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42.17% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 202: 471-480

Chapter 202: 471-480

Chapter 471: I've Only Used 30% of What I Got

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang only took a step out, and there he was in the fight with the Regal Sword Killer and the three fiends that were thousands of meters away. The Regal Sword Killer's pupil shrunk as it sensed an intense aura that was targeting it. A strong sense of doom came to it, so it had to break free from the three fiends and back off from where it was.

The attack that the three fiends rained on the Regal Sword Killer's greenish-black armor did not work at all. However, as soon as it backed off, a shadow appeared. The Regal Sword Killer could not even see what the shadow was doing. It was clearly Lin Huang who had transformed into a fiend. He held his supreme sword relic in his right hand that was completely covered with a layer of black Life Power like it was painted black. There was a layer of black mist surrounding the surface of the sword, exuding a death threat. Even the Regal Sword Killer was threatened by his terrifying aura.

As Lin Huang got less than ten meters from the Regal Sword Killer, he smirked and caught up to it by stomping on the ground. They were now less than two meters away from each other. The Regal Sword Killer swung its sword immediately in the attempt of scaring him away instead of killing him. The nearer they were together, the more intense danger the Regal Sword Killer could feel.

However, Lin Huang was even faster than the Regal Sword Killer. He brandished his sword horizontally with his right hand. The space where the sword swung became a vacuum as the air around was pressured to its peak, creating a circle of a white wave that was sent together with the sword towards the Regal Sword Killer. It was as quick as a black lightning bolt that headed towards the Regal Sword Killer's black sword together with the white wave.

As the two swords collided, black Life Power exploded from Lin Huang's sword like a volcano eruption. Meanwhile, greenish-black Life Power shot out from the Regal Sword Killer's black sword. However, the difference between the both of them was like a stream and a flood. The greenish-black force was suppressed by Lin Huang's black Life Power immediately. Soon, the Regal Sword Killer was engulfed by the black Life Power like a flood.

The black shockwave from the black sword shot out and covered the Regal Sword Killer completely. A drain thousands of meters long and two meters wide was created on the burnt land. It was not created by Lin Huang's attack but from the impact of the shockwave. However, Lin Huang did not put his sword away as it was not his all. He knew that the Regal Sword Killer was not dead from his attack. There was no notification from Xiao Hei as well.

"Let me handle this. You guys just make sure that it doesn't run away." Lin Huang turned around and looked at the three fiends. Although he was transformed, the three fiends knew very well that he was their master, Lin Huang. They were shocked by the attack that he performed earlier. Although Lin Huang was on the same combat strength with the three fiends, his ability was much more powerful than theirs. They could not harm the Regal Sword Killer at all despite attacking it for a while, but Lin Huang's single sword swing managed to suppress it. Nobody knew if it was dead or not.

After instructing them, Lin Huang activated his Seraphic Speed and Thunder Steps. He dashed more than ten kilometers away after merely two to three steps. Although the Regal Sword Killer's aura was weaker now, Lin Huang could clearly sense where exactly it was as he had targeted its aura since the beginning. The shockwave had shot the Regal Sword Killer almost 10 kilometers away; even Lin Huang did not expect to see this.

The Regal Sword Killer looked clumsy when Lin Huang found him. There were cracks like spider webs all over its greenish-black armor, and it was recovering itself slowly. Although the sword in its hand was in good condition, it was obvious that its right hand was trembling from the attack earlier.

"Your sword is pretty solid." Lin Huang noticed that there were no cracks in its sword at all.

The Regal Sword Killer looked terrified by Lin Huang's sudden appearance before it. It then looked at the three fiends following behind, and it knew that it could not escape anymore.

"Since you're so powerful, why are you sacrificing your life to the human? That timid human kid has run away." The Regal Sword Killer looked at Lin Huang and attempted to talk him out of this.

"The timid human kid that you're talking about is me. I didn't run away. I transformed into this," Lin Huang raised his eyebrow and said to Regal Sword Killer.

"Are you satisfied with the answer?"

Clearly, the Regal Sword Killer did not expect to hear that, so it was in shock. Perhaps, it was puzzled how a human had managed to transform himself into a complete double mutated fiend that it could not distinguish.

"You're the first one to know the secret that I can transform into a monster. So, please bring this secret together with you to hell." Lin Huang did not want to talk to it anymore as he swung his sword again.

The black sword glow shot out like a crescent moon and headed towards the Regal Sword Killer as swiftly as lightning. Red glow shot out of the Regal Sword Killer's bloody eyes like a fuse lighting up its body which was also soon turned red. Its greenish-black armor became crimson red like charcoals on fire. The cracks on its armor disappeared, and there were bright red patterns on its black sword like lava.

It held its sword with both of its hands and sliced the crescent moon black sword glow into halves. The glow disappeared as it was destroyed.

"Do you really think that I couldn't sense your aura? I knew it was you, the human kid. Since you transformed yourself, I just needed to buy myself something to complete my transformation." The Regal Sword Killer glared deadly at Lin Huang and grinned.

"You're still a kid. Your ability is just like that even though you've leveled up to purple flame-level. Don't worry. I'll kill you first and explore more secrets about you. I can feel that you have what I need to complete my quadruple mutation."

"Really? I forgot to tell you something as well. The attack earlier was only 30% of what I've got as I have yet to adapt to my new body. Also, it was just a casual attack. I haven't even used my sword skills," Lin Huang smirked and deepened his voice.

"I shall let you in on my other secret. You're right. I really do have what you need to complete your quadruple mutation."

Chapter 472: Killed in Three Swings of the Sword!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I really do have what you need to complete your quadruple mutation," Lin Huang stomped and leaped with his sword like a flash of lightning as he taunted. This time, he gave his all. As he activated his Thunder Sting and Thunder Steps, his sword turned into a black lightning bolt in the air and headed towards the Regal Sword Killer. Ripples were created in the air as he wielded his sword so quickly like an osier swung through the water surface.

The Regal Sword Killer only saw a black glow before it realized anything. It did not have the time to respond while it defended with its sword by instinct. The force that was like a black lightning bolt collided on its black sword while Lin Huang proceeded to swing his sword at it. The only thing the Regal Sword Killer felt was an invincible force that pressed against it like a gargantuan mountain. Before it even fell, the thousands of black electrical arcs that came from the Thunder Stings radiated from the sword and covered the Regal Sword Killer's entire body.

After a loud groan, its bloody red body was shot out like a cannon. Thousands of meters trees that were burnt disintegrated into powder as it was shot out, black dust filling the place. The Regal Sword Killer's bloody red body fell clumsily on the ground thousands of meters away while the black electrical arcs were still happily dancing on it. The electrical arcs were numbing its body and at the same time, creating intense heat on its armor. The heat could do more harm than spiritual lava could, which was the reason why it groaned.

Lin Huang stomped and appeared before the Regal Sword Killer again. He looked at the Regal Sword Killer that could not get up due to the numbing effect of the black electrical arcs.

"It seems like you're slightly more powerful after transforming yourself. You can defend yourself better now. But that's good. I can test my ability with you and see how powerful I am after the transformation." With that, he swung his sword again. This time, he was not performing Thunder Stings but form36 from the Great Sword Scriptures. It was a killing style that was explosive, and it was also the last and most powerful form of the Great Sword Scriptures.

As he swung his sword horizontally, black Life Power dashed towards the Regal Sword Killer with a serious threat. Although its body was numb, the Regal Sword Killer did not give up just yet. It decided to bite the bullet and blocked its sword in front of its chest as it saw the black sword glow coming towards it.

As the swords collided, Regal Sword Killer released all its bloody Life Power in an attempt to defend from the attack. However, its red Life Power was like a flame that was fighting to survive in the dark when fighting the black Life Power. It only lasted for seconds before it was completely burnt out. The Regal Sword Killer was once again engulfed by the black Life Power. The shockwave created from the black Life Power shot it tens of thousands of meters away.

Lin Huang looked far into the distance as the shockwave faded away, Regal Sword Killer was tens of thousands of meters away. It was on the ground and was attempting to get up, but it seemed to be difficult for it. Lin Huang leaped and appeared less than ten meters before it. The attack just now had destroyed all the will that the Regal Sword Killer had been left with. To live, it had drained its Life Power to defend the attack.

Its bloody armor was destroyed, and it looked even clumsier than it was when it was in its greenish-black armor. Seeing that it was in pain, Lin Huang did not mock it but instead, he complimented it, "You're an opponent who deserves my respect, but I must kill you today so that I can get your tinder to level-up to holy fire-level."

"I've never thought I would be killed by a human kid who isn't even holy fire-level," the Regal Sword Killer smirked in mockery. However, it was not ridiculing Lin Huang but itself.

"Could you promise me something?" The Regal Sword Killer stopped its smirk and looked up at Lin Huang.

"Do tell." Lin Huang nodded after a moment of silence. He knew that there was no way the Regal Sword Killer could turn the tables around.

"I hope you'll take good care of my body after I die and bury me at the edge of the cliff that you found me on. I hope to see the thing that I've been waiting for since half a year ago after I died," the Regal Sword Killer requested.

"Sure," Lin Huang agreed without thinking twice.

Lin Huang respected its dying wish. After all, he was taking the Regal Sword Killer's life with no hatred.

"Kill me now!" The Regal Sword Killer did not say anything else as it saw Lin Huang's agreement. It straightened its back with the help of its sword in hand and closed its bloody eye slowly.

"This is called Worldly Purification. It's my most powerful form. It means purifying all the sins of the world," Lin Huang said while the tip of its sword burned in a black flame from his Life Power.

Lin Huang did not hold back this time as he inserted three Life Wheels of Life Power into his sword. The black flame on the sword tip became even more intense. The usual bright golden glow was now shiny black. It was as black as piano keys, and it could almost reflect a person's face. As the black flame was burning at its peak, Lin Huang activated his Thunder Steps and Seraphic Speed, then swung his sword. Within seconds, he cut open the Regal Sword Killer's hard bloody armor and pierced into its chest without any obstacles. The sword pierced through its heart and protruded from its back.

The heat from the sword tip remained in its body like a volcano that was going to erupt. When Lin Huang balanced to his feet, he was thousands of meters away from the Regal Sword Killer. Its body was cracking, and a flaming black force was coming out of the cracks. Even its mouth and eye were shooting out the black flames from the Worldly Purification. Before it could even fall to the ground, notifications came from Xiao Hei.

"Congratulations, you've killed the Regal Sword Killer (Incomplete), mission accomplished!

"Congratulations, you've obtained pseudo mythical-level card Regal Sword Killer (Incomplete) x1

"Congratulations, you've obtained quadruple tinder card (pseudo)!"

Chapter 473: Leveled-up to White Flame-Level!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Right after the Regal Sword Killer had been killed, there was no need for Lin Huang to extract the tinder since the system had automatically done it for him.

Based on the normal procedure of extracting tinder, Lin Huang's way of killing was against the rules. Not only did he summon a monster of a higher level than the Regal Sword Killer, his combat strength after the transformation was stronger than the Regal Sword Killer's as well. According to the rules in this world, under normal circumstances, the Regal Sword Killer's tinder would disappear after its death.

However, Xiao Hei stopped that from happening as he had extracted the tinder by force before the Regal Sword Killer died, making it into a card.

"Would you like to integrate the tinder?"

"Yes!" Lin Huang decided without a moment of hesitation.

"Integrating tinder."

Lin Huang then transformed himself back into the normal state, feeling weak. He felt uncomfortable upon returning normal due to the sudden rise in his combat strength.

As he returned to his normal human form, the Tinder Card was transformed into dots of greenish-black with a starry glow.

Lin Huang was constantly observing the changes that occurred in his body.

The starry glow in his body then transformed into clumps of greenish-black light and dispersed, infusing into ten of his Life Wheels. They were quickly cooled, forming a solid, black object that looked like a greenish-black stone of the size of a pinky finger. It was the tinder of the Regal Sword Killer but was separated into ten parts due to the Life Wheels in Lin Huang's body.

As the tinder entered his Life Wheels, it began absorbing the Life Power contained in Lin Huang's Life Wheels. Lin Huang immediately took out the Life Power storage card, inserting a large amount of Life Power into his body as he noticed that. He stopped when the Life Power in the third storage card had been drained.

Clumps of white glow emptied the Life Power in Lin Huang's Life Wheels in just a few minutes. Aside from that, the remaining Life Power in his body had been absorbed as well.

Until no more Life Power was left in Lin Huang's body, the thumb-sized, greenish-black tinder began to explode and crack, giving off white flames. The white flame burned stronger as it became smaller. Eventually, it completely turned into a clump of white Life Fire and was placed at the center of the Life Wheel.

As soon as the white Life Fire was created, it started releasing Life Power at an insane rate to restore Lin Huang's Life Wheel and his body that had been drained.

After his Life Wheel was filled, new white Life Power started flowing through Lin Huang's entire body and his body was rapidly strengthened.

He could even sense that each of the cells in his body was evolving towards becoming supercells. He could feel that he was becoming stronger and stronger every second, every minute.

Lin Huang spent more time on the evolution as compared to Yi Yeyu and Li Lang. It took him exactly three hours until the changes occurring in his body slowed down.

However, Lin Huang knew that it was not going to end yet. The Life Power created by tinder would continue modifying his body. The entire process would last for more than a month before it could be completely stopped. Within one month, his ability would constantly improve.

The entire process was known as Leaving the Ordinary. Anyone who first leveled up to white flame-level would have to go through one month period of Leaving the Ordinary.

After one month had passed, the evolution of his body would then remain stagnant, and the tinder within his Life Wheel would be completely stabilized.

As soon as tinder was ignited, Lin Huang felt that his ability was at least ten times stronger.

Be it the transformation of his body, or the Life Power in his body that had been trained; they were incomparable to the earlier ones.

The improvement in his ability was no longer the same as what he had experienced during his previous upgrades. He experienced changes from head to toe and even each strand of his hair was different from the past.

"No wonder humans are called Transcendents after they have achieved holy fire-level. I can feel that I have strength beyond human strength," Lin Huang sighed emotionally after realizing that.

"Xiao Hei, have a look at my Exclusive Card!" A few moments later, Lin Huang said impatiently.

"Host: Lin Huang

"Gender: Male

"Age: 16

"Combat Strength: White Flame-Level

"Secret Skills: Superhuman Strength, Seraphic Speed, Substitute, Small Territory, Demon Hand

"Sword Skills: Star Dome, Wildfire, Thunder Sting, Great Sword Scripture, Hundred Flowing Blades, Mountain Blade

"Gunfighting Technique: Thunderstorm, Sandstorm, Torrent

"Body Movement Skill: Thunder Steps, Cloud Steps, Spectral Snowsteps

"Minor: Fatal Tactics, Heaven's Wrath, Omniscient Nature

"Monster Skills: Vampire Particles, Advanced Disguise, Immense Strength, Leech Pods, Absolute Defense, Lightning Control, Dark Shield

"Summon Authority: Activated (Legendary Level)

"Available Number of Summons: 10

"Remarks: Finally managed to start training officially.

Lin Huang discovered that there were huge changes in the information on the back of his Character Card. His Character Card had become a book whereby his face was printed on the cover. The second page was a brief description of himself. Flipping to the next page, there were pages of skill trees and sword skills that were described in detail.

The legendary-level sword skill, Star Dome, was at the top of the skill tree, branching into Wildfire, Thunder Sting, Great Sword Scripture and the rest of the epic-level sword skills. The third group comprised of the rare-level sword skills.

The same went for the skill tree of the gunfighting technique. Advanced gunfighting techniques were at the top of the skill tree, followed by the mid-level techniques and lastly, the beginner level techniques.

There were 20 empty columns on the page describing the monster skills and currently, only seven of them were occupied.

Lin Huang noticed the improvement in his summoning authority. Not only was the summoning authority of the legendary-level monster card activated, the available number of summons had increased from five to ten.

"All the legendary-level cards have finally been unsealed!" Lin Huang was excited as he checked on the state of the monster cards of Charcoal, Bai, Bloody, and the Supreme Overlord. Indeed, the cards had been unsealed whereby the grey, stone-like cards had turned purple. Moreover, the cards displayed that the combat strength of the monsters were all on blue flame-level.

Upon confirming the status of four of the legendary-level monster cards, Lin Huang gazed at the Regal Sword Killer monster card which he had just obtained.

The Regal Sword Killer card was not sealed. The card was not golden in color. It was a purple card surrounded by a golden edge. The card showed that the combat strength of the Regal Sword Killer was blue flame-level. It was apparent that its combat strength was influenced by Lin Huang's combat level and was then improved. However, its summoning status was "restricted summoning".

Lin Huang tapped open on "restricted summoning" to view more details about it.

"Restricted summoning: The monster can merely be summoned once for each level and can be summoned for the second time after you have leveled up."

"Remarks: As soon as you have achieved immortal-level, the restriction will be void."

"It's not sealed!" Lin Huang grinned. Even if it could only be used once for each level, he could summon it five times when he was a holy fire-level.

Chapter 474: One Page of Sword Scripture

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The summoning period is only one hour but that's good enough since it's not sealed."

While Lin Huang was looking at the card of the Regal Sword Killer, Xiao Hei's voice was heard.

"A hidden page is detected in the Regal Sword Killer's body!"

Under normal circumstances, after the tinder was extracted and ignited, it would release a large amount of information to the tinder's owner. These messages would typically include the memories inherited from the monster that was killed.

However, Lin Huang did not obtain the memories inherited. Instead, a few seconds later, a notification from Xiao Hei suddenly arrived.

"There is a hidden page?" This was strange news to Lin Huang.

"It has been verified that it is a Divine Object. As the Regal Sword Killer died, this page started disappearing, but I managed to capture it. There is a missing part, but the impact of that section isn't that big. If I'm not mistaken, the memories inherited from the tinder of the Regal Sword Killer wasn't released because this page of scripture might have absorbed it."

"Where's it?" Lin Huang immediately asked.

A dark bronze, palm-sized object gradually came out from the Regal Sword Killer's body, floating in front of Lin Huang. Lin Huang stared at it for a few moments and black inscriptions flickered on the object.

"Can I extract the information from this?" Lin Huang immediately asked.

"The level of this object is too high and it isn't possible to turn it into a card. The information can't be extracted and I can only oppress it. Insert it into your body and try to communicate with it."

As soon as Xiao Hei finished his words, Lin Huang extended his hand and he was able to touch the page of scripture.

The next moment, Lin Huang felt dizzy.

As he regained his senses, he was no longer on Elam Island but in a deserted land where battle swords were all pierced into the ground.

"Xiao Hei!" Lin Huang contacted Xiao Hei through his mind as he wanted to ask what was happening. However, Xiao Hei did not answer him.

"It seems like we have lost connection." Lin Huang frowned, looking at the vast wilderness. There was nothing other than the battle swords that emitted a threatening aura.

Just when Lin Huang was in doubt, a weird thought ran through his mind.

"As long as you manage to look for the sword that belongs to you among the 18,800 of them, the recognition by that single page of sword scripture will be given. You only have one chance to do so. The page of the sword scripture will disappear on its own and I'll lose a chance as well…"

Lin Huang did not know why but he could suddenly understand the rules. He immediately sized up the surroundings.

He could see that none of the battle swords were similar to each other. The swords were emboldened and he had no idea how much stronger they were than his own supreme sword. Lin Huang was confused.

As he was wondering how the sword should be picked out, he felt something peculiar as if he was being drawn by a magnet.

Lin Huang then turned back and headed towards the direction if the pull, running for more than half an hour. Eventually, he arrived at a place where the peculiar attraction could be felt the strongest.

He stood still, looking at the swords surrounding him. He finally targeted one of them.

The undefined attraction was coming from this particular sword.

It looked ordinary and the handle of the sword was simply made of wood. There were no traces that it had been carved. The blade had an ordinary silver color and there were no remarkable designs on it at all.

It had a normal and a rather unappealing appearance. Its aura was calm and run-of-the-mill unlike the rest of the swords whereby some of them emitted a deadly aura, or were overbearing, or even spiritualized…

"I don't care whether it is the right one but I'm going to choose you today!" Despite it not being eye-catching, it somehow looked outstanding to Lin Huang. Even if it could not be used to fight, it could still be used to practice.

He then grabbed the handle of the sword, slowly drawing it out of the ground.

Right when it was being pulled out of the ground, a golden glow emerged. The battle sword that looked unappealing released a dazzling golden gleam that looked like sunlight and instantly expanded throughout the deserted land.

As the golden glow faded, Lin Huang's vision recovered and he returned to Elam Island.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Hei's voice was heard.

"I'm okay." Apparently, Xiao Hei did not know what had happened just now. He felt that he had been in the deserted land for at least half an hour. However, as he returned to reality, not even a second had passed.

As soon as Lin Huang finished his sentence, the golden page then turned into a beam of light and flowed into his body through his finger.

"It seems like you have been verified. You have saved me some trouble."

When the page moved, Xiao Hei wanted to oppress it. Soon, it discovered that the scripture had no bad intentions and it was no longer bothered about it, allowing it to enter Lin Huang's body.

When his consciousness immersed his body, Lin Huang managed to capture the presence of the page rapidly in his body. It floated somewhere near Xiao Hei and the rest of the cards.

As Lin Huang contacted it, a large amount of information began gushing into his mind.

Lin Huang was startled but soon, he was surprised as most of the contents recorded were about the Sword Dao.

It was not the content of the human's Sword Dao but the monster's!

For a monster that had never gone through any mutations to one that had gone through its third mutation, as long as the combat level was below immortal-level, all the sword type monsters were recorded. The monster's Sword Dao was all recorded on the golden page.

Lin Huang was delighted. He did not obtain just one type of the Sword Dao, but there were more than 10,000 of them!

The formation process of the sword skill of each monster was clearly recorded. Lin Huang was like an onlooker standing less than three meters away, witnessing everything that had happened.

It was already late at night as he skimmed through it. Lin Huang did not notice that while he was reading the legacy, the sword realm in his body was improving unknowingly. When Lin Huang recovered from his thoughts it was already 10 o'clock at night.

He took a glance at the time and realized that it was time to leave.

Looking at the Regal Sword Killer's dead body, Lin Huang decided to follow his last request and carried the carcass. He brought along the three fiends and headed towards the east of the island, somewhere near the edge of the cliff.

A few minutes had passed and the four of them arrived near the cliff.

Lin Huang strode towards the place where the Regal Sword Killer had been found earlier and instructed the fiends, "One of you, please help me dig a hole here."

The fiends exchanged glances with one another. One of them then walked to the front, extending its claws and quickly dug a standard rectangular pit that was three meters long and more than a meter wide. It had a depth of about two to three meters.

As the fiend extended its hand again, the Regal Sword Killer's dead body floated on its own. Even the long sword that it was holding with cracks that were visible on its blade gradually fell into the soil pit. Soon, black sand started filling the large pit and the carcass was buried.

Lin Huang nodded in satisfaction at the Imperial Imp that had completed the task. "You're quite familiar with this. I'll look for you when there's a need in the future."

He then recalled the fiends, gazing at the slope. "You're a worthy opponent. I'd make an exception this time. I won't do anything with your dead body. May you rest in peace."

After finishing his last sentence, Lin Huang immediately summoned the Black Ink and strode over to it.

The howl of the wind resonated through the deathly stillness of Elam Island.

There were two moons, one in red and another in purple lighting up the night sky.

At midnight, underneath the black soil, a faint golden glow appeared on the Regal Sword Killer's chest which had completely exploded.

If one looked into his body carefully, one would discover an incomplete gold, thumb-sized page. Its shape completely matched the missing part of the sword scripture that Lin Huang had obtained.

On the island, a deadly aura was inserted into the incomplete page that was on the Regal Sword Killer's wound.

At the same time, the Regal Sword Killer's body changed strangely.

Up until it was about four o'clock in the morning, the charred land completely disappeared. Flowers and grass began to grow.

Before the dawn, when the first beam of sunlight shone on the island, the finger of the Regal Sword Killer's dead corpse that had been buried moved a little…

Chapter 475: Ability Explosion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Monster Card

"Rarity: Mythical (Pseudo)

"Name of Monster: Regal Sword Killer (Incomplete)

"Type of Monster: Protoss (Beginner)

"Combat Level: Blue Flame-Level

"Major: Sword Dao

"Major Skills: Killer (Demigod's sword skill), other sword skills (Nine types), Sword Realm (Small), Holy Power

"Minor Skills: Enhanced Regeneration, Seraphic Speed, Superhuman Strength

"Summon Authority: Restricted Summoning

"Card Remarks: Recommended to train with maximum effort!"

"Monster Card: Charcoal

"Rarity: Legendary

"Name of Monster: Undead Evil Dragon

"Type of Monster: Dragonkin (Mid-Level)

"Combat Level: Blue Flame-Level

"Major: True Dragon Dao

"Major Skills: Black Dragon Flame, Dragon Power, Dragon Breath, Draconic Secret Skill, Dragon Realm

"Minor Skills: Elemental Immunity, Absolute Defense, Enhanced Regeneration, Combat Instinct

"Summon Authority: Activated

"Card Remarks: Intensive training is recommended!"

"Monster Card: Bai

"Rarity: Legendary

"Name of Monster: Vampire Monarch

"Type of Monster: Protoss (Beginner)

"Combat Level: Blue Flame-Level

"Major: Blood Bond

"Major Skills: Vampire Particles, Holy Power, Blood Secret Skill, Vampire Realm

"Minor Skills: Seraphic Speed, Instantaneous, Wing Slayer, Enhanced Regeneration

"Summon Authority: Activated

"Card Remarks: Intensive training is recommended!"

"Monster Card: Bloody

"Rarity: Legendary

"Name of Monster: Violethaze

"Type of Monster: Parasite

"Combat Level: Blue Flame-Level

"Major: Parasitism"

"Major Skills: Parasitic secret skill, Absolute Control

"Minor Skills: Supreme Intelligence, Limitless Ingestion, Immortal Pods

"Summon Authority: Activated

"Card Remarks: Intensive training is recommended!"

"Monster Card: Ghastly Clown

"Rarity: Legendary

"Name of Monster: Supreme Overlord

"Type of Monster: Undying Species (Mid-Level)

"Combat Level: Blue Flame-Level

"Major: Control

"Major Skills: Doll Secret Skill, Deceptive Secret Skil, Spiritual Secret Skil

"Minor Skills: Supreme Intelligence, Unknown Trap, Telekinesis

"Summon Authority: Activated

"Card Remarks: Intensive training is recommended!"

"I've finally unsealed all of them!"

Late at night, Lin Huang carefully looked at the legendary-level cards that had been unsealed.

He had never expected that these monster cards would turn into a book like his Character Card.

Flipping through the pages, he could see the skill trees of both the major and the minor skills. Each skill was described in detail compared to the past.

Many of the monster skills did not disappear but were included in the secret skills instead. Although it seemed like the number of monster skills displayed on the main page had reduced, it had, in fact, increased.

Within Bloody's Parasitic secret skill, there were more than 100 types of parasitic skills. Also, Ghastly Clown's Doll secret skill included the Doll Substitute, Puppet Control, and all other doll-related skills. Furthermore, Bai's Blood secret skill contained various types of skills that utilized the power of the Blood Bond.

Moreover, the learning abilities of the monsters that had gone through their third mutation were comparable to the human genius. They could obtain more skills through the learning process.

The unlocking of the legendary-level cards and the obtaining of the pseudo-mythical level card, the Regal Sword Killer, had caused Lin Huang's summoning monsters to become extraordinarily stronger.

In addition to Lin Huang leveling up, his Sword Dao had improved significantly. Four of the Life Seed talents were transformed into secret skills that were even stronger.

A teleportation skill with flickering effect was added to the Seraphic Speed secret skill. The substitute effect of the Substitute secret skill had increased from being able to use it once a year to twice a year. Also, the Micro Territory had evolved into Small Territory whereby its territory had expanded to a radius of 300 meters. Sly Hand was transformed into Demon Hand as well, turning into an attack type secret skill with speed and strength.

There was an explosive change in Lin Huang's overall abilities compared to prior to leveling up to holy fire-level.

When it came to encountering an immortal-level of a lower rank, Lin Huang dared to fight it, let alone a gold flame-level.

Upon returning to the Martial Hunter College, Lin Huang did not visit the library anymore. He spent most of his time in the training room.

He wanted to verify the monster sword skills that had been inherited and at the same time, he was practicing a set of body training skills called Undefeatable Warrior.

The body training skill was provided by Mr. Fu whereby Lin Huang could quickly improve the strength of his body during this period of time at a rapid pace.

However, it was a huge burden to his body. Lin Huang could no longer continue after practicing for about two hours. He could only use the remaining time to practice his sword skills.

As he practiced every day, it took him less than a week until his practice sessions for the Undefeatable Warrior could be increased to six hours a day.

In a blink of an eye, it was already Friday. It was the first battle drill in this week.

When Lin Huang appeared at the Sword Dao faculty office early in the morning, all the teachers there were shocked the moment when they saw him.

"Teacher Lin, have you leveled up to holy fire-level?" Mu Xiaolan who was closest to Lin Huang asked.

Aside from Qin Tianxing, all the teachers in the office were on complete gold-level. In addition to the fact that Lin Huang had just leveled up and could not shrink his aura, everyone could clearly feel the advancement in Lin Huang's combat strength.

"Yes, I just did." Lin Huang smiled, nodding his head.

"When did you level up?" Mu Xiaolan immediately asked.

"Last Saturday," Lin Huang said.

Right at this moment, Qin Tianxing walked into the office. He saw the upgraded Lin Huang at a first glance. His pupils dilated as he sensed the terrifying aura released by Lin Huang.

"Fellow, you managed to level up so quickly. I thought that you'd spend a lot of time preparing." Qin Tianxing smiled as he walked in.

"I did actually spend a week preparing for it," Lin Huang smiled as he explained.

The rest of them had a strange expression on their faces as they heard what he said. Normally, the people would prepare for a few months or even a few years to kill a Life Fire monster. Moreover, the probability of failing to kill the monster was high. Lin Huang had spent only one week for the preparation and had even succeeded. Many of them were overwhelmed as they heard that.

Qin Tianxing walked towards Lin Huang with a smile, covering half of his mouth with a palm and whispered to Lin Huang, "You have just leveled up and you exude a really strong aura. Did you really kill a triple mutated monster?"

"Make a guess." Lin Huang smiled and did not answer his question.

A flicker of fury flashed through Qin Tianxing's eyes. Despite Lin Huang not answering him, he knew the answer from the smile on Lin Huang's face.

"You're great!" Qin Tianxing gave him the thumbs up.

"Oh yeah, Brother Qin, tell me about the battle drill." Despite already achieving holy fire-level, he was still being responsible for his students. He would not give up his job even if he was not going to work for exactly a year. He would at least complete his teaching for one whole semester.

"All the Year 1 students will join the battle drill. It is based on the points accumulated by each class. However, there can only be a maximum of five students per group. Therefore, there'll be ten teams for each class," Qin Tianxing explained.

"You have 100 students in your class. Are you taking great advantage of it?" Lin Huang raised his brows.

"That's good if it works in this way. However, to ensure that it's fair, the total score obtained by our class will be divided by two," Qin Tianxing said with his palms up.

"I do think that the rules established by the school are awesome." Lin Huang smiled.

Chapter 476: The Rules of the Battle Drill

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was nine o'clock in the morning.

There were more than 3,000 new Year 1 students. All of them stood straight in their formations according to their faculties and years.

It had been a month since school started and everyone had started familiarizing themselves with one another. They had a better understanding of the rules and the system of the school as well.

The school would organize a battle drill in a month, and it was most anticipated by the new students since most of them had never been to the wilderness.

The teachers oversaw the battle drill. Therefore, they would not need to worry about their safety.

Moreover, it was the first battle drill since the school started. The new students were looking forward to it. They were more excited than nervous.

Deputy Dean Wang was the one who was in charge of the battle drill.

While he was giving a speech on the stage, Qin Tianxing had sent out the rules of the battle drill to Lin Huang and the rest of the teachers' via their Emperor's Heart Rings.

Since Lin Huang was the new teacher, he immediately checked them out. Despite having briefly heard about the rules from Qin Tianxing, he still read them carefully.

The rules of the battle drill were simple. The training ground was a level-1 wild zone. The staff of the institution had hidden many of the star badges in the wild zones. Points would be awarded to those who retrieved the star badges. Those who managed to kill the iron-level monsters would earn extra points.

Furthermore, the battle drill would last for only three days. That being said, the students would have to sleep in the level-1 wild zone for two nights. This would be the greatest challenge that they would face in the assessment.

After Lin Huang carefully read the rules, Deputy Dean Wang had almost finished his speech.

"That's all from me. Now, the class teachers will explain the details of the battle drill to the students!"

Lin Huang waited for the rest of the teachers to do so before heading towards his students.

The students had not seen Lin Huang for a week and noticed some changes in him. However, they could not figure out the difference.

"We haven't seen each other for a week. Did you guys goof around?" Lin Huang gazed at the crowd. A few of them avoided his gaze whereas the rest of them did not seem to have slacked off at work.

"Alright, stop talking nonsense. I'll explain the rules of the assessment." As soon as Lin Huang finished his words, two star-shaped badges were projected.

"In the coming three days, the accumulation of points mainly come from these two badges. You'll be given one point for each silver badge collected whereas you'll gain ten points for each gold badge. They'll normally hide the gold badges at dangerous places. There might be iron-level monsters there. Therefore, when you see a gold badge, you have to be cautious. Don't just focus on getting the badge but neglect the danger.

"Aside from collecting badges, points can be accumulated by killing monsters. You'll get ten points for killing an iron-level rank-1 monster and 30 points for an iron-level rank-2 monster. You'll obtain 100 points if you kill an iron-level rank-3 monster.

"Your performance in the wilderness will be recorded by the Surveillance Mosquito. Therefore, after the monster is killed, there's no need to handle the carcasses. The staff will do it for you."

"Teacher Lin, if we get bitten by a mosquito at night, and we accidentally kill the Surveillance Mosquito, what shall we do?" A fat young man raised his hand and asked.

The people around him tittered, covering their mouths.

Lin Huang was speechless and shook his head. The Surveillance Mosquito was projected to them. "The Surveillance Mosquito measures a length of about 20 to 30 centimeters. There are eight eyes on its head which gives it a 360-degree vision. It is an iron-level rank-3 monster. The Surveillance Mosquito has been tamed by humans. However, if it encounters an attack, it'll still fight back. Each Surveillance Mosquito can drink more than ten liters of blood. It has to absorb the blood of two people of your body size to feel full."

The young man, who asked the question, kept quiet. The rest of them, who had no idea how the Surveillance Mosquito looked like, felt lucky that they did not ask such a question.

"Also, I'd like to remind you that despite the Surveillance Mosquito has been tamed, it is not absolutely safe. Even a pet at home will go mad, let alone monsters. Don't get too close to the Surveillance Mosquito and it's best to keep a distance of at least one meter away. Of course, if you don't provoke them, they usually won't attack you." Lin Huang was not trying to scare them but such problems did really exist in the past.

He then switched the screen to the map and continued, "The wild zone that you guys are going to is called the Mist Forest. It is a level-1 wild-zone and the strongest monster will be an iron-level rank-3. However, mist will form in the forest at night. Therefore, it's best for you to look for the badges and hunt for monsters during the day. When the mist is formed at night, don't wander around so that you won't get lost with your mate.

"Also, individual marks will not be given for the assessment but will be calculated based on the points accumulated by each class. Therefore, your opponent isn't only those from the Sword Dao faculty but also those from Saber Dao faculty, Gun Dao faculty, and so on.

"There'll be 50 students in each class forming a team of five. Therefore, there'll be ten small teams. Each team will be sent to random places, and the same goes for the rest of the classes.

"All the badges collected have been processed specially. Therefore, it's not possible to put it away in the storage space. You can only bring it along with you. Besides, you can snatch badges from other teams. Therefore, the monsters aren't your only enemy but so are the students from other classes."

Many of their faces turned pale when they heard that the badges could be snatched from other students. The strongest student among all the Year 1 students was, of course, Mu Xiao from the Saber Dao faculty. Before enrolling into school, his combat level was already on bronze-level rank-1. His abilities were far beyond the rest of the students. He surely had no difficulty with the assessment. If they had permission to snatch badges from each other, he would be able to seize all the badges from the teams that bumped into him.

"Aside from the enemies, please don't forget something that you'll have to do at night. In each team of five, each of you has to take turns to keep watch at night. Therefore, every one of you will get to sleep for about eight hours. Don't fall asleep together as you won't know if the monsters or the other teams attack," Lin Huang reminded.

"That's all for the rules of the assessment. The last rule is that you're only allowed to bring in water during the assessment. No food is allowed because you'll need to hunt for your own food in the forest. Please hand in all the food you have now. If the Surveillance Mosquito finds out that anyone of you has brought along food, regardless of what food it is, based on the number of people who brought in food, the class marks will be penalized by 100 points per student. If ten students bring along the food with them, the class marks will be -1,000," Lin Huang extended his hand out for their food supplies while saying.

Some of the students who heard that immediately passed their food to him. A minority of them passed it to him unwillingly when they saw the rest of them gave it to him. Lin Huang did not care if some of them were trying to hide the food. He had deliberately emphasized, "if the Surveillance Mosquito finds out". In fact, he was trying to hint that if they were not discovered, their marks would not be deducted. However, most of the students did not seem to understand that. It was obvious that some of them could understand what he meant and handed in only a few packets of snacks.

"Alright. That's all I'm going to say. I'll send the rules and the map of the wild zone to you. Look for your teammates now. I'd suggest you assign the team members according to their abilities. There's no need for those who are good in attacking to be on the same team. It'd be best for a team to have a good mix of those attacking, defending, controlling, and healing. If it's impossible to do so, please try your best to follow," Lin Huang reminded. He then sent the details and rules to the group.

The group of students then downloaded the map and the rules of the assessment. Soon, they began forming their own groups.

Chapter 477: Each Faculty's Ability

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At 10 o'clock in the morning, 3,000 new students formed teams of five and were sent to the level-1 wild zone, the Mist Forest.

Six hundred locations of different coordinates were set in the dimensional portal of the Deputy Dean, Wang Zijun. All the new students who entered the dimensional portal would be randomly sent to one of those locations. The location would automatically be removed after the team was sent out to avoid sending two teams to the same location.

Just slightly after 11 a.m, they had finally sent out all the students. The Surveillance Mosquito was arranged somewhere near the location in advance. After the students were sent out, the Surveillance Mosquito would be activated immediately for live broadcast.

The staff immediately activated their receivers, and 600 live videos were projected.

Lin Huang could quickly identify ten teams of students from his class and he could see Lin Xin's team as well.

Lin Xin had joined the Sword Dao class too as she had been influenced by Lin Huang. She had actually registered for gunmaster. However, there were not enough students that registered for the gunmaster class, and the classes could only be conducted when all the students had achieved iron-level. Therefore, the classes would only be assigned to the students who had registered for gunmaster in their second year.

All the students who had registered for gunmaster would be assigned to other classes according to their scores before graduation. Some of the students in Lin Huang's class had signed up for gunmaster as well.

Perhaps it was because Lin Xin had an outstanding performance in gunmaster, Lin Huang noticed that she was assigned to a very powerful group. Basically, it was one of the three strongest groups in Class 1 of the Sword Dao faculty. Two of them in the team had already achieved iron-level.

If they did not encounter Mu Xiao from the Saber Dao faculty, the team would pass the assessment easily.

As Lin Huang studied the assignment of team members in Lin Xin's team, he then looked at the rest of the teams in Class 1. He realized that the overall qualification of the Class 1 students was indeed higher. There were 12 out of 100 students who had achieved iron-level. Two of them were on iron-level rank-3.

However, there was only one student who had achieved iron-level rank-1 in Class2 which was Lin Huang's class. There were no students who had achieved iron-level in the rest of the classes.

"The Saber Dao faculty is so strong this year!" While Lin Huang was still observing the situation of the students from the Sword Dao faculty, Qin Tianxing beside him suddenly exclaimed.

The strongest opponent was not the rest of the classes from the Sword Dao faculty to him but the classes from the Saber Dao faculty. The overall abilities of the students in Class 1 of Sword Dao faculty were a lot stronger than the rest of the classes. Therefore, the students from class 1 of the Saber Dao faculty had always been an informal rival to the students from his class.

As Lin Huang heard that, he shifted his gaze to the screen that presented the teams from the Saber Dao faculty.

There were 26 students on iron-level in Class 1 of the Saber Dao faculty and Mu Xiao, who was on bronze-level, was one of them. Their overall abilities were indeed stronger than the students from the Sword Dao faculty. There were eight students from Class 2 of the Saber Dao faculty that had achieved iron-level and were almost on par with Class 1 of the Sword Dao faculty. The Saber Dao faculty was incomparable to the Sword Dao faculty.

Seeing a few of the classes from Saber Dao faculty, Lin Huang then looked at the rest of the classes that were registered under other programmes and realized that there was nothing worth paying attention to.

The Gun Dao faculty was slightly weaker than the Sword Dao faculty. There were seven students who had managed to get to iron-level in Class 1 of the Gun Dao faculty, and it was on par with Class 2 of the Saber Dao faculty. There were only about two students who were on iron-level for the rest of the programmes.

Lin Huang took a glimpse at the classes and soon, he shifted his focus back to Lin Xin.

Four of the members of Lin Xin's team looked nervous. Lin Xin was the only one who did not look nervous at all and looked somewhat excited. Lin Huang could now see the benefit of having brought her along to explore in the past. She had been to the moderate danger zone with Lin Huang. She would not feel nervous about getting into a level-1 wild zone at all.

"Eh, Ling Xue looks weak, but her mental quality is quite excellent," Qin Tianxing mumbled, evaluating the performance of his students. Soon, he shifted his gaze to Lin Xin's team and realized that she appeared to be rather calm.

Lin Xin's nickname was Ling Xue when she registered herself in this school. Aside from the President, Liu Ming, nobody knew that they were siblings. Of course, Qin Tianxing would not have known that he was commenting on Lin Huang's sister.

Lin Huang was not surprised to see Lin Xin's expression. He had seen Lin Xin's performance during the battle in the Gun Master game. She had actually achieved the beginner level of a gunmaster but had yet to achieve iron-level. Therefore, she was unable to activate her Life Power for the use of relics. However, as long as the power of the gun and the bullets were strong enough, Lin Xin would be capable of killing an iron-level rank-3 monster.

When it came to the use of guns, Lin Xin was even stronger than Lin Huang who had sat for the Reserve Hunter Assessment a year ago. When Lin Huang was preparing himself for the Reserve Hunter Assessment, he did not even master any of the entry-level gunfighting techniques. However, Lin Xin had already learned 37 types of entry-level gunfighting techniques and 11 types of beginner-level gunfighting techniques that could be used without activating her Life Power.

Lin Xin was fated to be a dark horse to be discovered soon in the battle drill. Lin Huang had never doubted it. He was worried about the performance of his students instead.

While Lin Huang was observing the performance of the students, the Deputy Dean Wang Zijun shifted his gaze to Lin Huang. He originally wanted to have a look at the young man who had just come and to see if he could adapt the life here. However, he was frightened. When the school had just started, Lin Huang was just a gold-level rank-3. About one month had passed, and he had leveled up to white flame-level.

"He's only 16 years old and he's now on holy fire-level. He's perhaps the youngest person who managed to get into holy fire-level in Division7!" Wang Zijun exclaimed. "Although he's just on white flame-level, his aura is extremely strong. It's comparable to those on crimson flame-level. Did he kill a triple mutated Life Fire monster?"

Wang Zijun had met many of the people who leveled up to white flame-level by killing a double mutated monster. However, it was his first time sensing such a strong aura from Lin Huang. He instantly guessed that Lin Huang could have killed a triple mutated Life Fire monster.

"At just 16 years old, he has achieved level-3 sword realm. He even killed a triple mutated monster… Where did President Liu discover such a genius?" Wang Zijun was sizing Lin Huang up secretly for about two seconds. However, Lin Huang could still sense it.

Lin Huang immediately turned his head to look at Wang Zijun as he sensed his gaze on him. Realizing that it was the Deputy Dean who was sizing him up, Lin Huang roughly knew why he had done so.

Wang Zijun was stunned as he never expected Lin Huang to be so sensitive. He immediately smiled to cover up the awkward situation before shifting his gaze away from him.

"He's so strong!" Wang Zijun, who had spiritual detection ability, could sense that Lin Huang had extraordinary abilities as they exchanged glances with each other. "I've no idea how his students will be…"

Again, he shifted his gaze to the screen that projected the situation of the battle drill, looking at the students from Class 2 of the Sword Dao faculty.

Chapter 478: Mist Forest

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shangguan Hui had short, center-parted hair and was always dressed in long-sleeved tops and long pants, making her look like a man.

On the first few days, her gender could hardly be distinguished. After a few classes, the students in Class 2 of the Sword Dao faculty could confirm her gender.

Apart from her attire, her personality seemed like a man's as well. She was not as emotional as females and was capable of analyzing problems rationally. This was the reason why she was close to most females as they treated her like their best male friend. They would look for her to analyze their problems if they encountered any.

Her roommate, Zhou Ling, was completely different as she was a straightforward person. She was not tall at barely 1.6 meters. However, she had a sweet-looking face, and in addition to her fame, she was the ideal girl that many of the boys in the class liked.

Shangguan Hui was asked to join Zhou Ling's team in the first place. They wanted to look for another two of their roommates to join them, but they realized that it was too late. A group of boys surrounded two of their roommates. They then had to allow three of the boys to join their team.

Three of the boys were Zhou Ling's admirers, and one of them was Si Tuhao who had already achieved iron-level.

Si Tuhao was 16 years old this year and was the eldest among all the students in Year 1 Class 2 of the Sword Dao faculty. He was only two months younger than Lin Huang. However, he was tall. Despite only being 16, he was already 1.85 meters tall. He looked rather matured like a young man in his mid-twenties, which contributed to the reason his classmates addressed him as Uncle Hao.

Si Tuhao was Zhou Ling's admirer. He confessed to Zhou Ling after class on the first day when they had met each other resulting in Zhou Ling being frightened and running away. She avoided him for more than a week.

Soon, however, she realized that Si Tuhao was a good person. Although she did not accept him as a love interest, the both of them had then become friends.

Two of the boys called Yang Jie, and Zhao Ze were Zhou Ling's admirers as well. Their results were quite outstanding in Class 2.

Shangguan Hui's team was one of the few stronger teams among all the teams in Class 2 of the Sword Dao faculty.

"We're quite lucky as we've been directly sent to a lakeside!" Zhou Ling shouted. They were celebrating their fortuitous circumstance.

"Let's have a look at the map to identify our exact location," Shangguan Hui reminded in the first place.

"The lake in front of us is one of three large lakes in Mist Forest, Brumaire Lake. It seems like we don't need to worry about food for the next few days," Si Tuhao announced happily after studying the map.

"We're now at the Southwest of Brumaire Lake. There's fish in the lake that can solve our problem about food supply. However, we face another problem at the same time." Shangguan Hui looked at the rest of the team members warily.

When they heard what she said, they immediately shifted their focus to her.

"Firstly, it's rather difficult to kill monsters in the water compared to monsters on land. The lake has a large area which is more than 800 square kilometers wide. If we stay in the same position for three days, perhaps we won't even be able to encounter a monster that drinks water.

"Secondly, towards the North is the lake. There could be many hidden badges there. To look for the badges, we either have to search along the lakeside or enter the forest.

"Our target is not to pass the assessment safely, but to accumulate as many points as we can!" The four of them nodded their head as they heard what Shangguan Hui said.

"Xiao Hui, what shall we do?" Zhou Ling knew that Shangguan Hui was an opinionated person. She would not need to think hard with Shangguan Hui around.

"First of all, let's familiarize ourselves with the environment. If there are no strong monsters here, we'll set up camp here. Regarding the food, let's look around later if there're any monsters that we can hunt for food. If there aren't any, let's think of ways to catch the fish. It'll be best if we can prepare enough food for the coming three days. We can either make dried meat or dried fish. We won't need to worry about food for the next two days, or waste time on that." Shangguan Hui kept quiet for a while and suggested, "As the mist dissipates tomorrow, we'll head towards the west and enter the forest. We'll then start hunting monsters."

"I agree!" Zhou Ling did not think twice and immediately agreed with her.

"Alright, let's do what you said." The three of them did not raise any objections.

Shangguan Hui then randomly picked up a tree branch and stuck it into the ground. She then glanced at the time and said, "It's now 11 a.m. In order to increase the efficiency of detecting the badges, let's now explore the areas in three different directions. Zhou Ling and I will head towards the east. Yang Jie and Zhao Ze will go to the south. Since you're the strongest, Si Tuhao, you shall head towards the west and go into the forest. The main purpose is to check if there're any badges nearby or any lonely monsters. Let's gather over here at this exact tree branch at noon. Enable the silent and vibration modes on your Emperor's Heart Ring. Contact each other if there're any further updates."

"Is it a good idea to separate the five of us?" Zhou Ling asked, feeling insecure.

"It'll be fine. Our main purpose is to look for the badges. If we bump into any monsters or the other teams, come back in the first place to avoid conflict. The assessment has just started, and none of us will have any of the badges. even if we encounter Mu Xiao from the Saber faculty, they probably won't fight us. Moreover, the places where the massive monster crowds will gather have been marked on the map. The nearest monster crowd is situated west, and it is 30 kilometers away from us. If there're monsters at other places, perhaps they'll be the lonely or small monsters," Shangguan Hui explained.

"Alright, let's do what you say. We'll gather here at noon. If anyone of you discovers any lonely monsters, we'll kill them together and make them into dried meat. If there aren't any monsters, we will catch fish and dry them." Si Tuhao nodded in agreement.

Yang Jie and Zhao Ze did not disagree with her.

Three of them then headed in three different directions.

Shangguan Hui's decision was out of Lin Huang's expectations as he never knew that a girl would think in such a way. He thought that Si Tuhao was supposed to be the team leader as he was the eldest and also the strongest. He never expected Shangguan Hui to take power from him or for the three boys not to disagree with her at all.

"Five of them headed towards three different directions. They are kind of brave… However, the girl doesn't seem to feel nervous at all. She must be the same as Lin Xin in the sense that she has been to the wild zone." Lin Huang seemed to be able to identify the difference between a newbie and a veteran. While the rest of the people were still trying to familiarize themselves with the environment, Shangguan Hui had already assigned tasks to her teammates on the first day. It was obvious that a newbie would not be able to do that.

"It looks like she's from the Shangguan family." Deputy Dean Wang did notice Shangguan Hui's performance. He forced a smile, shaking his head. He had heard before about her creating some trouble during the graduation examination.

Shangguan Hui was supposed to score full marks in her cultural course. However, while answering the questions, she had questioned the teacher, pointing out that the accurate term had not been used. She then gave various types of answers based on different interpretations of the question.

Eventually, her marks were deducted by the teacher who examined her paper.

Since the Shangguan family was one of the six royal families, Shangguan Hui's issue alerted the master of the Shangguan family. Eventually, the Shangguans pressured the person who had set the exam questions in the Division 7 Union Government. That person then admitted that it was his fault. In the end, she was assigned full marks in her cultural course.

However, her combat abilities were not exceptional. Therefore, she was assigned to Class 2 of the Sword Dao faculty according to her total score. She did not raise any objection and simply accepted the arrangement made by the Martial Hunter College.

Of course, Lin Huang knew nothing about it. He just knew that the Shangguan family was one of the six royal families. However, he did not realize that any of the students with the same surname would be from that particular family. Therefore, he did not ask any further about Shangguan Hui's identity. However, even if he knew Shangguan Hui's identity, he would not treat her any differently.

Chapter 479: Come and Chase Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When the clock struck noon, the five of them gathered at a peaceful lakeside at a position marked with a tree branch earlier.

"Let's discuss the current update on finding the badges." Shangguan Hui gazed at the three of them other than Zhou Ling.

"We did not discover any monsters, but we managed to find three silver badges very quickly," Yang Jie and Zhao Ze updated her about the outcome of their discovery.

"I encountered an iron-level rank-2 Ironhide Pig and immediately came back. However, I found two silver badges on my way back," Si Tuhao told her what he had discovered as well.

"The both of us didn't encounter any monsters as well. We've found three silver badges and a gold badge," Zhou Ling said with a smile.

"According to the number of badges we have, we've now accumulated 18 points. We can collect 30 points by killing an iron-level rank-2 Ironhide Pig. We should think of ways to hunt it down," Shangguan Hui suggested.

"It's a bit difficult for an iron-level rank-2," Zhou Ling hesitated.

Since most of the students were the ordinary people that could not even get to iron-level, it was considered an accomplishment if they managed to kill an iron-level rank-1 together. The difficulty of killing an iron-level rank-2 or iron-level rank-3 monster would be double of that. This was also the reason why the points given by the college were relatively high for killing an iron-level rank-2 and an iron-level rank-3 monster.

"It's not difficult to kill an Ironhide Pig. However, it has a terrifying defense ability. Its weakness is apparent though." Shangguan Hui continued, "Firstly, it isn't quick and agile. Secondly, it can't climb trees. Thirdly, its stomach is its biggest weakness. It can be severely injured by attacks from assailants who haven't even reached iron-level. As long as we're well prepared for it, it's not difficult to kill it. It depends if you guys are willing to take the risk…" Shangguan Hui then looked at four of them after finishing her sentence.

"I think we should give it a try. Even if I can't fight it face to face, we will be able to retreat safely." Si Tuhao nodded in agreement.

"If we retreat because we encounter an iron-level rank-2 monster, we definitely won't be able to score high marks. Let's give it a try. We can retreat if we can't fight it since the monster can't climb trees," Zhao Ze approved.

"I agree with killing the monster too. However, we have to plan well before that," Yang Jie agreed with her.

They then turned their heads and looked at Zhou Ling, waiting for her to make her decision.

"Why are you guys looking at me? I've said earlier that I'd listen to Xiao Hui," Zhou Ling immediately said.

"Okay. Then, let's discuss the plan in detail." Since all of them agreed to kill the monster, Shangguan Hui started telling them her plan.

"First of all, we'll have to make it blind so that it'll lose its vision. Then, look for a chance to tie both of its forelegs with a load-bearing rope. Then, tie another end of the load-bearing rope to the tree. One of us must be the bait, luring it to chase after us. Once it falls down, the rest of us can start attacking it. That's my overall plan. Is there anything that you guys want to add?"

They continued discussing the details of the plan.

At about 12.40 p.m, Shangguan Hui's team went deeper and deeper into the forest.

"The target is discovered!" Si Tuhao, who was walking in front of them, gestured to them. The rest of them immediately stepped slowly and softly.

Shangguan Hui took out her GrayEagle 18. It was the modified version of the GrayEagle 17 that had been used by Lin Huang last year, which was the female version. The gun was smaller, and it suited female palms better. There were light patterns on top of it and no longer looked as cold as the metal GrayEagle 17. Its recoil force had been reduced, given that its power had been slightly reduced as well.

In order to keep up the sales of GrayEagle 17, the Eagle Company had put in a lot of effort. When GrayEagle 18 was launched in May, the advertisement marketed GrayEagle 17 and GrayEagle 18 to couples. A set of the guns was going at a 12% discount, causing many of them who were single to disagree with them on the Heart Network.

Shangguan Hui did not like to be engaged in close combat. Similar to Lin Xin, she had registered for the gunmaster programme as well and had also scored full marks in her graduation examination. She had mastered 16 types of entry-level gunfighting techniques and two types of beginner-level gunfighting techniques. Despite being weaker than Lin Xin, she was still considered remarkable.

She gestured to the rest of the teammates to keep quiet. Shangguan Hui then quietly moved towards the direction of the Ironhide Pig.

When she moved less than ten meters forward, she could then see the target discovered by Si Tuhao -- the Ironhide Pig.

It was an omnivorous monster with a hulking body. Its body measured a length of more than five meters and a height of more than two meters. It looked like an abnormally large wild boar. However, it had two big teeth that looked like an elephant's tusks. Two big horns that resembled the horns of a rhinoceros were on its nose. There was a porcupine-like armor on its back that looked like it was made of black metal. This also explained where the name of the monster came from.

Despite there was no armor on both sides of the Ironhide Pig, it had very thick fur. Its defense ability was one of the best among monsters of the same level. Therefore, there would not be much impact done to it by attacking the side of its body. The only weakness was its soft belly which was white.

As they took a closer look at the monster, some of them were nervous. However, Shangguan Hui still remained calm.

She lifted her gun and aimed at the Ironhide Pig that lowered its head while eating grass.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots were heard at almost the same time, and soon, they could hear the Ironhide Pig growling in pain. Both of its eyeballs were pulverized and could no longer look at its enemies. The pain drove it on a rampage.

"It's getting crazy. Be careful when you're about to tie its legs," Shangguan Hui said in a low voice. "Si Tuhao, please get ready."

Yang Jie took out the rope that had been prepared earlier, tying it around Ironhide Pig's left foreleg.

Realizing that its left foreleg had been chained, the Ironhide Pig started struggling. However, the load-bearing rope could withstand a few tons of force, and the Ironhide Pig was unable to get rid of it.

On the other hand, Zhao Ze found a chance to tie the Ironhide Pig's right foreleg. It growled angrily and loudly.

"Be careful. It might be shooting its quills!" Seeing the Ironhide Pig's body turn red, Shangguan Hui immediately reminded.

The rest of them immediately hid behind a tree.


Hearing the whistle coming from the Ironhide Pig, the quills on its back were crazily shooting in all directions. Some of them had pierced deeply through the trees. Its power could be compared to the firing power of the bullets of GrayEagle 17.

Perhaps, if it struck an iron-level rank-3 monster, it could cause a huge impact on it. Fortunately, a few of them were prepared for it and managed to avoid the danger.

Zhou Ling suddenly sneaked out of the forest and gave the "OK" gesture. "I've already tied the other end of the rope."

"It's my turn now!" Si Tuhao was excited.

A few moments later, Si Tuhao appeared behind the Ironhide Pig and sent his sword through the Ironhide Pig's fat buttocks. The sound was dull as the metal collided with its thick hide. However, only a layer of light chinks appeared on the Ironhide Pig's fur. Not even a strand of blood could be seen.

"Eh, pig, over here!" Si Tuhao called loudly.

When it sensed that it was being attacked from the back, the Ironhide Pig immediately turned around. Its pair of eyes that were bleeding looked extremely ferocious.

Si Tuhao turned back and fled. He then shouted while he was running away, "Come and chase me! If you can chase after me, I'll let you hahaha…"

The Ironhide Pig immediately chased after him, following the direction of his voice.

Chapter 480: Lin Xin's Performance

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the forest, the light was dim. There was a Surveillance Mosquito on the big tree. Eight of its blue eyes adjusted the angle and soon, reflected the figures of three boys and two girls in its eyes.

The five of them were lighting a fire to grill some meat. Lin Huang then shifted his gaze towards the screen showing Shangguan Hui and her team.

Lin Huang was quite satisfied with Shangguan Hui's performance. Despite not having an outstanding ability in the battle drill, she was quite intelligent. She managed to kill an iron-level rank-2 Ironhide Pig with little effort. Lin Huang could roughly predict that the performance of the team in the following few days would be great.

He then shifted his gaze towards the rest of the teams in Class2.

Aside from two of the teams appearing to panic, the performance of the eight other teams was fairly good. They proved their survival skills.

Survival skill was what Lin Huang wanted his students to learn. Regardless of how many points that they could gain, it was not important.

Two of the teams that appeared panicked were soon prepared for the battle.

Lin Huang was slightly relieved. He then looked at Lin Xin's team performance in Class 1 of the Sword Dao faculty.

Lin Xin's team was indeed strong. Their team consisted of three boys and two girls. Aside from Lin Xin, another girl, who was called Ai Li, was an iron-level rank-2. There was also a tall, skinny man called Nangong Qing and he was an iron-level rank-2 as well. Despite two other guys not getting to iron-level, they had outstanding abilities.

While the rest of the teams were still preparing for the battle, Lin Xin's team had activated their killing mode. Five of them killed all the lonely monsters they encountered when they were on their way.

While Shangguan Hui and the rest were still grilling meat, Lin Xin's team had already killed six lonely monsters, and in addition to the number of badges they collected, they had accumulated a total of 158 points. It was three times the points collected by Shangguan Hui's team.

"Both of them on iron-level are quite good in assigning tasks to the members." Lin Huang nodded in satisfaction.

The strategy of Lin Xin's team was simple. Lin Xin would first shoot the monster's eyes with a gun, and the rest of them would then complete the kill. If it were only an iron-level rank-1 monster, two of the boys who did not manage to get into iron-level would kill it. If it were an iron-level rank-2 monster, either Ai Li or Nangong Qing would kill it. Both of them would take turns so that their Life Power could be replenished when they were not fighting.

Among the six of the monsters that they had killed, four of them were only on iron-level rank-2 whereas the remaining two were the iron-level rank-1 monsters. In addition to collecting eight gold badges along the way, they were more than 100 points ahead of the rest of the teams.

The gun that Lin Xin using was a GrayEagle 17 that had been used by Lin Huang last year.

However, she was still using the ordinary GrayEagle 17 bullets. She did not use the armored bullets.

Looking at the scene recorded by the Surveillance Mosquito, Lin Xin's team began their journey again after having their lunch.

Nangong Qing had an iron-level weapon that could be used for detection purposes. It somehow functioned like a single-tube telescope but possessed the ability to look through the trees. They continued going deeper into the forest. In less than 20 minutes, he suddenly asked the rest of them to slow down.

"At about 600 meters away, there's an enormous monster. Based on its size, it could possibly be an iron-level rank-3 Ursine Warrior." The detection ability of Nangong Qing's weapon was limited. He could not clearly see the actual outlook of the monster. It looked like an infrared image and only a yellow shadow could be seen. "If it's the Ursine Warrior, are we going to kill it?"

"It's just a monster that is slightly stronger in its defense and strength. Why not give it a try?" Ai Li was excited.

"That shouldn't be a big problem. I'll change the bullets that I'm using." Lin Xin nodded. She then removed the ordinary bullets from the bore and inserted another clip of armored bullets.

The price of the armored bullets was higher than that of the ordinary bullets. Although Lin Xin was not in need of money, she would still prefer to be a good girl who used her bullets wisely.

"To score high marks, killing an iron-level rank-3 monster is the fastest way. Although the Ursine Warrior is rather difficult to handle among the iron-level rank-3 monsters, we have to make a start since this might not be the only Ursine Warrior that we'll meet. Therefore, I think there's no need to avoid," Yao Hao suggested. He was the team's think tank.

"Just kill it, Nangong." Chu Peng nodded as well. He was living in the same dorm with Yao Hao. They still had an iron-level rank-1 roommate but he had joined the other team.

"Alright, then just do it!" Nangong Qing had asked for their opinion earlier was not because he was afraid that they might not be able to fight it. Since the Ursine Warrior was one of the strongest monsters among the iron-level rank-3 monsters, he was afraid that his teammates would hold back.

However, it seemed like all of them were excited and of course, he would not retreat.

The five of them gradually walked towards the monster. The Surveillance Mosquito followed closely after them and recorded the scene.

A few minutes later, the monster being detected finally showed up on the screen.

It was genuinely an Ursine Warrior. It had merlot-colored fur and was equipped with a layer of greenish-black metal armor on its back and abdomen. Aside from that, there was a greenish-black metal helmet with horns on its head.

The monster had a height of about eight meters and its body size was extremely large.

Lin Xin was hiding somewhere under the Surveillance Mosquito. It was their first time having a close look at the Ursine Warrior. They were frightened by its body size.

Right at this moment, the Ursine Warrior was devouring a carcass. Lin Xin and the rest of them had no idea which monster's carcass it was since its brain was no longer attached to its body. They could only see that it was a hoofed animal with black fur.

The Ursine Warrior was rather picky about food. It did not like to eat monsters' brains. Under normal circumstances, it would throw the brain of the monster aside. It started licking the blood oozing out from its neck, tearing its abdomen apart and eating its internal organs. Soon after, the whole carcass went into its mouth, and it started munching on it together with the bones.

Right when it was enjoying its food, Lin Xin's gun had aimed at its eyeballs.

She looked to the left and to the right. Her teammates nodded their head, indicating that they were ready. She then pulled the trigger.

Two shots were fired out of the bore.

Bang! Bang!

After two consecutive shots, the Ursine Warrior stood up in anger, growling from the pain it suffered.

Nangong Qing and Ai Li immediately pounced on the monster from two sides.

Both of them attacked in full force. The battle sword was shrouded in black Life Power as if it had been immersed in black ink.

Chu Peng and Yao Hao did not pounce on it rashly. They stayed in their original position and waited for the right time to attack. The iron-level rank-3 monster was bursting into a rage. They would definitely die if they attacked now since they were not even on iron-level.

Two black battle swords cut through the Ursine Warrior's legs, leaving two streaks of blood.

The Ursine Warrior that had lost its vision was attacked again. It performed a counterattack in all directions senselessly.

Nangong Qing and Ai Li immediately dodged the attack. Despite such an attack not being able to kill them, they would still be severely injured if it hit them.

Lin Xin then climbed up to a big tree, taking aim at the Ursine Warrior's head with her GrayEagle 17 and began distracting it.

The Ursine Warrior's anger was indeed triggered when Lin Xin launched another attack. It gave up chasing after Nangong Qing and Ai Li and rushed towards the direction where the sound of the gun could be heard.

With several hits, it managed to break the tree where Lin Xin was hiding. As the tree fell, Lin Xin leaped and rolled on the ground. She then climbed up another tree, distracting the Ursine Warrior by attacking with her gun again.

While the Ursine Warrior was chasing after Lin Xin, Nangong Qing and Ai Li managed to make several attacks on its legs, and bloody streaks could be seen.

The armored bullets were fired, and they struck the Ursine Warrior's body which was not protected by its armor, causing her to moan in pain.

"Ling Xue, continue to attack its eyes!" Yao Hao suddenly shouted.

Lin Xin then raised her gun and aimed at the Ursine Warrior's eyes. Two consecutive attacks were fired and the armored bullets hit the Ursine warrior's eyes twice.

It grabbed its head and let out a howl of pain. At this moment, its merlot fur began to turn blood red.

"It's bursting into a rage! Leave!" Yao Hao immediately shouted at them.

Right at this moment, gunshots could be heard coming from mid-air. Two of the armored bullets penetrated through the Ursine Warrior's left eye again.

The next moment, an explosive sound coming from two of the shots that Lin Xin fired was heard. The mixture of its blood and brain juice, which was red and white, abruptly oozed out from the Ursine Warrior's eyes.  

The Ursine Warrior stopped growling. After a few moments, it collapsed and fell down to the ground.

Lin Huang shook his head, seeing what had happened on the screen. Even though they managed to kill the monster, he was not satisfied with the battle.

"They are too weak in battle drill…"

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