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37.78% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 181: 261-270

Chapter 181: 261-270

Chapter 261: Lin Huang Leveled-Up To Gold-level

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sudden third mutation of the Ghastly Clown came unexpectedly to Lin Huang. However, he suspected the sudden mutation could have been caused by the intense battle it had with the silver-armored monster. The Ghastly Clown belonged to the psychic type and wasn't exactly good in a battle, especially close-quarter combat. On the other hand, the silver-armored creature was obviously a monster that was fast and an expert in close-quarter combat. Perhaps the immense stress from the silver-armored monster had triggered the Ghastly Clown to breakthrough.

As the Ghastly Clown left, the silver-armored monster was slammed into the ground with Lin Huang's immediate reaction.


After summoning Bai, Lin Huang followed behind him as they walked closer to the place where the silver-armored monster had fallen. It was a big, deep spherical hole that was at least 20 meters in diameter. Lin Huang looked from far away, the silver-armored monster had returned to its usual form, clad in silver armor. There was no lightning sparking on its body and it was lying at the bottom of the hole quietly. Its chest was almost completely destroyed but as there was no notification from Xiao Hei informing him that he had obtained any monster card pieces or a complete monster card, he was curious if the silver-armored monster had been killed by the Ghastly Clown's earlier slam.

"Bai, go take a look." Before confirming the silver-armored monster was dead, Lin Huang remained aware. Bai immediately jumped into the hole and glided down to the monster at the bottom of the hole. After observing the monster for a while, he nodded to Lin Huang, signaling that the coast was clear. Lin Huang then jumped into the hole and started to observe the silver-armored monster. He noticed that its chest was severely injured and it should have died from that hit. Although he had confirmed that the monster was not moving, Lin Huang was still worried as the monster just seemed too strong.

"Bai, tie up its wings and hands." Four Blood Spirit wings grew on Bai's back and instantly transformed into four whips, tying the silver-armored monster's wings and hands. Meanwhile, Lin Huang took out a Provisional Transformation Card as he looked at the remaining Life Power in his body.

"I didn't want to waste a transformation card but I need this now as I don't have sufficient Life Power to kill it."

As Bai watched, Lin Huang crushed the transformation card and transformed into Bai. He did not only have white hair but similar features as well. After Lin Huang transformed himself into Bai, he could feel that his Life Power was finally full again. While in his transformed body, he could still kill monsters to obtain their Life Seed. He had confirmed this when he killed the Purple Dressed Demon half a year ago.

He was unwilling to use a transformation card this time as he was sure that he was able to kill the silver-armored monster with his own strength, there was no need to waste one transformation card at all. However, he had inserted a total of four wheels of Life Power into Worldly Purification in order to break through the defense and since he had used up all of his Life Power, he had no more left to kill the silver-armored monster even though it was just lying there.

After he transformed, Lin Huang's combat strength was upgraded to gold-level rank-3 like Bai. He could feel that he was much stronger than he was before and the gold-level rank-3 Life Power in his body was full. After taking a while to adapt to his body, Lin Huang's eyes soon turned red with the four Blood Spirit wings growing on his back while the Life Power was continuously inserted into the top right wing.

Later on, the Blood Spirit wing transformed into blades and went at the silver-armored monster's badly injured chest with lightning speed. Before Lin Huang arrived in front of it, it seemed to sense the danger and woke up. It started struggling in an attempt to escape from Bai. However, it was too late and the blade pierced into its chest and through its back. The silver-armored monster stopped struggling and Lin Huang then heard two notifications from Xiao Hei.

"Congratulations, you have obtained an Epic Monster Card - Nephilic Judge!"

"You are currently in a unique mode; the transformation will be lifted automatically."

Before Lin Huang got to look at his new card, white Life Power came out of the Nephilic Judge's body into Lin Huang's body. The Life Wheel in his body changed rapidly, the color was changing from a silver color to a majestic gold color. Rings were added to the nine Life Wheels that he had in his body. 10 circles, 11 circles… It finally stopped when 12 columns of circles were formed and the silver Life Power had become golden.

As the changes took place with his Life Wheels, Lin Huang could feel that his ability was also upgrading. As more Life Light was inserted, a golden seed fell from the Nephilic Judge's body and into Lin Huang's Life Wheel.

"New Life Seed detected. Would you like to transform the Life Seed into a card?"

"Yes!" Lin Huang replied without hesitation.

A few minutes later, the Life Light had stopped transferring into Lin Huang's body and the changes were finally stabilizing. He could feel he was more powerful now with the silver Life Power now completely golden. The 12 circles of Life Wheels in his body were shining with columns of gold. They were a symbol that he had achieved gold-level. As he snapped out of it, Lin Huang looked at the new epic Monster Card that he had just obtained.

"Monster Card"

"Rarity: Epic"

"Monster Name: Nephilic Judge"

"Type of Monster: Half-angel"

"Combat Level: Gold-Level Rank-3 (Complete)"

"Skill 1: Spearheart "

"Skill 2: Seraphic Speed"

"Skill 3: Seraphic Wings"

"Skill 4: Judgement Spear"

"Skill 5: Lightning Control (Advance)"

"Skill 6: Elemental Transformation (Lightning)"

"Summon Authority: Activated"

"Remarks: Monster skills have yet to be fully discovered, two more skills are on the way"

"Card Remarks: Trainable"

"Spearheart: Enhance the understanding of spears; allowing one to achieve Spear Dao from within."

"Seraphic Speed: Once activated the movement and attack speeds will have an explosive increase and the neural responses will be immensely increased."

"Remarks: The skill is the result of a double upgrade of Rapid Speed."

"Seraphic Wings: The passive six wings can be used for flying and as a weapon as well as a defensive shield."

"Remarks: The wings can change modes up to a certain level."

"Judgement Spear: An epic-level spear skill, a complete set of spear skills in fighting and defense."

"Remarks: Two spear combat forms will be obtained in the next upgrade."

"Lightning Control (Advance): Can use this skill to control the elemental force of lightning."

"Elemental Transformation (Lightning): Can be used to transform the body into lightning."

"Remark 1: After the transformation, the body will be immune to basic physical attacks."

"Remark 2: If the physical attack contains any energy of a different kind; the two energies would collide, resulting in injuries."

Lin Huang was doubtful after reading the description of the card, he turned around and looked at Bai next to him and asked Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, since I'm now a gold-level, why didn't my epic-level cards also upgrade to holy fire-level following the upgrade of my combat strength? This seems to be the case for both the new gold-level rank-3 Nephilic Judge complete card that I just obtained along with Bai. Bloody aside, I thought that all the other cards with epic-level combat strength would be upgraded to at least the holy-fire level?

"The usual combat strength of epic-level cards are holy fire-level or above. However, the upgrade of a level won't automatically upgrade your Monster Cards as you would need to unseal those cards first. Since you're now gold-level, you can look at the unsealing conditions on the back of your cards."

Lin Huang immediately turned the card around and saw a golden lock in the middle of the card. He thought it was just decorative so he did not bothered to look any further. Now that Xiao Hei reminded him, he tapped on the golden lock.

"This card is currently sealed, you'll have to unseal the card to be able to upgrade it to the holy fire-level."

"Unsealing Condition: Get the Nephilic Judge to complete one judgment!"

"Description: Get the Nephilic Judge to kill a dark creature that is holy fire-level or above."

"Remark 1: You can lead other summoning monsters to help with the kill but no other parties are allowed to help."

"Remark 2: The assistants have to be lower than holy fire-level."

"It'll have to kill a transcendent dark creature?" Lin Huang frowned as he read the terms.

"Do these dark creatures mean demons, undead, and spirit type monsters?"

"Demons, undead, and spirit type monsters… All of them are dark creatures with negative energies." Xiao Hei explained.

"Each monster has different unsealing conditions them, right?" Lin Huang asked directly without looking at Bai and the other monster cards.

"Yes, the unsealing conditions for the cards are related to the monster itself." Xiao Hei answered with certainty.

"Alright then, I'll extract the skill first." Lin Huang wanted to settle this and then check on the Ghastly Clown as soon as he could.

"Skill extraction activated… Randomly picking a skill… Skill has been chosen… Congratulations, you've obtained - Lightning Control (Advance) ."

"Err, a skill to control the elements?" Lin Huang did not expect that he would obtain such a skill randomly. What he actually desired the most was Seraphic Speed . However, recalling the scene of the Nephilic Judge summoning the lightning, he had to admit that having the ability to control the elements was rather powerful.

"I'm not sure what I got for my Life Seed card…" Lin Huang then looked at his Life Seed card.

"Life Seed Card"

"Life Seed Name: Seraphic Speed"

"Rarity: Epic"

"Type: Intensification"

"Talent Effects: Once activated, the user's movement and attack speed will have an explosive increase along with an immense improvement in neural responses."

"Card Remarks: Not bad"

Lin Huang was relieved as the Seraphic Speed Life Seed was the upgrade of Rapid Speed that he had wanted earlier. After confirming that there was no problem in the Life Seed that he obtained, he looked towards the lake.

"I'm not sure how the Ghastly Clown is doing, let's go and check it out together."

Chapter 262: The Ultimate Mutation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After staring at the lake for a moment, Lin Huang said to Bloody that was hiding in his sleeve.

"Bloody, I'll recall you for now. If the Ghastly Clown really does break free and starts to attack me, I'll need Tyrant and the rest to fight with me."

Bloody came out of Lin Huang's sleeve and wrote on the writing board.

"Try your best not to fight it if you can. Master, you can't even begin to imagine the power of a triple mutated monster. the Ghastly Clown is very intelligent. If it evolves again, its intelligence would be even higher. Master, If it really did break free, perhaps you could try talking to it instead."

"Sure, I understand." Lin Huang recalled it after patting its head.

Lin Huang was slightly relieved after hearing what Bloody said. He thought if the Ghastly Clown really really did break free from the system, it might possibly kill him. Once a summoning monster breaks free from its Imperial Censor, its suppressed beastly instincts would usually take over and it would kill its Imperial Censor in an instant. However, what Bloody said reminded him that he was not a true Imperial Censor. The way he communicated with his summoning monsters were different from how Imperial Censors usually do. Moreover, since the Ghastly Clown itself had a high intelligence, he would try communicating with it instead of killing it.

"Bai, follow me." Lin Huang turned around and said to Bai. He then jumped into the lake while Bai followed closely behind him. Soon, they arrived at the bottom of the lake. With doubts in his mind, Lin Huang entered the isolated area. Bai had been following behind him for safety purposes but Lin Huang decided to summon Tyrant, Charcoal and the Nephilic Judge he had just obtained to aid him as well. As he leveled to gold-level, the amount of monsters he could summon had been upgraded from four to five summoning monsters. Aside from the Ghastly Clown that had entered the area before them, all four of Lin Huang's epic summoning monsters have been summoned with the exception of Bloody.

Bloody's combat strength remained at silver-level rank-3 so he would not be able to join in the fight. In the space where aura was surpressed, Lin Huang was not worried that the dragonkin monster that he had would attract transcendent monsters. He summoned Charcoal which he had not summoned for a long time. Aside from his four epic summoning monsters, Lin Huang could sense there was a terrifying aura far away.

"It's over there!" Lin Huang looked at the direction far away.

"Charcoal, bring us there!" Lin Huang hopped onto the back of Charcoal and got Bai as well as Nephilic Judge to ride together with him. Although Charcoal was unwilling to do so, it swallowed its pride for Lin Huang. It flapped its wings and held onto Tyrant using its claws and flew ahead in the direction Lin Huang pointed at. Two to three minutes later, Charcoal landed next to a black sphere of energy.

There was a terrifying aura that was coming out of the sphere. Lin Huang and his four summoning monsters knew that the Ghastly Clown was inside the sphere. However, he had no idea how this ball was formed. It could possibly be a cocoon that was formed automatically from evolution or it could be created by the Ghastly Clown using its psychic ability as a way to defend itself. The layer of darkness had blocked any way they had to take a peek. The cocoon-like sphere even blocked all methods of detections, nobody knew what was happening inside.

Since Lin Huang and the rest could not break the cocoon, all they were able to do was to wait patiently. Time passed by in the isolated area. Lin Huang was anxious as he waited, every second was a struggle for him. On one hand, he was afraid that the Ghastly Clown might fail in its mutation and it would die if that happened. On the other hand, he was worried that it managed to level-up and break free from him. There was always a possibility that he could possibly lose the Ghastly Clown card.

Soon, three days had passed. Lin Huang had never thought the mutation process could take this long as all the upgrades to his monsters were done using Advance Cards where the process was completed instantly, there was no need to go through this long and torturing process.

On the third afternoon, Lin Huang could not take it anymore so he asked Xiao Hei. "Xiao Hei, it's been three days. Are you sure the Ghastly Clown hasn't failed its mutation and died inside?"

"No, if it's dead, the card would disappear automatically."

"You keep asking questions that can be answered with common sense. I'm really starting to doubt your intelligence.."

Lin Huang was speechless with Xiao Hei's criticism.

"I'm just asking because I'm getting impatient from all this waiting. Why in the world are you so mean to me?" Lin Huang was unhappy as he did not put much thought when he asked that question. However, he had been looking at the unsealing conditions of his epic-level monsters while waiting these days. Bai's unsealing condition was to find a Transcendent monster that was at least double mutated and suck its blood to the last drop. Tyrant's unsealing condition was to find sufficient spiritual power in underground lava and soak in it for 12 days. Meanwhile, Charcoal's unsealing condition was to eat nine pieces of dracaena. For Bloody, as its combat strength had not reached this level, its unsealing conditions was unavailable.

As the sun was setting in the isolated area, Lin Huang heard a crack, the sound of something breaking. If the area was not extremely silent like it was, Lin Huang might not have been able to hear the crack. He was not the only one as Bai and the rest heard it too. All of them looked at the direction of the black cocoon.

"The mutation must have completed!" Lin Huang looked at the black cocoon in anticipation. Monsters that went through three mutations were referred by humans as monsters who have gone through the ultimate mutation. The name was derived from the most powerful monsters that have appeared throughout the last 800 years which were at most a triple mutated monster. Nobody had yet to witness a mythical monster that has been through a quadruple mutation

In reality, there were not many documentation about triple mutated monsters by humans. This applies to even Transcendent monsters as very few of them managed to complete the ultimate mutation. A long time ago, there was something called the Life Potential Theory where human scientists hypothesized that with each mutation, monsters exhausted a significant amount of life potential. It was something innate, given at birth and was difficult to obtain later on in their lives. Most monsters, Transcendent ones included, only managed to complete two mutations while many could not complete their third mutations as their life potential had been exhausted after the second mutation.

Since the Ghastly Clown did not die from the mutation, it meant it had completed the ultimate mutation. As the black cocoon cracked, a hand came out of it. What surprised Lin Huang was, it was a human's palm that was crystal clear. It looked like it was a sculpture made of a unique material. Once the first hand appeared, the second followed. Two crystal clear palms pressed on the sides of the cocoon and tore it open. A huge hole was tore opened from the crack and a shadow came out of the black cocoon…

Chapter 263: The Supreme Overlord

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A young man that looked like a human walked out of the black cocoon. The man had a slender physique and was wearing a luxurious golden robe with a tall golden crown on his head. He had waist-length purple hair with beautiful eyes and a grin on his face that looked sinister. The only difference he had with a human was the golden mask he had on the left side of his face. Lin Huang was not sure if he was the Ghastly Clown because he looked completely different from it.

"Ghastly?" Lin Huang called out to see if that was the Ghastly Clown.

The man in golden robe lifted his head and looked at Lin Huang. He smirked as he looked at Lin Huang.

"Ahh, aren't you my old master?" What the man said proved that he was the Ghastly Clown.

"You can speak now?" Lin Huang was surprised.

"Of course, I've already completed the ultimate mutation. I can speak the human language."

The man walked towards Lin Huang after he said that.

"I must thank you for this. If you stopped me while my evolution was taking place earlier, I wouldn't have completed the mutation."

"Ghastly, since you've already completed your evolution, let's leave together." Lin Huang took Bloody's suggestion and tried to talk to the Ghastly Clown.

"Leave with all of you? Master, aren't you naive? I'm not the clown you know from before. Please call me Supreme Overlord or Master Overlord!" The man in golden robe looked down on Lin Huang.

"So are you saying that you're leaving Xiao Hei?" Lin Huang frowned as the man's attitude said it all.

"Master, don't forget. You were the one who turned me into a card earlier. I've never wanted to be your summoning monster in the first place." The man in golden robe moved and arrived in front of Lin Huang.

Bai and the rest attempted to come to Lin Huang's rescue but they were stopped by Lin Huang. The man smiled at them and stood less than 10 centimeters from Lin Huang while looking into his eyes.

"Of course, there were many benefits to sealing me into a card as it allowed me to regain my life potential. That was how I managed to complete the ultimate mutation easily. Looking at my remaining life potential, I might possibly go through my fourth mutation in the future. If not for that, I would've killed you by now…"

"It's true that you could complete your fourth mutation in the future but have you thought if you follow me, I'd definitely give you the opportunity to go through your fourth or even fifth mutation?" Lin Huang attempted to lure him. The man was in a pickle as he listened to Lin Huang's suggestion. However, his expression returned to normal later on.

"I admit that I desire more powerful abilities but the chance of completing the fourth mutation is just too slim. The relic that you have might be able to help me achieve a quintuple mutation and it could definitely suppress the triple mutated me. There's a high possibility that I could complete the quadruple mutation on my own, why would I rely on a relic? Moreover, that would mean losing my freedom! No matter what, I'm at a loss."

"Xiao Hei's ability would be stronger and stronger. Just because it can't do certain things now, doesn't mean that it won't be able to do them in the future." Lin Huang frowned as the man was determined to leave.

"Alright, stop wasting your time. You turning me into a card had brought me many disadvantages, but I'll forgive you. The relic that you used to tie me down no longer works now!"

As he spoke, the aura in his body was increasing at an alarming rate. Bai pulled Lin Huang away immediately while the rest of the monsters stood in front of Lin Huang.

As the golden Life Power enveloped the man's body, black chains appeared on his body.

"Break them all!" The man shouted and the black chains broke one by one. In less than one minute, the black chains on his body broke while the Ghastly Clown card in Lin Huang's body disappeared.

"Since I'm in a good mood, you better get lost with your pets." After breaking free from Xiao Hei, the man's attitude was getting more arrogant.

Lin Huang was nothing to him now. Lin Huang frowned he did not want this to happen. However, even though this had happened and he did not want to fight the Supreme Overlord, there was no way that he could leave as he knew too much about Lin Huang's secrets. Moreover, a monster that had completed the ultimate mutation would have even more terrifying abilities once it got to the holy fire-level. If he did not kill the monster when it was still at gold-level rank-3, it would get even more difficult to kill it in the future.

Once Lin Huang had decided what to do, a notification came from Xiao Hei.

"You've encountered an incident, a Mission Card has been activated."

"The mission as follows - Kill the Supreme Overlord to prevent the existence of the system being leaked.

"Mission Time Limit: 24 hours"

"Completion Reward: Legendary Supreme Overlord Card x1"

"Remarks: No restrictions applied to the killing method."

"I'll get a complete Supreme Overlord card if I kill him?" Lin Huang was surprised when he saw the mission award.

"You'll receive a complete Monster Card. However, as the Supreme Overlord belongs to legendary-level beings which are out of your reach, it'll be sealed at the moment and will be unsealed in the future automatically."

Although the card would be sealed, it was better than nothing. Lin Huang did not own any legendary-level Monster Cards at the moment and did not expect Xiao Hei to give him such a mission. Perhaps Xiao Hei was afraid that Lin Huang would release the Supreme Overlord so it gave him a mission that he could never resist.

"No restrictions to the killing method? Are you sure I can use any method as long as I kill him?" Lin Huang asked when he saw the last remark.

"As the incident is unique this time, you're allowed to use any method. As long as the kill is complete, the mission will be completed." Xiao Hei's reply had confirmed that it wanted Lin Huang to kill the Supreme Overlord no matter what.

"Alright, I understand now." Lin Huang did not plan to let it leave alive anyway.

The conversation with Xiao Hei was completed in an instant. Lin Huang looked up at the Supreme Overlord and said, "I'm sorry. Since you've made this decision, you've left me only one choice, which is to kill you!"

"Oh? What with? With your pets?" The Supreme Overlord teased.

"That's right, I'd like to see how powerful an ultimate mutated monster is!" Lin Huang said and shouted.

"Take him down!"

His four epic-level monsters dashed towards Supreme Overlord's direction in unison…

Chapter 264: Terrifying Ultimate Mutated Monster

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although Bai, Tyrant and the rest of Lin Huang's epic monsters did not level-up to the holy fire-level after he leveled-up to gold-level rank-1, their strength at gold-level rank-3's was now complete. One could achieve complete strength in gold when one fulfills the upgrade criteria in gold-level rank-3. Once that happens, the Life Power in the body would be compressed and pushed to its full potential, until the Life Power was the densest the body could withstand. Basically, after the Life Power of a gold-level rank-3 human was full, Life Power compression would take place. Most people would see their Life Power increase at least one-fold after the compression takes place.

However, some people with unique physiques or those who practiced unique Life Skills could compress their Life Power even further. Some could even compress and gain three to four times more Life Power. As the density of Life Power was different, those with complete gold-level Life Power was much more powerful than an ordinary gold-level rank-3 hunter. On the Gold Hunter leaderboard, those who ranked on the top such as Yi Zheng were all people with complete gold-level Life Power.

Although Bai, Tyrant and the rest had yet to arrive at holy fire-level, their abilities were much more powerful than before. As for the Supreme Overlord, it was affected by Lin Huang's level-up before it completed its evolution which caused it to have complete gold-level Life Power now. Bai, Tyrant and the rest did not have any advantages on combat strength against him. Theoretically, the four epic-level monsters with complete gold-level Life Power were considered to be quite powerful among transcendents as they could defeat their opponents easily. However, the opponent this time was a legendary monster that had completed its ultimate mutation.

Bai, Tyrant, Charcoal and the Nephilic Judge that was yet to be named by Lin Huang dashed towards the Supreme Overlord. Surrounded by four monsters, the Supreme Overlord who was wearing a golden robe did not panic at all. Instead, it grinned as it wandered through the four monsters, chatting with Lin Huang as it did so.

"My dear ex-master, I've got to say... You've made a bad decision. I'm not the Ghastly Clown you know from before. All of you will die here if you fight me…"

"I've no idea how much your powers have upgraded from the ultimate mutation but one thing is for sure, your mouth has certainly gone through an immense upgrade." Lin Huang teased.

"Don't worry, I'll show you how much my ability had improved right this moment!"

The Supreme Overlord shouted and clapped his hands in the air. The space distorted from the clap. Suddenly, the silver armor on the Nephilic Judge appeared as her purple spear collided with the Supreme Overlord's palm. Not only was the spear unable to pierce through but she could feel a terrifying force coming through to her from the tip of her spear. The spear almost fell from her hand and she was pushed by a force that made her back off tens of meters backward like a speeding bullet.

The Supreme Overlord did not show any expression as he pushed the Nephilic Judge away with his palm, looking like what he had done was nothing significant. He did not stop there, he clapped again and an invisible giant hand went towards Bai like a mountain falling from the sky. Seeing that, Bai used his four wings to defend immediately. His wings were transformed into a hemisphere-like shield, blocking the attack before him. Soon, the invisible hand landed on Bai's giant shield.

However, the wings merely shook a little from the attack. Just like the Nephilic Judge, Bai backed off faster than before and slammed into a mountain far away. After getting rid of Bai and the Nephilic Judge, the Supreme Overlord dashed and arrived before Tyrant at an instant. Tyrant landed a punch immediately but the Supreme Overlord did not even attempt to avoid the attack at all. Instead, it swung a punch like Tyrant did and his fist that was the size of an ordinary human fist collided with Tyrant. It felt like he tore the air apart.


A loud thud exploded shaking the ground. The collision this time was like an explosion. Not only was the ground shaking, the sky shook too. The aftershock of the force brought forward a vigorous wind and Lin Huang who nearby blocked the wind with his hands in an attempt to stabilize his footing. However, the wind pushed him backward and he dragged his feet on the ground, creating long trails in the ground. The aftershock blew him 30 meters away before he finally managed to stabilize his footing. When he managed to look at the both of them, Tyrant was hundreds of meters away. Its right arm was out of shape from the punch by the Supreme Overlord. Meanwhile, the Supreme Overlord stood where he was, rubbing his right first with his left hand.

"This guy has amazing strength and thick skin." It was unclear if the Supreme Overlord was complimenting or being sarcastic about Tyrant. After commenting, he neither looked nor chased after Tyrant. Instead, he looked at Charcoal who was in the air. He observed Charcoal for a moment before speaking.

"Tsk tsk, dragonkin. I didn't expect you to obtain such a summoning monster. However, a young dragonkin means nothing to other monsters. It's just a supplement to them. Since I've completed my ultimate mutation, eating this double mutated monster won't help much."

As the Supreme Overlord spoke, he extended his hand and dashed towards Charcoal. Charcoal flapped its wings immediately in an attempt to escape but it was too late. Its throat was strangled by an invisible giant hand. It struggled but could not escape, and it seemed like it was being pinned down by a metal giant hand. It shot black dragonflame at the Supreme Overlord's direction but it did not even hurt him in the least. It was blocked by a psychic shield layer he had put up.

While holding onto Charcoal, the Supreme Overlord ignored the fact that it was still struggling and looked at Lin Huang.

"See that? I have eight skills now but by using my psychic skill as well as my powerful close-quarter skills alone, I've managed to defeat your pets easily. This is the difference between an ultimate mutation and a second mutation! Your four pets are like ants that I could pinch to death easily."

After recalling Charcoal, Lin Huang looked at the Supreme Overlord with a solemn expression. His immense strength had exceeded Lin Huang's imagination. Although it only had the combat strength of a complete gold-level, the Supreme Overlord's ability could now kill a weak holy fire-level person.

"What else do you have, use it now or you won't have a chance soon," The Supreme Overlord retracted his hand as he said this, his grin showing on the half of his face that was not covered by a mask.

"Remember that you were the one who said those words. I won't show you any mercy then!" Lin Huang recalled Bai, Tyrant and the Nephilic Judge before he took out... A golden card…

Chapter 265: Killing The Supreme Overlord

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Before fighting the Supreme Overlord, Lin Huang had confirmed with Xiao Hei that he could use any methods to kill. As long as he managed to kill, the mission would be considered to be accomplished and he would receive a complete Supreme Overlord card. Lin Huang had a couple of cards that would be able to kill the monster. He had one Small Destruction Card, Provisional Summoning Card and three One-Time Skill Cards.

Once the Small Destruction Card was activated, all monsters that were below transcendent would be killed. Although the Supreme Overlord was an ultimate mutated monster, it was even more powerful than some transcendent monsters. However, using the Small Destruction Card, there was no way that it could not be killed.

Meanwhile, the Provisional Summoning Card could summon a monster that was one level higher than the strongest summoning monster that he owned. All of his Monster Cards are now complete gold-level monsters which meant that he could summon monsters that were at most on the highest holy fire-level - the golden flame-level which was the same level Zhu Nian was at when Lin Huang met him last year. Once a monster of that level was summoned, the Supreme Overlord that was not even holy fire-level would definitely be killed. The last card would be One-Time Skill Card which allowed Lin Huang to copy any combat skill he witnessed. However, with his restricted authority, he could at most only copy skills that were holy fire-level.

The golden card that Lin Huang was holding as a One-Time Skill Card. The skill that he copied was the 3,000 Strands of Worry skill that he got from the time when Zhu Nian was fighting the Ghastly Clown. Just when Lin Huang was ready to activate the card, the Supreme Overlord grinned as a palm-sized doll appeared in his hand. The doll's face and clothes looked exactly like Lin Huang and he realized that he could not move anymore.

The Supreme Overlord held up the doll in his hand and showed Lin Huang.

"This skill is Puppet - Control , this is not a new skill but a skill that evolved from Mask - Control . I can control nine dolls at the same time as long as the combat strength of the person isn't more than one level beyond mine. It's much more useful than Mask - Control ."

"Moreover, Puppet - Control doesn't only take over the body of the person, it can also wipe away one's memory. Unlike the old interrogation skill, this can remove the memory of the person and place it anywhere I desire, including my brain…"

"I'm sorry, my ex-master. I wanted to let you go, but since I've seen your dragonkin monster and many other double mutated pets, I'm curious about your secrets. The relic that you used to seal me seems to be much more powerful than I expected. Let us find out more about you…"

Suddenly, a golden light came out of nowhere and pierced through the Supreme Overlord's chest. It was followed by second, third and fourth… Countless strands of golden light pierced the Supreme Overlord's body. He tried very hard to avoid the attack but it was no use. The golden strands of light were like maggots that attacked him, so fast he could not escape.

After 10 attacks, his body began to collapse. Just as he was losing his consciousness, he finally saw the source of the golden light. It was a semitransparent shadow of a middle-aged man.

"Zhu Nian?!"

The Supreme Overlord remembered the name clearly as he fought with the man in Daxi City when he was still the Ghastly Clown. However, the man was defeated by him in one hit. Lin Huang regained his freedom as the doll in his hand disappeared.

"You have made a huge mistake. You've only taken control of my body but not my consciousness. I only need my consciousness to communicate with Xiao Hei." Lin Huang's body was controlled by the Supreme Overlord earlier so he could not activate the card in his hand. However, he contacted Xiao Hei immediately and got it to activate the card while releasing the 3,000 Strands of Worry skill.

The Supreme Overlord's consciousness completely collapsed after Lin Huang spoke. The attack did not stop after he died, golden strands continued to penetrate his body. After his body disappeared, the attack finally ended.

"Congratulations! You've completed your mission and obtained a Legendary Monster Card - Supreme Overlord x1"

"As your authority is currently restricted, the card is sealed temporarily and can't be used. It'll be unsealed when you've sufficient authority to use it."

"Sigh, my first purple card just became grey" Looking at the purple card turning into a grey, stone-like color, Lin Huang could not even bother to look at the description of the card at the back. He then put away the card.

However, he thought of something else.

"Does that mean I don't have the monster skill Mask - Control anymore? Or is it now Puppet - Control?"

"When the Supreme Overlord broke away from your control, all the monster skills related to it had disappeared. To retrieve the skills, you'd have to unseal the card."

Listening to Xiao Hei's explanation, Lin Huang looked at his card immediately.

"Host: Lin Huang"

"Gender: Male"

"Age: 16"

"Combat strength: Gold-Level Rank-1"

Talent: Superhuman Strength"

"Life Seed 1: Sly Hands (Rare)"

"Life Seed 2: Substitute (Epic)"

"Life Seed 3: Sensing Circle (Rare)"

"Life Seed 4: Seraphic Speed (Epic)"

"Combat Skill 1: Great Sword Scripture (Sword Skill)"

"Combat Skill 2: Wildfire Sword (Sword Skill)"

"Combat Skill 3: Thunder Sting (Sword Skill)"

"Combat Skill 4: Hundred Flowing Blades (Sword Skill)"

"Combat Skill 5: Mountain Blade (Heavy Weapon Skill)"

"Combat Skill 6: Fatal Tactics (Close Combat Skill)"

"Combat Skill 7: Spectral Snowsteps (Body Movement)"

"Combat Skill 8: Cloud Steps (Body Movement)"

"Combat Skill 9: Thunder Steps (Body Movement)"

"Monster Skill 1: Blood Spirit"

"Monster Skill 2: Super Robust (Intermediate)"

"Monster Skill 3: Kaleidoscope"

"Monster Skill 4: Advanced Disguise"

"Monster Skill 5: Immense Strength"

"Monster Skill 6: Leech Pod"

"Monster Skill 7: Absolute Defence (Beginner)"

"Monster Skill 8: Blood Hunt (Beginner)"

"Monster Skill 9: Thunder Control (Advance)"

"Summon Authority: Activated"

"Available Number of summons: 5"

"Remark: Passable"

" Mask - Control is really gone now…" Lin Huang frowned after looking at his card.

"I don't really need Blood Hunt and Super Robust anymore, I'll either delete them when I have the time or to combine them with other skills. I even have one vacant spot for monster skill now…"

"Ghastly Clown's ultimate mutation's aura did not leak out at all from this isolated area, this is the perfect place for the One-Eyed Sword Demon to carry out its second mutation. After the mutation is done, I'll extract a monster skill."

Lin Huang took out the One-Eyed Sword Demon Monster Card and two Advance Cards immediately.

"Xiao Hei, upgrade the One-Eyed Sword Demon with Advance Cards!"

"The One-Eyed Sword Demon is a Rare Monster Card. A double upgrade to an epic card would require two Advance Cards. Are you sure you'd like to complete the upgrade using two Advance Cards?"


"Consuming Advance Cards x2, upgrading rare-level Monster Card One-Eyed Sword Demon… Upgrade complete."

"Congratulations, you've obtained an Epic Monster Card - Ruthless Sword Master"

Lin Huang looked at the new epic-level Monster Card that he had just obtained. There was a monster in black armor on the card holding a black sword with black mist surrounding it. It looked like a human covered in metal armor, its only was like a red laser.

"Monster Card"

"Rarity: Epic"

"Monster Name: Ruthless Sword Master"

"Combat Level: Gold-Level Rank-3 (Complete)"

"Skill 1: Absolute Life"

"Skill 2: Sword Steps"

"Skill 3: Ruthless Sword"

"Skill 4: Dark Sword Spirit"

"Skill 5: Dark Shield"

"Skill 6: Death Zone (Beginner)"

"Summon Authority: Activated"

"Card Remarks: Trainable"

"Absolute Life: Powerful one-hit combat skill, exhaust all Life Power for one fatal hit. Monster will return to its card form after using this and won't be available for summoning within the following 24 hours."

"Sword Steps: An exclusive sword movement skill."

"Ruthless Sword: Evolved from Killer Sword once it reached its maximum capabilities. Has high attack power."

"Dark Sword Spirit: The contaminated sword spirit will regain its original ability and speed up all learning of sword skills and techniques extracted from all the killing and bloodshed."

"Dark Shield: A defensive skill allowing the user to turn the area around its body into a dark protective zone, isolating attacks from the outside. As long as the attack strength of opponent is not more than 10 times of the user's, the defensive layer would not break."

"Death Zone (Beginner): Evolved from Sensing Circle, turning an area with a hundred meter radius into one's exclusive territory. The user does not have to move to attack a specific location. "

"Extract skill." Lin Huang read and realized that most of the skills of this monster were sword skills. He was thinking if he would continue to train with his swords in the future if he was to obtain a sword skill.

"Skill extraction activated… Randomly choosing a skill… Random selection completed… Congratulations! You've received the Dark Shield skill."

"A defensive ability? Although the one I wanted the most was Absolute Life , I'm not lacking any attack skills. I guess it's good that I now have a powerful defensive skill." Lin Huang was satisfied with Dark Shield and was relieved that he did not get the sword skill. Since he had yet to master all the gunfighting techniques, he did not have the time to train his sword skills yet.

After upgrading the Ruthless Sword Master, Lin Huang was left with three Advance Cards but he did not plan to upgrade any other of his monsters. Now he was only left with the Alexandrian Eagle that was still rare-level. If he upgraded the Alexandrian Eagle as well, it would attract too much attention when he summoned it for transportation in the future. As for his other normal cards, they were not worth training so Lin Huang decided to put the Advance Cards aside.

After putting away the Ruthless Sword Master card, Lin Huang summoned the Nephilic Judge again. She stood quietly in front of Lin Huang while waiting for his instructions.

"You are more familiar with this area, bring me around…" Lin Huang instructed.

Chapter 266: The Divine Rock

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Just when Lin Huang was ready to make a move, he got a notification from Xiao Hei.

"A Monster Card evolution that is related to a Life Seed has been detected, would you link to link the Life Seed Card to the related Monster Card?"

"What's the benefit of linking?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"After the linking is done, if rarity of the Monster Card is upgraded, the rarity of the related Life Seed would be upgraded automatically as well."

Lin Huang thought about it. Within the four Life Seeds that he owned, only Sensing Circle was related to the One-Eyed Sword Demon as well as Seraphic Speed which he just obtained that was linked to the Nephilic Judge. The card evolution that Xiao Hei detected must be the Ruthless Sword Master that was evolved from One-eyed Sword Demon.

"Are there any side-effects from linking?" Lin Huang asked as he was afraid that Xiao Hei would pull a prank on him. He was extremely careful when it comes to new functions.

"There aren't any side-effects. After the linking is done, the rarity of the Monster Card and Life Seed Card would remain the same and will be unaffected. If you want to, you can remove the link anytime."

"Alright, link the Ruthless Sword Master and Nephilic Judge then." Lin Huang was relieved.

"Linking of Monster Card - Nephilic Judge and Life Seed Card - Seraphic Seed complete!"

"Linking of Monster Card - Ruthless Sword Master and Life Seed Card - Sensing Circle complete!"

"Rarity of Life Seed Card - Sensing Circle and Monster Card - Ruthless Sword Master doesn't match, upgrading Life Seed Card - Sensing Circle…"

"Congratulations, your Life Seed - Sensing Circle (Rare) is now Micro Territory (Epic) "

" Micro Territory (Epic) : Turns an area with a hundred meter radius into one's exclusive territory. The user does not have to move to attack a specific location.

Lin Huang was overjoyed when he saw the Life Seed talent that was evolved from Sensing Circle.

"A territorial talent?!"

Even to a transcendent, a territorial secret skill was extremely rare. It was a definitely something to celebrate when one obtained a territorial talent before arriving at transcendent. Lin Huang took out the blue Life Seed card and put it away after he took a thorough look. Meanwhile, the Nephilic Judge stood by his side waiting patiently. Although she was Lin Huang's summoning monster, she could not see the card that Lin Huang was holding. Seeing that Lin Huang was standing there, she waited patiently where she stood. Once Lin Huang snapped out of his thoughts, he nodded to the Nephilic Judge who was standing next to him.

"Let's go!"

Lin Huang had only looked around the isolated area at the bottom of the lake with Bloody earlier. With the Nephilic Judge, Lin Huang was not worried that his search of the Starlight Beast would be interrupted. He could finally explore the area. The first thing the Nephilic Judge did was to bring Lin Huang to the location where the giant black rock was. As the Starlight Beasts noticed Lin Huang, they prepared themselves to fight him but with just one instruction from the Nephilic Judge, all the Starlight Beasts backed off.

Lin Huang began to observe the giant black rock closely. The giant black rock was more than 10 meters long the part that was visible above ground was more than 10 meters high. The bottom of the rock was buried deep in the ground and nobody knew how deep it was. Lin Huang wanted to take this rock away with him for research but he failed to put it away into his storage space. He attempted to lift it but it did not even budge. The rock felt odd to the touch, not feeling how a rock usually felt like. Instead, it felt like metal.

After a couple of failed attempts, Lin Huang summoned his strongest monster Tyrant for help. Tyrant's injured arm from his earlier battle was now completely healed.

"Tyrant! See if you can get this rock out!" Lin Huang instructed Tyrant while pointing at the giant black rock.

Tyrant wrapped both its arms around the rock and began to attempt to lift it. It used all the muscles that it had as veins bulged on its neck and forehead but the rock barely budged.

Watching that, Lin Huang knew something was off about this rock. After recalling Tyrant, Lin Huang asked the Nephilic Judge.

"Did you use this rock to complete your second mutation?"

The Nephilic Judge nodded.

"Does this rock only benefit the Starlight Beasts only or does it have the same effect on other monsters as well?" Lin Huang asked again.

The Nephilic Judge shook her head.

"Do you mean there's no effect or you don't know?" Lin Huang did not understand what she meant so he summoned Bloody to interpret.

After communicating for a short while, Bloody began writing on the board.

"This rock is the Divine Rock for spirit type monsters. The radiation is the source of energy that allows them to evolve. However, the evolution process is extremely slow as she took more than 100 years to complete her second mutation."

"That's really slow." Lin Huang frowned as he listened but soon, he thought of another question.

"If she stays longer, would she manage to complete her third mutation?"

Bloody communicated with the Nephilic Judge once more before writing on the board.

"Yes she could but it'll take more than 200 years. Only one Starlight Beast has managed to complete its third mutation decades ago and left, it had been staying in this space for more than 360 years.

"If that's true, this rock is kind of useless… It only works on spirit type monsters and it'll take more than 300 years to cultivate a triple mutated monster…"

300 years was not too long for spirit type monsters to evolve. However, for an Imperial Censor like Lin Huang, it was too long.

"Xiao Hei, what do you think of this rock?" Lin Huang asked Xiao Hei after some thought.

"This rock contains an unknown psychic energy force. I'm restricted by your authority level right now so there's nothing I can do about the rock at the moment."

"I can't bring this rock away with me for research and now even Xiao Hei can't do anything about it…" Hearing what Xiao Hei said, Lin Huang could only leave the rock where it was at the moment.

"Show me some other place then."

As he instructed the Nephilic Judge, Bloody began to communicate with her and before long, it started writing on the board again.

"This area is extremely vast. She's been living here for hundreds of years and explored the entire area many times. Plants aside, there isn't anything special about this place."

"If that's the case, never mind." Lin Huang did not doubt what the Nephilic Judge said at all.

"I shall use this place as a location for my card upgrades temporarily then. If there are cards that need to go through a second mutation, I'll come here. As for this rock, I'll get Xiao Hei to help me as soon as my authority level is upgraded in the future. Since this area hasn't been discovered by anyone for hundreds of years, nobody will probably find out about this place within the foreseeable future..." Lin Huang thought to himself.

He thought of what to do with the isolated area and the Divine Rock but since the entrance of the space was not restricted and there was no way to move the Divine Rock, he had to put his thoughts aside.

"Let's go then." After recalling Bloody, Lin Huang summoned the Alexandrian Eagle and followed closely behind the Nephilic Judge.

Chapter 267: The Three Elite Divisions

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After a series of ups and downs, Lin Huang had finally achieved his goal of his trip to Meteorite Desert. Not only he was leveled-up to gold-level, he had also obtained the Epic Monster Cards Nephilic Judge and Ruthless Sword Master as well as a sealed Legendary Monster Card - Supreme Overlord. Besides, he had also gotten the ruin key from the Saint members.

He did not do anything with the key yet as once it was activated, he would be sent to the dimensional ruins directly. Be it the level of monsters in the ruins, the type of monsters or the location, all these information were unavailable to him. If he was sent to one that was filled with transcendent monsters or one that was outside Division7, he would be in great trouble. He planned to take some time to do his research and be well prepared before going for it.

He gave up on the thought of leveling-up straight to gold-level rank-3 as he recalled Mr. Fu asking him to contact him as soon as he was done with his level-up so that he could arrange a training session for him. It had been less than 20 days since he arrived in Luoxi City. Although he had the excuse of having a unique physique that allowed him to train Army Attack Tactics to level-8, it was still unbelievable that he leveled up within 20 days. Moreover, Mr. Fu did not know that Lin Huang stayed in Luoxi City for a short while he had limited time to train his Life Skills.

Lin Huang last registered with the Hunter Association six months ago. He had managed to level-up from someone who was not even iron-level to someone who was silver-level rank-1 which was a leap that spanned seven ranks. On average, he managed to level-up one rank every month. It was a terrifying speed. To regular people, the higher they went up in rank, the slower Life Power would fill up as the quality of Life Power would change every time one leveled-up as Life Power became denser. Filling up the columns would take more Life Crystals and subsequently more time would be taken as well.

After some thoughts, Lin Huang decided not to increase his combat strength for now. He called Mr. Fu after removing his disguise. On the second ring, Mr. Fu picked up the call. It was noon and Mr. Fu was lying on a deck chair waving at Lin Huang.

"My dear apprentice, have you leveled-up to gold-level?"

"I've already leveled-up for a few days now but I've been settling some other things during these days." Lin Huang pushed forward the day he leveled-up on purpose so that he had a reasonable excuse for leveling to gold-level rank-2.

"Was it successful?" Mr. Fu sat up and smiled.

"You could call it successful I guess. There were some bumps on the way but I managed to solve them." Lin Huang nodded.

"That's great!" Sitting on the deck chair, Mr. Fu smiled as he looked at Lin Huang.

"Are you calling me to ask about the training?"

"Yes." Lin Huang nodded.

"What kind of training have you prepared for me?" Lin Huang was curious.

"Have you heard of the ruins?" Mr. Fu asked.

Lin Huang was stunned when he heard the question. He had just received a ruin key and now Mr. Fu was asking him about the ruins. Soon, he snapped out of this thought and nodded.

"Yes I've heard of it, the dimensional ruin is an isolated dimension created when a virtual eye is opened but is not completely closed by humans or possibly some other reasons. There are monsters and materials in the dimension and many major organizations use this place to train their members. Are you sending me to the dimensional ruins?"

"About 10 days later, the Demon Slayer Legion of the Union Government military department would carry out a training for their reserve members. The location Division7 is going to is set in a grade-2 dimensional that had been discovered before. I'm thinking of enrolling you in the training!" Mr. Fu proceeded to tell Lin Huang more about the training.

"One of the elite divisions of the Union Government, the Demon Slayer Legion?!" Lin Huang had heard of the division before. Demon Slayers, Dragon Slayers, and Immortals were the three elite divisions of the Union Government. In the troops, the combat strength of the reserve members was at least gold-level rank-3 and there were many complete gold-level members as well. To be a regular member, one had to be at least holy fire-level.

The three elite divisions were also the main guardians of the human safety zones. Throughout the hundreds of years they had existed, many had complained that the Union Government was not doing anything and all they did was to invest in the Hunter Association and Adventurer Paradise. However, many did not know that the Union Government spent most of their effort on keeping the place safe. The three elite divisions and other divisions of the army spent most of their days fighting monsters that attempt to invade humankind almost every day.

Meanwhile, the management of the safety zones was handled by the Hunter Association, Adventurer Paradise and other organizations that fall under the Union Government. Not many people know that the Union Government carried major responsibilities in the safety zones. Lin Huang respected the three elite troops. Without them, the safety zones would not be able to be built one after the other and the human footholds we know of would not be as prosperous as they were today.

"Isn't it weird if I just enroll like that?" Lin Huang was eager to join the training but he did not like the way that he was getting enrolled.

"Don't worry about it, not only you are joining the training alone, many elite members of other organizations would be joining as well. This training is one of the ways members of different organizations get to know each other. Many of them wanted to show off the newbies that they have taken under their wing and trained…" Mr. Fu smiled and explained.

"If that's the case, the organizations that took part in the training would not be the only ones meeting the newbies but others, including underworld organizations as well?" Lin Huang asked in concern.

"That is right. Back in the day, if some of the participants were too outstanding, they might get assassinated by the underworld organizations. However, it hardly happen anymore as Division7 has been developing at an amazing speed, they won't even have the time to concern themselves with such matters." Mr. Fu thought Lin Huang 's concern was unnecessary.

Lin Huang frowned as he listened, he was hesitating if he should tell Mr. Fu about the Purple Crow. Mr. Fu soon noticed Lin Huang's hesitation.

"You can tell me if there's anything that you want to say. Don't bother holding back. It's alright with me if you don't want to go."

"It's not that I don't want to go. It's that if I do, I might be marked for death by the Purple Crow…" Lin Huang then told Mr. Fu the story between him and the Purple Crow.

Mr. Fu felt like the story was an unbelievable one.

"You really are something, how did you manage to escape the Purple Crow training camp!"

"Although I have wiped away all trails leading to my identity, if the Purple Crow sees my face, it's quite likely that they would recognize me. By then, the Purple Crow would think of me as a deserter and it might affect my family as well." Lin Huang knew about the rules of the Purple Crows.

"Don't worry about it, just join the training. I'll handle the Purple Crow and make sure they don't look for you anymore." Mr. Fu chuckled at Lin Huang's concern.

"Really?!" Lin Huang did not expect Mr. Fu to make such a promise.

"Don't worry, I'll keep my word once I give it to you." Mr. Fu nodded and smiled.

Chapter 268: Sent Home

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After getting off the call with Mr. Fu, Lin Huang knew that he had 12 days before the training would officially begin. Mr. Fu was unsure of the contents of the training programme as it varied from year to year. However, most of the the training revolved around improving combat strength.

"Since the training will only start 12 days later, with the additional half month that I spent in Luoxi City, nobody would suspect me if I level-up to gold-level rank-2." After making sure that it would not seem dodgy, Lin Huang went back on his earlier decision and decided to level-up to gold-level rank-2 before leaving Luoxi City.

Summoning his fastest monster, the Nephilic Judge, Lin Huang spent two and a half days killing more than 60 gold-level monsters and finally, he was now a gold-level rank-2. He had filled the 11th circle of columns in all his gold-level Life Wheels. As the sun was setting on the third day, the Nephilic Judge killed the last monster. Lin Huang then took out the black dimensional relic that Mr. Fu gave him. After setting the location to his home, he walked through the relic.

As he stepped in, Lin Huang was sent to the living room in his home in Winter City. It was the place where him and Mr. Fu left earlier.

"Xin Er, Xiao Xuan, I'm home!" As he arrived home, Lin Huang shouted upstairs.

Before he could put on his house slippers, Lin Xin and Lin Xuan dashed downstairs.

"Brother!" Lin Xin ran into Lin Huang's embrace. Although she was already in her graduating class, Lin Xin behaved like a kid.

Meanwhile, Lin Xuan was shy as usual as he stood to a corner. After Lin Huang let Lin Xin go, he patted Lin Xuan's head.

"Brother, you're home early this time. Including today, you've only been gone for 20 days." Lin Xin giggled.

"I thought you'd be gone for more than a month."

"I spent most of the time on transportation the last time, the actual business I'm dealing would usually only take a couple of days." Lin Huang told the truth.

"I came back early this time as master gave me a dimensional relic."

"Then why did you only take 20 days this time?" Lin Xin raised an eyebrow.

"I spent some time looking for a Life Seed monster." Lin Huang explained to her as he smiled.

"Hmph, you weren't actually looking since you still had time to play Gun Master with Lin Xuan." Lin Xin said while she sulked.

Lin Huang smiled awkwardly, he did not bother to explain to her that he had asked Bloody to find the Life Seed monster for him. Bloody's parasitic abilities were too powerful and he did not want Lin Xin and Lin Xuan to know about this as it would give them no benefits. They might spill too much if they meet bad people.

"I will be staying home for more than a week before I leave again." Lin Huang said helplessly.

"You just got home and you're leaving after a week?" Lin Xin stared at Lin Huang.

"Didn't you just kill the Life Seed monster?"

"Master arranged a training session for me that'll start in nine days time." Lin Huang explained.

"Can't you go after getting more rest?"

"I can't do that… I'm not the only one who'll go through this training, there are many people joining me as well." Lin Huang smiled and shook his head.

Lin Xin gave in once Lin Huang explained.

"Enough about me! How've you guys been doing at home?" Lin Huang asked.

"Xin Er, how's your homework going?"

"Nothing special happened while you were gone." Lin Xin shook her head.

"Everything is good at school. It's just that I can't adapt to them calling me by a different name. I'm now in the top 10 of my class and I'm aiming to get into the top 3 as my next goal!"

"Keep going and get into a prestigious school!" Lin Huang patted Lin Xin's head and looked at Lin Xuan.

"How about you Xiao Xuan? Do you listen to your sister when I was away?"

Lin Xuan nodded immediately.

"Oh yeah. Although Lin Xuan can't really speak yet, he can already write." Lin Xin thought of that and told Lin Huang.

"You can write now?" Lin Huang just recalled that he asked him to read more before leaving earlier.

"Yeah, I've no idea when he learned to write." Lin Xin stuck out her tongue.

Lin Xuan took out a writing board and wrote on it with his finger.

"I learnt it myself by looking at some documents on the Heart Network."

Lin Huang was silently shocked at how fast Lin Xuan learned new things.

"Have you watched all the Hunter Arena videos that I sent you?"

"Yes, I've also watched many live battles of Gold Hunters." Lin Xuan wrote on the writing board.

"I thought all of them looked weak though... So I didn't join any of the battles."

"Just watch, you don't have to join the battles as you might bring trouble to yourself." Lin Huang patted Lin Xuan's shoulder.

"If you need to train by fighting, you can always look for me. We can get a private room for training or I can even bring you to the wild zones to fight monsters."

"Okay." Lin Xuan nodded.

Lin Huang felt hungry after chatting with the both of them. He recalled that he had yet to have dinner.

"Have you guys had your dinner?"

"Yes we have, brother. Have you not?" Lin Xin asked immediately.

"There's nothing to eat at home, I'll order some take-away for you."

"It's alright, I brought home some local specialties." Lin Huang took out all the local specialities and presents like the toys he bought from Luoxi City.

He kept all the food in the refrigerator and some in his storage space when the refrigerator was full.

The two kids were busy opening their presents and forgot about Lin Huang's dinner. He then took out a frozen cake and put half of it on the dining table while the other half went into the oven.

Three minutes later, Lin Huang took out the cake from the oven and cut the two cakes into six servings.

"I have cakes!" Lin Huang shouted for the two of them.

"There's cake?!" Lin Xin and Lin Xuan put down the presents and ran straight to the dining table.

Lin Xin had loved cakes since she was a young girl while Lin Xuan only used to eat meat and eggs. Perhaps… Since there were eggs in the cakes so he liked them as well.

"This is the frozen cake that I brought back from Luoxi City. There are two ways to eat this cake! One is to eat it while it's frozen while the other is to eat it hot from the oven. Let's try them out."

After Lin Huang talked, he ate the cakes for dinner while Lin Xin and Lin Xuan ate them as dessert.

"It's delicious!" As they put the cake into their mouths, Lin Xin and Lin Xuan commented at the same time.

"Glad that you guys love it. I've bought 30 cakes but I've already ate five to six of them." Lin Huang knew that they would love the cake. He was not a dessert kind of guy and even he loved the cake. The both of them would definitely love it.

After dinner, Lin Huang entered the Gun Master game with Lin Xuan to train his gunfighting techniques with him after cleaning his room…

Chapter 269: Lin Xuan Running Away From Home

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Since Lin Huang came home, he spent most of his time training his gunfighting techniques. However, he figured that since he would be joining the training soon, he would skip the intermediate techniques and get Lin Xuan to teach him the advanced techniques. One of them was Thunderstorm, a skill that was on the same level as other epic combat skills, requiring 3,000 skill card pieces. Lin Huang only managed to accumulate the complete set of card pieces after training for eight days.

Aside from training his gunfighting techniques, Lin Huang also logged onto Hunter Arena and battled Lin Xuan twice in a private training ground which did not require a password. His sudden log-in after a long hiatus created much discussion. Although he did not enter the ring for a battle, it still became the most discussed news on the Hunter Arena. However, he had been so busy he did not even have the time to concern himself with all these things. Lin Xuan had improved leaps and bounds in the training ring. That being said, he had only mastered the basics of battle but had yet to learn the intricacies of actual combat. He was killed by Lin Huang in a single hit in the beginning but after two or three battles, it had become more difficult to kill him in the arena.

The first training lasted less than two hours and he managed to stay alive in the ring with Lin Huang. Although he was still clumsy at times, he did not perform too bad for a rookie. The second training similarly lasted less than two hours and he managed to end the battle in a tie. Lin Xuan was only silver-level rank-3 while Lin Huang was gold-level rank-2. With Lin Huang's current ability, he could take on people who were below transcendent but Lin Xuan managed to end the battle in a tie against him. Lin Huang had only one comment on Lin Xuan's performance - He fights like a monster that has went through the ultimate mutation.

Apart from battling Lin Xuan in the arena, Lin Huang had been gathering more information about dracaena and the spiritual underground lava on the Heart Network and Hunter Info Network in preparation of upgrading Charcoal, Tyrant and the rest of his summoning monsters to the transcendent level. Comparing with the rest, the unsealing conditions terms of Bai and the Nephilic Judge were much easier because double mutated dark type transcendent monsters were not that hard to come across. The hardest unsealing condition would be the one for the Ruthless Sword Master as he would have to kill nine different sword-type transcendent monsters to be able to unseal the card. Most of the sword-type transcendent monsters had a high human-like intelligence coupled with powerful attacks. Even human transcendents would generally avoid conflict with such monsters.

Lin Huang spent the past eight days productively. At 7 a.m. on the ninth day, his doorbell rang as he was making breakfast. Lin Huang opened the door and it was Mr. Fu. He looked at Lin Huang, stunned.

"I must say... The speed you level-up at is terrifying." Mr. Fu said to Lin Huang in shock.

"Not really, I took almost a month to level-up to gold-level." Lin Huang smiled as he explained.

Mr. Fu raised an eyebrow without saying anything and walked into the house.

"Where are the kids? I bought them presents." Mr. Fu said while bringing out the presents one by one.

"They're upstairs, they'll be here in a while. Please take a seat, breakfast will be ready soon." Lin Huang got Mr. Fu a glass of juice and returned to the kitchen.

Soon, Lin Xin and Lin Xuan came downstairs. They were overjoyed when they saw Mr. Fu as they remembered this old man that had brought them many gifts the last time he visited.

Their eyes lit up when they saw the presents on the floor.

"Brother, we have a guest." Lin Xin shouted.

"I know, please entertain him for me, I'll be done soon." Lin Huang replied.

"I've bought these presents for you guys, take whatever you like." Mr. Fu chuckled and said to the both of them.

Knowing that Mr. Fu was Lin Huang's master and that they had previously accepted presents from him before, they went into a frenzy and began picking out presents they liked.

As they were picking out their presents, Mr. Fu kept his eyes on Lin Xuan. He squinted as he watched Lin Xuan pick out a black metal box from the pile of presents…

"Breakfast is ready. Come get some!" Lin Huang shouted from the kitchen.

The both of them stopped picking out presents and washed their hands in the kitchen to get ready for breakfast. Meanwhile, Mr. Fu walked slowly to join them for breakfast.

It was a simple breakfast with wholemeal bread, a turkey ham, two fried eggs, a glass of milk and some fruits. Lin Huang got the wholemeal bread from the same bakery in Luoxi City where he got the frozen cake. It was the second-best seller at the bakery, the texture and the taste were amazing. However, Lin Xuan did not eat the ham. Instead, he had a huge piece of grilled meat on his plate.

After breakfast, Mr. Fu said to the both of them.

"Grandpa is bringing your brother out for some time."

The both of them nodded. Although they were unhappy that Lin Huang had to leave, they knew it was necessary for Lin Huang to finish his task.

"Take good care of yourselves, please contact me on the Emperor's Heart Ring if there's anything urgent. Don't panic if you can't reach me as I might be at a place without signal. You can always drop me a message and I'll call you guys when I see the message." Lin Huang patted both of their shoulders and briefed them.

Mr. Fu took out a golden dimensional relic in the living room. Lin Huang followed closely behind him and stepped through the relic before waving goodbye at the both of them. Soon, the door closed and turned into a golden dust before fading away. Seeing Lin Huang leave, Lin Xin went to school unhappily. Meanwhile, Lin Xuan took out the palm-sized black box from his storage space after confirming that Lin Xin had left. It was the black metal box that Mr. Fu brought over. He did not know what it was but he could feel that there was something inside that attracted him. That was why he picked that box as his present.

As he opened the box, there was a gold bead in it. It was the size of an adult thumb, With curiosity, Lin Xuan touched it with his hand. As his finger touched the bead, it started to melt into a ball of golden liquid. It looked like something dead had been resurrected. The golden liquid left the black box slowly and floated before Lin Xuan. After surrounding him in lightning speed, it entered his forehead at the speed of light.

Lin Xuan stood where he was. Eventually, his eyes turned completely gold, covering even his iris. A golden glow shot out of his eyes like the sun as his feet left the ground slowly and floated in the air. He seemed to have surpassed the limits of gravity as he floated in the middle of the living room with his arms and legs stretched out. He seemed to fall into a trance. If not for his eyes that were shooting out golden beams of light, he would look like he had fallen asleep.

The strange occurrence lasted for a couple of hours. It was only at around 12 noon that the golden glow faded after his body landed on the ground.

"What happened to my body…" Lin Xuan stood where he was and surprised as he looked at his hands. He ran to the mirror in the bathroom immediately. He was confused as he stared at the face of a child in the mirror. After observing for a moment, suddenly he thought of something.

"Serial number 327… Lin Xuan… Lin Huang… Lin Xin…"

While scratching his head, Lin Xuan sat down on the couch in the living room. After being in silence for a while, he took out the writing board from his storage space and started writing. He placed the writing board on the coffee table, took off his Emperor's Heart Ring and placed it next to the writing board. He then went to his wardrobe on the second floor and changed into a loose, gray robe. He walked downstairs slowly.

As he arrived at the entrance, he turned around to look at the living room and dining hall. He smiled as he looked.

"Lin Huang, Lin Xin, thank you for taking care of me. Unfortunately, I don't belong here…"

As he spoke, Lin Xuan left the house and flew into the sky like a bird. He disappeared into the sky in an instant…

Chapter 270: Yi Donglai

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At foothold No.7A1 was the White Capital. There was a gigantic building that was like a giant pillar stood tall into the sky. It was not only the tallest building in the White Capital, but the tallest building in Division7 as well. It was more than 3,800 meters tall. Almost everyone who visited White Capital for the first time would look at it whenever they were nearby, wanting to see just how tall the building was. However, nobody could get an answer to the question they were all wondering about - Where was the top of the building?

Lin Huang stood at the plaza under the giant building and looked up to the sky.

"The Union Government's headquarter is so cool!" Lin Huang could not help himself and exclaimed. His vision was almost covered by the clouds, he could not even see the top portion of the building.

"Such a big office building... The Union Government sure is generous!"

"They are, it's a demigod-level relic after all." Mr. Fu smiled as he spoke.

"Master, are you saying this office building is a…" Lin Huang looked at Mr. Fu with his eyes wide opened.

"Of course, who would spend so much effort building a gigantic ordinary building. If the underworld organizations were to invade this place, any holy fire-level Transcendent could destroy it easily. Would anyone want to rebuild it again and again?" Mr. Fu said like it was no big deal.

Lin Huang thought about it and agreed. If it was a normal building, it would be destroyed easily. It would be troublesome if they had to rebuild it again and again after it was destroyed.

"Division7 is not the only division that has this. The Union Government headquarters in Division4 to Division12 have similar demigod relics that are functional defensive relics. The same goes for other major organizations as everyone is afraid that outsiders would invade their home turf." Mr. Fu added.

"If Division4 to Division12 have demigod relics... What about Division1 to Division3?" Lin Huang asked with an answer in his mind but he wanted to confirm with Mr. Fu.

"They have god-level relics of course. Division1 to Division3 are the core zones of the human race. Those guys are richer than us." Mr. Fu sounded a little off when he said that.

"Are Division1 to Division3 busy?" Lin Huang asked further.

"Of course they are!" Mr. Fu nodded.

"Do you see how busy the White Capital is?"

"Yes." Lin Huang nodded.

"The White Capital is the busiest foothold with the biggest area in Division7, it's 15 million square kilometers. However, any A-grade foothold in Division3 is at least 12 million square kilometers and many of them are probably around 18 million square kilometers. Division3 is the biggest A-grade foothold and is 28 million square kilometers. It's almost twice the size of the White Capital."

"On the matter of how busy it is, any A-grade foothold in Division3 is comparable to the White Capital or is probably even busier. You'll find out when you get to Division3. Even a C-grade foothold there is more crowded than many of our B-grade footholds here. Their economic standard is on the next level."

"Division3 has the weakest ability as a whole amongst the three core zones. Division1 and Division2 are way beyond Division3's level. They're simply too far apart." Mr. Fu said while sipping from his wine bottle.

"Are the core zones really as crowded as this…" Lin Huang could not imagine that.

"The more crowded a place is, the more filthy it is. Don't ever assume that crowded place is better. Since we're on the topic, I'm going to warn you not to trust people easily when you go to the core zones in the future."

"Oh…" Lin Huang did not understand why Mr. Fu gave him such warning but he nodded anyway.

As they were chatting, there were more and more people on the plaza. Most of them came under different organizations with each group having 10 to 20 members while others even have hundreds of members. They were basically all gold-level rank-3 or a complete gold-level. Mr. Fu was the only one who brought one person and it seemed like Lin Huang was the only one there who was gold-level rank-2, making him stand out from the rest. It was clear that Mr. Fu had a high reputation as many transcendent leaders would come to him to chat but the conversations were very formal. Some of them asked about Lin Huang but Mr. Fu would always give them the same answer with a chuckle.

"He's my apprentice."

Most of them were surprised when they heard this and they would look at Lin Huang.

When it was past eight in the morning, a big group of people was sent to the plaza. The leader was an old man with a white hair bun. Beside him was Zhu Nian who Lin Huang already knew. As the old man and Zhu Nian arrived, many transcendent approached them. The old man seemed to have a high reputation as well and Zhu Nian had just been promoted to a senior executive officer of the Hunter Association so many came to greet him along with the old man he was with.

"Is the old man a senior executive officer of the Hunter Association?" Lin Huang did not know Old Li but he knew about Zhu Nian after reading the news of him being promoted to a senior executive officer. However, it was the old man who led the team instead of Zhu Nian.

"Yes, his name is Li Yunlong. He's the most senior among all the executive officers in Division7's Hunter Association. Some of the elders even have to give way to him."

"If he's Li Yunlong… I'm Chu Yunfei 1 …" Lin Huang felt speechless when he heard the name.

"Is he more powerful than Zhu Nian?" Lin Huang snapped out of this thoughts and asked.

He had seen Zhu Nian's ability before he achieved immortal-level so he had a direct understanding.

"Much more powerful!" Mr. Fu glared at Lin Huang when he heard the question.

"The level above holy fire-level would be immortal-level. Immortals would need monster souls to light up their Life Lamp. Every Life Lamp signifies one upgrade. Zhu Nian had only lit up his first Life Lamp while Li Yunlong had nine Life Lamps lit up. He's close to his breakthrough anytime soon! Why do you think he has the highest authority among all? Don't look at how skinny he is. If all the senior executive officers in Division7 were to fight him all at once, they might actually lose."

"Oh really? He's so powerful…" Lin Huang did not expect this skinny old man to be so powerful.

Just as they were talking about Li Yunlong, he looked at Mr. Fu's direction. He excused himself from the rest and walked to Mr. Fu and Lin Huang immediately. Seeing that, Zhu Nian briefed the young men behind him and followed closely behind him.

"Mr. Fu." The both of them greeted Mr. Fu.

"Xiao Li, you seem to have improved. It seems like you're not far away from your breakthrough." Mr. Fu said to Li Yunlong.

Lin Huang was stunned when he heard Mr. Fu calling him Xiao Li.

"Thank you Mr. Fu, I'm working towards it." Li Yunlong did not seem to be angry when Mr. Fu calling him Xiao Li.

Lin Huang looked at his own master in shock as he did not know that Mr. Fu was so respectable.

"You're not bad too, boy. I've read about you a few days back. You're are now a senior executive officer." Mr. Fu patted Zhu Nian's arm. With his height, it was difficult for him to reach Zhu Nian's shoulder.

"I'm honored. I'm quite slow so I must thank you for your advice. It helped me achieve what I have today." Zhu Nian was humble.

While the three of them were talking, Lin Huang listened without interrupting. However, Li Yunlong kept looking at Lin Huang as they spoke. He could not help himself any longer, so he asked, "Mr. Fu, this Lin Huang caused a scene at the Hunter Association. I was shocked when I found out that he was Sword Genius in the Hunter Arena."

"This kid is Sword Genius?" Zhu Nian raised an eyebrow while checking Lin Huang out. He seemed like he was trying to figure out what was so special about him. As a member of the Hunter Association, although he had been busy before he was promoted to a senior executive officer, he did not miss the news of someone achieving a 90-win streak in the Hunter Arena.

"Heh. Don't even think about it. He's my apprentice." Mr. Fu admitted to Lin Huang's identity.

"You are officially taking in an apprentice?" Zhu Nian was shocked.

"It's me who did not take a good look. I passed him over during the first review…" Old Li said and looked at Lin Huang.

"It's your fault that you didn't show us your true ability…"

"If you didn't underestimate him, how would I get him? The unnoticed talent didn't go unnoticed after all." Mr. Fu laughed.

Lin Huang finally understand that before Mr. Fu accepted him as his apprentice, his intensive training review was declined by Old Li who was standing in front of him.

As they chatted, the people from the Union Government finally arrived. The most attractive team was the one wearing a dark-green, military uniform with 1,000 members. There was a black logo on the left side of their uniform - a demon's head that looked like it just got chopped off. There was a sword with a pool of black blood at the bottom of the head, making the gory image look realistic. Lin Huang recognized in an instant that it was the logo of the Demon Slayer Legion.

He looked at them and noticed someone familiar.

"Yi Yeyu?! She's in the Demon Slayer Legion?" Lin Huang did not say it out loud but Mr. Fu noticed his shocked expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I saw a friend." Lin Huang shook his head and smiled.

Seeing the people of the Union Government arrive, Old Li and Zhu Nian excused themselves and returned to their team.

There were three leaders and an old man with white hair led them on. He looked exuberant with a straight posture. He wore a white suit with a white cloak on top that had Demon Slayer written on it. The two people beside him wore black uniforms with a red Demon Slayer logo on the left. They wore the same white cloak that had Demon Slayer written on it as well.

"Why does this old man in white look so familiar?" Lin Huang frowned. Soon, he figured that the old man looked a little bit like Yi Zheng. Meanwhile, the old man in white walked to the stage in front of the Union Government headquarters alone and looked at the people on the plaza.

"Hello, everyone. I see many old faces here but I guess not many young people know my identity. I shall introduce myself then. My name is Yi Donglai, the founder of the Demon Slayer Legion in Division7. I'm also the first general of this army…"

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