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39.03% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 187: 321-330

Chapter 187: 321-330

Chapter 321: The Molten Dragon

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Volcano Hell dimensional ruins, 28 young people stood in a row near a boiling spiritual lava lake. There were six women among them while the rest were all men. They were tied up by a black chain and they shook in fear. There were more than ten monsters, all of which had a powerful aura, surrounding them. Judging by their aura, they were commander-level 1 , white flame-level, and purple flame-level monsters and it looked like they were having a meeting.

Suddenly, there were massive bubbles rising from the lava lake. A gigantic shadow appeared on the surface of the lava lake. A gargantuan black dragon flapped its wings and landed at the edge of the lake.

"I sent out my instruction a day ago but you guys only managed to get more than 20 humans for me? Are you messing with me?!" The black dragon shook the lava off its body while glaring at the monsters present with its huge red eyes. Its powerful, ominous aura filled the space.

The monsters held their heads low, none of them daring to look at the Molten Dragon. Meanwhile, the 28 people lay weakly on the ground, not having the strength to even stand up. After a moment of silence, a tall monster in shadow form that looked like a lady spoke. Her voice sounded like a sweet, soft-spoken lady.

"Master, don't be mad. The instruction has only been disseminated for a day and the humans are scattered all over the place, so it's not easy to capture them. Moreover, there must be some of them who are making their way back from far away. These are only the first batch that they have captured."

The shadow-form monster was called Phantom. It was a double mutated undead monster. The shape of her body looked like she was dressed in a sophisticated manner and her shadow was stretched long. However, it was a three-dimensional shadow. As Phantom comforted the black dragon, it then suppressed its aura.

"Phantom will stay. The rest of you can leave." All of the monsters left immediately. None of them wanted to stay for one more second.

"Master Black Dragon…" Phantom was worried as she thought what she said had triggered the leader.

Seeing that other monsters had left, the black dragon said, "Don't worry, I have a favor to ask."

"Please do tell if you need anything at all. I'll try my best." Phantom was relieved. She was a double mutated monster that had just leveled up to purple flame-level a while ago. She was not good in battling and she knew very well that she could not fight the Molten Dragon.

"It's nothing too difficult. I have some questions for the humans and I need your help to do that for me," the black dragon said.

"Interrogation is my expertise." Phantom smiled confidently when she heard what she needed to do.

"May I know what would you like to ask, Master?"

"Ask them if any of them know a person who owns a black dimensional relic," the black dragon posed his first question.

Phantom floated slowly before the people who were chained up. Her black irises turned white as a strange force covered the area the 28 people were. They started to panic. However, they soon became calm and their eyes were empty.

"Does any of you know a person who owns a black dimensional relic?" Phantom repeated the black dragon's question. In her mind, she was guessing that it had something to do with the sudden appearance of the God's blood on the first day.

Everyone shook their heads at Phantom's question. Lin Huang had never used his dimensional relic in public places. Besides Yi Yeyu, Li Lang and a few other people, nobody knew about his dimensional relic. Phantom then looked helplessly at the black dragon and she could sense that he was unhappy.

"Do any of you know if there are any Imperial Censors that entered this world?" The black dragon was silent before asking the question himself.

Most of them shook their heads. Only two people spoke at the same time.

"There are two Imperial Censors in the Hunter Association who joined the training…"

"There's an Imperial Censor in the Union Government who joined the training…"

The two of them reported three names but Lin Hua was none of them.

Perhaps everybody in Division7 knew about Sword Genius but not Lin Huang. Nobody knew that he was an Imperial Censor as well.

"Good…" Although he was not sure if the person that he was looking for was among these three Imperial Censors, at least he got three names. With Phantom's help, he managed to extract the faces of the three people. The black dragon's mood got slightly better.

"Where's the foothold of you humans?" The black dragon asked his last question as he was losing his patience.

A person projected a map that was downloaded earlier and marked the coordinates of the mission submission place.

"This is the mission submission place of the second round of training. The second round will take ten days. Today is the third day, so we're scattered everywhere. We'll only gather at the mission submission place on the tenth day. Those who didn't complete their mission will be sent out of this dimensional ruins…"

"That means I will need to wait for a week to capture all you humans!" This piece of news was priceless to the black dragon.

"Finally, a useful piece of information…" The black dragon sounded delighted.

It then transformed its claws into a sharp spear that was 10 meters long. Flashing through the air, the spear pierced through the abdomens of 14 people. They were lifted up like a skewer and the black dragon rolled them onto his tongue, devouring all of them. He enjoyed his meal as he munched on the 14 people…

Later on, he repeated what he did and ate the remaining 14 people.

"The taste of humans is simply delicious. It's just that there are too little of them, it's not satisfying…" The black dragon licked their meat and crushed their bones with his teeth, clearly enjoying the human flesh.

"It's okay, I shall have a big feast a week later!"

Chapter 322: Sister Luo Li

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the submission spot of the second round of training, Zang Bing frowned as he heard about the Molten Dragon from Lin Huang. With the proof of the Fiery Swordfiend's carcass and no loopholes in the detailed descriptions, Zang Bing was sure that the three of them were telling the truth. There was no benefit of them lying anyway. Although he had no idea what the intention of the Molten Dragon was, Zang Bing took out a Transmission Snail and contacted the other examiners.

The Transmission Snail was a timid mutated monster and was fed mainly algae, which was completely harmless to humans. Such a monster colony usually consisted of a mother and many children. All the offspring of the mother would have the same telepathic sense with each other. Armed with that characteristic, they were cultivated by humans as a communication tool when the Heart Network was unusable. It was easy to use. As the speaker's voice was sent into the mother Transmission Snail, the message would be delivered to its offspring.

Soon, two-dimensional relics opened at the same time. The examiner with squinty eyes from the first round of training arrived from the green dimensional relic on the left, while on the right was a girl who looked like she was thirteen or fourteen years old. The three of them were stunned to see the girl. Lin Huang and Li Lang were guessing the girl's age. She looked like she was even younger than Lin Xin. She was a couple of centimeters shorter than Lin Xin and did not look like a day over fourteen.

Meanwhile, Yi Yeyu was puzzled. When the girl noticed Yi Yeyu, she floated to her.

"Xiao Yeyu? Is that really you?" The girl floated closer to Yi Yeyu and started studying her.

"Sister Luo Li…" Yi Yeyu greeted the girl while looking at Lin Huang and Li Lang as if she was asking for help.

"Sister?!" Lin Huang and Li Lang's eyes flew wide open when they heard how Yi Yeyu addressed the girl. The girl did not look like she was older than Yi Yeyu.

"So, you've leveled up to holy fire-level now?" Luo Li got even closer to her while staring at her boobs.

"You have bigger boobs now." Luo Li poked Yi Yeyu's boobs and fondled them.

"Why're you here, Sister Luo Li?" Yi Yeyu asked helplessly.

"Master Yi was worried about you leveling up to holy fire-level, so he asked me to look after you. I'm the head examiner of the third round of training. Little did I expect that you have already leveled up before the third round even began." Luo Li still had her hands on Yi Yeyu's boobs.

"Master Yi? This girl…" Zang Bing looked at Si Kongjian in curiosity.

"She's Master Donglai's great-granddaughter," Si Kongjian smiled as he explained.

"No way, I thought it was just a rumor that Master Yi's great-granddaughter would join the training…" Zang Bing had just found out about Yi Yeyu's identity. The news that the three of them told had to be true then.

"Are these two fellas your boyfriends?" Luo Li switched her topic of interest as she turned around and looked at Lin Huang and Li Lang.

"No, they're just friends." Yi Yeyu wrung her hands.

Luo Li ignored her while looking at the both of them. She looked at Li Lang for a while, then stared at Lin Huang with an intimidating vibe until he felt uncomfortable. A unique force was masking Lin Huang's body to isolate him from Luo Li's detection.

"This lady is dangerous. Stay away from her," Xiao Hei warned. Clearly, it was Xiao Hei who had created the layer of protection.


Luo Li smirked after a slight pause, then she looked away from Lin Huang.

"Alright, let's talk business," Luo Li then addressed Zang Bing.

"Xiao Bing Bing, was the news that you told me about Xiao Jian Jian conveyed to you by these three? There's nobody else here anyway."

"Yes." Hearing her addressing him 'Xiao Bing Bing', Zang Bing was unhappy but he did not say anything.

Si Kongjian's eyes twitched but he remained expressionless.

"Xiao Yeyu, could you tell me exactly what happened?" Luo Li then smiled at Yi Yeyu.

"I think I'll let Lin Huang tell you. He explains better than I do." To avoid Luo Li from messing with her, Yi Yeyu pushed the responsibility to Lin Huang.

"Sure, let me tell you then." Lin Huang nodded.

"This little brother will tell me, huh?" Luo Li looked at Lin Huang while smiling. The way she looked at him was overwhelming.

Li Lang, who was standing next to Lin Huang, walked next to Yi Yeyu. Zang Bing, who was standing not far away, sympathized with Lin Huang while Si Kongjian looked arrogantly at Luo Li. To him, as long as Luo Li did not trouble him, she could do whatever she wanted. Despite Xiao Hei's masking, the way Luo Li looked at him still felt uncomfortable. Lin Huang decided to ignore her staring and told her what happened.

"You mentioned you guys killed the double mutated Fiery Swordfiend. Can I look at the carcass?" Luo Li asked with a smile. She continued to stare at Lin Huang like she was sure that the carcass was with him. Lin Huang did what she asked and took out the carcass. Si Kongjian walked closer and inspected the carcass with Luo Li.

"It seems to be killed by a powerful force. Did you kill it?" Si Kongjian asked Yi Yeyu.

"I don't think it's Xiao Yeyu who killed it. It was probably this little brother." Luo Li looked at Lin Huang again.

"Yes, it was I who killed it with some tricks," Lin Huang admitted right away.

Si Kongjian was shocked.

"Although I have no idea what the motive was, this carcass is real and these three kids won't lie, so the thing about the black dragon must be true too," Si Kongjian voiced out his thoughts.

"Didn't you guys sense the monster with the God's Blood aura last night?" Luo Li looked at Si Kongjian and Zang Bing with her eyebrow raised.

"Monster with the God's Blood?" Zang Bing was stunned.

"Do you mean the aura that was like a double mutated monster's?"

"I sensed that too. I thought the aura was too powerful but I didn't think too much about it." Si Kongjian frowned.

"No wonder, you guys couldn't tell as you guys have never encountered any monsters with the God's Blood in their bodies." Luo Li soon realized how the both of them failed to figure that out.

"The black dragon showed up almost at the same time the monster with the God's Blood appeared. I'm sure that it was going for that monster. As for killing humans… Perhaps, somehow, it found out that the monster had been captured by humans… Or maybe this triple mutated monster with God's blood is a summoning monster belonging to a human Imperial Censor!"

Translator's Thoughts

chubbybunnyboink chubbybunnyboink

The Transmission Snail is like Den Den Mushi from One Piece!

Chapter 323: The Luo Sha 16 Years Ago

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was stunned when he heard Luo Li's analysis. From the very limited information that he had provided, he did not expect her to come up with a speculation that was so near the truth. Her daring speculation shocked all of them present.

"But isn't it impossible for a triple mutated monster with the God's Blood to be captured by a human?" Yi Yeyu was the first one who raised an objection to her sister's speculation. Perhaps, she was the only one present who dared to talk back to Luo Li.

"Even if it leveled up from a double mutation, the monster could've broken the contract made earlier with the help of the force of the God's Blood and get an upgrade."

"That's true. A monster with the God's Blood is usually arrogant and has a high level of intelligence. As it levels up, under normal circumstances, it's very likely that it will break its contract and devour its own master. However, the Imperial Censor allowed his summoning monster to level up, so he must've done all the preparation possible with a solution to prevent the monster from devouring him," Luo Li defended her speculation.

"I think this could be one of the Imperial Censors who has joined the training this time," Luo Li said.

Li Lang and Yi Yeyu looked towards where Lin Huang was standing. Fortunately, the examiners did not know that Lin Huang was an Imperial Censor.

"I don't think it's necessarily an Imperial Censor. Without a sealing relic, as long as the ability is sufficient, it's possible for one to control the monster. It's a triple mutated monster with the God's Blood after all. Even a demigod would be tempted!" Yi Yeyu suggested another possibility.

Luo Li laughed when she heard what Yi Yeyu said. She chuckled, "So, what Xiao Yeyu meant is, among the three of us, is any one of us the suspect?" She then scrutinized Zang Bing and Si Kongjian. After observing them for awhile, she proceeded to say, "It's not possible that Xiao Bing Bing did it. He's too honest, so if he did it, we'd be able to tell. However, it's another story for Xiao Jian Jian…"

"Sis Luo, please stop kidding. We've no idea what exactly happened. The existence of this so-called monster with the God's Blood is still unknown. Even if somebody did it, it's true that he's the culprit, but it wouldn't be any help if we look for him now. Our priority is the trouble that the black dragon is causing." Si Kongjian changed the subject as he realized the finger was pointing at him.

"You're behaving suspiciously now." Luo Li squinted her eyes.

"This discussion is never-ending if you guys are going to go back and forth like this. How about I take the blame for now? Just pretend that I have the monster with me. Our priority is to solve the problem. The longer we drag this out, the more people will be killed by the black dragon," declared Zang Bing, surprising Lin Huang.

Luo Li glared at Zang Bing skeptically again while Si Kongjian remained relaxed.

"Alright then, I shall handle the little black dragon. The management wanted to keep it alive but now that it's looking for trouble by itself, we have to kill it. It's been a long time since I have eaten a sky dragon. It's a great opportunity for a feast." Luo Li did not want to dwell on it since Zang Bing wanted to take the blame. She licked her lips as she talked about the sky dragon's meat.

"This lady is really dangerous…" Lin Huang raised his guard towards Luo Li while Yi Yeyu and the rest started to mourn for the black dragon in their hearts.

"The two of you will inform all the staff to protect the kids as soon as possible. I'll make a move now," Luo Li said and summoned her dimensional relic.

"Oh yeah, what're the coordinates of the little black dragon?" She raised the question as she summoned her dimensional relic. Zang Bing walked to her helplessly and projected his map.

"This black skull on the top right is where it is." He pointed the spot out.

"Alright, I know it now." Luo Li looked at it and waved her hand. She then stepped into the relic after setting the coordinates.

As the relic disappeared, Li Lang turned around and asked Yi Yeyu, "Who's that little girl? Can she really handle the gold flame-level Molten Dragon on her own?"

"You might not have heard of the name Luo Li, but I bet you must've heard of Luo Sha?" Si Kongjian glared at Li Lang.

"You meant the Luo Sha who was named the most powerful gold-level hunter in Division7 sixteen years ago? The gold-level rank-3 who got 70 consecutive wins in Hunter Area before Sword Genius did?! What relationship does she have with that little girl?" Li Lang still did not get it.

"Luo Li is Luo Sha. Luo Sha is the nickname that she uses in the Hunter Area," Yi Yeyu looked at Lin Huang as she said.

Not only did Lin Huang obtain 70 consecutive wins, he got 90. However, it was even more difficult to bag consecutive wins at gold-level compared to silver-level.

"She's the Luo Sha from sixteen years ago?! Why does she look like she's only thirteen or fifteen?" Li Lang thought it was really strange.

"When she was thirteen and hunting for her bronze-level Life Seed monsters, she got a drop of youth fountain water by accident. Since then, she stopped aging at 13," Yi Yeyu explained and looked seriously at Lin Huang and Li Lang.

"Please be careful when you guys speak to her. Never bring up any topic about age and lady's figures."

"Also, if you don't want to die, never call her 'little girl'. The last person who did that was a leader of the Demon Slayer Legion. After getting beaten up by Sis Luo Li, he was bedridden for three years and eight months. Sis Luo Yi has a special Life Power that will damage one's body's healing ability once her Life Power is inserted. It also brings immense pain to the person."

"Could she be an immortal-level already?" Li Lang was terrified as he heard what Luo Li could do.

"Not yet. She's been on gold flame-level for twelve years. It's not that she can't break through that. She's been waiting for a commander-level monster. I heard that such a monster can break the effect of the youth fountain in her body." The Yis and the Luos were close. Because Yi Yeyu always played with Luo Li when she was young, she knew quite a lot about her.

Although it was Li Lang who was asking the questions, Lin Huang was paying close attention. He could understand why Luo Li wanted to wait to level up. To most people, the youth fountain was a dream come true but to Luo Li, it was more like a curse. She had always wanted to be like other girls, to grow like a normal human and date the man that she liked, even getting married and have kids. However, due to the single drop of youth fountain, it took away all that from her, giving her a face of a teenager eternally…

"Are you sure that with her abilities, she should be able to handle the Molten Dragon on her own?" Although Lin Huang had gotten the answer from the reactions of both the examiners, he wanted a confirmation.

"Don't worry, it's just a double mutated sky dragon. Sis Luo Yi has even killed a super genius commander-level monster on her own. At the same combat level, perhaps only a triple mutated monster with the God's Blood can fight her," Yi Yeyu affirmed.

Chapter 324: 8000 Sword Rain

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A lady walked out of the white dimensional relic that opened suddenly on the surface of the lava lake. She floated steadily in the air like she was walking on the ground. As she materialized, the white dimensional relic faded away.

"Not bad, there's even a lake here." Luo Li, who wore a dark green army uniform, smirked as she looked beneath her.

A Blazing Alligator that was sunbathing by the lava lake opened its eyes as it sensed a wave of energy enter its space.

"A human?!" It noticed Luo Li who was floating in the air immediately.

"Little alligator, this must be the little black dragon's territory, am I right? Tell me, where did the little black dragon go?" Luo Li questioned and disappeared from where she was, flashing less than three meters before the Blazing Alligator.

Instinctively, the Blazing Alligator swung its tail hard and pounced towards Luo Li with its jaws wide open. It moved so quickly, yet it did not manage to get Luo Li.

"Tsk, tsk. You're not being a good boy." Luo Li appeared on top of the Blazing Alligator all of a sudden. The Blazing Alligator had not even seen her move at all.

Without waiting for the Blazing Alligator to respond, Luo Li pointed two fingers in the air. A gigantic black sword appeared and assaulted the Blazing Alligator's tail. It pierced through its tail at the speed of light like a black nail, pinning the alligator's tail on the ground.

With that single swing of the sword, the purple flame-level Blazing Alligator was badly injured. It struggled vigorously in immense pain, attempting to get rid of the sword on its tail.

"The more you struggle, the more pain you will experience and the more blood will shed. This is just a small lesson for you." Luo Li floated down slowly. This time, she landed even closer to the Blazing Alligator. She was less than a meter away from the alligator. Her black eyes stared deeply into the Blazing Alligator's red eyes.

"If you're so dumb to attack me again, you might die…" warned Luo Li in a deadly tone.

The Blazing Alligator felt like it was placed next to a gigantic demon's mouth and might be wolfed down any minute. It was so scared that it could not move anymore. Luo Li smirked as she watched the Blazing Alligator stop struggling. She knew she had managed to terrify it.

"It seems like we've come to a common understanding."

The Blazing Alligator nodded immediately, thinking that the lady in front of it was not human, but a high-ranking demon in human skin.

Luo Li was satisfied with the Blazing Alligator's reaction. "Let me ask you, where did the little black dragon go?"

"Little black dragon?" The Blazing Alligator was stunned.

"The Molten Dragon, isn't this its territory?" Luo Li rolled her eyes impatiently.

"My boss is at the bottom of the lake," the Blazing Alligator betrayed the Molten Dragon without thinking twice.

"At the bottom of the lake?" Luo Li raised an eyebrow.

"I know that the fire element monster loves spiritual lava but why would it stay at the bottom of the lake? Is there anything special there?"

"There's a molten crystal at the bottom of the lake. It's the spiritual source of the lake. Only the boss and a couple of us know about this," blurted the Blazing Alligator.

"The molten crystal is the main reason our boss got so powerful."

"Molten crystal? That's some good stuff!" Luo Li was excited.

The molten crystal was a special fire energy crystal that was usually formed under high temperature and pressure over the span of millions of years. The crystal contained pure fire energy which was priceless to a fire element monster or human. It was worth more than a grade-5 relic.

Luo Li was surprised to find out about the molten crystal existing there.

"Oh yeah, I heard you guys are hunting down humans. Why's that?" Although she already had the answer, Luo Li wanted to know the truth from the Blazing Alligator.

"He didn't say much about it. He only told us that a certain human has a unique relic. As soon as he gets that relic, he can accelerate his speed, level up to his third mutation, and even undergo a blood transformation to become a dragonkin monster."

Although what the Blazing Alligator said did not directly bring up the God's Blood, Luo Li was sure that her speculation was right as there were not many treasures that could accelerate mutation and increase the thickness of blood. The God's Blood was one of them.

"How many humans have you guys captured so far?" Luo Li asked again.

"Not many. It has been less than ten hours since the Boss gave his instructions. Only 30 to 40 people were sent to him," the Blazing Alligator answered honestly.

"Where are they?" Luo Li looked around but did not see anybody.

"Boss ate all of them after getting Phantom to interrogate them."

Luo Li glared deadly at the Blazing Alligator again and once more, it felt like it was going to be eaten by a supreme demon.

"Seems like there's no reason to keep this idiot alive anymore…" Luo Li mumbled to herself, then looked at the Blazing Alligator.

"You wait here patiently. Let me kill the little black dragon first and I'll see what to do with you."

Although the Blazing Alligator was unhappy, it did not dare to say anything while it waited patiently where it was.

Luo Li had basically gotten everything she wanted to know from the Blazing Alligator. She flew above the lava lake. She then extended her palm facing the surface of the lake. Long, black swords appeared around her. Within seconds, thousands of swords appeared and the number was still growing. Ten seconds later, the black swords finally stopped multiplying.

Luo Li started murderously at the surface of the lava and said to herself, " 8000 Sword Rain !"

The thousands of black swords dashed towards the lake like a storm…

Chapter 325: Molten Crystal

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The black sword rain covered the entire surface of the lake as streaks of its black glow penetrated into the red lava in every ten meters. The impact of each sword was limited to an attack that covered such a huge area. However, it was just a plan to Luo Li to lure the Molten Dragon out of the lake rather than to kill it. The gigantic black dragon was laying down at the bottom of the lake, not sleeping but absorbing the energy from the molten crystal. Lying down was the most comfortable pose for it.

Suddenly, the black dragon felt an intense pain on its tail as the sound of torrential whistling was heard. It turned around and saw half a black sword sticking out of its tail. Another whistle came and another sword pierced less than a meter from the black dragon's left eye, almost blinding it instantly.

Roar !

The black dragon was furious as it was attacked twice. As one of the Three Overlords of this world, it had been a long time since someone had challenged it. Hearing the roar echoing from the bottom of the lake, Luo Yu smirked.

"It worked."

Soon, huge waves undulated on the surface of the lava lake. A humongous monster appeared from the lake. Luo Li checked out the black giant creature with her head slightly tilted to the side. The Molten Dragon looked like a mammoth alligator with wings. Its abdomen was short compared to the ratio of the rest of its body and it had a heavy bottom. On its back were not dense like the scales of dragon blood monsters but like the thick skin on the back of an alligator. They were bumpy like hard tumors.

"It's really ugly…" Luo Li commented after checking out the Molten Dragon for a while. Soon, she recalled something and licked her lips mockingly.

"But I heard from a Food Hunter that the uglier something is, the tastier it is."

As Luo Li was checking out the Molten Dragon, it was studying her too. The size of her body confused it. It had never seen a human of such small stature. However, the intensity of her attack shocked it a little as the two swords had managed to break through its defense easily.

Perhaps, the smaller a human was, the more powerful they were. Just when the Molten Dragon pondered upon that thought, it heard Luo Li mocking it. It was furious again.

"Human kid, are you messing with me?" It was its first time hearing somebody calling it ugly and it could not take it anymore.

Meanwhile, Luo Li looked serious.

"Who're you calling a kid?" She was dismal to hear what the black dragon called her.

Sensing Luo Li's odd reaction, the Molten Dragon decided to attack first. As its muzzle opened, flames came out of it and engulfed Luo Li instantly. Because the Molten Dragon was not a dragon blood monster, the flames it emitted were not dragon flames but molten core instead. It was tens of thousands degree Celsius like the core of a planet. The molten core came out like a waterfall, consuming the entire space that Luo Li was standing in. The black dragon was sure that Luo Li would definitely not be able to avoid its attack. Even if she did not die, she would definitely be severely injured from the high-temperature flames.

"So, this is the standard of a sky dragon. Huh, you can never compare to a real dragonkin." A silhouette walked out of the flames. Not only was Luo Li not hurt, the flames had done nothing to her clothes. She smirked as she looked disdainfully at the shocked Molten Dragon.

"I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you that the Life Fire monster that I killed to get to holy fire-level was a dragonkin. Although it was just a basic one, it was so much more powerful than you are. At your level, you'd be killed in less than ten seconds by that fella. I'm even more powerful than the monster. I just need one thing to kill you." Luo Li pointed a finger as she spoke.

The Molten Dragon sensed immense danger looming. Its instinct had helped it escape death many times, so it chose to trust it. It flapped its wings and backed away from Luo Li. When it was a distance away, it started to dive into the lava lake.

"It's too late to run now!" Luo Li pointed in the direction where the black dragon dove in.

A black glow that was as thick as her thumb shot out of her fingertip and appeared next to the black dragon's head. It pierced straight through its head and came out on the other side. The body of the black dragon was like a meteorite as it flopped into the lake, creating waves hundreds of meter high.

The black dragon's carcass floated on the surface of the lake. Just when Luo Li went down to pick up the carcass, she noticed that its tail was broken.

"Did it run away?!" Luo Li squinted.

After storing the carcass, Luo Li went to the Blazing Alligator that was at the side of the lake again. It was shaking in fear. Although it did not see her killing the black dragon, its senses allowed it to feel what exactly happened. It did not attempt to struggle after knowing that she had managed to kill the Molten Dragon in one go.

"What else is there at the bottom of the lava besides the molten crystal?" Luo Li asked the Blazing Alligator.

"There's a natural tunnel that connects to a huge lava river," the Blazing Alligator said immediately. Although it had no idea why Luo Li asked such a question, it answered honestly anyway.

"No wonder…" Luo Li finally understood why the Molten Dragon could escape from this lava lake that did not seem to have any other exit routes.

"Bring me to the molten crystal and don't try to fool around!" Luo Li snapped her finger. The black sword that pinned the Blazing Alligator's tail down faded away and transformed into a black mist that entered its wound.

The Blazing Alligator was hesitant as it pondered if it should attempt to escape. After some thought, it decided to give up on any hope of doing so and just bring her to the molten crystal as the human was simply too terrifying. As Luo Li trailed behind the Blazing Alligator into the lava lake, her body was covered by an invisible energy layer that isolated her from the lava. The spiritual lava would usually infiltrate one's Life Power but it did not seem to affect Luo Li at all.

Within a couple of minutes, they arrived at the bottom of the lake. Luo Li's eyes lit up when she saw the giant golden crystal that measured two meters wide. However, she figured that she would not be able to bring it along with her. Although the molten crystal was a relic, it was not something that was meant to be taken away. Once it was moved, there would be an explosion with a massive energy loss. Half of the molten crystal was buried in the ground, hence the Molten Dragon had to train at the bottom of the lake.

"This little black dragon is stupid. Why didn't it think of digging the soil around it?" Luo Li was speechless.

"Help me dig the soil around it away. I'll set you free as soon as I get this molten crystal," Luo Li said to the Blazing Alligator.

"We've no idea what's the ground made of. It's very tough and can't be dug. If we could, the black dragon would've taken it away from the beginning." The Blazing Alligator shook its head.

Luo Li did not believe it, so she went to the crystal and knocked the ground. She then made a black blade from her finger and attempted to pierce it into the ground. However, it could not penetrate the earth at all.

"Eh… That's strange!" Luo Li went further away from the crystal and observed it carefully. She noticed that the soil ten kilometers surrounding the crystal had been dug out by the black dragon. It was left with a flat, black soil.

"Did you guys do this digging?"

"Yes, the Boss got us to dig it. However, because the area of the black soil is too big, he gave up."

"Alright then. Since I can't take it away, I'll leave it here then." Luo Li decided to empty the lake after the assessment ended to try if she could dig it out.

"I shall set you free now." Luo Li waved her hand and the black energy came out of the Blazing Alligator's wound, then disappeared into the spiritual lava. She rocketed upwards of the lake and disappeared from the Blazing Alligator's field of vision…

Chapter 326: Suspended Training?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After Luo Li left the submission place, Zang Bing looked at the three of them.

"Don't go anywhere before Sister Luo comes back."

"How long would that be?" Lin Huang did not want to waste his time there.

"If everything goes as planned, she should be back in an hour. Perhaps, she might even make it within half an hour if she's fast," Zang Bing answered.

Zang Bing's answer had proven that what Yi Yeyu had said earlier was true. She was not exaggerating when she said that Luo Yi could fight a triple mutated monster of the same level with the God's Blood. After all, Yi Yeyu was not even a holy fire-level a few days ago, so her judgment on Luo Li's ability might be subjective. On the other hand, because Zang Bing was on the same level with Luo Li, his judgment would be relatively more objective.

"Let's wait for a while then, since it's only one hour at the most," Lin Huang said to Yi Yeyu and Li Lang.

The both of them did not object to him as it was dangerous for them to be outside in these conditions. In usual circumstances, participants of the training would avoid territories of monsters that were above white flame-level. However, since the black dragon's instruction had been issued, the monsters that were above white flame-level might leave their territory to hunt humans down, which made the ruins more dangerous than the night before.

Zang Bing and Si Kongjian got busy with their Transmission Snails. To prevent from confusing people with multiple instructions, the Union Government had given out three types of Transmission Snails to the staff. The first one was exclusively for the three examiners of the training. They used a Transmission Snail that only connected the three of them and none of the other staff had access to that. Zang Bing and Si Kongjian informed their own group of staff about what was happening to get them to secretly protect the training participants.

Just when the three of them were getting bored, a white dimensional relic appeared in the sky and Luo Li casually walked out of it.

"So soon?! It hasn't even been five minutes!" Li Lang was shocked.

"It hasn't even been three minutes…" Lin Huang looked at the time on his Emperor's Heart Ring. Luo Li had been gone for only two minutes and 16 seconds to be exact. It was stupefying that she had managed to kill the Molten Dragon with such a short period of time!

"Didn't I tell you that Sister Luo Li is powerful?" Yi Yeyu beamed proudly. As the white dimensional relic disappeared, Luo Li appeared before Zang Bing and Si Kongjian.

"You settled it so soon?" Zang Bing's eyes were wide open. Although Si Kongjian did not say a word, the corner of his eye that was lifted slightly betrayed him. He did not expect Luo Li to be back so soon.

"No, the fella escaped by shedding its outer skin…" Luo Li grumbled annoyedly, "I didn't expect the sky dragon to be such a pussy. It ran away before I could even do anything."

Luo Li did not bother lowering her voice, so Lin Huang and the rest heard her loud and clear. Li Lang rolled his eyes as he thought Luo Li was exaggerating. However, Lin Huang thought what Luo Li said might be true. Perhaps, the Molten Dragon sensed something dangerous from her demeanor, so it escaped. Some monsters were very alert to danger, and the Molten Dragon may possess such a supreme sensing ability.

Yi Yeyu, on the other hand, trusted what Luo Li said fully as she knew how powerful she was since she had grown up with Luo Li. The other two examiners trusted Luo Li too as both of them were well-versed with her ability.

"That black dragon was terribly lucky that it managed to escape from you." Si Kongjian teased, "But too bad for it that it escaped by shedding its outer skin because then, its combat level would drop a level or two lower."

"It won't have such good luck next time!" Luo Li was furious.

"So, what should we do now? Since the black dragon is still alive, the other monsters will be striving to fulfill its order and hunting down all the training participants. If that is the case, our training difficulty will increase as well as the death percentage. Should we suspend the training?" Zang Bing looked at the both of them worriedly.

"Wow, look at you! You guys must be sick of being an examiner by now. My assessment hasn't even started yet!" Luo Li objected.

"But it would be dangerous to proceed with the training now," Zang Bing insisted this time.

"What do you think?" Zang Bing looked at Si Kongjian.

"I have no comment. You guys can discuss. I'm okay with anything." Si Kongjian opened his arms in nonchalance and backed off. He did not stand on any side as he did not want to offend anybody.

"Xiao Bing Bing, it's not as bad as you thought. I've heard many things from the little black dragon's follower. The instruction isn't about killing humans, but to bring humans alive to it." Luo Li toned her temper down when she saw Zang Bing being all serious.

Although she was daring, there was nothing that she could do about Zang Bing's stubbornness. Once he decided on something, it was impossible for him to change his mind. He would not give in even if he was beaten up. He would only change his mind with legit reasoning.

"An order is an order but the executor might not execute what it says exactly. Even though the decree is to capture humans alive, it might eat them later on. The goal of this training is to allow the young people to challenge themselves. That's why they're asked to kill white flame-level monsters. But now that they will be encountering monsters above crimson flame-level, blue flame-level and even purple flame-level, they might be killed instead. That would mean that there won't be any room for them to train themselves, which defeats the purpose of the training. There's no meaning to carrying on with the training," Zang Bing elaborated.

Luo Li was silent after hearing what he said. She knew that it would be too much if she insisted on carrying on with the training. She spoke again a while later, "How about this? We get all the participants to come back and tell them what's happening. They get to choose to stay or to leave. If most of them choose to suspend the training, we do just that. However, if most of them choose to leave, we'll send those who want to leave out of the ruins while allowing those who want to stay.

"However, we have to change the mechanics of the training. We'll need to discuss further on how to keep everybody safe if we're carrying on with the training."

Luo Li compromised in the end but she suggested the option of allowing trainees to stay as she did not want to give up the opportunity of being an examiner. Zang Bing stayed silent.

"Lao Zang, let's do what Sister Luo suggested. After all, there'll be some participants who don't want to lose the opportunity of this training," Si Kongjian finally spoke, sidelining Luo Li this time. Zang Bing lifted his head and looked at Lin Huang and the others.

"What do you guys think?"

"I'd like to carry on," Lin Huang answered without thinking twice.

"I'd like to level up to white flame here," Li Lang answered.

"Although I have already leveled up to white flame, I still want to train myself by battling more." Yi Yeyu smiled at Luo Li.

"See, five over one." Si Kongjian patted Zang Bing's shoulder smugly.

"Alright then, let's get everybody back and decide later." Zang Bing nodded.

Chapter 327: You'll Be An Auntie To Kids The Moment You Turn 20

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The next day, the three examiners managed to gather all of the participants with the help of their staff by the afternoon. It was only the fourth day of the second round of the training. The original 978 people had dwindled to 906. Zang Bing was upset as it had just been a few days and so many participants were already missing. In reality, since they were appointed as the examiners by the Union Government, they had a death quota which was broken down to less than 5% on the first round, 10% on the second round and 15% on the third round. It was only the fourth day of the second round of training for Zang Bing's segment and the death rate was already at 7.2%.

As everyone gathered around, Zang Bing as the examiner of the second round of training informed them about the Molten Dragon. Many of the elites had noticed the odd encounters with the monsters, some of them even managing to escape from the monsters. They finally understood what was happening.

"We can't come up with a unanimous decision among the three of us. Since the training is for all of you and you guys are adults with your own opinions, the decision is up to all of you. You guys can vote to decide if we should suspend the training," Zang Bing finally revealed the objective of gathering everybody here.

"Before that, I would like to emphasize that this is not part of the assessment. I hope that all of you can decide whether to suspend the training based on what you really want without worrying too much about the consequences. Just go for whatever that you think is right.

"To make everyone feel safe, your name won't be necessary for the vote. All votes will be anonymous. If you think the training should carry on, draw a tick and if you think the training should be suspended, draw a cross. We will decide after all the results are collected."

A lady raised her hand in confusion.

"Please speak." Zang Bing nodded to the lady.

"If those who want this to end exceed those who want this to go on, does that mean all of us will have to leave even if we don't want to?" The lady asked.

"Yes, we go by the majority. If most of you vote to end this rather than to stay, we will suspend the training. Even if you'd like to stay, we'll send everyone out of this place and that'll be the end of the training," Zang Bing affirmed.

"What if it's the other way round? If there're more people who vote to carry on than those who vote to end this, does that mean those who would like to leave have to stay?" The lady asked.

"No. If we have more who vote to carry on, those who want to stay will stay while those who want to quit will be escorted out of this place by our staff. By then, our staff will explain to your organization accordingly that you guys were not eliminated. If any of you get into trouble for leaving early, you can choose to stay instead. We'll arrange for a campsite guarded by an examiner. You'll be sent out of here after the training ends.

"If there're no more questions, I'll get the staff to pass out the voting cards."

Zang Bing waited for a while and nodded to the staff after nobody asked any more questions. Soon, the staff gave out blank white cards the size of a palm to everyone.

"Fold the card after you've voted and the staff will collect them from you.

"Don't mess up. If you want the training to go on, draw a tick. If you want it to stop, draw a cross," Zang Bing reminded again.

Lin Huang drew a tick without thinking twice when he received the card, then he folded it. Yi Yeyu drew her choice expressionlessly and folded the card. Meanwhile, Li Lang held the card without doing anything.

"What are you doing?" Yi Yeyu asked.

"I think the results will be close. I'm thinking of using my vote as the deciding vote after the result has been announced." Li Lang looked obnoxious.

"After the result is announced, your vote won't count anymore," Lin Huang said in all seriousness.

"Yeah, do you want to give up your vote?" Yi Yeyu added while smiling.

"Ah, does that mean I'm giving up on my vote?!" Li Lang was shocked. He quickly drew a tick immediately and folded the card.

As everyone had voted, the staff collected all the cards. It took a couple of minutes for the calculation of the votes and the result was soon sent to the three examiners. Zang Bing frowned when he saw the result as he stood in front of the people for the announcement.

"I shall announce the voting results. There are 812 votes who want the training to carry on and 92 votes who want the training to be suspended. We have two empty votes.

"It seems like the decision is clear. We shall respect your decision and carry on with the training!

"For safety purposes, I'll get the staff to follow every group. They'll be watching the movement of the crimson flame-level monsters and above so you won't have to fight them. All staff, please work with us. We're so sorry for the extra workload. After the training ends, we will apply for extra rewards for all of you."

Zang Bing intentionally said that before everyone so that the staff would put in their best efforts.

"Now, those of you who voted to carry on with the training can leave now. Those who don't want to stay, we will arrange something for you." As Zang Bing said that, many of them left one by one.

"We should leave too." Li Lang looked at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang was looking at Luo Li who had appeared before Yi Yeyu out of nowhere. He had not seen her move at all.

"Damn, when did she come?" Li Lang asked softly.

"She just did, I guess. I didn't see it as well…" Lin Huang was telling the truth.

"Xiao Yeyu, I remember your body had no fire element. How did the change happen?" Luo Li asked.

"It happened last year. I have no idea how but something happened to my body and it now has the fire element." Yi Yeyu did not understand it herself.

"But that's good. I might have a present for you soon. You'll have to wait until after the assessment." Luo Li smiled.

"It's okay." Yi Yeyu smiled and shook her head. She had a close relationship with Luo Li since she was young but it had been a couple of years since they had last met. She could not adapt to her friend's new eccentric character.

"Treat it as a present for leveling up to holy fire-level," Luo Li said.

"I think your boyfriend on the left is good, but he's a little short. He doesn't look too old, so he might be able to grow taller. Never mind the one on the right with greasy hair. My hands feel itchy when I look at his hair," Luo Li said while looking at Lin Huang and Li Lang.

"Erm, they're not my boyfriends. We're just friends… Moreover, who would date two guys at the same time?!" Yi Yeyu was speechless.

"What is there to be embarrassed about when it comes to dating? You're not young anymore and you should be thinking about getting married…" Luo Li proceeded to lecture her, ignoring Yi Yeyu's reaction.

"I'm only 20 this year…" Yi Yeyu's eyes were twitching. She had a really attractive body. In fact, she had hit puberty early and already had the body of a 20-year-old when she was just 15. She could not cover her body any longer and guys were always gawking at her wherever she went.

"Girls can get married after their adult ceremony when they are 16. Those who are 20 years old will have kids calling them aunty…" What Luo Li said made everyone speechless.

As Luo Li was indulging them with her opinion, Bloody contacted Lin Huang in his mind.

"Master, I have found the Molten Dragon. It seems to be in bad shape…"

Chapter 328: Gamblers and Shortcuts

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Haltharad soaked its body in the spiritual lava in the volcano, its mind was a mess. It could not remember how long had it been the overlord in this world... It had been years. There was almost nobody that could take it on in this world ever since it leveled to gold flame-level. Gold flame-level was the highest level that this world could accommodate. As a double mutated sky dragon, its ability made it the best in this little world. If the stupid Shadowflame Boa did not listen to what the cunning Golden Toad said and fought it, it would have been the ruler of this world.

It did not expect there to be anyone that was the same as itself, a gold flame-level that was even more powerful to exist in this world. As a double mutated dragonkin sky dragon, it was confident that even if it encountered a triple mutated monster that was the same level, it would win as well. However, Haltharad had a taste of failure today. It was its first time it tasted defeat ever since it achieved gold flame-level. Its opponent was a human that was similar in level to itself but it could not even handle a single hit from this human.

The human girl who looked rather young with a petite body was as powerful as a god, making it difficult for anyone to find it in themselves to fight her. Its body was shaking as it recalled the moment when it was almost killed by her, it was a reflection that came from fear. However, fear was not the only thing, hatred burned inside it as well.

"That damned human girl forced me to shed my carapace. Now, my combat strength had dropped two levels and I have to hide in this freaking place!" Haltharad said to itself. It did not dare to say it too loud as it was afraid that others would find out about the humiliation it felt.

The temporary degradation to its power was the side-effect of its shedding Life Skill, it would last for 72 hours. Not only that, its body would be weak for three days, even its defensive ability would drop two levels. Many of its skills and Life Skills that required Life Power would be deactivated. It was afraid that it might be attacked by blue flame-level monsters, that was why it was hiding.

"Two days more…" Haltharad stared deadly in the air.

"If I can't fight you, I'll kill you with a monster crowd! Not only you, all humans will have to pay the price!"

"Where is the black dragon hiding?" Lin Huang asked immediately when he heard about the black dragon from Bloody.

"It's hiding in a spiritual volcano, it's very weak right now. I think it's badly injured, its aura had dropped to the that of a blue flame-level monster." Bloody told its observation.

"A blue flame-level monster…" Lin Huang was tempted. He knew very well that it was the side-effect of shedding its carapace but it would only last for three days and its combat strength would go back to normal. By then, it would be impossible to kill such a monster.

"One day has passed out of its three days of weakness. I need to find it within these two days or else I'll lose the opportunity." Lin Huang squinted, he was thinking if he should look for the black dragon. Even though its power had dropped by two levels, the ability of the Molten Dragon was not to be underestimated. Lin Huang's concern was not its ability but more of what he would get if he was to kill the black dragon.

"Xiao Hei, what kind of rewards will I get if I manage to achieve a double cross-ranking kill?" Lin Huang asked.

"Normal cross-ranking kill - Random Reward Card x1!"

"Double cross-ranking kill - Draw Reward Card x1!"

"Triple cross-ranking kill - Draw Reward Card x3!"

"Quadruple cross-ranking kill - Draw Reward Card x5!"

"Quintuple cross-ranking kill - Draw Reward Card x10!"

"So if I kill the black dragon that had dropped two levels, would that be considered as a triple or a quintuple cross-ranking kill?" Lin Huang asked.

"The Molten Dragon's level drop is just temporary and its real combat strength is still gold flame-level. If you manage to kill it, it'll be considered a quintuple cross-ranking kill and you'll receive a draw of 10 Reward Cards."

Lin Huang was over the moon when he heard Xiao Hei's reply.

"I should be able to use a Double Reward Card, right?" Lin Huang asked again.

"Yes, a Double Reward Card can be used on all cross-ranking kill."

"That means, if I manage to kill it, I'll get to draw 20 cards!" Lin Huang could not resist such a temptation.

"I must do this!"

The Molten Dragon that was hiding in the volcano far away had no idea that it had become the ultimate boss for Lin Huang. Lin Huang was even thinking if he should get Mr. Fu to get him a gold flame-level monster with the Life Skill ability to shed its carapace after the training ended so that he could get the quintuple cross-ranking reward.

Xiao Hei noticed what he was thinking.

"The objective of the reward from system is to encourage you to strengthen yourself. Such behaviour of trying to cheat the reward system is not encouraged. As soon as humans find shortcuts, they'll always look for more shortcuts. This is the evil side of humans. With the time spent looking for shortcuts, some people have already arrived at the destination with their own strength. I hope that you don't become one of those people who are always looking for shortcuts. Things that you achieve through hard work are the most valuable ones."

"It's just a thought, why must you give me a life lesson…" Lin Huang smiled awkwardly after hearing what Xiao Hei said but soon he fell into a deep thought. He had seen many people who were always looking for shortcuts when he was on earth instead of doing what they should do. This was similar to what he saw in gamblers who lived in the casinos. They wanted to get rich by gambling but what usually happens is that they would go bankrupt and even get their family members killed.

Lin Huang thought if those gamblers put the passion they had for gambling into their career, even if they did not become a millionaire, they would still definitely make enough to feed their family. Shortcuts were acceptable occasionally but if one wanted to use shortcuts in everything, that would be no different from gambling. The consequences might get ugly.

"Lin Huang, what are you thinking about?" Yi Yeyu waved her hand in his face.

"Nothing." Lin Huang snapped out of his thoughts and realized that Yi Yeyu had ended her conversation with Luo Li. Luo Li had returned to be with the two examiners. Aside from the 50-odd participants who decided to not proceed with the training, the rest had left. In reality, among the 90-odd people who voted to end the assessment, only slightly more than 50 of them stayed. Lin Huang looked at the remaining people and realized that most of them had leveled up to holy fire-level. It was unnecessary for them to stay as they had achieved what they wanted to from the ruins.

"Let's go." Lin Huang waved to the both of them, he did not want the three of them to be misunderstood as giving up the training.

Chapter 329: No Comment

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As they left the mission submission area, Lin Huang had been thinking of how to leave the group and get to the spiritual volcano to kill the Molten Dragon on his own. He did plan to let Li Lang and Yi Yeyu know about this as it would take them by surprise if he left so suddenly. Although the Molten Dragon had experienced a drop in its level, it was still a gold flame-level monster after all. Moreover, there would be a staff from the Union Government's Demon Slayer Legion following them and he did not want to reveal his ability in front of a stranger.

As they left the mission submission area for some distance, Li Lang could not help but ask, "Where are we going?"

"I found a non-fire element monster for Yeyu to train," Lin Huang said then paused.

"But I have something to settle on my own, so I'll send you guys there and leave," Lin Huang added.

"I suggest you don't leave the group. I can't be looking after two teams at the same time," immediately warned the poker-faced staff who was following them when he heard what Lin Huang said.

"If you insist on leaving, I'll have to follow the team that has more people and your safety will be your own responsibility."

"Thanks for reminding. I have the ability to take care of myself, so please take care of the two of them." Although the staff's attitude was unpleasant, Lin Huang could tell that he genuinely did not want him to be in trouble but he rejected the person's kindness anyway.

Poker Face then looked at Yi Yeyu and Li Lang. Since the both of them did not stop Lin Huang, he did not say anything. Lin Huang then changed his black dimensional relic to a blue one and summoned it.

"Lin Huang, how come your dimensional relic…?" Seeing that Lin Huang's dimensional relic had changed, Li Lang started to ask but was pinched hard by Yi Yeyu.

"Why did you pinch me?"

"Because I can. Can't I do that?" Yi Yeyu gave an unreasonable excuse.

"Okay then…" Li Lang dared not fight back, looking at Yi Yeyu's condescending expression.

"Let's go." Lin Huang opened the dimensional relic. Soon, the blue dimensional relic disappeared as the four of them entered it.

In reality, the regular dimensional relic did not come with any function of changing colors or modes as it was unnecessary. The material to make a dimensional relic itself was pricey and changing colors was still acceptable but to be able to change its mode, the handling of materials would be much more complicated. This also caused the cost of the making of the dimensional relic to be a few times more expensive. Therefore, a dimensional relic with mode-changing function would usually cost four to six times more than a regular one of the same level.

In fact, that dimensional relic cost at least three times more than a relic of the same rank. Only people who had too much money to spare would purchase such a unique dimensional relic. Of course, the seller knew who their target market was. Mr. Fu was the perfect person for such fancy things. Besides, he had too much money. Therefore, when the nine basic colors for dimensional relic were introduced, he bought all of them without thinking twice.

He had given the black one to Lin Huang as a gift. Lin Huang intentionally changed the color and mode of the dimensional relic as they were with the poker-faced staff. From Luo Li's analysis, he would have to be extra careful and not let the staff of the Union Government associate him with the monster with the God's Blood. Luo Li and the rest would definitely report the discovery of the monster with the God's Blood to the Union Government and there would be a thorough investigation conducted. Thus, Lin Huang had to get rid of all traces of him being related to the monster with the God's Blood.

After they stepped into the blue dimensional relic, the four of them appeared not far from a small lava lake.

"What are we looking for this time?" Li Lang did not see anything as he looked around.

"Smoldervenom Toad." Lin Huang pointed at the lava lake.

Smoldervenom Toad was a mutated monster. Despite having the word smolder in its name, it was not a fire element monster but a venom-type monster. It could absorb heat to produce venom. The so-called fire venom was not actually made of fire energy but was made of venom instead. Such a venom was unique, because when it enters the human's body, an excruciating pain that felt like intense burning would be experienced. The dead body of the poisoned victim would be severely dehydrated.

The Smoldervenom Toad had appeared several times in Division7, so it was not a stranger to Yi Yeyu and Li Lang.

"It's in that lake?" Li Lang was excited.

"There's no need to rush. Before I leave, I'll need to buy some stuff from you." Lin Huang told him.

"What?" Li Lang thought it was such a strange request.

"Nuclear bombs. How many do you have with you? I want all of them." It was definitely not a spontaneous request. As soon as Lin Huang had found out about the black dragon that was hiding in the spiritual volcano from Bloody, he thought of using the nuclear bomb to lure the black dragon out as well as destroying its geographical advantage.

"Ahh, that toy! I only have two left." Seeing Lin Huang staring at him without saying a word, Li Lang felt guilty.

"Okay, I have three."

Lin Huang remained silent as he looked at Li Lang. He knew that he was lying. Li Lang was bad at lying. Every time he lied, he would bite his lips without noticing it.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you all five of them for free since they're not worth a lot of money anyway," Li Lang compromised. He had only spent less than 20 Life Crystals to get the nuclear bombs from the black market.

"Thanks then, I'll treat you a meal when you get out." Lin Huang knew that Li Lang would not accept his money even if he was to offer it, so he gave the promise of food instead.

Learning from his lesson earlier, Li Lang took out the five nuclear bombs carefully and passed them to Lin Huang. Lin Huang was nervous as he was storing the nuclear bombs. The bombs had been around since the ancient epoch and it would be terribly disastrous if they exploded.

"Hey, what do you plan to hunt? Why do you need all these?" Li Lang was curious.

Yi Yeyu looked at Lin Huang curiously too. She remembered how powerful the bomb was. A single one was terrifying enough.

"It's a secret." Lin Huang smiled mysteriously, not wanting to reveal anything.

"Lin Huang, you're not being honest right now. I gave you these bombs, so I have the right to know!" Li Lang objected.

"No comment." Lin Huang grinned as he summoned a blue dimensional relic and stepped into it.

"Bye!" He waved at the three of them.

Chapter 330: Nuclear Bombs Again

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Alexandrian Eagle stopped in the air as Lin Huang peered out at the gigantic volcano that was 10 kilometers away. From what Bloody had found out, he was sure about the exact location of the Molten Dragon.

Lin Huang did not go closer to the volcano, instead, he instructed Bloody, "Bloody, get your parasites on five flying monsters. Go for those that are strong."

"Master, are you thinking of…?" Bloody looked out from Lin Huang's sleeve when it heard the instruction.

"The previous nuclear bomb had reached a radius of 30 kilometers. If I toss the five of them together, it will be even more powerful and the impact will spread even wider. If I toss the bombs myself, even at the Alexandrian Eagle's speed, we might not be able to leave the impact area in time. It'll be safer to get the parasitic hosts to do that," Lin Huang explained as he knew what Bloody was thinking about.

"But before I toss the bombs in, I must make sure that the Molten Dragon is in there, or else, I'll just be wasting the five nuclear bombs." Although it was quite impossible for the Molten Dragon to leave the volcano due to its weak state, Lin Huang did not want to risk it. He wanted to be very certain before he attacked.

"Alright, I will arrange for that. I should be able to get that done within half an hour," Bloody responded immediately, clear on what to do.

Lin Huang patted the Alexandrian Eagle to get it to land near the crater while waiting patiently for Bloody. Around ten minutes later, a red ladybird flew around Lin Huang.

"Is this the Exploding Ladybird?" Observing the ladybird, Lin Huang knew that it was one of the parasitic hosts.

The Exploding Ladybird was a bug that lived around lava. They were born white in color and was at silver-level. They mainly fed on lava, spiritual lava particularly was their favorite. After consuming a sufficient amount of spiritual lava, they would enter adulthood and upgrade to gold-level while their body would turn red like an enlarged firefly.

However, such a monster was much more dangerous than the average firefly as it would attack anything that invaded its territory. They did not fear death and most importantly, they possessed a terrifying ability which was to self-combust. The combustibility of each adult Exploding Ladybird was comparable with a white flame-level monster's ultimate move.

"The Exploding Ladybird is small, so it's hard to notice. Looking for spiritual lava is what they do every day. It won't be a problem if they get close to the Molten Dragon as the dragon wouldn't suspect a thing," Bloody explained why it had chosen the monster as its detective.

"That's a good one." Lin Huang nodded in satisfaction, realizing that Bloody was now picky with its hosts.

After referring to the monster encyclopedia, Bloody's knowledge on using parasite hosts had improved. Not only was it parasitizing and controlling, before it did that, it would consider the environment, the host's behavior and even the possible reaction of the monster that they were investigating before choosing the best host. Its all-rounded analysis minimized the possibility of the host being revealed.

Under Bloody's control, the Exploding Ladybird flew to the spiritual volcano far away. It was slow and took almost ten minutes to arrive at the crater. Before the Exploding Ladybird arrived at the crater anyway, five Putrescent Falcons already stood in a row at the crater not far away from Lin Huang. The Putrescent Falcon was a gold-level soul monster. It was a bird was left with bones that were very different from the clean, white bones that the Sanguine Skeleton Spirit had; their bones were bloody with bits of flesh hanging off them. They looked like rotten bones that had been chewed by the lions in Africa during summer and they emitted an unbearable stench.

Theoretically, their wings that were mere bones were unable to fly. However, they inserted Life Power into their wings when they attempted to, which made flying possible.

"I got these five Putrescent Falcons to fly together, so even if the black dragon senses them, it won't find anything odd," Bloody explained.

"That's smart. If different birds appear at the same time, the black dragon will definitely sense that something fishy is going on."

"That's right. Even though we're attacking sneakily, it's best to attack it when it has its guard down." Bloody had the same thought.

Most of the monsters could sense the movement trajectory of creatures within a limited range but not inanimate objects such as nuclear bombs. As long as the Molten Dragon did not see what was being carried by the Putrescent Falcons, it was quite impossible for it to notice the nuclear bombs. Soon, the Exploding Ladybird came back with its scout report. The Molten Dragon was really at the bottom of the Spiritual Volcano. It was soaked in the spiritual lava with only its head showing and seemed to be enjoying itself. Although it noticed the existence of the Exploding Ladybird, it did not care about it at all.

Lin Huang smirked when he heard what Bloody told him.

"It seems like this fella isn't aware at all. It's only left with two days of recuperation before it regains its strength, so it must have thought that everything will be fine as long as it's hiding in this volcano."

"Should we attack now?" Bloody asked.

"Let's do it," said Lin Huang as he took out the five nuclear bombs.

As the five Putrescent Falcons picked up the nuclear bombs, they filled their wings with Life Power immediately. A pair of black wings formed on each of their foul-smelling bodies.

"Take note of the flight speed. Don't be too aggressive. Just fly at a normal speed," Lin Huang reminded.

"Understood!" Bloody controlled the five Putrescent Falcons to fly towards the spiritual volcano.

As the five Putrescent Falcons flew nearer to it, the Molten Dragon that was at the bottom of the volcano sensed them. It was in a weakened form now, so it was extremely alert and cautious. It had its sensing ability covering the area within a 10-kilometer radius in his watch.

"They're flying towards my direction?" The Molten Dragon thought.

"There are five of them… The unpleasant vibe seems just like those brainless Putrescent Falcons. Anyway, they're only at gold-level. It's probably only a false alarm."

Just when the Molten Dragon lowered its guard down, the five Putrescent Falcons arrived at the crater of the spiritual volcano. They let go of the five nuclear bombs from their claws almost at the same time and the bombs fell into the volcano…

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