whereby people would still laugh at him even after 10,000 years.

He could imagine that even until the day he died, the people who passed by his grave would still be pointing at his grave and mocking, "Yo, he's the idiot that got cheated out of his supreme relic!"

Yu Wenbin's temper rose higher and higher. Soon, a long supreme relic spear was quickly formed in his hand.

It was a long, black spear which was about two meters long and seven centimeters thick. If one ignored the tip of the spear, it looked more like a long, black pole in Yu Wenbin's hand.

There were fine, complicated patterns on the shaft. The refinery had set the sigils. They were actually engraved within the long spear where they were kept secret from the public, and nobody could detect it. However, based on the complexity of the patterns and the faint glow that appeared on the surface of the long spear, Lin Huang could easily determine that the long spear was similar to his Zenonia which was given by Liu Ming. Both of them were supreme relics.

"Go to hell!" Yu Wenbin attacked without hesitation, directing his long spear towards Lin Huang. The moment the tip of the spear was flung out, black streaks shot into the sky like arrows.

It seemed like he was not holding a spear but a gun that could release quick consecutive shots. At this moment, he did not look like he had taken a major in spearing which would benefit him in close combat. Instead, he looked like a gunmaster who was skilled in ranged attacks.

The black flares flashed through the air like arrows at a speed that was a few times faster than sonic speed, resulting in a sonic boom in the air. It stirred up a fierce wind which swept the forest below it away. All the trees fell whenever the beacons passed by.

The streaks were akin to torrential rain, correlating with Yu Wenbin's anger like he wanted to vent his rage on Lin Huang.

Countless black flares struck. However, Lin Huang did not look nervous at all. He grinned and moved a step forward. He then disappeared from his original position in an instant.

Yes, he had not moved to dodge but had directly dissolved into thin air.

At almost the same time when Lin Huang disappeared, infinite black beacons engulfed the entire region where he was standing at earlier.

Black beams struck the ground and loud rumbling thunder echoed throughout the land more than 1,000 kilometers away.

The ground was shaking and an earthquake seemed to reverberate in the area within more than 10 kilometers. It resembled the eruption of volcanoes.

After a short while, the attack finally stopped. Before the smoke cleared, one could vaguely see that the entire surface of the ground looked like a meteor storm had stricken it. A large number of huge pits with a depth of about 100 meters were formed all over. The region surrounding it looked like the surface of the moon with an uneven surface.

Within four kilometers, there were no traces of plants. All the plants had been wiped out by the attack. Only a bare land with pits all over remained.

"It's difficult to look for his dead body…" Wu Fa covered his forehead, feeling awkward. He never knew that Yu Wenbin would attack in anger without considering the dilemma of bringing his dead body back.

"Eh…" Yu Wenbin then recovered from his thoughts and recalled he had to report to Lu Yuan. His face turned stiff.

"Hey, why are both of you looking for my dead body? Do you guys have any bad habits?" A voice was suddenly heard coming from the forest.

Yu Wenbin and Wu Fa immediately turned around and saw Lin Huang standing on the branch of one of the big trees.

Lin Huang waved at them and smiled cheekily. "Why are the both of you looking for me?"

"Your dragonkin has killed the second elder of the Saint's grandson," Wu Fa hesitated for a while before answering him.

"Oh, are you talking about the guy who uses the Combat Soul? I've said that earlier that he won't be able to control such a Combat Soul. It's because he has someone to back him up." Lin Huang then admitted, "My summoning monster indeed killed him."

Yu Wenbin and Wu Fa exchanged glances with each other after listening to what he said. Lin Huang's description matched what Lu Feng had said. They confirmed that Lin Huang was the murderer.

"Since you've admitted that you're the murderer, that'll be easy for us." Yu Wenbin smiled bitterly. "Little brat, make a choice. Do you want us to catch you alive or do you want us to bring your dead body back?"

"I'm not interested in becoming a Saint member as I've always heard that the Saints are a group of idiots that have been brainwashed," Lin Huang insulted.

"What do you know about us?" Yu Wenbin said in a deep voice.

"I know whatever I'm supposed to. The Saint members pretend to be the heretics to cast the blame on them." Lin Huang gazed at Wu Fa. He could sense that his aura was rather weak and that he must be Wu Tian's brother. "Oh yeah, I knew all this from Wu Tian."

"Xiao Tian?! What did you do to him?" Wu Fa could no longer remain calm.

"What's the point of keeping him alive as I've gotten the information I want? Of course, I've killed him!" Lin Huang answered with a wry smile.

Chapter 494: The Darkscythe Apparition

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"You've killed my brother…" Wu Fa growled. He did not sound human but more like a beast.

He shot a glare at Lin Huang, his green pupils suddenly becoming vertical slits and the color turning amber. He looked like a cat.

"I can only turn you into his funeral offering!"

As Wu Fa uttered the last word, he gave off a dangerous, monster-like aura. Sharp blades with a length of more than 20 centimeters extended from all ten of his fingers. It looked like his nails had suddenly become extraordinarily long. However, Lin Huang knew that they must be some exclusively made relics.

"Hey, hey, only women fight with nails. Also, why do you keep such long nails? Aren't you afraid that you'll accidentally poke your brain when you're picking your nose?" Lin Huang felt that his performance was amazing since his insulting skills had reached level 180 1 .

Still, Wu Fa maintained a neutral expression as if he did not care about what Lin Huang said. However, his action said it all. He maintained an offensive posture in mid-air. However, it did not look like a posture a human would assume in a fight. It looked more like a quadruped about to pounce instead.

In an instant, Wu Fa disappeared from his original position.

"Burn in hell!"

The voice was heard from behind. The next moment, silver claws attempted to rip his torso into pieces.

The sharp claws instantly pierced through Lin Huang's body. However, Wu Fa's facial expression changed abruptly. He immediately looked towards another direction.

"Are you looking for me?" Lin Huang's voice was suddenly heard, followed by a golden glow with electric arc around the blade.

Wu Fa twisted his body to dodge the attack as ten sharp blades interlaced to form a shield, barring the front of his neck.


The golden glow that was moving at high speed instantly crashed into Wu Fa's sharp blades.

A beam of dazzling golden glow could be seen, followed by the endless rumbling sound of thunder.

The next moment, a shadow dashed forward, creating a huge pit that measured a length of more than 30 kilometers on the ground.

"You managed to survive the attack. That's awesome!" Lin Huang commented to Wu Fa.

His current abilities were on par with the Regal Sword Killer that had a similar combat strength but had gone on a rampage. He could now attack opponents of a higher level.

Since he was now on gold flame-level, his abilities could compare to those who were on immortal-level rank-5. He had performed a hit with his Thunder Sting just now, but he still could not kill Wu Fa who was only an immortal-level rank-3, taking him by surprise.

However, despite Wu Fa surviving, he had probably lost his combat abilities in a short period of time after enduring that single hit.

Lin Huang shifted his gaze towards Yu Wenbin.

"It seems like it's my lucky day as I've bumped into a supreme genius…" Seeing Wu Fa defeated in one hit, Yu Wenbin calmed himself down. He knew very well that despite the fact that Wu Fa's combat strength being only on immortal-level rank-3, his abilities were actually stronger than those on immortal-level rank-4. Even though he might not be as strong as an immortal-level rank-5, he was halfway there. Lin Huang was mighty.

"I'm so adorable! Don't you feel happy to see me?" Lin Huang tilted his head slightly.

"If we weren't enemies, perhaps I'll request for a photography session." Yu Wenbin remained calm and did not fight him immediately. He had some concerns about Lin Huang's identity as an Imperial Censor. "I'm curious. Since you're an Imperial Censor, why didn't you summon your monsters?"

Lin Huang's ability alone was terrifying. If he owned one or two summoning monsters of the same combat strength, Yu Wenbin would have no chances of winning at all.

"Can't I test my sword on you?" Lin Hung retorted.

"I guess you have some other reasons… Perhaps your summoning monsters are not capable of threatening us." Yu Wenbin tried to test him while observing Lin Huang's reaction.

"I used to doubting the Saint's beliefs." Lin Huang changed the topic. "Could you please clarify it for me?"

Yu Wenbin was stunned as he never expected that Lin Huang would be interested in the Saint's creeds.

"If you're interested in joining the Saint, I can be your referrer. Since you're a supreme genius, you'll be treated kindly and generously. As long as you're sincere, you can even be the potential candidate of the son of God," Yu Wenbin immediately said as the credit would go to him if a supreme genius like Lin Huang joined the Saint.

"I'm actually only interested in one thing." Lin Huang never expected that the man would mistakenly interpret what he said. He then asked, "Why are males offered to their God? In my memory, only females are offered to God in most religions. Does their God really accept both males and females?"

Yu Wenbin's eyes were twitching as he heard that. He then explained, "Our God has no gender. As long as they are virgins, they will be considered pure oblations."

"Therefore, you admit that the Saint accepts both males and females?" Lin Huang emphasized the phrase that Yu Wenbin did not want to hear. Before Yu Wenbin refuted, Lin Huang then continued, "Tsk tsk, your God is a PAEDOPHILE…

"Do you know that if your God was human, he'd be castrated during ancient times. Not only would his reproductive organ be castrated, his brain would be dissected whereby the nervous tissues that cause lust will be removed from the cerebral cortex by force so that they'll completely lose interest in both living and non-living beings. I've heard that a minority of the organizations still practice such a castration technique. I'd suggest that your God do a…"

"You're insulting God. I'll have to kill you!" It seemed like Lin Huang had triggered him and Yu Wenbin had completely lost his rationality. The aura released from his body was growing more and more intense.

The black Life Power created a huge shadow over his head. It was a large monster taller than 100 meters. It had no legs and was floating in mid-air. It was wearing a black robe with complicated, bloody patterns vaguely appearing on it. The robe flounced mid-air without any wind.

It seemed like it was wearing a skeleton mask. Nobody could see how it looked like behind the mask. Only a pair of crystal-clear, white bones protruding like horns could be seen on its head. The horns were more than double the length of the mask.

Lin Huang looked downward and noticed that it was grabbing a big black scythe tightly in its hand.

"It is a triple mutated undying species, the Darkscythe Apparition. Its combat strength is at least immortal-level rank-5 or even higher." Bloody's voice was suddenly heard from his sleeves. "Master, you have to be careful. The monster can hide the path of its attack. The effect of the attack is somewhat similar to the Territory but its attack range is larger and it's even creepier."

"Understand!" Lin Huang sobered after listening to Bloody's introduction.

Chapter 495: Lin Huang versus Yu Wenbin

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the Darkscythe Apparition completely formed in mid-air, its blue eyes slowly moved downwards, fixing its gaze on Lin Huang.

"Kill him!" Yu Wenbin's eyes flashed with a trace of fury and he instructed the Combat Soul mercilessly.

The Darkscythe Apparition's blue eyes glowed brightly, accompanied by a low growl. The black scythe in its white bony hand suddenly moved, silently streaking across the air and producing a ripple that could be vaguely seen in mid-air.

At almost the same time that he wielded his scythe, Lin Huang could feel danger aiming for the right of his torso. There were no traces before that but suddenly, a black crescent that was more than ten meters long appeared and slashed at Lin Huang's waist.

Fortunately, Lin Huang sensed that something was wrong in the first place with his Territory skill. He took a step back and immediately retreated, barely managing to dodge the attack.

The black crescent-shaped impact energy vibrated. All the trees that were more than 10 kilometers away collapsed, turning into black carbide.

Lin Huang's pupils dilated as he saw this.

"Master, the Darkscythe Apparition is a monster that contains the blood of death. Although the concentration is low and it isn't considered a god's blood, its attack is capable of engulfing one's life. By attacking a weaker opponent, it's able to overwhelm a large amount of Life Power from its opponent. Despite not being to subdue the Life Power of a stronger opponent, the wound it inflicts is hardly curable and it causes dissipation of one's Life Power. It's best to avoid being struck by such a monster."

"Okay." Lin Huang nodded and at the same time, he sensed a peculiar wave coming from behind him.

Lin Huang did not turn back. He moved a step forward and disappeared.

Just as he disappeared, a black beam appeared. It resembled an electric shear that caused a black, bald patch more than 10 kilometers long in the forest.

As he managed to avoid two of its attacks, Yu Wenbin squinted his eyes and instructed, "Increase the attack frequency. I don't think that he'll be able to dodge all of them!"

The black glow of the blade appeared in mid-air, and its attack frequency was at least twice as fast. However, Lin Huang was like a slippery loach as he managed to complete the dodge before the black glow struck him.

Yu Wenbin noticed that Lin Huang managed to avoid those attacks without looking directly at them.

He wondered, "Does he have any prediction abilities or skills like the Territory skill?"

When he could confirm that, he knew that none of the abilities that he possessed would affect Lin Huang.

"Be it his prediction ability or the Territory skill, the distance within which he can perform a dodge will be limited." Yu Wenbin grinned and secretly contacted the Combat Soul, "Darkscythe, unleash Luna Kill!"

"The attack has stopped…" After dodge for the last time, Lin Huang noticed that the opponent had stopped attacking.

"Master, be careful. He must have discovered that the effect of Luna Slash can do no harm to you. Perhaps, he'll switch to a regional attack like Luna Kill. Luna Kill can automatically detect living beings around it and it will launch attacks in the form of mist. It'll be like moonlight whereby everywhere is pervasive. It is useless to dodge such an attack since anywhere within 10 kilometers of its range will come under attack."

"Understand!" As he listened to Bloody's introduction, he raised his head and gazed at the Combat Soul.

In mid-air, the Darkscythe Apparition was quickly performing hand seals. In just a short while, complicated sigils were formed in mid-air, resulting in a black imprint. It extended its hand and placed the scythe in front of it. The black imprint seemed to embed with the scythe, both of them merging with each other perfectly.

The crescent-shaped scythe instantly became a black mirror that could be used for the exchange of sigils.

The Darkscythe Apparition held the handle of the mirror with both of its hands and black Life Power gushed into the mirror like a broken dam.

Lin Huang felt that the threat was near and at almost the same time, he activated his Dark Shield. The Dark Shield resembled a perfect dark sphere and Lin Huang was completely enveloped by it.

Just as the Dark Shield was created, a massive amount of black mist was produced out of nowhere, surrounding the Dark Shield and completely shrouding it in the black mist.

In the instant when the black mist and the Dark Shield touched each other, a hissing sound was produced like water droplets falling on hot ironware.

Lin Huang could clearly feel that the black mist outside was a very strong acidic layer that attempted to erode the Dark Shield which acted as a protective layer.

Despite the fact that the opponent's attack was all-pervasive, the strength of the attack was very limited. It was far from capable of breaking through the defense layer of the Dark Shield. Instead, it constantly consumed the Life Power transmitted out from Lin Huang's body that was used to support the Dark Shield.

Lin Huang calculated the rate of his Life Power consumption. Based on the opponent's rate of consumption, he could support the Dark Shield for at least three days, given that he did not use any Life Power Refill Cards to restore his Life Power.

"Such an attack doesn't require a large amount of Life Power from me, but it must consume a large portion of his Life Power." Lin Huang looked at Yu Wenbin through the Dark Shield. Since it was covered by the dark mist, his vision was somehow affected. However, Lin Huang had incredible eyesight as he could still see that Yu Wenbin was angry. Obviously, he did not expect that Lin Huang would have such a defense skill.

"Damned little brat!" Yu Wenbin cursed angrily. This hit had consumed almost half the amount of Life Power he had, yet his opponent managed to dodge all the attacks with the protective layer he used.

"It's not going to work if it continues. The wave of the battle has spread out and it must have attracted the attention of the Vice President of Martial Hunter College. He will arrive really soon." Yu Wenbin pacified himself. He then looked at Wu Fa and realized that he had not stirred. He could sense that Wu Fa was still alive, but he must have probably fainted. "He's such a burden, and it has now become a one versus two battle. The probability of winning the battle is almost zero…"

Yu Wenbin wanted to retreat.

Lin Huang noticed that Yu Wenbin turned his head to look at Wu Fa. He could instantly guess that he wanted to take Wu Fa and flee.

"Hey, there's nothing special about your attack even though you've prepared for so long," Lin Huang insulted again, "I was looking forward to something powerful, but it seems like nothing to me! If all the Saint elders are of your level, I'm really worried about the future development of the Saint!"

"I think that it's because your God isn't strong enough. That's why the abilities of the Saint members are weak as well. Your God is utter rubbish. What did your God give you even though you serve him every day? It's better for you to have faith in me. I promise that I'll give you good food everyday…" Lin Huang knew that whenever he mentioned their God, his opponent would be triggered and would lose his rationality.

"I'll send you to your grave!" Yu Wenbin could no longer bear it anymore.

Chapter 496: I'm Sorry, I Know a Little about Ocular Skills

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A philosopher had once said never to step on the cat's tail every few days as the cat would hate you.

Lin Huang could not remember how many times he had offended Yu Wenbin. From this fact alone, he could confirm that the cat would not only hate him for stepping on its tail but could also possibly lose all rationality.

He had to admit that despite the Saint members being brainwashed to ensure that they were absolutely loyal to the organization, there were somehow some side effects. Anything related to their God could cause them to lose their rationality and go insane.

Their God was the ultimate supreme to the Saint members as they would not even mention his actual name and would only address him as God. It was taboo to them.

Humiliating their God would be the greatest sin to the Saint members.

The first creed of the Saint was to kill anyone who insults their God!

This creed was imprinted in every one of the Saint members' minds and would provoke their anger.

Lin Huang had emphasized that, hitting below the belt and Yu Wenbin was unable to let him go.

Under normal circumstances, regardless of what had happened, capturing the sacrificial offering would be Yu Wenbin's priority.

However, he could not ignore Lin Huang's insult towards their God. The Saint members felt that the humiliation when one insulted their God compared to catching their wife in the act with more than one man in bed was a hundredfold worse.

Yu Wenbin had forgotten the task of capturing him as an oblation. He only had one thought in mind now — to kill the young man in front of him! He wanted him to disappear completely from the world!

It was simply because his very presence was a disrespect to God!

Outside the Dark Shield, the black mist was still revolving and the hissing sound of the water vapor did not stop at all.

Yu Wenbin, who was hanging mid-air, had broken blood vessels in his eyes. Beneath the cat mask, he looked rather ferocious.

Right at this moment, he was holding the supreme relic tightly in his hand with Life Power being inserted into it.

The sigils on the relic quickly lit up and ignited from the handle of the relic towards the tip of the spear.

Lin Huang's face turned grave as he saw that. "The guy just performed the second activation on the supreme relic…"

The second activation was an ability exclusively owned by the supreme relic whereby it would have high compatibility with the Life Power of the user and could be used simultaneously with the Life Power. According to the user's needs, the changes would occur based on the form of the Life Power.

Such an activation would usually need the user to follow the characteristic of the relic to activate a certain skill so that the effect of the relic could be maximized. Otherwise, the effect would not be significant.

If the opponent performed the second activation right now, the next skill would be a fatal one.

"What kind of skill will it be?" Lin Huang was cautious of it, but at the same time, he was looking forward to it.

In Yu Wenbin's hand, the sigils that were lit up soon extended to the tip of the spear. All the sigils on the long spear were all lit up, resembling a glowing power-saving fluorescent tube that was immensely bright.

"Seraphic Spear!" Yu Wenbin said softly.

The next moment, on top of the long spear, the dazzling white light grew even brighter like an explosion. In just a blink of an eye, the intensity of the white light had reached its peak and was comparable to the Sun at noon. It was so glaring that one would not be able to look into the light.

Right this moment, the "Sun" suddenly dimmed and a beam of white light was about to strike Lin Huang at a terrifying speed. The white electric arcs could be vaguely seen dancing in the sky.

Lin Huang's limited vision was unable to capture the path of the attack. When it was at a distance that could be sensed by his Territory skill which was about 300 meters away, the beam of white light had already struck the Dark Shield.

The next moment, Lin Huang's facial expression changed and he immediately tried to dodge the impact.

Just when he shifted, the beam of white light directly penetrated through the Dark Shield as if it was only a meager hindrance to the beam of light. It brushed past the left of Lin Huang's frame and shot straight out of the Dark Shield behind him.

Lin Huang touched his left side of the body. Although the attack did not hit him straight on, there were scratches left on his skin.

He immediately became alert and glared at Yu Wenbin. He then found out that Yu Wenbin was still holding the long spear, but the tip of the spear had penetrated through his Dark Shield. The beam of white light had not shot out of the tip of the spear. Instead, the pillar of light was the spear itself.

After the spear integrated with the Life Power, the length of the spear would constantly extend and ironically, at the same time, the shaft would be compressed. As it was compressed to a certain extent, it would be ejected. It was the reason why the beam of white light had turned brilliant so quickly like an explosion and right when the attack was launched, the light faded.

"The power of the skill is horrifying. It almost killed me!" Lin Huang then gazed at the hole formed by the spear penetrating through the Dark Shield. He knew that the opponent's attack was far beyond his most powerful hit. Otherwise, he would not have been able to break through the Dark Shield.

As it penetrated through the Dark Shield, it began to collapse. The black mist started flowing in through the gap and gushed towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang moved in a flash and appeared at an area that was more than 100 meters away.

However, as soon as he appeared, the black mist formed, surrounding his body.

Lin Huang dodged several times, but he was still unable to break free from the black mist. It seemed like it had attached itself to his bone. No matter where he went, the black mist formed at almost the same time.

After several attempts, Lin Huang suddenly shifted his gaze towards Yu Wenbin.

He quickly put away his long spear, staring at Lin Huang with a cold, stony expression.

"There's no use for you to hide. Luna Kill is like your shadow, and you'll not be able to get rid of it. As for your defense skill that seems like a turtle shell, despite Luna Kill being unable to break it, it's like a target that doesn't move. My Seraphic Spear can penetrate through it repeatedly."

Yu Wenbin felt that there was no way for Lin Huang to fight back.

"Do you think that you're going to win? I don't think so." Lin Huang ignored the black mist, activating his defensive relic with his Life Power. He then pounced on Yu Wenbin.

"You're trying to attack me at the risk of getting injured? You're such an idiot!" Yu Wenbin sneered.

Lin Huang did not care so much about that and approached him.

A flicker of fury flashed through Yu Wenbin's eyes and the long spear with dim glow lit up again. Lin Huang leaped and the sword in his hand was gleaming brightly as if it was trying to seize a last-second touchdown.

Yu Wenbin smiled coldly. "Go to hell, little brat!"

The next moment, the long spear in his hand was moving just as fast as the previous hit. The moment when Lin Huang was about to brandish his sword that was glowing brightly, the long spear pierced through Lin Huang's head.

Lin Huang collapsed onto the ground.

Seeing that his head had exploded, Yu Wenbin grinned in victory. "He's a little brat indeed, having the gall to put up a desperate fight. I'm the one who laughs last."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Right at that moment, a voice taunted behind Yu Wenbin.

He wanted to turn around, but he realized that he was incapable of doing so. It was because he saw a headless body, dressed in black robes and blood was sputtering out from his neck like a fountain.

Behind the body, a young man was holding a battle sword and grinning at him. There was blood dripping from the sword.

The next moment, he blacked out.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that I know a little about ocular skills." Unfortunately, Yu Wenbin could no longer listen to Lin Huang's last sentence.

Chapter 497: Lin Xin Has Been Discovered

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

His headless body and his head with a frightened expression frozen on its face fell from mid-air. Even after Yu Wenbin died, he still would never know how Lin Huang killed him.

The black sigils in Lin Huang's eyes gradually faded and soon, his pair of eyes returned to normal.

"Congratulations, you have obtained a Legendary Monster Soul -- the Darkscythe Apparition!"

A notification from Xiao Hei suddenly arrived, telling him of his unexpected gain.

The system would not usually give a cross-ranking kill reward. Some other reward would be assigned instead. Lin Huang would obtain the skills and the talent of the person killed but the probability of getting it was tiny. Therefore, he had not expected to get a reward after killing him. Obtaining the opponent's Combat Soul had come as a complete surprise to him.

As Lin Huang landed on the ground, he stabilized himself. Before he read the function of the Combat Soul, a voice from Bloody was heard.

"Master… It seems like Wu Fa has fled!"

"What?" Lin Huang immediately raised his head and looked towards the direction where Wu Fa was sprawled. He was not there anymore. Lin Huang immediately asked Bloody, "When did he run away?"

"I'm not sure. When you chopped off the head of the Saint member, Wu Fa, who was originally lying over there, had disappeared. I suspected that he has already fled, but his body was left on the ground," Bloody figured.

"That's possible…" Lin Huang frowned, nodding his head. "Please continue monitoring the forest with your Leech Pods. Immediately inform me when you discover him!"

Lin Huang felt mad at his carelessness as his enemy had managed to run away from him.

Just then, Lin Huang felt that two extremely powerful auras were approaching him quickly, Lin Huang was familiar with them as they were the Vice Presidents of the Martial Hunter College.

Without a moment's hesitation, he removed the effect of the Provisional Transformation Card which increased his combat strength and put his sword relic away. He then bent down and took Yu Wenbin's Emperor's Heart Ring, storing it in his storage space. He took the sphere as well.

A few moments later, two shadows appeared in the sky at almost the same time.

"Lin Huang, are you okay?" Wang Zijun immediately asked.

"Yes, I'm alright." Lin Huang turned back to look at both of them and nodded with a smile.

When they saw Lin Huang, the both of them quickly landed on the ground. Before they could stabilize themselves, they saw the headless body next to Lin Huang. Zhang Xuefeng saw the symbol of the heretics on the dead body's neck at first glance. His face instantly turned grave. "Heretics?!"

"He's not a heretic but a Saint member. To be accurate, the Saint members pretended to be the heretics so that they could put the blame on them," Lin Huang explained, shaking his head.

"Is there any evidence?" Zhang Xue Feng frowned and asked.

"I've purposely recorded a few videos." Lin Huang nodded his head, projecting the videos that he had recorded. He knew that if he were to reveal that he had asked Wu Tian about it and Wu Tian was the one who told him about it, it could not be considered evidence.

Therefore, he had recorded the conversation between him, Wu Fa, and Yu Wenbin.

In the first video, Lin Huang revealed that they were going to shift the blame to others. When he mentioned Wu Tian, Yu Wenbin and Wu Fa had responded strangely.

In the second video, he criticized their God for accepting both males and females, and when he mentioned about the castration, Yu Wenbin went insane.

He had intentionally provoked him as his main purpose was to record these videos as evidence.

After watching both of the videos, Zhang Xuefeng and Wang Zijun, who doubted him, eventually believed Lin Huang.

Despite both of them not admitting that they were Saint members in the video, when Lin Huang revealed that they were going to shift the blame on others, they had asked, "What did you know?", giving them away. Wu Fa's reaction after knowing Wu Tian had died and their response as Lin Huang insulted their God further proved this.

The heretics preferred to go after freedom, and they used to despise the Saint's God. They would not be triggered if Lin Huang scolded their God. Instead, they would curse their God together with him. They would not have reacted in anger as Yu Wenbin did, and it was obvious that his anger was genuine.

"Aside from the videos, let the forensics remove the disguise and you'll know the truth." Lin Huang pointed at the headless corpse.

"Where's the other man? Weren't there two of them in the video?" Wang Zijun asked.

"He fled when I was fighting the guy." Lin Huang was upset as he thought of it.

Zhang Xuefeng then took a glance at the trails left after the battle. Apparently, the damage by the fight could not have been done by someone who was only on holy fire-level.

"Is he an immortal-level? Did you kill him?" Zhang Xuefeng felt that it was unbelievable as he observed the area. He then turned back and looked at Lin Huang.

"No, the both of you killed him. It has nothing to do with me." Lin Huang looked at Zhang Xuefeng, shaking his head with a smile. "I bought you some time so that the both of you can save me and kill the Saint member."

"I know what to do. We'll keep it a secret." Wang Zijun understood what Lin Huang meant as he wanted to hide his ability from the public. Therefore, both of them had to bear the responsibility. "But… The guy has left."

"If he's still in the forest, we'll be able to find him and kill him." Lin Huang had no intention of keeping him alive. "If he has really left the forest, perhaps after today, I'll be blacklisted by the Saint."

"However, we can worry about that later. Let's hurry up to save the people." Lin Huang summoned Thunder again.

Wang Zijun and Zhang Xuefeng remained at the battleground to clean up the mess.

Lin Huang was no longer afraid of revealing his true abilities. Ever since he managed to get to holy fire-level, he was capable of protecting himself.

In the whole Division 7, apart from some of the immortal-levels with high-ranking and two of the imperial-levels, he was not afraid of anyone else.

However, he was reluctant to reveal his abilities as he wanted to save himself some trouble. Therefore, he needed help from both of the Vice Presidents. He knew that the both of them were willing to do so since it would be a good chance for them to raise their reputation by being known for killing the Saint elder.

Wu Fa's escape spelled trouble. However, it had already happened, so Lin Huang could only wait for things to happen patiently.

If Wu Fa was still in the forest, it could be positive news as things could be settled if he found him and killed him. If he had left the forest, everything would be out of Lin Huang's control. There were only two possibilities. If it was the former, Lin Huang could handle it, but if it was the latter, it was out of his control. What he could do now was just to wait for more clues patiently since feeling anxious was of no help.

He put his mind to focus on rescuing Lin Xin and the rest of the students.

"Master, I've discovered Lin Xin. She just walked out of the tent. Her team hasn't been attacked yet. However, a Saint member is approaching them. His signal detection device is not working as it's been affected by the Leech Pods. It's less likely that he'll be able to find Lin Xin in a short period of time." On Thunder's back, Bloody's voice was suddenly heard.

"Where are they?!" Lin Huang immediately asked.

"It is about 800 kilometers towards the southeast." Bloody extended its antenna and marked the position on the map projected.

"Thunder, change direction!" Lin Huang patted Thunder. It immediately switched its direction and accelerated, heading towards the location where Lin Xin's team was.

Chapter 498: I Heard That You Are Looking for a Guardian?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Xin used to maintain a good sleeping pattern over the past one year.

She would usually sleep before 11 p.m and wake up before 6.30 a.m as Lin Huang would prepare breakfast at about 7 a.m.

She was still practicing her good habits after entering the Martial Hunter College. As usual, she would still wake up at about 6.30 a.m and go to the library after having her breakfast. She would read some books until about 8.30 a.m and attend her classes after that. If she had no classes in the morning, she would stay in the library until lunch. After having lunch, she would take a nap and go to class. She would complete her homework at night. If she was free, she would go for some actual combat training with her classmates or play the Gun Master.

In fact, aside from Lin Xin, most of the students from the Martial Hunter College had healthy habits and their time was well managed.

As they entered the Mist Forest, since the mist was formed at night, most of them slept at about 9 p.m.

Five of them took turns to watch over the night. Since Lin Xin and Ai Li were girls, both of them were assigned to keep watch over the tent during the first and the last round to avoid having to get up in the middle of the night. Lin Xin would watch over the tent from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. whereas Ai Li would do so from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.

To increase their hunting efficiency, they had decided to depart at 7.30 a.m. The reason behind this was because the mist in the forest would completely clear away at about 7 a.m.

Lin Xin woke up before 6.30 a.m. Despite being on duty on the first night until 11 p.m, she would still make sure that she had seven hours of sleep and that was sufficient for her.

She took a look at the time. It was 6.08 a.m. Lin Xin wanted to continue sleeping, but she found out that she could no longer fall asleep.

Lying in the sleeping bag, she opened the Heart Network. She then realized that she had no access to it. She felt that it was strange. "Didn't they say that there's no problem with the signal here in the forest? It was still working fine yesterday."

She attempted to visit a few websites but failed. Lin Xin did not think any further and closed the webpage. She sat up, rubbing her face and suddenly recalled what Lin Huang had told her before.

"As a hunter, you have to pay attention to every detail. If you neglect any of them, it can lead to serious consequences. Network failure will rarely happen on the network of the Emperor's Heart Ring, but it's not absolutely impossible. However, when network and communication failure happens at the same time, you have to consider if somebody has done something to it…"

Lin Xin immediately checked the communication webpage and realized that there was a cross on the communication signal. She attempted to call Lin Huang and soon, she heard, "Sorry, the service is not supported in your region." Since the first attempt failed, she tried to call Ai Li and the same notification was heard.

"The network and communication have been blocked," Lin Xin sighed in a low voice. She immediately opened the tent and rushed out in her pink pajamas.

Ai Li was sitting on a stool, staring at the projection from the Emperor's Heart Ring.

"Ai Li, can you connect to the network?" Lin Xin asked curiously.

"I couldn't connect to it since I woke up." Ai Li shook her head.

"What are you looking at?"

Ai Li helplessly turned the webpage to Lin Xin.

"Monster Guide – Leech Pods," Lin Xin read out loud and covered her mouth as she laughed, "You didn't forget to study during the battle drill. You're indeed Ai Li!"

"I didn't want to do so, but the network isn't available here, and I have nothing else to do. I downloaded the textbook earlier… It's impossible for me to sit here staring blankly." Ai Li was unsatisfied.

"Ai Li, take a look at your Emperor's Heart Ring. Check and see if you have communication signals!" Lin Xin thought and asked Ai Li.

Ai Li felt that Lin Xin's request was strange, but she still opened the webpage of the Emperor's Heart Ring. "There's no signal!"

"Try to call any of the teachers or even one of us," Lin Xin urged.

Ai Li nodded and tried to call Lin Xin first. She then received a similar notification as Lin Xin had received earlier. "Sorry, the service is not supported in your region." She then attempted to call Teacher Qin Tianxing but could not connect either.

"What's happening? Why's the communication signal interrupted as well?" Ai Li frowned.

"I suspect that something is wrong with the assessment," Lin Xin said in a low voice. "The communication and network signals are blocked. It seems someone intentionally did so."

"How could it be? Who dares to offend the Martial Hunter College?" Ai Li found it unbelievable.

"Trust me. I've been to the wilderness several times with my brother. He has told me few of the things that I have to pay attention to in the wild zone. It is dangerous now as the communication and network signals are blocked. He told me before that when the underworld is going to perform a regional attack, they'll usually block the network and communication of their targeted region. The dimension will be closed to stop any dimensional travel. I think that's what we're encountering now," Lin Xin explained with a serious expression.

"Last year December, the heretics made a big issue when they attacked the Hunter examination hall. Have you ever heard of it? The people had the guts to attack the Hunter examination hall, so why not the Martial Hunter College?" Lin Xin looked at Ai Li with an earnest expression.

Ai Li struggled for a short while, but in the end, she nodded. "We can't confirm what exactly has happened yet. Let's wake the guys up and discuss this."

Soon after, they woke the three boys up, and Lin Xin changed her clothes in the tent.

Five of them sat together and Lin Xin told the boys what she had just told Ai Li.

A few of the boys frowned as they checked their network connection.

"I realized that the network connection had been disconnected at around 4 a.m. I thought that it'd just last for a while." It had been Chu Peng's turn to keep watch over the tent from 3 a.m to 5 a.m. "Two hours have passed. Something's definitely gone wrong."

"My brother told me the same thing as what Ling Xue said. If the communication and network signals are blocked in the wild zone, we have to be careful. If we are lucky, perhaps the signals will only stop working temporarily. If we are unlucky, most probably, the underworld is going to attack us. I think that we have to be prepared for the worst," Nangong Qing said thoughtfully as he gazed at the rest of the members.

Listening to what Nangong Qing said, their faces turned grave.

"We'll have to pack our stuff and leave this place as soon as possible. According to Chu Peng, the signals have been blocked for two hours. If the underworld is attacking us, it means that the attack has lasted for two hours. They'll be able to find us any time now," Yao Hao immediately suggested.

"But we have no idea how many people there are and where they are. Where should we go?" Ai Li asked.

"We don't have to worry about that. Let's look for a guardian. If the guardian knows what's happening, they'll think of ways to help us leave this place." All the students actually knew about the presence of the guardians. As long as they requested help from the guardians, marks would be deducted from the team. Therefore, if only one of them encountered danger, 100 marks would be deducted. If all five of them faced danger, 500 marks would be deducted. Based on that fact, all the students neglected the presence of the guardians. As reminded by Yao Hao, Lin Xin and the rest then thought of asking for help from the guardians.

"I heard that you guys are looking for a guardian." A woman's voice was suddenly heard, and a slender figure walked gracefully out of the trees…

Chapter 499: Lin Xin's Secret

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I heard that you guys are looking for a guardian…"

A woman gracefully walked out from the trees.

She was wearing a white blouse, showing her midriff and the underside of her boobs could be seen. Her busty boobs fit her cropped top that was already very figure-hugging.

She also wore a black leather skirt and her pair of long legs that were about 1.3 meters long looked soft and fair under the dim light.

Just when she appeared, Lin Xin and the rest were stunned, fixing their crimson gazes at the collar of her cropped top.

Soon, the five of them noticed that there was the symbol of the heretics on the left side of her neck, instantly putting everybody on alert.

The woman laughed softly and a man's bloody head suddenly appeared in her right hand. "I guess you guys are looking for him?"

Seeing the blood still dripping from the head in her hand, despite not being able to identify who the man was, their backs were all drenched in sweat.

"Can't you see it clearly? I'll bring it closer to you." The woman grinned, moving forward to them in her boots.

Each step she seemed to be treading on their hearts as their heartbeats started racing fast. Perhaps they were overly frightened which caused them to turn stiff and could not even flee!

At this moment, Nangong Qing suddenly shouted and regained his ability to move. He then picked up his bronze combat sword and pounced on the woman in the leather skirt. "Run away quickly! Escape in four separate directions!"

The woman in the leather skirt giggled softly and did not bother to stop Nangong Qing. She did not even dodge, allowing him to hit her.

His bronze combat sword that was surrounded by black Life Power instantly pierced through her stomach.

It was out of everybody's expectation as blood did not splatter around, but a "ding" was heard. The waist of the woman in the leather skirt was not injured, and there were no traces left. However, Nangong Qing's bronze combat sword had broken into pieces.

Nangong Qing's face turned grave and he gradually lifted his head, looking at the woman in the leather skirt. "You're a Transcendent…"

"Only now you realize? It seems like there's still room for improvement in terms of your observation skills." The woman in the leather skirt than took a few steps in the air. "It's not convenient to wear high heels here. I've been walking in the air all this while."

Lin Xin and the rest of them then discovered that she did not step on the ground at all. Instead, she always kept a distance of about ten centimeters away from the ground. Because the ground was covered by grass, Lin Xin and the rest had not noticed that.

Five of their hearts sank. Encountering a Transcendent, it was impossible for them to escape. Their enemy could fly. Regardless of how fast they could run away, their attempt would be rendered useless.

"It's impossible for us to escape. Let's fight!" Lin Xin suddenly shouted in a deep voice. At almost the same time, she changed the bullets used in her GrayEagle 17 to armored bullets and she was the first to launch an attack.

The armored bullets were fired out of the bore of the gun, making consecutive hits in front of her head.

As Lin Xin attacked, Ai Li and two of the boys picked their weapons up and rushed towards her.

However, before the three of them could approach her, the sound of Lin Xin's bullets exploding could be heard.

The woman was not trying to avoid the attacks at all, letting the bullets strike her. She did not even blink. After the explosion, no traces were left on her face and her eyelashes did not even flutter.

"Hey, girl, didn't you know that it's impossible for any guns other than relics to hurt a Transcendent?" The woman was looking at Lin Xin while she giggled.

Immediately, the three of them then rushed towards her, making several cuts on the woman's body. Ai Li felt that her bronze relic was connecting with a hard diamond as it did not affect her. The next moment, three of their long swords had broken into pieces.

Five of them stood in their original positions hopelessly as the there was a huge gap between them. The opponent was like a big mountain which they could not overcome.

"That's enough, follow me." The woman smiled as she waved her hand. In an instant, Ai Li, Nangong Qing and the other two had disappeared.

"What did you do to them?" Lin Xin was still aiming at the woman. She dared not let her guard down at all. She was frightened as Ai Li and the others had suddenly disappeared.

"Eh, that's amazing… You can't be stored in my Dark Sphere…" The woman sized Lin Xin up curiously. "Theoretically, if I activate it with my combat strength, be it human or monster that is weaker than a Transcendent, they'll be stored in it. It's obvious that you're not even an iron-level yet you can't be stored in it. Girl, can you tell me who are you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Seeing that she was approaching her, Lin Xin took a few steps back. Soon, she backed up into a big tree. "Don't come near me!"

Lin Xin was nervous and simply fired a few shots at her. However, she was unable to stop her from moving forward.

"Little girl, I told you before that your gun is like a baby toy to me."

The woman smiled as she approached her. Eventually, she slowly walked towards Lin Xin and crushed the GrayEagle 17 that she was holding in her hand. She then touched Lin Xin's face cautiously. "You look like an ordinary person that has not even achieved iron-level. There must be something hidden in your body. It's okay if you don't know about it. I'll bring you back and I'll know the answer after the autopsy…"

As soon as she finished her words, the woman pointed at Lin Xin's forehead and soon, Lin Xin fainted.

When she was about to extend her hand and pick Lin Xin up, the moment when she touched Lin Xin's body, she immediately retreated. She felt that she had experienced a strong electric shock which could be fatal.

The woman lowered her head and looked at her right hand that had touched Lin Xin's body. She then realized that a black spot had begun to spread upwards from her fingertip. In just a blink of an eye, her right palm had turned black as if it was charred and the black rot was still spreading further up.

The woman took prompt action. The sharp blade in her hand streaked across the sky, chopping off her right arm.

Her right arm fell to the ground and quickly turned black. Her wound remained unaffected. The woman then raised her head, staring at Lin Xin with fear.

"Who are you?!"

Lin Xin, who had fainted, gradually floated up into the sky. Her black hair rapidly turned purple and continued growing until it reached her waist.

All of a sudden, Lin Xin suddenly opened her eyes. Her pair of eyes that were originally black had now turned gold.

As she heard what the woman said, Lin Xin grinned. "Don't you want to know the answer? I'm the answer that you're looking for…"

When she heard the voice of the purple-haired Lin Xin, the woman was terrified and she could feel that death was imminent.

She did not even turn back and immediately fled. She wanted to escape from the purple-haired girl at her fastest possible speed.

"It's useless to do so. Regardless of where you are going, as long as you're still within the gravel world, I'll only need one word to kill you," Lin Xin mumbled. Her purple hair moved without any wind and her voice rang out clearly, "Die!"

Right when the word left her lips, the woman in the leather skirt that tried to escape started collapsing and soon, she fell into a heap onto the ground.

Lin Xin extended her hand. The Emperor's Heart Ring and the Dark Sphere of the woman in leather skirt automatically fell into her palm.

After handling her, the purple-haired Lin Xin suddenly turned her head and shifted her gaze towards another direction.

A faint white light lingered in the gap between tree branches, hardly noticeable.

"Forget!" The purple-haired Lin Xin's eyes became swirly.

Lin Huang and Bloody were terrified as they witnessed the unbelievable scene through the Leech Pods. As the word "forget" was heard, they fell into a trance…

Lin Xin's body gradually fell onto the ground and her long purple hair gradually faded. Her pair of eyes returned to their original color. Soon after, she became limp, leaning against the big tree and had lost her consciousness...

Chapter 500: I Refuse to Comment on This

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang leaped from Thunder's back and landed somewhere near the place where Lin Xin had fainted.

He observed around. Apart from the shell cases and the broken pieces of the swords, no traces of the battle could be found.

He then strode towards Lin Xin. Only the broken pieces of Lin Xin's gun were left next to her and it seemed like she was not injured.

"Xin Er, Xin Er!" Lin Huang shouted Lin Xin's name twice but still, she did not wake up. He pressed against Lin Xin's shoulder, inserting his Life Power into her body and did a thorough check up on her.

A few moments later, he could sense the remaining Life Power in Lin Xin's brain. He then immediately activated his Life Power in order to remove it from her brain.

After a short while, Lin Xin finally regained her consciousness.

"Brother!" Lin Xin was stunned when she saw Lin Huang at first glance. She then looked around. "Where's the woman?"

"Are you talking about the woman who attacked you?" Lin Huang asked, "When I arrived, she was gone."

"Ai Li and the rest…" When Lin Xin was about to ask where were Ai Li and the rest of them, she realized that Lin Huang had fixed his gaze on her right hand. She then noticed the two items that she was holding in her hand. "Whose Emperor's Heart Ring is this? Why is it here? What's the sphere for?"

Lin Huang then extended his hand and picked up the sphere, inserting his Life Power into it. He detected that four of Lin Xin's teammates were in the sphere. He then threw it to Bloody.

"It's the dark sphere that the woman used to capture you guys. Your teammates are all inside the sphere and they are safe," Lin Huang explained. He then looked at Lin Xin with a serious expression and asked, "Xin Er, can you remember anything?"

"I can only remember the sudden appearance of the woman in the leather skirt and that she killed our guardian. Ai Li and the rest were caught but I wasn't. She said that my body is unique and she wanted to perform an autopsy on me. She then pointed at my forehead and I can't remember what happened after that. You're here after I woke up." After Lin Xin finished her sentence, she then saw the broken pieces of her gun next to her. She immediately continued, "Brother, the woman has crushed the GrayEagle 17 that you gave it to me…"

"It's okay. I'll give you another one next time," Lin Huang simply promised her but he was in serious doubt.

What he could see through Bloody's monitoring scene was similar to what Lin Xin had narrated. After the woman in leather skirt pointed at Lin Xin's forehead, a white beam of light suddenly flashed on the monitoring screen and lasted for a couple of seconds before it returned normal. Soon after, only Lin Xin who had fainted could be seen on the screen and the woman had disappeared. Lin Huang had asked Bloody about that and it could only see a similar scene as well.

Lin Huang felt strange as he wondered why the woman's Dark Sphere and Emperor's Heart Ring would appear in Lin Xin's hand.

The Dark Sphere belonged to the woman in the leather skirt, and it was highly possible that the Emperor's Heart Ring belonged to her as well. Under only two conditions could the Emperor's Heart Ring be taken from its owner. It would either be because the owner had given it to another person at will or the owner had died.

Lin Huang did not think that the Saint member would give it to Lin Xin at will. Therefore, the probability of the woman being killed was extremely high. As for who had killed the woman and where her dead body was, Lin Huang had no idea.

However, he could confirm that the person who helped them out had no bad intentions towards Lin Xin.

"Xiao Hei, what do you think about this?" He had no choice but to ask Xiao Hei.

"It has nothing to do with the system. Therefore, I have no comment on this."

Lin Huang was speechless as he listened to Xiao Hei's reply.

"Could the Martial Hunter College have hired other assistants?" Lin Huang felt that the possibility for this to have happened would be quite high.

Lin Huang did not pay much attention to what the woman in the leather skirt said regarding Lin Xin not being able to be captured by her Dark Sphere because some of them with unique blood were immune to certain functions of relics.

Since the first day Lin Huang had traveled to this world, the integration of his memory was only at 98%. The percentage of his memory integration had never changed since then. He could not remember anything about what Lin Xin had experienced and what happened to her before that at all.

In fact, he could vaguely sense that it was highly possible that Lin Xin was not his biological sister. He had no evidence and it was only instinct. However, he did not ask further about it as they had been relying on each other for so many years. It made no difference whether she was his biological sister or not.

"Brother, what happened to you?" Lin Xin waved her hand in front of his eyes as she saw that Lin Huang was in a daze.

"I'm okay. Are you injured?" Lin Huang then asked as he recovered from his thoughts.

"No, I'm not. The woman wanted to catch us but she didn't hurt any of us." Lin Xin shook her head.

"That's good. The forest is under attack by the Saint members. They wanted to catch you guys back as an oblation. Many of the students haven't been rescued. Sit on Thunder's back later as it'll protect you. I'll have to save the rest of the students," Lin Huang explained.

"The Saint members? Isn't it the symbol on their neck is the symbol of the heretics?" Lin Xin asked curiously.

"The Saint members are pretending to be the heretics. I'll explain to you later." Lin Huang carried Lin Xin and leaped over a height of more than 100 meters.

Thunder fluttered its wings and carried both of them. It then headed to their next destination.

At about 7.20 a.m., Lin Huang, two of the Vice Presidents and the teachers of the Martial Hunter College gathered at the Mist Forest.

"Thank you, everyone, from the Martial Hunter College. Also, I'd like to thanks all the teachers who joined the operation. 3,000 of our new students have been rescued! Special thanks goes to Teacher Lin Huang as he managed to save more than half of the students alone. Over 100 Saint members have been killed, including the Saint elder. Although one of the elders and an official member managed to escape, we've also made a clean sweep!"

Lin Huang knew that only the Saint elder, Wu Fa, had fled. The dead body of the woman who had caught Lin Xin and the rest could not be found. Therefore, the Martial Hunter College supposed that she had run away. However, Lin Huang felt that it was not likely that she was still alive.

Lin Huang had observed 30 of them from the Martial Hunter College's backup team. All of them were either on purple or gold flame-level. He did not think that these people were capable of killing the woman in the leather skirt.

Bloody could not track Wu Fa's location as if he had gone missing from the forest. This was despite the fact that the dimension that had been locked. He had disappeared strangely from the forest where dimensional travel could not be performed. No traces were left.

Lin Huang felt strange about it. He doubted if Wu Fa had been killed or caught by the unknown who had also killed the woman in the leather skirt.

Since both of the Saint elders who were the leaders had disappeared, the Saint members were not notified to retreat and the dimension of the forest had not been unlocked. 100 of the attackers had been killed by the backup team from the Martial Hunter College in less than two hours. Lin Huang, Bai, and Ghastly were the one who had killed most of them. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lin Huang did not release Charcoal.

After expressing his gratitude, Wang Zijun activated the Dimensional Portal and the crowd entered.

"I'm grateful that you're here." Wang Zijun walked towards Lin Huang and patted his shoulder. However, he did not look relaxed.

"How many teachers have we lost?" Lin Huang asked.

"628," Wang Zijun said helplessly, "Most of the guardians have died. Less than 50 of them are lucky not to have been attacked. More than 80 of them who provided assistance to the teachers have died."

"We can't let their sacrifice go in vain." Lin Huang looked at Wang Zijun with a serious expression.

"I have informed the Union Government and the Hunter Association about this. The Union Government will settle it in the next few days. Perhaps there'll be a large-scale cleanup operation in Division 7! They'll have to pay for what they have done!" Wang Zijun nodded.

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