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40.5% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 194: 391-400

Chapter 194: 391-400

Chapter 391: Fatty

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Hunter Martial College belonged to a privileged school. The Sword Dao that Liu Ming asked Lin Huang to teach was a battle-based programme but there were theories included as well. All programmes had textbooks of their own. However, to most of the teachers, these textbooks were only part of the programme and they usually did not teach according to the textbooks. Meanwhile, Lin Huang needed the textbooks as his guide as he had zero experience in teaching. He had no idea what he would need to teach the students in the college.

After spending one and a half hours, he finally finished looking at the Year One programme. He had learned many things that he did not know before. With great interest, he started looking at the Year Two programme. Suddenly, his Emperor's Heart Ring vibrated. It was the fatty Yi Hangyi. He just realized that it had been a while since he caught up with the fatty.

"Librarian, please activate the soundproofing system." Lin Huang looked up and said to the librarian.

"Sure." Librarian 07003 activated the soundproofing layer in the cubicle. It was a function that exclusively for teacher's cubicles. Seeing that the semi-transparent soundproofing layer was formed in the shape of a dome, Lin Huang then picked up the call. The video call was connected in an instant and fatty's face occupied most of the screen.

"Eh fatty, I think you"ve lost weight." Lin Huang teased.

"Really?" Fatty was happy to hear that.

"Yes you did, your face used to occupy the entire screen but now it's just three-quarters of the screen." Lin Huang smiled and nodded. He could not understand why fatty always put his face at such an angle whenever he called. Sometimes there was even hair coming out of his nose which made it quite awkward.

"F*ck!" Fatty just realized that Lin Huang was teasing him, he put the screen away immediately.

"What's up, do you need anything?"

"Can't I just call you to catch up?!" Fatty asked.

"Wait, you look different." Lin Huang just noticed that he dressed up this time.

"Your clothes… Are you going on a date?"

"Err, just a meal with a friend." Fatty blushed.

"A girl?" Lin Huang asked.

"Of course it's a girl! Why else why would I dress like this?" Fatty laughed.

"Wow, how did you guys meet?" Lin Huang asked while smiling.

"We met at the hunter assessment last month." Suddenly, fatty recalled the reason for his call.

"I wanted to tell this to you but you interrupted me."

"You've passed the assessment?" Lin Huang raised his eyebrows. Based on fatty's ability last year, it was impossible for him to pass.

"Of course I passed!" Fatty was proud.

"Oh, so how did you meet the girl." Lin Huang did not want to hear fatty talking about the assessment so he changed the topic.

"The assessment this time was pretty difficult for me. If she didn't help me, I really couldn't have passed. I barely passed the first round and I knew I couldn't pass when it came to the second round but I bumped into her halfway through. She even shared her water and snacks with me… We became friends and later, I told her that my dream is to be a Food Hunter. She then told me that she loves food and encouraged me to hold on. With her help, I managed to pass."

"Sounds like she's a nice girl." Lin Huang was happy for fatty.

In this world, perhaps it was due to the rich life force. Children mature early and become adults at 16. The legal age to marry was 18 but there were people who have already gotten married after they turned 16.

"She's very cute, I'll send you her photo." Fatty said and sent a couple of photos.

Lin Huang looked at the photos, it was a cute little girl who looked the same age and size as Lin Xin. She had black, long hair with two ponytails on the side.

"She's a cute girl, but are you sure she's an adult already?" Lin Huang asked fatty after looking at the photos.

"Yes she is, she just turned 16 two months ago. She's already silver-level, cool right?" Fatty was proud of himself.

"Silver-level at 16… Maybe she's related to some royal family or even one of the six major families…" Lin Huang thought to himself but he did not say that to fatty so that he did not break his confidence.

"How is it going with her? Are you guys officially together?" Lin Huang asked again.

"That's too early, it's my first time asking her out today." Fatty was shy when he said that.

"Please bring her somewhere nice and take note of your image. Don't just keep eating when you're at the restaurant." Lin Huang only reminded fatty about those points without telling him that the girl might be a royalty as he was afraid fatty would be self-conscious.

"Oh, what else?" Fatty was eager to learn.

"Be a gentleman but not too serious. Put her in the limelight but don't lose your personal opinion. Also, what you're wearing is too formal. Wear something casual but not too casual…" Lin Huang suggested.

"What does the girl think about you?"

"She said I'm fat and cute, I think she likes me." Fatty giggled.

"There's something going on, seize the moment okay. This girl seems nice." Lin Huang was happy for fatty.

"Thanks for your kind words. I hope it'll come true! I'll treat you a good one then!" Fatty nodded.

"You'll have to come to the White Capital." Lin Huang laughed.

"What are you doing there?" Fatty was puzzled.

"My sister got into the Martial Hunter School so I followed her." Lin Huang explained.

"But you'll have to come back when school starts?"

"Not this year, I'm always studying there." Lin Huang was secretly laughing, he did not dare to say that he became a teacher.

"You're sitting in?! How did you manage to get it?" Fatty was envious, it was difficult to get a pass to a top-notch college like the Martial Hunter College.

"If you have nothing to do, you can come visit me. If you guys really get together, both of you can come. I'll pay for everything. But if the relationship didn't happen, you'll have to pay for the trip yourself." Lin Huang smirked.

"But why?!" Fatty objected.

"This is to encourage you." Lin Huang gave a reason that fatty could not argue with.

"Sure, it's a deal. For a complimentary one-month trip in White Capital, I'll get her!" Fatty hung up the phone without waiting for Lin Huang to respond.

"One-month trip… This fella sure is greedy." Lin Huang hung up the phone while smiling and proceeded with his reading.

Chapter 392: A Disciplined Life

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye. Lin Huang lived with utmost discipline for the past three days. Every morning, he would wake up at 6:30 a.m and would finish washing up before he had his breakfast past seven in the morning before he headed to the library. He would stay in the library until six in the evening and took snacks as his lunch. After dinner, he would train with his sword in the training room at around 6:30 p.m. until 12 midnight. Then, he would head back to the dorm, wash up and sleep.

He would sleep for six hours while other activities like eating, washing up and his journey on the road would add up to an hour. He spent his remaining 17 hours studying and training. Lin Huang wanted to cut down his sleeping time to three hours and sleep on the training room's floor. There was a small bathroom in the training room that allowed him to shower. If he did that, he could save some time as he did not need to return to the dorm so he could increase the time he could study and learn to 20 hours. With his physique now, three hours sleep per day would be enough for him since he would only have to stay this way for two months. However, the thought that Lin Xin would disagree with such a lifestyle made him give this idea up.

Besides learning and training, the other matters went on as usual. The Hunter Forum and the black market had come back with some news about the double mutated, sword-type monster. Yang Ling had unlocked the three Emperor's Heart Rings of the immortal-level hunter a while back and extracted all the items. Lin Huang put them away in his own ring, including the dracaena that he had always wanted. However, he did not want to unseal Charcoal at the moment as he knew that its unsealing would create a scene. The unsealing had to be done in an isolated area where the Starlight Beasts were. He did not have time to leave yet so he decided to unseal Lancelot and Charcoal once and for all once he obtained sufficient information about the double mutated sword-type monster.

During the past few days, fatty had been texting Lin Huang on the progress between him and the cute girl, Zhang Mengmeng. She seemed to really like fatty as they had already gone on a date; eating, shopping and watching a performance at the music theatre. The girl did not reject any of his advances at all. On the fourth day, when Lin Huang was having his breakfast, he received a text from fatty that said, "I want to confess to her!"

Lin Huang could not help himself but laugh. Fatty was such a straightforward person. Perhaps that was the reason why the girl liked him. However, he thought it was too fast for fatty to confess, especiall since the both of them had just spent three days together but Lin Huang did not stop him anyway.

People say that women who are in love had zero intelligence. In reality, men would see their IQ drop to negative when they were in love. Lin Huang chose not to stop fatty as he knew that fatty would not listen to him. Another reason was because Lin Huang knew Zhang Mengmeng had a good background and it might not be a bad thing if fatty was rejected. It was always better to end the relationship early than dragging it on if both parties were not suitable for one another. As time went on, the emotions invested would increase and he would become even sadder if he was rejected. However, if Zhang Meng Meng really had zero intelligence and agreed to be with him, that would be the best thing that ever happened to fatty.

Lin Huang thought about it and replied.

"You do whatever you want, just don't cry to me if you're rejected."

"Can't you just say something nice to me for once?!" Fatty texted him three angry emojis at the back.

"Oh, I can't wait to see a baby from the both of you."

"…" Fatty was speechless.

After breakfast, Lin Huang started his busy day. He had already finished reading all the programmes that the Martial Hunter College had and even came out with a basic teaching plan. His programme was quite relaxed as he would only need to teach one class for one period each week. However, the class periods here were quite different from the ones on earth as one period here could stretch as long as three hours. The students at the Martial Hunter College would only need to attend two periods each day. One was from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. while the other would be from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The three hours classes would be broken down to an hour of lecture and two hours of training. Lin Huang arranged his classes the same way. Once he finished the outline of his teaching programme, he went on to gather more materials and documents to bulk up the contents of his lesson.

It was past 10 at night and Lin Huang's Emperor's Heart Ring vibrated as he was training in the training room. It was fatty. He then put away his sword and picked up the call.

"What, were you rejected? Are you here to cry to me?" Lin Huang teased.

"Heh, you underestimated my charm." Fatty was proud, he soon noticed that Lin Huang was dripping with sweat.

"What're you up to? You look like you just got out of the water."

"Training with my sword." Lin Huang waved the gold-level sword in his hand to fatty.

"Why are you training so late? What have you been doing during the day?" Fatty was puzzled.

"I was reading in the library." Lin Huang did not bother to explain too much to him.

"Don't change the topic! Tell me about you! So... Has the girl has agreed to date you?"

"Of course! When I work my wonders, the world will tremble!" Fatty looked proud of himself.

"That's because you're fat." Lin Huang teased again.

"You won't have any friends if you continue to talk like that!"

"I wasn't the one who asked you to beat around the bush." Lin Huang wanted to know what the girl saw in him.

"Alright so after dinner, we were shopping near the Blue Water Lake. As we were walking on Lover's Bridge, we saw many couples dating there so I decided to confess to her there and then. I told her that I liked her and asked her to be my girlfriend. She was stunned at first but soon she agreed."

"Are you sure she wasn't saying something else?" Lin Huang smirked.

"You're just being jealous." Fatty shot back.

"Alright, I won't mess around. Please cherish her." Lin Huang did not tell him that Zhang Mengmeng might be from royalty.

"I don't need your reminder, she's my first love!" Fatty looked proud.

"Oh, by the way, I have told Mengmeng about traveling to the White Capital and she agreed to come along with me. She also said that she'd borrow a dimensional relic from her family during the coming few days and come straight to the White Capital so we won't need to spend too much time on the road. We haven't gotten the exact time and date yet but it'll probably be two days later. I'll contact you again when we're here. I remember you telling me that you'd pay for the trip if we visit you together…"

"Don't worry. I've given my word so I won't let the both of you pay." Lin Huang was being generous.

"Let me know before you come, I'll book a hotel for the both of you."

"Yay!" Fatty then hung up the phone.

"I can't believe fatty really got the girl…" Lin Huang smiled and shook his head.

He did not think the relationship would happen since the very beginning. The girl was like a genius since she was already a silver-level at 16. Besides, her family was rich. Fatty, on the other hand, was not gifted in his cultivation and his background was nothing concrete. The gap between the both of them were too big…

Chapter 393: Fatty Is Here

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Two days passed by in a blink of an eye. As Lin Huang finished breakfast, his Emperor's Heart Ring began to ring. It was fatty and Lin Huang could tell that he was already here with his girlfriend. He picked up the phone and saw fatty move his head to the side to so another person could sit. The person on his right was the girl in the photo, Zhang Mengmeng.

"See, this is my girlfriend Zhang Mengmeng." Fatty was proud of himself.

"This is my good friend Lin Huang." Fatty introduced the both of them.

"Hi." Lin Huang waved and greeted.

"Hi." Zhang Mengmeng seemed shy, she replied softly.

Lin Huang did not mind that at all.

"Please come to the north gate of the Martial Hunter College, I'll bring you guys around. It's still too early now. You can only check into the hotel after 12."

"Sure, you're paying anyway so we will follow what you've planned." It was the best thing ever that fatty had a tour guide as he was a lazy person.

When he hung up the phone, Lin Xin came to him.

"Who was that?" She asked curiously.

"Fatty." Lin Huang had told her about fatty before so she knew who it was as soon as he mentioned his name.

"He has a girlfriend now?" Lin Xin was confused she had the impression from the way Lin Huang described him that fatty was not a charming man.

"Yeah, he's got pretty good luck." Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"Brother, aren't you going to the library today?" Lin Xin asked out of the blue.

"Since he's here, I'll have to bring him around at least on the first day." Lin Huang shook his head helplessly. He agreed to let fatty visit him as he thought fatty would need at least a few months to get into a relationship and by then, he would be done with his errands and could bring them around. He did not expect fatty to confess three days after their date and that he would even be was successful. It absolutely destroyed his plan.

However, going back on his word was not something Lin Huang would do. Since he had given his word, he would have to take some time out from his busy schedule to bring them around.

"I want to tag along…" Lin Xin was bored these days as Tyrant was just like a bodyguard who could bring her shopping but had nothing in common to talk about.

"Come with us then." Lin Huang could tell why Lin Xin requested to come along. He noticed that he recently spent less time with her and he was guilty.

After getting the green light from Lin Huang, Lin Xin's mood changed from one of anticipation to one of excitement. They cleaned the kitchen together, brought Tyrant out and headed to the north gate of the Martial Hunter College. After waiting for two to three minutes at the entrance, a monster car stopped. Fatty held Zhang Mengmeng's hand and got off the car. With that little gesture, Lin Huang could tell that fatty really liked this girl.

"Welcome!" Lin Huang approached the two of them and greeted them passionately. He kept looking at Zhang Mengmeng who was next to fatty. She looked exactly the same as her photos.

"Lin Huang, this is my girlfriend Mengmeng, you've seen her in the video." Fatty smiled and introduced.

"This is my good friend Lin Huang that I told you about, you guys saw each other in the video."

"Hmm." Zhang Mengmeng nodded lightly, she seemed to be anxious when she met strangers.

Lin Huang did not mind at all.

"These two are…" Fatty soon noticed there were another two people behind Lin Huang. One was a terrifyingly big guy while the other was a cute girl.

"Xin Er, my sister." Lin Huang smiled and introduced.

"This is the brother fatty that I told you about and next to him is his girlfriend Mengmeng."

"Hello, brother and sister!" Lin Xin only glanced at fatty before she then stared at Zhang Mengmeng. She was more interested in the girl who was her age.

"Such good genes... Both the boy and girl look so good…" Fatty looked at Lin Xin then Lin Huang and mumbled to himself. Lin Huang pretended not to hear him, he smiled and did not say a thing.

"How about this?" Fatty looked at Tyrant. He could not recognize Tyrant since he had already changed. Tyrant naturally remembered fatty but since Lin Huang did not say anything, Tyrant did not greet him.

"He's my bodyguard." Lin Huang did not want to tell the truth as Tyrant had a major transformation. Fatty could tell that he was double mutated if Lin Huang told him the truth.

"You even have a bodyguard now. I remember you telling me how poor you were and that couldn't even afford a tent." Fatty thought Lin Huang might have joined a royal family.

To avoid him from misunderstanding, Lin Huang did not bother to explain further as he knew the more he explained, the more questions fatty would have for him. Zhang Mengmeng peeked at Tyrant, seemingly scared of him.

"Let me bring you around the Martial Hunter College. Although it's not a tourist attraction, it's considered to be one of the more scenic places in the White Capital." Lin Huang smiled.

He had yet to book the hotel room as they could only check in after 12 p.m. So, he decided to bring them around on a tour of the college in the morning.

"Oh yeah, should I book one or two rooms?" Lin Huang asked fatty.

"One room…"

"Two rooms!"

The both of them replied almost at the same time. Fatty said one room while Zhang Mengmeng said two.

"Two rooms then." Fatty looked at Zhang Mengmeng and said immediately.

"Alright, I'll book the rooms now." Lin Huang looked at Zhang Mengmeng without saying anything. He booked the rooms right away on the network page using his Emperor's Heart Ring.

"It's booked! White Forest Hotel, on the 128th floor, Room33 and Room34. The rooms are connected and I've sent you the booking confirmations." Lin Huang said to fatty. Fatty received the message shortly.

"Got it, thanks!" Fatty switched off the page without even looking at the message.

"Let's start walking then…" Lin Huang bought them into the college.

"The Martial Hunter College was built 283 years ago, it's the third oldest school in Division7. In the first 50 odd years, the college did not only act as a college but also used as an adult hunter training institution. Since the official launching of Division7 was over, there was no need for so many hunters so the adult hunter training program was removed. More than 30 years later, the college was removed as well. Many colleges were popularized before that…" Lin Huang brought them walking along the paths under the shade of the trees while explaining the history of the college to them. He learned all that from the library.

"Lin Huang, do you really plan to sit-in here?" Fatty could not help but ask.

"My brother isn't sitting in, he's a teacher!" Hearing what fatty said, Lin Xin corrected him.

Fatty did not believe what Lin Xin said. He thought Lin Huang did not want to embarrass himself so he lied to his sister that he became the college's teacher. He did not want to blow his cover.

"A college teacher, Lin Huang you're so great…" Fatty winked at Lin Huang, implying that he knew Lin Huang was lying but he did not want to blow his cover in front of Lin Xin.

Lin Huang smiled awkwardly. Fatty was full of imagination. As they walked in the college compound that was blossoming with flowers, the sound of Lin Huang's voice could be heard along with Lin Xin's occasional chatter. Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng was looking around along their walk and seemed to be impressed by everything here. Tyrant was the only one that was quiet, walking on the far right to protect Lin Xin.

Chapter 394: Lovers Rock

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The morning passed by quickly and Lin Huang brought them to the hotel after lunch. As they registered themselves at the front desk, fatty and Zhang Mengmeng did not stay too long in the room. Following Lin Huang's plan, the headed to a tourist attraction within the foothold. The White Capital was the biggest and oldest footholds in Division7. There were many historical sites that occupied large spaces with various beautiful sceneries. It would take more than a month to visit all of them.

Lin Huang planned the trip from near to far so they could first visit the attractions that were closer to the hotel. If they had enough time, they could visit attractions that were further away or change their hotel if they wanted to.

Later, Lin Huang brought them to a giant lake. "This lake is called the Jingyue Lake, it's one of the most popular attractions in the White Capital. It's extra beautiful at night. I picked the hotel that's not far from here so you can see the night view of the lake from your balcony. There are a couple of celebrity monuments by the lake and one of the most popular ones would be the monument of Jingyue's Home, the ruins of a demigod's home…"

"So this is the lake that's named after the demigod Jingyue?" Fatty had heard of the demigod Jingyue before so he had a serious expression plastered on his face as he looked at the lake.

"Yes, the White Capital during that time was much smaller compared to what we see today. This lake was just a nameless lake in the while. The demigod Jingyue built his own house by the lake and that's how the lake got its name." Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"I know this one!" Lin Xin interrupted.

"More than 200 years ago, the demigod Jingyue fell in love with a man so she stayed by the lake. She announced to the world that she would wait by the lake for that one man for 10 years. If the person came within those 10 years, she would be with the man forever and ever without questioning the world. If he didn't come within those 10 years, she would head to the virtual world and never return… 10 years later, she disappeared. Some said she went to the virtual world while some said she left with the man. However, nobody knows what the man was…"

Fatty gave his full attention while listening to the story while Zhang Mengmeng seemed to be distracted. She did not look interested in the story at all.

"Brother, do you think that the demigod Jingyue got together with the love of her life?" Lin Xin asked Lin Huang.

"I think only she would know the answer." Lin Huang shook his head and smiled.

"I think she did! What do you think, Mengmeng?" Fatty looked at Zhang Mengmeng, he seemed to be anticipating her reply.

"I… don't know." Zhang Mengmeng waved her hands.

It was past four in the afternoon after looking at a couple of attractions by the lake.

"Jingyue's Home is just there, let's take look and have dinner after that." Lin Huang looked at the time and decided that Jingyue's Home would be the last attraction of the day.

All the attractions by the lake were complimentary and one could enter just by scanning their ID as there were no restrictions.

As it was the summer holidays, the attraction was crowded. Jingyue's Home was in a small area with a small building and a courtyard to match. However, as it was a tourist attraction, the Union Government expanded the area around it to make it more than 30 times larger than it originally was. After queuing up, they entered the attraction. There were many people but it was not too cramped. They spent more than an hour walking around the expanded area and entered Jingyue's Home as the people left.

Lin Huang noticed that the ruins were perfectly maintained as he walked into the courtyard, he could even feel that the ruins were slightly covered with a unique force. It was possibly left by the demigod Jingyue or by some other people to prevent the ruins from being destroyed. The courtyard was small, only about 200-odd square meters. There were colorful flowers in the courtyard and the soil was moist with grass that had obviously been trimmed. The ruins must be maintained all year round.

People followed the cobblestones on the floor and walked to the middle of the courtyard where there was a big rock. Many couples surrounded the rock and placed their palms on it.

"What are they doing?" Fatty was puzzled but soon he noticed that all of them were couples.

"This is a Love Rock. They say if two people who sincerely love each other place their palms on the rock together, their palms would light up." Lin Xin explained immediately. Young girls were always extra sensitive regarding topics about love.

"Let's try!" Fatty pulled Zhang Mengmeng along. Zhang Mengmeng hesitated but soon followed anyway. The both of them queued for more than 10 minutes and before long, it was their turn. Lin Huang and Lin Xin watched by the side. As fatty and Zhang Mengmeng placed their palms on the rock, nothing happened after a while.

"Eh? How come it doesn't light up?" Lin Xin was confused as everyone would have their palms lighting up, at least a little or more but nobody experienced what the both of them did where nothing happened.

Lin Huang looked at Zhang Mengmeng in doubt and then looked at fatty, he was upset.

"Why is it like that?"

"Don't bother, sometimes such things aren't accurate." Lin Huang patted fatty's back.

"It's late, let's see the building and have dinner."

"It doesn't work all the time?" Fatty looked at Lin Huang in all seriousness.

"Even machines that are top-notch fail sometimes, let alone a rock." Lin Huang pulled fatty away.

Zhang Mengmeng held her head down without saying anything, she seemed upset too.

"Sister Mengmeng, don't be sad. Such thing might not be accurate." Lin Xin consoled her immediately.

"Thank you." Zhang Mengmeng forced a smile. With Lin Huang leading them, they went into the building. It was made of a unique kind of wood with light natural fragrance. Lin Huang felt refreshed as soon as he stepped into the building.

"This is so neat…" Fatty seemed to lighten up a little and exclaimed.

"Girls are more attentive. A guy wouldn't be able to come out with something so detailed." Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

Lin Xin did not say anything as she had been here more than once. It was Lin Huang's first time so Lin Xin took the initiative to be the tour guide and explained the things they saw to them as they visited the attraction. As it was almost 6:40 p.m., they had toured the entire attraction. Lin Huang then led the way as they left the attraction and headed to a popular restaurant that he picked for dinner…

Chapter 395: There's No Such Person

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After dinner, Lin Huang could finally stop being a tour guide. He bid farewell to fatty and Zhang Mengmeng then left with Lin Xin and Tyrant.

"Brother, I have a feeling that sister Mengmeng doesn't really like brother fatty." Lin Xin could not help but voice her opinion while they were on their way back. Lin Huang was shocked to hear what she said as he did not expect Lin Xin to notice that as well. It seemed like fatty was the only one invested in this relationship.

"The Lovers Rock has a purpose - to detect if both parties like one another. As long as there's a tiny bit of interest, their palms would light up. However, there was nothing at all when the both of them placed their palms on the rock. We can tell that brother fatty likes sister Mengmeng very much. Since there's nothing happening to the rock, that means sister Mengmeng doesn't like brother fatty at all." Lin Xin told her observation.

"I also noticed that sister Mengmeng would sometimes avoid looking at brother fatty."

"Whether or not they like each other, that's their business. Let's not get involved." Lin Huang did not deny what Lin Xin said while shaking his head.

Of course, he noticed that Zhang Mengmeng acted a little weird when she was with fatty since the beginning. What happened at Lovers Rock had confirmed that she was not the least bit interested in fatty at all. Just like what Lin Xin said, even if she had a tiny bit of interest in him, the rock would respond.

"Shouldn't we tell brother fatty? Is sister Mengmeng dating brother fatty for his money? I remember you saying that brother fatty's family owns a restaurant and he's quite rich." Lin Xin proceeded to speculate.

"If I tell fatty now, he won't listen to me and we might even argue." Lin Huang was helpless.

"This Zhang Mengmeng has a powerful background so money is definitely not what she's after. Fatty is just an ordinary person, there's nothing he has that's worth being taken away. She might want to use fatty to get closer to someone when she agreed to date him."

Lin Huang was clear of Zhang Mengmeng's intention but he had no idea who her target was.

"Go back with Tyrant, I'll drop by the black market to investigate this Zhang Mengmeng." After confirming that Zhang Mengmeng had something up her sleeves, he decided to check who she was so that he was mentally prepared.

As Lin Xin and Tyrant left, Lin Huang summoned the Viridescent Thunderhawk and headed to the black market.

Two minutes later, he landed on top of a building near the black market and headed to the streets. He found the little house that he bought information the last time he was here and entered it. A staff noticed him as their guest, they hinted and brought him into the house. There was a plump old man behind an old table in the dark room. He wore a golden frame monocle as he observed a small item in his hand.

Seeing Lin Huang enter the room, the old man put away his things and looked at him.

"May I know what do you need?"

"I need you to check out a person for me." Lin Huang sat down in front of the table and requested.

"Do you have the name and photo of this person you ask of?" The old person asked while nudging his glasses.


"Then your request will be easy." The old person was relieved.

"Send over the details and I'll give you a price."

The old person passed him a chip. Lin Huang took over the chip and scanned his Emperor's Heart Ring. Zhang Mengmeng's information was sent over. When that was done, Lin Huang passed the chip back to the old man. The old man took the chip and connected it to his Emperor's Heart Ring and started his investigation.

"You only need to pay a minimal price for this piece of information - one Life Crystal." The old man looked at Lin Huang less than two minutes later.

"Why is it so cheap?" Lin Huang thought it was odd.

"Maybe nothing's wrong with this girl?"

He placed one Life Crystal on the table.

"This girl doesn't exist! Her name is made up. I've checked the photo and checked the Union Government's population registration data, there's no match for her face. There are two possibilities. She has either never registered with the Union Government or her identity is faked. She has also changed her features by performing plastic surgery or through other avenues." The old man said after picking up the Life Crystal.

"I know it!" Lin Huang expected the answer. He finally confirmed that his suspicions of Zhang Mengmeng being true.

"Is it possible to get her real identity?" Lin Huang asked.

"There's nothing that I can do as she has changed all her personal details. Usually, people in disguise would change their fingerprints, iris and other identification details along with their features. Unless you could provide her real name or face, there's nothing I can do." The old man smiled and shook his head.

"Alright then, thanks." Since there was nothing that they could do, Lin Huang left the black market.

It was 8 p.m. when he returned to the dorm.

"So how did it go? Did you get anything?" Lin Xin asked as she noticed that Lin Huang looked solemn.

"There's no such person as Zhang Mengmeng." Lin Huang said without an expression.

"A fake identity? How about facial recognition software?" Lin Xin was stunned and understood what he meant immediately.

"No, it's not her real face." Lin Huang shook his head.

"Something's wrong with this girl!" Lin Xin became alert.

"Don't follow us on our tour around for the coming days. We have no idea what the girl wants but approaching fatty with a fake identity... It has got to be something bad. Stay away from her, I'll get Tyrant to protect you." Lin Huang briefed her and summoned Kylie as well as he thought it was dangerous.

"Kylie you protect Lin Xin as well."

"Brother, are you going to train today?" Lin Xin saw Lin Huang ready to head out. If he stayed, he did not have to summon two monsters to protect her.

"Yes, I didn't get to train today. I'm left with four hours." Lin Huang was determined.

"Be careful then." Lin Xin nodded.

Lin Huang left the dorm leaving Lin Xin behind, he did not bother to summon the Viridian Wolf this time and ran towards the training room. As he was arriving at the training room, he sensed a tiny object entering his Micro Territory, aiming at the back of his head. Lin Huang moved his head aside and avoided the attack. He turned around immediately at looked at the direction of attack.

"Who's that? Come out, now!"

Chapter 396: Attacked In The Middle of The Night

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was shocked to be attacked in the middle of the night. Was it the Purple Crow, the Saints or the Mystery Organization? Maybe it was Zhang Mengmeng? A few possibilities flashed through his mind. He had offended quite a few organizations and he could not tell who was attempting an attack this time around. However, he could sense that it might either be the Purple Crows or Zhang Mengmeng. The attack came out of nowhere and was swift. If not for his Micro Territory that was activated at all times, he might have been attacked earlier.

"Who's that? Come out now!" Shouted Lin Huang as a couple of lamp posts exploded around him. Suddenly, the entire area was plunged into darkness. As soon as the lights disappeared, a few obscure attacks came at him. It was the same as before; the attacks were extremely secretive and hard to detect. It was fast and was clearly a unique assassination technique. However, nothing could escape Lin Huang's Micro Territory that allowed him to sense the attack trajectory, allowing him to avoid it just by moving his body.

As he avoided the attack, he took out his grade-5 gun relic. It was one of the collectibles from the Mystery Auction which was now his. The black pistol was a few times smaller than the GrayEagle17. As Lin Huang whipped out the gun, he inserted Life Power into it. Soon, a number of golden beams shot out of his gun as fast as his attacker, covering the entire area where his attacker was attacking from.

Golden sparks lit up the dark as shot after shot was fired. The quiet night was broken, and many hunters who were around the area headed towards that direction. It was the White Capital, so not only was it an A-grade foothold, it also the top foothold in Division7. Who dared to create a scene at the Martial Hunter College in the middle of the foothold?!

Gunshots were fired multiple times in less than a second in the dark. Lin Huang's speed was at its peak, as he managed to fire more than 50 shots within a second. The golden Life Power bullets headed in the direction of his attacker like a thunderstorm, and soon the entire area was covered with bullet shells. As soon as the shots were fired, Lin Huang stomped hard, activating Seraphic Speed and Thunder Steps . He dashed like a laser beam towards the direction of the attack.

Pew! Pew!

Shots scattered through the air. This time, his attacker did not even bother an attempt to cover up the noise. He only seemed to want to scare Lin Huang away. He then swapped Thunder Steps to Cloud Steps and avoided the attacks. He continued to fire as he headed closer towards the direction of the attack. As the shots were fired, Lin Huang could finally see the person assaulting him. It was a person covered in a loose black robe. He could not even tell the gender of the person. He also noticed that the person did not avoid his Life Power bullets at all. Instead, there was a thick cloud of black mist in front of the person, blocking his bullets. As the golden Life Power bullets passed through the black mist, they disappeared. It was evident that the shots could not harm the person at all.

Seeing Lin Huang was approaching, the black-robed person seemed to be unwilling to get close to him and retreated immediately. Lin Huang aimed at the person and fired even more shots. For regular gold-level hunters, using a relic was exhausting as it drained the person's Life Power tremendously. However, for Lin Huang, the amount of Life Power he had was ten times more than a person on the same level, so using a relic was relatively relaxing to him.

After finally being able to see his target, Lin Huang stopped blindly shooting and aimed for the fatal points on his assailant's body. In the dark, the Life Power bullets were like meteorites as they were shot at his assailant. The black-robed person did not even attempt to avoid the bullets. The black mist was becoming thicker and eventually, it turned into a giant black whirlpool. The golden bullets disappeared as soon as they touched the mist. Even the bullets that reached the edge of the whirlpool broke as well.

"The Life Power bullets seemed to decompose right away…" Lin Huang frowned as he was puzzled by the person's ability. As the person seemingly absorbed Lin Huang's shots, he leaped and left. Knowing that he could not kill Lin Huang within a short period as well as the fact that people were approaching, the assailant did not dare stay any longer and decided to leave. Lin Huang was not surprised that the person attempted to flee. He already confirmed that the person was a holy fire-level when the person launched his first attack. Nobody below Transcendent-level could move so quickly.

"Trying to run away? I won't let you go so easily!"

Lin Huang summoned the Viridescent Thunderhawk and chased after the person. On the Viridescent Thunderhawk's back, Lin Huang changed the gun's form to a rifle and aimed at the black-robed person. He then activated an advanced gunfighting technique, Thunderstorm . As thunder roared, golden Life Power bullets rained down like a thunderstorm. Lin Huang used three Life Wheels for this attack, and his Life Power flooded the gun as he fired countless shots at the person.

Noticing the attack from its back, the black-robed person did not even turn his head as he attempted to cover his body with a thick, black mist. Lin Huang soon noticed that the black mist behaved strangely, like the surface of water that sent out ripples as soon as the Life Power bullets touched it. Even though he used an advanced gunfighting technique, it could not harm the person.

However, the speed of the Viridescent Thunderhawk was faster than the person. They were getting closer and closer to each other. The black-robed person attacked as well but Lin Huang managed to avoid them with the activation of his Dark Shield .

"You can't run!" Lin Huang shouted while his eyes turned a bloody red. The Vampire Particles formed a pair of whips on his back. The two whips headed towards the person while another two blades raced towards the person's body. To Lin Huang's surprise, the black-robed person did not avoid the attacks this time. As the person performed a couple of hand seals, he was strangled by the two whips and the two blades pierced through his chest.

Lin Huang was shocked that he managed to kill the person so quickly. Nevertheless, the black-robed person's body broke into black bits and disappeared.

Chapter 397: Puzzling

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He escaped?!

Lin Huang looked at the place where the black-robed person disappeared while replaying the scene of him performing the hand seals. It was probably a unique escape skill.

"Lin Xin!"

His crimson red eyes faded away as he contacted Tyrant with his mind. He was relieved as Lin Xin had not encountered the attack that he did.

"Let's go back to the place where the person first attacked me." Lin Huang patted the Viridescent Thunderhawk's back.

The Viridescent Thunderhawk flapped its wings and turned in an arc as it headed to the library. As soon as it landed, a shadow interrupted them. Lin Huang looked closely. It was the dean, Liu Ming.

"Brother, were you the one fighting just now?" Liu Ming immediately asked when he saw Lin Huang.

"A black-robed person attacked me but ran away." Lin Huang hopped from the Viridescent Thunderhawk's back and nodded to Liu Ming. The battle had seemed intense, but it only lasted less than 20 seconds.

"Is this a holy fire-level summon?" Liu Ming was shocked to see the Viridescent Thunderhawk.

"Yes." Lin Huang then recalled the Viridescent Thunderhawk.

"Are you alright?" Liu Ming asked immediately. As a huge fan of Mr. Fu fan, he was protective of Lin Huang.

"I'm alright."

Soon, several shadows arrived. They were Transcendents who were nearby. They came here as soon as they heard the gunshots and sensed the energy wave. Liu Ming approached them and explained while Lin Huang looked for the weapon that the black-robed person had used to attack him. He could sense that it was something tiny, but he had no idea what that was.

A while later, he found a hole the size of a thumb in a field nearby. There was residue that was similar to the black mist on the attacker's body. Lin Huang coated his right hand with Life Power and reached into the hole. He found a needle that was two centimeters long with the thickness of a strand of hair. It was completely black with black Life Power remaining on its surface. Although the black Life Power was insignificant, Lin Huang could sense that the Life Power on his finger was being destroyed by a unique force. However, as it was decomposing his Life Power, the black Life Power was intensifying. Before Lin Huang could store it, the black Life Power surrounding the needle disappeared within one or two seconds.

"Is this the weapon that the person used to attack you?" Liu Ming appeared next to Lin Huang and looked the black needle in his hand.

"Looking at the size and color as well as the ability to hide its appearance, this could definitely kill anyone without even making a sound. Such an evil weapon looks like it belongs to a professional assassin. Brother, did you offend anyone recently?"

"I've offended quite some people…"

"Do you have any clue about anyone who might want to do such a thing?" Liu Ming asked.

"I have a few suspects, but I can't be sure." Lin Huang shook his head.

"Do you need my help?" Liu Ming asked in all seriousness.

"Not at the moment. I think I can solve it myself. If I can't, I'll have to trouble you." Lin Huang would usually handle things by himself instead of asking for help. He knew that he would have to repay people in some way if he asked for help.

"Alright then, be careful. Usually, a professional assassin won't give up on their target so easily. Find out the person responsible for this as soon as possible. The longer you drag this matter, the more dangerous it'll be for you. After all, they're in the dark while you're in the light," Liu Ming reminded.

"Yes, I understand." Lin Huang nodded.

"I'll get someone to fix this tomorrow. Don't worry about it and get going," Liu Ming said as he looked at the lamp posts that were broken.

After Liu Ming left, Lin Huang looked around nearby and headed back to the dorm as he did not find anything.

"Brother, were you fighting just now? I heard gunshots," Lin Xin asked in concern when she saw Lin Huang came back. She had heard the gunshots soon after Lin Huang left the dorm, so she thought he might be fighting.

It was summer holiday and no outsiders were allowed at night in the college. Besides her and Lin Huang, there was basically nobody else in the college. The gunshots clearly came from the college. Moreover, Lin Huang was a firearms master himself, so it was easy to tell that it was him who was fighting.

Lin Huang did not want to tell Lin Xin about the attack but since she asked, he admitted it anyway, "Someone tried to kill me but got away."

"Was it Zhang Mengmeng?" Lin Xin thought of her as well.

"I'm not sure, but she's the biggest suspect." Lin Huang shook his head.

"Although the person was on the holy fire-level, I'm not excluding Zhang Mengmeng as one of the suspects as she might be hiding her true combat prowess and disguise herself as a silver-level hunter. Besides, I don't know many people in the White Capital. Zhang Mengmeng is the only one that I don't know from before and she knows that I'm in the White Capital.

"But, there are other possibilities as well. After all, I have offended many underworld organizations." Lin Huang knew the trouble that he caused himself. He had offended all the underworld organizations that he's encountered, so it was nothing out of the ordinary that he was being targeted.

"I think it has to be that Zhang Mengmeng! How can it be such a coincidence that we met her today and that you got attacked right away? She must be coming for you, that's why she's dating Brother Fatty. Maybe she's one of the Purple Crows!" Lin Xin was determined to solve the identity of the attacker.

"You naughty girl, you need proof. Don't just say whatever you want." Lin Huang patted Lin Xin's head.

"There's no need for proof. A girl has accurate instincts. It has to be Zhang Mengmeng!" Lin Xin was persistent.

"Yes, whatever you say is right. Don't worry. I'll handle it." Lin Huang assured helplessly.

He returned to his room after finally managing to comfort Lin Xin. He stared at Zhang Mengmeng's photos that Fatty had sent earlier and mumbled to himself, "I can definitely know if it's her if I have her real face or her real name…"

Suddenly, Yang Ling's face appeared in his mind.

"I wonder if Yang Ling could retrieve her real face…"

Lin Huang then sent the photos to Yang Ling with a simple explanation. Yang Ling replied almost in the next second after receiving the photos.

"Now I know your type. This girl looks doesn't look that bad, but she's too young for me…"

Two to three minutes later, Yang Ling called. Lin Huang picked up the video call immediately.

"Who told you that the girl had plastic surgery?" Yang Ling asked directly.

"Didn't she? Her identity is fake. I'm sure you can look for her. Her face doesn't match the population registration at the Union Government."

"There really is a problem with her identity. She must be an illegal resident who has never registered herself since birth and her Emperor's Heart ring must be fake. But I'm 100% sure that she has never done plastic surgery before!" Yang Ling insisted.

"What are you basing your comments that she's never done plastic surgery before on?" Lin Huang was puzzled.

"It's not based on anything. I can tell from her photos. She's not the only one, I can also tell how any woman in the world really looks like. Whether they've make-up on, if they went for plastic surgery, or if they used a beauty app to beautify their faces. I can even see the smallest freckle on their faces. My eyes can see through those layers. When I say this girl has never went for plastic surgery, it means she hasn't. It's up to you to believe me or not," Yang Ling insisted.

"Then, could you find her real identity for me?" Lin Huang cast his doubts aside and asked Yang Ling.

"I can't. She's an illegal resident who has never registered on any platforms on the Heart Network. All I know is that her name is fake. There's nothing else that I can get." Yang Ling opened his arms in surrender.

"Alright then, I understand now."

Hanging up the phone, Lin Huang thought the matter was even more puzzling now.

"Zhang Mengmeng has never undergone plastic surgery, and she's an illegal resident…"

Chapter 398: Pig

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang thought all he needed was Zhang Mengmeng's actual face or name to find out who she really was and which organization she belonged to as well as her intention to be with Fatty. However, his dream was crushed when Yang Ling told him that although her identity was fake, her face was real. She was an illegal resident, and she had just registered her fake identity last month. Before that, she never existed.

Now, it was impossible to know who she was, which organization she was from, or her intentions as she did not have an identity. After hanging up the phone, Lin Huang took out the black needle that was as thin as a strand of hair.

"Now, I shall take some time to drop by the black market to see if I can find out anything about this black needle."

On the next morning, Lin Huang met Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng at the place and time that they had promised to meet after his dinner.

"Why isn't your sister here today?" Fatty was surprised and asked Lin Huang.

"We're hiking the Three Lifetime Mountain. She's been there before and she's unwilling to hike, so she's not following today," Lin Huang smiled and explained.

"So, we're hiking…" Fatty looked concerned.

"The Three Lifetime Mountain is a popular attraction. There's a pavilion on top of the mountain called the Fate Pavilion. I'm sure you've heard of the story about the fate of the three lifetimes. It was said that it comes from this mountain and pavilion." Lin Huang looked at Fatty and smiled.

"You mean the mythical story about reincarnation that was passed down since ancient times? But there should be nobody staying in Division7 during that time, so how was it possible that the story came from here?" Fatty was skeptical.

"Didn't anyone tell you that the White Capital of Division7 was built on the ruins of ancient times? The Fate Pavilion was discovered when Division7 was opened by the Union Government more than 300 years ago. They confirmed that the pavilion is the one in the story," Lin Huang explained.

"Can you tell me the story?" Zhang Mengmeng suddenly looked at Fatty.

"That story…" Fatty did not expect Zhang Mengmeng to ask him such a question.

"It's about this medical practitioner who was picking herbs on top of the mountain near the Fate Pavilion. He saved a snake from a beast. Many years later, the man died and was reincarnated into a rich businessman. One day, he passed by the Fate Pavilion and was robbed. He was then rescued by the snake that he had saved in his past life. Many years later, he died and was reincarnated to become a scholar while the snake advanced into a human. The both of them met at the Fate Pavilion and got married.

"In ancient times, many believed in the theory of reincarnation. They think that people won't just disappear after their death. Their souls will go to a place called the Netherworld. Human souls will be cleansed there, and their memories will be wiped away. They will be reborn as a clean slate without any memories," Lin Huang added as he could tell that Zhang Mengmeng had never heard of the story before.

"Reincarnation…" Zhang Mengmeng mumbled to herself and smiled at Fatty.

"I love this story. Let's go see the pavilion."

Lin Huang was observing Zhang Mengmeng as she spoke. She seemed to be much better than yesterday and had more communication with Fatty today. However, he was not sure if she was pretending so that she would not blow her cover. Even the way she looked at Fatty was like a young girl who had fallen head over heels.

"Sure, let's hike that Three Lifetime Mountain!" Fatty could not reject Zhang Mengmeng's request.

The Three Lifetime Mountain was about five kilometers away towards the northwest of Jingyue Lake. The mountain covered more than 200 kilometers and was a great tourist spot in White Capital. Many locals who would jog in the mountain area during summer as there were trees which were cooling. The Three Lifetime Mountain was just one of the attractions in the area. There were many other beautiful sceneries along the way.

The people in this world had much stronger physique than people on Earth. Climbing a mountain that was thousands of meters high was not as tough as it would be on Earth. Fatty was very reluctant because he was lazy although, with his bronze-level rank-3 combat strength, it was nothing for him to hike the mountain.

There were a total of four trails in the mountain. Two of them consisted of stairs while another two involved rock climbing. Considering Fatty's condition, Lin Huang decided to take the stairs. Zhang Mengmeng was excited as they were climbing. She could not wait to get to the top to look at the legendary pavilion.

"Zhang Mengmeng, why not you go up first? Wait for us up there, and I'll accompany Fatty up slowly."

"That's right, Mengmeng. You can go up first if you want to see the pavilion. We'll catch up." Fatty said while he panted, unable to catch up with Zhang Mengmeng'.

"Alright then," Zhang Mengmeng looked at Lin Huang, seeming to have something to say. She hesitated and left.

"Fatty, what did you and Mengmeng do last night after dinner? Did you guys stay in the hotel for the entire night?" Lin Huang asked when he saw Zhang Mengmeng had walked further away.

"We didn't head back to the hotel directly after dinner but to the shopping plaza instead. We shopped until past 11 and went back to the hotel and slept. I bought quite a few snacks and got a few clothes for Mengmeng," Fatty chuckled.

"So, you guys stuck together for the entire night?" Lin Huang was puzzled.

"Yeah, from 7:30 p.m. to past 11, we were together. Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just want to know your progress." Lin Huang smiled.

"Ooh… It's a secret!"

Lin Huang asked him a couple more questions as they were hiking up. He confirmed that Zhang Mengmeng had been with Fatty the entire night. She did not even go to the toilet.

"So, the one who attacked me last night wasn't Zhang Mengmeng!" Lin Huang concluded.

They spent more than three hours to get to the top of the mountain. Zhang Mengmeng had been waiting at the red pavilion for quite some time. There were many people at the pavilion, and Zhang Mengmeng was the center of attraction with many people looking at her.

"Hangyi!" Zhang Mengmeng went to them when she saw Fatty.

Many thought that Zhang Mengmeng was Lin Huang's girlfriend and that they were the perfect match. They were shocked to see her wiping Fatty's sweat for him.

"Why would a pretty girl like this be dating such a pig?" A handsome uncle commented with tears in his eyes. It was clear that he recalled a sad moment in his early days.

"Hangyi, there's a fortune teller over there. He saw a few couples, and they said he's very accurate. Let's get him to look at ours." Zhang Mengmeng pulled Fatty towards the fortune teller. Lin Huang was puzzled. If Zhang Mengmeng was just pretending, her acting skills were top-notch as she seemed really genuine. He followed them anyway. The fortune teller that Zhang Mengmeng was talking about sat in the east corner of the pavilion. He was skinny and wore a robe with 'fate' written on his chest. He looked like he was in his sixties with white hair. The unique thing about him was that his eyes that were completely white without any iris or pupils.

Zhang Mengmeng brought Fatty to the old man.

"Sir, please tell us our fortune."

The old man looked at them, stunned. He then looked at each of their palms. Soon, he frowned and started to speak, "The numerology for the both of you is odd…" He went silent for a while and looked up at Zhang Mengmeng.

"You don't have a past."

The old man looked at Fatty and said, "...and you don't have a future."

"Your fate started when the both of you met the first time, but at the same time, it ended. It's odd as theoretically, the both of you shouldn't meet again, but your fate is bringing the both of you together in a strong way. The endpoint of this seems to be non-existent…"

Before the old man could finish, Zhang Mengmeng's tears were pouring.

"What's wrong, Mengmeng? Don't listen to his nonsense…" Fatty attempted to pull Zhang Mengmeng away, but she insisted on staying.

"Sir, is there any way to save this?" Zhang Mengmeng asked the old man tearfully.

"I'm sorry, there's no way." The old man shook his head, stood up and walked down the mountain.

"Sir, here's your money." Zhang Mengmeng attempted to give the old man money, but she was stopped by Fatty.

"It's okay…" The old man waved his hand without turning around, then disappeared slowly from their field of vision.

"This old man is just jealous of us and attempted to break us up! If he weren't an old man, I would have definitely beat him up!" Fatty was furious.

"Alright, don't be mad." Lin Huang patted Fatty's shoulder.

"Mengmeng, don't bother yourself with what the old man said, okay? He was just rambling. Don't take it seriously."

Zhang Mengmeng nodded while still crying. Seeing Zhang Mengmeng hugging Fatty, Lin Huang was skeptical of his judgment.

Chapter 399: I'll Wait For You In The Eastern Suburbs

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhang Mengmeng had been upset ever since the fortune teller encounter. Fatty did not have the mood to look at the attractions anymore as he was trying to cheer Zhang Mengmeng up again. Lin Huang was watching without saying a word. He had no clue after listening to the ridiculous notion that the fortune teller had said. However, Zhang Mengmeng's sobbing seemed real, and it did not look like she was acting. Perhaps, what the fortune teller said made her realize something that she was not aware of.

"Lin Huang, I think I'll bring Mengmeng back to the hotel. Sorry to trouble you to come all the way here." Fatty looked at Lin Huang with guilt.

"It's alright. It's almost noon now. Let's take the elevator. I'll bring you guys for lunch and take you back to the hotel." Lin Huang patted Fatty's shoulder.

"I'll bring you guys around again tomorrow when the both of you feel better. You can take a few days' rest if you want."


The elevator to descend the mountain was located not far from the Ladder Mountain. There was a three-kilometer long hanging bridge connecting it with the Three Life Mountain. As they crossed the bridge, they took the elevator from Ladder Mountain all the way to the bottom of the mountain. After bidding farewell to Lin Huang, Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng left with a monster car. Lin Huang then summoned the Viridescent Thunderhawk and headed to the black market.

In the small, dark room, the plump old man looked at Lin Huang. "You again, do you have a new clue this time?"

Lin Huang took out the black needle and placed it on the table. The old man pushed his glasses higher up on his nose and looked at it. He then put on a pair of white gloves and picked up the thin needle. After some observation, he looked at Lin Huang again.

"Now, I'm curious about how you managed to survive this attack?"

"You know where does this weapon come from?" Lin Huang's eyes lit up.

"The information about this black needle might not be useful to you, and it's not cheap." The old man stared at him.

"Are you sure you want it?"

"How much is it?" Lin Huang asked.

"30,000 Life Crystals!"

"Sure," Lin Huang replied without thinking twice.

The old man was surprised by Lin Huang's decision as 30,000 Life Crystals could get a solid grade-5 relic. Given that he had reminded Lin Huang that the piece of information might not be useful for him, Lin Huang still decided to accept the price that he presented. The old man did not say anything while taking out the trading chip. Lin Huang scanned it and transferred the money immediately. Soon, a notification popped up, showing that the transfer was successful, then the old man retrieved the chip from Lin Huang.


The old man put down the black needle, removed his gloves and started working on something on the Heart Network. One to two minutes later, he took out a black information chip and downloaded the information that he gathered. He then passed the chip to Lin Huang. Lin Huang scanned and copied the information immediately. Within seconds, all the information that the old man provided was downloaded into Lin Huang's network storage space.

Lin Huang frowned as he flipped through the information. Soon, he switched off the pages on his Emperor's Heart Ring and shook his head.

"Seems like I'm in a great loss for this trade…"

"I did remind you." The old man smiled after taking off his single-lens glass.

"I thought there might be something slightly useful… Never mind." Lin Huang waved his hand and left.

After leaving the black market, he ate something at a small restaurant next to the Martial Hunter College. He contacted Tyrant with his mind to ask him about Lin Xin. After making sure that Lin Xin was safe, he headed straight to the library. In the library cubicle, Lin Huang was browsing for the information that the old man had provided.

The black needle appeared the first time more than 200 years ago. It was a custom-made weapon that was often used by a female assassin named Poison Sting. The assassin was an immortal-level who was popular among the dark organization with her secretive way of killing. However, around 170 years ago, Poison Sting accepted a deal to kill a particular family member. After assassinating the person, the family took revenge on her. Half a year later, Poison Sting disappeared and had never appeared for the next 170 years. Nobody knew if she had been killed or if she was hiding.

Lin Huang frowned after reading all the documents. The information provided by the black market was basically about Poison Sting. However, he knew very well that it was impossible that Poison Sting had attacked him. If she was already an immortal-level 200 years ago, she could be above imperial-level now if she was still alive.

"Could it be Poison Sting's apprentice?" That was the only possibility that Lin Huang could think of.

However, according to the documents, Poison Sting had never appeared for more than 170 years. It never mentioned if she had an apprentice, so that was the end of his clue.

Lin Huang was overwhelmed with information as he read more. Before contacting Yang Ling, his mind was clear, and he was sure that Zhang Mengmeng had attacked him although he had no idea why she would do that. However, since Yang Ling's explanation on Zhang Mengmeng, her odd behavior, and now this information about Poison Sting, Lin Huang felt like he was in a blur. It was impossible for him to find out the truth.

Since he could not gather his thoughts, he shook his head and put his thoughts aside.

"Never mind, I shall continue to read since I've already wasted half a day." Lin Huang started reading as soon as his Emperor's Heart Ring was connected to the librarian's tentacle. Hours passed, and it was soon six in the evening. Lin Huang left the library, had dinner and headed straight to the training room. After a couple of hours of training, sweat dripped from his body. The Emperor's Heart Ring that he wore on his left middle finger rang when it was around 10.30 p.m.

It was Fatty who called, and Lin Huang picked up immediately. He was shocked as soon as the video call was connected. Both Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng were in a dim room and locked up with a black chain. Although it was dark, Lin Huang could see that Fatty's face was beaten up and there was blood flowing from the side of his lips. On the other hand, Zheng Mengmeng had a long, bloody wound on her face.

"Fatty! Mengmeng!" Lin Huang shouted to the both of them as he frowned.

"You're Lin Huang, am I right? You have such a loyal friend here. If I didn't threaten him with his girlfriend, he wouldn't let me call you…"

A person in a black robe appeared from the dark. There was a black mask on its face which completely covered everything that could be recognized. Its voice was also modified, so nobody could tell its gender.

"What do you want?" Lin Huang could recognize that it was the black robe person who had attacked him last night.

"Would you like to save your friend?" The black robe person smirked.

"I'll wait for you in the eastern suburbs…"

Chapter 400: The Identity Of The Black-Robed Person

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Don't turn off the video. You must come alone. Don't let anybody know. Also, you only have two hours…"

The black-robed person disappeared into the dark. It did not say more, but Lin Huang knew very clearly that Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng would die if he did not get to the location within two hours. Lin Huang managed to find the location of the video as it was still running. However, whatever he was doing, the other side was watching.

He put away his sword, did a quick search on his Emperor's Heart Ring signal and soon, he found Fatty's Emperor's Heart Ring's location.

"Lin Huang, don't come…" Fatty tried his best to look at the camera. He braced the pain and shook his head slightly. Tears streamed down his swollen face. Meanwhile, Zhang Mengmeng stared blankly at the ground, and she was crying. The ten-centimeter long gash on the left side of her face was still bleeding. She seemed to be in complete shock.

"Don't worry. I'm coming for you guys." Lin Huang ran out of the training room and summoned the Viridescent Thunderhawk. The Martian Hunter College was located in the center zone of the White Capital while the eastern suburb was 2,000 kilometers away. Fatty's coordinates showed a straight-line distance of 2,278 kilometers. Before the Viridescent Thunderhawk leveled-up, it was impossible for it to reach there in two hours, but it could now do it.

Lin Huang was coming up with a plan as he was riding on the Viridescent Thunderhawk. Since the black-robed person had caught Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng, and now invited him over, it was clear that the person had set up a trap and was waiting for him to fall into it. The encounter earlier gave Lin Huang an idea of its ability. The person should be a white flame-level, almost a crimson flame-level but not yet a blue flame. What it was good at was sneak attacks, not close-distance combat.

Under such a situation, it was possible that it had set up everything in the environment it could control. The black-robed person might set some traps in the house that contained Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng. However, Lin Huang must step into the dim room to save the both of them. Now, that was not a scheme anymore but a living graveyard. Lin Huang would have to jump into the trap himself even though he knew it was a setup. He knew very well that Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng would die if he did not do that. From what the black-robed person had done, not only would the both of them die, they would also die in agony.

One and a half hours later, Lin Huang, who was riding on the Viridescent Thunderhawk, saw the building at the coordinates. It was a warehouse. The Viridescent Thunderhawk circled mid-air and landed near the entrance quickly. Standing a couple of meters at the entrance, Lin Huang recalled the Viridescent Thunderhawk. Just as he recalled it, a layer of semi-transparent white shield covered the entire warehouse and hundreds of meters around it, including Lin Huang.

Lin Huang was shocked by that. He looked up, but did not feel anything odd happening to his body.

"This layer of shield serves as a greeting. There's nothing to worry about. It just serves as a seal to the space and to disable you from summoning your monsters," the black-robed person who could not be recognized said in the video.

"You can choose to leave without your friends. It's not too late…"

Lin Huang frowned and contacted Xiao Hei secretly. "Can I use my Monster Cards when the space is sealed?"

"The sealing only applies to the summoning space. It doesn't work on Monster Cards."

Lin Huang was relieved to hear Xiao Hei's answer. He took out his sword and opened the warehouse door. Without any confrontation, he walked into the warehouse.

As it was night time, the warehouse had no lights and was dark. However, Lin Huang's vision was not affected as he looked around. The warehouse was still in use as they were many goods stacked around on trays in various areas. Lin Huang trod slowly. Although he used his Micro Territory which covered the area, he was still careful. Despite his light footsteps, in the quiet warehouse, they echoed.

As he walked hundreds of meters straight ahead, he noticed that he was close to the given coordinates, so he slowed down. Suddenly, he turned left as he arrived at a crossroads with a stack of goods. The moonlight shone through the window and onto the black chains that were binding Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng. The two black chains extended from the ceiling and clinched onto their backs. They were suspended 20 centimeters from the ground.

"Fatty…" Lin Huang switched off the video and attempted to hack off the chains with his sword.

"I didn't expect you to have the guts to come here." A shadow appeared from behind Fatty and Zhang Mengmeng. It was the black-robed person.

"Who are you?" Lin Huang had no idea who that person was at all.

"Do you remember killing a person on the demonic crystal spaceship last July? I'm his daughter…" The person switched off the voice modifier, sounding very much like a young girl now.

"Last July?" Lin Huang frowned, finally recalling after some thinking. "You mean that bastard?!"

"Don't you dare insult my dad!" The girl took off her hoodie and black mask, revealing a pretty face.

"Do you remember me, Lin Huang?" The young girl with two ponytails glared at Lin Huang with undeniable hatred.

"You are… Lily!"

Of course, Lin Huang remembered who she was. The young girl with two ponytails standing in front of him was the girl who had been brainwashed by Mr. Wei. When he had killed Mr. Wei, she had witnessed everything as she stood nearby. However, he remembered that the girl left the spaceship halfway and was sent for psychotherapy. He did not expect her to come back for revenge.

This girl had only taken a year to level up from an ordinary person to a holy fire-level at such a mind-boggling speed.

"Good that you remember. I was worried that you might forget! If that had been the case, I would have to waste my time making you remember, but now, I can kill you straight away. My pain and hatred will end after I kill you!" Lily shouted at Lin Huang at the top of her lungs.

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