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38.41% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 184: 291-300

Chapter 184: 291-300

Chapter 291: Killing The Sanguine Skeletal Spirit

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the white glow faded, the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's body was covered in a white mist. Suddenly, the wind blew and it revealed part of its head. Lin Huang saw its head had lost the flesh that it had built earlier; what remained was its white skull. However, shrouded by the mist, he could see that there was still a golden twinkle in its eyes. The monster was still alive!

Lin Huang's pupils shrunk and he made up his mind. He patted the Alexandrian Eagle immediately.


The Alexandrian Eagle flapped its wings and dashed towards the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit. It was as fast as lightning and all anyone could see was a white blur.

"The Ruthless Sword Master's attack must've drained most of the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's energy. We can't let it recover. We must kill it this time!"

Lin Huang gripped his sword tightly as Life Power flowed into his sword. One, two, three, four, five circles! This time, besides keeping one or two columns as a reserve, Lin Huang inserted all the five Life Wheels of Life Power into his sword. The golden glow at the tip of his sword was as radiant as the sun during the noon. The Sanguine Skeletal Spirit did not react to it and it did not seem to notice what Lin Huang was doing.

Soon, the Alexandrian Eagle arrived in front of the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit. Armed with his sword, Lin Huang hopped off from the back of the Alexandrian Eagle. Lin Huang then spread his wings slightly so that he could glide down smoothly to the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit. His speed was even faster than the Alexandrian Eagle.

"Damn this human boy!" Shouted the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit, seemingly to be devoid of any strength to perform any skill. It could only lift up its hands to block Lin Huang forcefully. The flesh that had grown on its hands had disappeared from Ruthless Sword Master's hit; they were now fragile-looking, old, white bones.

Without saying a word, Lin Huang did not avoid the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's hands and dashed towards it without slowing down. The tip of his sword that was a luminous gold collided with the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's hands. There was no explosion as Lin Huang had expected. Perhaps, there was not much Life Power left in its hands, which broke the moment they collided with Lin Huang's sword. Within seconds of exploding through the bony hands, Lin Huang's sword collided with its head. Bright golden glow exploded like a supernova and beams of light shot everywhere. Unlike the last time when Lin Huang had only managed to pierced half of his sword into its skull, this time his sword sliced through easily like a hot knife passing through butter. Only the sword handle was left outside the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's skull.

The ground around a one-kilometer radius collapsed. Not only that, a gigantic hole broke within the dark clouds that were controlled by Nephilic Judge. The intense crack from the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's skull was even louder than the thunder rumbling in the sky. The sound traveled up to 1000 kilometers away and the other participants were worried when they heard it. Soon, more and more cracking sounds followed. Yi Yeyu and Li Lang, who were not far away, heard it too. The Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's skull started to crack like a spider web with the golden glow coming out of the cracks.

Within a matter of seconds, the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's golden eyes faded away. Endless golden light shot out of the cracks in its skull, eyes, nose, and mouth. Finally, its skull exploded in a deafening blast. Its headless body fell into the collapsed ground. As the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit fell, Lin Huang's body started falling too. A silver light flitted down from the air. The Nephilic Judge lifted Lin Huang into the air. The Nephilic Judge was 2.5 meters tall, so it did not look strange for her to be carrying Lin Huang. He was unwilling to be carried but just when he wanted to get her to change positions, he heard a notification from Xiao Hei.

"Congratulations, you have received an epic-level Monster Card - Sanguine Skeletal Spirit."

Lin Huang was stunned as he did not expect the kill to earn him a complete Monster Card. He forgot about being lifted by the Nephilic Judge and looked at the card immediately.

"Monster Card"

"Rarity: Epic"

"Monster Name: Sanguine Skeletal Spirit"

"Combat Level: White Flame-level"

"Skill 1: Punishment"

"Skill 2: Revival"

"Skill 3: Immense Deterrence"

"Skill 4: Death Sentence"

"Skill 5: Lava Control"

"Summon Authority: Activated"

"Card Remarks: Trainable"

"Punishment: Ability comparable to a relic, the punishment comes in the form of flame chains. The target that is tied by the chains will have his/her Life Power sealed temporarily."

"Remarks: Nine maximum chains can be utilized."

" Revival : An exclusive skill for limited soul spirit monsters, allowing the monsters to transform back into living creatures. The activation of the skill will increase the monster's combat strength to its peak. It does not only retain all the skills the monster had when it was in its soul form, the skill also retrieves all the skills, battle experiences and portions of its memories when it was alive."

"Remark 1: Time limit of activation will be one hour."

"Remark 2: After one hour, the memory of Revival will disappear."

"Remark 3: 48 hours after the activation of skill, the user will be sealed with the inability to use one's Life Power."

" Immense Deterrence : A powerful soul deterrence skill which causes fear in creatures that have lower combat strength than the monster itself. It can also cause one to zone out temporarily."

" Death Sentence : A powerful sword skill allowing one to hide its weapon and attack without warning."

" Lava Control : Controlling lava as one desires. The more powerful the combat strength, the bigger the lava range."

"Remarks: The control of lava includes the form, temperature and so on."

After reading the card, Lin Huang noticed that they had landed on the ground while Li Lang and Yi Yeyu approached with their mounts.

"Wow, does it feel good to be carried like a lady? How comfortable that you don't even want to get down anymore," Yi Yeyu teased.

Lin Huang just realized that he was still being carried by the Nephilic Judge like a princess. He hopped down immediately and recalled the Nephilic Judge.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something," Lin Huang smiled awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it. Your summoning beast has a banging body and we're both men, so I understand." Li Lang patted Lin Huang's shoulder and winked at him.

"Understand, my ass!" Lin Huang wanted to say. It was hard to take back his words now that he had said that. Yi Yeyu stared at the both of them judgmentally.

"Let me get Tyrant to pick up the dead body," Lin Huang changed the subject immediately while looking at the gigantic hole that he had made. After summoning and instructing Tyrant what to do, Tyrant hopped into the hole.

"How many double mutated monsters do you really have?" Li Lang asked.

Yi Yeyu stared at Lin Huang when she heard the question as she was curious too.

"How many did you see? That's how many I have." Lin Huang did not bother to clarify.

Seeing that Lin Huang refused to answer the question, the both of them did not want to ask further and asked something else instead.

"Why didn't you tell us that you're Sword Genius?" Yi Yeyu asked.

"You didn't ask me. Moreover, even if I told you, would you believe me?" Lin Huang asked.

The both of them thought what Lin Huang asked made sense. Even if he had told them he was Sword Genius, they would not have believed him anyway.

Although Yi Yeyu was unwilling to compliment Lin Huang to his face, she had to admit, "You can even kill a double mutated Transcendent now, so you're a real genius."

"Stop that, I don't ever want to encounter another double mutated monster again. I was lucky that I survived this time."

Lin Huang could not imagine what would happen if the Ruthless Sword Master did not use its ultimate move to drain all of the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's Life Power. It would have been impossible for him to kill the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit. He might have died in the battle instead. After some chatter, Lin Huang could feel his Life Power was running low, so he sat down immediately and started refilling his Life Power. Yi Yeyu and Li Lang did not interrupt him while they sat aside and waited for Lin Huang to recover.

Chapter 292: Credits To Mr. Fu

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The refilling and the cultivation of Life Power were two different processes. Under normal circumstances, cultivation of the Life Power would require a massive amount of Life Crystals to extract Life Light and turn that into Life Power, filling the empty columns with them. Even with sufficient Life Crystals, an upper-range Life Skill would take two hours to completely fill one column of Life Power. With the time spent on sleeping and eating taken away, it was considered fantastic if an ordinary person could get seven to eight columns of Life Power within a day.

However, it was much simpler for Life Power to be refilled. It could be easily acquired by the rotation of Life Skill whereby the Life Power would be refilled into the Life Wheels automatically. The speed of the Life Power refill would usually take a hundred times faster than Life Power cultivation. Some people with special body physiques could achieve a speed that was hundreds of times faster than that of Life Power cultivation.

Since Lin Huang had already arrived at level-8 of Army Attack Tactics , his speed of refilling Life Power was terrifyingly fast as it was comparable to an ultimate Life Skill. With his unique physique, he only took more than eight hours to fill two Life Wheels. Although he had only filled two of his five Life Wheels, it was sufficient for him to survive as long as he did not encounter any double mutated monsters. He then halted refilling his Life Power.

Meanwhile, Tyrant had picked up the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's body from the hole without leaving any bones behind. However, without Lin Huang's permission, Li Lang did not touch the bones although he was tempted to do so. A double mutated Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's bones could be used to make some high-end crafts.

"You haven't filled up all your Life Power, have you?" Yi Yeyu had been watching Lin Huang and she noticed that he had stopped.

"It's enough for now."

"It's almost 6 p.m. now and the sun will set soon. Eat something before you continue. Take a good rest tonight. We shall continue to kill more Transcendent monsters tomorrow," advised Yi Yeyu, knowing that Lin Huang must be exhausted from the battle.

"It's only been day one of our 10 days out here and we've already completed a sixth of our mission. We don't have to rush," Li Lang agreed with Yi Yeyu's arrangement.

"Sure!" Lin Huang knew that the both of them were worried about him, so he agreed to the plan.

As they were having snacks as their dinner, Lin Huang noticed that Li Lang had been eyeing the pile of the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's bones.

"I thought you wanted the bones. There are broken ones anyway, so you can take them. Just leave one or two for me. We don't have to produce the full body for the mission anyway."

"I shall do just that then!" Li Lang put down his snacks and walked towards the pile of bones.

"Take some for yourself. These are the bones of a double mutated Transcendent. Go and make some crafts with them. I bet your great-grandfather will love it," Lin Huang said to Yi Yeyu with a smile.

Yi Yeyu shook her head. "It's okay, he can probably tell that I didn't kill it just by looking at the bones. It's unnecessary."

"Alright then…" Lin Huang stopped talking and he proceeded to munch on his snacks.

Yi Yeyu was eating while pondering some questions in her head. Awhile later, she started speaking out of nowhere.

"I keep feeling that I lost part of my memories during the monster crowd 10 months ago. Do you feel that too?"

Lin Huang was shocked when he heard what Yi Yeyu said. He knew that Xue Luo wiped away everyone's memories but he did not expect Yi Yeyu to recall anything.

"No, it's your illusion, I guess." Lin Huang did not want Yi Yeyu to recall him using the Small Destruction Card as well as the appearance of Xue Luo.

"My brother said the same thing too. Perhaps it's really my illusion…" Yi Yeyu stopped dwelling on that thought when she got Lin Huang's opinion.

"You've managed to upgrade so much within a year. Mr. Fu must be really powerful." Yi Yeyu did not suspect anything suspicious about Lin Huang's immense upgrade in his abilities; she thought all the credit went to Mr. Fu.

"Yeah, most of the credits should go to Mr. Fu as well as my good luck." Lin Huang smiled and nodded. Yi Yeyu's assumption had saved him from any further explanation.

"I bet Mr. Fu killed the double mutated monsters for you," said Yi Yeyu curiously.

"Yeah." Lin Huang did not know how to explain that but since Yi Yeyu had come up with such an assumption, he thought it would be easier if he agreed with what she said.

"My great-grandfather told me that there are a few people in Division7 that he doesn't want to offend and Mr. Fu is one of them," Yi Yeyu brought Mr. Fu up again.

"Since you're his apprentice, you must know about his combat strength then."

"I really don't know anything about that as I have never seen him fight before." Lin Huang shook his head. He figured that Yi Yeyu might know more about Mr. Fu than he did.

Although he had always known that Mr. Fu had terrifying abilities, he was shocked that Yi Yeyu had revealed that the ex-general of Union Government, Yi Donglai, did not dare offend Mr. Fu.

"Oh…" Yi Yeyu knew Lin Huang was not lying as she noticed his helpless expression, so she did not ask further. They went completely silent. Soon, Li Lang picked up two bones and waved them at Lin Huang. Lin Huang nodded in approval, so Li Lang took the bones and returned to where they sat while proceeding to eat his snacks. After finishing his snacks, Lin Huang walked to the bones and asked Yi Yeyu again, "You sure you don't want any of them?"


Seeing Yi Yeyu shake her head without thinking twice, Lin Huang then put all the bones into his storage space. He then recalled Tyrant and summoned Bloody because the challenge for this round was too intense and he needed information from it.

"Have you found the Transcendent monsters?" Lin Huang communicated with Bloody in his mind.

"There are four of them," said Bloody. It was the only summoning beast that could communicate with Lin Huang in his mind. Lin Huang could only receive blurry messages from the other summoning beasts.

"Did you find the Fire Phoenix?" Lin Huang asked again.

"No, it shouldn't be around this area," Bloody replied.

"Take your time, there's no need to rush." Lin Huang knew that they had time as it was only the first day of the second round of the training.

After communicating, Bloody returned to Lin Huang's sleeve.

Lin Huang then turned around to look at Yi Yeyu and Li Lang.

"Bloody has already found the next Transcendent monster. Let's find a place to camp tonight and we'll depart tomorrow morning."

"It's so convenient to have such a summoning beast. It's saved us a lot of time!" Li Lang smirked.

"If we were to find the monsters ourselves, I'm not sure how long we'd take."

"You don't have to fight tomorrow. The both of us will do it," said Yi Yeyu.

"That's right. You can even kill a double mutated monster now, so it's not fair to us if you fight again. You don't get to fight tomorrow!" Li Lang agreed with Yi Yeyu.

"Alright then…" Lin Huang did not expect that revealing his real ability would receive this level of sarcasm from the both of them in return. Now, he did not even get to fight.

Chapter 293: The Fiendish Terraflame Lizard

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

By the next morning, the five Life Wheels within Lin Huang were completely filled. The three of them had a light breakfast before departing to the location of the second Transcendent monster riding on their mounts with the guidance of Bloody. Twenty minutes later, they arrived near the destination where Bloody had detected the Transcendent monster, so they landed.

"Is it nearby here? But there's no volcano around here, so where's the Transcendent monster that you were talking about?" Li Lang asked Lin Huang as he looked around.

Besides a hill that was a distance away, it was flat land around them. There were neither monsters for a couple of kilometers nor were there any sinking ground nor lava river. Even if there were monsters around, there was nowhere for the monsters to hide. Yi Yeyi surveyed the area and peered at Lin Huang in suspicion.

"There." Lin Huang pointed and smiled.

The both of them looked at the direction where Lin Huang was pointing at in doubt. It was the direction where the hill was.

"You mean…behind the hill? Why did we land so far away?" Li Lang asked.

"That hill?" Yi Yeyu stared at the hill for a while before asking.

"Where?" Li Lang rubbed his eyes and stared at the hill with his eyes wide open. However, he did not see anything.

"Is that a rock monster? It doesn't look like it."

"It's not a rock monster, it's a Fiendish Terraflame Lizard. It's camouflaged itself to blend in with the color of the ground," Lin Huang explained.

The both of them were confused when they heard the name of the monster. Clearly, they had never heard of it before.

"Even if the both of you don't usually refer to the monster encyclopedia, shouldn't you at least do your research and figure out what kind of monsters are there in the ruins before you come here?" Lin Huang shook his head at the both of them before deciding to teach them about the monster.

"The Fiendish Terraflame Lizard is a demon-type monster and specializes in camouflage. It has powerful physical defense and super-regenerative abilities. Its mainly attacks with venom, mostly using a mist of venom as there's a strong venom in its teeth and claws. If the venom enters a Transcendent of the same level's body, he or she will experience numbness and lose control of their body. Besides venom, it can also spit fire.

"Such a monster has high defenses and moves fast too. Its only weakness is that it's afraid of any force that contains ice. Other attacks will harm it as well but the effect of an ice-based attack is the most powerful counter against it.

"The rarest of them contains dragon blood and has abilities which are superior to the ordinary ones.

"Although it's just an ordinary Transcendent monster, its physical defense itself is already a major obstacle." Li Lang frowned.

Yi Yeyu did not say anything as she had picked the Fire Phoenix, which was a double mutated Transcendent monster, to search for. It was even more powerful than the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit that Lin Huang had killed on the first day. If she could not even kill a Fiendish Terraflame Lizard, she should not waste her time looking for the Fire Phoenix anymore.

"Li Lang, don't fight it first. I'd like to know what I can do. If I can't handle it, you guys can help me," Yi Yeyu said to Li Lang after some thought.

Although the both of them had asked Lin Huang not to fight the day before, he did not say anything as he knew that Yi Yeyu wanted to test it for herself.

"Alright, ladies first." Li Lang gestured to Yi Yeyu. Although he did not understand why would Yi Yeyu request that, he still respected her decision.

Yi Yeyu nodded to the both of them and took out a green sword. It was not a gold-level weapon but a sword relic. Lin Huang recognized that the sword relic was more powerful than the one he had. With the sword, Yi Yeyu summoned the Rainbow Sparrow and flew towards the hill while Lin Huang and Li Lang decided to watch from afar. The Rainbow Sparrow flapped its wings and soon arrived above the hill. The gigantic Fiendish Terraflame Lizard sensed Yi Yeyu's and the Rainbow Sparrow's aura.

It woke up from its nap and its eyes were wide open, spinning around and targeted at the Rainbow Sparrow that was flying in the sky. Without hesitation, it swiped its gigantic tail into the air. A loud swoosh was heard as its tail was aimed at the Rainbow Sparrow.

"Go!" Yi Yeyu instructed while the Rainbow Sparrow kept its wings close to its body and descended quickly, managing to avoid the terrifying attack.

Within seconds, the Rainbow Sparrow was less than 10 meters from the ground. It flapped its wings immediately and with the force of the inertia, it stopped less than three meters from the ground. Yi Yeyu hopped down from its back and arrived less than 20 meters from the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard. After recalling the Rainbow Sparrow, she dashed towards the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard.

Lin Huang, who was watching from a distance, nodded in approval. Although he had never battled with Yi Yeyu, her performance was satisfying so far. Despite encountering a Transcendent monster, she did not have any fear or doubts from the beginning. She knew very well what she wanted and what result she desired. She was firm in this battle of skills and wits.

With that mentality, Lin Huang was sure that she was halfway there. However, the monster that Yi Yeyu confronted was a ferocious Transcendent monster after all. It spat fire at Yi Yeyu, hoping to scare her away. As Lin Huang and Li Lang were anticipating her next move, they were shocked to see that Yi Yeyu did not avoid the spitting fire at all. She did not even swing her sword to defend herself from the fire but she plunged into the fire instead.

What she did stunned even the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard.

"Is this human dumb? How could she dive straight into the fire…?" Thought the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard.

"Is she…crazy?" Li Lang mumbled to himself.

"No, she must have done that after some serious consideration." Lin Huang remembered clearly that Xue Luo had inserted a red flaming bird's monster soul into Yi Yeyu's body to save her…

Chapter 294: Killed in One Hit?!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yi Yeyu dived straight into the fire that the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard spat out but to everyone's surprise, nothing happened to her body. She had only found out about her immunity to fire seven months ago. It was when she had leveled up to a complete gold-level not long ago. Since her combat strength had yet to stabilize, she logged into the Hunter Arena as she had nothing else to do. After a couple of battles, she encountered an opponent that possessed fire elemental attributes.

She thought she would lose but after the intense battle, she realized that the fire-based attacks from her opponent could not harm her in the least. She won that particular battle. After logging out of the Hunter Arena, she attempted to burn her hand with fire. After several experimental attempts and confirming that she was immune to fire, she informed her family about her confounding discovery.

Her family then ran some tests on her body and realized that her body had gone through a major change. The change did not only make her body immune to fire; it also made her body highly compatible with fire. However, Yi Yeyu never had talents or monster skills that were of the fire element, so she could not make sense of that. Hence, her family picked the Fire Phoenix as the monster to get her to level up to holy fire-level. As long as she obtained the fire seed from the Fire Phoenix, she would be able to light up her Life Fire to obtain the secret Flaming Sword of Thunder skill. By then, with the help of the fire compatibility in her body, she would be able to execute the secret skill perfectly. Consequently, she might be able to be a genius that surpassed Yi Zheng.

Not many people knew about her immunity to fire. She had not wanted to swim across the lava river earlier as she did not want to reveal her secret, but not because she was afraid of emerging bald. If she had swum in the lava, none of her hair or eyebrows would be burnt off. People would be speculating if they saw that scene. However, she was not afraid to reveal her secret to Li Lang and Lin Huang since the latter had already revealed that he was Sword Genius and summoned three double mutated monsters in front of them. Although she was not close to Li Lang, judging from Lin Huang's trust he had for Li Lang, Yi Yeyu could tell that he was a trustworthy person.

That was the reason why she revealed her secret before the both of them. As the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard spat fire towards her, she went towards it without thinking twice. Nothing happened to her army green attire and her hair swayed in the air, making her look extra cool. Before the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard could do anything, Yi Yeyu's green saber relic pierced through its body with a golden glow at the tip of the saber.

Even Yi Yeyu herself was shocked as she did not expect her attack to go so smoothly. She recalled that Lin Huang had warned her of the monster's high defenses. The Fiendish Terraflame Lizard was stunned too. Not only could the fire do nothing to Yi Yeyu, even its defense which it was extremely proud of, was completely broken through. When it snapped out of its shock, her saberhad completely pierced into its body, leaving just the saber handle outside.

Yi Yeyu immediately set her thoughts aside and inserted all her Life Power into her saber. The Fiendish Terraflame Lizard groaned while fire spilled uncontrollably out of its mouth and nose. Looking at the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard struggling, it seemed to be experiencing intense pain. Li Lang gaped at the sight before him.

"So, this girl was hiding her real ability all along?" Li Lang turned around and asked Lin Huang.

He was not suspicious about how powerful the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard was as he could feel its aura from far away.

"It's not about her ability, it could be the characteristics of her Life Power which controlled the monster." Lin Huang knew what was happening. Theoretically, the attack should not have been able to break through the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard's defenses, so the frenzy that the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard was experiencing was odd.

As the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard roared, red flame spilled out of its mouth and nose continuously. Its body was changing colors and it seemed like its body had lost control as a result of Yi Yeyu's attack. Meanwhile, she held tightly to her saber handle without letting go. She looked like she was taming a wild horse that had gone out of control. However, the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard's reaction only lasted for a couple of seconds. The flames from its body soon disappeared and its body became stiff.

A while later, after Yi Yeyu confirmed that the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard was dead, she then pulled out her saber while investigating the monster's body. She actually had no idea what just happened. Seeing that the battle had ended, Lin Huang and Li Lang summoned their monsters and went to Yi Yeyu.

"How did you do that? You killed this Transcendent monster in one hit!" Li Lang asked Yi Yeyu while looking stunned.

"I don't know…" Yi Yeyu could tell that it had something to do with the change in her body but she had no idea what had exactly happened.

Lin Huang extended his hand towards the body and inserted his Life Power into it. Later on, he retracted his hand and said to Yi Yeyu, "There's no fire element left in it…Your body can control monsters with fire attributes and your Life Power might possess a special energy that can oppress such monsters. Perhaps that was how you managed to do that with that one attack."

"Lin Huang, please get me some other different monsters of the fire element. I'd like to try my abilities out." Yi Yeyu was eager to know more about her body secret.

"That's easy, most of the monsters in this ruins have the fire attribute," Lin Huang agreed immediately.

Yi Yeyu put the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard's body that was the size of a hill into her storage space and summoned the Rainbow Sparrow.

Lin Huang summoned Bloody and asked, "Is there any fire-type Transcendent monster around us?"

Bloody nodded and pointed towards a particular direction.

The three of them headed for the determined direction of their monsters. In less than half an hour, the three of them landed with Bloody's guidance. After recalling their monsters, Bloody got down from Lin Huang's left hand and moved forward like a lightning bolt. They chased after it and soon, they saw the second Transcendent monster. It was a huge Volcanic Giant…

Chapter 295: I Hate Spiders!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The Volcanic Giant belongs to the undead. It has powerful defenses and super regeneration abilities. The only way to kill it is to break its volcanic heart in its chest. This monster has powerful strength and explosive abilities. It can invoke a burning sensation in its attack," Lin Huang explained to the both of them.

"Let me try killing it, if I can't handle, you can help." Yi Yeyu said to Li Lang. She then summoned the Rainbow Sparrow and headed for the gigantic human-form monster.

After fighting the Volcanic Giant for a while, she avoided its punch several times and pierced her sword into its head. Its tough head was like a soft tofu that she pierced through easily without any effort with the green sword. The Volcanic Giant toppled onto the ground, proving that even though Yi Yeyu did not aim for its heart, her sword could extinguish the fire in its heart. It had also confirmed Lin Huang's speculation. Even he could not kill that Volcanic Giant easily.

He then walked over to investigate the Volcanic Giant's body and the same thing that happened to the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard occurred. The fire in its body disappeared. After putting away the Volcanic Giant's body, Yi Yeyu agreed with Lin Huang's theory about her ability to suppress fire element monsters.

"Let's try killing non-fire element monsters. If you can do the same, that shows that your body can cause this effect to more than just fire element monsters," Lin Huang suggested.


Yi Yeyu had the same idea as Lin Huang after killing two fire element monsters consecutively. She wanted to see if she could do the same to other types of monsters that were not of the fire element.

Bloody slithered out of Lin Huang's sleeve when Lin Huang instructed it to look for a non-fire element monster. Soon, it guided the three of them towards the fourth monster. Around half an hour later, they arrived at their destination. The Transcendent monster that they had picked this time was an undying monster called the Afflicted Weaver.

"I hate spiders…" Seeing that her target was a spider that was as huge as a hill, Yi Yeyu had goosebumps all over her body.

"Spiders are cute! Look that those eight round eyes blinking on top of its head and the sexy hair on its legs," Li Lang smirked.

"Go f*ck yourself!" Yi Yeyu shouted.

"This is an Afflicted Weaver. I bet you guys have heard of this monster." Lin Huang looked at the both of them questioningly.

"The Afflicted Weaver that has spells on it?" Li Lang raised his eyebrow, not looking too well.

"Yes, you'll be cursed with bad luck if any of the thorns on its body cut you unless you kill it and bathe yourself in its blood. Or else, you'll have bad luck for a month." Lin Huang confirmed.

"Why not we find another one?" Li Lang wanted to back out.

"Didn't you say that this spider is cute?" Yi Yeyu glared at Li Lang.

"I…" Li Lang did not expect his teasing to end up like this.

"We can change to another monster if you don't want to kill this one," suggested Lin Huang upon seeing their hesitation although he did not think that this monster was a threat.

"It's okay, I'll kill this one then!" Yi Yeyu rejected Lin Huang's suggestion.

"Didn't you say that you hate spiders?" Li Lang looked at Yi Yeyu in confusion.

"Because I hate it, I must kill it." Yi Yeyu's answer rendered everyone speechless.

Li Lang simply could not understand how a woman's mind worked.

"Since you have decided, then let's try it out." Lin Huang recalled the time when Yi Yeyu had used a relic to kill all the spiders the last time. She really hated them!

"Try not to be cut by its thorns during the battle. Besides bad luck, there's venom in the thorns. Be aware of its spider web as well, don't get in contact with that as it'll make your body numb. Those are the two points you should take note of. I trust you can take care of the rest," advised Lin Huang.

"Same old, same old. I'll try to kill it but if I can't handle, come help me," Yi Yeyu said to Li Lang. She rode on the Rainbow Sparrow and headed towards the Afflicted Weaver.

Seeing that Yi Yeyu left, Lin Huang said, "Li Lang, get ready to help her."

"Do you doubt that she'll be able to kill it?" Li Lang asked.

"She might not be able to kill it in one hit like she did earlier."

As they chatted, Yi Yeyu had confronted the Afflicted Weaver. After managing to avoid its attacks, she dashed forward and aimed her green sword relic on the Afflicted Weaver's abdomen.


The tip of her sword collided with the Afflicted Weaver's hard shell and a clear metal noise rang out. There was a light, white stripe left on its shell. Seeing her failure to pierce through the shell, Yi Yeyu backed off immediately as she was now sure that her body could only cause that effect to fire element monsters and could not do the same to other monsters. Noticing that Yi Yeyu could not break through its defenses, the Afflicted Weaver seemed to have its guard down and it rushed towards Yi Yeyu.

Yi Yeyu panicked when she saw the giant spider chasing after her. All she could do was to block its attack clumsily.

"You should go now," Lin Huang said to Li Lang.

"Okay!" Li Lang then rode on his Ashenquill Eagle and headed to where Yi Yeyu was. Li Lang's weapon was a black spear relic. Lin Huang could sense the spear's power from afar and he could tell that it was at least a rank-3 relic. Li Lang had a nifty skill and if it were to be made into a card, it would definitely be an epic-level card. He had mastered the skill well; even Lin Huang did not expect Li Lang's skill to reach the foundation of the realms. As soon as he had sufficient battle experiences, he could get to the level-1 realm.

When Li Lang joined the battle, Yi Yeyu calmed down. She managed to perform up to more than 90% of her ability. Both of them managed to kill the Afflicted Weaver more than an hour later. Just when Lin Huang landed with Alexandrian Eagle, he heard Yi Yeyu expressing her loathing for the monster.

"Ugh! How disgusting! You can keep the body." Looking at the dead Afflicted Weaver, Yi Yeyu had goosebumps rise again.

Li Lang put the body in his storage space unwillingly and showed his sad face to Lin Huang.

Lin Huang looked at the sun and said, "Today is only the second day and we've already killed four monsters out of six. Great progress. You guys must be exhausted, let's have lunch and get some rest."

"Let's grill the spider. The leg can totally feed the three of us since we don't have to submit the complete body anyway," Li Lang suggested and laughed.

"Go f*ck yourself!" Yi Yeyu glared deadly at him while Lin Huang shook his head and munched on his snacks…

Chapter 296: Unsealing The Nephilic Judge

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was almost 12:30 p.m. after they finished lunch. Yi Yeyu and Li Lang had drained a huge chunk of their Life Power after the battle because they had to perform their ultimate move a couple of times before managing to kill the Afflicted Weaver. Lin Huang knew very well that with their condition, they would not be able to continue any battles for the day.

"You guys can rest here. Let me kill the remaining two monsters and I'll come back to meet you guys after I'm done," Lin Huang suggested.

Their mission of killing six Transcendent monsters was halfway completed as they had already killed four monsters. Lin Huang planned to kill the remaining two so that he could do his own stuff for the next eight days.

"Although we have enough time, it'd be great if we could complete it earlier."

Li Lang was the kind of person who would take his own sweet time and delay until the last minute. Otherwise, he would have been more powerful than he was right now. Lin Huang could tell that his talent in spear-handling and his battle experience was excellent from the way he had fought the spider earlier.

Meanwhile, Yi Yeyu knew that they would have to part ways after the mission was completed. She was upset but she did not stop Lin Huang from leaving.

"We will wait for you here," Yi Yeyu said to Lin Huang.

Seeing that the both of them did not stop him, Lin Huang then summoned the Alexandrian Eagle and headed far away with Bloody's guidance.

As Lin Huang disappeared into the sky, Li Lang mumbled to himself, "Let's finish this and part ways when Lin Huang comes back."

"It's great that we are parting ways. I don't like following people around anyway," Yi Yeyu lied unwillingly.

"I didn't expect Lin Huang to grow so much in less than a year. Besides his talent, he has put in unimaginable effort to get to where he is today." Li Lang smiled awkwardly. He clearly remembered seeing Lin Huang's potential 11 months ago when he had treated him as a junior that time, thinking that Lin Huang possessed a talent in gun fighting and battle experience. He never expected Lin Huang to surpass him.

Yi Yeyu fell into deep thought after hearing what Li Lang said. Throughout the 10 months, she had only managed to level up from a gold-level rank-3 to a complete gold-level. However, Lin Huang had managed to level up from an ordinary person without any Life Power to a gold-level rank-2 now. What she could not accept was that Lin Huang who was only a gold-level rank-2 had managed to kill a double mutated Transcendent monster while she could not even kill a single mutated Transcendent spider.

Lin Huang had no idea that he had made the both of them contemplate their lives.

"Bloody, go find a dark creature."

Lin Huang was certain about what he wanted. His priority was to look for a monster to kill to unseal his summoning monster. His first choice was the Nephilic Judge as it was the easiest to unseal within these ruins. All it had to do was to cleanse a Transcendent dark creature.

Bloody nodded and pointed to a direction. Lin Huang then maneuvered the Alexandrian Eagle and headed towards the lead. Under the guidance of Bloody, Lin Huang arrived at the destination 40 minutes later. The Alexandrian Eagle landed outside the sensory coverage of the Transcendent monster.

Lin Huang recognized the Transcendent monster from afar.

"The Undead Soldier …"

The Undead Soldier was an undead monster that could turn itself into an undead creature from a dead body with a special kind of mutation. Such monster was difficult as it would not die even if its head was chopped off. The only way to kill it was to destroy its entire body.

Of course, it had a weakness. Similar to most undead creatures, it was terrified of the purification force some creatures had in their attacks.

"I'm not sure if the Nephilic Judge's lightning is considered a type of purification force…" Despite Lin Huang's uncertainty, he summoned the Nephilic Judge who was excited when she saw where the Undead Soldier was. Lin Huang could sense her eagerness.

"Go then. If you can't manage to finish it, I'll help you." Lin Huang assured the Nephilic Judge. The six wings behind the Nephilic Judge shook slightly while she whizzed towards the Undead Soldier far away.

The Undead Soldier was wearing an old armor on it, its body similar to the Nephilic Judge's. Seeing the Nephilic Judge heading its way, it attacked immediately. A terrifying force was released out of its greenish-purple hand. As it waved its hand, there was an explosion in the air. The Nephilic Judge did not run away. Instead, she took out her purple spear and aimed it at the Undead Soldier with golden lightning sparks flying out of the tip of the spear.

Lin Huang watched the Undead Soldier became stiff and fall onto the floor following her attack.

"Congratulations, you have received a Monster Card - Undead Soldier x1"

"Killed in one hit?!" Lin Huang was shocked. The Nephilic Judge floated in the air with a white glow beaming down from the sky. It looked like a giant spot light shining on her. Golden lightning filled her body and her aura was getting more and more powerful.

"Perhaps there's her lightning contains the purification force," Lin Huang thought to himself.

The Nephilic Judge stayed afloat in the air for two to three minutes. Her 2.5 meter-tall body was shrinking fast under the white glow but it stopped when she reached 1.7 meters in height. As she shrunk, her body was even better formed under the silver armor.

"Congratulations, you have unsealed the Nephilic Judge card!"

"Congratulations, the Nephilic Judge has received a new skill - Purification Light."

Lin Huang took a look at the description of the Nephilic Judge immediately.

"Monster Card"

"Rarity: Epic"

"Monster Name: The Nephilic Judge"

"Type of Monster: Half Angel"

"Combat Level: White Flame-level"

"Skill 1: Spearheart"

"Skill 2: Seraphic Speed"

"Skill 3: Seraphic Wings

"Skill 4: Judgement Spear

"Skill 5: Lightning Control (Advanced)

"Skill 6: Elemental Transformation (Lightning)

"Skill 7: Purification Light (Light Attribute)

"Summon Authority: Activated"

"Card Remarks: Trainable"

"Purification Light: A holy glow with a force that can purify most evil force."

"Remark 1: Major damage on dark creatures."

"Remark 2: Evil force will be melted away when it's used on non-dark creatures."

After the unsealing was completed, the white glow shining on the Nephilic Judge faded away. The Nephilic Judge looked at Lin Huang and dashed towards him, stopping less than two meters away from him.

"There was a Nephilic Judge called 'Kyle' in a game that I used to play. I shall name you Kylie then, so you'd be Kyle's sister," Lin Huang christened the Nephilic Judge without her permission. She did not respond to him at all.

"Your silence means that you agree to the name," Lin Huang smirked. Without waiting for her rejection, he then recalled her into her card form and put it away.

"Kylie's unsealing is done, it's Tyrant's turn now…" Lin Huang rode on the Alexandrian Eagle again and patted its back.

"Let's go to the jungle with the Undying Bloodoaks!"

Chapter 297: Bloody's New Skill

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang arrived in the jungle where the Undying Bloodoaks were at an hour later. Many had suffered here a few days back. If not for Lin Huang, at least a third of the participants would have been disqualified during the first round of training. Initially, Lin Huang thought that he would get Tyrant to pluck out all the trees in the jungle as it was strong. It could do that easily without using its Life Power, but it would take some time. However, with Kylie's Purification Light skill now, she would be able to clear the trees much faster than Tyrant could. Moreover, Kylie was a Transcendent monster now, so she was more powerful than the gold-level Undying Bloodoak.

Lin Huang smirked as he looked at the eerie jungle beneath him. He then summoned the Nephilic Judge, Kylie.

"Kylie, clear the jungle beneath."

Kylie then looked at the jungle beneath while golden electric arcs sparkled on her body with a white mist-like glow flowing out. A golden lightning ball formed on her purple spear and a white star-shaped glow was formed in the middle of the lightning ball.

Within seconds, the lightning ball grew to the size of an adult fist with its white glow spreading out like a mini star. When Kylie pointed her spear into the sky, the lightning ball pierced through the clouds and exploded. As a mellow boom was heard, the clouds started turning dark. There were golden electric arcs shining within the clouds and soon the clouds became white. The Undying Bloodoaks seemed to sense the purifying force from the sky and it started to get frustrated while swinging its branches around vigorously. Some of them even started attacking the other Undying Bloodoaks next to them with the attempt to absorb more Life Force to defend themselves from the incoming purification force.

Two to three minutes later, the first lightning bolt came hurtling down. It was white in color. Within seconds, it lit up the sky and hit one of the thick Undying Bloodoaks in the jungle. The Undying Bloodoak that was struck by the lightning stopped moving. On its surface, nothing seemed to have happened. However, as the Undying Bloodoak next to it touched it by accident, the second one burst into flames and turned into ashes.

"It's burnt into ashes now…" Even Lin Huang was shocked when he saw what happened. Watching from afar, he could feel the purification aura that was released from the Undying Bloodoak that had been struck by the lightning. Soon, more and more lightning bolts struck and the lightning covered the entire jungle. Under Kylie's control and oppression, the Undying Bloodoaks died one by one without having the ability to defend themselves. Notifications kept popping up to inform Lin Huang about the Undying Bloodoak card pieces that he had obtained. He accumulated up to a thousand card pieces within seconds.

Meanwhile, his Life Power was increasing as well. Within seconds, he leveled up from gold-level rank-2 to gold-level rank-3. Even the columns in the 12th Life Wheel that had just been activated were filled up at the speed of light. It only took two to three seconds for his initial Life Wheels to become full while the remaining four Life Wheels were filling up at the same time. Ten seconds later, all five of his Life Wheels were overflowing.

"Massive amount of Life Power is detected. Would you like to activate your Life Power Refill Card?"

Lin Huang just recalled that he had obtained that card not long ago when he saw the notification from Xiao Hei.

"Yes!" Lin Huang decided without thinking twice as his Life Wheels could not contain the extra Life Power. To move up from gold-level rank-3 to complete gold-level, he would require a repetitive rotation of Life Power compression. Before that happened, as soon as the 12 circles of gold-level rank-3 Life Power were full, the Life Wheels were unable to contain more Life Power.

Although Lin Huang had no idea how much of Life Power the Life Power Refill Card could contain, he decided to use it anyway. Suddenly, a fifth golden Life Wheel appeared on the black Life Power Refill Card. It was in the same arrangement as the Life Wheels in Lin Huang's body. However, the columns on it were all blank. Soon, those columns were also being filled up. Within less than half a minute, the first 12 columns in the first Life Wheel were filled, followed by the second Life Wheel…

"That's not enough. I shall get more Life Power Refill Cards then…" Lin Huang thought and communicated with Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, how many card pieces do I need to redeem a Life Power Refill Card?"

"You will need 10,000 level-1 Monster Card pieces to redeem one Life Power Refill Card. The restriction placed on your authorization only allows you to own three Life Power Refill Cards."

"Level-1 Monster Card pieces? There are levels to the card pieces now?" Lin Huang asked.

"Yes, there was none as you didn't own any level-2 Monster Card pieces."

"So you're saying level-1 card pieces are the Life Wheel-level Monster Card pieces? Does that mean iron-level to gold-level would be considered level-1 while holy fire-level would be considered level-2?" Lin Huang came up with the assumption as he had never received card pieces of Transcendent monsters before entering the ruins.

"Your assumption is basically right, but I'll have to correct you. Most of the Monster Card pieces of the Life Wheel-level belong to level-1, excluding double mutated monsters and above. Monsters of double mutation and holy fire-level belong to level-2. Meanwhile, triple mutated and immortal-level monsters belong to level-3. You get the idea…"

"I understand now!" Lin Huang understood the breakdown of card pieces by level now.

"You said that I'm only allowed three Life Power Refill Cards. Does that include the one that I am holding now or do I get to redeem three more at the card pieces mall?"

"Including the one you are holding now, you can only buy two more from the card pieces mall," Xiao Hei replied.

"Alright then…I shall redeem two Life Power Refill Cards." Lin Huang figured that Xiao Hei would give him that answer but he tried his luck anyway as the card was useful.

"You don't have enough card pieces now, so you can only redeem one at the moment. At the current speed of your obtaining card pieces, you can redeem the second one around three minutes later."

"Alright, I shall redeem one now. Please help me redeem the second one when I have enough card pieces later." Lin Huang nodded.

"Are you sure you would like to consume 10,000 card pieces to redeem one Life Power Refill Card?"

"Yes!" Lin Huang instructed immediately.

"10,000 level-1 card pieces have been deducted. Congratulations, you have obtained Life Power Refill Card x1."

The second Life Power Refill Card appeared on his hand. Two minutes later, the five Life Wheels in his first Life Power Refill Card were full and entered his body automatically. He then took out the second Life Power Refill Card and started filling it with Life Power. Not long later, he received the third Life Power Refill Card that he had redeemed automatically while his second Life Power Refill Card was filled at the same time. He started filing his third Life Power Refill Card immediately.

As the sky was raining with lightning bolts, tens of thousands of Undying Bloodoaks were killed by the purification force. A couple of minutes later, the third Life Power Refill Card was full. However, Kylie carried on with her massacre.

"It's so wasteful to just let this Life Power slip away. Is there no other container that I can use?" Lin Huang thought to himself.

Suddenly, Bloody came out of his sleeve and said to him in his mind, "Master, share some of the Life Power with me so that I can get to gold-level rank-3."

"Sure!" Lin Huang agreed immediately. After his third Life Power Refill Card was filled, he started sharing his Life Power with Bloody from his Life Wheel. Bloody slithered out of his sleeve to the ground and returned to its original form of a thousand-meter giant bloody boa. Under the shower of Life Power, Bloody leveled up to gold-level in an instant. His size was much bigger than before now, its thickness growing from the size of an arm that of a pail. It looked like a real giant boa now.

After Bloody leveled up to gold-level, it did not stop and leveled up to gold-level rank-3. However, it did not stop there.

"Don't stop, I can still get more."

Lin Huang was concerned that Bloody might not be able to take more Life Power. Just when he was ready to stop the Life Power transfer, Bloody requested to go on with it. Lin Huang did not reject it as it would be wasteful for the extra Life Power to just slip away like that. Since Bloody could handle it, he decided to go with it with the concern that it might overestimate its ability.

Although Bloody's combat strength did not grow, it was growing fast in size. It was less than 1500 meters long when it was gold-level rank-3 with the thickness of a pail. Its length was growing rapidly to 2000 meters...3000 meters together with the increase in thickness from half a meter to a whole meter…As time passed by, it grew so big that it looked like a giant now. There were even purple flowers growing on its body and it was much denser than before with even more vibrance in its colors…

Lin Huang was concerned that Bloody would explode as he watched its growth. However, he noticed that the speed of its growth started to slow down…

"Congratulations, your epic-level Monster Card Bloody had acquired a new skill - Limitless Ingestion."

"Limitless Ingestion: Ability to ingest 100 times of force that the monster possesses."

"Remarks: Most of the forces including Life Power can be ingested besides limited special forces."

Lin Huang was surprised when he saw the notification from Xiao Hei. He did not expect Bloody to obtain a new skill under such a condition. Since then, Bloody started to shrink although its aura was increasing. It rose rapidly within minutes!

"Does that mean Bloody is a complete gold-level now?" Lin Huang did not expect Bloody to break through its combat strength once again.

Chapter 298: Greatsword Fiend

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The lightning bolts that were raining down lasted for 20 minutes before fading away. Within that period, Kylie had turned more than 50,000 struggling Undying Bloodoaks into ashes. With Kylie's help, Lin Huang did not just level up to gold-level rank-3, he had also filled up all three of his Life Power Refill Cards. Even Bloody benefitted from the battle, leveling up from silver-level rank-3 to complete gold-level as well as acquiring a new skill.

After redeeming the Life Power Refill Cards with 20,000 card pieces, Lin Huang had 30,000 Undying Bloodoaks card pieces as well as more than 20 Undying Bloodoaks complete cards. He had no idea what to do with the cards yet, so he put them aside and summoned Tyrant in excitement.

"Tyrant, try the spiritual lava under the ground and see if it can unseal you." Lin Huang pointed under his feet.

Tyrant punched the ground hard, making it unstable all around, then it collapsed. He then reached for the spiritual lava with his hand. After a while, he retracted his hand which was completely red. Although there were no burn marks, it was clear that the spiritual lava could break through his defenses and injure him. However, Tyrant did not seem to mind at all. He smiled widely and nodded at Lin Huang.

"Alright then, stay here to cultivate for a while and I'll get Kylie to guard the place. I'll recall you back 12 days later after you are done with the unsealing."

Tyrant nodded and stomped hard on the ground before even waiting for Lin Huang to leave. The ground under his feet collapsed and he fell into the spiritual lava, disappearing altogether.

"Kylie, stay here to look after the big guy for the time being. Don't let anybody interrupt him. If any monsters come close, kill them. If they're human, just chase them away," Lin Huang instructed Kylie. Kylie stood there without giving any response, neither nodding nor shaking her head.

Lin Huang knew that she understood him as long as his instruction was not too complicated. Even a normal summoning monster of iron-level could understand his instructions through the mind connection. A double mutated monster could grasp a basic understanding of the human language, if not the basic instructions. Lin Huang figured that Kylie's coldness might be a characteristic that the Nephilic Judge was born with.

He did not dwell further on it and looked at Bloody that just slithered back into his sleeve. Although Bloody was already a complete gold-level, perhaps its skills were not complete; Lin Huang had yet to see the unsealing conditions. Thus, he decided to unseal other monsters before Bloody. Among all of his summoning monsters, Kylie had completed the unsealing while Tyrant was almost there. The Sanguine Skeletal Spirit was already a white flame-level which did not require unsealing. The remaining ones would be Bai, Charcoal and the Ruthless Sword Master.

Charcoal would need dracaena to unseal its potential but there was none in the ruins, so it had to wait. For Bai, he would need to kill a double mutated monster and suck all its blood for the unsealing to be successful. The Ruthless Sword Master's unsealing conditions were to kill nine different sword type Transcendent monsters. Both Bai and the Ruthless Sword Master's terms were not easily met but Lin Huang wanted to try anyway.

"Bloody, help me find if there are any monsters for Bai and the Ruthless Sword Master. One should be a double mutated Transcendent monster with blood while the other one should be a sword type Transcendent," Lin Huang instructed Bloody.

"I have done the investigation in this area. There's one sword type Transcendent monster," Bloody replied through its mind immediately. It was past two in the afternoon and it had been more than 24 hours since the Ruthless Sword Master had performed the Absolute Life skill at 10 in the morning yesterday.

"Give me the coordinates," Lin Huang said while projecting the map. Bloody marked a red dot on the map immediately, then Lin Huang summoned the Alexandrian Eagle and headed to the coordinates. Seeing that Lin Huang had left, Kylie turned to the spot on the ground where Tyrant had broken and sat next to it without moving.

Almost one and a half hour later, Lin Huang arrived at his destination with Bloody's guidance. After the Alexandrian Eagle landed, Lin Huang then launched his Boundless Vision and saw a gigantic human-form monster far away. The monster was more than 10 meters tall and it looked like a giant human except for its face and skin that were greenish-purple like it was poisoned. Black armor covered most of its body. There was a sword in its right hand that was almost 10 meters in length, which was almost of the equivalent of its height.

"This is…the Greatsword Fiend?" Lin Huang recognized it immediately. It was a demonic single mutated monster with immense explosive strength. With its sword, the fatality of its attacks was terrifying. Its armor that looked like a tortoise's shell was practically impenetrable. However, its only disadvantage was its slow speed.

"It'll have to use its ultimate move to kill this monster…" Lin Huang thought to himself before summoning the Ruthless Sword Master. He was curious about how the Ruthless Sword Master would kill this monster if it did not use the Absolute Life skill.

The Ruthless Sword Master wore black armor and held a black sword in his hand. There was a black mist surrounding it together with an aura of death. His red single-eye was like a laser beam and it was difficult to look into his eye directly. He was less than two meters away but as he appeared, the Greatsword Fiend seemed to sense his presence and looked at his direction.

"I thought I'm outside of its detection zone. How can it still notice us? Is this ability coming from its sword?" Lin Huang frowned as he did not expect the Greatsword Fiend to sense their presence.

The Ruthless Sword Master looked at the Greatsword Fiend. Without waiting for Lin Huang's instructions, the Ruthless Sword Master dashed towards the Greatsword Fiend. Lin Huang raised his eyebrow, realizing that all of the double mutated monsters that he owned seemed to have their unique characteristics. The most obvious one would be Kylie which had just been unsealed.

"If all of them have their own attitudes, this team will be hard to lead…Luckily, it's only Bloody who can speak for now." Lin Huang could not imagine if all of his monsters could speak one day.

Meanwhile, the Ruthless Sword Master reached the Greatsword Fiend. What surprised Lin Huang was the Greatsword Fiend's apparent fear. It only performed up to 50% to 60% of its maximum ability during the battle. Besides, its defense did not seem to be effective under the Ruthless Sword Master's black sword. Every swing of the Ruthless Sword Master's sword seemed to cause it injuries. The battle only lasted less than half a minute and was finished when the Ruthless Sword Master defeated the Greatsword Fiend by piercing its sword into its head.

Just when Lin Huang was walking over to retrieve the monster carcass, a notification came in from Xiao Hei.

"Congratulations, you have obtained a new Monster Card - Greatsword Fiend (Sword Servant)"

Chapter 299: The Fire Phoenix Has Been Discovered!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I get a complete Monster Card straight away? Why is there 'Sword Servant' on the back?"

Lin Huang took a closer look at the card.

"Monster Card"

"Rarity: Rare"

"Type of Monster: Greatsword Fiend (Sword Servant)"

"Combat Level: White Flame-level"

"Skill 1: Fiend Armor"

"Skill 2: Superhuman Strength"

"Skill 3: Sacrificial Fiend"

"Skill 4: Edgeless Greatsword (Combat Skill)"

"Summon Authority: Restricted"

"Card Remarks: Passable"

"Remarks: The Ruthless Sword Master's affiliated card cannot be used before the corresponding skill is activated."

"The Ruthless Sword Master's affiliated card…can't be summoned…?" Lin Huang's eyes were wide open as he asked Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, do I get a complete card right away from all the sword type monsters that Ruthless Sword Master kills?"

"You will get a complete affiliated card straight away. However, you will only get a maximum of nine cards limited to sword type monsters only."

Lin Huang came up with a calculated possibility in his mind and asked again, "Can I choose the card again if I'm not satisfied with the one that I get?"

"Once confirmed, no re-selection is allowed. If the monster of the affiliated card dies, the affiliated card slot will be emptied and be replaced by other cards."

"Hmm, so it can only be replaced if the monster is dead…Seems like I need to choose wisely for the next eight cards." Lin Huang's eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"With the Ruthless Sword Master's character, I can get eight complete epic-level Monster Cards if I get him to kill double mutated sword type monsters!"

Lin Huang looked at the Ruthless Sword Master with a burning desire.

"What should I name it?" Lin Huang walked over to the Ruthless Sword Master and put away the Greatsword Fiend's carcass. He turned around and looked at the Ruthless Sword Master for awhile while sinking into his own thoughts.

"Since your sword is a ruthless one, I shall name you Lancelot."

The Ruthless Sword Master nodded, seeming to agree with the name it was christened.

"I've completed the mission of killing six Transcendent monsters but it'd be a waste to submit the double mutated Sanguine Skeletal Spirit. I shall kill another monster to replace that…" Lin Huang started planning to kill another Transcendent monster so that he could keep the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit.

As he was mumbling to himself, Bloody communicated with him, "Master, if you have any powerful double mutated monster carcasses in the future, you can give it to me to parasitize on it."

"You can do that to the carcass as well?" Lin Huang gasped in surprise.

"I couldn't, but now that my parasitical ability is more powerful now, I can do that. However, the probability of inheriting the host's memories is low. If the brain of the carcass is preserved properly, I can try to extract its memories and the probability of inheriting its memories would be much higher. However, I can only use soul monsters such as the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit without a brain as a puppet," Bloody explained.

"But I remember that you could only do that on creatures that are the same level as you or lower. Can you do that to Transcendent monsters already?" Lin Huang asked.

"Not yet, I'll need to unlock myself to Transcendent level before I can do that. The coverage of the Leech Pods won't be able to parasitize on creatures that are higher than my own combat level no matter what, unless mutation happens. Therefore, I need a powerful individual parasitical skill to get a cross-ranking parasitical ability. After all, survival skill isn't my priority." Not only Bloody did give him a thorough explanation, it even told Lin Huang about its plan for which skill it wanted to obtain.

"Sure, we shall study it once we get out." Lin Huang agreed with Bloody's idea.

"I haven't found any sword type or double mutated Transcendent monsters at the moment. Master, if you're just aiming to finish your mission, we could just get any Transcendent monster that is around the area. Am I right?" Bloody asked as it heard Lin Huang mumbling about wanting to kill another Transcendent monster to replace the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit.

"If that is so, let's just pick the nearest one." Lin Huang nodded and projected the map.

"There's a Blazecrystal Scorpion at 11 o'clock around 1,500 kilometers away." Bloody marked the spot on the map.

After recalling Lancelot, Lin Huang rode on the Alexandrian Eagle and headed towards 11 o'clock. Around one and a half hours later, Lin Huang arrived near the monster. The Blazecrystal Scorpion was a gigantic scorpion with a crystal red body. It barely resembled a living thing, looking more like a carving that was made of a red crystal mineral. Under the sun, its body was crystal clear like a delicate piece of art.

Looking at the Blazecrystal Scorpion from far away, Lin Huang knew very well that such beauty was fatal. The Blazecrystal Scorpion was a mutated monster with a powerful attacking ability. It had explosive attacking speed, especially its tail that was terrifyingly agile. It could kill a monster that was a level higher than itself. Not only powerful, it also had strong venom in its body which was fatal to many creatures. Besides its attack prowess, its body was hard with high defense. It could also spit fire and lava to heal itself.

Such a monster ranked on the list for the most dangerous single mutated Transcendent monsters. According to Lin Huang's memory, it ranked at number 18 on the list.

"Doesn't seem to be easy…" Although Lin Huang said that, he was actually smirking as he did not think that the monster was a real threat to him. Just when he was ready to strike, Bloody communicated with him again, "Master, I discovered a Fire Phoenix!"

"What? Are you sure?!" Lin Huang did not expect Bloody to find Yi Yeyu's target as he did not have high hopes for that.

"I'm sure it's a Fire Phoenix, I remember all the monsters in the monster encyclopedia. I can't be wrong."

"It killed the parasite that I discovered it with. Without the parasite monitoring it, I don't know how long it'll stay there. We need to move now," Bloody advised.

Lin Huang was scared that the Fire Phoenix would disappear from Bloody's probe. However, just when he wanted to leave, he noticed that the Blazecrystal Scorpion's aura advancing nearer towards him.

"It's too late, the Blazecrystal Scorpion has found me…"

Chapter 300: Killing The Blazecrystal Scorpion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was planning to leave quietly as Bloody discovered the Fire Phoenix. However, the Blazecrystal Scorpion had noticed his presence so he could not run anymore.

"We won't waste any more time here, let's kill this fella once and for all." Lin Huang frowned while summoning Sanguine Skeletal Spirit. It was a white flame-level after all and was much more powerful than the Blazecrystal Scorpion but the Blazecrystal Scorpion had a strong defense. If they were to fight, it would take a long time. Lin Huang summoned it to help instead of fighting it.

"Use the Punishment Chains to tie it up and I'll settle the rest." Lin Huang instructed. The Blazecrystal Scorpion sensed the double mutated aura of the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit and suddenly, it was hesitant to get closer and as the Blazecrystal Scorpion stood hesitantly the sly Sanguine Skeletal Spirit activated its Punishment Chains . The nine flaming chains dashed towards Blazecrystal Scorpion, it was too late for it to run. The chains surrounded it and its Life Power was now sealed. Without any Life Power, no matter how much it struggled, it was futile.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang had his sword relic in his hand with two wheels of Life Power inserted in. He was ready to perform his ultimate move - Worldly Purification . He leaped into the air and pierced through the Blazecrystal Scorpion's head. A golden glow flashed and the Blazecrystal Scorpion collapsed straightaway. It could not escape death today with the battle taking less than half a minute. Lin Huang then stored Blazecrystal Scorpion's carcass and recalled Sanguine Skeletal Spirit while summoning the Alexandrian Eagle.

Lin Huang hopped onto Alexandrian Eagle's back and said, "Let's go to Yi Yeyu and tell her about the Fire Phoenix, then we'll leave together." Without the communication device, it was the only way to inform Yi Yeyu.

"Bloody, help me mark down the coordinates of the Fire Phoenix."

The Alexandrian Eagle flapped its wings and headed towards where Yi Yeyu and Li Lang were. While they were in the air Bloody marked down the coordinates of the Fire Phoenix.

"Luckily it's along the way for Yi Yeyu." Lin Huang said as he looked at the map, it was in the same direction as Yi Yeyu was located in. Although it was not a direct route, it was not too far away. After confirming that, Lin Huang got the Alexandrian Eagle to go faster while he took out a Life Power Refill Card. He had drained two wheels of Life Power earlier to kill the Blazecrystal Scorpion faster. He wanted to use the Life Power Refill Card to fill up his Life Power so that his performance would be at its peak as the battle with the Fire Phoenix might be a tough one. After all, Fire Phoenix was a double mutated transcendent monster with phoenix blood. It was the same ranking as a sky dragon. In the world of double mutated monsters, its ability was definitely on top. As compared to a double mutated Sanguine Skeleton Spirit, it could be one rank higher.

As he activated the Life Power Refill Card and he could feel that the two empty Life Wheels were filling up at the speed of light. The feeling was similar to being under the sun during winter time, it was comfortable as the warmth flowed into his body. In less than two seconds, the two empty Life Wheels were full, leaving two empty wheels out of the five Life Wheels on the Life Power Refill Card.

"That's fast, it's surprising that there's no unpleasant feeling nor side-effects." Lin Huang took a look at the Life Power in his body. Everything was normal.

"This card is amazing!" Lin Huang was glad as he looked at the Life Power Refill Card in his hand.

He started thinking of a plan to fight the Fire Phoenix after keeping the card.

"If I use the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit's Punishment Chains to seal the Fire Phoenix's Life Power, it would be so much easier to kill it. But having to explain how I got the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit would be a major problem."

"The Sanguine Skeletal Spirit is a double mutated monster and even though we're in the ruins that's suitable for the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit to live, the probability of encountering a second one would be rare. Let alone having to tell them that I got lucky…"

"Moreover, under normal circumstance, an Imperial Censor would have to come to terms with their summoning monster and train them slowly. It would take one to two weeks for a fast-learner and about two to three months for those who are slow. Only a powerful Imperial Censor could control a summoning monster right away."

"If I appear with Sanguine Skeletal Spirit when I meet Yi Yeyu and Li Lang, they would definitely figure that it has something to do with the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit that was killed earlier…"

"That's not going to work. The only way is to say that Mr. Fu captured this Sanguine Skeletal Spirit for me as a summoning monster!" Lin Huang decided to push everything to Mr. Fu since it was quite impossible for them to verify with Mr. Fu on such matters.

"However, no matter how much I help, the one who kills the Fire Phoenix would have to be Yi Yeyu. If not, she wouldn't be able to extract the fire seed, light up Life Fire and level-up to holy fire-level." Lin Huang then thought of another issue.

"But even if its Life Power is sealed, the Fire Phoenix's body is powerful itself. If it's not controlled by Yi Yeyu, she might not be able to fight it…"

Lin Huang was coming up with scenarios of what could happen in the battle. As he thought, he realized that it was not possible for Yi Yeyu to level-up to holy fire-level.

"Nevermind, I shall stop thinking about it. Level-up or not, I must help her as her friend. The rest would depend on her luck."

An hour and a half later, he finally made it to Yi Yeyu and Li Lang. The both of them, who were recovering their Life Power, opened their eyes as they heard a flapping sound from the Alexandrian Eagle.

"Follow me! I've found the Fire Phoenix!" Lin Huang shouted to the both of them before the Alexandrian Eagle had landed. The duo was shocked when they heard, they stopped what they were doing and stood up immediately.

"You sure it's a Fire Phoenix?" Yi Yeyu found it hard to believe as Lin Huang was only away for a couple of hours and now he had come back with such news.

"It wouldn't be wrong, I'll explain to you along the way. Come with me quick!" As time was tight, Lin Huang left with the Alexandrian Eagle while Yi Yeyu and Li Lang summoned their flying mounts and followed from behind on the Alexandrian Eagle…

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