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39.87% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 191: 361-370

Chapter 191: 361-370

Chapter 361: Martial Hunter College

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The unsealing of the Viridescent Thunderhawk was not complicated. All it needed was three drops of the ancient bird monster's blood. It was not the monsters that existed in ancient times but was actually talking about monsters that had ancient blood within them. Mythical creatures such as dragons, phoenixes, and rocs belonged to this category of monsters. Since most of the ancient monsters had blood with terrifying strength, it was only natural that they were born powerful.

Even dragonkins that were not mutated would have abilities that were comparable with a triple mutated Transcendent-level monster when it was still a baby. The same applied to phoenix and roc blooded monsters.

"Xiao Hei, can I use the blood of an ancient monster that's not been mutated before to unseal the Viridescent Thunderhawk?" Lin Huang asked as soon as he got out of the black market.

"Yes, you can but the higher the quality, the better."

"Must it be the same ancient monster? Or do I need to get three different ancient monsters?"

"It has to be an ancient monster of the same type. The best would be the exact same ancient monster."

"Alright," Lin Huang acknowledged. He dropped by the information exchange store in the black market to ask about the trails of double mutated sword type monsters for Lancelot the Ruthless Sword Master as well as information about ancient bird monsters. He did not get anything about the ancient monster's blood but he got some information about double mutated sword type monsters from the seller. He deposited some money to get the seller to gather more information about him. Lin Huang had actually posted the question in a form of a mission on the Hunter Forum a few days back but nobody had given him any useful feedback, so he turned to the black market.

It was almost six in the evening when he got home. Lin Xin ordered take-out and was downstairs picking up the food less than three minutes ago before Lin Huang got home.

"Brother, I've ordered some food. Eat while it's still hot." Lin Xin pointed at the bowl of ramen.

"I was just thinking of what I should eat for dinner earlier." Lin Huang smiled and sat at the dining table.

"This store has good ramen with a delicious soup base. I've tried it a few times before."

"I ordered three bowls of them. Bloody has eaten its portion."

Lin Huang just noticed that there was an empty bowl on the coffee table in the living room and it looked like the bowl was being washed. Bloody looked at Lin Huang and nodded to him, seeming to be in a good mood. Lin Huang then picked up the chopsticks and tasted the ramen. He nodded in satisfaction, the noodles were al dente and the soup was flavorful.

"You are 20 days away from your graduation exam. How's the preparation?" Lin Huang asked although Lin Xin's study was never too much of a concern.

"Almost done now." Lin Xin beamed.

"Which school do you plan to get in to?" He asked.

"I'm planning to get into the Martial Hunter College, majoring in martial arts and minoring in guns." Lin Xin had everything planned out.

The Martial Hunter College was a higher learning institution opened by the Hunter Association. It was also the best college in the human world. If it was placed on Earth, it was similar to the standard of the Ivy League universities. Of course, as it was popular, it was difficult to get in. There were branches in every division whereby each division would accept more than 50,000 students annually. However, it was difficult to get in as the population of each division was at least 10 times more than that on Earth. There were more students participating in the graduation exam here compared to those who graduated from high school on Earth.

Although Winter City was a B-grade foothold, there were only three people who were accepted into the Martial Hunter College on average annually. In Winter City, there were a total of four schools the same standard as the one that Lin Xin was going to as well as a few schools that were not as popular with the good students. The target that Lin Xin set for herself was a challenging one.

"Why would you want to get into the Martial Hunter College?" Lin Huang raised his eyebrow.

"I have compared many organizations and found out that the eligibility to join the Hunter Association is the laxest. Moreover, the Martial Hunter College is different from the federal military college. They'll teach us about the concept of the organization. On the other hand, the Martial Hunter College is the most liberal one with simple learning materials," Lin Xin reasoned.

"Are you confident about it?" Lin Huang asked.

Lin Xin thought about it and shook her head.

"Your gun skills shouldn't be a problem, so it shouldn't be difficult for you to score full marks in your graduation exam. I guess you're not confident in the battle assessment or culture studies?" Lin Huang asked.

"I have no problem in the cultural studies but it's the battling I'm not confident about. There're a few of them who are more powerful than I am this year. The first round of the battle assessment doesn't allow guns or other weapons," Lin Xin shared helplessly.

"So, you have problems in melee combat?" Lin Huang understood the problem immediately.

"Yes." Lin Xin looked downright upset.

"I shall train your melee combat skills these few days then," Lin Huang suggested.

Lin Xin nodded immediately. She knew that Lin Huang was the Sword Genius who was powerful in close-distance battles. Nobody below Transcendent level could defeat him in melee combat. Even without his sword, he was invincible. After lunch, Lin Huang cleaned the kitchen and followed Lin Xin into the Gun Master game. In reality, the Hunter Arena was more suitable but because Lin Xin was not a hunter, she could not enter it. Lin Huang had an extra ring left but the Hunter Arena was connected to one's Emperor's Heart Ring and Lin Xin could not use his ring to enter the arena.

Fortunately, the training ground in the Gun Master had a variety of terrains. Lin Huang had built one that was modeled after the ring in the Hunter Arena and invited Lin Xin in. As soon as she entered the virtual room, the room was locked with a password so that nobody could enter.

"I improved my battle abilities by fighting again and again. I have faith that you can do the same," Lin Huang said.

"Under normal circumstances, I would teach you melee combat skill like Fatal Tactics but since we don't have much time, I'll only train you on mastering the techniques that you already know.

"I will create a normal account later and form an avatar that has the same ability as yours to fight you. In the battles, I will use the techniques that you already know as well as some advanced techniques to give you sufficient pressure. I won't show mercy during the battles. I'll even kill the avatar that you create. Therefore, I hope that you don't treat this as a game but a real battle."

"Yes!" Lin Xi agreed excitedly.

Soon, Lin Huang exited the game and created a new mission from his own account, then he entered the locked training ground after he was done with some settings.

"Brother?" Lin Xin was surprised when she saw Lin Huang re-entering the room as he now looked like a 20-year-old arrogant, young man. He did not look anything like Lin Huang.

"I internally changed my features as well as my voice so that you can focus on the battles. From today onwards, I'm your enemy, not your brother," Lin Huang explained.

"Get into the ring!"

He did not want to waste any more time, so he walked straight into the ring and waved at Lin Xin. Lin Xin took a deep breath and followed him…

Chapter 362: The Monster Egg Has Hatched

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was 10:30 p.m. and Lin Huang had killed Lin Xin more than 90 times in the Gun Master ring after four hours. He decided to stop the game. On average, she was defeated in less than three minutes each time and Lin Huang pointed out her weaknesses after every battle ended.

"Let's stop here today. We shall proceed tomorrow after dinner." Lin Huang logged off.

From the battles, he could see that Lin Xin's foundation was good but the lack of battle experience caused her to perform some minor mistakes. Her biggest problem was not the mistakes itself, but not being decisive when battling. There were many times when she could definitely seize the opportunity to kill her opponent but she was not decisive which made her fall into a dilemma. Lin Huang had repetitively reminded her of the same thing -- that enemies were enemies on the battlefield, no matter human or creature. She must use the fastest way to kill them; no sympathy was allowed or else, she would be the one who died.

To allow Lin Xin to understand the idea fully, Lin Huang killed her again and again without mercy. She was tough on the inside but appeared soft on the outside. Had it been another girl, she would be crying after being defeated for a few times and stop training but the more she battled, the braver she got. Lin Huang took a shower and went to bed after logging off while Lin Xin repeated what he said in the training, "Show no mercy in battles…"

For next few days, Lin Huang praised her gunfighting technique during the day and battled with Lin Xin after dinner at night. After the second day, he could sense her determination. She was less indecisive whenever she attacked. It was clear that his tough training had taken effect on her. After putting mercy aside, Lin Xin improved tremendously. She could fix all the weaknesses that Lin Huang pointed out quickly and her abilities were getting better day by day.

As four days passed, Lin Huang could no longer kill her in one hit while Lin Xin managed to score first place in the first exam at school. Her graduation exam was getting closer, so Lin Huang stayed at home with her. The exam was the biggest one that Lin Xin ever had in her life, so he had to be a good brother to be with her. There were many things that he needed to handle but he put them aside as he wanted to focus until Lin Xin finished her graduation exam.

In recent days, the Hunter Association had released news of the appearance of a double mutated sword type monster. However, there was nothing about the ancient bird monster's blood. On Friday morning, Lin Huang inserted Life Power into the golden monster egg as usual after he washed up. The aura of the monster egg was getting more and more obvious the past few days, so he knew that it was soon that the egg would hatch.

"It's been 12 days. Even a triple mutated monster usually takes less than 10 days to hatch…" Lin Huang shook his head helplessly.

This monster egg which had the appetite of a phoenix egg's was getting bigger. Its Life Power needed an additional Life Wheel each day. It was the eleventh day yesterday and it still did not stop absorbing all the Life Power in Lin Huang's body. Noticing that something was wrong, he immediately refilled two Life Wheels of Life Power in his body using the Life Power Refill Card. The monster egg was only fully satiated after he inserted the eleventh Life Wheel of Life Power into it.

This time, as he was inserting the ninth Life Wheel, he refilled another five Life Wheels of Life Power. As expected, the monster egg absorbed all twelve Life Wheels of Life Power and stopped. He was relieved, then he put the monster egg back into the box on his bed head and got ready for breakfast downstairs. Suddenly, he heard a cracking sound. He looked down and noticed that there was a fine crack in the monster egg.

"It's hatching!" Lin Huang was pleasantly surprised. He cradled the monster egg in his arms. Later on, a few more cracks appeared. He knew that it was the nestling pecking from the inside. There were more and more cracks in the shell like it was glass being knocked by a heavy item. Cracks soon filled the entire surface of the shell. Just when he was imagining how would the nestling look like, the golden eggshell broke entirely and transformed into a golden dot, then entered the body of the emerged yellow nestling that was the size of a palm.

Lin Huang looked at the nestling on his palm. It was as fluffy as a chick. Besides a tuft of purple feathers on its head, it was no different from a chick that had just hatched. He looked at it for a while and could not recognize what kind of bird it was.

"Chirp…" The nestling looked at Lin Huang curiously, leaped and landed on his shoulder.

"That's fast!" With his powerful vision, he could only see a blur that moved. He was astonished. A triple mutated monster was really different from the others!

The nestling rubbed its head on his face to show its affection and leaped again. It bit his finger and blood flowed out. Just when Lin Huang attempted to retract his hand in shock, the nestling pecked on its own claws and placed its claws on his wound. He thought that it was behaving strangely when he saw a golden light going into his body, then he felt like something was added to him. A notification from came from Xiao Hei.

"A legendary-level monster Seventails (nestling) has been detected. Would you like to make it into a card?"

"This is a triple mutated monster, so it will be sealed if I make it into a card. Am I right?" Lin Huang asked.

"Yes, as your authorization isn't sufficient. Although it's just a nestling, it's a legendary-level monster. Once it becomes a card, it will be sealed immediately."

"Then, I shall not make it into a card for the time being." Lin Huang shook his head.

He was happy to have a pet and he did not want it to be sealed. Moreover, Lin Xin would be over the moon to see it. If not for her, he would not have been able to provide the Life Power that the monster egg needed, so Lin Huang planned to give her this monster egg as a gift. A triple mutated monster with phoenix blood was rare and would be the perfect pet for her. However, the level of the triple mutated monster egg was too high. The lowest hatching standard would require a gold-level Life Power, which would take forever for Lin Xin to level up to. Besides, the monster egg was a living thing that could not be kept in the Emperor's Heart Ring's storage space and it was inconvenient to bring along. That was why Lin Huang decided to hatch it himself and get another pet for Lin Xin in the future.

"Did you say that this monster is called Seventails?" He finally found out what this little fella that looked like a chick really was.


Lin Huang then summoned Bloody to get it to tell him more about the Seventails.

"Seventails is a triple mutated monster with phoenix blood. It has a high concentration of phoenix blood in its body and its ability is similar to a sky dragon. Even a nestling that's just been born is already on holy fire-level. It will evolve into a bird with nine tails if the concentration of blood increases. By then, it'll be a real phoenix blooded creature - a Ninetails…"

Bloody's explanation was detailed.

"My biggest concern is what does it eat?" Lin Huang did not have to feed summoning monsters that were in card form. However, this nestling would die if it did not eat.

"Seventails is an omnivore and it eats almost everything. Meat, fruits, vegetables and even energy stones such as Life Crystals," Bloody explained.

"Can I feed this nestling anything as well?" Lin Huang asked.

"Yes, the monster's digestion is different from humans'. Don't worry about it." Bloody nodded.

"Alright then, that should be easy." Lin Huang was relieved to hear that.

Chapter 363: Crispy Texture

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Despite already knowing that the Seventails was an omnivore, the kind of food that it ate was far broader than Lin Huang could ever imagine. At first, he was feeding it human food and it gobbled all of it. Although it was just the size of a palm, the amount of rice that it ate was more than the amount Lin Huang and Lin Xin could eat combined. He did not think it was odd and fed it anyway. However, there was one day when it accidentally dropped the bowl of rice onto the floor. It then hopped off from the table and ate both the spilled food and the broken bowl.

Lin Huang and Lin Xin were shocked to see that. He even asked Bloody if eating a bowl would affect a Seventails. However, Bloody assured him that it was not a problem. Since then, the little bird would intentionally peck at the bowl and eat the chipped pieces after it was done with the food. Not only bowls, it started packing away at plates and mugs… Soon, it even started eating mirrors and windows… It then started chomping away on the glass door on the balcony…

It did not seem to let go of anything that was crispy or crunchy. Clueless, Lin Huang asked Bloody for a solution for this. As soon as Bloody listened to his description, it gave its speculation after some thought, "The Seventails' favorite food is energy crystals of all kinds. Perhaps, when it accidentally ate the broken bowl, it gave him the sense that it was eating energy crystals. To solve this issue, I think you can feed it with energy crystals."

Doubtfully, Lin Huang tried feeding it Life Crystals. To his surprise, the Seventails preferred Life Crystals compared to any other food. It was full from merely two to three Life Crystals each day and would not break anything else after eating.

It was in June a few days after settling the Seventails' dietary needs that Lin Xin finally took the graduation exam. The three day-exam ended quickly and she was confident in herself. Since Lin Huang's training with her for the past few days, her battle abilities had improved tremendously.

"How was your exam?" Lin Huang only asked her after the exam had ended three days later.

"I got full scores for the battle and guns exam. For my cultural studies, even if I don't achieve full scores, I will get at least 97%," Lin Xin gave a firm answer.

The battle and gun exams were scored on the spot but the scores would still need reviewing. Although she had attained full scores for both tests, the final score would depend on the review after the examiners watched the videos. On the other hand, the cultural studies would be marked within three days, so the results would be out soon. It would also take around three days to know if she would be qualified to enter the college.

Three days passed by swiftly and Lin Xin received her final results. Her total score in the battle module was 200 which was full score. The extra score for the gun test was 100 and she had gotten full scores as well. For cultural studies, she received 391 out of 400 points. She scored 691 out of the 700 total score. She was informed that her score was tied at first place with another boy in Winter City. Lin Huang gave her a thumbs up when he saw her results as he was quite certain that she would be qualified to enter the Martial Hunter College.

As expected, Lin Xin received the admission notice from the Martial Hunter College two days later. Within the same period, she had also received quite a number of invitations from other colleges. She had finally completed her graduation exam and it was 20 days before the Mystery Auction. Since they did not have enough time for a vacation, Lin Huang decided to bring her to the White Capital. Because his dimensional relic could not bring them so far away within one trip, they transited a couple of times and arrived in the White Capital at noon.

They checked into a hotel suite that was next to the Martial Hunter College and had lunch before going to the college. The college was an open school where it welcomed visitors. In reality, most of the programmes were available for sitting in as long as one did not disturb the classes. The college was so huge that they did not manage to finish the entire tour in the entire afternoon. However, it was obvious that Lin Xin liked the school's atmosphere.

After dinner, Lin Huang brought her shopping. He wanted to get Tyrant some clothes too. Initially, he thought it would be difficult to find suitable clothes for Tyrant. However, he found a store selling plus-sized clothes. He even got Tyrant, who was 2.5 meters tall, to try the clothes in the fitting room. Although Tyrant could not adapt to wearing clothes, he conformed anyway. His intelligence made him realize that it was obscene to be naked in public.

After purchasing some clothes, Lin Huang got Tyrant to put on a black suit with a pair of sunglasses. He was now Lin Huang's bodyguard. To avoid attention, he changed Tyrant's golden skin color to the usual peachy human skin color. Lin Xin was puzzled when she saw the bodyguard who had appeared out of nowhere. She only realized that Tyrant was Lin Huang's summoning monster after his explanation. She then scanned Tyrant up and down. Besides being intimidating and large, Tyrant seemed to be just like an ordinary human.

For the next few days, Lin Huang got Tyrant to shop with Lin Xin instead. On one hand, Tyrant would be her bodyguard and on the other, it was for Tyrant to practice adapting to the human world while following Lin Xin. Meanwhile, Lin Huang headed to the location with the three double mutated sword type monsters before the auction started. The Ruthless Sword Master had killed all three of them while Lin Huang received three completed double mutated sword servant cards.

One was a sword type ice monster called the Frigid Swordswoman. The other was the Hatted Swordsman that was good at twin and multiple-sword techniques, known for having a peculiar attack technique. The last one was the Sword Knight which was armed with a shield and a sword and had a great defence ability. The three sword servants were double mutated monsters. However, they could not be summoned before Lancelot was unlocked.

Lin Huang's concern was that there was no news about the ancient bird monster blood at all. The amount of ancient monsters was rare, so there was not many of them that were captured by humans. Furthermore, even if they were captured, people would usually sell the entire monster carcass instead of just the blood.

Two weeks had passed after the three sword servants were settled and it was now a few days until the auction started. Seeing that Lin Xin was enjoying herself in the White Capital, Lin Huang figured that they should stay there considering that the White Capital was the safest city in Division7. After some serious consideration, he got Kylie to be her bodyguard. With Kylie's speed, it was easier for her to handle the various types of potential dangers.

He wanted to get Seventails to stay as well but since it was connected to his soul, it could not leave too far away from him, so he had to bring it along. After settling his errands, Lin Huang brought Tyrant back home as it was time to meet Leng Yuexin…

Chapter 364: The Rules of the Mystery Auction

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The doorbell rang as Lin Huang finished his breakfast early in the morning. It was Tyrant who opened the door as Lin Huang was doing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Erm, does Lin Huang stay here?" Leng Yuexin was confused when she saw Tyrant at the door, thinking that she had gotten the wrong house.

"Yes, please come in." Tyrant took a step back, gesturing for Leng Yuexin to come in. Tyrant had heard from Lin Huang that they were expecting a guest. Looking at the human lady, he was sure that she was the visitor that Lin Huang was talking about.

Leng Yuexin was stunned for a moment before she walked in.

"Please give me a minute, I'll be out soon." Lin Huang was almost done with cleaning in the kitchen when he heard the both of them talking. Leng Yuexin peered into the kitchen when she heard his voice.

"Are you doing the dishes?" Leng Yuexin asked as she saw Lin Huang piling the plates.

"Yes, I'm done. Take a seat, let me wash my hands." Lin Huang drained the water in the basin, washed his hands with soap and turned around to wipe his hands with the cloth on the dining table.

"What would you like to drink? Juice or tea?" He asked with a smile when he saw Leng Yuexin standing next to the dining table.

"I'll have juice," she answered without thinking twice.

"Sure!" Lin Huang nodded and took out a pastel mug with cute rabbit prints from the cabinet. He then poured the freshly squeezed juice from the refrigerator and passed the mug to her.

Leng Yuexin took the mug and stared at it for a while, then she gawked in puzzlement at him.

"My sister bought this mug two days ago. It's a long story…" Noticing the way Leng Yuexin was staring at him, Lin Huang explained helplessly. Ever since all their plates and mugs at home were eaten by the Seventails, Lin Xin initiated to buy new ones by herself but he did not expect all of the items to be in pastel colors with girly cartoon prints on them.

"It's...nice," Leng Yuexin commented with a raised eyebrow, then took a sip. The both of them returned to the living room and she started staring at Tyrant again. She kept thinking that there was a peculiar aura from Tyrant. Finally, she could not help so she asked, "May I know who this is?"

"His name is Tyrant. He's my summoning monster buddy," Lin Huang beamed while introducing Tyrant.

Leng Yuexin was surprised at Lin Huang's answer. She finally figured out what was with the peculiar aura. Besides being abnormally large in size, Tyrant looked no different from a human. That was why she did not realize that he was a monster.

"Hi," Tyrant giggled.

"Hi!" Leng Yuexin was dumbfounded for a moment before responding.

"A white flame-level human-form monster that can talk, it must be at least double mutated…" Leng Yuexin thought to herself.

After chatting for a while, Leng Yuexin summoned her dimensional relic while Lin Huang brought Tyrant along. As they passed through the relic, the three of them arrived on top of a tall skyscraper.

"So, this is Haitian City?" They were looking out at a blue ocean stretched in front of them. Haitian City was an A-grade foothold with a huge inland sea. Those who stayed by the ocean could see the beautiful sea that touched the sky. That was how the city was christened Haitian City.

"Yes, the Mystery Auction's headquarters is here," Leng Yuexin confirmed.

Considering that Lin Huang could not fly, Leng Yuexin gave up the thought of jumping from the building and took the elevator instead. As they got out of the building, Lin Huang turned around and realized that the building was a huge mall.

"The hotel that I booked isn't far from here." Leng Yuexin walked in between the both of them after leaving the building. Around seven to eight minutes later, the three of them arrived at the entrance of a luxurious hotel.

After checking themselves in, they brought Tyrant along to the room. The three of them stepped out of the elevator when they arrived on the 117th floor. They were staying in rooms 27 and 28 across each other.

"Get settled in your room. I'll come to get you later," Leng Yuexin opened the door to room 27 and said to Lin Huang before shutting the door.

Lin Huang scanned his keycard on the door and entered with Tyrant. It was a huge suite, even more luxurious than most of the hotels that he had ever stayed in before.

"It seems like you won't have to sleep on the carpet for these few days," Lin Huang teased Tyrant with a smile when he found out that there were a few bedrooms in the suite. When Tyrant was at home, he would always sleep on the floor in the living room as its gigantic body could not fit on the couch.

"This is a good carpet," Tyrant stepped on the carpet and chuckled happily.

"You can sleep in the bedroom." Lin Huang pointed at the second bedroom.

"I'd like to sleep on the floor. It's bigger," Tyrant shook his head and declined.

"Up to you then…" He did not know Tyrant had such an odd preference.

"Seventails loves eating mugs and Tyrant loves sleeping on the floor. Will other monsters have different peculiar preferences?" Lin Huang thought to himself. He was satisfied after bringing Tyrant to tour the suite. There were three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen. The rooms were big and totaled to almost 3,000 square meters. The biggest one was the living room which occupied 800 square meters of the suite. The master bedroom was spacious too. There was a balcony that was three meters wide in the south and was connected to the living room. There was a bathtub measuring three meters long in the bathroom.

"I can soak myself in the bathtub tonight!" Lin Huang's favorite part in the entire suite was the bathtub. Soon, Leng Yuexin knocked on his door.

"It's not bad here," Leng Yuexin looked around and commented as she entered.

"Please take a seat." Lin Huang passed her a glass of juice.

She stared at Tyrant that was sitting on the floor.

"Don't mind him, he likes sitting on the floor." Lin Huang rolled his eyes.

Tyrant nodded like Lin Huang was complimenting him. After tossing a bottle of green juice to Tyrant, Lin Huang got himself a bottle as well and sat on the single-seater, his back facing the balcony.

Leng Yuexin took a small sip of juice and placed the glass on the coffee table. "Let's talk about the things that you should take note of at the Mystery Auction."

Lin Huang took a sip of his green juice and put it down.

"The Mystery Auction is an auction exclusively for the royal families. They send out invitations to prestige and mid-range royal families around two months before the auction starts. They include the items that will be auctioned in the invitation, but not those that are sold underground. Those royal families that don't receive the invitation will have to apply for an invitation by themselves. Most of the mid-range royal families will pass the application. However, the lower-range ones will need someone to help or else, they won't be able to join."

"Our family is considered a prestigious family in Division7 and we receive their invitation every year. If any of us in the family need anything from the auction, we can go to the auction. Those who hold the invitation can bring three visitors with them. The both of you will be the two visitors that I'm bringing this year. However, visitors are not eligible for the bidding. If you would like to bid, you'll have to go through me. I'll be the one doing the bidding, paying and receiving of items. So, just tell me if you need anything."

"Got it!" Lin Huang nodded.

"There's another rule that you should follow. Nobody is allowed to fight in the auction. Even if you meet the person who killed your parents at the auction, you'll have to settle that outside the auction or else, you'll be punished. If anybody steals the items on auction, the person will be considered dead to Mystery and will be killed on the spot. Even if the person managed to escape, the person will be tracked down and killed…"

Chapter 365: Kill All! Rob All!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fang Wen's coat blew in the wind and there was a thumb-sized black metal plate on the collar. Right at the center on the back of his coat, there was a white circle. Printed within the circle was a design of a purple crow perched on a tree branch.

It had been almost a month since he started wearing the Purple Crow coat. He had almost died of boredom in the past one month.

"I'm so bored… I can't leave the base and I can't look for a woman. I have to read the organization handbook repeatedly every day. I have to attend classes for ideological education…" Fang Wan grumbled and yawned.

"Yes, you're right. It'll be better if they assign some tasks to us." Li Lang forced a smile and nodded in agreement.

Both of them had become reserve members after joining the training camp since last October. It took them about half a year to level up to holy fire-level. They were now official Purple Crow members and they had a rather fast leveling speed.

It had been almost a month since they changed into the Purple Crow coat. However, both of them were still staying at Division7's base and not a single task had been assigned to them.

"Why are both of you being so impatient? As a new official member, they'll work on your mind for three months," a young man beside them advised, showing his crooked teeth, "Both of you have two more months to go."

"Two months later? My pecker is about to burst…" Fang Wen leaned forward on the table and continued to grumble, "It has been a month since I last touched a woman."

"Be patient. I heard that there might be some tasks for us in the next few days," one of the men with sunglasses said.

"What's the point? Our training period has not ended. It's not our turn yet," Fang Wen said as if he cared for nothing.

"It's not necessarily so," the man with sunglasses said with an inexplicable smile.

"Lu Yuan, do you have any inside information about it?" Li Lang immediately asked.

"Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, you'll know about it later." The man with sunglasses kept them guessing. Even if they continued asking, he was unwilling to reveal anything.

At 8.30a.m., a man with a stern face entered. He was of average height and wore the Purple Crow coat as well. The black metal plate on his collar indicated that his identity was just like the others. He was also an official member of the Purple Crow. However, as soon as he entered, about 30 of them in the room kept quiet and sat down in their own seats.

The man's name was Xiao Ze and he was the trainer of the new members. Although they were of the same level in the organization, the people in the room were somehow afraid of him.

Xiao Ze walked to the platform, clearing his throat and said, "There's no class for today. Two of the executives from the headquarters will be giving a speech later. So, please pay attention to them, be disciplined and sit properly!" Having uttered these words, he gazed upon the people with poor sitting posture.

Fang Wen and the rest noticed that and immediately sat up straight. They had to obey Xiao Ze as they had learned it the hard way.

Fang Wen and the rest of them thought that Xiao Ze was the same as them since he was also a Purple Crow official member at the beginning. They had made too much noise during the first lesson and Xiao Ze had slapped them on the spot. They then knew that they were not on the same level; Xiao Ze was actually already on gold flame-level. He was halfway through to achieving immortal-level. Those who were on white flame-level would have no way to fight him. Since then, they became obedient.

"There are executives coming from the headquarters? Sir, do you mean that they are on immortal-level?" One of them immediately raised his hand and asked.

"Yes. Therefore, all of you have to do well later as they might assign a task to you," Xiao Ze affirmed, "No matter who is chosen by them, you have to be alert. Don't become their burden. Otherwise, don't blame anyone if you're killed."

The crowd that was initially excited immediately calmed down as soon as they heard the last sentence.

Everybody knew very well that what kind of organization the Purple Crow was. The immortal-level elites had the right to decide the death of the regular members who were only on holy fire-level. Even if one was killed simply because they did not like you, the organization would not look into it. The murderer would be warned at most.

Initially, everyone was happy when they heard that they could leave the base if there was a task assigned to them. After listening to what Xiao Ze said, they instantly felt that it was not safe to go on a mission with the immortal-level elites.

"Sir, may I know what the task is?" Fang Wen raised his hand and asked as he did not want to stay on the base any longer.

"I don't know. Most of the organization's missions are private. Only those who join the mission are qualified to know. Two of the executives will explain the details of the mission to all of you later."

"During the mission, is there free time for us?" Fang Wen raised his hand and asked again.

"Yes, if both of the officers agree. Otherwise, if they don't agree with you and you leave the team on your own, it's your fault if you're killed." Xiao Ze stared at Fang Wen as he heard that. He was afraid that Fang Wen would put them in trouble if he happened to leave the base. The trainer had to bear the responsibility if anything happened.

Fang Wen then put down his hand.

Soon, a few of them asked more questions related to the content of the mission.

At about 9.10a.m., two men were escorted by the staff into the room. Both of them were also dressed in black coats. However, their collars were inlaid with a red crystal. It was sufficient to show that the both of them were from the Purple Crow headquarters and that they were elite members.

All the Purple Crow elite members were super strong and were on immortal-level.

Both of them looked young. The one on the left was rather muscular with a height of about 1.8 meters and short hair. He had shallow dimples on both of his cheeks when he grinned. He looked like a sporty young man that was about 20 years old. The one standing on the right was thin and tall. He had a height of about 1.85 meters and fair skin. He somehow appeared like a student who had just graduated or a tutor who had just started his job.

In short, both of them were a lot younger than many of them in the room. Had they not been dressed in their coats, perhaps most of them would think that they were just ordinary young men.

The room was silent as soon as the both of them entered. Xiao Ze bowed slightly and moved aside. They then took over the platform.

The man in short hair walked towards the platform and said, "This is a private mission. Nobody is allowed to reveal anything about this. Therefore, anyone who doesn't want to join the mission is given one minute to leave now."

The man in short hair took a glance at Xiao Ze as soon as he finished his last word.

Xiao Ze and another staff immediately left the room. There was an uproar among the crowd. However, among the 30 new members, none of them decided to leave.

"One minute has passed. There's no time for you to leave now." After finishing his sentence, he briefly introduced himself, "My name is Yang Yang. The one standing next to me is my partner, Lin Jian."

After introducing themselves, Yang Yang gestured to the man in the glasses. "He'll explain the details of the mission."

Lin Jian nodded and walked to the platform. He kept quiet for a moment and asked, "Do you want to kill the royal members?"

Everybody was stunned. However, as soon as one of them shouted "yes", the rest of them followed.

"That's good. It's because our mission today is to kill the royal members!" Lin Jian grinned and began to explain the exact contents of the mission, "Currently, there's an auction for the royal members at Haitian City. The name of the auction is called Mystery Auction. Those who participate in the auction are middle-class royals or even higher class royal families… Our mission is simple. The Mystery Auction is our target. Kill everyone who joins the auction and rob all the collections in the auction!"

Chapter 366: A Boyfriend?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There was a powerful organization from Division2 that was there to back the Mystery Auction up. After all, it was attended by all the royal members as well as the high-class royal families, so basically, nobody would dare to create trouble at the auction.

Everyone knew very well that creating trouble at such an auction would be pitting oneself against the royal members. It would even offend one of the powerful organizations in Division2. Even the underworld organizations that were normally the enemies of the royal family dared not do such a thing at the auction.

Also, the Mystery Auction was heavily guarded every year. There would be two guards on immortal-level. One of them would be stationed on-site while another would guard the warehouse where the items were kept.

The auctioneer, the guards, and even the ceremony presenter girls were on holy fire-level. There were about 30 of them. The rest of the staff assistants were on complete gold-level.

Aside from that, half of the royal members who participated in the auction were on holy fire-level. They brought along their bodyguards, so the number of people on holy fire-level was definitely in the hundreds.

This was also the reason why the difficulty level of attacking such an auction would be comparable to that of infiltrating an A-grade foothold. They had no idea why Purple Crow had chosen to accept such a difficult task. Nevertheless, nobody knew about the Purple Crow's plan.

After leaving the ruins, Lin Huang had finally learned all the remaining mid-level gunfighting techniques from Lin Xuan over the past 40 days. He began learning gunfighting techniques of higher level since the last two days.

In the Gun Master game, the consumption of Life Power was real since it was one of the high-grade VR games. This was unlike the Hunter arena where it required only the insertion of will for a virtual character to then be created.

These days, the practicing of Lin Huang's gunfighting techniques had drained a large amount of his Life Power. The number of times when the Army Attack Tactics was activated was almost the same as when he had practiced it alone previously. His Life Power had been subconsciously compressed during the practice.

Despite one and a half month not being sufficient enough for Lin Huang to level up to complete gold-level, the concentration of his Life Power was, nevertheless, twice as higher as before. He noticed that as well.

These days, the consumption of Life Power for the learning of high-level gunfighting techniques got more intense for him. He was confident that he could achieve complete gold-level within two months.

A few days before the auction began, it was very crowded at the stalls around the exhibition hall. Many of the traders took the opportunity to earn a living as they knew that those who attended the auction would be the rich from the royal families. Regardless of its worthiness, as long as they displayed newfangled gadgets, they could still sell it at a good price. A minority of them had the courage to sell counterfeit products too. They immediately ran away after they had earned enough credit points.

Lin Huang and Leng Yuexin walked around those stalls on the first day. They bought nothing and were not interested in the stalls after checking them out.

Two days later, Leng Yuexin knocked on Lin Huang's door during lunch hour. She asked him to look for a restaurant for her. The rest of the time would be their free time during which Lin Huang had been practicing high-level gunfighting techniques in the hotel room while Leng Yuexin attended two social events.

Nobody actually knew that she was going to the auction. However, when she walked around with Lin Huang on the first day, she bumped into her friends. All the royal families then knew that she was going to attend the auction. Over hundreds of people had invited her. She felt that it was rude to reject them and managed to accept only two of her close friends' invitations.

Three days had passed and soon, it was the day for the auction to officially begin.

Lin Huang and Leng Yuexin had their breakfast early in the morning. They then left the hotel, heading towards the auction house. The distance from the hotel to the auction house was less than 300 meters, so the both of them as well as Tyrant arrived in a few minutes on foot.

The auction began at 9 a.m. sharp and the auction house would be opened at 8.30 a.m. When the three of them arrived, it was not even 8 a.m yet.

Outside the hall, there were thousands of people waiting. Of course, not all of them were royalty. Aside from the royal members and guards, there were many reporters.

As soon as Leng Yuexin appeared, an uproar broke among the crowd.

The members of six of the royal families were unapproachable to many of the people who came from smaller royal families.

The reporters were familiar with Leng Yuexin as she was one of the best hunters among the young generation in Division7. She was only 19 years old and had already achieved crimson flame-level. Also, she was the idol of many teenage girls. Not only that, many of the young men from the royal families in Division7 admired her.

Many of them noticed that Lin Huang walking with her. As for Tyrant, the people ignored him despite the fact that he was a hulking, muscular guy. Be it his appearance or attire, he somehow looked like a bodyguard.

Some of the reporters immediately came up to interview her.

"Miss Leng, who's the young man standing next to you?"

Lin Huang originally thought that Leng Yuexin would answer, "He's just a follower." Unexpectedly, she said, "He is my friend."

The reporters then continued asking, "Is he your boyfriend?"

Right at the moment when the reporters asked that question, many of the royal members shifted their gaze towards Lin Huang.

"I'm just a follower," Seeing that Leng Yuexin had become the reporters' focus, Lin Huang then explained and took a glance a Tyrant. Tyrant immediately made his way through the crowd, leading the both of them and they ditched the reporters.

Arriving at the entrance of the auction house, the security guard scanned Leng Yuexin's Emperor's Heart Ring. The small door then opened and she was allowed to enter.

It was a privilege granted to the six royal families. Even all other high-class royal members that were invited had to wait until 8.30 a.m sharp before they could enter.

The people felt envious, seeing that Leng Yuexin had brought along the two of them into the auction house. Some started checking Lin Huang's background. They were astonished. "He's definitely Mr. Fu's disciple. He managed to hook up with Miss Leng!"

Lin Huang and Leng Yuexin did not care about their chatter. They were guided by one of the staffs and entered VIP room 3.

"Miss Leng, let me know if you need anything else." The holy fire-level staff bowed respectfully and left.

The VIP room was not big as it only spanned 100 square meters. There was a layer of specially-built bioglass between them and the auction room. Looking outside from the room, it was transparent, but if one was to look in from the outside, only a layer of a silver mirror surface could be seen. It stopped anyone from spying on them.

The decoration in the room was fairly simple. In front of the glass window, there was a luxury sofa and a small tea table in front of it. There were some fresh fruits being served as well. In addition to that, there was a refrigerator with a variety of drinks and desserts like ice cream in it.

"The auction will begin at 9 a.m. It's still early. Tyrant, do you want to eat anything? It seems like he wasn't full during breakfast. We can order food here," Leng Yuxin told Lin Huang.

"He likes dessert. I'll just get him an ice cream." As soon as Lin Huang finished his sentence, he took out a large ice cream from the refrigerator and gave it to Tyrant who accepted it happily. Other than meat, dessert was his favorite, especially ice cream.

"I've almost forgotten that most monsters like dessert." Leng Yuexin glanced at Tyrant who was carefully eating his ice cream, feeling amused. "Please get me an ice cream too."

Lin Huang passed her an ice cream. He thought for a while and decided to get one for himself as well. "It has been almost a year since I last ate an ice cream…"

Three of them then waited for the auction to begin while eating their ice cream…

Chapter 367: The Beginning - Auction

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the auction house, in VIP room 3, while Tyrant was eating his eighth ice cream, everyone started to enter the hall.

"He really likes ice cream…" Leng Yuexin did not pay attention to the auction house. Instead, she was looking at Tyrant who was sitting on a carpet with a strange facial expression.

"This is the last one. Everyone is entering the hall. Let's get to work," Lin Huang told Tyrant.

Tyrant immediately nodded, stuffing the remaining ice cream into his mouth. He then stood up with a serious face. If he was not munching on food, nobody would doubt his identity as a bodyguard.

The three of them then shifted their focus to the auction house. The crowd entered the hall and soon, they looked for their seats and sat down.

The auction house was very big and it could hold more than 10,000 people. There were less than 1,000 people who were actually there to join the auction. Most of them were not qualified to bring along their followers. Therefore, their bodyguards were stationed outside the hall.

They were not worried about their safety since the auction was attended by royal members. The auction had been established for more than a hundred years and nobody had ever dared to create trouble. There was only one reason behind this which was because they had powerful backup. The two immortal-level guards stationed outside the auction house also scared away any trouble.

About ten minutes later, all the participants had entered the hall. The number of people was not even a tenth of the total number of seats available. However, the place was not quiet at all. Obviously, many of them had known each other and struck up small talk, making the hall rather lively.

Lin Huang suddenly saw a familiar figure appear among the crowd. However, since the person's back was facing him in addition to the hat he was wearing, Lin Huang could only see the posterior above the person's shoulder when seated. He could hardly confirm the person's identity.

Staring at the person's black suit for a few moments, Lin Huang was still wondering who that familiar person was.

"Perhaps, I met that person by chance that's why I feel that he looks familiar." Lin Huang shook his head and he did not ponder any longer about that.

"There are too many acquaintances here… That's why I don't like to join such an event." Leng Yuexin obviously recognized many of the familiar faces.

"Isn't that good?" Lin Huang asked as he could not understand her.

"Acquaintances and friends are totally different. They're hypocrites and many of them are double-faced. Other than saying something flattering, what they say are never true. That's why I hate entertaining these people. It's tiring," Leng Yuexin shook her head and told him the truth. She had always been honest and frank. Listening to what she said, Lin Huang was not surprised.

In fact, Lin Huang did not know much about the royal families. When he traveled to this world, he heard about them. His first impression was that the people must not be friendly since they divided themselves into different social classes.

However, after knowing Leng Yuexin, Yi Yeyu, and the rest, he realized that many of the royal members he met were friendly. They were well brought up, had a great sense of justice and were responsible as well. They were just simply good people overall.

Listening to what Leng Yuexin said, Lin Huang instantly realized that he was thinking too narrowly. He did not comment anymore on this since Leng Yuexin knew more about the royal families than he did.

"I like people who are simple. We can only meet when it's necessary and it's fine not to contact each other if nothing happens. There's no need to deliberately make conversation, so we won't feel awkward then." Lin Huang felt that Leng Yuexin was implying him.

"Is there a detailed list of the items sold at auction?" He felt awkward and immediately changed the topic.

"No, they just roughly mentioned what they are going to sell," Leng Yuexin answered in a serious tone. "The Mystery Auction used to be a secret. Only the people who join the auction will know exactly what they are selling."

"So, there is no sequence to the items?" Lin Huang then asked.

"Yes. Therefore, other than the organizer, nobody will know when they will be selling the dracaena that you've been looking for." Leng Yuexin shrugged her shoulders.

Lin Huang was helpless as this meant that he had to stay there until the dracaena appeared.

Soon, after all the bidders had arrived, it was already 9 a.m.

At 9 a.m sharp, a middle-aged man dressed in a black suit with a red bow tie around his neck walked onto the auction stage. He was not very tall and rather skinny. He had long, brown, curly hair and a little moustache above his lips. Despite his mousy appearance, he had a loud voice when he spoke, "Good morning, everyone! I'm the auctioneer and my name is Kong Hao. Everyone's here for the collection and I know you can't wait for the auction to start. Therefore, I'm not going to talk anymore nonsense and let the auction now begin. Let's welcome the first item!"

Having uttered those words, each of the five ceremony presenter girls then moved a pallet that was covered with a red curtain simultaneously.

Kong Hao nodded at the ceremony girls and five of them unveiled the pallet at almost the same time. When the items were displayed, the crowd could hardly stay calm.

It was because there were five naked women. They looked the same as an ordinary human at the very least. The only difference was that they had rather big boobs.

Even Lin Huang and Leng Yuexin frowned.

"Our first collection will be the mutants – busty women. They are the first generation busty women who are very high-quality. However, we have to keep how we got the first generation busty women private. The starting price for the five of them will be 3,000 Life Crystals each. The price increment must not be less than 100 Life Crystals each raise! The five of them will be sold separately. Let's now start from number 1 on the left…" The auctioneer did a brief introduction and the auction officially began.

Of course, Lin Huang knew who they were. They were unique mutants. It looked like there was not much difference between them and an ordinary woman. However, they could produce milk as soon as they grew up. Furthermore, their milk contained a certain amount of Life Power which could restore what one had consumed. Therefore, many of the royal families were eager to raise a busty woman.

"It is less likely that a busty woman can survive up to 30 years old. Where did they catch the first generation busty women and how they managed to catch all five at once?" A thought actually ran through Lin Huang's mind. However, he dared not think any further. Seeing that they were selling mutants that looked exactly the same as humans at the auction, he could confirm that the organization was certainly not a benevolent one.

"Other than modifying a living body, is there any other way to do so?" Leng Yuexin clenched her fists tightly, glaring at the auctioneer.

"Modifying a living body?" Lin Huang had never expected that such technology would really exist.

"The genes are taken from the busty monsters and they are used in accordance with genetically modified elixir. This elixir will then be inserted into the innocent woman's body, transforming them from humans to mutants. I thought that it's just a rumor. I never knew that the brutes would really do that…" Leng Yuexin's body was giving off a murderous vibe.

"Transforming humans into mutants…" Lin Huang squinted while his eyes flashed with a trace of fury as well.

Chapter 368: The Demigod's Brain

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The first generation of busty women existed about 800 years ago. They were powerful human monsters created by mating a busty monster and a woman together.

However, the cycle was apparently too long for Mystery Organization. Therefore, they captured those women and had their genes modified. Five of these women had to be from the first batch of mutants since it was the first time that there were such items being sold at the auction.

Genetic modification was usually risky. Before the formula of the elixir had been fixed, the human experiments must have resulted in a lot of malformations and deaths.

It was a tragedy of fate. However, the truth behind them was even more miserable. Apparently, most of them at the auction had no concern regarding where the busty women came from. The bidding price was increasing. Even Leng Yuexin had joined the bid with a stony expression on her face.

Lin Huang, who was sitting next to her, kept quiet. He knew very well that even if Leng Yuexin was to buy all five of them, she would not be able to completely solve the problem. Furthermore, since they were being sold at the auction, the genetically modified mutants must have been brainwashed. They would never be able to live a normal life.

Leng Yuexin clearly knew that as well. Still, she decided to join the bid.

After bidding for about 20 minutes, Leng Yuexin successfully bought all five of them at a relatively high price. Many of the royal members then scrutinized the heavily tinted window of VIP room 3. Although they had no idea who was in the VIP room, they knew that the person must be someone they could not afford to offend. They only had the guts to glance towards the room.

Although the outsiders had no idea who was in the VIP room, the staff did. They felt that she was foolish to bid so spontaneously. Leng Yuexin's purchasing behavior only showed that she was dissatisfied with the items sold at the auction. But what could she do? As long as they could earn from the items, no matter who the buyer was, it would make no difference to them. They would not care how one would handle the items they bought.

The Mystery Organization was not worried that the royal members would find out where the busty women came from since everyone would have already known. As long as there was no evidence of the genetic modification, even the Union Government would turn a blind eye to it.

As soon as the auction of five busty women had ended, the auctioneer soon introduced the second item.

"The second item to be sold at the auction is...the brain of the demigod, Qi Muxiong!"

Unveiling the red curtain, a transparent container was placed on top of the wooden platform. Inside the container, there was a real human brain immersed in a nutrient solution.

Almost everyone was stunned as soon as this item appeared. By right, a demigod-level item would not appear at such an auction. Even if there was, it would usually be demigod-level relics instead of biological materials. A demigod-level biological material was considered a priceless treasure in this world.

"I guess there's no need for me to introduce the demigod Qi Muxiong, is there? The brain comes from one of the biology laboratories in Division2. A material of such a level will, of course, not be sold for Life Crystals. One will have to exchange a biological material of the same level for the demigod brain. If nobody is going to buy this at this auction, anyone who's interested in this item may contact us for further discussion as soon as the auction ends…"

"Who's Qi Muxiong?" Lin Huang was not familiar with many of the historical figures in this world.

"The demigod Qi Muxiong was a super strong man who appeared more than 800 years ago. It was said that he had been granted more than 10 talents ever since he was born. He possesses more talents than a high-level protoss. In a war that happened about 800 years ago, he unleashed more than 30 types of terrifying abilities to defend against the protoss. He was one of the few people who could fight it. However, he suffered severe injuries that were incurable during the battle. Soon, he died.

"During the battle, he was not the only demigod who died. Many of the dead bodies disappeared but you can probably find them in the laboratories in Division2. Selling it at the auction is not the main reason why Mystery is taking this item out. They want to let everyone know that Mystery owns the brain of Qi Muxiong. Therefore, it will definitely remain unsold. As soon as the auction ends, perhaps many buyers will secretly contact Mystery." Leng Yuexin knew Mystery's intention right away.

"Does the demigod biological material serve any other purpose besides biological research?" Lin Huang asked curiously.

"The effect of the remains can be maximized for biological research. However, it can be used for one's own personal intentions as well. Many of the imperial-levels might look into the secret of becoming a demigod using the remaining energy in the demigod's dead body. Also, people with unique physique as well as those who contain special blood in their body can utilize the demigod's dead body to strengthen themselves in certain aspects.

"A complete demigod brain is even more useful. From the perspective of biological research, the memory of Qi Muxiong before his death can be completely extracted if an appropriate approach is used. There's even a chance that his legacy can be obtained. For personal use, a minority of them with unique physique might assimilate his brainwave whereby one can directly obtain the demigod's memory…"

"Assimilate his brainwave? He has died. Where would the brainwave come from?" Lin Huang felt that Leng Yuexin must have gotten it wrong.

"The activity of a demigod body is incomparable to an ordinary human's. Even if he has died for 800 years, many of his body parts are still active. If he has lost his vitality and can only be used as a specimen, there'll be a substantial decrease in his research value. Then, Mystery won't sell it publicly," Leng Yuexin explained.

"His body is still active even though he has died for 800 years?!" Lin Huang gasped in disbelief.

"800 years means nothing. About 60 years ago, a ruins was activated in Division7. More than 3,000 demigod remains were found there. Despite 3,000 years having passed, most of their body parts are still active," Leng Yuexin said.

Listening to Leng Yuexin's description, Lin Huang had to express his respect towards the creatures with such vitality in this world.

"The demigod brain that they are showing to the public, is it fake? They're taking out such a precious asset in public. Aren't they afraid that somebody will snatch it?" Lin Huang had his doubts about the authenticity of what was being displayed on the auction platform.

"I don't think so." Leng Yuexin shook her head confidently. "Mystery is a rather conceited organization. If it's displayed in public, it must be genuine. Otherwise, if anyone doubts its authenticity, they'll be embarrassed. Furthermore, they don't think that anyone dares to create trouble at the auction. Even if there are such people, they are confident that they can handle it."

As soon as the second auction began, it ended very quickly simply because nobody placed any bids on that. In fact, such a valuable collection had turned out to be unsold as expected by Leng Yuexin.

However, many of the royal members had captured photos and videos of the item. Some of them had even contacted their families to make a purchase decision.

Ever since the demigod brain appeared, many of them did not pay attention to the items that followed later. The organization did not get a good price for the third and the fourth items since many of them were not really interested in them.

Soon, the voice of the auctioneer was heard, "We will now begin selling the fifth item."

A dozen presenter girls went up on the stage and each of them was holding a box that was delicately made.

The auctioneer then nodded at the girls and the twelve red boxes were opened at almost the same time.

The moment Lin Huang saw that, he was stunned at first and soon, he was ecstatic.

"The fifth item is dracaena. There are 12 of them and they'll be sold separately. The starting price for each of them will be 30,000 Life Crystals. The price increment is at least 1,000. Let's begin from the left with dracaena number 1…"

Chapter 369: Bidding For The Dracaena

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation




The price of the first dracaena had risen to 48,000 in less than a minute. Lin Huang only managed to ask Leng Yuexin to call out a price once at 40,000. Not long after, the price soared. Obviously, dracaena was an item that was in high demand.

"The bid has reached the price of 48,000. Is there anyone that will place a bid for a higher price?" Kong Hao called out.

"48,000 is a relatively high price. Are you sure you want to continue?" Leng Yuexin looked at Lin Huang skeptically.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Lin Huang was determined and nodded vigorously. Despite the increase in price going beyond his expectations, he had no idea how long he had to wait if he missed the chance of getting the dracaena. He did not want to wait any longer to unlock Charcoal.

"What is the maximum price that you'll pay for a dracaena?" Leng Yuexin then asked.

"100,000!" Lin Huang went mad.

Leng Yuexin was stunned. She did not ask anymore and pressed they keys on the machine to bid.


When Kong Hao shouted "48,000" twice, he originally thought that it would be the final price. Unexpectedly, someone from VIP room 3 called out a price that was 7,000 higher. The price had now risen to 55,000.

"The bidder from VIP room 3 has placed a bid of 55,000!"

Nobody continued to challenge the bid.

The normal price for a dracaena would normally range from 35,000 to 45,000. It was rare that it would be sold at a price that was higher than 50,000. This was also the reason why when the price had reached 48,000, many of them were reluctant to place a higher bid. It was not worth it. The price had now increased to 55,000 and had completely exceeded the regular price of a dracaena. Of course, nobody would want it since there were still 11 of them, so they wanted to keep their options open.

"55,000, going once!"

"55,000, going twice!"

"55,000! Sold!"

The auctioneer repeated the price three times. Nobody interrupted him this time. The bid for the first dracaena was then won by Leng Yuexin.

"Congratulations to the bidder in VIP room 3. You have successfully won the bid for the first dracaena at a price of 55,000 Life Crystals!" The auctioneer clearly knew that the person in the VIP room was the eldest daughter of Leng family, so of course, he was polite to her. "Now, let's start bidding for dracaena number 2. The starting price is 30,000 Life Crystals as well. The price increment is 1,000 higher for each bid. The bidding now begins!"

"The person in VIP room 3 places a bid for 55,000 Life Crystals!"

As soon as Kong Hao announced the opening for the second dracaena, Leng Yuexin, who was in the VIP room, directly placed a bid for 55,000. The voice of a woman was immediately heard in the hall. "The way she places her bid, how can others still bid?!" It was the privilege granted to those who were in the VIP room.

As soon as her voice was heard, many of the royal members were stunned. Soon after, the people who were interested in buying the dracaena started berating the bidder for spoiling the market.

Even Kong Hao, who was experienced, was stunned for a moment. However, he quickly recovered from his thoughts.

"It seems like it's a must for the bidder in VIP room 3 to get the dracaena," Kong Hao feebly joked. He then announced, "The bidder from VIP room 3 offers 55,000 Life Crystals for the dracaena. Is there anyone who's willing to place a higher bid?"

In fact, nobody did. The price had exceeded many of the people's expectations.

Soon, Leng Yuexin won the bid for the second dracaena.

In the VIP room, Lin Huang gave her a thumbs up. 55,000 was a price that was acceptable to him.

As soon as the third auction started, Leng Yuexin called the price of 55,000 again without hesitation. The woman's voice piped up again and the royal members who were interested in buying the dracaena looked upset.

"It seems like she's going to bid for all of them. However, she's too naïve if she wants to buy all 12 dracaenas at a price of 55,000 each," snorted an unfriendly-looking middle-aged man who was wearing a hat.

"56,000!" Before Kong Hao announced the price, he immediately increased the bid.

"60,000!" Leng Yuexin raised the price without a moment of hesitation.

"61,000!" The middle-aged man insisted.

"This fellow is creating trouble. Do you want to continue?" Leng Yuexin glanced at the person. She then turned and looked at Lin Huang.

"Yes! Let's play with him since he likes it," Lin Huang grinned.

"65,000!" Leng Yuexin continued increasing the price.

"66,000!" The middle-aged man smirked.

"Let him keep the dracaena." Lin Huang smiled at Leng Yuexin.

"That's what I was thinking too." Leng Yuexin nodded gleefully.

"The bidder from room 250 has placed a bid of 66,000! Will the bidder from VIP room 3 continue to increase the price?" Kong Hao then shifted his gaze to the direction where VIP room 3 was. However, there was no reply.

Two seconds later, the man with the hat was startled as she did not continue placing her bid.

Many of the people surrounding him then started to sneer at him.

"66,000 for the first time!"

"66,000 for the second time!"

"66,000 for the third time!"

"Congratulations to the bidder from room 250, you've successfully placed your bid for the price of 66,000 for dracaena number 3!" It was finalized as soon as Kong Hao dropped the gavel . "Now, let's continue with dracaena number 4!"

"The person in VIP room 3 has placed a bid for 55,000 Life Crystals!"

As soon as that was announced, nobody dared to place a higher bid. Seeing the bidder from room 250 being teased mercilessly and having to pay 66,000 for a dracaena, nobody else dared to bid against her.

Dracaena number 4 was bought by Leng Yuexin at a price of 55,000 again. Nobody bid against her for the fifth and the sixth dracaena as well.

A person then placed a bid of 57,000 for dracaena number 7. However, Leng Yuexin then won the bid for it with the price of 58,000. The crowd, by then, knew that the person in VIP room 3 was determined to successfully bid for the dracaena. If they wanted to bid for a dracaena, they would have to pay for at least 60,000 or more. One might even have to pay for more than 65,000 to get it. With that knowledge, they opted to give up the bid.

Soon, Leng Yuexin managed to bid the rest of the dracaena at a price of 55,000 each.

"I've gotten nine out of 10 dracaenas. Are you sure that you don't need the last two?" Leng Yuexin then asked Lin Huang.

"Yes, I only need two. Thank you! I've finally got my work done. I won't be coming tomorrow. What's your plan?"

"I'm not coming as well. I don't want to stay any longer in such a place."

"You said that you wanted to relax, didn't you? I'll walk around with you in the next two days. There must be a lot of seafood that both of us have not tried before. Let's try all the seafood they have here before we leave." Lin Huang knew that Leng Yuexin was there for him, so of course, he would have to treat her to a meal.

"Alright," Leng Yuexin hesitated for a while. However, she did not reject him.

While both of them were still chatting, the people at the hall were waiting for them to place a bid. The crowd then noticed that perhaps the bidder from VIP room 3 had gotten enough dracaena, so they then started to bid.

There were originally 12 dracaenas and now, there were only two dracaenas left. The auction had become more intense.

The eleventh dracaena was then sold at a price of 63,000 while the last dracaena was sold at a price of 68,000.

The bidder from room 250 then grinned to himself. "It seems like it's not that expensive to buy it a price of 66,000…"

Chapter 370: What's Wrong With My Cooking?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

From the moment when Fang Wen accepted the task to sneak into the auction, he was nervous all the way.

The Fang family, which was considered an average royal family in Division7, was trained by the Purple Crow. Other than the superiors from the Purple Crow headquarters, the outsiders did not know this.

As the eldest son of the Fang family, there was nothing unusual about him attending the auction since he was from a middle-level royalty family. In fact, the Fangs had been attending this kind of auction all these years. However, it would usually be attended by the landlord.

Since it was an important task from the Purple Crow, Fang Wen had been assigned to join the auction.

At 8.30 a.m, Fang Wen passed the identity verification test with the invitation card he had. He was a ball of anxiety.

It was only until he had passed the verification with his suit on and when he entered the hall that he began to slightly calm down.

The difficulty level of the mission was way easier than he thought. Observing the simple identity verification system, it seemed like the Mystery Organization was not worried that anyone would stir trouble here.

His mission was simple – to confirm if they were selling the demigod brain at the auction.

Fang Wen could clearly remember what had happened two days ago when two of the executives from Purple Crow headquarters had a talk with him alone.

"You're the only royal member who is responsible for this task and you're also the only one who's capable of completing the mission. We need you to investigate whether they are selling the demigod brain at the auction. To be honest, we are there for the demigod brain. There's nothing to do with the royal families being the organizer. Robbing them of all their items and killing the royal members are our secondary goal. If the item doesn't appear at the auction, there's no need for the mission to proceed. Although we received the information from a trusted source, we can't take action by solely relying on the informant's words. Therefore, we need you to further confirm it..."

Fang Wen knew that he had no way of turning back right when the Purple Crow executives told him the truth. If he did not accept the mission, both of them would definitely kill him to avoid the secret from being revealed. Therefore, he made a wise decision without a moment of hesitation – to accept the mission.

Soon after the auction began, Fang Wen then discovered an unexpected surprise. The second item being sold was what both of the executives had been looking for.

Just when he was trying to secretly capture the photo so that he could send the evidence to the executives, he noticed that the people around him were taking photos in public anyway. Some of them had even taken some videos. None of the staff stopped them. He then recorded the entire process of the bidding and sent it to the contact number given by both of the executives.

Initially, he thought that he had to carry out the mission for three days. Normally, the best item would be sold on the last day. He had never expected that a few minutes after the auction had begun, the priceless treasure would be taken out and sold as the second item.

After informing both of the executives, Fang Wen then got up and headed towards the washroom. He knew that the Purple Crow members were going to launch an attack very soon. The hall was not safe.

Fang Wen's action did not catch the people's attention and the auction continued as usual.

On the top floor of one of the hotels situated near the auction house, two men who were dressed in black coats looked at the entrance of the auction house from afar.

All of a sudden, the Emperor's Heart Ring of the short hair man who was standing on the left vibrated. He immediately tapped on the communication page. As soon as he saw that the sender was Fang Wen, he was stunned.

There was only one sentence in Fang Wen's message: "Sir, they are now selling the demigod brain at the auction."

Yang Yang immediately opened the video. Lin Jiang, who was standing next to him, looked over as well. They then played the video recorded from the hall. Their pupils dilated right when they saw the demigod brain.

"Are they selling the demigod brain now?!" Lin Jian asked.

After finishing the entire video, Yang Yang turned and looked at Lin Jiang. "Can you tell if it's genuine or not?"

"I think it's real. The people from the Mystery Organization are rather conceited. I don't think they will take out a counterfeit good just to show off." Lin Jian grinned.

"That's good. How's the set up going over there?" Yang Yang raised his brows.

"I still need some time. I didn't know that they'll be selling it so soon. I thought we'll have to wait until the third day." Lin Jian adjusted his glasses slightly.

"Since the item has appeared, let's quickly finish setting up. My body is trembling with trepidation. If you're too slow, I can't promise that I'm able to suppress my excitement."

"You get excited so easily. It sure must be hard to please a woman in bed," Lin Jian teased.

"I'm not interested in women…" As soon as Yang Yang uttered his last words, he realized that what he said could lead to a misunderstanding. He then added, "I'm not interested in men too. Killing and fresh blood excite me!"

"It's because you've never tried it. Once you have, you'll know how amazing women are." Lin Jian then recalled he was an old virgin who had lived for more than a hundred years.

"Who says that I've never tried them before? I've eaten many women and men. Raw, fried, grilled, steamed, and stir-fried, I've tasted them all. Overall, I do think that a woman is less delicious than a man. They don't have much meat to munch on and they aren't as lean as men. I don't like fatty meat. However, if it's for barbecuing, fatty meat is quite tasty…"

"This fellow knows nothing about sex…"

Lin Jian then slapped his head as he knew that the man standing next to him had understood the wrong meaning. He could not be bothered to continue with the topic, so he simply said, "I'm going to fix the set up. When you hear the roaring of monsters later, take action together with the kids. Perhaps, I'll be able to get it done within half an hour."

"Oh!" Yang Yang then recovered from his thoughts of tasty meat.

Seeing Lin Jian disappear, he frowned and doubted, "Are the women really tasty? What's wrong with my cooking?"

As soon as the bidding of the dracaena ended, the sixth item was then put up for auction.

In VIP room 3, Lin Huang could no longer sit still. "Let's make our payment and leave after getting the dracaena."

"The rule of the auction is that no one can collect their goods during the auction. You can only make your payment after the auction ends," Leng Yuexin laughed at his impatience and explained.

"Really? There's such a rule?" Lin Huang was speechless.

"It's because not many of the audience joined the auction. If the people leave as soon as they have successfully bidded for what they like, the auction will become less lively. Furthermore, if there are people walking around, it'll affect everyone's experience at the auction…"

Bang! Bang!

While both of them were chatting, a loud explosion was heard from afar.

"What's that sound?!" Lin Huang peered towards the direction of the entrance where the sound was coming from.

"It seems like the auction is being attacked…" Leng Yuexin looked towards the direction as well with a complicated expression on her face.

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